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SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
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SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs

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SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« on: February 03, 2020, 10:34:48 AM »
Episode 6, Chapter 1, Session 75 - Apostasy
GM: The Hellions race away from the planet Nathema, their target in tow and held in their newly constructed detention cells aboard the Ardent Rivener. As new revelations come to light of Venn's dark past and Ashley's run-ins with the deadly Cadre whom they'd deftly avoided back on the dark world, the Hellions recoup for a moment as they plan their next move.
A full day has passed - all the Hellions recover all of their strain and heal 1 wound - and they can meet in the briefing room to discuss their next move..
Tal: Tal heads to the briefing room after cleaning his armor and making sure that the mace was combat ready (it is).
GM: Deena will have seen to any crewmembers in need, having seen to their prisoner first as Kes had instructed.
Kesvo: Kesvo commed the team and asked them to head to the briefing room, then sat down and waited for everyone to fill in.
Captain Riprock: Riprock steps into the briefing room soon after being called, sipping lightly at a cup of caf. He nods to Kes, seemingly refreshed - but then again he didn't go through the hell the rest of the team did. "Morning."
Rook: Rook had dashed back to the Garage Shop to check on IL0M, and kit up.
Kesvo: ((By "check on" she means "bolt", right?))
N1-TR0: IL-0M is just checking on N1-TR0, who is awake and conversing with the little droid in Binary!
From what Rook gathers, N1-TR0 is discussing droid rights with the floating astromech.
Kesvo: ((Kes would've visited Deena at some point during the day. Can I get a med roll?))
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success x2Difficulty FailureDifficulty Threat x2
Janix: Being commed to the Hellions meeting room, Janix frowned slightly. She’d not rested much and had taken time instead to speak with the prisoner. THat she’d let him get the better of her was frustrating but she had searched him again before she left, the information he provided a balm to her still unsteady. Holding some items, she enters the briefing room, without armor but her stun pistol at her side.
Rook: Rook laughs in delight, and will pat IL0M and then give an awkward hug to N1. "Good to see you are awake!" She glances at IL0M, and angles her head to the side, listening for a bit. She nods quietly, and says softly, "IL0M, little guy, I am conflicted on the topic, too. I don't approve of any sort of slavery."
GM: Deena sees to Kes's wounds expertly, but her bedside manner leaves much to be desired. Kes has an ache in her back and shoulders and skull after Deena gives her a deep-tissue massage. Ow.
Ashley: With a night of mostly meditation and some sleep, Ashley was doing better. There was still a line of tension in his shoulders, something that would fade over time but overall his demeanor looked normal when he joined everyone in the briefing room.
Kesvo: Kes spends the time rubbing the back of her neck, looking grumpy.
Venn: The umbaran adept joins the gathering, the darkness ruining her fingers having faded a good deal. Seeing Deena's "methods" yesterday, Venn opted instead for a stimpack from the medbay. And when she rests that night (albeit unevenly), she recovers the last wound.
Ashley: ... just ignore the fact that Raider was following him and would settle at his feet when he sat down.
Tal: Tal found it difficult to ignore the Nexu in the room. Little anklebiter.
Janix: Unceremoniously, and with some still lingering offness, Janix heads to the table and empties her hands. On the table falls a Kyber Crystal, two pendants, a lockpick, and a holdout blaster, as well as a small datapad. She looks at the small Nexu, gives it a strange look, and then looks to the gathered Hellions. “I found some things on the Doctor.” She waves at the items on the table and stands next to them, waiting.
Tal: Tal curses in Mando'a.
N1-TR0: "Suggestion: Let us continue our conversation later, fellow synthetic. The two of us must have a meeting." N1-TR0 points at the droid. "Recommendation: Be good, or I'll be forced to tear you apart for spare parts."
Tal: "I checked him!:"
Kesvo: Kes looks from the Hapan to the table, then to Tal. "I thought you checked him?"
Tal: "I took a blaster and a few other things off him. Gah!" Tal said, unhappily.
N1-TR0: N1-TR0 turns then to Rook, gesturing for her to lead. "Courtesy: After you."
Kesvo: Kesvo stood up and reached over to pick up the datapad. She checks it to see if it's locked up.
...while waiting for Rook.
Janix: “He seems to be a tricky one...” Janix doesn’t mention the other artifact even though the recording would show a Hapan one she kept to herself. “He was using the datapad and I assumed that was not an approved item.”
GM: It is indeed secured.
Kesvo: She hands it to Ashley. "Open, please."
Ashley: Ashley takes the datapad from Kesvo, to do as she asked.
GM: Ashley roll an Average Computers check.
Rook: "Thank you, N1, but ... I have been asked to secure IL0M." she looked between the two droids. "Do you trust me, IL0M?"
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility SuccessAbility AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency BlankDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty Blank
Kesvo: "Wait, you 'found' things on him? You went down to talk to him alone and opened his cell?" she realized, looking to Janix
Il0M: The droid beeps in binary: "I will remain here and offer no resistance."
Venn: "Conjugal visits aboard the Rivener. Who'd have thought?" she muses aloud in her imperial cadence.
Tal: Tal sits up, looking at the Hapan.
Janix: Janix purses her lips at Kesvo’s question waits for a beat and then answers. “Yes.” She crosses her arms but makes no other explanation of her actions.
Ashley: Ashley, from where he was working with the datapad, just let out a snort at Venn's comment.
Captain Riprock: "I take it you didn't authorize that." Riprock gestures to Kes, then to Janix with his steaming caf cup.
GM: Ashley unlocks the datapad and upon it a number of letters begin to appear in aurbesh on the screen.
Kesvo: Kesvo ignored Riprock for the moment. "Any particular reason you felt the need to do so without informing anyone?"
GM: *Hi there! Doctor Rafan Tane, your cooperating prisoner, writing you and wishing for you to open this cell upon receipt of this.
I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and I'd be happy to answer them! Sadly, there isn't anything else of interest on this datapad outside of my plea. I've wiped it.*
Is what the Datapad reads.
Ashley: (( rude ))
Janix: There was a much longer moment between Kes’ question and Nix’s answer this time. “He had knowledge about my homeworld and our artifacts. I needed to know about them. I didn’t ask him about anything beyond Hapan related topics.”
Kesvo: Kesvo sat back in her seat, her jaw shifting thoughtfully as she eyed the Hapan and considered her answer.
She looked at Riprock.
Captain Riprock: "That's the last time you do that." Riprock gestured to her with his cup.
Kesvo: And then back to Janix.
"Was this something you decided you needed on your own? Or did Coszette put you up to it?"
Venn: "I mean that is quite ballsy behavior for a first week on the job."
Ashley: "... stating that the good Doctor is still most certainly that asshole," says Ashley, reading over the message in aurebesh. "It's a message that requests we release him from his cell because he'll happily answer our questions," he informs. Pause. "Also he apparently wiped the datapad." Which Ashley would confirm after relaying the message.
Kesvo: Kesvo watches the blue woman closely, half-expecting her to prevaricate.
Ashley: It's not like he actually trusts Tane after all.
Janix: Between Riprock, Kes, and Venn, Janix did manage to look a least slightly chastised. She shouldn’t have gone, but she wanted to set things right back home. Looking at the Hellions, she wondered if this would cause an issue going forward. “Coszette dealt with him for the artifacts, which is all she told me. I asked her for a team that would be worthy of me, and she made it seem like this might help her and help me at the same time.”
Kesvo: Kesvo set her caf down a little harder than she needed to. She didn't say I knew it, I told you so out loud, but the way she looked at Riprock said plenty.
Rook: Rook grins at the little guy, though it's a kinda sideways, sad thing. "I've been asked to put a restraining bolt on you, by folks that have reasons to be very afraid of Droids. So if I don't, because I trust you, I still need to put some security on the room here. And if you do run off, they will react ... very poorly. so if you have programing that will compel you to free Dr. Tane, it might work out better if you tolerate the restraining bolt. It's up to you, though. Either the bolt, or I enable security here and monitor it, like being in a cell, kind of."
Captain Riprock: "Janix." Riprock spoke slowly.
"I'm gonna make somethin crystal clear to you."
"There ain't room for anyone's side-agenda here. You're here to be part of the team. Not for us to be your shield, your sidekicks, your backup, none of that."
Rook: "... or, if you want, you can come to the briefing room and I'll ask if we can put you in with Dr tane?"
Il0M: Binary: "This unit will not attempt to free Doctor Tane. It will comply with your request."
Captain Riprock: "You tell us what Tane told you."
"Or I kick you off this ship in an escape pod."
Janix: After Riprock spoke, Janix nodded and stood at attention, a clearly military born stance. She nodded and accepted the man’s stern word. “Yes, understood.” She said, without excuse and without elaboration.
Tal: Tal agreed with Kesvo and Riprock. He didn't say anything, through he was annoyed at Tane's continuing garbage...and the fact that he hadn't stripped him of all his weapons, as he'd thought.
Janix: “The Doctor said that he used to work for the Inquisitorius to determine if artifacts were of merit or not. He was the only one who knew anything about Hapan artifacts and made it seem like they were a study of his and not others in the employ of the Inquisitorius who knew anything about my people.” Janix’s speech was not emotive as she reported to Riprock and the Hellions. An attempt for some peacekeeping by not trying to excuse her behavior and complying readily.
Rook: Rook will enable security protocols on the Garage Shop, and COMM Kled to tell him IL0M has agreed to stay there. Gravely she will turn to IL0M, and say, "Thank you." The look she gives N1-TR0 is a quite thoughtful. (what do I need to roll, or is somethign set up?)
Kesvo: "That's everything?" Kesvo asked, watching Janix closely.
Janix: “He mentioned vaults but that nobody knows where they all are. Maybe he knows where some are? I did not ask further.”
She paused for a moment in the quiet that followed. “You should be able to review the security footage. I did not disrupt the ship’s security. I am not here to destroy that which the Hellions have built.”
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Threat
Dice Roll
Setback Threat
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
Boost Success + Advantage
Kesvo stood up.
And walked over to stand in front of Janix.
She turned, though, and looked across the table to Riprock.
Kesvo: "I can't have her in here for what we're talking about next. Not if she's not gonna be forthright with us."
Captain Riprock: The Captain issues a small sigh, lifting a hand up to rub at his brow.
Venn: Venn wants to point out that Tal is playing Galaga at his station's screen... but she does not.
Kesvo: She looked back to Janix.
"You asked me what you needed to do to be official?"
"Be one of us."
Rook: Rook and N1 will head towards the briefing room. She glances at the Droid, slightly bothered. "You feeling ok? IL0M had some ideas for dealing with the permanent damage, but I felt you should have a say in the matter, since there are some risks."
Ashley: Someone's gotta be Ashley's Galaga score ...
Tal: Tal is not playing Galaga. It's Space Invaders.
Ashley: gotta beat*-- Oh, well. Space Invaders is all Tal then.
Kesvo: "I dunno what Coszette's after, or how strong your loyalties lie towards her versus the crew you're trying to be part of, but you need to sort it out and make a decision, Janix."
Janix: “I told you what he said to me.” With a beat, she sighs softly and pulls out a small artifact, on the camera, it would be what the Doctor dropped but caught. “He had this on him, but it belongs on Hapes, not wherever the Hellions take their artifacts.” She said that with conviction. The item has religious runes on it, and while familiar to Janix, she expects it is strange to the other Hellions. She holds onto it and doesn’t set it on the table.
N1-TR0: "Statement: I am operating at 100% efficiency within my new operating parameters. While I cannot access all of my memory core, I am confident that expanded exposure to stimuli and opportunities will provide neural regrowth and access to those files."
Tal: Tal's not thrilled about Janix not playing straight with them. But he trusts Kesvo to get the truth out of the Hapan.
Kesvo: Kes doesn't look at what's in Janix's hand. Still watching the woman, she nods towards the table.
"Put it down."
Janix: “This isn’t about Coszette. This is about Hapes. This is about the life I left.” She doesn’t elaborate. Reluctantly, she puts it on the table, especially when she looks at Tal and recalls what he did with his bare fists.
Kesvo: The tension finally releases from Kesvo when Janix relents and sets the item down.
Only then does she turn and look at it.
She then goes back to her seat.
"I don't think anyone here cares if you take that back to Hapes."
GM: Rook and N1-TR0 reach the briefing room.
Kesvo: "But I for damn sure care when you try to steal it and lie about having it."
Ashley: As far as Ashley was concerned, Janix could have been upfront--once she had seen them in action, once she knew them--and this would have not been as big of a deal. Now, however ...
Kesvo: "You being here requires trust on our part, Janix. But that goes two ways. We have to be able to trust you, too."
Captain Riprock: "That's why we're in this whole mess in the first place."
Janix: With a bit of anger, she does respond to Kes. “I did not steal this from you, this was on the Doctor. But...” she pauses. “I understand,” her anger diminishes and she quiets, chastised. “If you allow it, I will work to regain your trust. Everyone’s trust.”
Kesvo: You have to trust us some, too."
Rook: Rook nodded, and asked, "What would you think about a neural processor upgrade? IL0M said something about transferring your self ... your memories and programing ... to a new droid brain but he said you could loose your sense of you." she says as she steps into the room. She glances around the briefing room with a smile, her grin growing to delighted when she spies Raider. "Hey, cutie!" she leans over and feeds him a little snack, before taking up her accustomed perch by the door. "I wanted to say-" she cuts herself off, hearing something about trust and finally noticing how tense everyone is.
Kesvo: She sighed.
Ashley: Raider, of course, is all about the treat. Messily tearing into it and devouring it as is his way. Ashley, however, actually looks a little less tense and amused by Rook's actions.
Captain Riprock: Riprock taps on the side of his cup.
Kesvo: Kesvo glances to Riprock.
"I was gonna fill her in," she said.
"You still feel good about it?"
Captain Riprock: The recently reconstructed Captain gives a shrug. "If it turns out bad, I think we have the resources to take care of it."
"I think we should have Tak be her new bunkmate, though."
Venn: (CUDDLY!)
Kesvo: "You say that because you haven't heard what I think is gonna be our next job." She looks back to Janix and studies her.
Captain Riprock: "...I have a bad feeling about this."
Janix: Janix frowned at the idea of sharing a room, let alone a bunk, with a Wookie.
Ashley: "To be frank, I'm beginning to wonder if the perpetual bad feeling is ever going to leave."
Rook: Rook's glance travels around the room, wondering just what she'd missed. She glances at the inexplicable items on the table, but doesn't ask.
Kesvo: "If you put your own goals ahead of ours in this next job, very bad things are going to happen, Janix. If you're not ready to be all-in, you can step out. Not gonna think less of you for it. You can still be the hired muscle, work with us, get shit done."
"But if you stay in here, I need your commitment. I need you all-in. No more lies. No more half-truths or omissions. We trust each other."
Janix: She lets Kes' words sink in and thinks for a moment. Whatever she said next, she would have to abide by it, give her word. It was a few seconds before she responded. "I hear what you and Riprock have said. I will show you the same trust you show me. I will work with you as a team. Trust you, trust everyone." It would be harder at first, so many new faces, but looking at each one, she wanted that.
Rook: Rook recalls the shock, when she didn't just join Kesvo and Riprock's crew. her glance at Janix is a mix of sympathetic and curious. What would the commando choose, on such short notice?
Kesvo: "Alright," she said, with a short nod. She looks around to those who haven't spoken up. "Any objections to bringing Janix all the way on board?"
Venn: "We should get the sacred Hellion dagger, and be on with the palm slicing. Blood pact."
She nods in a serious way.
Captain Riprock: "I have enough scars, thanks."
Tal: "If she's going to be straight with us from now on, I have no objections." Tal said
Janix: The look Janix gives Venn clearly shows she doesn’t understand if the Umbaran is joking or not.
Venn: The umbaran doesn't know either.
Rook: Rook is startled bright grin at Venn, but she nods approvingly. It was a very Mandalorian thing. "I know some traditions!" she offers.
N1-TR0: "Statement: I vote with the majority - I'm a joiner, not an independent tthinker."
Kesvo: Kes laughs dryly, caught off guard by N1TR0's comment. "Good to see you up and about, N1."
Ashley: "Hint," says Ashley, at Janix's look. "You will never know if she is serious or not. Though ..." He looks over at Rook as she adds in her own thoughts. "I'd edge towards serious." Mostly but not really.
N1-TR0: "Affirmation: I too am happy to be walking around. I am beginning to suspect that Rook has started to grow romantic feelings for me."
Kesvo: Kesvo blinks
N1-TR0: N1-TR0 throws Kesvo a thumbs up.
Venn: (How does that work? Oh it works.)
Ashley: Ashley raises an eyebrow and then shakes his head at the thumbs up.
Kesvo: "Ohhhkay," she says, then shakes her head and stands up again.
Janix: Janix, standing and waiting for if she’d be part of the team or not, gives Ashely, Venn, and N1-TR0 strange looks. The team was surely a strange team. Different backgrounds, different personalities, but all-powerful.
Kesvo: "Not too late to change your answer," Kesvo tells Janix, with a smirk.
Janix: “While I might not understand if you are joking or not right now,” she mostly is talking about Venn and Ashely’s comments, “I’d rather be with you and deal with this.” She waves her hand at the conversation between the team. There is something slightly endearing about it all, but she doesn’t admit it.
Captain Riprock: Riprock stands up, walks over to a console and presses the button to secure the room. Suddenly the room shimmers and there's a slight buzzing in the air. The doors close and it feels a bit more closed in now.
"Room secure." The Captain lifts his cup toward Kes in salute, then moves to sit next to Venn.
Rook: Rook looked over at N1 for a beat or two, unable to stop an amused grin. "I think we will not find anyone else who can run an hour through a demon infested jungle and still be sane a day later." she paused, and looked at Janix, wondering if she'd vanish as Drasek had. "I vote her in."
Kesvo: "Alright," she said, with a nod. She looked to Janix. "Welcome to your second chance. Have a seat."
Janix: Rook’s exuberance brought a small smile from Janix, directed at the young mechanic. She sits, at Kes' direction, with some small delay but nothing to speak of her reservation. "Thank you, Hellions."
Kesvo: She tapped on the holo-table in the center of the room and called up some of the information she'd prepared.
"The Black Sun wants to hire us, ladies and gents," she tells them, while calling up an image of a space station.
"This is Ardis Outpost, a spot way out in wild space. There's an informant there they want us to meet who has information on a weapon the Imperial Remnant is working on."
"The short of it is that they want us to meet the informant to collect their intel, then use it to destroy the weapon being made and steal the related research."
"But for reasons I'll explain in a minute, we'll need to pull this off in some way that protects our anonymity. We'll need to pin the attack and theft on some other entity."
Kesvo: "So it'll be tricky, probably pretty sticky, and the implications could be pretty big. This weapon we're talking about is supposed to be substantial."
"But the payout is 500,000," she said, folding her arms.
Rook: "Kes, I'm not sure about handing the Black Sun that kind of a weapon."
Captain Riprock: Riprock mutters softly. "That's how they get ya."
Rook: Rook looks over at the Captain.
Ashley: One hand, Imperial Remnant. Other hand, Black Sun. Lovely.
Kesvo: "The plan is to destroy the weapon. It's the research that we'll be leaving with," she clarified. "And there's a use for it."
Janix: Black Sun is lost on Janix, but she defers to the Hellions. While she might look slightly uncertain, she doesn’t speak up.
Tal: Tal whistles at the sound of that payday.
"I heard you right, didn't I? Five-hundred thousand credits?"
"But...we give all of this to Black Sun."
Kesvo: "Full disclosure, the Vigo of the Black Sun is an acquaintance of mine. A Falleen royal. He has been working over the past years to get his organization into a position of trust as vendors to the First Order. That's why they were on Skye as part of that arms deal."
"It's his goal to use the research as bait to lure those in control of the project into a trap."
Venn: "Oh. I almost killed him. Apparently, didn't take."
Captain Riprock: "The arms deal we disrupted."
Kesvo: Kes smirked at Venn.
"Yes," she agreed, to Riprock.
Captain Riprock: "So all of this is a long-con?"
Rook: "So we could use flawed research, such that the Black Sun could not rebuild the weapon? What do you know about The Black Sun?"
Ashley: Riprock covered Ashley's immediate question, at least.
Kesvo: "Not all of it, I'm sure. He's a fairly ruthless individual, and we all know the Black Sun isn't running a daycare. But his work with te Remnant has been a con, yes."
Captain Riprock: The Captain turns to look at the others slowly, then back to Kes. "Who are we going to pin this on?"
Tal: Tal had done some work for Black Sun in the past, before meeting the Hellions. The fact that they would be running into Xizor's people again was a problem.
Rook: "If we agree ... I'd vote Prince Molec."
Kesvo: "I have some ideas. But first I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on the general job. I need to explain that among the top officials, the Prince expects Vader himself to come after the research."
Captain Riprock: Riprock visibly pales at that.
Rook: Rook goes quite still.
Ashley: Ashley just leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling.
Kesvo: "He wants to tell the First Order that he hired the Hellions to acquire the stolen research from whatever party we pin it on."
"And so he'll have us with him when he sets the trap."
Venn: Venn cants her head and features quirk at some of that.
Kesvo: "It's good money. But regardless of the rest of the details about this, if the intel checks out it would mean we're taking away a sizable weapon from the remnant. One that's nearly completed."
"Like many of you, I have personal reasons to want to see Vader brought low. So I'm on board with this, on hundred percent. But the risk is big enough here that I want all of us to be in, across the board."
"So. Questions. Concerns. Let's hear it."
Venn: "Vader is dead."
"So I assume you mean some fool playing dress up."
Kesvo: "The Prince believes otherwise. But if he's wrong, the trap will still take down whatever heads come in his place."
Venn: "He is wrong."
Kesvo: "Then we'll take down other high-ranking officials, with less risk to us."
"But I felt it was only fair to disclose the Prince's expectations."
Captain Riprock: Riprock wipes at his face slowly, still obviously spooked by what Kes just said.
His fingers trace the small lines in his cheeks and jaw.
Venn: "Princes always have their expectations, I've found." she muses and shrugs.
N1-TR0: "Query: Does Seven." N1-TR0 pointed to Janix. "Know our primary purpose?"
Tal: "Five-hundred thousand credits is nothing to sneeze at." Tal said.
"But this kind of heat is bigger than anything we've dealt with." he said, looking around the table to gauge what the others were thinking.
Nitro's question also brought up a salient point.
Kesvo: "Not yet," she said, to Nitro.
N1-TR0: "Suggestion: It would be prudent for this discussion that she do so. In my opinion, what you describe represents the purpose for this team's creation."
Captain Riprock: Riprock turned to Venn, his face still somewhat pale. "You're sure he's dead?" He asked, seeking some reassurance, obviously.
Janix: Janix, looking between N1 and Kes, shows some slight confusion. "I've heard the name Vader but I'm not familiar with it beyond him being reported dead, like Venn said. It is a lot of credits though for these Black Suns to pay us."
Kesvo: "The mercenary troupe The Hellions is our cover, Janix. We're Republican agents."
"We go places the Republic can't go, and do things they can't or won't do."
Tal: He'd heard that Vader was dead, but with the Imperials still kicking, there was no way to be sure. If he wasn't dead...the galaxy was a more dangerous than before.
Kesvo: "We were recruited for this purpose, to reduce the threat of the First Order in the galaxy, however we can."
Venn: Pale blue eyes drift to glance at Riprock. "Your fear is clouding what our friend on Yavin told you himself."
She looks back to Kesvo spilling all the hot tea for the Hapan.
Captain Riprock: The Captain, lost for a moment, nods slowly. "You're right. You're right. Just... I don't get it, is all."
Janix: “Hm.” Janix replied, working through the history she knew well and the rumors she heard since leaving Hapes. “It seems like a noble cause compared to that of the Empire. I see why now you need me to trust you though. I would believe destroying this weapon, regardless of the scrutiny it brings you, would align with that.”
Ashley: Ashley finally spoke. "Master Skywalker said it himself. That Vader died. Turning to the Light in the end. If there's someone saying he's alive, it's the First Order trying to spook people or ... Someone pretending."
Kesvo: "Oh, people are saying it, certainly," Kesvo said. "But there are always likely to be rumors about a boogeyman as dark as that one."
N1-TR0: "Suggestion: It could be a useful form of propaganda, as Vader was seen as a terrifying agent of the Emperor."
Venn: Despite unfamiliar with these types of expressions, she casually pats the Captain on the arm with her dark-fingered hand. Some manner of physical support in the moment.
Kesvo: She nods to Nitro's point
Ashley: "That right there," says Ashley in regards to N1's words.
Rook: or something more. Rook considered how both Sith and Jedi could 'program' part of themselves into objects. "Would Vader, when he was alive, had made a ... thing ... so that some poor fool touched it and now really thinks he is vader?"
N1-TR0: "Query, Two: You are most informed on this matter. What is your stance and hypothesis?"
Venn: "There actually is merit to that... a couple of years ago, I recall one of the Cadre saying that the galaxy was rife with superstition that could be exploited."
Tal: "Are we simply getting info from this informant? Or are we actually extracting him from Ardis Outpost?" Tal asked, his eyes going back to the holo.
Kesvo: "Just getting intel from them. It's a local broker by the name of Maya."
"Ardis Outpost is like Skye City. A Czerka-owned station."
Captain Riprock: "At the edge of the Unknown Regions."
Ashley: Ashley just ... looked up again towards the ceiling at the mention of Czerka. For reasons.
Venn: "My stance is if there is an powerful weapon in play and we can remove it from circulation and from causing mass harm, I am game. Everything else to me is window dressing."
Captain Riprock: Riprock spoke up with a bit more steady calm, recalling his knowledge of the Outer Rim.
Kesvo: "It's remote, but we ought to be able to dock and move around without much trouble. Provided that our more famous members stay disguised," she said, looking to Tal and then to the Skye City Champion.
Ashley: ((is there like ... a check for knowledge about said region?))
Tal: "Just our luck if there's another major race going on out there around this time." Tal said, thinking back to the Star of Kepler.
GM: Four Purple Outer Rim check.
Ashley: "As long as no one is able to make use of the weapon, that we take it out of play entirely, then I'm all about it," he adds finally.
Captain Riprock: "Need to know who we're pinning this on."
Outer Rim
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability SuccessDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty FailureDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Failure
Captain Riprock: "We'll need to do prep to make it fit."
Outer Rim
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Ability AdvantageAbility AdvantageDifficulty BlankDifficulty BlankDifficulty FailureDifficulty BlankSuccess
Venn: "Spitfire's suggestion sounds fun."
Kesvo: She nods to Riprock.
"Is anyone not on board so far?" she asked, making a point to check the reaction of everyone present.
Rook: "Yeah, that's my concern." Rook nods to Ashley. "I don't want to hand a weapon like this to the Black Sun, not even the plans for it." She grins at Venn, and throws a thumbs up at the Umbaran.
Ashley: ((the blank gods have smiled upon me))
Kesvo: "The plan is for the research to ultimately be destroyed," she said, nodding to that concern.
Tal: Tal looks troubled by what he's hearing, especially given what he knows about the Unknown Regions. He remembers stories his father told him about creatures that eat starships and humanoids who wear the skin of unwary travelers like cloaks.
Venn: (jesus)
Captain Riprock: "How are we going to pin it on the Zygerrians, exactly?"
"I'm not a Zygerrian, and I sure as hell am not gonna wear a suit of fur."
Rook: "Then I don't see that we have a choice. We have to destroy it." She grins at Riprock, and says, "We have that face faker-thing Kes got for tal!"
Kesvo: "We fake a money trail. We'll pull off the heist ourselves, pretending to be pirates hired by whomever we pin it on."
"Is one way."
Captain Riprock: "Better make sure we all wear masks or some goofy outfits or something - make sure it's not traceable back to us."
Rook: "we've got some zygerrian gear still, I think. we could leave a few pieces behind."
Captain Riprock: The Cap grumps.
Kesvo: "Yeah it's definitely going to take some planning. It's not going to be an easy thing, by any means."
Ashley: "I was wanting to get something more than just my goggles," noted Ashley about Riprock's masks.
Captain Riprock: "I agree that it's something we should do. But it sounds like it's going to bite us in the ass."
Tal: "Destroying the research and plans needs to happen. But the Unknown Regions is...well, there's a reason it's unknown." Tal said, suppressing a shudder.
"Yeah, whoever we pin this on, it's gotta be airtight. If we go that way with it.
Kesvo: "Alternatively, we could legitimately hire some shady group we wouldn't mind sacrificing. Send them in with a different goal while we sneak in at the same time to do what we need."
Rook: Rook nodded to the Captain. "I don't think we need the truth to stay hidden very long. just long enough to lure the leadership in close."
Venn: "Patsies."
Captain Riprock: Riprock points to Kes, sitting up. "That's an idea."
"I can name a few shady groups that I'd be happy taking a hit for us."
Kesvo: "We would just have to make a trail that leads their funds back to someone we dislike."
"Or some other convincing link."
"Because the heads of the FO are going to look at this very closely. Make no mistake, this is the mother of all hornets nest we're talking about kicking."
((or whatever the SW version of hornets are))
Venn: ((Ashleys))
Ashley: "... also the Unknown Regions are mostly untouched by the Empire or the Republic, so if you were going to be doing something questionable," like working on a weapon, "that's where you might want to be." Though he was also think about Ilum, a planet where kyber crystals were traditionally found, was out there with a lost temple ... "Probably find plenty of people wanting to not be found or looking for trouble and glad to make some coin to cause some."
Captain Riprock: "We should at least call it in and let Ackbar know we're going to be off the grid for a bit in case he wants to reach us."
Kesvo: Kesvo nods at the Captain.
"We can let him know we'll be out of touch, but I'd keep the rest of it to ourselves. This needs to be airtight, or we're all gonna have alot more attention than we want."
Venn: "Don't a few of us need to restock arms and equipment, too?"
"We also have to offload our annoying cargo."
Captain Riprock: "There's an airlock." The Captain gestures toward the rear of the ship.
Rook: "Tal's sword is a lost cause. I might be able to rescue his attachments, but even that isn't a sure thing. And I need parts to rebuild my rocket launcher," Rook said sadly.
"Shouldn't we talk to him? Want me to bring im up here and we can chat?"
Kesvo: "Tane apparently has a talent for finding these artifacts that everyone's after," Kes points out. "I haven't talked to him yet, but it's possible we could put him to use."
Rook: Rook says, unaware he's been talked to ...
Venn: "He's a criminal."
Kesvo: "So are we."
Ashley: "... well, like I said earlier, apparently he's willing to talk." A gesture was made to the data pad. "If his charming message is to be believed."
Captain Riprock: "I prefer the term terrorist."
Rook: Rook stood up, her head angled at the Captain, but she bit back her snarky remark. He was having a bad day.
Venn: "No we aren't. We pose as criminals for the good of others." she says, sitting up
Kesvo: "Ardis Station is a trading hub, so we'll be able to find some supplies there. Cap can check the routes, though, and maybe find a more familiar place between here and there to stock up before getting out of familiar space."
Janix: “He might know where to find more Hapan artifacts, which is something I’d like to ask him more about as well. After Kesvo of course.”
N1-TR0: "Suggestion: Perhaps if we relieve ourselves of Doctor Tane we can keep his droid? It seemed quite competent."
Kesvo: "Those fancy lightsabers you two use run on a very expensive, stolen crystal, Two."
Captain Riprock: Riprock smirks, just a little, at Kes's point.
Venn: "I found my crystal on a corpse."
Kesvo: Kes rolls her eyes.
"I want to talk to Tane before we make decisions about what to do with him, at least."
Rook: "I like IL0M," she said softly, leaving behind the argument about criminals. to most people, all Mandalorians were criminals.
Ashley: "I'm the one using the stolen crystals," notes Ashley.
Venn: "If he has importance to the Hapans, why not give him to Coszette to do deal with."
Rook: "shall i bring him up here?" she asks Kesvo
Venn: "Otherwise, he cavorts with murderous organizations and enriches them for his own gain."
Kesvo: "Maybe, Nitro, we'll have to see. No, Rook."
Janix: At Venn’s comment, Janix nods. “That could work.”
Captain Riprock: "We should call in to Ackbar first, see if there's anything pressing. We'll have time to interrogate Tane and restock after. Ardis is a pretty far run from where we're at. The Rivener might make it in a week."
Kesvo: "That's an option," she said, nodding to Venn.
Tal: "Yeah, the Cadre wanted him bad. Letting them get their hands on him sounds bad."
Captain Riprock: "More like two, though."
Venn: "Can we get more people dedicated to doing the astrogation to tighten that up?" she asks the Captain. "There are tons of big brains and droids to lean on now."
Rook: "Will we be close to home? any chance we could restock at Vlemoth?" Rook asked.
Captain Riprock: Riprock narrows his eyes at Venn. "What're you trying to say?"
Kesvo: Kesvo picks up her caf and sips it rather than comment on astrogation.
Ashley: "I can help, since I'm not in medical all the time," says Ashley helpfully.
Captain Riprock: "I've gotten us everywhere faster than anyone you'd find."
Venn: "I don't try to say anything. I simply say things. You know that."
Rook: Rook laughs again, as they teased the Captain about his astrogation.
Kesvo: "Why don't we start by heading to the closest viable, populated place. We can restock, do whatever we're gonna do with Tane, and start putting together this plan for finding patsies."
Captain Riprock: "You do the weird force witch stuff." He points to Venn. Then jerks a thumb back to himself. "I do the spaceship stuff."
Venn: "We have a different ship, different personel and droid resources."
Captain Riprock: "I don't need a karkin astromech."
"Droids are second-hand brains."
N1-TR0: N1-TR0 lifts up his finger.
Venn: "Pretty please." she says, deadpan.
Kesvo: "Riprock, will you see if you can raise Akbar?"
Captain Riprock: The Captain's eyes narrow just a bit at Venn, but he gets up. He points at her still, as if indicating this wasn't over - then walked over to the comm station.
Rook: "or Mandalore."
Captain Riprock: "What?!"
"Why would we go to Mandalore?"
Rook: "it's in the outer rim, and i can get gear there, and I know some people there."
Kesvo: "Nar Shadaa might be an easier place to put together the pieces we're gonna need for this job."
Venn: "This is getting out of hand. Can I smoke in here? Actually, probably a bad idea." says Venn, to no one in particular.
Rook: "I don't know anything about arrogation," she soothed the Captian. "but if we are looking for a place to shop and restock, I'd like to try Mnadalore or Vlemoth."
Captain Riprock: "It's not in the outer rim, but it's not far."
Ashley: "... I am just going to go look and see what is closest," says Ashley, moving to stand and dislodging Raider from his feet, "while the Captain is trying to raise Ackbar."
Captain Riprock: "Closer than Nar Shaddaa. But that's a mess of a planet to get involved in."
Rook: She shrugged at Kesvo, not surprised that the team was anxious about the places Rook cared about; Mandalore was in a bad place.
Captain Riprock: Riprock quickly keys in a secure signal and calls back to Home One.
Admiral Ackbar: Ackbar's visage flickers into view in the center of the holographic table. "This is Home One on a secure channel. Go ahead Hellions."
Rook: Rook waves to the vaunted and much respected Historical Figure, wondering if he had gotten her letter, or if it had died an early death at the hands of some secretary or lieutenant.
Venn: (if he just looks at Janix and says its a trap, tho)
Kesvo: "Admiral," Kesvo says, turning towards the comm. "We're just checking in. We have a lead on a job that promises high yields, but it's gonna take us off the grid for a couple of weeks, at least. The kind of thing you probably would rather know about after the fact."
Janix: (hahah, good plan Venn)
Admiral Ackbar: "Understood. You wouldn't be happening to be going anywhere near Unknown Regions, would you?"
Kesvo: Kesvo arched a brow.
"Actually, yes."
Admiral Ackbar: "Serendipitous!"
Venn: " it though?"
Admiral Ackbar: "Perhaps. Though I cannot say without more information."
"You may all remember Agent Alico from Foundry Four."
Kesvo: "Indeed."
Tal: "Yes, sir."
Admiral Ackbar: "She has returned to her work on gathering information on the Remnant and their activities. She has important information that is too dangerous to transmit over holo."
"Is there a place I can have her rendezvous with you?"
Tal: Tal looks to the others. That's lining up a little too well.
Kesvo: "Whereabouts in the unknown regions is she?"
Admiral Ackbar: "I cannot say, but she has transport."
Ashley: Somehow, this seemed to be lining up rather nicely ...
Kesvo: Kesvo paused, considered it, then asked, "Can she make it to Ardis Outpost? We coudd get by there without losing too much time or drawing alot of attention, I think."
"Are we picking her up, or just her intel?"
Admiral Ackbar: "I will send her the information. I do not know her status. She can report more once she meets you."
"Hopefully you will not have to retrieve her in the midst of a battle, like last time."
Captain Riprock: "Yeah, I'm about done with trying to dock ships mid-firefight."
Tal: Tal felt that sentiment on a deep level.
Admiral Ackbar: "I will leave you to it. Once you're in a secure area, please get the information to me immediately. May the Force Be With You, Hellions."
Venn: The pink haired woman flips up the screen at her station at the table. She worked under the understanding that the secure communication could not accomodate any large data, but some coordinates should be fine. "Admiral, one more matter. We made contact with a planet that I am reccomending be flagged for the highest level of quarantine the New Republic has due to Force related anomalies. A full report to follow when we a full debrief is possible."
Admiral Ackbar: "Understood, Two. Thank you for the heads up."
Venn: She fires off the alphanumeric coordinates and then nods to the war hero.
Admiral Ackbar: Unless stopped by anyone else, the Admiral ends the signal.
Kesvo: "Admiral, we're at least a week out, likely closer to two. And we'll be keeping a low profile once we're there."
"I'm not even sure we'll be in the same ship. We're gonna have to have some way to make contact with Alico."
Venn: "Get me planetside with her and I can possibly point you in a general direction."
Admiral Ackbar: "What would you suggest?"
Kesvo: "It..." she paused, casting an odd look to Venn. "...seems like we might have a method, after all," she corrected. "But let her know we're maybe two weeks out, please."
Admiral Ackbar: "I will do so."
"The sooner we receive her report, the better, however."
Kesvo: "Understood."
Rook: Rook started to interject but given Venn's power, she just nodded. better something no one else could intercept.
Admiral Ackbar: "Thank you for your work Hellions. The future of the Republic is bright with you fighting for us."
"May the Force Be With You."
GM: The transmission ends.
Rook: "And with you, Admiral." Rook says softly. He was still an amazing man.
Kesvo: Kesvo sighs. "Never simple."
Ashley: "And yet if it was, we'd probably be bored."
Kesvo: "Pfft. Not me."
Captain Riprock: "Well, it'd be boring otherwise, right?" He pats Kes's shoulder, then moves for the door after hitting the switch to un-secure the room. "Going to jot that astrogation check."
Venn: "We have all these computers and fancy doohickeys and we cant cut down that time?"
Kesvo: "Venn quit aggravating the captain."
Captain Riprock: "Just let me know where we're going." He calls over his shoulder, already moving for the bridge.
Venn: "Half a month with a prisoner sounds right buggered." she attests.
Rook: Rook sends a thumbs up after the captain, then watches Kesvo. "You mind if I check on Tane?"
Kesvo: "We can drop Tane wherever we stock up, if that's what we decide to do with him."
"You think he's going somewhere?" she asked Rook.
Tal: "So...where are heading for the refuel?" Tal asked.
Venn: (Ashley is the co pilot so GO DO IT)
Ashley: (he gonna!!)
Kesvo: "We need to decide." Kesvo pulls up the charts on the big table.
Rook: "He's a puzzle to me. I can't reconcile what we saw of the dead folks he left in his wake, with how IL0M sees him. Makes me curious. i suspect there's more to the story."
Kesvo: "His story can wait until we've figured out more of our story," Kesvo murmured, flicking through the charts, looking for Nathema.
"Where the devil are we...'
GM: Nathema is on no charts - however your current location places you not far from Zygerria!
Ashley: The Pantoran actually follows the Captain out because, damnit, he's co-pilot and ... he actually likes being able to help fly a spaceship okay.
... and yes, Raider went with him. Though he did give Janix a rather long, lingering look.
Kesvo: "Ash, I need you in here for this," she says, when the Pantoran gets up to leave.
Ashley: "So close," he mutters, and spins on his heel. "Sure, what's up?" The nexu kitten ends up sitting and staring at Janix.
Rook: Rook shrugged. "Zygerria's close, and would help frame the right people, but it'll be horrid and we're likely to be overcharged for everything. and if I see any Mando's enslaved, from any Clan, I'm going to insist on freeing them."
Kesvo: "Zygerria isn't far. Cantonica. There are routes going past Ord Mantell. could even make a case for Coruscant."
Janix: Janix looks at the Nexu but looks away. Out of the corner of her eye, she watches, unsettled but not going to show that to a predator. Perhaps Rook has more Nexu treats...
Kesvo: "I don't particularly wanna show our faces around Zygerria if we're about to frame them for something," she pointed out.
Venn: "Cantonica is a world full of posh rich gamblers and war profiteers."
"The capital city at least. But it is civilized, but if you get turned off by the excess of the wealthy..."
N1-TR0: "Observation: The wealthy should have a vibrant black market in the area!"
Tal: "Cantonica or Coruscant is my vote." Tal said.
Kesvo: "Cantonica?" she asks, looking around to those who hadn't spoken up.
Janix: "I am happy with whatever the team decides." Janix says without voting.
Kesvo: "Yeah, you only get a few more of those," she murmurs after Janix.
Venn: "I've only heard the stories from someone. By what I've heard, it tracks with Nitro's observation... its definitely a haven for war profiteers, so that may mean a good black market scene."
Janix: "I don't know the other world," she offers. "But I have been to Coruscant."
Venn: "Its going to be posh and full of stuffy bellends with shady wealth and appetites."
Rook: Rook leans over to Janix, and says encouragingly, "It's ok. She likes ideas, and she's not shy about saying no." seeing Raider watching Janix, she grins brightly and says, "I think he likes you. Want to feed him a treat?"
Kesvo: "Sounds exploitable to me."
Venn: "Kamcakes may find it enjoyable!"
Kesvo: "Rook."
Rook: "Sounds good to me, I like Black markets."
Ashley: "I don't really have an opinion, only that it's along the way and we're able to get what we need to do done." Was this why Kesvo called him back?
Rook: "Lots of schematics!"
Janix: Janix weakly smiles at Rook. "Maybe you should feed it."
Rook: Rook happily does feed the baby nexu, murmuring to him how cutely vicious he is.
Kesvo: "Cantonica it is. Keep in mind that Aris Outpost is a ways out. If we're going to hire a crew to take the fall for the job, we need to decide if we're recruiting them here or going to try our luck on the outpost.'
Tal: Tal is convinced that Rook's sense of self-preservation was not issued with her armor.
Kesvo: "Also, if we want to frame the Zygerians for their hiring, we'll need to figure out what we're going to need for that before we leave populated space."
Ashley: He glanced towards Raider and then to Janix as Rook fed the nexu a treat. "I think it's just because of your appearance. I was the only blue individual on board for a while." Leaving out Kesvo's tendency to change skintone any time she needed to. "... which means Rook is likely right and he does like you." Maybe.
Venn: "Skipper has his list of ne'er do wells that might work."
Tal: "Also...if we try to frame the Zygerrians, they might decide to use that moment to call in their favor with Clan Awaud." Tal mentioned.
"I think finding an unrelated group of patsies is better, like the Captain and Venn have said."
Ashley: "What Venn said as well as putting out feelers for anyone that might have a grudge we can take advantage of. If they've already made attempts, or a name, then it's something we can use to our advantage."
Kesvo: "That's right," she recalls, at Venn's mention. "But because someone flustered him, he's now standing at the helm before he knows where we're going, instead of being in here, giving his input."
Captain Riprock:
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageBoost AdvantageBoost Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Difficulty Threat x2Difficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty FailureDifficulty Failure + Threat
Janix: "Hm," Janix said to Ashely at the explanation. "That seems logical. Perhaps if Rook keeps up with the treats the Nexu will prefer her over me." While she didn't say it, there was something about how the Hapan didn't want to interact with the young beast.
Kesvo: "We need two fall guys," Kes reminded Tal. "The first will be the ground-level grunts that actually go into the facility with us. The second will be the larger organization we paint a money trail to, so that when the FO starts investigating, they won't know who really sponsored the attack."
Venn: "I fluster everyone. I cannot apologize for that." she retorts to Kesvo.
Kesvo: "Whoever that second outfit is, they're going to draw unwanted attention, but if the rest of the plan goes as hoped, the FO will be dealing with significant losses before they have a whole lot of time to do anything about it."
Rook: Rook looked thoughtful, eyes narrowed, considering the hyperspace routes. and Zygeria. "I think maybe the Zygerrian slave empire isn't big enough to seem credible, at this level? What's your take on it, Kesvo? Who would dare ire the First Order?"
Kesvo: "Even if they have time to do something about it, it doesn't seem like something the Zygerrians would see coming."
Rook: "So it'd be better to frame a particular somoeme. like ... make it look as if the zygerian king wanted the weapon expressly to take out his hated son and heir? then Molec has no reason to brign in clan awaud."
Kesvo: "Anyone could be tempted. This is intel that's jealously guarded, and I can think of a half-dozen factions who'd want access to research on a weapon that's reported to be able to take out entire worlds."
Rook: "Otherwise we'd need someone bigger. Like onw of the hutt cartels, or ... Whistescar, or the Zann consortium."
GM: As the Ardent Rivener begins to prepare for its jump to their next location, the Hellions strategize and plan their next moves. With their course set to oppose the First Order in earnest, they ready themselves for what is certainly to be their most harrowing mission yet...
End Session 75



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Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2020, 09:45:44 AM »
Episode 6, Chapter 1, Session 76 - Apostasy
GM: The Hellions have spent some time upon the gambling-loving, black-market sanctuary world of Cantonica to restock, recharge, and re-arm after their jaunt to the mysterious world of Nathema.
With Doctor Rafan Tane still in their hold, they zoom now to Ardis Station at the edge of the Unknown Regions. Their mission is twofold - the first to find Agent Alico for the New Republic, and the second is to retrieve Prince Xizor's agent who will make contact with them on Ardis Station as well.
We begin play with the Rivener getting ready to depart Cantonica, the Doctor still in the detention block.
Dice System:
The GM cleared the Destiny Pool
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Rook: When Kesvo didn’t arrive right away to Rook’s request, she took her farewell of Dr. Tane and went in search of Kesvo and the rest of the team. She looks first in the galley!
GM: It has been 5 days since you left Nathema behind.
Kesvo: Kesvo is indeed in the galley, focused on trying to make one of the dispenser thingies work. (Percussive therapy incoming)
Tal: Tal made some purchases on Cantonica, enjoyed the sights and even kept some fun company. By the time he returns to the Rivener, he's in good spirits and ready to move on.
Ashley: Remembering the one item he was supposed to buy--a disguise kit--Ashley made a last minute purchase of one before rejoining everyone on the Rivener. (Just ignore that he got distracted by the shiny new computer tech and almost forgot to get a disguise kit.)
Janix: With preparations for departure commencing and after some time to try to rebalance her thoughts and body, Janix leaves her quarters (where she spent a fair bit of time) and looks to either be of help or find the rest of the Hellions.
Rook: “Kesvo!” Despite her general mechanicals skill, Rook is not good at food. “Kesvo, can we talk about Dr. Tane?“ And IL0M! But she didn’t say that part aloud. She paused, “Want help with that?”
Kesvo: Rook actually startles Kesvo, who does a poor job of acting like she didn't want anything from that damned machine anyway.
"No, I'm good. What's up?"
Ashley: ((scratch the part of my post where ash picked up the disguise kit. THERE ARE OTHER THINGS AFOOT. like kesvo got it for him,
Rook: “He would like to be let out of the cell. I’ve talked with him about the smuggling, but I’m not sure the time line works for him to have been behind the whole thing.”
Janix: Hearing Rook use Kesvo’s name, Janix found a few of the crew by sound and headed that direction. As she ascended to the galley, she saw a couple of the other Hellions. She steps around the wall and into view as Rook, assumedly, began to talk about the _Good_ Doctor.
Kesvo: Kesvo snorts. "I'm sure he would," she says, leaning back against the counter, folding her arms.
Rook: Rook quietly COMM’s venn for help with thee caf machine!
Kesvo: "You think he's working for someone else, then?" she asked
Janix: Janix moves more into view and doesn’t leave, but does clearly listen closely.
Kesvo: kesvo nods to Janix.
Rook: “No, I think he works alone, I think he just paid that guard for what he was interested in. He was last on Coruscanrt 3 months ago; you saw the state of overgrowth upom hiis ship, so he didn’t leave corusocant when Cosette said he did, or he had another ship.”
Janix: Janix nods back to Kesvo and looks to Rook as she speaks, intrigued.
Rook: Rook grins at Janix, “He said you pinned him to the wall!”
Janix: A slow nod and a flash of confusion at Rook’s grin. “That I did...”
Ashley: Ashley was making his way to the galley, after making sure he had everything put away and Raider was fed. Which means walking in on the entire he said you pinned him to the wall remark.
Venn: Venn reported to the galley, her new post spa hair style still keeping up with her activities otherwise. Painting her mask had to wait for caf apparently....
Rook: Her head tilted a bit in consideration, and rook asked Janix more seriously, “from your brief tussle, how skilled a fighter do you think he is?”
Kesvo: "He claims to have nothing to do with the artifacts coming off of Coruscant?" Kesvo clarified, eyes narrowing doubtfully.
Tal: Tal locates the rest of the Hellions as they begin talking about Dr. Tane.
"We gonna space the guy or what?" Tal asked.
Venn: With a few machinations with the machine she'd become so accustomed to because of the caf-obsessed skipper, she got the thing working in short order.
Kesvo: Kesvo's appreciation for Venn rises as she does the falleen the favor of pretending like the caf machine was broken instead of pointing out that Kes was just using it wrong.
"Not so far," she replied to Tal with a smirk.
Rook: Rook shook her head at Kesvo. “He said he hired a guy to get him some of them, in order to return to their people.” She paused, tying for precision. “He implied Cosette, in particular had an agreement wtih him t procure Hapan artifacts. From how he talks, I think several other nations as well.”
Janix: As the Hellions coincide, Janix nods to the team as they enter. At Tal’s comment, she does start a bit. “I’d like not to space him. He does seem to know where I might find artifacts of my people. Which... would be very meaningful to me.” To Rook. “He seems crafty and intelligent. He isn’t lazy but he wouldn’t win a fight against Tal let alone any of the Hellions I would think. Not unless he had a trick up his sleeve.”
Kesvo: "Except that some of the artifacts that were smuggled out of the Coruscant temple were on their way to the FO, by way of the Consortium."
Rook: Rook nods slowly. “So he is either very clever at deception or that checks out with what he told me. that he was born to a Clan, “ her gaze flickers to tal, holding his for a moment. “Death watched killed his family, he was raised by a family freind away from the Clans.”
Kesvo: Kesvo frowned thoughtfully at janix.
"So what would you wanna do with him, then?"
Ashley: "... did he say anything about his involvement with the Cadre or why they were after him?" he asked Rook quietly.
Rook: “MY thought is that if that guard is fore hire, he was selling to more than one person.”
Kesvo: "Tal, do you mind escorting him up here? We can decide whether to space him or cut him loose once he's answered some questions."
Janix: A sigh at Kesvo’s question. “I don’t know. Keep him as a trained pet?!” There is something exasperated in her exclaimation, but, hearing Rook, he may not have been the sinister villain she understood him to be. “Perhaps we could talk with the Doctor? If he’s not a threat he could stay the guest of the Hellions until this mission is over and we can find a safe place to drop him?” A bit of guilt at throwing him into the wall was starting to grow.
Rook: ””He used to work for the Cadre, In the time of the Empire, He had heard they were looking for the particular stash of goods the emperor had hidden there, and was trying to get to them first in order to keep the Cadre from finding them.” Rook looks away from Ashley to Kesvo as she finishes, “It squares with what the cadre said, that they werne’t going to let Tane deprive them of their prize.”
“Venn, he said he knew the Frist Father a long time ago, and that how he acted upon Nathmea was not right. “
Kesvo: "I don't like the idea of him going to the station with us. The more people who know can place us there, the more dangerous this gets."
Venn: "It wasn't." she responded to the Mandalorian.
Rook: Rook nodded gravely to Venn. Then continued quietly, “then, that fact too, checks out.”
Venn: "You can always leave him here on Cantonica."
Rook: “We could keep them .... Uh, him .... until we finish the larger mission? When it won’t matter? He knows a lot of about artifacts, and history. A lot about languages and cultures; he could be useful.”
Ashley: Ashley shot Rook a look when she said them.
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded to Venn's point. "That's where I'm leaning, at the moment. If he's just a mercenary and not some mastermind trying to supply the bad guys with talking swords, I'm less concerned with him going free."
Tal: "Yeah, got it." Tal said, heading to the brig.
Venn: "Of course, we keep all his stuff."
Ashley: He sidled up to Rook, whispering just for her to hear. "... so on a scale of one to ten, how much are you wanting to keep the droid he has with him?"
Rook: Rook’s eyebrows rose, she couldn’t help it; she really liked the droid.
Kesvo: "If we set him free we're not keeping his droid," Kesvo said flatly.
Tal: He was little surprised to hear that Tane was a Mandalorian. It seemed a convenient fact to toss out after seeing one among the Hellions, but Tal held his tongue on that one.
Venn: "That would be weird to do that. He doesn't look like the type who easily makes friends."
Rook: Rook looked determined! If what it took to keep IL0M was hiring Tane, theyd hire him!
Venn: not
Ashley: Ashley just held up his hands and said nothing else. He just knew how much Rook really liked droids.
Kesvo: "You can buy your own droid after the payout."
Tal: When Tal reaches the cell , he'll look at Tane. "Guess it's time for you to meet the group." he said.
Rook: ”They aren’t all the same. IL0M is special. He has ...” Rook blushed and cut herself off. Kesvo always got her to reveal herself! She cleared her throat. “He has offered to teach. Me Mandalorian history, and it’s something I’m studying. Plus, think about all. The ethinks he could help Janix with.”
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane gets up from his cot. "Formally, that is? Rather than just the real quick - 'Hey, stop or we'll shoot'."
"By the by, thanks for carrying me from a burning ship. Was really swell." He gives Tal a smile and a thumbs up.
Kesvo: Kesvo levels an unimpressed look at Rook, unmoved from her former decree.
Janix: “I’m not saying we can trust him, but if there was a way he could stay, I would like to know more about his Hapan studies beyond Hapes.” Rook’s plea was more moving than Janix’s, but she felt she owed the peppy mechanic her support, not just implied.
Ashley: This time, more careful, Ashley leans in closer to Rook to say something.
Kesvo: "Stay?" she repeated, brows lifting.
Janix: “For a time, not permanently.” She clarified.
Kesvo: "You mean as a witness to this upcoming mission, the one where if the secret's not kept we all die horribly?" she clarified
Tal: "No problem." Tal said, lowering the field.
"Let's go." he said, letting the man walk in front of him. He'll direct him on where to go to get to the turbolift and follow him the entire way.
Venn: Venn.. out of nowhere brandishes the Thalassian Slave collar from Kowac. As if its an answer! Second time she's done this, by the way... each time, one must wonder where she is pulling it out from.
Rook: Rook chewed on her lip, for a moment, trying to ignore out how to move Kesvo from her intransigence. Janix as an ally won another fierce grin. “He knows a lot. He could be helpful. Might even know some people. We could bring him along until we have that final confrontation. I mean, he might know some of the personalities involved. “
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane walks in front of Tal at a calm pace, making sure he's not doing any funny business. He is escorted by the Mandalorian to the rest of the crew.
Kesvo: "C'mon. He's an academic," Kesvo says, slumping her shoulders at the brandishing of the slave collar.
Venn: She shrugs and puts it away. Next time, baby.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Hello there." Tane greets everyone as he steps into the room, Tal behind.
Kesvo: "Hello." She gestures to one of the nearby booths. "Have a seat, please."
Ashley: Sometimes Ashley wonders just how Venn manages to pull those collars out of nowhere ...
Other times he really does not want to know.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Reading the room, Tane slowly does as he's instructed.
Rook: “Hello, Dr. Tane.” Rook replied, glad Tal had not been moved to pin him against the wall as Janix had. He’d be way more bruised if Tal had been irritated with him.
Kesvo: "We're trying to decide what to do with you. You can help by answering some questions. If you lie to me, I'm gonna let him pick the answer," she said, nodding to Tal.
Janix: Though she doesn’t greet the Doctor, she does give him a look that is much more conflicted, not angry this time.
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessBoost AdvantageAbility SuccessProficiency AdvantageProficiency SuccessDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Threat
Tal: Tal simply glares at Doctor Tane, one of the few members of the crew who didn't come to see him during his detention.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Okay, got it. The big guy is gonna break me into itty-bitty pieces if I don't play by the rules." Tane says, gesturing up to Tal.
Kesvo: "Look, we're not out to ruin anybody's day," she said, sliding into the booth seat across from Tane, addressing him soberly. "The only reason we were on Nathema is because we followed a trail that started with some pretty powerful artifacts that were smuggled out of the Coruscant temple and were on their way to the First Order via White Claw. Were you or were you not involved in that?"
Rook: Rook shakes her head, frustrated by Tal and Kesvo’s hostility, but well knowing that Kesvo was the expert at this sort of thing. How clearly and precisely Kesvo asked her queastion only confirmed it, and Rook’s tension lessened.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I wasn't picky about all my buyers." Tane answers with a shrug. "I worked with a bunch of different groups. The Cadre, the Consortium, the Black Sun, White Claw, Hutts, Czerka, and a bunch of others."
"I identified what they saw as vulnerable assets in Imperial Center. They sent me a bunch of vids of stuff they could easily smuggle out. In that particular instance, I was a consultant."
Janix: In the end, it was the full team’s call or Kesvo’s as their leader, Janix wasn’t yet entirely sure. Seeing Rook’s frustration, Janix moved to the other side that Ashley didn’t use to whisper and gives the endearing mechanic a shoulder pat for consolation.
Rook: Rook looked surprised, and asked directly, “You were behind it all? Or you just looked at pictures?”
Doctor Rafan Tane: "In that particular instance, I looked at some pictures and told them what it was worth. The Coruscant thing."
Kesvo: "But in other instances, he's happy to feed the Cadre and the First Order whatever they want to buy," Kesvo clarified, looking at Rook.
"You're still saying you'd rather set him free to keep doing that?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Is that a problem?" Tane lifts an eyebrow. "Are you all part of the Republic or something?"
Kesvo: "We're part of a group of people who've heard artifacts talking to us and think it's a bad karking idea to spread those things around."
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability BlankProficiency Triumph(+Success)Difficulty ThreatChallenge Failure x2Challenge Failure + ThreatChallenge Despair
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I mean, I'm not giving them to people in an open market or something."
"And the Mask I was trying to keep out of the hands of the Cadre and their buyers."
Ashley: The mention of the mask drew Ashley's gaze sharply to the Doctor.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I told Rook." He gestures to the Mandalorian. "That most of the stuff I identify is junk. Well -- priceless historical artifacts, but nothing with any power to it."
Kesvo: "What was your intention for the mask, then?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "The other stuff that I find is useful to a small subset of Force Users and Traditions - most of which the Empire wiped out."
"Launch it into a sun, probably."
Rook: Rook gave Dr. Tane a nod, and looked over at Kesvo. “weren’t all of the artifacts were were tracing from Coruscant? He has said he is careful with the ones that have power and has some trianing for handling them safely, which we don’t have.”
Dice System:
Kesvo flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   2
Doctor Rafan Tane
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Threat x2Challenge Threat x2Challenge Failure x2Challenge FailureChallenge ThreatChallenge Failure + Threat
Kesvo: Kesvo sat back in her seat and eyed the doctor in silence for a beat, eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Look, it's obvious this stuff is important to you. How about we look at this from another angle?"
Rook: Rook nodded confirmation. “He did tell me that,” she supported Dr. Tane. “And the facts IL0M gave me, and those the Doctor gave me, did not conflict with each other. Both have been very cooperative.” Rook eyes Kesvo, “IL0M especial was helpful with N1.”
Kesvo: Kesvo turns those narrowed eyes to Rook.
Rook: Rook offers a fierce smile to Kesvo!
Kesvo: SHe looks back to the doctor while waiting for him to finish his thought
Doctor Rafan Tane: "It's obvious you're a very well equipped group. One that can handle the Cadre, even. I've every reason to want to stay on your good side. I've a lot of skills that can be of use to you." He places a hand on his chest. "I'm good with a blaster, better with a starchart, and I know more about the Outer Rim and the uncharted worlds than most anyone else in the Galaxy."
Kesvo: Kesvo scratches her brow and swears to herself under her breath.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "For the last five years I've been running around out here in the wilderness, and I know the ins and outs of the Scum of the Galaxy." He points to Kes. "Who you seem intent to be shutting down."
Kesvo: She looked around the room to the others. She felt like she knew Janix and Rook's votes, so she focused on Tal, Ashley, and Venn to try to get a read on their view of the doctor's offer.
Rook: “We do need an Outer Rim expert. And He’s an historian. We could give them a trial period?”
Force Power
Ashley Nasur
Power Name   Weswin's Foresight
Dice Roll
Force LightForce Light x2Force Dark x2
Rook: “Venn,” Rook looks earnestly at the Day Glow Chic Space Witch, “Don’t you think he could help us untangle what is going on with the Cadre?”
Venn: "What is to un-entangle? They are exactly what they always said they'd be."
Kesvo: "Five? One?" Kesvo prompts the others.
Rook: ”What about First Father?”
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane is looking between Rook and Venn at these questions and Venn's remarks.
Venn: "What about him? That is a whole other matter."
Rook: “Well, maybe he could help with that?”
Tal: Tal didn't look like he was buying what Dr. Tane was selling. His opinion was slightly softened by Rook's continued defense of the man, but Tal was afraid she was letting the fact that he might be Mandalorian cloud her judgment a little bit.
"Well, keeping him with us would keep him from getting picked up by the Cadre again." Tal said.
"Still, he's probably not being totally up front with us. Look at how much extra stuff he had on him in his cell. I'm already sick of trying to parse the motives of all the new people this week." Tal said.
Ashley: "... pretty sure if we sent him packing, we'd run into him again," says Ashley, clearing his mind from the brief glimpse of the near future. "Better to keep someone with his knowledge set onboard. Isn't like we don't have the space and even I'd like someone who has knowledge I don't about Force artifacts to speak with." A glance went to Venn and then Rook. "... or about the things we encountered on Nathema."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I mean, the jacket has a lot of nice pockets. What did you want me to do? Just empty everything voluntarily after you kidnapped me?"
Kesvo: "Rescued."
Tal: "Saved your ass.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I was a few minutes away from getting outta there."
Venn: She shrugs and resumes making a tea for herself.
Rook: Rook nodded to Tal, flashing him a smile, and then asking belatedly, “What tools?”
Janix: While not asked, Janix imagined that Kes knew her feelings. She wouldn’t fight like Rook was, but she hoped to get a chance to speak again with the Good Doctor.
Kesvo: "The cadre already got what they were after, did they not?" kes asked Tane. "So what would you get out of staying on board versus getting off at Cantonica?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Well. Not everything, no."
Kesvo: She arched a brow
Doctor Rafan Tane: "They know where some of the Emperor's vaults are. But not all of them."
"I know where a couple more are that they don't."
"The Emperor kept his information segmented, nobody had everything."
Kesvo: "You feel like they will still pursue you?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Except for him, I figure."
Tane lifted an eyebrow at Kes. "Did... the Ninth Brother come across as someone with a lot of restraint, to you?"
*Ninth Son
Venn: (It is brother lol)
Kesvo: Kesvo watched the doctor for a second longer, then looked to Venn.
"What do you think?"
Ashley: Ashley let out a derisive snort.
Venn: The tea was lowered and she regarded Kesvo. "He isn't wrong. We all knew different locations for security purposes."
Ashley: The Ninth Brother did not know a thing about restraint. Just murder. Mass murder.
Kesvo: "That's not what I meant."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Besides, I have other skills besides spooky lost-religious artifacts!"
Kesvo: "Are you comfortable with him staying?"
Rook: Rook looked at Ashley, who had been badly hurt by the Ninth Brother. Just what was he thinking about all of this? Quietly, she asked him, “You ok?”
Venn: "Indefinitely?"
Kesvo: She shrugged. "For now."
Venn: "You're the boss. If he bothers me... " She again pulls out the slave collar. Again from nowhere.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane's eyebrows go high.
"Is that.. a Zygerrian Slave-Collar?"
Kesvo: "I'll remind you that there's no collaring the crew."
Venn: "No, its a Thalassian one you buffoon."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Oh, nice. Terrifying. But nice."
Venn: "And don't interrupt conversations."
Tal: Tal grinned. Venn was hilarious.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane shuts up slowly.
Ashley: Ashley looks to Rook, quietly whispering back. "I'm fine." Whether or not that was true remained to be seen but mere talk of the Ninth Brother wouldn't send him running.
Venn: Venn pours about 1/5th of her tea on the Doctor's crotch.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "OW!"
Rook: Rook shakes her said, “We aren’t slavers.” She nods to Dr. Tane. “We have had some run ins with the Zygerrians; they are very much my enemy. “
Doctor Rafan Tane: He jumps a bit.
Kesvo: "Venn!"
Rook: ‘Venn!”
Venn: "Kesvo!"
Ashley: Ashley just barely resisted saying someone's name. Just barely.
Janix: The interaction is perplexing and amusing. Janix wonders if this is a typical Venn interrogation and interview style. And she’s happy she lucked out of it.
Venn: "Sometimes you have to show people you aren't pfassking around at the start."
Rook: ”he’s not the enemy, Venn. He hates the cadre and first order, too.”
Venn: "It wasn't alot" she shows her cup, as if to prove it.
Ashley: "Between the tea and the collar, pretty sure he's aware you're not to be trifled with."
Kesvo: Kesvo shakes her head and breathes soft curses in Falleen.
"Well now we have to hire him, since you've already started the hazing," she said, pushing up from the booth to stand.
Rook: Rook is speechless for a second, (which is in fact hard to accomplish). She looks over at the Dr, and murmurs an apology in Mando’a.
Tal: Tal crosses his arms and watches the proceedings. The tea dumping ceremony was worth the price of admission.
Kesvo: "You'll have quarters assigned, and some limited freedoms while we try out this arrangement," she told the doctor.
Rook: ”Can I take him to IL0M?”
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Fair. I'll try not to cause any problems."
Venn: "And nightly beatings."
Kesvo: "Take him to one of the unoccupied quarters and then give him back his droid," she told Rook. She looked back to the doctor. "I'm gonna ask you to stay in your quarters for a few hours until we get the security issues worked out, then you'll be able to move around. Fair?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane looks over to Venn, then to Kes, eyebrow raised.
Kesvo: She sighed.
Venn: While no one is looking at her but Tane, she makes this bite motion with her teeth, followed by a wink.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Yeah.. uh.. fair."
Kesvo: Kesvo will work with Tak and Kled to set up limited access to the ship for Tane, excluding the vital systems.
Rook: When the Doctor agrees, Rook will escort him to get IL0M, and then take them to quarters near the Machine Shop.
Doctor Rafan Tane: As Rook escorts the Doctor out, he looks to her with a small smile. "Thanks for speaking up for me back there. I appreciate it. You're made of the real Beksar, Beroya."
GM: The Ardent Rivener arrives at Ardis Station a week later. Several ships are docked with the station - freighters and cargo haulers, as well as smaller ships similar in size to the Aeon Mallard - which Riprock undocked from the Rivener and kept a short hyper-jump away.
Just as the Rivener approaches to dock they can see a pair of Tie Interceptors taking off and leaving the station.
Rook: “that is bad.”
”I wonder if our contact is now missing?”
Tal: "Well, time to get ready." Tal said.
He would go and get his disguise kit, new credentials, and items together.
Rook: Rook has re-painted her armor, and added a jet pack with a single use ROCKET to her kit.
Kesvo: Kesvo has perfected her TotallyHuman™ disguise by the time they reach the station. She watches with a sober mien as the tie fighters depart.
Kesvo: "Well I guess there's truth to the intel, at least," kesvo murmurs, evenly.
Janix: To be safe, Janix has Kesvo disguise her slightly, so that she hopefully doesn't stick as out as uniquely as she already does.
Tal: "So are we going in expecting trouble or are we playing this like mercs just looking to get away? Need to know if I'm wearing armor not." Tal said.
Ashley: With some assistance from Kesvo during their flight to the station--and her dropping the disguise kit on him in general--Ashley looked decidedly not Pantoran and human instead. Which meant seeing his reflection was weird. "... so very reassuring to see those out here," says Ashley.
Rook: “We’re not in the core, wear your armor.” Rook advises.
Janix: She also wears Kes' loaned cloak.
Kesvo: "I think we should look for Alico first," she says, turning to Venn.
"We'll make more informed decisions after we hear what she can tell us."
Venn: Her satisfied with her repainted mask, Venn would don her new ensemble as they approached. She had to remember how to rock the half cape.
Janix: "We going in with weapons?" Janix has quite clearly brought her rifle and other weaponry.
Rook: “Yeah, this is rim world rules.” Rook says again. “Full kit.”
Kesvo: "Most likely," she nodded, to those asking about weapons and armor.
She casts a look at Rook.
Captain Riprock: As the Rivener approaches Ardis Station, Riprock begins the procedures to dock the ship. He coms to the team from the command seat. "Czerka just transmitted the code of conduct: No illegal weapons, no fighting, no stealing, intimidation, or vagrancy. Hundred and fifty credits a day to dock."
Rook: ”I’m from the Rim, Kesvo. It is good to look too tough to mess with. And I don’t look like old-rook at all!” Rook. Points to her JET PACK.
Captain Riprock: "Think they just mean no Disruptors or Thermal Detonators."
Rook: “They let Tie fighters dock here, so problaby an illegal weapon is whatever they want it to be from day to day.”
Janix: "Thanks Riprock." She adjusts her rifle, pulls up her hood, and waits to disembark with the team.
Tal: Tal will put go ahead and don his armor and grab his newly modified weapons, sheathing his swords on his back. It's a different feel from his greatsword, but a warrior adapts.
Kesvo: "Remember, we're going low profile," she reminds the group. "Don't draw attention if you can help it. Two, it's your lead. You need anything from us to help you locate Alico?"
Captain Riprock: The Captain comes down from the bridge into the staging and ready room as everyone's preparing. "I'm going to lock up the ship and make sure it's secure, as well as our new guest. I'll join you all on the station in about half an hour."
Venn: Venn makes an expression of being impressed at Tal's sword pairing. "So does this mean whenever someone destroys your toys, you come back with a much nastier setup?"
Kesvo: Kesvo nods at Riprock's comments.
Venn: The newly outfitted woman would tell Kesvo. "I remember her, but It would be easier once I am on the station rather than out here."
Rook: Rook looked at Riprock, curiously. Maybe the crew wasn’t fully trained yet?
Tal: "Yeah, pretty much. I wouldn't want to be the guy who breaks these. They'll be responsible for me looking for an RS-01 Ripper next time." Tal tells Venn.
Kesvo: She nodded at Venn. "Well, take lead. We'll follow."
GM: As a reminder: The Republic mission is to locate and rendezvous with Agent Alico. The Black Sun mission is to meet with their operative, Maya, somewhere who has more information.
Janix: The commando will fall in with the team, following Two's lead.
Force Power
Venn Parsa
Power Name   SEEK
Dice Roll
Force DarkForce DarkForce LightForce Dark
Rook: Rook takes up her accustomed position in their lineup, looking around her to see this new place.
Rolling a Destiny Point.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Force Dark
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   9
Light Side points remaining   1
Venn: +1 conflict, 1 strain taken
Ashley: Ashley--still a bit weirded out by the peachy skin tone; how the heck does Kesvo deal with that--follows with the others onto the station. Complete with medic bag and, you know, all the fun things that are hidden within it.
GM: You all step into the station and unto the main promenade. It seems to have a great deal of traffic and is a voluminous station with a number of shops and stores along the main part of the station. Humans with expensive garb move to and fro while aliens wearing a large variety of clothing, filling the rest of the economic stratus, move and mill about. Along the upper levels of the station Stormtroopers march about in small groups on patrol, with no-one batting an eye.
Furthermore, on closer-inspection, you notice that the helmets have a slightly different design. Something blockier and smooth rather than the skeletal-like visages of the past.
As you step on board you see a small guide posted to the wall of advertised locales:
The Gundark's Cantina
The Credit Chip
Deglas Medical Supplies
Mechanical Allies
Kesvo: Kesvo pulls her hood down a little lower, and tries not to think about what the revamped stormtrooper helmets mean.
GM: Large open seating areas with fountains, plants, and other decorations are arrayed within the Promenade. You see a number of people milling about, speaking with one another.
Kesvo: She keeps her eyes and ears open for any mentions of maya or the Haxion Brood, and follows Venn's lead.
Tal: Tal lets his scanners work, even as he tries to get a read on the layout of the station. He watches the Stormtroopers on patrol and recalls his time aboard the Eye, the endless drills and patrols meant to instill discipline.
Venn: The masked woman attempts to reach out into the Force, for any indication or detail leading to the woman they saved back in the Foundy IV affair. But the taint of Nathema, even after all these days, easily finds her when her her exertion reaches a point.
GM: Spilling out of the gambling halls are the sounds of victory and the moans of defeat. The music of local bands issues from the cantinas. A few citizens gaze out to the stars - the expanse of the Unknown Regions in the distance filled with nebulae and the natural wonders of a wider universe. Business people hawk their wares to the passerbys, and you receive more than one offer of 'Miracle Lotions' or 'Incredibly Durable Armor - perfect for repelling the ship-eating monsters of the void!'
It is the fear that Venn feels strongly, first. The negative emotions easiest for her to pick up on. At first it's just from a few of the aliens, but then it localizes, and she realizes it is something more immediate. Something more desperate.
Venn: While her expression is unreadable as she stands in place. Leather of her gloves creak in protest at how hard her fists clench in this effort. Then she starts a brisk walk in what may seem like a random direction.
Rook: Rook follows, along with the rest of the Hellions.
Tal: Tal follows, keeping an eye on the position of the Stormtrooper patrols as he does so.
Janix: Janix will keep pace with the team.
Ashley: Ashley watches Venn, a quick glance to the way her hand clench into fists, but otherwise follows along as the others do the same. (The sheer amount of Stormtrooper patrols is, however, a touch disconcerting.)
GM: Tal, roll an Average Perception check.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability BlankAbility Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Blank
Rook: Rook only glances at the armor vendors long enough to be sure it is not Beskar.
Rook: She decides she will come back later to check it out.
Janix: As the place seems like a rough and tumble sort of station, Janix works to keep an eye out for anyone paying too much attention to the team.
GM: As Venn leads the group around a corner, she sees a red-haired woman wearing greasy clothes of a mechanic who stumbles out of a door into the Promenade. She clutches her midsection, as though injured. She struggles to make her way toward you, and you clearly see she is having trouble walking as she breathes through gasps and her eyes flutter as if pained.
Venn: "I think she may be in some kind of trouble. I feel... like a desperation." says the Umbaran as she walks.
Tal: Tal will lengthen his stride so that he can get close enough to Kesvo. "Hey, we've got two guys on our six. Can't miss 'em because they're dressed the same way. They're armed, armored and they're looking for someone.
And they're clearly on comms with someone else."
Rook: “One, can you make her invisble to them?”
Kesvo: "Stormtroopers?" she asks Tal quietly, not wanting to be obvious about turning to look.
GM: "Please, help me!" She yells out to you. "There's credits in it for you, just help me!"
Mere seconds later, several stormtroopers burst into the Promenade from the south end of the hall. They raise their blaster rifles, aiming at the woman and the Sergeant shouts through his helmet speaker. "STEP AWAY CITIZENS, THIS WOMAN IS UNDER ARREST!"
Tal: Tal takes another look around to see if there's another person that they're communicating with in the immediate area, to see if they're the only two.
"No, Weequay."
GM: She looks different - after all, last time you saw Agent Alico she was dressed in an Imperial Officer's uniform, but you definitely recognize her as the woman you rescued from a Star Destroyer in the orbit of Foundry Four.
Ashley: "... might be a bit too many for me to work with," Ashley whispers back.
Rook: Rook draws her weapon, as a maneuver and turns on her jet pack for her second maneuver.
GM: Tal can see that the Weequay he had pointed out are drawing their blasters above them on the second floor.
Venn: "Under what authority?" masked Venn calls out. "I don't see any Czerka security badges."
Janix: "Careful, not let them take you by surprise," Janix mutters quietly to the team.
⚠️ Forewarning
Activation   Action
Effect   All allies in medium range increase their defense by 3 until they act in the encounter.
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost AdvantageAbility Success x2Ability AdvantageAbility BlankProficiency Triumph(+Success)
Venn: (it gives a free maneuver)
Agent Alico:
Initiative Vigilance
Agent Alico
Dice Roll
Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success x2
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability BlankDifficulty BlankChallenge ThreatChallenge Failure + ThreatChallenge Failure x2
Initiative Cool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility Advantage x2Ability AdvantageProficiency AdvantageForce DarkForce Light x2Force Light x2
Initiative Vigilance
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success
Initiative Vigilance
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility Blank
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Ability AdvantageAbility Success x2Ability Success + AdvantageAbility Blank
First Order Sergeant:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
Ability BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility Success x2
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
Ability BlankAbility AdvantageAbility Success + Advantage
Ashley: Ashley has his focus on Alico, only cutting a look towards the Strormtroopers every so often, to try and get an idea of just how badly she was injured.
First Order Agent:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Agent
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Blank
First Order Agent:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Agent
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2
GM: Alico looks critically injured.
Ashley: "... she is badly injured," says Ashley to the others. "She needs medical attention."
Tal: Tal unshoulders his bowcaster.
First Order Sergeant: "We speak with the authority of The First Order - of the Emperor himself!"
Janix: Seeing the woman in peril, Janix will rush forward with purpose. She eyes the Stormtroopers but ignores them as she reaches the woman. "Hang on," she warns before lifting the woman and running back to the team, specifically one NOT blue Ashley.
Kesvo: "Oh. You... should not have said that."
...kesvo mutters to herself
Janix: Janix does not quite make it to Ashely though with the woman in tow!
GM: Performing a fireman-carry, Janix hoists Alico over her shoulder and runs backward toward the group.
Ashley moves forward and can now, upon closer inspection, quickly ascertain that Alico is Bleeding Out.
Venn: "What a pack of clowns." Venn retorts at the proclamation by the goons, as it was absurd.
Tal: "We should send them to talk to their boss in person, then."
GM: You will either need to use the Force or get to a place somewhere safe to be able to get the time needed to conduct emergency surgery on her.
Ashley: Ashley swears in Pantoran under his breath, checking out Alico. "I'll need to get her somewhere secure. She needs actual surgery." He reaches into his medbag, pulling out a stimpak and applying it to the grievously injured Alico. "Worst case scenario I can ..." He makes a wave of his fingers to indicate using the Force to heal her. "... but we need to get her out of here ASAP."
GM: Ashley's stimpack puts some fresh life into the agent, who's eyes snap open and she gasps and lets out a groan of pain as her bloodied hands grip her stomach.
Kesvo: Kesvo steps forward, unholstering her blaster as she does so. She looks to the trooper who seems to be in command.
"Look, it may not look like you're outgunned, but trust me... you're outgunned," she snarls. "There are plenty of credits on the table for any who help us make this situation disappear."
Talent: Incite Rebellion
Skill   Coercion
Difficulty   Hard (Image)
Action   Once per session, cause up to three beings to become rebellious until the end of the encounter.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   8
New Light Side total   2
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2Challenge Failure x2
First Order Sergeant: "Any man who betrays the First Order, I'll shoot myself!" The Sergeant targets Kesvo and shoots at her after Aiming.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   7
New Light Side total   3
Venn: "He said man. We are in the clear, ladies!"
Rook: Rook gives a fierce laugh at Venn’s interpretation. But then shes’ always happy when someone earns a micro rocket to the face.
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Sergeant
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost BlankAbility AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Setback BlankSetback BlankDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty ThreatChallenge Failure + ThreatChallenge Failure x2
The Sergeant grants one minion group a free manuever. He also upgrades their check. "Target the green one first!" He yells and they move forward to coordinate their fire.
Kesvo: Kesvo can tell before she's done that her offer isn't landing well. Sensing the imminent rejection, she's prepared to dodge deftly aside from the first blast
First Order Sergeant: Kes dodges the first flurry of blasts, but then the troops behind take aim and shoot at her. They also activate their auto-fire and AIM TWICE.
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
Proficiency Triumph(+Success)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   4
First Order Stormtroopers:
Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost BlankProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessSetback ThreatSetback BlankSetback BlankDifficulty ThreatChallenge Threat
First Order Sergeant: 13 damage to Kesvo as the Stormtroopers light her up.
Tal: "Four and Nitro, up on the second floor are two Weequay. If they fire on us, terminate them with extreme prejudice."
Tal takes aim with his bowcaster and fires!
Tal's Bowcaster
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Cumbersome 3, Auto-Fire, Knockdown
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency AdvantageSetback ThreatDifficulty BlankDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Failure x2
Venn: With a confident swash of her new cape, the former Tenth Sister takes several long legged, confident strides. She quickdraws her hilt into her left hand. "Toy soldiers playing at being men of a bygone age." scratches out from her vocoder.
(What range are they to me from here? Long?)
❖ Fear The Shadows ⚔
Image   "I sense a great 햋햊햆햗 in you..."
Tapping into the Dark Side, she invokes psychic panic and terror through the Force. Those who are victim to it find their instincts urging them to one urgent course of action: run.
Activation   Action / Long Range
Check   Hard (♦♦♦) Deception
Effect   Force a single minion group or rival to flee the encounter.

At the GM's discretion, these NPCs may not flee due to extenuating circumstances (no fleeing into obvious harm, etc.)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty BlankForce DarkForce Light x2Force Light x2Force Dark x2

Venn: (Can I upgrade difficulty of the sarg's next attack?)

Venn Parsa ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 홴횗획 횃횞횛횗 ✔
First Order Sergeant: "Cowards!" The Sergeant says with a rattle of fear from his helmet.
But nonetheless, some of his unit break and scream in terror as they flee for their lives.
First Order Stormtroopers: "Sir, it's a Jedi!"
Venn: Utilizing remnant awfulness from her Nathema experience, she sends the undiluted fear pouring into the minds of the troopers before her with a monstrous laugh.
First Order Sergeant: "We will fear no Jedi filth!"
Rook: Rook flies with her JET PACK, will use a maneuver to close with the Seargant and then shoot him with a rocket!
Venn: Being called a Jedi has her stop laughing and ignite her saber staff, showing the area in violet light.
First Order Stormtroopers: "They fly, too!?"
"I didn't sign up for this!"
First Order Sergeant: "Hold fast, men!"
Explosive Micro-Rocket  
Rook B.
Damage   7+3*
Critical   2
Range   Short
Qualities    Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1, Point Blank +3
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessDifficulty Failure + ThreatChallenge Failure + Threat
Explosive Micro-Rocket  
Rook B.
Damage   7+3*
Critical   2
Range   Short
Qualities    Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1, Point Blank +3
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency AdvantageDifficulty Failure + ThreatChallenge Blank
Npc Critical
First Order Sergeant
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   84
Total   84
Cannot voluntarily suffer strain to activate abilities or gain additional maneuvers until end of encounter.
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   3
First Order Sergeant: The rocket hits the ground near the Sergeant, he leaps -- barely avoiding getting blown into smithereens, but the shraptnel and the blast scorching at his armor, leaving the pristine white blackened and charred.
"Take out the Jedi!" The Sergeant shouts.
"You two, handle the flyer!" He points up at the second level.
GM: The troopers in the back Aim at Venn.
Rook: ((Rook flip a destiny to deal extra damage, and use her triumph to crit!)) The adrenaline rush of beign free to move properly on the battlefield is intense; Rook zoomed close and fires her rocket at the seargant, it Explodes near to him, hurting far worse than the damage he had dared to do to Kesvo.
Venn Parsa DODGES when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Venn: Defense 1
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   4
First Order Stormtroopers:
Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency SuccessProficiency BlankSetback FailureDifficulty FailureChallenge FailureChallenge Failure + Threat
Venn: Venn sweeps across to cover Janix, Alico and Ashley as bolts come down range. She spins her lightsaber in front of her sending the shots in random directions as they are deflected.
GM: While Venn masterfully reflects and dodges some of the blaster-fire from the troops, one of them hits a fire suppression system that releases cold mist and carbon-dioxide into the hallway.
The Sergeant gets a free maneuver, drawing a grenade from his side.
The Weequay from the second floor take aim at Rook.
First Order Agent:
Blaster Pistol
First Order Agent
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Setback FailureSetback FailureDifficulty Failure x2
First Order Agent:
Blaster Pistol
First Order Agent
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency AdvantageSetback BlankSetback BlankDifficulty Threat
Character Critical
Rook B.
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   61
Total   61
Slightly Dazed
Add 1 Setback die to all skill checks until end of encounter.
GM: While one blaster bolt distracts Rook from behind her as she nimbly dodges it, the second dings her in the helmet, rattling her.
Alico weakly draws her blaster from her side and shoots at the Sergeant.
Agent Alico:
Holdout Blaster
Agent Alico
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Short
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency SuccessSetback ThreatDifficulty ThreatChallenge Failure + Threat
First Order Sergeant:
Npc Critical
First Order Sergeant
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll   8
Total   18
Cannot perform free maneuver on next turn.
GM: It happened to be her last shot, as the power back shorts out - probably from her blood getting into it or something - but the shot hits the Sergeant squarely in the chest.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Agent Alico: "Take that.. you karking scum." She snarls out as her words get somewhat slurred and her hand waivers, blaster in hand.
Venn: "He's got a a grenade!" warns the Umbaran about the field leader.
Very Expensive Blaster Rifle
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Two-handed, Superior, Stun, +1 ADV on Success
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageBoost BlankBoost Advantage x2Ability Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility Success + AdvantageAbility AdvantageSetback ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Advantage
First Order Agent:
Npc Critical
First Order Agent
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   84
Total   84
Cannot voluntarily suffer strain to activate abilities or gain additional maneuvers until end of encounter.
Venn: (lol she said racist before but sheis using innocent weequays!)
Kesvo: Kesvo turns and takes a shot at one of the weequay upstairs.
Venn: (Oh nm then ;P)
Tal: Tal shoulders his bowcaster and, quick as a blaster bolt, draws his vibroswords! (Incidental due to Quick Draw).
Tal sprints forward and opens up on the First Order Sergeant!
Kesvo: "Tried... to... tellyou... pfasskers..." Kesvo growls through gritted teeth between shots.
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency AdvantageSetback BlankDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty Failure + ThreatChallenge DespairAdvantage
Ashley: "Need to get out of combat," says Ashley to Janix, impressed at Alico's shot but also scowling because they didn't need any attention. "She's still bleeding out." He looked at Janix. "Either hand her over or we move back together." Not even going to touch them calling Venn a Jedi though.
First Order Sergeant:
Npc Critical
First Order Sergeant
Previous Criticals   2 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   50
Dice Roll   28
Total   98
Limb crippled until healed or replaced. Increase difficulty of all checks that use that limb by 1 Difficulty die.
Venn: (I have a feeling I know what will happen)
Janix: Janix nods, looking at the numbers arrayed against the Hellions. "Take her," Janix won't resist Ashley taking the woman. "Do you need an escort?"
Venn: (You chopped his grenade
GM: Tal moves forward and with twin swings of his sword he cuts off the Sergeant's right arm. With it goes his heavy blaster rifle, leaving a shower of blood upon Tal's chest and arms. The Trooper screams in pain, but then headbutts Tal and charges forward.
Venn: (I will go)
(He is kamikazying)
(Unless you bind him)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   5
Venn: Venn points at the shadow... one armed one.. rushing through the mist. "Incoming!!"
Ashley: "One second," says Ashley, before taking Alico from Janix. He glances towards the Sergeant, trying to reach for the Force to stop him from advancing any closer.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success x2Difficulty Threat x2Challenge Failure x2Challenge Threat x2Challenge FailureForce LightForce Light x2Force LightSuccessSuccessSuccessSuccess
GM: Ashley binds the Sergeant, holding him fast. The fire-surpression system, however, makes him slip and he falls prone.
GM: The Sergeant cannot aim, or move, but he can throw his Grenade at the Jedi scum!
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   6

Venn Parsa DODGES when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Venn: Rescind dodge...
First Order Sergeant:
Frag Grenade
First Order Sergeant
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Short
Qualities   Blast 6
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Setback ThreatSetback BlankChallenge Threat
GM: The Sergeant throws his grenade into the middle of the group, activating the Blast quality as it erupts.
It does 6 damage to Venn, Ashley, Alico, and Janix
Janix: The grenade comes to quick for Janix to do anything but move and try to shield Alico, to no avail.
GM: The grenade explodes, sending shrapnel over all of them. Alico takes the worst of it - as she isn't wearing the sort of armor that was made for this sort of thing.
Agent Alico:
Npc Critical
Agent Alico
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   131
Bleeding Out
Suffer 1 wound and 1 strain every round at the beginning of turn. For every 5 wounds suffered beyond wound threshold, suffer one additional Critical Injury (ignore the details for any result below this result).
Agent Alico:
Npc Critical
Agent Alico
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll   52
Total   62
Slightly Dazed
Add 1 Setback die to all skill checks until end of encounter.
She brings up her cape to shield herself from the backblast of the ordnance.
GM: The troopers in the back shoot at the dismembering Tal!
First Order Stormtroopers:
Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost Advantage x2Ability AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatDifficulty Threat x2
Character Critical
Tal Vodax
Previous Criticals   3 x 10
Dice Roll   25
Total   55
Fearsome Wound
Increase difficulty of all Presence and Willpower checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
Rook: Rook will swoop towards the Weequay Kesvo did not shoot at, and shoot it with her blaster carbine once she is in short range. She will side step, paying 2 stain for another maneuver and 2 strain for the side step.

Rook B. will use SIDE STEP ️ as a Maneuver. She will lose up to 3 Strain to upgrade all in coming Ranged attacks against her by the same amount until her next turn.
Ashley: For what seemed like the first time ever, Ashley actually lost his footing--damn fire suppression systems--and found himself on the ground as the Sergeant's grenade came flying at them. He swore under his breath in Pantoran, glancing towards Janix. "... if you got one of those stimpacks," he says, winded and in the process of pulling himself up, "use it on her and I'll get her out."
GM: The Stormtroopers rail into Tal with a barrage of fire, giving him a fearsome wound as one of them shoots him in the mouth-area.
Tal: "AARRGH!" Tal yells as he's shot in the face with blaster fire!
E-33 Blaster Carbine 
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in ≤ short range.
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost BlankAbility AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Difficulty BlankAdvantage
E-33 Blaster Carbine 
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in ≤ short range.
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost SuccessAbility Success x2Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Difficulty BlankAdvantage
Janix: A bit shaken from the blast, Janix blinks a few times before observing Ashely and the young woman’s condition. Ashley is ok, but the young woman looks at death’s door. With some haste, Janix pulls out a stimpack (from Ashley!) quickly from her pack. She stabs it into the young woman, who was still next to her after the explosion shook her. She felt a few serious nicks but the young woman was in much worse shape. “Got it.” Hoping that the smoke would obscure her, Janix waves her hand over the woman as well, willing her Biotics to shield her from further damage. “She’s all yours.”
 Quick Draw
Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accesible item.

