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SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
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SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs

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Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2020, 10:30:10 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 100 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions have been brought to the near-mythical city of Balak-To, meeting with a group of Mandalorians who follow a man named Tvastar Ordo. While referred to the locals and the First Order as "The Protector", the Mandalorian leader has brought a group of his people to the city to follow ancient traditions now lost to the Mandalorians.
After beseeching him for aid, the Hellions have convinced Tvastar to bring his people into the fight against the First Order - on condition that he not share their identities.
After a full night of rest, all of you have regained all of your strain and 1 wound. You are brought to a conference chamber in the old city where a map of Nizon and Ahdjok are drawn out. Tvastar is there, as well as the other Mandalorians.
Though the entire fighting force is not present, Rook sees a number of different Clans represented in the armors of the people gathered in what looks to have been an old theater made out of stone. In the background the sounds of preparations are heard of the machines of war being readied for a fight.
Janix: Donning her armor, Janix spends a few extra moments to assure everything is just right. Once ready, she joins the rest of the team, including Willa if the Twi'lek tries to walk by,
Doctor Rafan Tane: Doctor Tane and IL-0M are at the audience chamber, though Tane looks somewhat uncomfortable with all of the Mandalorians looking at him and his droid. He had checked out various parts of the city after Tvastar had broken from the group for the tour, and had come into the barracks late in the night to sleep.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   6
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   2
New Light Side total   7
Willa: Willa was caught a little off guard by Janix's quiet insistence that she walk with the group, but she rolled with it, both anxious and excited about the coming talks. Beside her, Nines rolled at a merry clip, a bit shinier now because of the oil bath Willa had occupied herself with the night prior.
Venn: With the assumption that her communication efforts went off fine the day prior (with Ashley's assistance in making sure anti-surveillance was handled), Venn does little else of major note until the call to briefing. She finds it remarkable how quickly this subterranean 'lost' city can begin mobilizing for battle. The logistics of how this place even existed continued to be a mystery, though that was no doubt its strength. The large theatre chamber drew her gaze every which way. Architecture was not one of her main concerns, but she could not help but take in the ancient structure around her as she moved to position.
GM: What did Venn communicate, exactly?
Willa: "This place is unreal," she said as she moved into the theater, speaking more to herself than anyone nearby.
Venn: Venn would assist the Blueberry in that.
Ashley: Ashley had to take time to actually get his back checked out, though mostly that involved a lot of twisting--and ow--to get it taken care of. A night of rest, liberal use of a stimpack, and he could actually roll his shoulders without feeling as if they were on fire along with the rest of his back. Well, that and handling some communication things for Venn. Which was, in all honest, a nice change of pace from having dealt with mutated beasts that wanted to claw them to death.
... the next day, though, he was at least looking better and less like he had just gotten mauled as he moves with the rest of the group.
Janix: She looked around, having gone on the tour to learn more about the ancient civilization. A couple of her sisters and nieces would have loved it more than she but it was fascinating. "It makes one feel small, against the weight of time, but awestruck all the same." Janix says to Willa as she waits for the team. (note: Janix used a stimpack the night before and is -1 from sheet)
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: "It does," she agreed, with a nod while her eyes roamed the cavern ceiling.
She gave each of the Hellions a bright smile and a waggle of her fingers as they arrived.
GM: The messages that are sent from the Mandalorian city are encoded and protected. Ashley is confident no-one but Sartok and the Rivener receive the messages.
Venn: She will send word to Sartok that they made contact and brokered the allegiance. She will just send Riprock a general missive that innocuously says team sitrep is A-Ok
Captain Riprock: Riprock will inquire if they found the target and if they need assistance or extraction.
Venn: She would reply "Sit tight. Today will be eventful."
Captain Riprock: "What does that mean?"
Rook: the tour, learning some of her people's past, even exploring the different paths their people took (both what made them same, and what made them different) kept Rook out quite late. Why Dr. Tane had not joined the tour worried at the back of her mind. She arrived on time for the briefing, armor polished and repaired. Moving to Dr. Tane's side, she spoke quietly enough not to be overhead. "Are you alright?"
Venn: "It means that be ready for a sudden call. Things are going to get hot here with the locals."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Mm? Me? Oh, I'm better than alright. This is a nigh-magical moment.." Tane looked around with a bright smile. "The city really is a wonder to behold, isn't it? It's everything I said it would be."
Captain Riprock: "Venn...."
The grouch in the Captain's voice indicated quite clearly he didn't like the sound of this obtuse message.
Janix: Once Rook arrives, Janix greets the Mando with a clap to her shoulder. Helmet in one hand, she looks to the engineer-warrior. "You ready?" She includes Tane but she's looking to the Mando in a mythical place. It had to mean a lot to the woman.
Rook: A soft laugh of agreement came from Rook. "I've dreamed of discovering only a fraction of this knowledge all of my life." Her gaze lifted to study the ancient theater. "It is, indeed." Focusing on Dr. Tane once more, she asked, "There are many Clans represented here. it might be a good place to start looking for your people."
Venn: "We're with friendlies. Don't worry. If we need you to come running, you'll know." she sends to the Captain.
Captain Riprock: "I'll make sure the ship's ready." Riprock replies. "Be careful."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I will." Tane says with a nod, an exhalation of breath lined with adrenaline. "After this is all done."
Rook: Rook clasped Jannix's arm, and shook her head. "I am not ready. I could never be ready for this. If i had managed to learn one tiny spec of knowledge that this place contains, I would have been legend in my Clan." Her grin grew fierce and bright, and she nodded to Tvastar. "His name will be remembered forever."
Willa: Willa glanced at Rook, and then looked across to Tvastar, considering what his efforts here meant to the larger Mando culture.
Venn: "You too." she says before ending that communique and confirming with Ashley they were okay before they both left that room. And onto the next day...
Janix: There was a soft smile and Janix understood. "I hope you get that chance but don't forget your own heroics."
Tal: Tal had fallen behind to look over something else of interest during the tour. He caught up with the others but remained quiet while they took in everything.
Rook: Rook clasped Dr. Tane upon the back, mindful he was not in full armor. "It's so hard to wait." But they had to; they had to stop the First Order, kill a scientist, find work for her Clan ... her eyes shadowed, thinking of how much was at stake.
Willa: "Are some of the Nazren meeting us here?" she asked, looking aside to the Hellions nearby.
Rook: Rook took a moment to study IL-0M, feeling guilty she'd not done more for the little guy after the tour! "Hey, IL-0M, you need more work are you good?" The Unit had excellent repair subroutines.
GM: "This Unit is functioning adequately. It will be prepared for the coming conflict."
Rook: Rook grinned over at Willa. "I hope so, but I don't know. I think we can talk to them through holo if they didn't come! NInes looks great, willa!"
Willa: Nines chirps happily and turns in place at Rook's comment. Willa pats his dome.
"He cleans up nice," she agreed, her gaze sweeping back over the gathering, trying to determine if there was a holoprojector being used, or if there seemed to be any natives present.
Rook: Rook touched the floating droid gently, and reminded it, "It's going to be quite the fight, my friend."
"try not to get hurt!"
Janix: It was so strange still how her teammates liked to talk to Droids like they had feelings. Janix kept her gaze blank and nodded a greeting to Tal instead of giving any further encouragement to Rook or Willa.
Tvastar Ordo: A loud gong sound fills the amphitheater, and the numerous voices of Mandalorians speaking to one another quiet. Even the sounds of preparations for battle come to a halt.
Tvastar looked around to the assembled company. There were around two hundred Mandalorians, but his armor shone through like a pearl in the dark. "Many of you came to this world seeking for something. Our homeworld is practically lost - ruined by the Empire, and what remains is but the broken remains of a people."
Tvastar lifted his right hand and swept it through the air toward the assembled. "Many of us were broken as well. Some had lost families. Others, part of their bodies. Some, just their spirit. I know - for when I first came to Balak-To, I had lost all three."
Rook: Ashley looked much better, too, though he was also very quiet lately. being eaten by a scorpion could do that to a man.
Tvastar Ordo: "We have worked hard these last twenty years to reclaim our heritage. To make this city - a place holy and revered to our Ancestors - our home."
Tal: Tal walked over to Janix. "Hey, that was a damn fine move you pulled out there in the desert. Didn't get to say so earlier." he said.
Once Tvastar started speaking, Tal went quiet and just looked at the sheer number of Mandalorians in Balak-To.
Tvastar Ordo: "But our home is not a place apart. It resides on a world filled with an honorable people. A people who have been brutalized by the very ones who destroyed our home world and robbed us of our spirit."
Willa: Willa's intended greeting to Five was cut short by the gong. She stilled and turned her attention to Tvastar, listening with rapt attention while he addressed hispeople.
Tvastar Ordo: "Some of us had forgotten that." Tvastar nodded and gestured to the Hellions. "But we have been reminded of the truth."
Janix: With a grin, Janix gives Tal the same sort of greeting she gave Rook and clasped his shoulder. "I've had to work to try to keep up with what I've seen you do with Vibroweapons and hands alike." While grusome, she still recalled the time Tal had ripped a person apart with his bare hands.
As Tvastar stared, Janix quieted truly.
Ashley: Ashley was mostly quiet, there was more on his mind than ever, and he spared Rook a quick--if somber--grin before his focus turned where it needed to be.
Tvastar Ordo: He looked out to the assembled. "It is not our way to hide. There is no glory to jealously sit and protect our home, while those around us suffer. We are of Mandalore, the First, who blazed battles across the stars against insurmountable foes and conquered them all. And we will stand now and fight."
Rook: Rook watched the living legend speak, utterly still. memorizing this moment, for this, too, was history. this was the change for her people Venn had somehow known needed to come.
Willa: A slow but bright smile crept onto Willa's lips as she listened, just as caught up in the speech as the people being addressed.
Tvastar Ordo: "The enemy is stronger than us. Their army here is better equipped, more numerous. But they are just a shadow of the Empire, and we are the true heirs of the very legacy we stand surrounded by." He smashed his fist into his chestplate, and the sound was similar to the sound of the gong. "We are the True Beskar."
There was a loud sound - the Mandalorians shouting agreement in their native tongue, the swell of it giving Rook and Tal a stirring of feeling.
They gain a boost on their next roll.
"I welcome our friends, those who have come strangers, now honored guests, to stand by us and beside us in the battle against the First Order." He gestured to the Hellions (and Willa) and motioned for them to approach him at the strategic table. "Let us prepare, together."
Venn: Venn murmurs quietly to Tal in some jest, watching the boisterous on-goings with this spirited meeting. "Someone is going to have to get Three to up her briefing game."
Rook: Tears glimmered in her eyes, but her pride was intact for they could not be seen by others. Yet those who knew, would know. Her own voice was but a whisper, a speck of praise, as it joined the tumult around them. Rook moved to join him when invited.
Tal: "Three's no slouch whatsoever...but I think Tvastar would make her want to punch out someone." he said.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane made a motion of looking around, then gesturing to himself with a 'who, me?' look.
Then he steps forward with Il-0M floating after.
Janix: There was a smile as Janix put on her helmet and tightened her gauntlets. As she passes by Ashley and Willa, she puts hand on their shoulder in greeting and solidarity. As she gets to Venn, she pauses, but after a moment does the same. "We're in this together and we know each other. Stick together as a team and we'll be stronger for it."
Tal: Tal had never been more ready to fight in in his life. He was ready to drive the First Order away from this planet, this system, and into Wild Space if need be!
Willa: Willa was slow to begin moving, waiting for the others to head over first. Janix's touch on her shoulder felt like a summons, and she smiled and let it prompt her to move.
Tvastar Ordo: "All of you know what to do." He calls out to the rest of the Mandalorians. "Prepare yourselves for battle, and for glory!"
They let out another chant in their native tongue and begin to head to their vehicles.
Willa: Willa approached the map, and eyed the Nazren city with a thoughtful air.
She glanced over her shoulder at the call and response, and couldn't help but grin at the energy in the room.
Tvastar Ordo: Tvastar then turns his attention back to the Hellions. "I did not speak lightly - even with the help of the Nazren rising up, our fight will be a difficult one." He gestured to the map. "There is a large Imperial Garrison on the lower part of the mountain, another one on the upper, and from what my scouts have said, a large amount of construction on the highest parts of the mountain - a veritable fortress."
"We have two hundred Mandalorians, there are at least two thousand First Order troops in the city."
Ashley: Ashley moved with purpose, the speech was inspiring after all, and briefly watched as the Mandalorians all began to head out. It was something reassuring to see, especially in light of all that had happened in the past (considering Rook's Clan and what they had dealt with). His attention turned towards the map, listening as Tvastar spoke and outlined things.
Venn: "But you lot have the mobility and they can't defend everywhere at once. Also do not count out the Nazren and their allies."
Tvastar Ordo: "Yes, it is how I intend to bring the fight to them."
Rook: "We have some people who can mess with their defenses, maybe plant some bombs to sew confusion. would it be worth a delay to get those people in place?
Tvastar Ordo: "If you feel that it could be beneficial and you can do so without being noticed, I would be all for it. But if you are discovered, our element of surprise is lost. As it is, the First Order is on alert after the Prison Camp uprising."
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Advantage)
Rook: Rook looked at Venn, Willa and Ashley, head angled to invite their thoughts.
Tvastar Ordo: "My scouts have reports that there are a squadron of brand new AT-STs and at least three AT-ATs in the lower valley. The enemy also has a squadron of TIE Fighters and air-superiority TIE Strikers."
Tvastar Ordo: "However.." Tvastar nodded. "We are not without our own resources."
Willa: Willa laced her fingers and tapped them against her lips, clearly thinking while she studied the map.
Janix: While her people had not fought the Empire like many, she had seen holovids about those machines. This was not going to be easy. With a frown, she looked at the map, wondering what they could do.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn: "AT-ATs? Just for this city? That sounds like... overkill. A defeat here for them would be beyond costly... that might make them fight even harder top keep it."
Tvastar Ordo: "We have six Fang Fighters, a U-Wing, Clone Wars era Troop Transports, and two squadrons of Basilisk War Droids. In addition, I have several squadrons of Mandalorians with Z6 Jetpacks with missile launchers."
Tal: Tal looked over the battle plans, seeking a path to victory with the forces arrayed against them.
"Those AT-ATs are going to be a major problem." he said, looking everything ovder.
Ashley: Ashley's attention was on the map, studying the locations and everything that was already displayed. The knowledge of the AT-ATs (and the AT-STs, quite frankly), made him frown. It was a problem they were going to have to deal with.
Tal: *over
Willa: "Where is command? Is there a known station in the valley, or is the assumption that orders are coming from up the mountain?"
Rook: Rook patted her own beautiful, salvaged jet pack. "I have one missile here. my wrist rockets would have trouble getting through vehicle armor. If I had some mines to clamp on, I might be able to cause quite a bit of damage."
Tvastar Ordo: "I do not know all of your capabilities - save that you are capable warriors. So I will need your counsel on how best to utilize your talents."
"I assume that command of the forces are either from the mountain fortress or the garrison."
Venn: "Only if they get to the city range." she responds to Tal. "And we both know paint dries faster than they move one kilometer."
Venn: "It seems to me that our best bet is to disrupt their coordination."
Tal: "We could take the command center and...yeah, disrupt their coordination." he said.
Willa: "Messing up their chain of command could cause some helpful chaos," she agreed with a nod.
Tal: "Stormtroopers aren't trained to readily assume command after losing leaders." he said.
Willa: "It'll be heavily defended, but the Nazren know this area well. Maybe they could cause enough of a distraction to draw away the bulk of the grunts without sacrificing too many of their number."
Tvastar Ordo: "Are you saying that your small group could take out the Command Center?" Tvastar sounded convinced.
"There'd be at least a hundred Stormtroopers there. If not more."
Venn: "It just needs to be disabled."
Ashley: "Disrupt their coordination, hinder their communications ..." Ashley looked over at Venn and nodded in agreement to her response to Tvastar.
Willa: "That's alot of helmets to cut through to disable it, though, Tvastar's right," she said.
Tvastar Ordo: Tvastar lifted a hand and cupped his helmeted chin in thought. "I have an alternative suggestion."
Rook: Rook considered Tvastar for a moment, looked over the hellions, trying to find a way to meaningfully summarize their abilities. She grinned at Tvastar. "we can take it." she assured him. "Once that is done, I think ... we should also be the ones to deal with the AT-ATs-" though she cut herself off at Tvastar's lifted hand.
Tvastar Ordo: "What if I bring the majority of my forces against the Command Center. That should draw fire away - where as you, and a smaller force, assail the bridge and the main entranceway to the city."
Rook: Rook considered his plan, studying the map of the city.
Tvastar Ordo: "That way they lose their best defensible position and can't reinforce the lower city."
Venn: "Putting them on the backfoot in another way, sure. I can see it."
"Imperials are generally are not adept at improvising."
Janix: "A choke point as well. Seems like a defensible position for us." And Janix could see far enough to get off pot shots with her target rifle as well.
Willa: "You guys talk like you've fought them alot," she observed, softly, eyeing the group.
Tvastar Ordo: "Once we have a beachead, we'll be able to regroup and make another push. By then Sartok's insurgency will have grown through the upper city, and we can shift to smaller groups and our jetpacks will prove a much stronger advantage."
"Are any of you pilots? Have command experience?" He looked to the assembled. "Do you have a vessel that could be brought to the fight?"
Ashley: "This isn't the first time we've fought against such a large force," said Ashley softly to Willa, mostly since his focus was on the map. At Tvastar's inquiry about piloting.
"I'm a pilot." The vessel answer, however, he left to someone else.
Tvastar Ordo: "Only a few of my people are skilled at piloting the ships we have in my disposal. Your assistance would be invaluable. You could have your choice on which craft to pilot."
Willa: "Where is their air force grounded? Here or up on the mountain?" she asked, gesturing to the command center in question.
Rook: "I'll need to build or buy some missiles and grenades. " Rook looked at Tvastar. "I'm a pilot; I'd rather use my jetpack but I can fly. I've been learning from three, but I am not yet more than a field commander." she paused to translate her own Clan's ways to something more standard. "Small groups." (Rook has two leadership things from Mercneary and has purchased Mandalorian Commander but has not yet gone into the tree.)
Tvastar Ordo: "I believe it's further up on the mountain."
Willa: "Hrmm," she mused with a soft frown. "Man, it would feel good to sneak in and blow up their fighters before we even get started."
Venn: "No AA canons to worry about for the airborne?"
Tvastar Ordo: Tvastar placed a hand on Rook's shoulder. "I will let you use one of our Basilisks, Rook. It is one of the ships of our people."
"There are. But I plan to keep them busy. There is one at the gate which will need to be prioritized."
Willa: "Were you suggesting taking out the bridge, or just setting up a blockade?"
Tvastar Ordo: "Taking out the First Order forces at the bridge and taking control of it."
Rook: Rook froze when Tvastar offered her a Basilisk to fly. Her breath just stopped, as she stared at him.
Venn: "If successful at the Bridge, then what?"
Tvastar Ordo: "We regroup and plan our next move. I think it is unwise to plan too far ahead, just yet."
"We will not take long to do so, probably a few minutes."
Venn: "Wise words."
Tvastar Ordo: "Alright then, we should probably get to our vessels. I'll see all of you at the bridge." Tvastar nodded to the assembled, then to his two lieutenants. "See that no-one gives them any trouble to getting to their ships."
Rook: Rook turns to Venn, saying quietly, "Did they fix our ship? having that back up could make the difference."
GM: Type in chat what vehicle you will be flying (if any)
1 - Basilisk War Droid (Pilot Planetary)
2 - Fang Fighter (Pilot Space)
3 - U-Wing (Pilot Space)
4 - Not flying a ship.
Rook: Rook - 1 EEEEEE so excited.
Tal: 4
Janix: 4
Venn: 4
GM: Tal, Janix, Doctor Tane, IL-0M, and Venn will be in the U-Wing.
Ashley: 2 (i think, LOL)
Willa: 3 den
GM: In the early morning the Mandalorians and Hellions leave behind Balak-To, flying through the mountains and the expanse of the desert toward Ahdjok, the Nazren capital. While proximity alarms tell the First Order of the upcoming assault, the Mandalorians nonetheless gain a surprise in their attack.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   1
New Light Side total   8
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Setback Threat)
GM: The Mandalorians initial attack fails to strike significant losses in the First Order. While the First Order soldiers had considered themselves somewhat idyllic in their "easy" post, they appeared to have been on alert thanks to the recent attack at the Prison Camp. While the Mandalorians do not suffer significant losses, neither do the First Order - and they are now fully aware of the danger they are presented with.
At the same time, Sartok's forces rise up throughout the city, initiating riots and attacking First Order forces.
Because of the added chaos and support, the rebel forces gain an additional proficiency die. But the chaos is not all beneficial, as the First Order are resolved to not lose this outpost - and the next Mass Combat check suffers a setback die.
The Hellions, on the U-Wing, feel buffeted about by anti-flying flak cannons. Around them, TIE Fighters engage in frantic combat with the Fang Fighters and Basilisk War Droids. Both Ashley and Rook find themselves in dogfighting over the ground of Nizon.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   0
New Light Side total   9
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   1
Light Side points remaining   8
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   2
Light Side points remaining   7
Ashley: Despite being used to flying something more like the Aeon Mallard (or even the Ardent Rivener), Ashley was a quick, sharp pilot. He moved in and out, flying fast and doing his best to outmaneuver the TIE Fighters while providing what cover he could for the rest of the troops by firing at their enemies. It was not the ideal situation but Ashley trusted in the Force to guide him.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Advantage)
Noticing a key feature on the battlefield, Ashley's Fang Fighter blows a TIE Striker out of the sky that was heading straight for the U-Wing. As he flies past the falling, flaming wreckage, he can spot the bridge ahead and notice that the First Order is heading to reinforce it, even though the Mandalorians are not striking at the garrison.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   1
New Light Side total   8
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   2
Light Side points remaining   7
Venn: (Not me!)
Rook: Rook uses her skills as a Field Commander, urging a small group to move far more swiftly than normal, to circle in after one of the AT-ATs!
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: Venn watches Tal and Janix mount the mounted side turrets, the warm air of the planet rushing into the compartment. She calls out to them, "Remember those guns won't do much against heavy enemy armor. Probably would shred infantry, though."
Tal: "Got it! Infantry shredding it is." he said.
Janix: Janix nods and yells "We'll see which of us can take out more of the infantry!"
Ashley: "Not sure what's going on," relays Ashley, taking notice of the reinforcements, "but they're reinforcing the bridge." Despite the fact, you know, the Mandalorians were not striking the garrison.
Rook: Her small group swooped down into the opening Rook had seen, but it was not enough ... The AT-ATs were too large, and too heavily armored. Realizing they were not going to achieve their goal, Rook reversed her own ship to draw fire from the AT-ATs to herself, saving her small squad.
Willa: Willa watched with concern while the Mandalorian troops below seemed to make slower progress than she'd expected. The First Order troopers were vehemently standing their ground, it seemed.
"This is normal, right? Guys?" she called back to those in the ship with her, hoping the experience they'd spoken of would be enough to turn the tide.
GM: While Tvastar's Mandalorians assault the garrison, and Rook is able to provide an opening for her troops, the group quickly realize that the enemy force is just too large to easily be taken down. Approaching the bridge, they come under heavy fire as an AT-AT and a pair of AT-ST's seem to get wise to your tactic, and move to reinforce the entranceway to the upper city.
Beetween you and the bridge you see two towering structures that are ancient and made of white and gold marble. Behind the natural defense, a heavy FLAK turret fires at any vessel trying to pass. It will definitely need to be destroyed to advance further into the city.
Venn: Ashley's communications has Venn muse aloud to the others in the U-Wing. "Well, you know what they say. The battle plan rarely survives contact with the enemy."
GM: Several Nazren come from the lower city to charge forward at the stormtroopers as the Hellions and their Mandalorian allies approach the bridge - a difficult fight ahead of them, but a desperately needed victory to free Nizon!
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
First Order Tie Fighter:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Tie Fighter
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
%u2694%uFE0F Initiative Check Image   Weswin's Foresight
Calling upon the Force at the start of the combat, Ashley is able to glean insight into what comes next.
Activation   Action | Self
Check   Initiative (Cool or Vigilance) + %u2394 up to FR
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to add automatic Image on his first check this encounter.
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
First Order AT-AT:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order AT-AT
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order AT-ST:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order AT-ST
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
First Order AT-ST:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order AT-ST
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Advantage)
Tie Striker:
Initiative Vigilance
Tie Striker
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Dice System:
Willa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   3
Light Side points remaining   6
(From Dice System):
Syncing your Destiny Pool to the GM's
First Order AT-AT:
Forwrd Mounted Twin Heavy Laser Cannons
First Order AT-AT
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order AT-AT:
Forwrd Mounted Twin Heavy Laser Cannons
First Order AT-AT
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
The U-Wing takes a heavy hit from the AT-AT, buckling as flames start to lick across the hull, smoke flying past both Rook and Tal from their seats at the side of the troop-carrier.
One AT-ST targets a group of flying Mandalorians.
First Order AT-ST:
Concussion Grenade Launcher
First Order AT-ST
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Personal Scale, Blast 8, Breach 1, Limited Ammo 15
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Two Mandalorians are blown out of the sky by the concussion grenade launcher, their screams heard before their jetpacks explode!
Forward-Mounted Twin Medium Laser Cannons
Vehicle   UT-60D U-Wing Troop Transport
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
GM: The U-Wing delivers a grazing shot to the AT-AT's heavily armored hide.
Willa: A string of emphatic Twileki expressions stream from the cockpit as Willa approaches the bridge only to find herself face to face with an AT-AT! The ship is rocked by blaster fire, and she shouts to those riding with her.
"Hold on! This is gonna get rough!"
She then swings the vessel through some evasive maneuvers, trying to escape the next volley of shots
Port and Starboard Light Repeating Blaster
Tal Vodax
Vehicle   UT-60D U-Wing Troop Transport
Damage   20
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Personal Scale, Auto-Fire, Pierce 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
GM: Tal eliminates a squad of Stormtroopers with the Repeating Blaster.
Tal: "That's three!" Tal said to Janix.
"We might not be able to win this from in here!" he said.
Janix: Swinging her weapon around to the next group of ground troops, Janix worked to ignore the smoke and trust the pilot. "Let me shoot and I'll even the score," she called back.
GM: A Tie-Striker, an Air-Superiority fighter, zooms past the U-Wing and shoots at Ashley's Fang Fighter.
Willa: "Landing here seems like a REALLY BAD IDEA to me!" she called back to Tal. "But if you'd rather go on foot, say the word!"
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   5
Tie Striker:
Wingtip Mounted Heavy Blaster Cannons
Tie Striker
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Linked 3
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Despair)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair)
Tie Striker:
Starship Critical
Tie Striker
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   81
Total   81
Power Fluctuations
Pilot cannot voluntarily inflict system strain on the ship until repaired.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Port and Starboard Light Repeating Blaster
Janix M'kyato
Vehicle   UT-60D U-Wing Troop Transport
Damage   0
Critical   0
Range   Long
Qualities   Personal Scale, Auto-Fire, Pierce 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
"Looks like that got 5 of them too!" Janix shouts as she beings to aim towards the next group.
GM: A dogfight takes place over the bridge with the Tie Striker delivers a couple blasts into the back of Ashley's fighter, setting it aflame. He spins and delivers a quick shot back, that strikes its power systems. Alarms ring in Ashley's cockpit, his ship warning that it's about to be destroyed!
Ashley: Ashley was flying fast but the dog-fight with the Tie-Fighter was getting serious. Even as he took serious damage, knowing that he was going to have to pull back to try and recover, he managed to fire at the Tie-Fighter and land a critical hit. "... might need to pull back for a moment!" calls Ashley. "Took some heavy damage!"
Shatter Missiles
Rook B.
Vehicle   Basilisk War Droid
Damage   3
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Blast 1, Breach 2, Limited Ammo 4
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Venn: "You have any more charges?" she calls out to Willa.
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
Willa: "I never leave home without 'em!" she calls back. "But they're not gonna do much good against the walkers!"
GM: The missiles strike into the hull of the AT-AT, but even with Rook's pinpoint precision targeting the AT-AT still stomps forward undeterred, it's massive frame still wholly contact - albeit with some carbon scoring...
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: (Free maneuver?)
Basilisk War Droid: Rook slams her Basilisk Wardroid into full power, screaming through the air as she acheives Speed 3 (two straing to vehicle.) Spinning and weaving she flies through Evasive Maneuvers (+1 purple to shoot her ship and 2 strain for two maneuvers). Despite her crazy maneuevers, her missiles go flying out of her ship in a parabolic arc and smash into the AT-AT ... but it marches on ...
First Order Tie Fighter:
Twin Forward Mounted Medium Laser Cannons
First Order Tie Fighter
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Despair)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Despair)
Dice System:
Willa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Willa: "Gaah! I'm gonna have to put her down or she's gonna come apart!"
Tal: "DO IT!"
Willa: "You know... since we're putting her down anyway..."
"You guys don't mind a little freejumping, right?"
Ashley: Ashley has to work quick, trying to put out some of the fires and otherwise going on within the Fang Fighter. After some work--calling upon the visions provided to him by Weswin's Insight--Ashley is able to repair some of the damage. After that, it's a matter of Evasive Manuevers to try and keep himself in the air and find some place safer to be.
GM: The Tie-Fighter screams through the air, blasting into the U-Wing and nearly destroying it, but as it screams by Tal fires a parting shot with the rotary repeating blaster, knocking out its weapons.
Janix: Already unstrapping, Janix looks at the team. "Better than exploding, that's for sure!"
Ashley: To probably land because the Fang Fighter is clearly not going to win in an upclose and personal fight with all this firepower.
GM: The Tie Fighter veers off, heading back to base.
The AT-ST fires up at another group of Mandalorians.
%uF4DD Careful Planning Activation   Action
Effect   Once per session, may introduce a "fact" into the narractive as if a Destiny Point had been spent.
First Order AT-ST:
Concussion Grenade Launcher
First Order AT-ST
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Personal Scale, Blast 8, Breach 1, Limited Ammo 15
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Janix: It was good that Janix made sure they all had parachutes in case of this situation!
Dice Roll
(Setback Failure)
Willa: Willa relays her "plan" to those in the ship with her
Tal: "Yeah, this is gonna hurt tomorrow if we survive."
GM: The grenade explodes and takes out the last two Mandos of that already reduced squad, sending their carcasses flaming toward the earth.
Venn: The smoke from the troop carrier trails behind it as evasive maneuvers are taken. The cacophony of battle rages about as war begins in full. Venn taps the side of her head, the the panels of her visormask sliding and folding to cover her features. She scratches out of her vocoder through the whipping wind. "Do sing song songs about my deeds, Fives." she says and then braces against the frame of the open side door by Tal. She waits for the angle that is favorable to her, then the masked woman jumps out without another word.
She will hold all her limps angled back as her cape flutters behind he. She has had an anti-grav chute for two years... its about time she used it.
Tal: "What the kriff?"
He watches Venn leap from the ship, eyes wide behind his mask. He's seen her do this before, many times. It does not make it any less insane to watch.
Venn: She extends her cape like batman as she nears her destination, activating her anti-grav belt, directing her descent to land on its head.
A heavy thump has her land on the head of the monstrosity... she presses her hands into the metal as it is still oblivious.
%u2734 Powerful Ally Use    Requires spending 1 Destiny Point.
Effect    Use the basic version of any untrained Force Power or apply the effects of a Control upgrade to an already known Force Power.
Willa: "Okay!" Willa says, wide-eyed as Two manages to hop from the U-wing to the AT-AT. You know. Like a crazy person.
"New plan, then!"
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   2
Venn: Venn will activate the Contol: CORROSIVE ATMOSPHERE upgrade into the cabin of the ATAT.
She boileds the atmosphere for 7 unsoakable damage at the start of their turn.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: ((Its 7 damage on the start of their turn))
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Doctor Rafan Tane: "You know what, that looks like a good idea!"
Tane jumps out of the side of the U-Wing, giving Tal a salute as he falls and clicks his heels together.
His rocket boots activate and he flies toward the giant statues.
GM: IL-0M makes a sound and flies after Tane.
Tal: "....I don't have those." Tal grudgingly admits.
Janix: "Nor I," Janix adds.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
Willa: Willa starts to argue, but then stops.
GM: 2
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn: The entry hatch shut, she concentrates and focuses on the cockpit of the ATAT. She channels and redirects the the chaos around her through the Force. It pours into her and through her hands, into the cabin, exciting the very molecules of the air within. Control panels and such starts to spark as components corrode. Those inside feel it a moment later....
Venn can hear coughing from within the AT-ST's cockpit. Someone inside shouts: "Turn on the anti-containment systems!"
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   3
GM: There is a whooshing sound of sucking air beneath her, like a vacuum had been turned on. Moments later the gas is expelled out from beneath the AT-AT.
Ashley: ... well, that happened, thought Ashley. Except that everything going on, with all the craziness, really did seem par the course.
GM: It takes aim at the Basilisk droid, albeit with some difficulty thanks to the danger that was just pressed.
First Order AT-AT:
Forward Mounted Twin Heavy Blaster Cannons
First Order AT-AT
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Triumph)
The blasts of the AT-AT's heavy cannons strike the Basilisk, though Venn can hear a body drop beneath her in the walker's cockpit.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Willa takes just a second to analyze what's around her, and begins fashioning a contraption to hold the piloting stick in place sans pilot!
She slows the ship's speed down to lessen the danger of bailing, and then heads to the back of the ship.
"Flight's ending early, guys!"
Willa has ended her turn.
Tal: Tal relinquishes control of the gunner's turret. He will leave the turret, grab his weapons, and head for the nearest exit.
GM: Below the U-Wing, the Nazren, Stormtroopers, and Mandalorians engage in a firefight.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Janix: Behind Tal, Janix will fling an arm around Willa, kick the droid out (she's less concerned if it lives) and jumps out. "Hold on kid." Blue biotics flares around her lightly, but enough that Willa can see it, as she uses her Force Leap to try to slow her fall, leaping away from the gravity of the planet.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Willa: "Wha--No--NINES! YOU D-AAAAHHHH!"
The droid releases a droid scream, but has enough thrust in his li'l rockets to keep from DYING A HORRIBLE DEATH JANIX.
Janix: While not as much umph behind the move, Janix lands gracefully with the smaller Twi'lek still under one arm. Slowed enough, the pair lands with a jarring but safe landing, the Hapan almost kneeling as she absorbs some of the impact (and reduced some with her Biotics). She lets Willa down as she looks up at the Droid. "Huh, rockets huh?" She assumed it'd be easier to put it together later after it crashed and didn't explode.
Shatter Missiles
Rook B.
Vehicle   Basilisk War Droid
Damage   3
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Blast 1, Breach 2, Limited Ammo 4
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: Willa is full on shaking as she finds her feet.
"Th-thank y-you, I th-think?" she stammers, as she recovers her balance
First Order AT-ST:
Starship Critical
First Order AT-ST
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   82
Total   82
Shields Down
Decrease defense in affected defense zone to 0 and all other defense zones by 1 point until repaired. If ship or vehicle has no defense, suffer 4 system strain.
Janix: Her gaze at the battle around as she considers, Janix doesn't look at the younger mechanic. "You're welcome." She states matter of factly.
First Order AT-ST:
Chin Mounted Twin Heavy Blaster Cannon
First Order AT-ST
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
While the chin cannons fail to strike the Basilisk, the gunners yell and start working on getting the targeting systems back on target.
Basilisk War Droid: Rook switches targets, barrel rolling to bring her missiles to bear upon the AT-ST. Her missles fly out, and hit the AT-ST hard ... and then it fires back, the deadly blaster cannons unable to follow Rook's severe vector changes.
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Forward-Mounted Proton Torpedo Launcher
Ashley Nasur
Vehicle   Mandalorian Fang Fighter
Damage   8
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Blast 6, Breach 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 6, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order AT-ST:
Starship Critical
First Order AT-ST
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   36
Total   36
Knocked Off Course
On next turn, pilot cannot execute any maneuvers. Instead, must make a Piloting check to regain bearings and resume course. Difficulty depends on current speed.
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Threat)
Tie Striker:
Wingtip Mounted Heavy Blaster Cannons
Tie Striker
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Linked 3
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Character Critical
Ashley Nasur
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll   19
Total   29
Discouraging Wound
Flip one light destiny to dark.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   2
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   8
Light Side points remaining   1
Venn: She half-surfs in a three point stance as the mechanical behemoth slowly swivels its head. Beneath her mask, her lip curls in a snarl of annoyance at the hardiness of occupants of the cabin. The aft section of the ATAT had a gunner seat which was likely easier to infiltrate. It would likely mean a longer trip and more troops inside to contend with on the way to those at the cockpit controls.
She will try to pull a Cal Kestis and enter via the aft gunner station.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
She holds out her hand, allowing Force to telekinetically grab the lid and yank it free.
Then she will hop in and slide down the ladder, to deal with whatever is inside.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM: The lid flies off, inside six storm-troopers stand up, alarmed at the sudden arrival of an intimidating figure. "Intruder!" One yells, reaching for his blaster-rifle.
Venn: "Hello There."
GM: The troops pull their weapons and fire at Venn.
Venn: She will quickdraw her saber then before her turn ends if she sees that!
Ashley: Taking note of the other AT-ST, Ashley knows that the Fang Fighter is on its last legs. He firess the proton torpedoes at it, watching as they hit the AT-ST hard. However, it leaves him open for another attack; the Tie Striker hitting the side of his ship.
Warning alarms continually go off, Ashley barely able to hear them past the noise as he is summarily ejected from the ship and into the air.
... at least he was still alive but that ship he had used was definitely destroyed.
Venn: ((Defense you mean?))
Venn Parsa %uD53B%uD546%uD53B%uD53E%uD53C%uD54A when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Character Critical
Venn Parsa
Previous Criticals   -1 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   -10
Dice Roll   61
Total   41
Bowled Over
Knocked prone and suffer 1 strain.
Free maneuver
She stands up.
Venn Parsa performs a %u211D%uD53C%uD53D%uD543%uD53C%u2102%uD54B when hit by a ranged attack, suffering 3 strain to reduce damage by 9, before soak.
Venn Parsa uses the %u2102%uD53C%u2115%uD54B%uD53C%u211D %uD546%uD53D %uD539%uD53C%uD540%u2115%uD53E maneuver. Until the beginning of next turn, melee attacks against her increase their Critical Rating by 2. This maneuver can become an incidental by using 1 strain.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Threat) (Threat)
While a flurry of blaster bolts go off inside the back of the AT-AT at the masked, lightsaber-wielding intruder, the U-Wing crashes into the AT-ST, sending debris flying through the air. The stormtroopers avoid being bowled over or killed from the blast, targeting toward the invaders while the Mandalorian Fang Fighter is shot out of the sky.
Willa: Willa takes cover and launches a grenade from her bag at the remaining troopers.
Merr-Sonn Model 9 Armor Piercing Grenade
Damage   13
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 12 (1 ADV to activate
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Master's Violet Doublesaber %u2694%uFE0F
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   %uF517 Linked 1, %uF4A2 Breach 1, %uF528 Sunder, %uF915 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn double ignites her sabers and holds it out....
The blades spin before her and she walks towards the stormtroopers slowly.
One of the troopers comms the pilots and distracts them with yelling, causing some...effect up to GM?
Maybe it shoots at something wrong or they come to help or something
GM: One of them even goes to the door and bashes on it, calling for helping.
Right before a saber goes through him.
First Order AT-ST:
Chin Mounted Twin Heavy Blaster Cannon
First Order AT-ST
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
GM: The AT-ST shoots up at the Mandalorian fighter, causing it to explode and crash into the side of the statue.
Venn: (chop suey)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   7
New Light Side total   2
Willa: ((How many range bands is it between Willa and the big turret?))
Basilisk War Droid: ((rook will go next))
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Ashley: ((ash will go after rook then))
Janix: ((everything explodes))
Shatter Missiles
Rook B.
Vehicle   Basilisk War Droid
Damage   3
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Blast 1, Breach 2, Limited Ammo 4
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Tal: Tal sprints toward the group of stormtroopers.He hefts his vibroaxe and swings several times in succession.
The fifth man is dead before the first man's head rolls across the dirt.
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order AT-ST:
Starship Critical
First Order AT-ST
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   23
Total   23
Losing Power to Shields
Decrease defense in affected defense zone by 1 until repaired. If ship or vehicle has no defense, suffer 1 system strain.
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Basilisk War Droid: Rook spins around and barrels down upon the remaining AT-ST with her third missile. despite her skills True Aim (2 strain) and Stay on Target (two strain) she does not take out the AT-ST.
GM: A hail of blaster fire comes at Tal from beneath the AT-ST.
Tal: "He's....HE'S STILL ALIVE!"
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
First Order Sergeant: "Blast that Mando scum, men!"
%u2604%uFE0F Force Leap Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Take a Force Leap maneuver. Make an Enhanced power check. The user may spend %u25D0 to jump vertically in addition to horizontally to any location in short range. Spend %u25D0 to increase the power's range by a 1 range band.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Janix: ((5 dark side pips to 4 adv and 1 success))
New Round
Ashley: Ashley counted the Force on his side that he was not fired upon as he made his eventual landing. There was no time to really take stock of himself, though there was still a discordant sound in his head, as he proceeded to use the Force to leap towards the structure and take over. "... can't say it wasn't fun while it lasted," mutters Ashley. His hand rested on his bag, resisting the urge to pull out his lightsabers. For he was thinking about making his way around the building and to the turret, though ... Looked like a certain Doctor was already on that path.
Venn: (lol the music synched with the new round)
GM: The Hellions have engaged in battle with the First Order forces. While star-fighters scream overhead and crash into the earth, vehicles explode, and the battle gets personal as the Hellions engage in hand-to-hand combat while infiltrating the vehicles that seek to stop their advance.
Will the attack succeed? And what of Kesvo?
Janix: Janix leaps forward with her Biotics, rushes the last of the way and lets herself go. Blue flickering around her as she punches and kicks the Stormtroopers around her, demolishing them with precision blows and deadly accuracy.
End Session 100



