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« Last post by phinn on March 29, 2019, 11:04:44 AM »
Session 56 Dungeon Lord: Darkness. Deities. Titans. The Watch is far away from home, and out of their league. What could drive deities to have an interest in such a group of individuals? The sounds of explosions and fighting vanished a moment prior, and the winds through the tunnel began to blow softly as the scene unfolded around the Watch. A beautiful (and shirtless) man stood before Wolfe, having transformed from a visage of Kezef the Chaos Hound just moments before. Likewise, the recently freed 'Mask' was revealed to be the true titan of Chaos. Wolfe: "What the fuck is going on here?" Iron-Doc: The mechanized voice of the suited doctor replies with. "Double cross. We should evacuate." Westra Goldbrook: Westra, unable to see much with her terrible, human eyes, peers into the darkness and also wonders what the fuck is going on here. Cyric: He walked towards Wolfe and clapped his hands together softly several times in mock applause before placing one on the Orc's shoulder. "Splendid job. All of you. But, I would move away from such a beast ladies. Even immortals fear The Chaos Hound." Westra Goldbrook: "Who is it? Who's there?" Wolfe: Wolfe slaps away the hand of the shirtless guy who just looked like a giant god-eating maggot-wolf. "Who the fuck are you?" Cyric: "I quite like Ryder, let's go with that one." Wolfe: "Ryder..." Wolfe's nose crinkles up. "So you were Kezef? Or you're Mask?" Iron-Doc: She sends Gizmo to locate an exit if possible. Cyric: The man let out a chuckle. "Quite confused are you?" Westra Goldbrook: As her eyes adjust again to the low light of the cavern, Westra realizes the "god" beside her is now the demonic hound. She backs away from it, then looks back to Wolfe and the others with a concerned expression. "What is the meaning of this?" Kezef: The great beast began to growl low and deep. Wolfe: "Little bit, yeah." Westra Goldbrook: "Was that not the Lady of Sorrow who sought our aid?" "Are you not Mask?" Cyric: "Give a moment, the dog seems a big hungry." The man gave Wolfe a million dollar smile as he continued to pace around. "Lady Shar should with us soon, but first, our new friend is surely hungry." He pulled a black weapon from his back, tendrils of power emanating from its blade. "This is Mask My Dear." He flourished the blade in the air. "I believe this is a taste you have had before, Kezef. I am told a dog never forgets a smell." Shar: Shar approached from behind and remained silent as Ryder continued speaking. Kezef: The dog let out a low rumble. "Maaaassssssk." He paced a few steps towards the newcomer. "I will finish him after I consume you, Lord of Lies." Wolfe: "What is going on..." Wolfe turns toward Shar, then gesturing to the shirtless-guy. "Who is this guy? Is he one of yours? Why did he and Kezef swap places?" Wolfe notices where he's standing and moves up a step. Cyric: "Give me just a moment my simple minded friend, before the dog tries to eat one of us." He waved a finger. "That's a bad dog. No treats for you." He let out a long sigh. "No appreciation for all the work I went through to free you?" Westra Goldbrook: Westra quietly channels enough focus to heal herself while she watches. ((Lay on Hands)) Wolfe: "Who you calling simple-minded, leather-pants?" Euron Sand: "That is Cyric...." He says in a hushed tone, though its likely still loud enough for everyone to hear. Westra Goldbrook: Westra Iron-Doc: "My threat prediction algorithms have a recommendation of Evacuate at over %1300 percent." Westra Goldbrook: 's eyes widen Iron-Doc: *1,300% Kezef: He continued to growl and approach. Wolfe:Wolfe looks to Shar to see if she's going to clear things up at all. Cyric: "Fine, if you won't be a good dog, you will get the lash." A second sword appeared in his other hand, this on gleamed with blood red metal. Westra Goldbrook: "Why free it only to kill it?" she asked the approaching god, taking a step back as she did so Shar: "As I said, we needed you mortals to break the bonds." She says to Wolfe. Wolfe: "For Mask, not for Kezef." Kezef: The dog let out a much more sinister growl and moved to pounce on the man, though he did not leap. "You will die for this Cyric. I will consume your essence for a millennia while you writhe in agony." Wolfe: Figuring he's been lied to, and that Kezef is saying it'll take him a thousand years to consume the shirtless guy who seems to be laughing it up at his 'simple-minded' expense, Wolfe decides on action. The Samurai charges forward to shoulder-charge Cyric into Kezef. Iron-Doc: "That sounds really unpleasant." Cyric: The man let out a deep, boisterous chuckle. "Now there's a good dog. Go lay down." Cyric: Wolfe was certain he was on target, yet somehow he found himself charging right past the shirtless man. Westra Goldbrook: "Wolfe!" Westra shouts, moving towards the half-orc, but too late. Cyric: "Oh. That is embarrassing." Wolfe: Wolfe stumbles. "Not as embarrassing as being a skinny little fuck with your shirt off!" Cyric: "I like you Buddy. You remind me of another half orc I grew quite fond of. But there is no need to linger here, lest we are forced to deal with the ire of Bane. And no one wants that. Shall we depart, Lady Shar?" Wolfe: Wolfe will attack Cyric. Westra Goldbrook: Unsure of what else to do, Westra tries to restrain Cyric "Stop! We would have answers!" Wolfe:Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 10 temporary HP. Westra Goldbrook:Wolfe:Cyric: 2 Wolfe finds himself paralyzed. Wolfe: Wolfe's sword hangs in mid air, just as he had drawn it to deliver a savage assault! Cyric: He looks to Westra. "Oh, we weren't going to leave you all here in such a dangerous place. What kind of gratitude would that show?" Iron-Doc: The armored suit is relatively motionless in the dark while the woman inside watches these people lose their minds. Cyric: "If these two are quite done, shall we go?" He looks to Westra and Wolfe and then Doc and Euron. "Lady Shar, if you will." Westra Goldbrook: Seeing Cyric continue to move, Westra releases the spell. Shar: "As you wish." Iron-Doc: (kezef mount dlc) Westra Goldbrook: "Are you truly Kezef?" she asks the dog, frowning Kezef: Kezef watches the red blade in Cyric's hand never moving closer to it as the man walks around. "I am the Chaos Hound, Dog of Death, Consumer of the Faithful." Shar: Shar begins casting a spell, those that noticed, would recognize the same spell she cast to bring them here. Wolfe: Wolfe is released from Westra's spell, exhaling in frustration. Thinking it was Ryder slash Cyric's magic, he sheathes his blade. Cyric: "Your green friend is much safer than you are near him, I must warn you. I feel the Watchers power in you and Kezef quiet enjoys the taste of good deities." Dungeon Lord: A moment later, the watch is teleported for the THIRD time in as many hours. The same lurch returns. Westra Goldbrook: Westra stumbles slightly, and upon righting herself looks about, frowning. Where in the realm were they now? Dungeon Lord: The Watch lands with a thud on ridiculously soft carpet that runs down the middle of what is obviously a throne room. Pillars raise up to a ceiling that is at least 100 feet tall. Sitting on a throne of black iron is the shirtless man, though much larger now. Iron-Doc: There is a clank of metal as the hardened faceplate pulls back and the bespectacled blonde's visage appears as she takes a breath of hopefully better air. Cyric: "Welcome to Pandamonium!" He let out a great chuckle. "Those passports are really getting stamped today!" Wolfe: Wolfe falls heavily, groaning on the ground for a moment as he lets loose a soft string of curses before he starts to get to his feet. Westra Goldbrook:Dungeon Lord: As he laughs, all of you can feel the edge of madness creeping against your minds. Something isn't right in this place. Westra Goldbrook: "Why are we here?" Cyric: He taps his chin. "That is a pickle. You see, so many events have transpired and untranspired." He laughed. "I am just not quite sure what do with you." Wolfe: Wolfe dusts himself off. "How about telling us What. The Fuck. Is Going. On!" Westra Goldbrook: "Why would you not simply return us to the material plane? You've had your ruse, we broke the seal you needed broken. Why else would you detain us?" "Also..." she glances at Wolfe. "That." Cyric: "On one hand I owe you thanks, we could not have done this without you." He clapped softly. "I have a new pet, and I appreciate you!" Iron-Doc: "I have a... umm a suggestion... Open a gateway to Neverwinter, leave it open for two minutes while you ..um.. turn around and conduct your business?" Cyric: He sighs. "Where to even begin my green skinned friend." "Destroying Mystra was the easy part of breaking that seal. Lady of Mysteries. HA!" Wolfe: Wolfe sighs and looks for a chair. Westra Goldbrook: "UNtranspired?" she echoes, belatedly. "Was it you who altered time?" Cyric: "Oh ho ho! Now she is intrigued." He smiled at Shar who was clearly enjoying this as much as Wolfe. "If only I had such a power. The pesky thing about Chronos, unless you completely consume his essence, he can just undo your entire elaborate plan. Trust me, I have tried." "Though that Chronomancer may be something to take an interest in afterwards." Westra Goldbrook: "After what?" Westra asked, growing frustrated. "What do you want with us?" Cyric: "What do I want with you? I owe you! What would you like me to do for you?!" He gives Westra a big smile. "Just a free ride home? I feel as though that is insufficient." He picked up on his earlier thread. "Pulling Gond's chain from the plane was difficult though it took more strength than brains. Anachytr's seal, though!" He shook his head and pointed into the air for a moment. "Proved to be the most cumbersome of them all. Only through the will of mortals could it be broken! The damned genius of it!" He let out a smile and shook his head relishing. Westra Goldbrook:"Just. Passage. Home." Cyric: "Boring!" Shar: "Stop toying with them Cyric and let us be rid of them." Wolfe: "Just like this conversation." Cyric: "Wait! Wait! The best part!. I couldn't even FORCE a mortal to do it, the drive of them was part of the binding! It is hard enough to find someone in that forsaken place, let alone those that would be here willing to break a seal containing any kind of divine being." Leaned back in his throne. Wolfe: Wolfe looks around the room. He had sensed that there was something wrong here, that something was clawing at the walls, like a bad storm barely kept from getting in. The Half-Orc looked about, trying to get a sense of the chamber and the ways in and out of it. Getting up, he starts walking around. Westra Goldbrook: Westra sees Wolfe looking towards the door. "Wolfe," she admonishes. "We cannot leave on our own, lest madness take us." "That is the peril of this plane." Euron Sand: What. Is. This. Madness? Euron can't believe how they've been duped but it seems that they have been. Euron looks around trying to understand what is happening. Shar: "Destroy them and be done with it." Iron-Doc: "The Captain is correct. Finding a way home in this plane may prove an insurmountable task and particularly regretful if we can um.. get a proper portal." Cyric: "I like them! And they kind of erased my old crew. Emperor and all." Shar: She just stares at the man on the throne. Cyric: He sighs. "Can't just have a little fun. Work work work." The man stands. "Dog. Eat." Kezef: The dog gets to his feet and lets out a growl. Wolfe: Wolfe will try to shoulder-charge the door. Iron-Doc: Theres a klank as the Doc's faceplate falls into place. "Maybe we don't have a choice, however, Captain..." says the mechanized voice. Dungeon Lord: The door does not budge. Wolfe:Westra Goldbrook: Westra takes Euron's hand, her eyes lowered, and murmurs, "Father Sand, pray with me." She tried to ignore the threat in the room for the moment, believing that the divine intervention of another god was the only way to survive their predicament. Wolfe: Wolfe tries to kick the door open again. Dungeon Lord: It looks like a door, but doesn't seem to open like one. Westra Goldbrook: If Euron agrees, Westra will close her eye and pray fervently but quietly to the Watcher for deliverance. Euron Sand: Euron nods and bows his head to pray with Westra. Wolfe: "Fuck this place." Wolfe mutters softly and in aggravation as he turns and starts walking back angrily toward the three dieties. Euron Sand: Euron begins to pray quietly in Celestial. "O Mighty Helm, I speak to you now, here at our hour of greatest need. Our enemies are powerful. Our need is great. The world that we protect, that we love, is in danger. Your sons and daughters ask for you aid." rolling 1d100 (71)= 71 Dungeon Lord: A powerful feeling overcomes Euron as Westra's energies also flow into him helping channel the spell. Someone is watching, though he cannot feel the familiar eyes of The Watcher. Kezef: "Tyr." The guttural tones of the Dog echo through the halls. He bares his teeth and the maggots on his frame swarm. Lathander: "Cyric. It was foolish of you return here. You will pay for the murder of Lady Mystra." A powerful and commanding voice echos from the south end of the hall. Dungeon Lord: An instant later three massive beings are shot down from the ceiling in radiant beams of light. Westra Goldbrook: Westra backs up, trying to get out of the line of sight between the two troupes of gods. She nudges the doctor and cleric to do the same. Dungeon Lord: A woman stood in a near transparent red gown, her lips matching fabric and her eyes shining like emeralds. Wolfe found himself instantly infatuated with the woman upon laying eyes on her. Iron-Doc: *"Oh I do not find this ideal at all." says the mechanized doctor, moving towards a wall. Wolfe: Wolfe turns towards the sudden new arrivals, his jaw dropping for a moment as he mouths words of not-understanding and lack of comprehension. Dungeon Lord: The man speaking had radiant wings on his ruby plate armor and carried a massive, energy tipped spear. The ast man carried a glowing longsword, and wore plate as well, though his right hand was missing and black emptiness revealed itself from his eye sockets. Euron Sand: Euron turns to see where those voices are coming from. When he sees them, Euron smiles. "I think things are no longer in Cyric's favor." "Not completely, anyway." Cyric: "Didn't you guys hear? I got a new pet!" He stood and pulled both weapons out. "Do you really want to do this?" He smiled. "Here?" Tyr: "The beast will fall with you." Sune: "I will protect the mortals." Wolfe: "Hey! Give me a god-slaying sword and I'll take care of leather-pants, no problem!" GroupInit: GIZMO-5 2 Euron Sand 19 Iron Doc™ 17 Wolfe 11 Westra Goldbrook 11 Iron-Doc: "The best way to protect us is to send us back to the Prime!" Wolfe: "OR GOD-KILLING SWORD." Lathander: "I shall get you one of his, fool-hearty mortal!" Cyric: "Not happening!" Euron Sand: "I'd rather not wait on the Prime Material for the end to come!" Cyric: Cyric holds his blades up. "If you wish to feel Godsbane, so be it Lathander." It is Lathander's turn Iron-Doc: Catriona doesn't know who she wants to win, given that these fancy gold deities might realize they were the cause of this catastrophe and smite them or worse. Cyric: It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron Sand:Westra, Wolfe, Doc Cyric: All three of the original deities are bladed with Lathander's strike. It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Iron-Doc: The doctor moves and shelters behind cover. As her bonus action, she converts 5 pp to a 3rd level spell slot. Then she Dodges. It is Sune's turn Sune: "Twilight and Dawn, protect our friends!" Sune channels her power and two unicorns appear next to Euron and Westra. It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Cyric: "Nice to see you Tyr!" He lets out a laugh. "That one never gets old!" Westra Goldbrook: Uncertain of what she can possibly do to help, but unwilling to sit idly by while good literally fought evil in front of her, the paladin summoned the holy light back into her weapon and rushed towards the action. She hefts a javelin towards Kezef, growling in frustration! Sune: Sune raises a hand as the spear flies through the air and holy energy envelopes the weapon. It deals an additional 13 25 radiant damage. It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Kezef: The beast growls. "Sune, I am coming for you." Wolfe: "Don't worry pretty woman, I'll protect you. God or not." Sune: "You are so sweet!" It is Tyr's turn Tyr: "Cyric. You cannot best me. I AM THE LAW!" Cyric: "I will be happy to put a cripple out of his misery." It is Kezef's turn Cyric: Wolfe:Westra Goldbrook:It is Shar's turn Cyric: Euron Sand:Cyric: It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Dungeon Lord: Shar disappears and then reappears behind Lathander, striking him twice. Westra Goldbrook: Westra is awed by the sudden surge of divine energy that envelops her javelin before it strikes. She crows internally as it bites into the hound's shape. Far from finished, she swings her halberd as the beast passes by en route to Sune and strikes true again. GIZMO-5:Frightened. Wolfe: Wolfe wishes to face off against the hound, but he is distraught by its terrible appearance up-close and in fury. GIZMO-5: GIzmo flies south by Euron. and he dodges GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Round 2 It is Cyric's turn Westra Goldbrook: Somehow, though, as the beast draws nearer, its frightful presence becomes more and more compelling. Westra loses some of her gusto, and takes a wary step back. Cyric: It is Lathander's turn Lathander: "Stand down Shar, or share their fate." He turns to the Lady of Loss, his weapon burning bright. Lathander: It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Shar: She shudders at the brilliant light surrounding her. Lathander's body is as bright as the sun. Westra Goldbrook:Euron Sand:(Add 5) GIZMO-5: (Why are there random unicorns?) It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Iron-Doc: The armored scientist lumbers forth into a better position before she aims at Wolfe with her PEKCER. The air crackles with static as orange lightning arcs from the device, instantly connecting with the half orc and supercharging his molecules with Haste. Then she moves back into her spot. As a bonus action, she converts 5 more pp into another 3rd level slot. Concentrating on Haste. Iron-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Sune's turn Wolfe: Wolfe vibrates. Sune: "Now no tricks Cyric." Wolfe: "IT'STIMEFORMETOLAYTHEPAINDOWNONTHESEFOOLSYEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" Sune: It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook: In the blink of an eye, Westra finds herself inexplicably at the foot of the massive throne, with Shar's back just before her. Not stopping to think of how foolish it might be, she grits her teeth and launches herself at the Lady of Sorrows. Tyr: Tyr's blessing helps Westra's first strike land true and Sune enchants it with her holy power. 24 It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 10 temporary HP. Wolfe:1 Tyr: 103+21 Wolfe: Wolfe goes into super-saiyan mode with the HASTE BOOST from Doctor Wicker and yells out like a Dragonball-Z fighter as he unloads a flurry of attacks at Cyric. "DIIIIEEELEATHERPANTSDIEYOUFUCKINGCOCKSUCKER" Dungeon Lord: Cyric gets wrecked by Wolfe thanks to Sune's zone of truth. It is Tyr's turn Tyr: Tyr: Tyr brings his weapon down twice as Cyric is distracted by Wolfe. It is Kezef's turn Dungeon Lord:Wolfe:Dungeon Lord:Sune is ripped up by Kezef. It is Shar's turn Shar: Shar disappears from sight. Lathander: "No!" Lathander raises a hand and envelops the group with his energies. Lathander: 25 Wolfe:4 Euron Sand:It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Wolfe: Blasted by a GOD, Wolfe nonetheless maintains maximum composure as the golden shield around him crackles but does not break! "WHENI'MDONEWITHLEATHERPANTSI'MGONNATAKECAREOFYOUDON'TYOUWORRY" Round 3 It is Cyric's turn Wolfe:Iron-Doc: (You cant OA attack someone you cant see) Lathander: It is Lathander's turn Lathander: It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron Sand:Lathander: 3 Euron's arms go wide. It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Iron-Doc:(Cyric) Lathander: 2 2 Iron-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Dungeon Lord: The Doc's spell seems to target the other god in the area by mistake. It is Sune's turn Iron-Doc: (It doesnt do anything anyway on a failed save so.) Dungeon Lord:Sune: Sune's healing energies flow across the group. It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook: Shar disappeared from before her and Lathander gave chase. Westra pushed off of the throne and followed suit, though she veers back towards Kezef to aid Sune and her steeds. Dungeon Lord: Sune and Tyr again guide Westras second strike to hit. 19 It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 10 temporary HP. Dungeon Lord: 2 Wolfe's weapon strikes Euron. Wolfe: "OHSORRYEURONIDIDN'TPUTALLIGOTINTHATONEJUSTATAPDON'TWORRYI'LLGOHITSHARINSTEAD" Euron Sand: "Aaaagh!" Wolfe:It is Tyr's turn Dungeon Lord:Tyr grabs Cyric and throws him back in the zone. It is Kezef's turn Dungeon Lord: Cyric lands on the ground, wounded. The red blade slides across the floor to the north. Dungeon Lord:Wolfe: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Dungeon Lord: Kezef lunges at Cyric, his teeth sinking into the God. Wolfe: Wolfe says really quickly so it's kind of freaky in that it just comes out as a stream of really-fast laughter. It is Shar's turn Shar: Shar sees Cyric being mauled by the beast and casts a spell. Iron-Doc:29 Shar: Shar's spell is stopped. Round 4 It is Cyric's turn Cyric: "Ungrateful beast!" Iron-Doc: A small bumble bee made of clockwork uncloaks right by Shar as she speaks arcane. "Zzt." And it just explodes, disturpting her spell. *disrupting Cyric: Wolfe:It is Lathander's turn Cyric: Lathander: "You will face Justice, Cyric!" Lathander drives his weapon into the god's leg, a massive tendril of light wrapping around it and tethering itself to the floor. "You will not escape again." It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron Sand:Euron brings his mace down on the back of Cyric's head right after Lathandar pins him to the floor! It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Iron-Doc:Lathander: Iron-Doc: 5 damage It is Sune's turn It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook: The red blade that kept Kezef at bay clatters to the ground near Westra. Without thought, she snatched it up and slid it into her javelin quiver, intent on returning to the fight after. It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe: Wolfe kip-ups!!! Tyr: Sune's magic empower's one of Wolfe's attacks. 20 Wolfe: Wolfe delivers a near-deific level of smackdown onto Cyric's prone form as Sune gives him magical-oomph and he whacks the God of Lies and Murder! "TAKETHATYOUCONNIVINGLEATHERPANTSARROGANTSONOFABITCH!" Cyric: Cyric is again ravaged by Wolfe. He rests on one knee, black blood flowing from the many wounds on his body. It is Tyr's turn Tyr: "Lady of Loss, I release you." His weapon flares with white hot light and he brings it down towards Shar. Tyr: It is Kezef's turn Kezef: Kezef releases Cyric's mangled leg. "If they do not destroy you, I will return for my vengeance." He turns towards Westra and charges her. A moment before his massive teeth reached the paladin, he disappeared. It is Shar's turn Westra Goldbrook: Westra realized her error a little too late, and hurried to try and pull the red sword from her back. Before her mistake cost her in blood, though, the beast charging her just... disappeared. She paused, confused and wary. Shar: Shar drops her weapon as Tyr strikes her again. He pulls her hands up and attempts to cast another spell! Shar: She disappears as well. Lathander: "You are done, Cyric." Cyric: "Ha ha ha ha ha! You weak fools cannot kill me." Wolfe: Wolfe tries to grab Godsbane and rip it out of Cyric's hands. Dungeon Lord: Wolfe is able to pull Cyric's remaining weapon from his weakened grasp. Wolfe: He then attacks Cyric with Godsbane. "WE'LLSEEABOUTTHATYOUFUCKER!" Wolfe holds the god-murdering weapon as he tosses aside his katana. Be it rage at Cyric or the lure for power, unknownst to him, it calls his hands to rip it free from the God of Lies and Murder. Just as he lets out his shouts that he cannot be killed, Wolfe in fact drives the sword with two hands into Cyric's chest. Wolfe: As the god-killing blade does, in fact, get turned against its wielder, Wolfe stares into the eyes of the one who orchestrated the betrayal that had, temporarily, ensnared Kezef and brought about his own destruction. "FuckYouAndYourLeatherPants." Cyric: "I.....will...." Wolfe: Wolfe pulls free the blade from Cyric's chest and then with a ruthless swing decapitates him. Tyr: Tyr, Lathander, and Sune look at each other. Euron Sand: The sudden violence of the moment disturbs Euron. Whatever he expected it, definitely wasn't this. Westra Goldbrook: Westra, also, is stunned and just... watches. Wolfe: Wolfe stands up, covered in blood - some his own, some of the being beneath him, he breathes shallowly and quickly, he looks around, his eyes frantic from the high of Doc's Haste spell. The instinctual nature of him takes over for a second as he looks around for foes and then realizes there are none. He then... discards the blade, tossing it away from him, and reaches back for Shokan. End Session 56
« Last post by phinn on March 29, 2019, 10:58:50 AM »