Janix M'kyato will use a STIMPACK  as a Maneuver. Remove up to 5 wounds with diminishing returns.
隣 Protect
Activation   Action
Effect   The user makes a Protect power check and rolls an Average (average) Dispcipline check as part of the pool. Spend ◐◐ to reduce damange from an energy-based weaon that hits herself or an engaged character by 5 plus 1 per success.
Upgrades   Protect: Spend advantage to gain defense equal to advantage spent.
Range: Spend ◐◐ to increase power's range by 1 range band.
Strength: Spend ◐ to decrease damage equal to 1.
Magnitidue: Spend ◐ to affect 1 additional target.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Force DarkForce DarkForce Dark
Venn: As Rook zips about overhead, Venn wonders if she'll ever get used to seeing that.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageForce Light x2Force LightForce Light
Dice Roll
Difficulty Threat x2Difficulty Threat x2
Rook: Rook’s Jet Pack rumbles in steady, beautiful perfection as she closes with the enemy who thought they were untouchable. A perfect strike, and she kills her foe instantly, as the unconventional angle of attack allows her to penetrate his armor with ease. He doesn’t even have time to scream, before he tumbles from his perch and smashes into the floor below.
Janix: Janix gives into her fear and anger as the flow falters, growling and swearing as the power flows from her.
Dice System:
Janix M'kyato flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   5
Venn: (just me)

Venn Parsa will 픸핀필 as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Venn: (Diff for 1 arm?)
Janix: "Take her," growls Janix at Ashley.
Venn: (Attack)
(so 1 purp, 1 red, 1 black?)
⚔ Draw Closer
Image   “You are unwise to lower your defenses!”
With a gesture, she seizes a target with the Force while simultaneously attacking with her violet lightsaber.
Activation   Action | Sil 1 target | ≤ Medium Range
Check   Combat - Lightsaber(Willpower) + ⎔⎔⎔⎔
Effect   Spend ◐ to move the Sil 1 target one Range Band closer OR as a Success.
Violet Double-Bladed Saber ⚔️
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities    Linked 1,  Breach 1,  Sunder, 洛 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility Advantage x2Ability AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Success x2Proficiency BlankSetback BlankDifficulty BlankDifficulty FailureDifficulty ThreatChallenge DespairAdvantageAdvantage
Ashley: It is hard to miss the disturbance in the Force, the feel of Janix's unusual brand of power, and it startles him enough that he simply nods and wraps an arm around Alico to pull her closer to him.
Venn: (Oh yeah)
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Difficulty Failure x2Difficulty Failure x2Force DarkForce Light x2Force Light x2Force Light
I will activate Linked, then Activate Stagger.
GM: Venn brings the Sergeant closer with the power of the Force and is dispatched by the former Inquisitor. Just before he is killed, he activates a Transponder.
Reinforcements now are on their way!

Venn Parsa ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 홴횗획 횃횞횛횗 ✔
GM: The other Weequay takes a shot at Rook.
First Order Agent:
Blaster Pistol
First Order Agent
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency SuccessSetback FailureSetback ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2Challenge Failure + Threat
The Weequay shoots at Rook but fails to find purchase. Seeing the situation, he turns and begins to flee.
Venn: The Sgt comes flying closer to her and she spins her staff through his mid section and thigh, the steaming dismembered corpse clattering to the ground.
GM: From the second floor another stormtrooper appears,and levels his blaster rifle down.
Venn: "He called in backup!"
Captain Riprock:
Modified E-22 Blaster Rifle
Captain Riprock
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Linked 1, Superior, Auto-Fire, Inaccurate 2
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageBoost Advantage x2Ability BlankAbility Success x2Ability BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatSetback FailureDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty BlankDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Advantage
Rook: Rook spins in the air, slipping to the side just enough that the injured Weequay’s fire misses.
GM: A blast of automatic rifle fire comes from the second floor and eliminates the stormtroopers who had just shot at Tal.
As you look up, you see the Stormtrooper wears an old, original helmet, and he gives a salute to the group.
Captain Riprock: "I'll clean up here." The Captain comms through his stormtrooper helmet to you. "Go ahead!"
GM: The Hellions race off with Agent Alico in hold, bleeding out but temporarily stabilized. Sounds of alarm fill the station as they try to find somewhere to help save the Republic Agent.
Meanwhile, the sound of First Order boots fill the hallways....
End Session 76
« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 10:15:18 AM by phinn »



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2020, 10:22:54 AM »
Episode 6 Chapter 1 Session 77: Insurgency
GM: The Hellions have rescued Agent Alico from soldiers of the First Order who had been trying to kill the Republic Agent. After whisking her away from the Promenade into a warehouse that Kesvo bribed their way into, Ashley conducted emergency surgery to save the Agent's life.
An hour passes that is tense and anxiety-inducing as the sounds of stormtrooper boots rushing in large amounts along the Promenade, nearby your position, drowns out the grunts and gasps of the redheaded agent as Ashley (with the help of some Hapan biotics) saves the woman's life. As Ashley finishes, Alico looks exhausted with a layer of sweat on her face and neck. As Ashley finishes wrapping up her stomach with fresh bandages, the Agent looks to debrief the group as they plan their next move.
Agent Alico: "Thanks." She says weakly, a brittle smile on her face. "I didn't really recognize any of you. I was just hoping the credits would incentive, truth be told."
"I got here a few days ago, was hoping you'd all get here faster."
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Tal: "One...I could use your help." Tal said, still smarting from the shot he'd taken.
Kesvo: Kesvo crouched down at the agent's side, nodding to the woman's words.
"Glad we made it in time. What is it that's going on?"
Agent Alico: Alico offers a hand up to help her get to a sitting position. Once someone helps her get a bit more vertical, she hisses a bit in discomfort. "I've gotten a lead about a traitor in the First Order. A high ranking Admiral that wants to defect."
Venn: (lol did Ashley not heal HIMSELF?)
Ashley: "Sure," says Ashley to Tal, still in the process of gathering things and returning them to his med bag. He pauses for a moment to help Alico up carefully, mindful of her injuries.
Kesvo: Kes also gently helps the woman sit upright, and then quirks a brow at the revelation.
Agent Alico: "I've been undercover out here as a freighter pilot delivering supplies to the First Order. It was too risky to go back into the ranks after Foundry Four, so I took on a different cover."
Kesvo: "What happened to blow your cover? Do they know what you're after?"
Rook: Rook's gaze turns to follow the last sound of marching storm troopers, and she grins over at Venn, flashing the Day Glow Space Witch a thumbs up at the revelation of the jammer. a quick check to be sure it is on, and her attention will once more turn to Alico.
Agent Alico: "They're trying to root out the traitors in their midst. I think someone tipped off the First Order that I had information out here."
Tal: Tal takes off his helmet and grimaces in pain. He doesn't want to know what he looks like right now.
Agent Alico: "The original plan was for me to pick up the Admiral and get him out, but something happened. I didn't get all the information. I met with a member of the cell and there was a traitor in their midst."
"They killed my contact and stabbed me in the gut - but I got a few shots off and killed the security agent that was here."
Kesvo: Kesvo listened, frowning thoughtfully.
Agent Alico: "I was hoping to use your crew to change ships and find out what the next move would be. The Admiral had vital information."
Ashley: Leaving Alico to Kesvo, the not-blue-at-the-moment Pantoran turns away and focus on Tal. He doesn't wince but the slight widening of his eyes says enough. "... take a seat, Five."
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Proficiency BlankProficiency SuccessProficiency Success x2Difficulty Threat x2Difficulty Failure
Agent Alico: "But now the Admiral's missing. I don't know if he's actually compromised or not. We were pretty smart with keeping everything hidden, but who knows."
Tal: Tal sits and lets the Pantoran get to work. The wince is enough to tell him that it's bad, but Tal opts not to focus on that.
Rook: Rook, used to considering Tal indestructible, stalks over when Ashley asks Tal to sit. She watches Ashley work, then offering to assist but ... he doesn't need it and it's probably better that she didn't, since her hand still has a slight shake from the shot she took earlier.
Kesvo: "You think it's possible that they knew they had a would-be defector, but not who it was?"
Tal: Tal's eyes are closed while Ashley works, but he doesn't need sight to know who is watching.
"You good, Four?" Tal asks.
Agent Alico: "It's a conspiracy within the First Order. They haven't identified all of them yet, I don't think."
Kesvo: "But you know who it was you were supposed to meet?"
Agent Alico: "Yes." Alico frowns. "But they died before they could get me the information of what was going on with the Admiral - and why he was willing to risk so much."
Kesvo: Kesvo sat back on her heels and rubbed at her mouth, idling in thought for a beat.
Rook: "I'm mostly fine," Rook reassured Tal. "My aim is a bit off from a shake, but I think it'll pass."
Kesvo: "How did you make contact with the agent initially? Did they reach out or did someone point you to them?"
Agent Alico: "It had been a planned meeting for weeks."
Ashley: Ashley's eyes flick to Rook and then back to Tal, working to treat the rather considerable amount of bruising and otherwise that had been done to Tal. "Saw you with that stim-gun, Four. One day, you might get to use it." Was that teasing? Probably, but they needed a little light-hearted banter given all the blood that had been shed. "... and don't think I'm not having a look at you next," added for good measure.
Rook: Rook laughed at Ashley, shaking her head. "I can't wait! POW! Almost like a Jedi, healing at range."
Agent Alico: "The troopers who busted in were gunned down back in the Promenade. We might still be able to get the information from the body of the informant."
Kesvo: "Oh, this JUST happened, then?" she realized. "Where did you leave the body?"
Agent Alico: "As of an hour ago, give or take, yes. I was running from the scene when I ran into all of you."
"It was by Docking Bay V14. It's near one of the Crime Lords of the station's turf - it's why we figured it'd be alright."
Kesvo: "Which crime lord?"
Agent Alico: "There's two that mostly vie for control of the city. Ganga Lor and Mentor."
Kesvo: "Self-contained groups or members of larger factions?"
Agent Alico: "One of them, though I don't know which. I was trying to stay out of their way. I was working with a local intelligence broker - Maya."
"Self-Contained, I think."
Kesvo: "Maya sounds like a good place to start, if she escaped notice."
Agent Alico: "Maya, I think, sold us out to the First Order."
Kesvo: "Ah."
GM: Kesvo recalls Maya was the point of contact that Kes was to meet on the station to find his agent.
Rook: Rook gave a glance to Ashley, shaking her head but not arguing too intently. "Maybe see to 3, first. I'm not bad and she took a rough hit." She waited for Ashley to not be doing anything painful, then thumped Tal upon the shoulder. "You good, Tal?"
GM: Xizor's agent, rather.
Kesvo: "Good to know. Where are we likely to find her?"
Agent Alico: "I need to lay low, but once I get a bit better I'm going to try to make it back to my ship to scuttle it. Think you all can give me a lift out of here?"
Tal: Tal leaned back in his seat as best he could. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Hurt like hell, but I'll make it." he said.
Agent Alico: "She hangs out at either Gundark's Cantina or the Credit Chip."
Kesvo: "Human?"
Kesvo nodded at the notion of giving Alico a lift out, btw.
Rook: Rook's gaze narrowed and she studied Tal intently for a few seconds, before looking to Ashley for confirmation that Tal was alright.
Ashley: Ashley shot Rook a look, almost mysterious even, as he promptly responded. "Three is fine." Another moment or two and he had Tal back to rights, the worst of the injury taken care of. "And you're good to go, Five. Though I'd try and not use your face to block hits. Can't break people's fists every time."
Rook: "Can you leave him a cool scar?" Rook asked.
Agent Alico: "Rattataki." She says softly, shaking her head. "It's why she prefers Gundark's - it's friendly to non-humans."
Ashley: "Cool scars only happen if I'm consulted before hand." Though there likely would be faint scarring all the same. Ash gestures for Rook to take Tal's place.
Tal: "Not on my face. I have a life outside this helmet to think about."
Kesvo: "Got it. Anything else you can tell us that'd help us make progress while you're recovering? Any other names involved, hints as to who might know something they shouldn't? What's the Admiral's name?"
Tal: Tal gets up and goes to put his helmet back on. As long as the scars made him look tougher, maybe Aris wouldn't mind.
Venn: (heh heeeeeeeeeey -babu frik says to that)
Rook: Rook slips her helmet off, and settles in beside Tal. Her eyes are just a touch wide, as she considered that Ashley's healing was that powerful. that he knew Kesvo was fine, despite the distance between them and being focused upon Alicoo at the time! She grinned up at Tal, and said, "You look good either way, Tal, but I think a good block deserves a good scar. It's almost like being robbed, to be fully healed of everything really interesting that happens."
Agent Alico: "Admiral Gilder Varth - he's an old layover from the Old Republic. Nearly seventy years old. He was a hero from the Clone Wars and was a hero of the Empire too."
"We never would have figured he would have abandoned the First Order considering he was loyal to the Empire even after the Emperor's Death. Was part of Operation Cinder and all of it. A real bastard."
"If he wasn't so useful to us, we would put him on trial for war crimes."
Kesvo: "How did you find out he wants to jump ship? Just word of mouth or has anyone confirmed with him?"
Agent Alico: "He got a message to Ackbar back on Coruscant. Apparently he still has friends there."
"Pretty sickening when you think about it - after all that, there's still some people back on Coruscant who call it Imperial Center in their private soirees."
"Ackbar kept saying he thinks it's a trap. But the new SIS head wanted to find out for sure."
Kesvo: "It does bode a little ill that the agent he sent out here in response gets mysteriously sold out. Though it's an inefficient setup, if that's what this is about. What is it that makes you think this Maya is the one who turned over on you? Just because of the nature of her business?"
Ashley: Ashley really could not say anything considering he was sporting a few more scars from blocking blaster fire with his goggles but ... Well, healing himself wasn't nearly as easy as taking care of the others. He was quiet, however, as he worked on tending to Rook's injuries.
Agent Alico: "I've been doing this for a while now - and I didn't really want to include an extra variable like an info broker or a location I didn't know well, but my contact was jumpy and felt this was the only place we could make contact."
"Maya is the most likely point of failure. Any time you have a mercenary involved, you check them first. It could be fear or it could be greed, but it's the most likely reason as to why we got ratted out."
Rook: Despite Ashley's work, and how hard Rook was working to not pay attention to the debrief, Alico's last comment won a darkling, hostile look from Rook.
Tal: Tal listened to the discussion and wondered how they'd complete their secondary objective with Alico in tow. If this Maya burned her, she'd likely burn them as well.
Ashley: Ashley frowned, tapping Rook's cheek lightly with his finger. A focus here gesture for ... a number of reasons, but mostly because that dark look? Not good, in his opinion.
Rook: Rook tensed and then sighed in relief as Ashley reconnected a few small but critical tendons in her shoulder. Yeah, that would take care of the poor aim. It was weird, how much better she felt with it healed, when it had scarcely registered to begin with.
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded. "Alright. We'll keep that in mind. Anything else we need to know?"
Agent Alico: Alico shook her head. "No. It's a good thing you got rid of any witnesses. Czerka and the First Order are pretty much hand-in-hand here. I think it's safe to say that any station security would be helping them out."
Rook: A brief look back at Tal followed, but he was back to his normal quiet self. She grinned at Ashley in thanks, then refitted her helmet. It sounded like this group of mercenaries had some work to do.
Agent Alico: "I need to get the evidence of this stuff back to the Home One so that maybe something can be done about it."
Kesvo: Kes nodded again. "Yeah, noticed that. Damned shame."
"One, is she fit to sleep some of this off?" she asked, turning to look towards Ashley.
Rook: Rook startled a little, when Ashley tapped her cheek, but went back to being a good patient as opposed to being a good mercenary. She delayed closing her helmet until he was satisfied she was truly healed.
Ashley: Satisfied with his work--can't be a good mercenary if you're running around with untreated wounds, kthx--Ashley nodded to Rook that she was good to go. He turned back towards Kesvo and the resting Alico.
Agent Alico: Ashley can tell that Alico is still hurt, but can recover with some rest (8/14)
Rook: Blame the Merc! how many times had she heard that? As opposed to blame the fanatical, emotionally invested amateurs that provoked most of the madness in the galaxy. She gritted her teeth, and turned her attention away from the all the ways the agent - you know, the lying, stealing, professional betrayer known as a spy - assumption rubbed her raw.
Ashley: "Some rest will see her recover," says Ashley, as much as he'd prefer to see her in a bacta tank or--in the very least--the med-bay.
Rook: "We could get her onto our ship, and blow up hers, rather than moving her to her ship and then to ours?"
Kesvo: "We may need to split up, then," she said, standing to her full height. "We can probably acquire clearance to leave her here to rest a while, but I'd rather get her back to the Rivener. We don't wanna wait on picking up that intel, though," she said, with a glance to Venn, whom she generally regarded as the stealthiest of the group.
Agent Alico: "I can move myself, I'll be alright."
"I appreciate all of your help - I really do. But I can manage from here. I can meet you back at your ship when you're ready and wait to blow my ship as a distraction."
Ashley: "... while I can agree that you can, you're not in any shape to be moving around on your own." He pauses. "Unless you've got some place you're going to lay low in."
Rook: "And a disguise. those folks out there probably want you pretty badly."
Agent Alico: "There's a couple places on the station no-one else knows about, I can wait there until it's time."
Alico rolls her eyes at all of the advice people are giving her.
"I'll be fine."
Getting to her feet, she grabs her blaster pistol and her coat, sliding both on and into place.
Kesvo: "Alright."
Kesvo exchanges com info with Alico, if the latter is amenable.
Agent Alico: Alico accepts and nods. "Be careful out there."
Rook: Rook shook her head at the Agent, glancing to Kesvo. All Rook knew about her, was that the Agent had gone on two missions, both of which had been compromised. It did not bode well for her basic ability to remain undetected. Kesvo readily agreed to leave the injured, hunted, spy to wander around alone. But seriously, Rook had to wonder how much more of the information they had was a trap.
Ashley: Ashley just finishes packing his med-bag back up, content that if Alico is going to hide somewhere, it's ... mostly fine. Wasn't any different than when they went running back off into a firefight after healing up, really. (Minus he usually wasn't, you know, deep in someone's guts moments prior.)
Venn: When the matter is settled, Venn will recollect her scrambler from Rook.
Rook: Rook hands the scrambler back to Venn with a thank you!
Janix: Nix listened to the conversation even if her gaze was focused on the doors. As Alico prepares to leave, she focuses her attention on Kesvo, imagining the Falleen has some sort of plan in mind.
Kesvo: "Go first," Kesvo suggests to Alico. "We'll hang back and make sure there's no immediate trouble while you go."
She gestured to the back door through which the Hellions had entered.
Agent Alico: Alico nods. Stepping out of the door, she presses something on her belt and moves into the shadows of the alleyway that they had traversed down to reach the warehouse.
Agent Alico
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + Advantage
Agent Alico
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost Advantage
Agent Alico: Alico practically vanishes from sight.
Kesvo: "This is gonna get stickier than I like," Kesvo muttered, watching as the agent left.
"We need to hurry. Who knows how long before that corpse gets noticed."
Janix: Pulling up the hood on her borrowed cloak, Janix nods. “Are we trying to play this quiet still or going in loud?”
Kesvo: "Quiet for now. If we can get in and get to the body without drawing notice, that'd be better. Once that's done, we can start making a little noise."
"Let's head out."
Tal: Tal stood, gathered his weapons, and got ready to head out. He hoped that Alico didn't get caught. He hoped even more that they didn't, either.
Rook: Rook glanced at her armor, her jet pack, her rocket launcher. Not being noticed wasn't really her thing. She didn't think a cloak would do much to help hide her silhouette. She glanced to Janix, to see if the commando wanted to shadow Kesvo or take up rear guard.
She didn't look at Tal because he'd been HURT. eeee.
Janix: Janix will coordinate with Rook and take up the rear guard. She has seen that Rook is somewhat protective of Kes.
Ashley: Ashley does a double check of the area, making sure that he had minimized their presence as much as one could with impromptu trauma surgery. Satisfied, the Pantoran pulls his bag back over his shoulder and moves to leave with the others.
Kesvo: If no one raises objections, Kesvo will lead the group out and try to move as inconspicuously as possible towards the docking bays
GM: Everyone roll an average stealth check.
Venn: (let me go first)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility Advantage x2Ability SuccessAbility Success + AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency BlankDifficulty FailureDifficulty Failure
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Ability Success x2Ability Advantage x2Proficiency SuccessDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty Threat
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost Advantage x2Ability BlankAbility Success x2Ability SuccessAbility Advantage x2Difficulty FailureDifficulty Threat
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageAbility Success x2Ability SuccessProficiency Success x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat x2
Venn: (Each additional success on a Stealth Check can be given to an allied next character per skill description)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability SuccessAbility AdvantageAbility SuccessDifficulty BlankDifficulty Threat x2
GM: The Hellions are able to avoid the notice of the Stormtroopers and Czerka security as they move around the station. Ashley's still a bit beat from the surgery though, and the fatigue almost causes someone to look concerned toward the young man. However you are all able to make your way to Cargo Bay V14.
The deep storage bay is as run-down as the hallways leading up to it, with entire metal plates missing from the floor and a huge, open exhaust shaft near the back of the room. Large creates litter the area, creating the appearance of a haphazard mess, and the air has a distinct smell of sweat, fumes, and blood that makes the area unpleasant. Flickering lights porvide modest illumination, and a burst pipe along the ceiling leaks blue fluid down one wall.
Notably, there are blood stains on the dirty floor of the cargo bay, but no bodies.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks around to try and see if anyone seems to be paying the area any attention.
Tal: Tal looks over the area to make sure that no one's hididng and waiting for visitors or paying too much attention to newcomes.
Kesvo: She suggests the others take a closer look at the bay.
Tal: *newcomers
GM: Tal make an Average Perception check with 2 black because of the bad lighting conditions.
Same for Kes.
Rook: Rook will take a good look at the leaking blue fluid dripping down the wall .. and to be sure the room still seems to air tight.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
Ability BlankAbility SuccessProficiency SuccessSetback BlankSetback BlankDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Blank
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageAbility AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Difficulty BlankDifficulty Failure + Threat
GM: Kes doesn't notice anyone looking at the area, but does notice that there are troopers nearby. They haven't paid any attention toward the entrance to the cargo bay, but their patrol gives Kes a bit of a spike of worry - suffer 1 strain.
Ashley: Ashley shifts forward to check the blood stains, looking for any other details about the body being moved or otherwise ... #tracking
GM: Rook can roll an average Mechanics roll.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat
GM: Ashley can roll Survival or Perception at Average Difficulty with 2 black.
Tal: "Hey, I'm picking up a blood trail near that exhaust shaft." he says to the group, pointing to the open exhaust shaft.
Tal will draw his bowcaster and make his way in that direction.
GM: Rook can tell that the blue fluid is some sort of coolant for the station. The cargo bay is still air-tight, but is not very secure due to the exhaust port and the ceiling leaks.
The exhaust shaft is large enough for a person to fit through - albeit not comfortably.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability SuccessAbility BlankProficiency Success x2Difficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Threat
Rook: COM to Hellions: ⌁ This place is pretty precarious; be carefull with explsovies or blasts near the outerwalls, if we end up in a firefight. ⌁
Tal: Tal will try to peer into the exhaust shaft, just to see if anyone crawled in there and expired or is hiding.
Janix: Janix will keep watch as the Hellions sweep the area in hopes that someone else doesn't get the drop on them.
Ashley: "Looks like they were moved," agrees Ashley, gesturing towards the exhaust shaft that Tal was checking out. "Be careful."
GM: Tal just sees what looks to be a dark shaft downward, small wafts of foul smoke rising up from it.
Venn: Venn approaches this shaft at Tal's flank.
"I can send the droid."
Kesvo: Seeing the old-style Stormtroopers lingering in a hangar bay takes Kesvo back to another time. For a moment she's distracted, replaying old scenes in her mind's eye.
Tal: Tal nods. "Good idea. Don't think anyone can get down that thing without ending up stuck. Or worse." Tal said.
He steps back so that Venn can enable her seeker droid.
Venn: The small seeker droid unhooks from her back and trills before she tells it to investigate the shaft.
GM: The droid beeps happily and follows her command, zooming down to investigate.
Rook: Rook watches the droid with interest, resuming her position near Kesvo, unaware of the Space Princess's distraction.
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Ability BlankAbility SuccessAbility Advantage x2Setback FailureSetback FailureDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure + Threat
Kesvo: Rook's arrival at her shoulder is enough to tug Kesvo back to the present, and she turns to look back into the bay, where the others are gathered around a shaft.
"Find something?" she asked Rook
Rook: "A shaft, it looks like someone tossed the body into it. And this place is NOT very stable." Her chin jutted at the blue fluid. "coolant leak. some are toxic if they catch fire. could be a good distraction if we need it."
Kesvo: "Good call," she said, with a nod. She moved back towards the others to see what they'd found.
Venn: *"No body but the shaft seems to lead to the floor below this one. Its not the easiest to climb down... we'll probably need rope."
Venn: She keeps reading the incoming data on her wrist datapad. "Drop is about 6 meters." she adds (which is ~ 20 feet).
Kesvo: "You still carrying that grappling hook?" she asked the umbaran.
Venn: "Oh. Yes, I meant to give that to you as a Frrrriiieeeeeend present." scratches the woman through her mask. She pulls out the ascension pistol and hands it to Kesvo.
"Spitfire did quite the solid." she ads, showing her whipcord device on the wrist of the armor Rook made for her.
"Me first?" she asks in general.
Kesvo: "If the males in my life did half as well with their gifts, I'd be a royal right now," she quipped, smirking as she accepted the pistol. "Thanks."
She nods. "If you don't mind. You're the slipperiest."
Venn: "Flattery will get you someplace weird." she says before climbing into the shaft. She fires the whipcord launcher into a catch and attempts to repel down.
Ashley: That entire conversation was going to get everyone someplace weird.
GM: With the armor attachment Venn does not need to make a check and automatically descends into the level below. The fumes from the shaft are unpleasant, but because of the attachment she descends quickly enough that it's not an issue - that and the artifact she crafted.
Venn: She will radio up though about that issue.
GM: Reaching the floor below, she finds that the lights in the corridor are mostly burnt out. It is very dark here, and the corridors go on for some time.
Rook: Rook tossed a thumbs up to the compliment upon the armor, and felt her own tension ease as Venn gave Kesvo a way to handle unexpected descents. She sets up to follow kesvo down, eyeing the shaft to see if she can use her jet pack or needs to use her own grappling hook.
Kesvo: Kesvo will descend after Venn.
GM: Rook can use her jet pack - however she does see that there's obvious fumes coming out of the shaft.
The exhaust shaft.
Rook: "That's not good. Everyone put on breathing masks." rook studies the fumes, trying to determine if they are flammable. she does have her ascension gun, just in case.
Kesvo: Kesvo's already pulling her breathmask out when she touches down, a grimace on her face.
"We're sure the trail led down here?" she griped.
She then starts looking around for clues.
GM: Kesvo lands without issue next to Venn with the ascencion pistol.
Tal: Tal will make a slow ascent down the exhaust shaft so that he can join the others.
GM: Rook can make a Hard Education check.
Tal roll a Hard Athletics check.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessProficiency BlankProficiency SuccessDifficulty BlankDifficulty FailureDifficulty Failure x2
GM: It's certainly not a good gas!
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty Failure x2Difficulty Threat
Janix: With a look of chagrin, Janix will make her way down the shaft after Tal.
Venn: The small droid will land on Venn's shoulder and climb like a spider onto the socket under her cape. "Either way, we'll find out."
Dice Pool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Ability SuccessAbility Advantage
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility Success x2Ability Advantage x2Difficulty Failure x2Difficulty BlankDifficulty BlankForce LightForce Light x2Force Light x2
GM: Tal makes it safely on the ground without issue.
GM: Janix can super-hero land if she wants.
Tal: Tal has to own it. That was hot.
Janix: She makes it look effortless and lands on one knee, rights herself, and looks to the team.
Tal: Tal will make his way to the ground.
Kesvo: Kesvo spares a moment to appreciate Janix's form.
Rook: Rook laughs, still waiting to go down last since she might blow up the space station. NO, she will be smart and use her ascension gun. not her brand new jet pack. right? right. Probably.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost BlankAbility Success x2Ability SuccessAbility AdvantageAbility SuccessDifficulty ThreatDifficulty FailureDifficulty ThreatForce LightForce DarkForce Dark
GM: Ashley can also super-hero land.
Rook uses her ascencion gun and easily makes it down to the floor.
You find tyourselves in a long set of hallways that are dark and obviously neglected. Most of the lights here are burned out, and blaster marks and carbon scoring mar the walls, ceiling, and the floor. The area reeks of ozone and electrical fires, and pools of coolant litter the hallways at regular intervals.
Rook: Rook resists the temptation to blow up the team, and slides down on her ascension gun. antoher thank you is owed to Venn!
Rook resists the urge to repair the leaks and snuff out the fires, but only because it feels like there should be an ambush any moment.
Ashley: Ashley lands near Janix, though he might have done a flip in the process of landing because ... you know. Ataru. He quickly adjusts his goggles, looking out into the dark and checking for any signs of what they're looking for. (You know, bodies. Dead people. That thing.)
GM: Ashley can roll a Hard Perception or Survival check with 2 black because of the lighting conditions.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility SuccessAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Difficulty Threat x2Difficulty FailureDifficulty Blank
GM: Ashley gets a bit of a mouthful of the fumes, but is easily able to pick up a few droplets of blood in the direction forward. What's more, he can surmise that the blood belonged to two different people.
Furthermore, they seem to have about the same cadence - either they got up and were moving together, or they were likely carried by the same entity, something strong enough to haul them both.
After about half an hour of winding your way through a near-labyrinth of decrepit corridors, the Hellions come upon another bay labeled with dilapidated letters V13 which is guarded by a pair of Gamorreans wielding vibro-axes.
Ashley: Ashley will, of course, pass along all this information.
GM: The Gamorreans do not notice you right away, and there are a number of turned over crates and an old mecha-loader that hasn't seen use in what looks to be years for them to hide behind. The Gamorreans are simply conversing to one another in their grunting language.
Kesvo: "How do you feel about our odds of taking them down quietly?" Kesvo asked, turning to look at Venn beside her.
Venn: "Say the word."
Kesvo: Kesvo looks back towards the others, and gestures to clue them in on the intent.
She then nods to Venn. "Quiet as we can."
Janix: Nix nods and waits for the team to go. "Keep your eyes forward." She warns.
⚠️ Forewarning
Activation   Action
Effect   All allies in medium range increase their defense by 3 until they act in the encounter.
GM: Anyone trying to make a surprise attack roll an Average Stealth check with 1 red
Rook: Quietly:
no jet pack.
No missile.
probably no guns, just melee folks. Rook sighs, but nods agreement
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessDifficulty ThreatChallenge Threat x2
Kesvo: Kesvo holds back and lets the quieter ones work.
GM: Anyone besides Venn acting?
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageDifficulty Failure x2Challenge Failure + Threat
Tal will draw one of his vibroswords, and thumb it on.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Ability BlankAbility SuccessAbility Success x2Ability SuccessDifficulty Failure + ThreatChallenge Failure x2
Janix will put on her Vibrokuncklers and set it to stun, just to be safe.
Venn: Venn will somehow* disappear while people aren't looking, like the goddamn batman.
GM: Janix, Tal, Venn, roll Vigilance or Cool.
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageBoost AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility Success x2Ability AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Difficulty Threat x2Challenge Failure
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success
Kesvo: "See if you can pull them away from th--" Kesvo starts to whisper, but when she turns her head to address Venn properly, the woman is just gone.
Kesvo: "Right. You do you," she whispers, instead.
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability SuccessAbility Success + AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Ability BlankAbility Advantage x2Difficulty BlankChallenge Blank
Rook: Rook was trying to watch how Venn does it, this time, and still ... one moment she was a ghostly shape beside them, the next she was nothing but shadow and the memory of a presence.
☄ Palm Stunner
Image   A tap to the back of the neck or one dishonest handshake and the victim is either in a heap or suffering from one hell of a headache. Zzzzap!
Requirement   Unaware Target
Activation   Action
Check   Skulduggery vs Resilience.
Effect   Incapacitate a minion or deal 12 strain to a rival or nemesis. Each uncancelled Image adds +1 damage.
(whats their resilience?)
Ashley: Ashley just shakes his head, not surprised at all anymore that Venn just disappears. With his being rattled from earlier (read: tired af), trying to stay lowkey, he wasn't wanting to risk going in for an attack. Better to watch the Tal and Janix go in, covering them as necessary.

Venn Parsa uses 필픸핊핋피ℝ 핆픽 핊ℍ픸픻핆핎핊, suffering 2 strain to decrease the difficulty of the next Stealth or Skulduggery check by one, to a minimum of ◆.
Venn: (removes a purple)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Proficiency SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2Challenge Failure
GM: Venn grabs the back of the Gammorean and zaps him but it causes the guard to just grunt out in pain, reaching for his axe.
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency BlankProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Difficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty ThreatAdvantage
易 Intense Focus
Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   5
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
Ability BlankProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2Force DarkForce DarkForce Light x2
Tal: Tal steps out of the shadows quickly and drives his vibroswords straight through the throat of the right Gamorrean so quickly that he doesn't have time to scream as he does. He simply chokes on his own blood as Tal's weapons end his life and the Mandalorian watches his body slump to the floor as the breath fades from his lungs.
GM: Janix rings the bell of the Gamorrean - causing it to be disoriented some after it gets hit.
⚔️ Initiative Check
Image   Weswin's Foresight
Calling upon the Force at the start of the combat, Ashley is able to glean insight into what comes next.
Activation   Action | Self
Check   Initiative (Cool or Vigilance) + ⎔ up to FR
Effect   Spend ◐ to add automatic Image on his first check this encounter.
Rook: Rook just stares a moment, at Tal's perfectly executed maneuver. it was terrifying, powerful and beautiful all at once.
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Ability AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility Success
Venn: Simultaneously with Tal, Venn drops onto the back of the other porcine fellow. She looks at her own hand as zeh palm stunner... it duz nothing!
Janix: With significantly less deadliness, Janix punches out into the Gamorrean's head and hits solidly, but not enough to kill or maim.
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Success + Advantage
Venn: (Yes, high risk high reward)
Initiative Cool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility BlankProficiency Advantage x2Force Light x2Force DarkForce Light x2
Venn: Luckily, Janix clocks the hulking Gamorrean, giving Venn the opportunity to push off and reset.
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric
Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 4 rounds.
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility SuccessAbility SuccessAbility SuccessAbility BlankDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat
Venn holds out her hand, forming a claw.
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Force DarkForce DarkForce DarkForce Light
Kesvo: "Keep him up if you can!" Kes calls softly to those attacking. "We might be able to get info out of him."
GM: The Gamorrean grabs its head, letting out a pig squeal.
It does not drop, however.
Tal: Tal will sheathe his vibrosword, ball his fist, and strike!"
Venn: The masked adept squeezes but seems flummoxed at how resilient the alien is to subdue without lethal means...
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency SuccessProficiency Success x2Difficulty BlankDifficulty Failure + Threat
GM: Tal knocks the Gamorrean out.
Kesvo: "Man, that never gets old," she murmurs to herself, watching as Tal clocks the larger pig-dude.
GM: Venn, Janix, and Ashley gain 2 Conflict.
Venn: And Tal gains 2 RESPECT POINTS
GM: As the Gamorrean that Tal lays on the floor, executed before it could even draw a weapon.
Rook: "Yes! he's great!" Rook agrees, unaware of any conflict.
Tal: Tal shakes out his gauntleted fist. Those things had hard heads.
"Hard heads on those guys."
Janix: "Nice hook," Janix says as she leans down and makes certain that the Gamorrean's weapon is taken from it.
Kesvo: "So, going forward..." Kesvo said, as she stepped out of cover and eyed the bloody mess that used to be a gamorrean. "Maybe assume we're not cutting unarmed people in half until the situation necessitates it."
Venn: The masked woman shakes her head at the mess. "Messier than ideal."
GM: With one Gamorrean guard knocked out and the other dead on the floor, they find the door before them unlocked.
Rook: Rook looks around, checking to see if that one squeal brought anymore enemies into view.
Kesvo: "The trail leads in there?" she asks, looking to ashley.
Tal: Tal will drag the dead corpse behind the loader and away from the door.
Kesvo: She gestures to the door.
GM: Nothing seems to be coming out of the woodwork to avenge the Gammoreans.
Kesvo: "You're probably the quietest," she said to Venn, once she found sight of her. "Do you want to try and get a look on the other side of the door? Or we can pull this guy back into the corridor some, wake him up, and try to get him to talk."
Venn: Venn will relieve the sleeping Gammorean of his vibroaxe and dump it somewhere that will be annoying to recover before she follows everyone else.
Hands go to the sides of her visor-mask and she attempts to peer through the wall with her infrabinoculars to gauge life forms.
Ashley: It had become almost second nature to pull upon the Force, to reach to see what insight could be seen to guide the encounter. In one, one Gamorrean was knocked unconscious and the other held by Tal in a hold as Kesvo spoke to him. It was the best outcome, the one that would lead them down the right path--
Letting himself drift, however, kept him too caught up in the vision and found his mind trailing down the darker path. The one where one died, perhaps the other, and by the time Ashley was able to pull himself from it, that fate had come to pass. The Pantoran, in that moment, was shaken even as he knew what would have to come next.
Rook: "Can Two read his mind while he's asleep?" Rook asked, not at all liking the notion of talking to another gamorrean. the slavers on Kowac had left a bad impression.
Venn: "I count six beings on the other side."
Rook: Six. Rook considered this information, along with the desire to stay undetected and the fact that the air is filled with possibly explosive fumes.
Tal: Tal looks to Kesvo. "You want to talk to any of these guys? Otherwise, I can go in hot."
Rook: "I still can't recommend using things that might ignite the air." Rook said sadly.
Kesvo: "Oh. Right. That puts a damper on things," Kesvo realized.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility Success x2Ability Success + AdvantageAbility BlankAbility BlankProficiency Advantage x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Force Dark x2Force Dark x2Force Light x2
Ashley: "... they took the bodies for some reason," says Ashley. "Not food, I don't think, they're not cannibals." Probably shouldn't say that word around Tal tho. Mostly, however, he did not want to just go straight in and murder more people unaware, 'k.
Kesvo: "I'm tempted to just go in, for expediency's sake. Are we prepared to put down six Gomorreans nonlethally?" she asked, looking primarily to Tal, whose style would likely be cramped.
Venn: "I did not say they were Gamorreans."
Kesvo: She nodded. "Planning for worst case."
Venn: "I can't see what species they are, only that there are six of them."
Rook: Rook looked over at Venn, and nodded.
Venn: "Fair enough."
Janix: At Kes' request, Janix takes out her stun pistol and holds it at her side. Not as much kick as the target rifle but it would do.
Venn: "Whatever is going on here, it does not sound like it is on the up and up."
Kesvo: "Want to try to peek in stealth-like and see what we're dealing with?" she asked Venn, nodding towards the door.
Rook: "Can you look like a gamorrean?" Rook asked kesvo, curious. she'd never asked such a question before. but it might be a good way to get info quietly ...
Kesvo: "Wait, would blasters be enough to ignite the air?" she asked Rook
Venn: "Stun might not..." she guesses.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility Success x2Ability AdvantageAbility BlankDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Blank
Tal: "If the area's too volatile for blaster fire and you need me to go in cool..."
Tal looked at his fists. He could do it...if they weren't creatures with hard heads. Maybe.
Rook: "I am not sure. I can't recall the precise nature of the gas. but we are on a space station, so I think it's better to be cautious."
GM: Ashley knows that while there's coolant in the area, blaster fire in and of-itself shouldn't cause any problems.
Venn: "If that is a real concern, that would apply to those in there as well."
Ashley: "Should be fine. Blaster fire, I mean."
Kesvo: "If they're accustomed to this environment, they'll have ways around it, like those vibroaxes."
Rook: "my jet pack?" Rook asked Ashley, though she didn't sound hopeful.
Kesvo: She nodded to Ashley. Then looked back to Venn. "See if you can sneak in and get a look. If they spot you we'll be going in anyway. Might as well get some more info first if we can."
Venn: "Opening this door is opening this door..."
"I can do much, but haven't learned to move through solid objects yet..."
Ashley: "... less certain about your jet pack," admits Ashley to Rook in a quiet voice, "but blaster fire shouldn't trigger anything with the coolant that's in the area."
Venn: She will un-holster the folded hilt of her saber and holds onto it. "Are you all ready then?"
GM: The door is a cargo roll-up door that is large enough for a loader (like the one that is crashed) to go through.
Kesvo: Reevaluating the nature of the door, Kesvo nods. "Alright. Let's see what's in there."
Rook: Rook nodded, relieved at least to be able to use her gun. she pulls it out and prepares for a fast confrontation.
GM: Pressing on the button (whoever does it), the door rises up...
☯ Control: Upgrade Difficulty
Image   “I... am one with the Force and the Force is with me.”
Finding a sort of battle-calm, she surrenders some of her self preservation instincts to the will of the Force.
Power   Sense
Activation   Action to Commit ⎔.
Effect   Twice per round when an attack targets her, she upgrades the difficulty pool twice.
Tal: Tal draws his vibroswords...
GM: As you open the door you find a large chamber similar to the other cargo bay in both its makeup and its current state. This bay is also in a massive state of disrepair, with several large cargo canisters that are worn and dirty piled up along the corners of the room.
Near the center of the bay is an item that seems very out of place -- a large, finely crafted desk made of Japor ivory wood, which means that the desk is both priceless and rare. Sitting peacefully behind the desk is a protocol droid with shiny metal skin that soak up the light that cascades down upon it and offers only the slightest reflection. Its single red photorecptor looks toward you and flicker slightly, as though imitating a person blinking rapidly.
"Hello." The droid says from behind the desk. "Would you like to come in?"
Venn: "Remember... six." she scratches low through her vocoder.
Kesvo: "Hello," Kes replies to the droid, taking a look skeptically around the room. "I'm not sure we haven't taken a wrong turn. Who're you?"
GM: The droid's red photoreceptor shifts color for a moment. It goes from red, to blue, to a luminescent green. "Oh, you haven't taken a wrong turn."
The voice changes to the familiar one of Switch. "You're exactly where you're supposed to be."
End Session 77



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2020, 10:30:41 AM »
Episode 6, Chapter 1, Session 78: Insurgency
GM: After saving Agent Alico from troopers of the First Order, the Hellions gathered valuable information from the Republic SIS agent. After finding out the reason from her mission - that she had been coordinating with a First Order traitor who happened to be a high ranking former Imperial Admiral, the Hellions went looking for the bodies of the informant who had been murdered and the backstabber who had attacked Alico during their meeting.
What they found was an empty cargo bay and a trail of blood that led them down into a lower part of the station. After a long trek through dark and dirty tunnels, they encountered (and dispatched) a pair of Gammorean Guards who were protecting the entranceway to another cargo bay. As the doors opened they found a droid sitting behind an expensive wooden desk in what was (seemingly) an empty cargo bay.
It then spoke with the voice of none other than Switch and seemed to welcome them.
Venn and her visor is able to identify the location of six organics hiding behind machinery and crates. They are out of immediate view, but her mask doesn't lie.
Kesvo: The droid at the desk greeted them and indicated that the group was right where it had expected them to be, and Kesvo responded with a doubtful expression. "That so? Who were you expecting, exactly?" she asked.
GM: The cargo bay is mostly desolate and dark. A protcol droid moves into sight beneath the light nearby Switch, who remains waiting behind his desk.
Rook: After a frozen moment of shock, Rook turns her gun so that it is not aimed at the shiny droid and it's fancy desk. A swift can around the room shows her nothing, but she steals herself and walks forward a bit. he's an ally, right? just a scary ally.
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   6
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency AdvantageSetback FailureDifficulty Threat x2Challenge FailureChallenge Threat x2Challenge Threat x2Challenge ThreatChallenge Failure
"Someone to come looking for the bodies." The droid responds without hint of humor.
"Were the deaths of my employees necessary?"
Ashley: The very not blue Pantoran said nothing, letting Kesvo handle the exchange. ... though his eyebrow rose at Switch's response (time to be grateful for the disguises).
Kesvo: "That depends..." she said, eyes narrowing curiously. "Were you involved in killing one of those bodies?"
Venn: (5green 1blue)
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageBoost Success + AdvantageBoost Success + AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success x2Setback FailureSetback ThreatDifficulty FailureDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty ThreatChallenge Failure + Threat
Switch: "They were already dead when I found them. But they did have something interesting on their person. I suspect that is why you are looking for them."
"How about all of you come here, into the light. We can have chairs brought for you. Maybe something to drink?"
Kesvo: "In that case," Kesvo said, visibly relaxing a little. "Lemme apologize for getting a little over-excited with your two employees out there."
Janix: With Kesvo taking the lead, Janix follows the Hellion's social butterfly with her focus on those around the droid and less on the droid itself.
GM: As Kes and Ashley step forward they can see several different humanoids with blaster pistols and vibro-blades hunkered behind various pieces of machinery and freight. They step more into the light as well as 'Switch' lifts up its arm and makes a motion with its fingers.
Switch: The Protocol Droid moves over to one of the trucks and then pulls over a seat, setting it down across from Switch. It then goes and gathers more chairs.
Kesvo: Kesvo steps forward.
"You've got us at a disadvantage. I'm Terra," she said. "Who're you, and what's your interest in what you found? You lookin' for credits?"
She heads towards the provided chairs, though she's in no hurry to sit immediately
GM: As Kes steps forward she can see behind the crates and the the thugs there are several CZ4 Security Droids - the same model as what was used to guard the Star of Kepler.
Ashley: With eyes on the other individuals Venn had spoken of, as well as the reprieve in tensions (somewhat), he follows after Kesvo at her right.
Switch: "Organics call me Switch." The Droid says. "Are credits the only thing you have to offer? What I found is far more interesting than currency."
Kesvo: "It's the most straightforward currency, I've found," she said, taking a seat finally. "You have something else in mind, Switch?"
Switch: "Do you want something to drink, Terra?"
The droid asks in response to her question.
Kesvo: "No thanks, Switch. Kind of you to offer. But we're -- at least, we were-- kind of in the middle of something."
Switch: "Very well. The rituals of hospitality are fascinating to me. It is an important custom in almost every organic culture - yet synthetic beings do not care for ritual. We are transactional entities when we engage with one another."
Kesvo: "There's something to be said for the expedience of it, at times. Time and a place for everything. What do you care for?"
Switch: "Information."
"Who are you, and what are you doing on this station? Do you know who it is that you saved from the Promenade?"
Kesvo: "We're new to the station. Just lookin' to make some credits, make a name for ourselves. The woman in the Promenade offered credits with no questions for some help, and offered us more again to help figure out what happened to some contact of hers that got merc'ed down here."
Switch: "That is not very useful information, Terra. You all seem very capable individuals. And if you're looking to earn credits, then you are unlikely to pay me a sum I think equitable for the information I have."
"It is curious, to me, that a group of mercenaries would risk the wrath of the First Order."
"Why would you do such a thing?"
Kesvo: "What about you? Does the First Order know about your li'l clubhouse down here?" she asked, sitting back in her seat some as she cast her gaze around the rest of the bay.
Switch: "They do not. We are not on friendly terms."
Kesvo: Kes narrowed her eyes, looking curious. and then leaned forward to rest her weight on her elbows on the table's edge.
"So do you know who we helped on the Promenade?"
Switch: "I do."
Kesvo: Kesvo grinned.
"Maybe we just like underdogs."
Switch: "I find that unlikely."
Rook: Rook moved forward, slowly enough not to startle anybody, and leaned upon her assigned chair. She remained silent otherwise, listening and watching Switch, her gaze sweeping over his people from time to time, especially the droids.
Kesvo: "You mean, given the extensive knowledge you've gained of us in the whole... three minutes you've known we existed?" she teased.
Switch: "You stated you were mercenaries and new to the station. That you took on a contract that you did not know the identity of your patron. That you prefer underdogs.
However, you also proved proficient enough to take out a squad of First Order stormtroopers and their agents in the area - no easy feat."
Kesvo: "I said we were new to the station, not that we were born yesterday."
Switch: "So you are either much more proficient then you have let on, or you are the living example of what is called in Sabbac as an 'Idiot's Array'"
Tal: Tal is silent, keeping his eyes on the thugs and security droids in the immediate area. He looks for any other ambush points or exits that won't lead them heading into the vacuum of space in case they have to make a hasty exit.
GM: Tal can see the door they entered from or the door on the far side of the room past Switch's people.
Kesvo: "I might be more inclined to share if I knew for sure that the info pulled off of the bodies was going to help us at all."
Rook: A stifled chuckle threatened to escape Rook at being called an Idiot's Array. Still, her humor might be inferred from her body language. Even if she was mildly confused as to why they weren't admitting who they were to switch.
Kesvo: "How do I know you got anything at all?"
Switch: "Understandable."
"I can give you the exact coordinates of the Admiral."
Kesvo: Kesvo sat back once more, slowly releasing a sigh."
Ashley: Trust Switch to put it right out there.
Janix: Though unknowing of who they dealt with, Janix could tell her companions were being careful. She kept her eyes open to the surroudings and careful watch on
the others behind the droid.
Kesvo: "Alright. So. What is it you want, Switch? You've seen we're capable. If you don't want credits, what are you willing to barter for? We're good at what we do, but we keep under the radar for the most part."
Switch: "I would be willing to part with the information if you were to do a delivery for me."
Kesvo: She laughed.
Just a little.
"A delivery of what? To where?"
Switch: "One moment." Switch lifts a finger up.
"A problem is about to correct itself."
Kesvo: Kes looked appropriately confused.
Ashley: Ashley blinks, not sure what exactly that implies (and not necessarily liking it).
GM: The doors to the cargo bay open that the Hellions stepped through and a number of aliens and armored thugs step through - followed by a trio of Trandoshans, one with a wicked looking two-handed vibro-ax, and an old, scarred Chevin with a large scar across his snout in purple, expensive robes.
Ganga Lor: "So you thought you could hide your deal with the offworlders from me, droid!?" The Chevin snarls from his low-hanging snout filled with yellowed fangs. "I'm tired of not getting my cut. This is my station! Mine! Turn him into a scrap heap, boys!"
Switch: "That would be Ganga Lor, the Crime Lord of the local cartel." Switch calmly says as Ganga Lor's thugs draw their weapons and open fire -- with the Hellions stuck imbetween!
Kesvo: Kesvo turned in her seat to face the newcomers.
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessDifficulty FailureDifficulty Failure
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility Success x2Ability Success x2Proficiency Success
⚔️ Initiative Check
Image   Weswin's Foresight
Calling upon the Force at the start of the combat, Ashley is able to glean insight into what comes next.
Activation   Action | Self
Check   Initiative (Cool or Vigilance) + ⎔ up to FR
Effect   Spend ◐ to add automatic Image on his first check this encounter.
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessBoost Advantage x2Ability Success x2Ability SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency Success x2
Initiative Vigilance
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Proficiency BlankProficiency Advantage
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Ability SuccessForce LightForce Dark x2Force Light x2Force Dark
Initiative Vigilance
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Ability Success
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + Advantage
Initiative Cool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility BlankAbility SuccessProficiency SuccessForce DarkForce DarkForce Dark
CZ4 Security Droid:
Initiative Vigilance
CZ4 Security Droid
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Difficulty Threat
Czerka N4-8T Exterminator:
Initiative Vigilance
Czerka N4-8T Exterminator
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Advantage
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessBoost BlankBoost BlankBoost AdvantageAbility AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency SuccessProficiency BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatSetback ThreatDifficulty FailureDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2Challenge Threat
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability BlankAbility BlankAbility SuccessAbility BlankAbility BlankDifficulty FailureDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure
(wrong roll)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Difficulty Failure x2Difficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Failure
Ashley: Ashley doesn't say anything, instead looking to Kesvo to see what the play would be.
GM: Modokk's free maneuver is to get behind cover.
⚠️ Forewarning
Activation   Action
Effect   All allies in medium range increase their defense by 3 until they act in the encounter.
GM: The Exterimantor Droid's free maneuver is to Aim.

Janix M'kyato will TAKE COVER ️ as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Janix: The surprise at the new arrivals catches Janix a bit off guard, but not enough to prevent her from warning her allies. "Take care and take cover if you can," she says before taking cover herself.
♻️ Prime Positions
Activation   Passive
Effect   When a character or ally in short range takes cover, they increase their soak against ranged attacks by 2 until they leave cover.
Rook: Janix' warning rang out, and Rook spun about, light on her feet, ready to face the crime lord. To her mind, they were already allies with Switch, so there was only one possible response to this situation.
Ganga Lor's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Ganga Lor's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Proficiency AdvantageProficiency BlankSetback BlankDifficulty BlankDifficulty Threat
GM: One group of the thugs step forward and lay blaster-fire into Switch, blowing off parts of his metal body and scarring the fresh paint of the unit!
Another group gets behind cover and opens fire at Kes.
Kesvo: "I have been interrupted for the last gorram time tonight," Kesvo growled, gesturing for the Hellions to face the gangsters and engage.
Tal: "Which one of these drek-heads do you want alive?" Tal asks Kesvo.
"You get one."
Ganga Lor's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Ganga Lor's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Setback ThreatSetback ThreatSetback ThreatSetback ThreatSetback ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatChallenge Failure x2
Ashley: Ashley was moving into position, keeping an eye on the guys that were trying to flank.
Ganga Lor's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Ganga Lor's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency BlankSetback ThreatSetback BlankSetback BlankSetback ThreatSetback ThreatDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat
Kesvo: "Take out the party crasher," Kes replies to Tal. To the rest of her group, she calls: "Time to make our names, guys!"
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric
Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 4 rounds.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability Advantage x2Ability Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility AdvantageDifficulty FailureDifficulty Failure x2
Kesvo: Kes takes cover behind Switch's desk
Ashley: Quickly pulling his blaster from it's holster, Ashley takes aim at the crew of interlopers to his left.

x-30 Lancer
Ashley Nasur
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Accurate 1, Pierce 3, Superior
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility BlankAbility BlankAbility AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Failure + ThreatForce Dark x2Force Light x2Force Dark x2Advantage
Ganga Lor: "Remember what I told you all! You bring me the droid's head, I'll pay you prime!" Ganga Lor calls out, his large mouth bellowing his voice through the warehouse. As he does, Switch's organic employees turn on the other security droids in the back of the room and fire on them!
Switch's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Switch's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
Ability BlankAbility SuccessDifficulty Failure x2
Switch's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Switch's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success x2Proficiency SuccessDifficulty Threat
Switch's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Switch's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Difficulty Failure
Switch's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Switch's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Threat x2
Switch's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Switch's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Difficulty Failure x2
Switch's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Switch's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Threat x2
GM: Some of Switch's CZ4 Security Droids are turned to scrap metal as its organic minions turn on them!
Initiative Vigilance
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2
GM: Switch draws a blaster rifle from behind its desk and shoots at Ganga Lor through the crates.
Blaster Rifle
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankSetback BlankDifficulty ThreatDifficulty BlankDifficulty BlankChallenge Despair
The power cell of the rifle was sabotaged, however, and doesn't shoot anything!
Switch: "Ah. How well conceived. Surprising, for an organic with the brain the size of a walnut."
CZ4 Security Droid:
Riot Gun
CZ4 Security Droid
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Damage
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility AdvantageSetback ThreatDifficulty Failure x2
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw
Dice Roll
Proficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency Success x2Difficulty FailureDifficulty Failure + ThreatAdvantage
Dice Roll
Challenge Failure
Tal: Tal draws his blades and surges forward, attacking the thugs who'd drawn blasters on the group.
One deadly slice later and three heads hit the floor, followed by three bodies.
Venn will surprise attack Modokk, then...
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   7

Venn Parsa will 픸핀필 as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
⚔ Draw Closer
Image   “You are unwise to lower your defenses!”
With a gesture, she seizes a target with the Force while simultaneously attacking with her violet lightsaber.
Activation   Action | Sil 1 target | ≤ Medium Range
Check   Combat - Lightsaber(Willpower) + ⎔⎔⎔⎔
Effect   Spend ◐ to move the Sil 1 target one Range Band closer OR as a Image.
- 1 force die, that is comitted
Violet Double-Bladed Saber ⚔️
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities    Linked 1,  Breach 1,  Sunder, 洛 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageBoost SuccessAbility SuccessAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency BlankProficiency Success x2Setback FailureDifficulty BlankChallenge ThreatChallenge BlankAdvantageAdvantage
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageBoost Success + AdvantageSetback FailureDifficulty Failure x2Challenge ThreatChallenge DespairForce DarkForce DarkForce Light x2

Venn Parsa ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 홴횗획 횃횞횛횗 ✔
Venn: THrough the back seat of the vehicle, he lightsaber tip punches through into Modokk's side, filling the area with a reptillian hiss of pain. She then shimmies between the vehicles, moving away like a pest.
E-33 Blaster Carbine 
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in ≤ short range.
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost BlankBoost Success + AdvantageBoost BlankAbility AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency SuccessProficiency Success x2Setback ThreatDifficulty ThreatAdvantage
GM: The metal truck in front of Ashley and Venn crunches down into the metal floor of the cargo bay, as if shoved down.
A shimmering blue field flies over them, then something lands heavily next to Kesvo and Switch on the right of them.
Rook: Energized by Kesvo's command and Janix' insight, Rook leaps back between the traitorous thugs and her team. She sights down her gun and destroys the Gungan that has the best line of sight upon Kesvo and switch.
Venn: "What is that?" scratches out the masked woman at this new entrant into the battle.
Czerka N4-8T Exterminator:
Giant Vibroblades
Czerka N4-8T Exterminator
Damage   10
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 3, Pierce 3, Linked 1
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2
Kesvo: Kesvo jumps. "Ahh! Please tell me he's with you!" she says hurriedly to switch.
GM: The Droid lands heavily on the truck and then impales one of the organics who had betrayed Switch, cutting it into pieces as if a chainsaw had gone through it.
Switch: "That is Czerka's N4-8T Extermination Droid. The newest in their line of war droids about to hit the open market."
GM: Ganga Lor opens fire at Tal with his blaster pistol.
Ashley: Ashley just. Is not going to look over his shoulder right now.
Venn: "And you ask why the Empire sidelined war droids altogether." she remarks at the gory ends.
Ganga Lor:
Heavy Blaster Pistol
Ganga Lor
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility BlankSetback BlankDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat

Venn Parsa DODGES when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Trandoshan Mercenary:
Stun Grenade
Trandoshan Mercenary
Damage   8
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 8, Disorient 3, Limited Ammo 1, Stun Damage
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Setback FailureSetback FailureDifficulty ThreatChallenge Failure + ThreatChallenge Threat

Ashley Nasur DODGEs when he is targeted, suffering 1 strain to upgrade difficulty of that attack by 1.
Trandoshan Mercenary:
Stun Grenade
Trandoshan Mercenary
Damage   8
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 8, Disorient 3, Limited Ammo 1, Stun Damage
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback BlankSetback ThreatChallenge Threat
GM: The Trandoshans at Modokk's side rush forward and throw stun grenades at the lightsaber wielder - or damn near.
Kesvo: "Open your eyes, you idiots!" Kesvo shouts towards Ganga's thugs. "You're not getting paid enough to be here and suffering THAT!" She gestures to where Tal has just sliced three dudes in half. ...and then points to the giant droid Switch summoned.
Talent: Incite Rebellion
Skill   Coercion
Difficulty   Hard (Image)
Action   Once per session, cause up to three beings to become rebellious until the end of the encounter.
Switch: "Very interesting." Switch says at Kes's side.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Ashley: The blast of the grenade is enough to make Ashley have to take a step back, especially as it rattles his head.
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Difficulty Threat
GM: The Trandoshan moves forward and draws its Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun: ACPAG for short.

Ashley Nasur DODGEs when he is targeted, suffering 1 strain to upgrade difficulty of that attack by 1.
Venn: "Watch yourself!" she calls out at Ashley a couple of meters away.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   6
Trandoshan Mercenary:
Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun
Trandoshan Mercenary
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Blast 5, Stun Damage
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Setback BlankDifficulty Failure + ThreatChallenge Failure
Venn Parsa DODGES when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Trandoshan Mercenary:
Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun
Trandoshan Mercenary
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Blast 5, Stun Damage
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatChallenge Threat x2Challenge Failure + Threat
Venn: (Dead gun)
Ganga Lor:
Heavy Blaster Pistol
Ganga Lor
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability Success + AdvantageAbility BlankSetback ThreatDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty Threat
Venn: As the trandoshan hisses at Venn and levels his weapon, she reaches out and forces him to hold the trigger, firing all its energy into the ground and running out.
Trandoshan Mercenary:"Nok shtok quildrik!?"
"Soktik zzzazik!"
Ashley: Apparently it took having a grenade thrown at him and then a near shotgun to the face for Ashley to quick draw his lightsabers.
Switch: "Very interesting."
Kesvo: Kesvo grits her teeth
Switch: Switch turns to look to Kes.
⚔️ Hawk Bat Swoop
Image   Form IV: Ataru
Using the three-dimensional space, leap into action with an acrobatic attack to overwhelm a foe.
Activation   Action | ≤ Short Range | 1 Target
Check   Combat - Lightsaber(Agility) + ⎔ up to FR
Effect   Spend ◐ to instantly engage target OR as an Advantage.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility SuccessProficiency Success x2Proficiency BlankDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty BlankForce LightForce DarkForce DarkAdvantage
Kesvo: Kes is focused on the field and pretends to not notice!
Ganga Lor's Thugs:
Ganga Lor's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 3
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessSetback FailureDifficulty ThreatChallenge Failure + Threat
Dice Roll
Setback Threat
As Ashley cuts a Trandoshan in half with a pair of green lightsabers, Ganga Lor's thugs draw their vibro-axes and move in to attack Ashley in melee, sensing their blaster-bolts would be ineffective.
Kes's words seem to reach the hearts of the Thugs that were closest to Tal, who turn tail and flee!
The lightsaber flurry brings the eyes of the treacherous thugs who switched to serve Ganga Lor from their synthetic overlord, instilling them with a moment of fear.
Tal: Tal walks right up to Ganga Lor, lifts his leg and kicks him in the chest.
Ganga Lor: "Modokk! Modokk save meeeee!"
Mandalorian Riot Control (Boot to the Face
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback FailureSetback ThreatDifficulty FailureChallenge Failure
"Call 'em off or die. Last warning."
Ashley: Ashley hisses as they come after him with the vibro-axes. The closer quarters don't leave much to maneuver, yet Ashley manages to block most of the blows but leaves himself open for a slice of an axe along his shoulder as he spins.

Janix M'kyato will 픸핀필  as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost Success + AdvantageBoost Advantage x2Boost BlankAbility Success x2Ability AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback FailureDifficulty Threat x2Challenge Failure x2Advantage
Ganga Lor: "Arrrggghh!" Ganga Lor yells as he's kicked right in the snout. "My nose! You kicked me in my nose!"
"You nerf-herding bastard!"

Rook B. will 픸핀필  as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die. (with her Blaster Carbine
Janix: Dropping her stun pistol (don't need that anymore), Nix quick draws her rifle and aims at the group in front of Ashely. Aiming down her scope, she fires a shot that ricochets off a droid and then returns back after hitting a wall. The group taken down as she moves to start reloading her rifle.
E-33 Blaster Carbine 
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in ≤ short range.
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageBoost SuccessBoost BlankBoost SuccessAbility AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Success x2Setback FailureSetback FailureDifficulty Failure x2Advantage
Rook: Rook spins and aims at the Twilek, sending a furious blast of fire into the traitor's head! She can hear the sounds of battle behind her, but chants to herself, trust the team! and keeps herself a threat to the traitors behind the rest of the team.
⚔ Draw Closer
Image   “You are unwise to lower your defenses!”
With a gesture, she seizes a target with the Force while simultaneously attacking with her violet lightsaber.
Activation   Action | Sil 1 target | ≤ Medium Range
Check   Combat - Lightsaber(Willpower) + ⎔⎔⎔⎔
Effect   Spend ◐ to move the Sil 1 target one Range Band closer OR as a Image.
Violet Double-Bladed Saber ⚔️
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities    Linked 1,  Breach 1,  Sunder, 洛 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency BlankProficiency BlankSetback ThreatSetback ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatForce LightForce Light x2Force DarkAdvantageAdvantage

Switch's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Switch's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Advantage x2Setback ThreatSetback ThreatSetback FailureSetback FailureDifficulty Blank
Switch's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Switch's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
Proficiency BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback FailureSetback ThreatSetback FailureDifficulty Failure
Switch's Thugs:
Blaster Pistol
Switch's Thugs
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback FailureSetback BlankSetback ThreatDifficulty Failure
While the treacherous thugs open fire at Rook and fail to get past her armor, she hears a winding sound above her...
Rook: The cover works, who knew?? Blasts from the traitors explode all over the boxes she's behind, one bursting clear through ... but without enough force to pierce her armor! and then she hears it ...
Fire Sweep Action: HARD Gunnery Check, inflict one hit base damage to two targets in medium+1 target per ADV.
Twin Light Repeating Blasters
Czerka N4-8T Exterminator
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Linked 1, Pierce 1
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success x2Setback ThreatDifficulty FailureDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure
Venn: Venn sweeps her saberstaff across the Trandoshan's chest, leaving a searing grove of cooling orange in his scaley flesh. But the damn regenerating reptile takes the wound like a champ.
Czerka N4-8T Exterminator:The Exterminator unleashes a flurry of blaster-fire from above Rook, decimating the trio of thugs.
Rook: Rook sends a thumbs up to the very impressive Exterminator droid!
Venn: (Time to swap out N1 for that Exterminator)
Trandoshan Mercenary:"Ultkujic!?"
⚔️ Hawk Bat Swoop
Image   Form IV: Ataru
Using the three-dimensional space, leap into action with an acrobatic attack to overwhelm a foe.
Activation   Action | ≤ Short Range | 1 Target
Check   Combat - Lightsaber(Agility) + ⎔ up to FR
Effect   Spend ◐ to instantly engage target OR as an Advantage.
Ashley's Light Blue Lightsaber
Ashley Nasur
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Breach 1, Sunder, Superior, Vicious 1, Paired Weapon
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback BlankDifficulty FailureDifficulty ThreatForce DarkForce LightForce Dark x2Advantage
GM: "Wait. Modokk.. where are you going!? Come back!" Ganga Lor yells out as Modokk, axe in hand, stalks away from him with murder in the Warlord's eyes.
Venn: (You have to use the white pip to move, so you cant use it for anything else)
Modokk: Modokk, who has aimed for two rounds against Venn after her surprise attack (and being unable to act), swings his axe!
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   7
Venn: But wait

Venn Parsa uses an OOT Incidental to activate her 핥핒핝핚핤핞핒핟. The target must succeed a Hard (♦♦♦) Fear check to Move to Engage her as normal. If they fail, they must do something else and suffer 2strain.
Ashley: As Venn pulls back out of the way of the Trandoshan she attacked, Ashley leaps into action and finishes him off.
Venn: (you provoke fear checks from your OWN TEAM)
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Blank
Venn Parsa DODGES when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 5, Two-Handed
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatChallenge FailureChallenge ThreatChallenge Failure

Venn Parsa performs a ℙ픸ℝℝ핐 when hit by a melee, brawl or lightsaber attack, suffering 3 strain to reduce damage by 5, before soak.
️ Circle of Shelter
Image   "Good a time as any to act reckless."

Taking advantage of the agility and maneuverability of Ataru, Ashley leaps into the fray to lessen an enemy's damage to an engaged ally.
Activation   Out of Turn Incidental | Ally Suffers Hit | 1 Target
Effect   Suffers strain to use Parry or Reflect to reduce damage dealt to engaged ally.
Character Critical
Venn Parsa
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   50
Dice Roll   21
Total   71
Lose free maneuver until end of encounter.
Modokk: The Trandoshan slashes deep into Venn's leg with its axe, snarling and hissing as it strikes her in retaliation for her lightsaber blow!
Rolling a Destiny Point.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Force Dark
⚔ Draw Closer
Image   “You are unwise to lower your defenses!”
With a gesture, she seizes a target with the Force while simultaneously attacking with her violet lightsaber.
Activation   Action | Sil 1 target | ≤ Medium Range
Check   Combat - Lightsaber(Willpower) + ⎔⎔⎔⎔
Effect   Spend ◐ to move the Sil 1 target one Range Band closer OR as a Image.
Violet Double-Bladed Saber ⚔️
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities    Linked 1,  Breach 1,  Sunder, 洛 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success x2Challenge Threat x2Challenge Failure x2Force Dark x2Force Light x2Force DarkAdvantageAdvantage
♻ Sunder ⚔
Image   "Ugh. So uncivilized."
In intimidating fashion, she shows off the cutting power of the plasma blade of her lightsaber, carving up that which her opponent wields.
Activation   Successful Lightsaber check
Effect   Damage opposing weapon / item by 1 Step per each Image spent.

Damage Step (Penalty): 1.Minor (+◼) | 2.Moderate (+♦) | 3.Major (Unusable)
Tal: Tal looks Ganga Lor face, his helmet making his mask blood red.
"Throw down the weapon and come quietly. Everyone you know is dead. Don't join them."
Venn: "Raaah, you bloodly scumsucker! You're luggage!" she roars through her vocoder and she severs the top of Modokk's vibroaxe, then spins severing it again at its midpoint. One final spin relieves him of his arm and half his face as he falls over, sizzling.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Boost BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Challenge Despair
Ganga Lor: "Ahhh ahhh! It's Tal Vodax! The butcher of Concord Dawn!!!!" Ganga Lor screams in terror as he hits his com-unit, screaming at it. "GET OFF THE STATION, GET OFF! THE BUTCHER OF CONCORD DAWN IS HERE!"
He drops his weapon.
Kesvo: "Are you kriffing kidding me..."
Venn: "Did that just happen?"
Switch: "Very interesting."
Tal: Tal is momentarily stunned.
The Butcher of Concord Dawn?! THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE CALLING HIM?!
Ashley: Ashley looks upward, head dropping back and just sighs.
Rook: Rook freezes a moment, as she hears that horrible announcement. She shakes her head, and then moves past the droids near her to inspect those who were wounded or 'killed.' Killed is a lot less final with droids!
Kesvo: Kesvo steps forward, a scowl on her face, and levels her blaster at Ganga Lor.
"You get back on that com and tell them you made a gorram mistake immediately, or I'm going to let him peel you apart inch by inch."
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency SuccessDifficulty Failure + Threat
Ganga Lor: "Okay, I will, I will!"
Janix: Janix picks up the stun pistol and moves to point it at Ganga Lor. If he doesn't do as Kes says, she plans to shoot him.
Czerka N4-8T Exterminator:
Giant Vibroblades
Czerka N4-8T Exterminator
Damage   10
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 3, Pierce 3, Linked 1
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency AdvantageProficiency SuccessChallenge Threat x2
Venn: Venn growls audibly as she holds her wounded calf.
Switch: The giant exterminator droid leaps across the room - using its vaulting ability to cross great distances. It lands next to Tal and Ganga Lor, and then drives its huge blade down through the Cervin's body, bisecting the crime lord in half.
Blood explodes all over Tal's armor and the Exterminator droid.
Rook: Rook shakes her head at the mess left of the droids who had been shot. "Sorry about your friends." She says quietly. There were literally only pieces of the droids left, not enough to even begin to put back together.
Ashley: Hearing the growl and--well, whatever is going to happen is going to happen--turns his attention to Venn and her injury.
Switch: "I have an alternative."
"Considering we are all, good friends, are we not, Kes."
Tal: "FRAK!" Tal roars.
Kesvo: Kesvo's gun hand drops to her side in frustration, and sighs.
Tal: "We need to go."
Kesvo: "You're welcome," she said, turning to look at Switch.
Switch: Switch lets a hand lift up to its head and taps at its side.
Tal: Tal crushes Ganga Lor's comlink with his boot, in case it's being tracked.
Kesvo: "You're good, but not even you can recall a com that's already been sent, Switch."
Tal: He sheathes his swords and checks both halves of the Cervin's body for anything of note.
Switch: Its voice shifts to an identical facimily of Gangra Lor. "Listen up you slugs! Disregard that nonsense. That was that damn droid playing games. Trying to intimidate us. There's one boss on this station, and that's Gangra Lor, you got me!?"
Kesvo: Kesvo arches a brow.
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency SuccessProficiency Success x2Proficiency Advantage x2Setback BlankDifficulty FailureDifficulty Failure x2
Rook: Rook will move next to Switch, grinning at his perfect mimicry. After he's off the comm, she will add "oh, well done," then hold out her hand for his weapon. "Want me to recharge that?"
Switch: The droid stands there for a moment as even all of you are kind of struck at how accurate it sounded.
Venn: "I am not even that good." admits the masked umbaran.
Kesvo: "I... stand corrected," kes admits, holstering her gun.
Switch: The com goes silent and Switch looks to those gathered. "How fortuitous that all of the witnesses are eliminated."
Tal: Tal blinks. This is exactly the way he didn't want this to go, but...damn, that was impressive.
Switch: "I will send the Exterminator droid to eliminate those who fled."
GM: The huge droid shimmers with a blue field, and then disappears from sight - some sort of cloaking field, you surmise.
Janix: After Kes holsters her weapon, Janix will do the same, watching silent again and standing watch.
Kesvo: "My, my, but you do get around," she says, as she stroll back over towards Switch.
Rook: Rook watches the exterminator droid in delight. How awesome! "He's impressive."
Switch: Switch hands it to Rook. "There is no need. I was merely portraying a role. I have no need for it. You may keep it, if you desire."
Ashley: "Only Switch is that good," says Ashley, making a gesture for Venn to take a seat somewhere. A glance went to Switch before he turned his attention back to Venn.
Tal: Tal walks away from what's left of the crime lord, then joins the others.
Rook: "Thank you, Switch," Rook says, happy to add to her arsenal of weapons.
Ashley: Did any of those chairs survive the fight? The real questions.
Switch: "You attempted to deceive me." Switch said, as the chairs around the table seemed to have been destroyed or some were merely knocked over.
Its gaze focused on Kesvo.
Kesvo: "I think I did deceive you, in fact," she corrected. "Momentarily, at least," she said, with a glance to the back of Ashley's head. She looked back to Switch. "It was a useful exercise. I didn't think we'd be able to fool your eye."
Switch: "I will have to be more prepared. A lesson to take from this, certainly."
Kesvo: "Mm. We met your friend."
Venn: She moves to put weight on the leg and hisses in pain. The new armor held, but the weight of the vibroaxe was enough to have her stance be violently twisted, causing injury to her ankle.
Switch: "And yet you do not have him - or parts of him."
Kesvo: "Not even close. We're lucky he left when he did. You didn't tell us about his tricks."
Switch: "I am not aware of his full capabilities. I know only of what they were when we shared a facility."
"I understood he had gained additional upgrades on another site."
Kesvo: "Well, here's an update," she said, leaning onto her hands on the desk to address him. "He can animate the dead."
Switch: Switch'
Kesvo: "Turn them into his minions to fight for him."
Switch: Switch's single photoreceptor 'blinks'. "Interesting."
Kesvo: "Needless to say, we were caught off guard."
Ashley: Ashley moves to get one of the chairs up. Then, not missing a beat, slides rides next to Venn and helps her to actually get a seat.
Switch: "Do you intend to track him down?"
"It would seem a dangerous liability."
Venn: Venn takes the assistance from the Pantoran, grumbling through that vocoder unintelligibly.
Kesvo: "He blew a hole in the side of the ship we were on and dove into space. He was parked right beside us and his ship didn't show up on any of our sensors. We've no way to track him."
"We do, however, have something I think he wants very much."
"I expect we'll see him again. If you have suggestions about how to find him again, though, I'm open to suggestions."
Switch: "Only the use of artifacts of Jedi origin, as he seemed much interested in claiming them and studying them."
"Perhaps as bait."
Venn: "Send that murderbot after him."
"Problem solved."
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded. "We've been investigating the smuggling ring that was pulling items off of Coruscant. We've got some leads there."
Switch: "Unfortunately, Shroud has a near-ability with droids as I do."
"Not as far reaching or as broad, but in close proximity, a Droid could become as much a weapon for him as it would be for you."
Ashley: Ashley cuts a glance towards Switch and Kesvo but otherwise doesn't comment. He also just ignores Venn's grumbling because deal with it.
Rook: "Are there any ways to protect ILOM and N1, and JR from him?"
Switch: "If you remove any connection to the holonet that would help - however if Shroud gains direct access to the Droid, tactile connection - I am uncertain if there is a safeguard."
"It is the primary reason I wish to recover him."
Kesvo: "So it's taking a little longer than anticipated. But you knew this wasn't going to be an easy task."
Switch: "I would have appreciated an update."
Rook: Rook sighs and nods. "That makes sense. He seemed to use some sort of micro-robotics or cybernetics to animate the dead organics. He probably his nano-bots of some sort."
Ashley: At this rate Ashley was going to have to resupply his medbag at this rate. He let out a slow breath as he looked over Venn's injury.
Kesvo: "What's the primary reason? That he might be able to control droids through touch?"
Switch: "More than just droids."
Ashley: "... that could imply that he ..." His nose wrinkled. "Converted those people through tactile connection." A terrible way to put it.
Rook: Rook looked over at Kesvo, Asnley and Venn, all of whom had been waaaay to close to shotguns, grenades and vibro axes.
Switch: "He could potentially infect my own consciousness."
Ashley: (( will roll for crit heal in gen chat to preserve dialogue ))
Kesvo: "But you'd be okay with us bringing him to you?" she asked, looking doubtful
Venn: "You are taking all the grenades today, it seem." she ribs Ashley.
Switch: "I would assure he is restrained. If he is salvageable that would be preferrred."
"But I understand sometimes you have no alternative to killing."
Ashley: "Need the practice," mutters Ashley as he works, "I'm going to eventually just smack one right back at someone one of these days."
Kesvo: "I can't promise anything, considering how one-sided our last encounter was. But we'll figure out something," she said, with a nod.
Switch: "We can move onto another topic."
"Give me a datapad. I will download the coordinates to it for where the Admiral is stored."
Kesvo: "Stored?" she repeated in a questioning tone, as she pulled out her datapad and handed it over.
"Is that just droid shorthand, or is he not conscious?"
Switch: "He has been arrested."
Kesvo: "By the First ORder?"
Switch: Switch presses a hand to the datapad. There is a charge of electricity through it, and then he hands it to Kes. "Yes."
"For treason. However, he has valuable information that the Republic has not yet received."
Kesvo: "Fantastic," she grumbled as she took the datapad back. She keyed into it to review what'd been added. At Switch's comment, she nodded. "I know. That's why we're here."
Switch: "He is on Fellucia Prime. In an old Imperial Testing Facility that escaped the notice of the Republic."
"There are no landing pads or safe docks to place your vessels. It is located in the midst of a jungle."
Tal: "It's always a jungle."
Switch: "A difficult journey, to be sure."
Rook: ((... with cannibals?))
Venn: "Maybe you can butcher us a path to the objective...." Too soon?
Switch: Switch's central torso opens, and he pulls out a dataspike and hands it to Kes. "In repayment, I wish you to insert this dataspike into the First Order's mainframe. Any terminal should suffice."
Venn: Venn sighs audibly.
Tal: "Too soon."
Kesvo: Kesvo took the spike and turned it between her fingers, looking at it. Her gaze flicked back to Switch, and she eyed him for a beat.
"What's brought you all the way out here, Switch? Not enough bad guys on Skye City?"
Switch: "This is but one area I am operating in, currently."
Rook: Rook winces at Venn's joke, but she has her helmet on and no one can tell. She glances at Kesvo and Switch, waiting on her question when Kesvo asks one.
Switch: "The Exterminator Droid was of interest to me. I believed it to be an asset that I can make use of."
"In time I will give it true consciousness."
Venn: "Why not give the nice non-killer droids all that consciousness?"
Kesvo: "How... exactly... would you accomplish something like that?"
Rook: "Know one has figured out how to wake up a droid, I thought. I've been trying music. It's a good system's check, anyway."
Switch: "In time, I will." Switch says in response to Venn.
"You would not understand it if I explained it to you, Kes."
Kesvo: "Well. That's probably fair," she admitted, tucking the datapad away.
Venn: Annoyance with Switch's requests are enough to distract Venn before she realizes Ashley is finished with the ankle brace. The Umbaran stands and tips her toe, impressed with the results, only feeling mild discomfort.
Kesvo: "Alright."
Switch: "It is good to see all of you again."
Kesvo: She whistles towards Ashley and tosses him the dataspike once he's paying attention.
Switch: "Is there anything else that I can provide assistance with?"
Ashley: "Might be a little sore but when we get back to the ship I can properly take care of it," says Ashley to Venn, turning and catching the dataspike.
Venn: "Prime. You've my gratitude." she remarks to the Pantoran.
Ashley: His head inclined slightly, gathering up things before he studied the dataspike briefly.
Rook: "I have two questions, Switch. One for now, one for later but it might take some time." Rook angles her head to the side. "N1 took a bad hit to his central processing unit, and it's been suggested we transfer his programs to an undamaged unit, but i'm worried he'd loose his self if we did. Can you tell me about alternatives or better procedures?"
Kesvo: "I don't think so. But it'd be preferable that neither the Hellions nor the Republic were seen interfering here, just in case you didn't gather that from the getups," she said, gesturing to the disguised group.
Ashley: He almost felt nostalgic. Except, you know, this wasn't like Skye City and what they had dropped off there.
Switch: "Install better hardware into him, or organically allow him to rebuild the subroutines - if he is a fully functioning, conscious droid. If he is little more than a programmed War Droid, he may be incapable."
"I will keep your secrets, Kes. Just as you have kept mine."
Rook: "Thank you; I will ask him which he prefers."
Venn: Adjusting her hood, Venn tells Tal out of nowhere... "I usually despise all pretty evenly. But I think Trandoshans are moving to quite the special place in my ladder of loathing." She casually takes a few more testing steps to get acclimated.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice System:
Kesvo flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   6
Dice Roll
Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Difficulty Failure x2Difficulty Failure x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty ThreatChallenge Blank
Tal: Tal nods to Venn. "That's fair. We've only met one Trandoshan so far that didn't try to kill us outright, butt he rest of them can get spaced." he said.
Ashley: Ashley keeps an eye on Venn as she moves away, catching her remark because ... Well, he was feeling similar. A quick survey of the room and those within gave him the idea that they were all in good shape.
Kesvo: "I appreciate that, Switch."
"You mind leaving him there for a few hours?" she asked, nodding towards the fallen gang leader. "We may have use for him."
Switch: "The smell of rotting organics does not bother me."
Kesvo: "Yep. Thought it might not," she says, with a sigh. She looks back towards the others. "Are we good to move out?"
Rook: "I'm good." she answers Kesvo, glancing back to Switch only to add, "We'll talk later about my other thing, alright?"
Switch: "When is later?"
Tal: Tal looks to Switch, then Kesvo, the back to Switch. "Yeah, we're good to move out."
Janix: Janix nods at Kes' question and falls in with the group.
Rook: "I was thinking when I saw you next? I need to get some items together for you to study, and then I'll be asking if you would be willing to hack into the computer system of a multi-planet goverment." Rook shrugged. "I Just figured you would need some samples of their tech before you could answer."
Venn: "That one never met a droid she didn't want to take home as a pet." remarks the adept to no one in particular.
Ashley: Ashley just pinches the bridge of his nose before nodding that he was good to head out.
Switch: "Interesting."
Switch: "I look forward to our next meeting."
Rook: "Me, too. See you later." It wasn't that Switch couldn't be disturbing, it was just that Shroud was in a whole category of awful all by himself.
Switch: The Hellions depart from the loading bay that is filled with the blood of criminals and turncoats. Their next move still ahead of them...
End Session 78