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2020, 10:37:16 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 101 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions battle alongside the Mandalorians and the Nazren against the terrible First Order that have occupied the world of Nizon. After meeting heavy resistance against the First Order and their Trandoshan Slaver allies, the Hellions battle in a pitched fight against an AT-AT, an AT-ST, and several ground troopers as they try to disable the gun batteries that protect the main bridge into the city. The Mandalorians, in the meanwhile, engage with the First Order at their main garrison.
Willa: Willa runs at full speed from her position among the fallen ground troops towards the stationary turret, hoping to dodge vehicle fire while on the way!
Willa: Halfway there, she ducks behind some stonework for a moment of cover.
Willa has ended their turn.
Shatter Missiles
Rook B.
Vehicle   Basilisk War Droid
Damage   3
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Blast 1, Breach 2, Limited Ammo 4
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: The Missiles struck the TIE Striker, hitting it center mass and making the fighter explode!
Rook: Rook swerves to shoot at the deadly imperial fighter, using Her True Aim and a Evasive Action. (two strain for two maneuvers)!
GM: The AT-ST targets at the Basilisk droid and opens fire with its chin-cannons!
First Order AT-ST:
Chin Mounted Twin Heavy Blaster Cannon
First Order AT-ST
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
The chin cannons blast into the side of the Basilisk droid, sending it into a tail-spin as it careens towards the earth!
The tower is a 20 foot tall anti-vehicle structure with twin blaster cannons. There appears to be a reinforced door into it.
Venn: Venn will continue working her way through the AT-AT towards the cockpit.
Rook: Shearing metal screams and the brutal lightening of the AT-AT's main cannon slice Rook's Basilisk droid, the hull fracturing into a dealdy rain. With a yell, Rook flings herself free of the destruction, trusting to her jet pack to avoid dying in the inferno.
Tal: Tal let the AT-AT pass him as he tried to say in its rear view. He wanted to get to the turret without the AT-AT or the AT-ST focusing upon him.
GM: There's a couple unfortunate stormtroopers in the AT-AT, but they don't look like they want to stay here. There is also a reinforced door with a codelock between the troop-area and the cockpit.
Venn: ((Are they armed? what are they doing?))
GM: The Stormtroopers have blaster rifles and shock prods, they are trying to give Venn space - they just haven't gotten to act yet.
%u2694 Draw Closer Image   %u201CYou are unwise to lower your defenses!%u201D
With a gesture, she seizes a target with the Force while simultaneously attacking with her violet lightsaber.
Activation   Action | Sil 1 target | %u2264 Medium Range
Check   Combat - Lightsaber(Willpower) + Force Dice
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to move the Sil 1 target one Range Band closer OR as a Image.
GM: They have 1 defense, no adversary
Venn: (k)
Master's Violet Doublesaber %u2694%uFE0F
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   %uF517 Linked 1, %uF4A2 Breach 1, %uF528 Sunder, %uF915 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa will activate Weapon Quality: %uD543%uD540%u2115%uD542%uD53C%uD53B. She hits again, with the other end of her double-saber.
Venn: She will leave one alive with 3 advantages.
"Open that door, now."
GM: The remaining trooper, seeing the complete destruction of the other troops in the walker, hurriedly opens the door. A little bit of green-looking gas floats into the troop compartment.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM: "What's going on back there!?" A hoarse sounding voice comes from the cockpit, the commander turning back to look. "What the blazes!?"
Out of the turret, a squadron of First Order Troopers march out of the door, moving to reinforce the fading defenses.
Venn: The masked woman holds up the crackling amethyst blade, showering those nearby in its light. "I am here to help." she says in a disturbing fashion through her vocoder.
GM: "Uhh..." The commander looks to his co-pilot, then back at her. "Good??"
Venn: LOL
GM: The troopers level their rifles at Janix and Willa as they approach. "Halt in the name of the First Order!"
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
%uF938 Martial Grace Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, the character may suffer 2 strain to add additional damage equal to her
ranks in Coordination, 3, to one hit of a successful Brawl combat check.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: (no purple)
(only 6 white pips)
Dice Roll
(Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Setback Threat)
Venn: (It should only be the first 5 dice that count)
Janix: (crit to auto kill 1, white pips to successes and 1 adv to heal strain)
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
GM: IL-0M zips across the air to hover in front of the AT-ST's cockpit. It then opens its side and shoots out a cloud of black smoke.
Smoke Emitters: As an action, may deploy smoke screen to create concealment that adds 3 setback dice to all checks within short range.
Doctor Rafan Tane:
Twin "Security" S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistols
Doctor Rafan Tane
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage)
Janix: Janix is eyeing the turret as the troopers emerge and yell at her, and the young Twi'lek, to halt in the name of the First Order. With a bemused smirk (that they cannot see), she leaps forward and unleashes a roundhouse that crushes one chest and knocks down the first Trooper. "Wrong request," she says as she lashes out with her angled fist and crushes another trooper, and, with a few more blows, takes down two more. Landing with her knees softened and her helmeted gaze leveled at the rest, she makes a simple motion, the universal 'come and get some' to the rest. It should buy Willa time to run and be a good distraction. It's not like Janix could beat down a blast door with her bare hands. At least, probably not.
Doctor Rafan Tane: While IL-0M flies over to cause a distraction for the AT-ST, Tane opens fire with his twin blaster pistols at the back of the Troopers as he flies above them with his rocket boots.
GM: Ashley falls back to help some of the wounded Mandalorians and Nazren as they make their way toward the turret.
GM: The Troopers, not very happy with Janix for obvious reasons, open fire at her.
They back up, first.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Despair)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   3
Janix: As Janix dodges the blaster fire, she rushes forward, far too eagerly.
A blaster goes wide over her shoulder as she rushes headlong and hits something, but it doesn't sound like Willa!
First Order Sergeant:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Sergeant
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Janix: With a grunt, Janix takes a solid shot and levels her helmeted gaze at the Sergeant. That one was definitely next on her list.
Venn: "Not you." Beat. "Them." she utters via the filtered mask. Then she points a gloved hand beyond the Imperials and to the Mandalorians flying around beyond their viewport of the Walker.
GM: "Oh." The Commander says slowly. "Not good."
Venn: That pointed hand's fingers turn to form a claw like motion. "Well said, Commander."
%u2756 Influence: Mind Trick / Stress Mind Image   %u201C...Boring conversation anyway.%u201D
She draws on the the Force to psychically pacify or manipulate her opposition. Action - Activate with %u25D0 vs. Living Target.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +1 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Engaged.
Magnitude    %uF53C +3 beings per %u25D0.
Strength    %uF4A4 Inflict 2 strain per %u25D0 (no soak).
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: (ffs)
1 pip activate, 1 pip for 2 guys...
Then the rest on 2 strain each
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   2
Venn: 5 strain, 5 conflict, 12 Strain each
All of them lift off the ground half a meter, grabbing their throats as they imaginarily suffocate. Venn finally forms a fist and they all clatter to the ground like rag dolls.
She sits at the controls. "Ooo. Present for me."
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Willa: Blaster fire from the emergent detachment of troopers goes wild in the face of Janix's forward rush. Willa flinches behind her cover, ducking when it seemed a bolt was headed for her.
"These people are out of their minds, Nines!" She flips on her SIKE system, and a translucent teal field of energy fizzles into existence around her, granting a bit more protection. "It's an opening, though. Let's go!"
She then darts out from cover and runs for the turret while Janix occupies the troopers.
Willa has ended their turn.
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Hellion Field Team: %u2301 This is Two, Walker personnel is out of comission and I'm at the controls. %u2301 .
GM: The AT-ST steps forward and targets some of the approaching Mandalorians who are flying through the air.
First Order AT-ST:
Concussion Grenade Launcher
First Order AT-ST
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Personal Scale, Blast 8, Breach 1, Limited Ammo 15
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat)
GM: The missile flies through the air, exploding and killing two of the Mandalorians, though sparks fly off of the launcher.
Janix: A flash of purple and blue in her side vision lights as she hopes Willa made it safely while Venn (probably? that mask made it hard to tell at times) claims control of the Walker. It was nice having such a competent team, though she wasn't quite sure how Venn managed all that.
Dice Roll
(Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
Or it WOULD have, if it could AIM!
Venn: Image
GM: Instead, IL-0M hacks the Rocket Launcher.
Venn: (That little ball droid needs to take over the hellions mission on its own)
Rook: Rook laughs, and then rattles a repeat of the sit-rep to Tvastar in Mando'a. The Walker charges forward, laser fire sending plumes of rock and ash into the air.
Tal: Tal sprints to the turret to assist Willa and Janix!
Venn: ((BTW, for the log, my reroll was allowed by "Natural Mystic", 1x per session talent.. sorry couldnt find it earlier))
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Threat) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
(1 white = adv and 4 white = success)
(Janix will move out of engaged and take cover)
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Rook: %u2301 Spitfire, can you make your way to this walker? %u2301 .
Janix: With a lunge forward Janix lashes out with her fist, a hint of blue to the attack as she hits the Sergeant in the throat, a sensitive spot assuredly. It lands across the leader's chin and blood sprays across the ground but doesn't drop the leader. Frowning, Janix moves backwards and takes cover as she looks towards Willa with Tal backing the Twi'lek up.
Venn: ATAT
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   3
Rook: Rook uses a Full Throttle maneuver and shoots over to the AT-AT, and slams into the cockpit of the magnificent, historical weapon.
Venn: "Hey dear. I saved you a seat." she says, gesturing the open space at the front.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph) (Triumph)
Janix: (wow)
Venn: "Teamwork makes the dream work." says the masked woman, offering the Mandalorian at her side a fist bump.
Rook: With blind instinct guiding her, Rook pivots the akward AT-AT onto only three legs, and let's fly a perfect, dreamed of shot at the AT-ST! her laughter is fierce and predatory, as she adds an elated, "What a great present!" to Venn
GM: The troopers, seeing their situation is hopeless with the AT-AT turning on the AT-ST, turn and start to flee. In short order the Hellions capture the turret and can either reprogram it or sabotage it.
Willa: Willa, hating to see useful tech go to waste, happily reprogams the turret to serve the needs of the natives.
Venn: Venn kicks her feet up, crossing them at the ankles, somewhere near the dash and lets Rook play with her new toy. The Umbaran watches as matters proceed.
GM: Willa make a Computers check versus 2 red, 2 purple.
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Janix: As the soldiers flee (cowards), Janix moves to flank Willa with Tal. She gives the fellow warrior a nod as she takes out her long range rifle and takes up watch.
GM: Willa is able to expertly hack into the turret, but for a moment she fears she set off an alarm. Only through quick-thinking and some insane reaction time is she able to avert a disaster! (2 strain).
Rook: Rook takes the walker through its paces, utterly delighted.
Venn: "There has got to be a decent amount of firearms and other armaments in here. Might do well for arming the natives." she considers. "I wonder if this thing still holds speeders..."
Mass Combat Check
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Venn: ((This battle started so ROUGH too))
GM: Tvastar calls into the Hellions: "Parjai! We have taken the garrison and routed the First Order! We drive them toward the heart of the city!"
Willa: Once it was done, she sat back with a bit of a huff, relieved after a moment of stress.
"Wow. You know, for a pretty straightforward gunnery system, this was actually pretty complex. I mean, redundant subroutines aren't that uncommon, but every individual diode was electronically reinforced with dat--" she says, only belatedly looking up to find that there are no conversational partners within earshot any longer.
Tvastar Ordo: "Through your efforts, we have a way into the city itself now. We shall regroup and begin the push. Would you be willing to meet with Sartok and reinforce him within the city?"
Janix: Janix looks at Willa, in a helmet, and nods slowly. "Yeah, guess that would be hard." She understood about half that but the kid was helpful so she wanted to be encouraging.
GM: Overhead Mandalorian Fang Fighters fly past you, lighting up the sky as they shoot down TIE Fighters and Strikers, Basilisk War Droids soon appearing around you to reinforce your position.
Willa: She hadn't realized Janix was paying attention, but the response from the Hapan caused a bright-as-daylight smile to slice across the Twi'lek's face.
"It was. But not as hard as punching a whole SQUADRON of troopers at once!"
Tal: "Alright. Time to find Sartok then and finish this." Tal said.
Willa: She heads down out of the turret onto the ground level along with the others, and grins brightly as she watches the Mandos roaring past overhead.
Venn: Venn informs Tvastar that there are unconscious prisoners in the AT-AT for them to hold onto. She also says that the massive walker's stores likely have arms that can be distributed as well as speederbikes.
GM: Everyone can roll Discipline or Cool to recover strain as you prepare for the next push.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix: "Ha," She laughs as Tal directs them towards Sartok and falls in with the team. "Everyone's got a job, I don't want yours." She said to Willa as they head out, the battle not over.
%u2696%uFE0F Balance Activation   Maneuver
Effect   When the character heals strain at the end of the encounter, she may add %u2B21 per Force Rating, 5. She recovers additional strain equal to %u25EF generated.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Janix: (white -> success)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: "Hey, you want me to close that up?" she asked Tal, gesturing to a spot where he was still bleeding a bit.
Janix: The banter with Willa and finding the team relatively unharmed buoys Janix and helps her feel refreshed as they move into the next battlefield. She didn't thrive on conflict but there was an easy grace on the battlefield she knew well.
Tal: "Yeah, that would help. Thank you." he said, the pain finally catching up to him.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane checks over his equipment, giving some quick repairs to IL-0M and then shifting his gaze back to the others. "We ready to rock it?"
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
"I think so," she responds to Tane as she finishes up with Tal. "Anyone else hurt?"
Janix: "Let's finish this," she says to Tane. "The First Order will definitely regret this." To the rest of the team. "Anyone heard from Three?"
At Willa's comment, Janix raises her hand and points to some purple blood.
Venn: Venn has a Mando or two help her get the 3 imperials that are unconscious out of the walker and into their custody. She relieves them of their code cylinders if they have any or other intel first.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Light)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Ashley will approach Janix and force heal her for 8 wounds (but does it while Willa isn't looking!)
Willa: Willa had just closed up her kit, but at Janix's gesture, she pops back out the small medicinal sealant gun she'd used on Tal. She set it against Janix's wound, and fed a line of medicated paste onto her skin to temporarily seal up the broken skin.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
The paste sputters out before the wound is wholly sealed, and Willa smacks it a couple of times in an attempt to get it to keep going
To no avail.
Janix: Ashley is busy with critical injuries on some of their allies so she's happy to let Willa help. It wasn't as though Janix was on death's door (this time).
GM: Venn does not find any useful information at this time that's readily apparent. She can try to bring the code cylinders somewhere to get more information.
Tal: Tal felt quite a bit better after Willla's aid. "Hey, thanks." he told her.
"You ready for this?" he asked.
Janix: "Not too late to back out kid," Janix adds to Willa.
Rook: Rook salutes Tvastar with a fist to the chest, "It will be our honor!" she assures him, as to being asked to support Sartok. IF he looks hurt she will ask Willa to see to him, too.
Willa: "No problem!" she chirped, happy to have been of help when Tal thanked her.
She blinked, though, and looked from Tal to Janix and back, incredulous.
"Are you kidding?"
"This is the most excitement I've seen in months."
Venn: ((title of her sex holo))
Willa: "I'm not just ready, I'm amped."
Venn: ((The ATAT is involved in the next part as well?))
Janix: Janix knew the rest of the team, they wouldn't back down. "Good to hear. Let's finish this." She claps the kid's shoulder again, a smile on her face unseen. The kid and Rook would definitely be trouble together but it was refreshing.
Willa: Willa is ready to advance.
Venn: "Spitfire, you should give one of your mandalorian friends a quick crash course on how to operate this thing."
Venn makes sure that their forces know to procure weapons and speederbikes before she leaves the titanic durasteel monster. A chill of days past creeps up her spine after the adrenaline wears off... the Dark Side making its presence known.
Rook: Rook gives a thumbs up. "That's a good idea. she's a great piece of Machinery." After apologizing for loosing the Basilisk, she will offer to train anyone who is interested on the AT-AT!
GM: As you enter the city, you find that there is turbolaser fire coming from the mountain down into the city. The ancient city has been reduced to smoldering rubble in parts, and all around you, you can hear the sounds of battle in the air. Venn with acquiring the code cylinders off of the AT-AT personnel, picks up communications off of their channels that the First Order is preparing to send a communique to The Arkanian Dragon in orbit for assistance. In addition, they see a number of Nazren in danger and in need in the streets.
Rook: "Willa, can you block that transmission?" Rook asks, preparing to rush to the aid of the Nazren in the streets. she checks herself, and adds, "We need to stop that turbo laser, don't we?"
Tal: "Is there any way we can jam those comms so that they can't get that message off? Or are we too late?" Tal asks, knowing personally the kind of damage a Star Destroyer can rain down from orbit.
Images of Concord Dawn flashed in his mind's eye briefly.
Willa: "If I had access to a terminal, maybe, but..." she says doubtfully, though she looks around to see if there's anything she can suitably substitute.
GM: Willa knows she is unable to do so remotely, but if she can get close enough to the comm array she could either hack it or sabotage it.
Rook: "I might be able to fly you where you need to go." Rook eyes the distances to the comm tower and the turbo laser, trying to calculate how long it would take.
GM: Everyone can make perception checks.
Rook: Glancing over at Dr. Tane and the marvelous IL-0M, She adds, "You two are just full of surprises. that smoke cloud was pure genius."
Venn: "Blueberry's got some of that techno-whizz knowhow, too, so two minds...etc. etc.." she said as they discussed jamming communications.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
GM: Everyone can see a large comm array on top of a large building, you get the idea that that is the array they are wanting to utilize. You also see some First Order Technicians at work there.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Willa: "Oh! There!" she suddenly says, pointing as though everyone else can't see the big arraylookingthing too.
GM: Tal even sees an approach vector that allows them to sneak up on the techs!
Janix: "I think stopping the communications to the horrific death machine sounds like a good plan," looking in the direction Willa is pointing.
Willa: "On it!" she says, and starts towards them.
Tal: "Follow me. I can see a route that'll let us sneak up on the technicians. Be prepared everyone."
Willa: ...but stops when Tal speaks up, and falls in line behind him instead
Venn: "Well aren't you a wiley one." she says, half-teasing to Tal.
GM: The Hellions are proficient enough that dealing with the technicians are more of a matter of method rather than variability, so they can choose how they handle them and focus on the more important task of how to deal with the array.
Janix: "Excellent." Rifle in her arms, Janix falls in with Tal.
Rook: Rook falls in as well, still so hyped by the AT-AT that she has to mind her breathing. but every now and then, her hands move as if reliving the shot that took out the AT-ST.
Tal: Tal will simply grab one by the throat, hoist him off the ground, and suggest that surrendering quietly is better than a messy death.
GM: Tal roll a Coercion check.
Tal: He'll let Willa/Ashley/others get to work on the major task of the array.
Janix: Janix will assist by standing nearby and being _menacing_, rifle drawn and ready to draw.
Willa: Willa takes a moment to Overcharge her implant while Janix gets her glare on. She then draws a breathe and sits down, approaching the array with an air of cautious determination.
Rook: Rook will assist Willa in her work!!
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: Venn will assume Ashley will help as well...
(one per each)
GM: The technicians don't surrender, but they do run away as fast as their legs will carry them.
Tal: "You know what? Good on them." Tal said, watching them run.
GM: The smell of urine comes strongly from the technicians as they run upwind.
Rook: "Who knew it was possible to be too terrifying?"
GM: Venn can pick up another communique to a guard post from one of the troops, saying they have some Nazren rioters requesting for reinforcements.
Janix: "If I were them, I'd run away from you too," Janix jokes as she lowers her rifle.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
GM: The First Order troops are heard asking for back-up.
Venn: She holds up the comlink and cants her head. "They are looking to get reinforcements to deal with some of the Nazren, it sounds like."
Rook: "I feel like we should answer that plea for help ..."
Willa: Surrounded by Ashley's calm confidence and Rook's exuberantly positive energy, Willa finds the array opening up to her easily. She not only prevents the communique from reaching the Destroyer in orbit, but she cloaks the interruption so that the sender is unaware of it. She then begins to funnel intel to Tvastar and the others about troop movements to help advance the fight.
"Done," she says, when all was finished.
"Where to now?" she asked, spinning on her seat to look at the others.
Tal: "Great work. Let's see if we can do something about the turbolaser and keep it from blasting away? Or hit the streets?"
GM: The turbolasers are coming from the mountain fortress, definitely higher up than where you are now. The location you were to find Sartok is deeper in the city, where as the location requesting reinforcements against the Nazren fighters is another part of the city.
Rook: "Well done, Willa!" Rook nodded to Tal. "Is there a team going for the cannon? or should we collelct forces here and then head up? I could rush the cannon, maybe get willa there, but I'm not sure what kind of defenses it has."
Tal: Tal thinks a moment. "Let's do what we came to do. Find Sartok and help him." he said.
Venn: *"Requesting reinforcements means they are likely near defeat in that area."
Janix: From the vantage, she saw the state of some of the locals. "They are probably in need more than the Mandos."
Rook: "Can we angle our approach to Sartok such that we'd intercept the planned reinforcements?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Why don't you get on the comm and use that Imperial accent of yours to tell them the guard post not to send reinforcements?"
Rook: Rook laughs aloud. "that sounds brilliant. Why didn't I think of that?"
Willa: "Because you were still daydreaming about your joyride in the walker, I bet," Willa teased as she hopped down.
"We should get going!"
Janix: "Let's help the locals and surprise the First Order. Double the trouble."
Rook: Rook laughed, and clapped Willa upon the shoulder. "INDEED!" more quiely she adds, "I have wanted to do that my whole life. I can't wait to tell everyone!"
Venn: The acerbic expression Venn would give Tane is otherwise shielded from his view. "I'll keep that in mind."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Mm, you do that."
Tal: "Then let's move."
And Tal will head out with the others.
Willa: As the group begins to move, Willa leans over and whispers to Rook.
Rook: Turning to Venn, Rook will ask, " ARen't you going to stop them?"
GM: The Hellions proceed forward. A few minutes pass as you duck turbolaser fire that ruins ancient and newer structures. Your foot steps move across broken concrete and turned-up debris. A Nazren with serious battle wounds comes stumbling out of a plumb of smoke. Upon seeing you, she rushes up, pointed to a rubble-choked street behind her.
"The First Order have set up a new checkpoint, with heavy weapons guarding it! One of the buildings has the anti-aircraft weapons we've been working on getting set up. We can't break through, and it'
Rook: Whatever Willa whispered had Rook pause a moment, then she whispered back.
GM: it's preventing our two largest groups from connecting and taking control of this section of the city!"
Through the smoke, you see flashes of heavy blaster fire and hear more Nazren running from a fight that seems to be too much for them.
Willa: Willa gives Rook an "Oh!" face and gives a thumbs up before turning to focus on the fighting.
Tal: "Get to safety! We're on our way there." Tal told the Nazren.
Meanwhile, he will search for cover in which to lead the group where they might get a better view of the situation.
Rook: Rook listened intently, then offered a stim-pack to the wounded soldier, though she'll catch willa's eye and be sure its ok first.
Janix: Janix ignores the kids whispering, but she knew the duo would be trouble for sure.
Willa: The plight of the Nazren gives her a clear target, and being amped up on having seen success so far, she's eager to engage. But she pauses, looking to the Hellions to follow their lead before she makes a move.
Janix: As they approach, Janix will kneel and sight down her rifle, assessing.
Rook: "Let's go!" ((would a knowledge warfare check help us approach effectively???))
GM: Finding a wide street, littered with abandoned crates and broken-down speeders, you see what was once a thriving street reduced to ash and ruin. Ahead of you, the towering figure of an AT-ST stomps about, firing shots from its chin-cannons at distant targets, or aiming skyward at passing by aircraft. Around it are two AT-RT 1-man walker units, and several groups of stormtroopers.
You are not yet spotted. There's a burnt out ruin of a building ahead of you, where you see three Trandoshans upon the roof setting up a comm unit.
First Order AT-RT:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order AT-RT
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success)
(Success) (Success)
First Order AT-RT:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order AT-RT
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success)
(Success) (Success)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order AT-ST:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order AT-ST
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Threat) (Threat)
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Blank)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Dice Pool
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Janix: (Janix will free maneuver to aim with her target rifle)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Doctor Rafan Tane:
Initiative Vigilance
Doctor Rafan Tane
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal: Tal looks to Venn.
"Can you get me up there where those Trandoshans are?" he asked.
Willa: "I'd rather get a grenade up there first," she suggests, when Tal talks about joining the Trandos.
Tal: "Heh, you got a point." he said.
Willa: "It won't be as effective as a Five, admittedly, but a girl's gotta feel of use, you know?" she teased, with a wink.
Rook: "Does anyone have any weapons that will take out the AT-ST, or do we need to commandeer it?"
Venn: "Use your 'jump boots'." she remarks to Tal with the ping of an elbow to his side.
"Grenade is going to call attention, so be ready."
Willa: "Want me to wait?" she says, pausing at Venn's comment.
Janix: "No," Janix says viciously. "Surprise them."
Willa: "On it."
She pulls one of her few remaining charges, and launches it at the roof.
Plasma Grenade
Damage   12
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 18 (1 ADV to activate
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Janix: She was lining up a great shot as she heard Willa throw the grenade.
The blast was definitely much larger than expected.
Rook: Rook gives a soft, predatory laugh. "Oh, well done."
Tal: "Okay, that was way better than I would have done it. Give 'em hell, kid." he said.
Venn: "Still planning on going up there?" she says, ribbing Tal.
Janix: Janix fires at the Sergeant that is furthest away.
Tal: "Nah, I'm good. That looks pretty wrapped up." he said.
Willa: The grenade explodes with a more-than-satisfying krickBOOM that shakes the remains of the burnt out building. When the smoke clears, the trandos are paste.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: "What in blazes do you put in those grenades?" scratches out the masked Umbaran at the sight of the building nearly collapsing from the plasma exposion.
Janix: (trimph = upgrade diff on next check, 3 adv = move manuever for free_
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Janix: She'd been sighting down the Sergeant and waiting for the right moment. Willa's distraction proved that as she breathed out and fired, the Sergeant's head blown clean off. One less leader arrayed against them.
GM: As Rook lands atop the AT-ST she finds that the plating has been electrified.
Willa: ((Forgot about Willa's ranks in Surgeon. Tal and Janix heal two extra wounds from the earlier Med checks))
GM: Make a Resilience check.
Janix: ((sweet, only 3 wounds left!!))
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Venn: "Watch out for that fast recon runner." she calls out the smaller mobile transport in the distance.
GM: Rook gets a bit of a zap, but not as bad as it should have been.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   5
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Failure) (Threat)
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Rook opens the hatch, but as she does it sets off an alarm for the AT-ST pilots!
Venn: (( range check on these guys?))
%u2756 Fear the Shadows
Venn Parsa
Activation   Action - Hard %u2666%u2666%u2666 Deception check
Effect   Force a single minion group or rival to flee the encounter.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Rook: They were learning! Electricity crackled around her, Rook swearing as she somehow found purchase upon parts of the hull that wouldn't continue to damage her. The tools built into her suit strained and crackled, surges threatening, but the hatch door swung open ... and an alarm sounded. They knew she was here.
Venn Parsa will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Venn: ((Using white pips to negate the 3 threat))
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Rook: ((rook spent 5 strain, extra maneuver and 3 side step)))
Tal's Bowcaster
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Cumbersome 3, Auto-Fire, Knockdown
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Venn: Sinking into the Force, Venn draws upon the carnage she previously wrought inside of the ATAT. The slaughter of the storm troopers focused through her mind like a lense and laser, into the heads of the Imperials downrange. They abandon their commanding officer, fleeing for their lives.
Tal: Tal raced forward and ducked behind cover, then leaped up and aimed his bowcaster at the First Order Sergeant. He fired once and scored the man's armor, knowing that Janix would finish him off.
First Order Sergeant: "Prepare for battle men, we'll take on these dogs who threaten the First Or.." He pauses as he turns to look over at his troops and finds them fleeing. Then turns to receive a hell-of-a-shot into his chest, sending him staggering backward with carbon scoring in his chest.
"Uughh... Die... Rebel... Dogs!"
%u267B%uFE0F Prime Positions Activation   Passive
Effect   When a character or ally in short range takes cover, they increase their soak against ranged attacks by 2 until they leave cover.
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Sergeant
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Sergeant
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Dice Pool
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Despair)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Despair)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat)
Venn: "I hope you have more of those party favors, kid." Venn says to Willa.
(no one left)
GM: The First Order troops move forward to begin opening fire with Heavy Blaster Rifles at the group.
Tane sends his droid to hover along the ground forward while he gets into cover.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Sliding next to Janix, he comes up to a crouch with his blaster pistols drawn. "Hey there, beautiful." He winks to the Hapan Commando in the cheesiest of fashions.
Willa: "Only a couple. I was thinking of saving them for the walkers?" she said, her tone suggesting she was seeking Two's input.
GM: Meanwhile the two AT-RT's move forward. One shooting at Janix.
The other walks around the building, heading toward Tal.
Venn: "I think our Mandalorian has some of that in hand..."
Janix: Janix looks at Tane and is confused temporaily as she pulls down her rifle and waits for the recharge. "Hello?" She answers, confused, but strangely trying to put herself in the line of fire before Tane.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Venn: ((AT RT is personal scale i think tho))
Dice System:
Janix M'kyato flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
First Order AT-RT:
Forward-Mounted Heavy Repeating Blaster
First Order AT-RT
Damage   15
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Janix: As the AT RT fires on her, Janix runs forward and draws the fire away from the more delicate Tane. She slides into more cover as blaster fire reigns down around her.
Venn: "That formation just seems so neatly packed together is all over there." she says to Willa.
First Order Sergeant: The troop in the back of the AT-ST gets up and brandishes a collapsable stun-rod that crackles with electricity.
Personal Stun Rod
First Order Sergeant
Damage   8
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Advantage)
New Round
GM: Which will be at the start of next session...
End Session 101