Session 55 Dungeon Lord: The Watch finds themselves again in another realm, this one far different than the dark, colorless land of the Shadowlands. The scent of sulfur burns their noses and the dry hot air chaps their lips and burns their eyes. Before the group stands a cave with glowing runs around the entrance, the Dark Lady stands ahead of you at the entrance. Wolfe: "Wait, you lost the Shadow Docs!?" Wolfe turns to Cat, her latest admission striking him as a thing to be concerned about. Westra Goldbrook: "I am sorry for any loss you may feel, but honestly I cannot say that I mind if those... specters... are gone. They always struck me as something patently unholy." Dr Catriona: "I think this is a conversation at a less... um.. inopportune time." Shar: Shar ignores the groups ramblings and looks at the runes sealing the cavern. "A simple enough warding incantation, I can break it, but the beast will likely be alerted." Wolfe: "Bring it on. I prefer a straight fight." Dr Catriona: "Uh.. aren't we supposed to avoid it?" Shar: "You cannot hope to battle him." She draws a blade of pure black energies. "I will attempt to keep him distracted." Wolfe: Wolfe isn't sure he agrees, but just nods Westra Goldbrook: "To be clear, then," Westra says, stepping towards Shar. "Our only goal here is to free his prisoner?" Shar: She nods. "Once he is free, we can bind and banish the beast back to the abyss from whence it has come." Dr Catriona: "And indeterminable after effects to follow." she says, almost to herself. Wolfe: He looks back to Cat and offers an almost imperceptible nod. Euron Sand: Euron did not like this plan. It felt like there was something major missing, something that they should be seeing. "How do we know that we can even break the spell holding Mask?" Shar: "I attempted to free Mask several days past, I was able to undo several of his bindings, but the beast, Kezef has placed an incantation that can only be broken by several powerful mortal spellcasters." She nods towards Euron, Cat, and Westra. "A a wry gambit. Mortals do not exist here, and naught but fools would venture to place such as this." Westra Goldbrook: "Fools, or those brought by gods who do not bother with asking permission," Westra countered, wryly. Euron Sand: "Yes. Naught but fools and gods." Euron said, wondering if there was a difference. Westra Goldbrook: "But we are here, now," she said, before rolling her neck to crack it. "Let us see if we can end this threat to our land." Wolfe: Wolfe looks at Westra, and Euron, wondering who the eff sasses a God. Shar: She doesn't seem to notice, or at least doesn't acknowledge. "Prepare yourselves." Coming from the Lady of Loss, a heavy weight of foreboding seems to accompany it. Westra Goldbrook: Westra whispers a word of power, and casts a spell about herself. Euron Sand:Shar: The Black Lady draws on dark energies, seeming to pull shadows from every corner within vision. A moment later she postures forward and dark energy shoots from her outstretched arm, hitting an invisible barrier at the cavern mouth. After several seconds a small puff of smoke appears and her energy ceases. Very anticlimactic. "The barrier is broken." Euron Sand: Euron casts a spell on himself as well, just in case. Westra Goldbrook: "Then let us proceed." Wolfe: Wolfe draws his sword. Dr Catriona: She dials the buttons of her peacoat to Iron-Doc it up. -2 pp Wolfe: That catches a look from Wolfe, raising a bushy eyebrow. "Doc, you never cease to amaze." Dr Catriona:Shar: Shar walks forward to the split in the tunnel, she seems unaffected by the dark. "His pets are here. I can sense him not far. You should go North." Dr Catriona: Wolfe only gets a half smile for a split second before the face plate encloses over her youthful visage. GroupInit: Doctor Wicker 13 Euron Sand 7 Wolfe 13 GIZMO-5 17 Westra Goldbrook 10 Dungeon Lord: A howl that chills you to the very core echos down the halls of the cavern. It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Iron-Doc: Gizmo dodges. It is Shar's turn Iron-Doc: (it looks different in the map) Dungeon Lord:Iron-Doc: "Where did she go?" Dungeon Lord: She slides forward and dispatches one shadow beast. Its body falls limp and begins to smolder. It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Dungeon Lord:Wolfe:It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Wolfe: Wolfe delivers a quick pair of slashes as he moves up to start clearing the way. Iron-Doc: She creates a realistic holographic illusion in the distance, via the Phantasmitron! A human knight type figure! Iron-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Iron-Doc: Minor Illusion It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord:It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Iron-Doc: "That green atmospheric anomaly may have restorative effects to the malivores." says the robot lookin lady. Wolfe: "What!?" Wolfe yells over his shoulder while fighting the Shadow Monsters. "Common!?" Westra Goldbrook: Westra follows, and starts to lay into one of the shadow beasts. "It may... what?" she called over one shoulder, frowning Iron-Doc: (yeah) It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron Sand: Euron calls first for the aid of Helm! Iron-Doc: "That is so neat." says the tin canned scientist at Euron's weapon magic. Wolfe: Wolfe nods in admiration of magic sword, because he likes them, after all. Euron Sand: Then Euron moves forward,d drawing his mace and attacks the green mist! Dungeon Lord: The mist seems to give no bother's to Euron as his mace passes through it sending it swirling. Round 2 It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord:Euron Sand: (end Turn) Dungeon Lord:It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy GIZMO-5:To Wolfe. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Shar's turn Dungeon Lord:It is Wolfe's turn RakFu GIZMO-5: The clockwork owl wobbles as it makes due with the low ceiling, evading rock outcrops and such but still drops a phlorescent paint pellet that bursts against the shadow monster for Wolfe. Wolfe:Iron-Doc: (Advantage on the first) Wolfe:26 50 17 It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Iron-Doc: She stomps forward, leaving tracks and aims he gauntleted arm. Wolfe: Wolfe delivers a pummeling to the shadow monster in front, seeming revitalized by laying the smackdown on its candy ass! Iron-Doc:Iron-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Dungeon Lord: The firebolt burns up the mist with a sizzle. It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord:Iron-Doc: "Atmospheric anomaly, terminated." It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook:Westra swings again at the shadow beast nearest her, though the sudden gout of flame suddenly eating away the nearby fog surprises her and leaves her off-balance with her attacks. Westra Goldbrook 's turn has ended! It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron Sand: Euron moves toward the other shadow monster and attacks! rolling 1d20 +9 (4)+9= 13 Round 3 It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord:It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Iron-Doc:Gizmo paints the target for Wolfe. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Dungeon Lord: Another howl echos in the caverns. Everyone make a DC 14 Wisdom save. It is Shar's turn Dungeon Lord: Westra steadies the group with her presence, though the Doc is a bit out of range. As the fear overtakes her, she catches sight of the paladin and feels Westra's inspiring presence steady her. It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Iron-Doc:Wolfe: The Samurai delivers three quick slashes, the first especially brutal thanks to GIZMO-5's insights! Dungeon Lord:Iron-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook:after the doctor's attack, Westra steps between her and the beast and attacks it. Westra Goldbrook 's turn has ended! Dungeon Lord: She strikes true on all three attacks. Iron-Doc: Her servos whir and click as she advances to a proper position for a neural destabilization ray. It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron Sand: "FOR HELM!" Euron strikes at the shadow beast, one of the creatures responsible for the end of Jonias and Jinharath, and brings his mace down upon the creature's skull. His spirit weapon slashes at the creature's flank and renders it destroyed. "Go back to the shadow from whence you came." Westra Goldbrook: Westra stands upright and pauses, watching in muted admiration as the cleric of Helm goes all THOU SHALT NOT on the beast's shadowy ass. Dungeon Lord: The two beasts fall their bodies smoldering in the heat of the cavern. As they rest their black hide turns into short, rust-red fur and they become more canine like. Round 4 It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Wolfe: Wolfe gives a solid nod as they dispatch the two sentries. "Good work. Let's get moving while the Goddess has bought us some time." Westra Goldbrook: "Agreed." GIZMO-5: Gizmo sees 3 bogies. AND WORSE GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Westra Goldbrook: When Gizmo starts beeping and whirring, Westra pauses. She looks back towards the others, but can't see them in this blasted darkness. Iron-Doc: "Unidentified large creature to the east...." "And uh... three of the malivores to our north, clustered together." Dungeon Lord: A huge mastiff with unearthly malevolent red eyes and a ratty tail is blasted back by a shadow bolt. Maggots teemed in his fur, which made the coat shift incessantly over barely covered sinews and bones. His flesh oozed like pus and his paws left burning prints in the ground that spread into pools of burning ichor in his wake. Pointed teeth glittered like daggers of jet in the light. His blood was a dark, corrosive, liquid ooze, and he radiated a pestilent aura of decay. The reek of a stench of ancient death fills your nostrils. GroupInit: Wolfe 16 Iron Doc™ 20 Westra Goldbrook 8 Euron Sand 17 GIZMO-5 7 Wolfe: Wolfe takes a deep breath and resists the urge to cough, seeing the source of all of this insanity. Iron-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Iron-Doc: The satellite dish expands from the Iron Doc's back and aims in a direction. Then it warbles the air with invisible thought distrupting psychic energy. Wolfe: Wolfe looks over at Cat and her sudden vibration-warefare, truly amazed. Euron Sand: Euron whispers an incantation in Celestial and looks to Woolfe, Westra, and the Doctor. Iron-Doc: "Nerts... I need to seriously recalibrate some things." Beat,. "Massive unidentified target remains..." Wolfe: A Mario-Brothers sound comes from Wolfe when he becomes blessed with Helm's aid. Euron Sand: Euron then moves into Westra's inspirational aura and he readies himself to deal with the eastern threat It is Shadow Monster's turn Iron-Doc: "Incoming!" Dungeon Lord: The shadow monster jumps at Euron. Westra Goldbrook: Westra is surprised by the sudden emergence of the beast from the darkness, and though she swings it it, she bears wide. It is Wolfe's turn RakFu It is Shar's turn Wolfe: Wolfe walks up and kicks the dog in the ass to get its attention and then delivers a quick cross-slash across its back Shar: "Darkness take you abomination." She leaps towards the hound and several black daggers begin to swirl around her body, before they both disappear. It is Spiritual Weapon's turn Gavin It is Shadow Monster's turn Shar: 4 Westra Goldbrook:Shar: It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook:Westra takes a time out to fan Euron with her halberd. rolling 1d4 (2)= 2 rolling 1d4 (1)= 1 It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy GIZMO-5 Helps Euron. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Kezef's turn Kezef: An deep rumbling growl echos from the darkness. "I will consume you Shar, as soon as I finish with Mask. Your despair smells so delicious." Westra Goldbrook:GIZMO-5: "That does not sound... ideal.." Iron-Doc: "That does not sound... ideal.." Kezef: Wolfe: Wolfe growls as he stands firm with his allies, knowing that as long as they stick together they can face anything - even a weird maggot dog that eats Gods. Kezef: Iron-Doc: (Shar be scared tho) Kezef: Kezef bites down on Shar, but she disappears a moment after his teeth close around her. He follows her down the hallway. It is Shadow Monster's turn Kezef: 1 Westra Goldbrook:Dungeon Lord: The last monster charges at Euron. Round 2 It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Westra Goldbrook: Westra whacks it on the nose with the flat of her blade, trying to throw it off of its charge! Iron-Doc:Dungeon Lord:Iron-Doc: (?) It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Iron-Doc: She plunges the Staff of Night into the creatures roaring mouth and BLASTS a torrent of ice, freezing the initial creature solid. Euron Sand: Euron attacks again! Iron-Doc: Catriona, with some difficulty, pulls the staff free, cracking the jaw off the frozen corpse. "Whoa." she says, having never used it before. It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe: Wolfe looks over at WAR-DOC and then turns to deal with the other shadow beast. "Cool." Iron-Doc: "Quite literally." Wolfe:1 Iron-Doc: (wait.. doesnt Euron get advantage) It is Shar's turn Shar: Shar pulls the beast further down the tunnel. It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord:Wolfe:Dungeon Lord:It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook:rolling 1d4 (2)= 2 Iron-Doc: "I am getting a telepathic missive from what sounds like Shar. She said she drew him away or is in the process of such and that the portal is just ahead." It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Wolfe: "Guess it's time to finish this up." GIZMO-5: Gizmo lands on IronDoc's shoulder and seems to somehow integrate with one of the mechanical pauldrons. It's eyes turn red and it triangulates a targeting laser on one of the creatures (Help on Doc). Euron Sand: "Now we just have to find this prison that Mask is in." GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Shar: A massive explosion bursts from the tunnel that Shar and Kezef just moved into. Dark shards of energy blast against the north wall sending rocks flying in every direction. It is Kezef's turn Shar: Iron-Doc: "Prison is what I meant. There is an abundance of interference." Shar: It is Shadow Monster's turn Shar: Round 3 It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Iron-Doc: Bringing both her arms up, vents articulate from her wrists. Large touts of blue flame fire forth. Iron-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Iron-Doc: Ice for one, Fire for another. Euron Sand: Euron touches the Watcher's Eye and casts a spell on his friends. Iron-Doc: The searing line of blue fire hyperboils the creatures blood, causing it to ignite for a moment before parts of it crack open and burst like an over-boiled egg. Euron Sand:His spirtual weapon attacks the remaining Shadow monsters! Iron-Doc: "We should not waste any time." announces the robolady. Again as the beasts fall, their bodies begin to smolder, their hide turns into rust red fur. The sounds of the ongoing battle to the south echo. The deep growls and chomping of teeth followed by the sounds of explosive power being unleased. Wolfe: As soon as Euron dispatches the last Shadow Monster he rushes forward to find the prison. Dungeon Lord: As you round the corner, a glowing red sphere hovers on a runed alter. Four more beasts stand guard around it. The runs glow with a deep red power. Iron-Doc: "Four more contacts spotted." Wolfe: "Here we go..." Wolfe nods and takes a breath. "Go time." GroupInit: Wolfe 3 Westra Goldbrook 9 GIZMO-5 8 Iron Doc™ 7 Euron Sand 7 Dungeon Lord: They rush forward, their teeth gnashing. Westra Goldbrook:It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord: 2 He attacks Wolfe! Dungeon Lord:It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord: 3 He charges to Euron! It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook:It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy GIZMO-5: Help on Wolfe. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ GIZMO-5: (Sorry, on EURON) It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron Sand: Euron brings his mace down upon the creature that attacked him! It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Euron Sand: Euron lifts his shield and readies himself for the next attack from the creature! Iron-Doc: 2 damage to the one in front of me and prone, and 1 damage to the one behind it. It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord: Finally one for Westra. It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:Round 2 It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord: To Westra! Westra Goldbrook: Westra is knocked down! Dungeon Lord:Wolfe: Wolfe delivers some assbeating to the Shadow Monster that is prone, carving into it with the magical katana - but its dark nature makes it resilient to the killing blow! It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord:Wolfe:Dungeon Lord:It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord:It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook: Westra stands up And swings at the beast attacking Euron It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy GIZMO-5: Gizmo helps Doc. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron Sand: Euron reaches out to lay a hand on Wolfe. "Breathe easy, friend." It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Iron-Doc: With Gizmo's targeting assistance, Iron-Doc takes a knee and aims her wrist. She is firing a ranged cantrip into melee, but staves off the disadvantage due to the Help. She twists a nob to wide, short burst and blasts a cloud of blue fire into the face of the creature before her. It goes flying into the wall, splintering to cindering bones and shadowstuffs. It is Shadow Monster's turn Iron-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Dungeon Lord:Westra Goldbrook:Dungeon Lord:It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 10 temporary HP. 1 1 Round 3 It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord:It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra Goldbrook:rolling 1d4 (2)= 2 rolling 1d4 (4)= 4 Westra Goldbrook:It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy GIZMO-5: Gizmo will help action on Euron It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron Sand:It is Iron Doc™'s turn Sixxy Iron-Doc:It is Shadow Monster's turn Dungeon Lord: 1 Iron-Doc: The metal woman brushes past Wolfe. "Coming through..." and takes a position and fires flame at the creature. Dungeon Lord: The creature doesn't like being set on fire and jumps at her. It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:Round 4 It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn The last creature falls into smoldering remains. Iron-Doc: As the blue light dies from her attack she makes a surprised-robot motion as it jumps at her, slashing through the armor. Dungeon Lord: Another howl that chills you to the bone echos from behind. Iron-Doc: "Tarnation!" Dungeon Lord: The red orb of energy swirls on the stone alter of runes, visage of a hooded figure floating inside. Euron Sand: "All right. I guess we should figure out how to undo this..." Euron said, looking around the area for any traps. Dungeon Lord: The exact meaning of the runes seems unclear to the group, though the fact that the sphere is being used for containment is clear. Euron Sand: "So...any ideas? This isn't anything I've seen before." Westra Goldbrook: "perhaps if we disrupt the runes?" She tips her halberd down and scratches at one of them, trying to gauge whether the field is affected even slighty. Wolfe: "Not really, I'm not very knowledgeable about Gods and the stuff you'd need to hold them." Iron-Doc: "Prisoner, Identify yourself...please." says the robotic woman. Wolfe: "Something we didn't talk about earlier, but maybe we should now - what if Shar isn't telling us the truth?" Dungeon Lord: The hooded figure seems unable or unwilling to respond. Iron-Doc: "It sounded like she said we have to overload it with mortal energy..." Dungeon Lord: The sounds of continued battle echo down the hallways. Westra Goldbrook: "Those shadow creatures we just fought seemed connected to the darkness on our plane. Even if the goddess had some ulterior motive, it seems likely that helping to defeat this Kezef will only help our cause." She paused, and cast the Doctor an uncertain look. "Mortal energy? How do you mean?" "Oh, spellcasting, she said," she recalled. Euron Sand: "Yes, if we exped our spellcasting energy, we can weaken the bindings holding him. But I don't know how much we need to use. It could be a little. It could be all of it." Iron-Doc: "While I initially found her claims dubious, this Kezef boasted earlier about keeping Mask imprisoned, so this must be him..." Euron Sand: "We could leave ourselves defenseless if things turn badly." Iron-Doc: "Mister Wolfe would protect us." she says in a bout of mildly black humor. Westra Goldbrook: Westra snorts softly. Wolfe: Wolfe raises an eyebrow at Westra. "What, you don't think I could?" "You guys go ahead." He draws Shokan and turns to face the staircase. "I got it covered." Iron-Doc: The faceplate of the armor flips up on its own, showing her countenance in the ruby orange illumination of the dark cavern. Westra Goldbrook: She gives Wolfe a half-cocked grin. Euron Sand: "All right, then lets get to work." Euron said, moving to one side of the trap. Iron-Doc: "I um.. hope our legacy doesn't end up being that we released an evil deity to wreak havoc." she says with a sigh. Westra Goldbrook: Westra nodded at Euron, and then closed her eyes for a moment, centering herself. Euron Sand: Euron took a deep and focused, expending the strongest portion of his power first. (6th Level Spell) Westra Goldbrook: The doctor's words give her pause and she opens her eyes, considering the trapped being. After a moment's consideration, her reluctance to release evil into the world is momentarily assuaged by the thought that, if possible, Kezef seemed more evil than the god of thieves. She summoned the divine power granted by Helm, and worked in concert with the others to expend her magic on the prison before her. ((3rd Level)) Iron-Doc: Taking a stance, Iron-Doc has mechanical extra supports sprout from her calves and dig into the ground around each leg to further anchor her in place. The ring of light on her chest cycles up with psychokinetic energy. Her faceplate drops down and she unleashes a cone of rippling white energy into the shield after the others do. (Psionic Blast, 7 pp) Dungeon Lord: The encasement continues to swirl but the power in the room seems lessen as the first two spellcasters pour their energies into the runes. Several shutter and go dark. Wolfe: Wolfe patrols along the bottom stair, taking slow breaths as he focuses his pain into his anger into his focus. He repeats his katas to himself, the mantras of a Samurai, and waits. Dungeon Lord: The doctor's energies burst towards the prison and several more runes go out, nearly two thirds of the runes have gone dormant. Iron-Doc: "More power!" Dungeon Lord: A blast of dark energy flies into a nearby wall from further down on the tunnel, suddenly the beast is pushed back by what appears to be Shar's magic. Euron Sand: Euron concentrates and calls upon Helm for further strength! (4th Level Spell) Westra Goldbrook: Westra continues in reverent concentration, expending more energy into the outpouring. ((3rd Level)) Iron-Doc: "It's coming!" she yells as Gizmo FREAKS out and flies into the room. GIZMO-5 crashes into the wall and topples to the ground before sitting up and shaking free the dizzy stars. Iron-Doc: A whir of magic emits from the Doctor as she overloads the central emitter on her chest and pours another torrent of energy into the shield. Wolfe: Wolfe narrows his eyes at the oncoming god-devourer. He takes a slow breath, knowing that his life may soon be forfeit. But in the defense of his friends? Those whom he considers family? Well. It would be a good death. Iron-Doc: 7 pp Dungeon Lord: With the second round of spells, the prison ripples before it falls away, again in a very anticlimactic fashion. The hooded figure falls to the ground, limp. Westra Goldbrook: Westra blinks. "This... may be problematic..." she says, hesitantly. She reaches out for the fallen god, and attempts to revive him. Kezef: A deep growling voice fills the chamber. "You have freed him." Euron Sand: "Only if he wants to kill us, really." Wolfe: "Seems that way." Iron-Doc: IronDoc slumps as her her heat sinks glow with red hot energy. Westra Goldbrook:Kezef: "Very good." Westra Goldbrook: Trying to ignore the fear rising in her at finding Mask dead, Westra moves on instinct and casts a spell against all odds. Euron Sand: Euron checks Mask. Iron-Doc: "Why is that very .. uh.. good?" Dungeon Lord: Kezef's form begins to recede, turning human. Iron-Doc: "We have other.. problems." she says to those concerned with Mask. Westra Goldbrook: Westra closes her eyes and invests all of her effort into trying to grab Mask back from the far edge of death. Ryder: "You kids sure do know how to party." The man says. "Though I would stay away from him...his bite is much worse than his bark, Sugar." Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow. "Who the fuck are you?" Ryder: "You remind me of some other kids I used to know." Dungeon Lord: The Mask's body fades away and where it once lay Kezef stood. His rotting body almost overwhelming Westra and Euron. Iron-Doc: "...where is Lady Shar?" End Session 55
The doctor had been somewhat mentally removed from the drastic and pivotal exchange with the goddess and all the pure madness that came with it. It was sort of like an out of body experience, to a degree. Even though the Captain (if such was still her rank, the doctor hadn’t kept tabs) had earlier attempted to appeal to her ego with her convincing rhetoric, she was still apprehensive. People were dying, included their travelling companions, taken by external planar forces. Now supposed deities were petitioning them for assistance… a handful of mortals. The details were insane to her, a woman of science and logic. Distracted with her own problems as she was, there was also the element of why the Watch, reunited as it was, were simply taking the void goddess of darkness at her word. Processing had to take place with these facts, though she still exhibited a mien of someone abstracted, if not a little absent. Her nose twitched some as it took in the thick and unpleasant air of the magma and angry earth of whatever plane they were on. It was enough to shake her free of her muddleheaded moment and assess this new situation. Without the Iron-Doc suit obscuring her form, she was finally able to at least greet Westra, whom she had not seen in well over half a year. The paladin’s presence made for a slight lift in spirits, if only she always considered Westra to be a lot of the things she wasn’t - a badass iconic lady with unfaltering conviction. The action figures would sell themselves, she believed. “Your timing is ..um.. Impeccable, Captain Goldbrook.” she says with a slight smile. Adjusting her glasses, she gives Euron a look, considering how in rough shape he was just an instant ago. It was rather a wild sight to see the man in fighting shape so quickly. She kind of shrugs at Wolfe’s question and nods timidly. “We can proceed… I can perform. I uh..do think… I lost the Negative Doctors in the Shadowfell conflict with the blackguard."