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2020, 02:43:23 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 1, Session 79 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions are onboard Ardis Station, in search of Prince Xizor's agent for a dangerous undercover operation that could be the key to bringing down the First Order.
Along the way, they met with a wounded Agent Alico who told them of some interesting news: There is a treacherous admiral inside the First Order's ranks with important information and a desire to defect. Unfortunately the plot was betrayed from within, and after meeting with an old "friend", Switch, they've found that the admiral is being held on Felucia in a remote and hidden First Order base.
Agent Alico had reported that she would meet back up with the Hellions later - after she secured her ship and set it to self-destruct to allow for an 'easy' exit from the station.
Kesvo: Kesvo will leave Switch's noxious clubhouse and move with the team to an area with cleaner air. Before rejoining the more populated centers of the station, though, she'll pull everyone aside and into a huddle, and ask Venn to switch on the privacy jammer.
Venn: Venn obliges.
Rook: Rook moves in close but tries to both keep an eye on what is around them and listening in.
Ashley: Ashley keeps with the group, quiet and watchful of their surroundings.
Tal: Tal moves in, though he's still rattled about being exposed just a bit ago.
Janix: Though her mind is abuzz with questions regarding the previous encounter, Janix doesn't speak first. She waits for the rest of the Hellions even though it may be obvious to some she is very intrigued by the previous encounter.
Ashley: ((hm, what would the difficulty be on a knowledge check about felucia?))
Tal: Even if Switch stopped it, there's no way to know how far that communication got. Beyond the Rim, maybe it didn't matter.
Or maybe it did.
GM: Hard Outer Rim
Kesvo: Once there's some measure of privacy secured, Kes speaks.
"The mission was to retrieve Alico so that the intel she was after could get back to HQ. We need to figure out a way to get her off the station and on her way back while we're working on our other problems."
Rook: "Acquire that crime lord's personal vessel?" Rook offered.
Kesvo: "My concern is that by the time Alico makes it home, it'll be too late for the Admiral."
"But unless Xizor's contact tells us the lead on the other job is conveniently on FElucia as well, I have a feeling we're going to run into a conflict. We need to decide on a priority."
Outer Rim
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Kesvo: "Now's not the time to be shy, guys," Kesvo prompts. "Opinions?"
GM: Ashley knows that Felucia is a colorful, humid jungle planet located in the Felucia system of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. Located along the Perlemian Trade Route, its important strategic location made it a major battleground throughout the Clone Wars.
He also knows that it was utilized by the Rebellion against the Empire, who held it under occupation. Felucians are generally a peaceful race, though the jungle world holds a vast array of nasty monsters - including Rancors.
Tal: "We should get Alico somewhere that she can get find transport back to Republic space. Her information will help the Republic more in the long-term." Tal said.
Rook: Rook sweeps her gaze around the Hellions, assessing their general combat readiness. Her gaze stops upon Ashley. That blood looked fresh! Her hand slips to her belt pouch, where her still un-used healing gun is!
Janix: "I think a weapon is more important to be stopped than saving an Admiral who regrets their decisions after the fact." Offer Janix, recalling Kesvo's desire for all to weigh in.
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded, once to Tal and once to Janix.
Venn: "Why don't we take her to the Mallard and let the skipper take her to a drop point of her choosing while we head to Felucia?"
Ashley: Ashley, noting that particular look from Rook, conviently moves so that Janix is between him and Rook. Pay no attention to him, please.
Rook: Rook considers the assorted conflicts, weighing it all. "Last case, we could send her off on the Mallard but I'd rather just steal a ship for a her. Even one of those tie fighters we saw, if they've been upgraded enough to make a light speed jump. :
Ashley: (Sorry, Rook, he's still traumatized from the last time you healed him.)
Rook: As Ashley hides behind Janix, Rook grins, though of course ... you'd have to be able to read that response in the slight bounce to her toes and precise angle of the helmet.
Kesvo: Venn's suggestion seemed to confuse Kes a little. "Why would we spend the time to ship her off if we're going to Felucia anyway? She can hang out on the Rivener until we're done, if we're choosing to prioritize the Admiral over the weapon."
"It'll still probably take days for her to get back to HQ, considering how far out we are," she said to Rook. "If the Admiral's already been arrested for treason we have no idea if he'll still be alive by the time she gets home.'
Rook: Rook glanced over at Kesvo, "Oh, I was assuming we'd have to take care of the admiral; he has no time. the weapon, we have time for, right? there's not a super urgency there?"
Kesvo: "The weapon's supposedly almost completed, and will be capable of destroying planets."
"The stars may align that we're able to pull off both. I just want us all on the same page so that we're not tripped up in the event that we have to choose on the fly."
Ashley: Ashley totally knows that bounce and helmet tilt. "... the weapon is more of a priority. We can't say for sure what they will do with the Admiral but we do know what they will do with that weapon if we don't take care of it."
Rook: Rook starts to reply to kesvo, then only nods in agreement. "Yeah." The ghosts of the worlds the Empire had already murdered bothered her. Eric would expect them to take care of this. "Weapon has to be highest priority."
Janix: "Perhaps we can find a way to avenge the Admiral, for trying to do the right thing," Janix offered, as she uncertainly 'shielded' Ashley from Rook.
Kesvo: "I'm leaning that way as well," she said with a nod, at Ashley and Rook's input. "Let's find Maya and see what her intel is." She looked to Ashley. "En route, we need to be conjuring some plan for using that dataspike from Switch."
"He said any terminal in the FO mainframe, so feel free to think outside the box."
Rook: Rook's helmet angled towards Janix, and the happan Commando might hear a faint laugh of amusement from the Mandalorian Engineer. She showed the odd gun, bright white with a big red X on it, with that strange magazine of what looked for all the world like animal tranquilizers in it.
Tal: Tal nodded. "Alright. Let's find her and get to it." he said.
Kesvo: Kesvo waits a moment to make sure no one has any pressing concerns or questions before they head back into the more populated areas.
But if no one does, she'll head for Gundark's Cantina or the Credit Chip, whichever she reaches first.
GM: 2
The team make their way to the Credit Chip, finding something of a rowdy crowd gathered around a pazzak table. There's mostly humans here, though you spot some oddities, such as a couple cyborgs and a mean looking yellow droid that takes up the space of two people. A couple First Order officers are milling around the bar, and one is playing cards and not looking happy about it.
Ashley: "Will do," replies Ashley to Kesvo (regarding the dataspike), still warily eyeing Rook every other chance he got. Why did she have to be so stoked about shooting him with a stimpack gun. He was fine, thank you.
Tal: Tal would enter with the group and look for anyone matching the description of their person.
Kesvo: Kesvo has been working with the Hellions long enough now that the "spread out and see what you can find" gesture was merely a series of aimed glances.
GM: They do not see a Rattatki in the Credit Chip.
Rook: Rook admires the giant yellow droid, trying to figure out his mods. But she does pull her attention away long enough to search for the Rattatki, and return to Kesvo with a mild shake of her head.
Kesvo: After it's clear Maya's not present Kesvo quietly rounds the team and heads for Gundark's Cantina.
Tal: When he didn't find anyone that fit the description, he rejoined the others and then headed for Gundark's Cantina.
GM: Gundark's is a dark, smoky atmosphere that has aliens from all walks of life in the establishment. There are several booths around wall of the cantina that are closed off for privacy. A local band plays somewhat soft music at the moment that's something electronic and relaxing.
Make Hard Perception checks, whoever's looking.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure)
((ashley gets distracted by the music, sorry folks))
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
GM: Tal can spot a Rattatki moving into one of the corner booths with a thin human male who's well-dressed but looks a touch pale. Along the way he spots a Wookiee Bounty Hunter who is by the bar and seems to be watching him....
Suffer 1 strain.
Kes and Rook also see the Rattatki.
Tal: "Don't look now, but I'm being eyed by a Wookiee. Pretty sure he's doesn't just like my armor." Tal said.
Rook: Rook does not look at the Wookie, but she suddenly wonders how many people out there are hunting the guy Tal modeled his armor on ...
Ashley: "Hm?" Ashley barely spares a glance towards the wookie (or anything else), clearly distracted by the music that's being played. It's rather relaxing after everything they had dealt with the day. "Maybe he just really likes the look of it."
Tal: "I'm pretty sure that's not the case at all." Tal said.
Kesvo: Kesvo takes note of the booth into which Maya goes, but instead of heading over, she makes her way to the bar and tries to flag down the bartender.
GM: The bartender is a grizzled wall of a human male with a large bushy white beard and a manbun. He walks over to Kes and sets tattooed hands onto the counter. "What'll it be?" He asks the Falleen.
Kesvo: The currently-human-looking Falleen smiles beautifully at the bartender and asks for a "Whiskey, neat, please. And a little information, if you're in the mood."
GM: "The drink's two credits. Information's fifty." The bartender responds with just as 'beautiful' of a smile as he pours.
Kesvo: "Does your name come free or do I need a tip for that?" she teased, sliding the requested credits down atop the bar. "I'm Terra. A little bird told me that there's a rattataki who frequents your fine establishment who..." she narrowed her eyes, seemed to try to pick her words well. "Let's say, is a curator of rare and valuable information. You know of anyone like that?"
GM: "Most people call me Gundark." The bartender replies with a slowly warming persona. "And to every paying customer, I throw the name in for free." He slides the credits away, then thumbs toward the booth. "That'd be Maya. She works out of here and a few other places. What's your interest?"
Venn: "I will see if I can tell what is his issue." she remarks to Tal. She will meander by the wookie to get a read on his thoughts.
GM: Versus Average Discipline Venn with 1 red.
Kes finds that the Whiskey's about what you expect for 2 credits - which is definitely not your top shelf stuff.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa will regain 1 strain.
Venn: ((Triumph-wise- can I know almost everything the Wookie did in the last couple of hours or something like that?))
GM: Sure!
Kesvo: Kesvo samples the drink and nods in response to Gundark. She grins broadly after the sip.
"Secrets, my friend. Secrets. We have a mutual friend who thinks she might be helpful to me." She turned her head and eyed the indicated booth, then looks back to Gundark. "But I don't wanna start business off on the wrong foot. Is the dark booth in the corner her signal for 'open for business' or is there a better time I oughta try to find her?"
Venn: ( 3 advantages = 1 Boost to Kesvo's next check )
GM: "Well. Right now she's talking to a Spice dealer." Gundark gestures to the booth that is closed. "By the name of Speng. He's a little jumpy, so I'd be careful about stepping in on their business right now. They can take up to an hour sometimes, though. Depends on what's going on. She has a lot of friends and runs a lot of business here."
"I don't really care what your business is about. As long as you don't make a mess or make the First Order come into my bar."
Venn: The masked Umbaran returns to where Tal is. "It was the gear catching his attention. Wookie minds are a bit odd to read, but he's here looking for a decent bounty. Not into the wanna be Imperials at all."
Tal: Tal nods. "Fair enough. Long as he doesn't come looking for trouble, we're in good shape. Thanks, Two."
Kesvo: She gave another lopsided smile before sipping her drink, eyeing Gundark as though amused by his terms.
"Oh yeah? Not a fan?" she said, in that tone that suggests she doesn't blame him at all.
Venn: "Under this mask, I am winking at you." she retorts to the ex-mandalorian.
Venn: "One, Are you keen on seeking out someplace to plug your thingy into?" She says it just how you read it, alluding to the dataspike.
Tal: "You never wink at me without it. Gotta change that sometime." Tal said, the slightly lighter tone indicating that he was grinning beneath his own mask.
GM: "What's to be a fan of? They run off business. They spout off that they don't like aliens and that humanity's better off as the sole rulers of the universe. This station used to be booming - even during the days of the Empire. Used to have people flush with cash who came out this far for fame and fortune." He gestured to the rest of the bar, which was fairly tame in its speed. "Now look. I can fit a whole star destroyer in this place with how empty it is."
"Now they just play cards with the Haxion Brood down at the Credit Chip. Which suits me fine - the two of them deserve each-other."
Ashley: Ashley looks upward, once again questioning his life and the entirety that was Venn Parsa.
Kesvo: "How long have they been stinking up the place? They haven't been here all that long, have they?"
GM: "Couple years, now."
"Empire barely was gone before they cropped up. Guess the Republic doesn't see fit to chase them off all the way out here. Typical, really. Just like how it's always been. Republic only cares about the Core."
Ashley: "Kind of a private affair, Two. Not the right kind of place for me to be looking." Okay, maybe he was not helping.
Tal: Tal stills as he hears about the Haxion Brood. The cannibals.
Kesvo: "I hear that," she said, lifting up the last of her drink in a little toast towards Gundark. "Gotta look out for yourself in this end of the galaxy, that's for damned sure." She tipped back her drink and pushed the glass towards him. "Another round, friend, if you'd be so kind."
While he's pouring, she leans on her folded elbows, watching him work. "What's Haxion? Another gang?"
Venn: "By the Maker.. I mean the spike." she clarifies, unimpressed.
Ashley: Ashley blinked, eyes wide with innocence. "Two, just what else did you think I was talking about?"
Venn: "Pelvic sorcery."
GM: Gundark simply nods in respect to her toast, as he'd not poured one for himself. Nonetheless he refills Kes's drink, this time from another bottle, and sends it back to her. "They're a band of mercs. Bounty Hunters. Meanest of the mean. They used to hunt Jedi back in the day for the Empire. When that fell off, they took on lucrative contracts on the Rim. But a bunch of them are freaks."
Rook: Rook can't help a laugh at Ashley and Venn's banter. She steals a glance at Jannix, unsure how the Happan would take their teasing.
GM: "They have a policy of stitching their people up with rogue cybernetics - stuff that would never see the light of day of even a Nar Shaddaa market."
Ashley: "Still need privacy for that," he replied dryly, "but also not what I was on about." The dataspike needed to be uploaded to the First Order mainframe, which meant they would need to find a place with access and get into it.
GM: "Hutts don't even really want to hire them, because they don't believe in the word 'Overkill'."
Kesvo: "Ugh," Kes says, with a little shudder.
Venn: *"Very well, I will go search for a suitable terminal and report back."
Kesvo: "I appreciate the heads-up. They sound a little too... devoted for my blood." She casts a casual glance over toward Maya's booth periodically, careful to not let her attention stray too far lest she miss the woman leaving.
Ashley: "We can go search but given our friend's abilities ..." Congrats, you're stuck with him following, Venn. "If we can't find a suitable location here, we will have ample opportunity when carrying out the rest of our work."
Venn: ((is the terminal not on this station?))
"Well, if you put it that way, maybe it can wait then." she changes trajectory, returning to her spot.
Ashley: "I mean, if we get access to a ship or barracks with a connection ..."
Dice Roll
(Force Dark)
A few minutes pass and there's no movement out of Maya's booth. However, there is the sound of some rowdy chatter coming from down the hall around the corner from the Cantina.
Gundark groans aloud. "Not again."
Kesvo: "What's goin' on?"
GM: The sound of heavy metal thumping is heard, and soon enough the droid and some of the cyborgs you saw out of the Credit Chip wander into the bar. They all move to the bar, and one of them moves to stand next to Kesvo specifically.
"Everec." Gundark nearly growls out.
Kesvo: Kesvo slowly leans to one side to take a look at the newcomer
GM: "Got some fresh blood in here tonight, Gundark?" The freakish cyborg says with a sharp grin. "You're holding out on us." He looks over to Terra with his multiple glowing red eyes.
Tal: "Yep. Cannibals." Tal says.
GM: "A round of drinks for me and me mates, Gundark. And not that swill you serve out from the back of the cooling unit - the good stuff." He gestures up to the shelves of bottles, then over to Kes. "And one for my new friend here."
Janix: Working on being out of the way, Janix listens and doesn't interrupt Kesvo. The newcomer catches her attention though and she understands more of what she heard from the bartender in regards to the Brood.
Ashley: "... normally I would argue that, Five, but ..." Ashley doesn't wince at the look of the new arrivals but the crude application of the cybernetics were horrifying to someone as skilled as he was.
GM: The Cyborg looks over to Kes and flashes another smile. "Allow me to introduce me'self. I'm Everec Benson, that over there is Django and Smiley. And the bucket of bolts if Digger."
Rook: Rook observes the newcomers, and upon hearing Tal's comment can't even find a reassuring reply. I mean, they sure looked and acted like Cannibals! Her hands drift down, slowly, just ... you know. ready to fast draw.
Kesvo: 'Terra' eyes the laser face curiously, and opens her mouth to respond. The oncoming sass is visible. But she pauses, looks at Gundark, looks at the bar, and then back to the stranger.
He introduced himself and Kesvo smiled.
"Terra," she replied. "Funny that you're here, Everec. I saw you over at the credit chip. Your buddy seemed to be having a good run at pazzack. My buddy was saying how he could do better, though," she said, with a nod to Tal.
"Don't suppose you fellas are in the mood for a little wager?"
GM: "Digger. This tripe is too quiet. Turn it up." He gestures to the jukebox, then to 'Terra' and smiles. "What's the wager?"
The Droid moves over and pounds into the jukebox, and the music changes from the peaceful bit the band had been playing to something that is blaring in the bar.
Several individuals who had been sitting and enjoying their drinks look over to the commotion and get up, walking out.
Kesvo: "We could start simple, since we're just gettin' to know each other. Top shelf drinks for the winner, to start, between your buddy and mine at a round of pazzack."
GM: Gundark sighs as he goes and grabs a few bottles of liquor from the top shelf and starts pouring glasses.
"Hah, sounds like a boring game to me!" Everec shakes his head.
"How about somethin' more fun."
Kesvo: "Such as?"
GM: "We play a round of cards. You win - I buy you a drink."
"I win. Your buddy has to wrestle Digger."
The giant composite droid flexes.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks to Tal.
Rook: Rook almost wants the second bet, because Tal could take that thing! She angles her head for an encouraging glance at Tal, co
Tal: "Sure." Tal said, sparing a glance for Digger.
GM: "Hah! That's more like it!"
Kesvo: "Alright," Kesvo said back to Everec, sliding off of her stool. She gave a passing tug to Everec's jacket sleeve. "But I'm tired of this place. Let's go back to the Chip. We can play cards there."
GM: Everec moves over to an open table and pulls out a pazzak deck. "Django, bring the whole damn bottle will ya? Mighty kind of ya to extend your generosity to us Gundark!"
Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Venn: ((remember I gave a boost to Kes next check)
Janix: Janix, feeling that this might be a intense situation, moves closer to Kes. Akin to the way she imbues, she wills Kes to succeed. Not the same as imparting, but concentrating on Kes and the situation.
Rook: Rook is kind of looking forward to Tal wrestling the droid ...
Tal: Tal is not looking forward to wrestling the droid.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Ashley: "So," says Ashley to Tal while everything is being sorted, "looks like it's going to be an interesting night."
Is he being serious? WHO KNOWS.
GM: "Well, we already cleaned out those Fake Imps." Everec replies, shrugging. "But alright. I never could refuse a pretty face." he smiles. Digger lets out this really weird warble-laugh, while the other two Cyborgs add to that. 'Haha, poser-Imps!'
They all get to their feet.
Tal: "When is it not an interesting night with us? Gambling. Possible droid wrestling. Maybe getting eaten." he said, shrugging his shoulders.
GM: Gundark has already poured rounds of drinks for everyone, and has left the bottle out.
Kesvo: Kes leans over to pick up one of the glasses, and winks quickly to Gundark before tossing it back and heading out with the sleaze.
GM: Kes make an average resilience check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Yep, that is the good stuff. She gets a little light-headed for a moment, but is otherwise alright.
Ashley: "... only when we're slacking," he replies, "but on the upside, there's little that you can't handle." AKA, Ashley believed Tal could kick ass. Even a giant droid.
Rook: Rook hates to let a good drink go to waste, but also isn't about to remove her helmet here. So she picks a nice looking warrior who is here, and leaves her drink with that person.
GM: The Brood, Kes, Tal, and whoever else wants to wander over to the Credit Chip are able to do so. Django takes the bottle of top-shelf liquor with them - and thanks Rook for the drink!
They all head over to the casino that is still vibrant, but has definitely died down some. A few First Order troopers stand outside, as if on security detail, and a couple officers are at the bar and mutter as the Brood re-enter, the two Cyborgs singing a drinking son about their Attaman.
They make their way back to a table, and Everec gets seated. "Well then. I don't get the change of local, but most ideas given by a beautiful woman with liquor involved tend to be good ones." The mecha-faced Cyborg smiles wide and lifts his drink in salute, then downs it. He draws out his cards and lays them on the table. "So then, the armored one's going to be playing me? What's your name, shiny and chrome?"
Tal: "Call me Gil."
GM: "Alright, Gil. You know the game I trust?" He begins dealing.
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 4 rounds.
Tal: "Yeah."
Kesvo: "You've got this, Gil. Don't let me down, handsome," she said, rubbing a hand on one armored shoulder as she slid behind him.
Janix: Not willing to leave her new allies to the strange 'wolves', Janix follows along, trying not to be overly conspicuous.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: Ashley similarly follows, though he may still be keeping Janix between himself and Rook.
Kesvo: (Tal heals 1 strain, Rook heals 3.)
GM: Tal roll a Cool check (Gambling) versus 3 red and 3 black.
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   6
Kesvo: (+1 boost from Kes)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Threat) (Triumph)
Dice Pool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook: Rook settles in to watch Tal, though gambling is not as exciting to her as anything with real risk. She does let her gaze wander over the establishment from time to time.
GM: While Tal plays admirably, and even gets a couple rounds where it's close, Everec succeeds in the final draw. But Tal notices something, a glint of something shiny up the Merc's sleeve. His hand shoots out and catches it, and the card drops out of his sleeve, revealing a copy of the very card Everec needed to win.
"Oops." The Cyborg says with a wide grin, unashamed at being caught in the act.
Kesvo: "Well that's hardly a game," Kesvo observes dryly.
Tal: Tal glares at the many-eyed man without any fear, keeping hold of his hand. "I'll take my money back. Or there's gonna be another oops at this table real quick."
GM: "Oh but it is." Everec responds, his red stare still on Tal.
"Fair enough, Gil. Fair enough." The Broodmaster hands Tal back his money. "Shall we play another round? You still almost won."
Kesvo: Kesvo makes a soft ch sound and rolls her eyes a little, though she lets Tal decide what he wants to do.
Tal: "Yeah, I'll play again. Same stakes but this time without the extra tricks." Tal said, taking the copy of the card in question.
Kesvo: While waiting, her gaze passes over the FO fellows at the bar. ((Are they in uniforms?))
GM: The First Order officers are indeed in uniforms, watching the proceedings with a distant eye.
Tal can roll again against 3 red and 1 black.
Kesvo: Kesvo thinks those uniforms might be awful handy in getting in somewhere that there's a FO mainframe access terminal. She wonders how much longer they'll stay, if they've been gambled out of their money.
Janix: Watching the gambling, and then subsequent cheating, Janix decides to help out a bit of her won. Perhaps cheating, but who cares. She moves past the table, watching, as she imparts a bit of her own power, focusing cells and energy towards Tal's desired outcome.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Ashley: Ashley takes note of the three in uniform as well, glancing towards Kesvo and Venn.
 Imbue Activation   Action
Effect   The user may spend ◐◐ to increase one of another engaged chracter's characteristics by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the Force user's next turn.
Caveat   This can only be used once per character per encounter.
Give into the Darkside   If the user uses ⬤ to generate ◐, the target increases a second character by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the user's next turn, but both Force user and target suffer 3 strain.
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   5
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat)
Dice Pool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage)
GM: Tal loses this round, but only barely. Another close game, and he's fairly sure it's fair this time. "Close, my friend." Everec laughs as he reveals the winning hand. "Very close."
"Do you drink beneath that helmet, Gil?"
Tal: "Not usually, friend. But if you want to buy a drink, how about another for Terra? She's the reason we met up and had this damn good game." he says, trying to be gracious in defeat.
GM: "Oh, of course, of course! I was planning to pour for her until she said stop."
"But I just wanted to let you have a drink before Digger lives up to his name."
The Brood cheer as Digger steps over and lays a metal giant hand on Tal's shoulder to haul him to his feet.
Tal: "And I-- oop!"
GM: Digger: "Show me what you've got, Meatbag."
The Brood all laugh, lifting up their drinks. Django goes and pours for everyone who's drank some of their liquor.
Rook: Rook gives Tal and encouraging thump, focusing much more intently upon this more interesting contest!
Tal: "What are the rules to this wrestling match. I'd rather not get blasted with a cannon before I know what's happening." Tal said, rolling his neck.
GM: "All your friends got bounties or somethin'?" Everec says toward Terra. "None of them're willin to show their faces?"
Kesvo: "They're just too pretty, is the truth of it," she says, between sips, with a straight face. "I don't like the competition," she says, with a grin.
GM: Digger "Figure it out." The Droid says and then tries to grab Tal.
Venn: (no)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Failure)
GM: Digger picks Tal up and throws him through the air. The Mandalorian goes flying into the case of bottles and breaks a mountain of glass. The First Order officers get up and move away from the bar, looking astounded as they turn their attention to the crew.
Kesvo: Kesvo winces as she watches Tal go flying.
GM: Digger hefts his arms up and flexes. "Champion. Still." The Cyborgs start laughing uncontrollably.
Tal takes no damage - his soak his just too high for it to matter, but he does land prone behind the bar.
Kesvo: "YEAH YOU HAVE! WOO!" Kes cheers.
GM: The bartender runs off to hide as the First Order stormtroopers poke their head in at the commotion.
Digger: "I did not know meatbags could fly."
Tal: He really hasn't. He isn't hurt, he knows how strong Digger is.
GM: Digger: "Ah. Ah. Ah Ah."
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Advantage)
Tal rolls off the bar a bit slower than he should, hoping to bring the droid closer.
Venn: Watchin
GM: Everec: "It's all in good fun, mate! Haha. I've not seen someone fly that far since we shot 'im out a torpedo tube."
Digger: "Do you want round two, Meatbag?"
Tal: Tal gets up, ala Captain Galaxy.
"I can do this all night."
Kesvo: "Aren't you worried about drawing attention?" Kesvo quietly asks Everec after pausing at his side. She nods to the door, where the Stormtroopers are watching.
Venn: (thats what she said)
Ashley: ((giggity))
GM: Everec: "Digger, knock it off." The Cyborg laughs and waves, gesturing to the stormtroopers. "Otherwise these fake Imps are going to get rowdy."
The Stormtroopers step into the bar.
Ashley: Okay but seriously ...
Fake Imps?
GM: Everec: "Ah, ye see mates? That's truly livin' up to the source material. They just done seen Digger throw a man wearin better armor than they through a damned wall o'glass, and what do they do? They step up and thinkin' it's gonna go different-like."
Everec rises to his feet.
Kesvo: Kesvo quietly steps back away from Everec
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
Ashley: Ashley looks towards Tal to make sure he's alright before turning his attention towards Everec.
GM: The other Brood stop laughing.
They step behind their 'leader' as he steps forward into the 'face' of the Stormtroopers. "Ye hear about us? The Haxion Brood? If ye don't piss off back to yer post, I'm gonna decide I need meself a midnight snack."
"And I'll make one of out yer arms."
Force Power
Ashley Nasur
Power Name   Weswin's Foresight
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Rook: Rook feels a sizzle of tension go through the room; the playing has stopped (and from Rook's point of view, it had been playing). she prepares herself for things to get violent ... only she's not at all sure which side they are on ...
GM: The Stormtroopers look to each-other, then seem to think better of a confrontation and move away back out of the Credit Chip.
Everec turns back to the others, smiling wide again. "Well then, mates. We were drinkin' were we not?"
Rook: Rook nods to herself, reluctantly impressed. At the very least, the storm troopers were going to collect a few dozen more before coming back.
GM: "We need to get this lad somethin harder than a drink, if he don't take off his helmet on accounts of his looks." He gestured to Gil, and the two Brood laugh as Digger produces a red, smokey vial that it then hands to Tal.
Rook: A laugh escapes her, at Everec's calm resumption of fun. She thumps Tal on the shoulder, to encourage him.
Tal: Tal rises, looks at the vial.
Kesvo: "What is it?" kes asks.
GM: Tal can roll a Hard Streetwise or Underworld check.
Venn: Venn just shakes her head at those dimestore stormtroopers. Goes to show they are not proper imperials as such cowardice would likely lead to years of detention.
Ashley: Ashley watches the Stormtroopers leave, though out of the corner of his eye he is still watching Everec. Despite the more favorable outcome--them fleeing--he could not shake the picture of the bloody brawl that could have happened. The Haxion Brood, he realized, would have taken out anyone in their path.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure)
GM: Everec: "A good time."
Kesvo: "Says the guy who thinks an arm qualifies as a snack. Not sure our definitions match up," she said, with a dry little laugh.
Tal: Tal accepts the vial.
GM: Everec: "Aye. But I think you're a snack too." The red lights on his face flicker in a pattern and he grins as he sits back down. "Who's to say which'd be the one that'd give me more indigestion?"
Ashley: Ashley looks at the vial handed to Tal, trying to ... well. Something. Was it familiar? Who knew, but drinking it was probably not a great idea.
Tal: "What is it?"
GM: Ashley can roll a 4 Purple Medicine check.
Everec responds to Tal. "Like I told ye. A good time."
Digger taps the top. "Open it and breathe it in."
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Kes narrows her eyes at the non-answer, and looks more directly at the vial
Kesvo: "It'd be rude, don't you think?" she asked Tal. "Our gracious host oughta go first, no?" she asked, looking to Everec.
GM: Everec: "Oh, I've plenty, love. But if you're worried about it being poisoned, I'll take some first. I've no fear of Spice."
The Cyborg gestures to his face. "What do ye think they gave me when they put this on?" He grins.
Kesvo: That was, in fact, Kesvo's concern, so she won't object to Everec sampling it first.
"What is it about the hardware and you guys, anyway?" she asked idly, eyeing his facial augmentation with an appreciative eye. "Some kinda club or something?"
GM: "What would I gain from poisoning some lad I just met? Do I seem like a Hutt to you?"
Tal: "Ah, Spice. Sure, why not. We're all friends here." Tal said.
"Terra, don't worry about it."
He'll inhale just to keep them talking to Kesvo.
GM: Tal feels an intense high that comes from the spice. He suffers 3 strain, however for the next 24 hours he receives 3 less setback dice from wounds or injuries and can ignore the effect of the first Critical Injury he suffers in 24 hours.
Kesvo: Kesvo's glance flicks a little too hard towards Tal, and she watches very closely as he inhales.
Tal: "Whoa. That's....that's some good stuff." he said.
GM: Everec: "We deal only in the best my friend." He says toward Gil, then smiles toward Kes. "From hardware, to spice, to waeapons, to contracts."
"What about you lot. What brings you to the edge of the Galaxy?"
Kesvo: "A contract of our own," she replied, returning her attention to Everec. "What kind of jobs do your guys hire out for, Everec?"
GM: Everec: "High paying ones. Ones that tell a story. Ones that you felt like you earned the kill."
Rook: Rook glances over at Kesvo, uneasy.
Kesvo: "Oh yeah? A story, you say..." She glanced to the others, as though considering something. "I might have something you can help us out on, if you're looking. But I don't have all the info yet. You lot usually found hereabouts?" she asked, nodding towards the casino's bar.
GM: Everec: "For now, yeah. We've just finished a job not too long ago. Waiting until our next one - for now we'll celebrate."
Kesvo: Kesvo will continue chatting up Everec, hoping to eventually come to a point where it feels like the Brood have lost interest in returning to Gundak's place.
GM: It will take some time, and some drinks, but that can be accomplished.
Make an Average Resilience check with 2 black
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Kes will be a little inebriated after the 'negotiating' is over, taking 3 strain after the fact (though she can heal it with the advantage). She can make her way back to Gundark's....
Dice Roll
(Force Light)
And finds Maya stepping out of her booth just then.
End Session 79



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2020, 08:14:54 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 1, Session 80 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions are on Ardis Station - a Czerka controlled deep-space space station that serves as a base of operations and trading post for the wild frontier of the Unknown Regions. Upon arriving, they discovered that Ardis Station has a large First Order presence. After saving Agent Alico's life, and meeting up with an old "friend", Switch, they are working on discovering the location of Prince Xizor's agent.
First, they must ferret out the location from Maya, a Rattatki information broker that Xizor has paid to furnish the information to the Hellions (albeit, she does not know their identity). While they sit in the Gundark Cantina, finding that she's stepped out of her private suite, Venn infiltrates the First Order's base of operations on the station...
Doors within the First Order's facility open, and Switch's voice comes over the intercom again: "That should provide you an egress. I will do as you request and seek non-lethal means to assure no investigation comes from your infiltration."
Meanwhile, Mya moves to the bar, tossing a cursory glance to the others and orders a drink.
Kesvo: Kesvo continued to the cantina, where she greeted the bartender with a wide smile while she slid onto a barstool. Before she struck up proper conversation, though, out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of the Rattataki woman emerging from her shaded booth. Kesvo turned on her stool and smiled towards the woman.
"Evenin, Maya," the human-looking Falleen purred, seeming pleased to see the other woman. "Buy you a drink?"
GM: The Rattataki pauses as Kes so kindly gives the offer, and the scarred woman frowns. "Who the kriff are you?" She asks without kindness.
Ashley: Ashley was mostly quiet, though he frowned when Venn took off on her own. With his injuries, however, he couldn't really blame her for leaving him with the com unit, taking the time to look it over and see if he could do exactly what had been mentioned by Venn. (AKA, hack it and see if he could use it as a way to listen in.)
Kesvo: Kesvo didn't seem to let the lack of warmth bother her. In fact, her smile brightened as though it amused her a little.
"We're business," she said. "My name's Terra. You wanna talk here, or in your office?" she asked, gesturing towards the booth from which Maya had just emerged.
GM: "Mm. What kinda business?" The Rattataki inquired, clearly not warming up despite the comment. The bartender, notably, moved to another part of the bar.
Kesvo: Kesvo watched Gundark move away with a disappointed little sigh, then turned back to look at Maya more directly.
"The Falleen kind."
GM: Mya's frown deepens. "My favorite. Fine. But not here." The Rattataki turns and starts walking out of the bar.
Ashley finds that it's a simple comm unit and doesn't need any hacking.
Venn: The adept moves through the open doors and begins to navigate her way through the web of security and surveillance to a maintenance exit. Meandering through the stations pathways, she blends into the foot traffic as she tends to do, putting distance between her and the remnant's complex.
Tal: Tal was still riding his high, feeling good even after being tossed across a bar. He could fight the galaxy right now and not feel it. He was almost tempted to.
GM: He does, however, get to hear some interesting communication, as it comes alive:
"Lord Vader's shuttle is due to dock with the station in thirty minutes. Report to your duty stations for inspection."
Kesvo: "As you like it," Kesvo says without complaint, before hopping off of her stool to follow after.
Rook: Rook shadows Kesvo, a faint tension building as the strange contact leads them out of the bar.
Janix: Not to follow too closely, Janix falls in near Rook, not sure if she was protecting Kesvo or watching the youthful Mandolorian.
Ashley: Ashley stiffens, eyes widening as he hears that message. Vader (the fake one) was coming here? It's enough to make him fall a little behind both Janix and Rook despite meaning to keep up.
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Hellion Field Team: %u2301 This is Two. The bogwing is in the nest. On my way back to your position with news about a Star Destroyer with a VIP they are calling Vader. %u2301 .
Janix: It seems like something is bothering Ashely, and beyond giving him a slight look, Janix watches out for the group rather than asking.
GM: Mya neither seems to notice or care about the crew who are murmuring to themselves, though she looks over her shoulder to notice that it's more than just Kes following after her. She takes a few quick turns and cuts a sharp corner, nearly disappearing out of view. She moves just slow enough for the group to keep up.
Ashley: He just taps his com at Janix's look, Venn's message to them all pretty much covering what it was that had caused him to react. What the heck was here that was worth someone pretending to be Vader to come out? For a moment he listened to the enemy com, seeing if there was anything else of importance in the chatter before moving forward.
Tal: Tal keeps moving, though hearing the news about Vader focuses his thoughts. If he was really alive, then he was a threat to the entire galaxy. Maybe someone needed to do something about it.
Rook: Rook missteps, as Venn's message reaches her. A certain tension coiled within, hoping that Venn was right, and it was not really vader. yet ... kinda hoping it was. or not. she couldn't decide.
GM: Maya takes them all down several dark alleyways with notably very little infrastructure in place. She presses her hand to a pad, and a durasteel blast doorr opens up. She turns back toward the Hellions who were following her, and gesturing them to follow after her. She stepped into the darkness.
Venn: Venn, without warning, is behind Ashley and plainly whispers to him through her mask. "Where are we going?"
Kesvo: Kes subtly taps her comm mic twice, a quiet confirmation to Venn that she's been heard. As she moves, she keeps an eye on where they're being led, and the way back to the cantina. It's a new place, and this station does not seem like a prime place to get lost in.
She pauses to watch Maya open the door, a brow arching, and then follows her inside.
GM: Kes make a Hard Perception check.
Kesvo: Knowing that Maya has already sold out one "partner", though, she's trying to keep an eye open--
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Ashley: Ashley resists the urge to stick his tongue out at Venn and instead responds in a whisper: "... following our contact into dark places." His hand gestured towards Kesvo who was going inside a rather dark area.
Janix: Uncertain about the Vader news, Janix hopes that whatever that means for the Hellions. Focused on the issue at hand, Janix watches Kesvo enter the dark, a slight frown as she is ready to follow (assuredly with Rook).
GM: Kes sees that the alleyway that they've walked down has no security cameras and no quick exits either. This seems to be a solitary path forward. She gets a very bad feeling about this (2 strain).
Kesvo: Kesvo slows her pace just a little, letting the distance close between herself and where the crew is following.
Just in case.
"Cozy," she tells Maya.
GM: Kes steps inside after Maya. Does everyone follow suit?
Janix: Janix, not excited about the dark entrance, is not about to let Kesvo go in alone and follows promptly.
Rook: Rook does, she won't leave Kesvo in there alone!
Venn: A final addition to this conga line to a grim demise, Venn will follow along from the rear.
Ashley: Ashley heads in just in front of Venn, though finds it odd that--for once--the rear is not covered by Rook (or Janix).
... then again, Kesvo was ahead of them, so ...
Janix: (Good point Ashley! haha)
Ashley: ((tal covers the rear in his spice high, it's fine.))
GM: The group enters into the room and find it's somewhat warm and stuff. Emergency lights flick on, bathing the area in orange light. What's revealed is a spartan room with two metal chairs, a naked power terminal near one of them. The walls are barren metal, and on the metal floor that echoes their footsteps, they see dried blood beneath one seat.
Mya takes the other one.
"Well, what do you want?" The Rattatki says with a devil-may-care attitude as the door closes behind Tal.
Tal: Tal remains near the door while keeping the rest of the Hellions in his field of view.
Kesvo: Kesvo narrows her eyes, as though suddenly doubting the Rattataki woman.
"You make it sound like you don't already know what we're here for. Our mutual friend is many things, but not-thorough isn't one of them. You're to put us in contact with someone."
Rook: Rook wants to shoot Mya in the face with a rocket, but she politely waits for Kesvo to speak.
Ashley: Ashley studies the room, looking for anything particularly out of place. Though, you know, that blood is somewhat concerning ...
GM: "Little more complicated than that. Your someone isn't a person right now." Mya says with a shrug, running her finger across the bottom of her chair. She lifts it up, rubbing her thumb and fingers together, as if checking for dust. "Have a seat." She gestures to the seat across from her.
Ashley: (Really, is it a torture room? The decor makes him think it's a torture room.)
Janix: (Yeah, probably torture, Janix will demure and avoid letting him know? :P )
Ashley: (Too late :P)
Kesvo: "I'm fine with standing, thanks," she says, with a smile. "I was under the impression you were being paid too well for there to be 'complications' at this stage. What do you mean, 'isn't a person right now'?"
Rook: If Kesvo moves to sit in the chair, rook will slip in front of her and kick the thing over ...
GM: "They're a block of carbonite. In a cargo case."
Kesvo: "A block. Of Carbonite," she repeats, before sighing quietly but deeply. "Where?"
GM: Mya crosses one leg over the other and leans back in her seat. "Come into my house and be rude, huh?" She shrugs. "Alright sweet cheeks."
Ashley: Ashley lets out a sigh and gestures Rook to come closer. Maybe now was the time to stealth stab him with a stimpack, yes? (Rather than let her agitation about their contact and her interaction with Kesvo build.)
GM: "On the station. In a place crawling the First Order blockheads."
Kesvo: "Where on the station?"
Rook: Rook tenses, expecting trouble. At Ashley's gesture, she fades back a step and does indeed dose him with a stim pack. but not her gun ... she had a feeling drawing even a stim-pack gun would erupt in bloody violence.
Venn: "This place is really unsanitary." mutters the umbaran through her vocoder, gaze landing on the dried blood.
GM: The Rattataki ignores Venn's commentary, considering Kes as she bobs her foot over her knee. She clucks her tongue in thought - or in dramatic pause. "Loading Bay 5B. It's one of the ones the First Order uses."
Ashley: Though Ashley tenses, thankfully there's no ... you know ... being knocked unconscious or raging headache that follows. (Or medical equipment suddenly breaking.) ... but, hey, he feels a bit better and that's good.
Kesvo: "Alright. How do we find this non-person?"
GM: "Look for container Alpha Six Zero Niner Zeta Beta. Find it and then you got what you came here for."
Kesvo: Kesvo glances to the others, Ashley in particular, for confirmation that someone was making note of that info.
"Who is it that's on ice?" she asked, looking back to Maya
GM: "Don't know. Don't care. Wasn't paid to ask."
Kesvo: "Then how do you know it's who we're after?"
GM: "Because it's a block of kriffing carbonite with a person inside."
"If it turns out to be someone else, well, that's more your problem, not mine."
Tal: Tal memorizes the container, though he doesn't like how tight-lipped Mya is being about the information.
Kesvo: "Oh, I have a feeling it'll qualify as our problem if we get this block thawed and they're not who they need to be. It's in both our best interests that our friend is satisfied with how this turns out. So if there's anything else you're sitting on that would qualify as facilitating this going well, now's your chance to get chatty, friend."
Rook: Rook, too, makes note of the container number. Something feels off to her, about this, but she can't quite put her finger on what it is that feels out of kilter.
GM: "I don't really care about your friend. I've already been paid. I've heard all the threats already. I have.. let's say, a professional reputation to uphold. If I give you bad information, that looks bad on me."
"I told you the location. I'll make sure it's unlocked for you too. After that, not much else I can do."
Kesvo: "I'm not challenging the accuracy of your information. I just want to make sure we're all on the same page, here."
"You mean the container or the bay?" she asked, unfamiliar with how tight security was in that area.
Ashley: Noting the location and container number, as he suspects the rest are, Ashley is already considering the ... fun times of dealing with someone encased in carbonite. (Fun times is sarcasm.)
GM: "I was told to make sure the shipment got here and to give the information to whoever asked - and was told, explicitly, not to ask a lot of questions."
"So I don't know who you are - and I'm sure that's how your friend wants it to be."
"And I don't know who's in the karking crate. Because again, I'm pretty sure they don't want me to know."
Kesvo: She nodded. "How soon will it be unlocked?"
GM: "I can make it happen now."
"It'll be guarded by First Order goons, but I figure that's why there's a bunch of you, rather than just you."
Kesvo: She nodded again. "Does the First Order control all the unfreezing equipment here, or do you know of somewhere outside of their purview that we can thaw the block?"
GM: "First Order's only one with that stuff here. And it's in their base."
Kesvo: "Naturally." She glances to Ashley and Rook, thinking them most familiar with such mechanics. "How long's it take to thaw a humanoid?"
Venn: Venn randomly re-delivers a poignant piece of information. "In case it isn't known, There is an Imperial Star Destroyer outside."
GM: Her mechanically and medically inclined allies know that it's very dangerous to thaw someone out without specialized equipment - because getting frozen in the first place is more likely to kill you than actually safely freeze you.
Ashley: "... and a visiting VIP that may give us additional cause for concern," says Ashley, still not onboard with the entire Vader is alive bit.
Ashley supplies Kesvo with the information she was looking for, with Rook chiming in her own additional knowledge.
Kesvo: Kesvo turns to glance at Venn, then AShley, not sure why the comments are coming now, in mixed company. She doesn't comment at the moment, though, and waits for the carbonite answer.
Rook: "We would need the specialized equipment. and ... it would better if a combat didn't immediately follow."
Kesvo: "Right, but if we have the equipment, how long?" she clarifies.
Ashley: "We could kill the individual without the equipment."
Venn: "So just deliver them as a block."
Ashley: "With the right equipment, we could do it quickly?"
"Not accounting for carbonite sickness or any other complications that might arise with their revival."
Kesvo: "Alright," she said, nodding. "How much warning do you need to get the thing unlocked when we're ready?" she asked Maya
GM: "Oh, I can do it whenever I want." Maya affords a shrug.
Kesvo: "Mind if I comm you to let you know, then? Wanna do some recon first."
GM: "Sure thing 'ol buddy 'ol pal."
Rook: Rook just looks at Mya, studying the strange woman. Did she want someone to shoot her?
Kesvo: "Then I think our business is done for the moment, friend," she says, after capturing Maya's comm info. "Much obliged."
GM: Maya nods and gestures to the door, her toe tapping in the air. "Good luck. If anyone catches you, we never met."
Kesvo: "As you like it," she says, then turns to head out.
Janix: Looking around the room, for Maya to be so comfortable, she wondered what protections the Rattataki had. Not eager to find out, Janix will fall in with the team as she follows Kesvo out.
Rook: Rook stays with Kesvo but does not turn her back upon the strange Rattataki and whatever hidden resources she had.
Tal: Tal will exit the room with the others.
Rook: After they exit the odd, nasty, blood-stained room, Rook comments, "She wasn't looking for repeat business. She didn't charge more when you wanted to complicate her life by delaying. and she just gave you her comlink ... but if she's that open with it, why didn't we have it to start with?"
Ashley: Ashley similarly heads out, following next to Venn (assuming she doesn't disappear into darkness as is her way).
Venn: Venn looks to Maya as the others leave. She dramatically sweeps her cape before turning on a heel and exiting like a diva.
Kesvo: "We need somewhere to talk," kesvo says. "There's alot to go over and I don't like the open air here."
"Did you catch how soon the VIP would be making an appearance?" she asked, with a glance to Venn.
Rook: Rook nods, and fades to silence until they find the right place ...and Venn turns on her scrambler.
Venn: "The ISD is already in range. They were making final preparations to greet the shuttle. I can't say how far along they were in that or when the shuttle would be arriving."
*"They called the VIP "Vader" and they were taking it very seriously, as if a poor performance would bring punitive measures."
"I know what hangar bay the shuttle is scheduled to land in, however. Six A."
Kesvo: Once they found a place to huddle, Kesvo listened to Venn's comments. "Any trouble with the dataspike?"
Venn: She shrugs then shakes her masked head.
Tal: "Two, did you get the name of that ISD that's bringing the VIP?"
Kesvo: "Excellent. One less thing on our plate. And I want Switch on our good side, because I halfway expect Maya to pfask us mid-job."
Venn: *"No. I figured the hangar bay information might be more useful to us."
Kesvo: "I've been thinking about pseudo-Vader," she said, looking from face to face. "We know someone else who likes cybernetic masks, is a strong Force user, has ties to the FO and enjoys the dramatic"
Ashley: Ashley was not enjoying that line of thought.
Venn: She gives ashley another Imperial comlink. "More presents. This one is from a trooper working in cargo receiving."
Ashley: "My favorite kind of present," says Ashley, taking the comlink from her and looking it over.
Tal: "Yeah, we do. I was just curious which ship is out there that he'd be using as his flagship."
Kesvo: "I don't want to assume it's him, but we should be prepared for that possibility."
Venn: *"For all we know, these fanatics could have just made Vader a title."
Kesvo: "Could have," she nodded. "But if they're hopping-to like they're motivated, my guess is that there's someone playing the role."
Venn: "Easy to foster imposters when no one ever sees your face... as we come to know intimately well over the last few weeks."
Kesvo: "We need intel. We need a gameplan for getting in and out of that Bay with the carbonite as low-key as possible. We need to figure out where on the base the thawing equipment is and whether or not we have a shot of getting to it. And we need to sort this out as quickly as we can. I know we prioritized the weapon, but if there's a chance we can get out of here in time to save the turncoat, I'd like to do it."
Rook: The Doctor's description of a true Sith ran through Rook's mind, as she considered the possibility of running into Shroud. Her stomach tightened and her soul felt chilled.
"See if Switch can get us plans of the place, since he's in play?" Rook suggested.
Tal: "So we need a map of the station to figure out the locations of the stuff we need. Can we get one?"
Kesvo: "If we don't have a better option, that's a route," she said to Rook. "But he's expensive help. One, you think there's a chance you could hack a terminal somewhere and find what we need?"
Venn: Venn produced a pair of officer's code cylinders and offered them to Ashley. "I did get these from an officer in one of the main offices."
Kesvo: "You're just full of presents, today," Kesvo remarked, watching the code cylinders change hands.
Ashley: "Hiding anymore presents for me?" asked Ashley, taking the code cylinders from Venn. He looked to Kesvo. "And if I get access, yes, I can certainly see what I can find for us."
Venn: "I used to steal these as a teenager to make sure officers weren't compromised." she admitted, as if it was just an obvious thing for her to do in the situation.
Tal: "Kinda glad I never made officer. Probably would spend more time worrying about the people above me than a mutiny." Tal said
Kesvo: "How do we feel about splitting up to save time?" she asked. "One half going after the carbonite and the other finding info on the base?"
Janix: Though there were risks, Janix nodded and spoke. "I won't be much help with finding info and would be happy to obtain the carbonite person." She didn't know a lot about carbonite but she could find things and bring them back.
Tal: "Yeah, I'm with Seven. I'll help with the carbonite person." Tal said.
Ashley: "... if we're doing that, then Four and myself are in each group." Mostly because it was best if someone familiar with carbonite was helping handle the individual in carbonite.
Rook: Rook glanced at Ashley. "one of us should be in each team-" A laugh broke out as Ashley all but read her mind. "what he said."
Janix: "Is it an unstable material?" Janix asked.
Rook: "It's not likely to be a threat to us, but mishandled can kill the Bounty. Uh, individual."
Ashley: "What she said," says Ashley with a small laugh, as Rook beat him to it.
Kesvo: "We have to assume it's in some kind of transportable state as it is, or they wouldn't have survived this long."
"But I understand the thawing process is dangerous."
Rook: Rook flashed Ashley a thumbs up, but she did hate when the team got split up. In this case, in the hopes of dodging Shroud ... she was all for it.
Kesvo: Kesvo looked to Venn, the only one who hadn't given an opinion on splitting up, yet.
Venn: Venn will leave the carbonite team to their devices and step over to the others.
Ashley: "I'd say rock-paper-scissors for who goes with which," says Ashley to Rook, "but I think you can handle someone in carbonite just fine." Since she had kept Raider with her and all.
Kesvo: Kesvo took that as affirmation and nodded. "Alright. Five, Seven, Four and I will go after the carbonite. One, Two, see if you can touch base with the Captain; he may be of use here. Six is on the ship, too, if you think he'd be a help."
Rook: "You are the computer expert," Rook concurred. She offered a thump to the shoulder to Ashley, a high five to Kesvo, a fist bump to Venn, before gliding over to Tal and Jannix. Oooh, this was going to be fun!
Kesvo: "Keep your comms close. We may need your help if Maya has something in store for us."
She waits for anyone to offer objections or concerns. If no one does, she'll break off with her team.
Janix: Adjusting the hood of the cloak, Janix falls in with Kesvo and the rest of the Hellions.
Venn: (so am I)
GM: TEAM ONE (Aka, CarboTeam): You make your way toward the Landing Bay. The entrance to it is not far from the main Promenade. It is guarded by Four First Order Stormtroopers.
Team Two (Aka NerdTeam): I will have more information for you once you determine where you're going.
Kesvo: ((Is the entrance a set of bay doors? Is it visible from the Promenade?))
Tal: Tal notes their weapons and then looks around for any other First Order goons that might be in the area to back them up like the last set.
GM: The entrance to the Hangar Bay is indeed a large set of durasteel sliding blast doors - similar to the doors for the Falcon on the Death Star in New Hope.
It is not casually visible to those walking along the Promenade, but it is not far from there. Blaster fire will certainly be heard to those in the corridor, but they'd have to head down that way to see something.
Tal notices that all of the First Order troopers are utilizing Heavy Blaster rifles.
(that's the 10 damage auto-fire ones)
Ashley: "... so I need access to a terminal," says Ashley, watching the others leave. "What'd you find on your adventure beside all these presents?"
Tal: "They're packing major heat down there." Tal said. We start shooting, it'll bring someone to investigate.
Janix: Janix looks at the group and considers what sort of trickery they could do. A glance to Kes, she wonders if the Falleen can talk the whole group away.
Venn: "Imperial Remnant with infrastructure, well funded and with personnel and technology." she answered flatly through the vocoder.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
GM: (Rook gets 2 strain back)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
%uF4DD Careful Planning Activation   Action
Effect   Once per session, may introduce a "fact" into the narractive as if a Destiny Point had been spent.
Venn: :o
Ashley: "Fun times," says Ashley dryly, "but the ideal location to find a terminal that might have access to the information I'm after."
Kesvo: Kesvo watches slyly from around the corner for a few minutes, but when there's no movement at the hangar entrance she gets impatient.
"Let's walk down and see if these guys are distractable at all," she suggests, to those with her.
Janix: As they head towards the First Order, to get a better look as the group, it seems like one of the guards watches them more closely than the rest. Sensing something different, Janix looks closer and swears that the Solider barely inclines their head towards them. "Did that solider just nod as us?" She whispers as they continue to move towards the arrayed First Order soldiers.
"The one on the far left." She clarifies and in hushed tone.
Kesvo: Kesvo tilts her head to acknowledge she heard Janix, and she eyes the indicated trooper.
"I'll be damned," she whispers back.
First Order Sergeant: "These are the contractors that were due here today." The Sergeant to the left says.
Captain Riprock:
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers: "Sir?" One of the other troopers says. "We weren't due for any contractors today. I just checked the schedule."
First Order Sergeant: "Are you questioning me, private?" The Sergeant turns over to the other trooper.
Kesvo: "Evening, gents," Kesvo says as she draws near. Overhearing the "Sergeant's" introduction she smiles. When he's countered by the other, her smiles falls. She watches and listens.
First Order Sergeant: " sir."
"Let them in, Corporal."
GM: One of the other troopers nods and presses a code into the console, allowing access for the group.
First Order Sergeant: "Move along." The Sergeant gestures with a nod. "Move along."
Kesvo: "Much obliged," she says, offering a sympathetic smile as she passes through.
Tal: "Thank you, Sergeant." he said, passing through without further discussion.
Force Power
Venn Parsa
Power Name   SEEK
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
(for SEEK..)
Rook: Rook just follows Kesvo's lead ... a bit surprised that they had been let in so easily.
Janix: Janix follows, but by the Goddess she couldn't fathom how the man had gotten there. She gives the Sergeant a strange look as she passes but follows with some haste.
GM: Entering into the bay as the doors close behind, CARBONITECREW see a full warehouse filled with supplies. Some bear the symbol of the First Order, others are older containers bearing the mark of the Empire. Others still show the symbol of Corporate Czerka, or that of the Republic.
Venn: "We can just start walking." she advises, and does so without waiting for a response, letting the Force guide her in the direction it wants.
GM: What quickly becomes apparent however is that this landing bay is filled with supplies of all stripes and scale. Enough to fuel a major effort.
Ashley: Ashley nods and follows after Venn, letting her (and the Force) guide them where they needed to go.
GM: The warehouse has no other living occupants. There is a single droid cataloging the contents.
Tal: Tal gets a look at the various supplies and wonders if the Star Destroyer is refueling/resupplying here.
He looks for the container in question.
GM: Venn with guidance of the Force, leads Ashley to an unattended console not far from the Warehouse that she infiltrated.
Tal make a Hard perception check with two black.
Rook: Rook looks too, but she does keep an eye upon the droid counting away so meticulously.
GM: Ditto Rook
Kesvo: Kesvo also looks for the container in question, taking note of any apparent organizational system so as to increase her chances of looking like she knows what she's doing.
Janix: Once there is some confidence that there's no one else in the warehouse, Janix moves another direction from Tal and starts looking as well. Getting this carbonite agent out seems like it might be the new struggle.
GM: Kes, ditto
And add a boost
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank)
(Failure) (Failure)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Threat) (Threat)
Venn: "Is that what you are looking for?" she asks Ashley.
GM: The droid approaches the group as they enter. "Greetings. What are you doing in here?" The droid inquires of the group. The main docking bay is very large and has a number of storage rooms and crates, it'll take time to catalog the area and you don't immediately notice anything.
Three doors lead off to the left side of the room; the bottom two are close together, and the top leads into a control room with a transparent window overlooking the hangar itself.
Ashley: "Yeah, should be able to do something with this. Keep a lookout?" Which probably goes without saying. Ashley, with a cautious eye, move towards the unattended console.
GM: Tal notices that there are more troopers upstairs in the room overlooking the hangar, though he can't get an accurate look at how many.
Rook: "Greetings," Rook says, pleased the data-droid came over to her. "Can you explain the filing and sorting system in here?" Most such droids loved to talk about their work.
Kesvo: "We're contractors here to pick up..." she paused and pulled her datapad out. She unlocked it and went through the motions of pretending to look something up. Speaking further was paused by Rook speaking up.
Tal: Tal continued to review the room, though he spoke to Kesvo directly. "There are more of our friends upstairs."
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Advantage)
Venn: "Mmhmm." scratches an affirmative through her vocoder. "Is it me or did we miss dinner." she muses aloud.
GM: "Oh! Yes, I'd be happy to. It's really quite simple! Here..." The Droid goes on for the next five minutes explaing a highly complicated filing system - one would say needlessly complicated. It smacks of Imperial Beauracracy.
What is Ashley trying to glean from the console?
Kesvo: Kes pays attention, trying to follow along enough to actually use the info to find the crate they're looking for.
Janix: Janix, interested for the first minute, starts praying that Rook understands this system about 2 minutes in. At 5, she's ready to take the droid apart at the hinges.
GM: Kes more or less gets it, she thinks. She's smart. But the Droid seems happy to help at the moment...
Tal: Tal will also inform Janix. "Not sure how many, but there are more troopers upstairs."
Ashley: Schematics or anything related to information about the base layout. For now.
Janix: Janix, happy for the distraction, looks the direction. "Hm. That does not bode well," she replies to Tal. "Let Rook and Kes find the item, let's watch out for them."
Kesvo: Kesvo nods at Tal. Since Rook has the rapport established already, she lets the mando explain that they're looking for container Alpha Six Zero Niner Zeta Beta.
GM: Ashley roll a Hard Computers check with 1...
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   6
GM: Make that two red.
Rook: Rook cheerfully asks several questions, finding the sheer complexity of it amusing in its own right. "Can you show me an example? How can we find Alpha Six Zero Niner Zeta Beta?"
GM: They could!
Tal: "They'd see us before we see them if we try going up there. There are two others doors on this level." he said, nodding back to the two doors he noted when they arrived.
Ashley: Ashley sets up, slicing gear pulled out (and the handy signature modulation pad just in case). He checks the information on the code cylinders first ((blue, maybe??)) and then sets to work.
Janix: "Should we take a look? Make sure it's not two rooms full of soldiers?" Perhaps that would be their luck.
GM: The code cylinders belong to a First Order officer, and with it, Ashley doesn't need to make a check. He gets a schematic of the First Order base without issue.
What else is he looking for?
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Tal: "Yeah, let's check." Tal said.
GM: The droid cheerfully responds: "Yes! Of course. Follow me!" It leads Rook to the designated unit which is a large rectangular black container.
Tal and Janix, hard stealth checks.
It's 4 feet tall and 10 feet across
6 feet wide.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Rook: Rook shakes her head in admiration. "not every droid could keep track of everything. You're something special." Rook looks at the droid hoping to see a designation. But she also checks out the Container, to be sure the Bounty .... uh, Individual is still alive.
Janix: Janix concentrates and carefully makes her way over with Tal.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
GM: Rook cannot see any sort of information. It's just a large secured crate.
Ashley: "Got the schematics," says Ashley, looking over to Venn. "That last present of yours was very helpful." He looks over the schematics for where he might find the necessary equipment/area for unfreezing someone in carbonite. "... though while I have access," he says, "anything else you can think of we might want to know?" ... such as information about, you know, certain VIPs or the like.
GM: Janix painstakingly takes her time. Slow and steady, but while she feels a rush of anticipation (1 strain), she makes her way up there.
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   4
Kesvo: Kesvo waits to catch Rook's eyes, then does a subtle nod of her head, hoping to indicate she should lead the droid away from the crate now if she can. Another container number maybe?
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
Janix: Janix feeds some of the will of her Biotics towards Tal, urging him to succeed.
Tal: Tal calls upon his training with Onyx Squadron to make his way across the room quickly and steadily.
Kesvo: She looks for the door/latch/whatever for the container to see what kind of setup it is.
Rook: "and if it was Beta Six Zero Niner Zeta Beta, it would be on the other axis?" Rook asks the droid.
GM: Ashley sees that any sort of equipment that would fit that description would be in the base's main warehouse area - as carbon-freezing is mostly used for freight.
He also discovers that the shuttle has landed and that Lord Vader is being received by the station's ranking officer, Major Donnis Grimm for an inspection of the facility and CLASSIFIED purposes.
Kes sees it is a crate with simple latches - whatever locking mechanism has been disarmed.
Janix and Tal sneak their way to the massive window, looking inside. They see sixteen stormtroopers line up for inspection with a pair of officers looking them over.
It appears to be a control room of some sorts.
GM: Rook is able to lead the droid to the other side of the room.
Kesvo: Kesvo opens up the container, though she has a BAD FEELING about it being unlocked.
She takes a look inside.
GM: Kesvo opens it up to see a vaguely humanoid shape inside, frozen in carbonite.
Janix: Barely wanting to breath should it draw the attention of the stormtroopers on the other side of the door, she moves back and looks at Tal. Definitely not going out that way.
Kesvo: She pulls one of the nearby skiffs and uses it to remove the slab from the container.
Tal: Tal counts the sixteen stormtroopers, the pair of officers, and then moves back slowly. He doesn't want to draw their attention.
He looks to Janix. "Alright, that's not good."
GM: Kes will need to lift it out of the container - alternatively, she could close the container and put it on the skiff.
Ashley: "Looks like the VIP has landed and is being received by Major Donnis Grimm." A glance went towards Venn. "... it's for an inspection and something that's probably higher clearance that this cylinder can get me." He pauses. "And we're going to want the warehouse area for carbonite freezing and unfreezing." Which made sense.
Tal: He points down to the doors. "Let's check those and make sure they don't have any back-up in there."
Janix: Nix nods and moves with Tal to do go.
Tal: Tal will lead Janix to the doors below.
Kesvo: Kes closes it back up and uses the skiff to lift the container.
Venn: "That was fast. Not bad. Radio it in, then..."
GM: Tal and Janix go to the doors. Do they open them?
Kes gets the container on the skiff without issue.
Tal: Tal checks to see if they have handles or are electronically locked
GM: They are just closed and open with a push of the button. They are opaque doors with no way to look inside.
Ashley: %uF3A7 COM to CarboTeam: %u2301 Got schematics and a possible location on what we need. %u2301

Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   5
Janix: Janix looks at Tal and nods. If the open it to another 16 stormtroopers, she's there to back him up!
Kesvo: "Well done," Kes whispers back over the comms. "Do your schematics show you a way to get a container out of this bay without going back through the promenade?"
Rook: Rook is still chatting happily to the droid, wondering if he was really happy here ...
GM: Ashley notices, while still at the console, that a recent Hazardous situation in the warehouse has resulted in the death of a trooper and the injury of a worker. As such, troops are being dispatched to help clean up the area and a maintenance crew are being sent to double check the area.
Venn Parsa is the hazardous situation.
Tal: Tal looks to Janix. "Ready?"
GM: Ashley's schematics show two exits - one through the main loading bay doors, the other through an office upstairs that leads to a barracks.
Janix: She nods and holds herself ready for anything.
GM: The droid is happily chatting away to Rook about the marvels of new First Order efficiency, sorting, and plans to spread this new system through all corners of the galaxy!
Ashley: "There's two exits," says Ashley over coms quickly, "one through the main bay doors and then another through an upstairs door that goes to the barracks but ..." He glances towards Venn and then promptly relays the information about extra individuals to clean up a hazardous situation and double check the warehouse area.
Tal: Tal's hand freezes at the door as he hears the communication on the comms.
Ashley: Ashley is pretty sure Venn is a walking hazardous situation but aren't they all.
Venn: "Sorry not sorry." she says when Ashley gives her that look.
Tal: "One, I've got a couple of doors in the bottom area of the loading bay that I need to know where they go. Can you supply?"
Kesvo: Kesvo heads back towards the main doors with the container in tow.
GM: Ashley can see that the two doors lead to smaller cargo chambers for storage.
Ashley: Ashley relays this to Tal.
... and also relays that if they want to unfreeze the individual, the warehouse area is where they need to go but, you know, hazardous situations and all.
Tal: "There's apparently more storage this way." Tal said, backing off the door.
Ashley: He shrugs at Venn's sorry not sorry because it is Venn. What did they really expect?
Rook: Rook is suitably impressed! "I bet gear and supplies could flow seamlessly through the whole galaxy if you were in charge of logistics. Where will the next expansion be, do you think?"
Janix: Janix nods and follows. Seems like its nearly time for them to try to make it to the next local.
Ashley: Can Ashley get any information about guard routes or similar information?
Tal: Tal looks back to see where Three and Four currently are.
Kesvo: While moving, she comms Ashley again. "Any luck finding out where to take this thing?"
GM: "Oh, I have no idea about that miss. Though not to frett - soon enough, the entire galaxy will know the bliss and peace that is The First Order!"
Ashley can see guard routes are all suspended at the moment due to the coming inspection.
Ashley: Is there a name for the Star Destroyer that 'Vader' arrived on? ... and is there an itinerary for the inspection?
GM: The inspection does not have a listed route.
The information of the Star Destroyer is classified.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   6
Ashley: "Lovely," mutters Ashley.
GM: Ashley and Venn suddenly feel a chill.
A sudden... cold.
Venn: "Something is not right." she says, pushing off from the wall.
GM: A set of double doors open around the corner from where they stand. At once a deep, heavy breathing - as if from a respirator, comes forth. Venn remembers the sound well.
Ashley: The not-blue-Pantoran doesn't say anything but he does freeze in place, looking over to Venn as she speaks. He just nods in agreement, quickly gathering his things and--
Right. Right.
GM: Both of them are out of sight, but through the hallway, down the way, heavy, loud footsteps echo across durasteel walls. The slow march of stormtroopers is heard.
Kesvo: "One? You still there?" she asks, when AShley doesn't respond for a minute
Venn: "I.. think we'd better leave. Now."
GM: "Major." The voice of one of the most terrifying figures in galactic history echoes along those walls as the figure appears just around the corner - some three hundred feet away from Venn and Ashley both. "This station has served its purpose."
Ashley: Ashley quickly taps his com to let Kesvo know he hears but it's quiet time right now.
GM: "Dispatch your troops. I want the area secure."
"I..." The figure pauses.
Kesvo: Kesvo continues out into the corridor, glancing back to nod for the others to follow.
GM: "Feel something. A presence I've not felt since..."
Ashley: He just nods in agreement with Venn's statement. The question is: can they get out?
GM: The black helmet slowly looks around, as if searching for something.
Ashley: Ashley just shoots Venn a look at what 'Vader' says.
Venn: (Did Ashley unplug his stuff?)
Ashley: (Yes)
Venn: Then time to go.
GM: The Imperial commander beside Lord "Vader' looks over to the tall, dark armored man. "Lord Vader?"
Tal: Tal doesn't like the silence from the other side of the comms. He looks to Janix.
"Let's go. Prep for trouble."
Venn: She will indeed move with haste back the direction they came from.
GM: Venn and Ashley quickly move away, but the cold lingers onto them as if they had just rushed through a winter rain.
Janix: "Agreed." She follows Tal and heads to regroup with Kes and Rook.
Ashley: Everything is fine. Just fine. Ashley moves with Venn, quick to get away from the world of nope that that was.
GM: The two could hear Vader say something, but they are out of ear shot.
TEAM CARBONITE hears a loudspeaker come on over them in the warehouse. "Attention all troops. Report to your commanders for immediate deployment. Repeat. All troopers must report to your commanders for immediate deployment."
Landing Bay.
Tal: "Kriff. They'll be on top of us in less than a few minutes."
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Field Team: %u2301 Whatever you all are doing, I hope you are done because the VIP is in full costume and giving off bad vibes. Over. %u2301 .
Janix: "We've got to get this carbonite person out of here. Maybe the chaos of all the troop movement will help." Janix beelines to Kesvo.
Ashley: Ashley's hand immediately goes for the com that Venn had given him earlier, looking towards the other force user.
GM: Everyone from Team Carbonite reach the door, and find that none of the troopers are there.
Kesvo: Without guidance from teamNerds on where to go, Kesvo starts looking for somewhere to stash the container for the moment.
Rook: Rook looks up at the announcement, then glances back to the droid. She gets the nod from Kesvo, sighs and says, "I have to go. It was a pleasure talking to you. Keep your head down when the shooting starts." She waves a farewell and will head out after the others.
Ashley: "Think it's past time that we regroup," he says quietly, "though I'm worried that ..." He casts a glance back towards where they came from, the cold still lingering. Ashley shakes his head and just continues to follow along with Venn.
Rook: Rook shivers a bit from andrenaline, how weird that just talking could do that. Normally she needed people shooting at her. "let's go, let's go. I suggest we find some place off this station. we can always take it to where we woke up Raider."
Kesvo: "We're out," she assured Venn. "Though I dunno where we're headed. Guidance?"
GM: The Carbonite Crew hear the sounds of heavy boots marching.
Janix: "How about the opposite direction of that." She points towards the ominous noise.
Rook: "Three, let's get to the ship, and get off this station."
GM: The sounds of the boots are coming from both behind you and through the promenade.
Ashley's guidance will not be of aid to them any longer, as they are now in the station general.
"EVERYONE, RETURN TO YOUR QUARTERS. MOVE IN AN ORDERLY FASHION." A voice rings out through the Promenade, as the marching steps continue.
Tal: "Through the promenade, then." Tal said. "Let's just keep moving."
Janix: "Agreed. Towards the ship?" Janix moves up to Kesvo, ready to assist if needed with the skiff or otherwise.
Ashley: Ashley swears in Pantoran under his breath. "Two, what are the odds that he was able to sense you or myself and that might've just complicated our time here?"
Kesvo: Kes holds a hand up to Rook. "Calm down. Just keep moving. Act like we're supposed to be here." She then head towards Promenade, and tries to move with the civilians as though clearing out as instructed.
GM: Overhead, the station intercom comes alive.
"Attention, all personell. The First Order has taken control of this station. For your safety, please remain within your homes and quarters and do not attempt to leave the station. Please move in orderly fashion through the Promenade back to your residences. Any attempts to invoke discontent or disorderly conduct will result in immediate termination."
The sound of Tie Fighters scream through the air overhead, and in the distance you all can hear the sound of blaster fire....
End Session 80



  • *****
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  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2020, 08:46:48 AM »
Episode 6, Chapter 1, Session 81 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions find themselves on Ardis Station in the midst of not just one but two intelligence asset retrieval missions. Having saved Agent Alico from the First Order and their attempt to capture and/or assassinate her, they have also located Prince Xizor's agent - albeit frozen in carbonite to escape detection.
While they were in the midst of trying to leave with the asset back to the Ardent Rivener, a Star Destroyer entered orbit and landed none-other than Darth Vader onto the space station. The believed-dead Sith Lord then ordered that the station be put on lockdown, which resulted in large groups of First Order Stormtroopers to begin marching through the station Promenade, closing businesses and imposing Martial Law.
With their hand in the cookie jar, so to speak, the Hellions have precious little time to get back to their ship and get off this station before it becomes a First Order base in full and they're stuck in enemy territory.
Kesvo: ((Is the path to the docking bay blocked by the parade?))
GM: You find that, indeed, there is no quick and easy route to your ship. A whole squad of Stormtroopers stands between you and your vessel.
GM: You can reach the Credit Chip fairly easily, as it's not far from the Docking Bay you entered.
Venn: Venn Parsa supposes she meets up with the rest with Ashley?
GM: Venn and Ashley indeed have reconnoitered with the others.
Kesvo: Kesvo starts moving around the perimeter of the promenade, towards the Credit Chip. She passes off control of the skiff and its cargo to Janix and gestures for them to keep their pace. She quickens her step and attempts to make it to the casino to see if the gang from earlier was still inside.
"Gonna see if I can find us a distraction," she tells the others, through the earbud comlink.
Janix: Nix takes care of the skiff with ease and while she focuses mainly on Kesvo, she keeps her eyes open and her hood up. It wouldn't stop attention from being drawn to them but the least she could do was stand out as the clearly blue one among the disguised ones. "You gotta a plan for this distraction?" She asked as the hustled.
Kesvo: "Working on it."
Venn: Venn observes how other ne'er do well types are reacting or leaving themselves.
GM: The majority of the people on the Promenade are quickly moving into shelters or looking for a way out. There is an air of panic as the troopers start moving through buildings.
Janix: "Want to share with the group?" Janix asked, the pressure turning her tone a bit acidic. The sound of the boots were definitely not helping.
Kesvo: She quickens her step and attempts to make it to the casino to see if the gang from earlier was still inside.
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light)
Kes indeed finds the Haxion Brood crew are in the casino, playing cards with one another and drinking while the rest of the casino is moving to pack things away. Most of the clientele have left.
Kesvo: Kesvo makes her way to the table, and sidles up to Everec.
"You folks missed the memo, I take it?" she told him, taking a lean against one of the chairs.
First Order Sergeant: "Everyone out!" The Hellions can hear down the hall of the promenade. "Drop what you're doing and prepare yourselves for inspection and address!"
GM: Everec looks up at Kes behind his red glowing implants and flashes a wide grin. "This is what they do on every station they take over."
Janix: Though she follows Kesvo to the casino, with the skiff, she works to keep out of sight. The shouting from the First Order troopers is going to make that hard. She looks to Venn. "Any idea on what to do with this thing?" She points to the skiff with the box, full of carbonite thing.
Rook: Rook silently inventories her weapons, making sure everything is ready for a desperate fight to the death.
GM: "We got our Official 'First Order-Authorized' Bounty Hunter cards. I'll mosey over there when I'm done playing my hand."
Kesvo: "And you're okay with that?" she asks, seeming doubtful. "I thought you took issues with the 'fake imps'?"
Venn: Venn looks at the skiff, then back to Janix with an expressionless masked face. Her shoulders rise and fall in a simple shrug.
GM: Everec: "What exactly do you want me to do about it?" The bounty hunter laughs. "Call my Senator?" The quip causes his crew to enter into raucus laughter.
Janix: Janix shakes her head and looks to Kesvo quickly. To Venn, she responds. "Ditto." With her rifle closer to her hands than normal, she waits in the background and hopes the Falleen works her magic.
Tal: Tal also searches for a possible distraction that doesn't lead to necessarily trying to cleave his way through a bunch of warriors.
GM: What is Tal looking for?
Tal: (Fire alarm or something that might draw First Order types away from where the Hellions are to a place that might seem under threat.)
GM: Tal doesn't see an environmental control in the Promenade area.
However, the idea of drawing the First Order somewhere else might be a good one...
Kesvo: Kesvo laughs, then shakes her head.
"Alright, then. I just thought with the way you talked earlier..." she shrugged. "Ah well. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The chatter about the Haxion Brood was a little too fearsome to be entirely accurate, I suppose." She tilted her head, eyed him and smirked. "Nice outfits, though. See ya 'round, fellas."
Kesvo then heads for the door.
GM: "See ya." Everec waves off with a laugh.
Kesvo: She meets back up with the others. "No dice. I didn't expect them to have licenses."
Venn: "That was a strange intermission." scratches out the Umbaran.
*"Do they all have them? Let's relieve them of those licenses then."
Kesvo: "I thought I could rile them into lashing out, but they've got no motivation to upset their livelihood if they're registered," she explained.
Janix: "If we need to draw them away, what about using that comm that Two picked off?" Nix suggested.
Kesvo: "Both good ideas. Not sure we have time to fight through them before the imps get here," she said to Venn. "Unless you mean you'd try to lift them more quietly?"
Venn: "Usually if you kill the leader of a gang in front of his underlings, they acquiesce."
GM: Venn gain a Conflict.
Kesvo: "A diversion via the comms is worth a try, too," she says, holding her hand out in a silent ask for the pilfered comm unit. "I can try it, but one of you more familiar ones would have to coach me on the lingo to use."
Tal: "What if there's a Jedi on the station in another sector? Wouldn't Vader have to go check it out?" Tal asked.
Venn: "Normally. But that isn't Vader."
Kesvo: "A good idea, but we're more in need of something to get the foot soldiers out of the path between us and the ship than we need Vader to move."
Venn: "However, if his ruse is to be convincing, I suppose, yes, that would be of interest."
Kesvo: "Unless it's likely that he would redirect everyone if a Jedi was sighteD?"
Tal: "But if he's playing the part, he might at least be interested? Vader tells them where to go."
He nods at Kesvo's idea.
Kesvo: "Who has the comm?"
Venn: (Ashley has 1, Venn has 1)
Rook: Rook knew less than nothing about what might divert the First Order goons, but she did offer quietly, "Maybe the Brood would jsut say we're part of their team. we could get on their ship. also, we need to signal zero so he can get out of here."
Venn: (And there is this carbonite thing)
Kesvo: "Try raising him on the comms," Kes says to Rook. "He might've taken his normal comm off while hiding, but he might still have it on."
Rook: Rook nodded to Kesvo, turned aside, and then keyed the Captain's super secure secret comm ... "Zero, Evac in progress."
Captain Riprock: Riprock comms back: "Oh really? Thought that we were all looking to stay."
Rook: Rook gives a short laugh at Riprock's reply, "The Promenade is blocked, can you find us a path through or get to us?"
Kesvo: Kesvo took a breath, then slipped the FO comlink into her ear.
Venn: "Maybe there is a garbage chute."
Captain Riprock: "Don't really see one. There's somethin' like forty troopers in the docking ring. Access to any of the ships is dicey -they're makin' sure no-one can leave."
Janix: Nix, realizing the import of the moment, moved to Kes' side. Using her Biotics, she willed the Falleen to be convincing, to turn the First Order away from them. "You got this," she muttered softly, but encouragingly.
 Imbue Activation   Action
Effect   The user may spend ◐◐ to increase one of another engaged chracter's characteristics by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the Force user's next turn.
Caveat   This can only be used once per character per encounter.
Give into the Darkside   If the user uses ⬤ to generate ◐, the target increases a second character by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the user's next turn, but both Force user and target suffer 3 strain.
Captain Riprock: "I'm down here now."
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Kesvo: Affecting an imperial accent the likes of which she's heard Venn use, Kesvo holds up a hand to stop those nearby from speaking for a second while she prepares to speak.
Venn: (I will assist then)
Rook: Rook sighed, and passed the Captian's info on to the others in a low undertone before Ksvo keyed her comm.
Venn thinks of the stormtrooper number she heard in the warehouse. "Say - "Attention, we have reports of intruders by (Far location). All Forces in the vicinity of the Promenade area respond immediately."
Kesvo: Kesvo nods at Venn's guidance and relaxes a little at the aid. Feeling more confident in the attempt, she repeats: "Attention, we have reports of intruders by a warehouse in sector three. All Forces in the vicinity of the Promenade area respond immediately."
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
GM: Hard with 1 red
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   7
Dice System:
Kesvo flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   6
Venn: Venn tilts her head, feeling a tremble in the Force as Kesvo does that with some hallmarks of Janix's signature feel. That is indeed interesting.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Triumph)
GM: "Sir, I can confirm!" Kes hears over the comm. "Two Jedi! I saw them myself!"
Venn: "Well doesn't she sounds like like a bloody Coruscanti drill sergeant..."
GM: Another voice yells out: "Mobilize the unit to the warehouse to lock down the area!"
Tal: "I just had flashbacks."
GM: A voice, cool and calm, comes out over the station intercom: "Attention, all personel. There have been Two Jedi located in the Warehouse district. Avoid the warehouse district while we deal with these dangerous dissidents."
Captain Riprock: Riprock coms: "Zero in. They just moved half the troops from the docking bay area. I'll circle back in a moment."
Kesvo: "Let's move," she whispers to the team, and starts to move quickly and quietly, trying to keep out of the way as much as they can with the cargo behind them.
GM: Venn make a Hard stealth check with 1 red given the box.
Venn Parsa uses 필픸핊핋피ℝ 핆픽 핊ℍ픸픻핆핎핊, suffering 2 strain to decrease the difficulty of the next Stealth or Skulduggery check by one, to a minimum of ◆.
Rook: Rook stays close to the others, attempting to avoid notice.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Janix: Impressed, Janix nods and mans the skiff as they move towards the docking bay.
GM: Venn suffers 1 strain.
The former Inquisitor seems to know the shadows better than anyone living, and guides the group with their cumbersome cargo to the Docking Bay area without any incident. They find a shelter to hide behind - a stack of crates that were being unloaded when the First Order arrived, and find several pathways to the ships that are docked.
The Ardent Rivener's loading bay is through the door in Zone 4. The First Order troops have a Sergeant who is directing them, and they seem to be gathering crewmembers of various ships and addressing them, one by one.
First Order Sergeant: "Don't worry." The Sergeant says to a Besalisk pilot who looks upset about the way he's being treated. "We're questioning everyone one by one. No-one's getting out of here with the bay doors shut and on lockdown."
Kesvo: Kesvo elbows Ashley gently and suggests that he start looking for a way to override the lockdown.
GM: There's a terminal by each loading bay door - mostly for getting in and out of each bay. While there's one near you, it will be difficult for Ashley to try and get remote access to the system that is locking it down.
Specifically, for your ship.
If he gets to the terminal for your docking bay, it's a lot easier.
Kesvo: "What do we think, guys?" Kesvo quietly asks the group. "Go in guns blazing, or try another diversion?"
Venn: "Not much place for them to go once diverted."
Janix: Janix looks down the hall. "I don't think we can stealth a ship out of this port. I vote for guns blazing so we can get off this station during the chaos that is happening now. Especially if they are chasing Jedi."
Tal: "I agree with Seven. Hit these clowns hard and fast, then let One work his magic."
"Get out of here."
Venn: "We also need a 20 on Zero."
Tal: "Four said that he's circling back, didn't he?"
Rook: "He said he was circling around to return to the docking area."
Kesvo: Kesvo tries to comm Alico.
"We're working on an exit, what's your status?"
Agent Alico: Alico replies back: "Reading."
"In place."
"Will tell you the rest in person."
Kesvo: "Copy that. En route." She then switches over to Riprock's channel. "Light show's about to start in the docking bay. Don't be late."
Captain Riprock: "Awful bossy."
Kesvo: "You ain't seen nothin' yet."
Kesvo: "One, take the cargo and focus on getting that terminal dealt with," she advised Ashley. "The rest of us will deal with the guards."
Venn: "This delivery could serve as moving cover."
Kesvo: "Can't blaster fire damage what's inside?"
"We're already taking a risk not using the unfreezing facility. I'd rather not risk adding a short circuit to the mix."
Venn: "We will still be bringing it with us, I don't think there is much choice there."
"Unless you want to keep things at a distance."
Rook: Rook nodded to Ashley, forgetting his stupiid number again. "He can help deflect bolts from it. He's pretty good at that these days."
Kesvo: She nodded. Eyeing the guards, she says to the team, "Who wants to start us off?"
Janix: "Keep your guard up everyone. This looks like it'll be a good firefight." Nix says. "Anyone want to get close to kick this off?" She unslings her rifle, ready.
⚠️ Forewarning Activation   Action
Effect   All allies in medium range increase their defense by 3 until they act in the encounter.
Tal: Tal unshoulders his bowcaster, looks at Seven.
"Ladies first."
Venn: *"I imagine our rookie will seek to start things." she mentions nodding towards Janix.
Janix: She smiles, nodding her head as she looks to the crate and the team. If anyone is going to rush in, she gives them a last chance as she sights down the barrel of the target rifle, looking for a leadership type.
Kesvo: She nods to Janix. "If anyone wants to be closer before druk starts, I suggest you move now."
She then takes cover.
And draws her blaster rifle.
Janix: "I'll call it on three," she mutters as she adjusts the sight a bit.
Rook: for a minute Rook startles, since Kesvo likes to call her Rookie, then she chuckles. Eying the situation, she asks, "Full kit? Rockets and grenades? or avoid explosions?"
Tal: Tal shoulders his bowcaster and draws his vibroswords instead.
Janix: "I imagine blowing up our ship is bad," she jokes lightly at Rook.
Tal: "Light them up. I'll go in next."
Venn: Venn slides her folded hilt out of its holster, her cape dipping to veil over her arm.
Kesvo: "Don't blow the walls open," she admonishes Rook. "But anything short of that is on the table."
Rook: Rook gives a short, fierce laugh, adrenaline dancing through her veins. "Got it!"
Janix: "3..."
Nix looks at the team, one last call.
Captain Riprock: Rook's laugh causes one of the troopers to lift his head up.
Janix: "2..."
First Order Stormtroopers: "Hey, did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Another trooper says, turning to follow the question.
"Thought I heard a laugh over there somewhere. Muffled, though."
Janix: "1. Go." Janix releases the shot of her rifle, aiming towards the trooper with the most insignia.
Janix M'kyato will 픸핀필  as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Sergeant:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Agent Alico:
Agent Alico
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success)
Captain Riprock:
Initiative Vigilance
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Sergeant: The Sergeant turns toward the conversational choices. "Watch out! It's an ambush!" The Sergeant gets behind cover as he unholsters his heavy blaster rifle.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers: "They just took out the Sergeant!"
"The murderous scum!"
Janix: ((Boost to next ally, 2 strain recovered))
Tal: Tal sees that as an excellent sign.
Tal will go.
Janix: The rifle takes the Sergeant through the chest, making a smoking crater.
Tal: Tal will surge forward and get behind cover so that he can attack at the next opportnity!
Kesvo: "That was only our opening salvo!" Kesvo calls out, leaning out from cover. "You have a choice in front of you, ladies and gentlemen. We're clearing this bay. You can leave here now or become part of the decor. Up to you!"
Talent: Incite Rebellion Skill   Coercion
Difficulty   Hard (Image)
Action   Once per session, cause up to three beings to become rebellious until the end of the encounter.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   7
Talent: Intimidating Ranks   3
Incidental   Suffer a number of strain (up to # of ranks in Intimidating) to downgrade difficulty of Coercion checks, or upgrade difficulty when targeted by Coercion checks, by an equal number.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers: "Forget this! Retreat!" One of the troopers yells.
"What!?" Another pair shout. "No! We have to avenge the sergeant!"
Kesvo: Kesvo takes aim while the troopers sort themselves.
Captain Riprock: Riprock runs up into the docking bay from behind, having ditched his trooper armor and now wearing his standard gear. With Heavy Rifle in hands, he looks around the situation. "Looks like I'm here just in time!"
He then takes aim at the troops and fires with his rifle.
Rook: Rook will turn on her jet pack, and zoom forward, aiming a rocket launcher at the group who wanted to hold their ground, (will pay 2 strain for the extra maneuver to aim)
Venn: "You are just little miss Super Imperial Commander today, A'rent you, Three!" quips the masked Venn from her vocoder regarding Kesvo playing with troopers as if they were toys.
Modified E-22 Blaster Rifle
Captain Riprock
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Linked 1, Superior, Auto-Fire, Inaccurate 2
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: Image
Kesvo: "Responds well to being bossed. Noted," Kesvo hummed when Riprock arrived, teasing despite the severity of the situation.
Captain Riprock: Riprock opens fire with a semi-automatic stream of blaster bolts that kill two of the troopers before they can even react.
GM: The fire from the Captain helps Rook line up her shot easier, as they're distracted. She gains a blue to her attack roll.
Venn: (takes a maneuver to start the pack)
Explosive Micro-Rocket  
Rook B.
Damage   7+3*
Critical   2
Range   Short
Qualities    Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1, Point Blank +3
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: (why did they disappear?)
GM: Three troops in the back flee, leaving one alone to fend for himself.
First Order Stormtroopers: On the way out, one of them slams his fist on a button on a console.
"There, the way's clear!"
"Don't kill us!" The young-sounding trooper yells as he's running away.
First Order Stormtroopers: "Traitor!" The one remaining troop in the group shouts and shoots after them.
First Order Stormtroopers: Two troops near Tal open fire back at Riprock.
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn: Image
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers: 1
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
❖ Fear The Shadows ⚔ Image   "I sense a great 햋햊햆햗 in you..."
Tapping into the Dark Side, she invokes psychic panic and terror through the Force. Those who are victim to it find their instincts urging them to one urgent course of action: run.
Activation   Action / Long Range
Check   Hard (♦♦♦) Deception
Effect   Force a single minion group or rival to flee the encounter.

At the GM's discretion, these NPCs may not flee due to extenuating circumstances (no fleeing into obvious harm, etc.)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
(I will make the pip advantage, use 2 for strain, and maneuver move up 1)
GM: Alico steps out of the spacedock door, blaster pistol in hand and opens fire at the First Order Troops.
Agent Alico:
Holdout Blaster
Agent Alico
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Short
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2)
She nicks one in a shoulder, having him stumble. "Hey!"
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Blank)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage)
Venn: The Force finds no effect as an unfocused Venn tries to flood their minds with fear. She swears in Umbaran and then vaults over some cover slides to a stop by where Rook hovers.
GM: The diminished unit opens fire at Riprock in retalation for the deaths of two of their squad, but the Captain is a bit more savvy this time and ducks out of fire.
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw, Superior
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Triumph)
The fourth man is dead before the first body hits the floor.
Rook: ((lol i love tal in combat))
Tal: "I've been where you are, but not where you're going."
Tal moved into range with the Stormtroopers, blades flashing in deadly arcs as he struck to kill. A head, gone. Blades cutting through armor like butter. They fell and Tal looked back at the two that shot at Riprock.
He didn't need to say anything else. The message was clear.
Rook: There was something viscerally satisfying about watching Tal in combat; if hadn't been for a life time of training Rook would just watch him deal with the threats. but not even Mandalorian training could keep her from glancing back at the perfect carnage he left in his wake. Flawless.
Venn: "Its like a bloody bull in a tea shop, but the bull is a rancor." utters Venn as she watches.
Kesvo: "Nothin' quite like him when it comes to clearing a path," Kesvo remarks. She then looks to those allies within close range and nods forward. "C'mon. Let's help him clean up. We'll be outta here in no time."
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 4 rounds.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers: "Intruders! Intruders in the docking bay!" The lone trooper in the back yells into his commlink. "We need backup. There's a whole army here!" He shouts in panicked state.
He then shoots at Tal.
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Boost Success)
Venn: (rook?)
(or janix?)
Tal: "Grrah!" Tal snarls at the blaster bolt hits him. His armor holds up, but now he's mad.
E-33 Blaster Carbine 
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in ≤ short range.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal: Tal grins beneath his mask at Rook's carnage.
Venn: (Can janix hit that person in the back though?)
Janix: (slow fire 1, so need 1 more turn)
Janix is going to force leap forward and try to punch the one in the back!
☄️ Force Leap Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Take a Force Leap maneuver. Make an Enhanced power check. The user may spend ◐ to jump vertically in addition to horizontally to any location in short range. Spend ◐ to increase the power's range by a 1 range band.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: (I actually rolled that, thats the only thing that makes sense)
Rook: Inspired by Tal, Rook roars forward with her Jet Pack, shouting as she takes out the group with a perfectly placed set of shots.
Janix: Angry at the number of energy blasts targeting her allies, Janix gives into her anger and leaps forward. "Trooper scum!"
Janix M'kyato
Damage   5
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 1, Vicious 1, Disorient 1, Knockdown
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: "Prime work, Four!" Venn calls out to the flying Mando who systematically deadeyes all the troopers....
Janix: ((Nix will take 4 Conflict!))
Venn: Then, her cape billows wildly as Janix blurs through the space in a vault that defies gravity.
Janix: Janix uses the Vibroknucklers she keeps on her, slicing into the armor and flesh beneath the Trooper. Anger plays on her features as she is clearly done with the day's activities.
Tal: The Force Leap makes Tal stare at the Hapan.
"I have got to learn how to do that."
Venn Parsa will suffer 2 Strain  to gain one additional Maneuver.
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Venn: She follows in Rook's wake and then combos off of Janix's prior attack on the roughed up trooper. Venn pushes a hand forward...
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark)
(Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 홴횗획 횃횞횛횗 ✔
Captain Riprock: Riprock moves forward, rifle in hand. "This place is gettin' a little too hot and we're seeing some Space Magic right now that's above my paygrade!"
Agent Alico: Alico growls as she's pointing her blaster toward the troopers, both hands holding the grip. "I can't get a clear shot!"
GM: Kesvo roll Average Vigilance or Perception
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
GM: All's well continue!
The last troopers try to shoot at Tal in close range (not a good idea, but here we go)
Venn: The Force fails her command once more, as she skirts the Dark Side, she finds it all off balance. That strange encounter with the imposter must have disturbed her equilibrium.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw, Superior
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Failure)
GM: As Tal clears the head of the last trooper and calm starts to fall over the field of battle - the euphoria of bloodlust, the rush of the kill makes his senses sharper for just a moment.
He hears something....
Very quiet, in the distance.
Tal: "FRAK!"