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2020, 10:47:08 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 102 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions are engaged in a dire battle against First Order forces on the planet Nizon. Backed by Nazren insurgents and flying Mandalorians, they are fighting fiercely on the ground of an ancient city that is soon becoming reduced to rubble by the diabolical forces of The First Order.
Making their way to rendezvous with the leader of the resistance - Sartok - they seek to dismantle a First Order guard station that is separating the troops.
Venn: ((Just shoot the controls and bounce! LOL))
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Point Blank +4. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Heavy
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Rook: Rook twists to bring her Disruptor Rifle to bear upon the man attacking her; it is a challenging shot, but the deadly flash of her weapon caught him mid-body ... and then he was nothing but Ash. The move allowed her to move and take up a defensive stance, as she prepared to face the pilot of the AT-ST.
Janix: (trimp crit and all white to dmg to kill off)
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
Venn: Venn will move and then activate her optical camoflauge, vanishing into stealth like The Predator.
(What kind of check do you need for that?)
Willa: ((Which way was Venn moving when she disappeared?))
Janix: As her rifle whirls and recharges Janix rushes forward to the remaining troopers after taking down their leader .She slides in on the shin guards of her armor as she lets Biotic energy flow through her limbs. Lashing out, she fells two as she slides past before kipping up and roundhousing one more. As the final one is about to move, about to react, she slams the butt of her rifle into the enemies neck, the crunch a promise of the finality of the move. After done, the four remaining fold around her onto the ground. (1 adv = 1 strain back)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Janix: (lied, 2 adv = 2 back)
Venn: She will quickdraw her saber hilt unignited. The Triumph will be used allow her to scout positions where she can use her saber in stealth.
So she would ignite, hit, then shut off.,
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Tal: Tal will quick draw his vibroaxe, sprint forward and attack the Sergeant that is shooting at him.
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Hellion Field Team: %u2301 Non Imperial combatants on the field. They look like the crab droids we've heard about, at least two tangos inbound. %u2301 .
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Two sweeps of his axe and the Sergeant takes two lethal strikes that rob of his head, and his life.
Ashley: Ashley moves forward quickly, getting behind some of the wreckage of the building, and then pops out to take fire at one of the troopers just north of the murderbeast known as GilTal.
x-30 Lancer
Ashley Nasur
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Accurate 1, Pierce 3, Superior
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Willa: "Yeah but..." she starts to counter to Venn's comment about the Mandos taking care of the walkers. Rook being on top of the AT-ST seemed par for the course, but the smaller walkers seemed to be getting awfully close to the other Hellions, by Willa's eye. She closed the distance between herself and the building behind which Tane and One were crouched, and sank down beside them.
"Craziest first date ever, if you ask me," she chirped offhandedly, her attention split while she peered around the corner. Spying a group of troopers and one of the smaller walkers, she pulls out one of her last few grenades, and draws a steadying sigh before launching it towards the group. She then pulls back behind the building, seeking cover. ((+2 strain))
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Yes, but are you dating me or the droid?"
Merr-Sonn Model 9 Armor Piercing Grenade
Damage   13
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 12 (1 ADV to activate
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
GM: The grenade goes sailing through the air and erupts, taking out the sergeant and leaving only a pair of smoldering boots behind.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Ashley: Ashley really had no comments about the entire date thing business, mostly because he was busy settling back in after watching his shots land and troopers go down. (It was not a great date--day--for troopers, judging by the blast of Willa's grenade.)
First Order Sergeant:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Sergeant
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Advantage)
Willa: "Wha-huh?" she says, confused for a second by Tane's question. But the blast goes off and she peaks around the corner to see the damage. Under her breath, she whispers her displeasure.
Janix: The blaster hits as Janix rushes headlong towards the First Order troopers.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Janix: (2 black to 2 bad guys)
Ashley Nasur DODGEs when he is targeted, suffering 2 strain to upgrade difficulty of that attack by 2.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Threat)
First Order Sergeant:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Sergeant
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Failure) (Advantage)
Ashley: Ashley swears under his breath, dodging swiftly from some of the fire but putting himself right into another blast--his armor, was taking it--but at least ... you know, apparently the strain of trying to hit Ashley took out one of the troopers. Nice???
Ashley Nasur DODGEs when he is targeted, suffering 2 strain to upgrade difficulty of that attack by 2.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
(From Dice System):
Syncing your Destiny Pool to the GM's
First Order AT-RT:
Forward-Mounted Heavy Repeating Blaster
First Order AT-RT
Damage   15
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Despair)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair)
Character Critical
Ashley Nasur
Previous Criticals   2 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   10
Dice Roll   15
Total   45
Bowled Over
Knocked prone and suffer 1 strain.
Character Critical
Ashley Nasur
Previous Criticals   3 x 10
Dice Roll   73
Total   103
Limb permanently lost. Unless you have a cybernetic replacement, cannot perform actions that use that limb. Add 1 Setback to all other actions.
GM: The AT-RT stomps forward and unleashes a barrage of heavy blaster fire that chews past Willa and rips through Ashley's armor. His left arm takes the brunt of the attack as he gets sent to the ground, the limb literally blown off of his body. The old AT-RT shows its age, though, as the walker's cannon smolders.
First Order AT-RT:
Forward-Mounted Heavy Repeating Blaster
First Order AT-RT
Damage   15
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
The cannon goes over Tane's head, making the tree behind him exlode. It takes two free maneuvers to AIM.
Missile Launcher
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Blast 5, Breach 1, Inaccurate 1, Limited Ammo 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
GM: The Missile flies through the air and strikes the AT-RT for 21 damage.
Venn: (2024 Tal loses a limb)
Willa: The earth around her is rocked, and with a deafening pair of WHOMPs, dirt and debris is thrown into the air. Willa crouched, covering her head with her hands with a shout of surprise.
"That means we should move!" she shouts, looking to Tane and Ashley, only to find the latter a smoldering near-corpse. "OH NO!" she squeaks, reaching to pull the Pantoran closer.
Rook: ((go IL-0M!))
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Good job little buddy! I'll draw their fire!"
Tane moves and runs next to Tal. "Hey there, best friend."
He then opens fire with both blaster pistols at the troopers near them.
Janix: (if she's dead she can't report us)
Twin "Security" S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistols
Doctor Rafan Tane
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn Parsa SENSES ADVANTAGE! Once per session, as an OOT incidental, she adds +%u25FC%u25FC to one NPCs check.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
First Order AT-ST:
Concussion Grenade Launcher
First Order AT-ST
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Personal Scale, Blast 8, Breach 1, Limited Ammo 15
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
Venn: Ashley's pain and agony send a ripple through the Force, finding the creeping Venn somewhat unawares. The river of power her consciousness rests in runs sanguine red all of a sudden. Instinct takes over and she waves her hand, sending a blast of dust and debris front of the AT-ST just as it fires.
GM: The missile flies through the air and crashes against the building, making rubble fall among Ashley and Willa as the ruined structure is damage. The dust and debris, as well as some Biotic efforts from Janix against the missile itself prevent the attack from hitting home.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Ashley: There is not much thought to the process, just the attempt to dodge out of the way, but Ashley ... Ashley can't dodge all that fire and his last thoughts before he went down--feeling the pain seering through his left arm--was that he really, really wished he had just used his lightsabers. Mostly, however, there's just the searing pain that trembles out along the Force.
Willa: ((+2 wounds for Surgeon))
Willa tries to focus past the insane distractions of the battlefield erupting around her to administer enough first aid to get One awake again.
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Point Blank +4. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Heavy
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: When the Pantoran opens his eyes, Willa gasps in relief. "HELLO again!" she says, with a grin. "Welcome back!" And she unceremoniously jabs his arm with a stimpack.
Rook: %uF3A7COM to Hellion Away Team: %u2301 I have acquired the AT-ST %u2301
Ashley: Ashley doesn't scream, his jaw is clenched as he wakes up, and the arm is actually gone. Instead there's just stony silence for a moment as he tries to parse what Willa said, though he winces at the stimpack jab. "... thanks," he says, trying to pull himself up into a sitting position.
Rook: Rook, inside the AT-RT, is unaware that Ashley has been so badly hurt. She disintegrates the Pilot with a merciless shot to the back, tosses him out of his seat and settles in, surveying the battlefield.
Tal: Tal sees the AT-RT take aim at the last location of his teammates. He doesn't know what happened there, but he can see the sheer amount of damage it did...and that can't be good.
Tal attacks the soldier in the walker immediately.
Willa: "Take it easy, buddy," she said more gently, helping him try to sit up. "Uhm. I know it looks bad, but.. you know, this actually opens up a whole world of opportunities, you know? You're gonna be okay."
Ashley: "... to be fair," says Ashley, his gaze still kind of off, "one of my mentors has a robotic arm."
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal sprung forward, doing a quick bit of math in his head. He couldn't jump that high. But he could bring the AT-RT down to his level. He swung for the fences at the knee-joint of the walker and cleaved through it, watching as the bastard dropped to the stone floor.
"You shouldn't've done what you did." he growled.
Willa: Willa eyed Ashley uncertainly. While she didn't personally consider a cybernetic replacement anything but an upgrade, she knew well how jarring it was to wake up without a piece of yourself. The Pantoran's calm assessment of the bit about his mentor threw her, a little.
"How you feelin? Need another?" she asked, holding up a stimpack.
GM: The walker loses one leg, hopping up and down awkwardly on a leg.
First Order Stormtroopers: "These weren't designed for this sort of movement!"
Ashley: Ashley was clearly focused through the pain, though who could say that was a good thing. What he did, however, was get himself somewhat standing and focused on the walker that took his arm.
Sure, a cybernetic arm was an upgrade, but he was operating on pain and the threat of death to his comrades. He thought about Eric in the bactatank and Venn or Rook or Kesvo being taken down and reached out.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Rook: Lightening flared within the Walker, the anti-personnel defenses still active. Why it didn't affect her, Rook couldn't say; was it the adrenaline? The shear, emotional high of what they were trying to accomplish? Simply Luck? No; this was either fate or her purpose ... or Venn. Probably Venn, Rook decided, as she scanned for those incoming droids the marvelous Space Witch had warned them were coming.
What she saw, was a walker hopping on one leg ...
%uF48A Toughness (Improved) Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, may heal wounds equal to ranks in Toughness, 8
%uF938 Martial Grace Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, the character may suffer 2 strain to add additional damage equal to her
ranks in Coordination, 3, to one hit of a successful Brawl combat check.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Janix: (white to dmg, trimp to upgrade diff of minion group)
Willa: "Hey... One?" she prompted, touching Ashley's healthy arm with a tentative uncertainty. "C'mon, buddy. We need to move. We can figure out how to get him back once we find a safer spot to stand. There's another one of those dudes behind us, still."
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
Ashley: Whether it was the Light or the Dark that answered did not matter. Ashley was focused upon the flicker of life within the walker, on taking, and he did. As he pulled life from the pilot--it didn't matter if they weren't dead yet--he could feel it flowing through him, strengthening him.
Even if it didn't get his arm back.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: (I think you get conflict regardless of pips if you use harm btw)
Ashley: ((yep! conflict happens regardless))
First Order Sergeant:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Sergeant
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix: The blaster fire behind is disconcerting but Janix has targets in front of her and has to trust her team. She finishes her rush towards the group as little flashes of blue light around her and she wraps her arm around the Sergeant, twirls herself around him and wrenches him back as his neck snaps. Janix lands among his companions and readies for the next attacks.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
The stormtroopers to the west open fire on Tal - but even the concentrated blaster fire of the First Order Stormtrooper corps is not enough to even slow down Tal Vodax!
Ashley: "Don't think the one that took my arm can fire," says Ashley, with an uncanny certainty to Willa, "can't say that about the others. Others are hurt worse than me now."
Janix: The troopers move away from her and fire as they hit and her armor isn't enough to soak all the damage. She winces as she relentlessly pursues them while trying to dodge their blaster fire.
GM: Meanwhile, those who witnessed the brutal death of their sergeant back up, firing as they retreat at Janix, peppering her with a barrage of blaster fire, but she keeps coming after them, initiating a high-pitched shriek from the two troopers in front.
The one that Ashley harmed and had blasted with the AT-RT draws his blaster carbine from the back of the walker and shoots down at Willa for trying to offer First-Aid to his target!
First Order AT-RT:
Blaster Carbine
First Order AT-RT
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
First Order AT-RT:
Forward-Mounted Heavy Repeating Blaster
First Order AT-RT
Damage   15
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Setback Threat)
Willa: "Yeah. Uhm." she starts to respond, looking concerned at what sounds to her like nonsense from One. "Well, regardless, we should probably mo--AIEE!" she yelps, flinching as the ground beside her is assaulted with blaster fire.
Venn: She doesn't comlink to get a report on the pantoran, as she has now submitted to instinct. The weave of the Force knits into her ends of her neurons, her will, and they become one.
Pebbles and bits gravel levitate off the ground, a harbinger of worse to come. Despite the raging battle, the area around the Recon Walker has its sound drown out, muffled. Like a phantom materializing in the real, the masked woman steps out of her shimmering invisibility with her hand outstretched.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
GM: A heavy blaster shot rings out over Tal's head and strikes Tane's cover, showering him with debris, pebbles, and smoke as he's nearly knocked on his ass.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
%u2756 Move - Control: Hurl Image   %u201C...You wanted this chaos!%u201D
An outstretched hand has her reach into the Force, turning the very environment around her into weapons.
Action - Activate with %u25D0 || Ranged Combat Check vs. Sil.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +2 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Short.
Magnitude    %uF53C +4 objects per %u25D0. Auto-fire quality.
Strength    %uF53C +3 sillhouette per %u25D0. Damage is Sil size x10.
The stillness ends so abruptly as the tendrils of the Force rocket into the walker like an upturned geyser of telekinesis.
(I am bowling, what are you doin)
%uF4A5 Damage = 25
Janix feels a whiff and there is an explosion of viscera and limbs as the something flies and crashes into the building nearby.
GM: The resistance fighters poke their head out of the building and aim their stolen rifles down at the pilot of the AT-RT, peppering him with blaster fire as he moves to recover. He is slain and the Walker slumps against the wall of the building.
Venn: Maneuver to move.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Rook: Dr. Tane took a full, brutal shot from the one legged AT-RT, but somehow he was still standing! Swearing quietly in a mixture of awe and worry, Rook shook her head as suddenly the smoking walker was tossed backwards.
... showing her where the Crab Droids were
Janix: While ready for blaster fire, Janix is not ready for the flying AT-RT. It's good that it destroys the troopers in front of her as she looks back towards where it came. It was good to have the Force Witch on her side for sure.
GM: Crawling over the wreckage, two old LM-432 Crab Droids skitter across the battleground, their red eyes scanning the field.
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Field Team: %u2301 Crab droids, twelve o clock! %u2301 .
GM: One shoots dual light blaster cannons at Janix. The other shoots at Venn.
Janix: "Shit."
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
Venn Parsa %uD53B%uD546%uD53B%uD53E%uD53C%uD54A when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Venn: +1 defense
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
Venn Parsa performs a %u211D%uD53C%uD53D%uD543%uD53C%u2102%uD54B when hit by a ranged attack, suffering 3 strain to reduce damage by 9, before soak.
Janix: The new droids arrive with little warning and as Janix tries to flee, a blaster cannon hits her squarely in the chest and spins her about. She makes it to cover but barely, purple blood flowing freely.
Rotary Blaster
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Accurate, Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure)
(Failure) (Advantage)
Doctor Rafan Tane:
Twin "Security" S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistols
Doctor Rafan Tane
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success)
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Rook: %u2301 Four, are you done decorating the insides of that thing because we could use some firepower! %u2301 .
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Doctor Rafan Tane: While IL-0M unleashes cover-fire with its rotary cannon, Doctor Tane opens fire with his twin blasters, sending the pilot falling over with a wilhelm scream as he crashes to the ground.
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Rook: %u2301 Yes! Bloody diabolical!! %u2301 .
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook: the shot from Dr. Tane destroyed the hopping walker, and Rook felt some of the tension ease. Only some, because Jannix and Venn were under fire from the Crab Droids!! Sighting carefully, Rook unleashed her Walker upon the first of the Crab Droids, her shot hiting the motivator and causing the droid to explode. "Oya!!"
Janix: It was also very nice when her teammates were peppy Mandos with an ability to commandeer massive walking death machines. She'd have to thank Rook later for sure!
Tal: Tal watched Tane slay the walker. He didn't even stop to be offended at the loss of the kill. He simply ran toward the Sergeant and put his axe into man's helmet, cracked it, and cut into his skull, killing him instantly.
He looked to the stormtroopers. "YOU'RE NEXT!"
Ashley: The sight of the walker going into the wall--Venn--was almost enough to pull Ashley from the darkened thought processes he was following. The sounds of Tal doing murders on the other side of the building was more than enough to let him know things were handled. Which meant, of course, that Ashley could focus on the fact Janix was injured. He slipped forward, quick drawing his primary saber with his right hand (unlit) and giving Willa a quiet thanks as he got the Hapan into view.
%uF915 Heal (Force Power) Image   "Every second matters."