"It must have been an environment perfect enough for them to escape containment and pursue autonomous drives…Took me a minute to figure it out.” Somewhat random, yet she seems more frustrated than worried. “I mean, I am sure it will be fine. Nothing to be done about it now.” She lightly scratches her nose after confessing the matter that probably was distracting her for all this time. Well. She wasn’t wrong about the last bit at least.
« Last post by Euron Sand on March 03, 2019, 05:23:24 PM »
The pain of Euron's physical wounds was fading but the mental and emotional and emotional wounds remained. He'd failed to heal Jinharath, to keep her the affliction from taking her away to wherever people went when the affliction reached its zenith. Her loss was further evidence of his failure, but he did know if she had any friends or family who would miss her presence now that she was gone. He assumed that she did, but he did not know and Euron missed the lost opportunity to learn about the brave warrior who'd stood on the front lines against their enemies.
But it was Jonias' loss that hit Euron hardest. He'd spent the better part of a year getting to know the Elven bowman, befriending him and sharing details of his own life. He'd met elves from Evereska who Jonias called friends and helped them make inroads with the people of Sunderwood. When the Watch reformed, Jonias had rejoined them at Euron's side. The priest felt a responsibility to ensure that the elf stayed alive and returned to his people, if only to prove that humans were not the faithless and fickle creatures that many of Jonias' companions believed them to be.
When the Shadowfell Affliction first appeared on Jonias, Euron had vowed privately to cure his friend. They had many more adventures to share and drinks to drink. He'd vowed to do the same for Wolfe, who'd rebuilt his life and found new purpose after making amends with his master and his daughter.
The intervention of goddess was the only thing that spared Euron and Wolfe from joining Jinharath and Jonias wherever they'd gone. But that did not change that both of them were gone to a place Euron couldn't follow to fulfill his oath. He did not blame Helm for these setbacks, for Helm had given him the tools. It was on him to use those tools to the best of his ability. He'd failed to do that. Instead, he owed his life to each of the three people who now stood before him. They'd saved him from death more than once. And then he owed his current health to the Goddess of Loss herself.
So when Wolfe asked him how he was doing, Euron could not tell him that his faith had taken a beating these past few days. He couldn't explain that he felt like a failure, a fraud, a liar for not saving their companions, for failing to save their friend.
Instead, he gave his friend the only truth he could give him right now.
"I'll make it through, my friends. I'm just glad that we're all here." Euron said, forcing a smile onto his face. It didn't reach his blue eyes the way most of his smiles did, even when times had been rougher for the Watch.
"Westra, it's good to see you again. Helm smiles upon us by bringing you back to us at this hour." he said.
« Last post by Wolfe on March 03, 2019, 12:21:09 PM »
Wolfe was still trying to sort out all of this higher-than-his-paygrade material. Gods, god-devouring entities, crazy cultists, and the Shadowfell. All of it was stuff that was beyond his natural element. Now they were somewhere else he didn't recognize. It felt like everywhere they'd been since his return from Kara Tur was weirder and weirder.
As he got more to his feet it felt odd to him that this Evil Goddess was now their primary benefactor in this whole mess. For the first time in days it felt like he knew what was going on - he understood who and what he had to fight, what their mission was. It was a good feeling to have some understanding and a path to follow, even if it would be difficult.
He took stock of their group. Jinharath was gone - a strange woman he had barely begun to understand. She had seemed brave to the point of foolhardiness; something that Wolfe himself could be described as. So too was Jonias, the Elf that had been with them for months. That loss was sharper, though Wolfe had not spoken to the man as much as he had ought. It was a mistake, he realized that now. Both of them had given their lives in defense of not just Neverwinter, but all of Faerun.
Lost members of the Watch. For the first time, Wolfe was starting to realize how fortunate he was that the ones he was surrounded by had endured and strived together.
Turning to Westra, he was still surprised to see her. Her being here would have been in defiance of any order she had to find that dick Neverember. And more to the point, time away had changed Wolfe too. Returning home and seeing his daughter safely back in the stewardship of his Shogun had healed a great deal of Wolfe's soul. He did not stand now as the husk of a man, but as a samurai returned to his former stature. Older, wiser, and rooted in the moment.
The Half-Orc stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Westra, giving her a warm hug. "It is good to see you." He said honestly, drawing back to place his hands on her shoulders and flashing a wide, tusked smile. "And good to have you fight at my side again.
Can't be having all the glory for myself, after all." His smile became a full grin, and he turned to regard his other two friends; Euron and Catriona. "Father, Doc, you two alright? We've been through a lot the last day or so." His hands fell to his side as he shifted to be more in the center of their quartet.
The world lurched around her, and Westra's stomach flipped. She groaned softly, but as quickly as it'd started, all the strange chaos ceased. In the blink of an eye they'd shifted planes again, it seemed, though she couldn't see a great deal of what this new place entailed. Lava and caverns, the Lady of Loss had said. Westra wasn't sure she would have committed to this task without further research, but she could find little excuse to back out, now that the god was healing and restoring the party. Besides, she'd had more of sitting around trying to puzzle things out than she could stand. It was part of what had brought her running into that grove, part of what had returned her to the sides of these adventurers. She looked around at them each while they rested, and found herself mightily relieved to see them each unharmed.
"My friends," she said, the relief in her swelling some as she considered how near she'd come to missing them entirely. Had she been a quarter-hour longer in finding them, they'd have been through the portal with no sure way to follow them. "It is good to see that you are all still well. I am only sorry that I did not join you sooner."
« Last post by phinn on March 02, 2019, 11:30:16 AM »
Session 54 Westra: For months, Westra had been trying to make sense of a world turned upside-down. When she'd first returned to Neverwinter with the rest of the Watch, she hadn't realized how much things had changed, nor how strange those changes were. It was only in the following days - after the rest of the Watch had dispersed to tend to their own affairs - that Westra had realized that something was terribly, terribly amiss. She'd accepted her proverbial lashes from Neverember for having not gone to Luskan as promised, and while holding down menial guard duties she worked to try and uncover the extent of the changes made to the history of Neverwinter. Tensions with Luskan increased, but Westra wasn't permitted to leave her duties to attempt to address or resolve them. Now, however, Neverember himself had been abducted out of his quarters, and Black Claw cultists had attacked the city in broad daylight! It was the death of the beloved Bishous Ironheart that finally snapped the last threads of loyalty the paladin bore towards her sworn duties in the city guard. No one in Neverwinter was getting matters resolved, but Westra knew of one party that could make a difference. When Cullen informed her that the Watch had returned and headed north, Westra packed her things and headed after them. Law and order only carried a noble soul so far. Sometimes, she reasoned, doing the right thing was more important than following the rules. She rode hard, knowing she was well behind the party. By the time she found them through the foreboding darkness, the situation seemed an ominous one. Father Sand and a woman Westra didn't recognize lay fallen, and Wolfe and the Doctor battled dark-robed cultists and a woman armored in black. In the midst of them all was a portal contained in an archway, a dark and bleak landscape folded in its depths. "Not today," she growled to herself, determined that no more would be lost to these foul fanatics. She knelt at Euron's side, and summoned the holy light of Helm to heal the cleric's wounds. "Your work is not yet finished, Father Sand," she told him, before rising to her full height. She turned her head towards the portal and the cultists nearby it, and she stamped the butt of her halberd on the ground before her, a surge of will causing the blade at its head to burst into celestial light. Westra: "Flee now evildoers, or meet thy doom!" she shouted, before lunging off towards the nearest cultist. ((Lay on Hands to Euron for 50 hp)) Levinath (GM): As Westra send's Helm's holy magic into Euron, Jin's body fades into black mist and disperses into the air. Westra Goldbrook 's turn has ended! Wolfe: "...What the!?" Wolfe yells out as he hears out Westra's voice, turning toward the source. "...Westra!?" Black Hand Cultist: The remaining cultist sees Euron healed again. "Stay down, damn you!" 18 26 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) 15 18 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) Euron: Euron felt his life slipping away. And then....he was awake and alive! He opened his eyes to find the last person he expected standing over him. "Helm is good....all the time." IronDoc™: "Oh, I think you are in for it now." says the doctor towards Akadi once spying the paladin riding into save the day. Euron:Bless enchantment 1 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft Components: V, S, M (A sprinkling of holy water) Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. -End turn- Akadi: Akadi growls as the Doc flys out of her reach. She hefts her weapon, placing it back on her back. "I will retrieve Kezef myself and bring him to end you." Akadi: And she walks through the portal. Levinath (GM): The soft picture of grey landscape ripples as the woman disappears into the portal. IronDoc™:18 ARCANA (9) "She went in." calls the robo-armored flying ...thing "Get clear, Mister Wolfe. I am going to try to destroy the containment focusing structure!" She will ready an action to blow away the stones when finishes a movement away. Wolfe: Wolfe is just kind of confused. Is it destiny? Fate? Merely some sort of strange coincidence? Nevertheless suddenly it is the Watch reunited again. He watches the source of leadership among the evil bastards just walk into the ominous portal. He takes a deep breath and weighs matters for a moment in thought. "..This is a bad idea." He says to himself. "A terrible idea.." He says, more concretely. And then Cat calls out while in the air that she wants to destroy the portal... "...Ah... that's probably wise..." He says after a moment of consideration. IronDoc™ ---- End of Turn ✔✔ GIZMO-5: Gizmo lands on a treebranch and looks on. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Wolfe: Wolfe moves back to act in a defensive place of Father Sand and then.. HANDAXES! 14 20/40 Hand Axe (+9) Wolfe 8 slashing 24 20/40 Hand Axe (+9) Wolfe 6 slashing 1 IronDoc™: Aiming at the weakest point of the portal structure, she fires a missile into the air that swirls about, leaving a trail of smoke until it collides with the target. Detonation (5 psi). As an action, you create a fiery explosion at a point you can see within 120 feet of you. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 7d6 fire damage and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Levinath (GM): 40 Levinath (GM): 67 Levinath (GM): The explosion sends rocks reigning down for fifty yards around the structure and the stone is blasted apart. The portal ripples and stretches as it container is blown apart. Wolfe:21 DEXTERITY SAVE (1) Wolfe Levinath (GM):Dexterity Dark Cultist Ability: 11 | 6 IronDoc™: "Tarnation!" Euron: "Westra, it's good to see you! You're a sight for sore eyes." Euron said, ignoring the shadowy effect now setting into his skin. Levinath (GM): Energy ripples into the portal but seems to be bounce back out in an explosive blast around. Wolfe takes 10 damage from the energy as it radiates back out and the cultist closer to the portal is knocked prone. After several moments, the shimmering circle steadies and remains. Westra: 8 ARCANA (0) IronDoc™: "It must be self sustaining from the other side!" Westra: Westra raises an arm to shield her eyes as the portal's container is blasted apart, then eyes the thing with uncertainty. "What manner of strangeness is this?" she murmured. Euron's comment draws her eye, and she nods to him. "Father Sand. It's good to see you as well--" she starts to say, though the state of him causes her visible concern. "What ails you, father?" Westra Goldbrook 's turn has ended! Wolfe: "Cat, what is this weird bullshit!?" Levinath (GM): The cultist steadies himself and seems to look around at all his dead buddies for the first time...he has to go...into the portal. Westra: "Wolfe. Eloquent as ever." Euron: "I've been cut with one of these cultist's blades. The effect has already claimed two of our number. Jonias and Jinharath, who was just here. Wolfe is afflicted as well." Wolfe: "Fuck this!" Wolfe runs in and leaps into the portal. Euron: "WOLFE!" Westra: Westra laughs. "Of course..." Euron: "By Helm's beard!" IronDoc™: Activating afterburners, the IronDoc™ instinctively blasts off towards the portal. Westra: "Westra is smiling when she looks to the cleric. She gestures towards the portal. "Shall we, Father?" Euron: "We shall!" Levinath (GM): Sickness overtakes you for a moment as your head spins. You find youselves on your hands and knees in a world of greys. Levinath (GM): The world seems drowned in twilight with colors void across the land. Black towers of stone and massive trees and mountains raise from the dark land. Before you stands the woman in black armor, wrapped in dark energies, her eyes now pure black. IronDoc™: Claustraphobia and nausea set in such a fashion, causing the Iron Doc to slap the side of her head cause her faceplate to retract. The fresh air is not all that better. Akadi: "I did not think you had the stomach to challenge me here." Euron: "You should really stop doing that. Thinking. It's not paying off for you." Akadi: "Bold....but foolish." IronDoc™: "What is this? The Gray Wastes?" Wolfe: Wolfe looks over the strange shadowy terrain, not certain of where he'd just leapt into. In his own religion this looked like the land of the dead - the honorless, the purposeless, those whose existence was proven unworthy. He steeled himself against his feear and took a slow breath in the dark land. IronDoc™: She takes a deep breath and flicks down her iron face plate, then aims her fist in a direction of a crystal. "What happens if I interrupt that crystal generator?" Westra: Westra looks around with grim resolve on her face, then focuses on the dark-clad woman. "Who are you, and what do you stand to gain from your treachery?" IronDoc™: "She wants to bring some ravenous entity to the prime." Akadi: "You have arrived in the shadowfell and where you will become one of my pets, or if you are lucky enough, a meal for the great Kezef." Behind Akari a group of shadow monsters pace back and forth. Euron: "You, like your master, will fail. Turn aside from this path. Give up now and you can still atone." Westra: "I think not," Westra says, resolutely. "Surrender now, and you may know mercy." Wolfe: "Nobody's gonna be lunch today, lady." The Samurai says with grim resolve. "But I'll let you meet your god!" GroupInit: Doctor Wicker 10 Euron Sand 17 Wolfe 14 GIZMO-5 12 Westra Goldbrook 6 Wolfe:16 INITIATIVE (0) Wolfe Akadi: "Kill them, my pets." Euron:Bless enchantment 1 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft Components: V, S, M (A sprinkling of holy water) Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. Levinath (GM): Black fire appears behind the woman, blocking the beasts from the group. Euron:Hold Person enchantment 2 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 ft Components: V, S, M (A small, straight piece of iron) Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target on additional humanoid for each slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them. Shar: "Your master's desecration ends here Akadi!" A voice filled with deep sorrow calls out. IronDoc™: O.O Wolfe: "YEAH!" Shar:Wisdom Akadi Ability: 1 | 11 It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 10 temporary HP. 15 10 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 20 Slashing 1 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 21 Slashing Wolfe leaps forward and delivers two quick slashes to her, though he notices she's tougher here. It is Akadi's turn Shar:Whirlwind (Recharge 4-6) Akadi Each creature within 5 yards make a DC 17 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 23 slashing damage and is flung up 20 feet away from Akadi in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a wall or floor, the target takes 5 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone. If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn't flung away or knocked prone. IronDoc™: (yards?) Westra: Aura Of Protection Class: Paladin Lvl 6 Always on Whenever you or a friendly creature within 10 feet of you must make a saving throw, you/they gain a +4 bonus to the saving throw. You must be conscious to grant this bonus. 17 STRENGTH SAVE (8) Wolfe:13 STRENGTH SAVE (10) Wolfe Euron:19 13 STRENGTH SAVE (2) It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Shar:Initiative Shar Initiative: 8 It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy GIZMO-5: GIZMO, happy to see Westra hoots mechanically in her direction and Helps her with some target painting. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy IronDoc™: The Iron Doc's jet pack roars to life and lifts her up into the air, 25 feet. She then aims at the crystal to the south. 24 120 ft Fire Bolt (+9) 7 Fire Akadi: "He will consume you!" It is Shar's turn IronDoc™:Levinath (GM): The strange woman seems to pull the darkness into her form, channeling a spell. It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra: 14 10 ft Sun Polearm (+9) 15 Slashing 1 Radiant 21 10 ft Sun Polearm (+9) 11 Slashing 4 Radiant rolling 1d4 (3)= 3 6 Hunter's Mark 5 Hunter's Mark Levinath (GM): 37 Westra: 22 Radiant Divine Smite (3) 19 Radiant Divine Smite (2) Levinath (GM): Westra's attacks seem far more potent than Wolfe's. Round 2 It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin It is Akadi's turn Euron:23 Healing 60 Feet Mass Cure Wounds Westra: Westra's lip curls in a derisive snarl, and she slashes angrily at the creature before her Euron: -End Turn- Levinath (GM): The lady to the North unleashes a massive wave of energy on the other side of her black fire. Pure black darkness erupts and seems to melt the beasts it touches. 6 She swings her massive weapon around again. Whirlwind (Recharge 4-6) Akadi Each creature within 5 feet make a DC 17 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 25 slashing damage and is flung up 20 feet away from Akadi in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a wall or floor, the target takes 1 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone. If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn't flung away or knocked prone. Westra: 9 STRENGTH SAVE (8) Wolfe:27 STRENGTH SAVE (10) Wolfe Westra: rolling 1d4 (3)= 3 Euron:18 12 STRENGTH SAVE (2) It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:19 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 22 Slashing 25 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 29 + 5 Slashing 11 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 22 Slashing 3 Wolfe unleashes a pair of quick, powerful blows to Akadi, though the last slash meets her weapon as she parries! Levinath (GM): She turns to Wolfe and snarls. "He will hunt you." Kezef's Brand Akadi The target must succeed in a DC 16 wisdom save or be branded with the mark of Kezef. A symbol of a maggot sears into the creature's wrist and glows with white energies. While branded, Akadi has vision on the target and can teleport to them as a bonus action. Only one target may be branded at a time, though the scar of the brand remains indefinitely. Wolfe:23 WISDOM SAVE (6) Wolfe It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy GIZMO-5: Help (Action) - Diversion Protocol #11 GIZMO Aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. Feint, distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally’s Attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first Attack roll is made with advantage. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ GIZMO-5: (Westra) It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy Wolfe: Wolfe snarls in samurai determination as he resists the magic of the evil woman! Euron:20 19 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) 23 10 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) IronDoc™:12 120 ft Fire Bolt (+9) On the crystal 10 Fire Levinath (GM): The crystal explodes. Wolfe: "Good job, Cat! We'll keep this witch busy!" Levinath (GM): She swings her weapon at Wolfe. Greatsword Akadi Attack: 24 | 29 Damage: 16slashing + 4necrotic It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra: Westra is thrown backwards into the remains of the portal's frame, and hits the ground with a grunt. She pulls herself back to her feet, and swings again at Akadi. 26 10 ft Sun Polearm (+9) 14 Slashing 6 Radiant 23 10 ft Sun Plrm Bonus (+9) 6 Bludgeoning 1 Radiant 10 10 ft Sun Polearm (+9) 12 Slashing 5 Radiant 13 Radiant Divine Smite (3) Levinath (GM): The woman again charges her dark powers at the beasts. Westra: 6 Radiant Divine Smite (2) Levinath (GM): She kicks Wolfe as Westra lays into her back. Kick Akadi Attack: 11 | 13 DC 17 Str save or be knocked prone. Round 3 It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron: Euron casts a spell! 13 19 60 ft Spiritual Weapon (+9) 7 Force 25 27 5 Feet Lightbringer (+7) 7 + 8 Bludgeoning 5 + 4 Radiant Euron: Euron strikes with his mace after conjuring Helm's Maul to attack Akadi! "Be judged, Evil One!" Akadi: She turns. "I have had it with you, Helmite." Kick Akadi Attack: 18 | 23 DC 17 Str save or be knocked prone. Damage: 4bludgeoning Euron: "Stop trying to hit me and hit me!" Levinath (GM): The lady lets out another blast of dark energy destroying the rest of the shadow monsters. Wolfe: "Thattaboy, Father!" Euron: -End Turn!- Wolfe: "Also, thanks up there!" It is Akadi's turn Akadi:Kick Akadi Attack: 27 | 19 DC 17 Str save or be knocked prone. Damage: 3bludgeoning IronDoc™: "I think she is somehow using the corralled beasts to convert to her own power." Euron:20 4 STRENGTH SAVE (2) Akadi:Greatsword Akadi Attack: 30 | 25 Greatsword Akadi Attack: 29 | 25 Damage: 21 + 3slashing + 3 + 4necrotic Damage: 17slashing + 3necrotic 51 It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:25 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 25 + 3 Slashing 24 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 27 Slashing 13 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 29 Slashing 4 Euron:6 21 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) IronDoc™: (wat about that insp card tho) It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy GIZMO-5: Help (Action) - Diversion Protocol #11 GIZMO Aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. Feint, distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally’s Attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first Attack roll is made with advantage. To Westra GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy IronDoc™:Wind Stream evocation 1 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 x 5 ft Target: Each creature in range Components: M (Mastery of Air) Duration: Instantaneous You create a line of focused air that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a STR saving throw DC17, taking 3 bludgeoning damage per psi point spent and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. 