Janix M'kyato
Damage   5
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 1, Vicious 1, Disorient 1, Knockdown
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
GM: Ashley has moved forward with the carbonite case, heading toward the Ardent Rivener.
Janix: Janix punches the Trooper in the torso again, feeling it slide into flesh and dropping the enemy. She then hustles to the ship.
Tal: "We need to go! I can hear You-Know-Who coming this way!"
Janix M'kyato will suffer 2 Strain  to gain one additional Maneuver.
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. ✔️
Kesvo: Kesvo pauses at Tal's warning, confused as she doesn't hear anything. Has Tal descended into some kind of blood lust that's made him paranoid and hearing things?
But it's time to go, anyway
So she heads for the door
Tal: "Everyone on the ship! Go!"
Venn: "I'll workshop some monikers when I have some time." she councils regarding the imposter leading the remnant forces.
Agent Alico: "I think it's about time for my part." Alico says as she lifts up her arm and speaks into a wrist communicator. "Now, D6!"
GM: Suddenly, the ground beneath them shakes, and an alarm goes off.
There is the sound of an explosion.
Rook: "That wasn't me!"
(hash tag times up violation)
Rook: Rook will attempt to sweep down and grab Kesvo, rocketing off to the corridor towards the ship~
(2 strain for extra manuever)
Kesvo: Seeing Rook approach, Kesvo pauses and frowns. "What are yo---oohhAH!"
Captain Riprock: "What did you do, you crazy woman!?"
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Agent Alico: "Just set my droid to fly my old ship outta here, guns blazing, and to make as much noise as possible on its way out."
Venn: (oh f it)
(ok fine)
Rolling a Destiny Point.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light)
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   6
Spending ◐ for Upgrades Upgrade   Magnitude III ⏫
Increase max affected targets by 3 per ◐.
Spending ◐ for Upgrades Upgrade   Strength II 
Increase max silhouette by 2 per ◐.
+2 conflict, +2 strain
Venn reaches out with both hands, reaching for Tal and Riprock with invisible tethers...
Captain Riprock: "Hey, what, whoa!"
Tal: "What the--ack!"
Venn: She pulls both the men aloft and over her head, towards the ramp. Then she follows suit, fatigue visible in her posture.
Rook: "Go go go we are all here!" She nods approval to Venn. Never leave a teammate behind. Especially with Son of Vader on the way.
Venn: maneuver to move to ship as well
Venn Parsa ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 홴횗획 횃횞횛횗 ✔
GM: As Venn hurls both men through the air and into the docking bay, they hear the mechanized, heavy breathing, just down the hall - just as the doors slam close behind them.
Janix: There is some shock as Tal and Riprock come flying into the shuttle. A look at Venn and she realizes the source and power of the Adapt. If she had hair, she imagines the power would have caused it to ripple in the wind.
Rook: "Can your droid take and escape pod and us catch him on the way out system?"
GM: The entire Hellion team quickly get onto the Ardent Rivener.
Agent Alico: "No. The ship needs a pilot, and I've set it to self-destruct in five minutes."
Tal: Tal gets to his feet and sheathes his swords. He's glad everyone is on the ship, though he would have covered their escape if he had to.
He's glad he doesn't have to, though.
GM: Behind them, the sound of metal screeching is heard, and Venn, Janix, and Ashley can feel a surge in the Force.
Riprock rushes toward the bridge, shouting as he goes. "Let's move it people, take-off time and in a hurry!"
Rook: Rook stares at Alico. Just .... boom, dead droid. the metal screeching behind them has her spinning and aiming behind them, silently praying the ramp is not being pried open ....
Kesvo: the metal screeching is enough to motivate Kes, who begins shouting for the ship to take off.
Janix: "We have visuals outside?" She asks with some clear distress.
Tal: Tal will head to the gunnery stations in case they need to fight their way out as they take off!
GM: Ashley has already moved into one of the bridge terminals, leaving behind the carbonite container in the cargo bay.
Ashley Nasur:"I'll try to jam the Star Destroyer's sensors so they won't see our signal!"
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   7
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   6
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
"Can't do it, their encryption is too strong - but I can delay it so they won't get a good read right away!"
Kesvo: "Do what you can," Kesvo encourages him, then looks to Riprock.
Captain Riprock: "It will have to be enough, let's go!"
Kesvo: She holds onto something.
Piloting - Space
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: Image
GM: The Ardent Rivener comes to life as the doors to the loading bay slide open. The cruiser zooms out of the bay, causing many in the crew to expect a jolt - but the Captain's handling of the ship is natural and calm that belies the terror of the situation.
The ship slips out of the station and above you, you all see a massive Star Destroyer - larger than an Imperial Class - and its shape covers the Ardent Rivener in shadow.
Without giving you all much time to sight see, the ship jets off at max speed away from the vessel - Tie Fighters screaming after Agent Alico's renegade ship.
Rook: Rook braces, and a strange chill trickles down her spine at the sheer size of an Imperial Star Destroyer.
Tal: The size of Star Destroyers never ceases to amaze Tal. Seeing the massive one just reminds him of a bad part of his life that he's glad is over.
Rook: "Wait, that's .... its too large ..."
GM: A comm is heard over the ship. "*Attention renegade starship. Cease your flight at once. This area is under lockdown by command of The First Order."
Janix: "I didn't think anything could be that large," Janix whispers at the sight.
Captain Riprock: "Kriff that. Shut that garbage off!" He yells to the communications officer.
Venn: (thats what she said)
Janix: (title of my sex tape)
Captain Riprock: "I'm gonna get us out of her quick, no complaints about the damn astromech!"
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   7
Rook: With Janix and Tal at the two gunnery stations, Rook has nothing to do unless something goes terribly wrong ...
⛓️ Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   6
Janix: Fear at the Death Star, at the situation, makes her will that they can, and will, get away.
Captain Riprock: In just seconds, the Ardent Rivener jumps into hyperspace.
Captain Riprock: The Captain exhales. "See? No problem."
Kesvo: From the moment the ship leaves the dock to the time it jumps to hyperspace, Kesvo is still and quiet. Watching. Waiting. Maybe praying, who knows. Only once they leave the imperials far behind does her jaw unclench and her breathing come easier.
She claps a hand lightly on the captain's shoulder, appreciative, and turns to the others.
Tal: Once the stars become starlines, Tal finally reaches up and unclapses his helmet to take it off. He breathes easier knowing that they escaped the Star Destroyer in question.
Kesvo: "Good work."
Agent Alico: "I'll say."
Kesvo: "And you as well," she commends Alico. "That distraction saved our exit."
Agent Alico: The Agent nods. "Least I could do, after everything you all did for me."
The Agent flashes a fierce grin. "Same team, right?"
Tal: Tal leaves the gunnery station and goes to meet with the rest of the team.
Rook: Rooks rifle is slowly lowered as they leap into light speed. Safe! She nods to Kesvo, proud of how their team performed. She nods to Alico, and allows her jet pack to power down.
Captain Riprock: "I set course to meet with the Mallard. Once we're there, we'll transfer you over to it, and I'll make sure you get back to where you need to get going."
Janix: Still in disbelief over the Star Destroyer, Janix understands much better what they are fighting. Perhaps it wasn't really her fight before, but she could imagine the weapon being turned against her own people. She would definitely fight to stop that.
Kesvo: She nods to Riprock's assertion.
Venn: (I say do it)
Kesvo: "Alright. Take it easy, Alico. You've earned a rest for a few hours at least," she says with a smirk.
"As for the rest of you," she says, looking to the other Hellions. "We have a package to unwrap."
Rook: Rook runs a weather eye over the team, seeing who might need some healing before they tie their doctor up with a unsafe cryo reivial.
GM: The Hellions get "the package" into the med bay with Doctor Rovan and Ashley on hand.
Rook: "Let's get the Captain and Alico stabilized, then ... take our chances. We just don't have time to do it the safe way, not with that THING out there." she glances over at Venn and will ask what no one else has. "Was it him?I mean did it feel like him? .... or was it just an imposter, a Vader 2.0?"
GM: Deena is a little incensed at the idea of having someone frozen in carbonite (That's lunacy! the ex-Imperial says in disgust), but she's on hand with Ashley to make this as safe as possible.
Venn: (the ooc technical expression of the way I roll dice)
Kesvo: En route, Kes quietly reminds Rook that Alico isn't to be let in on the second mission.
GM: Deena takes a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." She says and presses the button on the side of the slab of carbonite.
Kesvo: Kesvo leans against a wall, well out of the way and watching.
GM: The carbon freezing begins to quickly thaw, melting away to reveal a figure that had practically been held in amber...
Zekra Fol opens her eyes and takes a deep breath and...
End Session 81



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2020, 11:39:15 AM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 82 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions have retrieved Prince Xizor's secret agent from the Czerka station at the edge of the Unknown regions. The woman frozen in carbonite turned out to be none other than Zekra Fol, the Imperial Service Bureau agent who had encountered them back on Skye City nearly a year ago. Almost dying from the carbonite sickness, she is currently stable in the bacta tank on the ship's medbay while the Ardent Rivener makes its way to the Outer Rim world of Felucia, which holds not just the Admiral that they're meant to collect, but a nearly completed superweapon being constructed by the First Order.. some sort of biological weapon.
The Rivener jumps out of hyperspace on the dark side of the planet, as Captain Riprock assures that their vessel remains undetected. A communique had been sent to N1-TR0 to rendezvous with them at Felucia, and they find that the Aeon Mallard is already in system, albeit near the edge of it.
Riprock comms through the vessel that they've arrived in system.
Janix: Janix finishes latching her gauntlet of her armor as she steps out of her room, geared and ready. She heads to the gathering area as she expects the team will want to act with haste. It's been a long five days and each moment is another moment the weapon could slip from their grasp.
Core Worlds
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
Ashley doesn't come back with any information of use.
He does not know that.
What Ashley does know is that there Felucia was the sight of many battles between the Separatists and the Republic. They have a strange species that mostly keeps to itself. The planet was utilized by the Rebel Alliance as a stop-over base against the Empire.
GM: But no-one knows of where the facility may be.
Rook: Rook inspects her gear a final time, before meeting up with the team. A biological weapon. Her teeth gritted, as she considered some of the more cruel weapons deployed by the Imperials. A deep breath, and she fought (and failed) to reach that calm, meditative state Ashley so wanted her to find. Adrenaline surged through her, pushing at her. She didn't need calm, she needed action.
Captain Riprock: Riprock is in the war room, waiting for the team to figure out their next moves.
Kesvo: Kesvo joins the others in the war room. Once there, she sets her datapad on the table and turns it so that Riprock can read the info she's called up.
"Those are the coordinates Switch gave us for where the Admiral's being kept. Without any other leads on where to look for the weapon, seems reasonable to me to start with the one location we already have."
"What do you think the chances are we can get down there without drawing a ton of notice?" she asked the captain
Captain Riprock: "Depends how close you wanna land."
"You wanna land the ship, or you wanna try to do an aerial drop?"
Kesvo: "If I recall correctly, the place is pretty deep in the jungle. Didn't sound like landing nearby was an option, and time is short."
Venn: The Umbaran adept spends most of her time relatively out of main areas in case the others are falutin' around with all the "extras" that are on board. Her patience isn't as gracious as theirs with people she isn't used to, so it is probably for the best. When the call comes to assemble in the briefing room, she makes her way down there with quick stop in the galley for some manner of nutrient bar. The blonde* settles into her usual seat an nibbles on it while deliberations go on.
Rook: "A combat drop would get us there swiftly, but what would our exit be? if the Rivener can't land there, could the Mallard?"
Venn: (I have a chute ;p)
"What about the ship's salon pod?"
Captain Riprock: "Runs the risk of spoiling the secrecy of it all if either ship gets too close to some sensors."
Kesvo: "I'd prefer to keep the Mallard off the planet if at all possible."
Captain Riprock: "I can probably find a landing site in the jungle a decent space away. If I get too close to those coordinates and it's a base, they'll pick up the ship."
Kesvo: "Unless someone's packed parachutes and I don't know it, that sounds like our best option to me."
Janix: Though she looks at the coordinates, she doesn't know this planet. While she didn't care much about the Admiral's life, his knowledge would be helpful. It could be a win-win to rescue him now. To Rook, "Your jetpack can't really handle more than yourself?"
Rook: Rook nodded, "I think the jump in is fine; Just wanted to be sure that if we need to evac we still have that option."
Kesvo: "Sounds like it's gonna have to be on foot, unless we find a better option once we're inside. If we manage to get hold of the Admiral, we might be able to use his intel to find a better way."
Rook: "I can carry a light load, but it impacts maneuvering." she grinned over at Kesvo, then glanced back at Venn.
Venn: "Are we not offloading the redhead?"
Kesvo: "We are."
Captain Riprock: "Alright. Nitro should be here in about an hour. We can dock, move Alico, and then he can come aboard."
Riprock pauses. "Normally, I'd fly her to wherever she needs to be myself but I guess time is a little short."
It's clear the Captain doesn't relish the idea of Alico flying his ship herself.
Kesvo: Kesvo blinked. "You're gonna let her take it?"
"I assumed the plan would be to have Nitro drop her off somewhere."
Captain Riprock: "Can do that, sure."
"If you think we should spare the Demo expert."
Kesvo: "I don't want her deciding that time's too short and showing up on the planet in a desperate attempt to save the admiral."
"Is there anyone on this crew you'd trust for the errand?"
Captain Riprock: Riprock purses his lips.
Kesvo: "Alternatively, we can tell her that we're going to do some recon and she needs to just sit tight while we're down there."
Venn: (XP for pursing lips for the first time)
Captain Riprock: "She needs to get back to Ackbar soon. We've already taken her away from that. No telling how long this is gonna take."
"Some point it's gonna happen."
"I'll have Nitro do it. No blowing anything up."
Kesvo: "On the contrary," she said, glancing to Rook. "Make sure you've got some charges on hand. We'll need to decide on the fly how we're leaving that facility."
Venn: "I am sure Spitfire can pinch hit on that score if we need." she offers in regards to blowing things up.
Tal: Tal emerged and joined the group, fastening his helmet into place. His weapons were ready to go.
Kesvo: "Remember, a priority here is to not cross our objectives. Alico knows about the Admiral, but as far as we know, doesn't know anything about the virus. This Admiral, if we find him and get info from him, we need to be sure we're not sharing too much with him, either."
Rook: Rook grinned at both Kesvo and Venn, offering a thumbs up. Blowing things up was always a delight!
Captain Riprock: "I'll go figure out a landing zone."
Riprock nods to the others and then departs.
Janix: "Understood," though she was a bit nervous about how excited Rook was blowing things up. "We were trying to set up a fall group before. Are we just using disguises and hoping no one puts together the pieces?"
Kesvo: "The Haxion Brood would make an easy fall guy, but we're going to have to get creative in how to implicate them." She winced, shook her head. "If we'd had just a little more time on the station we could've set it up nicely."
She paused, thinking with narrowed eyes.
Janix: Janix furrowed her brow for a moment and thought. "Alico seems like she's a master of getting in places she shouldn't. Think she could create something we could drop that might look like an insignia or the like?"
Kesvo: "If we manage to get inside and get to the Admiral, maybe we could borrow some First Order gear and make it look like an inside conspiracy."
She shook her head at Janix. "Alico can't know we're here for any purpose other than retrieving the Admiral."
Janix: She nodded understanding again. "It's better that nothing. You were convincing over that transponder back on the station." She looked at the team. "We playing fake humans again? I can grab that cloak on the way just in case."
Kesvo: "Better to grab it just in case. We should assume we'll be caught on camera at some point just to be safe. That means we're all disguised while on the planet, so that we're not outted as the responsible party after the fact."
Janix: "Mm," was all Janix said as she agreed. While most people didn't even know what she was, seemed like a bad idea to risk it.
Venn: "It is a very humid planet."
Janix: With a glance towards Venn, it was clear Janix didn't understand the Umbaran. A look of confusion on her face, she wondered if the woman would elaborate.
Kesvo: "Cloak would probably be no less comfortable than a wig and makeup, though we can go that route if you'd rather," she said, assuming Venn had mentioned the weather in reference to the cloak.
Venn: "I mean that make sure whatever disguises you use won't fail under thick heat and sweat."
"I cannot say I even know if Hapans sweat, though..." she thought aloud to no one in particular.
Janix: "I can confirm we sweat," Nix said with a bit of a smile and understanding. "Well, I might stand out but in good news, most of the Galaxy couldn't pick out a Hapan. That doesn't mean First Order Commanders cannot though. Suggestions? I am not as stealthy as Venn but I can step lightly if needed."
Kesvo: She paused, considered it. She looked at Rook.
"How many suits with helmets do we have on board?"
"I'm not worried about them recognizing you today," she told Janix. "I'm more concerned with them trying to investigate later and being able to identity the Hellions because we had a Hapan with us."
Rook: Hot and humid was always better than ice and snow, at least in Rook's book. She nodded thoughtfully, considering Kesvo's question. "Mine, Tal's, the two I made for uh, the crew" her smile flared at Kesvo, "However many helmets the captain has."
"If we have vacc suits for everyone I could modify some of those helmets but it would take time that it sounds like we don't have."
Kesvo: "Does your getup have a helmet? If it does, Ashley and I can see if we can use the spare armor kits Rook has."
^said to Janix
GM: You can flip a Destiny to say you have an extra suit, complete with helmet, that would suffice for a disguise if you didn't already buy and prepare an alternative set of gear.
%uF4DD Careful Planning Activation   Action
Effect   Once per session, may introduce a "fact" into the narractive as if a Destiny Point had been spent.
Venn: (probably War Leader)
Janix: "I'll wear my helmet. I was working with Rook to adjust this so it fit with my armor." She smiled a bit at Rook in thanks. "We finished it just in time it seems. It might be humid and hot but I can wear a helmet to avoid detection. It seems like the Mandolrians can do it."
Kesvo: "Alright. That sounds like a plan. So Riprock will find a landing spot, we'll hike to the facility in disguise, and..." she shook her head, frustrated a little at the sparse intel. "We'll have to scope it out once we get there."
GM: Within an hour the Aeon Mallard arrives, the crew transferring Alico over to the smaller ship. N1-TR0 wishes everyone luck, and then the ship departs the system while the Rivener heads to find a landing zone. Alico wishes everyone luck as well, giving them all a fond farewell.
Rook: (Rook will ask N1 for some explosives before he leaves the ship.)
GM: N1-TR0 hands her a barradium charge.
Rook: Rook's eyes gleam with delight!
Janix: As the depart, Janix puts on her helmet and mentally prepares herself for the humidity to follow. She looks at Rook with her new explosive and reminds herself that Rook is on their side. Thank the Goddess.
GM: The Ardent Rivener settles down in the jungles of Felucia, and as the doors open you find that the planet is truly alive. Massive mushrooms tower overhead like skyscrapers, their overhanging edges creating a canopy that blocks out much of the planet's sunlight. Even though it is about noon, the light will barely reach the 'forest' floor. It is oppressively humid and hot here, and it looks, smells, and feels something like a swampy planet, albeit a bright and colorful one.
Tal: Tal follows everyone from the ship and readies himself for the hike.
Captain Riprock: "Do you want me to stay with the ship for a quick pickup if it's needed, or go along with ya'll?"
Tal: It hasn't been long enough since they were last in a jungle. Tal hopes that there isn't a Nunno waiting to greet them....though the last one did taste pretty good.
Kesvo: "As much as I wanna keep the ships out of sight, I feel like we oughta plan for worse case."
Venn: Image
Rook: Rook gazes at the odd, colorful world. giant mushrooms! what next?
Captain Riprock: "Alright, I'll keep the coms open and my ears and eyes peeled."
He looks over to Venn and smiles at her. "Try not to have too much fun without me."
Venn: Venn slots her sabers into her thigh holster as the balmy breeze causes her cape to billow some.
Tal: Tal makes sure to bring his Blaster Rifle this time around.
Heavy Blaster Rifle
Venn: The masked woman reaches over and ruffles the captain's hair before she descends the ramp.
Janix: "Not what I was expecting," Janix says from within her helmet. "A strange world..." She moves off the ship with the team, ready to hurry and bounces lightly on the balls of her feet.
GM: As you walk upon the planet's surface, you feel the soil press beneath your feet. Every step turns up insects and other fungi just beneath the surface. The noise of the jungle is loud and alien, full of the sounds of a hundred insects and animals moving through the mushroom swaps, all part of a living and vibrant ecosystem.
Venn: "I wouldn't touch anything if I do not have to." her vocoder scratches out that imperial voice towards Janix, regarding the flora.
GM: Along that, both Venn and Janix can feel that this planet is very strong in The Force. While Nathema was a haven for dark side energy, this world's abundance of life gives it an almost calming sense to the Force Users here. (Add 1 boost to your next roll).
Janix: As Venn's comment, Nix turns. "Deadly and dangerous?" Her voice hollow sounding through the helmet, sans vocoder like Venn.
GM: Ashley is on autopilot mode and following after the group. He can contribute skills and the like, providing chatter in-character, but I won't be NPC'n him.
Venn: "I mean we are surrounded by fungus. Use your imagination..." she offers in reply.
GM: Assume he's acting normal.
Kesvo: "Alright, let's get moving," Kesvo says, eyeing the land before them.
Janix: The planet feels welcoming, different than Venn's warning. Her gaze sweeps the area and she keeps her rifle ready to quickly draw, but she follows Kesvo. "Are we jogging it?"
Venn: ((Time of day please))
GM: Noon
Kesvo: "I'd recommend a brisk walk. None of us are familiar with this place and we don't want to run into anything unpleasant because we're running."
GM: You have the coordinates for where you believe you need to go. As you leave, the Rivener takes off and heads into orbit.
Tal: Tal secures his swords and uses the sling to secure his rifle as they make their way across the terrain. He keeps his eyes peeled for any signs of patrols as they make their way toward their destination.
Janix: "Understood." Janix sees Tal's assessment of the area and situates herself on the opposite side of the team to do the same. As they move, Janix keeps watch for people, and perhaps less than friendly creatures. Nathema's acklay surprise it not quite forgotten.
Kesvo: Kesvo as well tries to keep her eyes peeled as she goes, watching for environmental surprises.
GM: Everyone must make a Hard Survival check.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success)
Venn Parsa uses SINCEREST FLATTERY. Once per encounter, when she makes a skill check someone else has previously used during the encounter, she adds %uF7E6 %uF7E6 to her check.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Failure) (Advantage)
(didnt help!)
Janix: As they go, Janix notices a path that seems perhaps it was forgotten or only used by smaller animals. "Team, look there." She points. "I think we should take it, seems like the fungus will obscure us better from predators and other people."
Tal: "Good eyes." Tal said, moving onto the path in question and trying to remain as stealthy as possible.
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded at Janix's suggestion, and changed her path.
GM: Janix leads the group for the first hour and finds a route that seems to shorten their time. She estimates it will take them another ten hours to reach the coordinates.
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD54A%uD54A%uD540%uD54A%uD54B %uF91D as a Maneuver to grant a Boost to an Ally's next check.
Janix: Janix, after leading for the hour, stops and confers with Tal before they continue.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure)
GM: Tal shows to be another adept pathfinder. Though they run across a large pool of acid, the Mandalorian heavy is able to find an alternative route through the mushroom jungle.
9 hours still.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Kesvo moves up to the front and takes input from Tal about how to spot... swamp acid?
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Tal: Tal is very descriptive about the signs of swamp acid.
GM: Kes is able to navigate with all of them without issue, though it's starting to get to everyone all this damn heat and humidity. Everyone suffers 1 strain.
8 hours still, the sun is still high in the sky and providing some heat as you make your way through the sweltering mushroom jungle.
Venn: (? i only have 3 green)
Kesvo: Kesvo calls Janix back to the front, actually calling her by her NAME for once, instead of Airlock. Surely that lifts her spirits!
Janix: With a quick of her lips, unseen by the helmet, Janix comes to the front and confers with Kesvo as she looks for the best path.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
GM: Janix succeeds so well, the next person gains a boost!
Venn: (Successes can be added to another character, like Stealth)
GM: Seven hours remain as the group continue easily on their journey. They're naturals at this!
Janix: Finding an ideal path, eagerly, Janix leads the team further through the humid mushroom forest.
Finding some of the mushroom coloring to be of note, Janix informs Tal of what she's noticed regarding the path she took.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
GM: Tal is also able to guide the group, but his route takes them through some longer grasses and a more difficult part of their trip. They suffer all suffer a strain.
They've now been walking for six hours through the hot, muggy, unwelcoming jungle. Do you take a break or press on?
Tal: "I think we should take a break. We're making good time."
"But this heat is insane."
Kesvo: Kesvo is reluctant to lose their stride, as they do seem to be making good time. But Tal's not wrong, the heat is intense, and there was no telling what lay ahead.
Venn: "Says the man who has never been to a place like Mustafar."
Kesvo: "Alright. Let's find a place to break for a few minutes."
Janix: They are not anywhere of note, but it is a march. While she's done worse, showing up at the location exhausted won't help anyone. "Sounds like a good idea to me. A quick break would do us all good."
GM: The cacophany of noise created by insects and other animals makes it nearly impossible to hear the splash of your footsteps through the Felucian swamp. The open area you walk into resembles a large, shallow pool of water with narrow islands rising up out of the mini lake - looking like stepping stones that are slightly too far apart to jump across. A faint mist hangs over the swampy ground, drifting over the still pool of water.
Janix: "Not the most romantic place for a picnic," dryly jokes the Hapan.
Tal: "This looks like a good place for a trap or three."
Venn: "What is a picnic?"
Kesvo: "Who you tryin' to romance?" Kesvo countered with a brow arched in a tease.
Kesvo tries to determine how far out of the way it would be to go around the standing water instead of through it.
Janix: Her head turned torward Kes and Venn, she wasn't sure if both, or neither, were also kidding. She was still learning some nuance with the different species at times.
GM: Make a Hard Survival check, Kes.
Janix: As Kesvo looks at the pool, Janix comes up to the Falleen to brainstorm. "Perhaps we could try throwing rocks to see if there are any hidden ledges in the water?"
Kesvo: "How wide do you think this swamp is?" she murmured, squinting into the distance.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Advantage)
Rook: Rook's gaze settled for a moment upon Venn, that one comment underlying how much of life she'd missed out on. "It's food, fun and friends. You pack up a bunch of everyone's favorite foods, and hike a bit into nature. then you just ... play. roast a hot dog, or marshmellow." Memories played through Rook's mind, of half a dozen picnics upon her own glittering world. the games and silliness, the ability to relax the constant alertness because someone else had watch that day.
GM: Kes can see it'll take them an extra two hours to move around the clearing.
Kesvo: "Sometimes they're quieter affairs," she says, turning back to regard Rook and Venn with a knowing little smile. "For just two, with a nice bottle of wine and a starry night..."
She glances at Janix and nods at her suggestion.
"This water goes on for a while, looks like. Guess we're going through."
Janix: A bit surprised, she assumed earlier Venn was joking and was thankful Rook understood the Umbaran's true question.
Venn: "Just sounds like a meal to me." she finally retorts, not having all this emotional backdrop the others did around...some food and socializing.
Kesvo: "Come on. Let's find a place to break," she said. She took a few careful steps into the water, wary of uneven footing or hidden roots.
GM: Kes can make a perception check versus 2 red and 1 purple.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Rook: What an unexpected view of picnics! Rook laughed softly, shaking her head a bit. Thinking for a moment longer, she offered to Venn, "We'll try it sometime, and you'll see the difference! I'll help you cook." It was perhaps unfortunate to picture a Venn-picnic when they were so far from the nearest kitchen.
GM: Kes can see long shadows beneath the mushrooms. A single being whos eyes glow and look at her - almost imperceptible with a natural camouflage.
Kesvo: "Natives," she says, coming to a halt.
Tal: "I've got a bad feeling about this."
GM: The creature notices Kesvo coming to a halt and reaches for something tied to its waist - its stumpy legs covered in a half-skirt of reeds.
Janix: Near Kes, Nix goes still as her hand moves to her rifle, not drawing it but ready. She waits, motionless for the moment.
Kesvo: Kesvo puts her hands up slowly, letting her rifle drop to its sling on her side. "We're not here for trouble," she said in her gentlest voice.
Tal: Tal readies himself to draw his rifle. He looks around to make sure that they aren't being encircled.
Rook: Rook is taken aback for the moment by the creature, for it is difficult to make it out against the bright native flora.
GM: It draws what looks to be like a shell of some sort, curved upward, taking it toward its face.
Venn: "I don't think it means to play us a jolly tune."
Kesvo: "Wait," Kesvo says, slowly putting a hand out towards it.
GM: BROOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM - a loud, cacophanous sound that pains you echoes through the mushroom jungle.
Out of the waters spring five more of the creatures, laying in wait!
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Venn: Oops
Felucian Scout:
Initiative Vigilance
Felucian Scout
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Felucian Scout:
Initiative Vigilance
Felucian Scout
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Felucian Scout:
Initiative Vigilance
Felucian Scout
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Felucian Scout:
Initiative Vigilance
Felucian Scout
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Triumph)
Felucian Scout:
Initiative Vigilance
Felucian Scout
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Felucian Scout:
Initiative Vigilance
Felucian Scout
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: (Free maneuvers)
Initiative Vigilance
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Blank)
Janix: (should I do forewarning?)
Venn: (I dunno.. minion comes with it?)
(its got a pet? :shrug:)
Janix: Janix, hand on her rifle, turns as the welcome wagon pops out of the surroundings. "Watch your flank team." She pulls her rifle out as she turns to the Hellions and makes certain they are all prepared.
%u26A0%uFE0F Forewarning Activation   Action
Effect   All allies in medium range increase their defense by 3 until they act in the encounter.
GM: The Felucians draw blades of what look to be hardened coral, or bone, with human skulls crafted into the hilts. They charge forward in concert.
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
GM: 1
Felucian Scout:
Skull Blade
Felucian Scout
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Felucian Scout:
Skull Blade
Felucian Scout
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Threat) (Threat)
Kesvo: Kesvo uses the momentum of the creature's incoming lunge to shunt his strike past her, and elbows his shoulder as he passes.
She then lifts her rifle at point blank range and shoots it at him, hoping for the best.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Very Expensive Blaster Rifle
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Two-handed, Superior, Stun, +1 ADV on Success
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
GM: 1
Felucian Scout:
Skull Blade
Felucian Scout
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: While the Fellucian doesn't strike Janix, he does enter into a competent defensive stance - twirling the blade and adding a defense to itself until it acts again.
Janix: Janix just barely dodges the blade as she activates her target rifle, listening to it start to warm up and hum. It might not work as well with the Felucian bearing down on her.
Felucian Scout:
Npc Critical
Felucian Scout
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   91
Total   91
At the Brink
Suffer 1 strain each time you perform an action.
GM: Kes's shot blasts the Felucian in the chest, leaving a large wound that bleeds heavily, obviously causing grievous injury.
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw, Superior
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   4
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Threat) (Triumph)
GM: The Fellucians are stunned by the sheer savagery displayed by the red-armored warrior with two blades. As one of their companions is simply cut into several pieces, they pause and look to one another.
Venn: (Rook?)
(Ok I will go)
Venn Parsa takes a %uD53E%uD54C%uD538%u211D%uD53B%uD53C%uD53B %uD54A%uD54B%uD538%u2115%u2102%uD53C %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Melee Defense increases by +1 but her combat checks suffer a %u25FC until end of next turn.
%u2756 Fear The Shadows %u2694 Image   "I sense a great %uD58B%uD58A%uD586%uD597 in you..."
Tapping into the Dark Side, she invokes psychic panic and terror through the Force. Those who are victim to it find their instincts urging them to one urgent course of action: run.
Activation   Action / Long Range
Check   Hard (%u2666%u2666%u2666) Deception
Effect   Force a single minion group or rival to flee the encounter.

At the GM's discretion, these NPCs may not flee due to extenuating circumstances (no fleeing into obvious harm, etc.)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
(will do six advantage)
(( I will give 3 allies a boost))
(( I but would have to hit to do something useful ))
(( so Or how about this, the next 3 enemies get setbacks))
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM: One of the Felucians, obviously terrified by what it has just witnessed, flees the battlefield.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage)
GM: One Felucian moves to avenge its fallen brethren!
Venn: Venn also quickdraws her staber, but doesnt ignite it.
GM: The air shifts and changes...
Venn: But she attempts to send a tremble into the weave of the Force of the planet.... it isn't successful with fear, but the reverberations still flows into those sensitive to it.
Venn and Janix can feel a shift in the air. Fear. Anger. Despair. Rage. The Felucian near them lifts its webbed 'hand' up and points to Tal.
Felucian Scout:
Felucian Scout
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Short
Qualities   Ensnare 2, Stun Damage
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Triumph)
Tal takes 9 stun damage and is Ensnared as vines and grasses rise up from the ground and wrap around his arms and legs.
GM: The next one does the same thing - the Fellucians making a concentrated effort to bring the madman down!!
Tal: "WHAT THE KRIFF?" Tal exclaims as the vines wrap around his arms and legs.
Felucian Scout:
Felucian Scout
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Short
Qualities   Ensnare 2, Stun Damage
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Dark) (Dark)
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Dark) (Dark)
Felucian Scout:
Skull Blade
Felucian Scout
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Felucian Scout:
Felucian Scout
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Short
Qualities   Ensnare 2, Stun Damage
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Force Light x2) (Force Light)
(Threat) (Light) (Light) (Light)
While the other two display some level of anger, the third one is more calm and collected. It closes its eyes, taking a deep breath, and a wave of force but not blatant malicious energy strikes Tal.
11 Stun Damage.
GM: The three Fellucians are obviously straining to hold back the pure focus, power, and wrath that is the Mandalorian.
Ashley will try to Bind the one with the blade on Janix.
Rook: (ashley can go first rook is just going to shoot the one that's right here unless they start talking)
Rook will use a maneuver to turn on her jet pack, then will shoot the falucian who is right here between janix and rook.
Venn: (or not!)
E-33 Blaster Carbine %uF3AF
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in %u2264 short range.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
(critical hit for the advantage and make the force user loose focus if he has to maintian his trap? is that a thing i can do?)
Venn: "Talk to me, Five... is it a wrap for you?!" the masked umbaran quips through her vocoder.
(or a free maneuver)
Tal: "Only if you leave me hanging on the vine right now!" Tal calls back!
Rook: ((ooh that would be great! shoot the vines!))
Felucian Scout:
Npc Critical
Felucian Scout
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   34
Total   34
Staggered, cannot perform action on next turn.
Force Power
Ashley Nasur
Skill Name   Medicine
Power Name   Heal/Harm
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Blank) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Rook: Rook's rifle swings into position and she steps back, allowing a blast of power to booth slice into the strange mushroom man as well as peppering the vines which held Tal in place. "where are the vitals on these things?" she asked, unsure just where to aim.
GM: Tal heals for 6 strain as Ashley moves forward and calls upon the power of the Light Side.
The next Felucian moves forward and targets Rook, who just freed thee murderer!
Felucian Scout:
Felucian Scout
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Short
Qualities   Ensnare 2, Stun Damage
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
The wave of Force energy strikes Rook full on - dealing 14 stun damage to her as the Felucian tries to incapacitate her.
Venn: ((Are they dark siders or lightsiders? or both?))
Rook: ((yep it is a lot of stun argh!! lol))
GM: They are lightsiders.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   5
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   2
New Light Side total   6
Venn: Venn looks over at Rook as the Mandalorian is battered by kinetic force. "Kid get to range!"
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw, Superior
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
"RUN NOW!" Tal snarls.
Venn: "Butcher doesn't really cut it... " she says watching gore and viscera fly as the masked warrior charges a foe.
Tal: ((End Turn))
GM: The one in front of Tal, who just had its companion die, slashes at him with the bonesword. It doesn't seem to register anything he's saying, and speaks in a tongue he doesn't recognize.
Felucian Scout:
Skull Blade
Felucian Scout
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Venn: (yikes)
Character Critical
Tal Vodax
Previous Criticals   4 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   10
Dice Roll   71
Total   121
Knocked Senseless
You can no longer upgrade dice for checks.
Character Critical
Tal Vodax
Previous Criticals   4 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   81
Cannot voluntarily suffer strain to activate abilities or gain additional maneuvers until end of encounter.
GM: The blade of the Felucian doesn't sink deep into Tal's body, barely piercing the armor, but it does strike true, sending a lightning bolt of pain that clouds Tal's focus through his body.
Venn: Venn bursts into movement, seeing Tal mixing it up and getting mauled in return. "On your right!" she calls to him, her saber snapping to life and sizzling as it's tip shears into the water.
%u2694 Draw Closer Image   %u201CYou are unwise to lower your defenses!%u201D
With a gesture, she seizes a target with the Force while simultaneously attacking with her violet lightsaber.
Activation   Action | Sil 1 target | %u2264 Medium Range
Check   Combat - Lightsaber(Willpower) + %u2394%u2394%u2394%u2394
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to move the Sil 1 target one Range Band closer OR as a Image.
Violet Double-Bladed Saber %u2694%uFE0F
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   %uF517 Linked 1, %uF4A2 Breach 1, %uF528 Sunder, %uF915 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: (no)
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Venn: She rolls under a wide swing by the monstrous creature, severing the offending arm in the process with her saber.
GM: As Venn's blade terminates the Felucian warrior, a voice rings out from the distance in Basic. "Wait! Stop!"
Venn: Her blade is already through the creature's torso from behind when a voice calls out.
"Little late for that, isn't it?!" she calls out to the voice.
GM: The man with a durasteel arm yells out in the strange tongue of the Fellucians, causing them to pause.
Venn: ((Actually if thats the case, I can use my Triumph to not kill it only disable it))
Kesvo: Seeing that the newcomer successfully pauses the Fellucians, Kesvo looks to the team. "Hold."
Rook: Rook is willing to take a moment to find out what is happening .. especially as she is not sure she can move, given the weight of vines upon her.
Venn: The felucian creature opens its eyes to see the lightsaber blade instead jammed into the ground near its head, rather than through it...
Janix: As she's moving her rifle towards the Felucian, Janix holds as she eyes the ones surrounding her and Rook.
GM: "Please, they are not your enemy!" The man yells as he slowly approaches, hands raised. "They think you're with the Empire."
Venn: The masked woman does give Tal "the Nod" though, before looking to the voice.
Kesvo: "We just want passage through here. If you can convince them to leave us be, there need be no more harm done," she calls to the stranger, eyeing him warily.
GM: He turns to the Felucians and speaks in their language again. They slowly put away their weapons and go to gather their dead.
Kesvo: (Do they gather all the skull knives of the fallen, too?)
Mandrake: They do.
Tal: Tal growls beneath his helmet, but doesn't move to finish off the Felucian that Venn has disabled.
Mandrake: "My name is Vazus Mandrake. I've lived on Felucia for over twenty years. They have a village nearby here where you can rest."
Tal: His blades drip with the blood of the fallen, however, as he assesses the new speaker.
Kesvo: Kesvo relaxes just a little, standing upright fully, and watches.
"Rest? With them? Who are you to them that they would overlook what's just happened and give us shelter?"
Rook: Rook tries to determine what sorts of tattoos the cyborg is wearing, studying the cyborg.
Mandrake: "It will not be easy. An apology will be needed of course. But these ones are young, and impetuous. They thought you were part of the Empire, no doubt."
"The Imperials have been kidnapping members of their tribe, so they've become more protective and hostile than they normally would be."
Venn: "We tried to reason with them."
Mandrake: "Their tongue is difficult to master." Mandrake says with a slow smile. "It took me some time to get it. They're a kind and peaceful race, I assure you."
Kesvo: Kesvo considered it. She eyed the stranger, then the retreating Fellucians, then the crew. The Hellions were still breathing heavy from the hard day's trek, and there was a long way to go, yet. She eyed the swamp ahead, then focused on Mandrake.
Janix: As they talk, Janix moves away from the Felucians and slings her rifle onto her back as the energy discharges. She moves towards Kes and Ashley, slowly, and non threateningly.
Venn: "Deadly misunderstandings are not limited to this planet." she said, somewhat understanding that situation but, it it would surely be a learning experience.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Tal: Tal was still Winded from the fight, unhappy about being stabbed. He disliked the idea of going into their stronghold, but he also understood the brashness of youth and wanting to make a name for oneself.
Mandrake: "Indeed. I believe that's all this was - and I will tell the Chief the same."
Kesvo believes Mandrake's on the up and up as far as helping them and talking about the Felucians. He's keeping his own details hidden, that much is clear.
Venn: "Four, status? It looked like a rather nasty hit you took there by..whatever that was." she says towards Rook.
Rook: "I'm a bit winded, but good." Rook was still breathing with focused effort, trying to regain her breath. a touch of humor seeped into her voice. "as Force attacks go, it wasn't bad." it wasn't like the Sith Ghosts, or being squished half to death ...
Kesvo: Kes took in Rook's response, and then looked over the others. She approached Mandrake and nodded.
"Alright. We accept. Lead the way."
She releases her blaster to hang on its sling.
Tal: Tal sheathed his swords and then followed the group.
Rook: Cautiously, she moved towards Kesvo and their ... guide?
GM: Everyone can roll Discipline or Cool to recover strain.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: Venn folds her hilt and slides it into the thigh holster.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix: If Kes takes the strange man's word, Janix decides she's willing to go with it. Close to the group, she keeps pace and her eyes peeled.
%u2696%uFE0F Balance Activation   Maneuver
Effect   When the character heals strain at the end of the encounter, she may add %u2B21 per Force Rating, 3. She recovers additional strain equal to %u25EF generated.
Rook: ((advantages on these rolls don't do anything right?))
Kesvo: "That was the Force?" she asked Venn more quietly, once the group started moving.
Venn: (no)
(that was computers btw)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: "Yes, this place is soaked in it... because of all the life everywhere, I imagine."
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Mandrake: Mandrake nods and turns, leading them through a small opening they'd not seen before into an out-of-sight path. It leads them upwards into an ascent into the mushroom 'trees'. As you make your way toward the village you see a number of effigies made out of stormtrooper armor. There appear to be half a dozen of them on the path.
Venn: "Yet not in a way that makes me feel sick. So I wouldn't worry about a repeat of that hellscape planet." she adds to Kesvo, providing some manner of silver lining.
Kesvo: Kesvo was indeed frowning a bit at the news, but nods and takes a little hope from Venn's addendum.
Rook: Some coincidences were just too beautfiul to be chance, and seeing the sets of armor that could be modified to disguises at need amused Rook a great deal.
Venn: Seeing the husks of stormtroopers past has the Umbaran comment. "That is all sorts of normal..."
Kesvo: "You say the Imperials have been kidnapping these folks," she said, raising her voice a little to speak to the guide. "Do you know why?"
GM: The Hellions find that there are several dozen Felucians in the village resting on several levels of mushroom huts. They all watch the group as they enter, clearly curious as to who they were and their purpose.
Mandrake: "Don't know. They've seemed to be targeting the younger males - the ones that are strong in the Force, from what the Chief said."
Venn: Venn casually holds her hands palms up in nonthreatening manner, despite her mask, as they enter the area.
"Experimentation probably."
Kesvo: "They come all the way out here? Or do the Felucians roam closer to the facility?"
Mandrake: "They've been doing it for the last few years. Ever since they set up that prison facility."
"They do, though we've made it harder for them to find us with all manner of traps. Surprised you didn't trip any on the way here."
GM: From the mushroom huts, an elderly Felucian shaman approaches. Mandrake gestures to the creature. "That's the Chief." The one-armed man says with a nod.
Thec hief is obviously extremely old, and the tendrils around his head appear to be shrunken and damaged. The shaman has clearly seen his share of battles; his body is covered in scars, and one arm looks withered and blackened as though infected with some kind of shriveling disease.
The chief moves before the Hellions and scrutinizes them, looking them over without saying a word. He pauses and then looks at Janix, Ashley, and Venn, specifically.
Those three characters can hear faint, guttural whispers as he approaches, and feel a Disturbance in the Force.
Venn: "Something wrong with him?" she asks the 'translator' while looking at his withered limb.
Janix: In a very similar gesture to what Venn did early, Janix non-threateningly holds up her hands. The Force, whatever it is, it seems like it's close enough to her Biotics to stand out. What sounds like whispering from around her, in truth, seems to be coming from within her mind.
Mandrake: "He's had that for a bit now. A sacrifice he made to make the village safe, he said." Their translator whispers to Venn.
GM: The Chief whispers something quietly in his guttural tongue, and Mandrake clicks his tongue and whistles. "Well. How about that?"
The one-armed man turned to the three Force Users and smirks. "Seems like he's been expecting you."
End Session 82



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2020, 11:47:57 AM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 83 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions made ground-fall onto the mushroom jungle world of Fellucia. After slowly making their way through the sweltering heat toward the First Order secret base upon the surface that Admiral Varth and the Superweapon are both held, they encountered a group of natives.
After a quick exchange that left some of them dead, the Force-using mushroom-people halted as a human cyborg who introduced himself as Vazus Mandrake arrived and acted as a translator, helping to settle the fight and lead them to the village of the natives.
There they encountered a Chief with a shriveled black arm who stated (through Mandrake), that he had been expecting Janix, Venn, and Ashley.
Kesvo: "How is that... possible?" she asked, though she looked as much to Venn, Ashley, and Janix for the answer as she did the translator.
Janix: Janix looked at the Chief, and though she wondered how linked Biotics and Force were, she still wasn't sure how he would know. A scholar from her planet might have a better idea but her foresight and knowledge of such was limited. "Your guess is as good as mine," Nix asked.
GM: Mandrake shrugged. "The Chief sometimes sees things, or hears things, before they happen. He's very old and has been here before I even landed here over twenty five years ago."
Venn: The marked woman doesn't readily answer, likely because she hasn't a firm answer. "Not unheard of."
"This world is rife with energy." Beat, "One can only imagine what imagine what being submersed in it for decades will do to your senses."
Janix: Venn's point was a good one and Nix nodded as the pink haired warrior's point. "I think the better question is, why is he expecting us?" She looked towards Mandrake and the Chief as she said it.
Venn: "Ask him if his wounded need medical attention." she says, turning that faceless visage to Vazus.
Rook: Rook allowed her gaze to slip from the strangely damaged chieftain to her team, a small smile hidden behind her Mandalorian Helmet. Perhaps it should have been surprising how often to the answer to why does the force do this thing?, but it seemed right, somehow. Some knowledge had to be pried out of the universe, that was all. AT Venn's question about seeking medical aid for the Cheif, her gaze settled once more upon Ashley.
Venn Parsa is asking about his villagepeople who survived the combat, not the chief himself.
Kesvo: "Actually," she interjected after Venn's point, lifting a hand slightly. Her gaze flicked back and forth between the chief and Mandrake while she spoke.
"Please explain to him that when we encountered his people, we tried to explain ourselves. They didn't understand us and attacked. In defense of ourselves, we regret that some of his number were slain." She focused on the chief, then, despite the need for Mandrake to continue to translate.
"He has our apology, and our condolences."
Rook: tension crawled up Rook's spine when Kesvo reminded everyone that the Hellions had taken a few lives.
GM: Mandrake takes some time to communicate with the Chieftain. The mushroom man makes a sad sound, his head lowering as he sweeps his one good 'hand' over the floor in a gesture that seems to indicate the area around them.
"The Chief understands and is saddened. He will see to the wounded as will their Shaman. He does not blame you - those youths were impetuous and overprotective."
"He saw you three in a vision, coming from the stars and acting as bright points against the rising darkness. That you would silence the screams of pain that come from the Vanishing Place - as he called it."
Janix: With a bit of a frown she looked at Venn and Ashley, thinking of Venn's words. "Perhaps his vision is aligned with our goals," she said, without being too specific on exactly why they were there. It wasn't unknown for the team to take down Stormtroopers and First Order officers. They all did seem to have a talent for it.
Venn: "What is the Vanishing Place?" she asks the obvious question.
Kesvo: "The place where their stolen people go to vanish," Kesvo guessed, softly.
"No one who's been abducted has ever come back?" she asked Mandrake
GM: Mandrake nods. "It's the old Imperial Base, but it's more than that - it's the site of an old battle between the Republic and the Confederacy. A lot of death there, wreckage, old equipment. It was why the Imps picked it years ago. Hard to track it or locate it."
"No." Mandrake replies with a small shake of his head. "Some of the tribe's best scouts."
Kesvo: "We are headed for the base for our own purposes," Kesvo admitted. "If you know anything that could help us get there, or get inside, it sounds like it would benefit us both."
GM: The Fellucian chief says something, and Mandrake takes in what the Chief has to say. The one-armed Fellucian looks often toward the trio of Force Users, but shifts his attention to Kes as she speaks. "What business do you have there?" Mandrake asks, translating as he turns to Kes and the others. "Do you plan to destroy it? I have a charge left over from the war that's big enough to do the trick."
Venn: "An...odd thing to have lying around."
GM: Mandrake flashes a smile toward Venn. "Who said it was just laying around?"
Kesvo: Kesvo considered Mandrake and the chief for a beat, deliberating, and then nodded.
"We mean to retrieve a prisoner there. If we're... messy on the way out, well..." she shrugged slowly. "Won't hurt my feelings."
GM: "There's a comm tower there. If you set it up against its power-converters, the charge should be big enough to blow half the damn place to hell and cover any sort of escape."
"You can set it on a delay, too."
Venn: "Mass destruction of Imperial property is a favored past time of mine.", stoked by the idea.
Rook: A massive explosion sounded like a good farewell gift to the imps, to Rook. She nodded in satisfaction when she was told the explosive he had left over had a delay built in. "I love to blow things up." Rook chimed in.
GM: "We're gonna be fast friends." Mandrake says with a smile to the masked woman. He turns and speaks to the Chief, who visibly brightens at what Mandrake has to say.
Kesvo: "Sounds like a good time, to me," she said, with a glance to Ashley. If he offered no indication that such a setup was beyond his skills, she'd nod and wait to hear more.
Janix: Janix looked at how eager the group was and was surprised when Venn and Rook looked the most excited. Rook wasn't the surprise but she didn't take Venn for the type of loud exits.
GM: "The Chief says he believes there are many Fellucians held in the facility. If you could free them as well, he would be deeply appreciative. He's willing to give you all a scout and some of the tribe's Kybucks to make your journey swiftera nd easier."
Kesvo: Kesvo lifts a brow and looks to the others.
Venn: ((With all the time thats passed, what time of say is it? Dont we need to rest?))
GM: You all could definitely take a breather. You've been wandering the jungle for six hours and it is nearing dusk.
Rook: Rook nods to Kesvo. "Of course. The more we can free, the better. Who knows who else might be hidden in there?" She glanced for a moment at Ashley and Venn, wondering if a bunch of forces sensitives were being held here.
Janix: Riding living creatures wasn't her forte but she wasn't against getting to the base more quickly. "Speed was of the essence..."
Venn: *"I don't suppose there is any intel on this Imperial facility's layout? Numbers of remnant forces? Defenses?"
GM: "Haven't ever been able to get close to it." Mandrake remarks. "If I did, you can believe I'd be willing to give you all the details I could."
Kesvo: "Can you tell us how much farther the base is from here?"
GM: "Hrn. If you know your way through the jungle, about four more hours or so. Otherwise looking at six to nine." Mandrake says after a moment of consideration.
Kesvo: Kesvo eyes the sky and considers.
Venn: "Might be beneficial to camp out here for a few to regroup and reset."
"Are you thinking an assault in the dark?" she asks Kesvo.
Kesvo: Kesvo nods. "I was thinking the same. Head out in time to get there a little before dawn?"
Venn: She nods once, finding that an even better idea.
Janix: "That sounds ideal," Nix agreed.
Kesvo: She looked back to Mandrake and nodded.
"We'll free his people if we can find them. If he will loan us a scout and some mounts, we would be grateful."
"Can we find shelter here for a few hours of rest? Most of us are not quite so well-acclimated to this climate as you all," she said, with a lopsided smile.
Rook: Rook takes a deep breath, and then looks at the other Hellions. the desperate need to beat Vader Mark Two to the weapon versus the practicality of having all of their team in fighting trim when they got there. She stirred a little, with unease, but needed the rest quite badly herself.
GM: Mandrake relays the agreement to the Fellucian Chief. The one-armed alien steps forward and places a webbed hand on Kesvo's arm. The strange being looks into her eyes, and she sees some wetness there - a gratitude that sweeps through the area that is more than just words or idle gestures. Something palpable that is felt between the Hellions and this being they have just met.
Kesvo: Kesvo is quiet, and is taken aback for a moment.
Janix: It was easy to forget the wars of others. Watching the Chief and Kesvo, Nix shifted slightly. They weren't there to save them, but now she'd feel something if they failed to save those Fellucians.
GM: Mandrake slowly exhales, a smile on his weathered face. "Yeah. We'll make sure you have some place to rest, and something to eat. Come on." He gestures with his head back toward the central village.
Tal: Tal was quiet as the rest of the group discussed what was needed to make it to the base. They'd had a wild few days, and there would be more yet, but Tal was glad that these people didn't try to hold the deaths of their warriors against the Hellions. The loss of life was regrettable, but they attacked first.
All the same, the team seems to be handling Fellucia well...for the moment.
Kesvo: Kesvo doesn't move until the chief does, still a little thrown off.
GM: The Chief slowly releases Kesvo's arm, and turns to the trio of Force Users, bowing his head to them in respect. He then turns and starts heading toward his hut, utilizing his staff as he goes.
Kesvo: She nods slowly, respectfully to him as he releases her, and then watches him for a beat before gathering herself and following after.
GM: Anyone can make a HARD perception check as you move through the village to reach the center of the area. Food is being prepared and the sound of soft music is audible.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
Rook: Rook took a deep breath of ... whatever that was which had swept over them. She settled her shoulders better in her armor.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Threat)
Venn: Through some assurance in the Force, the Umbaran becomes comfortable enough to retract the face plates of of her visormask, revealing her face.
Rook: She looks around her intently, as they go through the beautiful if alien village.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks at Venn and her brow furrows.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Janix: Curious about the village, Janix watches her surrounding very closely, perhaps more closely than what is in front of her...
GM: Rook hears the sounds of soft, anguished cries. Tal and Janix do as well, and for a moment the latter two feel a swell of guilt, as it sounds like the Fellucians they had fought not long ago - sounding in terrible pain.
Venn: "I do do not see a reason why the remnant would be abducting these people. They do not seem to have any technology that could be incorporated into their arsenal."
Kesvo: "You remember what the weapon is?" Kesvo asked, lowering her voice to a whisper as she fell in step beside Venn.
Rook: "Two, I think someone needs you." Rook says, turning to try to localize the sound of the anguished cires.
Kesvo: "They were building it here. I'm sure there was experimentation."
GM: Ashley lifts his head, saying he doesn't hear anything, but waits for someone to lead him to where he can be of assistance.
Rook: (it never occurs to her, that they might be something she is hearing with other than physical ears)
Rook will try to lead him towards the sounds.
Janix: Regrettably, Rook is right, an only Two can probably help those who are in pain. As Rook pointed it out. Nix lets Rook lead Ashely.
Venn: "Well.. that would not be the first chemical created from this place. Leave it to Imperials to be that disgustingly creative."
Tal: Tal grimaced beneath his helmet. He wasn't made completely of ice and the sounds of pain and suffering that he hears reminds him that not everyone survives a fight intact. He'd fought to defend his people but...did he move too quickly to kill instead of seeking a different way?
Venn: "The variety of life specimens here could host any kind of substance they might find worthy of toying with in a lab and weaponize."
GM: Rook, Janix, and Ashley step away from the others and find a group of what looks to be six Felucian children, all on cots. Their skin and flesh has turned from the robust, moist and nearly luminescent green to a chalk gray that is cracked and broken. Their muscles are atrophied, looking like they are unable to support their weight.
Venn: If directed to the sounds, she shakes her hooded head in vexation.
GM: A caretaker looks over them, the children too weak to move to do anything but cry in pain.
Janix: "These are not the men we fought..." Nix says, suddenly confused. She turns to the group that remained. "Hellions," she says to get the remaining group's attention. "This might be of some interest."
Venn: Otherwise she would, I guess follow those people to the scene.
Rook: "Can you help them, Ashely?" Rook asks. a swift glance around, to see if their translator is here follows.carefully , she will pull out a stim pack, and offer it to the caretaker.
GM: Ashley frowns, doing a cursory examination. He turns to the others and slowly shakes his head. This is some disease or toxin he isn't familiar with. Without an antidote of some kind, the only thing he can do is try to heal them with the Force - but it will take some time for him to do so.
Kesvo: ((Did Mandrake reroute towards the injured when Rook said something, or did he continue towards the food?))
GM: Mandrake continues on, but if the rest of the group stops, he does as well.
Kesvo: Kesvo will slow up, trying to keep both Ashley and Mandrake in sight
Rook: "The weapon," Rook whispers, a deep anger at these stupid First Order people threatening her calm appearance. "You have to try," she tells Ashley.
Venn: A splinter in her mind slips some as the scene plucks at an old, yet pivotal memory. Children in tubes for experimentation in an Imperial facility. Theres a soft creak of the leather of her fingerless gloves as a low bubbling fury pools down to her fists.
"There might be medical information at the facility. Lab notes. Possibly work product that could be a cure."
Tal: Tal follows the group and sees the suffering children. He can only tolerate it for a moment or two before he walks away to stand apart from the group.
Rook: If she can, she will try to mime to the caretaker that she wants to help Ashley help the children. Turning to Venn, she says, "I am not sure we have time to rest, then."
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Kesvo: "Mandrake," Kesvo calls, to divert him when she gets a look at the kids. If he approaches, she asks, "What happened to these?"
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   1
New Light Side total   7
Janix: "Is it genetic?" Janix asked, "or man by sentient beings?"
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   2
Light Side points remaining   6
Ashley: Ashley, spurred on by Rook, cannot help but go to the children and call upon the Force to help them. While traditional medicines are out of the question, he lays his hands on their damaged bodies to try to mend them through mystical means.
Mandrake explains, while Ashley is concentrating, that the children just suddenly fell sick a week ago from a new disease. They'd not seen it before, and not found a way to mend it. The Chief had called it 'A Withering Darkness' and had kept away the rest of the tribe save for a single caretaker from the children.
As Ashley suffuses life energy into two of the children, his skin suddenly begins to turn from blue at the fingertips to gray. Cracks form along his arms as the whole of his pallor changes. He cries out in sudden shock and pain, and then collapses to the ground as his features take on the same condition as the Fellucians.
Kesvo: "No!" Kesvo shouts, lunging forward to keep Ashley from hitting the ground.
Rook: Rook grabs hold of Ashley, trying to support him. "What? Wait, how? he's not even the same type of species. Unless .." she looks over at Janix and Venn. "is it a force disease?"
Venn: Venn blinks, speechless for a moment, trying to register what she is witnessing.
GM: Kes finds Ashley shaking in her arms, trying to fight against the sudden affliction.
Kesvo: Kesvo lifts Ashley up and looks for a bed to lay him in.
Her teeth gritted, she murmurs quietly to him as she moves him.
Venn: "Is this contagious?!" she asks Mandrake, her voice a bit elevated.
Janix: She hesistates to go to Ashley as Mandrake talks. Though she can normally feel something she's not sure what to make of the energy of the planet. "I cannot say," she frowns, wishing for a better answer as she lets the other Hellions help Ashley.
GM: Kes can find a cot and can see the disease moving in real time to claim his face and skin - it moves swiftly.
"It seems so!" Mandrake shouts, taking a step back in obvious fear.
Kesvo: She pulls out a stimpack and jams it into him, desperate.
GM: The stimpack has no effect on slowing the disease.
Venn: ((Did he heal the kids tho? Like did he transfer?))
Kesvo: "Has anything slowed the progression at all?" she asked, looking up desperately to the nurse, only belatedly realizing the woman didn't speak basic. "ASK HER!" she calls to Mandrake
GM: 2 red 3 purple
The kids are healed.
Venn: "It looks like he... took the illness into himself."
GM: Mandrake does as he's commanded, and the Fellucian caretaker answers back. "No. Nothing has worked. We can only alleviate the suffering. We cannot seem to fix it at all."
Venn: "Look, the children's condition has abated."
Janix: She's never heard of anything that could be transmitted via Biotics, she didn't know if that applied to the force. At Venn's remark, Janix assumes it could be true. Transferring would make significantly more sense.
Kesvo: "Guh!" she grunts, frustrated and helpless, left with no choice but to watch the disease creep across his features.
Rook: "help me with him, Kes," Rook says, running a few medical probes over Ashley. (If Kesvo agrees, rook will flip a destiny point, and roll her medicine vs 3 p and 2 red with 1 blue from the assist)
Venn: (lol 2r 3p? seriously?)
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   3
Light Side points remaining   5
%uF4AA Imbue Activation   Action
Effect   The user may spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase one of another engaged chracter's characteristics by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the Force user's next turn.
Caveat   This can only be used once per character per encounter.
Give into the Darkside   If the user uses %u2B24 to generate %u25D0, the target increases a second character by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the user's next turn, but both Force user and target suffer 3 strain.
Venn: (another green)
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Kesvo: Kesvo attempts to help, her teeth gritted.
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   4
Venn: "How long does the ailment last?" she asks Mandrake.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Despair)
(Success) (Success) (Despair)
Janix: Janix goes to Rook, trying to instill a sense of calm and assuredness in the Mandolorian, but watching Ashely, it fizzles and doesn't help. Cursing slightly in Hapan, she tries instead to give Rook space.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   5
GM: Rook can identify it as some sort of mutated rakghoul virus. The way it quickly afflicted its target, but it seems to not be turning the target into a rakghoul. Instead it seems to be attacking the nervous system of the host in the same way. Whatever it is, it's a highly contagious, quickly manifesting, biological weapon.
She can surmise that if this is released to a general populace, it could quickly decimate it.
"Um." Mandrake responds. "We've lost two children after a week of it. We've only recently begun seeing it."
Venn: "A week... this likely means we have some time to get into that facility and find whatever medical files there are to cure him. And everyone."
Tal: Yeah, they needed to blow up that base, followed by an orbital bombardment. Tal couldn't even believe that he was thinking it, but seeing what happened to Ashley pretty much sealed it.
Rook: Rook shudders, "kesvo, you need to wash with a powerful soap without touching anyone. I do, too." a deep breath, rage and something akin to fear but much worse shuddering through her. "It's deliberate. a mutat3ed Rakghoul virus. We have to destroy it, and everyone who knows how to make it. It goes for the nervous system. It is highly contagious, and will manifest swiftly. " another pause. "no-one should touch Kesvo or I until we have found the antidote."
"I wish you had real armor on."
Venn: "I can give him an anesthetic that should knock him out for a while."
Rook: "Let Kesvo or I do it. do not touch im, please Venn."
Janix: Nervously, Janix stepped further away from Rook and looked at Ashley and back to Rook. "Seems like our timeline just got sped up."
Rook: "so far you are not .... a carrier."
Kesvo: "FUCK. MY. ARMOR." Kesvo snarled at Rook, eyes burning with anger. "He didn't HAVE to try. You should not have pushed. We cannot save EVERYONE we come across, gods damn it, woman. ONCE AGAIN you have rushed in and thrown all caution to the wind just because your damned bleeding heart and your pride can't stand to leave a problem unpoked. We cannot help ANYONE if we are compromised as a team, why can't you get that through your head?!"
Rook: Kesvo's rage rolled over her, raw and hurting and real. Kesvo's anger ate through her, blocking out fear and guilt and pain, beckoning to an answering rage. Her pulse pounded and her vision narrowed. she snarled quietly, "It is who he is. a doctor, a Jedi. As I am a warrior." Slowly, Rook stands
Venn: "Look, hope is not yet lost. I get it, everyone is emotional. But yelling at each other isn't going to solve anything." she councils, eyeing the stricken blueberry. "The decisions we are making now are will we be letting him have done this act in vain."
Kesvo: "Who he is, is practically a CHILD!" she countered, teeth bared. "Idealistic and easily moved. LOOK AT HIM!" she insisted. "LOOK at what your impatience and pushing has done. Is THIS what it takes to make you STOP and think about SOMETHING besides what YOU want?!"
She doesn't even seem to hear Venn, so focused on Rook and her anger.
GM: Everyone roll a hard perception check with 1 black.
Venn: Venn looks to Mandrake. "Tell leadership here that the afflicted need to be kept away from the healthy until we return."
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
Venn: (What is the black from?)
GM: The black is indeed from the intensity of the argument happening in front of you.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Threat)
GM: Everyone with threats gain strain equal to their roll as emotions run high from the argument that's taking place and Ashley's condition. While Mandrake nods at Venn's order to tell the chief about the caretaker, those who Succeeded hear a low whine coming from the edge of the village...
Tal: "What's that?" Tal asks, turning in the direction of the sound.
GM: Rook can take a free maneuver immediately upon hearing that sound.
Janix: "Time to put the argument aside for later," Nix said as she pulled her rifle back out and moved towards the noise. "We have company."
Venn: (sounded like a speeder bike)
Rook: Rook's vision has narrowd to the pain-fueled rage Kesvo is throwing at her. Desperately, she tries to keep her dark-side enhanced rage from breaking free. she knows Kesvo needs a target, needs a focus right now. but looking down at Ashley sends a shudder through her. that awful, grey, cracking skin. "Oh shit," she says, and pulls her gun out, looking up and towards the sound.
GM: Mandrake looks up. "That sounds like a scout-trooper's bike!"
"If they report back to the base, they'll know where the village is!"
Venn: Venn taps the side of her visormask and the panels close over her face once more, the purple lenses gaining a shine.
GM: Rook can see through her visor two white-armored figures disappearing into the mushroom jungle on the back of speeder bikes.
Kesvo: It's actually a struggle, but Kesvo manages to tear her glare away from Rook and set Ashley down so she can stand up and draw her blaster.
GM: Venn soon sees the same with her armored mask.
Venn: "I see them." she says through her vocoder, pointing.
GM: "Please, you have to take the kybucks and stop them!" Mandrake pleads, pointing toward a nearby pen of the beasts.
Tal: Tal turns and looks for the men on the speeder bikes. He unshoulders his rifle and runs to find a place where he can take a shot.
Kesvo: "Janix!" she calls, rethinking. "Are they out of range?"
Rook: Rook will step free of everyone and turn on her jet pack.
GM: They are beyond Extreme Range at this point.
Rook takes to the skies!
Janix: "Too far to shoot," she says as she scopes in. A curse under her breath.
Tal: "Then we need to catch up and end every last one of them."
Venn: "Spitfire, drive them back towards us if you can! Otherwise slow them down."
Kesvo: "MOVE!" she shouted, waving the Hellions towards the mounts while running for them herself.
Janix: While unhappy about the mounts, Janix doesn't hesitate as she moves towards the mounts.
Rook: %uF3A7COM to ALL: %u2301 "Wilco." %u2301
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Blank)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook B. will use an ACCELERATE/DECELERATE Maneuver to increase or decrease her Jet Pack%u2019s speed by 1 to a maximum of 2 and a minimum of 0.
Rook will sweep after the speeder bikes, hoping to get close enough to draw their attention.
GM: On the first round of The Chase, the Hellions can mount the kybucks as normal, making a Piloting check to attempt a fast mount (to take only a maneuver instead of an action).
Rook finds that the jungle is thick and the area is inhospitable to her flying around it. Make a Piloting check with 3 black.
An Average piloting check
Venn: Image
Piloting - Planetary
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Threat) (Threat)

First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success)
Kesvo: Kesvo tries to grab a mount and jump up on it quickly.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Piloting - Planetary
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
GM: As Kes mounts the Kybuck very swiftly (only as a maneuver), but she finds that the beast moves much faster than she anticipated, as the trained beast of labor zooms away from the village. She's barely able to hang on, and will suffer 1 black on her next two piloting checks.
Nonetheless, she's off to the races!
Kes can see two speeder bikes in the distance - at zone 5.
Tal: Tal shoulders his rifle and goes to mount a Kybuck!
Piloting - Planetary
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
"Yah!" Tal says, trying to kick the beast into motion.
It...appears unmoved by his plight.
GM: Tal yells out his yah and for a moment, just sits there.. then suddenly it zooms and he is nearly thrown off as he has to clutch the reigns to not go flying into a patch of mushrooms.
Tal: "ACK!"
GM: He has to increase the difficulty of his next piloting check, but he soon is right behind Kes, chasing after her!
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Failure) (Failure)
Tal: Tal struggles to hold on to the reigns of his mount as he chases after Kesvo, Rook, and the speeder bikes.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Venn: "If we can get intel out of them, that can be a great help!" she calls out; particularly so that the murderKesvo can hear....
Janix: (Venn go :D )
Venn: (ok)
Piloting - Planetary
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
(Convert to 3 success)
(recover strain with the advantage)
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Janix: Much to her chagrin, she makes to jump nimbly up onto the mount. "Here we go," she says in Hapan as she leaps.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Piloting - Planetary
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: The caped woman runs passed two kybucks that she doesn't fancy, and finds one that meets her criteria, hopping on.
GM: Venn easily takes to the saddle as if she were born to it!
She gains on the rear-most scout trooper.
Venn: "Let's go, girl." she says, patting the flank of the creature as they take off.
GM: Janix, likewise finds a well-trained beast and easily sits in the saddle. She gains two boost* to her next two piloting checks!
Round Two
Just as you zoom forward, you almost lose sight of the scout troopers. You enter into a massive fungal swamp. Shallow pools of water litter the landscape and the kybucks send up huge splashes as their hoofed feet pass through them. Large, multi-colored fungi droop low over the landscape, and huge birds swoop down to scoop up prey. The fungal swamp is so thick that the heroes can hardly seee in front of them; anything beyond Medium range is out of their line of sight. Despite this, the kybucks have no difficulty navigating the swampy terrain.
Janix: Surprisngly, the Kybuck doesn't flinch and Janix finds her groove in a moment on the beast.
GM: On each of your turn, make an Average Piloting check (with any bonuses or negatives I described earlier).
You see two paths before you: One that appears to go through thick foliage, and another that travels through the hallowed out trunk of a massive Felucian tree.
Venn: ((You can go))
Piloting - Planetary
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Kesvo hunkers lower on her mount and trusts it to navigate, though she spurs it on consistently. When faced with the divergent paths, she opts to drive the beast through the foliage.
GM: Kes advances closer toward the scout-troopers, the Kybucks racing onward. She's still unsteady in the saddle, and fishing out her rifle makes her even more unsteady (another black die to your next piloting check).
2 Purple 3 black to shoot the biketrooper
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Very Expensive Blaster Rifle
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Two-handed, Superior, Stun, +1 ADV on Success
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Dice Roll
GM: Kesvo's shot hits the speeder bike!
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Setback Threat)
GM: The speeder spins and crashes into a mushroom tree in a fiery explosion!
The trooper is ejected and bounces off of a tree, not going with his ride, though.
Janix: (I will go after NPC)
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
The trooper who goes through the thick foliage, zooming forward.
As he passes by a check-point, another speeder-bike riden by a First Order trooper appears!
This one flies toward the tree.
Janix: Janix will spur her Kybuck forward, following the trooper through the foliage.
Piloting - Planetary
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
GM: Janix actually has the Black Beauty of Kybucks
Venn: "Another one!" she calls out to the others.
GM: And zooms way past the others toward the speeders, catching up to them!
Janix: The Kybuck seems to know the route and jumps off the side of the track slightly and Janix finds herself suddenly nearly next to the troopers. This Kybuck will earn a lot of attention later!
Piloting - Planetary
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
Tal will secure the guy on the ground.
GM: Tal can't quite catch up to the others, though he sees the First Order trooper is groaning as he lays on the swamp floor.
Tal: He puts his boot on the stormtrooper's neck. Irony, that.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Dice Pool
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Blank)
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
The one that was heading for the tree zooms out of sight, Vrooooom!
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Rook: %u2301 Spitfire, you have any rockets? Slow the lead one down or cut off his path? %u2301 .
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   4
Piloting - Planetary
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
GM: Rook flies after the scout-trooper but she's having a difficult time navigating this damned swampy mushroom forest, she nonetheless keeps pace with the scout-trooper, sensing an opening coming.
Venn: The steady gallop of the creature has the Umbaran cutting around overgrown root systems and other small obstacles before she sees the Hapan blaze a more effective path.
Venn Parsa uses SINCEREST FLATTERY. Once per encounter, when she makes a skill check someone else has previously used during the encounter, she adds %uF7E6 %uF7E6 to her check.
Piloting - Planetary
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
(( 4 successees))
((Give next NPC a black))
GM: Venn closes the distance - almost in striking distance...
Venn: She quickdraws her folded saber hilt from its holster, holding it unignited for now.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM: Janix and the first trooper move through the foliage, finding the path covered with thick overgrwoth. This area is filled with sinkholes and trenches, causing the kybucks to leap over the small gorges and chasms with bouncing grace. As the animals bound through this zone, the Hellions dip and rise along the terrain, making it difficult to see very far ahead.
Rook and those chasing the second trooper, find themselves traveling through a series of hollow logs and underground tunnels. The Hellions and themounts must lower their heads to prevent scraping the ceiling of these natural passageways. As you zip through thee underground tunnels, chunks of moss and other fungi droop down from above - breaks in the ceiling letting in the moonlight down upon you.
Janix: Janix will quick draw her rifle to try and take down the speeder next to her.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Npc Critical
First Order Stormtroopers
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   61
Total   61
Slightly Dazed
Add 1 Setback die to all skill checks until end of encounter.
Janix: Her Kybuck remains steady as she sights the target and hits the trooper solidly.
Piloting - Planetary
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: The trooper takes a terrible shot to the back, barely hanging onto his ride as he races forward...
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Blank)
Janix: Janix will keep pace with the trooper, keeping an eye on the trooper from the back of the most graceful Kybuck and her new best friend.
While the scout-trooper isn't able to get ahead of Janix, he clutches his comm and ahead of her she can see another scout-trooper appear behind a post and flee ahead!
Janix: "Another one joining in," Nix calls back to the Hellions.
Piloting - Planetary
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: Image
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Very Expensive Blaster Rifle
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Two-handed, Superior, Stun, +1 ADV on Success
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Kesvo blasts another bike, sending him flying through the air to crash into the ground as the bike explodes against a mushroom tree.
Venn: (Gittem Rook!)
Piloting - Planetary
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2)
E-33 Blaster Carbine %uF3AF
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in %u2264 short range.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: The shot grazes the trooper's shoulder, his armor proving resilient as he races forward!
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
The trooper is definitely feeling the heat of the pursuit, and is that much closer to falling.
Venn: ((I will go ))
((Any boosts or anything?))
Piloting - Planetary
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank)
Venn: (Convert all 3 to successes for 1 net success)
GM: Venn does not close with the trooper, the rider doing a good job of keeping the distance.
Venn: (what range are they from me?)
GM: In fact, he widens the gap some.
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
(ok that will make it return as well)
Violet Double-Bladed Saber %u2694%uFE0F
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   %uF517 Linked 1, %uF4A2 Breach 1, %uF528 Sunder, %uF915 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: 12 damage
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM: When the Hellions advance past this small subset of areas, the ground in front of you rumbles as the last first order trooper zooms ahead....
Venn: Venn rears her arm back and the saber's ends ignites in her hands. "COMING THROUGH!" she yells through her vocoder. With a looping movement of her arm, she sends the violet wheel of crackling purple high into the sky....
Tal: Tal dismounts from Lunch Meat, clearly not graced with the mount-selecting skill of the others He'll secure the fallen stormtrooper, remove his weapons, and locate his comm., if any.
Venn: On the return trip, the Stormtrooper sees the flash of purple too late.
GM: Mushroom trees part, and a massive horned creature appears out of the foliage.
Tal: "Wouldn't try anything if I were you."
GM: A gigantic Fellucian Rancor appears and roars, swiping at those zooming past it!
GM: All Helliosn flying this round must make a Hard Piloting check (with 1 red) or be struck by the Rancor!
Tal: Tal hears the roar in the forest and....thinks that this just got more dangerous.
Kesvo: Kesvo hits her comm.
"FIVE, I found a pet more your speed!"
Venn: She barely can catch her saber after the howling beast trembles the fungal forest about them.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
GM: Kesvo's comm gives nothing but static.
Janix: "By the Goddess!" Janix swears as the rancor bursts out.
GM: Apparently long-range communications are blocked in the jungle....
Piloting - Planetary
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Kesvo flies right past the Rancor as its claws swipe over her head!
It roars in frustration!
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Very Expensive Blaster Rifle
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Two-handed, Superior, Stun, +1 ADV on Success
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Kes's shot makes the speeder spin through the air and then crashes into the fungal forest, the rider dismounted.
Kesvo: "Round up the troopers and let's see if we can lose the rancor!" she calls over the comms
Janix: Surprised, Janix focuses on avoiding the Rancor's attack.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Piloting - Planetary
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Hellions: %u2301 Should I try to distract it and lead it away?! %u2301 .
GM: The Rancor's claw swipes wide at Janix, the breeze nearly making her get knocked off her mount as she ducks low to grab the trooper, but fails to do so - she suffers 1 strain.
Kesvo: "Only if you're ABSOLUTELY sure you can stay out of its range!"
Janix: Janix avoids the Rancor but tries to grab the trooper as she passes, barely missing.
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
Venn: (NPC ? or PC?)
Piloting - Planetary
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Light)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Challenge Threat x2)
(Threat) (Threat)
Kesvo: "We should be able to outrun it without a distraction, though!"
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Hellions: %u2301 We don't want it heading towards the village. %u2301 .
Kesvo: "Be careful!"
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Venn: Image
Piloting - Planetary
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Advantage)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Rook zooms through the Rancor's claws - the massive beast roaring in frustration as it fails to strike any target! She then easily zooms down and grabs the fallen troooper, and can utilize her 3 strain to take a free maneuver to zoom away!
Rook: Rook laughs wildly as she dodges the Rancor and steals his meal from him! She races away, not heading right towards the village in case he decides to chase his meal and not venn!Q
Venn: Venn somehow steers the creature with a low dodge under a monstrous claw. She circles the titanic creature to, seeking to aggravate it and then heads in another direction.
GM: The Hellions snatch up the trooper and quickly depart, leaving the frustrated Rancor behind who stomps and roars in fury. It chases after Venn for a bit, but it's a futile endeavor. Soon enough the Hellions are able to turn about and return to the village, the troopers in tow and held captive!
They reconnoiter to the Felucian village, The First Order stopped from learning about the natives, or the Hellions, and can interrogate the prisoners and rest (roll discipline or cool to recover strain).
Venn: Venn would show up some time later, giving people a slight scare but seems ok!
Tal: Tal never received Kesvo's message, but when he sees the others returning, he decides to haul up the stormtrooper and guide him back to the village, Lunch Meat in tow.
Kesvo: While waiting for Venn to return, Kesvo organizes getting the troopers stripped of their armor, comms, and weapons, and restrained somewhere in the village.
Janix: Happy with the chase over, the Kybuck's help lead back to the village and she rendezvous with the rest of the Hellions sans Venn. She thanks the Kyburn softly and gives it some gentle pats before turning to the rest of the mean. She'll take a breather as they rest a bit in the village.
%u2696%uFE0F Balance Activation   Maneuver
Effect   When the character heals strain at the end of the encounter, she may add %u2B21 per Force Rating, 4. She recovers additional strain equal to %u25EF generated.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: (Damn good talent)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Blank) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: The Hellions recover, eat, and are able to plan their next move and what questions they'll have for the prisoners. Mandrake happens to have some bindings on hand, and helps keep the prisoners secure
End Session 83



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2020, 10:30:00 AM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 84 - Insurgency
GM: After landing on the jungle world of Felucia following informational leads for both the New Republic and the Black Sun, the Hellions have captured a number of First Order troopers who had spotted the Felucian village they were finding shelter in. After interrogating them at some length (and executing one of them), they've learned information about several bio-weapons projects being conducted at the facility by a Doctor Vischera. One of these is a disease that has been affecting the Felucians - one that when Ashley attempted to cure with the Force after finding no traditional methods would work. Inadvertantly, Ashley took the disease unto himself while curing two children and fell comatose.
While the Hellions have collected their data - including where the scout trooper base is as well as the main facility, not to mention that it is guarded by a pair of AT-STs, the Chieftain arrives in the tent that Ashley lays. Moving past the Hellions there like he owns it, the old, one-armed Felucian walks over to Ashley and looks down at him.
After considering him for a moment, the web-handed Chief lays its paw atop Ashley's forehead and closes his eyes, going into some sort of trance. Both Venn and Janix feel a reverberation - a tremor of light and dark struggling nearby them that ripples through the Force (or whatever you crazy Biotic people call it).
After a moment, Ashley's eyes open and he can slowly sit up. While he still looks pale and his veins stand out, somewhat black, his condition looks better and he is awake.
Ashley suffers 1 setback die on all rolls until his condition is cured.
Janix: She wasn't in the tent with Ashley when the Chief did his work, but she did look towards the direction, wondering what Biotics (Or Force if you called it that) was at work. Kesvo had left her in charge of the troopers so she stayed, but looked to Rook and Venn. "Something happened. Maybe one of you should check it out quick. Over near Ashely." She assumed Venn felt it, probably clearer than she did, but offered up the information for Rook.
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Kesvo: Kesvo got what she could out of the second prisoner, and when he seemed to know nothing more that would be useful, she asked Tal to take him back to the tent where the other troopers were being held. It wasn't as easy of a choice as it should've been. He was being agreeable, yes, but he was still the enemy and this was war and it was critical that the Hellions' involvement in the imminent destruction of their secret weapon program wasn't revealed. The prisoners had served their purpose as far as delivering intel, but deciding what to do with them afterwards was going to be complicated, she feared.
Well, what to do with three out of four of them, at least. She scratched her brow and eyed the fallen trooper, killed not in the heat of battle but out of anger and frustration. It was unprofessional and crude, but she couldn't be sorry he was dead.
Rather than lingering there, where she might be forced to confront the corpse-like form of Ashley laying nearby, Kesvo went and found Mandrake, and asked him to intercede so that she could borrow a shovel from the Fellucians. She took it and the body of the trooper into the jungle a little ways, and spent a couple of hours digging a grave and burying him away from the village.
Venn: "I told you this entire world is weird. I doubt this is the last time we'll feel something unusual." counseled the Umbaran to Janix, visage obscurred.
Ashley: Ashley blinks slowly, sitting up and finds that his vision swims. He catches sight of Chieftain, still close, and knows that the odds of his being awake are tied to him. "... thanks," he says, trying to gauge how he is doing (and not really enjoying the new look).
Janix: "Mmm," She answered to Venn, clearly unhappy. It reminded her of Nathema too much. She liked order, not chaos.
Tal: Tal returned the cooperative solider to his compatriots and pushed him back down to the ground beside them.
Rook: Rook's helmeted gaze jerked around, towards the tent where Ashley lay, deathly ill. She stood, but then forced herself to sit once more. Venn seemed unbothered by whatever it was which the two Force Sensitive's felt. She looked up as Tal returned his prisoner to the tent. "We have some info," she told him.
Tal: "Good. We'll give three a moment and then compare notes on what we learned." he said.
Kesvo: ((Three ain't comin. Proceed.))
Venn: Venn will move to look at what is going on with the (spoiled) blueberry now that she felt a shift in his condition.
Rook: Rook waited, with the vibrating, leashed patience of a predator. She counted ten seconds, then twenty. glanced over at Venn and Janix when she got to 2 whole minutes and still Kesvo didn't appear.
Tal: When Three doesn't show up after a few minutes, Tal looks to the others.
"What did you find out?" he asked.
Rook: Rook stood to go with Venn, then thought better of it, and settled back into her place.
Venn: "They are inoculated, there is an antidote and they have a Scout Base they operate out of, not the main." she says in passing to Tal.
GM: Venn arrives with the others in the now empty tent - save for the children, the chief, and the now conscious Ashley. Kesvo is gone, having left with a shovel to go bury a body. Mandrake would have offered to go with Kes to do so and to act as company and guide.
Tal: "Yeah, sounds like what we got. There's a Dr. Vischera that's handling their bioweapons program and they plan to use it anywhere that the First Order finds resistance. Tried to offer us a deal to join up." Tal said, with some disgust.
GM: The Chief doesn't speak basic, but seems to be saying something in his strange tongue to Ashley once they arrive. Notably, some more of the Chief's coral-like-skin blackens and cracks. He looks pained, but is still moving.
Kesvo: Kesvo would accept Mandrake's advice if he was able to point out a location to dig that would best suit the village. Once they found a spot tho, she'd assure him that he didn't need to stay.
Ashley: For a moment, Ashley frowns as the Chieftain moves away. He almost catches him by the hand--the idea that he was cured at the cost of sharing the disease almost not worth it--but the sight of Venn coming into the tent makes him stop.
Venn: "One? Status?" she says from a healthy distance.
GM: Mandrake offers to Kes that he doesn't need to get anywhere, and that he's buried more than one body in the past. If she accepts his company, he'll help her bury the body and serve as a sounding board for the time being.
Ashley: "The Chieftain," an assumption but probably accurate, "returned the favor but ..." He gestures towards the blackened veins and the unhealthy pallor of his normally darker blue skin. "I'll be fine for now. Just not going to get any better and may get worse again."
Janix: She watches Venn leave but keeps watch on the remaining soldiers. If Tal stays, Janix will look at him. "Was it you or Two who did it?" Asking who killed the other trooper.
Venn: "There is an counteragent in the Imperial base. Also, these troopers claim to have been inoculated. I am not sure if maybe their blood could carry something useful." she said to the pantoran, not really offering any compassionate coddling statements for now.
Tal: "It was Three. He had it coming, though." Tal said.
Janix: She looked at the remaining troopers. "I believe it." Still holding her rifle in her arms, Janix gave Tal a long look. "Did it help?"
Kesvo: "I appreciate the offer, but there's just the one shovel," she pointed out. She shed her reinforced coat and overshirt, leaving her in a halter-style under-shirt and bare arms. She bound her hair back at the nape of her neck and got to it, working for a while in silence.
Ashley: "Maybe," says Ashley, "but I would need samples, time, and a place to work." He actually appreciates the lack of coddling statements.(Force heals gone wrong do NOT feel good in many ways.)
Tal: "I can't say. She was pretty keyed up over what happened to One. Not gonna speculate until we see her again." he said.
Janix: "And Two stayed with One?" Janix asked to Tal.
GM: "Suit yourself. I'll be over on the side with some water and my rifle to make sure no Rancors come to eat you." Mandrake offers in jest, then moves to find a shady spot under a mushroom tree.
Venn: "We have them secured, so it is really up to how you feel on if you want to stay here and do that work or possibly come with us to the base." the masked woman offers to Ashley, giving him agency in the matter than deigning make a choice for him.
Kesvo: Really, the Rancor coming back 'round didn't seem like such an unpleasant thing. Going full-boar at something that big and mean felt like just what she wanted, to be honest.
But she settled for digging, for now.
Tal: "Yeah, something like that." Tal said.
"I'm not keen on everyone splitting up like this.We should figure out our next move."
Ashley: "If they've been innoculated, the base is just as likely to have something that can do something about this." A glance goes towards the Chieftain, now sick as well. Taking a steadying breath, Ashley pushes himself up and goes to stand. The world spins for a moment, there's pain he's not familiar with, but he's up. "... and it might be better if I'm up," he says, worry for certain individuals and their reactions to his going down.
GM: After the first couple hours, Kes has definitely burned some energy, but hasn't dug a hole deep enough for a grave. Mandrake yells out to her and asks if she wants some help, lifting an extra shovel he had brought along.
Janix: "Well, what are we doing with them?" Janix nods her head towards the troopers. It's just her and the Mandlorians and she's not in a killing mood, unlike Kesvo.
Kesvo: The jungle is warm, and the work is long, and after a couple of hours at it, Kesvo pauses to dig some water out of her kit. Panting, she surveys what feels like an inadequate amount of progress until she's interrupted by Mandrake's call. She turns to regard him, and somehow, the sight of him holding up a shovel caused a dry little laugh to surface.
She actually appreciated the fact that he'd kept his mouth and let her stubborn excuse to work alone fly.
"If you've got nothin' better to do, come on," she concedes, feeling a little better for the exertion.
GM: "Oh, I've got a few things I could be doing. But they involve you anyway, so..." Mandrake says with a charming grin, then heads over to help. For the next couple hours the two rapport - she comes to learn that he was once a Separatist demolitionist, and after the Clone Wars settled on Fellucia. The natives took him in and saved him from death, and he's been a part of the village since. The two are able to get the grave done and the trooper buried, Mandrake spitting upon the grave after they've covered the body up. Tired and sweaty (it's a humid jungle) they make their way back to the village.
Tal: "I'm tempted to let the villagers have their way with them, whatever that looks like. They've been kidnapping these people and experimenting on them, as the first guy was so eager to share. I don't think letting them go is the right move." he said.
"Three needed some time, so I'd rather have a plan by the time she gets back." he said.
Kesvo: Though she's feeling better, Kesvo is in no mood for the more lighthearted banter. She does talk with Mandrake, and learning about his story helps to distract her from the stress of not knowing what will happen with Ashley. By the time the work is done, she's tired, hot, sweaty, and filthy but... a more even-tempered by far.
Janix: Silent for a moment, Janix looked at the troopers. They were in helmets so they could be children or grown adults. They could be murderers or misguided. She wasn't able to judge one way or another when they weren't firing at her team or fleeing to turn them in. "What is the normal Mandolorian way to deal with captured enemies?" She asked of Tal and Rook. They were an honorable sort. Perhaps they could use that system to decide a path here.
Kesvo: "You didn't have to come," she told Mandrake, as she pulled her gear back up off the ground. "But I appreciate it. you're alright, Mandrake."
She then heads back to the village with him, her kit slung over her shoulder.
Ashley: After taking a general stock of himself, once he was standing, Ashley moves to head out of the tent (likely after Venn) (because he has plague rn). Someone also feels like he does after one of his workouts without, you know, it passing.
Rook: "Manacle them and shove them into a hole until we do what we came for." Rook suggested. Surely the New Republic would take them off of the Hellion's hands, but that didn't seem wise to say in front of them.
Tal: "They know where this village is and they would have sent people back to kidnap more of them. We can't let them go now, not with what they know." Tal said.
Rook: "I didn't say let them go."
She looked at Tal, curious why he kept returning to that point.
Venn: "They have inoculated blood. They are are now resources." states the masked woman as she passes by the discussion on her way to a place to have a seat.
Janix: "Let see if the village will look after them and we can circle back around and grab them after were done?" Suggested Janix. It'd be easier to kill them, but that felt like stooping to their level. And after seeing Ashley and how he succumbed to the disease, she wanted them to see true justice, to be tried and sentenced, not executed by the Hellions.
Tal: "I didn't say you said let them go."
Janix: "Two's right, they are valuable, so we keep them locked up, nice and tight," Janix promised to the two conscious troopers.
Ashley: "... and then we harvest their blood later," deadpans Ashley once more joining, because he's currently plagued (the black veins are a nice look) and not pleased that the Imperials are up to this sort of thing.
Rook: Thinking about it a moment, she considers Janix's question. "It's complicated. but for now, we'd hold them." she nodded to Venn, then glanced back at Tal. Took a deep breath. "since we can't spare someone to keep an eye on them, let's manacle them and find a place to ---"
Ashley: Really. Biological warfare. Just had to go there.
Rook: Rook looked up at Ashley, surprised he was standing. She narrowed her eyes and studied him closely.
Ashley: Ashley just waves. The pale blue skin and blackened veins look is in right now.
Tal: "Hey, man. Good to see you up and moving. " Tal said.
Janix: Ahhh, what she felt was something freeing Ashley enough he could rejoin them. "Welcome back One," Nix offers. "Lets talk to Mandrake when someone finds the man and get a guard detail assigned to these creatures until we return." There is some disdain to the troopers as Janix talks. Biological weapons were a weapon of the weak. There was not reason to respect weakness.
Ashley: "Had a little help," says Ashley, glancing once more towards where the Chieftain had walked, "but thanks," he says to both Janix and Tal, "glad to be back up."
GM: Mandrake and Kes re-arrive just as the rest of the Hellions are figuring their next move in the interest of keeping the game flowing. Kes and Mandrake get off their kybucks and she sees Ashley is up and about once more.
The Chieftain nodded to the gathered Hellions then moved to retire to his home, obviously worn out from the experience.
Kesvo: Kes hopped down off the beast and reached up to gather her pack off of its back. She'd only just slung it back over her shoulder to carry it when she turned and saw Ashley moving around, upright. The sight stopped her in her tracks, and her expression said she wasn't sure what she was seeing, for just a second.
Ashley: "M'really up," says Ashley helpfully at Kesvo's expression.
Kesvo: But in short order she started moving again, bee-lining for the Pantoran. She dropped her pack at her feet once she reached him, and wordessly pulled him into a hug.
Venn: ID-9Z, Venn's small seeker droid, floats by her side as she makes sure to document these images and evidence. The sick being treated and the like, but omitting identities or the Hellions themselves. It warbles and trills, also recording her voice to provide context. This New Republic already seemed to not have its eye on the ball regarding fanatics, but perhaps this imagery could be useful in whatever decisions need to be made militarily.
Kesvo: Her expression broke into one of uncharacteristically plain grief as relief poured through her. She held onto Ashley for a minute, fighting back the tears that gathered at the corner of her eyes.
Rook: Rook looked away from Ashley when Kesvo appeared, then turned her attention to a meticulous examination of her gear.
Ashley: ((actually, looking back at the checks, would ashley have learned anything about the method of contraction for this thing?))
GM: "Glad to see you're doing better." Mandrake says from behind Kes, walking up with a smile as he nods toward the assembled. "I'll let the Chief know you'll need that guide. I'll ask to get some food made for all of you, too. I'm sure you all want to take a load off for a bit."
Ashley: Ashley briefly stiffens, worried about the contact (because he really does not want anyone else ill ), but eventually relaxes and hugs her back. "I'd like to say I'm just fine but ..." he eventually gets out, once Kesvo's hug loosens a little bit. Seeing the tears gathering, however. "I'm sorry." For the worry and other associated things.
Janix: Janix looks at Rook and decides it's due time to have a sidebar with Mandrake about the prisoners. She asks the translator for guards, and to keep the troopers alive, while they are gone.
Rook: Rook is still determinedly and professionally inspecting her gear. for the third or fourth time. It's in flawless condition!
Kesvo: By the time she loosens up, she's got herself more in order. She shook her head, unable to even accept or dismiss his apology.
"You scared the druk outta me," was all she whispered, ruffling his hair before releasing him. She didn't go far, though. "How're you feeling? Should you be up?"
Ashley: "Perpetually winded," he replies, smiling lopsidedly at the hair ruffling, "and I am okay to be up." Excluding looking mildly like death. "Resting would be a waste of the help I received."
Oh, Rook. Ashley is so on to you. There will be words later.
Kesvo: "What help?" she asked, frowning gently.
Ashley: "... the Chieftain returned the favor," he says softly, "but at a similar cost."
Kesvo: "Oh, no," she murmured, grimly.
Ashley: Ashley grimly nods. "This has to be fixed."
"... though I guess I have a more personal stake in it now."
Kesvo's appearance (and smell) meant she likely did too (but so did they all in their own ways).
Kesvo: "It will be," she said, looking to see if Mandrake was still standing there. Regardless, though, she looked to the other Hellions gathered, and then to Tal. "You told them what we learned?" she confirmed.
GM: Mandrake has already departed to do as he'd stated - to talk to the chief and to get some food and lodging for everyone.
Tal: "I did." Tal confirmed.
Venn: The droid affixes itself onto her back harness as she passes by the congregation waiting for their meal. "I will return shortly." she scratches from that filtered voice. "Going to investigate the scout outpost. Should not take long." It is more a random declaration than some new branch of the current conversation. Some could call it rude, but was it rude if she was typically like that...
Rook: Rook is meticulously reloading her rocket launcher. A terribly absorbing task. She leaves the conversation to the others.
Ashley: It was, in fact, not rude. It was Venn.
Rook: If Rook were at all skilled at stealth, she'd offer to go with the space witch!
Kesvo: "I see Two made it back," she murmured, watching after the Umbaran as she left.
Venn: She goes towards her previous kybuck and unties it from the stalk, patting its flank.
Kesvo: "What scout post?" she asked, looking back to the others, waiting to be filled in.
Venn: Mounting the creature, she glanced back. "She can fill you in. Coordinates are with her as well." she says, gesturing towards Janix. Turning the kybuck about, she starts out into the night.
Janix: "The troopers in our tent, Two introgatted one of them" Janix didn't go into detail, assuming that Kes knew how Venn worked. "Learned they are stationed in a scout output and not the main camp. Main camp is on heavy lock down due the Admiral's betrayl."
* betrayal
Ashley: Ashley watches Venn for a moment, wondering, before he looks towards Rook. He squeezes Kesvo's arm and heads towards the Mandalorian while information is relayed.
Janix: Having been in the same room, Janix repeats the coordinates.