Through channeling and his strong connection to the Force, Ashley heals injuries sustained both in and out of battle.
Activation   Action | Ally
Magnitude   Spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase targets affected per rank (3). Can be activated multiple times.
Range   Spend %u25D0 to increase maximum range per rank (1). Can be activated multiple times.
Control: Medicine   Heals additional wounds equal to Medicine ranks (3).
Effect   Heals 8 wounds.
Rook: %uF3A7COM to Venn: %u2301 Cold steel and a target are all I need. %u2301
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark x2) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: (I didnt have to)
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   2
Venn: ( 1activate, 1 strength, 1 range)
Willa: "Let's make for the other side of the bunker!" she suggests to Ashley, looking for some sort of protection for the wounded Pantoran (and herself). She leans out to fire her blaster at the nearby troopers, not even realizing Ashley is long gone.
BlasTech DH-1 Blaster Pistol
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Rook: %u2301 Second one by the building. %u2301 .
Janix: Even from a distance she knows that things are not going well. It's that sense of strangeness she can feel even as her wounds close from a distance. She gives Ashley a quick nod of thanks but stays focused on the crab, not yet realizing Ashley's grievous wound.
Ashley: There was nothing but pain this time as Ashley called upon the Force to heal his comrades. The Dark answered him and he pulled on it, pushing the regenerative power not only towards Janix--healing her wounds--but Tal as well to help him recover.
Venn: (Who is left?)
(I will go)
Willa: Willa's eyes go wide as her blaster bolt ricochets off of one helmet head, glances a second, and lands on a third, providing just enough hurt to put all three out of commission.
"Did you SEE tha--!" she starts to say, whirling around to find Ashley gone.
Ashley: It's fine, Willa, he's just at the other end of the destroyed building.
Everything is fine.
%u2694 Saber Throw (Improved) Image   %u201CBe careful with that thing. It's been through hell.%u201D
She hurls the double bladed lightsaber, sending it spinning like a glowing amethyst disc of carnage.
Skill    Lightsaber vs Target up to Long Range
Check   Ranged Combat + activate with a %u25D0
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to have it return from up to medium range or %u25D0%u25D0 for long.
Note (Hilt)   Remove 1 free Image in check. Not engaged with single opponent.
Willa: She finds him quickly enough, and follows after him. "Hey, you sure you're okay?"
Master's Violet Doublesaber %u2694%uFE0F
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   %uF517 Linked 1, %uF4A2 Breach 1, %uF528 Sunder, %uF915 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
((2 adv to Linked, 2 adv to Concussive, and3 for a crit))
9 damage 2x
Ashley: "Hm?" It takes a moment to break his focus, right arm dropping back down to his side and clenching his lightsaber hilt tightly. "I'm fine, Seven is hurt."
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Npc Critical
LM-432 Crab Droid
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   15
Total   15
Sudden Jolt
May only act during last hero Initiative slot on next turn.
Willa: Willa isn't listening, at that particular moment, but is instead watching the creeptastic Two assail a crab droid with a purple laser sword.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
Ashley: Honestly, there's something reassuring about seeing Venn bring out her double-bladed lightsaber that makes Ashley relax a little bit.
GM: The resistance fighters atop the building fire at the Crab Droid but cannot pierce its armor - even though it is smoldering from a dual-lightsaber treatment.
Venn: Venn rushes across the field ignighting and hurling her blade like a disk through the smoke. She slides next up to the Hapan, aiming to provide assistance after the woman had taken such serious damage.
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Venn: The saber crashes through the droid, severing some servo motors and returns to Venn's open hand, where it shuts off.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: "Scrap it, lady." she says to Janix in encouragement.,
Willa: When her mind stopps shorting out on her, Willa realizes something, and looks around for the mercenary that was supposed to be attached to the droids.
GM: Willa make a Hard Perception check with 1 black.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix: As Venn slides up, Janix giving the woman a nod, she pulls the rifle down and aims. With a breath she holds, the now recharged target rifle fires true and leaves a crater where Venn had already opened a hole. (adv = regain strain, trim a blue to someone!)
GM: As the last of the combatants fall, the Nazren soldiers lift up their rifles and cheer for the Hellions!
Ashley: "... is there someone else out there?" inquires Ashley, noting Willa looking around, though his attention quickly goes back to Janix who ... Well, so much for the crab droid (it got what it deserved).
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Field Team: %u2301 Confirmed both droids are down and we aren't seeing any enemy forces up here, over. %u2301 .
GM: The Nazren from the roof calls out down to the group below. "Can you give us a hand in here? We have some anti-aircraft weapons we want to mount and were set back by the First Order."
Willa: "Those crab droids have an owner somewhere," she tells Ashley, still looking.
Janix: As Janix falls back to the team, she sees Ashley and notices the arm. "By the Goddess. Are you ok?" The Jedi looks fine minus the missing arm....
Ashley: ((need to be in the vehicle to roll the check))
Willa: "Yeah we can help!" Willa calls to answer the Nazren.
Ashley: At that mention, Ashley starts looking around as well to see if he can see if can spot the mentioned droid owner.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: "Blue... your green friend is going to lay waste when she sees this." she says to Ashley, seeing his amputation.
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Janix: Janix looks at Venn and nods. "We're all going to get spaced this time..." she adds morosely.
GM: Rook can see that this area is clear of First Order soldiers. They have some breathing room - though she cannot detect where the Crab Droids came from.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Light x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: "The rebels need some assistance."
Rook: %uF3A7COM to Hellion Away Team: %u2301 The area seems clear of First Order forces at the moment. %u2301
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
%u2696%uFE0F Balance Activation   Maneuver
Effect   When the character heals strain at the end of the encounter, she may add %u2B21 per Force Rating, 5. She recovers additional strain equal to %u25EF generated.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Rook: %u2301 Roger that. We still don't know where the owner of those crab droids are. %u2301 .
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: ((Vril Vrakth was the name given, for my reference))
Ashley: "There's one more, Willa said," repeats Ashley, not seeing anything else. Honestly, he was operating on adrenaline and pain is anger or otherwise he would've been down for the count.
Rook: %uF3A7COM to Tane: %u2301 You alright? %u2301
Venn: ((Its so disturbing watching Tal and Janix walking around with like 30 wound threshold))
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Little messed up, but I'll be alright." He says aloud to the com, walking over to join the others.
Rook: %uF3A7COM to Venn: %u2301 I couldn't detect them; I'm not that familar with these systems. %u2301
Ashley: Ashley mutters something under his breath, whether it's about others with wounds and not liking it or the fact he's clearly suffering from the entire lost an arm who knows.
Mostly, however, he is healing both Tane and Janix
Venn: "If everyone is upright enough, the sooner we help them get their defenses mounted, the better."
Janix: There is a lot of purple blood on her armor but because of Ashley, Janix is still up and fighting. She's surprised Tane is injured though but he's been a help, or at least that flying machine of his.
GM: IL-0M floats after Doctor Tane, a little carbon-scoring on the side of its spherical form, but it chirps happily at Rook through the Comm that it admired her capability for carnage.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Janix: (Janix @ 2/5 healing note here)
Ashley: ((anybody around ashley right now recovers 10 wounds))
((1 activation, 4 for magnitude))
Rook: From in the cockpit of the AT-AT, clearly keeping watch as they are not in safe territory, Rook does not at first notice that Ashley has LOST HIS ARM. "You, too, little guy! You're the best." Rook answers IL-0M, slowly relaxing as she realizes everyone lived.
Janix: As the regroup, Janix stays near Ashley but looks towards Tal. "I'm at 14 now, what are you at?" She jokes, though honestly she's lost count in the midst of the ongoing war.
Ashley: Something about the calm of the battle, and seeing that the others were mostly unharmed, was calming and Ashley is able to feel the Dark recede somewhat from his focus. A breath is released as he lets the Force flow, encouraging the wounds of his comrades to heal.
(It better be the coolest cybernetic arm ever, he thinks distantly.)
Tal: Tal nods in agreement at Venn's idea.
He looks to Janix. "I stopped counting around fifteen. We were getting shot at." he said.
But when he sees Ashley, his eyes soften. That wasn't supposed to happen. It didn't seem real, not really.
Rook: Rook responds over the COMMs, "I feel that someone should keep watch up here, but if someone wants a chance to pilot this beast, I can help set up their positions."
Janix: "Mmm," she responds, feeling that war weariness start to seep in. It wasn't as much fun counting anymore but any other banter wouldn't help now.
Willa: "Should we go help the Nazren?" she suggested, after a few minutes of quiet observation.
Janix: %uF3A7COM to Rook: %u2301 Isn't that your new toy? %u2301
At Willa's suggestion Janix nods and adjust her rifle. "Depends on if we're taking Rook's new toy with."
Willa: Her brows lift. "Into the bunker? I don't think so," she says, with a dry laugh.
"Though, to be fair, it wouldn't be the first impossible thing I've seen today."
Venn: "Thank you for the quick work on him." the masked woman says to Willa, with a nod towards Ashley.
Willa: Willa is oddly quiet with her quick double-nod in response to Venn
She then starts for the bunker.
Rook: %uF3A7COM to Jannix: %u2301 And she's a beauty! We need to find a way to let her help out this fight. %u2301
Janix: %uF3A7COM to Rook: %u2301 Maybe hand over the toy to the Nazren and we can get onto our next task. %u2301
GM: Once the group are ready, they're able to move to help the Nazren heft up the heavy anti-aircraft FLAK guns onto the roof of the building.
Hard Athlethics check to heft the weapons. To assemble them properly will take a Hard mechanics check.
Ashley: "Impossible things are kind of what we do," replies Ashley, who ... really just needs to take a moment but nope, pain is life right now. Except now he can't remember if he said thanks, so ... "Thanks. Sorry I'm kind of ..." He waves his hand, though thankfully puts away the unlit lightsaber before doing so.
Janix: Janix will help heft the weapon up.
Willa: Ashley gets a half-smile and a "no problem," before she goes.
Tal: Tal will help.
Venn: Venn will assist.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: Ashley will go to work on the mechanics aspect after they're in place, since he's missing an arm and really does not want to be lifting things*.
Willa: Willa will also help assemble the guns once they're in place.
Venn: Venn, passingly makes a comment to Tal. "I had my credits on you losing one of your bits before Blue. Now you see why I don't gamble.."
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Janix: Janix will keep watch as they work and use the Forewarning action in case anyone gets the drop on them.
Willa: Ashley does not seem to relent despite his loss. While he's occupied finishing up the last of the work on the guns, Willa gathers some scrap from the area and finds a corner to tinker with the supplies in her bag.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Boost Success)
Ashley: Ashley is busy thinking about having seventy-eight thousand credits and whether or not that will get him a really amazing cybernetic arm right now. It's better than thinking about murders of First Order.
Willa: Once done, she approaches Ashley and kind of awkwardly stands there for a minute, not sure at first how exactly to suggest he use the crude-looking Contraption she'd made in place of the arm he hadn't even taken time to mourn yet.
GM: The Hellions are able to get the anti-air FLAK guns installed. The sounds of distant combat echo from every street and from the rooftop as the city erupts into widespread violence. The smell of smoke and burned insulation becomes thick enough that you find you'll need filter masks to operate without issue.
A loud clap of thunder announces the opening of heavy blaster artillery, and indeed you can see streaks of red light flow down from Mount Antas as capital-ship-strength turbolaser fire strikes the city. One of the heavy bolts hits a building not farm from you, and a wave of debris showers over you all as a building takes a direct hit.
From your vantage point, you can hear the sounds of children screaming inside the building to the north, and you see that the structure is starting to lean to the side as fire bursts out through lower-floor windows.
Willa: "I know it's not pretty, but it'll get you through until the end of the d--" she starts to explain, before the world outside seems to erupt into chaos
Ashley: Ashley kind of chokes out a laugh. "Don't be shy, it's fine. I'm fine." He pauses and whispers. "I'll probably be freaking out about later but not right now. So thank you-" Except then, you know, screaming and chaos
GM: You see Nazren rush toward the building, but sniper-fire from First Order troops in the distance from a nearby warehouse stops their flight to save the screaming civilians. You see on the rooftop several Nazren children moving to get to the highest floor, but the burning building will either collapse or the fire will claim their lives if someone doesn't get to them soon.
Willa: Willa runs to look.
Piloting - Planetary
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Advantage)
Janix: As the ground shakes, Janix ducks her head slightly to avoid the rubble. The air is thick but the screams of the civilians is clear. Sighting down her scope, she looks to the building as Rook already is moving her new toy over.
GM: Rook moves the AT-ST to use as a sort of stabilizing agent for the building. It will help assure it doesn't fall over right away (adding two rounds to the COUNTER for how long before the building collapses), but you still need to evacuate the civilians.
Willa: She quickly assesses the situation, taps at the small disc-shaped droids on her modified bandolier, and sends them whirring up into a small swarm to check out the building containing the snipers.
((Known Schematic))
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Janix: As the snipers start to fire, Janix changes focus and starts sighting towards the fire. Two can play that game...
Rook: Rook pilots her AT-ST to brace the building, then locks it in place, preparing to leave the vehicle and use her Jet Pack to rescue the kids that are on the roof top.
Willa: She then pulls open her bag and tries to cobble together a bit of ordinance she thinks might bring down the sniper's position if applied to a strategic point.
GM: The snipers are in a 12-meter tall building. It has modified cover and armor, assuring it will survive heavy arms fire. It appears the troops are utilizing it as a directorial location for turbolaser fire into the city. There are two working lifts inside, but the building would be Daunting to climb.
Willa: ((Improvised Detonation))
GM: Rook can get some of the children off, but she doesn't have enough fuel to get them all off in time. The building will collapse in 7 rounds, and there are twenty five children and adults on the roof.
Willa: Device in hand, Willa bolts towards the warehouse.
GM: They shoot at Willa.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Despair)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair)
Janix: Unable to get a clear shot, Janix sees Willa run and, rifle in her arms, rushes after Willa.
Tal: Tal will follow Janix and Wilaaaaa to back them up!
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Willa: A sniper shot punches through Willa's shoulder, staggering her, but she presses forward again.
Venn: Multiple complex situations have her wondering what can be done to help.
Rook: "There's too many for me to evacuate in time.Two, do you still have your grappling gun?"
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   8
Light Side points remaining   1
Venn: "Give me a lift up there, Four."
Ashley: Ashley deals with losing an arm fine.
Venn: "The shooters are distracted."
GM: Ashley can feel the life force of three of the targets fade some as he Harms them through the Force. Willa rushes forward with Tal chasing after her to provide backup. Blaster fire rains down at Willa, while
GM: Rook and Venn work together to get to the roof to help rescue the Nazren civillians.
GM: Another shot goes out toward Tal and Janix before they reach the base of the building.
Ashley: Which is to say that he focuses on the fact he feels the life begin to drain from at least three people within the building. "... they're hurt," he hisses out along the comms, golden eyes briefly turning a darker shade as he once again gives into the Dark Side.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Advantage)
Janix: As they run forward, Janix dodges a blaster meant for her, keeping an eye on Willa.
Rook: %uF3A7COM to Dr. Tane: %u2301 Can you help get these people off of the roof? %u2301
Tal: A shot hits Tal as he sprints after the group, barely slowing him down as the continues to go after his teammates.
Willa: Once she reaches the warehouse, Willa skids to her knees in front of the structural post the flutter droids have informed her is a structural support mechanism for this corner of the building.
Ashley: Ashley takes a deep breath, reaching once more for the snipers.
Willa: She begins placing the crafted charge
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Venn: Venn waits for Rook to bring her to the roof...
((How many children?))
Ashley: ((1 activation, 3 range, 2 magnitude, all white pips, not using black))
GM: A dozen children, 5 adults.
Rook: Rook helps Venn get to the roof, and they work to evacuate the civilians from the burning building.
GM: Some snipers come out of the window and shoot down at Willa, Janix, and Tal.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: She taps her mask so it opens up, as not to appear scary.
Janix: As they lean out, Janix will respond with sniper fire of her own.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Venn: "Gather around if you want to live and pay attention!" she calls out to everyone there, like a tour group leader.
GM: 4
Janix: She lays down cover fire was Willa works.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Threat)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Ashley: It's a strange thing when the Dark is not what comes but Ashley cannnot shake the feeling that comes from knowing that he ripped life from three individuals. Still ... it helps with the pain.
GM: The civilians follow Venn's commanding voice, moving to stand beside her.
Willa: Willa sets the charge, and was focused enough that she's surprised when she looks up to find Tal and Janix there, covering her.
"Get outta range!" she tells them, as she begins to run away from the charge -- along the building to try and avoid more sniper shots
Venn: Spending last destiny to Introduce a fact.
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   9
Light Side points remaining   0
Tal: Tal will turn and run away from the incoming blast!
Venn: There is a tallways ladder on the nearest building that could, if laid horizontally across both roofs, make a makeshift bridge.
Willa: Once the friendlies are far enough away to prevent injury, Willa triggers the blast. It's a relatively quiet thing at first, compared to the noise and chaos of the battlefield so far today. But the soft, thrum is soon echoed by the telltale cracking of concrete and wood. The building's entire corner begins to kneel, tugging the rest of the structure off-kilter.
Janix: Janix follows without hesitation after Willa and Tal!
Venn: She holds out her hand and attempts to rip the ladder free from across the way....
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Rather than rage, she pulls upon calm... drawing on the Force to pull the massive iron structure free.
GM: Willa can practically feel the laser sight on her back, but just as a shot is about to ring out, the building explodes. The ground floor is quickly destroyed and the large structure begins to fold like a paper building that's just had water tossed onto it.
Venn: Her eyes are closed as she moves her hands, like a symphony conductor, raising the giant escape ladder to bridge one end onto the burning buildings roof.
Rook: "Perfect!" Rook says, then helps assist the civilians across the bridge, shadowing them to catch any that fall.
Venn: CLUNK!
GM: The snipers' hold-out is utterly destroyed, taking the danger away from the evacuation except for time itself.
Janix: She spares a look back after the explosion. "Good work," she says as she runs forward to join the others in saving the civilians.
Ashley: Ashley will help stabilize the other end of the ladder.
Yes, with one arm.
GM: Quickly the civilians are moving across the bridge. Venn and Rook, above them, hear the sound of frantic blaster fire as starfighters fly above them in a dogfight.
Willa: ((He has 1 1/2 now!)
Rook: it is THEN that Rook sees the improvised Robot Arm!
"What in the hell!"
GM: A familiar sound comes to them, too, as a larger ship flies past them, casting a large shadow as it moved deeper toward the city.
Loud Turbolaser fire erupts as the Aeon Mallard zooms toward the mountain.
Venn: "Go, quickly now." she urges calmly.
GM: And then the turbolaser blast strikes the ship.
The ship explodes in a large fireball, and all of you see it nosedive somewhere into the upper city.
End Session 102