1 psi points spent, 5 max. Akadi:Strength Save Akadi Save: 26 | 13 IronDoc™:Akadi: "He will find you." IronDoc™ ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Akadi: She send magic towards Euron. Kezef's Brand Akadi The target must succeed in a DC 16 wisdom save or be branded with the mark of Kezef. A symbol of a maggot sears into the creature's wrist and glows with white energies. While branded, Akadi has vision on the target and can teleport to them as a bonus action. Only one target may be branded at a time, though the scar of the brand remains indefinitely. Euron:28 21 WISDOM SAVE (9) It is Westra Goldbrook's turn phinn Westra: 27 10 ft Sun Polearm (+9) 10 Slashing 6 Radiant 13 10 ft Sun Polearm (+9) 14 Slashing 1 Radiant 21 10 ft Sun Plrm Bonus (+9) 6 Bludgeoning 6 Radiant rolling 1d4 (2)= 2 2 Hunter's Mark 6 Hunter's Mark Westra: "ENOUGH!" Westra shouts when the creature once again turns her hateful magic towards the cleric. The paladin surges forward and brings her halberd down in a vicious slash that tears through Akadi's weakened armor and fells her. Akadi: The woman falls to her knees. "I......" The massive weapon clangs to the ground and she turns to black wisps of smoke and fades into nothing. Euron: "You chose the wrong path." Westra: "Indeed. You," Westra sneers softly, watching as the woman fades. She then turns to the other strange woman. Euron: Euron is glad that the fight as over. He couldn't have taken another volley like that last one. His body aches. IronDoc™: "Triumphant and serendipitous appearance, Miss Westra!" says the flying mechanical woman. Wolfe: Wolfe takes a deep breath and nods as he stands up fully, looking over to Westra. "Well, at least you got better at hitting stuff since Sunderwood." He flashes a wide smile at the Paladin. "Glad to see you're alright. Do you remember us, still?" Shar: The voice of the woman tears again at your hearts. Memories of all those lost to you flood your memories, surely at least a single tear would be shed by the coldest heart. "Heroes there is no time to celebrate, more come." Westra: "Doctor," Westra greets the woman with a nod. A small smile sneaks though, despite the grim circumstances. She looks to Wolfe to reply to him, but stops when Shar speaks. Shar: As if on queue, more materialize from the darkness. IronDoc™: "Nerts!" She begins firing at the crystals. Wolfe: "Too good to be true." Westra: She looks to the woman, and then to the beasts materializing around them. She stammers, nearly overcome by sudden and gripping despair at the sight. IronDoc™:Euron: "Come closer, I'll heal you all!" Wolfe: "...Oh..." The Samurai takes a slow deep breath. "I see." IronDoc™:Shar: Darkness envelops the group and a moment later they feel the same disorientation of passing through the portal. A brief second later their feet land on paved stone. Wolfe: "Well... if this is where I die and make my last stand, at least it's with all of you." He nods to Westra, Euron, and the Doc in turn with a slow smile. And then... darkness. Westra: Westra gasps at the sudden darkness, and then nearly stumbles as the world resets itself and she finds herself on pavement. Shar: Several moments pass as your eyes adjust to the darkness. Wolfe and Euron seem to see easier. You find yourselves standing in the courtyard in front of a massive tower. Euron: Euron says a prayer to Helm, seeing that the end has come. When the darkness comes, he's readying himself to go down swinging....and then nothing. Shar: "Welcome to The Tower of Night, Faerunians." Westra can tell her weapon is still glowing, but yet...produces no light. Wolfe: The samurai looks winded, his eyes sweeping over the area with some uncertainty - a strange sight in a man normally certain of himself. He turns his attention to the woman who is speaking to them, acting as guide, ally, and guardian? "Who are you?" Euron: Euron looks around. The...Tower of Night?" Westra: Westra struggles to see much of anything, though she looks about to try and find the source of that mournful voice. 5 RELIGION (0) IronDoc™:11 RELIGION (5) Euron:14 10 RELIGION (5) Wolfe:13 RELIGION (0) Wolfe Westra: "My Lady, who are you? Your help is generous, but I must admit confusion. What is this place?" Shar: Every time the woman speaks, you feel the loss of a loved on in your soul. "My home, deep in the Astral sea. Kezef's minions cannot reach us here. I believe your race knows me as the 'Lady of Loss', no?" Westra: The paladin pales, just a little. Wolfe: "Uh. Isn't that... a Faerun Goddess?" Wolfe looks to Westra and Euron for confirmation. Westra: "An evil one," Westra whispers. IronDoc™: Catriona doesn't know what the loss of a loved one feels like so it just feels like indegestion! Euron: "Yes, that's correct." Euron said, someone stunned at what's transpiring. "Yes, the Lady of Loss." Shar: "My child, I am a goddess over more than Faerun." Her black eyes flip to Westra. Wolfe: He turns and looks to Shar, having felt the cold loss of both his wife and his daughter, taking a deep breath. He takes a slow and deep breath. "Ah. Well. Uh. Thank you?" Euron: "Why have you brought us here? Kezef threatens the realm." "Do you have a way that we can defeat him?" Shar: "I must confess, I am surprised your kind would dare venture to the Shadowfell. Kezef threatens every realm. He feasts on the flesh of gods and mortals alike." Westra: The lack of light in this place bothers Westra the longer she's immersed in the darkness. Her weapon, so radiantly bright moments before, struggles to even glow in this oppressive gloom. It, along with the knowledge of who was before her, made her less and less comfortable the longer they lingered. Those she's lost weigh heavy on her heart and mind, and make it difficult to focus on the matter at hand. Shar: "What did you hope to accomplish by following his lieutenant into the night? Four mortals cannot stop such a beast." Westra: But she tries. "One of his fanatics was trying to give him entrance to the prime material plane," she explained, voice strangely dull. "And we stopped her," she said, lifting her eyes to look towards the voice. Wolfe: "Just had to stop the one summoning him. Not the God itself." Euron: "Well, we couldn't let him come into our world. That is just as much folly as coming here. Maybe more." Shar: "The Lost Gods have no need of portals to traverse the planes. If she has heralded him, he will likely come, though when I cannot say." It seems even more depressing that it normally would in her voice. Wolfe: "...Then why would she even bother?" Westra: Westra frowns. "Surely there is something that can yet be done..." Euron: "I will not accept that it is hopeless." Even if he is standing before the Lady of Loss herself. Shar: "She was a fool, set on destroying your realm. She had no devotion to the primodial only watching the worlds burn." He looked to Euron and a faint smile curled her dark lips. "He has Shadowlord in his grasp as we speak, and his beasts have overrun the Shadowfell. We felt Mystra's death much like you, and Kezef chose his time to attack precisely." Wolfe: "So Kezef and his minions are what's been behind the Shadowfell merging more with the Material Plane?" IronDoc™: "Oh so that explains the strange malivores... they are Kezef's spawn.." Shar: "We have lost control over our plane, and his witch's portal and allowed the Shadowfell to begin to merge with the Material Plane. If Mask cannot be freed, both realms will be destroyed when the merger completes." Euron: "Has this situation been encountered before? What can we do to turn them back? Or defeat him?" Euron asked Wolfe: "Mask is...?" IronDoc™: "A diety, Mister Wolfe." Shar: "Gond, Tyr, and Mystra were able to cage him, for a millennia, but it takes much power to chain such a beast." Westra: Westra looks towards the others of the Watch, considering them each in turn. Wolfe and Euron all but blend into the darkness around them, and the realization draws a deeper frown. "The infection caused by Kezef's spawn... can it be cured?" she asked, looking back towards Shar. Shar: She looked into the distance and considered something before Westra broke her train of thought. "That is only influence of the shadowfell, not an infection." She raised a hand and drew the shadow energies off Euron and Wolfe. Westra: Westra blinked, as just that easily, Euron and Wolfe seemed to be restored. Wolfe: Wolfe feels a rush of euphoria and gasps some from the sudden removal of darkness that had been merged with his being. Westra: "Thank you," she said, quietly, after a beat. Euron: Euron gasps as the darkness is removed. He is relieved, but also saddened for Jonias and Jinharath, who did not make it this far. "Thank you, Lady Shar." Westra: "Now. Do you believe there is aught we might do to help see Mask freed? Or is this matter beyond mortal ken?" Shar: She looked at the determination on Euron's face. "I could distract Kezef, perhaps long enough for you to break the binding holding Mask. The two of us could banish him back to the abyss, purge the corruption of our plane, and stop the merger. The dog is an intelligent beast, he has bound Mask with magics that no deity can break, only by powerful mortals can the chains be broken." Euron:25 20 RELIGION (5) IronDoc™: "But what if you are lying?" Wolfe: "Couldn't we also get another God to help you?" Shar: "Certainly, do you know many?" Wolfe: "Well, how are we supposed to get to Mask, exactly?" Shar: "I have defended these planes since the primordial attacked the worlds in the Dawn War sweet Child. I will continue to do so long after you join the astral plane." Euron: "If Mask were freed, what guarantee do we have that he would actually aid us? Based on what I know, he could just as easily refuse to aid you." "And go about his way." IronDoc™: Cat's armor runs out of power and disengages. The metal panels fold away and the jetpack's minaturized turbines deactivate. The process takes seconds as the Iron-Doc suit returns to its stored compartments in her peacoat. Shar: "Our plane is being ripped apart, we derive much of our power from our planes, it would be folly of Mask to deny aid to his own home." She smiled, which was even more depressing somehow. "He may already have lost an arm too. I hear the dog likes hands." Wolfe: Wolfe winces at the thought of a god-eating dog biting his arm off. Probably due to his presence nearby the Lady of Loss. Westra: "This Kezef..." she says, narrowing her eyes thoughtfully. "He has no control over time, does he?" Shar: "Only that it does not affect him." Wolfe: "We've noticed something weird." "It is like the world changed on us." "The four of us.." He gestures to the other members of the Watch. "Remember things differently than everyone else. We remember Tylmandra becoming Queen of Neverwinter, for instance. But we're told that never happened." Westra: "While you were all away, I tried to discern the extent of the changes. It seems that the alterations were centered around the summoning of the adventurers who would become the Regulators to Silverymoon. It now seems as though Lord Neverember never summoned them, and the changes they wrought in Neverwinter never occurred." Wolfe: "...But why? Are they really that important?" Euron: Euron falls silent to see if Westra and Wolfe can get more information about the state of the world from Shar. Westra: "I cannot say. It has obviously had an effect on Neverwinter but I do not know how far reaching the effect is outside of our city." Shar: "Labelas Enoreth" Wolfe: "....What?" Westra: 17 RELIGION (0) Shar: "The Lord of Continuum." "God of time?" Westra: "Does he make a habit of affecting such changes on a whim?" Shar: "No." "He cares for no race other than elves." Wolfe: "So we have someone else who's affecting time, or the Regulators specifically - but why weren't we affected?" Westra: It's hard to not be supremely discouraged but the lack of connection, the lack of explanation for all the strangeness of late. The plane here seemed an oppressive one, and it was difficult for the paladin to not be distracted by thoughts of all she'd already lost. Now, was the entire plane to be consumed as well? Shar: "With Mystra's death, few mortals of power remain. I can sense the fortitude in you, perhaps you resist another power magic user's spell." Wolfe: "Wait a minute." Westra: "The cultists who attacked the temple," Westra recalled aloud. "A mortal could perform such a feat?" Wolfe: "Westra, do you remember that broad from the mines?" Shar: "While I find your despair delicious, now is not the time for gluttony. I need you to focus." Wolfe: "The weird one - the one we kind of rescued, and later showed up at the Spectator?" "Who messed with the Forge?" Euron: Euron looks to Westra and Wolfe for more information. Wolfe: "Cat?" Dr. Wicker: Cat retrieves her Phantasmitron and uses it to make a hologram of the woman they speak of. (Minor Illusion). Levinath (GM): Jghara pops up on the hologram. Westra: "Yes. Jghara," Westra confirms, as though she knew the name all aloooong. "She does seem capricious enough to attempt such a thing, if the Regulators stood in her path at some point." Wolfe: Wolfe didn't, that's why he called her 'that broad'. "She wasn't really worried about us back then - but if she's somehow related to everything going on lately with this God-Eating-Dog and the timeline getting messed up, then we'll be someone she notices soon. " Westra: "And she did speak as though she traveled through time. Spoke of 'this era' as bothersome...." Wolfe: Wolfe looks to the Goddess, but only for a moment, as direct eye contact was a challenge back home. "So. Jghara and Mask somehow come into all of this? And it has to be Mask to help you stop this?" Euron: "So we've been targeted by a God of Time in addition to having to battle this Kezef?" Wolfe: "We couldn't go ask Euron and Westra's God for help, or would that cause even more problems because of your history?" Dr. Wicker: "This conversation is.. um.. so unscientific..." Shar: "I am not familiar with this Jghara. She let out a horrible horrible laugh. Somehow it sounded like a cry. The Watcher will not intercede." Wolfe: "...Gotchya, yeah, I see your point, given his name..." Westra: "Where is Mask being held?" Dr. Wicker: "I'm .. sorry. Shouldn't more ..uh.. important people... be handling this matter?" Shar: "Talona, Sseth, or Zehir might be able to help, though I prefer not to interact with them....for obvious reasons." Euron: "I don't know that there are any more important people, Doctor. Not to mention...we'd have to get them up to speed." "Handling this ourselves at least ensures that we can see it through." Dr. Wicker: (Thats not nice to call Westra that) (( i mean wolfe) Wolfe: Wolfe is waiting for Shar to answer Westra's question Westra: "What people, Doctor?" Westra asks, looking to the blonde. "The Regulators apparently do not exist at the moment, and if what she says is true," she paused to nod towards Shar, "then only mortals can free Mask. And I know of none more competent nor powerful than the brothers-at-arms standing here with me." "Perhaps you most of all," she adds, with a little smile to the doc. Shar: "He is being held in Banehold." Euron: "That is an ominous name." Westra: "May I assume that is not a place on the material plane?" Shar: "Its not as impressive as it sounds. Lava and caverns." Wolfe: "Where is it?" Shar: "Correct, it is in the outer planes. But traversing the planes is of no concern." Wolfe: "Well, we're not exactly planeswalkers. How do we get there?" Shar: She lets out a laugh, and your stomachs lurch. Wolfe: Wolfe grabs at his belly. Dr. Wicker: The hologram winks out and the device returns to her belt. Shar: "Take a moment to catch your breath, I forget you mortals need time to recuperate." Euron: Euron is still rather beat up. He attempts to heal himself. Shar: She extenders her hands. "I am not as powerful here, but I can refresh your wounds." Black energies surround each of you, invigorating your. Everyone gains the benefit of a long rest. Wolfe: Wolfe takes a deep breath as he feels exceedingly better! End Session 54
« Last post by phinn on March 02, 2019, 11:18:05 AM »
Session 53 Levinath (GM): The cultists have been foiled! Or have they? It seems the darkness still covers the land, though The Watch has secured the Mythal that was being used to channel conjuration energies. As the group paused for a moment to catch their breath, their rouge grew continually shrouded in the swirling mists of shadow. He sat quietly off to the side of the group, sometime mid way through the rest, he lay down and before the other's eyes, dispersed into the darkness. Gone. Euron: "Jonias?!" Euron can't believe that their friend has simply vanished into the ether. Wolfe: Wolfe had been zoning out some after they had settled down to rest. He was focused elsewhere and then heard Euron's frantic cry. Leaping to his feet he draws his sword, only to see that the enemy was not one that could be struck down. "What happened!?" Jinharath: Jinharath opened her eyes, eyes lit with a strange, pale glow for a beat before returning to normal. Her meditative trance cut short, she looks for the cause of the ruckus. Seeing Wolfe with his sword drawn, she stands. "Is there trouble?" she asked, looking about. Dr. Wicker: "That isn't normal..." Euron: Euron stepped forward, looking for the Elf. He couldn't find him."He was just here." Wolfe: Wolfe searches for the Elf with focused vision, trying to discern his location. 26 PERCEPTION (6) Wolfe Jinharath: Jinharath moves over to where the cleric and the others were gathered and frowned at the empty space left by the missing elf. "He left?" she asked, confused. Euron: "No, he just...vanished." Dr. Wicker: "This could be the end conclusion to the strange shadow affliction." Levinath (GM): Wolfe is able to see where his body lay just a moment ago, no signs of it moving anywhere. Wolfe: The Samurai snarls in dismay and frustrated anger. "What is going on, here?" "How are we supposed to fight this?!" Jinharath: "That... is... worrisome..." Jinharath slowly acknowledges, looking down at her own en-shadowed flesh, then the others. "It seems we should move with more urgency," she said, looking towards the mythal. "Were you able to gather any useful information from the stone?" she asked the doctor. Euron: Euron can barely believe what he just saw. How could this happen? Dr. Wicker: ((Do Jin and Wolfe still have the shadow taint stuff?)) "Do you two feel as if the infection is worsening?" she asked, looking from Wolfe to Jinharath. Wolfe: "The same thing could happen to us!" Levinath (GM): (Wolfe and Jin are still slightly transparent.) Wolfe: "...No, I don't feel any worse, or different, really. Just.." He lifted his hand up for inspection. "A bit translucent." Jinharath: "I feel no worse," Jin agreed. "But the elf was the first one to become infected, was he not?" Dr. Wicker: "Yes... his case was more severe on the onset." Euron: "I didn't realize that his case was so far advanced." Dr. Wicker: "Elvish constitution... they are already close to the Feywild as is..." Wolfe: "You think there's some sort of connection there already?" Dr. Wicker: "I haven't discovered anything beyond um.. what I said before." she reports to Jinharath. "But this new development likely should hasten our putting an end to this." Levinath (GM): Through the eight hours, the mythal has remained the same as the post battle. The soft glow of green energy at its core continues to pulse. The W.E.E.N.I.S. continued to show the same steady from of energies from the North and bidirectional flow from the swamp to the South where the party had initially come. Jinharath: Jiharath nodded. "The numbers of the population I mentioned earlier have not changed. They do seem to be clustered more strongly together in that direction now than they were before, though," she said, gesturing to the north. She looked back to the others. "Should we attempt to break this stone before moving on, or investigate the north first? If it is powering whatever force we will find there..." she shrugged, uncertain. Wolfe: Wolfe will approach the stone and draw Shokan as he moves. "I think the answer's clear." Jinharath: Jinharath draws a breath and steps back, some. "Be careful..." Dr. Wicker: "Mister Wolfe, given your condition, should you be taking such risks?" Wolfe: "If not me, then who?" He asks, but it's kind of a rhetorical question. He doesn't give time to answer as he draws his blade high and then brings it down at the stone to attempt to cut it in twain. Levinath (GM): The blade bounces off the hard crystal, chipping off a sizable shard with the first swing. Euron: Euron's eyes drift once more toward the spot where Jonias vanished from. He stepped forward, drawing Lightbringer, and brought it down on the Mythal! Levinath (GM): The power of Lightbringer flashes, the crystal absorbing the power in the hammer for a brief moment before it begins to crack and split. Giant shards of the crystal begin to fall off it's floating core. As it crumbles, the green energies within release and disappear into the darkness overhead. The sky lightens, the very dull outline of a full moon showing overhead. Jinharath: Jin's demeanor lightens as the sky does. She smiles broadly at Wolfe and Euron. "Well done!" Wolfe: Wolfe takes a step back, his eyes widening in an obvious moment of surprise. Turning to regard Euron, he nods, impressed. "Nice job, Father." Euron: Euron nods. "And you, my friend. I will see you cured of this affliction. You have my word on that. Same to you, Jinharath." Euron said. "But I can't help thinking that there may be another of these things laying in wait for us." Jinharath: Jin's smile turned lopsided, a little. "Hopefully we'll find another cure besides your mace." Dr. Wicker: The bespectacled doctor takes some readings over the shattered mythal to make sure it has become inert here. Jinharath: "To the north, then?" she asks the party. Wolfe: Wolfe slowly puts his sword away and gives a soft nod of agreement to Euron's words. "And maybe more of that woman in dark armor. She seemed to know you, Euron. Is there something you're not telling us?" Jinharath: Jin paused at that, having missed the connection between the cleric and the strange woman. Dr. Wicker: "It sounded like she hated Helm to me." "This is confirmed inactive, by the way." she remarks closing up the WEENIS. Wolfe: "The fact it's broken into a bunch of pieces seems clear." Dr. Wicker: "Structural failure does not always indicate nonfunctionality." Euron: "I'm a disciple of Helm. She may have recognized that from my symbol. Agents of evil hate Helm." Euron said. "But we'll stop her and end this madness." "I suggest that we head North." Wolfe: Wolfe lifts a finger up to scratch at an old scar. "We've met plenty of Agents of Evil in the past, Euron - a bunch of these shadow-guys seem to have a real hard on for you." Dr. Wicker: "Mister Wolfe, its strikes me as an..um... matter of opposites." Euron: "Then if they do, we'll find out why together." Dr. Wicker: "Shadow beings despise light." Euron: Euron nods at the Doctor. "Indeed." Wolfe: Wolfe seems confused. "This is gonna make me sound dumb, but..." "Are Helm and Lathander the same god?" "I.. uh... never paid much attention to that sort of thing." Dr. Wicker: "I think this discussion can.. um.. take place in transit?" Wolfe: "Yeah, you're right." The Half-Orc nods and gestures north. "Jin, can you take point? You seem to be pretty good at being the scout." Euron: "No, Wolfe, they aren't. But I'll explain in detail soon. Over ale, if you're up for it." Euron said. Jinharath: Jinharath listened, but had little experience with the gods of the present realm and had little to offer the conversation. Wolfe's suggestion frees her from having to follow along and she nods at him. "Gladly." Wolfe: "Ugh. A drink sounds real nice." Jinharath: And then she heads north. 18 10 STEALTH (9) 12 16 ARCANA (0) (From Levinath): Jin is easily able to find a way to hide between the trees and other items in the darkness. Soon she is able to see the soft glow and magical energies to the North. She can sense a large number of humanoids in the area surrounding the magical source. Approaching closer she sees a single arch with a massive swirling black and green mass of energy inside it. As she watches, a shadow monster appears through the swirling magic. (To RakFu): Telepathy with Wolfe: Jin is easily able to find a way to hide between the trees and other items in the darkness. Soon she is able to see the soft glow and magical energies to the North. She can sense a large number of humanoids in the area surrounding the magical source. Approaching closer she sees a single arch with a massive swirling black and green mass of energy inside it. As she watches, a shadow monster appears through the swirling magic. Jinharath: Jin relays the information back to wolfe, and holds her position to watch for the moment. She looks for signs of the woman in black from earlier. Levinath (GM): Jin can see her standing right next to the portal. She too, looks healthier than when she disappeared. Euron: Euron hangs his mace back on his belt and keeps his eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. Wolfe: Wolfe gestures for the others to slow down, whispering quietly. "Jin says there's a bunch of people closer by -a big black and green portal, and a giant shadow monsters." Jinharath: Jin adds to her communication to Wolfe: //The cleric's enemy is here as well, and looks healed.