Venn Parsa will forego the rest and food for delicious intel.
Kesvo: ((Would like to assume that after AShley goes off to talk to Rook, she talks with Tal and Janix and gets caught up on everything everyone learned.))
Janix: ((Sounds good to me!! start plan of attack next morning after Venn returns? ))
GM: Venn rides back toward the coordinates she was given and after following after the previous trail from the speeder bikes, she arrives at the coordinates for the Scout station. Several huge mushrooms tower over this area, nearly obscuring the First Order outpost that stands across a narrow stream. The stream winds through the middle of a forest clearing, splitting around both sides of a humongous mushroom whose cap hangs like an awning over much of the area. The outpost consists of little more than a few barrciades and a tall computer system with a rotating satellite dish at its top. She sees three more speeder bikes and four stormtroopers, as well as an officer working on the computer.
Ashley: "... you, me, talking later," he says quietly (just for Rook), "but please stop being that slow at reloading your rocket launcher. I know you're particular, but ..." The look he gives her is the entire I'm know what you're doing. Either way, that is it until he turns his attention to Kesvo and the others for information breakdown times.
GM: Two scout troopers speed by in the distance - and then another two. There appear to be a total of 9 First Order personnel here.
It is nighttime though, her element, so she has some assistance in the setting to try and sneak up if she dares.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   2
New Light Side total   6

Venn Parsa uses 필픸핊핋피ℝ 핆픽 핊ℍ픸픻핆핎핊, suffering 2 strain to decrease the difficulty of the next Stealth or Skulduggery check by one, to a minimum of ◆.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Challenge Threat x2Challenge Threat
Dice Roll
Difficulty Threat
EVERYONE BUT VENN gets all their strain back from resting and eating.
Violet Double-Bladed Saber ⚔️
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities    Linked 1,  Breach 1,  Sunder, 洛 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback FailureDifficulty ThreatDifficulty ThreatForce Light x2Force Light x2Force DarkForce Light x2AdvantageAdvantage
GM: Venn decimates the entire compliment of the Scout Outpost by herself.
She has access to the computer system. The dead officer has a keycard that gives her access.
Venn: One scout trooper gets pulled into the darkness, spooking another who goes to investigate.
He gets pulled into the darkness, too. Others come out and several stalks of mushrooms fall over for some reason as a whirling lightsaber blade flies through four of them at once before curving in the air, arcing out of sight.
She walks out to confront the officer at the terminal, and holds up her hand, causing his two guards pointing rifles at her to turn their rifles at each other. They wrestle and strain, but open fire at each other, leaving the lone officer.
Since he is cooperative, she will knock him out and lock him in a locker or something.
GM: Venn can access the communication system, however she finds that the Fellucian Jungle prevents contact with the Hellions.
The same reason why the Scout Troopers couldn't call ahead to warn the base about the village.
Venn: Venn will investigate the computer for something useful to bring back to the others.
GM: She can try to sabotage the First Order communications array, or gain intelligence on their operations here.
Either check is a Hard Computers check.
GM: Broadcast the Felucian Wild Life requencies, basically scrambling all the navigational arrays built into scout trooper armor, which prevents reinforcements from the other bases from arriving to the main base.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   1
New Light Side total   7
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   2
Light Side points remaining   6
GM: 1 red, 2 purple
rolling token
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility BlankProficiency BlankDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty ThreatChallenge Failure
GM: Venn is no hacker, and can't seem to scramble the communications as she'd prefer. She actually gets a call from the main base. "Echo Three Six Four we received your signal. What's the situation?"
Tal: Tal enjoys his mushroom soup and tries to calm down from the day's events.
Venn: "Ignore that, we are running a test. Some blasted creature was gnawing at the cables on the dish."
GM: 1 red, 2 purple Deception
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency Success x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatChallenge ThreatForce DarkForce DarkForce Light x2Force Dark
(( 2 pips into advantages to cancel the threat))
GM: "Oh. Alright then. Carry on and good luck with the local wild life. Be careful out their trooper, we've heard about a Rancor in the region!"
"For the Emperor!"
Venn: ((What can I get then? Is the keycard of use ?))
GM: It could be!
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility SuccessDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty FailureChallenge Threat
I use my vigilance to get me whatever a hard check would find me that is useful and I head back. with keycard
GM: Accessing the communications system with the keycard from the officer, you see a communique:...
Priority 1 Message Follows:
Prepare former Admiral Gilder Varth for transfer to the Citadel. Inquisitor Shroud will be arriving within a standard Felucian day/night cycle to take custody of the prisoner. You are instructed to have your medical technicians ensure that Varth is fully rested and at his highest possible strength. Interrogation chemicals should be administered to Varth upon notification that the Inquisitor has arrived on Felucia.
GM: The date and time of this transmission was yesterday.
Venn: That sounds like a good copy to her datapad, which she does, then.
She will smash the computer before she leaves
Like a Kylo tantrum
Venn, take 2 strain and then make a Hard Resilience check.
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Difficulty FailureDifficulty BlankDifficulty Blank
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Ability BlankAbility Success + AdvantageAbility BlankForce DarkForce Dark x2Force DarkForce Dark
GM: Venn just suffers the 2 strain from pushin it (and not in the way that's advertised as a stress reliever) and gets back to the others just as they finish resting and eating.
GM: And other stuff
Venn: She rides into town after that while, her posture more lethargic than earlier as she dismounts the beast.
"Is anyone about?" she calls out.
Kesvo: Kesvo is awake and dressed when Venn returns, and is trying to speak to the Felucians about who will be their guide.
She pauses, though, and looks out when she hears Venn returning.
"Here," she says, gesturing for Venn to join
Janix: As a typical earlier riser (and it's hard to sleep when the next day promises danger), Janix is leaving her sleeping hut as Venn calls out. The woman doesn't seem distressed but she's surprised the punk witch was out all night. She heads towards Venn as she sees Kes already up. Her helmet is back on and ready for the intense humidity and heat.
Ashley: Ashely is similarly up and about and checking his things for their next move, since his resting was not really the most restful that it could be. #plague
Venn: A long legged stride carries the adept to close the distance, as she removes the small datapad affixed to her bracer. She taps it to display the copied message just as she reaches Kesvo, hjanding it to her. "You might find this interesting."
Kesvo: "Oh yeah?" she murmurs, accepting the pad before looking down to read it.
About fifteen seconds pass before the expletives start under her breath.
Tal: Tal rises early to check his armor and weapons. Once he's ready, he goes to join the others to see how long it will be before they move out.
Ashley: The expletives, of course, make Ashley wander over and peer at the data pad.
It takes talent to make Kesvo swear that much.
Kesvo: "Shroud's due at this facility to pick up our target. Today," she shares with the others.
Rook: Rook roused slowly, but spent the morning working out. She is likely one of the last to assemble when Venn's return brings them all together.
Ashley: Thankfully, Ashley can't actually get any paler than he already is.
Janix: Janix, joining the others as they cluster around Kes and Venn, merely looks at Kes and the team to judge the reaction to the 'Shroud' news.
Ashley: But he follows Kesvo's suit and swears--albeit in Pantoran--under his breath.
Kesvo: "Good work," she tells Venn. "I'd hate to have been surprised by that." She looks to the others. "Get ready to move out. We're officially in a hurry as of now."
Venn: Two fingers raise to tap the side of her visormask, causing its panels to slide away and show her tired countenance. Her voice comes clear now. "I wrecked the computer at the outpost, I don't know what that will do. But I did get this as well." she flips the keycard over to Ashley.... not touching him!
"Officer's access card of some kind. Worked with the computer."
Janix: "Can you give me the 30 second run down on Shroud?" Janix looks to the Kybucks, seekng out her Black Beauty from yesterday's chase and expecting that they are going to be taking off in a hurry.
Ashley: Ashley takes the keycard, appreciating that Venn is playing the no touching game. As he's already in the midst of having to move around and avoid touching others as it is.
Kesvo: "Force user. Insane. Carries a lightsaber. Enjoys opera. Switch, that you met on the station? He wants us to bring him in." She paused, then seemed to remember: "Oh! and he seems to be able to reanimate the dead as some kind of hostile zombies."
"He's an all-over good time."
GM: The Fellucian Guide arrives and Mandrake walks over, mounting up a Kybuck as well. "He knows a secret entrance to the base, he says. Some sort of old maintenance shaft."
Janix: "Hmph," Janix responds. "Dead or alive?" is all she asks.
Ashley: "Likes causing hull breaches on ships so he can escape into the vacuum of space."
Tal: Tal was somewhat glad to finally run into Shroud again, preferably not in the vacuum of space.
Kesvo: "He'd prefer alive, but I'm not that bothered either way. Considering how much else is at stake right now, though, I'd prefer we got in and out before he shows up."
"He's a complication we don't need at the moment."
She looks over to Mandrake and the guide and nods.
"Sounds good."
Venn: She takes a moment to drink water from her canteen.
Kesvo: "We have four sets of trooper armor here," Kesvo said to the group. "One, Two, Airlock and myself should make use of it. Four and Five, if we run into imps, you'll be our prisoners."
Venn: "I'm familiar with Prakith as well. It was an Imperial Fortress world. Actually, the New Republic found me in that system."
Tal: "Got it." Tal said.
Kesvo: "Let's get suited up and meet at the north(?) end of the village. Double time, people."
Ashley: Ashley only has a mild triggering moment at the idea of wearing this armor. It's fine.
Magical Storm Trooper Transformation Sequence Go!!
Janix: "Seems like a good plan," Janix doesn't love parting with her armor but she'd rather blend in and play the part then have to go frontal assault to a heavily monitored base. Janix gets into her armor and helps the rest of the team who might be less accustomed to the hard armor into theirs before meeting the team with her majestic Kybuck.
Venn: Venn makes an audible groan at this idea.
Rook: Rook recalled Shroud all too well, and could only agree with Kesvo with a nod when she suggested they try to get in and out before the terrible creature arrived. She headed right to their rendezvous point, shaking her head to try to drive away the memories threatening her calm.
Ashley: Ashley would give Rook an understanding look, if only because ... you know. He gets it.
Venn: (No, just in reaction.. like a teenager being told to clean their room or something)
Kesvo: Once the troupe is gathered and ready, Kes will nod for the guide to lead the way. She'll request that Mandrake accompany them to serve as translator, as well as to escort the guide back safely once the hellions have reached the base.
Venn: Venn suits up in the ill-fitting ensemble and brings her non-armor affixed belongings and her droid.
GM: The Hellions and their guide make their way through the jungle. They find that it is an eventless journey, as their guide seems to intuitively have them avoid dangers and pitfalls that could pose a threat. Making their way to the base, they find a large and squat two story building in characteristic Imperial style: gray walls with a slight outward slant, no visible windows, and a plain visage that leaves no room for accoutrements. The second story of the building is visibly smaller than the ground floor, and blinking lights line the top floor's edges. It looks as if it's some sort of shuttle landing pad. A large set of blast doors denotes the ground floor entry to the building, with two gun turrets (which appear to be E-Web blasters built into the walls) jut out a few meters from the doors.
First Order Stormtroopers stand guard at the facility's blast doors - 12 in all, while the low hum of speeder engines indicates that there might be scout troopers on patrol nearby.
Additionally, you all hear heavy thudding sounds in the distance, along with the noises of plants being crushed, indicating the presence of a walker of some kind.
Fortunately, the Felucian scout is aware of a secret entrance. He leads all of you around an undercropping of mushroom 'trees' to the northwest corner of the building. A ventilation grate is visible, barely hanging on its bolts. It looks like with some force, it could be pried free.
Kesvo: Kesvo thanks Mandrake and the guide and sends them back to the village once the crew has the grate in sight.
"Unless you wanna hang back and watch for any Felucians we might be able to free before we're done?"
GM: Mandrake considers. "Me and this guy will wait about a mile out. We'll keep an eye out for the fireworks. Don't forget my charge that I gave you. We'll find you afterward."
Kesvo: Kesvo nods. "Will do."
GM: "Good luck." Mandrake flashes a grin toward Kes, specifically.
Kesvo: "Be careful," she tells him, allowing a hint of a smile before she turns to focus on the job at hand.
"Alright." She glanced aside, looking for any patrols or machines coming. "Five, wanna see if you can get that grate off?"
Tal: "Let's see." Tal said, moving toward the grate.
GM: Hard Athletics check.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility Success x2Proficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Difficulty Failure x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2

Venn Parsa will 픸핊핊핀핊핋 欄 as a Maneuver to grant a Boost Die to an Ally's next check.
GM: Roll a boost there Tal :D
Dice Pool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty BlankDifficulty Failure + Threat
GM: While Tal doesn't quite get the grate off, he does huff and grunt and rip open half of it, which should make it easier for the next person who makes the attempt (the difficulty is lowered by 1)
Janix: Janix will tap into her biotics and focus on her might before trying to rip off the grate.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability BlankAbility Success x2Ability BlankAbility Success + AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty ThreatForce DarkForce LightForce Dark x2Force Light
GM: Janix can make that look easy
Janix: With a little surge of Biotic force, Janix taps into the balance of her strength and will power to pull the grate off, but carefully, so they can put it back without looking obvious.
GM: The Hellions make their way into the facility...
GM: Entering into the side entrance they find themselves stepping down into what looks to be a storage bay of some sort. You find several large cylinders of metal - storage tanks of some kind - and several stacked crates as you all climb down into the cargo room. The walls are made of metal and you hear the hums of generators around you. There's some distant, soft chatter through voice comms.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks for labels or symbols to try and determine what's in the large cylinders.
Janix: Janix will carry her rifle in her arms, not willing to use the storm trooper guns. She'll put herself behind Rook and Tal, ready to point her gun at the Mandolorians if they were questioned. "I've got the rear and will follow our prisoners."
GM: The cylinders read PROJECT: A1, A2A, C23, D4, D16
Ashley: ((is it possible to try and listen in on the chatter through voice comms?))
GM: Not from this distance.
Kesvo: Kesvo will begin to proceed forward carefully and quietly.
Ashley: Ashley casts a glance towards the cylinders, a wary one, and moves to follow the others.
With, you know, their "prisoners".
Venn: "We do not have time to dally. Lab, Varth, Felucian hostages, set charges and exfil before reinforcements." she reminds everyone, voice now filtered through the storm trooper helmet.
Tal: Tal takes a glance at the cylinders, then moves on to join the group.
Kesvo: "Agreed," she says. She considers the description the troopers gave earlier, and tries to orient herself to figure out which way to head.
GM: Kesvo and the Hellions move forward and as they do the chatter grows a little louder. It sounds like First Order Troopers just talking to their left. "Sounds like Shroud's ship entered the system. Should be landing soon."
The other one speaks with a sigh. "Great. I just can't wait to hear about the cosmos and the painting of the stars.."
As you walk that way, the troopers all turn to you. "Hey." The decorated Sergeant looks your direction. "What the hell?" The trooper points toward Kes as she appears with scout-trooper armor. "What are you doing here?"
Kes notices, now, that her armor looks different in configuration to the First Order troopers guarding the base.
Kesvo: "Sir," she says, stiffening as she turns to address him. She gestures back to the rest of the crew. "We were on our way back from patrol and found these two at the drainage grate. We were making sure they didn't have allies who'd already come inside."
She gestures for the others to come into view.
GM: "Where did you come from?" The sergeant asks, pointing the way they came. "That's to the storage facility. There's no door out of the base that way."
Janix: Janix will follow last, holding the hostages "at gun point" and motioning them forward like a common jailer.
GM: The troopers near the sergeant all slowly raise their rifles.
Kesvo: "The draining grate, sir," Kesvo repeats, a little more slowly, a decent blend of fear of her superior and impatience.
"We found them breaking in."
GM: "What's your identification number?"
Tal: Tal moves forward, hands behind his back as he's "bound" and currently beaten.
 Careful Planning
Activation   Action
Effect   Once per session, may introduce a "fact" into the narractive as if a Destiny Point had been spent.
Rook: Rook moved forward as well, likewise feigning to be bound.
Janix: The team wearing storm trooper gear made sure they knew the ident numbers, either from hostages or from the not dead hostages.
Janix: With a little help from Kesvo in the heat of the moment, Janix and Kes made sure they were prepared!
GM: Kes gives the correct code from the armor that she's wearing, but the Sergeant doesn't look convinced. (Make a Deception check versus 3 red).
Kesvo: Kesvo rattles off the ID number of the dead trooper, thankful that Janix thought to suggest they learn those details earlier.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessBoost AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageChallenge Threat x2Challenge Failure x2Challenge Failure + Threat
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   1
New Light Side total   7
GM: "Alright." The Sergeant says after a moment, lifting his hand to lower the rifles of the troopers. "Take those two to lockup. They look kind of mean, well equipped. Some of that gear looks Grade-A hardware."
The Sergeant whistles, and a door opens nearby, a hulking figure that seems to be the stitched up combinations of several Felucians into a nine-foot monstrosity steps out into view.
"Subject Six. Escort them to the holding bay."
End Session 84



  • *****
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  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2020, 10:45:12 AM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 85 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions have infiltrated the First Order base on Felucia in search of the superweapon that the vile organization is nearly finished with, and to locate Admiral Varth who has betrayed the First Order for the Republic.
After donning the armor of several Scout Troopers that the Hellions captured and dispatched, they come face to face with the First Order's troopers, and some of the experiments done in the facility by Doctor Vischera.
Before them is a nine-foot tall monstrosity that is clearly the combination of several Fellucians, surgically attached to a single body and forming a Wound In the Force. All Force Users can sense the pain and hatred of the creature before them that lives in constant agony.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   0
New Light Side total   8
Ashley: Ashley's expression isn't visible and that's a good thing. What the creature is putting out is enough to make him consider just what other atrocities are being created beyond the entire biological warfare bit.
Janix: A moment of shock and the ability to sense the pain of the creature (damnable potent planets), Janix is thankful for the mask that hides her wince. Behind the two Mandos, she lets Kesvo take the lead but is hoping that they can rectify that sin with some haste. Janix looks at Venn and Ashely, curious if she can tell if they sense it as well.
Venn: The trooper helmet masks an expression that the umbaran could be displaying as she watches the walking atrocity lumber about, following orders. What kind of sick barbarism is going on here?
Kesvo: The monstrosity gave Kesvo pause. While she couldn't sense the pain and anguish it projected like the Force Users could, it was nonetheless a gruesome sight to behold. She nodded to the Sergeant's orders, and prepared to follow the thing where it led. Knowing they were trying to get in and out of here without being identified, she whispered a silent prayer to anyone who'd listen that Ashley and Venn kept their lightsabers stowed in spite of the sins they were surely about to see.
Ashley: The only thing that gives away Ashley is the slight twitch of his fingers but his gaze is locked purely on what is before them.
Rook: Rook remains still and quiet, hoping they will be led right to the man they need to extract, and the proper place to set up their borrowed bomb. That multi-limbed, horrific composite that used to be a person reminds Rook far to much of the things Shroud could make.
Tal: Tal sees the monstrosity and pauses. A wave of revulsion rolls through the Mandalorian. This was a horrible place, one that needed to be purged and then burned to the ground.
GM: The troopers and the monstrous being escort the Hellions into the next room after one of the troopers enters a passcode into the box.
Janix: As Kes moves forward, Janix pushes Rook forward, acting roughly to the Mando. "Move your ass," she mutters as she works to sell their bit.
Kesvo: ((Can we see the passcode?))
GM: Make a Hard perception check
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Rook: Rook instinctively braces against the shove, so naturally recalcitrant it isn't even acting! She angles her head a bit, to glower at Janix ... and take in a glance at the defenses behind them.
GM: The monster waits behind the troopers and their prisoners, guarding their back as they are walked into the room with several droids that carry shields and shock rods. The droids are typical of those used in high security prisons.
Dice Roll
Ability BlankProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty FailureDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Failure + Threat
GM: The Sergeant turns over as Kes leads the group into what looks to be some sort of security office. The other sergeant gets up from his desk and walks over. "What's all this?"
Kes, had picked up the passcode from the corporal who had used it, but said corporal leaned over to her as she walked in. "Hey, Donata." The trooper mutters quietly. "How did you guys take down some Mandos?" It is clear that the trooper recognizes the armor she's wearing as a friend of his.
The Sergeant looks around at the captured pair. "Who are these people?"
"Prisoners, sir." The friendly corporal says. "Taken in from the jungle."
GM: "Who the hell let them still have their weapons on them?" The sergeant asks with a snarl beneath his helmet.
Kesvo: Kesvo shrugs in response, and hopes the address from the sergeant is enough to deter the personal questions for now
GM: Everyone steps into the room and the monster tucks its head as it walks in behind, the door closing behind it.
Tal: Tal takes a head count.
Janix: As the silence of a moment and the press of people around them, Janix can feel like the moment is almost passed for them to keep this up. She looks at Tal, at the close quarters, and jostles him slightly in hopes he's ready. While they are looking at Kesvo mostly, Janix moves forward and begins to run, as she does she yells. "The Mando has broken free." She pushes into the nearest troopers, trying to get passed them and acting panicked. She is putting him on the spot but maybe it'll give them the chaos they need.
Kesvo: Kesvo responds quickly, backing away from the door and pretending to take aim at the mandos
%uF9E0 Intense Focus
Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility Advantage x2Ability Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Blank
GM: All of the troopers have a black die on all of their checks from their confusion.
Which will last until the end of the next turn.
However, the sight of the "Mando breaking free' has several of them preparing their weapons...
Roll Initiative.
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
Ability BlankAbility AdvantageAbility Success x2Ability Success
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost Success + AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility Success x2Ability SuccessProficiency Success
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility BlankAbility Blank
Initiative Cool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility BlankAbility SuccessProficiency Advantage x2
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency Success x2
First Order Sergeant:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
Ability BlankProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + Advantage
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success + Advantage
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success + Advantage
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Blank
Warder Droid:
Initiative Vigilance
Warder Droid
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Success + Advantage
Venn: ((Stormtrooper armor is 2 soak for those who need the stat. No Def))
Mutated Fellucian:
Initiative Vigilance
Mutated Fellucian
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success x2
Tal: Years of training has Tal ready to move at Janix's signal. He draws both of his swords at lightning speed and attacks the mutated Fellucian!
Venn: "Fivers, you keen to dance with big ugly." she murmers through the stormtrooper helm.
"Asked and answered..." she then says.
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw, Superior
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility Success x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency BlankProficiency Advantage x2Setback FailureChallenge Failure x2Challenge Failure x2Advantage
Tal: Tal's blades swing quickly and efficiently, glancing off the creatures thick hide. While Tal doesn't injure it, he positions himself near the creature to make it harder for all of their enemies to catch him in the crossfire of their weapons!
Rook: Rook Will side step, and then shoot at the closest trooper (the tone janix is near)!!
E-33 Blaster Carbine %uF3AF
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in %u2264 short range.
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost Success + AdvantageBoost Advantage x2Ability Success x2Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageAdvantage
Venn: no bad die
Dice Roll
Setback BlankDifficulty ThreatChallenge Failure + Threat
First Order Sergeant:
Npc Critical
First Order Sergeant
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   20
Dice Roll   40
Total   60
Agonizing Wound
Increase difficulty of all Brawn and Agility checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
GM: Rook's point-blank shot hits the sergeant dead in the chest, sending him staggering backward from the burning hole there that almost instantly killed him. "Help!" He yells out in a staggered gasp.
Mutated Fellucian:
Multiple Bonespur Claws
Mutated Fellucian
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Linked 2, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback FailureSetback FailureDifficulty ThreatChallenge Threat x2
Venn: (has to beat soak)
Character Critical
Tal Vodax
Previous Criticals   5 x 10
Dice Roll   22
Total   72
Lose free maneuver until end of encounter.
The giant monstrous creature lets out a terrible roar that is actually the screams of three different fellucians in chorus, as it strikes with multiple limbs at Tal, slashing him across his left leg and hamstringing him.
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric
Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 2 rounds.
Rook: Rook fights off a wave of nausea at the unnatural sounds coming from the strange, pieced together monster.
Venn: "Bloody thing is mental..." exclaimed as the monstrosity began swinging back.
Kesvo: Kesvo backed away from the conflict, and pretended to take aim at the Mandalorians. She shouted to her "troopers" during the commotion.
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageAbility BlankAbility SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty Threat
Janix: As part of the continue ruse, Janix will shout as she pulls her non standard issue rifle and points it at "the Mando". 'Die you beast!'
(She shoots the creature.)
%uF52B Quick Draw
Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accesible item.
Janix will move before she shoots.

Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageBoost Advantage x2Boost AdvantageAbility Success x2Ability AdvantageProficiency AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency SuccessSetback BlankChallenge Failure + ThreatChallenge Threat x2Advantage
"Damn" she curses as she "accidentally" hits the beast.
First Order Sergeant: "Watch your fire TK-652!"
Mutated Fellucian:
Npc Critical
Mutated Fellucian
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   86
Total   86
Increase difficulty of all skill checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
Mutated Fellucian:
Npc Critical
Mutated Fellucian
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   66
Scattered Senses
Remove all Boost dice from all skill checks until end of encounter.
First Order Sergeant: The Sergeant, a burning hole in his chest, moves into cover. "Warden Droids, take down the Mandalorians!" He yells out, trying to give them a Demanding Command.
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure + Threat
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
Setback Blank
Warder Droid:
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Ability Success x2Ability Advantage x2Setback ThreatSetback ThreatDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2
Warder Droid:
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Ability BlankAbility SuccessProficiency Triumph(+Success)Setback FailureSetback BlankDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Threat x2
Venn: (Staggered)
(He has no maneuver cuz of crit)
First Order Sergeant: While Tal avoids the attack of the first one, the second one sticks him in the side with a KLINGON PAIN STICK and zaps him so hard he lets out a yell of pain - though not before he slashes it across the chest with one of his blades.
Warder Droid:
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency AdvantageSetback ThreatSetback BlankDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2
Warder Droid:
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency SuccessSetback FailureSetback ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Failure + Threat
Rook shows she is a Mando-Twinsie as she is also zapped by the pain stick meant for taking down large creatures, and she shoots it in the chest to detach its attack from her.
%u2756 Fear The Shadows %u2694
Image   "I sense a great %uD58B%uD58A%uD586%uD597 in you..."
Tapping into the Dark Side, she invokes psychic panic and terror through the Force. Those who are victim to it find their instincts urging them to one urgent course of action: run.
Activation   Action / Long Range
Check   Hard (%u2666%u2666%u2666) Deception
Effect   Force a single minion group or rival to flee the encounter.

At the GM's discretion, these NPCs may not flee due to extenuating circumstances (no fleeing into obvious harm, etc.)

Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success x2Difficulty ThreatDifficulty BlankDifficulty ThreatForce Light x2Force Light x2Force Light x2Force Light
Venn: Stormtrooper Venn she backs up through the droids who assume she is on their side. She sidles up next to Kesvo, drawing on the creepy energy from the mutant Felucian.... and radiates it through out the room into the troopers.
Kesvo feels an eerie chill from the silent Venn as she does so.
GM: The troopers let out a scream of terror and then all pass out.
Venn: The rest of the room feels a more ambient chill before several troopers grab their heads and drop in heavy heaps to the ground.
Kesvo: Troopers start spontaneously falling, and for a second, Kesvo's confused. The chill from beside her causes her to turn her helmeted head and look at Venn for a second.
Venn: "The beast is doing this!" she yells out.

Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Ashley: There are some things that you never get used to and Venn pulling tricks like that is one of them.
First Order Sergeant: "Damned Mad Scientist!"The Sergeant shouts.
GM: Behind the Fellucian, the door opens and another squad of troopers look inside, seeing the heated fight going on.
First Order Stormtroopers:"What's going on in here!?"
Warder Droid: "Mandalorian Prisoners. Have Escaped." The Droids speak in broken phrases. "Fellucian Mutant. On Rampage."
Ashley: "That thing is attacking us!" says Ashley, gun raised as he takes a step back to fire at it.
x-30 Lancer
Ashley Nasur
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Accurate 1, Pierce 3, Superior
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Setback FailureChallenge Threat x2Challenge Failure x2Advantage
Talent: Incite Rebellion
Skill   Coercion
Difficulty   Hard (Image)
Action   Once per session, cause up to three beings to become rebellious until the end of the encounter.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Trying to take advantage of any lingering confusion, Kesvo points to the roaring Felucian.
"Subject Six is going beserk! Forget the Mandos for now! Take out the beast before it kills us all!" she shouts at the nearest robots, with all the authority of someone who's fit to make that call.
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageBoost SuccessProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty BlankDifficulty Failure x2
Venn: ((whispered under her breath through the helm)) "Damn that sounded convincing..."
..she says to Kesvo, rather.
Kesvo: "I mean they're clearly not pissing themselves in fear, but I do try," she whispered back.
Mutated Fellucian: The Mutated Fellucian shoves Tal out of the way and leaps atop one of the desks, nearly crushing it flat and sending the Stormtrooper Sergeant scrambling backward in terror.
It then lashes out with multiple arms at Janix.
Multiple Bonespur Claws
Mutated Fellucian
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Linked 2, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility BlankProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat x2
Venn: Venn lets out a low.. "uhhhh...ohhhh..." as the conglomerate beast clambers through the room to get to the Hapan, leaving wreckage in its wake.
%uF343 Dodge
Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Mutated Fellucian
Dice Roll
Challenge Threat x2
Ashley: Ashley hisses under his breath, watching as the mutated Fellucian goes straight after Janix.
%uF6E1%uFE0F Armor Master (Supreme)
Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   Once per round, when the character suffers a Critical Injury, she may suffer 3 strain. If she does, she reduces the Critical Injury results that she suffers by 10 per point of soak, 70, to a minimum of 1.
Character Critical
Janix M'kyato
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   40
Total   40
Increase difficulty of next check by 1 Difficulty die.
Character Critical
Janix M'kyato
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   1
Minor Nick
Suffer 1 strain.
Mutated Fellucian: The mutated Fellucian grabs Janix and starts slashing her with its multiple arms in a frenzied, terrifying sound of multiple screeches and roars. She delivers a terrible mean punch as she gets mangled to its face, and sends it crashing to the ground along with her. The Hapan Commando bleeding severely from multiple wounds and knocked out beneath her stolen trooper armor.
Janix: Janix, as she tries to dodge, pushes the chair into the legs of the mutated felucian, and then takes the second hit across the torso. Thankfully, her armor does help protect her some.
But she still falls over from being rocked twice from the powerful beast.
Ashley: Ashley moves quickly, going to grab Janix and pull her away from the prone Mutated Fellucian. It's a risk but ... the bloody sight of the Hapan is enough for him to try and heal her. (With some help from that handy talisman, because he's totally going to hold onto that right now with his current state.)
Force Power
Ashley Nasur
Skill Name   Medicine
Power Name   Heal/Harm
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability BlankProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Setback FailureChallenge BlankChallenge Threat x2Force Light x2Force DarkForce Dark x2
Janix: Coming too, hand against her chest and seeing the pooling blood, she looks up to one of the "Stormtroopers". "Thanks," she mutters, still a bit shook, but clearly awake again as she starts to adjust and get ready to stand.
E-33 Blaster Carbine %uF3AF
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in %u2264 short range.
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageBoost AdvantageAbility Success x2Proficiency AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success x2Setback BlankSetback FailureSetback BlankChallenge Failure + ThreatAdvantage

Rook B. will use SIDE STEP %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. She will lose up to 3 Strain to upgrade all in coming Ranged attacks against her by the same amount until her next turn.
Ashley: "Take it easy," he murmurs, steadying himself and sliding away the talisman and looking towards Tal. With a little left of that particular healing focus, he directs some energy towards helping along the smaller injuries. (And he helps steady Janix and get her up slowly, though warily watching the mutated fellucian.)
Mutated Fellucian: The droids unwounded by the Mandalorians turn toward the rampaging Fellucian. "Priority target. Subject Six."
Warder Droid:
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility Advantage x2Ability BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatChallenge Threat x2Challenge Failure
Warder Droid:
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback FailureChallenge BlankChallenge Failure + Threat
GM: The first Warder droid shocks it with little effect, the second one strikes it right in its spine and sends electricity through the mutated creature. It lets out a chorus of screams in pain and then falls still as it is temporarily disabled.
Warder Droid: "Subject Six will return to its pen."
Venn: "Never underestimate droids."
Warder Droid: The Other Warder Droids try to do the same to the Mandalorians. "You will surrender."
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessAbility SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Setback ThreatSetback BlankDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty Failure
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility AdvantageProficiency AdvantageSetback BlankSetback ThreatDifficulty FailureChallenge Failure x2
First Order Stormtroopers:"Blast that Mandalorian!" The squad of troopers yell from the doorway, shooting without regards to the Warder Droid in melee - because who cares about droids...
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency AdvantageSetback BlankSetback FailureChallenge FailureChallenge Failure
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Force DarkForce Light x2Force LightForce Light x2
Venn will close the door from afar and slide that huge lock in front of it.
Spending %u25D0 for Upgrades
Upgrade   Magnitude III %u23EB
Increase max affected targets by 3 per %u25D0.
Spending %u25D0 for Upgrades
Upgrade   Strength II %uF4AA
Increase max silhouette by 2 per %u25D0.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Venn: While in the distance with Kesvo, Venn lowers her arm, hand forming a claw. There is a heavy whine of metal as the door sparks and pulls across, shutting out the troopers.
The durasteel wails under the telekinetic pressure until it is shut. Then the locker structure against the wall rips free and scrrrrrrraaaaaapes along the ground to slide in front of the archway as well, doubling the difficulty for entry.
Janix: After taking a beating, Janix doesn't quick, as she stands up (Thanks for the help Ashely!), rushes forward, and tries to punch the shit out of the monstrosity.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   5
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 1, Vicious 1, Disorient 1, Knockdown
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility AdvantageAbility AdvantageProficiency Success x2Setback ThreatChallenge FailureChallenge ThreatForce DarkForce DarkForce DarkForce Dark x2
Venn leans over and puts her hands on her knees, breathing with audible labor.
GM: Janix punches the side of the Fellucian's head, but her hand literally bounces off of its carapace.
Janix: Janix is angry and knows she could have tapped into that power, but decides against letting her emotions rule her.
Kesvo: "Hey! What are you DOING?!" she shouts at the nearest droid not already focused on the beast. "Bring down Subject Six! That's an order!"
Talent: Scathing Tirade
Skill   Coercion
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes one enemy in short range to suffer 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected enemy to suffer 1 additional strain.

Each enemy affected by Scathing Tirade suffers Image on all skill checks for 3 rounds.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Venn: (You should call them toasters or something... that SCATHES DROIDS)
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Success x2Difficulty FailureDifficulty Failure x2
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate
Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Janix looks at Tal and wills him to make the monster dead.
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   1
Light Side points remaining   7
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw, Superior
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost Advantage x2Boost BlankBoost BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessSetback BlankChallenge Threat x2Challenge FailureAdvantage
Tal: Tal limps forward, seeing the Fellucian creature lying on the ground. He is not Force-Sensitive, but the evil science that tortured these beings has left them in a state that cannot be healed.
Tal decides to relieve its suffering.
He whispers something in Mando'a, raises his blades, and drives them through what passes for the creature's eye-sockets. It shudders, trembles, and is then goes still as the sweet release of death silences its suffering.
Tal: Forever.
GM: Tal dispatches the Fellucian, and the sheer efficiency of the maneuver causes the Warder Droids to look at each-other for a moment.
GM: They all turn and try to tase the savage Mando.
Warder Droid:
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Setback ThreatSetback FailureDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat
Warder Droid:
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatSetback FailureDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty Threat
Warder Droid:
Neural Neutralizer
Warder Droid
Damage   12
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Disorient 2
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatSetback FailureDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Failure
Janix: Bleeding, and tired of this shit. Janix limps over to her rifle, quickly picks it off the ground, and takes aim at a droid's head.

Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost BlankBoost Advantage x2Boost Advantage x2Ability Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Success x2Setback BlankDifficulty FailureChallenge Threat x2Advantage
(+blue to Rook & Venn)
The rifle takes the droid in the head, finding the CPU unit, and destroying it.
Tal: Tal is taking a stun baton for himself!
E-33 Blaster Carbine %uF3AF
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +3 dmg in %u2264 short range.
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost Success + AdvantageBoost BlankAbility SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success x2Setback FailureSetback ThreatChallenge Failure x2Advantage
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Force Light x2Force DarkForce DarkForce Light x2
Venn makes a claw with her hand and the Droids massive shield folds on it, snapping like a bear trap or batman. The violent action blasts out sparks and fizzling embers as it's central power housing explodes.
It staggers around in a circle for a bit, then falls to its knees and then to the ground. Sparking persists for a bit.
GM: The last hostile to the Hellions are removed, though the last Warder Droid looks confused as it turns to Kesvo for further instructions.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks to the droid who seems to be waiting on her for instruction. Taking stock of the room and seeing Rook pull out a restraining bolt, she gestures for the droid to approach.
Venn: Venn sits on the ground.
Janix: As the last droid looks like it's subdued, Janix goes to a chair and sits down, wincing slightly at the claw wounds and reflecting on her brush with death. She definitely owed Ashley an expensive dinner.
Ashley: Ashley takes a moment, kneeling next to the fallen mutated Fellucian to say a quiet prayer before he stands back up to get his bearings. Any consoles or otherwise in the room?
Rook: Rook steps to the droid Kesvo had won over or scared or charmed, and slaps her restraining bolt on it in an out of the way spot.
Janix: She'd need to clean up the purple on her armor before they left the room. "Nice job with the door," she says to a sitting Venn.
Tal: Tal finds an undamaged chair, sets it down,a and then drops into it heavily.
"I saw all of that going differently in my mind."
"Okay, not differently. But...I thought the fighting would start later."
GM: You all see a number of consoles that control the doors, security cameras, and routing orders for the base.
Kesvo: "Everyone alright?" she asks, looking in particular at Venn sitting on the floor.
"We don't have much time. Take a breath and then we'll need a story for the helmets on the other side of that door."
Venn: Venn looks to Janix, then to Tal before removing her helmet once Rook does the quick takeover of the droid.
Kesvo: "One, will those consoles tell you anything about where we need to go?"
Rook: Rook uses her device to have it obey kesvo (speaks binary lvl1 if it matters.).
GM: Ashley can make an Easy Computers check.
Ashley: "I'll tell you in a moment," says Ashley, moving to the consoles and taking a seat.
Janix: "I didn't think past the story to get us out of this one..." Janix reflects, looking at the unconscious storm troopers. "We should take care of them." She states, conflicted, but realizing they are not dead, just unconscious.
Rook: Rook makes certain Tal is ok, then will take a moment to look over the rest of the Hellions. what a crazy fight.
Venn: She did not get the benefit of a decent dinner and rest like they did and would take whatever moments of respite she could grab. Janix merely receives a nod of acknowledgement of the compliment before she leans back against the wall for a spell.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Success x2Difficulty Blank
Kesvo: While Ashley is working, Kesvo starts trading her armor out for the sergeant's.
Tal: "We tell them the creature lost control and incapacitated everyone?" Tal suggested.
"Unless we really want to fight again." he said. He didn't sound married to the second idea.
Kesvo: "Five, you wanna do the honors?" she said, when Janix mentioned the downed guards. "If it's a blaster bolt that does them in it'll tell on us."
GM: Ashley can see that Admiral Varth is being held in the chamber to the west of them as well as several other prisoners. He has access to all of his information as well as the readout of the station and where all of the rooms and troops are placed - in addition, he knows where the other Fellucian Subjects are.
Tal: "You want them done?" Tal asked, confirming with Kesvo.
Rook: "Can you see where to place the bomb?" rook asks ashley.
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded at Tal.
Tal: He nods, then rises. "Got it."
GM: Ashley can see there is a central power generator in the center of the base that would be ideal for a bomb.
Rook: "And we need the antidote."
Kesvo: Kesvo watches Tal move for a moment, trying to discern any uneasiness about the task.
Venn: "You want him to execute a whole bunch of unconscious troopers?"
Janix: It wasn't a good way to go, but it'd be quicker than when the place blew up. She reached over to one of the troopers with a piece of fabric laying there as she wiped down her armor.
Kesvo: "If they wake up while we're working they will be more guns at our backs before we're done," she said. "They'll die in the blast anyway."
Janix: "Would you rather they died in the explosion? We're killing them either way."
Rook: "I can stun them." Rook says. "My rifle has a stun setting. or use the droid shock sticks."
Kesvo: "They're already stunned. They'll wake up eventually, and be more heads we have to handle later."
Ashley: "Can pretty much tell you anything you want to know," says Ashley, relaying the location of the central power generator to Rook. The other information he passes on as well, while confirming if the Fellucian prisoners are being kept the same place the cure most likely is?
Rook: "Strip them of their armor, we can put the prisoners we rescue in it. the humanoid shapes ones, anyway."
GM: The room next to you is where Admiral Varth and other prisoners are being held.
Venn: "We can secure them in the lockup and like Rook says, put them in armor."
Ashley: "Prisoners are right next to us, we don't have to go far for Admiral Varth," replies Ashley, "so we want that armor. Might be able to see about a route out of here too."
Rook: "Can you unlock the door to the prisoners from there?" Rook asks. Rook nods to Venn.
Janix: "Not a bad idea Rook."
Kesvo: Kesvo pauses, looking between Venn and Rook.
Tal: Tal looks to Kesvo.
Kesvo: It'd take more time, but...
Ashley: "Can we not murder unconscious individuals?" requests Ashley.
Venn: "We have to find that lab."
Kesvo: "Alright. Do it. Helmets on. Neither Varth nor the others get to know who we are."
Venn: She puts her helmet back on.
Rook: Rook nods, a wash of relief going through her.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Proficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2
Kesvo: Kesvo attempts to open the prison door.
Janix: Janix, not entirely ready to start moving, does so after getting her breath.
%u2696%uFE0F Balance
Activation   Maneuver
Effect   When the character heals strain at the end of the encounter, she may add %u2B21 per Force Rating, 4. She recovers additional strain equal to %u25EF generated.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Success + Advantage
GM: Kesvo opens the door without an issue thanks to Ashley.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Proficiency BlankProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback BlankDifficulty BlankChallenge Failure x2Force Light x2Force LightForce DarkForce Dark x2
Kesvo: Dressed now in the sergeant's armor, Kesvo stands in the doorway and takes stock of the prisoners.
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Ability Success x2Ability Success x2Ability Success x2
Tal: Tal will work to strip soldiers of their armor and drag the bodies into the holding cells once they're open. He will also remove weapons from all of the stormtroopers, along with keycards or anything that might help them get out.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Force Light x2Force DarkForce Dark
Kesvo: "Everyone out. Today's your lucky day," she tells the prisoners, if they're not restrained.
Venn: Venn gets armor off some of the troopers as well.
Rook: Rook will help the prisoners into armor, though she doesn't explain much. Just assists so they get geared up faster.
GM: All of the prisoners, who are held in red light boxes around their cots, get up and look confused at the Stormtroopers who enter and free them.
Janix: Janix will pitch in and help Tal and Venn. She asks Venn to make sure all the purple blood is wiped off her white armor, to maintain the disguise.
GM: Admiral Varth looks over the assembled. He doesn't question, but it is clear after seeing the Mandalorians that understanding dawns upon his weathered face.
As the red light of the force field fades away, they step out. Varth is the one who speaks, and the other prisoners look to him for guidance. "Where are we heading?"
Janix: As she works, Janix pulls out a stimpack and uses it before the leave the room and into the greater facility.
Venn: "Any of you jailbirds know where the doctor's laboratory is?"
GM: "It's in the the room adjoining with us here." Varth gestures to the North Most room. "But unless you have a hell of a slicer, or Doctor Vischera's keycard, you're not going to be able to get into its files."
"That's why you've come, isn't it?" Varth asked, his voice taking on a note of hope. "They got word about the weapon?"
Tal: Once he has full sets of armor, he will put them on the table and make sure that they are clean. He'll drag the unconscious forms of the troopers into the cell.
GM: The prisoners quickly move to help with the charade, sensing what the plan was after just a few moments.
Rook: "Where is dr. Vischera?" because that crazy person needed to die, just as soon as possible.
Kesvo: "We don't have much time for explaining," she said, in her very non-imperial accent. "We know why you're here," she said to the Admiral. "Who're the rest of you?"
Venn: Venn directs the prisoners to kit up in the stormtrooper gear and will help them do so as an extra pair of hands to expedite this process.
GM: "Either in his laboratory or in the administration office of the base. He holds the rank of Captain. I assume he's in command now that I've been relieved." Varth says with a shake of his head.
"They were officers or soldiers who agreed with me that things had gone too far in the First Order. The galaxy they want to build isn't the one we'd want to help."
"They're slated for execution, just as I."
Kesvo: "Alright. Into the armor, all of you," she said, stepping back and nodding towards the pile of reclaimed armor. "You're going to have to fake it along side us while we get what we came for."
Ashley: "Vischera is in administration," says Ashley.
GM: Varth reached a hand out to grab Kes's arm, quite suddenly. The motion made the Warden Droid lift up its shield and its stun-rod, activating it.
Rook: "These all of them, or are there more?" Rook asked. Rook nodded her thanks to Ashley.
GM: "You must destroy it." The aged man says with a thick Imperial Accent.
"The weapon. It must be destroyed."
Kesvo: Kes looks down at the hand, then at the Admiral.
GM: "It is too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands."
Kesvo: "Believe me," she said, gesturing towards Ashley, who likely still looked fatigued at the very least. "We know."
"Get dressed."
Ashley: Ashley is only slightly slouched, okay.
GM: "You don't." He gestured to Ashley. "That isn't the weapon. if it was, he'd already be a monster."
Rook: Rook stared at the admiral.
Kesvo: She swore under her breath.
Tal: Tal didn't like the sounds of that at all.
Rook: "How do we destroy it?"
Kesvo: "We'll take care of it. Get dressed," she nudged again.
She then went to Ashley
Ashley: Well, Ashley felt a little better. At least he wasn't going to turn into a monster but ... uh. Yeah. No, he didn't really feel better.
Janix: The day was definitely going from bad to worse as Janix listened on.
Kesvo: "You wanna take a shot at slicing the doctor's office while we're up here? Or you wanna wait and see if we can find his keycard?"
GM: "You came through the Fellucian Village, yes? I've seen the look there - the Weapon. It turns everyone into creatures like the Fellucian monstrosities he made. Monstrous, ravenous beings, able to be controlled by the First Order. A whole world's population in days." The Admiral rants, obviously trying to press the urgency of the matter, despite Kes trying to get him to move.
GM: Varth finally relents, and gets dressed in stormtrooper armor. "Blasted nonsense." He is heard under the helmet. "I can't see a damn thing in this."
Rook: "We plan to destroy it. can you tell us how?" Rook says, "Talk while you gear up."
Ashley: "We aren't going to leave here without it being taken care of, Admiral," said Ashley, before looking to Kesvo. "Let me have a look at it and see what I can do. If we don't have to move to get access, it's better."
Kesvo: "Make it quick. That blockade's not gonna last forever," she said, moving with Ashley to help get him throiugh the northern doors."
Rook: "Can it be undone, Admiral? the ones turned into ... strange patched together creatures, can they be separated again?" Rook didn't think so, but had to ask, on behalf of the cheiftian.
Venn: "Grab those blasters, too." she adds. "No alarms yet, so still mostly in the clear."
Tal: Tal goes to assist Ashley.
GM: "No, Mandalorian. If this weapon is ever used, it will be catastrophic."
Ashley: "You can keep an eye on the troops on the console," says Ashley, to both Rook and Venn whichever wants to, you know, do that thing.
GM: Varth and the other traitors, now armored up, move into the main room.
Rook: Rook nodded slowly. "How do we not merely destroy it, but make it impossible for them to replicate?"
Venn: TrooperVenn will rest her hand against the barricade; and attempt to sense how many life forms were beyond it.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Force LightForce LightForce Light x2Force Dark
Ashley: With Rook asking the questions he particularly cares about hearing the answer to, Ashley goes to see about getting access to the laboratory. #slicerlife
GM: Venn senses exactly the number on the map - she also senses the mutated Fellucian and its warbling in the Force.
Venn: She pulls her hand back, as if she'd touched a hot plate.
"There is a group gathering beyond this door, along with another of those abominations."
Rook: Rook will move to the console to both monitor deployments and see if there is something about Shroud's imminent arrival. she would like to be done, gone and the base blown up before he gets here.
GM: You can get into the room without an issue.
Venn: "Not sure how long this will hold." she advises further.
GM: Ashley moves into the decontamination room and has to wait a few minutes for the air to get changed.
GM: The group go in together into the laboratory.
Ashley: "... and one more in here," Ashley murmurs, once more feeling the particular mix of pain and otherwise that come from the mutated Fellucians. "If they're controlling them," he murmurs, "maybe there's something in here we can use to change that."
Kesvo: "Time's short," she reminded him. "They'll all be put out of their misery shortly. Just get what you can, and quickly."
GM: They find a number of crates filled with research materials. One of the tables has a Fellucian that is quite dead and in the midst of a disection. The room smells sterile, despite that, or rather - sterilizer chemicals.
Venn: "Any idea where they inoculate the troops?"
Kesvo: While Ashley works, Kesvo looks through the crates for anything useful.
GM: There are two computer consoles. Both require password access.
Venn: Venn looks around for maybe a chair or something where maybe troops would sit and get the injection, if that was what it was.
GM: There's a few chairs around, but there doesn't seem to be any sort of vials of readily available chemicals. There are a number of storage closets that have locks on them.
Ashley: "Wonderful," Ashley says, not seeing anything of help and moving towards the computer consoles. Any differences between the two?
GM: They look identical.
Ashley attempts to crack into the computer to get the information...
GM: 3 red, 1 purple.
%uF4AA Imbue
Activation   Action
Effect   The user may spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase one of another engaged chracter's characteristics by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the Force user's next turn.
Caveat   This can only be used once per character per encounter.
Give into the Darkside   If the user uses %u2B24 to generate %u25D0, the target increases a second character by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the user's next turn, but both Force user and target suffer 3 strain.
Janix goes over to Ashely and sets a hand on his shoulder, connecting with him to urge his tissue and flesh to excellence.
Kesvo: Finding nothing of interest in the crates, Kesvo returns to Ashley's side. She rests a hand on his shoulder.
"You've got this, kiddo," she murmured softly.
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric
Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 2 rounds.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Force Dark x2Force DarkForce LightForce Dark
Rook: "While we wait, can you tell me how to identify the weapon and destroy it utterly?"
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Advantage x2Difficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Failure + Threat
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   2
Light Side points remaining   6
Janix: Unable to connect completely, Janix feels like she gives Ashley little but encouragement.
GM: "It's a virus." Varth tells Rook. "You have to destroy all record of it. Destroy the whole damn facility."
Rook: "That I can do," she says with savage satisfaction.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageBoost Advantage x2Ability Success + AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency BlankProficiency Success x2Difficulty FailureChallenge Failure x2Challenge Failure x2Challenge Failure x2
GM: Ashley fails to break into the computer systems, but he is able to mask the attempt to assure that it doesn't set off any alarms. The Triumph lets him make another attempt with a free upgrade.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost BlankProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency BlankProficiency AdvantageDifficulty ThreatChallenge ThreatChallenge ThreatChallenge Threat x2
GM: Ashley is able to get into the system and get access to the files - however this attempt sets off the alarms in the base.
He finds the information on twelve different biological projects. The good news is, he also locates the information on innoculation!
Rook: "They know we're here." Rooks says, watching the alerts crawl across her screen. She aims at the door, just in case.
Venn: "Bloody wonderful."
GM: It appears that the decontamination chamber can be reprogrammed to use as an immunization chamber for someone stepping into it.
Tal: "It was gonna happen sooner or later." Tal said.
Janix: Janix looks up at the klaxon alarms, pats Ashley on the shoulder as she moves away and readies her rifle. Seems like it it about to rejoin the fray.
Venn: "Double time it."
Ashley: "Bright side: I have all the information we need," he says, "and can reprogram the decontamination chamber to innoculate."
GM: It was, in fact, how all of the troops were innoculated.
Ashley: Which Ashley helpfully shares.
Venn: "Will getting in there help you?"
GM: The loudspeaker above you in the lab crackles on.
Doctor Vischera: "Excuse me." A rich, aged voice comes through with the sound of a wheezing laugh. "I believe that you're infringing my intellectual privacy."
"I do not know who you are. If you're more of Varth's traitors, agents of the Republic, or simply well-paid Mercenaries. It doesn't matter."
"I will not have my property stolen from me."
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   1
New Light Side total   7
Kesvo: Kesvo gestures for Ashley to wrap it up.
End Session 85
Ashley: Ashley is trying to wrap it up but ... you know, things take time! "... are you bloody fucking serious?"
End Session 85



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2020, 10:56:42 AM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 86: Insurgency
GM: The Hellions have infiltrated the First Order base on Fellucia, discovering horrors crafted only by a madman. While they have succeeded in rescuing Admiral Varth and draping him in stolen stormtrooper armor, they have tripped the station alarm while accessing the computers that hold the super-weapon(s) that the First Order have been developing.
Alerted to their presence, though not their identities, Captain (Doctor) Vischera, has announced that he would rather see the station and his work destroyed than see it fall into the wrong hands.
A klaxon alarm goes off, declaring that the self-destruct sequence for the station has been started. The Hellions are on a clock now to recover the data and escape before the base explodes and kills them and the very man they've come to save!
Everyone roll Vigilance for initiative at this time. We'll be acting in initiative order.
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Boost Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility SuccessAbility BlankProficiency Success + Advantage
GM: When you run out of turns, the base generator will explode. You will not survive.
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability Success x2
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageBoost Success + AdvantageBoost AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency SuccessProficiency AdvantageDifficulty Threat x2Challenge Threat x2Challenge Threat x2Challenge Failure
Janix: ((total number of turns??))
((known or unknown?)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Ability AdvantageAbility BlankAbility Advantage x2Ability Advantage x2
GM: Unknown at this time.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   0
New Light Side total   8
Initiative Vigilance
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success
GM: Ashley finds that the architecture for the self-destruct is highly integrated and protected. The only one who can access it normally is the ranking officer on base or someone who is ranked higher.
It is a 4 red check to disarm the self-destruct.
It does not take his turn to discover this information.
Janix: With a glance upward, Janix looks at the rest of the team. "Seems like the time for subterfuge is coming to a middle,"
Venn: ( officer keycard? )
GM: The officer keycard does not belong to the ranking officer
That would be Captain Vischera.
GM: Make a Hard Computers check with 1 red.
add a boost thanks to the keycard!
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageBoost SuccessAbility SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Challenge Failure x2
GM: 1) Are there any turrets? There are two gun emplacements on the outside of the base that can be hacked and utilized.
2) Are there any quicker exits? There is an exit through the lab out to the surface by the speeder motor pool.
3) Are there any other copies of the data? No
Janix: Eyeing the door, that she imagined Venn would un-fuck, Janix looks at Tal and Rook. "Should we play Chased by Mandolorians" again? Seemed to work well enough the first time."
Ashley: "Unless I get access to his keycard, I can't do anything that might not make it worse." says Ashley, trying to do what he can with the system but relaying what information he had found.
Venn: COM to Rook: ⌁ Four, can you use a shape charge against this wall? ⌁ .
GM: "Alert! Alert! Station Self Destruct is enacted by order of High Command. Evacuate. Evacuate. This is not a drill!"
Venn: "I can maybe cut through this wall if they are still using prefab durasteel construction."
Kesvo: "Do it," Kesvo affirms.
Venn: She ignites her saber, one blade and takes a breath before plunging it as deep as she could into the wall.

Venn Parsa ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 홴횗획 횃횞횛횗 ✔
GM: Venn's saber cuts deep into the durasteel wall, sending off sparks around the entry point as she starts to carve her way through.
Janix: As the lightsaber comes through, Janix looks again to the blast door and the way they came. Looking up and around, she tries to see if there might be another way through, perhaps vents, or perhaps something shaken loose by the towering monstrosities.
Venn: The stormtrooper garbed adept begins pulling the plasma blade in a slow circle. "Is it possible the retrieve the inoculant from the chamber?"
Kesvo: While Venn works, Kesvo checks out the tubing around the decontamination chamber, looking for the inoculant.
GM: Janix climbs atop a desk and sees that there are several air-vents. She'll have to pull the grate aside to get into it. It looks fairly secure.
Make a Hard Perception check Kes, with 1 black.
Rook: Since her team decided against getting inoculated, Rook will begin to move towards the chamber to see if she can rescue the medicine there.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
Ability BlankProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Failure x2Difficulty Blank
Janix: Janix will pull the grate off, if she can!
GM: Kesvo doesn't locate the inoculate, in fact in her frenzied search - fearful, stressed, the timer on them, she knocks over a vial that explodes onto the ground and starts throwing a blue-ish vapor into the room.
As she steps back away from it, reflexively, she spots a button beneath the nearby table that's an emergency escape button - something to bypass the usual time constraints for decontamination.
Ashley, Venn, and Kes, roll a 2 Purple Resilience Check.
Dice Roll
Ability BlankAbility SuccessAbility AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat
GM: Kes is able to resist the toxin, but she feels a little nauseous. Suffer 1 strain.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility Advantage x2Difficulty Threat x2Difficulty Failure x2Force Dark x2Force LightForce DarkForce Dark
Kesvo: "Here!" she calls to Venn and Ashley, as she slaps the emergency button.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility Advantage x2Difficulty BlankDifficulty Failure x2Force DarkForce DarkForce Dark
Kesvo: She covers her mouth with an arm and heads through
GM: Ashley gets a little woozy from the vapor, finding that it goes through the respirators that are not programmed to filter it out - the toxin clearly designed with protective equipment in mind.
Character Critical
Ashley Nasur
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   35
Staggered, cannot perform action on next turn.
GM: Kesvo smashes the button which opens the decontamination room without a delay, but both she and Venn can see that Ashley is overcome with a coughing fit.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2
GM: rolling 1d40
Character Critical
Venn Parsa
Previous Criticals   -1 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   1
Minor Nick
Suffer 1 strain.
Character Critical
Venn Parsa
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   1
Minor Nick
Suffer 1 strain.
Character Critical
Ashley Nasur
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   21
Add 1 Setback die to next skill check.
 Careful Planning
Activation   Action
Effect   Once per session, may introduce a "fact" into the narractive as if a Destiny Point had been spent.
Janix: Janix remembered to tell Mandrake their comm signatures before they entered the base.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Setback BlankDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty Threat
Venn: "What the hell is this bloody deathtrap?" she laments from her helmet'd head as she keeps on pulling the saber's blade through the wall. On the other side of the wall, the other Hellions can see the the steel glowing and the tip of purple plasma pierce through.
Tal: "So what's the plan? Are we leaving or cutting through those stormtroopers to get out of here?" Tal asked.
Rook: "We still don't have the antidote, inoculate or the data we need."
Janix: "Seems to me we have unfinished business. Both those natives and a very, very dangerous man who needs to be taken care of," Janix says with some malice regarding the mad and wicked scientist.
Kesvo: "We're not leaving without that weapon," Kesvo replies. "Two, we need your blockade moved. Five, seven, when the door opens act like you're finishing off these droids. We'll act like we're trying to flee and see if we can get behind the troopers in the corridor."
Ashley: "I really, really do NOT like this place," says Ashley between coughing fits still seated for the time being.
New Round
Kesvo: Kesvo comms Mandrake.
GM: "Go ahead." Mandrake responds.
Kesvo: "We haven't gotten to the Fellucians yet, but we've got some other friendlies we want to send out via an exit to the north. They'll be in trooper uniforms with a droid. Can you look for them and keep them with you while we're getting your people out?"
GM: "Uh." Mandrake seems confused by the response. "Sure, I'll keep an eye out and do what I can."
"There looks to be a comm dish and some troopers in the north part of the base." Mandrake relays.
"Couple speeder bikes."
Janix: "Why don't you have them take those unconscious ones, as many as they can. If we aren't killing them as a kindness they might as well make themselves useful." Janix says from atop the desk as she readies herself to jump down."
Kesvo: Kesvo looks to the turncoats.
"You've worked this base. Do you know how you could get out of here without having to engage hostiles?"
Tal: Tal looks like Janix like she's grown a second head.
GM: Varth speaks from beneath his helmet. "I should be able to talk our way out."
Janix: Janix shrugs a little at Tal. She was originally in 'mercifully kill them' camp but was out voted previously by the more softhearted of the Hellions.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks to the droid. She gives him approximate directions to where Mandrake and co were hiding. "Escort these four there. Protect Varth at all costs."
Venn Parsa likes to track movements >_>
GM: The droid nods. "Yes, Mistress." It replies to Kesvo. "I will defend them."
Venn hears over the comms Vischera's smug, Imperial voice: "Attention all troopers. There are sabotuers in the Prison and Laboratory. Execute any and all individuals who attempt to exit the lab. It is imperative for our New Order!"
Venn: "They know where we are." she says, holding up the comlink.
Tal: "Then we find him and kill him. And anyone between us and him.
Venn: "This doctor is shrewd."
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   1
Light Side points remaining   7
GM: Ashley instantly gets access to the Comm Array. He can spend advantage to reach the Rivener discreetly.
Janix: Janix smiles a bit under her helmet at Tal's words. That was definitely how she felt. "I think in all this, the only true monster is him and he owes this planet a very, very deep blood debt. Let's collect it." Rifle at the ready, Janix watches the door and readies for the onslaught. (no action yet)
Venn: "Everybody ready?"
Tal: Tal readies his swords.
GM: "We'll be fine!" Varth yells out. "I'll talk us out of here. Meet you on the surface!"
"Worse comes to worse, we have rifles!"
Ashley: "Getting access to the com array," relays Ashley to the others since he's not moved from the computers, "going to see about getting the data uploaded."
Kesvo: Kesvo nods at Venn.
Venn: Venn bends her knees, lowering herself some to gather and draw the Force into herself. Loose items in the room rattle as metal and steel groan under unseen pressure.
Its weird to see a stormtrooper doing this obviously..
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Force DarkForce DarkForce DarkForce Dark
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   2
Light Side points remaining   6
The floor beneath her fractures beneath her fet as the cosmic force v
Tal: Tal looks around as the room itself seems to rattle and the floor fractures...
Venn: She polls the power about her, the dark side for sure, and yells out in a primal scream
Tal: "What the..."
Janix: Janix's feet slide slightly apart as she braces herself for what she feels from Venn. It won't be pretty, but it will be powerful.
Venn: And she thrusts her hands forward, blowing the door and its frame forward. The lights in the room strobe as power conduits react to the wrecking of lines within the walls.
Ashley: Ashley, for all of a moment, looks up from the computer as usually he feels it on a spiritual level but this ... No, this one he feels as things shake with Venn's use of the Force.
GM: There is a sound of screams of surprise and a crash as the wall crushes several stormtroopers and pins the mutated Fellucian on the other side of the wall.
Rook: The horrific, unworldly scream from Venn draws Rook's attenion, and an abortive move towards her, only to then see the lights flicker, and the wall crashes down upon the first of their enemies.
Kesvo: Kesvo just... stares.
Mutated Fellucian:
Initiative Vigilance
Mutated Fellucian
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Success x2
First Order Sergeant:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency Advantage x2
Venn: The electric sizzle of the Dark Side drained from her limbs, leaving them heavy and hurting. Thankfully, whatever expression she bore, was obscured by the trooper helmet.
First Order Sergeant: "Prison Breached!" The Sergeant roars into the comm, which echoes to the Hellions. "All troops, open fire on anything inside! Wait for the Fellucian!"
"Subject Three, Kill!"
GM: The mutated monstrosity shoves a part of wall off of it, taking a maneuver to do so. It then moves forward (a second maneuver), and attacks the closest target it sees...
Mutated Fellucian:
Multiple Bonespur Claws
Mutated Fellucian
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Linked 2, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Setback ThreatSetback ThreatDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat
The Fellucian hits 3 times.
Tal: "Mmm...."
GM: While the beast savages at the Mandalorian warrior in ways that would outright kill lesser beings, he is merely annoyed.
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw, Superior
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Proficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Setback ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Challenge Threat x2Challenge Threat x2Advantage
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric
Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 2 rounds.
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Difficulty BlankDifficulty Threat
Kesvo: "This is why we get paid the big money, people," Kesvo calls. "Let's put 'em down, get our druk, and get the pfassk outta here!"
E-33 Blaster Carbine 
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +4 dmg in ≤ short range.
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessBoost SuccessAbility SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success x2Setback BlankChallenge Threat x2Challenge Threat x2Advantage
GM: Rook unleashes hell!
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage
First Order Stormtroopers: "Damned Mandalorians mean business!"
First Order Sergeant: "We need backup!"
Rook: "Oya!"
Tal: "Oya!"
GM: Behind the Hellions they can hear doors screech.
Venn: "Mental!" Venn exclaims as Rook Tal and Rook turn the monstrosity into flaming, chunky soup.
Initiative Cool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost AdvantageAbility BlankAbility AdvantageProficiency Success x2

Janix M'kyato will 픸핀필  as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
Boost Success + AdvantageBoost Advantage x2Boost Success + AdvantageBoost BlankBoost BlankAbility Success x2Ability Success x2Proficiency Success x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success x2Difficulty BlankChallenge Failure + ThreatAdvantage
Janix hurries to the door and puts her shoulder on the wall as she aims at the loudmouth who needs to get taken care of. She shoots him in the head with ease and watches him fall.
Janix: ((Blue to Ashely & Blue to Tal & +1 ranged defense == 6 advantage))
 Dodge
Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
First Order Stormtroopers: "Those troopers are Mandalorians in disguise!" The troopers yell, "Blast all the Scout Troopers!"
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Proficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success x2Setback BlankSetback BlankSetback BlankDifficulty BlankChallenge Failure x2
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success x2Setback ThreatDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Blank
Tal: Tal growls in annoyance once more as the stormtroopers shoot at him.
First Order Stormtroopers: One of the troopers yells as he rushes over and tosses a grenade into the room.
Frag Grenade
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   8
Critical   2
Range   Short
Qualities   Blast 6
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency SuccessSetback FailureDifficulty Threat
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
Boost Success + Advantage
Rook: Through the haze of weapons smoke, blood and gore an Frag grenade explodes before Tal .... ducking behind him, Rook takes only a grazing shot.
GM: The Hellions hear heavy footsteps coming from the prison. The door opens and another mutated Fellucian roars in frenzy and rage.
Tal: "Grrah! I'm mad."
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   3
Light Side points remaining   5
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessBoost AdvantageBoost Advantage x2Ability Advantage x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Threat x2Challenge Threat x2
GM: Ashley instantly uploads the entire databank to the Rivener.
They have all of the files in the base, including some that Ashley hasn't accessed yet!
GM: Varth and the other prisoners abandon the base through the back door.
Dice Roll
Proficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Threat x2Challenge FailureChallenge Failure + Threat
Venn Parsa uses an OOT Incidental to activate her 핥핒핝핚핤핞핒핟. The target must succeed a Hard (♦♦♦) Fear check to Move to Engage her as normal. If they fail, they must do something else and suffer 2strain.
Venn: Lets upgrade that
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   4
Mutated Fellucian:
Mutated Fellucian
Dice Roll
Proficiency AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatChallenge Threat

Venn Parsa 픻핆픻픾피핊 when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
GM: While Venn's talisman would drive many to rethink assaulting the former Inquisitor, the creature is simply too mad and filled with fury to stop out of fear.
Mutated Fellucian:
Multiple Bonespur Claws
Mutated Fellucian
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Linked 2, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback BlankSetback ThreatSetback BlankSetback FailureChallenge FailureChallenge Blank

Venn Parsa performs a ℙ픸ℝℝ핐 when hit by a melee, brawl or lightsaber attack, suffering 3 strain to reduce damage by 7, before soak. +
Venn: 3
Ashley: "I've got the files and then some," relays Ashley finishing up at the computer, though mostly concerned about what is now out and about from the noises.
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4; Vicious 1; Defensive 1, Quick Draw, Superior
Dice Roll
Boost BlankBoost Success + AdvantageBoost Advantage x2Ability AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Proficiency Success x2Setback BlankDifficulty Threat x2Challenge Threat x2Challenge BlankAdvantage
GM: 15
Venn: TrooperVenn is lifted off her feet by the assault from the creature, tumbling and rolling back into a crouch. Her lightsaber barely remains in her hand from the kinetic force of the strike, but she somehow survives.
Kesvo: Kesvo shifts forward and attempts to shoot one of the troopers in the corridor.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
First Order Stormtroopers: "These Mandos are incredible! They just took down Subject Two like nothing!"
Very Expensive Blaster Rifle
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Two-handed, Superior, Stun, +1 ADV on Success
Dice Roll
Boost Advantage x2Ability Success + AdvantageAbility AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatAdvantage
Tal: Tal's about to go outside and murder the bomb-thrower, but another Fellucian arrived to attack Venn.
Tal turned, drove one blade into the creature's gut and stopped it in its tracks.
He swept the other up and to the right in a deadly arc that saw the beasts head hit the floor and roll to a stop against the wall.
Venn: Tal's intervention does not fail to stun her in its ferocity, even though she'd just witnessed it before. "That was... efficient..."
Tal: Tal nods at Venn.
First Order Stormtroopers: "GET DOWN! EXPLOSIVE ORDINANCE!"
Explosive Micro-Rocket  
Rook B.
Damage   7+4*
Critical   2
Range   Short
Qualities    Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1, Point Blank +4
Dice Roll
Boost SuccessBoost SuccessAbility BlankAbility AdvantageProficiency SuccessProficiency Advantage x2Proficiency Success + Advantage
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
Setback ThreatDifficulty Threat
GM: Rook eliminates an entire minion group of troopers.
Rook: Rook laughs fiercely, jet pack burning as she sweeps out of the room and unleashes her beloved rocket! "I love rockets!"
Janix: Janix snorts a little as she peeks around the corner and sees a group of troopers destroyed. "I can see why," she responds to the Mando.
⚔ Draw Closer
Image   “You are unwise to lower your defenses!”
With a gesture, she seizes a target with the Force while simultaneously attacking with her violet lightsaber.
Activation   Action | Sil 1 target | ≤ Medium Range
Check   Combat - Lightsaber(Willpower) + ⎔⎔⎔⎔
Effect   Spend ◐ to move the Sil 1 target one Range Band closer OR as a Image.
Violet Double-Bladed Saber ⚔️
Venn Parsa
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities    Linked 1,  Breach 1,  Sunder, 洛 Concussive 2, Unwieldy 3, Disorient 1, Superior
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility AdvantageProficiency BlankProficiency Success x2Proficiency Success + AdvantageSetback FailureDifficulty Failure x2Difficulty ThreatForce DarkForce DarkForce LightForce DarkAdvantageAdvantage

Venn Parsa will activate Weapon Quality: 핃핀ℕ핂피픻. She hits again, with the other end of her double-saber.
Venn: 9, 9 damage

Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   3

Venn Parsa ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 홴횗획 횃횞횛횗 ✔
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
Ability Advantage x2Proficiency BlankProficiency SuccessSetback FailureSetback BlankDifficulty Failure + Threat

Venn Parsa 픻핆픻픾피핊 when she is targeted. She suffers 1 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +1.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageProficiency SuccessSetback BlankSetback ThreatDifficulty ThreatDifficulty BlankChallenge Threat x2
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency Triumph(+Success)Setback ThreatSetback ThreatDifficulty Failure + ThreatDifficulty ThreatChallenge Threat
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessAbility AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatSetback BlankDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty FailureChallenge Threat
Venn: Venn follows after Rook's carnage, stepping into the flame filled hallway with her saber ignited. The trooper holds out her hand and makes a fist, yanking a small squad off their feet towards her. She whirls the amethyst weapon amidst their number.

Venn Parsa performs a ℝ피픽핃피ℂ핋 when hit by a ranged attack, suffering 3 strain to reduce damage by 8, before soak.
Venn holds out her hand, freezing a bolt in the air, then sends it back at the trooper
Rook: it's almost an exalted state, fighting with the Hellions; something overwhelming and inevitable about it all. Rook's excitement only heightens at realizing how close to the place to set her charge she is!!
First Order Stormtroopers: "Jedi Mandalorians!?"
Venn: She flicks her hand and the packet of energy punches through his visor and he falls over.
First Order Stormtroopers: "Oh, damn...."
"Oh..... damn.."
Janix: Janix will move around the corner, hold her rifle in one hand as she deftly tries to punch the last remaining trooper.
First Order Stormtroopers: He takes a deep breath as Janix approaches. "Backup!? Backup!?"
Janix M'kyato
Damage   5
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 1, Vicious 1, Disorient 1, Knockdown
Dice Roll
Boost BlankAbility SuccessAbility AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback BlankDifficulty ThreatDifficulty BlankForce DarkForce LightForce Light x2Force Light x2
Rook: "Should have said, I surrender," Rook said. Sadly, he wouldn't live long enough to learn from his mistake, as the Happan Commando moved in ...
GM: The Hellions have dispatched all of the First Order soldiers and science experiments that barred their exit.
Rook: "I need to set this bomb!"
GM: "Alert. Alert. T-Minus Eight Minutes until Reactor Overload."
Janix: "Back-" the trooper's speech is cut short as Janix punches him hard enough to make it unnecessary for the backup. "Time to hustle," She says to Rook and Venn as she adjusts her rifle to continue further into the facility.
Kesvo: Kesvo touches Venn's shoulder as she passes by.
"Nicely done." To the rest, she says, "Good form. Let's find the Fellucians and let this place burn."
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric
Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 2 rounds.
Rook: Rook, having studied the map, will move towards the place to set her bomb. "I don't trust them to actually blow the place up. I"ll catch up with you at the Felucians."
Ashley: Finished with the transfer, Ashley makes his way to the group. "The Fellucians would be to the south of the building," he says, still winded as he hears Kesvo's words.
Venn: The hallway is pure destruction, flames, the smell of rocket fuel, bodies littered about...
Janix: "We can't leave the remaining Felucians to this hell."
Ashley: Ashley nods in agreement, not willing to say the thought in his head. "Let's get moving, we're on borrowed time."
"Set your chronos to 6 minutes then."
Tal: Tal sets his chrono to six minutes.
Rook: "Can you find those people for us?"
Kesvo: Kesvo also syncs her chrono.
Rook: Rook will too
Venn: "I will try."
Dice Roll
Ability SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat
Ashley: Ashley does as well, still frowning for all that no one can see it.
Force Power
Venn Parsa
Power Name   SEEK
Dice Roll
Force DarkForce LightForce DarkForce Dark
Janix: Not to be left out, Janix will sync her chrono with the team.
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   2
GM: Venn can sense four Fellucians in a room to the south of them.
Venn: The user may spend ◑◑ to gain insight into a general location or direction of a person or object that he knows about, regardless of current distance.
The strain of the dark side swirls and poisons her senses, but she forcefully wades into it mentally, finding her clues.
"Room to the south..."
Kesvo: "Let's move. Watch your time."
Rook: Rook moves with the Hellions, aware of the seconds ticking away.
Ashley: Ashley watches TrooperVenn, briefly raising a hand and then catching himself from actually reaching out towards her. You know, social distancing is important.
GM: The Hellions rush past smoldering bodies of First Order troopers, finding the hallways desolate and empty. They reach a door that is being pounded on from the other side.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks to see if the officer keycard they have will unlock the door
Ashley: Time to slide Kesvo that keycard.
Venn Parsa will use a STIMPACK  as a Maneuver. Remove up to 5 wounds with diminishing returns.
Janix: Janix will take position at the far side of the group, watching down the hallway, rifle at the ready.
GM: Kes finds that it does, indeed, open the door. There are four Fellucians inside who look to be in an emaciated state, but able to walk. They look upon the trooper-armor wearing Hellions mixed with the Mandalorians with fear and confusion.
Venn: Venn is carrying her saber hilt in her hand but the blade is not ignited at this time.
Kesvo: "Don't be afraid. Mandrake brought us here. We're getting you out, but we have to move fast!"
She gestures for them to move into the corridor
Venn: "They won't understand you. Probably, need to be creative with gestures."
Ashley: Ashley will make, you know, helpful gestures to try and show they're here to get them out and moving.
Janix: "Take off your helmet maybe?" Janix suggests. "Show them you aren't human."
Kesvo: "Negative, not here," she counters Janix.
Rook: Rook just points towards the way out, and gestures them out of the room. They probably knnow the klaxon is bad news.
Kesvo: Kesvo steps back from blocking the door way and gestures for the Fellucians to flee.
Janix: "How about we just carry them out then? They look like they can barely walk let alone run."
GM: "T-Minus Five Minutes."
The Fellucians are uncertain, but they seem willing to follow the group - be it fear or hope.
Kesvo: Kesvo starts herding them with urgency towards the exit.
Ashley: Ashley moves, helping the Fellucians as necessary, but otherwise ... trying to get a move on.
Kesvo: The Hellions lead/push the fellucians back out the way they came in.
Rook: Rook, with her jet pack, will take up the rear since she can move swiftly at need.
GM: The Hellions quickly move to exit the way that they entered. Everyone make an Average Athletics check with 1 setback.
Intense Focus:
Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageSetback ThreatDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure x2

Rook B. is CONDITIONED as a Passive Ability. Remove 1 ◼ setback die per rank (2) from Athletics & Coordination checks. *House Rule: Add 1 ◻ boost instead of removing 2 ◼ setback and reduce all damage from falling by 1 per rank of conditioned.
易 Intense Focus
Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
Ability Success x2Ability Success + AdvantageProficiency Success + AdvantageDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty Blank
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility AdvantageAbility SuccessSetback FailureDifficulty Threat x2Difficulty FailureForce Light x2Force DarkForce DarkForce Light x2
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility SuccessAbility SuccessProficiency SuccessProficiency SuccessSetback BlankDifficulty ThreatDifficulty Failure
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Ability AdvantageAbility Advantage x2Proficiency Triumph(+Success)Setback BlankForce DarkForce DarkForce DarkForce Light
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
Ability Success + AdvantageAbility SuccessDifficulty ThreatDifficulty ThreatForce DarkForce DarkForce Light x2
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
Difficulty ThreatDifficulty Threat
Janix will hang back and help Kesvo by pairing up with her.
GM: Kesvo takes 2 strain (3-1) from the urgency of your flight. Everyone else is able to quickly ascend and with all of the extra advantages and triumph, get the Fellucians out without issue.
You all make it swiftly to cover, seeing a Lambda Class Shuttle taking off and flying toward the stars, just as the base begins to explode!
The huge deafening eruption takes up several parts of the jungle.
As you step out from beneath your cover, you see Mandrake and Admiral Varth, helmet off, approaching you along with the warden droid and the other prisoners.
Long Range comms were stopped because of the nature of the jungle, not the base.
As you reconnoiter to plan your next move, darkness starts to fall, and you all can let out a sigh of relief as you have succeeded, at least mostly, in your mission....
End Session 86