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2020, 10:55:36 PM »
Episode 6 Chapter 4 Session 103 - Insurgency
GM: Disaster! While battling against First Order forces on the planet Nizon, the Hellions bear witness to their trusty (smaller) ship, The Aeon Mallard get shot down from the sky by turbolaser fire coming from the mountain fortress ahead of them. The ship goes careening into the city further ahead, and you can all hear the loud thruum indicating it has crashed.
Rook: Rook keys her COMM, trying to raise the Captain, yet not really expecting a reply. For a moment she is simply too stunned to move, but the urgency of getting the civilians to safety forces her into motion once again.
Janix: "By the Goddess," Janix whispers, a gauntleted hand rising to her mouth without the ability to cover it. She didn't see anyone jettison to safety.
Willa: "Whoa!" Willa chirps, startled by the sudden appearance and take-down of the unknown freighter. "Who was that?"
Ashley: The sight of the Aeon Mallard going down is something that Ashley is not quite sure he can process, not fully, and instead stares a moment before continuing to assist the efforts of getting the civilians to safety.
GM: Rook does not receive a reply from her COMM.
Janix: "That's one of ours." Janix replies.
To the rest of the team. "Time to hustle," she shouts. "Gather and go." They were too far but you didn't leave a teammate behind.
Willa: "Oh..." she says, quieting. "Oh, no."
Rook: Shaken, stunned, Rook can't quite manage a reply to Willa. Not a calm one, anyway. after seeing the last of the civilians to ground level, she joins the instinctive move towards their fallen ship and comrades. Calculating it's probably impact point, and comparing it to where Sartok is expected to be, Rook tries to figure out how far away the two points are.
GM: Rook make either an Astrogation (easy), Knowledge Warfare (Average) or Piloting Planetary (Hard) to calculate where the Mallard went down.
Venn: "What was that knucklehead doing." rhetorically mutters Venn after a moment to process. Did Kesvo call him or something? "We need to get a move on then." She taps the side of her helmet and masks up.
Willa: Willa pauses only long enough to jab herself with a stimpack, and the follows the others.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage)
Venn: (is that right? 2 light, 7 dark?)
"You sure you are alright to continue?" asks Venn to Ashley, masked visage indicating his gruesome arm.
GM: Rook is able to calculate where the crash-site is. If they hurry they can reach it within the hour.
Rook: "We .." Rook coughed, and tried again. "We can get there within an hour ... but we should stop by Sartok; he's on the way. We need a plan to take out those guns!"
Ashley: "I don't," says Ashley to Venn, somewhat distracted as he focus on the reaching for the Force once more, "really have much of a choice right now." There was something of a workable mechanical contraption that Willa had made.
Venn: ((Contraption only works for 1 encounter))
Willa: "The problem will be getting to them, I think. If I can get close, I feel good about my chances of taking them offline."
Janix: "Hmmm," Janix wanted to take out the guns but there was something visceral seeing your team shot down. "How close do we need to be to communicate via comms?"
Tal: Tal was left cold by the sight of the Mallard being shot down, followed by a coldness settling over him. He would deal with the First Order troops like everything else. Permanently.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Success) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Rook: Rook shares her coordinates with the team, unable to even a voice a question as to what happened to Ashley's arm.
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success)
GM: The Hellions, after stopping to heal, move forward. They soon find Sartok at a temporary base established ahead of them. All of the party recovers 2 strain. Ahead of them a number of Tie Fighters are seen crashing through the sky as they are shot down by the new Anti-Aircraft cannons that the Hellions helped installed. The AT-ST stolen by Rook is seen stomping through the battlefield, shooting at First Order troops. Because of the overwhelming offense of both the Nazren and the Mandalorians, the First Order troops are starting to fall back toward the mountain fortress.
Ashley: With some focus--better than thinking about the Mallard, though he did note what was being said--Ashley was able to reach encourage the Force to heal what wounds he saw around him.
((force heal rolled in discord roll chat: willa, tane, and janix recover 10 wounds; just stating for bookkeeping here, lol.))
GM: Sartok greets the Hellions, saying it is good to see them again, and says that they are regrouping to begin the push into the mountain fortress. He reports that a number of crab droids were seen heading toward the old freighter that was shot down.
Rook: "Willa, do you think you could take over a crab droid the way you did those cyber dogs?" Rooks voice is hoarse, edged closer to harsh than her normal, violently cheerful response to battle.
Willa: "I... have never tried..." Willa replied, sounding intrigued but also a tiny bit terrified, maybe.
"Getting close to them sounds like a pretty crazy idea. But we can see what the sitch looks like when we're closer."
Venn: "Those things are far worse than animatronic hounds. Built for war." she says to Rook, giving her a bigger idea. The young mandalorian could have outsized confidence given her obliterating one from the walker.
Janix: "Let me know before you rush in headlong," Janix chides. "I'll cover you."
There is something dangerous in the way that she says cover that sounds quite deadly.
Ashley: "I will do what I can in support," says Ashley, golden eyes still a touch darkened at the moment.
Willa: "Who's rushing? I'm not rushing," she says, wide-eyed. "We're just spit-balling." She paused, glanced to ROok. "Right?"
Sartok: "You are planning to go to the ship, then?"
Ashley: "Unfortunately spit-balling tends to mean we're going to attempt it around here," replies Ashley.
Janix: To Sartok. "We've probably stayed too long." To Willa. "Like rushing towards a building full of snippers."
Willa: Willa started to say more, but was cowed for the moment by janix's reminder of her earlier leeroy moment.
Sartok: "Very well. We will continue our attack. We will see you at the Mountain Base.
Good luck." The Nazren leader says. "You are all heroes to our people." Lifting up a fist, he slams it to his chest. "We will all have victory, today."
Rook: "Yes." Rook nods to Sartok, then shrugs at Willa. "I don't want you to die, but if we could commandeer one they would shoot at it, and not our people. I'd much rather the bad guys shoot at each other.
Janix: "To our victory." Janix returns the gesture and mirrors Sartok.
Tal: "To Victory." Tal said.
Rook: nodding to Sartok, Rook returns his salute. "Your courage inspires us in turn. Victory!"
Ashley: Ashley returns the gesture, as one can with one and a half arms, and echoes the others. "To victory."
GM: The Hellions move forward together, and as they move through the large city they can see rubble from destroyed buildings. Knocked-over AT-RTs are spotted here and there, those that are damaged beyond re-purposing are simply abandoned. Dead troopers and Nazren are seen everywhere, the city a full-on warzone.
Ahead you spot the Aeon Mallard, its hull on fire as it lays at the end of where it had driven through stone streets at great force. Atop its hull is a crab droid, scanning into the ship. On a nearby building, scouting ahead, is another. Ahead of them is a figure with a black helmet with a flowing black cloak, wearing a jetpack and surrounded by several Crab Droids.
Vril Vrakth: "Howdy." The helmeted figure yells out from atop the pillar that leads into an old temple. "Quite the place to meet. The name's Vril. Vril Vrakth."
Willa: "Ooh! That's the bounty hunter!" Willa squeaks in a whisper to whomever's beside her. "Super bad news!"
Vril Vrakth: "See? All the ladies know my name."
Janix: Shouldering her rifle and not interested in chatting, Janix tilts her head at the Vril. "So, we just shoot that one too?" She asks Willa.
Willa: "Holy shrike, his hearing is good," she continued in a whisper
Venn: (LOL is ye yelling)
Vril Vrakth: He looks toward a crab droid. "I told you they'd hear of me."
Venn: ((LOL you have to plug into it))
Tal: Bounty hunter....bounty hunter....bounty hunter...oh, that guy. Tal sighed. There was always a bounty hunter somewhere. Tal didn't want to kill anyone that wasn't an enemy, but bounty hunters made that a difficult prospect.
Willa: "Hey, uh..."
Sheleaned up to whisper to janix.
Rook: "You may surrender, Vril Vrakth." Rook said, seeing it as a faster way to search for her people than a full on fight.
Janix: Janix looked at Willa. "No, ask the Pink one."
Vril Vrakth: "Ya'll are a hard lot to find!" Vril gestures to the burning ship. "Thankfully this scrap of junk works like fresh meat in a Acklay farm."
Ashley: Bounty Hunter. Right. Ashley had pulled his scanner goggles down while on the way, looking around the environment and checking for any signs of life that might be able to be noticed (from his current position).
Willa: (whispered) "But she scares me."
Vril Vrakth: "No can do, Mando. See, I'm gettin paid mighty nice for the bounty I'm here to collect, and I gotta cover the expenses of ya'll blowin up two of my droids."
Janix: To the team. "So, remind me why I shouldn't test the range of this rifle again."
To Willa, softer. "That's her specialty."
Vril Vrakth: "I don't want all of ya." He points toward Tal. "I just want him. The Butcher of Concord Dawn."
Willa: Willa laughed oddly.
"Good freakin' luck, buddy," she murmured, having seen Five take down MUCH larger dudes.
GM: Tal's Bounty Obligation triggers. He is -2 of Maximum Strain Threshold. Everyone else is -1.
Janix: Now, Janix was really confused. "Who?!"
Ashley: Ashley sighed.
Tal: Tal growled. "Really? Today? You want to do this now?" he asked.
Venn: "What kind of deli worker past do you have, Fives..."
GM: "No time like the present, Butcher. Tomorrow may never come again." He holds a hand up. "I can bring ya in cold, or I can bring ya in warm. Makes no difference to me."
Rook: "Vril, we are liberating a planet here; fighting off the First Order. How much are you being paid?"
Vril Vrakth: "Thirty Thousand Credits."
Venn: "How did you get this ship here?" asked Venn, her vocoder tuned a little louder.
Janix: To herself, as the group talks. "Ohhhhh." To Willa. "If you have an idea, ask the Pink Adapt. She doesn't bite hard enough to leave a mark." She flipped the switch on her rifle and aimed down the sight at this Vril. If he wanted Tal, the bounty hunter had a whole team to go through first.
Ashley: "Suppose it was about time for someone's past to catch up that wasn't Two, myself, or ..." He meant Kesvo, who was currently unaccounted for. Which thinking about that put him right back into a mood. The mention of thirty-thousand credits just made him snort.
Tal: "Thirty-thousand? Is that it?" he growled.
Rook: Rook desperately missed kesvo, who could make this guy feel thankful to put off his bounty hunt a day or two.
Vril Vrakth: "Oh, sorry. That was for a piece of ya. 100 for the whole body."
"Oh, I didn't get it." He says toward Venn, pointing at the burning vessel. "It was like this when I got here."
Rook: Well, 100,000 was beyond even the Hellion's ability to pay out just then.
Tal: "Okay, that's more like it. Still....100,000 credits? Is that worth dying for?"
Vril Vrakth: "Naw." Vril pointed his rifle at Tal. "But I ain't the one dyin."
"Surrender and nobody else gets hurt."
Tal: "Who's paying you for this?"
Willa: "Man. How many times have I heard that. Yet it's never the way things go down..." she murmurs.
Vril Vrakth: "The Admiral. Or you mighta known her as the Admiral's Wife."
Rook: "Can this wait one karkin day?" Yes, it was Kesvo's favorite swear word but kesvo was on her mind.
Janix: Janix kneeled, not in a talking mood as she eyed down her sight. She looked at Tal and waited, ready.
Venn: Venn activates her Infrabinocular vision on her mask and looks towards the Mallard, trying to determine how many heat signatures are inside. Of course, if there are fires everywhere, that is probably not going to work well.
Device %uF97D image   Infrabinoculars (Long Range)
%u25AA A character using infrabinoculars can see through up to two meters of wall, possibly allowing surveillance of a whole building at once.
%u25AA Walls made of dense materials or constructed to shield their interiors may impose one or more on Perception checks to see inside, at GM's discretion.
%u25AA Can also be switched to a long range view equivalent to that of electrobinoculars to magnify up to 10KM away.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   3
Tal: "Not going. Last chance to back off."
Vril Vrakth: Venn cannot quite tell how many heat signatures are in the ship, given the fact that it is on fire.
"Welp. I like the hard way just fine too."
Initiative Vigilance
Vril Vrakth
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: "Kind of interrupting our operation," says Ashley, pain still a problem but definitely at the ready for whatever was coming.
Rook: "First, you have no idea how tough he is. and second, even IF you managed to hurt him, you would not survive the rest of us." Rook sweeps her gaze over the horrible droids, making sure they don't surround anyohen while they try to talk.
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Janix: "I do too." Janix mutters, her finger a hair's breath from the trigger.
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Initiative Vigilance
LM-432 Crab Droid
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
%u2694%uFE0F Initiative Check Image   Weswin's Foresight
Calling upon the Force at the start of the combat, Ashley is able to glean insight into what comes next.
Activation   Action | Self
Check   Initiative (Cool or Vigilance) + %u2394 up to FR
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to add automatic Image on his first check this encounter.
Venn: A filtered growl of frustration is heard from the masked woman as she de-activates the lenses.
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Venn: (its remove 1 black)
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Boost Success) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Blank) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
(trimph = crit)
Npc Critical
Vril Vrakth
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   85
Total   85
Cannot voluntarily suffer strain to activate abilities or gain additional maneuvers until end of encounter.
Janix: (3 adv = 3 strain)
She'd been ready, waiting, and the breath she held was perfect as the shot aligned with this "bounty hunter". It was a clean shot and hit the hunter in the torso. A quick flash of a smile as she adjusted, readying herself as it wouldn't be likely those droids would leave them alone.
Vril Vrakth: Vril activates his Jetpack, taking off from his current position, then fires a shot back at Janix. He'll utilize Auto-Fire.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Janix: It seemed only fair Vril would shoot back. She had managed to fire first.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Modded Heavy Blaster Rifle
Vril Vrakth
Damage   13
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: "He doesn't leave this area." she says to Rook, with the indication that the Mandalorian is the only other person with a get pack.
Vril unleashes a flurry of blaster fire down at Janix, precise shots coming from his modified heavy blaster rifle.
Janix: "Seem fair," she says as she rushes forward amid the fire. The hunter is more accurate than she expected and she grunts as she dodges.
Rook: Rook nodded agreement, crouching down preparatory to leaping into the air and intercepting the Bounty Hunter. A frisson of tension slid through her, for it would be her first time in such an encounter.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 Start Turn %u272A
Venn: She tells Ashley as she starts to move. "I think the loth-cat is out of the bag, if you know what I mean, blueberry. Do what you have to do." she scratches from her mask. The woman leaps into the dark carved ditch, form warbling with a cloak activating.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Ashley: "I do know what you mean," replies Ashley, no longer willing to play at not being a Jedi.
Venn: Venn will quickdraw her saber and use the triumph for an extra maneuver.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Threat)
Venn: She figures if Willa is willa-ing to take the time to make Ashley a creepy arm, the twilek probably doesn't have much reason to betray them.
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Threat) (Triumph)
Venn: ((Ilom will use his Thermonuclear warhead soon its ok))
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Willa: "Those things are listening to Vril! We have to get control of him ASAP!" Willa calls, distressed at the destruction wrought by the droids.
Janix: Those fucking droids hurt. Purple blood coats her armored fingers as she looks at the shots. Anger thrums within her as she focuses that feeling to fuel her Biotics. She could move, but barely.
GM: The Crab Droids stomp forward, two large blaster cannons (weapons meant for firing at tanks) unveil from their crustracean-like frames and open fire with a barrage of blaster bolts at the Hellions. Janix is nearly struck down instantly. IL-0M is blown out of the sky, falling to the street like a flaming meteorite, and Doctor Tane falls next to Tal, taking a barrage of fire that was meant for him...
Rook: Rook swore softly when IL-0M went down, fighting the instinct to capture the falling ball and tuck it into her pack. the swearing grew in speed and intensity as Janix took a terrible hit, then cutting off instantly when Dr. Tane fell as well.
She was well aware that the droids missed her, rather than any fancy footwork on her part keeping her in once piece.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
"You know what!" she huffs, her face tightening into a mask of frustration as she ducks behind cover. She taps the four, disc-sized droids hanging across her modified bandolier. "I think it's time we fight a little dirty, boys," she murmurs to the droids, who chirp to life at her touch. They flutter up into the air around her, and with her silent direction, they head towards the bounty hunter.
They flit around Vril like a miniature swarm of small, metallic birds, and feed intel wirelessly back to Willa. With just a few seconds of study, she analyzes the visible mechanisms of the jetpack on the man's back, and directs one of the mini droids to strike at just the right spot...
Willa: Something shorts and sparks, and the jetpack shuts off mid-flight.
Willa: ((Bad Motivator))
Vril Vrakth: "Wait what is this..."
Vril Vrakth: "Ah, ah AHHHH!!"
Vril falls back to earth, landing heavily on the ground he was just on.
Vril Vrakth: "PIECE OF JUNK! They guaranteed me it'd be good for the next ten years!"
"Ahhh when I find that Toydarian I'm gonna wring his scrawny neck!!"
Ashley: As people start going down, Tane falling to shots meant for Tal, and Janix going forward and nearly falling herself ... Venn had said the loth-cat was out of the back and thus, Ashley will quick draw not only his lightsaber (unlit but at the ready) but the ancient kyber blade (it's blade a deep blue) as well. However, he does not attack, instead reaching once more for the Force to heal Janix as Willa is clearly up to shenanigans.
The good kind of shenanigans, obviously.
Willa: The mini-droids return to Willa in a tiny swarm, and she quietly praises them each as they reaffix to her bandolier.
%uF915 Heal (Force Power) Image   "Every second matters."

Through channeling and his strong connection to the Force, Ashley heals injuries sustained both in and out of battle.
Activation   Action | Ally
Magnitude   Spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase targets affected per rank (3). Can be activated multiple times.
Range   Spend %u25D0 to increase maximum range per rank (1). Can be activated multiple times.
Control: Medicine   Heals additional wounds equal to Medicine ranks (4).
Control: Critical   Make a Hard Medicine check to heal a Critical.
Effect   Heals 10 wounds.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: (( 3 conflict, 3 strain, 1 destiny))
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Point Blank +4. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Heavy
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook leaps into the air, Jet Pack humming, and Side Steps (2 strain second manuever, 3 for side step), firing at the nearst Droid!
Ashley: The Force answers, though once more Ashley feels the surge of anger and pain flow through him. It is enough, however, and he pushes through the emotion to provide healing to Janix and the downed Tane (both recover 10 wounds). He also moves closer, a step behind Janix and at the ready.
Venn: ( +60?)
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Npc Critical
LM-432 Crab Droid
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   60
Dice Roll   39
Total   99
Limb crippled until healed or replaced. Increase difficulty of all checks that use that limb by 1 Difficulty die.
Ashley: Ashley definitely winces at that.
Rook: The Disruptor rifle seared into the Crab Droid, removing a limb ... it felt like vengeance for Ashley!
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   2
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Vril Vrakth: Vril takes his Nemesis action at the end of the round.
Tal: "Hellions! Cover me!" Tal growled, thumbing on his vibroaxe.
He sprints across the battlefield toward the bounty hunter like a madman, but his target quickly becomes clear. The first of the crab droids targets him, but Tal rolls beneath the blast, comes up on his feet and leaps at it as he did the Nunno once upon a time.
He drives his axe straight into the Crab Droid's brain. He smashed his axe into it twice in a row, scrambling its sensors. Something smoked, popped, and burned out as the creature fell to the ground, useless.
Tal: Tal didn't bother watching it go down. He threw himself to the ground just as the second one fired at him, finishing off its brother.
He rolled and sprinted toward the second one, swinging his vibroaxe at the leg as he ran beneath it! The creature turned, adjusted its stance and tried to find the smaller (by comparison) man only for Tal to shoulder his axe, draw his bowcaster and fire three shots right into its belly. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!
The crab droid stumbled and sputtered, and Tal threw himself to the ground once more to get out from beneath it before it could collapse atop him. He got to his feet and looked for Vrakth!
Vril Vrakth: "Stars and stones, boy! No wonder they got such a big price on your head! Musta killed all them people on Concord Dawn yourself!"
"But I heard about you and your tricks." Vril quick-drew a grenade from his side. "And I can't wait to see that Old Lady's face when I lay you like a slab on her table."
He throws a Heavy Stun grenade at Tal.
Rook: Rook's fierce laughter rang across the battlefield as Tal Vodax catapulted through the enemies, destroying two deadly Crab Droids in mere moments.
Venn Parsa SENSES ADVANTAGE! Once Per Session, as an OOT incidental, she adds +%u25FC%u25FC to one NPCs check.
Heavy Stun Grenade
Vril Vrakth
Damage   10
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Damage. Blast 8. Only needs 1 adv to activate.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix: As energy infuses her, surely from Ashely, Janix eyes Tal run by. As he does, she unleashes a few attacks that are meant only as distraction. She was too dazed to focus her blast of energy as she watched him take down two droids. "Damn," she mutters as she pushes herself forward, ready to meet the enemy.
Vril Vrakth: The stun grenade explodes at Tal's feet - the armor does its job of protecting him from getting knocked unconscious - but it does rattle him some.
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   8
Light Side points remaining   1
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: "I'd like to say it was nice knowin' you, guy, but, uh,..."
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Pool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Setback Threat)
Vril Vrakth: Vril staggers from Tal's blow, prodding him with a bolt of electricity to taze him a little as he draws in close. "Oof... don't envy.. those Crab Droids..."
Tal: "Shut up and die."
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   7
New Light Side total   2
Vril Vrakth: "Come on, come on you piece of rejected Mandalorian tech." Vril punches the side of his jetpack and it sputters to life. He zooms up over Tal and nearly crashes into the building across the way, pulling the jetpack off as it starts to light on fire.
"ALRIGHT, then!" Vril yells out, as if nothing had happened at all, patting down the fires on his cloak as he pulls the rifle up and points it at Tal. "Round two!"
Rook: A started laugh escapes Rook as Vril careens away from Tal, and then tears off his malfunctioning jet pack
Plasma Grenade
Damage   12
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 14 (1 ADV to activate
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
Vril Vrakth: Willa throws the grenade into the air and Vril shoots it out of the sky.
"Just like womp rats back home!"
Willa: Willa gasps as the bounty hunter launches himself atop the nearby roof.
"Hey, sleemo, catch!"
Buuuuut... he shoots it instead! Willa shrieks and crouches back into cover.
LM-432 Crab Droid: The Crab Droid that had an overheated set of Blaster Cannons crawls vertically up the side of the building and joins Tal on the roof - then tries to hit him in the chest with a giant leg.
Heavy Stomp
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Concussive 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Despair) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Despair)
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Rook: The droid Rook had shot managed to follow her crazy, sweeping flight pattern and lined up a painful shot that nearly knocked Rook out of the sky. She grunted in pain, her next target decided for her.
%uF6E1%uFE0F Circle of Shelter Image   "Good a time as any to act reckless."

Taking advantage of the agility and maneuverability of Ataru, Ashley leaps into the fray to lessen an enemy's damage to an engaged ally.
Activation   Out of Turn Incidental | Nearby Ally Suffers Hit | 1 Target
Effect   Suffers strain to use Parry or Reflect to reduce damage dealt to engaged ally.
Guardian of the Republic   After the character uses Parry or Reflect to reduce damage to an ally, that ally cannot be targetted by combat checks for the remainder of the round.
LM-432 Crab Droid: The droid shoots through Willa's cover, striking the Twi'lek heavily in her side. The structural damage causes the pillar to quake and start to fall...
GM: Ashley, Willa, Janix, coordination checks.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Triumph)
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Dual Light Blaster Cannons
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Triumph)
Tane was up for a second...
The Doctor doesn't even get a chance to say any last words, as the Crab Droid just annihilates him from the face of the planet.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 Start Turn %u272A
Venn: Acrid smoke twists and churn as it is displaced by the invisible figure running through it. Barely a glimmer outlines her form as she thwips her whipcord thrower line to one of the Mallard's nacelles, allowing her a quick climb. She rolls along the hull of the vessel past the droid, twin lengths of amethyst fire flaring. The sweeping cape materializing heralds the rest of her appearance as she immers out of stealth in the midst of a leaping strike of her saber at the rear of the Crab Droid.
Janix: As the pillar falls, Janix calls to Ashley, who reacts with the timing and grace of his training. Willa is a little slower but the three of them avoid the falling pillar. "Stay together!" She yells. As Ashley has brought out his saber, things were about to get very different.
GM: The pillar crashes around Janix, Rook, and Willa.
LM-432 Crab Droid: The Droid does not have a vocabulator, otherwise it would say it was in danger.
Master's Violet Doublesaber %u2694%uFE0F
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   %uF517 Linked 1, %uF4A2 Breach 1, %uF528 Sunder, %uF915 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(( linked ))
(( 1 Boost to Next PC))
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Rook: A choked sound whispers out of Rook as she sees Dr. Tane's body torn into small, charred bits by the Crab Droid.
%uF9FF Far Strike Activation   Action
Effect   Make a Brawl combat check as a ranged attack at one target at short-range or further, adding %u2B21 no greater than the character%u2019s Force rating to the check. The character may spend %u25D0 to increase the range of the attack by one range band per %u25D0 spent, to a maximum of long.
%uF48A Toughness (Improved) Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, may heal wounds equal to ranks in Toughness, 8
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Ashley: Ashley moved quickly, through the pain, to block some of the blaster fire from the crab droid that was aiming at Willa. His lightsaber flared to life briefly, returning some of the fire, but it was not enough because the building was going down and then Tane ... He breathed deep, searching desperately for the calm that would keep him from slipping further.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Success) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: Venn drives her purple blade through the segmented legs, dodging retaliatory flailing from the droid. She backflips onto its central chassis and drives the point of her saber through its droid brain. She flips off a few meters away as the large machine finally explodes from all the damage.
Janix: (1 white to range and 1 to dmg)
%uF938 Martial Grace Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, the character may suffer 2 strain to add damage equal to her ranks in Coordination, 3, to one hit of a successful Brawl combat check.
Venn: She glances over just in time to see Tane get decimated, but her reaction remains shrouded behind her mask. Rook is probably going to make that bounty hunter wish he'd never been born...
Janix: Her Biotics flare around her as she fuels her body to regenerate her wounds. As she does so, she glares at Vril behind her helmet and unleashes a blast of pure energy at the hunter. Though it doesn't down the hunter, it does adhere to Tal's command.
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Point Blank +4. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Heavy
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Npc Critical
LM-432 Crab Droid
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   90
Dice Roll   18
Total   118
Can no longer see. Upgrade the difficulty of Perception and Vigilance checks three times, and all other checks twice.
Rook: Rook ignores tactics and logic, charging the Droid that killed Dr. Tane, laying down a hail of deadly fire. Yet it does not fall, despite wounds in its armor and the smoke rising from it's sensors.
Ashley: "You really think this is worth the credits," calls out Ashley towards Vril. There is anger in his voice as he speaks, not only the pain of his lost arm flowing through him but the death of Tane as well. There is no grand gesture towards Vril but Ashley will most certainly try to make him feel pain.
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   3
%u262F There Is No Try Use   Once Per Session, OOT incidental
Effect   Before an ally rolls the dice for a check, the character may spend a Destiny Point to allow the ally to automatically succeed at the check with one Image and no other results.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Venn: Ashley hears Venn's voice in his mind. Maybe its a hallucination.. maybe not! ~"Don't lose yourself, Ashley."~
Ashley: It's there, the flicker of Vril's life and Ashley reaches for it. The Force surges through him and he twists it to serve a purpose that goes against his own beliefs as a healer and a Paragon. Instead, he thinks only of pain and death--the distant echo of Venn's voice to not lose himself barely heard--and clenches his remaining hand in a fist around the hilt of his lightsaber. As he does so, the life is pulled from Vril- and he dies in absolute agony.
... but it does give him a nice energy rush that leaves him feeling sick to his stomach afterward.
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Point Blank +4. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Heavy
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: (Maybe you'll get the crit that lets you attack again, lol )
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Npc Critical
LM-432 Crab Droid
Previous Criticals   2 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   60
Dice Roll   32
Total   112
Temporarily Lame
Until healed, may not perform more than one maneuver each turn.
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   9
Light Side points remaining   0
Rook: Rook swirls around the Droid, firing in a deadly arc and finally downs it. She side steps by reflex, already looking for her next target ...
Rook will use the Second Wind incidental to regain two strain.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   8
New Light Side total   1
Venn: Venn watches Ashley from the distance, cape billowing behind her near the flames. That was unexpected..
For a moment she thinks of her vision in the pool of the Imperious. The crashed Mallard, burning.... Ashley using the Dark Side....
Tal's Bowcaster
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Cumbersome 3, Auto-Fire, Knockdown
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Dice Pool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Threat)
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Heavy Stomp
LM-432 Crab Droid
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Concussive 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal: Tal runs away from the one on him, back toward the Hellions and unslings his bowcaster once more! He will shoot a crab droid, smiling brightly beneath his mask as it dies.
GM: The Crab Droid steps forward and hits Tal in the back of his head, making him stagger about stunned for a moment. His helmet prevents any permanent damage but - ow.
Willa: Willa draws a breath, seeing Tal rattled in the face of the last crab droid. She runs forward, towards it.
Janix: "I thought we talked about this!" Janix yells as she adjusts her rifle and prepares.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Despair) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair)
Venn: (It turns out to be General Grievous in disguise)
GM: Willa gets the bad touch from sticking her finger into strange droids.
She suffers a critical injury from electrical-backshock.
Character Critical
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   99
Total   99
Limb crippled until healed or replaced. Increase difficulty of all checks that use that limb by 1 Difficulty die.
Her offending arm is shut off.
Venn: ((Thats some serious McAfee ))
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Willa: With Ashley's assurance that "spitballing means doing" in mind, Willa attempts to jack in to the foreign droid.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Blank) (Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: Maybe don't listen to the person who can crush people's hearts with their mind or whatever it is that Ashley did that made Vril fall over dead ...
LM-432 Crab Droid:
Npc Critical
LM-432 Crab Droid
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   43
Total   43
Bowled Over
Knocked prone and suffer 1 strain.
Janix: (4 = crit, 2 = strain regain)
Willa: Unfortunately, she's unfamiliar with this particular brand of droid, and is blindsided by a set of protection protocols involving a nice jolt from hidden diodes. The bad news is that her entire arm is numb in the wake of the shock. The good news is that one of her tools goes flying out of her hand when she's shocked, and beans Tal on the side of the head, jarring him out of his momentary stupor.
Rook: surveying the scene, seeing no more active enemies, Rook flies back to Dr. Tane and IL-0M. Pulling a blanket from her survival gear, she carefully wraps what pieces of dr. Tane's body she can find, and then collects IL-0M.
Tal: Tal immediately looks for the bounty hunter.
Willa: "Ngghh. Still. Helping!" she grits out, teeth clenched.
Janix: Tired of this shit and angry at the wounds she'd taken as well as her teammates, Janix aims and fires as the last of the droids falls to her rirfle.
Tal: Tal goes to check on Willa.
"You okay, Willa?" he asked, skin still tingling from the shock of her assistance.
Janix: As she turns, she sees Rook with Tane. Janix goes to help, silently.
GM: Tane's burnt form is blasted heavily, barely recognizable. IL-0M also looks to be in bad shape and will need major repairs.
Ashley: "Willa," calls out Ashley, who does not look well (those are are not right; too dark) "can you get back over here. Bring the Butcher too."
Willa: "I'm fine," she growls, shaking her head to deter Tal. "Check on your friend!" she nods to the Mallard.
Rook: Even though she knows better, Rook applies a stim pack to Dr. Tane's body ... she just has to try.
Venn: While everyone is distracted and dealing with the chaos, Venn will walk towards the dorsal hatch she is so familiar with.
Janix: A hand on Rook's shoulder. "Rook... " She is trying to help but it's hard when facing death.
Tal: "Go see One and get checked. I'll check on the Mallard. Find that bounty hunter's body if you can. I want to make sure he wasn't tracked." he said.
Venn: She will enter the Mallard and look for survivors.
Rook: Rook goes still at the touch upon her shoulder, and it is all that keeps her from trying another Stim Pack.
Willa: She follows orders, though sullenly, angry at herself.
GM: Venn make a Hard perception check with 3 black thanks to the damage and the smoke.
Janix: "We'll honor him later. This battle isn't over," she adds to Rook, calling on her honor. "The living need us."
Ashley: Ashley will, for the time being, slide away his lightsaber but keep the ancient kyber blade on him. "I'm sorry, I can't ..." he says to Rook, though the words feel hollow. If only ... No, he knew this death was one he could not fix.
Venn Parsa SENSES DANGER! Once per session, as an incidental, she removes %u25FC%u25FC from one check.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: For now, however, he focuses on the injuries of those around him. Clutching the talisman, trying to focus on that bit of calming presence (giving him one extra white pip), he tries to shed the anger and pain to heal those around him.
Venn Parsa has BEGINNER'S LUCK! Once Per Session, she adds suc to a check equal to the number of current Light Side Destiny Points.
Rook: Rook nods to Janix, and maneuvers Dr. Tane's body into a sheltered location. IL-0M, though she tucks into her pack. she doesn't want to be too far from the little droid.
Venn: So 1 success, 2 advantage
Janix: "This isn't your fault," she says to Ashley. "This is the First Order. This is the bounty hunter. Not our team." She looked to the Mallard, where Venn had to be. "The Living need us." She gestured to the Mallard.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
GM: Venn doesn't locate any survivors, she does however, make her way to the cockpit and finds a device that she hasn't seen before blinking on the primary console.
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Field Team: %u2301 There isn't anyone in here. %u2301 .
GM: She can make a Hard Computers, Hard Mechanics, or Daunting (Warfare) check to see what it is
Janix: %uF3A7COM to Venn: %u2301 Then where is the pilot? %u2301
Venn Parsa uses SINCEREST FLATTERY. Once per encounter, when she makes a skill check someone else has previously used during the encounter, she adds %uF7E6 %uF7E6 to her check.
Rook: When Janix assures Ashely this isn't his fault, Rook's fist clench. Dr. Tane was not a warrior, but a scholar. capable of self defense, yes ... but he should never have been the main target of these Droids.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn Parsa is burning all the cooldowns.
GM: Venn can tell it is a Slave Unit -- allowing for a pilot to remotely control their ship and fly it.
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Field Team: %u2301 Stay away. It was slaved to some other controller... %u2301 .
Venn will use the triumph to ... hit the flame suppressing system?
Tal: Tal was on his way to the ship, but stopped at Venn's words. It sounded like the Captain wasn't in there. That made him feel a little better.
He decided to look for his next target. The bounty hunter's body.
Venn: She will then remove the slave unit device and exit the Mallard.
GM: Tal can find the bounty hunter's body on the top of the roof of the structure near them.
Tal: He will drag the body down off the roof and look through his belongings for anything of note.
Ashley: "It's less ..." Ashley starts but then shakes his head and instead struggles to work with the Force. The calm of the talisman helps, just as the echo of Venn's words earlier do, and he is able to encourage the wounds of his allies to heal.
((willa, janix, and rook heal ten wounds. a single crit is also healed, if they have one.))
Rook: Ashely's power eased the physical pain, yet only increased her mental hurt. She didn't feel worthy of the aid, not in that moment.
Ashley: As the Force faded back away, the sounds of Tal behind them dragging down the body of the bounty hunter became the focus ...
Janix: They all have different priorities, but hearing that there was no dead pilot lifted one. "This war isn't done and if anything, we honor death with our lives." She adds to Rook. There is no easy fix, but she knew something about keeping going in the face of fallen comrades.
Ashley: Which absolutely meant that the Pantoran was moving quickly away from the others and finally losing whatever stomach contents he had. (Combination of pain and oh, you know, stone cold murdering people with the Force.)
Venn: She sighs and holds out a hand to the fires, attempting to snuff them out by pushing the air and starving it.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Rook: "I'm ready," Rook assured Janix, since the Hapan seemed unsure of her ability to still function. A quick glance at the Mallard, and she keyed her COMM to ask VENN "How hurt is the Mallard? was that crash faked?"
Janix: Janix looked to Ashely, confused. "Take care of the living Rook." She added, as she moved towards Ashely and lays a hand on his back. "We're not done, this isn't over," she says as she runs circles over his back in a motherly fashion.
Venn: The Force wells inside her and around her, pouring in the direction of the flames like a river. Air molecules excite and rush as they blast apart, starving the fires.
Her hand lowers and she moves to drop off the side of the ship.
GM: In the distance the sound of battle rings through the air. The Hellions can rest for a moment to recover their wounds as Mandalorian Fang Fighters and jetpack-wearing warriors take over the skies. The push toward the last First Order hold-out on Nizon is imminent.
Victory here will crush the First Order and liberate the planet. Failure will have undone all of the hard work and make the sacrifices moot.
Rook: Rook spun to face Janix. "I know. I know how to do this. THIS IS MY LIFE. I have made sure his body is somewhere i can find it, to return ot his people. I've collected IL-0M. I am ready."
End Session 103