// Wolfe: "Your girlfriend is here, too, Euron." Levinath (GM): 18 hooded figures and Euron's girlfriend. Euron: Euron slows down, but makes a face when Wolfe refers to the female. "I have never had dinner with that woman." Wolfe: Wolfe barely contains a laugh, instead it comes out as a snort that makes him hold a hand to his mouth. Levinath (GM): The figures are set in a perimeter, clearly waiting on your assault. They look around into the darkness, occasionally seeming to lay their eyes directly on you, but then move on. Jinharath: Jin creeps back to where the party is waiting. "They appear to be on alert," she says from beside Wolfe. Wolfe: Wolfe jumps up and nearly freaks out. "Hey, hey that's not nice!" "Don't do that garbage to an old man." Jinharath: Jin frowns, confused. "I just saw you cut down giant toads and evil cultists. You feign fragility now?" Euron: Euron also nearly jumps, but narrowly avoids it. Jinharath: "It is good practice to keep one's guard up," she says, dismissing the matter. Wolfe: "It's different." Jinharath: "We need a plan of attack. There are too many to assault from an expected angle." Wolfe: "Any ideas?" Jinharath: Jin considered it for a minute. Dr. Wicker: "Too bad we can't just... ask her what she is doing." Jinharath: "We... could," she said, slowly. "I could attempt to communicate with her telepathically. Perhaps she would send some hostiles into the woods to find us. It may split them up some..." she said, clearly thinking aloud. Wolfe: "Not a bad idea. If they're set up like that they know we're coming anyway." Euron: "It may. It would also split their forces enough for us to deal with them...if it came to a fight." Euron said. Jinharath: "And who knows.. maybe she will actually speak, instead." "though given her ardor earlier, that seems unlikely." Euron: But Euron would rather be safe than sorry...and casts a spell on himself." Jinharath: "Should I taunt some of the underlings first, to sow confusion?" she asks the group, knowing tactics isn't her strong suit. Wolfe: "Can't hurt." Jinharath: Jin casts an illusion on herself, and seems transformed into an image of the black-robed paladin. She shrugs with a sideways grin at the others, and repeats: "Can't hurt." She then sneaks back to the north Disguise Self illusion 1 Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Target: Self Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour You make yourself—including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your person—look different until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You can’t change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you. The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, if you use this spell to add a hat to your outfit, objects pass through the hat, and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel your head and hair. If you use this spell to appear thinner than you are, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair. To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. Wolfe: As Jin leaves, Wolfe takes a slow breath and turns to the last remaining friends he's got. "That lady's weird." Dr. Wicker: "Won't they notice she is afflicted with the strange condition?" "She is courageous, though." Wolfe: "Yeah, brave is something this group definitely has a lot of." He smiles to both of them, trying to lighten the mood. "All things considered - so far, so good?" Jinharath: Jin creeps back to the brush nearby the shadowy portal and its ritual arcanists. She picks one on the western side of the grouping, and reaches out for his mind. "We are coming for you," she warns him. "By the time you see our torches to the west, it will be too late for you." Cultist: "Who's it?!" The man shouts out and looks around. Jinharath: Assuming she can, she then picks a cultist on the opposite side of the circle and gives him a similar message, indicating an approach from the east. And to then to the south. Only then does she reach out to the paladin. "Why are you doing this? What can you gain from enslaving the sleeping?" Cultist: "They are coming from the west!" "They are coming from the east!" "No! To the south!" The seem to spread out in the area looking about. Others look around, confused by the sudden outbursts. Jinharath:8 15 PERCEPTION (7) Akadi: She says something to the group of cultists before she responds inside Jin's head. "The death of this world and the rise of a new one." The cultists begin fanning out. (From Akadi): "What do you hope to accomplish here? It cannot be stopped, it has already taken root on this land. It will be consumed by darkness and my master will come for what he seeks." Akadi: She draws her weapon and walks around the portal. "Find them, they must be close!" Half the cultists disappear in all directions into the wood. Jinharath: Jin backs up slowly as the cultists begin fanning out, and resumes taunting the cultists nearest her. And then she stretches to the extent of her range and sends similar messages to those moving in the other directions, trying to spread them out further. Dr. Wicker: "We should prepare." Wolfe: "I'm always prepared." Cultist: "Get out of my head witch!" Yells one of them. Jinharath: She'll lure some cultists a good couple hundred feet away from the portal, until it's likely that the party can hear them shouting. Dr. Wicker: The doctor will pull on the drawstrings of her coat, causing her jetpack to fold out of seemingly nowhere. She then taps a button on her chest and from it forms out metallic plates that click and clack until the form over her body. She kind of looks a little like a steampunk ironman/pepper potts thingamajigger... ((7 psi, Bestial Tranformation - Flight & Tough Hide (+2 to AC) )) (( When you use this ability, you can choose one or more of the following effects. Each effect has its own psi point cost. Add them together to determine the total cost. This transformation lasts for 1 hour, until you die, or until you end it as a bonus action.)) Jinharath: Jin will then cast Hunter's Mark on the cultist near her, and attempt to sneak up on him to attack. Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes widen at what Cat just did, thoroughly impressed, even if he has no idea how she did it. "Well.. uh... yeah that looks like more preparation than I swing my sword." he flashes a quick smile to the young Doctor and draws his blade. "Nice, Cat." Dr. Wicker: Iron-Doc's armor releases some hissing between plates as they lock into place. There's a soft warble as the turbines of the jetpack come online. Cultist:14 INITIATIVE (2) 17 INITIATIVE (8) 4 INITIATIVE (3) 19 INITIATIVE (1) 20 INITIATIVE (0) Wolfe Initiative Dark Cultist Initiative: 16 Cultist:Initiative Dark Cultist Initiative: 15 Initiative Dark Cultist Initiative: 17 Initiative Dark Cultist Initiative: 3 Wolfe: Wolfe comes running out from behind one of the large stones, suddenly letting out a whirling scream that's very Han-Solo-ish before he leaps through the air and delivers a big two-handed chop at the cultist in front. 20 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 16 slashing 7 20 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 26 Slashing Cultist: The half orc nearly cleaves him in half. Jinharath: Jin draws her swords and cuts into the cultists from behind. 17 18 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 12 Piercing 29 14 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 14 + 3 Piercing 23 16 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 12 Piercing 13 14 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 13 Piercing rolling 5d6 (6+4+4+3+1)= 18 Jinharath: rolling 1d8 (6)= 6 Cultist: 78 Jinharath: Silent and hidden, Jin cuts cleanly through the spine of the nearest cultist, ending him before the battle had truly begun. Wolfe: Wolfe nods in approval as Jin kills something for the first time. GIZMO-5: Gizmo lights up the target with phosphorous paint with a Help action for Doc. hash tag neon birdshit Cultist: The cultist manages to pull his blade and swing at Wolfe. Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 22 | 27 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 26 | 13 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 24 | 18 Damage: 10slashing + 5necrotic Damage: 10slashing + 5necrotic Cultist:Damage: 11slashing + 5necrotic Wolfe: 41 Cultist: The second one sees Jin cut down his buddy and follows after her. Multiattack Dark Cultist The djinni makes three scimitar attacks. Wolfe: Wolfe blinks in surprise as he's suddenly CUT UP by a SHADOW BLADE. "..OW! OW OW OW!" He backsteps some as blood flows from fresh wounds. "Damn, what good is this armor!?" Cultist:Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 12 | 10 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 22 | 29 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 22 | 11 Damage: 7 + 3slashing + 4 + 2necrotic Damage: 10slashing + 1necrotic Euron: Euron surges forward to help Wolfe! 11 Healing Higher Level Cast 7 Healing Touch Cure Wounds Wolfe: Wolfe gives Euron the affirming nod meme. Iron Doc: Incinerating the grass below her, she lifts off into the sky and invokes a tremendous disruption of magnetic energy. Psychic Crush (7 psi). As an action, you create a 20-foot cube of psychic energy within 120 feet of you. Each creature in that area must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 25 psychic damage and is stunned until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage. Cultist:Intelligence Dark Cultist Ability: 18 | 16 Intelligence Dark Cultist Ability: 19 | 17 Iron Doc: (DC 17) 12.5 dmg Iron Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Cultist: "Ahhhhhhhh!" Iron Doc: (No) Wolfe: The Cultist falls to the ground, blood gushing from his nose. 18 19 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 28 Slashing 4 13 Orcish Fury Crit Damage Wolfe 19 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 10 slashing 11 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 12 slashing Jinharath: Jin moves her hunter's mark to the remaining cultist, then tries to steal Wolfe's kill! 26 26 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 13 Piercing 26 16 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 10 Piercing Wolfe: Wolfe quickly takes advantage of Cat's mental assault, decapitating the stunned cultist before rushing forward and delivering a quick slash across the back of the other one. He notices Wolfe's assault and sidesteps the rest, but falls prey to Jin's ferocity! Jinharath: Jin shakes the blood off of her swords and nods in acknowledgement of Wolfe's tactics, a sly little grin seeming a touch out of place on her (still disguised!) face. She kneels then and takes a look at the odd swords the cultists were wielding. Wolfe: "Ow." He rubs at his side. "Those guys hit pretty hard. We better watch our step." Levinath (GM): The magic on the swords fade quickly as the cultists die, leaving just scimitars. The cultists wear simple black robes with no distinguishing symbols. Jinharath: After finding nothing salvageable, Jin stands. "We should hurry. The others may still be scattered enough to make use of the distraction." Levinath (GM): Wolfe now finds himself wreathed in shadow tendrils as Jonias was. Wolfe: "Alright, let's get goi..." He stops as he looks down at his body, noticing it's in Stage 2 Joniassen. "...Shit." Jinharath: Jin's eyes widen some at the sight of Wolfe, then she nods. "Follow at a distance. I will see if I can lure more." IronDoc™: She sweeps across, several feet in a hover. Her faceplate has her voice come out of in a weird way. "Giving them a chance to strike at all is dangerous." Euron: "Then let's go and stop them. And save Wolfe. I'm not letting him be taken by the darkness." Wolfe: Wolfe is trying, obviously, to remain calm. "What do you suggest?" Jinharath: Jin stealths and tries to locate more scattered cultists. (From Levinath): You can see that only six cultists remained with the paladin, the rest seem far fanned out. Euron: "We've got to catch that woman and stop whatever this. She can tell me if it's some of kind of complex curse or if it's another form of magical malady." IronDoc™: The faceless Doctor offers, "Maybe forceful interrogation of the blackguard on what this condition is?" The IronDoc gives a thumbs up to Euron, as they had similar ideas. Wolfe: Wolfe still keeps looking at Cat, wondering where she got all this armor from. Jinharath: Jin sends back to Wolfe: //The paladin remains at the ritual site, with six arcanists. The others seem to be out of range. Should we approach her, or try to track down the ones and twos?// Euron: "The blades are accelerating this conditon. "Wolfe, you need to be especially careful about getting hit." IronDoc™: "Hit and run tactics, then?" Wolfe: "There's six mages and the Paladin at the central site, she's sent the rest of her minions away. We can either ambush the minions on the way in, or go straight for her." Jinharath:26 19 PERCEPTION (7) Wolfe: "Not a bad idea, yeah." Euron: "I can attempt to silence the mages as I did before. It will disrupt their spell casting." (From Levinath): "Kezef should have emerged. Perhaps the ritual was interrupted too soon by the interlopers. This portal must remain open at all costs." Jinharath:3 9 HISTORY (0) Wolfe: "I think that'd be solid, as long as Cat and I can hurt them from afar." Jinharath: Jin creeps back to the party. And speaks from beside Euron. "Their portal must be stopped. They're trying to bring through someone called Kezef, but something is amiss." Euron: "Kezef?" Euron repeats, thinking over what he knows... Jinharath: "They believe the summoning may have been harmed by our efforts. We must move forward and set our work against the archway." Euron:8 23 RELIGION (5) " Kezef the Chaos Hound was a powerful primordial and one of the Seven Lost Gods, feared by gods and mortals alike. " Wolfe: "..The... lost god?" Euron: "We cannot let them succeed. No matter what it takes. They'll bring the destruction of Faerun on us all with this madness." "I've heard horrible things about this one. He was a unique being who roamed the Outer Planes constantly hunting the Faithful, which were the souls of those who had chosen to venerate one god above all others. He had no taste for the Faithless or the False, and was sickened by the taste of the spirits of the still-living. When Kezef destroyed one of the Faithful, the maggots that made up his pelt swarmed away from his jet-boned skeleton to devour the corpse. " Wolfe: Wolfe nods slowly along, as if understanding. "And that's..bad, right?" Jinharath: Jin shoots an odd look at Wolfe "Is he related to this shadow... stuff?" she asks, gesturing to her transparent arm to Euron. Wolfe: He looks over to Jin and shrugs. "It sounds bad?' Euron: "This is a god of oblivion and entropy. Yes this is very bad." Wolfe: "I don't know anything about Faerun gods." IronDoc™: "These individuals should be exterminated." Wolfe: "So they're fanatics to a crazy evil god." Euron: "Bottom line: I'm very much in danger and you're likely safe from his hunger, my friend." Jinharath: "But not from his zealots." Wolfe: "I'm not really safe.." he gestured to himself. "I'm turning into a memory, here." IronDoc™: "We will not let that happen, Mister Wolfe." Euron: "His zealots have also failed to realize that they aren't safe from him, either." "We have to stop them for their own good. And the good of Faerun." Jinharath: "To the ritual circle then?" she asked, checking the rest of the party's agreement. "Approach via stealth or...?" Wolfe: "As stealthily as we can. Go ahead and lead Jin, hopefully this shadow garbage I've got will help in that regard, at least." Euron: "I'll silence the summoners. We...we have to bring down everyone else as hard as we can." Jinharath: Jinharath nods and disappears into the darkness. 19 21 STEALTH (9) Wolfe:17 STEALTH (0) Wolfe Euron:10 13 STEALTH (2) IronDoc™:21 STEALTH (3) Levinath (GM): Most of the group remains undetected, but the poor guy in chain mail just can't manage to stay quiet. Cultist: "To the south! I see the Cleric!" Akadi: "Kill them." GroupInit: Doctor Wicker 4 Euron Sand 14 Jinharath 12 Wolfe 1 GIZMO-5 4 Jinharath:19 INITIATIVE (8) It is Jinharath's turn phinn It is Dark Cultist's turn It is Jinharath's turn phinn Jinharath: While the paladin is commanding her minions to go after the rest of the party, Jinharath creeps up on her from behind! 23 23 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 12 Piercing 18 29 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 14 + 2 Piercing 19 27 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 15 Piercing 12 29 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 14 + 5 Piercing Akadi: 62 Jin catches the paladin completely off guard. It is Dark Cultist's turn IronDoc™: (( The enemy ...is ME! )) Akadi:Create Darkness Dark Cultist A 30-foot-radius, of swirling darkness magically forms on a point the cultist can see within 120 feet of it. The darkness lasts as long as the cultist maintains concentration. Any creature but the cultist that enters the whirlwind must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be restrained by it and take 16 necrotic damage. The cultist can move the whirlwind up to 60 feet as an action, and creatures restrained by the darkness move with it. The darkness ends if the cultist loses sight of it. A creature can use its action to try and free itself by succeeding on a DC 18 Con check. If the check succeeds, the creature is no longer restrained. He can repeat this damage as action. IronDoc™:Counterspell abjuration 3 Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell Range: 60 ft Components: S Duration: Instantaneous You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 3rd level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell of 4th level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level. On a success, the creature's spell fails and has no effect. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the interrupted spell has no effect if its level is less than or equal to the level of the spell slot you used. It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin IronDoc™: "Spellcaster on the east side." she calls out as her targeting systems invoke countermeasures. Euron: Euron speaks in Celestial, pointing at Akadi! "Don't you run...from me." Hold Person enchantment 2 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 ft Components: V, S, M (A small, straight piece of iron) Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target on additional humanoid for each slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them. Akadi:Wisdom Akadi Ability: 5 | 6 IronDoc™: (+0?) Euron: Euron closes his fist and feels her held in place. Turn Akadi:Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 12 | 15 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 29 | 19 IronDoc™: "Here they come!" Akadi:Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 27 | 22 Damage: 9 + 3slashing + 4 + 2necrotic Damage: 6slashing + 2necrotic 26 Euron:15 24 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) 21 17 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) Turn Akadi:Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 19 | 27 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 20 | 12 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 24 | 19 Damage: 10slashing + 3necrotic Damage: 9slashing + 2necrotic Damage: 8slashing + 3necrotic Akadi: 35 Euron:15 19 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) 14 6 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) 5 12 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) It is Akadi's turn Akadi: "What?!" "You you die for that!" Kick Akadi Attack: 26 | 14 DC 17 Str save or be knocked prone. Jinharath: "I I welcome you trying!" Jin sneers back, as though amused. Akadi:Damage: 6bludgeoning Jinharath: "I don--OW!" 7 10 STRENGTH SAVE (3) Akadi: She kicks Jin in the gut and knocks her to the ground. Then she draws her weapon from her back. Greatsword Akadi Attack: 16 | 23 Greatsword Akadi Attack: 11 | 20 Damage: 8bludgeoning Damage: 14bludgeoning It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy IronDoc™:Detonation evocation 3 Casting Time: One action Range: 120 ft Target: 20 ft radius Components: M (Mastery of Fire) Duration: Instantaneous As an action, you create a fiery explosion at a point you can see within 120 feet of you. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a CON saving throw DC17, taking 31 fire damage and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. 5 psi points spent. Add +2 damage if fire focused Akadi:Constitution Dark Cultist Ability: 26 | 18 Constitution Dark Cultist Ability: 25 | 21 IronDoc™: 1.9375 (wtf..) 15.5 She converts 5 pp into a 3rd level spell slot as a bonus action. IronDoc™ ---- End of Turn ✔✔ IronDoc™: A missile fires up into the sky and drops into the center near the portal, letting out a concussive shockwave followed by a fireball. ((btw does that hurt the portal?)) It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy IronDoc™: (You forgot the Cultist too) (one of them) GIZMO-5: Gizmo helps wolfe. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Akadi:Constitution Dark Cultist Ability: 7 | 12 Turn IronDoc™: (Correct) Akadi:Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 15 | 10 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 10 | 14 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 17 | 18 It is Dark Cultist's turn Akadi: The other cultist comes from around the corner and fires two bolts of darkness as the Doc! 25 25 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) 23 24 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) 13 Necrotic Damage 10 Necrotic Damage It is Wolfe's turn RakFu IronDoc™: (( Did the explosion affect the portal?)) Akadi: ((Negative)) Wolfe:Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 10 temporary HP. 25 15 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 25 + 3 Slashing 13 12 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 23 Slashing 25 13 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 21 + 11 Slashing 9 21 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 21 Slashing IronDoc™: "Mister Wolfe, be careful!" she calls out, distracted enough to be rocked by magical bursts against her form. Turn Wolfe: Wolfe appears out of the darkness, yelling out a HASAKIIIIII!!! as he unleashes a whirlwind of sword-slashes, sending limbs and blood flying everywhere. Akadi:Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 20 | 13 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 10 | 18 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 21 | 12 Damage: 7slashing + 6necrotic Damage: 6slashing + 6necrotic Round 2 It is Jinharath's turn phinn Jinharath: Jin stands up. As she does so, she grumbles the word of power for a spell. A spirit of healing manifests around her, embracing her even as she lifts her swords and goes after the paladin. Healing Spirit conjuration 2 Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 60feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration Conc up to 1 min You call an intangible spirit to a cubic 5-foot space you can see. Until the spell ends, when you or a creature you can see moves into the spirit's space for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, you can cause the spirit to restore 1d6 hit points to that creature, no action required. The spirit can't heal constructs or undead. As a bonus action, you can move the spirit up to 30 feet to a space you can see. At Higher Levels: The healing increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd. rolling 2d6 (5+5)= 10 11 22 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 15 Piercing Jinharath:24 19 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 15 Piercing Jinharath 's turn has ended! It is Dark Cultist's turn Akadi: The conterspelled cultist seems annoyed with the doc, but fires at Euron. Akadi:18 20 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) 23 17 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) 12 Necrotic Damage It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Levinath (GM): Shadows wreath Euron's translucent form. Euron: 20 Healing 60 Feet Mass Cure Wounds It is Akadi's turn Levinath (GM): "Time to die, gnat." Kick Akadi Attack: 29 | 26 DC 17 Str save or be knocked prone. Damage: 1bludgeoning Jinharath:13 6 STRENGTH SAVE (3) Levinath (GM):Greatsword Akadi Attack: 15 | 12 Make an Example Akadi Target a creature within 5 feet who must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 14 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage. If it is Large or smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and unable to breathe. Next turn they begin to Asphyxiate. If a creature dies or is knocked unconscious in this fashion all allies within 60 feet must make a DC17 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for one minute. Jinharath:16 9 STRENGTH SAVE (3) It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy IronDoc™: Transposition (3 psi). If you haven't moved yet on your turn, choose an ally you can see within 60 feet of you. As a bonus action, you and that creature teleport, swapping places, and your speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the turn. This ability fails and is wasted if either of you can't fit in the destination space. IronDoc™: I drop 15 Levinath (GM): 6 fall damage. IronDoc™: IronDoc™ ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Jinharath:22 12 CONSTITUTION SAVE (2) GIZMO-5: Help Doc. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Akadi: As her mirror image disappears. "Ahhh, you will die for impersonating me. Witch." Akadi:Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 21 | 26 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 23 | 10 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 10 | 29 Akadi:Damage: 7slashing + 4necrotic Damage: 7slashing + 1necrotic It is Dark Cultist's turn Jinharath: The awful paladin kicks Jinharath to the ground once more, only to lift her back up by the throat, choking her! For a terrifying few seconds Jin can do little to fight it, until the world suddenly shifts around her. She blinks, and the next thing she knows she's sucking in deep gulps of breath on the other side of the field. Euron: "Is that all you've got!" Akadi:26 14 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) 15 14 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) 20 Necrotic Damage IronDoc™: The Iron Doc just says... "I don't know what you are talking about, Miss Blackguard." It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Euron: The blast hits Euron and the Priest's expression goes slack... Wolfe:Hero's Charge Wolfe Other: Special Boon You may expend your reaction and second wind to immediately move up to 1.5 times your movement to an ally who has fallen unconscious. Upon reaching the target you heal them with your second wind plus an additional 1d4 + 1 for each attack of opportunity you received while moving. You may only use this boon once per long rest. Euron: Euron drops to his knees as Death Ward kicks in! Wolfe:18 21 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 23 Slashing 9 18 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 28 Slashing Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 10 temporary HP. Round 3 It is Jinharath's turn phinn Wolfe: As the Dark Cultists focus fire on Euron and Jin gets teleported beside him, Wolf lets out a savage yell as he cuts another cultist in half. Jinharath: Once she has her wits about her again, Jinharath lunges past Euron to attack the cultist assaulting him. 12 29 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 11 + 1 Piercing 24 14 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 10 Piercing 22 29 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 + 1 Bludgeoning 17 29 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 + 1 Bludgeoning (-1 Ki) Jinharath 's turn has ended! Akadi: The cultist nearly falls from Jin's attacks but is still standing. It is Dark Cultist's turn Akadi:13 15 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) 12 28 120 feet Eldritch Blast (+9) It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron: Euron growls and pulls his mace, swinging Lightbring at the Cultist who has injured him! 9 26 5 Feet Lightbringer (+7) 8 Bludgeoning 6 Radiant It is Akadi's turn Akadi:Kick Akadi Attack: 19 | 17 DC 17 Str save or be knocked prone. Damage: 4bludgeoning Jinharath: Jinharath turns, suddenly realizing something. "Where is the doctor?" IronDoc™:Shield (Staff) abjuration 1 Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell Target: Self Components: M (2 staff charges) Duration: 1 round An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile. Akadi:Greatsword Akadi Attack: 13 | 24 Greatsword Akadi Attack: 24 | 26 IronDoc™: 24 ac Yes Akadi:Damage: 17slashing It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy IronDoc™: Bestial Claws (1-7 psi). You manifest long claws for an instant and make a melee weapon attack against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, this attack deals 1d10 slashing damage per psi point spent. ((7 psi)) 14 IronDoc™: 14 And fly... AO proc Akadi:Kick Akadi Attack: 17 | 14 DC 17 Str save or be knocked prone. IronDoc™:18 Staff of Defense (+10) 13 bludgeoning 2 psychic 25' up IronDoc™ ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Turn Akadi:Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 26 | 15 Damage: 11slashing + 1necrotic Levinath (GM): Euron is cut down. Wolfe:Fighting Spirit Wolfe Class: Samurai/3rd Level Starting at 3rd level, your intensity in battle can shield you and help you strike true. As a bonus action on your turn, you can give yourself advantage on all weapon attack rolls until the end of the current turn. When you do so, you also gain 5 temporary hit points. The number of hit points increases when you reach certain levels in this class, increasing to 10 at 10th level and 15 at 15th level. You can use this feature three times. You regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. Hero's Charge Wolfe Other: Special Boon You may expend your reaction and second wind to immediately move up to 1.5 times your movement to an ally who has fallen unconscious. Upon reaching the target you heal them with your second wind plus an additional 1d4 + 1 for each attack of opportunity you received while moving. You may only use this boon once per long rest. 20 Levinath (GM):Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 21 | 21 Euron: "I will not join you while I still draw breath!" Euron gasps. Levinath (GM):Damage: 8slashing + 1necrotic Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 17 | 22 Damage: 7slashing + 1necrotic It is Dark Cultist's turn Levinath (GM):Lightning Bolt evocation 3 Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (100-foot line) Target: Self (100-foot line) Components: V, S, M (A bit of fur and a rod of amber, crystal, or glass) Duration: Instantaneous A stroke of lightning forming a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The lightning ignites flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot above 3rd. 25 IronDoc™ has no reaction to help. Jinharath:20 16 DEXTERITY SAVE (9) Wolfe:9 DEXTERITY SAVE (1) Wolfe Euron:19 20 DEXTERITY SAVE (2) It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Euron: Euron feels the breath of life return to him...only to be snuffed once more with a flash of lightning. Wolfe:26 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 19 slashing Euron: Euron falls, landing on his face in the dirt. Wolfe:26 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 11 slashing Round 4 End Session 53
« Last post by phinn on February 21, 2019, 09:35:03 PM »
Session 52 Nega-Doc: Darkness isn't your ally! After an attack in Neverwinter, a brief reunion and the injection of some new blood, The Watch is in the dark (literally) as they investigate the source of EVIL! On their way, they move through a town where they were beset on all sides by shadowy specters and corrosive-blooded monstrosities... The townsfolk, under some sleep curse were actually linked to the specters that The Watch attacked. Oh no! There were some casualties before they discovered this reality , and so they pressed on out of town wards what seems to be the source. Traveling deeper into the Stygian morass, they were met with more horrors, seemingly crafted from the Shadowfell itself... Will the group tackle this tenebrous threat tonight? Are there more uber-toads™ hungry for priest flesh? Does the elfin rogue secretly want to murder more innocent villagers? We'll find out... Jinharath: Jin rolls her shoulder, stretching the tender place where a claw or fang broke the flesh, and peers out into the dark, trying to make sense of the landscape. 14 21 PERCEPTION (7) (From Dungeon Lord (GM)): Reminder from last session: you can see that a tree much larger than the surrounding wood. It rests on a small island at the center of the river. Thin green sap drips down the black bark and the branches seem to curl at your menacingly. The large wispy reeds that jut out of the river are likewise, covered in the thin green sap. Jinharath:10 HIT DICE (D10+2) 6 HIT DICE (D10+2) 12 HIT DICE (D10+2) 8 HIT DICE (D10+2) Dr. Wicker: The Doctor suggest everyone back away from this area to recuperation then. Those uber-toads have massive range. Jinharath:12 HIT DICE (D10+2) 11 HIT DICE (D10+2) 9 HIT DICE (D10+2) Levinath (GM):4 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe 13 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe 6 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe 6 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe 12 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe 8 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe Levinath (GM):12 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe 61 6 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe 6 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe Jinharath: Jin returns to the others and plops down to sit with a sigh, resting. She pulls some dry rations from her kit, and begins eating some. "There is a tree there," she said between bites, pointing towards the small island in the middle of the lake. "--that looks corrupted, somehow. Green sap that looks strange." 10 18 NATURE (4) "And I don't particularly like the way its branches are moving," she adds in a grumble, side eyeing in that direction. Dr. Wicker:5 HIT DICE (D10+2) 6 HIT DICE (D8+2) Levinath (GM):8 HIT DICE (D10+3) Wolfe Dr. Wicker:9 HIT DICE (D8+2) Levinath (GM):8 HIT DICE (D8+2) Dr. Wicker:10 HIT DICE (D8+2) Levinath (GM):4 HIT DICE (D8+2) 6 HIT DICE (D8+2) 4 HIT DICE (D8+2) 3 HIT DICE (D8+2) 5 HIT DICE (D8+2) 4 HIT DICE (D8+2) Levinath (GM):3 HIT DICE (D8+2) 6 HIT DICE (D6+2) 8 HIT DICE (D6+2) Gavin: 10 HIT DICE (D8+4) Jinharath: When everyone seems too busy with their wounds to speak, Jin moves off to the side, folds her legs, and closes her eyes to meditate in order to aid her recovery. Dr. Wicker: Her Jetpack (buff) fades during the rest. She does thank Euron, though, for giving her the gift of hearing. Euron: "You're welcome, Doctor. Just glad that you're alright." he said. "So...we've more people ahead of us? Any idea if they're enemies or allies?" Dr. Wicker: They are also both drenched, which is delightful! Levinath (GM): The murky swamp water leaves them smelling great as they dry over the hour. Jinharath: Jin answers without opening her eyes. "We should hope they are allies, though it seems unlikely. There were a great many of them to be foes." Dr. Wicker: The Doctor retrieves some strange steampunk odds and ends as they discuss. She offers Euron a blow dryer Jinharath: Jin opens her eyes, and looks around herself, suddenly inspired. Dr. Wicker: But it a steampunk, cumbersome kind and looks half disturbing, half wondrous! "If this is a Shadowfell incursion, they could be... denizens of that plane..." hypothesizes the Doctor. Jinharath: Jin nods at the doctor's suggestion, unhappy as it is. She pulls some small items from her kit, sets them up, and conducts a short ritual. After ten minutes or so, while everyone's still recovering, Jin gets up and walks to the forest's edge. She gestures as though speaking, though it's likely hard to see who or what she's speaking to. Dr. Wicker: "Or some kind of nest, where they are feeding off of the life force of unconscious citizens." Euron: Euron accepts the dryer, but dislikes the smell of goat. He wishes that he had that handy Prestidissertation...no, that's not right. Prestio-digita...no, that's not right, either. He will have to ask a spellcaster about that spell when he has a chance. "If either of those is the case, they must be stopped. Is everyone in shape to keep moving?" Dr. Wicker: "We don't have much choice." Euron: "All right, then. I'm ready to move when everyone else is." Jinharath: Jin is still absorbed in what appears to be a weird conversation with a tree. She looks back towards the group, her expression a concerned one. "He says there are unnatural beasts among the humanoids to the north," she reports. Dr. Wicker: While doing her best to look less "out of sorts" before proceeding, it isn't easy. Still, once there is movement onward, she moves to attention to join. Jinharath: Jin digs a few berries out of her kit and offers them to her conversational partner, thanking him. Levinath (GM): A bat swoops down and grabs a berry before flapping away. Wolfe: Wolfe wakes up from his nap against a tree and blinks several times as he gets up with a start. He wipes at his face as a little drool had gotten into his beard. "Bwha? We... uh... we good to go?" GIZMO-5: The clockwork owl cants its head, watching the bat with ruby red wide eyes. Jonias: "Ready and waiting" the elf replies checking over his quiver. Jinharath: Jin rejoins the group. "The beasts travel the swamp, he says, but they emerge from the grouping to the north." Dr. Wicker: "I thought normal wildlife was absent in this area" Jinharath: "Bats will go almost anywhere." "But even they are afraid of this gathering." Wolfe: "So far nothing about this place has been 'normal', though." Dr. Wicker: "The gigantic amphibians certainly did not look natural to me..." Jinharath: "I suggest we proceed with stealth as best we can, until we know more about what we're up against." 21 26 STEALTH (9) Jonias:32 STEALTH (12) Wolfe:13 STEALTH (0) Wolfe Wolfe in his heavy plate armor clunk clunk clunks along. Jinharath:Pass Without Trace, 1/day abjuration cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S, M Duration: Concentration Conc up to 1 hour A veil of shadows and silence radiates from you, masking you and your companions from detection. For the duration, each creature you choose within 30 feet of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can’t be tracked except by magical means. A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its passage. Euron:10 9 STEALTH (2) Dr. Wicker: 10 9 STEALTH (3) Stealth GIZMO Skill: 14 Levinath (GM): As you move further North into the darkness, the shroud seems to increase. The sounds of magical chanting echoes in the distance to the Northwest. To the Northeast, the sounds of a blacksmith's hammer ring constantly, laughter and the occasional curse break the steady thud of metal on metal. It is difficult to SEE anything as you more forward due to the unnatural darkness. Dr. Wicker:Focus: Mastery of Light/Dark abjuration cantrip Casting Time: 1 bonus action Components: Now focused on Mastery of Light & Darkness: While focused on this discipline, natural and magical darkness within 30 feet of you has no effect on your vision. Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action. Jonias:29 PERCEPTION (10) Jonias is listening for directional cues. maybe it's too hard to see but north is is something and west is something etc Wolfe: Wolfe accepts his blindness - albeit grudgingly. "Can't see a blasted thing in here." Euron: "It's growing nearly impossible to see." Euron said. Jonias:17 ARCANA (8) Wolfe: "Cat can see through this - just trust in what the 'ol Doc says." The Samurai tries to sound cheerful, though the murk bothers him. Levinath (GM): Cat can see 30 feet in front of her. Jinharath: "Hold onto someone if you must," she whispers to the ones complaining about the darkness. Jonias: Jonias points and gestures with his mage hand, made bright for others to see, "to the east are the camp sounds, but to the west, magic is being used. Spells of conjuration, summoning... I'd need to get closer to be sure." Dr. Wicker: ░▒▓Telepathy with Wolfe:▓▒░ « Not as far as I would like. Maybe everyone should form a marching order, hand on shoulder like military strike teams? » Jinharath: Jin is drawn towards the chanting. "This way," she whispers. Wolfe: "Which way?" "Cat said we should form a marching order, maybe. Have us all close by - hand on eachother and all that." Jinharath: Jin will comply with whatever arrangement the party wants, and then creep towards the northwest. Levinath (GM): You can scarcely see in front of you, even with Cat's dark vision. (Everyone has half their normal visibility except Jonias.) The sounds of chanting echo in the area and those keen on magical powers and feel it rippling across their skin. What is visible is a soft green mist shrouds a massive diamond shaped structure that floats ominously on top of an elevated stone mound. The shadows of huge ancient structures comprised of stone as tall as an ancient wyrm form a circle around the crystal. Thanks to Jin's magic, the group has thus far been undetected. Jonias: Jonias as usual, disappeared ahead of the group, occasionally signaling with the mage hand Akadi: "The energies near the portal have begun to coalesce. It should be opened any moment, continue channeling into the stone." A deep female voice echos around the stones. Wolfe: Wolfe stops for a moment, seeming to feel an ominous forboding ahead of them. "Careful, all. Can toy.." He says as he hears the female voice in the distance. Frowning he slowly draws Shokan from its sheath and settles both hands on the grip. Dr. Wicker:15 ARCANA (9) She tries to determine the nature of the chanting. Jonias:Invisibility illusion 2 Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: A creature you touch Components: V, S, M (An eyelash encased in gum arabic) Duration: Concentration Up to 1 hour A creature you touch becomes invisible until the spell ends. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target’s person. The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd. Jonias winks out of sight Dr. Wicker: She whispers... "Some manner of transmutation." Jonias: no one can that's the point Levinath (GM): Five spellcasters channel energy into the massive stone as a large woman clad in pitch black plate mail monitors the situation. Jinharath: "We have to stop them," she whispers to her fellows. "This may be the source of the corruption." Jonias: Jonias walks slowly around the pillars, noting the cultists and their leader before returning to the others. The elf returned but did not make himself visible before explaining that 5 cultists and their leader are ahead surrounding the pillar. Euron: "I may be able to disrupt their casting with a Silence spell. But it would make any other spells problematic in that area." Dr. Wicker: "That would not hinder me all too much..." Wolfe: "Sounds like an idea. Everyone get ready for a fight." Jinharath: "It would interrupt them. If we are attacking en masse, that's as good an introduction as any." Jonias: "Just let me know where you plan on placing your anti-magic field and i will stay out of it." Jinharath: Jin casts Blur on herself,and creeps around the ring while Euron prepares. Euron: "Very well. I'm going to drop it on their diamond-shaped...thing..." Levinath (GM): Those who have been around for a while, will recognize the diamond shaped thing. The biggest Mythal you have seen yet. Euron:Silence illusion 2 (ritual) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 ft Components: V, S Duration: Concentration Up to 10 minutes For the duration, no sound can be created within or pass through a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible there. Dr. Wicker: "Mister Wolfe... Do you want the a PEKCER?" she whispers to the Samurai, holding up the Haste tazer. Wolfe: "Uhh... man it's been a while." He takes a deep breath, as if anticipating something. "Alright hit me." Dr. Wicker: "Since you've had the PEKCER?" Wolfe: "...Cat.." Wolfe looks at the doctor oddly in the dark. "We gotta talk about your device names and their euphemisms." Levinath (GM): The chanting stops. Dr. Wicker:Haste transmutation 3 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft Components: V, S, M (A shaving of licorice root) Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute Choose a willing creature that you can see within range. Until the spell ends, the target's speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. When the spell ends, the target can't move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it. Akadi: "What are you idiots doing? Why did you stop?" Wolfe: Wolfe vibrates. Jinharath: Once the chanting stops, Jin advances on the nearest cultist. And attacks. Euron: Euron concentrates, whispering in Celestial before cutting his hand through the air in a single, sharp motion. The sound stops. He draws his mace. GroupInit: Doctor Wicker 6 Euron Sand 14 Jonias 17 Jinharath 6 Wolfe 16 GIZMO-5 15 Dr. Wicker: She doesnt seem to follow what he means, but prods the stout man in the spine with the tazer! Jonias: With the sound gone, Jonias continues cirle the site It is Jonias's turn Mike Wolfe: The Half-Orc jumps as he is tazed letting out an ARRRGH as he is powered up. Jonias: Jonias moves around towards the leader. keeping distance between himself and the party, waiting for the trap to be sprung. end turn Akadi: Her eyes narrow and she notices movement. "We are under attack!" It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:14 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 16 slashing 18 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 18 slashing 15 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 17 slashing Akadi: Wolfe connects on one attack. Though surprised, the spellcaster seems to have some magical defense. Wolfe: Wolfe charges forward vibrating as he buzzes forward, tazzed into superspeed, and delivers a trio of quick slashes at the nearest cultist as he engages them. Whatever he has to say is lost in the darkness and silence spell. It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Levinath (GM): The other spell casters seem surprised by Wolfe's appearance even though the paladin just warned them. Dr. Wicker:Help (Action) - Diversion Protocol #11 GIZMO Aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. Feint, distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally’s Attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first Attack roll is made with advantage. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron: Euron moves forward to back up the others and get a better view of the battlefield...from behind cover. GIZMO-5: (( Are those casters concentrating on stuff? Do they have to make saves when hit? or is that thing SELF SUSTAINING :O! )) Euron:DC12 Dexterity Save 12 Radiant 60 ft Sacred Flame Levinath (GM):Dexterity Dark Cultist Ability: 12 | 14 GIZMO-5: ((yeah that bothers me lol)) Levinath (GM): Cultist ass on fire! Turn Levinath (GM): The cultist catches on quickly to Euron's trickery and falls back from the area. He begins casting another spell. Turn Levinath (GM): The cultist Wolfe attacks draws a shadow sheathed scimitar and swings it at him. Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 12 | 13 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 24 | 19 Damage: 10slashing + 2necrotic Then the fool moves away! Wolfe:24 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 18 slashing Levinath (GM): Wolfe leaves him bloody for the effort. Turn Levinath (GM): The cultist appears from the silence field yelling "Ahhhhhhhh!" He stops as soon as he can hear again and joins his buddy. Turn Levinath (GM): A group cultist joins the party in the back. third* It is Akadi's turn Akadi: "Summon Arachioc and be done with these fools." Black clouds envelope the woman and she disappears from sight. It is Jinharath's turn phinn Jonias:18 PERCEPTION (10) Jinharath: Frustrated at what foul savagery these cultists seem to have wreaked on the land and its inhabitants, Jin locks eyes on the apparent leader and rockets across the field towards her, swords drawn. The woman vanishes in a puff of smoke and Jin pauses, her curses swallowed by Euron's silence spell. EVEN MOAR frustrated now, she turns to the nearest cultist. 