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  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2020, 11:00:14 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 87 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions have departed Felucia back upon the Ardent Rivener. Heading into orbit as they await to rendezvous with the Aeon Mallard and N1-TR0, they plan their next moves after having successfully rescued Admiral Varth and also stealing the First Order's superweapon.
Captain Riprock: "I swear ya'll think this is some sort of rescue shelter where ya'll can grab just about any droid or riff-raff we come across and add them to the crew."
GM: His comment stems toward Kes's last statement that their target was a droid-maker and slaver, and given how the last few run-ins with droids and slaves had gone, it seemed indicative of their recruiting methods.
Rook: Rook gives a weary grin to the Captain, "Isn't that we got a bigger a ship?" she teased lightly, happy to continue the trend of rescuing people.
Kesvo: Kesvo just shrugged, then looked to the others.
"So what do you think? Anyone opposed to using Xrexus as a patsy?"
Captain Riprock: "Don't see why it's be a problem."
Rook: "Seems like a good target to me."
Janix: "If you know that their on the deserving end of some blame, I can back it. I don't know enough about group like that to have a counter argument."
Ashley: Ashley wasn't going to say a word about bringing things onboard. Mostly because, you know, the entire nexu thing. "Sounds like it'd be the perfect play."
Tal: "If they're as bad as you say, I'm all for removing a little more scum from the galaxy." Tal said.
Captain Riprock: "What do we do about Varth and Zekra? And the other people you sprung?"
Rook: "Any chance we can get a legit bounty on her? sounds like the sort of person the New Republic might want taken out."
Captain Riprock: "Heh." Riprock shook his head at Rook's postulation.
"Republic doesn't do bounties."
Venn: Venn makes a pshh sound at Rook's statement.
Kesvo: "Zekra is still in the dark about who picked her up. I'd like to keep it that way. I suggest we keep her unconscious until we find some decently civilized spot where we can dump her. Let her wake up the following day with all her gear and enough credits to get back to Xizor."
Tal: "That sounds best. Let her go her own way and leave it at that until the next time we see her."
Captain Riprock: "Yeah? Are we gonna make contact with our boss?"
Rook: Rook shook her head, then shrugged, confused as to why the New Republic wouldn't do bounties. "Well, then maybe some one should suggest it to them, since they can't police the entire galaxy properly." she shook her head, understanging the confusion. "Not our prisoner, the mark we just agreed upon. I was wondering if a bounty was out on her, given what she does."
Janix: "Might be abrupt but seems pretty kind. What about her father? Do we want to drop them off together? She did seem worried about him to bring it up while dying."
Rook: Rook frowned a bit, and asked quietly, "Was getting her out too part of his agreement to swap sides? maybe we should find that out before we dump her off?"
Kesvo: "Sure, why not," kesvo said noncommittally to Riprock. To Janix, she shook her head.
"We can leave her a note letting her know her father got out fine, if you're feeling generous. But honestly, since she introduced herselve via blackmail, I think she'll be lucky to find herself in a hotel room instead of a ditch."
"No, she wasn't part of the agreement," she assured Rook.
Janix: "Oh." She said simply, understanding more about Zekra than before. "We can leave a little note in her pocket. I'll even right it."
Rook: Rook nodded understanding to Kesvo.
Kesvo: "She's resourceful. I'm not worried about her," she said.
"As for the Admiral and his cohorts, I'd like to ship them off with Alico, back to wherever the republic wants to receive them."
"We can send Nitro on the Mallard, or if you'd prefer," she said, pausing to acknowledge Riprock, "we can hire transport for her so you can have your ship back."
"Or you can take her, and fill Ackbar in in person."
Captain Riprock: The Captain seems to ponder it for a moment in thought.
"When are we looking at our next mission?"
Kesvo: "We'd miss your aid if you took off, but I know you've been generous with the Mallard already."
Captain Riprock: "Or the next step?"
Kesvo: "That depends. We need to let Xrexus rest for a few days at least, to allow time for us to 'find out' she has the weapon," she said, making air quotes for part. "And it will likely take us that long to track the outfit down and make a plan anyway."
"But there's also the option of trying to find Vischera while we're waiting," she said, turning her attention towards the others.
"Both he and Shroud aren't too far away from us. Each one of them represents some big karkin' loose ends."
Captain Riprock: "In a Star Destroyer."
Venn: "Well the Star Destroyer apparently came from the Prakith system."
Janix: "Seems to me if we finish this plan, to infiltrate the First Order with the information we just stole, it should lead us to Vischera. Might not hurt to look but I'm hopeful we'll get another shot at him through the infiltration route."
Kesvo: She nodded. "But they're heading somewhere."
She looked confused towards Janix
Janix: "Wasn't that the plan? Xizor was putting us up as the ones who retrieved it? Wouldn't we be delivering it as well?"
Kesvo: "Xizor will be arranging the meeting," she said, with a nod. "We're just going to show up, as his agents, and when the moment is right, we'll surprise them with a fight."
"It's less about infiltration, and more about ambushing their leadership."
Janix: "Might be he could suggest the lead researcher arrive to validate the data?"
"And in turn be part of our ambushing?" She smiled, but there was something very deadly in that smile.
Kesvo: She nodded. "We can suggest it. Seems like an easy ask. But it'll be up to him."
"What do the rest of you think? Wait to try and get Vischera at the ambush? Or try to track down where he and Shroud are headed?"
Janix: Janix nodded. She had no idea what sort of person Xizor was but she knew how Kesvo would talk. "That is agreeable to me."
Venn: "I don't see how you can track down where they are headed." mentions the slouching adept.
Kesvo: "I was under the impression that you could do that, in certain circumstances," she told Venn. "You've sussed out where our quarry's gone before, yeah? Would that not apply to this?"
Venn: "Finding a star destroyer that jumped into hyperspace is not a reasonable ask.." Beat. "Same planet, maybe... on a good day."
Kesvo: "Well, well," she said, with a slanted smile. "Something you can't do. I was starting to doubt."
"But if that's the case," she said, with a little shrug, "then that option becomes alot less viable."
Tal: "I vote for getting Vischera at the ambush." Tal said. .
Ashley: "Unless we can get some intel down the line of his location, I'm of the same opinion," says Ashley.
Venn: "Might want to debrief Varth, then. Or have spitfire go through the droid brain for clues. Any would be viable to know."
Kesvo: She nodded. "That's a good call. How long until we reach the Mallard?" she asked, looking to Riprock
Captain Riprock: Riprock rubbed absent-mindedly at his jaw in thought. "It's an idea. Does Varth know we're Republic or does he think we're mercs hired by the SIS?"
"Should be an hour or two."
Kesvo: "We haven't told him anything, yet."
Rook: Rook considered their options for a moment. "I could try that," she assured Venn about the Droid.
Captain Riprock: "Kinda puts the kibash on things if he knows we're Republic and got the intel."
"Not to say Alico or the SIS are wrong, but I'm not willing to trust him with something that could bite us in the ass."
"No offense - but an Ex-Imperial Admiral that burned entire planets and joining up with an even more fanatical regime before his change of heart doesn't endear me much."
Janix: "Also, if this came from the officials in the Republic, wouldn't they want to talk to him first? That is a typical operating procedure from my military expirence. You don't let the extraction team talk to the target, because they can be dangerous too. Not that I think any of us are at risk, but the rest of the crew..." Janix shrugged a bit.
Venn: "Oh is there a metric by when someone can realize they were in the wrong and try to change?" she tossed at Riprock, expression ambiguous behind those shades.
Captain Riprock: Riprock turned to Venn, his expression focused. "Yeah. There's a line. You and Tal didn't cross it. Varth probably has."
Tal: Tal said nothing to that point. He considered that while the others discussed what was next.
Kesvo: "Well, the point stands that Alico's people probably want first crack at him, anyway."
"We risk making their job harder if we try to debrief and touch a nerve."
"And there's a likelihood that they'd share any useful info they get from him anyway."
Captain Riprock: The Captain considered the matter. "Yeah."
"But as a point, we could do it and they'd just have to deal with that."
Kesvo: Kes considered it, and shook her head.
"The less exposure he has to us, the more comfortable I'll be. He doesn't know who we are, but if he travels on the Mallard he'd be able to sell us out later if he wanted."
"Though after Xizor's meeting it should matter less."
Captain Riprock: "Only if he recognized the ship."
Kesvo: "True."
Captain Riprock: "Not like he'll have access to the transponder, and Alico knows well enough to keep quiet."
Kesvo: "So you're advocating for interviewing him?" she asked, curiously.
Captain Riprock: "No."
Venn: "Seems like we need to offload all these liabilities as soon as possible."
Captain Riprock: "I don't think he has anything useful for us. To the Republic, sure. To some effort to wake up the galaxy that the First Order is out there and that something needs to be done about it, yes."
"I agree. We're a little bloated right now. Varth, the other FO traitors. Mandrake. Tane. Half a dozen droids we've picked up on the way."
Kesvo: "Ah, that's another point," she said. "I've invited Mandrake to serve on the Rivener. He's got some contacts that could help with the quartermastering. I didn't think anyone would object, given how he conducted himself on the planet," she said, arching a brow gently while glancing to Riprock. "But if there are objections, let's hear them."
Janix: "He seemed helpful and it's unlikely he's got ulterior motives given where we met him." Janix paused for a moment. "Seems nice enough."
Rook: Rook grinned at Kesvo, and nodded agreement. "He seems ok to me, though I barely met him."
Ashley: Ashley just shrugged. He had no complaints or objections. Mandrake had helped the team immensely on Fellucia.
Kesvo: "Varth and the other traitors we'll offload with Alico. As for Tane..." she sighed and sat back in her seat.
"I'm not entirely sure what to do with him."
"I don't trust him."
Captain Riprock: The Captain was quiet for a moment then nodded.
Janix: "I spoke with him before Felucia. While he doesn't seem like he's here for another party, he is a bit of wild card." Janix paused. "How did he put it? 'I'm here for the fun of it.' I believe."
"We were talking about Hapan artifacts," she added, to explain the context of the situation.
Tal: "Tane should go. Don't trust him and he's got that band of baddies after him." Tal said.
Venn: "Leave him with Coszette then."
Kesvo: "Would she take him?"
Janix: "He does know of places where they stored artifacts. Hapan and otherwise. I'm interested in them and while Coszette would take them, are you sure you want her to have them?" Janix shrugged at Kes' question.
Rook: "I thought you'd already decided it's not safe to off load him randomly. and why would you hand him over Cosette, exaclty?"
Janix: "Tane and Coszette worked together. She'd find use for him though. She's good at that." There was a little bitterness there for sure.
Rook: Rook looked at Tal. "The Cadre are after
Venn, too, and Ashleh."
Kesvo: "Because he has history with her. So it wouldn't be random," she pointed out, to Rook.
She narrowed her eyes at Rook.
"You seem rather invested, Rook."
Tal: He looked at Rook. "The difference is that I give a kriff about Venn and Ashley. I do not care what happens to Tane."
Rook: Rook shook her head. "either he's a criminal, and we're detaining him legally, or he's not, and you could just ask him where to let him off." Her eyebrow rose, and she grinned at Kesvo. "I am, remember? I promised to help him find his Clan. I need him to help me with some of MY research. And I agreed to teach him what Mandos are really like, not just from books.
Venn: "Awwwwww." Glareshades Venn blows lazy kiss across the table to Tal.
Kesvo: Kesvo rubbed the back at her neck.
Rook: "The point is, Tal, that they are coming for us whether or not he's with us. Might be he'd be helfpul in that fight."
Janix: After Rook spoke, Janix nodded at the Mando. "And he knows information I'd like to get, specifics about those caches and Hapan sites."
Kesvo: "The only reasons I'm opposed to letting him off wherever he wants are that he seems clever enough to tie us by name to the Felucian base, and he's shown a habit of handing off those artifacts to the highest bidder regardless of intent."
Janix: "While he's not the type I'd trust with my most expensive possessions, I think he wants to be here and knows it isn't wise to betray the few people who might stand up to the Cadre."
Rook: Rook nodded agreement to Janix. "He's easily the best educated of us, a huge resource for several of us."
Kesvo: "But it sounds like you're just fine with 'illegally detaining' him so long as you're allowed access to him," she said, to Rook.
Ashley: "I'm not exactly comfortable putting someone at risk by offloading him with them either," adds Ashley quietly. "Besides that we could make use of the information he has, whether it about artifacts or otherwise. But ..." Well, Kesvo just brought up the detaining thing and that was the problem.
Tal: "No, he wouldn't be helpful. His antics almost got us killed and he would have left us in that cave while he walked out with whatever goodies he could carry." Tal said.
"That he's even here right now is a big mercy."
Venn: Venn does another pshh sound.
Rook: "no, I've been trying to get you guys to not detain him, remember? and - " she glanced at Janix, "No offense, nix but I don't know Coseete and dislike dropping anyone off in the cluthes of a crime lord, not matter how cute."
Venn: "This is a very lengthy meeting."
Kesvo: "And it's not done yet. Get comfortable."
Venn: "Not even any catering.... psshh."
Captain Riprock: "We throw the worst parties, I know."
Janix: "I wouldn't expect him to come to our rescue either," she said, agreeing with Tal partially. To Rook she gave a little, warm smile. "I wouldn't wish being dropped off with Cozsette unless it's your last choice. She can bleed a rock dry." It was definitely a fine Hapan quality, well suited for the Galaxy.
Venn: Her arms cross over her abdomen and she rides lower in her chair, 'getting comfortable'.
Kesvo: "I'd be more comfortable releasing him after the deal with Xizor is done."
Janix: "I'd say let him ride along for now. Maybe if Rook and I still want things out of him, we can let him prove his trust somehow? You all took a chance on me and while I'm not saying he'd stand a chance against Tal, Venn, Ashely, hell, any of you, he might be useful if we need a stealthy touch."
Kesvo: "He should still be in the dark about the FO weapon and our involvement but he seems the type to make a living off of being underestimated."
Janix: "That I wholly agree with Kesvo. But, if he wants to work with us now, maybe we can win him over and he can use that underestimation for us."
Captain Riprock: "I'd rather just ship him off in a box with Varth to the Republic for what he was pulling."
Kesvo: "That's an option."
"Well. Maybe not the box part."
Captain Riprock: "Jenna and the Jedi are trying to rebuild after everything that had happened, and he's out here profiting from stealing their stuff out of Coruscant."
Kesvo: "A big box, maybe."
Captain Riprock: "Or a small one."
Kesvo: "With airholes."
Captain Riprock: "Maybe."
Rook: Rook blinked her eyes, realzing she'd dozed off for a moment during the conversation. The comment about airholes and boxes made her grin, and she tried to focus once again upon the meeting.
Ashley: Ashley just pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't like what he was doing, especially considering all the trouble it's caused for Jenna and the others--which is an understatement--but if he has a use, then let us use him. If he doesn't have anything useful for us, then after we handle everything for Xizor, we can see about offloading him." Pause. "... and not in a small box, though I suppose I have no say over that."
Janix: "I have said my peace, it's a team call in the end with the Good Doctor Tane." Now that she'd made contact with the Doctor, even if he got shipped off she'd hopefully still get a way to communicate with him. She assumed Riprock was mostly joking about the small box.
Kesvo: "So... It sounds like our options for Tane are," she held up a finger as she counted off options. "One, to send him off with Alico now and be done with him. Two, try to integrate him as a crew member. Or three, keep him under house arrest until the Xizor deal is done, and then reevaluate what to do with him."
"Let's hear 'em."
Rook: "Two."
Janix: Janix pauses, considers as Rook answers without hesitation. She'd really hate to have to hunt Tane down for betraying them. She imagined Tal would lose less sleep about it than she would. "Two. Assuming he understands that double crossing us is bad for his health."
Ashley: "Two," replies Ashley, "assuming that if he doesn't integrate, then bad things will happen and he gets offloaded somewhere."
Captain Riprock: Riprock lifts a hand and rubs at his eyes.
Venn: "I'm for whatever gets all these extra people off this ship as soon as possible."
Kesvo: "Tal?"
Tal: "I want Tane off this ship yesterday. One."
Kesvo: Kesvo sighed.
"Three twos, and three ones. Since we're split, I suggest we go with number three. Keep him locked up for now and reevaluate after Xizor."
Captain Riprock: "Fine. But no-one tells him what we're up to, or where we're going."
"He stays with a guard."
Janix: "That seems like a decent compromise to me. I'll see if I can get some of the information I wanted from him sooner rather than later."
Kesvo: "Agreed."
Ashley: "Sounds like the ideal path to follow."
Kesvo: "I was going to stick the warden droid with him 24/7," she told Riprock. "Give the crew some relief from babysitting."
Captain Riprock: "JR-12's a droid too."
Kesvo: "They can both stay on the lower decks and out of sight."
Captain Riprock: "It's the same thing."
Janix: "In terms of threats, might be wiser to stick the big droid with Varth. If nothing else might keep one of the other defectors from killing him in route if they are a sleeper agent."
Captain Riprock: "So where am I taking the Rivener after we meet up with Nitro?"
"You think one of the people you rescued from the prison is a double agent?"
Janix: Janix shrugged. "You see crazy stuff with cults. Seems like the First Order is a bit like one."
"And none of those people we picked up are known to us beyond Varth."
Kesvo: "Seems like they would've had the chance to off him while they were in holding on the base. But it won't hurt anything to put a droid with them, I suppose."
"Drazkel system was the last place I encountered Xrexus. If that's who we're using, we need to start gathering intel on where to find them and how we're going to approach."
Captain Riprock: "Alright. Are we going to call in anywhere? The holonet is still offline."
Kesvo: "Yeah, we should let Akbar know he's got people incoming. And fill Xizor in on where we're at."
"Anyone else have anything for the group before we call?"
Janix: "Nothing from me," Janix responds after a moment of silence to Kes' question.
Ashley: Ashley shook his head. Unless one counted that he was going to bother people with injuries after the meeting was adjourned.
Captain Riprock: Riprock got up to his feet, he then nudges Venn's seat to see if she is asleep.
Kesvo: "Alright. Kid, you mind flipping whatever switch will put us back online?"
Ashley: "Can do," says Ashley.
"Could see if there's anything out there about the Xrexus while it's on," he adds after a moment.
Venn: The tilts her head towards the Captain, at least showing proof of life, before returning to her previous posture.
Kesvo: "Good call."
Captain Riprock: "Stayin' here?" He asks of the multi-haired Half-Umbaran. "You need a chariot to your abode?"
Venn: "I have to file my after action report but that will have to wait until later." she said. "But if I am no longer currently needed..."
Kesvo: Once the holonet was reconnected, Kesvo called Akbar and filled him in on the plan concerning Varth and Alico.
Janix: "If Ashley doesn't have to stay, I'd like to ask for his help with some still throbbing wounds," Janix says, gingerly waving at her torso which still hurt like an SOB.
GM: After the call to Ackbar goes through with no issues. The Mon Cala War Hero thanks the Hellions for their actions and reaffirms that they are a credit to the Republic. He has assured them that they are the shield against the attacks the Republic will suffer. He asks that once you receive all of the information from the files you see some way to get a copy to the SIS.
All of you have 5000 credits transferred to your accounts as a stipend for your efforts.
Kesvo: After the call with Akbar, Kesvo nods to Janix, Ashley and Tal, then the others.
"You can scatter, if you'd rather. I think all the info's out that needs to be out."
Prince Xizor: After that, your call goes through to the contact that Xizor gave you. He feels confident in answering himself, given the secure nature of the transmission.
Whomever is left to speak to the Falleen Prince, receives a warm smile from him. How much information do you give him?
Ashley: "Oh, not just you," says Ashley to Janix. He points a finger at Tal. "You as well." Which really just meant the healing Pantoran promptly dragged them out. If dragging was just following Janix and Tal out the door.
Rook: Rook stands and stretches, "Alright. See you all later."
Ashley: Rook got a look but ... that was a conversation for later.
Kesvo: ((For note, Kes would wait until everyone was done coming and going and the doors were closed again before starting the call.))
Janix: Janix stands (her movements still showcasing her injuries), gives Kes a bit of a salute and follows a very pushy Ashley. "Command looks good on you," she says to the Pantoran as they walk to the med bay.
Rook: Rook gave Ashley a firm look, too, for suggesitng healing others while was still ill, but at least he'd be in the infirmary! she headed out, and down to her own domain.
Tal: "Gotcha." Tal said following them out.
Kesvo: Once the call starts, Kesvo informs Xizor that his agent was retrieved, the base was demolished, and the weapon was in hand, albeit in the form of a great deal of data that needed sorting.
Prince Xizor: "Excellent. Excellent! Well done!" Xizor says with great enthusiasm and pride. "I knew that nothing would stop you.
I have a plan to lend credence to our plot. In a week, there is a summit of sorts on a resort barge over Cato Neimoidia. It is to be, officially, a sabacc tournament. But in actuality it is serving as a meeting of some of the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy. A representative of the First Order will be there - though I do not yet know their identity."
"You should all make it a point to be there. You have a few members of your team who are vaunted gamblers, do you not?"
"It is a luxury yacht, practically a flying resort city. You could even use the time to rest and recharge after your mission."
Kesvo: "We do..." she asked, sounding skeptical. "Though Cato Neimoidia is not close, and we'd hoped to do some work here to pin down a patsy."
Prince Xizor: Xizor waved a hand in dismissal. "That won't be necessary yet. The First Order is unaware of the identity of their attacker, yes?"
Kesvo: "Yes."
Prince Xizor: "So, let them loiter in fear and uncertainty. If the news gets back to the Republic it will make their position precarious."
"There is no need for you to work on the angle of the false attackers as of yet. The unknown is enough of an agent."
Kesvo: "What is it you want us to accomplish with the First Order agent at the summit?"
Prince Xizor: "I want you to be there for your own purposes. Your group is renowned now. Say that you've finished a job somewhere else, it matters not if it's large or small, and that you're looking to spend some of the large amount of credits your work has done."
"While you are publicly present, and on hand, I can then act to solicit your employment for the First Order - as I suspect they will beseech me for aid at that very event."
"This will help build the relationship.." He gestures with a roll of his hand. "Help establish trust with them."
Kesvo: Kesvo considered it. It felt at first like an attempt to bolster the Hellions' mercenary renown--an effort that Kesvo was proud enough to feel didn't need a leg-up from a third party. But Xizor added the part about being visibly present in order to allow themselves to be solicited by him for the recovery job, and understanding washed over her features. She nodded.
"I see. I'll run it by the crew, but I don't anticipate any objections. It's an appetizing bit of work."
Prince Xizor: "Please do so. I'll arrange for your accommodations. Part of a reward for a previous job."
"It should be a ripe opportunity for some fun." The Falleen Prince smiled. "Before the real fun begins."
Kesvo: "Mm, that reminds me," she said. "The scientist responsible for the weapon -- Vischerra -- he wasn't in the facility when it went up. Do you feel it would be feasible to request his presence at the meeting where we hand off the spoils? I'm not a particular fan of loose ends."
Prince Xizor: "No that is a particularly bad loose end." He tapped his chin in thought. "And one we'll have to take care of."
"I'll see about getting him involved there - perhaps to verify the veracity of the data."
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded. "An excellent idea."
Prince Xizor: "Well then, I will see you in a week." The Prince flashed another smile. "I shall have to find some way to distract myself from the anticipation."
Kesvo: Kesvo laughed softly.
"I do not doubt your creativity in that regard. Until then, Prince," she said, bowing her head in respect.
Prince Xizor: "Be safe." He says a word in the Falleen language, and the transmission ends.
Kesvo: Kesvo stands there for a while, staring at the blank screen.
She then packs away her thoughts on the matter and goes to find the rest of the Hellions to fill them in on the news.
Captain Riprock: Riprock had - for note - picked up Venn like Six's gif of a Dave Chapelle Bernie to carry her off to her room.
Kesvo: -The camera follows-
Janix: Janix will then later ask if Ashley or Tal offer service like Riprock does. As a joke. Maybe?
Kesvo: It takes the intervening couple of hours to find everyone and fill them in. After, Kesvo looks for Deena and asks her about keeping Zekra sedated until they can offload her
Afterwards, she'll put a trooper uniform back on and help facilitate the transfer of Varth and his comrades to the Mallard when it's in range.
Ashley: Ashley just gives Janix a look, mostly because ... Well, he could try it but he really wasn't in any condition to be carrying anyone at the moment. Tal could help her out though.
Kesvo: Or maybe Varth & Co wear hoods?
Whatever. Paranoid kesvo makes sure she isn't seen by the traitors.
GM: Deena says it shouldn't be a problem, she's a professional, after all.
Within the hour the Aeon Mallard returns and will pick up whomever you wish to offload. N1TR0 says he'll rendezvous with the group at Cato once he's filled in, though he will likely be a couple days behind.
Kesvo: After conferring with the rest of the team, Kesvo suggests that they swap ships, and that the Hellions take the Mallard to the summit.
Kesvo: She leaves the Rivener helm in the hands of the crew, and recalls N1TR0 to the Mallard to travel with them
She directs JR-12 to continue his watch over Tane, and transfers control of the Warden droid to him in case he needs relief.
Janix: Janix will pack up a bag and her gear after some high end healing from Ashely and the update from Kesvo. She'll be ready and waiting at the transfer point.
Captain Riprock: Riprock asks if they're taking Zekra with them or leaving her on the Rivener as it heads back to Republic Space.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Kesvo: Kesvo says Zekra is to remain in Deena's care, and will be offloaded directly to Xizor when the Rivener joins the Hellions at CN.
Tal: Tal will grab the case for his armor and weapons, pack them away, and suit up in some banal clothing for the trip to Cato Nemoidia.
Rook: Rook looks frustrated, when informed they were swapping ships again. After a moment, she reminded everyoen she could not do her job nearly as well aboard the Mallard, much as she loved that old ship. When overruled, she simply nodded and went to get her gear. She palm locked the small, barely-furnished room behind her. A quick trip to check upon all the droids, then a short conversation with Tane, and she'd be ready to go.
Ashley: After tending to both Janix and Tal, Ashley goes and sees what he can find on the holonet about the Xrexus. What information he does find, especially about them working with the Zygerrians is shared and their being carte-blanche to act as 'official' slave traders. The entire bit about Luke Skywalker was extremely WTF, tho. Who the heck was Grakkus the Hutt?!
... and the Pantoran got ready to, you know, swap ships. Which mean restocking his med-bag and having to weigh the entire 'will Raider be safe on the Rivener or should I bring him with'? (Spoiler: Raider came with. DWI.)
Venn: Venn packs her kit and droid without issue.
GM: Within short order the two ships have transferred personnel and are ready to once more get back on their way!
Captain Riprock:
Dice Pool
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
Captain Riprock:
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
Captain Riprock:
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: The Mallard jumps into hyperspace...
...and arrives at another system a few days later not quite Cato Neimoidia...
After some cursing and some defensiveness from the Captain, he plugs in another Astrogation check...
Captain Riprock:
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: Image
GM: The second jump goes much better, and he even finds a short-cut that cuts out the delay they suffered!
They reach Cato Neimoidia and the floating luxury barge - a giant vessel nearly the size of a Star Destroyer - two days before the tournament is about to begin. After putting in their code and a request to dock, they find that their docking fees are waived. The ship arrives and settles into a large landing bay where several other ships are already situated.
You see a mixture of Corellian freighters, star fighters, and a Firespray. You note that the ship has several landing bays.
Upon exiting the Aeon Mallard, a butler droid approaches you, yelling out enthusiastic greetings. "Welcome, exalted guests, to the Imperious! My owner and your host, Raneem Tiv, welcome you to the largest private vessel in the entire galaxy."
GM: "Your accommodations have already been prepared for you on Level Thirty Two - all of the suites are on the same floor, to allow for familiarity and a sense of neighborhood. Not to fear, all of the suites are noiseproofed so to assure absolute privacy!"
"The grand event, the Tournament of the Stars!" The droid lifts its hands up in excitement as it hypes up the tournament. "Will take place in two days. In the mean time please enjoy your stay and take advantage of the many shops, boutiques, spas, and restaurants that only the most elite in the galaxy can enjoy!" The droid hands each of you a keycard.
"If you have need of any assistance, each room has a personalized, fully functional droid settled for you - the latest from Sienar Systems, they are equipped to handle any need."
"If you wish a replacement unit, simply tell the droid and they will arrange for it - simply tell them what culture and appearance you prefer!"
Kesvo: Kesvo listens to the droid's spiel while her gaze sweeps over the interior of the bay and the other ships there. It's impressive, size-wise, and she finds herself interesting in seeing the rest of the vessel, in spite of the more pressing concerns that'd brought them here. She takes the keycard and thanks the droid.
Tal: Tal likes what he's hearing, mostly. Maybe he can hit one of those spas that people are so on about.
GM: "Do you have any questions before you begin to enjoy your stay aboard the Imperious - the galaxy's largest private vessel and the home to over three hundred exclusive establishments?"
Kesvo: Kes has no immediate questions, and pauses to look at the others to see if they do
"Which way to the rooms?" she asks, when no one else speaks up.
GM: "Simply move to the lift and select level thirty two, there is a guide in all of your suites that give you a full list of all establishments and areas on board."
Kesvo: "Got it. Thanks."
She heads for the lift
And up to the rooms
On the way up in the lift, she asks if the group thinks they ought to double up in rooms for safety.
Janix: "HM, Might be suspicious but it's definitely safer."
Tal: "Probably couldn't hurt. Especially if all of our old friends are going to be here."
Kesvo: "Just a thought. We could play it by ear."
Captain Riprock: "You'd think after the last few days of sleeping in a set of cramped bunks you'd be looking forward to the extra space."
Venn: "I did bring my scrambler, charged and ready."
Kesvo: "I am. I was hoping you all would tell me I was being paranoid."
Venn: "You are always paranoid, though."
Captain Riprock: "We're all on the same level. I think we'll be alright. We're on a giant cruise ship, not the streets of Nar Shaddaa."
Venn: "Are..we not acknowledging that?" she says, wondering if she happened upon a faux pas ...
Janix: Looking around, it doesn't seem like the place that would erupt in gunfire. "I guess if we die alone at least we will die thinking you were right."
Kesvo: Her head is tipped back a little while she watches the numbers change to indicate the floors. Her eyes slide over towards Venn, though, and hold there for a second
Rook: Rook gives a small laugh at Kesvo's suggestion. It was usually Rook opting for pairs in enemy territory and being told she was wrong. There didn't seem any way to answer that wouldn't seem odd, so she kept her own counsel.
Kesvo: "Definitely pairing up for the spa, tho."
Kesvo: Regardless of how they wound up sleeping, they each had their own room to take possession of, presumably. So Kesvo would pick one and set her things down, then check to see if there was a decent view.
Ashley: Ashley, arguably, would have been fine with pairing up. The entire nearly killed by a bioweapon had put him in something of a mood but ... Well, he could always scan his room and make sure it wasn't bugged or anything. Because paranoia it may be but still better safe than sorry.
Tal: Tal finds his room and sets his gear down. He'll sweep his room for surveillance devices before finally deciding to relax.
Rook: Rook took a quick sweep through her room, then settled in to query services and their costs. Usually Kesvo or Venn helped her out with costumes for wearing to such an event. but then there were the spa stories to follow up on ...
Ashley: After Kesvo makes use of the bug sweeper for both his room and hers, Ashley settled into his room. Had to admit ... the bed was super comfy after sleeping in the med-bay again for a few days.
GM: The team, regardless of how they find themselves arranged, find that they are in luxurious suites that overlook the planet below and see the stars above. These rooms are massive, more fitting for a small house than a mere hotel room, with built in whirling tubs, giant beds that feel like you're sleeping on clouds, and plush carpets. True to form the droids that have been assigned to you look like attractive Twi'lek women dressed in a sailor's outfit that almost looks cartoonish. They are obviously droids though, albeit personable ones that offer to serve their host as is needed.
Anyone who wants to check their room for bugs can roll an Average Perception check.
Janix: Janix will take a room, surprised at how nice the place is. Earnestly, the nicest place she'd stayed since Hapes. Though still stiff from the last battle, she was looking forward to at least one long, hot bath. Before that, she'd sweep the room to at least assure there weren't any visible bugs.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Triumph)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
Kesvo: Kesvo finds no devices or bugs in her room at first glance, neither in her room nor Ashley's. She passes off her scanner to him to use, just in case. Doesn't hurt to be extra sure!
GM: None of the Hellions find any bugs.
They do however, get back all their strain!
Ashley: Ashley does! But finds nothing! He does like the bug sweeper, though, way easier to use than his usual method. Ash passes it back to Kesvo with his thanks.
Kesvo: Kesvo nods for Nitro
N1-TR0: "Observation: I did not get a key."
Kesvo: "You can hang out with me."
She will then send her butler droid away.
N1-TR0: "Gratitude: Thank you, Three! I, too, consider you a dear friend and would allow you to stay with me in my room."
Rook: Rook was about to speak when Kesvo beat her to it. She could only grin at N1's cheerful reply.
GM: The Hellions, now settled in, are free to act as they see fit for the next two days...
End Session 87



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Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2020, 05:29:15 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 88 - Insurgency

Voice / DTRP session.

End Session 88
« Last Edit: June 22, 2020, 06:15:41 PM by phinn »



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Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2020, 05:58:54 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 89 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions are upon the luxury dreadnought Imperious above the planet Cato Neimoidia. On a secret mission to become contracted by the First Order to recover the very secret weapon they stole, they have arrived on the huge vessel two days before a high-class Sabacc Tournament.
The Tournament, hosted by the ship's owner Raheem Tiv - known colloquially as "The Glove" - the event will see many of the galaxy's movers and shakers.
Sponsored by Prince Xizor, the Hellions are able to enter into the Tournament and not only play, but also to mingle with the other individuals there. The First Order's agent is supposed to be at this tournament, and it could be a chance not only to expand your influence and connections, but also track who is secretly sympathetic to the new Empire.
You all meet outside of the rooms - some of you having missed breakfast with the team - and are to arrive at the Tournament at 1400 hours for check-in. The tournament starts at 1500 hours.
Captain Riprock: Dressed in a brand new, sharp suit, Riprock steps out of his room with a rather noticeable chrono-piece on his wrist.
Kesvo: "Looking sharp, Captain," Kesvo tells him as she steps out of her room not long after he leaves his.
"Excited about showing us all up again?" she teased
Tal: Gil emerges from his rooms in his own sharp suit, ready to confront the day ahead.
Captain Riprock: "Was a gift from Venn." Riprock showed off the timepiece with a broad smile. "Lady knows her style, for sure. But yeah- if I can win a huge pot from this thing, that'd be a bonus. I checked it out, since we didn't have to pay for an entry, but it seems like to just play it's 10,000 credits."
Rook: Breakfast had been a bit brief, as Rook was once again going to have the spa do her make up and hair, especially as the armored gown had been in her quarters! that required more current skill on looking dazzling than she had yet achieved. Her gown was a brilliant red armored silk, with a golden metal harness that both suggested armor and added to the gowns defensive properties.
Captain Riprock: "Sounds like Xizor paid for our entry, but if any of us bomb out and wanna try again we'll be looking at a pretty steep re-admittance."
Kesvo: "Mm. Rich blood, to be sure," she muses, turning to regard Tal as he stepped into the hall. "Very nice," she told him, with a grin.
Tal: "Thanks. Feeling pretty good about today." he said.
N1-TR0: N1-TR0 appears along with Janix and Ashley, having met up with them on the Mallard. "Greetings: Good morning! Captain, I finished the project we discussed." He said toward Riprock.
Captain Riprock: "Oh, perfect!"
Rook: "Hey, thank you everyone for the armored dress. It helps immensely."
Kesvo: "Oh, that's fun!" Kesvo said, laughing a little at the sight of Rook. "Found a way to armor up in spite of everything, didn'tyou?"
Captain Riprock: "Expecting some shooting, Rook?"
Kesvo: But Nitro's appearance and his comment to the captain caused her to look curiously between the two. "What have you two been cooking up?"
Ashley: Ashley just waved at everyone, flashing Rook a quick smile at seeing her in the dress, before quickly sliding into his room to get changed. Any talking to him would have to wait until after he got changed and came back out.
Rook: She grinned at Ashley, nodding a special thank you the Jedi. At hearing that N1 had a special project from the Captain, rook looked between them, pleased. Maybe he was less upset about droids now? "
Janix: Ashley was a magic man, that was assured, after how she'd looked the day before and now. What he could do with his Force was nothing sort of amazing and she'd told him that. Dressed in a silver jumpsuit that showed off her curves (and thankfully no open wounds), Janix would arrive with N1-TR0 and Ashley. (Link to awesomeness made by phin:
Captain Riprock: Riprock walks over and N1-TR0 produces a small uninspiring metal container. He opens it and shows it to the others. Within are several chronopieces (though not as nice as the one he's wearing, jerk) and sets of earrings. "I figured not everyone's good at this sort of thing, but we want to blend in, so.." He offers the container to everyone. "Take your pick. They should help those of you who don't understand the game know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em."
Rook: 'Aren't you, Captain?" She admired his watch, as well as the suit. and tal's though it was weird with his Gil face on.
Venn: Venn joins the others, adjusting an earring. Are attire is a white short wrap dress with long sleeves and a deep v neckline. What more catches the eye is the string of sparkling small stones draped from neck to navel.
Captain Riprock: Riprock begins to talk about the objects in the container. "They'll give an indication of when the hand is good to keep playing or when to.." he stops as he looks over at Janix first, and then Venn who makes him literally lose his words.
Rook: She pirouetted for Kesvo, and grinned, tension easing a bit. "should help me stay calm. I hope they don't think the parsol is weapon."
Kesvo: Kesvo also pauses at the sight of Venn.
Captain Riprock: He flashed a broad smile toward Venn. "You look gorgeous!" There is clear excitement in his voice (perhaps the most any of you have ever heard).
Kesvo: But then looks between her and Janix.
"Ladies. You both look great."
Janix: Janix joins in the group watching Venn. Maybe ogling a bit.
N1-TR0: "Agreement: Some fine looking organic meatbags up in here."
Kesvo: She clears her throat softly.
Captain Riprock: Riprock looks at N1-TR0 with an annoyed gaze at the mood killer.
Tal: Tal accepts one and dons it. He should have had one of those the other night before he lost to Qi'ra again.
Venn: "Might need to save that stuff for the ladies in the game." she retorts with a mild sarcasm.
Ashley: While Ashley smiled at Janix's words, it was more that she was even able to move that made him feel better. The Pantoran checked in on Raider with the droid (who was doing surprisingly well with the nexu kit) and then got changed into the fashionable and finely cut suit he had picked out the day before. (Surprisingly, the suit was a deep purple but it complimented his skin, so he considered it a win.) Coming back out and catching sight of Venn, Ashley gave her a bit of a lookover.
That had nothing to do with her attire.
Mostly because of the entire blip he had picked up in the early hours of the morning.
Janix: N1-TR0 causes Janix to turn her gaze to the droid with a perplexed look. She was starting to suspect he was not like other droids but she didn't respond. "It seems like everyone here is dressed for the occasion. I hear you have an armored dress Rook? That sounds like exactly your style." Janix touches the material lightly as she eyes the Mando. "Yes, we'll have to make sure to put you in front of the rest of us _meatbags_." She looks sidelong at N1 as she says it.
Kesvo: Kesvo inspected the jewelry offered by Riprock.
"You don't think they'll be scanning for this kind of thing?" she asked him, genuinely curious.
Venn: Venn's attire is - link
Captain Riprock: "Oh, they definitely will." Riprock smirks, the lines in his face deepening for a moment. "But this ain't my first high-placed tournament."
"Don't over-use it, and it'll be fine."
GM: Those who accept the offered gifts received One Free Upgrade to their Cool checks while playing Sabacc unless they have three or more ranks in Cool.
All users (including the ones above) also add one free boost to their checks.
Venn: The umbaran gave an approving nod to each person once she has the chance to see just how shiny everyone's sartorial situations are.
Kesvo: "I meant to ask you about this," she said, lifting up her bracelet. "You think it'll be a problem?"
((She shows him the Veridicator 200))
Rook: "Thank you Captain." Rook fastens earrings on.
Captain Riprock: "Yeah they probably won't allow that in."
Janix: Janix takes one of the items offered by Riprock. "Thank you." She puts on a simple bracelet around her wrist. "I wouldn't say I'm a master at Sabacc so I'll take the help where I can."
Captain Riprock: "If the Glove handles security anything like the last time, our comms won't work, nor will most electronic stuff. I kept that in mind when N1-TR0 and I started working on this once I heard where we were going."
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded, and slipped the bracelet off of her wrist. She stepped back into her room to put it away, then sighed as she emerged again.
"Alright. Are we ready?" she asked, looking around to each of them.
Tal: "Ready."
Kesvo: She selects one of Riprock's offered watches to replace her bracelet.
Tal: .
Ashley: Ashley, of course, takes the offered gift. Considering he doesn't play cards that often ... He could probably use the help. Adjusting the chrono on his wrist, sliding his other away into a pocket for now, he looks to Kesvo with a smile. "Ready."
Kesvo: "Let's head down, then," she says with a nod. She looks to Tal as they start moving. "So we're all on the same page, Gil, what story have you been using? Are you a Hellion or a prospect member? Or someone here on your own?"
Tal: "I know Riprock from around, I take his money sometimes. Here to have a good time, but I'm open to new employment." Gil said.
Kesvo: "Copy that," she said, with a nod.
She continued to the tournament room.
GM: You all set out and arrive together at the Royal Casino that takes up an entire level of the ship. While there were several others on the vessel, this one is by far the most grandiose. There are dozens of security droids with high-powered stun rifles on station, looking over individuals. As you approach the counter that serves as check-in, you see a very tall Nagai in a black suit, his manner seems severe.
"Welcome to the Fifteenth Annual Tournament of the Stars." The deep voice of the Nagai says in greeting. "I am Raheem Tiv, your host and the owner of this vessel." The Nagai pauses to look at Riprock, squinting a moment. "You seem familiar to me."
Captain Riprock: "New face. Been a few years, Glove." Riprock says in greeting. Understanding dawns upon the Nagaii, but his expression does not much shift. "I've brought some friends. You should see our names on your entry list."
GM: The Droid nearby, a protocol droid of black chrome metal, speaks up. "Captain Riprock, Kestrel Vonn, and 6 Guests."
Kesvo: Kes steps forward when her name is mentioned.
"Kestrel Vonn," she confirmed with a smile for the host. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Your accommodations have been wonderful."
GM: The Glove nods. "Very well. Be welcome. You must submit yourself to a thorough search. No weapons or electronic devices are allowed within the casino. No violence is permitted. No outbursts. Cheating is not tolerated. Anyone who will take part in the tournament must wear this pin." He picks up one off the counter, a metal pin in the shape of a red glove. "This indicates that you are still playing. Removal of the pin indicates forfeiture."
"I am pleased to hear that you have been enjoying your stay here, Miss Von. The Imperious is the sum of a lifetime of work. I am very proud of it." Though his voice does not much reflect that pride.
Kesvo: "As you should be," she said, with a nod of respect. "Your rules are understood," she said, picking up a pin and considering it. She smiled again. "And we're anxious to see how the afternoon goes."
GM: Kes can roll a Hard Education or Computers check upon picking up the pin if she wants to ascertain any further purpose to it.
Janix: Politely, Janix inclines her head to their host and picks up a pin. She will follow Kesvo and Riprock's lead.
Kesvo: She tacks her pin onto her dress near her shoulder, and gestures for the others to select one as well.
GM: Anyone trying to hide one of the elements discussed in The Glove's warning, must make a Hard Skullduggery check with 1 red.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
Rook: For just a moment, Rook contemplates that Kesvo's contact shelled out 80,000 credits just on the chance that this event would help cover them as they worked to stop the First Order's super weapon. Attention swiftly moves to the conversation with their host. Rook nods agreement and picks up her pin.
Tal: Gil picks up a red pin and looks it over to see what it is.
Ashley: Ashley picks up the pin, intending to play a few hands at least, and studies it briefly.
Venn: Venn sweeps her hair behind an ear and picks up a pin. She offers to place it on Riprock's lapel for him.
N1-TR0: N1-TR0 moves to step inside, but the security droids stop him.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Threat)
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Kesvo: Kesvo turned to look back where Nitro was stopped.
GM: "Apologies, Droids are not allowed within the Casino except those who work for the staff."
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
Captain Riprock: Riprock accepts, then moves to do the same for Venn.
Venn: "Can't I just watch you?"
Kesvo: "Even for observation?" she asked, looking back to Tiv. "Nitro is part of our team, and would not dare interfere in any of the goings on."
Janix: Once the rest of the team started to put on the pin, Janix attached the item near her collarbone on the jumpsuit.
GM: Rook, Tal, and Ashley can all tell that the pin is more than decorative - it is a communications and electronics jamming device. Likely to prevent cheating. Ashley can tell one more that it can be remote-activated to act as an ION PULSE to completely disable electronic devices in a small radius.
Captain Riprock: "Sure, that should be fine. Don't want you gettin bored though."
GM: "No exceptions, Miss Vonn. Droids not controlled by my command center present too great of a risk for cheating."
"The integrity of the game must be maintained."
"I will allow it if you let me place a restraining bolt on it."
N1-TR0: "Statement: I would rather eat rancor droppings."
GM: The Glove lifts a dark eyebrow and turns to Kes. "Well. It certainly has a personality."
Venn: "Is that... necessary." she says looking to N1TR0.
N1-TR0: "Query: Should I be more accommodating for casual suggestions of slavery?"
Venn: "There is a wide gulch between resistant and unreasonably graphic in detail."
Kesvo: Kesvo considered Tiv, still smiling contemplatively, and let her head fall thoughtfully to one side.
"Of course. You're unfamiliar with us and cannot take us at our word that we've no intention of playing unfairly tonight. When Prince Xizor invited us, he did suggest security would be very tight. I understand, Mr. Tiv."
Ashley: The entire ion pulse in a small pin-sized package was concerning but he put it on regardless. He frowned, however, at the news that N1-TR0 wouldn't be allowed in and if he was, only with a restraining bolt. Yeah, no, the reaction was on point but also ... very visual.
N1-TR0: "Amendment: I decline the offer."
"Suggestion: I can go back to the ship and begin work on some upgrades to the vessel in the meantime."
He taps his temple and looks to Kes.
Rook: "Do you want me to stay with you, N1?" Rook offered.
N1-TR0: "Gentle Refusal: No, I will be fine. I do not need company."
GM: The Glove turns to Kes. "Prince Xizor is a dear friend. However, there are no exceptions." He gestures inside. "Please, enjoy yourself."
Rook: Rook touched his arm gently, and said softly, "I agree entirely with your first sentiment."
Kesvo: "Of course," she repeated, as though it was a given.
Tal: Gil put on the pin, glad that he decided to leave the skifter on the ship.
Kesvo: She turned back to the doorway, and looked to Nitro. "Sorry, Six. Looks like you're on your own for a few hours," she said, disappointed.
N1-TR0: N1-TR0 nodded. "Suggestion: Knock 'em dead." He gives a thumbs up, then turns to depart.
Kesvo: Kesvo gives a slanted smile before Nitro departed, then turned and headed more fully into the room. She paused there on the landing and drew a breath as her eyes roamed the floor.
"Alright, Hellions. Let's make some friends."
Janix: "May everyone be blessed with the Goddess' luck," intones Janix as she moves to enter with the rest of the team.
Rook: The instruction to make friends came hard, after N1 was kicked out, but Rook nodded and ran her gaze over the crowd anyway. Maybe some Mando somewhere had chosen to spend 10k on this affair.
GM: The Hellions enter into the Casino and find that the first day of the Tournament of the Stars is about to begin. Around four dozen sentients are in a walled-off part of the Casino that looks like large meeting spaces converted to more casino space. Members of many species are present as women clad in tight uniforms move alongside droids that walk along and fill glasses with their preferred drinks. A live band plays near the main door, and there is a notable vibrant energy about the place.
As you enter the main gambling hall you can see an assortment of familiar faces already settling into their tables to play.
Others are settled by the bar, commiserating with each-other over business.
Venn: The Force sweeps with familiarity into her senses. "This looks like it may be some kind of trap, given all these faces we've run into before." she says to Kesvo at low volume.
Kesvo: "Mmm. I think there wouldn't be as many friendly faces as there are, I think, if it was meant to trap us. Besides," she said, turning to smile at the Umbaran. "They'd still be short-handed if that was their goal."
Rook: Rook's gaze sweeps over a room filled with people who had many, many reasons to seek a quarrel with the Hellions.
and a few Rook would love to see dead.
Kesvo: "We're professionals, remember?" she intoned quietly to the group when they hesitated at the entrance. Smile in place, she began moving between the tables to find a place to play.
Venn: "Something like that." she remarks and goes to sit at the bar nearby.
GM: From by the end of the bar, before Kes can move in she's stopped by another Falleen. "Hello, sister." Savan says in greeting. The lithe Falleen gives a bit of a narrowed gaze. "What are you doing here?"
Ashley: "... need to be mindful," says Ashley, feeling a familiar blip in the Force as he saw Elaiza in the distance. There were a great deal of people that they did not necessarily want to run into again but it wasn't all people who might want them dead or otherwise.
Captain Riprock: Riprock moves beside Venn to order a drink. "You wanna come along?" he surveyed the field with a smirk. "Anywhere I should settle down?"
Kesvo: "Savan," she said, turning to face her brother with a smile. "I'd heard you were about. Lovely to see you, too," she teased lightly.
Tal: Gil sees the random filth and people they've crossed dotted about the room and chooses the table where he doesn't know anyone. Best to start here.
GM: "Your presence does seem to bring good fortune. Have you already ran into father?"
Janix: Across the room, Janix could see the fringe of the other Asari and feeling her blood boil slightly, Janix makes her way to another table. With a bit of stiffness from the acklay fight, she sits down and smiles a little, though the smile doesn't reach her eyes. "Good evening everyone." She waits to be dealt into the next round and works hard to remember the ins and outs of the game.
Kesvo: Her smile slowly lowered some.
"I hadn't heard he was here. Is he playing?"
Rook: Rook hadn't been to surprised when Savan hailed Kesvo, but sent another sharp look around the room at the news that the Prince was here.
GM: "He won a previous tournament, so he is assured a seat at the final table already." Savan gestures to the rest of the room. "Everyone else must compete to reach his level - believe me, you could tell he relishes that."
Venn: She orders a cider and looks to Riprock. "If you think it will be beneficial."
GM: As Janix settles down, she can see the other Hapan woman who recognizes her instantly and flashes a broad smile and waves at her.
Janix's Strain Threshold is lowered by 2 for the rest of this Chapter.
Kesvo: "Mm." She looked away, chewing on that for a beat before smiling again, a little more tightly. "Well there's more motivation to win, isn't it?" she asked, looking back to Savan. "If I make to the final table, he'll have too look at me for a few minutes, at least."
GM: "That's one way to throw him off his game."
Janix: Janix acts like she does not see Athena wave and ignores the Hapan.
Kesvo: She sighed to herself.
"What about you? Are you playing?" she asked him
Captain Riprock: "I always think you're my good luck charm." Riprock says with a grin and nods toward the tables. "Which one?"
Ashley: Ashley slides through the crowd, moving behind Gil's chair and gives him a thumbs up before seeking out the chair at the table with Elaiza and Micael.
GM: "No." Savan responds calmly. "Sabacc does not interest me. I am here to support Prince Molec. I do not think he will win, but he sees it as an interesting diversion and an opportunity to network with other groups here."
Rook: Rook lets her gaze slide over Molec, to settle upon Duke Irban and the man in Beskar.
Kesvo: "Speaking of networking, I noticed he's already made a new friend," she said, quietly, while her gaze moved over the floor. "What's Ryale bringing to him?"
Elaiza: "Well, hello again." Elaiza says warmly toward Ashley. "Small galaxy."
GM: Ashley looks across the table at a red-headed woman in a spacer's jacket and pants, but feels that he's seen her before, somewhere...
"Nothing useful." Savan says with a shrug. "But he finds her entertaining. Who am I to tell a man he's wrong to enjoy his diversions?"
Kesvo: Kesvo just arched a brow at him in response, silently indicating that she wished he would a little more.
Micael Torval: "Quite so - but glad to see a friendly face. " Micael says toward Ashley with a grin. "Sorry if I take your chips, friend."
Rook: Rook rolls her eyes at Torval from across the room, a genuine smile appearing.
GM: Tal doesn't recognize anyone at his table, and they just give him some nods in greeting. Though Tal notices a man with cybernetic blue eyes look up at Rook and narrows his gaze for a moment.
Tal: Gil wonders just what Rook has gotten herself into...
Kesvo: "I should say hello to some people before the game begins," she tells Savan. "Are you staying after the tournament?"
GM: "I will be here, yes. Why?" Savan looked at her curiously. "Do we have something to discuss?"
Ashley: Ashley inclines his head in greeting, a warm smile returned. "Isn't it? It's good to see you again." The familiarity of the red-headed woman is odd but he gets distracted by Micael. "Friendly faces are good to see," he says with a laugh, "though I was prepared to lose chips the moment I sat down at this table with you. Not that I plan on making it easy for you."
Micael Torval: "That's the spirit I like to hear partner." Micael flashes a grin. "High-shootin 'til the end."
Rook: Rook moves to the bar and orders a spicy rum drink, before slowly floating around the room.
Kesvo: Kesvo's smile brightened.
"Perhaps. Perhaps not. Let's see how the night goes."
Tal: Gil nods to the rest of the table and settles in for the game. He has to give the woman with the dark blue skin a once-over, if only because he doesn't have a type.
Not at all.
Venn: "Don't you hustlers have lucky tables or what have you? Not really for me to choose. Looks more like a creepy reunion if you ask me." The blonde tasted the cider, testing its flavor for a bit.
Captain Riprock: "Come on, then. I've a mind to take an old friend's money." Riprock grins and makes his way toward the table with Qi'ra, the Hapan woman, and Dharak Zhane.
As he makes his way over there, the brunette (#2) looks up from her seat and smiles. "Hello Qi'ra." He says in greeting to her, and nods to Venn. "Venn, this is my friend Qi'ra."
Kesvo: After leaving Savan's side, Kesvo procured a drink from the bar and then made the rounds to greet Kathlo and Onrein Hasar (and Tyber Zann if he introduced himself). She went to Xizor then, exchanged pleasantries, and thanked him for the invitation.
Dharak Zhane: "Well, well, small galaxy." Venn recognizes the voice instantly from the unarmored man with a graying beard as the guy who threatened Tal back in Skye City. "Vodax here too?"
Venn: She tips her drink in the other lady's direction in greeting.
Ashley: "Wouldn't have it any other way," replies Ashley with a grin. He looks over towards the red-headed woman and finally can't resist. "Forgive me if this is rude, but you appear very familiar to me. I'm Ashley," he says, politely introducing himself. Since there was definitely no point in trying to lie about his name with Elaiza and Micael present.
Kesvo: She made a brief pass by the Ambassador and Zhane, saying hello in brief before choosing a table and taking a seat.
"Good evening, all," she said, as she sat.
Venn: Venn looks at Zhane and sips her drink, but doesn't say anything. She turns her attention back to Riprock.
Tal: Gil nods at Kesvo, then readies himself for the opening hand.
Venn: (theres some hidden token offscreen lol))
Rook: Seeing only two seats left, but one had no one who would know her out of armor at it, Rook chose to settle in beside Riprock. it was better than irritating Torval and Elaiza, with the added benefit of being able to watch the whole room from the corner
GM: "Kiyoto." The redhead replies back curtly toward Ashley. "And I'm not here to talk."
Rook: She murmured a quiet greeting around the table.
GM: A small bell chime fills the room. The Glove speaks up as everyone quiets.
"Thank you for joining us for the tournament. Once it begins, there is no leaving the hall except for designated breaks. If you wish to concede, simply remove the pin you were given from your attire. Waiters are coming about now to attend to your drinks. If you need to utilize the refresher before the designated break, you must forfeit the round."
Ashley: Ashley just smiled and nodded, leaving it at that for the time being. Why the red-head was familiar could be sorted out later. Beside, the game was starting.
GM: Tal, now that he's settled next to the Chiss woman, realizes something - she is wearing a First Order uniform.
"The top two from each table will move onto the next round." Tiv explains. "Fortune favor all of you."
Tal: He wanted to signal Kesvo to show her the Chiss woman, but decided to wait for the being. Maybe if people started talking once this thing started, there would be a chance to alert her.
GM: The Tournament Begins:
Rook: Despite an attempt to concentrate upon her cards her attention strayed often to the slaver and his party. How to tell if anyone hated him?
GM: The first two rounds take place over the course of two hours, betting going back and forth. Qi'ra and Riprock show themselves to be the superior gamblers, battling back and forth on who will take the top seat at the table. While he wins the first round and looks to almost win the second, she flips the last card needed for Pure Sabacc and takes the pot.
Over at Ashley's table, the Wunder Kid shows to be having the luck of a century as he beats out the experienced gamblers at the table two rounds in a row.
Janix finds that while Ilo Vandin and Shreya Ordassa are skilled at the game, they are in no league as Prince Molec, who expertly plays the game time and time again. The Slaver Prince flashes a fanged smile over at the three women as he takes his second pot. Ryale, beside him, whispers praise unto him.
Prince Molec: "As if there were ever any doubt."
Janix: Janix doesn't roll her eyes at Prince Molec at the arrogance, but she doesn't give up and keeps trying to win the pot.
GM: At Tal and Kesvo's table they find the cowboy is quite good as he takes the first round and almost takes the second pot, save for Kesvo's winning bluff.
Rook: Rook flashes Dharak Zhane a bright grin when she realizes they took the round!
Kesvo: "No hard feelings," Kesvo croons with a wink to Silas, as she collects her winnings after the second round.
GM: The cards and the chips fly in round 3. Surprisingly Rook and Dharak pull ahead of the professional gamblers, with both Riprock and Qi'ra folding early.
At Ashley's table, luck turns against him as Kiyota gets ahead and Elaiza takes second place, Elaiza laughig that her luck was turning for the better, but the redhead remains silent.
Tal: "Just needed a couple of rounds to warm up." Gil said, as he wins the third.
GM: Gil wins the third, and Silas places second in the 3rd round at their table, and the cowboy man smirks over to Kes. "None taken."
Ashley: Ashley had promised to not make it easy and made good on the promise but as they came into the third round ... Well, it looked like luck had flipped and wasn't in his favor but he did at least recognize a tell in one of his opponents that would help him next round. "Had to pass to someone," says Ashley with a laugh, though he shot Kiyota another look.
GM: Janix makes good at her table, edging ahead of Molec this time and taking the round, though he manages to place second.
Prince Molec: "I see Hapan women are as cunning as they are beautiful. Well played."
Janix: In response to the win, Janix inclines her head politely but says little. "Luck is a fickle thing at times."
Venn: Venn summons a server and orders Rook a drink for her woes.
Rook: Rook ends up in a vicious and losing battle with Q'ira, distracted at a critical moment by Janix's on-screen battle. A bright laugh follows, "Go Janix!" she takes her defeat easily, though she says with a sigh, "and i just begining to enjoy this game.
Rook grins up at Venn. "Thank you!"
Prince Molec: Just at that moment, the prompter shows Janix's battle against an Acklay, distracting many of the players. Molec looks up and points at it. "Is that.. you?" He asks Janix, but then realizes too late he mis-bid, and had accidentally placed all his chips in for a high wager.
Janix: Over her shoulder Janix gives Rook a little smile before focusing back on the game. She didn't know Prince Molec well, but she was very interested in beating him now.
Tal: "They're having a good time at that table." Gil notes.
Janix: As another person shouts at the table, earning a confused glance from Janix, she smiles and doesn't say anything to Prince Molec's question. A little shrug of the shoulder is her only answer.
Prince Molec: Visibly upset but restraining himself, Molec rises up to his feet. "The cards were not with me today. Good games to you all." He is barely repressing his rage, but stiffly bows and then leaves the table with his entourage in tow.
They leave the room.
Ashley: Ashley just quietly facepalms as he sees the battle on the screen. Hopefully it wouldn't have, you know, have that moment when he went running out to help Janix after she nearly got vivisected by the acklay. Thankfully, it doesn't throw him off his game too badly.
Captain Riprock: Meanwhile at the other table, Riprock bluffs both Qi'ra and Rook into laying all their cards on the table, and causes them both to lose big. The Captain looks over to Rook and shrugs. "Sorry, kid." He then turns to Qi'ra and flashes a larger smile. "Guess you're gonna have to collect everyone's chips elsewhere."
Rook: Rook's eyes gleam, all is worth it as Molec is knocked out of the gamea nd did not, at least yet, choose to re-up. Catching Janix' gaze, she grins at her and offers a thumbs up. That Made the whole day worthwhile.
Rook laughs at Riprock and pats his shoulder. "You'll have to give me more lessons, Captain. You're brilliant at this."
GM: Qi'ra's eyes narrow but only for a moment before she laughs it off. "Well, I always found playing at your table to be difficult. You're so very distracting." Getting up, she musses his hair. "Good luck, you old pirate." She winks at him and then moves over to join Tyber Zann, Kathlo, and Onrein Hasar.
Dharak smirks as he takes the second spot, and though Jorol Xemo hasn't won, he's navigated it so he hasn't lost either.
"Gotta say ya'll are making it hard for me." Silas says with a smirk toward Kes and Tal. "Gotta fight hard here."
He laughs uproariously.
Rook: Rook gave a nod of encouragement to Dharak, hoping to prevent Dharak and Tal from killing each other some day. Drifting easily, shewen to stand by Ashley, hoping to distract Torval and Not-A-Jedi.
GM: Micael smirks over at Ashley as he wins another round. "Getting the Idiot's Array over there, kid. Nicely done."
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   7
New Light Side total   3
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   4
Janix: Playing nicely, Janix just gives the lizard man a look but doesn't glare to much at him. "We shall see."
Ashley: Ashley just grins at Micael. "Looks like luck is on my side tonight," he replies, though as the next hand begins, he can tell the other players are doubling down.
GM: Tal hits the perfect hand and does so with so convincing ability that he wins the hand and steals the 2nd seat from Silas!
Rook: Rook laughs in delight, and pats Ashley upon the shoulder. "Well done!"
Ashley: "It isn't done yet," says Ashley, who then laughs as Kiyota pulls out the win at the last minute.
Kesvo: "Ahh, nicely done," Kesvo concedes, when Gil lays down his hand.
GM: Elaiza and Micael, whom had been confident before, look crestfallen some as Kiyota and Ashley clear outstrip them in the game, leaving them in the dust.
Silas gasps out and growls. "I can't karkin believe it." The man snarls behind his cigar. "There's no damn way you coulda pulled that card out!"
Duke Irban laughs as he folds his cards. "Now now, my friend, no need to get upset. This is a possibility when playing against people of this quality. Well done." The Alderaanian Duke nods toward Gil. "Well done indeed."
Kesvo: Kesvo tsked softly at the cowboy. "Come now, friend. No need to be sore. As well as you play, I'm sure you'll be back in the luck in no time."
GM: "That's it for me, I'm afraid. But enjoy the next round of the tournament. If you find your way to Jorra on Cato Neimoidia, come by the Palace sometime."
Tal: "I thought the games the other day were tough." Gil said, before looking at Silas.
"You play a mean hand of cards, friend. Good games, everyone." he said, looking to the assembled as he made his way into the second spot.
GM: The Chiss woman considers the cards. "I suppose I shall have to rebuy in and play the lower bracket. This was enlightening."
Kesvo: Kesvo smiled at the Chiss woman, whom she'd nearly forgotten was present.
"A woman with determination. I like it."
Illo Vandin: As Janix finds herself getting taken by Ilo Vandin, it's only from her overeager bet that Shreya Ordassa finds herself advancing. Vandin laughs bombastically and rises to his feet. He moves over to Janix and extends a hand to her. "Well played. Well done."
"I was just joking with you, little miss. Your fight against those creatures was impressive. You must come on Safari with me, and I will show you the proper way to take down such beasts!"
GM: A soft bell chimes. Kiyota rises and gives a curt nod to Ashley and the others, then moves to leave the room.
Tal: "Good games, ma'am." Gil said to the Chiss woman. Too bad she was First Order.
Janix: Alas, her luck doesn't hold and though she plays a good hand, she makes a tragic misstep at the last moment and finds herself out of chips and out of cards. "Alas. This is the end." Janix stands and leaves the table with a little bow of the head and shakes Illo's hand. She looks at Illo, unable to tell if he is joking right away. "We shall have to see. Thank you for the offer." She bows her head slightly again and takes her leave of the table.
Rook: Rook walks all the way around the table to greet Torval, who looked so down about it all, rather than risking her temper by walking to close to Warrior Oberos.
Janix: The Hapan moves to stand with Ashley and Rook, curious to see more of the game even if she wasn't playing it.
GM: "The Tournament has ended the first round." The Glove announces. "The following winners move on: Captain Riprock, Dharak Zhane, Kiyota, Ashley, Gil, Kestrel Vonn, IIlo Vandin, Shreya Ordassa."
"Please reconvene here at 10:00 sharp for the next round."
"By all means, enjoy the facilities. Those who wish to buy back in and play in the eliminated bracket may see us at the counter."
Kesvo: "Good game, all," she tells the table, as she rises.
Ashley: Ashley, hearing the loud boisterous voice of Illo Vandin and his words, shoots a look toward Janix and slowly shakes his head. No hunting trips, please. At least for a couple weeks. He inclines towards his head, Kiyota, still perplexed by the familiarity, before turning his attention back to Elaiza and Micael.
Tal: Gil rises from the table.
Captain Riprock: "Told you that you were the good luck charm." Riprock says toward Venn with a grin.
Elaiza: Elaiza rises and walks over, setting a hand on Micael's shoulder. "But I should have won.." the professional gambler says in disbelief.
"Do not worry. This is a small matter."
Kesvo: Kesvo moved to Ashley's side.
"Nicely done," she tells him with a smile, leaving out the part where he'd surprised the hell outta her.
Micael Torval: "A small matter to you!" Torval snarls as he gets up to his feet.
Elaiza: "Micael. You are letting your emotions guide you. Be at peace."
"This is not why we are here."
Kesvo: She looks over to greet Elaiza and Micael, just as the latter hops up and snarls. She pauses, watching in silence.
Venn: Venn looks mildly bemused at Riprock and humors the man by giving him a little fist bump for his victory.
Ashley: Ashley frowns at Micael's response, eyebrows raising but then grins at Kesvo. "Thanks, bit of a surprise, but an enjoyable one."
Micael Torval: "Maybe why you're not here." he growls, then turns and starts for the door. "I need a drink. I've had enough of your wisdom."
Ashley: Except then, you know, the exchange between Micael and Elaiza draws his attention.
Kesvo: "So... how's homeschool going?" she asked Elaiza, a bit of humor in her gaze.
Ashley: "... is everything alright?" inquires Ashley, watching Micael storm off and looking back to Elaiza.
Elaiza: "The young are always impetuous, especially those who are forced to grow up later in life." Elaiza sighs out.
Tal: Gil will go and get use the 'fresher before the next round.
Elaiza: She turns to regard them. "He has found his lessons to be difficult."
"He is used to everything coming easily to him - this will be another lesson for him. An important one."
Kesvo: "What's brought you here, Elaiza, if not the game?"
Ashley: "It will be a journey for him," says Ashley, "but one he will be stronger for at the end of it." His head inclines toward Kesvo as she asked the question he was wondering.
Elaiza: "He is used to utilizing his abilities with the Force to let him be prescient for his gambling." Elaiza lifted an eyebrow at Ashley. "I clouded his senses."
"I am here to teach my Padawan a lesson." Her words are soft enough to not easily be overheard.
"And to stop a transaction of smuggled artifacts."
Kesvo: "You picked a hell of a classroom," she observed, a brow arching.
Elaiza: "We live in different times - it requires a different approach."
Kesvo: "Ah."
"Irban?" she guessed, softly
Ashley: "I did wonder about that," says Ashley, meaning the use o f the Force--he had refrained himself, "but ..." He lets out a breath. "It's a lesson he needs to learn sooner rather than later." The mention of artifacts, however, makes him go silent for a moment.
Elaiza: Elaiza gives a soft nod.
Rook: That Micael was too angered to even notice her greeting concerned her a little, given his other option was to train with Ilo. Rook nods a greeting to Elaiza but leaves her to chat with Ashley and Kesvo. Elaiza hadn't seemed over fond of Rook and she was in too good a mood to spoil it. Instead, she hailed a waiter and offered to buy Torval's drink.
Kesvo: "I was surprised we never heard from you after our last conversation. Decided to take the galaxy on alone?"
Ashley: Ashley looks to Kesvo, an eyebrow raised. It's clear he wants to offer assistance but, you know, they were on a time table.
Elaiza: "We ran into trouble. I had to lay low for a while."
Ashley: "What kind of trouble?"
Elaiza: "We received word of a Jedi Holocron on Arbooine. A rural world in the Outer Rim. When we arrived, however, we found that many of the local populace had been turned into.. well, for lack of a better term, cybernetic zombies."
Ashley: Ashley sits up straighter.
... and color drains from his face.
Kesvo: "And the holocron?"
Elaiza: "We were attacked by a madman, obviously an agent of the Remnant, though I cannot say which faction."
Kesvo: Kesvo looked to Ashley, briefly.
Janix: Now much more curious, Janix also sits up and considers. She isn't sure what cybernetic zombies would really be.
Elaiza: "I believe it was the Shroud you mentioned."
Ashley: "... that means he has a piece of it," he murmurs softly.
Kesvo: "Sounds like his style."
Elaiza: "It was a... harrowing encounter."
"It was very difficult for Micael."
Kesvo: "That's understandable. Shroud is, in a word, terrifying."
Elaiza: "The natives are capable of flight. You can just imagine our exit of the area."
Ashley: Ashley nods, expression grim.
Kesvo: "Unfortunate."
Tal: Gil returns to the room after a moment.
Ashley: "Did you glean any insight into the direction Shroud might have gone next?" Ashley was once again concerned that sooner or later, the cybernetic Sith would likely find them.
Elaiza: "Quite. But we are alive, and that means we can learn and move on." Elaiza nods slowly. "We arranged for entrance to this tournament. I believe the trade will happen on this vessel."
Kesvo: "Let us know if we can assist with the other matter. I can't make any promises, as we have our own business here. But if we can help, we will."
Elaiza: "He said he was looking to complete himself - whatever that meant, I was not intent on trying to converse with him long. He did not sound sane."
Kesvo: She looked surprised. "You spoke with him?"
Elaiza: "Briefly."
Kesvo: "Interesting."
"I wonder how many pieces of that holocron there are."
Elaiza: "It was only a piece?"
Ashley: "There's four," replies Ashley.
Elaiza: Elaiza lifted a white gloved hand to rub at her chin in thought. "Interesting."
"We should speak about this more later, and more about how we can help one another."
Ashley: "Weswin could not risk his knowledge being gained, not without his journey being understood, and so he split it up." Which was all that Ashley would speak of the matter.
For the time being.
Kesvo: Kes gave ash a little side-eye, wary of sharing much here.
Elaiza: She looks over and nods at several individuals socializing. "I do not wish to distract you very long."
Kesvo: "Indeed. You know how to reach us. Good evening, Elaiza."
Elaiza: "May the Force be with you." She whispers, mostly to Ashley, and departs.
Ashley: Ashley slides Elaiza how to reach him directly on comm because he really wants to help. "May the Force be with you," he whispers in turn, and joins Kes.
Kesvo: Kes sighs and shakes her head.
"No problem, right?" she whispers, and then tips back her drink.
Rook: "That was a great fight, Janix! so impressive."
Tal: Gil goes to the counter and gets himself a drink.
Rook: Almost, Rook looks over her shoulder to invite Tal to join them but only Gil is standing there. She nods at the Duke in greeting if he sees her, then turns back to Janix.
Janix: With a small quirk of her lips, Janix moves to speak more with Ashley. "I was planning on brawling but the arena seemed like it would pay out better. I was lucky that I brought along the Doctor though. He's truly an amazing Doctor."
Rook: "He is!" Rook said, a touch of rueful, remembered pian in her voice
GM: The Hapan woman and Dharak approach the gathered Hellions. "Well, well well." Athena flashes a grin. "Kes, what interesting company you have."
Kesvo: Kesvo caught one of the servers moving around and ordered another drink, watching as Zhane and Athena approached.
GM: "I was thinking so very highly of you, I didn't know you also associated with failed assassins."
Kesvo: "Indeed. I meet the most interesting types," she said, flashing a charming grin back to the Ambassador.
Dharak Zhane: Dharak looked over to Athena with a blink. "What, now?"
Ashley: Ashley just doesn't say a word because, really, he could still remember the feeling of Janix's blood slick on his hands from the day before.
Janix: Janix blinks, very slowly, once, before she turns to the Ambassador and does her best to stare blankly, even if the urge to glare is clear on her features.
GM: "So this is where you ended up, M'kyato? I figured you'd be dancing on a pole in Nar Shaddaa to make ends meet."
Rook: Rook angled her head to the side, her mind swirling through their assorted past escapades trying to figure out the reference.
GM: "Did Kestral tell you I got a promotion?" She grinned widely. "It's Ambassador Karkaris, now."
Kesvo: Kesvo watches Janix for a moment, trying to gauge her reaction. Normally she'd step in for a teammate, but Janix was still rather new and Kes wasn't sure how she'd react to the unsolicited "backup" yet.
Rook: Rook glanced between the two Hapans, and then sent a gaze around the room, assessing possible allies and enemies.
Dharak Zhane: Dharak lays a hand on Athena's arm. He leans in to whisper something into her ear.
Ashley: Ashley slips away, for the time being, and heads over to Venn and Riprock.
Janix: The glare coalesced quickly as Janix looked at Athena. She was there on a job but her fist was clenching at her side, with the urge for violence. "I see the other politicians wanted you off the cluster as well. Congratulations." There was nothing congratulatory in her words.
Captain Riprock: "Hey, kid." Riprock says in greeting to Ashley. "Heard you took first at your table. Nice job - wouldn't have figured you had it in you."
Ashley: "Luck favors the bold," he offers with a grin.
Rook: "Janix, they are pretty strict about brawls here. Might want to take this off the ship if it's going to get physical."
GM: Athena issued a rich laugh. "Still made of ice. But nice. Glad to see you haven't lost your nerve. You know, out here, life's kind of rough, isn't it? All sorts of rough and tumbles. If you ever find yourself missing home you should reach out to me. I'm sure I could work something out to let you come home."
Athena produces a card and hands it toward Janix.
"I'm sure your mother misses you."
Rook: Rook's baffled gaze followed Ashley's retreat from the confrontation, but only for a minute, before she returned her attention to the matter at hand.
Kesvo: While Athena and Janix exchange verbal slights, Kesvo eyes Zhane for a moment and tries to read his reaction to the matter.
Dharak Zhane: Dharak is clearly unamused by all of this garbage, and tense.
Janix: There was no hesitation when Janix responded. "I will not crawl back and I will not demean myself to ask for your help." For a moment, she looks at the card, the moment stretches, before she turns away and walks from the conversation, fuming. She heads to the bar, seeking out a reprieve or indulgence.
Venn: Venn gives Ashley a nod and wink, though she presents more as some statuesque leggy ice princess in her attire where she stands. Crisp accoutrements and accessories, and that pale blue eyed gaze watching the entire floor for.. who knows what.
Rook: Rook watches Janix leave and then spends a moment studying the Ambassador.
GM: Athena smirks somewhat cruelly, then puts her card away. She looks to Kes. "You really should dump that loser. She's going to bring you nothing but trouble."
"Come on, Dharak. Let's go celebrate your win."
Kesvo: Kesvo laughs softly.
Ashley: "By any chance," says Ashley, after that nod and wink from Venn, "did you happen to recognize the red-head at the table with me? Kiyota." The second place winner. His voice dropped lower. "She's ... familiar and I can't place why."
Kesvo: "Ambassador, my pretty friend..."
GM: Athena stops and looks to Kes.
Rook: Rook tenses a bit; Kesvo is usually quite dangerous when she sounds like that.
Venn: She shakes her head. "One of the only few I didn't."
Kesvo: The smile lowers off of her lips, and she addresses the woman plainly.
"Janix is a Hellion now. If you have doubts about her competence, you can ask anyone in this room what that rank means. I don't know the details of the history between you two, but I want you to understand with perfect clarity what her present situation is."
"Is this going to be a problem for us, Ambassador?"
"Because I had a rather good time last night, and I'd hate to think you'd let an old grudge ruin a good time."
GM: "Oh, no problem at all." Athena smiles. "I told you before - I'm above that sort of thing. But for the sake of your team, maybe you should consider if the Hellions want that kind of reputation."
Tal: Gil flags down the bartender. "One for the lady." he said, indicating Janix.
Ashley: Ashley nods at Venn's response, content to leave it for the time being. "I'd say we avoided most of the possible negative interactions, considering all the people we know in this room, save for ..." The entire thing that was going on back at the table he left.
GM: It takes Venn and Ashley a few moments of thought, but it occurs that they saw Kiyota's face somewhere before - on Skye City, at the auction.
Kesvo: Kesvo smiles again, but it's not as warm as it was before.
"She has only boosted our already formidable reputation. You think whatever thoughts you like, my friend. But perhaps it's time to update your opinions."
GM: "She tried to kill me." Athena said flatly.
Janix: At the bar, Janix orders something warm and amber, just like Kesvo had on the ship. She turns to Tal, "Gil", but it's clear she's angry and ready to fight more than talk. Once the drink arrives, she nods and turns to Gil. "Thank you," taking a deep drink, more than needed, she turns more fully to the warrior. "Winning so far?"
Kesvo: "Then you, my friend, are one lucky lady," she said, her smile sliding to a grin. She leaned a little closer and added in a whisper: "She doesn't miss, these days."
GM: Athena leans close in return. "Luckier than you think."
She then leans back. "Goodnight, Kes."
She turns and starts to leave the room, expectant of Dharak to follow her.
Kesvo: Kesvo tilts her head and considers the woman, then lifts her drink in a mock toast when Athena moves to leave.
Kesvo's eyes slide to Zhane.
Dharak Zhane: Zhane just issues a sigh and a roll of his eyes.
He follows after Athena.
Kesvo: "For what it's worth, I only found out this afternoon," she said, in response to his sigh.
Dharak Zhane: "Doesn't matter. Doesn't change a damn thing to me."
"Friend or no friend, as long as she's my charge, I put 'em down if they come after her."
"Not a threat, darlin'. Just sayin what's what."
Kesvo: "I understand. You don't need to worry about it here, I promise."
Dharak Zhane: "I believe ya."
"And even if I didn't, I wouldn't worry."
Dharak shrugged and gave a wave of his fingers. "See ya at the next round."
Tal: "Managed to edge my way into the second spot at my table on the last hand." Gil said.
"Lot of talented players here. You managed to outlast Molec. Betcha half the galaxy cheered at that one." Gil said.
Kesvo: She laughed softly. "Fair." She sipped her drink. "You look good, by the way," she said in a musical little tease, as he began to turn away. She turned away as well, looking over the rest of the room.
Janix: Another deep drink and a second round ordered already, Nix nodded. "You seem like a talented player. Can't say Sabbac is my sort of game but I'm glad I could make some people happy." With Athena there, Janix was very clearly unhappy. "Someone will have to fill me in on who that is later."
Rook: The situation had not gone as bad as it could have, nor as good as it could have. but Rook was in too good a mood to brood over it.
Ashley: "Oh," says Ashley as he thinks about after Venn's answer, "she was the one that I saw with a weapon." After a moment he explains. "The one that was cloaked, she left the auction early back on Skye City."
Rook: She sipped her drink and watched people cluster, trying to discern who was with whom.
Kesvo: She headed towards the other Hellions
Tal: "Yeah, once we're in private I can give you a primer."
Kesvo: "Well, it was nice winning for a minute," she sighed, as she joined Venn, Riprock, and Ashley.
Tal: "Lots of people here that the team would probably rather avoid or minimize contact with." he said.
Kesvo: "But I suppose now that we'll be at the same table I should prepare to be humbled," she said, smiling to Riprock.
GM: The Hellions get to relax some after the first round of the tournament. A courier droid approaches Kesvo and says: "Message for you, Miss Von:" He hands her a datapad which reads:
'I know what you're here for. Meet me in bay 13 at 02:00.'
The datapad has no name or indication as to who it's from.
Ashley: "Guess I will enjoy winning for the short time that I did," says Ashley with a laugh at Kesvo's words, though he tries to peer at the datapad.
Venn: "Ah yes. That old place." She took a sip of a fresh cider and mused aloud to the pantoran. "Its like your robot boyfriend organized this tournament and invited all of our old hits. The droid probably has them all on speed dial." she says to Kesvo as the falleen nears. It is mostly a joke, but Umbaran jokes stay being how they are...
Janix: "I got that feeling. One here I feel the same way about." At his offer to fill her in, Janix nods. "Thanks. I'd be appreciated. The team really knows a lot of people in this Galaxy it seems."
Captain Riprock: "Don't sell yourselves short." Riprock smirks. "I'm sure ya'll will do fine. This old dog's about outta tricks."
Tal: "They've run into a lot of people in a short time." he said.
Kesvo: "A message from whom?" she asks the droid before reading the datapad.
GM: "The one who paid for the service did not give a return name." The droid says.
Kesvo: Kesvo sighed and read the datapad, then arched a brow and turned it so that Riprock could read it.
Captain Riprock: Riprock takes a look at it and shakes his head.
Kesvo: "Never a dull moment."
Ashley: Ashley holds a hand out, just to check out the datapad for anything of note.
(Or just add to his datapad collection, who knows.)
Kesvo: She passes it around.
Rook: Deciding thanking their sponsor while the Duke is talkign to him is unwise, Rook joins Not-tal and Janix at the bar.
GM: The Hellions gather to consider their next move and bask in their successes so far. The mysterious datapad could lead them to their true goal, or to a trap. Either way, they have some time to collect themselves and plan their next move, as it is currently 20:00.
Janix: As Rook joins, Janix is getting her second drink in less than a few minutes. "Need another drink?" She asks, holding up a finger for service.
End Session 89
« Last Edit: June 22, 2020, 06:16:17 PM by phinn »



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Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2020, 06:10:15 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 90 - Insurgency
GM: As part of a secret mission to infiltrate the First Order in aims of assassinating the leadership of the enemy. The Hellions have joined in to be part of the vaunted Tournament of the Stars above Cato Neimoidia in the luxury dreadnought Imperious.
After several of you have succeeded in winning through the first round of gambling, you then received a mysterious message - "I know who what you're here for. Meet me in Bay 13 at 02:00."
Going to Bay 13 a few minutes early, they arrive to find a a single-pilot freighter that is currently fueling. Bay 14 is adjacent through a closed series of service corridors.
Rook: Rook shows up a bit early for their mystery meeting, just nodding greetings to the gathered Hellions as Kesvo chooses out a few folks to cover the main meet. She takes a good look at the Fighter, trying to figure out what class it is.
GM: Pressing Xizor for information, the Falleen Prince says he does not yet know who his contact is - that they're to reveal themselves to him on the final day of the Tournament.
Kesvo: Kesvo trades in her casino dress for her armored clothes for the meet. Though she leaves her weapons behind per the dreadnought rules, she feels a little more business-like in her usual kit.
Janix: After tossing a few drinks back at the bar and talking a bit with Tal in disguise, Janix will join the team without much in the way of chitchat. It's nice when their resident chatter box Rook is quiet as well. As much as Janix likes Rook, there is some clear evidence she is in a mood.
Captain Riprock: The ship looks to be a modified VCX-80 freighter.
N1-TR0: "Query: Where do you want Five and I to stand?"
Kesvo: "Hang out near the door for now, and watch out for someone creeping in from the corridor," she directs Nitro, before heading out further into the hangar.
She spins about slowly, looking for any sign of others being present.
Ashley: With the conversations with both Elaiza and Kesvo behind him, Ashley feels far more at ease than he had been. There's work to do, however, and that means getting ready for whatever clandestine meeting they were in for. With some coordination with Kesvo, Ashley headed out early with Venn to get themselves tucked away out of sight just in case.
Captain Riprock: "Seems like we're early." Riprock, who had remained in his suit, looks around with nearly luminescent blue eyes. "You have a guess as to who we're meeting?"
Rook: Rook wanders closer to the freighter - good lines, fairly new, highly versatile. Prized on the Outer Rim.
Kesvo: Kesvo laughed dryly a little, and shook her head.
"With the crowd that's gathered on this boat? Too many possibilities to even guess," she said.
GM: Anyone who is attempting to stealth can roll an Easy (With 2 Black) Stealth check. Please describe where and how you're hiding.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
Rook: Rook is not hiding; she is an obvious target.
Venn: Venn has Ashley join her on the utility riser platform in the corner.
Janix: Janix will move up and flank like Rook, still in her party clothes.
GM: Minutes pass by with no apparent someone showing up. Everyone can roll an Average Perception check.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Captain Riprock:
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
Venn: Venn lightly touches Ashley's arm, pretending its a spider.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Threat) (Threat)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Rook, Ashley, and Kes all hear something - the whine of jetpacks.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks up.
Rook: Rook looks up!
GM: The cargo bay doors open.
Rook: A small laugh escapes, despite Rook's mood. "Oh, unfair. I want mine."
GM: Kes hears it in time that she's able to take a free maneuver as several CZ4 security droids fly in through the forcefield of the cargo bay, several of them shining lights down at the group.
"HALT. YOU ARE ALL UNDER ARREST!" The security droids say in monotone, but unison!
"Be careful Unit Two. We were told they were dangerous armed slavers." One of the droids says to the other.
"Can It, Unit Four!" The head droid says, leveling its rifle at Riprock. "That one is the lead slaver. Hands up!"
Ashley: Ashley raises a hand slowly and presses it to his face before dragging it down.
Tal: Gil has no idea what is going on here.
Captain Riprock: "Wait, what? I would never..."
Kesvo: Kesvo stops, puts her hands up, and addresses the droids.
"There's been a misunderstanding. We're neither slavers, nor armed. We are, in fact, honored guests. I suggest you verify with your superiors before you make a mistake that may get your compacted."
CZ4 Security Droid:
Riot Gun
CZ4 Security Droid
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Damage
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Dice System:
Kesvo flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   5
Dice System:
Kesvo flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   4
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Kes goes to talk the Security Droids down, while one of the Droids shoots Riprock in the chest with a stun bolt. "Shut up, slaver scum!"
Kesvo: "HEY!" Kesvo shouts, at the shot fired. "WE ARE UNARMED!" she repeats.
GM: "Calm it down, Unit Five!" The lead droid says. It then turns to Kes and points its rifle at her. "Identification cards. All of you!"
Kesvo: Kesvo steps forward, pulling out her card and showing it to them.
"Who is your superior? I want to speak with them."
Venn: Her hand grips the horizontal bar in front of her as a shot is fired, though her complexion doesn't show how white those knuckles are getting.
Captain Riprock: Riprock hisses in pain. "Take it easy, geez. I just got this suit." He reaches into his coat and pulls out the identification card.
GM: One of the Droids flies down to land and pick up Kes's card and looking it over, then Riprock's.
Rook: Rook pulls out her guest voucher and the ID arranged for when she was going to go to school in the Core Worlds. (destiny spent).
Ashley: Ashley tenses at the fired shot, pressing a hand to the bar and not moving. Kesvo can handle this and Riprock was fine.
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   3
GM: "We are under command by Commander Oberos and Duke Irban."
Tal: Gil feels naked without his weapons. Hearing the shot fired made him tense. It seemed to be the only shot fired and there was still talking going on, so there wasn't a reason to ruin the diplomacy...yet.
Rook: Oh (i)great.(/i) And to think Rook had wasted her breath arguing with her sister over those two.
Kesvo: "And your orders were to arrest us on the Duke's authority? To what end?"
Janix: Surprised by the droids, Janix almost leaps forward to engage (something that might help edge her annoyance), but she hesitates as Kesvo somehow reasons with the droids of all things.
GM: The droid looks over the ID. "Checks out. You're on the guest list." The droid hands the cards back. "What are you doing here? We were given a tip that there was an action of illegal slave-trading being done out of this cargo bay."
Rook: Rook frowns a moment, and then studies the ship. "maybe you should check in there?" she points.
Kesvo: Kesvo pulls out the datapad that had been sent to them with the meeting request.
"We've apparently been set up. We were told to meet an anonymous person here."
GM: "The information came in that several females were being held against their will and were being traded to a Cartel Representative."
Kesvo: *she shows the datapad to the droids
Rook: "Then by all means, let's stop that from happening."
Kesvo: "Which cartel?"
GM: The droid looks to Rook, confused.
"A Hutt Cartel."
"Slave trading is illegal in the Republic."
Kesvo: "Well, we're not slavers, clearly."
GM: "But none of you are in danger?" The droid waves his rifle at Riprock. "This one isn't holding you against your will?"
Rook: "Yes, it is. So let's make sure we weren't arranged as a distraction. "
GM: A droid flying above them leans over to the other droid. "He looks like a slaver."
Kesvo: "We're not here against our will," Kesvo affirms.
"You got your order directly from the Duke?"
GM: "From Security Control."
"Commander Oberos is the Chief of Security aboard the Imperious at this time."
Kesvo: "Where is he now? I need to know where that 'information' came from."
GM: "You can file a complaint at the main Security Office on Level 8."
Rook: Rook takes one step closer to the refueling freighter, keeping an eye on the droids.
GM: "Come on men!" The chief Droid takes off.
The Droids then all fly out of the cargo bay.
Kesvo: "Fan out. Check this bay and the adjoining one. If there's someone here, find them," she tells the team.
Rook: Rook nods to Kesvo, and will inspect the ship.
Captain Riprock: Riprock rubs his chest, checking his suit for any permanent damage to it (there isn't any).
Kesvo: "You alright?" she asks the captain as she turns.
GM: You all can make Hard Perception checks to find any clues!
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Captain Riprock: "Not the first time I've been shot by a stunbolt."
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Blank)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Threat)
Janix: Muttering unintelligibly at presumably the lack of fight, Janix moves away from the group to look around and search as well.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
Tal: Gil moves to look for clues about why they're here.
GM: Rook scans through the cargo bay, particularly the freighter, and finds that it's owned and operated by a Twi'lek named 'Koroma Moro'.
The name doesn't ring a bell.
Kes, Ashley, and Tal notice that the cargo bay hasn't seen use in several days (the ship docked here four days ago) and there's no logs of anyone coming or going since.
It looked like whatever cargo Moro had for his ship was offloaded.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Rook: "Whatever was being shipped on this freighter has already been offloaded."
Kesvo: Finding no answers, Kes moves into the neighboring bay to look around
GM: Kes finds a couple of Z-95-A starfighters in this bay. They look to be owned and operated by 'The Glove' - likely part of his Security Force.
Kesvo: "Nothing," she said, returning to where the others were. "Let's get out of here."
Venn: "You should en su ma off this thing." she goads Ashley once it looks like their stealth tenure is over.
Ashley: "... tempting," he responds.
"Only if you slow walk down the stairs," he adds, before doing exactly as she impled.
Kesvo: She then heads for the exit.
Rook: Rook feels a touch uneasy. "Anyone heard of this Twi'lek?" Realizing everyone is leaving, Rook follows the others out of the all-too-empty bay.
GM: There are indeed some computer terminals. You find the area between the landing bays holds cargo, supplies, and cleaning supplies.
Tal: Gil follows the others out of the cargo bay.
"So we were led into a trap that almost got sprung." he said.
Rook: "But why spring it against the Captain?"
Captain Riprock: "Looks like." Riprock rubbed at his chest. "Can't believe they called me a slaver."
Ashley: "I can have a look and see what I can find on the terminals," offers Ashley, also frowning at the idea that, you know, anyone in their group was implied to be a slaver. Smuggler, sure, but not a slaver.
Kesvo: "Maybe because they don't want us to make our meeting. Or more likely, maybe because they don't want us in the tournament."
Venn: "Its my fault. I chose Slaverface option at Adasca Corp labs..."
Captain Riprock: "Oh was that what was in the brochure?"
Tal: Gil looks at Venn. "What, what?"
Captain Riprock: Riprock gestured to his face.
Venn: She smirks at Gil-Tal.
Rook: "Is it true, Captain, that the security here would free a slave? I saw a Twi'lek in a slave collar the first day we were here. Would they have freed her if I had reported it?"
Captain Riprock: "Venn took me to Adasca to get fixed up. Apparently she picked the 'Criminal Mastermind' face out of the options."
Kesvo: "I doubt there'd be anything relevant you could find on there that wouldn't require slicing," kesvo pointed out. "But that's fine. They told us where to find our answer," she said, her tone a little clipped.
Captain Riprock: "Probably stop the transfer of it. And if it's from Molec, good luck. The Republic has orders to play nice with the Zygerrians, remember?"
Venn: "Shoot first and ask questions later security droids are an interesting amenity of this lavish destination."
Captain Riprock: "Those were CZ4s. Same model Grayson had back on Skye City."
Ashley: Ashley nodded at Kesvo's response, looking towards Rook. "You said it was a twi'lek, Four?" But if there was no need to slice, then he'd
Captain Riprock: "Not cheap."
Rook: Rook shrugged. "If i were really fighting slavers, and had stun weapons, I'd shoot first. too many boobie trap their salves."
Rook gave a sharp, harsh nod to Ashley.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Ashley has heard of Koroma Moro. He is a starship captain who also happens to be an exceptional gambler. He has hauled cargo for a variety of groups before, including the Rebel Alliance. He had several incidents with the Empire in the past, including a small stint in a jail.
Ashley: Ashley, of course, relays this information to the group.
GM: Ashley also knows that the Empire blasted off one of Moro's Lekku and he has a cybernetic replacement.
Kesvo: As they make their way back up into the ship proper, Kesvo advises against solo ventures until they have this sorted. "Pairs at a minimum, at least until the tournament's over."
Rook: "he must be one of the ones guaranteed a place at the last table."
Venn: "Pairs even in our rooms?"
Captain Riprock: "You heard the boss."
Venn: "This place really has gotten to you." she says to Kesvo.
Ashley: Ashley snorts at that exchange.
Tal: "Sounds good." Tal said.
Kesvo: "Did you not just see us get framed and nearly ambushed?" she asked venn
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Janix: "It's not a bad idea," Janix added begrudgingly. She didn't want to see the team ambushed without knowing.
Ashley: "... my room comes with a nexu, so ..." Ashley shrugged because while he's onboard for sharing due to possible things, having Raider tended to curb people wanting to be in the same room for an extended stay.
GM: The droid obviously wants to help Kes a lot! It calls in up to Commander Oberos that someone is very upset and wants to speak to them.
Kes can hear Oberos tell the droid 'Tell them to file a complaint like everyone else'.
Then hangs up
The droid looks apologetic to Kes. "He is currently in the Casino with Mr. Tiv if you wish to speak to him."
Rook: Rook can't quite stop a smirk at the 'tell them to file a complaint' line. She angles her head at Kesvo, and adds, "Mr. Tiv was very nice, earlier. I'm sure he doesn't want anyone messing with his tournament."
Kesvo: Kesvo pauses outside the security office, debating the matter.
Ashley: "Considering he nearly lost some of the competitors due to some ... prank," adds Ashley, at Rook's words, "it might be worth talking to him sooner rather than later."
Kesvo: At Rook's comment, Kesvo glances over to her.
"I'm sure. But complaining to Oberos about people being violent out of turn isn't going to go very far at the moment, is it?"
Rook: "Who was violent, this time? a stun shot at the wrong target, is all. It might go a long way if we just present it as either a lead on slave trading or someone trying to eliminte TWO powerful competitors."
Tal: "Look, it's late. Making a scene sounds like a bad idea. When the person sent us that info sees that we're not locked up, they might do something to reveal themselves. Whoever it was probably expected us to make a scene down here and get ourselves removed from the ship, right?"
Kesvo: "One day soon, you and I are going to have a sit-down where we align our definitions on a few key words," Kesvo told Rook. But then she looked to Tal and considered his input.
"Venn. Riprock. Ashley. Janix. Thoughts?" she asked, since she knew the stance of both Rook and Tal on the prospect of hunting down Oberos for a talk right now.
N1-TR0: "Suggestion: We find the Twi'lek and extract answers from him." His hand lifts up and slowly forms a fist. "Forcefully."
Janix: "I think Gil has a good point. We should make ourselves scarce so whoever thinks we got ambushed is none the wiser." Janix states her opinion only after asked and has been frowning and silent before Kes' prompting.
Captain Riprock: "It's been a day ya'll. I'm a little beat. I wouldn't mind tabling this for another time. Don't think it's anything we can't handle."
Kesvo: Kesvo exhaled, untensing a little at the reminder that this likely wasn't going to get in their way. All said and done, it was a fairly amateur maneuver, less like something a serious party would've employed, she thought.
Venn: Venn is a couple of meters away, distracted like a cat. Watching a a couple that just broke up dealing with the ex-boyfriend using the ex-girlfriends token out of spite and getting a jackpot.
Ashley: Ashley considered something thoughtfully before he spoke. "It is possible that someone is just trying to thin the competition pool?"
Rook: Rook's jaw tensed, as she watched the Hellions retreat, one by one. "This is a chance to do what you said you wanted to do, Kesvo. Make allies. Let Mr. Tiv know someone was trying to take out some of his top competitors. that's all. Not make a scene, not shake anyone down for information."
Ashley: "Considering everyone that's present on this ship ... you could send that message to anyone and it might cause them to head down to figure out what it is." Though he raised an eyebrow at Rook's words.
... and that posture.
Rook: "I don't think this was either lethal or permanent enough to be anyone actually coming for us, and if it was the Duke and Oberos looking to settle a score they'd have aimed at me."
Kesvo: "That would be an option, normally. Given current events, I think it would work against us if Oberos is with him. We can talk to Tiv another time, when we catch him on his own."
"For now I think it's best if we call it a night. If you don't want company in your room that's fine. But if you're planning on staying up, please pair up."
Janix: "I'll brave the Nexu. It's the least I can do," Janix said to Ashley. They wouldn't be sneaking out to fight more Acklays anytime soon.
Captain Riprock: Riprock moved over to Venn after nodding at her command. "So, wanna grab a nightcap and settle in?" He gestured with a thumb toward the turbolifts.
Kesvo: "You and I still need a conversation about our mutual friend," she told Janix. "Gym on the third level at 0800?"
Janix: There was some sort of noise that was part denial and part agreement. She didn't expect any less from Kes. "I'll meet you there," she responded with a little resignation.
Ashley: "Sure," replied Ashley, somewhat amused Janix was willing to brave Raider. "I'm more likely to be meditating but ..." His eyes narrowed at Kesvo briefly. Mostly because he was thinking about mutual friends and punching.
Tal: "What time should we all meet tomorrow?" Gil asked.
"Or...later, rather?"
Kesvo: "Tournament's at 10. Dunno that there's a reason we need to meet before then." She sighed and started to step away. "That'll give you some extra time to get the casino bunnies cleared out of your room, yeah?"
Venn: "They have bunnies?!"
Ashley: Cue facepalm and snicker.
Venn: Venn can never be excited about anything cuz everything is a damn euphamism. Woe.
Captain Riprock: "Think she means the droids."
Venn: "That means something else, doesnt it."
Captain Riprock: "The ah... service droids."
Janix: For a moment, Janix was thinking Venn was joking but she was learning the pink haired Force User sometimes just misunderstood clearly. It make Janix smile just a little and shake her head.
Venn: She scoffs. Then, nods to Riprock offhandedly at his previous suggestion.
"Tomorrow then."
"There are never bunnies." she murmers in displeasure and the well dressed woman saunters to the lifts.
Tal: "Fine, I'll make my own tournament with bunnies and spice." Gil said, mock-annoyed.
"No, really. I'll see you all tomorrow at the tables."
Captain Riprock: Riprock nodded and headed out as well, though seemed to have something heavy on his mind.
Kesvo: Kesvo nods at those departing, and then sets out to find her own room.
Ashley: Ashley just shakes his head before catching Rook for a moment. "Breakfast tomorrow before the tournament?"
Rook: Rook stiffens, when Ashley pauses to address her. Her lips thin. "Not a good idea. I'll see you all at 10."
Time Jump!
GM: The Hellions return to the Casino to play the next round of cards. Everyone who rested, recovers all strain and one wound.
Those who had advanced to the next round need to make a Hard Cool check (or another check, if you're going to cheat!)
Captain Riprock:
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Boost Success)
Venn: ((Hold on))
Captain Riprock: Riprock gets caught trying to sneak a blaster pistol in under his coat. But he does manage to talk his way out of getting thrown out of the tournament, explaining someone shot him last night.
Venn: (Ashley)
%u262F There Is No Try Use   Once Per Session, OOT incidental
Effect   Before an ally rolls the dice for a check, the character may spend a Destiny Point to allow the ally to automatically succeed at the check with one Image and no other results.
Captain Riprock: He has to hand over the blaster pistol though, sad.
Venn: For Ashley
She gives the blue boy one hell of a pep talk.
Ashley: It is the best pep talk ever.
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   8
Light Side points remaining   2
Venn Parsa is a Master.
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
Dice Pool
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success)
Captain Riprock: Riprock uses his Second Chances. All four Hellions advance that day to the Final Table.
Venn: Ashley can sense that Venn has made some kind of real headway or advancements in her connection to the Force in the last few days. This proves to be inspiring in some unexplainable way as she gives him a few words of encouragement.
Rook: Rook socializes, drifting around the table in her final fancy gown, occasionally stopping to chat with venn.
Captain Riprock: Over the course of several hours of gambling, some coming closer to failure and getting thrown out if only for the cards to come up at the last second, they all play fabulously.
GM: They are told the Final Table tournament takes place later that night - at 20:00 - giving you all six hours to eat or do something before the final round.
Ashley: Thing was, Ashley knew something had happened with Venn--he had picked up that router reset after all--but whatever had happened ... it was pretty big. Almost awe-inspiring, given how he felt after that peptalk. It helped during the game, that was for sure.
GM: If you do not choose to pursue some other action we can move onto the final round of the tournament.
Tal: (Ready for the final round)
Kesvo: Kesvo uses the time to mingle and chat up a few other players and patrons. She has some dinner, but doesn't stray far from the Casino.
Tal: Gil will have dinner, maybe a drink, but doesn't leave the Casino. He'll be ready for the final round on time and ready to go.
Ashley: Ashley similarly does so, having dinner and mostly trying to, you know, keep to this gameplan they were playing. No drinking though. No one wants Ashley drinking anyway.
Janix: Seeing it as more of a job than down time, Janix doesn't drink as heavily as the night before and keeps an eye on the Hellions. Though it's safe, whatever happened the night before was a testament to the potential risks still facing the team.
GM: A small crowd has formed around the larger table that's brought out for the final round. All of you are given assigned seats. You see some familiar faces at the bar and in the crowd - pretty much all of the characters you've seen so far. The Glove lingers near Tyber Zann, Qi'ra, Irban, Xizor, and Guri. Of note, the Chiss woman who was wearing the First Order uniform is watching the game be prepared from the bar.
Rook: Rook focuses upon figuring out who are potential allies and who are enemies. given the chance there are several people she would chat with.
GM: As you enter, you find that some familiar faces also survived the earlier rounds of gambling to make it to the final table. Dharak Zhane and Ilo Vandin seem in good spirits. Silas Draver apparently bought back in and also made it to the final table. Kiyota, silent and solemn, also settles into her seat. And taking the RESERVED seat is none other than the elder, stately looking Falleen you all saw on Ord Mantell.
Servers and serving droids move about the area, providing free drinks to anyone who asks. The individuals playing in the final round receive top shelf.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks around the table, nodding a greeting to those who meet her eyes. Though her glance does linger on Trox for a moment, she makes no overt signal towards him and continues her inspection of the rest of the participants.
Dharak Zhane: Dharak and Athena flash warm smiles at Kes as she approaches and settles down. "See you made it up here just fine darlin'. Gonna be a real shame to rob you here."
Tal: Gil looks over the remaining participants. Some are friends, some are scum, others are strangers. But this is a good time. Hearing Zhane speak, he becomes especially focused on making sure to take his money.
Ashley: Ashley settles into his seat--though at some point, during the night before, he did give Kesvo a quick aside about the presence of Kiyota, someone else from Skye City--and, for the time being, passes on any drinks. It's more interesting to watch the others anyway.
Janix: Janix gets comfortable at the bar, near the alcohol and far from Athena. She does keep a close eye on the team at the table and likewise those also not seated there like Rook.
Kesvo: Kesvo gives a little laugh in response.
"Best of luck in trying," she tells him.
Silas Draver: "Won't have to worry about that, partner." Draver says around a cigar in the corner of his mouth. "I'm winning the pot."
Kesvo: "Mm. Second time's the charm, is it?"
Illo Vandin: "Some men need to try more than once to succeed!" Vandin booms from his seat.
"Mediocre men, ha ha ha!"
Silas Draver: Draver sneers behind his cigar. "We'll see how the cards play - boots."
GM: The Glove moves over slowly and calmly, stepping beside the dealer droid. His voice, despite not being loud in volume, seems to carry a great weight. "I welcome you, experts and the fortunate. Those who witness the final round of the Tournament of the Stars, know that we have gathered only the finest players in the entire Galaxy."
"Duke Trox is our reigning champion, and from his success in the circuit to reach this final table, he has a single buyback option of one hundred thousand credits."
"All others are eliminated upon losing the totality of their chips."
"Prince Trox."
"The other players of our tournament have given small statements to members of the press, if you wish to know more."
"I wish you all fortune, and most of all, an unforgettable experience."
Kesvo: Kesvo watches Trox while Tiv speaks.
Prince Trox: Trox leans forward into his seat and looks directly. at. Kes.
His gaze is unwavering, emotionless - he is almost looking through her.
Dharak Zhane: "You two know each-other?" Zhane gestures between the two Falleen.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure)
Kes lowers her eyes.
Prince Trox: "No." Trox says slowly.
GM: "LET'S GIVE IT A WHIRL!" The Dealer Droid chirps out.
An hour of play goes on, an intense back and forth of bidding and playing. Several hands of cards are played. In the end both Dharak and Tal are eliminated after the first hour.
Dharak Zhane: "Looks like luck ain't with us, Gil." Zhane says with a nod.
"You wanna stick around Ambassador?"
Tal: "Yeah. Guess that's the way it goes sometimes." he said, rising from the table.
"Good luck." he says to the others.
GM: Athena rolls her eyes. "No, thanks. Let's go to the spa now, please."
Athena leaves with Dharak without a second glance toward Janix.
Tal: Tal heads to the bar and sits near the Chiss woman.
GM: "You played well." Mrath'amura'soathe says with a nod to him as he settles beside her. "Are you upset you did not advance?"
Tal: "Thank you." Gil said. "It's a bitter pill, that's for sure. I thought I could make it to the finals, but that just means I need to improve my game for the next tournament. I'm down this time, but not out." he said.
Ashley: Ashley settles in, mostly quiet as he plays through the game. Thanks for that peptalk, Venn, because otherwise he probably would not be so chill and calmly drinking his drink otherwise.
GM: "You did make it to the finals." The Chiss woman says with a smirk. "And if nothing else, you are on this final vessel enjoying fine company." She extends a blue hand. "Mrath'amura'soathe - though most call me Mura."
The next round of cards grows intense as the hour passes, liquor flowing between the players and their watchers. In the mix, while most of the table advances, Riprock and Kiyota find themselves all out of chips and are eliminated.
Captain Riprock: "Well, that's how it goes some times." Riprock allows for a smile as he stands up and folds a hand down the front of his suit. "Good luck ya'll." He tosses a credit chip to the dealer. "That's for you, kid."
He turns to Venn with a smirk. "Sorry I couldn't win it all for ya."
Tal: Gil extends his own hand, flashing her a smile.
"Nice to meet you, Mura. I'm Gil. And yes, this is a fine vessel. But it's even better now." he said.
"You having a good time so far, Mura?"
GM: Kiyota rises to her feet and gives a stiff nod as she folds her cards. She moves over to Guri, Xizor, Qi'ra, and Tiv.
"It is quite enjoyable. I rather like Sabacc." Mura responds. "The game is much more about skill than chance, I have found."
After a brief introduction, Xizor, Kiyota, and Guri step away from the others to speak by themselves.
Venn, Rook, Janix make a Perception check versus 1 red, 2 purple.
Tal: He nods in agreement. "I enjoy it more than other games." Gil said.
"And there's a thrill to it that you don't find in other games. Something visceral about knowing that you're closing in on a win." Gil said.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
GM: "Exactly. It's similar to being on a hunt, or facing an opponent in a battle." The Chiss woman allows with a nod of agreement. "But to defeat your opponent with your mind. It's quite exhilarating."
Tal: Gil nodded, more emphatically this time. Her choice of words resonated.
"That's where every battle starts and ends, in the mind. Too many people don't really understand the connection." he said.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Threat)
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
GM: Rook and Janix both notice that several Rodians in fine dinner jackets and white suits are being let in by security guards.
Rook and Janix both notice that the Rodians have blaster pistols tucked under their jackets.
Janix: "Gil," Janix interrupts. "Can I steal you away for a moment?" She looks at Rook and back to the table with Kesvo and Ashley as she wonders what in the name of the Goddess is going on with blaster pistols after Riprock was nearly thrown out for the same.
Silas Draver: "Looks like the pot's all mine, boots." Draver says with a grin behind his cigar.
Rook: A rush of adrenaline sweeps over Rook, as she spots the blaster pistols on the Rodian 'servers'. MOving to block shots at either Tiv or Irban, She will comment to Mr. Tiv, "Oh, are those Rodians part of your security? I see they are armed."
GM: As Rook approaches Tiv, he looks to her at her words. "Hrm?" The Glove looks over at the Rodians. He then waves over several security officers and points to them.
Tal: Gil looked to Janix. "Oh, hey. Yeah, one second."
He looked to Mura. "Will you excuse me a second?" he asked the Chiss woman, before going to speak with Janix.
Illo Vandin: "Hrm. So it would seem." Vandin says as he rises to his feet, his hand moving across the front of his jacket. "Well played, nonetheless. Prince Trox." He nods to the Falleen with respect. "An unfortunate hand for you."
Janix: Janix moves away with Gil and points to the Rodians. "They just showed up with blaster pistols hidden under their jackets. It looks like the Glove is sending his security but I'm not sure what that means as the tournament is almost over."
Illo Vandin: "Perhaps you were.." The Trandoshan flashes a toothy grin. "Distracted?"
Kesvo: Kesvo stands as the others begin to.
"Excellent game, Mr. Draver," she tells him across the table with a smile."Congratulations on your win."
Illo Vandin: Vandin walks over as Trox looks down at his cards, his brow furrowed in obvious anger. The Trandoshan extends his hand to Ashley and Kesvo. "Well played my friends. Well played!"
Kesvo: "And you as well, Mr. Vandin," she returns, smiling. "Nicely played."
Illo Vandin: "I am most honored to have been at the finale with you all. And though I was not able to win the winning pot - it was the friends we made along the way!"
Tal: Gil looked over at the Rodians with the blaster pistols. "We should be ready to move. Could be they're looking for someone else. Could be they're looking for us." Gil said.
He watches the Rodians, trying to see if they're drawing a bead on anyone in particular...
Ashley: "It was a good game," replies Ashley with a grin, returning the exchange with Vandin. "Well played."
Kesvo: Following suit after Riprock, Kesvo tosses a few chips towards the dealer.
GM: The security guards start to escort the Rodians out, they look toward the table.
Anyone can make a Hard perception check.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Triumph)
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Pool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
GM: Janix and Tal both notice Silas gave a shake of his head as the Rodians were looking toward the table.
The Rodians then walk out.
Tal: "You see that?" he asked Janix.
GM: The Glove makes his way over and begins to enter into a speech about Silas Draver's skill, competence, and ability, before handing him a card that has his win on it.
Janix: Janix nods and frowns. "I feel like taking care of the problem would cause more problems."
Rook: Rook noticed the exchange, and murmurs, "Isn't that interesting, Mr. Tiv?"
GM: He then delivers the same to all of the other finalists.
The Glove already moved on, not listening to what Rook had to say.
Tal: "Yeah, even if we point out...he won without the backup."
GM: Trox rises from his seat. He turns without a word and walks for the door.
Janix: "I am curious how the security bots let them in. Extremely curious given how they treated Riprock earlier." Janix looked to the Glove now and wondered if perhaps the unflappable man was in on the game to begin with.
Tal: "One way or the other, the house always wins, right?"
Janix: Janix grunts and crosses her arms, grumpier than before. "I'll let you get back to your conversation. Seems like, yet again, just the tease of action."
Kesvo: Kesvo very intently does not watch Trox leave. She's still smiling and chatting with the other players.
Ashley: Ashley meanders his way towards Venn, though he does note the other Hellions look ... something.
Prince Xizor: Xizor approaches Kes with Kiyota and Guri. "Well done on your game, Miss Von."
"Expertly played. It saddens me that scum like Silas Draver won the tournament, but more money in hand."
Kesvo: Kesvo turns towards the approaching Prince, her smile bright. She nods in respectful greeting to him.
"My thanks, Prince," she tells him.
Prince Xizor: "May introduce you to my esteemed colleague. This fine woman has a mutual interest - she seeks to retrieve some stolen property - and I told her you were an expert in all matters of mercenary work."
Venn: Venn does not have peptalk for LoserAshley.
Ashley: It's fine, fourth place winner Ashley doesn't need a peptalk.
Kesvo: "Is that so?" she asks, turning her attention to the redhead. She extends a hand. "Kestrel Von. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss..?"
GM: "Kiyota is fine for now." The woman says.
Kesvo: Kesvo nods, and lowers her hand so smoothly it's like it wasn't there at all.
"Indeed. The Prince speaks the truth. We solve all manner of problems. Would you like to discuss how we can help you?"
Prince Xizor: "Kiyota is here for another purpose, but she and I have worked together to help very powerful people located far from the arm of the Republic. And she has told me of recent... difficulties.. suffered by her allies."
Ashley: ((though at this point, ashley's piling up enough money that he could do that entire scene with venn. you know, the flying the ship at her scene, L O L.))
Tal: Gil returns to his conversation with Mura.
"Sorry about that. End of game stuff and all. How much longer are you aboard this fine vessel?" he asked.
GM: Mura smiles. "No problem at all. I'm only here on leave for a little while longer. I'll be going back to my ship soon."
Prince Xizor: "We should discuss the matter more in private, perhaps later tonight?" Xizor asked with a raise of a smooth brow.
Tal: "Back on the trail, huh? What's it like?" he asked.
Kesvo: "As you wish," she says, with a nod and a smile. "The Hellions are at your service, Prince Xizor."
GM: "Quite enjoyable. I prefer the challenge of building something new and ordered." The Chiss allows with a smile. "What are your plans, Gil? Did you bring someone with you onto the Imperious?"
Prince Xizor: "And worth every credit." He turns to look at Kiyota. "As they do not come cheaply."
GM: "Like you're at a lack of funds." Kiyota says, boredly.
Kesvo: "Yes, well," she says, turning to Kiyota, briefly. "One does get what one pays for, in these things."
GM: "Fine. We'll talk later. I have to take care of something. Nice to meet you." Kiyota gives Kes a nod and turns, leaving the room.
Kesvo: Kes watches her go, and then turns back to Xizor with an eyebrow lifted in question.
Prince Xizor: "Not very. No."
Prince Xizor: "I typically dislike dealing with her. But I work with what I am given."
Kesvo: "Indeed. She doesn't seem to remember, but we've encountered her before. Back on Skye."
Tal: "After this, I'm headed back home. While I'm here, though, I'm just looking to blow off of steam and have a good time. You know what they say about all work and no play."
Prince Xizor: "Do you think she does not?" Xizor looked at Kes.
Kesvo: "Well. We are rather unforgettable, aren't we?" she said, smiling brightly up at him.
GM: "Indeed, I've heard that expression. Are you tired of the casino? Perhaps we can find some way to blow off steam together." (Mura to Tal)
Prince Xizor: "Most definitely." Xizor grins in response.
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   8
Light Side points remaining   2
Force Power
Venn Parsa
Skill Name   Discipline
Power Name   INFLUENCE
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Kesvo: "Should I bring the team to the meeting with her later?" she asked Xizor.
Prince Xizor: "If you believe it would serve a purpose, certainly. If not, then why bother? They serve at your direction, do they not?"
Kesvo: "To an extent. We are as successful as we are because of our diverse individual portfolios. They often have insight I do not, and this is too important to not be thorough."
Prince Xizor: "Mm, understandable. Bring them all."
Venn: Venn watches all this disgusting materialism and finally leaves Riprock's side and approaches Silas. She squarely addresses him as if in admiration. "Congratulations on your astounding win. You know, you would be even more astounding if you immediately donated your winnings to the anti-slavery charities and movement union that is becoming so pivotal in the galaxy."
Kesvo: "To your floor, I presume? What time?"
Venn: "Like right now. You should announce it to everyone, too, really be a hero."
Prince Xizor: "Let's make it in a couple hours. 0100?"
Venn: "Hope you have an eventful day." she concludes and returns to the pilot's side, taking the drink he was holding for her and giving it a sip.
Kesvo: "Very well," she said, with a nod. "I--" she starts to say, but stops to turn to watch Silas at his declaration.
Captain Riprock: Riprock frowns some at Venn's action. "That wasn't nice."
Kesvo: She blinks, lips parting in surprise.
Ashley: Ashley presses a hand to his face, covering his mouth, as his eyes widened at Silas.
Mostly because ...
Rook: Rook stares, utterly taken off guard, and unaware of any use of the Force.
Ashley: Well.
Tal: Gil is about to answer Mura when Draver makes his declaration about his winnings.
He actually blinks. "Did you hear that?"
Silas Draver: "I must go and do that right now. Good bye, have an eventful day!"
Ashley: That's one way to make use of the Force. Ashley's going to get himself a drink now because damn, Venn.
Silas Draver: He then gets off the seat and hurriedly leaves the room.
Prince Xizor: "...Fascinating."
Janix: Able to feel some sort of pull of Venn's Force, Janix turned and was looking to see if they were dealing with a new threat. The declaration was a bit of a surprise but slowly she smiled, just a little.
Kesvo: "Indeed, quite," she murmured, sipping her drink while her eyes slid over to the nearby Force user.
Tal: "There are still some surprises left in the galaxy, I suppose." he said.
Prince Xizor: "In any event, hopefully you don't feel like being as charitable." He smiles warmly to her.
GM: "Quite!" Mura laughs. "Quite so. An incredible turn of events."
Kesvo: "Not even a little. Though I did well enough that I can return your buy-ins to you. A decent investment, if I do say so."
Prince Xizor: "If you feel the need. I have no need for the money - but I know your pride." He grins sharply at her.
"I, however, consider it a worthy investment."
Ashley: Ashley waves at Janix, claiming the seat next to her.
Kesvo: "Mm. In that case, perhaps we'll put it towards our next job. Some maneuvers can be more expensive than others, even if they do pay out in the end."
Prince Xizor: "Quite. And it's always good to have extra capital."
Venn: "I didn't know I was supposed to be nice. However you define that." she replies to the captain.
Captain Riprock: Riprock sets down his drink. "Yeah, guess not."
Kesvo: She glanced towards the door, thoughtful for a moment, and then sighed and smiled.
"I suppose it's tradition for me to buy a few rounds of drinks," she observed. "Will you be staying?"
Captain Riprock: "I'll see you later. Gonna go for a walk."
He turns and heads out.
Prince Xizor: "I can linger here for a while." The Prince smiles. "Raheem and I were still talking over a number ov matters."
Kesvo: "Oh, speaking of the Glove, I wonder if you could help me convince him to solve a mystery for me," she said, picking up a fresh drink from a passing waiter. "Someone apparently left a tip to security that the Hellions were embroiled in a slaving plot. One of his security droids shot Riprock over it."
Ashley: The moment that Ashley catches sight of Venn, he gives her a thumbs up. "Drinks on me, alcoholic or not."
Prince Xizor: "I'll speak to him about it - but I am not certain that he would know about the going ons of his security down to individual reports."
"That's more likely something Oberos would know as the temporary Head of Security."
Tal: "To answer your question, I'd love to meet up later. Think I'm going to busy for a little bit." Gil said, giving her the once over.
"Would hate to rush anything." he told Mura.
GM: The Chiss officer smiles broadly to Tal, handing him a card. "Indeed. The best things take time."
She then rises and leaves the room.
Venn: "I thought the drinks were free?" she says to the pantoran.
Ashley: "Shh," he whispers, "run with it."
"Don't ruin the moment."
Rook: Seeing the groups break up into small party, and Duke Irban once more refusing to speak to her, Rook simply leaves a note and then leaves.
Kesvo: "Mm, so I've heard. A little help convincing Mr. Oberos to be helpful would be appreciated. If it's not an inconvenience, of course," she said, looking up to focus on Xizor. "It's not worth disrupting your other matters if you've limited time with him."
Prince Xizor: "I do not know the man. I can speak to Raheem, however, about the matter."
"I'll see what I can find."
Tal: Gil accepts the card and grins. "Yeah, they do."
He watches her go and then puts the card away.
GM: 'Gil' finds it is a room key.
Venn: She smirks at him and partakes without another comment on the matter.
Tal: He is glad that it's a room key. He really did not want to get anywhere near a Star Destroyer.
Ashley: Ashley catches sight of Rook heading out by herself and shakes his head. "Time to go see what's going on with Four," he tells Venn, getting up to follow Rook. He waves at Janix as well.
Kesvo: "That's all I meant," she assured him, when he suggested he'd ask Raheem about it. "But like I said, it's not of grave importance," she repeated, a hand alighting on his sleeve to confirm the point.
GM: With the name of their contact now received. The Hellions break up to follow their own directives for the next couple hours until they will meet with their First Order contact and begin their next task.
End Session 90