  • *****
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Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2021, 09:46:22 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 104 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions continue aiding the Nazren and the Mandalorians commanded by Tvastar Ordo against the First Order on the planet Nazren in the mid rim. It has been a terrible battle with much of the ancient city of Adjhok being destroyed by heavy fire and artillery. As Tie Fighters and Mandalorian Fang Fighters fight over your heads, the Hellions have been engaging in ground battles to make their way up toward the mountain fortress which houses turbolaser batteries capable of thwarting a space-based invasion.
On the way the Aeon Mallard, their tried and true ship of several adventures, was shot down into the upper city. Waiting for them was the bounty hunter Vril Vrakth who had come to collect for the bounty on Tal Vodax's head, and had brought a number of powerful old Crab Droids along as reinforcements.
Vrakth was defeated, but not without losses, as Doctor Rafan Tane was killed in the firefight, and his droid IL-0M was also severely damaged.
Rook: Rook carefully wrapped IL-0M once more, placing Dr. Tane's data pads and tools into her own back pack. Appearing once more in the galley of the Mallard, she turned to Willa.
"I didn't find any grenades, I'm sorry, Willa."
Willa: Willa had been reticent to go scavenging in the fallen ship for gear, after seeing how some of its crew were faring. A ship could be a pretty powerful friend, she knew, and it didn't feel right to go digging around for scraps in front of her now-stranded crew.
But she looked up from the minor repairs to her mini droids that she'd been working on, and smiled warmly in response to Rook's news.
"That's alright. Thanks for looking, Rook."
Tal: Tal strips Vrakth of his weapons and items, then readies himself to leave with the others.
Ashley: With all the damage done to the Aeon Mallard, Ashley found that the med-bay was servicable. Most of his injuries were taken care of, though the lingering pain of the severed left arm was something that he would have to deal with. Once it was properly bandaged and taken care of, the somber Pantoran rejoined the others.
Janix: Eagerly, Janix accepted the less bland snacks Venn brought and took her helmet off once more. With it in one hand, she ate quickly and drank from her canteen again. Her face was purple with blood and she felt her energy waning. Ashley could only keep her going so long and it was easier to end up like Tane than not. "Thank you," Janix added to Venn as she finished the more delicious food and put her helmet back on.
Rook: Rook nodded a thank you to Willa, a faint smile appearing in response to the warm one. Rooting through the debris of their snack, Rook looked for any remaining energy bars to pack along with her.
GM: Tal finds 2 Frag Grenades and 1 Stun Grenade on Vril's body.
Tal: Tal looks to the group. "Anyone need a grenade? I can't carry all of these." he said to the rest of the Hellions.
Rook: A sharp inspection of how Ashley had managed his missing lower arm followed his silent arrival with the others.
Willa: The twi'lek glanced towards Tal.
"I'll never say no to more party favors," she said.
She got up and approached him to take the offered grenades.
"So," she said, then paused, a little reticent to press. "What's the plan?"
Rook: "We need to stop the guns," Rook answered, gesturing towards the enemy cannons. "Ashley, any chance you can use the comms here and reach Tvastar for a tactical update?"
Tal: Tal handed over the grenades. "Well, we've got to see this through. I'd love to stop and find the Captain, but there are others counting on us." he said.
Ashley: It was, in fact, his arm was just really nicely bandaged so that blood would not get anywhere. "There isn't much more that can be done until we get somewhere that is properly equipped," he says to Rook, noticing her inspection. "I can see what can be done. Hopefully the systems aren't fried."
Willa: "Yeah," she agreed, to the notion of stopping the guns. And she nodded again to Tal's assertion that they press on. "But anything more specific? Or are we just hoofing it on, straight up the mountain?"
Rook: "All the escape pods are here, and everyone's personal gear is missing from engineering. Makes me wonder if the Captain set this up, somehow? And what his actual plan might have been. I can't figure out why he'd not be here, if he could but all the escape pods are accounted for."
"He's got hidden compartments all over but never shared with me where they were or how to look inside of them." Eyeing Venn, she asked, "Did everything seem in order in his quarters?"
Ashley: "Well ... like I said, the slave unit was used to control the ship from somewhere else, so wherever that is? That's probably where he's at," says Ashley, heading to see how the coms were looking and if a secure message could be sent out.
Rook: Rook nodded to Willa. "The original plan, if I recall correctly, called for the three forces ... us, Tvastar, Sartok ... to regroup and face the guns. But I don't know if that still stands. I feel like we have an ability to get close to those guns and take them over or blow them up, that might be better than a full frontal assault. Kinda had my fill lof them, today."
Venn: Venn returns from a lookabout... "No real trace of his belongings are about.... This may have been some manner of sacrificial play on his part."
Rook: "I was wondering if Sartok's tunnels would get us close."
Willa: Willa nodded again.
"Yeah, me too. 's why I was asking. I don't have any super bright ideas at the moment, but I know we've already been through the wringer. Probably Tvastar's and Sartok's people have too. If we can figure a less than head-on way to proceed, we'd probably fare better."
Rook: Rook nodded at Venn, her own spirits lightened a little. She nodded gravely. "If so, he wanted to acheive something very, very badly. but i have no notion what that is. I feel like HE thinks we will get his message ... only I can't find one."
"maybe a complete change of plans is in order. I wonder if, given the cover of the full scale war we provoked, we could sneak up on those bombs? some of our crew are masters of stealth."
It was hard to think, hard to plan, with so many new ghosts upon her shoulders. Both Dr. Tane's, and all the Mando's she'd let die by not shooting down that stupid fighter first thing. her jaw clenched, but she wrenched her mind away from the past and focused upon the future.
GM: Those looking up the mountain see a main road that looks to be at the center of much of the fighting. Mandalorians swoop in from the skies to fight the AT-RT's and First Order Stormtroopers that are fighting fiercely to try and hold the gates to the fortress. Nizon rebels swarm from multiple sides in the city.
GM: As the turbolasers fire, you see something as you are looking up the mountain you see a TIE Echelon descend from the skies and move toward what must be a landing bay at the top of the fortress.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage] [Ability Success x2] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success x2] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Difficulty Failure + Threat] [Difficulty Blank]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage]
Rook: "I have a bad feeling about this.Who would be Landing here in the middle of a full scale battle?"
GM: Ashley can see that much of the systems of the Mallard are offline. It appears that the damage was far greater than just the turbolaser blast that struck the ship, but some sort of catastrophic damage besides which. The ship appears to have been sabotaged along with the attack from without.
Rook: She shook her head; it was far too late to re-work their battle plan and go for the guns first.
Venn: "Likely a VIP aboard the Star Destroyer." she reorts.
Rook: "If we got the guns to work, i wonder if they could shoot down that star destroyer ..." she murmured.
Tal: "That main road is a death trap." Tal said, looking toward the road where the Mandalarians swooped in and out on strafing runs.
"Yeah, I don't know that we've got another option than isn't a full-frontal. Finding Sartok and Tvastar to coordinate is the best idea."
Willa: "Well that inspires warm-and-fuzzies," she murmured, in a tone of voice that betrayed some concern while she watched the fancy TIE land.
Rook: Rook shoots an edged smile at Venn, "Which one? maybe one we can shoot."
Ashley: "... just about everything is offline," says Ashley, to Rook and the others, once he is done looking things over. "More than that: the damage done is more than just blast and it's crashlanding. As if it was sabotaged."
Venn: "That or it is retrieving VIPs in danger."
Willa: "Sabotaged? You mean by someone inside?" she asked, when Ashley emerged with news.
Rook: "charge along the city, so we can help as we go, or tunnels so we have some element of surprise?" Rook mused softly aloud.
Venn: "Whatever the case is, this ship doesn't seem like it will play any more parts in this saga."
Willa: "I vote the tunnels, for what it's worth," she volunteered.
"But you know. I'm kinda just along for the ride," she admitted, with a nervous little smile.
"So whatever you guys wanna do, we'll do."
Rook: Rook winced at Ashley's report, firmly bottling up a new source of anguish. Where was the Captain? N1? who had sabotaged the Mallard, and why? She offered a pat on the back to Venn, in leiu of verbal comfort.
Ashley: "Can't tell you that," replies Ashley to Willa. "Just that it was sabotaged; someone wanted the ship disabled and it's disabled." A glance was spared towards the slave unit once more, the Pantoran wondering.
Rook: "Tunnels are faster, but probably trapped. that would be my vote."
Janix: "I think we have those talented enough to deal with traps. A lot hard to dodge blaster fire and grenades."
Venn: "A common Imperial miscalculation is that of proper defense against subterranean routes of ingress." Beat. "I imagine they feel it is beneath them."
Ashley: Ashley snickers.
Rook: Rook stood abruptly, and a brief, sharp laugh escaping at Venn's words. "Well then, by all means, the tunnel!"
Willa: "Ha!" she barked, before catching herself and clamping a hand over her mouth.
Janix: Janix grins at Venn's joke. Or accidental joke. Hard to tell.
Willa: But c'mon. She hadn't been expecting puns from Scary Spice.
Venn: "Traps or alarms would possibly pull forces from other engagements, so it would be a win win."
Tal: "Tunnels it is." Tal said.
Rook: She fastened her helmet upon her head, and headed out of the ship, her hands trailing along the battered bulkheads in silent apolgoy.
Willa: Willa nodded when the team seemed to be reaching a consensus, and began quickly packing her things back into her kit.
Venn: Venn pockets one of the snackbars and moves to disembark. "Four, please do lock up the ship best you can as we leave. Better to have an excuse that we tried if confronted by Zero."
Rook: "She's all prepped, Two. as soon as we step out i lock her up."
Willa: Willa falls in step beside Ashley while they start to head out, if she can.
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   2
Willa: "How're you holding up?" she quietly asked the Pantoran as they moved.
Rook: As soon as people exit, she will place the final touches upon her earlier work to prepare the Mallard [roll last session].
GM: Rook make a Daunting Mechanics check to prepare the traps and assure that the vehicle is impregnable from tampering in the open battle-field.
Venn: [wheres that Imbue ;p]
Janix: While less bittersweet for Janix, she moves next to Rook and imparts some of knowledge in an attempt to help Rook.
%uF4AA Imbue Activation   Action
Effect   The user may spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase one of another engaged chracter's characteristics by 1 [to a maximum of 6] until the end of the Force user's next turn.
Caveat   This can only be used once per character per encounter.
Give into the Darkside   If the user uses %u2B24 to generate %u25D0, the target increases a second character by 1 [to a maximum of 6] until the end of the user's next turn, but both Force user and target suffer 3 strain.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
[Force Light x2] [Force Light x2] [Force Dark] [Force Light] [Force Dark]
[Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark]
Venn: [so good]
Rook B.
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage x2] [Boost Blank] [Ability Advantage x2] [Ability Success] [Ability Blank] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Blank] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Blank]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Triumph]
Ashley: Ashley checks his scanner goggles [after assisting Rook], pulling them on and fiddling to make sure they were operating just fine. Since, you know, they were going into tunnels. Being able to see clearly in the dark would be good. When Willa falls in step next to him, he gives her a half-smile. "As well as can be expected."
Ashley: "Thanks for getting me back up," he adds, "and sorry if I ..." He waves his right hand as if to capture the entire fact he went a little weird post-hand loss. "Just thanks."
Rook: All the time spent crawling through the Mallard's innards on previous missions paid off, for she knew the ship as few people did. With her knowledge of both the ship and the Captain, she set it up so his biometrics would allow him access to the ship as well as her teams. If not, whoever tried would be in for a nasty surprise as toxic coolant and deadly electrical pulses inspired by the anti-personnel defenses of the AT-AT would combine into an explosive rejection of unauthorized personnel.
Venn: "We are going to have to have some kind of talk about your Lady friend interfering in our business." she mentions casually to Tal.
"It was cute before, but..."
Willa: "Hey, nothin' to be sorry for," she assures him. "It's kind of a big deal, you know? I get it. I mean when I lost this, it hit me pretty hard," she said, gesturing to her cybernetic arm. "I guess I just wanted to say that it gets better. Nothing's ever gonna be the real thing again, but I can do so much more now than I could before, because of tech. And I'd be happy to help you get fixed up, after all this. You know, something really nice. If you want. It, uhm. Yeah. I'm not great at the talking thing all the time," she admits, with a nervous little laugh. "But you're gonna be okay. Better than ever. You know?"
Tal: "Yeah...that." Tal grimaced beneath his helmet.
Venn: "A hundred K is going to get serious mutants salivating."
"Might need to prioritize that as soon as we have a breather. It will only get worse."
Rook: Rook said nothing as she led the way into the tunnels. NOTHING. Her shoulders were rigid, but she was silent on the matter.
GM: The Nazren tunnels proved to be the invaluable tool. As you make your way through one of the entrances, some of the resistance fighters pass by you as they move supplies. They tell you the path to take to go up to the mountain fortress, but warn that the First Order had some defenses installed right by the exit - seemingly they were aware of the underground connection to the fortress, but did not know of a wider network of tunnels.
Tal: "Zhane's already out there. But now everyone looking for a payday might start showing up in twos and threes." he said.
Venn was right. The team was already at risk but the loss of Tane hammered it home. It could've been any of them.
"You're right. Once we get this First Order garbage behind us, we'll sort it out."
Venn: Venn tapped the side of her head, having her visormask shutter over her features and the purple lenses illuminate briefly. Drawing up her hood, she follows onwards to these tunnels...
Ashley: Ashley laughs a little, actually cracking a real smile. "Yeah, I know, it just makes things harder for me at the moment. Later, sure, I'll be in better shape--and, yeah, I'll take you up on something nice, I've got credits to spend--but right now it's harder for me to be able to defend or fight." Regardless, he slid on his goggles as they headed for those tunnels.
Venn: She seemed satisfied with Tal's answer, as she could sense he got the gravity of how much of a mess it has become when people were dying because of it. "Agreed. And you've got backup in that endeavor."
Rook: Rook thanks each band of resistance fighters they pass, impressed anew by their courage in facing this. it was their home, their city, their families being destroyed out there. Yet they still fought on.
Willa: "I dunno. You still seem to be holdin' your own, to me," she said with a shrug and a little smile.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
[Ability Success + Advantage] [Ability Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage x2]
[Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Rook B.
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success x2]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success]
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   3
Dice Roll
[Ability Success x2] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage x2]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage]
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Force Dark] [Force Light x2] [Force Light] [Force Dark] [Force Dark]
[Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark]
Ashley: "I ... use two weapons," replies Ashley, "with both hands, but thanks." He gives Willa a friendly nudge with his shoulder. "You're handling all this well, yourself."
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
[Boost Blank] [Boost Blank] [Ability Blank] [Proficiency Blank]
Rook: "you should get one of them out, One," Rook said to Ashley, aware he could still reflect with but one light sber.
Willa: Willa pulled a pair of scanner goggles out of her bag and put them on as they moved through the tunnels.
GM: It takes about half an hour to move forward, Ashley's pathfinding expediting the process, along with the instructions the Nazren allies gave them.
Ashley and Venn can feel a dark presence, something familiar to them and yet... strange. Unsettling. Ashley takes 3 strain, Venn takes 2.
Willa: "Oh, sure," she agreed, with a little laugh. "I mean, this is more excitement than I've seen in a while, and i was roomin' with psychos. But you guys seem like good people, so it makes a difference."
Willa: "Oh, hey, watch out!"
Venn: The hooded Umbaran slowly removes her hilt from her belt, the half moon inlaid with gold remaining un-ignited.
Willa: She pointed out a red sensor in the rockface roof. In fact, she points out several small mechanical pieces of hardware, worked hidden in the stone and they seem to be some sort of flame projectors.
Ashley: "Planning on it," replies Ashley to Rook, his hand already on the blue-hilt of his lightsaber. It isn't ignited but his hand tightens around it as he senses something unsettling.
Willa: "Traps already."
"Gimme a sec," she chirped, setting to work on them
Ashley: "... be careful," says Ashley to Willa.
Rook: Rook clasped Ashley on the shoulder, both relieved to see the light-sabers come out ... and unhappy at how tense the Force Weilders suddenly were.
Tal: Tal moves through the sewer, mentally snarling at their tromping through this mess to get to the their target.
Janix: Janix pauses as soon as Willa exclaims to watch out. Carefully, she holds her rifle in the event they are ambushed while Willa works.
Ashley: "Do you feel that?" he asks Venn, voice pitched low.
Dice Roll
[Ability Success x2] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Difficulty Failure] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Threat]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Threat] [Triumph]
Venn: "No more non-enemy casualties if you would be so kind." she says towards the Twi'lek, though her attention is well distracted.
Willa: "You know..." she muses, as she pulls apart the trap. "This could be some useful stuff..."
Venn: She gives a singular nod to the Pantoran in the affirmative.
Willa: In no time, she has some scraps of gear in her hands and is fidgeting with them even as she starts walking again.
GM: With the trap disabled, there is a single metal door between them and the First Order base.
Willa: "We're good. But we should keep an eye out, if this is the kind of tricky stuff they're using. There's liable to be more."
Rook: "Try to use your purloined ID, Two, or let Willa and One deal with the door?" Rook asked, unsure just what the sergants id might open.
Willa: While Rook and Venn decide, Willa eyes the door, looking for more traps.
GM: Make a perception check, Willa.
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage]
GM: Willa sees no traps ;]
Just an access panel!
Venn: "Have at it should you be so inclined." scratches the masked woman, still considering the strange feeling.
Ashley: "Willa is likely faster than me," replies Ashley, as he was one-handed at the moment, "but I can assist as necessary."
Mostly he was still staring at the door, trying to shake the feeling of dread building up.
Willa: "Hmm. I don't see any trickery," she said, distracted by the search.
"I can take a stab at it, sure," she says, approaching the panel.
Venn: Venn will, however, attempt to utilize her Infrabinoculars.
Device %uF97D image   Infrabinoculars [Long Range]
%u25AA A character using infrabinoculars can see through up to two meters of wall, possibly allowing surveillance of a whole building at once.
%u25AA Walls made of dense materials or constructed to shield their interiors may impose one or more on Perception checks to see inside, at GM's discretion.
%u25AA Can also be switched to a long range view equivalent to that of electrobinoculars to magnify up to 10KM away.
Willa: Willa extends her hand, and the tip of one of her fingers opens up like a flip-top. A jack extends towards the panel's interface.
Dice Roll
[Boost Success + Advantage] [Ability Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Triumph]
GM: Venn can only see through the door itself. There are no guards on the other side.
Dice Roll
[Difficulty Blank] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Difficulty Threat]
[Failure] [Failure] [Threat]
Venn: Twisting the dial on the side of of the device overlaid on her visor, she announces... "There looks to be no guards on the other side."
GM: Willa is able to not just disable the door security, but also find a map to the base, and then disables the communication system in the base.
This takes about 10 minutes of work.
Willa: "Man these guys really need to update their protocols. Gimme a second, and I can set us up a little better."
Once finished, she steps back from the panel, and turns her hand palm-up. A small holo-projection appears above her palm: a replica of the fortress' layout.
She manipulates the image with her free hand, a la tony stark, and zooms in on where the team is.
After a moment of calculation, a green light appears inside the image, tracing an expedient path from their current spot to the turbolasers.
"Here we go."
Rook: "Perfect!"
GM: The Hellions are located in the bottom of the massive base. They can take a turbolift not far from their position up to the outcrop of mountain that is the landing pad. Further up is the main command center for the base and the turbolasers.
Venn: "You need to get one of those." Venn unceremoniously suggests to Ashley.
Willa: "I upped the noise on their comms too. Like, way up. Hopefully it'll interfere enough to cause some confusion."
"But we should get moving, 'cause they tend to find ways to fix those kinds of problems pretty quick."
Rook: Rook nodded, "That was good thinking. I'm worried about our allies down there without us." But not quite so much as she was for her team, though she didn't say so aloud.
Ashley: "That is the ideal," replies Ashley to Venn.
Tal: "Then let's get to those turbolasers and see if we can give some relief to the ground forces."
Willa: [[Is the door open now?]]
GM: The door can be opened now, yes.
Willa: Willa opens the door.
Rook: Rook braces for combat, gun at the ready .... old habits, and all that.
GM: As the door opens and you step through, the lights in the base flicker. A voice comes through the comms, garbled and ruined by Willa's hack. Whatever was going to be communicated is lost. Outside the sounds of battle are distant, the stone and durasteel walls drowning out most of the din and chaos that is just a few hundred feet away thanks to the construction of the base.
Ashley: Ashley keeps tabs on that unsettlingly familiar presence [whether or not it feels as if it is closer or not] and moves with the others.
GM: There is no-one on the floor with you. To your left is the turbolift, to the right you can distantly see the main doors to the base where a platoon of First Order troopers engage in combat with the forces of rebellion.
Rook: The urge to go help is powerful, but the larger strategic picture has to overrule the personal, tactical situation. "We need to take out the big guns swiftly," she murmurs. It was a special kind of stress, to get into an enemies turbolift, but she gestured for Willa to open it and guide them through.
Janix: "Agreed. Big guns first."
Tal: Tal will lead toward the turbolift.
Willa: Willa heads into the turbolift and directs it towards the level where the gunz are
"Be ready. I'm sure we're about to make some friends."
GM: The turbolift ascends away from the fighting toward the main command center...
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
GM: The lights in the turbolift suddenly flicker off, the turbolift coming to a screeching halt for a moment.
The displays all flicker dead for a moment, and then a red-faced visage slowly blinks into view.
Willa: "Uhh.."
"That wasn't me."
GM: A mechanical, broken voice echoes in the turbolift. "I've been waiting for you."
Tal: "No,it wasn't. It's him." Tal growls.
GM: Suddenly the turbolift turns on and accelerates at maximum speed upward.
Willa: "Him who?"
"You guys have friends here?"
Ashley: "Shroud."
Tal: "Shroud."
Willa: Willa snorted an abbreviate little laugh.
Tal: "He's not a friend. He's an insane Force-User with a lighsaber."
Willa: "Oh. Serious?"
Ashley: Ashley's expression goes grim.
Janix: Janix looks at Willa and shurgs. Shroud is new to her.
Venn: The ex Inquisitor braces a hand to the side of the lift as it speeds in its ascencion.
GM: You are all nearly shoved to the floor from the massive g-force of the elevator's rocketing ascent. Sparks fly off of the walls as the metal box nearly becomes a tomb.
Tal: "Last time we fought him, he put a hole in a ship and blew himself out into space to escAAAAAAAAPE---"
Rook: Rook feels nausea ripple through her, and a dark pressure making it hard to breathe. "He is very, very deadly."
Willa: Willa attempts to access the panel
GM: Mechanized laughter breaks with shrieks and screeches of interference as the comm system suddenly shuts off.
Willa: To fight whatever remote control he's wrested.
GM: Make a Daunting Coordination check to stay upright, Willa.
Rook: The sudden acceleration jars her, and she finds herself fighting to stay upright.
Ashley: Ashley tries to move quickly, not wanting to lose his footing but the speed is something else ...
"Of course it's him."
Janix: "By the Goddess!" Janix tries to grab onto something to remain upright.
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage] [Ability Success] [Ability Advantage] [Ability Blank] [Ability Success] [Difficulty Threat x2] [Difficulty Threat x2] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Difficulty Threat]
[Threat] [Threat] [Threat]
Rook B.
Dice Roll
[Boost Success + Advantage] [Ability Success x2] [Ability Success x2] [Ability Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Blank] [Difficulty Threat x2] [Difficulty Threat]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Threat]
Ashley: [[do we all need to roll if we don't wanna fall over?]]
GM: Willa is able to access the panel, but only barely being able to hold on. She suffers 1 strain. Rook - the same.
Willa: "Hoooollllld oooonnnnn," she grits out while pulling herself through sheer determination towards the panel.
Rook: Rook manages to pull off staying upright without her gun's nuzzle moving a millimeter from it's aim right where the turbo lift will open.
GM: Above you, you hear the roar of a starship starting to take off, it's barely audible over the din of the turbolift moving beyond its designated speed in its ascent.
5 Red Computers check, Willa.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage] [Ability Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Difficulty Failure] [Difficulty Failure] [Difficulty Threat]
[Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Triumph]
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
[Force Light x2] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Force Dark x2] [Force Light x2]
[Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark]
Venn: [[because he is an invalid now]]
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Challenge Threat x2] [Challenge Threat] [Challenge Failure x2] [Challenge Failure] [Challenge Failure x2]
[Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Janix: Scared, and half scared this was the end, Janix stands upright and reaches out with her Biotics, infusing Willa with the skill and coordination to save their damn lives.
Ashley: Ashley barely manages to keep his footing, the Force giving him the boost he needs to keep himself up.
Janix: Whatever happens, it doesn't seem to be work. "Ashley, can you help?"
Ashley: "I'll do what I can," says Ashley, scooting closer.
Willa: "WHO THE KRIFF IS THIS GUY?!" she complains as she tries and fails to get ahead of his hax0rs.
"HOW IS HE--wait, nononono!"
Ashley: "Murderous Sith-Cyborg who likes to jam out while attempting to do murders," replies Ashley, with a completly serious expression.
Rook: "A fallen Jedi, Cyborg, Sith ... he can animate electronics so DO NOT let him into range of hand to hand with you, Willa."
Venn: "He is not Sith." corrects Venn.
Willa: "He--what?" she counters, pulling her hand away from the panel as though it'd burned her
Venn: "It is some weaponized experimental cyborg forged from from a maddened jedi murderer."
Ashley: "... true," replies Ashley, who really has no experiences with that other than certain murderous Inquisitors.
Willa: She glances up at the sparking metal overhead.
"This lift wasn't made to sustain these speeds."
Tal: Tal wanted to say that none of this was comforting to the newcomers, but he was too busy keeping himself upright with the speed of the lift.
Venn: A filtered sigh emits from Venn's vocoder.
GM: The elevator suddenly comes to a halt, the doors opening to bright light with a plume of smoke rising up from the mountainside. You see the same freighter that Kiyota used to flee The Imperious taking off toward the stratosphere.
Before you is the TIE Echelon, and four figures that are obvious cyborgs with modified armor. One is a woman that shimmers with a strange black shadow around her, seeming to 'phase' in and out of reality. The other is a man in golden armor who, upon seeing you, ignites a weapon of pure fire. The third has long chains that end in vibro-sickles, and the fourth is a Shistavanen that has been heavily modified into a creature with no eyes and durasteel fangs.
Designation: Brand: "He knew you would come." The fire-blade wielding warrior says as you step out into the open.
Designation: Hunter: "Hehhh.. he could smell you...."
Designation: Scourge: "He senses the piece of him you have stolen."
Willa: "uhm."
Designation: Shade: "He wants it back."
Willa: "Wow, this dude likes the dramatics," she whispered.
Janix: "This is not good. Be ready team."
%u26A0%uFE0F Forewarning Activation   Action
Effect   All allies in medium range increase their defense by 4 until they act in the encounter.
Venn: There is no way to read the expression behind Venn's mask, but she looks towards the ship departing. She tries to feel if Kesvo is aboard before it leaves her range
Willa: "What pieces are they talking about?"
Janix: [[4 not 5]]
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
[Ability Success + Advantage] [Ability Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Ashley: "... really really does," mutters Ashley, though his eyebrow raises at the entire piece of him that was stolen.
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Proficiency Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage]
[Success] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Designation: Brand:
Initiative Cool
Designation: Brand
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Ability Advantage] [Ability Success] [Ability Success]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage]
%u2756 Force Power - Seek
Venn Parsa
Effect   Spend %u25D1%u25D1 to gain insight into the general location or direction of a person or object she knows about, regardless of current distance. Additionally, the user can spend %u25D1 and succeed on a Vigilance check to see through illusions, holograms, or disguises.
Dice Roll
[Force Dark] [Force Light] [Force Light] [Force Light x2] [Force Light] [Force Light x2] [Force Light x2]
[Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark]
Designation: Scourge:
Initiative Vigilance
Designation: Scourge
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Advantage]
[Success] [Success] [Advantage]
Initiative Vigilance
Designation: Shade
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage]
[Success] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage x2] [Boost Advantage] [Ability Success] [Ability Success x2] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Success x2]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Ability Advantage] [Ability Success + Advantage] [Ability Advantage] [Ability Success + Advantage]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Designation: Hunter:
Initiative Vigilance
Designation: Hunter
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Success]
[Success] [Advantage]
Venn: [why cant I have that many white pips when I need it...]
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
[Boost Blank] [Boost Advantage x2] [Ability Advantage x2] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Blank] [Force Light] [Force Dark] [Force Light x2] [Force Dark] [Force Light]
[Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark]
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
[Boost Success] [Boost Advantage] [Ability Success x2] [Ability Success] [Ability Advantage] [Ability Advantage] [Ability Success] [Ability Advantage]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Venn: "Three is aboard that vessel that just departed." she informs the other Hellions.
Janix: As she is unshouldering her rifle, Janix swears in Hapan.
Designation: Brand: "A trade is offered."
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Designation: Shade: "A pact agreed."
Venn: "Those grenades might make sense right about now."
%u267B%uFE0F Prime Positions Activation   Passive
Effect   When a character or ally in short range takes cover, they increase their soak against ranged attacks by 2 until they leave cover.
Designation: Scourge: "A life for part of a life."
%uF3F9 Blind Spot Activation   Passive
Effect   The character and allies within short range add automatic advantage to combat checks they make while benefitting from cover.
Willa: "In...stead of the pact?" she asked, unsure about the deal that was apparently being offered
Designation: Hunter: "Blood for spiriiiiiit."
Willa: "What are they talkin' about?"
Ashley: "... a lot of sense," he says, though he blinks at the mention of a trade, shooting Venn a concerned look at what is being said.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
[Boost Blank] [Boost Blank] [Boost Blank] [Ability Success] [Ability Advantage] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Success x2] [Setback Failure] [Setback Blank] [Setback Threat] [Challenge Failure + Threat] [Challenge Failure x2] [Advantage]
[Success] [Success] [Triumph]
Designation: Shade:
Npc Critical
Designation: Shade
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   46
Total   46
Head Ringer
Increase difficulty of all Intellect and Cunning checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
Rook: Rook was still listening to the offered trade, trying ot figure out who they held to offer in exchange for the westwind holo, when Jannix fired.
"Wait, who do you mean?" she called out
Willa: She pulls out one of the grenades when Janix starts shooting.
"Okay, so no talky! Got it."
GM: The blast strikes the woman, but it seems like much of it is absorbed by the swirling shadow of her armored, cybernetic body - the darkness drinking in some of the light.
Designation: Brand: "Hah! The dance begins!"
Venn: "Discount Grievous was lonely and made some friends. If the creep factor wasn't high enough..."
Janix: After nearly falling to her death, Janix is not about to wait. It seems like a trap or just another way to slow them down. "It's a good way to keep us from our objective, to distract us." Enough people had died down in the city, it was time to end that.
Designation: Hunter: "A tapestry of carnage."
Tal: "I hate it when the bad guys don't speak in coherent sentences." he said.
Ashley: "... do we even want to find out what trade they're talking about?"
Tal: He took a deep breath. "This is gonna hurt." he said.
Ashley: Not that, you know, there was much of a trade with shots fired.
Rook: "I think they have a hostage," Rook gritted out, glancing around the area to see if she could see anyone. What if they had the captain? Shroud was capable of that had happend to the Mallard ...
GM: If Rook wants to actively search the area it will take an Action to do the Perception check on her turn.
Rook: Rook really, really missed her wrist rocket. but it might just be time to use her one-shot only missile.
GM: A cursory glance shows no hostage.
Frag Grenade
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage x2] [Ability Success] [Ability Success + Advantage]
[Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Frag Grenade
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Setback Failure] [Setback Blank] [Setback Failure] [Setback Blank] [Challenge Failure x2] [Challenge Despair]
[Failure] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Triumph] [Despair]
GM: The fires of the frag grenade seem to have a minimal effect on the cyborg-warriors.
Willa: Willa lobs a grenade at the group of hostiles before ducking back behind cover.
"You guys really do have the most exciting lives ever," she pants, to the nearest Hellion.
Tal: "Would you believe that this is just Tuesday?" Tal asked.
Ashley: "The really bad things happen on Thursdays," offers Ashley.
Venn: Venn Parsa SENSES DANGER! Once per session, as an incidental, she removes %u25FC%u25FC from one check.
%u2694 Draw Closer Image   %u201CYou are unwise to lower your defenses!%u201D
With a gesture, she seizes a target with the Force while simultaneously attacking with her violet lightsaber.
Activation   Action | Sil 1 target | %u2264 Medium Range
Check   Combat - Lightsaber[Willpower] + Force Dice
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to move the Sil 1 target one Range Band closer OR as a Image.
Master's Violet Doublesaber %u2694%uFE0F
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   %uF517 Linked 1, %uF4A2 Breach 1, %uF528 Sunder, %uF915 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Advantage] [Setback Threat] [Difficulty Failure + Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Challenge Threat] [Challenge Failure] [Force Dark] [Force Light] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Force Light x2] [Force Light] [Force Dark] [Advantage] [Advantage]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Threat] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark]
%uF4A5 Damage = 16
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Venn: Venn weeps across the breach and ignites one end of her lightsaber. The purple blade like a fencer comes up and one of the cyborgs flies through their cover through the air, sending it splintering.
Venn Parsa %uD53B%uD546%uD53B%uD53E%uD53C%uD54A when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   5
Designation: Shade:
Designation: Shade
Damage   6
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Breach 1
Dice Roll
[Boost Success + Advantage] [Boost Success] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Setback Blank] [Setback Blank] [Setback Threat] [Challenge Blank] [Challenge Failure]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Venn: She kicks the cyborg in the stomach and sweeps her single blade across its back in a searing strike that sends sparks flying.
GM: The Cyborg sweeps crackling katas that are meant to disable rather than kill but seem to pass through most metallic or cloth-based alloys.
Venn: Its hardiness has her step back a moment before a response comes, savagely.
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Blank]
Venn Parsa performs a %u2119%uD538%u211D%u211D%uD550 when hit by a melee, brawl or lightsaber attack, suffering 3 strain to reduce damage by 7, before soak.
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Advantage] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success] [Setback Threat] [Setback Threat] [Setback Blank] [Challenge Threat] [Challenge Failure]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Threat]
Venn: "Watch this one, this slag's got pain on her mind." she warns Tal about the unusual weapons.
Venn: "Though I reckon not for long."
Tal: "Got it!" the Mandalorian said as he drew his vibroaxe, spun it once, and then swing for the fences against Shade.
GM: The Cyborg Shistavanen rears its head back and lets out a bone-quaking howl that is a mixture of cyber-static and alien fury.
%u27E1 Hunter%u2019s Bone-Chilling Howl. Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Once per encounter, suffer 3 strain to force all enemies within long range to make a Daunting Fear check..
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Ability Success x2] [Ability Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Failure]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   5
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Success x2] [Challenge Threat x2]
[Success] [Success] [Threat] [Threat]
Rook B.
Dice Roll
[Ability Success x2] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Challenge Threat]
[Success] [Success] [Threat] [Threat] [Threat]
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
[Ability Success + Advantage] [Ability Blank] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Challenge Despair]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Threat] [Triumph] [Triumph] [Despair]
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
[Ability Success x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Difficulty Failure + Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Challenge Threat]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Threat] [Threat]
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Challenge Failure]
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage x2] [Ability Success x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Failure + Threat] [Challenge Failure x2] [Force Light x2] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Force Light] [Force Light x2]
[Success] [Advantage] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark]
Rook: The dark evil rippling off of these creatures [Sith or no] seemed to eat into Rook. Sweat poured in rivulets down her face, but somehow she kept her aim true.
Venn: "Someone needs to put that mangy thing down." she says, shaking her head clear with clear annoyance.
Willa: Willa flinches at the sudden and bone-chilling howl.
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
[Boost Success]
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
[Boost Success]
Dice Pool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage] [Setback Failure] [Difficulty Threat x2] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Difficulty Blank] [Challenge Despair]
[Failure] [Failure] [Failure] [Failure] [Threat] [Despair]
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
[Boost Success]
Designation: Hunter: The Shistavanen Cyborg runs forward and with its huge claws climbs up the stone pillars of the bridge, it then leaps the gap between the outcropping and the actual landing pad, arriving next to Willa and Janix.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage]
Willa: "AHH!"
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage]
Janix: "Frak," Janix curses as she turns towards the suddenly next to her threat.
Designation: Hunter: "And you don't need your arms, little grenadier!"
Distended Jaws and Oversized Claws
Designation: Hunter
Damage   12
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 4, Ensnare, Sunder
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Blank] [Setback Failure] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Failure x2]
[Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage]
%uF6E1%uFE0F Circle of Shelter Image   "Good a time as any to act reckless."