26 14 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 13 Piercing +4 26 13 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 15 Piercing Dr. Wicker: (she mad!) Jinharath:Underdark Scout Class: Deep Stalker 3 • On your first turn during combat, you gain a +10 bonus to your speed, and if you use the Attack action, you can make one addition attack. • Creatures that rely on darkvision gain no benefit from it when trying to detect you in dark or dim conditions. Additionally, when you are Hidden, such creatures gain no benefit from darkvision. Dr. Wicker: (if you have enough movement) It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy Jinharath: Jin cuts the bloke down in short order, and spins to search for the nearest next target. 19 11 PERCEPTION (7) Jinharath 's turn has ended! Dr. Wicker:DC17 Intelligence Save Add +2 damage if focused on Psychic Assault. 17 psychic Mind Thrust Akadi:Intelligence Dark Cultist Ability: 13 | 14 Dr. Wicker: 19 Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Akadi: The cultist clutches his head and lets out a silent scream. It is Cultist's turn Akadi: He turns and shots some lighting at Euron. Lightning Bolt evocation 3 Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (100-foot line) Target: Self (100-foot line) Components: V, S, M (A bit of fur and a rod of amber, crystal, or glass) Duration: Instantaneous A stroke of lightning forming a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The lightning ignites flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot above 3rd. Dr. Wicker:Counterspell abjuration 3 Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell Range: 60 ft Components: S Duration: Instantaneous You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 3rd level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell of 4th level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level. On a success, the creature's spell fails and has no effect. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the interrupted spell has no effect if its level is less than or equal to the level of the spell slot you used. "Father Sand, look out!" Levinath (GM): The cultist grabs at his throat. Poor guy can't get in a word. Round 2 Turn Euron: "Thank you, Doctor!" Dr. Wicker: She leverages some magnetic power in her fist and force chokes the dude for a second. Levinath (GM): The three cultists next to Jonias are surrounded by a shield of swirling black and orange energies. It is Jonias's turn Mike Jonias: ((I know)) Dodge Action Jinharath: "What is that?" she calls, eyeing the strange shield Jonias: With the leader gone, and the cultists enveloped in magic, Jonias pops back and waits for an opening. It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Dr. Wicker: "Mister Wolfe! We have one here!" "Oh he cannot hear me." Wolfe:Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP. Dr. Wicker: "We'll have to dispatch him ourselves, Father Sand." Wolfe:22 30 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 18 + 12 slashing 14 Orcish Fury Crit Damage Wolfe Levinath (GM): Wolf's sword sinks into the shield briefly and the energy flickers for a moment before his blade is released. Wolfe: Wolfe charges after the fleeing Cultist, taking a sharp turn once he notices some strange magical shield. He swings once with a mighty two-handed blow against the defended cultist. Dr. Wicker: (But did you do a 17 damage headache tho... -_-) Levinath (GM): The cultist glaces to Wolfe nervously. Wolfe:15 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 25 Slashing 8 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 23 Slashing 16 25 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 22 + 6 Slashing 17 15 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 22 Slashing Levinath (GM): The shield visibly flickers in and out for a few moments before failing. Wolfe: Wolfe unleashes a flurry of attacks against the shielded cultist - a windstorm of Half-Orc bladed precision. He says something, but it's lost in silence. Wolfe: Action Surge 15 22 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 26 Slashing 25 24 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 21 + 5 Slashing 16 25 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 21 + 6 Slashing Levinath (GM): 177 It is GIZMO-5's turn Wolfe: Wolfe obliterates the shield in a surge of bladed assault. After he cuts one cultist in half he takes off two arms of the second cultist and then beheads him before moving to the other two cultists. "Surrender." he says incredibly quickly and high-pitched, like he'd swallowed a balloon full of Helium. "Orjoin yourcomradeindeath." GIZMO-5: Gizmo swoops by and fires neon paint pellets at the Cultist to aid Euron in his next attack roll! Help (Action) - Diversion Protocol #11 GIZMO Aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. Feint, distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally’s Attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first Attack roll is made with advantage. It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron: Euron charges forward, mace held high, and swings at the Cultist! 10 8 5 Feet Lightbringer (+7) 7 Bludgeoning 7 Radiant It is Cultist's turn Levinath (GM): The cultists continue their spells GIZMO-5: Gizmo warbles sadly and feels responsible! It is Cultist's turn Euron: And he misses. Spectacularly. Dr. Wicker: "AH!" Levinath (GM): The black paladin appears behind Euron as he swings at the cultist. "Death to the Watcher!" Dr. Wicker: "Look out!" Levinath (GM): She pulls an evil looking great sword from her back. Kick Akadi Attack: 23 | 25 DC 17 Str save or be knocked prone. Damage: 2bludgeoning Greatsword Akadi Attack: 19 | 20 Greatsword Akadi Attack: 30 | 16 Euron:18 9 STRENGTH SAVE (2) Levinath (GM):Damage: 13 + 5bludgeoning Damage: 14bludgeoning Then she disappears again. Euron: Euron is caught by surprise as several of the vicious strikes tear into him! "ARRRGH!" 24 10 PERCEPTION (5) Dr. Wicker:19 PERCEPTION (6) Jonias: ((Why this girl gotta steal my show?)) Jinharath: While Wolfe was deaf to the Doctor's summons earlier, Jinharath was not. Seeing that the half-orc has the group of cultists in hand, Jin dashes across the field to aid the others and once there, swings at a cultist. It is Jinharath's turn phinn Jinharath:23 13 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 13 Piercing 18 16 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 14 Piercing Jinharath 's turn has ended! It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy Jinharath:16 24 PERCEPTION (7) Dr. Wicker: She brings her hands up into the air and ionizes the air in a tremendous pillar of magnetic power that lands down on Akadi. Psychic Crush (7 psi). As an action, you create a 20-foot cube of psychic energy within 120 feet of you. Each creature in that area must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 37 psychic damage and is stunned until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage. DC 17 Int Levinath (GM):Intelligence Akadi Ability: 13 | 12 Dr. Wicker: (( A stunned creature is incapacitated, can't move, and can speak only falteringly. The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.)) It is Cultist's turn Dr. Wicker: "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHH!!!!!" she yells in echoing fury, the light behind her glasses cracking the lenses some in spiderweb like fashion. Levinath (GM): The cultist swings at Euron, following suit of its master. Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 15 | 21 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 21 | 28 Blades of Darkness Dark Cultist Attack: 12 | 11 Dr. Wicker:Levinath (GM):Damage: 11slashing + 5necrotic Round 3 Turn Levinath (GM): The cultists near Wolfe crumple. The magical energies around the mythal fade and only a small amount of light remains on the black stone. Wolfe: Wolfe frowns as he looks down at the now deceased(?) cultists, but only long enough before a shadowy figure appears and assaults him! Levinath (GM):Initiative Shadow Dragon Initiative: 12 It is Jonias's turn Mike Wolfe: Wolfe looks up at the sound of Cat's scream of rage? Pain? But his focus turns instead to the massive shadow thing that's swarming around him. Jonias:18 12 (150/600) Black Bladed Bow (+8) 11 Piercing Euron:10 16 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) 15 11 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) 19 18 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) Jonias:Bladesong Class: Wizard/2 Twice per short rest, you can use a bonus action to start a Bladesong, which lasts for 1 minute and grants you the following benefits: You gain a +4 bonus to your AC, your walking speed increases by 10 ft., you have advantage on Acrobatics checks, and you gain a +4 bonus to any CON saving throw you make to maintain your concentration on a spell. It ends early if you are incapacitated, if you don medium or heavy armor or a shield, or if you use two hands to make an attack with a weapon. You can also dismiss the Bladesong at any time you choose (no action required). Euron:17 10 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) 23 19 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) 24 8 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe: Wolfe's kinda shadowy, r-right? He's never met a thing he can't slash to death yet. So he tries to add Shadow-Dragon-thing-y to his list. 16 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 17 slashing 23 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 11 slashing 18 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 13 slashing 17 Levinath (GM): Wolfe finds purchase on one attack. It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Wolfe: His blade strikes true once, but he can tell it's made of some resilient stuff. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ Levinath (GM):Tail Shadow Dragon Attack: 30 | 28 Jonias: Jonias appears next to a pillar firing a shot to fell the last of the standing cultists. As he transformed his bow into blade both the elf and magic steel began to hum. Levinath (GM):Damage: 15bludgeoning The dragon's tail smacks Wolfe back. It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron:16 Healing Higher Level Cast 11 Healing Touch Cure Wounds It is Shadow Dragon's turn Dungeon Lord Euron: Euron takes a moment to heal himself, then steps backward. Levinath (GM): The dragon lets out a roar that chills your very soul before attacking Wolfe. Frightful Presence Shadow Dragon Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. Jinharath:13 13 WISDOM SAVE (7) Dr. Wicker:9 WISDOM SAVE (6) Wolfe:18 WISDOM SAVE (6) Wolfe Dr. Wicker: (A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight. The creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear.) Euron:20 11 WISDOM SAVE (9) Jonias:9 WISDOM SAVE (2) Levinath (GM):Bite Shadow Dragon Attack: 20 | 13 Claw Shadow Dragon Attack: 28 | 21 Levinath (GM):Claw Shadow Dragon Attack: 22 | 18 Damage: 13slashing Damage: 15slashing It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy It is Akadi's turn It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy Dr. Wicker:Radiant Beam evocation 3 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60' Target: One creature Components: M (Mastery of Light/Dark) Duration: Concentration 1 minute As an action, you project a beam of light at one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must make a DEX saving throw DC17. On a failed save, it takes 23 radiant damage and is blinded until your concentration ends. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage. A blinded target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. You can increase this effect's damage by 1d6 per each additional psi point spent on it. Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Jinharath's turn phinn Jinharath: The eerie presence of the new beast on the field unnerves Jin to her core. She's not sad at all to have another target arresting her attention at the moment. 24 25 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 12 Piercing 26 23 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 14 Piercing 18 22 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 Bludgeoning 22 20 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 Bludgeoning ((-1 Ki)) Round 4 It is Jonias's turn Mike Dr. Wicker: The night blooms as blazing white beams lance from the doctor's eyes into the stunned Akadi. Jinharath:23 13 WISDOM SAVE (7) Akadi: "Ahhhhh! I am going to gut you!" She screams as she holds her eyes. Jonias:18 25 5 ft. Booming Blade (Blade of Focused Energy)) (+9) As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and it becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves before then, it immediately takes 2d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends. 11 Piercing 8 Thunder 3 Thunder Blade of Focused Energy 16 Sneak Attack Damage It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe: Wolfe had gotten hit pretty solidly by the Shadow Dragon, but he's just a little bruised, not (yet) in serious danger. He takes a deep, focusing breath, then leaps into the air. As he does, lightning races along his blade. "HASAKIIIIIII" Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 10 temporary HP. 20 21 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 23 Slashing 23 19 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 23 Slashing 21 12 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 27 Slashing Akadi: All three of Wolfe's attacks hit. It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Akadi:Tail Attack Shadow Dragon The dragon makes a tail attack. Tail Shadow Dragon Attack: 28 | 26 Damage: 13bludgeoning Dr. Wicker:Help (Action) - Diversion Protocol #11 GIZMO Aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. Feint, distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally’s Attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first Attack roll is made with advantage. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Dr. Wicker: (free) Euron:Hold Person enchantment 2 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 ft Components: V, S, M (A small, straight piece of iron) Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target on additional humanoid for each slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them. Akadi:Wisdom Akadi Ability: 18 | 20 It is Shadow Dragon's turn Dungeon Lord Levinath (GM): The dragon looses a black ball of something that flies towards the group. Stygian Breath (Recharge 5-6) Shadow Dragon The dragon exhales a black cloud of mist up to 60-foot away. It settles in a 20 foot radius. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. All non-magical light within the area is snuffed out, along with all magical light of first level or lower. 65 Jinharath:21 10 CONSTITUTION SAVE (2) Euron:23 20 CONSTITUTION SAVE (4) Levinath (GM): 32 damage for Euron and Jin Dr. Wicker:14 CONSTITUTION SAVE (2) +4 14 CONSTITUTION SAVE (2) It is Akadi's turn Levinath (GM): Akadi's eyes clear and she growls. She hefts her sword at Jihn and swings her plated boot towards her. Kick Akadi Attack: 26 | 22 DC 17 Str save or be knocked prone. Damage: 2bludgeoning Jinharath:5 19 STRENGTH SAVE (3) Jin fall down. Levinath (GM): As Jin falls, so does the massive sword. Greatsword Akadi Attack: 20 | 11 Greatsword Akadi Attack: 12 | 27 Damage: 13bludgeoning Damage: 17bludgeoning 11 It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy Dr. Wicker:Focus: Mastery of Ice abjuration cantrip Casting Time: 1 bonus action Components: Now focused on Mastery of Ice: While focused on this discipline, you have resistance to cold damage. Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action. 21 WISDOM SAVE (6) Radiant Beam evocation 3 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60' Target: One creature Components: M (Mastery of Light/Dark) Duration: Concentration 1 minute As an action, you project a beam of light at one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must make a DEX saving throw DC17. On a failed save, it takes 22 radiant damage and is blinded until your concentration ends. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage. A blinded target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. You can increase this effect's damage by 1d6 per each additional psi point spent on it. Levinath (GM):Dexterity Shadow Dragon Ability: 17 | 20 Dr. Wicker: (is this cover?) Levinath (GM):Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions) Shadow Dragon The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 10 ft. of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed. Wolfe:4 16 DEXTERITY SAVE (1) Wolfe Levinath (GM): 8 Wolfe: Wolfe goes flying through the air. "AHHHHHH!!!!!!" as he crashes into the ground prone. It is Jinharath's turn phinn Levinath (GM): The dragon flaps its wings and descends on the rest of the watch. GIZMO-5:Dexterity GIZMO Ability: 20 Jinharath: A plated boot comes out of the darkness and knocks Jin off her feet. The sword that follows leaves her coughing a bit of blood, but she forces herself back to her feet and swings at the paladin, momentarily unaware of the darkness encroaching from behind. GIZMO-5: Gizmo loop the loops on the wind. Watch him soar. Jinharath:22 27 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 14 Piercing 11 14 20 ShortSword (FE) (+9) 14 Piercing Jonias: ((I'm getting sleepy)) Levinath (GM): She parries the second attack, but the first cuts her across the mid section. Jinharath:10 24 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 Bludgeoning 26 11 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 Bludgeoning Round 5 It is Jonias's turn Mike Jonias:18 5 ft. Booming Blade (Blade of Focused Energy)) (+9) As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and it becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves before then, it immediately takes 2d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends. 10 Piercing 9 Thunder 2 Thunder Blade of Focused Energy 16 Sneak Attack Damage It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Levinath (GM):Dexterity Akadi Ability: 21 | 15 Tail Shadow Dragon Attack: 26 | 27 Damage: 17bludgeoning 2 Jinharath: Out of nowhere, a shadowy tail cuts open Jin's back! Wolfe:18 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 19 slashing 29 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 10 slashing 14 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 17 slashing It is GIZMO-5's turn Sixxy Wolfe: Wolfe kip-ups and then rushes after the dragon at near-hyperspeed, delivering three quick blades. Physics is a bit stronger than his body though so only one finds purchase as he swings a bit wildly at the dragon. GIZMO-5: Gizmo flies and dashes away. GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔ It is Euron Sand's turn Gavin Euron: Euron focuses his magic and casts... 15 Healing 60 Feet Mass Cure Wounds It is Shadow Dragon's turn Dungeon Lord Levinath (GM):Bite Shadow Dragon Attack: 16 | 21 Claw Shadow Dragon Attack: 14 | 17 Claw Shadow Dragon Attack: 24 | 29 Damage: 14slashing It is Akadi's turn Levinath (GM): "Argggh." She growls as the dragon descends on the group, clutching her side. She steps behind the pillar, letting out a massive "BOOM!" and disappears into the darkness. "You will pay for this." 14 It is Doctor Wicker's turn Sixxy Jonias:4 Lightning Lightning Damage (2d8) Levinath (GM):Tail Shadow Dragon Attack: 14 | 19 Dr. Wicker:Radiant Beam evocation 3 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60' Target: One creature Components: M (Mastery of Light/Dark) Duration: Concentration 1 minute As an action, you project a beam of light at one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must make a DEX saving throw DC17. On a failed save, it takes 29 radiant damage and is blinded until your concentration ends. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage. A blinded target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. You can increase this effect's damage by 1d6 per each additional psi point spent on it. Levinath (GM):Dexterity Shadow Dragon Ability: 19 | 6 Dr. Wicker: ((no.. its the only radiant damage I have)) Levinath (GM): The dragon lets out a roar of pain. It is Jinharath's turn phinn Dr. Wicker: A sputtering lancing of light lines through the from the doctor's eyes. She then takes cover again. Levinath (GM):Tail Shadow Dragon Attack: 28 | 14 Damage: 15bludgeoning Jinharath: The ranger quick-steps over the swiping tail and claws of the dragon, but takes enough nicks and slashes to keep her from gaining solid footing. She lurches away and summons a healing spirit to aid her. Levinath (GM):Bite Shadow Dragon Attack: 14 | 13 Jinharath:Healing Spirit conjuration 2 Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 60feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration Conc up to 1 min You call an intangible spirit to a cubic 5-foot space you can see. Until the spell ends, when you or a creature you can see moves into the spirit's space for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, you can cause the spirit to restore 1d6 hit points to that creature, no action required. The spirit can't heal constructs or undead. As a bonus action, you can move the spirit up to 30 feet to a space you can see. At Higher Levels: The healing increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd. Round 6 It is Jonias's turn Mike Jinharath: rolling 1d6 (4)= 4 Jonias:12 5 ft. Booming Blade (Blade of Focused Energy)) (+9) As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and it becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves before then, it immediately takes 2d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends. 7 Piercing 7 Thunder It is Wolfe's turn RakFu Wolfe:13 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 11 slashing Levinath (GM):Tail Shadow Dragon Attack: 21 | 23 Damage: 13bludgeoning Wolfe:28 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 17 slashing 29 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 10 slashing Wolfe: Wolfe runs up along the dragon's back and then leaps into the air. "ASOGYAKUUUUU!!!!!" And as he comes down his blades cuts across the back of the shadow dragon's head, sending it flying through the air and covering Jonias and Euron in shadowstuff that fades in just a few seconds. Dr. Wicker: Catriona pries off her cracked glasses, irises still sputtering with illumination as her well of internal energy runs low. Levinath (GM): The dragon fades into the darkness with not a sound. Jinharath: When the dragon dissipates, Jin drops to her knees, holding her side as she pants. Wolfe: Wolfe, still buzzing and seeming to have a soft glow, lifts his blade up into the air, triumphant. "YEAHHHH!!!!" Dr. Wicker: Doctor ambles over and helps Jinharath up. Jonias: Jonias sets himself down on the rock next to him. tired from the day's activities. Dr. Wicker: "Botheration! Be on guard for that blackguard lady..." Euron: Euron breathes a deep sigh of relief as the shadow dragon disappears. When Jin collapses, he'll move to Jin and assist her. Dr. Wicker: Passing through Jin's healing spirit (if its still up?) Cat delightfully receives 3 health? Jinharath: Jin looks tired and unenthused about standing, but takes the doctor's offered hand up nonetheless. "You have quite the surprising range of skills," she observes, eyeing the flickering eyes of the other woman a little skeptically. "Very effective." End Session 52
« Last post by phinn on February 21, 2019, 09:34:18 PM »
Session 51
Levinath (GM): The Watch has moved closer to the center of the mysterious darkness. After a vicious fight with more shadow monsters, they find themselves near an eerie river. Jin was able to discern there are nearly fifty humanoids to the North around a mile away.
Jinharath: Unsettled by the creatures they'd encountered so far, Jin made use of the down-time by meditating off a few paces away from the rest of the group. Having reinforced her bond with Harath, she rises reinvigorated and ready to press on. She returns to the group and looks them over. "We should move on soon," she observed.
Wolfe: Wolfe has gotten himself his consumate needed rest and refocus. He has cleaned and sharpened Shokan and meditated upon the future. Rising to his feet, the samurai has re-donned his armor and stands ready to fight. "Sooner we get this done, the sooner we can all go back to Neverwinter for a beer."
Jonias: Jonias's meditation was fitful. This darkness was getting to the elf. The accidental killing of innocents yesterday also weighed heavily on him. Still the rest did him well. and perusing his spellbook seemed to help finally reset his mind. Though not at ease in this darkness still he followed the others as they up and readied themselves..