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2020, 06:17:40 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 91 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions finish their meeting with Prince Xizor and Kiyota - the apparent 'Lady Hand' of the First Order. Having completed their ruse of acting as a mercenary group to retrieve stolen information for the First Order, they have been offered a contract of a million credits to retrieve the stolen weapon for the First Order and eliminate the ones responsible for stealing the weapon in the first place (themselves!)
Play starts the next morning, with everyone having rested/not rested wherever they wished upon the dreadnought Imperious. They recover all of their strain.
Elaiza had requested that the Hellions help her in disrupting a trade of illegal artifacts to Duke Irban that was to take place later that day, but she has not given a time or place yet.
The Hellions begin play together to discuss their plan or next move.
They may do so at a locale of their choice.
Tal: Gil would return to his quarters early the following morning, having spent the night elsewhere.
Kesvo: Kesvo wanders off to find her own entertainment for the night. The following day, she coms everyone around mid-morning and asks them to convene in her suite.
GM: Riprock and N1-TR0 arrive at Kes's suite, no worse for wear.
Tal: Gil gets ready and then convenes at Kesvo's when it's time to do so.
Janix: A little surprised at the amount offered, Janix nevertheless happily continues her evening away from Athena. The morning she'll, having been up for some time, join the team at Kes' suite. "Good morning," she states plainly as she enters in a simple outfit she brought along.
Kesvo: Kesvo makes a point to look over Tal a little when he arrives just so she can tease him about checking for bite marks.
Rook: Rook answers her COM and appears on time.
Ashley: Ashley similarly appears on time.
Venn: When Venn arrives, she has one of those cup-holder trays with caf for everyone and tea for herself. She sets it on a table for them to take if they want, though hands the Captain his.
Captain Riprock: Riprock accepts the cup with a smile - whatever bad blood having been borne of the tournament seeming a temporary thing. "Thanks darlin'."
Venn: She takes it away once he says darlin, though gives him opportunity to self correct.
Captain Riprock: "Just testin' ya, see if you had yours first."
Kesvo: Each Hellion is greeted as they arrive. Venn wins an "ohh!" of delight and a thanks for the caf delivery. When they're all assembled Kesvo takes a seat on one of the couches grouped together for visiting.
"Seems like we're on our own for a bit. We can set out now, if there's no more business keeping us here. But there's the option of helping Elaiza out, if we're interested. And if we're not we ought to talk about where we're going next."
Venn: She shakes her head and gives it back. She'll wander to a seat, giving Tal a pat on the shoulder as she passes in greeting.
Janix: With only a short pause to watch Venn and Riprock with a slight smile, Janix takes a cup of caff and thanks Venn.
GM: Ashley receives a brief message that the meeting is supposed to take place in an hour - in Landing Bay 14.
Tal: Tal will take up his own caf and sip it slowly. He mad sure to cover up the marks that Mura left behind, but it was a good time.
Ashley: Ashley takes the caf with a grateful smile, pausing to check the message. "... ah, looks like the deal Elaiza mentioned is happening in an hour. Landing Bay 14."
He was pretty sure he didn't have to say he was interested in helping out. It was a given, right?
Kesvo: "Did she give you any other details?" Kesvo asked, with a frown. "All we know is that it's a deal involving the Duke? Not who with, or what kind of interference she's planning on?"
Janix: "Is that the Duke that Rook and N1 got into a tiff with? I mean, might be worth helping out just to get the chance to punch him in the face." Maybe Janix was in a very face-punching mood. She blamed Athena.
N1-TR0: "Correction: Four and the Duke's bodyguard got into a disagreement. He punched me through the chest."
Kesvo: "It is. And if she's planning to go in guns blazing to stop him, we'll need to consider the fallout concerning our rep with him, Oberos, and Hasar."
Kesvo: "Possibly even Zann, if the Duke gets mad enough about losing out."
GM: Elaiza only mentioned that the artifacts were possibly dangerous and that the Duke was responsible for facilitating the sale. Elaiza doesn't know who everyone else is involved.
Ashley: "That's about all she knows," says Ashley, leaning back in his chair. "Dangerous artifacts, the Duke is facilitating the sale, and not much else than that."
Kesvo: "Not knowing who the buyer is might bite us in the ass, as well," she murmured.
Ashley: "I want to help but it may be best if we don't get all of us involved."
GM: As you are planning and discussing your next moves, there is a Ding of sound overhead from the suite's speaker system.
"Alert. Please stay within your rooms. The Imperious is affecting a ship wide security lockdown. Alert. Please do not attempt to leave your rooms."
Janix: "Dangerous paired with artifacts seems like something of note." When Ashley spoke, Janix flashed him a small smile. "If the Doc is going, I'm going with him."
Ashley: "... wonderful," he mutters at the alert.
GM: "Repeat. Please stay within your..."
There is a shudder as the ship shakes, as if struck by something. The lights dim for a moment, and you are all in darkness for several seconds before the lights shutter back on.
Janix: "For a moment I thought this was a cover for the artifacts. I'm second guessing that thought."
Kesvo: Kesvo looks around slowly.
"Well that's bothersome."
Ashley: "... considering the timing, I don't think it can be a coincidence."
Tal: "Yeah, that's not good."
Kesvo: "I dunno. Doesn't seem like ramming the ship is conducive to a secret artifact trade."
GM: There is another shudder. The ship violently shakes as you are all nearly thrown to the floor.
Kesvo: Kesvo gets up and tries the door. Has it been remotely locked?
Tal: "What are the chances that someone else is dumb enough to try to--ACK!"
Janix: "I vote for not staying in our rooms," Janix says as caff goes fucking everywhere. "By the Goddess!"
Ashley: "Or someone trying to get things before--" Ashley grabs the chair quickly to not fall over.
Venn: ((BURN!!!))
Captain Riprock: "Whoah." Riprock nearly falls out of his seat, barely keeping hold of the cup to stop from gaining new scars. N1-TR0 gets some caf thrown on him.
"That felt like weapon fire.""
Tal: He manages to stay upright, barely.
"Someone's a fool to try to rob this place."
GM: Kes finds that the door is indeed locked.
Ashley: "Is it locked, Kes?" asks Ashley, getting up and moving carefully towards the door.
Venn: Venn braces in her seat, her chilled tea going flying into the corner and against the wall.
Kesvo: "Someone get this pfassking door open, please," she grumbles, stepping back from it.
Janix: "I'm going to assume Kes also means without explosives." She looks at Rook and N1 specifically.
Kesvo: "If he can't get it open, I absolutely mean with explosives," she grumbled to Janix.
Ashley: "Give me a moment," says Ashley, frowning as he studies the door.
N1-TR0: "Declaration: I did not bring any aboard. They are still on the Aeon Mallard."
Rook: Rook chocked on her coffee, when Janix suggested punching Duke Irban in the face. she patted N1 in silent apology as he reminded her again that HE had paid the price for that. Her head angled to the side, and she asked, "Duke Irban works with the Zann Consortium? Could this be a chance to ..." She shot to her feet, and braced, reaching for both a helmet and weapon that were not tehre. "We need to get to the Mallard."
Janix: "Ok, how about, let's not start with explosives." Janix dumps the coffee in the trash can and watched Ashley work.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal: "Looks like the meeting's over." Tal grumbled.
Venn: (lmao)
Rook: "I love explosives. I wanted to bring some det cord in but chem sniffers would probably recognize it ..."
GM: Ashley is able to easily unlock the security mechanisms of suite, the door opening to a hallway of blinking red light. The ship looks to be on some sort of battle alert.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   4
Kesvo: "Let's get to the docking bays," she directed the team. "I don't want the Mallard taking hits if things go poorly for the Imperious."
Tal: "Got it."
Janix: "Agreed. Deal with this first than see about that rendezvous."
Ashley: Ashley nods but moves quickly towards his room. It takes only seconds to get in and, thankfully, it appears that Raider was already at the door. Guess who was coming along for today's adventure.
Rook: Rook took up her normal position, in front, then dropped back. NO guns, no rockets no grenades. Just a chair from her room to use a weapon. Or wait ... a kitchen knife! Not her best weapon.
GM: Within the hallway red light floods the carpeted ground, making your way to the lift you find it is also locked down.
Venn: "Light on weapons not a problem for you right, Hapes?" she remarks to Janix as they file out.
N1-TR0: "Ominous Declaration: I am the weapon."
Kesvo: "No, it's not," she answered for Janix with a look, remembering the kinds of punches the Hapan could throw.
Ashley: "I swear if I have to slice everything from here to the Mallard ..." grumbles Ashley.
Rook: Rook repeated the mantra to herself: Your squad is your weapon.
Janix: Janix flashed a smile. "Not a problem. I think we've all got a few tricks without weapons." Janix had seen Venn do some serious shit with her Force powers.
Kesvo: "Can you get the lift working or do we need to figure something else out?" she asked, turning to Ashley when he caught up
Tal: Tal makes his way along the dreadnaught for the moment, careful of any patrols or approaching security.
Captain Riprock: "Then you'd have earned your keep, hurry it up kid."
Ashley: Ashley rolls his eyes but gets to work to see what he can do.
GM: No-one appears to be trying to halt your path. Whatever the security is up to, they aren't seemingly interested in trying to stop the guests from leaving their rooms beyond remote control of the area.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Ashley is cable to once more slice the security controls, the lift opening with a 'Ding' that is barely audible over the now present alarm.
The ship shakes again.
Kesvo: Kesvo braces against the wall, and waits for everyone to pile into the lift.
"I'd pay a good sum to know who the kriff is attacking the Glove."
Captain Riprock: "We're still pretty deep in Republic space." Riprock grunts as he puts a hand onto a wall to catch himself from falling. "You think the First Order is making an attack now?"
Venn: Venn staggers some before bracing a hand to the wall.
Rook: "I bet its shroud, coming for Eliaza and the argifacts."
Tal: Tal looks for a viewport, looking for any of idea who is attacking the ship.
Kesvo: "I'd be surprised, considering the Hand was just here."
Venn: "That would be monumentally moronic and would give away their only advantage of secrecy."
GM: Tal does not see one on this level.
Rook: Rook focuses on staying alert and on her feet.
Kesvo: Once everyone's inside the lift, Kes hits the button to zip to the docking bays
GM: Maybe back in Kes's suite.
Ashley: "... Shroud wouldn't just be after Elaiza," says Ashley in response to Rook.
Tal: Tal will make his way into the turbolift.
Ashley: At the mention of Elaiza, however, Ashley does try to comm her.
Janix: Though nimble, Janix focuses on staying upright and wonders if a lift is really the best idea mid fire-fight. Without much option, she enters.
Kesvo: "Nice job on those doors," she quietly told Ashley, while waiting for the lift to move.
Tal: "This goes any longer, we might be walking right into the boarding party."
GM: Everyone files into the lift, quickly trying to make their way to the Aeon Mallard and their equipment. Ashley finds that his comm signal is scrambled - someone is affecting communications beyond the ship's main comm system.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   5
Kesvo: "Well at least we'll get our questions answered," she said wryly.
Tal: "I'll try to remember that."
GM: As you get into the lift and it starts to zoom, the ship rocks again and the lift... stops.
Ashley: Ashley gives Kesvo a smile at the thanks, then frowns. "Comms are scrambled."
GM: It then suddenly gives way - the mechanisms that are used to hold it on its track damaged, and you feel it start to free fall through the gigantic ship!
Kesvo: "Sure sounds like First Order level pfasskery," she said, at the news that comms were scrambled.
Ashley: Ashley quickly looks for something like the emergency brake, because come on.
Venn: Venn swears in umbaran... a language she never speaks in front of anyone lol.
Janix: The shaking of the ship is only worse when the lift stops. There is a bit of swearing in Hapan that quietly happens as the lift stops.
Kesvo: Kesvo looks up. In the holovids there's always a roof hatch!
Ashley: Ashley is similarly swearing in Pantoran because what the ever loving fuck.
Tal: Tal snarls in Mando'a.
Janix: And then louder as the lift starts to drop.
GM: All of you have to fight to hang on as the lift is free-falling. You feel gravity start to pull you up toward the top of the lift - which happens to have a roof hatch!
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   4
Venn: She hovers off the ground as the g forces assault them.
Kesvo: "Someone give me a plan!"
Ashley: "There's a brake! Hitting it!" Which he does but also sucks for everyone in the lift, sorry.
N1-TR0: "Suggestion: Rocket boots."
Venn: "We are going to be so much closer then ever imagined at the end of this!!"
Captain Riprock: "We don't have rocket boots!"
Kesvo: She tries to direct herself up to the hatch to open it, even while Ashley is trying for the brake.
GM: Ashley make a Hard Athletics check as the forces of gravity are making it difficult to pull the emergency brake.
Janix: Janix will help Kesvo with the hatch.
Rook: Rook reaches for her grappling ... nope. She will assist getting Kesvo to the hatch, as she has zero g training.
Tal: Tal will help
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   5
GM: Ashley, with Tal's help, is able to pull down on the emergency brake, causing the lift to come to a sudden stop. Thankfully, everyone is prepared for it, so it doesn't end with Hellion Pancakes (served with the refreshing waters of Lake Minnetonka) - but also Kes and Janix are able to unlock the roof hatch, which is handy, as the lift comes to a grinding halt and the controls do not respond...
Kesvo begins to climb through the hatch, and looks to see where the nearest level door is
Janix: "It seems like we're going to have to climb out of this death trap," Janix mutters with some irritation (though not directed at anyone).
Rook: Rook will climb out the lift hatch.
Ashley: Ashley gives Tal a thumbs-up for the assist.
Janix: She'll help the rest of the team get out of the hatch if they want a hand. Or else she waits and brings up the rear
Tal: Tal gives Ashley a nod, and then will help anyone else get out of there first.
GM: Climbing out Kes sees the inside of the lift - it seems like de ja vu for a moment, as you had a similar experience back on Skye City. The lettering says you are on level 26.
Captain Riprock: Riprock climbs up, grunting as he goes, complaining about his age.
Kesvo: Kesvo begins to try and pry the doors open from inside.
Venn: The limber blonde presses her foot against the wall, then bounds to the adjacent wall before propelling herself through the hatch.
N1-TR0: "Correction." Suddenly N1-TR0's feet shoot small blue flames as he floats up. "You do not have rocket boots."
Tal: Tal will then climb out of the elevator himself.
Ashley: Ashley is that much happier when he can do crazy jumps to get out of a place rather than brute force it. Which he does, bracing on one side with a foot and propelling himself up to the hatch.
GM: Kes finds prying open the heavy durasteel doors to the inside of the lift is difficult, as they weren't meant to be open by hand - 4 purple Athletics.
Rook: Rook grins at N1, wishing she had rocket boots. or her jet pack. or was a droid. all good options.
Kesvo: Kesvo grunts as she struggles with it. "Someone gimme a hand with this."
Ashley: Ashley will assist Kesvo with prying it open.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure)
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage)
GM: Kes and Ashley grunt and strain and try to open the door, but are unable.
Tal: Tal will try next once he climbs up.
Ashley: "Hey, Tal, can you give us a hand?"
Kesvo: She growls again in frustration.
"Grr, TAL!"
She moves out of the way.
Ashley: Ashley moves into place, meaning to help again.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Kesvo: "Thank you," she pants, irritated.
"Let's move."
GM: Tal forces the doors open with some brute strength and some dramatic growling/roaring. As the doors open you find yourself on the main promenade area of the Imperious - the gigantic part of the ship that is dedicated to shops, spas, restaurants, and other stores.
Tal: "No...grrraaah...problem!"
Rook: Part of Rook automatically checks for looting, upon seeing the shopping area here.
GM: You hear the sounds of blaster fire as lighting flickers in and out. As you come out of the lift you see the blasted remains of security droids and several dead bodies.
Tal: Tal looks for a blaster rifle or pistol.
GM: All of the weapons have been confiscated and/or destroyed.
Kesvo: Kesvo swears under her breath.
GM: You see a large number of armed rodians moving through the different levels of the promenade, shooting anything or anyone that moves.
Ashley: Ashley just drags a hand down his face.
Rook: "Now we know what Silvas as up to. and we ... have a patsy."
GM: At the center, floating quite a bit away from you all, is a Rodian in Laminate Power-Armor with a mean-looking black rifle, yelling out in his language to all of them.
The nearest lift is on the other end of the Promenade (At Extreme Range from you now)
Alternatively, you can try to climb up or down the shaft you're in now, but you'd be abandoning everyone on this level to certain death.
Venn: "Not what I expected to see, I will admit that." remarked Venn.
Rook: ."Let's acquire us some weaponry. and armor." rook says, studying the rodians.
%u2694%uFE0F Initiative Check Image   Weswin's Foresight
Calling upon the Force at the start of the combat, Ashley is able to glean insight into what comes next.
Activation   Action | Self
Check   Initiative (Cool or Vigilance) + %u2394 up to FR
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to add automatic Image on his first check this encounter.
Kesvo: "So... who's up for a little challenge?" she sighs, eyeing the Rodians and their blasters.
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Triumph)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(Free maneuvers too))
Tal: "Yeah. Let's do this."
Initiative Cool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rodian Pirate:
Initiative Vigilance
Rodian Pirate
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Captain Riprock:
Initiative Cool
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
%u267B%uFE0F Prime Positions Activation   Passive
Effect   When a character or ally in short range takes cover, they increase their soak against ranged attacks by 2 until they leave cover.
GM: The Rodians spot the group as they start moving forward, and the group closest to them shoots at...
Venn: (( so everyones soak - armor bonuses...))
Rodian Pirate:
Blaster Pistol
Rodian Pirate
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
A hail of blaster fire zooms at Rook but she's able to find some cover against the shots.
Zayda: "That'
"That's the Hellions!" The Rodian commander yells in his native tongue. "Take them out!"
Venn: "They don't like your couture, Spitfire!" she quips.
Janix: "Take cover!" Urges Janix as she sees Kes and Riprock already going for that cover.
Rodian Pirate:
Blaster Carbine
Rodian Pirate
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Vicious 1, Pierce 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Rook: Rook gives a laugh as a hail of blaster fire comes at her; writhing wildly, somehow she twists and turns, avoiding the shot. "its the gold; too bold for them."
Character Critical
Janix M'kyato
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   20
Dice Roll   54
Total   74
Lose free maneuver until end of encounter.
Venn Parsa %uD53B%uD546%uD53B%uD53E%uD53C%uD54A when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Venn: (Not in armor so no)
Rodian Pirate:
Blaster Carbine
Rodian Pirate
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Vicious 1, Pierce 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Rodian Pirate:
Blaster Carbine
Rodian Pirate
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Vicious 1, Pierce 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rodian Pirate:
Blaster Carbine
Rodian Pirate
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Vicious 1, Pierce 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Janix: Janix takes a solid hit from the blaster as she's too busy telling people to take cover and not doing so herself.
Ashley: Ashley moves into a cover position but focuses on the group of Rodians nearby.
%u2744%uFE0F Bind (Force Power) Image   "Someone's day is about to get wrecked."

With the assistance of the Force, Ashley holds an opponent in place.
Activation   Action | Enemy (or Ally)
Upgrades   Magnitude (1) - Spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase targets affected per rank. Can be activated multiple times.
Strength (1) - Spend %u25D0 to disorient target for rounds equal to Strength upgrades. Can be activated multiple times.
Control: Strain - Spend %u25D0 to make target suffer strain equal to user's Willpower.
Effect   Target immobilized until end of user's next turn.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Venn: (short)
Tal: One per game session as an incidental, the character may spend 2 Destiny Point to make a Hard (3 purple) Resilience Check. If he succeeds, he skips his next turn and eliminates all enemy minions in the encounter (the minions are all eliminated immediately, so will not get to participate in the combat, but for the sake of the narrative the character spends the next round eliminating them). The narrative means by which he accomplishes this should be suitably exciting and are subject to GM approval.
Ashley: With everything that has happened in the past few days, Ashley still finds a moment of calm and reaches out with the Force to not only hold his enemies in place but put stress their minds as well. It's not something he's done before, it leaves him winded and focused on the battle as two of the minions drop.
Venn: (Flip destiny)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   6
Tal: "Hellions! Draw the lead guy's fire! I'll handle the others! ON THREE!"
Tal takes a deep breath...."THREE!"
He surges forward to the bodies of the dead Rodians, leaps forward, rolls and comes up with a blaster pistol.
Tal: The first shot hits the nearest Rodian in the temple, dropping him. The second shot takes the other in the throat. Tal doesn't stop to watch the bodies drop.
Inhale. Aim. Exhale. Fire. Again. Again.
Tal: When the first blaster pistol runs out of shots, Tal leaps atop a nearby Rodian and drives his fist into its snout, greeted by a sickening crunch of flesh to bone. He rolls, uses the body as a shield, and knocks down another Rodian. Tal grabs a blaster and shoots the downed Rodian, the sweeps the legs of the next one.
He kills away across the room, his movements vicious, precise, and deadly.
Headbutt. Kick to the face. Elbow strike tot he orbital bone. Grab a blaster, put it under someone's chin.
Tal: Double-tap the trigger.
He slams someone's head through the window of a shop, then bludgeons another Rodian to death with the arm of a mannequin.
Then the arm is driven through the chest cavity of the still another pirate, who can only stare in shock as he gurgles and then falls over dead.
Should Tal find a blaster rifle, he'll pick that up and start shooting anyone who is left.
Zayda: "Holy crap!" The Rodian leader yells out in shock as 'Gil' eliminates his entire crew in a matter of seconds. "They never said how crazy you guys were in the contract!" The Rodian roars in rage as he's been robbed of his followers, brothers, and sidekicks! "EAT THIS, YOU BASTARD!" He levels his rifle toward Tal and shoots as the Mandalorian finishes gunning down the last of them.
Disruptor Rifle
Damage   10
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 6
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Advantage)
Kesvo: "DON'T KILL HIM!" Kesvo shouts, after recovering from the shock of seeing Tal's carnage.
Kesvo: "We need info!"
Ashley: "Did he just say contract?" hisses out Ashley, focusing on that because it's easier than considering how much carnage Tal dished out.
Zayda: A beam of black energy shoots out from the rifle and evaporates some of the floor next to where Tal stood.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank)
Rook: Rook dives for a weapon, side steps on-coming fire, and fires of a barrage at the leader. (six strain).
Janix: Tal's rampage surprises Janix as she watches the last remaining enemy curses them. Seems like they were sent after the Hellions, which gave her pause.
Rodian Blasterpistol
Rook B.
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: She watches as the Mandalorian-guised-as-pretty-boy totally remind her who he was with that rampage.
Dice Roll
(Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Despair)
(Failure) (Despair)
Rook shoots the Rodian in the chest. He calls in for backup, and a pair of Gammorean Warriors arrive on the scene!
Venn: "Reinforcements on the way!" she calls out to those listening.
%uF9FF Far Strike Activation   Action
Effect   Make a Brawl combat check as a ranged attack at one target at short-range or further, adding %u2B21 no greater than the character%u2019s Force rating to the check. The character may spend %u25D0 to increase the range of the attack by one range band per %u25D0 spent, to a maximum of long.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   3
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
(2 white pips= range. 1 white pip = success. stun dmg, 6 DMG)
(and knockdown)
Rook: Another bright, fierce laugh escapes as Janix somehow punches the leader from here!
Janix: Janix, angry at being shot, moves forward as she pools her Biotic energy around her hands. Glaring at the latest asshole, she breathes out and unleashes the pooled energy right at Riodian. "Get down her," she shouts as a flash of blue energy streaks out and her hands fly out, her fingers pointed and the punch clear even if from a distance. When he drops, there is a small smile of satisfaction as she takes cover.
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Kesvo: Kesvo sprints forward and picks up one of the blaster pistols from the downed Rodians. Seeing the backup arrive, she calls out to them as she stands.
"Look real close at this room right now," she warns them, with a steely tone. "You don't want any part of this."
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: ... seriously,who was actually dumb enough to take a contract on anyone in their group?
GM: The Gamorreans, indeed seeing the carnage and what's taking place, pig-oink, turn, and run.
Kesvo: "Tell us who hired you, and I'll call them off," Kes tells the lead Rodian, now on the ground.
Rook: Rook hisses, "I want his jet pack. Tal doesn't have one yet!"
Venn: Venn will attempt to relieve this Zyda of his dangerous weapon, reaching her hand out.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: Venn will bring the weapon to Riprock's hands and its one he has seen before, so upgrades his first attack with it.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Zayda: Venn strips the Rodian mercenary of his HIGHLY ILLEGAL weapon. He throws his hands up in surrender. "I give up, I give up! I'm not getting paid enough to die!" (Though he says this in his Rodian language).
Venn: "Zero." she calls out to alert the pilot that the weapon is coming flipping his way, stripped from its owner.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   5
Captain Riprock: Riprock catches the weapon and lets out a whistle.
Kesvo: When the Rodian throws up his hands, Kesvo moves in towards him.
Venn: "N1TR0, time to play translator I think."
Ashley: Ashley moves towards Kesvo, listening to the Rodian a moment and then speaking. "Don't think I got to translate that but ... he's giving up."
No one ask how Ashley knows Rodian.
Tal: Tal holds a regular blaster rifle and hangs back, watching the entrances for any latecomers to the party.
Zayda: "There was a big contract - all the pirates, warlords, and heavy hitters in the entire area knew to come hit this floating treasure chest!" He yells out, slowly getting up to his knees, his hands in the air as Riprock follows after the others, leveling his rifle at the Rodian as well.
Venn: Venn calmly informs Tal that he is still holding a mannequin arm with blood on it...
Kesvo: "A contract from who?"
Rodian Pirate: The ship shakes again. The Rodian was undisturbed. "It was a message to all of the outfits in the area. Opportunity knocks, all of the crime lords are in one space, ripe for taking out.
Tal: Tal throws the arm on the floor. It's clear now that no one needs a hand with anything, so he'll remain alert.
Venn: (vicious 6, good lord)
Rook: Rook calmly begins looting the Rodians, while listening to the interrogation.
Kesvo: "A message. From. Who?"
Rodian Pirate: "Huge bounties on Tyber Zann, Kathlo the Hutt, Lady named Qi'ra."
Ashley: Ashley just plays his part as translator, though he glances around as the ship shakes again.
Zayda: "It was from The Queen. The Pirate Queen."
Kesvo: Kesvo sighed.
Tal: Tal grimaces.
Zayda: "Right now Wwrox the Scalper and RX-7246 - the most dangerous bounty hunters in the sector - are going after Kathlo."
"And Warlord Garsh is going to take over the ship."
"If you were smart, you'd try and get on your ship and get out of here, or cut a deal. There's at least three dozen ships surrounding this thing."
Tal: "You saw what I just did to your friends, right?"
Zayda: "Can you do it out in space, pal?"
Tal: "The smart play would be none of them pissing us off."
Venn: "This sounds like a blasted underworld war."
Captain Riprock: "Sounds like."
Ashley: "... and there were no others on that little hit list of yours?" inquires Ashley. "Just the big names?"
Tal: "What are the odds of this working out where most of our problems disappear?" he asked the group of gamblers.
Ashley: Since the Rodian had called out the Hellions.
Tal: "Someone tell me the odds."
Venn: Venn tosses N1TR0 and Ashley some weapons and takes one for herself. They weren't out of the woods yet necessarily.
Zayda: "Tyber Zann, Qi'ra, Kathlo the Hutt. We're told not to harm The Glove, but the big bounties were for those three."
Rook: "i bet we could take this ship back." Rook glanced over at Kesvo, but continued collecting what she could off of their defeated and dismembered foes.
Kesvo: "We probably could," she mused, looking from Rook to the others. "And if we took control of the bigwigs we could maybe coerce them into calling off their ships. It'd net us alot of favors from the parties on board."
"We could bail."
Ashley: Ashley takes the blaster carbine offered from Venn with thanks, still warily eyeing the Rodian. "Kind of interesting they were not supposed to harm the Glove," says Ashley, glancing back towards Kesvo.
Captain Riprock: Riprock purses his lips.
"Why Qi'ra?"
Zayda: "She's in charge of the Crimson Dawn."
Captain Riprock: "...What?"
Riprock looks surprised to hear that.
Kesvo: "The who?"
Tal: "Crimson Dawn?"
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage)
"Kathlo has Zhane protecting him. He'll be fine. What about the others?" Tal asked.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Ashley: ((boost for my next check, boost for venn's next check, and boost for whoever goes next))
Venn: "We are sitting out in the open here." she casually remarks as she checks her carbine's battery pack.
Rook: Rook collected and passed out the weapons, keeping a blaster and rifle for herself.
GM: Rook knows that the Crimson Dawn are a ruthless criminal organization that is involved in a range of activities from slaving, to mercenaries, arms trade, drug deals, intimidation, and even conquering some planets.
Kesvo: "Helping keep the warlord from taking over the ship seems most important, given the options. Assuming we're staying," she said.
Venn: "This place is practically a floating city."
N1-TR0: "Suggestion: Let the criminal meat-bags kill each-other, and we should depart."
Venn: "I don't disagree with the droid."
Rook: "Take back the ship, I think." Though she carefully did not comment upon the Pirate Queen having been behind this mess. What was going on with Tenoch and Aris?
Venn: She will, however, relieve Zayda of his comlink. Another one for her collection.
N1-TR0: "Observation: This vessel is a collection of avarice, greed, and immorality. It is not worth our efforts."
Ashley: "I want to make sure our allies are alright and help."
Venn: "Careful, Nitro. You're hitting my sweetspots."
Rook: Rook glanced over at N1 and Venn. "Not everyone here is a criminal; all the droids, all the workers, all the shopkeepers are just ordinary people being killed off."
Ashley: When Venn takes the comm, he catches her. "Is that one working? Hear anything?"
N1-TR0: "Observation: Those are tea and inciting fear into the wicked."
Ashley: Actually, now that he's thinking about it, Ashley looks towards the Rodian. "You know anything about the comms being blocked?"
Kesvo: "Riprock? Janix? Five?"
Janix: Pursing her lips, Janix is silent until Kesvo asks. "I think those artifacts are important. I'm not too worried about save criminal masterminds but innocent people are another story."
GM: Zayda has a commlink (taken from him), a frag grenade, a stun grenade powered laminate armor (with jetpack built in), disruptor rifle (taken), and a heavy blaster pistol.
Rook: Suddenly remembering, Rook glances towards the Pet shop, assessing damages.
Kesvo: She looks to Tal and Riprock for their opinions
Captain Riprock: "Qi'ra's an old friend." The Captain says slowly. "But I didn't know about the Crimson Dawn, thing."
"It's true that this ship is a floating city. It'd be hard for us to take it back against an entire group of pirates."
Zayda: Zayda explains that the fleet disabled the comm array of the Imperious and they are scrambling internal communications with their own vessels.
"Once we secure the ship, we haul off with it and ransom it and everyone away."
"There'll be people who pay for it, and pay well."
Venn: The blonde shamelessly poaches the man's grenades and hands the frag grenade to Rook. She hands the stun grenade to N1TR0.
Zayda: "Help us and you'll get a big cut."
"Talkin' thousands and thousands of credits."
Tal: "I really don't want to risk our lives for slavers, thugs, and Kathlo the Hutt." he said.
"Our chances of escaping without being fired on are pretty low, though."
Rook: "Thank you!" Rook happily takes the grenade. She's feeling more and more like herself.
Zayda: "And come on - you've gotta have some people on this ship you'd like to get rid of."
Venn: "How was the comm array disabled?"
Rook: "Ransoming them off isn't getting rid of them. and you were mowing down everyone here. which means you plan to kill anyone you don't think you'll get a ransom for." Rook will reply, once Zayda's comment is translated. but oh yeah, there were a few people she'd love to do in. and she sure could use the credits.
Zayda: "With starship blasters."
Captain Riprock: "We could get a call out, maybe get some back up."
Rook: "What ships are here, do you know?"
Zayda: "I told you already, three dozen ships or so."
Kesvo: Kesvo rubs her neck thoughtfully while considering.
"How, with comms jammed?" she asked Riprock.
Rook: "Not how many, what ones." she said patiently.
Zayda: "Look out a window."
Ashley: Ashley isn't necessarily sure there would be back up. If people were as mixed about doing something as the Hellion were, then the odds are so would others.
Rook: Rook sent a breif look to kesvo, but did not punch him in the face.
Captain Riprock: "Through the Mallard's. Could maybe boost the signal with some tech wizardry."
Zayda: "I didn't get a karkin' list."
Ashley: "... it is possible," adds Ashley, "since we've overhauled the Mallard a few times."
Kesvo: "We'd have to get out of the docking bay, wouldn't we? Through a veritable blockade outside."
Rook: Rook nodded agreement to Riprock. "but if there is anyone on this vessel you want to pull out, we should probably see to them first."
Captain Riprock: "Like that's stopped me before."
Rook: ... or kill off. but she didn't say that aloud.
Venn: Venn leans against a wall.
Kesvo: ((So that was Ashley, Rook, Janix for staying, and Riprock, Nitro, Venn for leaving? And what was Tal's vote?))
Tal: (Tal's for leaving.)
Kesvo: "Those artifacts are still here."
"Any idea where your friend would be?" she asked Riprock.
N1-TR0: "Query: Who cares?"
Ashley: "Yes, and I want to find Elaiza," says Ashley, regarding the artifacts. Micael as well, though hopefully they were both safe.
Captain Riprock: Riprock frowns over at N1TR0, then turns to Kes. "Don't know, she could be anywhere. I'd need help finding her. Either getting into the ship systems, or through.." He gestures toward Ashley and Venn. "Special skills."
Rook: Rook studies N1TR0 for a moment, but declined to attempt to explain at the moment.
Kesvo: "Can you two find people like that?" she asked, turning to Venn and Rook.
Venn: "I will see."
"No guarantees."
Pushing off the wall, she walks closer to the railing to let the grandness of the place sink into her senses.
Tal: "If we're staying, I want to get my gear. Might as well." he said.
Rook: Rook looks around for functioning life pods and terrorized civilians, and while Ashley and Venn do their Force Powers, will attempt to help them escape.
Force Power
Venn Parsa
Power Name   SEEK
Dice Roll
(Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Ashley: "... can try to get into a terminal and see what I can find that way," says Ashley. Who will look to see if there were any actual terminals to hack into while Venn tried the other more Force-related routes.
Captain Riprock: Riprock turns to look to Venn. "I'm gonna be honest.. I'm a little at a loss. Qi'ra is an old friend but.. didn't know about the Crimson Dawn thing. That.. changes things a little, but.. I'd always be left wonderin', I think."
Venn: ((The user may spend %u25D1%u25D1 to gain insight into a general location or direction of a person or object that he knows about, regardless of current distance. ))
GM: Venn will be able to find anyone on the ship she so chooses with that roll.
Kesvo: "Not a bad idea. Let's hit the Mallard to gear up. Maybe we'll run into Elaiza en route to the docking bay anyway."
GM: Rook finds some cowering shoppers and socialites who are hiding in nearby alcoves or shops. There's plenty of people still alive, despite all the bodies.
The docking bay that Elaiza had planned to be at is not near the Mallard's.
Remember, the ship is massive. Unfortunately, nothing is conveniently near anything else.
Whatever you choose to do will take time, and likely be at the sacrifice of something else.
Venn: "I sense her but not necessarily close by."
Kesvo: "Elaiza, or Q'ira?" she asks Venn
Rook: Trying to appear non-threatening (that's what the dress was for, right?) Rook will try to get them into escape pods.
Venn: "Q'ira."
Venn gives some minor details about flashes she sees that describe somewhat vaguely what Q'ira might have surrounding her.
Zayda: Zayda, with his hands still up, will sense that his time with the group is drawing to a close. Rather than waiting for someone to make the call about what to do with him, he volunteers a suggestion. "Look, no hard feelings, right? I'll remember that you let me go. If you all find need for some backup or something, you can just reach out to 'ol Zayda, and I'll bring all my boys to help you out."
Tal: Tal looks around. "Hm."
"What do you think Three?"
Zayda: "Your friend there is a mighty mean man." Zayda nods toward Tal. "But he can't be everywhere, right? Could be handy to have a well-equipped group of mercs to help you out sometime."
Venn: Venn walks over to Zayda. "You should make it a priority for you to vouch for these civilians and get them to safety."
She waves her hand...
Force Power
Venn Parsa
Skill Name   Discipline
Power Name   INFLUENCE
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Kesvo: Kesvo starts to respond, but stops when Venn intervenes. She watches the Umbaran work, her expression darkening curiously.
Venn: "Three, can you convince these people to comply?" she says, gesturing to the cowering civilians.
Rook: Rook's jaw clenched, "Mercenaries? no. You were slaughtering civilians. no one was even shooting back." but she awaited Kesvo's orders ... Only to be distracted by Venn's mind trick. She walks away from the civilians she'd been trying to calm down.
Zayda: "I will make it a priority to vouch for these civilians and get them to safety. I'll get the last of my crew to bring them to my ship, and get them out of here." Zayda says, almost robotically.
Captain Riprock: "Mallard first for our gear, right?"
Kesvo: She nodded, and turned to the civilians Rook had gathered.
"This guy's had a change of heart. He's gonna take you folks outta here. Alright? Here," she said, handing the sturdiest-looking of them one of the blaster pistols. "Go with him. You'll be alright."
"Not if Q'ira's in the other direction," Kesvo amended, to Riprock. "This place is gonna be swarming soon."
GM: The civilians are scared, but they nod and follow after Zayda, who leaves with them.
Captain Riprock: "So we get Q'ira, then get off the ship?"
"Call for backup?"
Ashley: Ashley's jaw tightens a bit.
Rook: "I still think those force items should be a priority, and we know where they are supposed to be. Should we split into two groups?"
Kesvo: "We know where they were going to be, in an hour, back before plans changed," Kesvo corrected.
"Let's keep eyes open. We know where Q'ira is, we don't know where anyone else is for sure. Let's start there."
Rook: Rook
will set a timer for 45 minutes.
Tal: "Gear first. I'm heading for the Mallard."
Kesvo: "There isn't time, Five. They're in opposite directions."
GM: Rook finds that after everything that's happened, it's not long until the supposed meeting time.
Rook: she will curse softly in Mando'a.
Tal: "Alright. Let's find Qi'ra."
Captain Riprock: Riprock exhales in appreciation. "Thanks ya'll. I know it's an ask."
Ashley: "Might be able to find a terminal on the way and see if it can help pinpoint an exact location." If he can get access to the ship internals but otherwise Ashley is ... Something.
Kesvo: "Two, lead the way."
GM: The Hellions move out, following after Venn's lead who utilizes The Force to guide them toward Q'ira.
Venn: Venn will commit 2 force dice to sense as she follows her sixth sense.
GM: As the Imperious rocks from intermittent ship fire, the Hellions move quickly through the commandeered vessel, finding bodies and scrapped security droids along the way.
They find another lift, and almost on instinct, Venn knows which code to press in order to take them to the level that Q'ira is on.
The doors open and...
End Session 91



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2020, 06:00:18 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 92 - Insurgency
GM: The Imperious - Raheem "The Glove" Tiv's luxury dreadnought - has come under attack by a rogue pirate fleet! Just as the Hellions were planning their next moves the ship was attacked and boarded. With many of the systems locked down and their gear left on the Aeon Mallard on the other side of the ship, the Hellions are fighting their way through butchering scum and villainy. The Hellions have split up into two groups - Captain Riprock, Venn, Kesvo, and Tal are on their way to try and save Riprock's friend Qi'ra. Meanwhile, 'Team Blue', Janix, Ashley, Rook, and N1-TR0, race to Landing Bay 14 to help Elaiza recover some Jedi Artifacts that are being smuggled off the ship during the confusion of the battle.
While starship fire continues to rock the Imperious and cause it to buckle under the strain of the assault, the Hellions are racing against time to be able to recover those they care for before they are overrun by the marauders.
Please roll Initiative - Cool or Vigilance - at this time.
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Captain Riprock:
Initiative Vigilance
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat)
Venn: (wow)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Triumph)
Initiative Vigilance
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: Team One: Kes, Riprock, Tal, and Venn have found a working escalator to take them to the common areas where Riprock believes Qi'ra was to be. It's a section of restaurants, bars, and clubs that he knew she would frequent.
As they start coming down the escalator, they see a familiar sight: That of Mandi, the Lieutenant to the Pirate Queen of Saluecami, directing a number of individuals with armor and blaster pistols as she is looking over individuals from a datapad.
Team Blue: Ashley (And Raider), Janix, N1-TR0, and Rook, make their ways through the service corridors toward Landing Bay 14. There as they are coming around the corner they hear the sounds of Lightsabers clashing, and through the doors they see a parked YT-1930, Onrein Hasar and a number of the Whiteclaw Syndacite standing guard over her as she is flanked by two IG-100 Magnaguards. All of them are watching as Kiyota, bearing a red lightsaber blade, fights against Elaiza. Micael is prone on the ground against a generator.
Onrein Hasar:
Initiative Vigilance
Onrein Hasar
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Wwrox the Scalper:
Initiative Vigilance
Wwrox the Scalper
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Whitescar Enforcer:
Initiative Vigilance
Whitescar Enforcer
Dice Roll
(Ability Success)
IG-100 Magnaguard:
Initiative Vigilance
IG-100 Magnaguard
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Venn: ((Venn also gave rook a frag grenade and has a stun grenade herself and 2 blaster pistols))
Rook: Rook uses her free maneuver to Side Step for four levels of upgrade vs ranged. (4 strain)
Mandi: Mandi is currently reviewing a datapad as she looks over a pair of captives, seeming to try to identify them.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Failure) (Advantage)
Mandi: Tal fails to sneak up on Mandi, who turns around and looks at him - but since he's wearing a disguise, and not his helmet and gear from Saleucami, she doesn't recognize him. "Look alive, boys! We have company!"
Janix: Janix will grab a crate, move into the room and duck behind it.
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success)
%uF9FF Far Strike Activation   Action
Effect   Make a Brawl combat check as a ranged attack at one target at short-range or further, adding %u2B21 no greater than the character%u2019s Force rating to the check. The character may spend %u25D0 to increase the range of the attack by one range band per %u25D0 spent, to a maximum of long.
GM: Janix, carrying one of the supply crates from the service corridor, moves and hides behind some cover.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
(nix IF)
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Despair) (Challenge Failure) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
GM: Janix throws a Force Punch, but sensing the danger, the red-haired woman shifts and outstretches her hand, forcing the blow to strike Elaiza. The older Jedi woman strumbles, off-balance.
Red-Bladed Lightsaber
Damage   10
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 2, Sunder, Breach
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Janix: Janix is sure she hits but the Flame Haired woman deflects it, causing Janix to curse under her breath!
Red-Bladed Lightsaber
Damage   10
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 2, Sunder, Breach
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Character Critical
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   80
Dice Roll   54
Total   134
Bleeding Out
Suffer 1 wound and 1 strain every round at the beginning of turn. For every 5 wounds suffered beyond wound threshold, suffer one additional Critical Injury (ignore the details for any result below this result).
Kiyota: Kiyota ducks away from Janix's force attack, taking advantage of the Jedi's off-balance state. She brings the saber under her guard, cutting off Elaiza's hand and sending her lightsaber clattering to the ground. The old woman cries out, pained, and falls to the floor.
"And now..." The red-head seethes. "It ends."
Sorority Kill Team Member:
Heavy Blaster Pistol
Sorority Kill Team Member
Damage   7
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Sorority Kill Team Member:
Heavy Blaster Pistol
Sorority Kill Team Member
Damage   7
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: "He's too handsome, they could not ignore him!" Venn says to Kesvo regarding Tal's bumping into people.
Mandi: As stun-bolts strike at Tal, though not managing to down him in the single shot, Mandi draws a vibro-rapier and takes up a defensive posture. "Surrender now, buddy, and I won't have my boys cut you up out of hand."
Kesvo: Kesvo follows Venn's prompt to see Tal engaging Mandi's people.
"What is he doing?" she whispers, harshly. "We're here for Qi'ra."
Venn: "They probably want her."
"Unless another prize is near."
Kesvo: "You're suggesting we clear the floor?" she asked, looking back to Venn. "I was kind of hoping we could grab her and run in the chaos."
She sighed.
Venn: "I am not suggesting anything, only that our goals and theirs may be at odds."
Rook: Blood sprays everywhere, and even from the door of the elevator, Rook flinches as Elaida's hand bounces across the landing bay door. Though unable to discern much about Jannix' attack, that Elaida is in mortal danger is brutally clear.
Ashley: At the pained scream, Ashley was a step behind Janix. He didn't go right towards Elaiza, the red light of Kiyota's lightsaber was enough to pause him (old fears and all), but ... He didn't need to be next to her, not to give her a boost at least.
%uF915 Heal (Force Power) Image   "Every second matters."

Through channeling and his strong connection to the Force, Ashley heals injuries sustained both in and out of battle.
Activation   Action | Ally
Upgrades   Magnitude (2) - Spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase targets affected per rank. Can be activated multiple times.
Range (1) - Spend %u25D0 to increase maximum range per rank. Can be activated multiple times.
Control: Medicine (3) - Heals additional wounds equal to Medicine ranks.
Effect   Heals 8 wounds.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Kiyota: The Red-Blade wielding woman turns to look at Ashley as he appears and through the Force heal her target. Her eyes narrow at Ashley slowly. "You... I recognize you. You were on Skye."
Ashley: Ashley just smiles at her, all teeth. "I was." His eyes quickly glance towards Elaiza, however, and back to Kiyota.
Elaiza: Elaiza lets out a pained sigh. "Micael..." She groans, holding her stump. "She's after... Micael..."
Rodian Blaster Carbine
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting. Point Blank +4 dmg in %u2264 short range. Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Ashley: Ashley just swears under his breath at that, somehow not surprised. Untrained Force-user? Yeah, of course they'd be after him.
Rook: Moving into the room, Standing in the open, Rook fires into the guards watching Elaiza's murder.
Onrein Hasar: Hasar is surprised by the emergence of intruders who starts opening fire on her people. Looking over toward them, she shouts. "Kill them!"
Venn: ((Andy havent you been wanting to go))
Venn hops up on the smooth metal railing of the escalator, riding it down with little effort. Then she will look for the most dangerous looking person and...
%u2756 Fear the Shadows
Venn Parsa
Activation   Action - Hard %u2666%u2666%u2666 Deception check
Effect   Force a single minion group or rival to flee the encounter.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
And fail!
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Venn: ((also that should only use 3 force dice since i have 2 committed)
Kesvo: "In and out, no problem," she chuffs to Riprock, as she watches the others disperse.
She follows Venn down the escalator and smiles brightly at the sorority folks gathered there.
"Greetings, kids. Ready to go toe to toe with the Hellions again so soon?"
Talent: Incite Rebellion Skill   Coercion
Difficulty   Hard (Image)
Action   Once per session, cause up to three beings to become rebellious until the end of the encounter.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Mandi: Mandi upon seeing Kes looks a little less eager. "Ease up boys, this lot's dangerous." She nods her head toward Kes. "Good to see you again." She flashes a smile. "Ditched the kid, I see."
"Something I can help you with? Way off this ship, maybe?"
Kesvo: "Just didn't need the extra muscle for this excursion." She winked. "I'm betting we're here after the same thing you are. Which bounty are you after?"
Whitescar Enforcer:
Light Blaster Pistol
Whitescar Enforcer
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Threat)
(Threat) (Threat)
Whitescar Enforcer:
Light Blaster Pistol
Whitescar Enforcer
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure)
Whitescar Enforcer:
Light Blaster Pistol
Whitescar Enforcer
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
"We're checking everyone to see. Got a list. They hauled off Zann just a few minutes ago, if that's who you're looking for. Got a couple more that we're supposed to bring before the Queen."
Rook: A hail of fire erupts around Rook, but she weaves through the oncoming fire, managing a return shot that injures one of the enforcers.
GM: The Whiteclaw Syndacite guards open fire at Rook, meanwhile Hasar herself draws a blaster pistol from within her robes. "Magnaguards, prepare to engage."
Kesvo: "We're after the woman named Qi'ra," she reveals. "You can have the rest of the list. Fair?"
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Despair) (Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Light)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Despair) (Light) (Light) (Light)
GM: Elaiza throws out her hand to Force Shove Kiyota back. And while she succeeds in doing so, the red-headed woman flips through the air and lands in a three point stance on the wing of the starfighter.
Mandi: "Well, I won't stop you, but the Scalper and his partner - the crazy casino droid, want her for the bounty."
"Back off boys, grab a seat, maybe we'll get to see the Hellions work!"
Kesvo: "I wouldn't sit too long," she quips, with a smirk. "There's money to be made, Mandi. Be seein' you."
Kiyota: Kiyota looks somewhat winded from the Force-based attack.
Venn: Venn gives Kesvo a cheeky smack on the behind with a compliment.
Captain Riprock: "Where is she?" Riprock snarls out as he proceeds down the stairs, rifle in hand.
Mandi gestures into the restaurant.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
N1-TR0 moves into the room and opens fire with the carbine, eliminating two more of the White Claw. "Exclamation: Prepare to die, meatbags!"
Kesvo: "Tease," Kesvo murmurs as she passes Venn to head towards the restaurant. Riprock's grim countenance doesn't escape her, and she watches him stalk past with a smidge of concern.
Rook: N1-TR0's excellent shot and commentary earns a fierce grin.
Ashley: Ashley moves quickly to Elaiza's side, quickly picking up her light-saber and igniting it.
... but he doesn't attack with it, instead throwing a hand out towards Micael.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Kiyota: "You." Kiyota gestures to Rook. "This doesn't concern you, Hellion, but it will if you and your friends interferre."
Ashley: (( 2/5 heals ))
Venn: As the captain passes them by with focused zeal, Venn conspiratorially whisper-jokes to Kesvo. "Oh for the day when someone gets that worked up about me."
Micael Torval: Micael starts to stir as Ashley's command over Life starts to resuscitate him.
Ashley: Ashley calls upon the Force and finds it answers him swifter this time. Not only is able to rejuvenate Micael but he is able to further heal Elaiza. (Not gonna be able to fix that hand though.)
Tal: Tal watches Mandi's people back off.
"Let's see if we can reason with a Wookiiee." Tal said, having a bad feeling about this.
Janix: "We hired the best," Bluffed Janix to Kiyota. "What we do with our mercs is our business," she half snarled, still frustrated with the last attack.
Tal: He'll wait for the others to join him.
Venn: "Famous last words..."
GM: As Tal moves closer, hearing a Wookie yell, and a feminine Droid voice come through with a soothing, playful banter.
RX-7246: "Luck may be a lady, but it is also a synthetic-based consciousness with a mean capability for decimating a number of targets in a highly efficient manner."
"And lucky for you, you're paying well!"
Kiyota: Kiyota roars in fury and leaps off the fighter. "I WILL NOT BE DENIED AGAIN!"
%uF6E1%uFE0F Circle of Shelter Image   "Good a time as any to act reckless."

Taking advantage of the agility and maneuverability of Ataru, Ashley leaps into the fray to lessen an enemy's damage to an engaged ally.
Activation   Out of Turn Incidental | Nearby Ally Suffers Hit | 1 Target
Effect   Suffers strain to use Parry or Reflect to reduce damage dealt to engaged ally.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   2
New Light Side total   8
Red-Bladed Lightsaber
Damage   10
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 2, Sunder, Breach
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Character Critical
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   50
Dice Roll   59
Total   119
Can no longer see. Upgrade the difficulty of Perception and Vigilance checks three times, and all other checks twice.
Rook: "We are past that, *dar'jeti." Rook says coldly, even though the furious force wielder's attention had been utterly consumed by the need to kill Elaida.
Kiyota: Kiyota's blade cuts across Elaiza's face, causing her to scream out as Kiyota's rage is so strong that it forces Ashley's blade away.
Character Critical
Previous Criticals   2 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   20
Dice Roll   75
Total   115
Temporarily Lame
Until healed, may not perform more than one maneuver each turn.
Kiyota: As Elaiza falls to the ground, Kiyota drives her blade through her left leg in a roar of anger.
Kiyota: ""I. WILL. NOT. BE. DENIED."
Ashley Nasur DODGEs when he is targeted, suffering 2 strain to upgrade difficulty of that attack by 2.
IG-100 Magnaguard:
IG-100 Magnaguard
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Cortosis, Cumbersome 3, Linked 1, Stun
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
IG-100 Magnaguard:
IG-100 Magnaguard
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Cortosis, Cumbersome 3, Linked 1, Stun
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Ashley Nasur uses PARRY when he is targeted by melee attack, suffering 3 strain to reduce damage of that attack by 6 once per hit.
Venn: The tremors in the Force causes Venn to pause.. "Whatever we are doing, we had better finish it quickly. I feel that the Blueberry is greatly exerting himself...."
Onrein Hasar: While the Magnaguards engage with Ashley and his parrying Green saber (tnx Elaiza), Hasar opens fire at Rook.
Modified Heavy Blaster Pistol
Onrein Hasar
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Superior, Stun Setting, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Advantage)
Kesvo: Kesvo jogs ahead to catch up with Riprock moving towards the restaurant.
Venn: Venn was talking to Kesvo, btw with that.
GM: Kes gets into the room and sees a black furred wookie who wears several bandoleers with the scalps of different aliens tied to it as trophies. He carries with him a modified slugthrower carbine. The droid, a modified protocol droid of some kind, has with her a Light Repeater blaster in her spindly, thin hands.
Kesvo: "Exerting himself? Is he alright?" she asked, frowning. ((Oops!))
Ashley: Ashley is clearly working over time, only barely sparing Elaiza a messy death, but with the magnaguards coming after him ... Well, he was going to have to be extremely thankful to Elaiza because without the lightsaber there was no way he would've shrugged the attacks off.
GM: Qi'ra is currently on the floor, at the feet of the Wookie, looking quite frightened.
Ashley: What he also does, however, is call out to Janix. "She's after Micael! She can't have him."
GM: "Riprock! Kes! Be careful, these two are some of the nastiest bounty hunters in the galaxy!"
-Qi'ra says from the ground.
Janix: Janix nods to Ashley. She owes him and will do whatever it takes to make sure Kiyota doesn't get the frail looking human.
Kesvo: "Heeeeyyyyy guyyyysss," she greets the wookiee and the droid, merrily as though they were old chums. "I need her," she said, pointing to Q'ira with a wince. "Let's make a deal."
Wwrox the Scalper: "RWWRRARRRGGHHHH!!!"
RX-7246: "Oh, my friend Wrrox inquires, quite politely, what sort of deal you are offering. Is it a very large amount of credits?"
Kesvo: "Might be! How much is the Pirate Queen paying for her?"
RX-7246: "He loves credits. Almost as much as he loves scalps." The droid says in pleasant Barbie-voice.
Wwrox the Scalper: "RRWHRWWARRRGHHH!!"
RX-7246: "We'll accept a hundred thousand credits. Now."
Rook: "Looks like you are going to be denied, Kiyota. Just like last time." Rook taunts the enraged dar'Jeti, even as Onrien weighs into the combat by firing at her, too.
Kesvo: Kesvo laughed. "Is that all?"
Whitescar Enforcer:
Light Blaster Pistol
Whitescar Enforcer
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Rook: The final set of guards open fire, their fire searing into her skin, and the silken armor she wears!
(soak in dress is 5)
Character Critical
Rook B.
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   68
Total   68
Scattered Senses
Remove all Boost dice from all skill checks until end of encounter.
RX-7246: "Oh, you want to give us more?"
"We accept tips!"
Janix: Janix will run forward, engage with Kiyota, and punch the ever loving shit out of her.
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Rook: She avoids the most of the fire, one but one searing blow burns across her back, limiting movement.
Dice System:
Janix M'kyato flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   3
Light Side points remaining   7
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light)
Dice Roll
(Setback Failure) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Janix: (3 white = advantage, 2 for knockdown, 5 for successes)
Kesvo: "Naw, I was being what they call 'facetious', friend," she says, her grin lingering. "But I've got a soft spot for wookiees," she says, folding her arms and looking towards the scalper with an affectation of fondness. "So I'll cut you a hell of a deal. I'll transfer fifty thousand to you right now, and you two get to walk out of here without having to fight the Hellions. That's not a bad day's work, if you ask me."
%uF938 Martial Grace Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, the character may suffer 2 strain to add additional damage equal to her
ranks in Coordination to one hit of a successful Brawl
combat check.
Janix: Putting everything into her punch, Janix focuses all her power on stopping Kiyota.
GM: Kiyota is knocked to the ground, her face bloodied from the assault.
Janix: As Kiyota goes down, Janix adjusts and readies herself for the inevitable counter assault. This time at least, she didn't deflect the blow. A smug sense of satisfaction rolls off the Hapan.
Tal: "Like she said, we just want her." he said, indicating Qi'ra.
Ashley: Ashley doesn't laugh but he does grin fiercely at Janix as she knocks the fuck out of Kiyota.
Venn walks up and sees everyone gabbing. "I don't have time for this."
Move on Qira.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Captain Riprock: Riprock looks over to Venn, a huge grin flashing on his face. "It's things like this that make me love you."
Venn: The woman goes flying past the Hellions and lands on a couch. In the same action, tables rip from the ground and stack into a barricade in front of the door. (Magnitude, Strength upgrades used)
Wwrox the Scalper: "RWWWWWOOOOORGHHHH aww wrr rrrrgh."
RX-7246: "Hey! How did she do that!?"
"Are we still getting paid!?"
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Kesvo: Shit starts flying around, and Kesvo sighs.
"Sorry!" she calls through the furniture barricade with a little laugh. "Looks like the offer expired!"
GM: Qi'ra's eyes are wide, obviously in shock.
Venn: "Come with us if you want to live."
RX-7246: "Oh. You're about to expire."
A loud whining sound is heard as something is charging up.
"I love this part."
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 4, Inaccurate 1, Pierce 2, Autofire, Slow-Firing 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
GM: A wave of blaster-fire tears through the couches as the droid utilizes her auto-cannon to shoot at the negotiating Hellion through the cover.
Wwrox the Scalper: "RRWWWAWWRRRGHH!!!"
Kesvo: From the other side of the barricade, a string of Falleen curses sounds.
Wwrox the Scalper:
Custom Slugthrower Carbine
Wwrox the Scalper
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Auto Fire, Cortosis Rounds, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success)
Kesvo: Kesvo coughs and laughs. "Did you not just see her REARRANGE THE ROOM with her mind?!" she taunts. "You're not making smart choices, peo--ACK!"
RX-7246: The Wookie opens fire with metallic rounds that sound like a machine-gun as it tears through the couch.
Kesvo: -more coughs- "No offense, Two, but you're shit at barricade-building."
RX-7246: "We can rearrange your organs with outlawed heavy-grade weapons!"
Venn: "I'm not a mason."
"You better know how to use that thing, Skipper." Reminder, the first shot from the disintegrator weapon is upgraded.
Captain Riprock: "I've handled one before." Riprock levels his rifle and aims.
Kesvo: "I needed like two more minutes, karrabast," she swears, staggering back from the doorway.
Venn: "Time isn't on Blueberry's side, so I'm afraid it wont be on ours."
Rodian Blaster Carbine
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting. Point Blank +4 dmg in %u2264 short range. Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Disruptor Rifle
Captain Riprock
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Vicious 5
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Rook: Rook moves forward, so she can shield Torval as well as unleash fire at the group of guards in back. "Hey," she says by way of greeting.
Captain Riprock: Riprock lines up a shot and shoots off a ray of green energy that literally singes off some of the Wookie's fur. "Give up now, furrball, or you're gonna go the way of everyone else who's come after us!"
Exclamation Die Meatbag
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
RX-7246: "Hey! That's not nice!"
"We were talking here, all nicely!"
"Credits or get blasted!"
Kesvo: Kes backs up away from the door, and calls to the Hellions nearby as she does so.
"Five, do me a favor and take that karking gun away from that walking carpet!" she encourages, as she grabs Qi'ra's arm to suggest she retreat with her.
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 2 rounds.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   6
GM: Qi'ra moves with Kesvo, feeling confident she is safe after everything that's happened...
Character Critical
Previous Criticals   3 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   30
Dice Roll   6
Total   66
Scattered Senses
Remove all Boost dice from all skill checks until end of encounter.
Ashley: (( touch of fate + aim ))
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success)
Npc Critical
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   10
Total   10
Slowed Down
May only act during last allied Initiative slot on next turn.
Kiyota deflects much of the lightsaber blade that's coming for her, but it manages to score a hit on her leg and cause her to cry out.
Ashley: The only way to help Elaiza (and Micael), determines Ashley, is to take care of Kiyota now. Going for prone targets isn't his style, but she had already shown she did not care for those that were already down.
Cue, you know, blocked hit and leg stabs.
Ashley Nasur DODGEs when he is targeted, suffering 2 strain to upgrade difficulty of that attack by 2.
IG-100 Magnaguard:
IG-100 Magnaguard
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Cortosis, Cumbersome 3, Linked 1, Stun
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Ashley Nasur REFLECTs when hit by a ranged attack, suffering 3 strain to reduce damage by 5, pre-soak.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
IG-100 Magnaguard:
IG-100 Magnaguard
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Cortosis, Cumbersome 3, Linked 1, Stun
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
%uF6E1%uFE0F Circle of Shelter Image   "Good a time as any to act reckless."

Taking advantage of the agility and maneuverability of Ataru, Ashley leaps into the fray to lessen an enemy's damage to an engaged ally.
Activation   Out of Turn Incidental | Nearby Ally Suffers Hit | 1 Target
Effect   Suffers strain to use Parry or Reflect to reduce damage dealt to engaged ally.
Venn: (But Janix has parry herself)
%u2694%uFE0F Parry Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 3.
Unarmed   May Parry while unarmed, reduce strain cost to Parry while unarmed by 1.
GM: While Janix would normally take a second hit -- the Magnaguard activates the Cortosis quality and makes Ashley's saber short out as he goes to block the attack.
Ashley: Ashley hisses as the lightsaber fizzles out, the light gone. "This? This right here? This is why I carry two."
Whitescar Enforcer:
Light Blaster Pistol
Whitescar Enforcer
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Failure) (Advantage)
Venn: Kes boost
Kesvo: As she heads back towards the escalator, she comms Nitro.
"We've got Qi'ra. What's your team's status?"
Blaster Carbine
Tal Vodax
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
N1-TR0: "Report: We have engaged a red-lightsaber using agent. Two IG-100s, and Onrein hasar."
"Excalamation: I am killing them."
Ashley: "Janix, might seem counterintuitive but ..." His head jerks towards Kiyota. "She's more problematic than the magnaguards." To Hasar, he calls out ... "You might want to rethink whose side you're on and who you're helping!"
Wwrox the Scalper: The wookiee looks down at the shambles of weapon in his hand. He roars as he lifts up the two halves of his weapon and roars.
Janix: Clenching her fists, Janix nods, as Kiyota seems momentarily stunned (going last). "Got it," a bit of a smile as she readies another powerful attack.
RX-7246: "Oh. You made the Wookiee mad!"
Tal Vodax End Turn.
Venn: "Oh pfask that blew up right in his face..." says Venn watching the former Mando fire right down the slugthrower barrel.
Incendiary Micro-Rocket
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Blast 9, Burn 2, Limited Ammo 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Tal: Tal aimed the blaster carbine and fired, shooting straight down the barrel of his slugthrower. Sad to lose such a beautiful weapon, but better that it's not coming toward them.
RX-7246: RX can activate Blast with 1 advantage.
Captain Riprock: A rocket flies through the hole of the cover, exploding among the trio of Hellions, Riprock yells in pain as he catches on fire, as does most of their surroundings.
GM: Riprock runs after Kes, patting at himself and grabbing a whole decanter of nearby fruit-infused water to douse himself.
Wwrox the Scalper: Wrox roars as he rips past the burning, blasted couches, and swipes at Tal with his claws.
As he does, there is a glint of light along his claws.
Durasteel Tipped Claws Vibroclaws
Wwrox the Scalper
Damage   6
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 5
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: The umbaran barely utters a word of exclamation before she is backblasted across into the escalator.
Wwrox the Scalper: Wrox rips across Tal's suit.
RX-7246: "You're in for it now!"
Onrein Hasar: Hasar takes a Maneuver to boost the Magnadroids on their next action. She then runs for the ship. "Take the girl and let's go!"
Janix: Janix gets ready and punches downwards at Kiyota!
RX-7246: "I have a friendly suggestion for you, pay us and no-one else can get hurt!"
"Just a small upcharge for my partner's weapon!"
Janix: ((DOUBLE AIM))
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
((JK AIM + IF))
Dice System:
Janix M'kyato flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   5
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Blank) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
((Using 3 Dark Side -- 1 success and 2 advantage, DOUBLE CRIT))
Dice System:
Janix M'kyato flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   4
%uF938 Martial Grace Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, the character may suffer 2 strain to add additional damage equal to her
ranks in Coordination to one hit of a successful Brawl
combat check.
Npc Critical
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   30
Dice Roll   47
Total   87
Increase difficulty of all skill checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
Janix: (+3 dmg)
Kiyota: Kiyota grits her teeth as she tries desperately to hold off Janix's attack.
Janix: With furious purpose, Janix lashes forward at the prone Kiyota, inflicting as much damage as possible with her fists.
N1-TR0: "Objection! I did not give you permission to flee!"
Exclamation Die Meatbag
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Onrein Hasar:
Npc Critical
Onrein Hasar
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   21
Total   21
Add 1 Setback die to next skill check.
GM: Hasar stumbles as she's struck by N1-TR0's blaster shot, hitting an armored plate of her cybernetics beneath her robes.
Venn: Her head is ringing in pain, blood leaking down the side of her face from her temple. She braces herself against the escalator wall for a moment, groaning. "Pfassking walking trash heap... "
Anger fuels her, propping her up and taking over as she reaches her hand out to the droid.
RX-7246: "Spin, spin, you win!"
"A free serving of pain!"
%u2756 Move - Control: Hurl Image   %u201C...You wanted this chaos!%u201D
An outstretched hand has her reach into the Force, turning the very environment around her into weapons.
Action - Activate with %u25D0 || Ranged Combat Check vs. Sil.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +2 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Short.
Magnitude    %uF53C +3 objects per %u25D0. Auto-fire quality.
Strength    %uF53C +3 sillhouette per %u25D0. Damage is Sil size x10.
She will hurl it at the wall....
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
(but wait)
%u2734The Force is My Ally Use    Once per session.
Effect    Suffer 2 strain to perform Force power action as maneuver.
Venn: She will do it again
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   3
Venn: -2 dark side pips
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
RX-7246: "For this time only you can whOOOOOAAAAHHHHH!"
The droid yells as she goes flying.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Kiyota: Kiyota grunts and reaches out with the Force.
Venn: Venn roars and waves her hand, sending the droid smashing into the wall near by. The she lifts her other hand and sends it flying well down the hall.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   4
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank)
Venn: The potted plants near her wilt as the dark side pours through her in unmitigated telekinetic fury.
Kiyota: Ashley, and Janix fly upwards up into the roof of the landing bay as Kiyota roars in fury, unleashing a wave of force from the depths of the Dark Side.
GM: They are able to land (safely) back to the ground, albeit away from her (10 damage to both of you)
GM: She then kip-ups, seething in anger. She looks toward Elaiza's prone, bleeding body in rage, but seeing the odds, she senses things are going against her.
Janix: Janix swims through the air as she curses and struggles against the force, with not effect.
GM: She then rushes toward the starship...
Janix: It hurts as she comes back down with gravity rushing to meet her.
RX-7246: "Hey big guy! We may wanna deal with this another day!" She yells out - it's very distant sounding.
Ashley: Ashley grunts, being lifted up, and flips through the air to land back on his feet and it is jarring as fuck but his focus on Kiyota as she runs. One good turn deserves another ...
%u2744%uFE0F Bind (Force Power) Image   "Someone's day is about to get wrecked."