Taking advantage of the agility and maneuverability of Ataru, Ashley leaps into the fray to lessen an enemy's damage to an engaged ally.
Activation   Out of Turn Incidental | Nearby Ally Suffers Hit | 1 Target
Effect   Suffers strain to use Parry or Reflect to reduce damage dealt to engaged ally.
Guardian of the Republic   After the character uses Parry or Reflect to reduce damage to an ally, that ally cannot be targetted by combat checks for the remainder of the round.
Designation: Hunter: The massive jaws of the Cyborg bite into the cybernetic arm of Willa, damaging it two steps.
Image Side by Side Image   "Let's make them notice."

Maybe you shouldn't come after the people with lightsabers.
Activation   Passive | Self & Ally wielding lightsabers.
Effect   When engaged with enemies and both Ashley and Venn are wielding lightsabers, add Image to all combat checks that target Ashley or Venn.
Willa: "AAHH!!" she shrieks when the beast chomps down. She whacks it with her bag. "BAD DOG!"
...though that is less effective than AShley's intervention, which succeeds in pushing the cyborg off of her.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
[Boost Blank] [Boost Blank] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Setback Blank] [Setback Failure] [Setback Threat] [Setback Failure] [Challenge Failure + Threat] [Challenge Despair]
[Success] [Advantage] [Triumph] [Despair]
Rook: The enemy charged, Kesvo was off with at least one enemy, the Captian was missing ... it was now or never. Rook Aimed with her single-use only Rocket at the two remaining enemies, hoping for a decisive blow ...
Venn: "Incoming, Fivers..." scratches out the Umbaran to Tal as she notices a foe advancing at his rear.
Designation: Brand: The missile explodes on the two cyborgs, but the flame wielding warrior circles his blade in a gesture similar to a Jedi using their lightsaber in a Circle of Shelter to reduce some of the damage and to throw a cone of flame back into Rook.
He then charges forward at Tal.
"You deserve, a beautiful death!"
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   6
Rook: she it, but alas he was Jedi, and even as the blast of violence obscured her targets, his LIght Saber caught and invoked the blood bath, sending debris and fire back at her. The pain was intense, driving a curse from her ... and yet Ashley was there, somehow, standing as a wall between her and death. Her armor screamed in protest, battered and heated to nearly unbearable, but somehow ... she lived.
Blazing Blade
Designation: Brand
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Accurate 2, Breach 2, Burn 2
Dice Roll
[Boost Blank] [Boost Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Blank] [Setback Blank] [Setback Blank] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Challenge Threat x2]
[Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Ashley: Ashley was breathing fast, catching sight of the shrapnel and sweeping his lightsaber to throw some of to the side and spare her some damage.
Ashley: ... and there there was, of course, another cyborg with them. Wonderful.
GM: The last Cyrborg with the vibro-sickles braces down and then jumps straight up, coming down with a graceful flip through the air to land beside Rook and slash at her with the blades.
Designation: Scourge:
%u27E1 Scourge%u2019s Reaping. Activation   Action
Effect   Choose one target in Short range and make a Hard Melee check; if the check succeeds, the target decreases the ability of any skill checks they make by one and reduce their strain and wound thresholds by 4 until the end of DESIGNATION: SCOURGE%u2019s next turn. He may maintain these effects by performing the Concentrate maneuver..
Designation: Scourge
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Difficulty Blank] [Difficulty Threat x2] [Difficulty Threat]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage]
The blade hooks into Rook's side and she feels as if some of her vitality has been sapped, some of the wounds of the cyborg fading as the life-force fuels some unnatural regeneration.
%uF915 Heal [Force Power] Image   "Every second matters."

Through channeling and his strong connection to the Force, Ashley heals injuries sustained both in and out of battle.
Activation   Action | Ally
Magnitude   Spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase targets affected per rank [3]. Can be activated multiple times.
Range   Spend %u25D0 to increase maximum range per rank [1]. Can be activated multiple times.
Control: Medicine   Heals additional wounds equal to Medicine ranks [4].
Control: Critical   Make a Hard Medicine check to heal a Critical.
Effect   Heals 10 wounds.
Rook: They were something strange, something terrifying, those weapons. A vast lethargy filled Rook, overwhelming pain and adrenaline both.
Venn: "No time to complain, they've broke into the midst of the others back there too." she says to Tal as she dodges around the swings from the cyborg.
%u2694%uFE0F Hawk Bat Swoop Image   Form IV: Ataru
Using the three-dimensional space, leap into action with an acrobatic attack to overwhelm a foe.
Activation   Action | %u2264 Short Range | 1 Target
Check   Combat - Lightsaber [Agility] + %u2394 up to FR
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to instantly engage target OR as an Advantage.
Ashley's Light Blue Lightsaber
Ashley Nasur
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Breach 1, Sunder, Superior, Vicious 1, Paired Weapon
Dice Roll
[Boost Blank] [Boost Advantage] [Ability Blank] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Setback Failure] [Setback Blank] [Challenge Failure x2] [Challenge Failure x2] [Force Dark] [Force Light x2] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage]
[Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark]
Venn: [[You can also totally destroy a weapon]]
Npc Critical
Designation: Scourge
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   30
Dice Roll   53
Total   83
Cannot voluntarily suffer strain to activate abilities or gain additional maneuvers until end of encounter.
Rook: Rook stared into Scourge's eyes, unnerved by how he seemed to heal even as he wounded her
Designation: Scourge: "All life is interwoven. All stars in the same universe."
%u262F Flows Through All Things Effect    The character may perform a maneuver to recover Strain equal to their current Force Rating of 7.
Designation: Scourge: "Drawing light to fill... the darkness.."
Venn: Venn straightens up... then holds out her blade, fencer style to Shade.. "Ooops."
%u2694 Draw Closer Image   %u201CYou are unwise to lower your defenses!%u201D
With a gesture, she seizes a target with the Force while simultaneously attacking with her violet lightsaber.
Activation   Action | Sil 1 target | %u2264 Medium Range
Check   Combat - Lightsaber[Willpower] + Force Dice
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to move the Sil 1 target one Range Band closer OR as a Image.
Ashley: Ashley breathed deep, leaping into action and going straight for the one that came after Rook. All those en su ma paid off, because even with one hand, he was able to pull off the Hawk Bat Swoop and sunder the sickle that was cutting into Rook. "You really talk to much," he replies, slipping into a guarded stance between both Willa and Rook.
Master's Violet Doublesaber %u2694%uFE0F
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   %uF517 Linked 1, %uF4A2 Breach 1, %uF528 Sunder, %uF915 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Setback Blank] [Setback Threat] [Setback Failure] [Challenge Failure x2] [Challenge Failure + Threat] [Force Light] [Force Light] [Force Dark] [Force Light] [Force Light x2] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Advantage] [Advantage]
[Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark]
Willa: Willa pauses her quiet moment of freaking-out long enough to wide-eye at Ashley's sick moves.
Venn: %uF4A5 Damage = 13
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   5
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   6
Venn: Venn Parsa will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Venn Parsa will %uD538%uD54A%uD54A%uD540%uD54A%uD54B as a Maneuver, granting +%u25FB bonus to one ally's check.
Rook: Was it wrong that she understood him? That he was perfectly clear to her? "There are other ways to fill the darkness ... even the darkness Shroud gave you."
Ashley: Taking another breath, Ashley reached for the Force to heal his allies.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage] [Boost Advantage] [Force Dark] [Force Light] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Force Light]
[Advantage] [Advantage] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark]
Venn: Venn grabs the Disensitizer weapon and totally no-sells it. "Decent try,." She then cuts off the offending arm, and spins around once, bisecting the cyborg at the waist. Its top half crumples over.
"Not decent enough, however."
Designation: Brand: "You can cut at a breeze - but you won't stop the wind."
Venn: "Preview for you, flamer."
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   5
Venn: "The reckoning of the Force burns hotter than any flame, as you and your ilk will come to know."
Designation: Brand: "There is no balance - no justice - no reckoning - only Will and the Dance."
Ashley: There's still the whisper of just pull what remains of life from them but Ashley works through it, encouraging the Force to help heal both Willa and Rook. [[recover 10 wounds]]
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
Tal: "OH SHUT UP!" Tal roared and swung!
Rook: As if he was partaking of the conversation, Ashley poured life and light into her.
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage x2] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Setback Failure] [Setback Failure] [Setback Blank] [Challenge Failure] [Challenge Failure]
[Failure] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Triumph]
Dice Pool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage x2]
[Advantage] [Advantage]
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage x2] [Boost Blank] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Setback Threat] [Setback Blank] [Setback Threat] [Challenge Blank] [Challenge Failure]
[Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Venn: "Made you look." Venn taunts Designation: Off Brand to allow Tal an opening.
Npc Critical
Designation: Brand
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   130
Dice Roll   26
Total   156
Complete, absolute death.
Venn: Venn takes a step back, drawing up her cape in anticipation for the massive blow from the enraged Mandalorian.
Venn Parsa SENSES ADVANTAGE! Once Per Session, as an OOT incidental, she adds +%u25FC%u25FC to one NPCs check.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Tal: Burned, beaten, and enraged...Tal has had enough. He swung for the fences and cut the head from the man with the flaming sword. His head dropped to the floor and Tal just snarled beneath his mask.
"Dance away from that."
Designation: Brand:
%u27E1 Scourge%u2019s Preparation. Activation   OoT Incidental
Effect   After a character utilizes an Out of Turn incidental within Medium range, spend a story point to cause all opposing characters to suffer 3 wounds and take 3 strain.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
GM: As Venn reaches out with the force, grenades explode from the ground beneath all of the Hellions.
Willa: "AAH!"
Designation: Scourge:
Hyperexcitable Sickle
Designation: Scourge
Damage   6
Critical   2
Range   Short
Qualities   Ensnare 1, Vicious 2, Pierce 1
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Setback Failure] [Setback Threat] [Setback Threat] [Setback Blank] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Challenge Threat]
[Success] [Triumph]
Tal: "GAH! What now!?"
Rook: The ground exploded around her, and her breath caught. she was bitterly tired.
%uF6E1%uFE0F Circle of Shelter Image   "Good a time as any to act reckless."

Taking advantage of the agility and maneuverability of Ataru, Ashley leaps into the fray to lessen an enemy's damage to an engaged ally.
Activation   Out of Turn Incidental | Nearby Ally Suffers Hit | 1 Target
Effect   Suffers strain to use Parry or Reflect to reduce damage dealt to engaged ally.
Guardian of the Republic   After the character uses Parry or Reflect to reduce damage to an ally, that ally cannot be targetted by combat checks for the remainder of the round.
Designation: Hunter: "Yes, run! RUN! It makes the blood pump faster!"
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check [ranged or melee] the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Ashley: The ground exploded but Ashley reacted quickly, a quick series of jumps and flips that did not necessarily help him avoid damage but it did enable him to help block another attack of a sickle against Rook.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   5
Rook: Rook stood her ground, in the chaos and blood and fire, unable to quite twist free of the blow coming at her. Yet again, Ashley was there, and parried the blow! She kept her eyes locked with Scourge, knowing she needed to keep his attention away from Willa and Ashley.
Dice System:
Janix M'kyato flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
Distended Jaws and Oversized Claws
Designation: Hunter
Damage   12
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 4, Ensnare, Sunder
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Setback Blank] [Setback Threat] [Challenge Failure x2] [Challenge Failure]
[Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
%u2694%uFE0F Parry Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 3.
Unarmed   May Parry while unarmed, reduce strain cost to Parry while unarmed by 1.
Willa: The ground seems to explode around Willa at the cyborg's command, and she curled up and shrieked to herself while the debris settled. In the midst of what felt like gods around her, she surrendered to her baser instincts and stumbled away from the lethal grouping of Force-wielding fighters.
Designation: Hunter: The dog-like alien cyborg without eyes sniffs at the air and his robotic blue tongue lolls out with some sort of blue ectoplasm-like material. He then bites onto Janix's flank as his claws slash through her rifle and across her chest. "MUST. FEED!"
Janix: As the Hunter turns it's attention to Janix, she dodges as best she can and throws up an arm to block some of the blow, but it catches her rifle instead of her. Grunting in pain, she readies a retalation attack.
%uF938 Martial Grace Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, the character may suffer 2 strain to add damage equal to her ranks in Coordination, 3, to one hit of a successful Brawl combat check.
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Venn: [but then we have to fight him next week]
Janix M'kyato
Damage   5
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage] [Boost Advantage x2] [Ability Success x2] [Ability Blank] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Setback Threat] [Challenge Threat] [Challenge Threat] [Force Light] [Force Light] [Force Light x2] [Force Dark] [Force Dark x2]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark]
%uF4A5 Sapith Sundering Activation   Incidental
Effect   May include %u2B21 up to Force rating on Brawl attack. The attack gains the Sunder quality, and may spend %u25EF generated as Advantage to activate the Sunder quality.
%uF982 Precision Strike [Improved] Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   Once per round, when inflicting a critical injury with brawl or melee, may suffer 2 strain to change the result to any Average critical injury.
Venn: [Delicious]
[hit twice]
[precision Strike is legit]
Janix M'kyato
Damage   5
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
[Boost Blank] [Boost Blank] [Ability Success] [Ability Advantage] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Setback Threat] [Challenge Failure] [Challenge Threat x2] [Force Light x2] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Force Light x2] [Force Dark]
[Success] [Success] [Triumph] [Triumph] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark]

Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Point Blank +4. Deadly Accuracy [Ranged, Heavy
Dice Roll
[Boost Success + Advantage] [Boost Blank] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Blank] [Setback Failure] [Setback Threat] [Difficulty Failure x2] [Difficulty Failure] [Challenge Threat x2] [Challenge Failure + Threat]
[Failure] [Failure] [Threat]
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
[Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Triumph] [Triumph]
Janix: The Hunter came forward and thankfully Willa got away before the enemy attacked her. Instead, it targeted her, which was it's final mistake. She'd learned much since her time fighting the Acklay and she centered herself and let her Biotics suffuse her limbs and body. Unable to move much as the Hunter ensared her, Janix punched forward, her Biotics hardened hand hitting the beast in the mouth as it's teeth gave way agaisnt the power of her fist and Biotics. Using the forward momentum, Janix grabbed the creatures jaw and reached out with her other hand. Quickly, she wrentched the two halves away from each other, ripping the beasts head in two.
Janix: The creature fell at her feet, lifeless.
Willa: Willa panted, trembling as she looked from bloodied corpse to bloodied corpse, then to the Hellions.
"Who the kriff are you people?"
Tal: Tal picks up his new flamesword.
Janix: "We're the big damn heroes." Janix replied, shouldering her rifle.
Venn: Venn looks over at Janix and does the ' Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn' thing from Friday.
Tal: "We're the Hellions. And you're one of us now."
Rook: Every breath took effort, every movement harder than it should be. But with Willa safely out of the way, she whirled and brought her Disruptor Rifle to bare .. and disintegrated Scourge. Panting for breath, she said, "I think they have a hostage ..." So weary she wanted only to sit down, Rook forced herself to stand tall, and begin walking towards the shuttle area.
Tal: "Now....can we take a moment? We've been going...pretty hard." Tal said.
"Not complaining but this has been a long day."
Rook: "We need to be sure no one is in that shuttle. and what if the Captain is here, somewhere?"
Tal: "Don't even remember breakfast."
Ashley: "It really has been," says Ashley, lightsaber no longer ignited.
Rook: An exhausted laugh greeted Tal's comment on breakfast. "I don't think you ate any, but i did try to give you a energy bar."
GM: As the last of the Cyborgs sent by Shroud are dispatched by the Hellions, they hear the sound of the staticky voice coming from the TIE Echelon.
It comes out as broken laughter.
Janix: Taking a deep breath, Janix moved forward, leaving the corpse with the split head behind. She took out her canteen quickly, removed her helmet, and took a drink. This war was hell, that was certain. "I think we could all use a damn spa day about now." She offered the canteen to Tal in response.
Tal: "I ate the energy bar. Huh. That's what it was."
Ashley: "Not sure if you want to have a look at the sickle the over here was wielding," says Ashley to Tal. "Unfortunately, I had to break the pair so there isn't two."
Willa: "Oh. Uh." She smiles, though she's clearly a little weirded out, still. "Awesome."
Willa: "I'm gonna--" she starts to say, but stops at creepy!Laff
GM: The TIE Echelon explodes!
Tal: "I'll take it." Tal said.
Janix: "Frak," Janix dives back behind cover as quickly as she can.
GM: The vessel, packed with munitions, erupts in a gigantic fireball that soon overtakes the platform!
End Session 104
« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 09:48:02 PM by phinn »