Wolfe: Wolfe is kinda transluscent He is going to soon become a shadow-killer Half-Orc
Dr. Wicker: Several times, Catriona expresses concern over Wolfe's shadowy state, though probably has no way to fix it.
Jinharath: 13 7 ARCANA (0)
Jonias: Jonias sighed heavily before looking to Wolfe and Jin, "Have either of you been hearing voices yet?" the elf asked while looking over his translucence and shadowy tendrils. 26 ARCANA (8) Gavin: 9 10 ARCANA (1)
Jinharath: Jinharath narrows her eyes thoughtfully at the rogue. "What manner of voices?"
Wolfe: "Just all of yours."
Jonias: "This presence, I'm not sure how or why it is here, but it comes from the Shadowfell. I'm not sure if this disease or poison will fade, but I think it gets worse first. Maybe because we're in this darkness. Eventually the shadows begin to whisper. Nothing important or that makes sense. But the voices are there... We should move quickly to stop this malase."
Levinath (GM): Another cloud of green mist has formed on the large tree in the middle of the river during the group's rest. It lingers there and does not approach Jonias or the others.
Wolfe: "Yeah but how do we combat that? We just gotta find the source and cut it out."
Jinharath: "To what end, I wonder," Jin murmur, slowly reaching out and poking the elf in the arm, as though testing his corporeal shape. "To transform us into beasts like the hounds we fought?"
Jonias: "That would be my best guess, Wolfe."
Jinharath: But she nods at Wolfe. "Perhaps stopping the source will stop the magic. Are we ready to proceed?" she asks, looking towards the doctor, the quiet one.
Wolfe: "If we're like them something that has control over the shadowfell and its energies could control us, then. Like it did those people."
Jonias: 18 ACROBATICS (8)
Levinath (GM): Jonias is not able to see more than thirty feet in the intense darkness they currently exist in.
Dr. Wicker: She just nods once at Jinharath. "I concur. Terminate the source, end it's ongoing effects.... in theory"
Jonias: "If there are souls to our north we should find and see what know and if they are at the cause of this."
Wolfe: "Any ideas? We can try and investigate past the river." "They're likely controlled."
Dr. Wicker: "Another green atmospheric phenomenon has formed... perhaps it regenerates."
Jinharath: Jin creeps stealthily towards the river, trying to see more detail about the tree and the river itself. 14 23 STEALTH (9)
Jonias: "Or perhaps there is a large cult channeling whatever magic of the Shadowfell into this region."
(From Dungeon Lord (GM)): As Jin moves close to the water, she can see that a tree much larger than the surrounding ones rests on a small island at the center of the river. Thin green sap drips down the black bark and the branches seem to curl at your menacingly. The large wispy reeds that jut out of the river are likewise, covered in the thin green sap.
Euron: Euron completes his time of prayer and commune with Helm and is ready to go.
Jinharath: 19 21 PERCEPTION (7)
Dr. Wicker: "Likely. That just means we should put a cessation to their ..um.. activities."
(From Dungeon Lord (GM)): Also sees a large pair of eyes, staring directly at her from the reeds directly East of her.
Wolfe: "Well, we'll check out both. Not like we're on a clock."
Jinharath: "There are creatures here," she says, dispensing with stealth once it's clear she's been seen.
Dr. Wicker: "No, we are on ground..."
Jinharath: She doesn't seem upset, though, and continues to watch the reeds.
Wolfe: Wolfe hops down, pulling Shokan once he hits level earth and walks forward to back up Jinharath.
Jonias: Jonias lifts his shadowy-tendrilled hands towards Wolfe, "While this has been advantageous so far, I don't believe this will get better with time..."
Jinharath: "The tree..." she says, when wolfe walks up. "Do you see, how it drips with green sap? Unnatural. Perhaps fire to kill it?" she suggested, looking up at the half-orc. "And there is something watching us from the reeds, there," she said, with another gesture.
Wolfe: "Fire's not my department, but Cat.." He looks up to the Doc.
Jinharath: She focuses on the reeds, and tries to touch the mind of the creature laying in wait there.
Levinath (GM): The two eyes, the size of watermelons, stare at Jin unblinking.
Dr. Wicker: "An attack on the tree, if it is indeed a point of interest, will likely stir the those defending it..."
(From Dungeon Lord (GM)): "Ribbit!"
Jinharath: "...frog."
Wolfe: "Bring 'em on. I prefer a straight fight."
Jinharath: She tilts her head, trying to make the image work right in her mind. "Very... large... frog..." GroupInit: Doctor Wicker 21 Euron Sand 5 Jonias 7 Jinharath 19 Wolfe 7
Dr. Wicker: ((lol are we rolling init against ourselves))
Levinath (GM): It raises its head out of the water. Gnarled horns and evil eyes look at the woman with hunger.
Dr. Wicker: "Miss, look out!" ((should I just go??)) DC17 Intelligence Save Add +2 damage if focused on Psychic Assault. 14 psychic Mind Thrust
Levinath (GM): Intelligence Bukavac Ability: 11 | 14 The creature cocks it's head and lets out a loud croak as it is assaulted.
Dr. Wicker: (16 damage)
Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔
(From Dungeon Lord (GM)): Make a perception
Jinharath: 17 12 PERCEPTION (7)
Dr. Wicker: The doctor points ahead, touching two tips of her fingers to her temple sending an imperceptble warble through the air.
Jinharath: "I am looking!" she assures the doctor as she runs forward, swords raised against the massive toad.
Dr. Wicker: "Unwise to challenge it in the water, where it is its habitat!" (lol throw a rock)) ((no )) ((But if Jin throws a rock, isnt it auto martial arts damage instead of ...rock damage))
Jinharath: Jin casts HUNTER'S MARK on the toad! Annnnd throws a dagger.
Dr. Wicker: (o.O? i didnt do anything)
Jinharath: ((Ignore last)) Jin casts HUNTER'S MARK on the toad and readies herself to stab it when it reaches land!
Dr. Wicker: "Can you determine it's species?!"
Wolfe: "It's a frog."
Jinharath: "It.. has horns? A toad?"
GIZMO-5: The clockwork owl just circles about, waiting for some opportunity. Otherwise, it just flies above at 25 feet.
Jinharath: "I am unfamiliar with species of toads."
GIZMO-5 ---- End of Turn ✔✔
Jonias: Mage Hand conjuration cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft Components: V, S Duration: 1 minute A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again.
You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it.
The hand can't attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds. 20 18 STEALTH (12)
Dr. Wicker: (1 )
Wolfe: Wolfe will FOCUS and he will move up and ready an action to attack when it's in range. Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.
Dr. Wicker: (Yeah but you cant do an OA if you do that ;P)
Euron: Euron speaks in Celestial, calling for the Blessing of Helm on The Watch! He casts Bless upon Jinharath, Wolfe, and Jonias! Bless enchantment 1 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft Components: V, S, M (A sprinkling of holy water) Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
Jonias: Seeing Jin move forward to call the creature's attention, Jonias slips norts, readying his spectral hand and hiding in the low shrubs.
Levinath (GM): Another frog LEAPS out of the water to the north and with a thunderous slam, lands next to Jonias. Claw Bukavac Attack: 12 | 26 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature.
Dr. Wicker: "CLEVER GIRL!"
Levinath (GM): Claw Bukavac Attack: 11 | 20 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Claw Bukavac Attack: 24 | 29 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Claw Bukavac Attack: 14 | 22 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Damage: 6 + 5slashing
Jonias: Uncanny Dodge Class: Reaction / Rogue / 5th Level
Levinath (GM): The frog swipes at Jonias with four large feet, grabbing him in a massive claw.
Euron: Euron speaks in Celestial, calling for Helm to aid the Watch! He points at the Bukavac and says A WORD! Banishment abjuration 4 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Target: One creature that you can see within range Components: V, S, M (An item distasteful to the target) Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute You attempt to send one creature that you can see within range to another plane of existence. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be banished. If the target is native to the plane of existence you’re on, you banish the target to a harmless demiplane. While there, the target is incapacitated. The target remains there until the spell ends, at which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. If the target is native to a different plane of existence than the one you’re on, the target is banished with a faint popping noise, returning to its home plane. If the spell ends before 1 minute has passed, the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. Otherwise, the target doesn’t return. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 4th.
Levinath (GM): Charisma Bukavac Ability: 21 | 12 "Ribbit!"
Euron: Euron blinks. "That usually works."
Levinath (GM): The other frog swims through the water quickly and LEAPS out towards the Doc! Claw Bukavac Attack: 10 | 13 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Claw Bukavac Attack: 13 | 22 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Claw Bukavac Attack: 25 | 16 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Claw Bukavac Attack: 12 | 22 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Damage: 11slashing
Levinath (GM): And it grabs the Doctor!
Wolfe: "What!?"
Dr. Wicker: "Thunderation!!"
Jinharath: "These are surprisingly agile giant toads!" Jin observes, watching in confusion as the frog goes overhead.
Dr. Wicker: The Doctor wriggles in its grasp and winks out of existence, only to do shunt into rreality behind Jonias. Step of a Thousand Paces transmutation 1 Casting Time: 1 bonus action Target: self Components: M (Nomadic Step) Duration: Instantaneous If you haven't moved yet on your turn, you take a bonus action to teleport up to 20 feet per psi point spent to an unoccupied space you can see, and your speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the turn. ( for 2 pts)
Levinath (GM): "Croak!" ("Thundernation!" in Frog)
Dr. Wicker: 27 120 ft Fire Bolt (+9) 17 Fire
Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔
Levinath (GM): Frog does not like fire.
Dr. Wicker:
Jinharath: Jin follows after the fleeing toad, a cry rising as she attempts to stab it! 15 25 20 Shortsword (+9) 7 Piercing 27 11 20 Shortsword (+9) 8 Piercing 10 27 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 Bludgeoning 10 28 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 Bludgeoning (-1 Ki)
Levinath (GM): The slime on the toad is very slippery.
Jinharath: 4 Bludgeoning Hunter's Mark
Dr. Wicker: (oops) Gizmo helps Jonias. (helps with your check)
Jonias: 21 13 ACROBATICS (8) 17 ACROBATICS (8)
Dr. Wicker: The clockwork owl soars towards the elf and beams lights into the amphibian's eye, for that Epilepsy.
Wolfe: Wolfe takes advantage of the toad being distracted by his best-pal GIZMO-5, and focuses on the Wind and how it can enhance his movements. Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.
GIZMO-5: Then it flies back up 25 feet.
Wolfe: 24 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 28 Slashing 22 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 26 Slashing 13 Shokan (+10) Wolfe 15 slashing
Levinath (GM): Croaking Blast Bukavac A bukavac can emit a howling, thunderclap that damages nearby creature within 15 feet who fail a DC 17 constitution saving throw. On a failed save each creature takes 31 thunder damage and is permanently deafened, on a successful save they only take half damage. A lesser restoration spell can cure this deafness.
Wolfe: The Half-Orc springs forward and slashes with his blade, cutting parts of the toad's slimy flesh off and then gets CROAAAAAAKED at.
Jinharath: 13 18 CONSTITUTION SAVE (2)
Wolfe: 21 CONSTITUTION SAVE (8) Wolfe
Jinharath: Jin is staggered by the sudden eruption of noise from the beast. Her arms lift to cover her ears and she groans sharply in pain.
Dr. Wicker: The doctor grabs the sides of her head with a scream as blood pours out of her ears.
Euron: Lesser Restoration abjuration 2 Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned. Euron moves forward, touches Jinharath, and cures of her Deafness!
Jinharath: Jin emerges from the realm of deafness to find Euron at her back. "AH! THANK YOU!" she says, realizing too late how loud she was.
Euron: "You're welcome! No let's end this thing!"
Levinath (GM): The toad turns to Jin as his first quarry is squirrely. Claw Bukavac Attack: 15 | 27 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Claw Bukavac Attack: 17 | 26 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Claw Bukavac Attack: 28 | 12 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Damage: 14slashing Claw Bukavac Attack: 29 | 19 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature.
Levinath (GM): Damage: 11 + 6slashing It grabs Jin, lifting her off the ground and rakes her across the chest for 31 damage.
Jinharath: Distracted by thanking the priest, Jin takes a pair of toad claws to the chest and is hoisted off of her feet! She shouts and struggles against the reptilian cage
Dr. Wicker: Staggering to a knee, sloppy in her posture, she taps at the buttons on her coat with bloodcoated fingers. Again, a the pseudo-scientific garment disgorges a plethora of mechanical matter that forms into a Jetpack. THOOOM emits from her direction (she cant hear it!) and she takes off into the sky with a thunderous ignition. Then she is heard yelling from above..." DIE GRITSUCKERS!!!!!"
Wolfe: Wolfe watches Cat zoom into the air, the mixture of technological power and her scream causes him to narrow his eyes some in focus.
Dr. Wicker: Jetpack (Bestial Transformation) transmutation 3 Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Target: Self Components: M (Bestial Form) Duration: 1 hour As a bonus action, you alter your physical form to gain different characteristics.
Flight You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
5 psi points spent.
Dr. Wicker: 23 120 ft Fire Bolt (+9) 19 Fire Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔
Jinharath: Jin attempts to draw blood while grappled! 10 23 20 Shortsword (+9) 11 Piercing 20 29 20 Shortsword (+9) 7 + 2 Piercing 4 Bludgeoning Hunter's Mark She then summons enough of Harath's help to vanish in a puff of smoke. Misty Step, 1/day conjuration cantrip Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: Self Components: V Duration: Instantaneous Briefly surrounded by silvery mist, you teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.
Jinharath 's turn has ended!
Jonias: 10 ACROBATICS (8)
GIZMO-5: Gizmo helps Wolfe.
Jonias: 26 17 STEALTH (12) 23 28 (150/600) Black Bladed Bow (+8) 13 + 2 Piercing 16 Sneak Attack Damage 13 Sneak Attack Damage
Levinath (GM): The frog loses an eye, but he is still going.
Wolfe: Wolfe once again becomes one with the Wind as Gizmo flies down with him and they do a C-C-COMBO attack on the toad he has pursued! Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP. 18 13 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 21 Slashing 19 14 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 28 Slashing
Jonias: Jonias holds steady in the tree, fading into it's shadow before firing a shot deep into the toad's eye.
Levinath (GM): Bite Bukavac Attack: 27 | 23 Gore Bukavac Attack: 22 | 22 Damage: 26piercing Damage: 20piercing
Euron: Euron raises the Watcher's Eye and calls out to Helm! "It is not their time! RESTORE THEM~" Channel Divinity Class: Cleric 2nd Level As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke healing energy that can restore a number of hit points equal to five times your cleric level. Choose any creatures within 30 feet of you and divide those hit points among them. This feature can restore no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can't use this feature on an undead or construct.
Dr. Wicker: 30/72
Jinharath: Once again, the cleric calls out, and Jin feels herself magically restored. She breathes a little easier, and prepares herself to re-enter the fray.
Levinath (GM): Claw Bukavac Attack: 27 | 17 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Claw Bukavac Attack: 16 | 10 The target is grappled (DC 15 to escape). A bukavac can grapple up to two medium creature. Bite Bukavac Attack: 10 | 25
Dr. Wicker: ((How much hp?))
Levinath (GM): Damage: 11slashing Euron goes for a swim.
Wolfe: "Uhhh...."
Levinath (GM): The frog leaps into the air and back into the water.
Wolfe: "....Guys I think Euron can use some help!"
Dr. Wicker: ((They disappeared? ))
Wolfe: "I'll handle this one!"
Euron: ((Doc gets at least 5. I can't give you more than that, I don't think.))
Dr. Wicker: She flies 60 feet straight up... Baleful Transposition transmutation 3 Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120' Target: One creature Components: M (Nomadic Step) As an action, choose one creature you can see within 120 feet of you. That creature must make a WIS saving throw DC17. On a failed save, you and that creature teleport, swapping places.
This ability fails and is wasted if either of you can't fit in the destination space.
5 psi points spent.
Levinath (GM): Wisdom Bukavac Ability: 8 | 11
Dr. Wicker: 25 20 And prone
Jinharath: "NO!" Jin shouts, as the cleric is dragged into the water. She rushes after it, swords drawn. As she arrives, though, the massive toad is suddenly replaced by none other than the doctor. "What--?!" she blurts out, confused.
Dr. Wicker: "I"ll save you, Father Sand!"
Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔
Levinath (GM): Dexterity Bukavac Ability: 6 | 11
Wolfe: Wolfe just slow-blinks. "What in the world....?"
Dr. Wicker: She spits out water.
Jinharath: The loud, vulgar SPLAT from across the way makes her turn, though. Spotting the dropped frog, she shakes her head and takes off towards it. "Such strange people we've fallen in with," she murmurs, as she goes.
Euron: Euron was being carried away toward the water. This was going to be a hard end. He was prepared to fight to the death to live... ...and then the frog was just gone. "What--splurrbbb--what in Helm's name---retch-- What in has happened?!"
Jonias: Jonias laughs and gives the doctor a thumbs up, "I believe she just made it rain frogs."
Euron: He looks to the Doctor. "You never cease to amaze, Doctor. Thank you."
Levinath (GM): Bite Bukavac Attack: 16 | 12
Jinharath: 20 10 20 Shortsword (+9) 9 Piercing 16 13 20 Shortsword (+9) 7 Piercing 25 25 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 Bludgeoning 29 22 Self Unarmed Strike (+9) 6 + 1 Bludgeoning (-1 KI) 4 Bludgeoning Hunter's Mark
Jinharath: 6 Bludgeoning Hunter's Mark 6 Bludgeoning Hunter's Mark 1 Bludgeoning Hunter's Mark 1 Bludgeoning Hunter's Mark
Dr. Wicker: Her form steams like dry ice from whatever netherspace she moved through for her bizarre feats.
Levinath (GM): [9+7+6+7+16+2] 47
Dr. Wicker: (dayum, she mad)
Jinharath 's turn has ended!
GIZMO-5: He swoops in and helps Wolfe in typical fashion because the two are BFFs.
Jonias: 23 12 5 ft. Booming Blade (Blade of Focused Energy)) (+9) As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and it becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves before then, it immediately takes 2d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends. 13 Piercing 7 Thunder 9 Sneak Attack Damage 9 Lightning Lightning Damage (2d8)
Wolfe: Way of the Blade Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP. 22 20 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 20 Slashing 21 12 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 26 Slashing 9 6 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 25 Slashing 13 12 Shokan GWM (+5) Wolfe 24 Slashing
Levinath (GM): This toad has had it with Wolfe. Bite Bukavac Attack: 21 | 15 Gore Bukavac Attack: 29 | 13 Damage: 18piercing Damage: 13 + 27piercing
Jonias: Jonias tumbles out of the tree, drawing his lightning blade and stabbing into the side of the prone beast. Using his momentum, the elf springs back and waits for the thunder to discharge.
GIZMO-5: ((lol two 10s)
Dr. Wicker: "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" she says to Euron as he thanks her. "THE WATER IS NOT SAFE, PLEASE EXIT." She yells.
Euron: 10 Healing Higher Level Cast 9 Healing Touch Cure Wounds
Wolfe: Wolfe coughs some blood after getting man-handled by Bukavac, but Euron's golden touch makes him feel a bit better.
Euron: Euron moves forward touches Wolfe's shoulder. "Not yet, friend!"
Levinath (GM): Croaking Blast Bukavac A bukavac can emit a howling, thunderclap that damages nearby creatures within 15 feet who fail a DC 17 constitution saving throw. On a failed save each creature takes 51 thunder damage and is permanently deafened, on a successful save they only take half damage. A lesser restoration spell can cure this deafness.
Wolfe: 28 CONSTITUTION SAVE (8) Wolfe
Jinharath: 15 18 CONSTITUTION SAVE (2)
Dr. Wicker: ((look at those dice on that roll!))
Jonias: Uncanny Dodge Class: Rogue/7th Level When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.
Dr. Wicker: ((how hurt does it look?)) 23 120 ft Fire Bolt (+9) 9 Fire
Levinath (GM): The frog takes the firebolt, but is somehow, still standing.
Wolfe: Hero's Charge Wolfe Other: Special Boon You may expend your reaction and second wind to immediately move up to 1.5 times your movement to an ally who has fallen unconscious. Upon reaching the target you heal them with your second wind plus an additional 1d4 + 1 for each attack of opportunity you received while moving.
You may only use this boon once per long rest. 18
Dr. Wicker: "MISTER WOLFE!" she yells, shocked at the macabre scene.
Euron: "He's bloody insane." Euron breathed.
Dr. Wicker: Gizmo will Help Jin.
Wolfe: Wolfe charges forward, kicking the toad backward as he lands next to Jin and shakes her back to life. "GET UP, DAMN YOU."
Jinharath: The toad screams Jin to death! But not for long. Wolfe's heroics once again help lift her from near death. She comes up swinging!
Dr. Wicker: Cat is dead too.
Wolfe: He shouts it extra loud.
Dr. Wicker: DEAFD
Jinharath: 26 25 20 Shortsword (+9) 8 Piercing 16 27 20 Shortsword (+9) 11 Piercing She slashes into the frog, but finds it unsatisfying how quickly it gives in to its wounds. "THANK YOU FOR THE ASSISTANCE," she tells Wolfe
Jinharath: Jin then casts Lesser Restoration on herself, and on Wolfe. "That was quite the ride," she sighed, prodding at her wounds with a bothered expression.
Jonias: Jonias initially shouted for the others, but upon seeing the others looking to be suffering from the same deafness as himself, the elf remained calm.
Euron: "That was madness." he said. He waves Doctor Wicker over. He does the same for Jonias so that he can assist them as well.
Dr. Wicker: The doctor holds the sides of her head, the ringing driving her mad.
Euron: Euron will cast Lesser Restoration on both Doctor Wicker and Jonias.
Dr. Wicker: She staggers over after noticing. End Session 51
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