  • *****
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  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2021, 09:59:18 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 105 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions have reached the top of the massive mountain that rests beside Ahdjok, the ancient city that houses the native Nazren on the planet Nizon.
After fighting through forces of the First Order, they were intercepted by a squad of cyborgs that broadcasted Shroud's voice through their equipment. After offering a 'trade', Janix opened fire on the quartet, a quick and frenzied fight taking place afterward.
With the cyborgs defeated, their TIE Echelon exploded to the sound of Shroud's laughter, the distant sound of heavy turbolaser firing now seeming closer as the stone platform beneath your feet trembles with every shot.
Willa: The ground wasn't the only thing trembling. Having faced harrowing battles with imperial garrisons, crab droids, a bounty hunter, and now crazy, high-tech cyborgs, Willa is nearly dumbstruck in the aftermath of the explosion. She turns a slow, wide-eyed look back over towards where the Hellions are regrouping, and for a bit just... stares.
Tal: Tal fought to keep his balance on the platform beneath the hail of blaster-fire. The explosion almost threw him to the floor, but he braced against railing at the last moment to avoid falling. All the same, ti's still unnerving.
"This madman...."
Rook: Rook starts towards the burning ship, but pauses to look at Venn. "Can you put out the fire? What if someone is in there." The platform shakes, and she spins to look at the turbo lift. "Shroud, who did you take? who do you have?"
Ashley: Ashley, despite the explosion, made his way over and picked up the remaining weapon that he had not sundered. After that, with his lightsaber no longer ignited and at his side once more, moves towards Tal. Mostly it's to give him the weapon but also to help with a touch of the Force to invigorate the other [aka 10 strain recovered].
Venn: The shockwave of the munitions and fueled craft tossed the relatively lighter woman into a drunken stumble. She barely is able to maintain her footing before she moves away from the destruction...
Rook: She reaches for her COMM, to see if she can listen in on the combat chatter of the fight.
GM: "*It's so difficult to work under these conditions." Shroud's voice comes from the turbolift. "So hard to find good help these days.
Ah well.. if you're going to break my toys.." There is the sound of a lightsaber igniting. "I'll break yours."
The strange symbols on the turbolift display fade out.
Rook: "Wait! Shroud ..."
Venn: Bloody psychopath... rargh..."* seethes the masked adept, nearly deafened.
Rook: but he was gone. Rook felt like screaming or weeping.
GM: Rook can hear a lot of comm chatter of the battle - it sounds like the combined forces seeking to overthrow the First Order are pushing into the base.
Ashley: The sound of a lightsaber igniting, however, immediately puts Ashley on alert. "... can he not," he hisses out.
Rook: "I think I know what you want." she said softly, but she had little hope he heard her
"We," Rook paused to steady her voice. "still need to take out the cannons."
Willa: The voice from the turbolift succeeded in pulling her focus, and she frowned as she zeroed in on that voice. She pushed herself to her feet and ignored the lingering shakiness she felt in order move back towards the group.
"Stairs?" she wagers, eyeing the lift and then Rook.
GM: You can see some stairs that lead up into the rockface, a giant outcropping holds what looks like the First Order command center with windows that look out to the city below.
Willa: "But here, hold still for a second, first," she says, focusing further when she realizes Rook is only barely on her feet. If the mando doesn't object, Willa pulls out her med kit and does what she can.
Rook: "yeah, let's do it," Rook says, turning to head for the stairs, only to be halted by Willa.
Dice Roll
[Ability Advantage] [Ability Success x2] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Difficulty Failure] [Difficulty Threat]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage]
Rook: Normally, Rook paid strict attention to a doctor or surgeon working on her, but her focus was all on the combat chatter. It was that, or go crazy trying to figure out who Shroud was hurting. Willa set her rib, treated her burns, and stitched close the blaster shot from earlier.the pain receded to manageable, and Rook took a long breath in. "Thank you," She said, testing her grip and her freedom to move. "
"Let's go," glancing at her team, Rook asked, "I don't hear anyone saying they've spotted Shroud."
Willa: "Sure thing, chief," she said, with a little smile. "It's not perfect, but it'll keep you together for a while longer."
Venn: "I am going to wear that freakish automaton's spine like a belt after I rip it out of him with my bare hands." seethes Venn through her creepy vocoder.
Rook: Rook is so in tune with Venn's wish that she can only nod agreement.
Willa: She looks around at the others and starts to say something else, feeling like the mood needed a pick-me-up before they began their ascent. But Venn's oath caused her to thickly swallow the intended words.
"Right. We're moving, yeah?" she chirped, a little warbly, as she started towards the stairs.
Rook: "Grab their gear? Maybe we can trace something or find a way to communicate?"
Ashley: "Are you even sure he still has a spine to wear," replies Ashley, who has clearly moved towards grim humor.
Willa: "I have... so many questions..."
At Rook's direction, Willa turns around and heads back towards the bodies.
Rook: Rook will grab whatever looks electronic from Scourge, though she murmurs a soft phrase in Mando'a as she does so.
Tal: Tal looked at Venn with an approving nod. "Yeah, I will definitely help with that." he said.
Willa: She attempts to determine whether she could carve anything out of them that might be used to establish or trace a signal for this Shroud character.
Tal: He took the flaming sword from the man he killed and brought it with him.
Ashley: Don't forget Ashley gave him one of the sickle [scythe, whatever] weapons! Because he figured Tal might want it.
GM: Willa can see an assortment of weaponry that was carried by the four cyborgs [in their various states of disrepair]. She can make a Hard [with 3 upgrades] Mechanics check or a Medicine check to salvage something of use off the cyborgs.
When Tal touches the sword it starts to beep.
Tal: Tal drops the beeping cylinder.
Rook: Rook can assist Willa!
GM: Same check for Rook.
Willa can see that the cyborgs all have state-of-the-art, experimental cybernetics. It was clear that these are not some hack-jobs off of Nar Shaddaa, but some sort of weaponized soldier program.
Furthermore, there appeared to have been construction here to resist normal anti-cyborg weapons.
[Ion weapons and strain-inflicting gear is not as effective].
Venn: She watches Tal throw away the weapon and it kind of looks funny because thats the last thing Tal would ever do!
Ashley: Ashley takes a moment to similarly look over the cyborgs, what remains of them at least [because the Hellions had done a number on them].
GM: Ashley, on the otherhand, can see that the creatures were very physically fit members of their species, basically apex specimens. He is able to find a communicator chip in each of their brains that allow for remote-access.
More disturbing, however, is that it is clear that these cybernetic-grafts were done while the subjects were awake and unsedated, due to the scarring he is able to see from attempts to resist the process.
Dice System:
Willa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   6
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Venn: A sound of disgust filters from the Umbaran as she watches Ashley playing Field Coroner.
Willa: "Here," Willa says, reaching into her pack as Ashley begins to pull pieces out of the corpses. She produces a plain-looking box and opens it towards Ashley. "If you store them here, they won't transmit anything while we're carrying them. They may be dead already, but... y'know... just in case."
Ashley: Ashley, who was already pale from blood loss and injury, somehow managed to pale even further. Yet even the knowledge that these individuals were not willing does not stop him from reaching for and pulling out the communicator chips. "Chips for remote access," says Ashley, working as efficiently as possible, nodding as Willa gives him something to store them in. "Thanks."
GM: Tal realizes the weapon is gene-locked. Not only will it not work for anyone except for its coded wielder, but that it will explode if held too long.
However, it gets him to thinking that the cyborg had a cybernetic hand - so if he cut off his own hand, and replaced it with the cybernetic hand, then he could use the sword!
Tal: Tal ponders this.
Rook: Rook shook her head, dismayed at the quality of these warriors. Watching Ashley pry chips out of their brain burdens her; were they just high priced slaves? Willa's notion of a box to shield the chips earns a tired pat on the shoulder, and a nod. "Let's go." She heads towards the stairs, aware that every second they delay is costing lives.
Venn: [[engaging SHIVA protocol]]
Willa: Willa nods and, once Ashley is finished, turns and heads for the stairs again.
Tal: Tal decides that, at this point, it is too much of a sacrifice to make.
Ashley: "... they weren't willing subjects," he says softly after he eventually finishes his gruesome work, handing the box over to Willa.
Venn: "Have you ever seen a one handed man digging in the brain of a dead cyborg? How all the good bed time stories begin." she quips.
Willa: That slows Willa for a step, and she casts a disturbed look back towards the dead before continuing on.
Venn: "Three was on the ship that left and I can only assume it is heading for the ISD." she reminds Rook and Tal as she walks by them.
Willa: "The base modifications on all three of them are identical," she supplies, as she continues beside Ashley. "Small variances, but the basic regimen is precisely rote. Almost like an assembly line."
Venn: "Another maniac trying to make an army. This one sicker than most, granted."
Rook: Rook forced herself not to falter, at Ashley's confirmation of her fears. A tiny nod greets Venn's information upon Kesvo. A glance acknowledges Willa's information as well.
GM: Making their way up the ramp they can see a pair of First Order troopers who are trying stepping out of the command center, heading down the stairs toward the landing bay [where you are all ascending from], summoned by the TIE Echelon's explosion. They do not see you yet.
Ashley: "Yes," replies Ashley, "and he picked individuals that were at the peak of their species to experiment on." Pause. "While unsedated and unwilling." He looks to Venn. "So I think I will join on the spine as a belt because ..." It just. Was effed up.
Willa: "Dedicated ion shields and surge override chips. These things were built to withstand the kind of abuse that would KO a normal cyborg."
Rook: A glance at Venn, and Rook will nod towards the unsuspecting troupers. She whispers, nearly silent, "Can you sleep them? if they came out they might have those cylinder things to get us in. but I'd rather not give the comm center any warning."
Venn: "-Sleep- them?" she repeats from Rook because that verb is funny.
Rook: Rook wiggles her fingers in Kesvo's 'Hoodoo' fashion.
Willa: Willa, at the tail end of the party and oblivious, is still quietly feeding Ashley things she picked up from her inspection of the bodies.
Venn: "The minds of the weak willed are subject to all kinds of machinations of the Force."
"But for you, Four... I will see if they are subject to a lullaby."
Ashley: Ashley just nods at Willa, not surprised at all to hear that. "... the number of things Shroud has proven himself capable of ..." A shake of his head. "If we do encounter him, keep me between you and him, understand?" [Also obviously a whisper as they move.]
Rook: Rook nods agreement to Venn's statement, a stressed, nearly silent laugh her reply to Venn's comment, along with a whispered, "Thank you!"
Venn: Drawing her hood back up, she activates her optical camoflauge. Her figure dissolves and refracts with whir of technology and she makes an approach.
[ 4R, 1 Blue]
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
[Ability Success x2] [Proficiency Advantage] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Setback Failure] [Challenge Failure x2] [Challenge Failure] [Challenge Threat] [Challenge Threat]
[Failure] [Failure] [Advantage]
❖ Influence: Mind Trick / Stress Mind Image   “...Boring conversation anyway.”
She draws on the the Force to psychically pacify or manipulate her opposition. Action - Activate with ◐ vs. Living Target.
Upgrade options:
Range     +1 bands per ◐. Default range: Engaged.
Magnitude     +3 beings per ◐.
Strength     Inflict 2 strain per ◐ [no soak].
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
[Ability Success] [Ability Success] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Difficulty Failure] [Difficulty Failure x2]
[Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Triumph]
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
[Force Light x2] [Force Light] [Force Dark] [Force Light] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Force Dark]
[Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark] [Dark]
Rook: Everything Rook knew about stealth she'd picked up from the Hellions; yet what Venn did was so far beyond what Rook could do that it was ... well... magic. No matter how much Venn would object to the term. Maybe Rook should actually study Force-terminology just to make her happy?
Venn: Both Stormtroopers stop mid-walk. They both grab their throats and panic in the distance then collapse against each other. Both their bodies slump down pressed chest to chest, but not all the way, forming some kind unconscious tower of plastoid armor, held up by odd physics.
The air crackles and shimmers as her black and purple clad form appears, hands on her hips.
Rook: Rook watched the out come intently, surprised by what happened, and deeply impressed. it was scary in all the right ways!
Willa: This all happened so subtly that Willa doesn't notice anything's amiss until she walks past the oddly-propped Storm Troopers and pauses, a confused look on her face.
Rook: Rook pauses to see if the Storm troupers had anything useful for getting in the Command Center, then she'd study the approach. "Quietly. Stealthily. if we can get in without alerting the it will be much faster and cleaner."
GM: The Hellions reach the durasteel door to the Command Center, the First Order soldiers and officers inside do not seem to notice your presence.
The troopers have commlinks, their armor, and their heavy blaster rifles.

Dice Roll
[Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Difficulty Failure + Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Challenge Failure x2]
[Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Triumph]
Rook: Rook grabs two of the comlinks, and offers them to Venn and Tal, both of whom know how to sound like Imperials. the Third she'll keep herself, just so she can listen in on the enemy chatter.
GM: Willa unlocks the door.
Willa: ...and then quickly steps out of the way so the heavies can go through first.
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
[Boost Blank] [Difficulty Threat x2] [Difficulty Failure] [Challenge Failure]
[Failure] [Failure] [Threat] [Threat]
Tal: Tal accepts the commlink and then will head through the door once it's unlocked.
Rook: Rook will also step aside, letting the hand-to-hand experts do what they do best.
GM: The door opens and Tal sees a large command center similar to an Imperial Star Destroyer bridge where the officer paces on a level above the operating technicians. The Major who is in command of the facility looks out of the large windows, cursing. "Damned Mandalorians! They were supposed to be hiding in their ruins! And who gave these natives Blaster Rifles!?"
Tal can notice out the window the familiar sight of a red Consular-class Cruiser moving toward the base in the distance. One of the officers at a radar station calls out. "Cruiser coming closer into range, sir. It's destroyed the TIE reinforcements from the Arkanian Dragon!"
"Damn. Is it pirates? The Mandalorians weren't supposed to have a ship. The Republic?"
"Unconfirmed ID, sir. Seems to move faster than the standard Consular."
"Target the turbolaser battery on that damned ship!"
Venn: "Its your reckoning."
Tal: Tal sprints for the Officer.
GM: The voice causes the Major and everyone in the room to stop and turn toward Venn.
As Tal comes sprinting, the Major throws up his hands. "AHH!" He is a somewhat bookish-looking young white male with blonde hair and a wispy mustache. "I surrender! We surrender!"
Ashley: Ashley just raises an eyebrow at the quick surrender but ...
Willa: "Holy shrikes," Willa whispers to herself, wtching with wide eyes.
GM: The operating officers in the pit raise their hands up, and the posted Stormtroopers drop their weapons, also raising their hands up.
"You heard the man!" The Major yells. "Nobody touch a console!"
Tal: "Everyone up, move to the wall and get on your knees. If I even think someone is reaching for an alarm of some kind, it's over!"

Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   2
New Light Side total   7
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage] [Boost Blank] [Boost Blank] [Ability Advantage] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Blank] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Setback Blank] [Setback Failure] [Challenge Threat x2] [Challenge Failure] [Challenge Failure + Threat] [Challenge Failure x2]
Character Critical
Rook B.
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   14
Total   14
Sudden Jolt
May only act during last hero Initiative slot on next turn.
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage] [Boost Blank] [Boost Advantage x2] [Ability Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Success x2] [Proficiency Success] [Setback Blank] [Setback Threat] [Challenge Despair] [Challenge Threat] [Challenge Blank] [Challenge Threat]
[Success] [Success] [Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Despair]
Venn: [[mass combat despair I think means an npc gets a critical or somethin, I dont know if death]]
GM: As the First Order soldiers surrender, out the window Rook sees Tvastar and the Mandalorians swoop down toward the final fight at the main gate. As he does, a single TIE Fighter screams past the windows and opens fire at the Mandalorian leader and his flying squadron. The sight of the blaster cannons striking the armored warrior and his Nazren allies leaves the forces of the resistance not just temporary leaderless, but inflames a rage inside Rook Beroya - whom had find someone who had sparked her joy of her history.
Rook rockets out of the command center, her jetpack flaring as she smashes through the window and flies through the skies to land on top of the TIE Fighter.
With a savage roar that all of you hear, she blasts off the lid of the fighter with her Disruptor Rifle, grabs the pilot, and hurls him through the sky before leaping off, sending the fighter spiraling into the mountain.
The insane display causes the remaining First Order soldiers to surrender.
GM: The battle for Nizon is won!
Venn: "That was bloody sudden..." says watching the burst of action from the Mandalorian spitfire.
Ashley: "Well then."
"Suppose that's one way to handle it ..."
Venn: "First she wants people asleep, then... whatever nightmare chaos that was..."
Tal: "What the actual pfassk...." Tal utters as he watches Rook rocket away and destroy a TIE Fighter.
"How does she do this stuff?"
Willa: Willa runs to the window, watching in awe as Rook zooms out into the fray.
She whispers, "Who the kriff are you people.."
Rook: Rook accepts the surrender of the First Order troops, and immediately searches for Tvastar and his commandos, desperately worried. She COMMs Ashley, and asks him to head down to the battle field.
Venn: "Difference makers." she responds to the Twi'lek, watching Rook from the viewport.
GM: Tvastar is near the other Mandalorians, injured but not dead - his armor had saved him from what would have been a grievous, terrible injury.
Ashley: "Roger," replies Ashley along comms to Rook. Who will ... head down to the battlefield since she paged him to do so.
Willa: Willa turns her head to look over at Venn, and considers the answer for a long few beats before looking outside once more.
Venn: "Now who in here can provide a ident of the last ship to leave the launchpad here?" she says to the contained Imperial prisoners of the Command Center.
Rook: Rook breathes again that Tvastar is not dead. She helps guide Ashley to where he and his people are, and will see if any of his personal guard are alive enough to benefit from Ashley
Willa: "I can probably tell you alot more than that, if you give me a sec with their console," Willa offers.
Ashley: Ashley will make his way down, as requested, to meet up with Rook and the Mandalorians."I'll see what I can do," he tells her, when Rook meets him and guides him towards the injured.

GM: The First Order soldiers do not provide any resistance to demands that are given to them. They're able to give the code information to the vessel that left the planet. As Rook is getting situated, from the Command Center the other Hellions now see the Ardent Rivener tractors the TIE Echelon that's on fire and tosses it off the side of the mountain, landing on the pad that is now vacant.
There are 30 officers, technicians, and troops in the Command Center.
Tal: Tal will look menacing as Venn makes her demands of the First Order soldiers.
Ashley: Ashley begins to take stock of the injuries, starting with Tvastar and the guard near him still.
Willa: If Willa is not needed in control room, she'll head down and help patch up the wounded.
Venn: Venn walks up and down the aisles, appraising the Imperials.. She randomly knocks one particularly haughty looking technician's' cup of beverage off their desk onto their lap. A sudden burst of movement, and she moves on.
She slaps the cap off another.
GM: Tvastar has the On the Brink critical injury, but though he's hurt will probably survive. The Nazren start gathering with the Mandalorians, cheers going up about the victory that was won.
Venn: She then finally just abruptly flexes on one, raising a fist and causing him to shriek like a child. She doesn't follow through however, satisfied with the reaction. "Reject scum, the lot of you."
GM: The doors to the command center open up again, and both Captain Riprock and N1-TR0 walk in, their weapons drawn as they scan the area.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
[Boost Advantage] [Ability Advantage x2] [Ability Success + Advantage] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Advantage x2] [Proficiency Triumph[+Success]] [Proficiency Success + Advantage] [Difficulty Failure + Threat] [Difficulty Threat] [Difficulty Failure] [Force Light] [Force Dark] [Force Dark] [Force Light] [Force Light x2]
[Success] [Success] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Advantage] [Triumph] [Triumph] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Light] [Dark] [Dark]
Captain Riprock: "Huh." Riprock lowers his weapon just as the troop screams. "Thought ya'll would be here."
Venn: The menacing, visage with the creepy filtered voice is functional for purpose. When Riprock appears, though, that same chilling, disturbing voice goes...
N1-TR0: "Query: Babe?"
Tal: Tal's gaze slowly pans to Venn. He's never heard anything like that from her. It's even more eerier with the vocoder!
Rook: Rook lets them celebrate, offering brief words of praise for those she's seen in action. Quietly, though, she keeps the medics moving. Turning to Ashley, she will ask, "Does he need our bacta tank?"
Captain Riprock: The cyborg Captain grins and walks over quickly toward Venn. "Hey! I tried to raise you guys, but the desert radiation made it a pain in the half to get to you. I was trying to give you a heads up about the Mallard."
Venn: Two imperials at her flank exchange a wtf glance at each other. Scary Venn instantly snaps back and stares at them and their judgement. They raise their hands quietly.
Ashley: Ashley starts to work, no longer thinking about his own injuries, and tending to Tvastar. With a mixture of medical and help from the Force where necessary, the Pantoran is able to heal the Mandolorian. In fact, by the time he is done, the man has likely never felt better in his life.
Tvastar Ordo: "I feel much better. Thank you, Ashley." Tvastar grunts as he gets to his feet. "We have won this day thanks to all of you." The Mandalorian leader looks up to the height of the mountain. "I would not have thought it possible."
Willa: "Tell me about it. I still don't believe some of what happened," she murmured to no one in particular, though side-eyeing Ashley and rook a tiny bit.
Ashley: Ashley just shoots a grateful look at Janix for staying with him [her presence was welcome] after he finished and then shook his head at Rook. Clearly Tvastar was just fine.
Any side-eyes result in shrugging from Ashley.
Janix: Taking off her helmet, Janix gives Willa some side eye, but it softens to a little smile. She undersatnds how crazy the team can be after a few months in the Galaxy.
Tvastar Ordo: "This is a day of impossibilities. And of victories." He placed a hand solidly on Willa's shoulder, nodding to her. "I must gather the others. We will all speak soon."
The Mandalorian leader moves over to speak to Sartok, whom those below notice with the rest of the Nazren.
Willa: Willa looked up at Tvastar and nodded, smiling when she looked back to Ashley.
"How's the arm holding up?" she asked, reaching to gingerly inspect the makeshift prosthetic.
Venn: "I assumed it was some clever ploy. It is in somewhat mostly one piece. Or so." she says to Riprock regarding the Mallard. It was a guesstimation. "We need these people secured by the rebels."
Tvastar Ordo: "It has served me well." Tvastar says before departing, warmth in his voice. "Like never before."
Captain Riprock: "Ah. That's good to hear. It was a tough thing."
Rook: The releif when Tvastar stood up was so strong Rook wavered on her feet for a moment. She started to speak, but Tvastar addressed Willa and then moved away.
N1-TR0: "Observation: The Captain cried for ten minutes before we sent the ship out."
Venn: "Busted."
Captain Riprock: Riprock points to N1-TR0 with the angriest look he possibly could have. "You. Shut. It."
N1-TR0: "Clarification: Ten minutes, forty six seconds."
Ashley: Most of the prosthetic had come off at some point, all that remained was enough to keep Ashley from bleeding everywhere. "Well," replies Ashley to Willa, "it's stemmed the blood loss and helped with keeping balanced." He finally actually looked at his missing arm. Maybe it was finally settling in. "Did really well for that one fight, though, so thanks."
Rook: Rook will turn her attention to helping get the wounded off of the field of battle.
Willa: "No problem," she said, with a shrug. "And don't worry. If you want, I'll help you get fixed up with something fancy enough that you'll be better than new."
Ashley: "I've got credits to burn, might as well get something nice," he replies, "but something to think about once we finish helping everyone else. I'm sure you can point me towards the right model arm to get."
GM: Within about thirty minutes, the resistance forces have gathered the remaining troops and put them together. Disarmed and their armor stripped of them, the majority of the First Order forces look like impressionable young men and women, with a few hold-overs that look to have served the Empire.
With the Nazren and the Mandalorians gathered, Tvastar and Sartok stand atop the wreckage of the TIE Fighter that Rook destroyed, both of their hands clasped together and raised in victory.
Willa: "Uhm. Well, sure. Yeah. If you want somethin' off the rack, I can make recommendations, sure," she said, a little awkwardly with a nod.
Sartok: "We are all of Nizon! We are all Nazren! Let those who have bled and fought for the freedom of this world, be forever honored!"
Rook: The helmet hides the tears that threaten as Sartok and Tvastar declare their unity and freedom. Nothing is better than that. With those gathered below Rook will shout out her "Oya!"
Sartok: Sartok gestures to the Hellions [even those trying to stay low key], his voice raising in pitch. "And though we cannot honor their names, we will honor their memories! Their faces we shall carve into the side of this very mountain, so that all who travel to Adjhok, to Our City, will know them to be the ones who assured the freedom of our world!"
A raucous 'Oya!' among the Mandalorians goes up in cheer.
Rook: Rook is stunned. She can't even speak.
Ashley: "Willa," says Ashley to Willa [before the fast forward], "I know next to nothing, so when I say model, I assume that means something you make and customize." Pause. "Also I am not sure how I'm still walking anymore."
... and then, you know. The entire we cannot honor their names bit happens.
Well then.
Janix: While honored, Janix looks a little striken. There were not that many Hapans in the Galaxy.
Ashley: Ashley just facepalms.
Captain Riprock: "Ya'll, relax." Riprock says softly. "Nobody is going to come to this planet until everything we're doing is long done."
Tal: Tal watches, helmet still on, as the Mandalorians and the Nazren declare their victory. He hadn't expected to be part of this when it all started, but he was glad that they were. Of course, Sartok had to say that they needed to be commemorated and Tal could just see Kesvo shaking her head.
You had one job.
Ashley: "I really, really need to get something more than a pair of goggles for a mask."
Venn: "I already have chiseled features. I doubt they will get it right."
Rook: Rook gives a soft laugh. Shereshoy. She takes off her helmet, and racks it on her armor at her back.
Venn: "Mortal hands can't recreate these cheekbones."
Tvastar Ordo: Tvastar, the Mandalorian leader, gives a speech in his native Mando'a - something to the effect that though many of the Mandalorians had lost their home, they had found a new one. A new one that they could not only share, but grow on the foundations of their ancient principles. Another 'Oya!' goes up, and shouts of "MAN-DA-LORE! MAN-DA-LORE! MAN-DA-LORE!" that come not just from the Mandalorians, but soon the Nazren as well.
Rook: Rook salutes Tvastar, and nods gravely. He is surely the one to reunite their people.
Tvastar Ordo: Several minutes pass as the raucous cheers went out, and already there seemed to be some preparations for a large feast were behind made. Tvastar approached the Hellions then, bowing his helmet-covered head to the gathered. "I doubted, when you first came to me. I see I was in error - but we would not have won without all of you."
Rook: We are one fewer in number. Rook thought. but she did not say so; this was not the time for that. This was for what joy could be found in victory.
Tvastar Ordo: "I am certain you all have other paths that you would seek to take. But I would ask you stay a little while. Enjoy a feast. And leave with a part of our culture with you." Tvastar places a hand on Rook's shoulder, then reaches out toward Tal.
"I would make for both of you, a Suit of Beskar, to have some of our most sacred city with you, always."
Willa: Willa watches, recording the moment with her built-in camera, knowing that it was one she'd want to remember indefinitely.
Rook: Rook does not content herself with a nod, but gives a brief, hard hug to Tvastar. "You honor us."
Tal: Tal...blinks. True Beskar.
" honor us." he said, barely able to speak at the idea. He never considered owning true Beskar.
He removed his helmet. "Very well."
Tvastar Ordo: Tvastar lets out a laugh. "I only give what is due, Rook."
"Come." He clasps a hand to Tal's shoulder. "Let us feast tonight and sing the songs of our people. Mandalorians have forgotten how to lift their voices to the air - but not here! Here, we sing for the triumphant and honorable dead, and we sing that the living will carry their memories!"
"The rest of you.." he released Rook and Tal. "Of course, are welcome to join us."
N1-TR0: "Declaration: I like to party."
Venn: Opening her visormask, she watches the meaningful moment occurring before her and feels a warmth through the Force. As if it had gone from raging sea to calm river.... Suffering was ending, Evil was ending.
She says toward the Captain while maintaining her gaze forward. "The star destroyer?"
Captain Riprock: Riprock lowers his hand to wrap an arm around Venn's waist, pulling her a bit against him. "Driven off. I blew a ton of charges into the nebula. It'll be limping off to wherever they're hiding in the Mid Rim."
Rook: Rook sighs and nods, knowing that this is right.the burdens of the fight, of the ghosts and golems and demons they'd face would be eased by the celebration. "Tvastar ... I know you will be busy. but after the feast, and before you honor the dead, I would ask for your aid in a matter."
Venn: "Three is on board in a state we don't know."
Tvastar Ordo: "You may ask anything of me, Beroya."
Janix: While she did not understand the full significance of the Beskar, seeing Tal and Rook stunned however briefly made it signifcant. Invited to the event, Janix was curious and intersted to listen to more of the fascinating culture. "Seems like a good way to unwind for sure."
Captain Riprock: "I'll fill the rest of ya'll in on that later." Riprock said with a nod to Venn. "She's fine. Promise."
Ashley: Seeing all of this, after all the life was lost ... Ashley breathed deep. Though he was not certain that it would ease the conflict within him--not after the life he had pulled from people in the heat of battle--it did help him feel as if balance would be found once more. The fact that Rook and Tal would both be getting Beskar was something very, very moving after everything as well. Mostly, however, Ashley was just quiet and observing and listening.
Venn: "On the one hand, she cannot scold us for... many things... including blueberry's new situation."
She nods at his response.
Captain Riprock: "I always knew you liked the scoldings." Grinning, he turned to look toward Willa, nodding toward the Twi'lek. "What about her? We bringing her with us, or she staying here?"
Ashley: Ashley just waves towards Venn. Obviously waving the arm with the missing lower half.
Tal: Tal is still obviously moved and he will follow Tvastar quietly, wondering what his father would say if he could see him now.
Rook: "My friend, Dr. Tane. He was born Mandalorian, to the Clan Varad. but he was taken from them long ago. We wanted to find his Clan. He hoped to be permitted to join. I would not see his Manda wander, aimless and lost."
Venn: Venn smirks at Ashley. "I don't know much about that one. Asking me about strays doesn't usually end well. One thing at a time."
Tvastar Ordo: "Yes, I remember him. I am sorry to hear he is no longer with us. Of course - we will remember him along with the rest of our honored dead."
Captain Riprock: "Alright, fair enough. We'll table it for another time." Riprock nodded as the Mandalorians and Nazren were starting to head into the still smoldering city for the feast.
Venn: "I am sure you noticed, but Tane fell in combat."
GM: The First Order on Nizon defeated - their designs thwarted, and the Republic [or more specifically, the Hellions] had struck a major blow against the Shadow of the Empire. Losing their strongest base still within Republic space, the First Order would suffer a serious setback to their plans.
For now, the Hellions would get to rest, rearm, and bask in their accomplishment. While Doctor Tane was dead and Kesvo was missing [presumably on purpose], they had gained new allies in Sartok, Willa, and Tvastar Ordo.
Their mission was not done, but for now at least, they would have a respite.
End Episode 6, Session 105


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