With the assistance of the Force, Ashley holds an opponent in place.
Activation   Action | Enemy (or Ally)
Upgrades   Magnitude (1) - Spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase targets affected per rank. Can be activated multiple times.
Strength (1) - Spend %u25D0 to disorient target for rounds equal to Strength upgrades. Can be activated multiple times.
Control: Strain - Spend %u25D0 to make target suffer strain equal to user's Willpower.
Effect   Target immobilized until end of user's next turn.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Threat) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   3
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   4
Rodian Blaster Carbine
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting. Point Blank +4 dmg in %u2264 short range. Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: The pain is a bit too jarring and all Ashley can really think about is the fact Elaiza is still bleeding out. When it's clear that Kiyota is unaffected, the Pantoran Jedi books it to the downed Elaiza to hit her with a stimpack.
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success)
Venn: +1 damage
GM: Hasar stumbles as she's shot with a stun-bolt that clearly rings her bell.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   5
GM: As Kiyota runs aboard the ship, the freighter begins to take off.
Onrein Hasar: "Wait! Don't leave me!"
Onrein Hasar
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
Hasar leaps up and grabs the bottom of the landing ramp as the ship begins to take off. She dangles off of the ground and grunts and groans as she climbs up onto the ramp.
GM: The Magnaguards attack Ashley and...
Ashley Nasur DODGEs when he is targeted, suffering 2 strain to upgrade difficulty of that attack by 2.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
IG-100 Magnaguard:
IG-100 Magnaguard
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Cortosis, Cumbersome 3, Linked 1, Stun
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
IG-100 Magnaguard:
IG-100 Magnaguard
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Cortosis, Cumbersome 3, Linked 1, Stun
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
%u2694%uFE0F Parry Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 3.
Unarmed   May Parry while unarmed, reduce strain cost to Parry while unarmed by 1.
Ashley: "Just couldn't take the magnaguards with them," hisses out Ashley, blocking part of the blow but definitely feeling it.
Janix: "Fffsss." Hisses Janix as the Magnaguard hits her.
%u2756 Influence: Mind Trick / Stress Mind Image   %u201C...Boring conversation anyway.%u201D
She draws on the the Force to psychically pacify or manipulate her opposition. Action - Activate with %u25D0 vs. Living Target.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +1 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Engaged.
Magnitude    %uF53C +3 beings per %u25D0.
Strength    %uF4A4 Inflict 2 strain per %u25D0 (no soak).
GM: The two Magnaguards whirl their electrostaffs to strike the Jedi and the Hapan.
Meanwhile, Venn faces a Two Red Discipline channel to utilize the Force against the Wookiee.
Janix: But she does tumble through and ends up next to Ashley again.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2)
(Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
She is FURIOUS...
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   4
Venn: 5 Strain, 5 conflict
10 strain damage, no soak
Eyes rimmed in sickly orange, pushes by Tal and stares at the wookie. Her head tilt and all the hanging greenery about wilts and disintegrates
His fur begins to turn grey as she advances on him.
GM: The Wookiee roars and grabs at its head, pain evident in its mien as Tal, Riprock, Kes, and Qi'ra are given an courtside seat to the disturbing view of a Wookiee screaming in fear and anguish before it lets out a pitiable whimper, then falls over.
Tal: "What the kriff..." as he swears that the temperature in the area just dropped.
Venn: "I am sick and tired of you bloody criminals and your bloody ways. Have a nap full of nightmares you swine."
She casually tips him over as he goes down.
"Are. We. Done."
Captain Riprock: "Uh... yeah..."
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Captain Riprock: "Yeah I think we're done here."
Tal: "Empty void." he said, watching the wookiiee simply collapse.
"Yeah, uh, we're good."
Captain Riprock: "We can get back to the Mallard."
Kesvo: Kesvo just stares.
GM: Qi'ra gulps, her face pale and her eyes wide. She is stricken in fear.
Venn: "Let's go backup our friends."
Tal: Tal checks Wrox for any other weapons, items.
GM: Tal finds a communicator, a transponder, those durasteel-tipped vibroclaws, and a pair of frag grenades.
Tal: He takes everything.
GM: Also, two bandoleers filled with alien scalps.
GM: He does not have any stims on him.
Tal: He leaves the scalps. He earned those...probably.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   5
Venn: She takes a deep breath and attempts to quell the dangerous fury. It is perpetually difficult to put out that fire, lest it consume everything indescriminently.
Kesvo: "You alright?" she murmurs to Venn as they start back up the escalator.
GM: The two Magnaguards leap up toward the freighter as it begins to depart, taking Hasar, Kiyota, and her bodyguards away from the area. While Micael and Elaiza are still alive, the latter is grievously injured. The Hellions who had left to save Qi'ra reconnoiter with the others, though not without Mandi and the other Sorority Pirates giving them nods of respect. Mandi even lifts up a fist in salute.
Micael has a small ancient box with him, sputtering that they were only able to get some of the shipment.
Venn: "I would worry more about the others. I won't be fine until I know they aren't alone with whatever evil they are facing." she replies to Kesvo, though her eyes have returned to their pale blue.
Kesvo: "Maybe you would," she murmurs, though she doesn't elaborate.
GM: In short order, the whole of the crew is reunited. The Imperious rocks from more ship fire, but it seems to have diminished some. They can speak to each-other for this coming week of downtime, while they make their way to the Aeon Mallard in the landing bays.
End Session 92



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2020, 12:57:49 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 2, Session 93 - Insurgency
GM: The Imperious, as massive civilian dreadnought, has come under attack by a pirate fleet, forcing the Hellions to navigate around marauders as they try to escape the siege of the luxury super-ship. After foiling the attempt of the Imperial Agent Kiyota to murder Elaiza and kidnap her student, they also rescued the (secret) leader of the Crimson Dawn, Qi'ra.
GM: Starting to make their way to the Landing Bay that holds the Aeon Mallard, the Hellions swiftly try to leave the ship as it is under fire from the attack. Klaxons echo along the massive corridors as you move past looted shops, cowering civilians, and destroyed security droids. On occasion you see the corpse of a pirate here and there, gunned down by either the security of the ship or someone present.
Elaiza and Micael agree to lend Ashley use of Elaiza's lightsaber, the latter also handing over a small box. "These are the artifacts we were able to stop her from taking." Elaiza says gently. "I feel it's only right for you to have them, for saving my life."
As they reach the last lift to take them to the Landing Bay, Elaiza offers her (still remaining hand) to Ashley to surrender the lightsaber back to her. "This is where we part ways." The elder former Jedi says.
Ashley: Ashley blinks at that, quiet for a moment, before nodding. "I'll keep them safe," he promises, taking the box gently and tucking and taking the lightsaber as well.
When it comes to part ways, he hands the lightsaber back to Elaiza. "Of course," he says, "May the Force be with you." Pause. "... and your journey be safe.
Elaiza: "And you."
Micael Torval: "Take care of yourself, kid." Micael says gently in his fake Outer Rim accent.
GM: The two then take the lift to another level, leaving the Hellions and Qi'ra.
Rook: :Though it takes effort, Rook manages not to cringe at Torval's fake accent.
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Ashley: "You too, Micael," says Ashley, grinning at the accent (though mostly at Rook's attempt to not cringe).
GM: Rook's tracker tells her that Kiyota's ship is starting to quickly gain distance from The Imperious.
Rook: "if we don't hurry, they will get away. It's a YT-1930 freighter." She glances at Riprock. "A good ship."
Kesvo: Kesvo injects herself with a stimpack while they move, cleaning up the last of her injuries left over after the earlier scuffle.
Captain Riprock: "Got other concerns right now, Rook." Riprock says with a gruffness that is a little more than the usual grouchy Captain.
GM: Stepping to a long corridor, the Hellions see signs of violence leading to the Landing Bay that the Aeon Mallard is held.
Tal: Thanks to Ashley, Gil's in a better place than he was, but he's still annoyed about the Wookiee. He checks the charge on his blaster carbine and advances so that they can get to the Mallard.
Kesvo: Barring any visual signs of an obstacle, Kes will sprint towards the hanger.
GM: "My ship should be nearby." Qi'ra offers, a small smile held toward Riprock. "Thanks again for saving me, flyboy. You and your crew are somethin' special."
Ashley: Ashley, with Raider a step behind him, moves forward as well. He frowns at the news that Kiyota and Hasar are getting away but otherwise moves to keep up with the others.
Janix: "I think we got her on the run," Janix says to Rook. "She'll definitely think twice, maybe three times, before tangling with us again." Chasing after Kiyota did not seem like it was exactly what the team needed to do.
GM: Making your way forward toward the hangar, you run face-first into a small squad of soldiers wearing laminate armor that wield blaster rifles. They look to the group as they turn the corner, and raise their weapons.
Kesvo: "Heads up!" Kes calls, ducking behind cover
GM: "Surrender!" One of them yells. "Only warning!"
Kesvo: "Surrender to whom?" Kes called back from her place.
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Light)
(Success) (Threat) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Raiding Commando:
Raiding Commando
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Blank)
Raiding Commando:
Initiative Vigilance
Raiding Commando
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Pirate Marauder:
Initiative Vigilance
Pirate Marauder
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Jaw clenched, Rook shakes her head at the captain's deliberate obtuseness. For a moment she holds utterly still, then just follows after the others.
GM: As the Hellions moved forward they find that there are several destroyed droids. It looks like the armored soldiers are overlooking an operation of moving several cargo containers. One chamber is a storage center with several lockers that are on transport hoverpads. The other is a 'Scheduled Landing Center' where you all went through processing. Whatever staff were here are either gone or vaporized.
Kesvo: With her free maneuver, Kesvo draws an intentional breath and focuses her mind on the present conflict. ((Intense Focus))
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Rook: With her free maneuver, Rook will take cover.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Blank)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
%uF9FF Far Strike Activation   Action
Effect   Make a Brawl combat check as a ranged attack at one target at short-range or further, adding %u2B21 no greater than the character%u2019s Force rating to the check. The character may spend %u25D0 to increase the range of the attack by one range band per %u25D0 spent, to a maximum of long.
Kesvo: Kesvo steps into the doorway and holds up her hands, even though one of them is still holding a blaster.
"Look, you guys don't wanna do this. This is your one chance to go about your business and let us pass before you acquire a really bad day."
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
(2 white pip = range. 3 for success to heal strain)
Kesvo: When the dudes seem unmoved by her offer, she opts to take cover before the ugliness starts.
Janix: (8 pierce 5)
Janix, tired of getting ambushed and the hellscape of the luxury liner, doesn't wait for answers. She steps into the side room, focuses her Biotics and unleashes it with an angry growl. "Get the fuck out of our way."
Ashley: Ashley is going to use his free maneuver (triumph from init) to get order Raider up and back into his jacket again. (Even though he looks like he's extra chompy after the taste of flesh, :P.)
GM: One of the commandos goes flying, striking the wall and crumpling to the ground dead.
Tal: Tal pops out from behind cover and shoots at a soldier.
Blaster Carbine
Tal Vodax
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Tal downs a group of a soldiers and enters the room to claim it for the Hellions.
GM: The Holomonitors are still active in the waiting room, showing a Coruscanti-Drama serial. The other stations give expected departures and arrivals for shuttles and other craft, though all the numbers are flickering as N/A.
Venn: Venn enters the room after Tal clears it, but then spots more foes beyond the doorway.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
"Your friends plan to murder you and take your cut!"
GM: "Warlord, we're under attack!" One of the soldiers yells into a helmet-based comm. "Squad of heavily armed -- AHHHHHHRRRGGHHH!!"
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM: The trio turn their weapons on each-other, opening fire. More armored warriors appear from further ahead, as do a pair of heavily armored Gammoreans.
The commandos open fire at Venn and Tal who are at Medium range from them.
Venn Parsa %uD53B%uD546%uD53B%uD53E%uD53C%uD54A when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Raiding Commando:
Blaster Rifle
Raiding Commando
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
The blast doesn't strike Venn, as it sets her off-balance, but it does hit the EMERGENCY FIRE PREVENTION SYSTEM, throwing out fire-suppressant foam all through the room. It takes an additional maneuver to move toward the pirates.
Venn: Venn gets distracted by the holodrama and a shot whizzes by her head.
GM: The other troops take advantage of the distraction to Tal and take aim.
Raiding Commando:
Blaster Rifle
Raiding Commando
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Venn: "Bloody repugnant scumweasels." she spews vitriolically as the room comes to life around her.
Captain Riprock:
Disruptor Rifle
Captain Riprock
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Vicious 5
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: Image
GM: Unable to line up a proper shot at the bad-guys, he nonetheless fires a beam of pure energy that cuts through some of the suppressant system.
Venn: "This place is a damned hellscape. Fresh nightmares around every damned corner..." bemoans the umbaran as she is tossed about by jets of foam.
Ranged - Heavy
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Captain Riprock: "I'm sorry, I'll take you some place nicer next time!"
Ashley: Ashley slips forward, moving swiftly across the foam, and takes aim at one of the guards and takes one of them down with a well-placed shot.
Tal: Tal growls as he's shot. Well, more people who needed to die.
Frag Grenade %uF4A3
Rook B.
Damage   8+3*
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   %uF4A5 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1, Point Blank +4, Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt. Strong Arm Treat thrown weapons as if they have one greater range to a maximum of Medium.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
N1-TR0: "Complaint: I am never considered for where a nice place is."
Dice Roll
(Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
Exclamation Die Meatbag
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Boost Success)
Rook: Rook moves forward, side steps around the foam and oozing grossness, (4 strain) and makes a long, clean throw at the commandos.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success)
N1-TR0 steps up and opens fire with the Blaster-Carbine shooting over the smoking corpses of the Commandos to shoot a Gammorean solidly in its armored chest.
GM: The pig-creature honks in dismay!
Kesvo: Kesvo hollers to those near her.
"We've done more with less, people! Keep moving forward!"
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Maneuver   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 2 rounds.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: "Damn, Spitfire... where did that arm come from?" she comments as the mandalorian trudges into the foam and pitches like sports allstar.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
She then turns to the crates the mercs were concerned with and tries to determine if there's anything useful inside.
GM: Kes pops open one of the crates and finds it is filled with a large number of luxury goods - expensive cloths, antiques, things that would be worth a good deal of money on the black market. It seems that they were loading up things they'd stolen from the shops here.
Rook: Rook gives a little laugh, and indicates N1 with her chin. "I figured with a proper demolitionist around, it was time to practice my throwing." That and almost getting Ashley dead when she'd had to be too close to the explosion ....
Venn: (Swift lets you move normally through difficult terrain)
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Janix: +move
Tal: "Two, can you get me one of those axes?" Tal asked.
%uF9FF Far Strike Activation   Action
Effect   Make a Brawl combat check as a ranged attack at one target at short-range or further, adding %u2B21 no greater than the character%u2019s Force rating to the check. The character may spend %u25D0 to increase the range of the attack by one range band per %u25D0 spent, to a maximum of long.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
(2 white = range, 1 white advantage for crit, 3 for success)
(9 dmg 5 pierce)
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
Blaster Carbine
Tal Vodax
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success)
Janix: Janix swiftly moves forward and see one of the creatures with massive axes, does not rush further forward and takes cover. Focusing her biotic energy, she unleashes her ire at the basher and connects solidly. A bit of a smile at the success, she takes a breath as her allies move around her.
Tal: Tal moves behind a holo-pillar, still smarting after that last shot. He fires down the hallway at the Gamarroean basher, then pops back behind cover!
Ashley: Ashley takes aim at the remaining Gamorrean, firing another shot from the blaster carbine.
Blaster Carbine
Ashley Nasur
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Advantage)
Venn: (nope)
(So now I am in medium range?)
Venn will fire a blaster pistol then after aiming it. But she does it almost exactly as Ashley did prior, same form and everything.
Venn Parsa uses SINCEREST FLATTERY. Once per encounter, when she makes a skill check someone else has previously used during the encounter, she adds %uF7E6 %uF7E6 to her check.
Venn Parsa will %uD538%uD540%uD544 as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Venn: She is like Taskmaster that way sometimes.
Blaster Pistol
Venn Parsa
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Ashley: Ashley just raises his eyebrows at Venn a bit.
Venn: Venn just winks at Ashley. "Don't get too comfortable yet... more or on the way."
Ashley: "Think the only way I'm going to feel comfortable is if I never leave certain weapons behind again," he replies.
GM: More Commanndos pile in, as well as some rough-looking alien pirates. They lay down a field of fire behind a group that move forward, duck behind cover, and hurl a grenade at the collection of Hellions.
%u267B%uFE0F Prime Positions Activation   Passive
Effect   When a character or ally in short range takes cover, they increase their soak against ranged attacks by 2 until they leave cover.
Raiding Commando:
Military Grade Frag Grenade
Raiding Commando
Damage   7
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Blast 7, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
The grenade drops by Janix and explodes, throwing up shrapnel in the foam-filled chamber. Incidentally, a bunch of foam is thrown up into the air and falls like some sort of snowfall in a crystal globe.
And then blaster fire follows!
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Raiding Commando:
Blaster Rifle
Raiding Commando
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Challenge Failure)
Rodian Blaster Carbine
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting. Point Blank +4 dmg in %u2264 short range. Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Venn Parsa %uD53B%uD546%uD53B%uD53E%uD53C%uD54A when she is targeted. She suffers 1 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +1.
Rook: Rook moves forward in perfect military position, despite the frag grenade that bounced off of Tal, and unleashes a flurry of fire at the closest set of gamoreans. She side steps, (2 upgrades, 2 strain).
Pirate Marauder:
Light Blaster Pistol
Pirate Marauder
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Threat)
Pirate Marauder:
Light Blaster Pistol
Pirate Marauder
Damage   5
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph) (Triumph)
Venn: Chaos erupts with the grenade, the shockwave of the blast nearly knocking the witch off her feet, she staggers about tossed about foam.
GM: The blaster bolts fail to hit Venn, but they strike a number of alarms and consoles.
Captain Riprock:
Disruptor Rifle
Captain Riprock
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Vicious 5
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: She gets winged in the padded suit at the thigh, tearing a sizeable gash in the fabric. The force of the packet of energy sends her spinning in place, though she remains upright.
Riprock fires a beam of pure energy from the disruptor rifle that goes through three of them, completely disintegrating them.
Captain Riprock: "Haha! This thing has some kick!"
N1-TR0: "Complaint: I do not have any weapons that disintegrate meatbags."
Exclamation Die Meatbag
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
N1-TR0 fires at the laminate armor wearing commandos, striking one down in a flurry of blaster fire as he wings another.
Frag Grenade
Tal Vodax
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Short
Qualities   Blast 6, Limited Ammo
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal: Tal moves out of the area with all of the foam and rolls a frag grenade into the hallway.
"Eat this."
When the Gran dies, Tal feels a surge of satisfaction. The only good Gran is a dead Gran.
%uF915 Heal (Force Power) Image   "Every second matters."

Through channeling and his strong connection to the Force, Ashley heals injuries sustained both in and out of battle.
Activation   Action | Ally
Magnitude   Spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase targets affected per rank (3). Can be activated multiple times.
Range   Spend %u25D0 to increase maximum range per rank (1). Can be activated multiple times.
Control: Medicine   Heals additional wounds equal to Medicine ranks (3).
Effect   Heals 8 wounds.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
%u2604%uFE0F Force Leap Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Take a Force Leap maneuver. Make an Enhanced power check. The user may spend %u25D0 to jump vertically in addition to horizontally to any location in short range. Spend %u25D0 to increase the power's range by a 1 range band.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
(3 white = 3 successes)
Ashley: While the security console is clearly wasted, Ashley catches sight of the console that controls the fire suppression system. Moving quickly over to it, Ashley is able to disable it, giving the rest of the hellions an easier time to manuever. "One problem solved," he says, watching as Janix goes flying by, "but the security system console is definitely fried."
Kesvo: Kesvo trudges into the next room, slowed by the suppression foam. Once there, she takes quick stock of the others. "We're making good time. Keep the momentum going, we're almost there, guys."
(action + maneuver to move. +2 strain for additional maneuver: inspiring rhetoric.)
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Maneuver   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 2 rounds.
Janix: Eager to get out of the fire supression, Janix force leaps forward and slides up to the last enemy she can see. Without preamble, she strikes with her first, catching the enemy in the neck and snapping it's neck cleanly.
Venn: "That is indeed a help." she imparts the disheveled woman to Ashley.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Captain Riprock: Riprock reaches a hand out to Qi'ra. "Come on, we're almost there!"
GM: As Rook moves forward she sees the Aeon Mallard placed in docking clamps still, a YT-13-00 that is still moored, several starfighters, and another gunship that looks to be the pirate's main ship. Loading onto the ship are several pirates, a band of well-armored Gammoreans, and a massive Gammorean who is wearing full laminated armor. Stomping near him is an M1-426 Super Security Droid - like the one you saw back on Skye City.
Venn: "Fives. Axes at your twelve if you need them..." she calls to the Mandalorian as they push through the corridor.
Rook: Rook moves forward and looks out into the docking bay. "1 Super security droid, 4 grans, 8 assorted gammoreans and one warlord."
GM: One of the Gammoreans walks forward, and swings his vibro-ax at Rook.
Gamorean Grunt:
Gammorean Vibro-Ax
Gamorean Grunt
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 3, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Triumph)
Character Critical
Rook B.
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   30
Dice Roll   51
Total   81
Cannot voluntarily suffer strain to activate abilities or gain additional maneuvers until end of encounter.
GM: The Gammorean strikes her with a vicious hit, oinking as it does.
Rook: The Gammorean axe hits, and almost Rook slides free of the blow, save that it seemed to catch on some bone. A deep, painful shudder moves through her, and she realizes her ability to move easily and focus has been damaged badly.
%u2756 Fear the Shadows
Venn Parsa
Activation   Action - Hard %u2666%u2666%u2666 Deception check
Effect   Force a single minion group or rival to flee the encounter.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Warlord Garsh:
Initiative Vigilance
Warlord Garsh
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: *"GET AWAY FROM HER, NOW!" Venn yells in an echoing voice, rattling the crates in the room as she sees Rook taking serious hits.
M1-426 Security Super Droid:
M1-426 Security Super Droid
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
Kesvo: Kesvo snatches a rifle from the downed commandos as she passes them en route to the next room. ((Quick Draw)) Once there, she moves up to get a view of the hangar, and curses under her breath.
"Some days, I regret my career choices," she mutters to whomever is standing nearby. She focuses once more, and takes a shot at the nearest Gammorean.
Rook: That chilling voice rings out, both familiar as Venn's and forever alien, and the pig-man's screaming terror and the blood on her dress was all that remained of his presence there. She flashed a thumbs up at Venn, leaning upon the wall and forcing deep, even breaths.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Ranged - Heavy
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
Venn: The monstrous porcine brute is about to deliver a second swing then its green skin blanches in panic. It runs off squealing, and beyond the doorway, one nearby follows suit, fleeing in terror.
Rook: Rook gives a soft chuckle to Kesvo's quip, "hey, nothing like almost dying to make you feel alive, right?"
M1-426 Security Super Droid:
Initiative Vigilance
M1-426 Security Super Droid
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Kesvo: "Someone undock the ship!" she calls back to the group, after seeing the clamps on the Mallard.
GM: Make a Hard Computers Check with 2 Black as the Pirates have put an encryption to lock people out of the system.
Rook: "can you get more than one free? it might help to have more than one ship when we're blasting our way through the blockade."
Ashley: Ashley moves through, giving a quick glance towards Venn and then to Rook. "Why is it always gammoreans ..." he mutters under his breath, heading towards the docking consoles to see what he can do to get the Mallard (and maybe others) free. "Will see what I can do, Four!" he calls back.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Rodian Blaster Carbine
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting. Point Blank +4 dmg in %u2264 short range. Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
M1-426 Security Super Droid:
Npc Critical
M1-426 Security Super Droid
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   66
Total   66
Scattered Senses
Remove all Boost dice from all skill checks until end of encounter.
Warlord Garsh: The Gammorean chief lets out some extreme oinking sounds as it lifts a jagged and vicious looking vibro-ax over its head.
%u27E1 The Warlord%u2019s Command Activation   Maneuver
Effect   All Gammoreans gain a boost to their next check..
Rook: Rook takes cover, and finds herself unable to aim properly; instead, she simply fires at the security droid, hitting solidly ... but does not put him down.
Tal: "That axe."
"I want that axe."
Venn: "How is it going in there, Blue?"
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
%uF9FF Far Strike Activation   Action
Effect   Make a Brawl combat check as a ranged attack at one target at short-range or further, adding %u2B21 no greater than the character%u2019s Force rating to the check. The character may spend %u25D0 to increase the range of the attack by one range band per %u25D0 spent, to a maximum of long.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Light)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light)
(2 white = range. 4 white = success for total 3. 7 dmg pierce 5 )
(3 adv = strain recovery)
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
Ashley: "Going well!" calls back Ashley at Venn, who grumbles under his breath about pirates and their stupid encryptions (that were more an annoyance than anything else).
Tal: Tal locates a vibroaxe from the currently dead Gammoreans and picks it up. (1 Manuever.)
He then moves into a Defensive Stance (1 Maneuver).
Janix: Moving forward, Janix unleashes another burst of Biotic energy at the nearest Gammorean warrior from the safety of the doorway.
The sound of four heavy blaster cannons warming up is heard.
%u27E1 Fire Sweep Activation   Action / Medium Range
Effect   As an action make a Hard Gunnery Check to inflict one hit that deals base damage to up to two targets within medium range, plus one additional target per advantage on the check..
Twin Heavy Blasters
M1-426 Security Super Droid
Damage   12
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Linked, Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Rook: Rook's heart pound, eyes glazed but bright, as whine of gunnery fire sweeps through the room.
M1-426 Security Super Droid: 3
%u267B%uFE0F Prime Positions Activation   Passive
Effect   When a character or ally in short range takes cover, they increase their soak against ranged attacks by 2 until they leave cover.
Rook: heavy rounds blast into her body, but Rook does not quite pass out, though blood paints the walls.
Gamorean Grunt:
Gammorean Vibro-Ax
Gamorean Grunt
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 3, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Triumph) (Triumph)
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage)
Garsh begins to power up.
GM: The Gammorean's weapon cleaves right through Kes's blaster rifle.
She barely manages to avoid a blow that would cleave her in two.
Kesvo: "GuuhhH!" Kes yelps, as the pig man advances. With nowhere to go, she blocks with her purloined rifle, which is promptly cracked in two. "You pfasskers are faster than you look!"
Rook: Rook swears softly in Mando'a as Kesvo first gets shot and then nearly gets carved in two.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
(mind tricking them)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: (( so thats 1 to activate, 1 for range, and 1 for magnitude which will get 3 of them)
"Hey! That droid is going to kill you all if you don't disable it!"
GM: The Pig Men look confused, then nod, their minds overwhelmed.
Venn: When Venn starts a sentence with Hey, it usually doesn't end well apparently.."
Venn Parsa will suffer 2 Strain %uF504 to gain one additional Maneuver.
Venn Parsa will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM: The other pirates start making their way to the starfighters as the Warlord yells out in his Pig-Speech.
Captain Riprock: "Six. Get up there and lend some fire support. Four! Let 'em have it then get to some cover!"
%u27E1 Hellion Zero Activation   Manuever
Effect   Riprock allows another Hellion to take an action as an out of turn incidental.
Disruptor Rifle
Captain Riprock
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Vicious 5
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
E-33 Blaster Carbine %uF3AF
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Accurate 2, Aim as incidental, Stun Setting, Point Blank +4 dmg in %u2264 short range.Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Success) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Blank) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
M1-426 Security Super Droid:
Npc Critical
M1-426 Security Super Droid
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll   85
Total   95
At the Brink
Suffer 1 strain each time you perform an action.
Venn: "I can't say how long that will keep, so keep vigilant."
Exclamation Die Meatbag
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Challenge Failure)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Advantage)
GM: Rook shoots the Security Droid in one of it's 'knee'caps, stopping it from moving around quickly.
M1-426 Security Super Droid:
Npc Critical
M1-426 Security Super Droid
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   95
At the Brink
Suffer 1 strain each time you perform an action.
Ashley: "Mallard should be unlocked now!" calls out Ashley, poking his head out of the control room. "Along with the other ships as well!" Because why not.
Gammorean Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 3, Pierce 2, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Warlord Garsh:
Npc Critical
Warlord Garsh
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   80
Dice Roll   70
Total   150
The End is Nigh
Die after the last Initiative slot during the next round.
Rook: "Yes! well done." sweat and blood dripped all around her. Tal charged not the crazy droid with auto cannons, but the man with the axe. A faint laugh followed, but Rook refrained from shaking her had less the action blur her vision.
Warlord Garsh:
Npc Critical
Warlord Garsh
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   140
Bleeding Out
Suffer 1 wound and 1 strain every round at the beginning of turn. For every 5 wounds suffered beyond wound threshold, suffer one additional Critical Injury (ignore the details for any result below this result).
Venn: (No go ahead)
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Venn: Venn raises her eyebrows as Gil through the ranks and she only sees a shower of gore. "The man is a damn monster when focused." she remarks, her imperial accent slipping.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Rook: "Wish he was focused on the droid, Rook said, a hint of laughter in her voice.
"and thank you."
Janix: (ignore 2nd, 1 advantage = knockdown, 2 white = success, 2 advantage = strain recover)
%uF938 Martial Grace Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, the character may suffer 2 strain to add additional damage equal to her
ranks in Coordination to one hit of a successful Brawl
combat check.
Venn: "I think its like a smelling blood issue maybe. I don't know I am not a scientist."
Rook: Rook's laughter escaped at Venn's response.
Janix: Janix rushes after Tal, following his lead and focusing down the leader. She leaps up and crashed down with a hit, sweeping his legs out from under him as she lands next to Tal, her hand snaking out to land a solid blow to the commander's chest.
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   5
Rodian Blaster Carbine
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting. Point Blank +4 dmg in %u2264 short range. Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Failure)
Npc Critical
Warlord Garsh
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll   20
Total   30
Discouraging Wound
Flip one light destiny to dark.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   6
Warlord Garsh: Garsh gets up, blood coming from his snout and rage in his eyes.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   7
Venn: (no)
Deadly Vibro-Ax
Warlord Garsh
Damage   10
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook: Rook took a deep breath, focused, and stepped out of cover for the perfect shot. Too perfect; the shot sent steam soaring out of the machine, and some very unpleasant crunching sounds, but didn't seem to do lasting damage.
Dice Pool
Warlord Garsh
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Deadly Vibro-Ax
Warlord Garsh
Damage   10
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Character Critical
Tal Vodax
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   40
Dice Roll   9
Total   59
Agonizing Wound
Increase difficulty of all Brawn and Agility checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
Warlord Garsh
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
%uF915 Heal (Force Power) Image   "Every second matters."

Through channeling and his strong connection to the Force, Ashley heals injuries sustained both in and out of battle.
Activation   Action | Ally
Magnitude   Spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase targets affected per rank (3). Can be activated multiple times.
Range   Spend %u25D0 to increase maximum range per rank (1). Can be activated multiple times.
Control: Medicine   Heals additional wounds equal to Medicine ranks (3).
Effect   Heals 8 wounds.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Kesvo: Kesvo quickdraws the Rodian's pistol she'd been using before picking up the rifle. She takes a moment to focus, and fires at the droid.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Ranged - Light
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
Gamorean Grunt:
Gammorean Vibro-Ax
Gamorean Grunt
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 3, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Gamorean Grunt:
Gammorean Vibro-Ax
Gamorean Grunt
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 3, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Gamorean Grunt:
Gammorean Vibro-Ax
Gamorean Grunt
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 3, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
M1-426 Security Super Droid:
Npc Critical
M1-426 Security Super Droid
Previous Criticals   2 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   30
Dice Roll   36
Total   86
Increase difficulty of all skill checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
GM: While a trio of Gamorrean Warriors attack the Security Super Droid, the other Gamorreans come to the aid of their chief.
Ashley: It was not easy to move past Rook, though with her in cover he was not necessarily as worried. Breathing deep, Ashley calls upon the Force and rejuvenates both Janix and Tal. He spares a quick glance to Kesvo, seeing her still in the doorway and injured and holds a hand towards her to heal her some as well. ((Tal, Janix, and Kesvo each get 8 wounds returned.))
Gamorrean Basher:
Worn Vibro-Ax
Gamorrean Basher
Damage   6
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Knockdown, Vicious 2, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Gamorrean Basher:
Worn Vibro-Ax
Gamorrean Basher
Damage   6
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Knockdown, Vicious 2, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure)
Gamorrean Basher:
Worn Vibro-Ax
Gamorrean Basher
Damage   6
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Knockdown, Vicious 2, Pierce 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank)
Tal: "Grrr...."
Janix: Dodging out of the way, Janix weaves with Tal as they combat the two added bashers.
Twin Heavy Blasters
M1-426 Security Super Droid
Damage   12
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Linked, Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Tal: Tal takes a glancing blow the back as he and Janix weave around each other in the process.
M1-426 Security Super Droid: The Super Security Droid obliterates one of the Gamorrean Warriors who struck it.
Venn: Venn will attempt to push the droid then. Its 2 adversary?
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   6
Venn Parsa will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Venn: -2 strain
%u2756 Move - Control: Hurl Image   %u201C...You wanted this chaos!%u201D
An outstretched hand has her reach into the Force, turning the very environment around her into weapons.
Action - Activate with %u25D0 || Ranged Combat Check vs. Sil.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +2 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Short.
Magnitude    %uF53C +3 objects per %u25D0. Auto-fire quality.
Strength    %uF53C +3 sillhouette per %u25D0. Damage is Sil size x10.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Threat) (Threat)
Gamorrean Basher:
Gamorrean Basher
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Gamorrean Basher:
Gamorrean Basher
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Warlord Garsh:
Warlord Garsh
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: Venn will pull the ship, NOT pick it up... but just pull it on its landing gears like a looming boulder behind the droid.
GM: The ship skids along the floor of the landing bay, sending sparks up into the air as it strikes the Super Security droid and send it flying through the air - almost comically, given its size - to send it crashing in a heap near the Mallard.
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   5
Rook: The ship moved, not alive and active and thrumming with power. No, it moved as if shoved from behind, and powered right into the complex melee taking place.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM: Two of the Gamorreans are slain by the movement of the ship, where as Tal, Janix, and Garsh and his bodyguards are able to avoid it.
Rook: Rook shook her head, and decided to find a better place to be in this fight.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Warlord Garsh:
Deadly Vibro-Ax
Warlord Garsh
Damage   10
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
%uF6E1%uFE0F Armor Master (Supreme) Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   Once per round, when the character suffers a Critical Injury, she may suffer 3 strain. If she does, she reduces the Critical Injury results that she suffers by 10 per point of soak, 70, to a minimum of 1.
Ashley: Ashley watches as the security droid goes by after the ship collided into it and others. He looks towards Venn. "... well that brings back memories."
Character Critical
Janix M'kyato
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   50
Dice Roll   70
Total   120
Can no longer see. Upgrade the difficulty of Perception and Vigilance checks three times, and all other checks twice.
Venn: Venn will draw out both her hands, the force swelling and gathering into her. The vessel scratches and creaks as the it tears across the ground slowly. Her own feet start to skid in response, toward the ship like a tug of war, her hair blowing with wind that is not existent in the bay.
Character Critical
Janix M'kyato
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   50
Dice Roll   
Total   50
Head Ringer
Increase difficulty of all Intellect and Cunning checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
Rook: Seeing Venn sliding towards the mystically empowered ship sends a chill through Rook.
Venn: She lets go, the pressure of the front landing gears, becoming comprimised and the nose falling on the droid in a loud smash.
GM: Garsh swings his axe, the hilt striking Janix in the forehead as he brings it back around toward Tal, preparing a mighty blow!
Janix: Though she avoids any collision with the ship that comes screeching through the bay, the Warlord swings at her and she doesn't duck in time, his axe hitting her in the temple as she finds her mind shook by the force of the blow. Grunting and purple blood spraying, she moves back slightly to try to avoid another hit.
GM: N1-TR0 rushes up and stims Rook, trying to lend her aid after the hellacious wounds she's taken. Meanwhile Riprock leads Qi'ra toward the Mallard. "That's my ship!" She calls out and points toward the YT-1300.
Captain Riprock: "...Really? I expected you to have something... nicer."
GM: "Coming from you? That's rich!"
New Round
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   4
GM: Meanwhile the villainous Gran move to jump into their starfighters, revving them up.
Venn: The umbaran's arms drop heavy and limp, sweat beading about her countenance with her finally slumping to a knee.
(I did)
Rook: "Thank you, N1." She grinned at the brave droid.
Gammorean Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 3, Pierce 2, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Warlord Garsh:
Npc Critical
Warlord Garsh
Previous Criticals   2 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   80
Dice Roll   11
Total   111
Temporarily Lame
Until healed, may not perform more than one maneuver each turn.
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Despair) (Challenge Threat) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: (BTW, the mind tricked gamorreans should be free))
Warlord Garsh: Garsh strikes Janix back!
Npc Critical
Warlord Garsh
Previous Criticals   3 x 10
Dice Roll   54
Total   84
Cannot voluntarily suffer strain to activate abilities or gain additional maneuvers until end of encounter.
%uF938 Martial Grace Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, the character may suffer 2 strain to add additional damage equal to her
ranks in Coordination to one hit of a successful Brawl
combat check.
(3 adv = crit, 1 white = success, 10 dmg 5 pierce)
Janix: Off balance from the blow, Janix focuses and aims as she lunges forward from the opening Tal left, finding the movement awkward but the blow itself lands solidly.
Warlord Garsh: Janix strikes the Gamorrean Chief, killing him, but as she does she hears an audible popping sound coming from her hand, and feels severe pain shoot up her arm.
Tal: Tal swung another deadly blow into the Gammorean warlord's side, but he remained standing.
Kesvo: "What the..." Kesvo starts to say, stunned as she watches the pirate's ship being used as a battering ram. She watches the superdroid go flying, and shakes her head.
"Never a dull moment with you lot," she says, and lunges forward. She picks up an ax dropped by one of the Gammorean Warriors killed by the droid, and grunts through gritted teeth as she takes a swing at one of the pig men nearby Tal and Janix.
((Using Quick Draw to pick up the weapon, Works Like a Charm to use Presence instead of Brawn for the base stat for the check, and Intense Focus to upgrade the check.))
Janix: Pain explodes through her hand and up her arm, dropping her to a knee. "Gahh!"
Venn: (2 purp for melee)
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: The Gamorreans, with their chieftain down and the Security Droid that had been swinging the battle in their favor, flee toward their recently-moved ship, trying to escape the scene.
Rook: Kesvo charged into the melee, weilding a gamorean axe!
Rodian Blaster Carbine
Rook B.
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting. Point Blank +4 dmg in %u2264 short range. Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: Ashley watches as Kesvo charges in with an axe, not really expecting that at all
Tal: Tal spits out some blood, then grins at Kesvo and gives her a thumbs-up..
Rook: Distracted by kesvo's fierce warrior actions, Rook still manages to kill one of the fleeing bad guys. She figures its better to shoot them now then be shot at by them when fleeing the blockade.
Ashley: Ashley lines up a shot, glad to see Rook behind him for a change.
Blaster Carbine
Ashley Nasur
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success)
Venn will push off the kneel from the floor, moving with a somewhat drunken walk to assess the scene. She holds out her hand and attempts to pacify the fleeing brute.
%u2756 Influence: Mind Trick / Stress Mind Image   %u201C...Boring conversation anyway.%u201D
She draws on the the Force to psychically pacify or manipulate her opposition. Action - Activate with %u25D0 vs. Living Target.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +1 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Engaged.
Magnitude    %uF53C +3 beings per %u25D0.
Strength    %uF4A4 Inflict 2 strain per %u25D0 (no soak).
Uncommiting force dice to sense
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Ashley: It was a matter of weighing the odds--as well as dealing with the part of him that said it was better to strike down enemies that might come after his allies later--but it was something to think upon later. Someone needed some serious meditation time.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Combat Ends
GM: The two starfighters rev up and fly out of the hangar bay, zooming into space.
Venn: The blonde's jaw tightens with visible exertion and the final Gammorrean stops running. It ambles slowly for a moment before heavily slumping over, snoring loudly.
Rook: Rook looks up as the two fighters (piloted by Gans) flew out of the hangar bay.
Tal: Tal picks up the Warlor's vibroaxe and looks at it approvingly.
GM: Outside the sound of turbolaser fire dies down, the Hellions making their way toward the Aeon Mallard. Qi'ra and Riprock say brief goodbyes, the red-dress wearing woman quickly fleeing toward her ship.
Venn: Venn puts her hand to the side of her head and balances her self by bracing the other hand against the crates, under assault from an acute migraine.
Janix: Cradling her arm next to her, Janix moves to flank the rest of the party, ready to leave the cursed "pleasure cruise".
Captain Riprock: Riprock then moves over to Venn, a hand stabilizing her back. "You alright?"
Rook: Standing from her battle crouch, Rook shakes her head a moment, then says, "an extra ship. I'm willing to pilot it, if it helps. I'm not a great pilot." pause. "as you all know." She walks forward, but avoids intruding upon Venn and the Captain, instead pausing by Kesvo, Janix, Tal. "you folks all right?"
Venn: "Right as rain. Are we set to go?" she gives a last glance at the departing Qi'ra before assessing the other Hellions.
Captain Riprock: "Beyond ready."
Venn: "I am rating this place very poorly on HoloReview Weekly. Less than one star."
"Then lets to it."
Janix: Janix gives Rook a small smile. "Will be once we get off this death trap."
Rook: "Wish we know what they were offloading." Rook, mindful of how broke she was and how much the clan needed funds, glanced behind her.
Tal: "Yeah, I'm good. Let's get the hell out of here."
N1-TR0: "Suggestion: I can go with Four onto the new ship."
Ashley: As Riprock is helping Venn, Ashley turns his attention towards Janix and sighs at the sight of her holding her arm. Lovely. He then turns back towards Rook and then follows her as she moves towards the others. "... you'll need a brief check-over before you get into any more shenanigans," says Ashley to Rook.
Rook: Rook grins at N1. "Sounds great to me!"
Kesvo: "I'll go with Four and Six."
Rook: Patiently, Rook paused to let Ashley look her over, though she watched Janix with some concern.
Kesvo: "Let's get outta here."
Ashley: Ashley shakes his head, pulling out the familiar trinket that gave him a bit of extra calm (the Force) to heal. "Just a sec ..."
Janix: "Then I'll go with the rest of the team," Janix offers when Kes decides to go with Rook and Ashely. She moves to the Mallard and doesn't bother to look back. She waits for Ashley when he asks though.
Rook: Rook grinned at Kesvo. "It'll be fun!"
Force Power
Ashley Nasur
Power Name   Heal/Harm
Force Power
Ashley Nasur
Power Name   Heal/Harm
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: Venn allows Riprock assistance, though she is mobile enough on her own. She does look to Janix cradling a busted hand or soemthing and is well enough to quip: "Did you punch Tal in the face or something?"
Rook: While waitng for ashley's heal, she'll check her tracker. If there's time, she'll ask someone not stuck holing still to grab her Kit from the Mallard (she can change later?)
GM: The Hellions quickly move to their ship(s), and in just a few moments both vessels begin preparing to take off. In just a few moments the vessels zoom off into open space, seeing a sizeable fleet of some thirty starships of various sizes in orbit over Cato Neimoidia. Behind them, The Imperious is visibly aflame on some parts of the hull. Hovering above the Dreadnought is none other than The Icarii.
No ships move to intercept you, but Kiyota's ship has jumped into hyperspace.
End Session 93



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2020, 05:33:20 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 3, Session 94 - Insurgency
GM (GM): The Hellions have escaped the Imperious after the Veiled Sorority engaged in a nefarious act of piracy and raided the hotel dreadnought. After the First Order Agent Kiyota barely escaped the intervention of some of the Hellions in her attempt to kill the former Jedi Elaiza and kidnap her padawan, Micael Torval, Rook planted a tracker onto Kiyota's vessel. With both Kiyota and Onrein Hasar aboard the ship, the First Order agent jumped to lightspeed with the Hellions in pursuit in two different starships: The trusty Aeon Mallard and the recently acquired Blade of Rogak - a Gamorrean pirate craft.
The jump took two days of travel, arriving at the Mid Rim world of Tanaab. A planet known as a giant agricultural world, Tanaab represents the foodsource for most of the Mid Rim and Colonies. It is a place firmly in the Republic, and it seems a strange place for a First Order agent to be fleeing to.
GM (GM): As the ships jump out of hyperspace, they keep Kiyota's vessel on their bearings. As they make their way in the system toward her ship, however, they are greeted by the sight of a Czerka gunship and several fighters who are laid in on an intercept course with the vessel.
GM (GM): There is a Secure Comm between the Aeon Mallard and the Blade of Rogak allowing for secure communications between all characters. Even though you're apart, you're still together!
Captain Riprock: "I'm picking up that Kiyota's ship just jettisoned an escape pod. There's some comm traffic between the Czerka ship -- the... Rasmus and Kiyota's ship."
GM (GM): You receive a communique from The Rasmus - a stuffy sounding man with a light Imperial accent comes through. "Hello there, greetings from Czerka, your friend in the new age!"
"This is the CGS-Rasmus, the vessel responsible for maintaining order in this sector on behalf of the Republic. Please identify yourselves."
Rook: Under her breath, without Comm's on, Rook mutters, "Great. let's trust Czerka corporation with keeping order."
Ashley: Ashley just facepalms in his seat, muttering under his breath. "Of course it's Czerka."
Captain Riprock: "This is the Aeon Mallard, we're on our way to Tanaab for business."
Riprock responds back over the comm.
"Not that it's any of your business - last I checked this is a free trade zone."
Kesvo: "Acknowledged, Rasmus. This is the Blade of Rogak. We're on personal business here."
Venn: Venn makes her way from the hold up towards where Ashley and Riprock are seated. "I sensed something... what is.." she looks through the viewport at the ships in the distance. "What is that all about." she says after Riprock sends his missive.
Rook: Rook grins at Riprock's blunt comment. "Good for you, Captain. what are they doing here? where's the republic ship?"
GM (GM): "Ah, of course of course. We'll let you all on your way shortly. We're just going to do a routine scan of your vessel and help escort you to Tanaab."
On your scanners you pick up that Kiyota's ship has started to speed up and move off, leaving the escape pod behind. The ship is laying in a new course and preparing to jump to Hyperspace.
Rook: "N1, Would you happen to know what the republic garrison here at Tanaab ought to be?"
Captain Riprock: "This isn't right." Riprock responds to the crew on the secure channel, his eyes narrowed.
"Janix, Tal, get to the turrets."
Rook: "now we have two targets, the life pod and the ship. Which one are they on?"
Kesvo: "Sorry about it, friend," Kes relays into the com. "No time to oblige you. My business is with that YT-1930 freighter you just let past."
Tal: "They're working for...yeah, got it." Tal said, unbuckling and heading for his place in the dorsal turret.
GM (GM): "Oh? What business would that be, Captain?" The Czerka stuffy officer says as his ship starts to come about.
Ahead of you, the two wings of starfighters turn and set on an intercept course.
N1-TR0: "Report: I do not have any indications of a Republic Garrison on Tanaab. It is a Republic world that has a small militia, but no organized military."
Venn: "Those are Clone War era heavy starfighters." she warns, with some recognition of the ARCs.
Rook: Rook use the secure comms to pass N1's information on to the team.
Captain Riprock: "ARCs and some Czerka starfighters. They may not be legitimate at all.."
Ashley: "Does seem a bit strange, doesn't it?"
Venn: "Is it a coincidence that the people with a hard-on for bio-weapons are heading to a major agri-world?"
Ashley: "There's not much that's coincidence in our line of work."
GM (GM): The starfighters close toward the two ships.
Venn: She takes a seat in the comms station behind the pilot & copilot. "Can we run that blockade?"
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Threat)
Rook: Rook will use a maneuver to accelerate so as not to be at a disadvantage against the star fighters.
GM (GM): Ashley can tell that the escape pod is not headed for the surface, it's safely in range of the Rasmus.
Tal: Tal buckles in at the turret. "If we let them escort us to the surface, we might not be getting off the planet..."
Janix: Janix, hearing Tal buckle in. "Making ourselves vulnerable and letting them take us to the surface puts them in the powerful position. I'll man this turret and we can handle this."
She buckles in with some practiced ease of being on a star ship back in Hapes.
Ashley: "Escape pod isn't heading for the surface," says Ashley, "it's pretty securely within the Ramsus range." Not that it's necessarily useful but good to know all the same. "If we're going to do this, we need to decide-" Except it looked like Rook was speeding up in the other ship, so ...
GM (GM): "This is the Rasmus to the Blade of Rogak, drop your speed and prepare to be escorted to the planet surface."
Venn: The adept puts on the headset cans and adjusts the mouthpiece mik before booting the station's systems.
Kesvo: "As I said: personal business. I see that you have a job to do, but so do the Hellions. Stand aside we can both go about our days, friend."
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   0
New Light Side total   9
Venn: "So your friend is in bed with one of the shadiest Mega-Corps in the galaxy. Lovely." she replies to Ashley about the escape pod.
GM (GM): "The Hellions? Oh my. I do believe you're wanted for the theft of Czerka property."
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook B.
Vehicle   The Blade of Rogak
Role   Pilot
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook begins to ask Kesvo about space speed, but then grins fiercely and PUNCHES IT towards the escape pod. (Ship takes
ARC-170 Starfighter:
Initiative Vigilance
ARC-170 Starfighter
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
C-882 Starfighter:
Initiative Vigilance
C-882 Starfighter
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
The Rasmus:
Initiative Vigilance
The Rasmus
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success)
Captain Riprock:
Initiative Vigilance
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: "That girl is really taking an untested gamorrean contraption right into the belly of the beast, huh." she quips.
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook: The ship engines strains as Rook shoves the accelerator as far as it will go, aiming for the escape pod. (2 strain)
Ashley: "Are you really surprised?" says Ashley
GM (GM): While the Blade doesn't handle quick manuevers well, it is fast and Rook and Kes are pushed into the back of their seats as the ship is sped rapidly to its maximum burn. N1-TR0 is heard yelling and a loud clang, clunk, clunk is heard as Rook kicked it into high gear without warning!
Ashley: Who also just sighs because ... Well, it wasn't like the Star was actually a Star anymore.
Tal: "Wow, they're still sore about that, huh?"
GM (GM): The starfighters and the Capital Ship all begin powering their weapons.
Venn: ((They can just turn Ashley in since he has it some form))
Kesvo: Kesvo mutters something under her breath in Falleen and starts flipping switches, angling the deflector screens to cover the Blade's aft.
Venn: "They are powering weapons." she alerts over the internal shipwide com.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success)
She then take a hard look at the Rasmus, and shares with Rook what she can glean from her scans.
Venn: ((I will go))
Venn Parsa will perform Fire Discipline for Tal.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Venn will use her Maneuver to assist Ashley.
((So both Tal and Janix will get +Boost to their attack))
Venn Parsa ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 홴횗획 횃횞횛횗 ✔
Venn: ((Ashley will get the assist boost to whatever he does))
Ashley: Ashley works quickly, doing what he can to help out Riprock when it comes to the piloting (assist for free manuever, blue to Riprock's next check). Then he turns his attention towards the ships in the distance.
Venn: COM to Janix & Tal: ⌁ Weapons, we've got two wings of tangos, three each. Wing one approaching at 3256.2. The recon fighters are on attack vector L3.422.3. Over. ⌁ .
COM to Janix & Tal: ⌁ Will update if they adjust to go after our friendly. ⌁ .
Janix: COM to Venn & Tal: ⌁ Got it. Thanks for the intel. I'll adjust accordingly. ⌁
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix: Janix will fire at the Starfighters at medium range.
易 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Ashley:  COM to Janix & Tal: ⌁ Aft shields are down on the center ARC-170. ⌁
Janix will now use snipershot to hit the Starfighters.
易 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Ventral Turret
Janix M'kyato
Vehicle   The Aeon Mallard
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Close
Qualities   +2 Upgrade to Gunnery Check, Sniper Shot, True Aim
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix: ((3 adv=linked. 1=success))
Janix yells out to Tal and woops as she downs two of them. "I left one for you Tal," she yells as two Starfighters explode. Maybe the Commando is enjoying this a bit too much?
GM (GM): Kiyota's ship punches it, moving even further from the Blade as it prepares to jump to hyperspace. Meanwhile the Rasmus takes aim and fires...
Venn: COM to Janix & Tal: ⌁ Two confirmed kills. Fives, don't let that woman show you up! ⌁ .
The Rasmus:
Twin Light Turbolaser Batteries
The Rasmus
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Breach 2, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
GM (GM): The Aeon Mallard is struck by twin turbolaser fire, rocking the ship and sending out alarms as smoke and steam start going through the ship.
Captain Riprock: "Ashley, take the con, I'll go try and patch the ship up!" The Captain shouts as he starts unbuckling his seat.
GM (GM): Meanwhile, the Rasmus opens fire with its smaller cannons at the Blade.
The Rasmus:
Heavy Laser Cannon Turrets
The Rasmus
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Janix: "Fuck," Janix swears as a few small fires erupt after the hit on the ship.
Venn: She grabs the edges of the console as the vessel rattles and sparks rattle around her.
Tal: "Yeah, let's avoid getting hit like that again from another angle!" Tal said as the ship rocked under cannon fire.
Ashley: "On it," says Ashley, even as the ship rocks from the fire, unbuckling and switching into the pilot's seat as Riprock heads to tend to the fires. "Don't miss space battles," he mutters.
Venn: "Why did I just eat?!"
Dorsal Turret
Tal Vodax
Vehicle   The Aeon Mallard
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Close
Qualities   +2 Upgrade to Gunnery Check, Sniper Shot, True Aim
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Success) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Tal swings around to fire at the last C-170. He lines up his shot, the swivel of the turret long familiar to him, and simply blows away the last ship in that compliment, watching as its pieces ignite and litter the endless void.
Venn: COM to Janix & Tal: ⌁ "Enemy KIA, wing wiped out. Excellent work! The other wing is still in play. ⌁ .
Rook: Rook spun the ship around, and swirved, swearing as a solid hit ate into the armored hull. But her odd movements helped foul their follow up shots, and they might jsut have time to grab the Pod in the tractor beam. "Grab the pod and hyper out, or grab the pod and lay into Czerka?"
C-882 Starfighter:
Concussion Missile Launcher
C-882 Starfighter
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 16, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage)
Venn: (I wanted to roll a destiny)
Dice Roll
(Challenge Failure)
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   1
Light Side points remaining   8
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   2
Light Side points remaining   7
C-882 Starfighter:
Concussion Missile Launcher
C-882 Starfighter
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 16, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: (rerolls the attack at the end)
GM (GM): A pair of missiles flies past the Aeon Mallard, Ashley able to nimbly avoid the freighter at the last moment, but one zooms around and can be heard beeping as it turns to follow after the ship!
C-882 Starfighter:
Concussion Missile Launcher
C-882 Starfighter
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 16, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure)
(Failure) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn: COM to Shipwide: ⌁ Incoming missiles. One looks like its targetting is off but we've got a one with a hard lock! ⌁ .
N1-TR0: N1-TR0 begins working on the damage on the Blade of Rogak, but as he does power fluctuations go through the modified patrol craft, lights going out in the cockpit and the rest of the ship for a moment.
"Declaration: I can fix it!"
Tal: "Can we jam it or shut it down before it can strike?" Tal asked.
Ashley: "Oh come on," Ashley hisses, hands tightening on the controls as he tries to lose the missile.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   3
Light Side points remaining   6
C-882 Starfighter:
Concussion Missile Launcher
C-882 Starfighter
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 16, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Rook: Rook laughs and shakes her head, as the ships manuevering improves but the lights go out.
GM (GM): The missile strikes the bottom of the Aeon Mallard, causing a hull breach as the ship is temporarily disabled from the attack.
The Aeon Mallard:
Starship Critical
The Aeon Mallard
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   68
Total   68
Hyperdrive or Navicomputer Failure
Cannot make any jump to hyperspace until repaired. If ship or vehicle has no hyperdrive, navigation systems fail leaving it unable to tell where it is or is going.
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank)
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
"I can fix it!" Riprock yells from the bowels of the vessel as emergency alerts ring through the ship. He grunts with effort as he heals the hull breach with an emergency patch and a fusion cutter, and the red lights fade to their normal color as the ship comes back online.
Rook: "Shoot at the big ship, or grab the life pod?," Rook asked kesvo. "the Mallard took a hard hit."
Ashley: Ashley is launched forward, caught by the seatbelts, from the missile attack. The Pantoran swiftly curses as the red warning lights come on and the ship very dead in the water.
... and then Riprock, in his amazingness, fixes it. "Someone give that man something amazing," says Ashley as the Mallard comes back online.
Janix: "We need to rid ourselves of these pests!" Janix yells to Tal as she starts to aim towards the next Starfighter.
Venn: She counsels the turret duo that Riprock is working on getting the ship back online, to sit tight as the fighters are still a threat.
Tal: "Let's do it!"
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   2
New Light Side total   7
Ashley: Ashley settles the pilot's seat, gunning it as things come back online. "Going to get you guys close to those Starfighters, take them out!"
Dorsal Turret
Tal Vodax
Vehicle   The Aeon Mallard
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Close
Qualities   +2 Upgrade to Gunnery Check, Sniper Shot, True Aim
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix: Janix, swearing at Tal's great shots, move her cannon towards the last Starfighter.
Tal: Tal lines up his next shot, fires and eliminates both starfighters. "Three to Two, Seven! What you got?!"
⛓️ Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
易 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Kesvo: Kesvo surveys the way the field is falling, and she deigns to respond to the Rasmus' captain, finally.
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean about stolen property, friend. But... that is a mighty fine looking ship you have there." She paused. "Would be a shame if something... happened to it, like what's happening to your escorts."
Venn: COM to Janix & Tal: ⌁ Two enemy KIA. One left on an attack vector on the Blade. ⌁ .
Ventral Turret
Janix M'kyato
Vehicle   The Aeon Mallard
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Close
Qualities   +2 Upgrade to Gunnery Check, Sniper Shot, True Aim
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook: "But I didn't get to shoot at it yet," Rook quips, as Kesvo sets about driving away their large, expensive looking prey.
GM (GM): "Hah, you think because you destroyed a few starfighters you can take out my ship with your garbage scow?!" The Rasmus's captain's voice practically broadcasts a sneer. "I'll show you the true meaning of firepower!"
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
☯ There Is No Try Use   Once Per Session, OOT incidental
Effect   Before an ally rolls the dice for a check, the character may spend a Destiny Point to allow the ally to automatically succeed at the check with one Image and no other results.
Dice System:
The Blade of Rogak flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   3
Light Side points remaining   6
Janix: "Eat turret, _golat_," Janix says. slipping into Hapan as she competes with Tal.
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   5
Tal: "Alright, then. Loser buys drinks for the winner on the next casino planet. Bonus if you capture the head of the captain of that ship." he said to Janix.
COM to Kesvo: ⌁ "Our gunners mopped the floor with them. If you wan't to give them some of your silvertongue schemery, no better time. ⌁ .
GM (GM): There is background chatter as Rasmus is heard yelling. The Incite Rebellion means that the Rasmus will not shoot at any vessel this round, as infighting takes place on the ship and a break in the chain of command.
Janix: "Good odds in my favor I think!" Janix yells back to Tal as they are neck in neck in kills. She laughs a bit as she angles the weapon towards the large ship.
Ashley: "Inciting mutiny while not even there on the ship," says Ashley, quietly impressed.
Kesvo: After sowing a little chaos on the enemy ship, Kesvo angles the deflector shield again.
Tal: "It's actually nice when a mutiny goes off as planned." Tal siad.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Kiyota's vessel jumps to hyperspace.
Rook: Rook swears in Mando'a as Kiyota jumps free before she can catch her.
Rook B. uses KNOWN SCHEMATIC - Once per session
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
GM (GM): Rook doesn't recognize the layout of the Czerka vessel.
Light Turbolaser
Rook B.
Vehicle   The Blade of Rogak
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Breach 2, Slow-Firing 2
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM (GM): 157
The Rasmus:
Npc Critical
The Rasmus
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   60
Agonizing Wound
Increase difficulty of all Brawn and Agility checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
While the turbolaser strikes through and makes the shields of the Rasmus start to falter, the gunship looks only slightly marred by the blast of the Light Turbolaser.
Rook: Rook screams by the huge ship, and fires a raking shot along the vast coils sending power to the deflector shields, causing them to flicker uncertainly.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
+ 1 purple to any guided weapons
Both firing it and when it tries again at the end of the round
Venn Parsa ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ 홴횗획 횃횞횛횗 ✔
Kesvo: "Tick tock, friends," Kesvo taunts softly, over the comm to the Rasmus. "Just you and us now. Last chance to rethink your life choices," she says, hopefully antagonizing the unrest still brewing.
Talent: Scathing Tirade Skill   Coercion
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Action   Each Image causes one enemy in short range to suffer 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected enemy to suffer 1 additional strain.

Each enemy affected by Scathing Tirade suffers Image on all skill checks for 3 rounds.
Venn: (short range)
"Are they really trying to chip away at that behemoth?"
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Janix: Janix takes aim and shoots the Rasmus.
易 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix: ((+true aim))
Ventral Turret
Janix M'kyato
Vehicle   The Aeon Mallard
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Close
Qualities   +2 Upgrade to Gunnery Check, Sniper Shot, True Aim
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Boost Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
The Rasmus:
Starship Critical
The Rasmus
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   
Total   60
Shields Failing
Decrease defense in all defense zones by 1 until repaired. If ship or vehicle has no defense, suffer 2 system strain.
The Rasmus:
Starship Critical
The Rasmus
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll   8
Total   18
All crew members suffer 1 strain.
Ashley: "Who knows but the closer we are, the harder it is for it fire that big laser at us," says Ashley, bringing the Mallard in close as someone fires at it.
Janix: "Solid hit," Janix yells. seeing that the turret hits solidly even without a lot of damage.
Dorsal Turret
Tal Vodax
Vehicle   The Aeon Mallard
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Close
Qualities   +2 Upgrade to Gunnery Check, Sniper Shot, True Aim
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
The Rasmus:
Starship Critical
The Rasmus
Previous Criticals   2 x 10
Dice Roll   38
Total   58
Shields Failing
Decrease defense in all defense zones by 1 until repaired. If ship or vehicle has no defense, suffer 2 system strain.
GM (GM): The Rasmus suffers some more light damage.
Though the shields fade!
Captain Riprock:
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
The NavComputer comes back online.
Captain Riprock: "I fixed it!"
GM (GM): The Rasmus opens fire with all of its weapons (well, except for the turbolaser...)
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
The Rasmus:
Tractor Beam
The Rasmus
Damage   0
Critical   0
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Tractor 4
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice System:
Kesvo flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
The Rasmus:
Heavy Laser Cannon Turrets
The Rasmus
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Ashley: "That takes care of one problem," says Ashley, glad to see the navicomputer come back to life. "Great job, Riprock!"
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank)
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   2
The Rasmus:
Heavy Laser Cannon Turrets
The Rasmus
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Short
Qualities   Linked 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat)
A flurry of heavy laser cannon fire comes from the Czerka gunship, striking at the Mallard's hull while the Blade of Rogak avoids the shooting from the vessel.
Kesvo: Kesvo coms the Mallard.
"Kiyota's jumped again. I say we grab the escape pod and head out. We're barely scratching that ship."
Venn: Just as the LEDs and other lights flare to life as repairs come online. "Yes!"
Then the whole ship rattles and shakes, bombarded with fire. "NO!!|
Ashley: "Come on," hisses Ashley.
Captain Riprock: "CAN YOU ALL PLEASE STOP GETTING MY SHIP SHOT!?" He roars from the engineering station.
GM (GM): The gunship slowly comes around.
Janix: Cursing under her breath, Janix doesn't yell at Ashley or Venn, knowing better than to yell at your pilot and navigator.
Apparently Riprock doesn't know those rules.
Ashley: "CAN YOU TELL THEM TO STOP FIRING AT US THEN," Ashley yells back. "Oh for fuck's sake." The Ramsus was moving around for a better shot.
Janix: "Get Tal and I in range. I know we can light this bitch up," Janix comms to the Mallard.
Light tractor beam
Rook B.
Vehicle   The Blade of Rogak
Damage   0
Critical   0
Range   Close
Qualities   Tractor 2
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success)
GM (GM): The Blade captures the escape pod in its tractor beam.
Tal: "Uh, I'm not sure if we can at this point. We're throwing stones at a walker here." Tal said, as the Rasmus rounded on them.
Rook: "I have the pod, but she's not locked down yet."
Ashley: "While I don't doubt you can," Ashley comms back, as the shields were obviously down on the Ramsus, "we can't take another hit."
Janix: "We can do this!" Janix says, more cocksure than certain.
COM to Shipwide: ⌁ "Other ship looks to have successfully snatched up that escape pod." ⌁ .
Rook: Rook's fierce laughter breaks free, as she rolls the ship to literally fly right into the escape pod, capturing it like a hawk swooping down on a dove. "Never mind, she's aboard. Let us know if you want to board, head out, or keep on shooting at the Czerka!"
N1-TR0: "Declaration: I will handle our new passenger."
Rook: "Thank you N!"
GM (GM): Jumping out of hyperspace, the Ardent Rivener arrives on scene.
Ashley: "Oh, look. The calvary is here."
GM (GM): The vessel locates the firefight, and instantly begins opening fire on the Rasmus - without anyone asking a question...
Janix: "We got this," Janix yells, maybe mostly for herself or for Tal.
Twin Light Turbolasers
Tal Vodax
Vehicle   The Ardent Rivener
Damage   0
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Breach 2, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Advantage)
Twin Light Turbolasers
Tal Vodax
Vehicle   The Ardent Rivener
Damage   0
Critical   9
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Breach 2, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Venn: COM to Shipwide: ⌁ "Check the starboard side. Its our baby! ⌁ .
Tal: "That doesn't count!" Tal tells Janix, making sure the Hapan doesn't try to claim credit for the Rivener's shot.
GM (GM): The Rivener appears and opens fire with the twin light turbolasers that the former Pirate Queen had equipped to the pirate flagship. The Rivener's cruiser rips a hole into the side of the gunship, setting it ablaze.
A Wookiee's roar is heard over the intercom.
Ashley: "The most beautiful baby, all grown up and looking out for us."
Janix: "Of course it doesn't count," she responds, sounding offended!
Rook: Rook opens the secure comm to the Rivener, greeting them with a "Right on time!"
Venn: COM to Friendlies: ⌁ Now its a bloody party! ⌁ .
Twin Light Turbolasers
Tal Vodax
Vehicle   The Ardent Rivener
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Breach 2, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Kesvo: "Great timing and great shot!" Kes calls through the com to the Rivener.
Rook: "They really should have surrendered."
GM (GM): The Rivener opens fire with another salvo of turbolaser fire, and the Rasmus explodes as it's broken apart, erupting in a giant ball of flame!
Rook: Rook will dutifully watch the scanners for escaped life pods. but she already has the one they really need..
Kesvo: Kesvo heads to the cargo hold
GM (GM): "This is Chief Engineer Kled of the Ardent Rivener we are on station to lend assistance."
Kesvo: "Any indication who our guest is, yet?" she asks Nitro as she arrives.
Janix: Janix comes out of her turret and heads for Tal. "We we're tied!" She yells at the Mandorlian.
N1-TR0: N1-TR0 nods as Kesvo and Rook arrives, and drags out the hunkered, cowering form of Onrein Hasar, a blaster pistol aimed at her face.
Tal: Tal swivels around to look at Janix. "Now, I'm saying I want to replace Kesvo, because she was my first co-gunner." he said.
"But you're welcome to co-gun with me anytime." he grinned.
"And we were tied...this time."
Ashley: Ashley will move away from the exploding starship--the Aeon Mallard doesn't need more damage, thanks--making a roundabout path towards the Ardent Rivener.
Tal: "Next time is gonna be a different story."
Janix: "I agree. Next time, different story." She reaches out to shake hands, determination clear.
Onrein Hasar: "Whatever it is you want..." Hasar says shakily through her breathing apparatus, the Neimoidian Cyborg looking a little worse for ware. "I'll pay it."
Rook: Rook comms the Rivener. "Well done. The ship we need hypered out but we shouldn't be too far behind." Rook sends the coordinates she has to both the Mallard and the Rivener, knowing she's not a great astrogator.
Venn: The hull of the Mallard hums with staggered peppering hits as small bits of debris strike it like hail on roof.
Tal: Tal shakes her hand firmly. "In the meantime...I've got some expensive booze we can share. If you're up for it."
"Later, of course."
Captain Riprock: Riprock comes from the engineering room, covered in soot and has small burns at his side. "I take it from the sound of turbolaser fire we had company come in?"
Janix: "Of course," she laughs. "Lets go make sure the rest of the team in ok and then I'm going to take you up on that offer." Janix waits for Tal before she returns to the cockpit and the rest of the team.
Venn: "We are not dead, Skip." she says with a big grin.
Tal: Tal unbuckles and follows Janix away from the turrets to reconnoiter with the rest of the Mallard's crew and find out how everyone else is doing on the other ships.
Ashley: "... though I think the ship fairs better with her Captain at the helm," says Ashley with a snort, "but she's still together and we're heading towards the Rivener."
Kesvo: Kesvo blinks and cocks her head curiously, as though she hadn't expected to find Hasar in the pod.
"How's it going, friend?" she asked, with a smile. She offers her a hand up. "Looks like a rough day, so far. I think there's been something of a... misunderstanding between our camps. What do you say we have a chat, you and I?"
Captain Riprock: "Well, that's a relief." He remarks with a smirk. "I see the Rivener is here too." He pointed out the window. He turns to Ashley and puts a hand on the Pantoran's shoulder. "Nice flyin' kid."
Onrein Hasar: "I would be amenable to that, Miss Vonn." Onrein says softly, looking around and taking a sniff of air through her respirator. "Do I smell... Gamorreans?"
Tal: "Czerka ran interference for Kiyota. She's gone." Tal said.
Venn: "Yes you did incredible work, you blue badass." remarks Venn to Ashley in her native posh accent, then emphatically pinches his cheek*.
Captain Riprock: "We'll find her, I'm sure. Rook still had a tracker on her ship."
Tal: Tal walks up and pats Ashley on the shoulder. "Flying like a champion. Good stuff!"
Captain Riprock: "Let's get our little fleet out of sight before someone comes looking for these Czerka pukes and figure out or next move."
Tal: "Good plan. The last thing we need is another fight."
Kesvo: Kesvo winced and shrugged one shoulder gently.
"Ehh... not my favorite ride. But we've got less pungent options available for our chat. Just sit tight for a minute and let me reconvene, alright? Nitro, find her a seat to strap into, please."
Janix: Janix stalls at the doorway and gives Ashley a thumbs up. "Team Blue!" She jokes as she moves to join the team.
Venn: "I concur." Venn sends out a communication to the pilots of the ships that they need to coordinate a swift departure.
Ashley: Ashley grins at that. Praise for piloting from Riprock was the best and couldn't even be ruined by Venn's cheek pinch. A thumbs up was given to Tal. "Such kind words from some of my favorite people," he replied, meaning to do exactly as Riprock said.
Kesvo: "Four, you know where we're going yet?" she called, as she headed back into the cockpit
N1-TR0: "Confirmation: Miss Hasar, I hope you will forgive the fact I tried to shoot you last time we met. It was a misunderstanding."
Onrein Hasar: "...Considering the fact you just saved me.. we'll start to call it even..." Hasar says softly at the edge of Kes's earshot as she moves away.
Venn: "Prime work, fireteam. I doubt they knew what hit them." says the Umbaran to Tal and Janix, and she uncharacteristically excited.
Though she generally tends to be in these types of situations,
GM (GM): The trio of Hellion ships move away from the debris of the Rasmus to a location less easily noticed by people entering the system. Soon enough they can reconnoiter, and with Rook's tracker, they'll be able to find her and follow her.
Janix: "Great intel," Janix response to Venn. "You were invaluable." She affirms.
Tal: Tal grins at Venn. "I hope you're in a good enough mood to consider not cuffing me to something for the foreseeable future."
GM (GM): Though what their next stop is, and what other traps or dangers lay in wait? They'll soon discover...
End Session 94



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2020, 05:57:04 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 95 - Insurgency
GM (GM): After a harrowing space battle against Czerka forces in the Tanaab system, the Hellions have reconnoitered aboard the Ardent Rivener. Session picks up an hour after the end of last session, letting everyone have gotten some emergency care, changed and showered, and met back up in the Ready Room aboard the boarding pod.
With Rook's tracker giving coordinates of Kiyota's vessel heading to the Centares* system, the Hellions must plan their next move, all while juggling an influential prisoner and two extra starships.
Kesvo: Kesvo waits in the ready room, staring at the teal-colored hologram of the system in question with a grim look on her face.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice System:Updating Players Destiny Pools
Rook: Rook shows up to the ready room with Dr. Tane, and nods to Kesvo as she settles into a seat.
Janix: Winded from the encounter, though smiling after the banter with Tal, Janix spends a bit of time to collect herself. After a short visit with Ashley (and to find herself amazed again at his powers), she joins Kesvo et all in the ready room.
Kesvo: Kesvo shakes her head, and points to the door.
"Not yet. When we get to the matter of Centares, you can bring him in. We have in-house business to discuss first."
Venn: Venn was actually already in the briefing room earlier, finishing up some work on the computer from her brief chat with Hasar. This included filing the security footage files as well. When the Hellions convened, the Umbaran returned as well, pulling at a straw filled with some concoction she'd just blended up.
Janix: An expression akin to raising an eyebrow (which she doesn't have) passes over her face as she considers Kesvo's reaction to the Good Doctor. Not surprised, but maybe just surprised to see him there.
Captain Riprock: Riprock enters after a few moments with engine grease and soot, signs of hisfrantic attempts to repair the Mallard's systems clear. As he enters, he spots Tane and his glowing eyes narrow, but he moves to take a seat first. "N1-TR0 is still on the other ship, keeping an escort course to us."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Sure, just let me know when you need me." The good Doctor offers with a warm smile and steps out of the readyroom.
Ashley: After seeing Raider returned to his room (who was not happy with that), Ashley saw to looking over a few things and then eventually joined everyone in the ready room. An eyebrow raises at Tane's presence but ... well, he was chill with his presence so there was that.
Janix: As Tane leaves, Janix looks to her team (and noticing a feeling of fitting in now). "Been a few years since I was part of a space combat. While the ship took a beating I think everyone did an admiral job," she says as she relaxes near the team.
Kesvo: Kesvo nods at Janix's comment.
Captain Riprock: "Not the first time she's been hit that bad, but the Mallard is in bad shape. Gonna need to get her to a spacedock or a landing bay soon and get some people on fixing her."
Kesvo: "Can she jump?"
Captain Riprock: "She'll be able to jump to Hyperspace, but I don't want to get her anywhere near a fight. She's on backup systems for the most part, and I had to take the weapons offline just to get the navcomputer and the life-support on."
Kesvo: "Understood. Perhaps best if she stays attached to the Rivener for now."
Once everyone is in the room and the privacy curtain is engaged, she addresses the team while standing before the holotable, hands clasped behind her back.
Captain Riprock: "Can do that, but the Rivener'll be slower. It won't be able to do as much of a burn or be nearly as nimble, which is what it relies on primarily. It caught that Czerka ship with its pants down, but it was punching above its weight class there."
Kesvo: "I hope to not engage in another firefight soon, if we can help it," she countered.
Tal: Tal arrived just before the room closed down, bumping into Tane on his way out. Tal ignored the researcher and joined the Hellions at the table.
Captain Riprock: "Well, I don't know what we're looking at next. Just giving you the parameters."
Rook: Not long ago, Rook would have immediately pushed the captain to let her assist with his ship. but she'd learned better, and simply listened.
Venn: Venn makes a somewhat disturbed expression at the remark about Czerka, likely because she doesn't understand that saying the Captain uses.
"Would it make sense to get it to a repair location now, and let it catch up later since it is the fastest ship?"
Kesvo: "We're looking at pursuit, at the moment," she said, returning her attention to the map in the center of the room. "Four's tracker puts Kiyota headed to the Centares system. Dr. Tane claims to be well-informed on the area, so in a moment we'll bring him in to share what he knows. But before then, I want to make it clear just how precarious our position is, right now."
Venn: "Psh, he claims to be well-informed about every area." she quips before sipping from her straw.
Kesvo: "We are here, all of us, for one over-arching purpose: to hurt the First Order. In unexpected ways, in ways the Republic cannot, for whatever reason. We are here to help diminish the threat they pose to the galaxy."
Tal: Tal nods in agreement to that purpose.
Janix: After Felucia, Janix nods with much more gusto than she might have before.
Kesvo: "This job we've signed onto with Xizor was a means to that end. A way to cut the head off of the serpent in a way they won't expect. Another may grow behind it, but a blow the likes of what we could strike if Xizor's plan comes to fruition would not be one they'd easily shrug off."
Rook: Rook watches Kesvo with narrowed eyes. What was she building towards?
Kesvo: "But this isn't news to any of us. So I need to know why, knowing what's at stake, knowing why we're here, our response to seeing our First Order contact in a moment of conflict was to shoot at her."
Ashley: Ashley looks up from the screen (reading about that Hasar encounter, yo) and is mostly silent for the time being.
Oh, there it was.
"To be fair," says Ashley, "we did play it off as Rook and N1 were hired by Janix and myself as she was not aware that we were part of the same crew."
Kesvo: "Rook was in the room with Xizor, Kiyota, and myself just hours before, very clearly a member of this team. From the sounds of it, nothing was played off as anything. There was a fight and she fled."
Rook: Rook held up a hand. "I get that you are angry - or you would have asked me about this when we were on our way here. but our quarry is already an hour ahead of us. Let us get underway, and then have at Ashley, Janix and myself. but don't you think our first priority should be shaving Kiyota's time margin, not arguing?"
Ashley: Ashley's eye's narrowed but as Rook spoke up, he promptly closed his mouth.
Janix: With her lips pursed, Janix listened at Ashley and Rook's defense. "All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing. It did not feel to me like it was right to do nothing."
Captain Riprock: "Remember that Xizor arranged for us to be on that ship. He set us up on the Glove's guest list. I wouldn't be so sure that Kiyota doesn't know who our public faces are, now."
Kesvo: "I trusted you to carry on with the plan before without explicit instructions and you shot our contact. If we catch up to Kiyota without discussing this first I cannot trust that you won't try to just shoot her out of the sky."
Ashley: "As long as she isn't trying to murder people, then there won't be an issue, because that's exactly why we reacted as we did."
Tal: Tal wants to point out that it was only Elaiza being chopped up by Kiyota, which would have decreased their problems either way...but he didn't think that would play right now.
Rook: "Your orders, on our way HERE were to just shoot her out of the sky before she could communicate with anyone. I will point out, Kesvo, I did not fire the first shot in that combat.. And when I did fire, it was at Onrien's guards. I didn't engage the force user; I've learned better. And when I did shot at Onrien, It was on stun."
Kesvo: "Enough."
"You walked into a conflict situation, and instead of trying to stop the violence and maintain our cover, you engaged someone we were relying on for our current mission."
Janix: About to add more, Janix shuts her mouth at Kesvo's "Enough.
Kesvo: "I understand that Elaiza and Micael were being attacked."
Captain Riprock: Riprock leaned back into his seat, his arms crossed as he considered it.
Kesvo: "But our chance at completing this mission and striking down the leadership of the First Order is now all but decimated. When we catch her, I'm going to attempt to talk to her, but unless I can come up with some enormous fantasy that she buys into, our mission is scrapped."
"And that's just where our problems begin."
"Kathlo and Zann are dead."
"And the Glove believes the Hellions are responsible for the attack on his ship."
Venn: "Why would he think that?"
Tal: Tal whistles at that. "Frak, that's bad. Not Kathlo and Zann, but us being in the poodoo with the Glove."
He looked to Venn, wondering the answer to that as well.
Rook: Rook shook her head at Kesvo, "how do you know who made it out? did you reach someone?"
Kesvo: "I don't know. I spoke to Xizor. He said the Glove accused him of bringing us on board as part of the assault, but he didn't know where the Glove got that information."
Captain Riprock: "The Glove's a legitimate businessman. He's got a lot of friends in the Senate. Might make our lives harder in the Core, but in the Outer Rim it certainly gives us cred."
Ashley: Ashley just leans back in his chair, arms crossed and listening.
Venn: "So reach out to the Glove and tell him his suspicions are incorrect."
Kesvo: "That is the plan. However, I don't expect him to take us at our word."
Rook: Rook reviewed the data about Hassar, frowning thoughtfully.
Venn: "We have Hasar. She can provide testimony to our benefit."
Captain Riprock: Riprock nods to Venn. "Certainly helps us. She was chummy with Irban and Irban's own guy was protecting The Glove's ship."
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded. "That's a good idea."
Captain Riprock: "Either way, Aris didn't seem to take our advice about laying low to heart."
"Remove some problems and add others."
Venn: "Well behaved women rarely make history."
Ashley: That made Ashley snort because it was true.
Kesvo: "I get the impression that waiting this long was restraint on her part."
Captain Riprock: "Or opportunity." He paused, then looked over at Tal. He purses his lips in thought, then turned back toward Kes.
Kesvo: "The point I want to make clear is that we are not normal Republic operatives," she says, bringing the convo around to center, again. "We cannot be effective at what we're assigned to do if we're jumping in to play white knight at every maiden's call without care for our cover and the larger role we're playing."
"If you cannot handle that, then you are in the wrong place. Full stop."
Tal: Tal had to agree with the Captain, though he did so silently. Aris was far more cunning than most people gave her credit for. She'd gotten rid of two of her major enemies by waiting for a gathering of them. She'd changed the balance of power in the galaxy, but it was hard to tell which way just yet.
Kesvo: "I will figure something out to try and salvage this. But in the meantime, try to keep your heroic impulses in check. Four, you can bring Tane in, now. Let's get some info on where we're heading."
Captain Riprock: "Before that. What're we going to do with our extra ship?"
Kesvo: Kesvo shrugged. "Put Hasar on it, send her home? It sounds like she's going to be an ally if she can."
Rook: "Kesvo, you miss the point. again. WE aren't republic people. Janix isn't, I'm not. and Ahsley is a JEDI. We didn't step in because of the republic, but becasue of who we are. We are decent people, each with our code of honor. and that code says, we don't stand aside and let a sith chop someone up. No matter who they are. it makes me crazy that you equate any decent behavior as 'republic.'
"Why would we give up the Blade? it's a great ship."
Kesvo: "That's not what I'm doing, Rook."
"I'm saying, we are all here because of a mission given to us by the Republic. If you want to go chop up bad guys nonstop, there are places for you to do that. It just isn't here."
"It is the Republic that pays your stipend, that sanctions the work we do. Whatever else you are in addition, we are all 'Republic people' while we're part of this team."
Ashley: "The real problem," says Ashley, "is that we can white knight when it benefits the agenda."
Captain Riprock: "This team needs to be able to go places that the Republic military can't."
Kesvo: "There are very few circumstances in which you cannot act how your conscience dictates. But this was a critical one."
Captain Riprock: "That's the whole point of it."
Rook: "We, all of us, let a whole lot of super bad people walk away. chasing down bad guys, and standing aside while someone is murdered, are two different things. especially when that someone is a friend."
Kesvo: "Your guns were not your only option."
Venn: "This is why I don't leave witnesses." says Venn in a super matter-of-fact way as she stirs her straw in her smoothie.
Could be a joke. Could not be....
Janix: "Fists worked pretty good too," Janix quipped with irritation in her tone as she crossed her arms across her chest.
Ashley: "The first shot wasn't a gun," snaps out Ashley, "and Kiyota wasn't exactly listening to anyone."
Rook: "we aren't diplmats, Kesvo. she wasn't waiting around to hear us out. and she wasn't going to stop. You didn't see her; it was like she was insane."
Kesvo: Behind her back, Kesvo's hands flexed into fists, then relaxed again.
Tal: "And it was Elaiza that you all stuck our necks out for."
Kesvo: "I don't expect you to be diplomats."
"I do expect you to be good for more in a conflict situation than pulling a trigger."
Tal: "The same woman that tried to turn Kesvo and I into paste on Skye City. Rook and Janix weren't there for that, but you were, Ashley."
Ashley: "May I remind you that we're friends now with several people that have tried to kill us?" replies Ashley to Tal.
Janix: A curious look from Janix to Tal as she hears more about Elaiza. Given, she took her cue from Ashley regarding the woman and her protege.
Tal: "I wouldn't call most of them friends." Tal said.
"The point is, we've got to start being smarter about things or we're going to blow this whole thing up over the wrong person."
Kesvo: "If we haven't already."
Ashley: "But I also have a bit of a problem watching anyone who is a Dark Side Force-User striking people down." His smile is grim. "Consider red lightsabers a trigger."
Tal: "I don't want that person being Elaiza or what's his name."
Janix: "I would have reacted the same if the person Kiyota was striking down was a person I'd never met." It wasn't right to stand by and do nothing.
Kesvo: "I'm not suggesting you stand by and watch her kill someone. But from what was reported, you didn't even try another tact before attacking with force."
"But we can debate the finer points of that later. So long as we're all on the same page right now about trying to salvage this mission."
Captain Riprock: Riprock leaned forward slowly and placed his arms on the table. "I'll make the point clearer."
Rook: "and you think we salvage it by you talking to her?"
Venn: She nods towards Kesvo. "If you want to cultivate Hasar as a full on asset and send her on her way, I would recommend you talk to her to cement that relationship how you see fit. Exit interview?" Venn shrugs slightly and continues. "I've already softened the ground for it all, especially with informing her of our shared enemies, but you are more likeable and command more legitimacy."
Rook: Rook left off studying Tal, to turn to the Captain.
Kesvo: "I'm not sure it can be salvaged at this point. But if it can be, it won't be with guns."
Tal: Tal nodded, feeling his temper getting hotter in the face of obstinate justification. He leaned back in his seat. They were going to try to salvage this thing and then figure out what to do if they couldn't.
Captain Riprock: "Maybe this wasn't emphasized enough. Or maybe you all have forgotten.
This team was put together for one purpose, and one purpose only - to stop the rise of power of the Imperial Remnant. By going undercover. By accessing the underworld to reach people the Republic can't."
"The Senate is full of beauracrats, but we're not. There is a single line of command. If Kes, or I, tell you to do something, you do it. The stakes are too high not to. And all of you have seen that.
On Fellucia. On Foundry Four."
Janix: Janix nodded at Kesvo's point, not disagreeing. "Of course," she said after Riprock's point as well. What was done was done, and this was the warning to her and the others not to fuck it up again. Justified or not, she heard it loud and clear.
Captain Riprock: "And if we have to sacrifice an Elaiza, or a Micael, or a Tyber Zann, along the way to prevent another Alderaan, we do it."
Ashley: "I will always try to help people--you are not going to like it half the time--but I will endeavor to make sure it doesn't mess up the mission." The mention of Fellucia--of nearly dying, of blackened skin and weakness--had him paling considerably. "Which is the best I can offer, so can we--" Nope. Now Ashley is just going to stare at Riprock.
Captain Riprock: "We will do everything in our power to avoid that, then we will."
"But we're here to get dirty people. And if you can't handle that, then say so now. There'll be no hard feelings. We have a ship or two you can take on your way."
Rook: Rook, about to say something else, grew quiet as she considered the Captain's offer. The Blade was a really fine ship. and she could get back to her Clan, to the people who actually needed her.
Venn: The awkward silence is broken by a sudden long slurping from an empty cup's straw.
Janix: Janix looks at Rook and Ashley. She wanted to be with the Hellions but she fucked it up with both of them. She does give Venn a glance at the slurping.
Rook: "I promised you two missions, on my honor. I will help you finish this one - i'm really the only one who can offer Kesvo the leverage she needs."
Kesvo: Kesvo looks down, sighing softly at the slurp. For a moment, she looks tired in a way she usually doesn't.
Rook: Rook looked over at Kesvo. "She'll talk, i bet, if you trade her me."
Ashley: "I already said what I would do," says Ashley.
Captain Riprock: "We'll get into Kiyota and that later."
Ashley: "... and to be honest, what Rook is saying is part of what I was considering as a way to fix this ..."
Kesvo: She looked up again, to Rook, then to Riprock.
Rook: "Kiyota is our mission, Captian. she should be the first prority, becasue I do not want to see another world decimated by fanatics.
Ashley: "Because while we may have messed it all to hell, I was already trying to figure out a way to make it right."
Kesvo: "We'll figure out a plan en route. For now, we have a guest whose fate needs to be decided. Does anyone object to Hasar being made into an asset?"
Captain Riprock: "Good. Both of you work on that." He looked to Janix, then. "Are you clear?"
Janix: Almost a mixture of sad and bemused, Janix pipes up as well. "Probably shouldn't let the kids do their martyring alone if it comes to that," in reference to Rook's trade idea. "Understood," she says to Riprock.
Captain Riprock: "Nobody has to make up for anything. We're a team. We'll figure it out together."
Rook: Rook grinned over at Janix. "it should just be me. I'm the only one she knows is a Hellion."
"let her ask for the other two, if she wants; it gives Kesvo a concession."
Tal: "I'm behind making Hasar and asset." Tal said quickly.
Rook: Rook gave the Captain a small, tight shake of the head, a touch of confusion in her gaze.
Captain Riprock: "Hasar is already an asset, we should solidify that, though. I think we should send Mandrake to fly her back to Cato, and then he take the Blade to Foundry Four."
Janix: "If she can be trusted she sounds like she has connections." Janix is still pretty clueless about Galaxy politics but weighs in.
Captain Riprock: "Get it cleaned up, recomissioned, De-Gammoreaned."
Kesvo: "Stars, yes," she groaned softly.
"And with that track, we don't lose the Blade entirely, if you're passionate about keeping it," she said, mostly to Rook
Venn: "Like I said, I recommend Kamcakes give an exit interview to really solidify the arrangement."
Kesvo: She nodded to Venn.
Rook: Rook nodded tightly to Kesvo. "she's something special."
Captain Riprock: "I think it's a good idea to be expanding our resources." He nods to Rook. "The Blade seems like a strong ship. It handled well back there. As we find ourselves needing to handle more and more things ourselves, having a number of assets available to us is good."
Tal: Tal nodded in agreement.
Captain Riprock: "I'm good on my end, if we want to get jackhole in here to talk."
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded in affirmation.
Captain Riprock: Riprock gets up and walks over to Tal, handing him a small metal cylinder. "I want you to hold onto this."
"Go ahead and get him, Rook."
Janix: Janix looks to see what Riprock is giving Tal, extremely curious.
Tal: Tal accepts the metal cylinder. "What is it?"
Tal looked at the metal cylinder.
Captain Riprock: "You'll see in a moment." Riprock nods and moves to sit back down.
Venn: "Is it like some kind of zapper if he says something we don't like?" she says, with restrained delight.
Kesvo: "You really need less-weird hobbies," she murmurs to Venn as she takes a seat.
Rook: Rook stood up and walked into the corridor. There she spent a moment leaning on the bulkhead of the ship. and just feeling the rumble of a machine in perfect working order. After she had calmed herself, she turned to Doctor Tane. "they'll let you in now. I bet you hate it." She forced a smile.
Tal: "Got it." Tal said, taking the cylinder and settling in his chair while Tane was brought in.
Tal still doesn't like the "researcher", but manages to keep his distaste for the man hidden.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane smiles at Rook, shaking his head. "Oh, I'm fine. I get it." As he enters the room, he looks around and waves, flashing a smile. "Good afternoon. I hear we're going to Centares."
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded. "Rook says you believe you have some information on the area to share."
Janix: Janix nods slightly as the Good Doctor enters as a small greeting.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Quite so. I've been to both habitable worlds before. Centares is the one most people are familiar with - it's a mining world that was allied with the Separatists. Later it was controlled by the Imperials and strip-mined, so it's lost quite a bit of its wealth and opulence. For a while, it was a refuge for the Imperial Remnant."
Ashley: Ashley gives a half wave, returning his attention to the tablet in hand.
Kesvo: "But no longer?"
Rook: Rook didn't return to her seat, but leaned against the ship, right near the door. she just needed room to breathe.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "There was a Warlord there - Moff Drakon or something - that was in control of the system and used it as a stronghold against the Republic. Before Jetta, he was assassinated and most of his vessels fled."
"Now Centares is a Republic world, kind of the last stop between the Outer Rim and the Mid Rim. The gateway to the frontier. But it's not very well garrisoned and it has mostly freighter traffic coming through for trade. Other routes have gotten more popular."
"The second planet, Nizon, is fairly unknown. It's mostly a dustball world, really. But it has a number of caves and underground tunnels that are of interest. A native species that is very burly but not very bright populate the planet, but not very heavily."
"The Imperials used them for slave labor."
"I think what Rook suggested though, is what makes it interesting, really. The planet has a group of mercenaries that work out of the Southern Hemisphere - not far from an underground city of a now-lost civilization. The city?" Tane smiles, beaming as if unveiling some secret he found interesting. "One of the first cities of the Mandalorian conquest. Balak-to."
"Now.. that may just be coincidence - and not at all pertinent to the reasons you're going to Centares. But it's a little known nugget."
Tal: The information was interesting. He watched Tane, briefly, wondering if he was going to ask to come along on this mission "for science" or something like that.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "If you are going to go to Nizon, though, I'd be a valuable guide. As I said, I've been to the planet and explored the area."
Venn: "Of course you would." remarks Venn in an ambiguous tone.
Tal: And there it was.
Rook: Rook listened intently, her eyes lighting a touch when they spoke of the ancient city.
Kesvo: "'Lost underground city' does sound like a prime spot for a hideout," she mused, to herself.
Ashley: Ancient city results in eye sparkles in cranky blue Pantoran.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "And if someone's looking to hide, they're more likely to do it on Nizon than Centares. Centares has about a billion people on it. Practically no-one knows Nizon exists."
Kesvo: "We're following a tracker," she told Tane. "We won't know until we're closer which planet we're headed for. But sure. If it's Nizon, you can play guide. Sounds like it's the same kind of creepiness we pulled you out of on Nathema."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Oh no, nothing at all like Nathema."
"But, I'd glad to be of help." Tane flashed a smile.
Kesvo: "Dark. Musty. Close quarters. Old as stone. Creepy."
Janix: There was a quirk of her lips in amusement at the reactions of the room. Tane was definitely trying his charm but his knowledge could prove much more valuable.
Captain Riprock: "One thing." Riprock draws out a box and pushes it across the table. It stops before the Doctor at the edge. "While you're on the surface, you wear that."
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane lowers his hands to open the box and his nose wrinkles in distaste as it reveals a Zygerrian slave collar. "Is this really necessary?"
Rook: Rook's stomach clenched and she stared at the Captain as if he were an utter stragner.
Captain Riprock: "I suggest you don't make Tal angry."
Kesvo: "No," Kesvo said, with a shake of her head.
Ashley: Similar staring from Ashley because what the kriff?
Rook: "We are not slavers."
Kesvo: "That's no more incentive than what would already happen to him if he tries to knife us in the back.'
Venn: "Slavers would make him go and wear it."
Rook: Her horrified gaze swept over the hellions.
Tal: Tal looked at the collar, followed by the trigger. Riprock now held the title of "Guy that Likes Tane the Least", one that Tal felt he'd held solidly until that moment.
Captain Riprock: "If he proves himself he can take it off. It doesn't do anything if Tal doesn't use it."
Kesvo: "No," she repeats, to Riprock.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Please. I'm just an archaeologist - you're all quite capable of handling me."
Janix: "I think the Hellions are enough to handle Tane. I could do so on my own."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I promise, I'll be on my best behavior."
Ashley: "Let's not," says Ashley, "let's really not do this because there's already enough consequences for running afoul anyone in this room."
Tal: Tal looked at Tane. "Yeah, you will."
Venn: "Thank the maker that thieving grave robbers always speak honestly."
Janix: "Agreed." She looks at Venn at the mention of running afoul. Then to Tal.
Captain Riprock: Riprock's eyes narrow in obvious disagreement. "Fine." He nods to Tal. "You keep em both. Just in case."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Wonderful start. I'm sure we'll all get along great."
Tal: Tal sighed. He pocketed the device then closed up the box and drew it to his place in front of him.
Kesvo: "Alright. Was there anything else you wanted to share?" she asked Tane.
"If not, we've got some loose ends to tie before we jump."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Nope, that's all of it. If something else comes to mind I'll bring it up."
"Will I be bringing my equipment? It could come in handy."
Rook: Rook recoiled from the Captain, baffled. She glanced once more at the team, deeply uneasy. "I'd best not be part fo whatever you plan," Rook said, nodding to Kesvo. Her gaze flashed for a moment to agony, but she said nothing more, merely waiting to be dismissed.
Kesvo: She nodded.
"Thanks for the input," then. As for his equipment, she shrugged gently. "We'll know more when we're closer."
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane nods. "Well, have a wonderful day. I'm going to just be in the garage. Tinkering.." He said like a kid who is being passive aggressive about going to his room. He turns and leaves.
Kesvo: "Anyone else have urgent business? Otherwise I need to talk to Hasar and the Glove, and someone needs to fill Mandrake in on his field trip."
Janix: While the Doctor leaves, Janix looks at Rook and her idea that she'd be dismissed. She forgot how painful youth could be but she waited for Kesvo to respond to the young Mando.
Tal: Tal started to speak up, then stopped. It wasn't urgent, but he hoped that getting around to it wouldn't come too late.
Ashley: "Nope but we've got about thirty-six hours until we get to where we're going," says Ashley, "so there's that."
Kesvo: "Alright. Dismissed."
Rook: Rook left the room first, already by the door.
Ashley: Cranky boy is out.
Captain Riprock: Riprock gets to his feet slowly, turning to Kes. "I'll go talk to Mandrake. He seemed like he could handle it. I'll call to Foundry Four and let them know to expect him and the Blade."
Kesvo: Kesvo remained in her seat, watching the others leave.
Tal: Tal was still seated, watching the others go for the moment.
Janix: Janix followed out Ashley and Rook, seeking to counsel the youths in so much as she could.
Kesvo: She nodded to Riprock.
Captain Riprock: "I get why you said that, there. But I think it's better safe than sorry for Tane." He says once TEAM BLUE has left the briefing room.
Rook: Rook pulled out her datapad and wrote a few lines in it.
Tal: He scooped up the collar and the trigger and then rose from his seat.
Venn: Venn sighed in relief, as the angst levels in the room were getting to the point of suffocation. "Comm me if Hasar gives you trouble." she imparts to Kesvo before departing herself.
Kesvo: "He's a liability, yes. But that ship has sailed. The collar wouldn't stop him if he's got his mind set on double crossing us. And it's a trigger for the young ones. Not the battle for today, Cap."
Tal: "I still don't think Tane should be on this ship at all. The man tried to leave us to die before we caught him. If things had gone differently, he'd be off counting his credits while were smears in that stone floor." Tal said.
"The airlock is still viable."
Kesvo: She nods at Venn's comment as the Umbaran leaves.
Captain Riprock: "Not if he's on the planet when he bails. But, fine."
"I don't like how he's saying all the right things to get Rook spun up."
Kesvo: "Yeah. Maybe we just leave him there," she muses, softly.
Tal: "Okay, so I'm not the only one who sees it?"
Captain Riprock: "Convenient it's a Mandalorian city."
Tal: "Because I'm not the brightest charge in the blaster, but even I see it."
Janix: Hustling to catch up with Rook, Janix lays a hand on the younger Mando's shoulder. "Whatever you do, your not alone. Remember, it's a team." She gives a squeeze and if Ashley is going the same direction, includes him in the statement.
Captain Riprock: "If he knows the way around the planet, fine. Use him. Maybe he's earnest and I'm just a grouchy old smuggler."
Kesvo: "Maybe both."
Captain Riprock: The Captain smirks.
Kesvo: "Maybe he's a piece of druk and you're bitter."
"We'll watch."
Captain Riprock: "Well. I'll admit. I might be seeing a bit of myself in that cheerful grinning, and I know when I was up to no good with that sorta' smiling."
Kesvo: "I believe it," she sighed, pushing herself to her feet. She looked to the doorway and shook her head, still thinking about the young ones.
"Alright. I'm gonna go chat up our guest."
Captain Riprock: Riprock set a hand on Kes's shoulder. "Hey."
"We're gonna figure this out."
Rook: Rook looked right at Jannix, banked fury in her gaze. "no. it's not a team. NO team i would be a part of would suggest a slave collar. I'll see this mission through, and I'll pay the price for my sense of honor. Just .. Janix, Kesvo is the most ruthless, deadly person I know. Don't get on her bad side, once I'm gone. Just bow out, when you get the chance. she'd have stood aside and let Kiyota chop of her own father's head, before interfering with the mission."
Kesvo: "I don't doubt it," she said, looking towards Riprock after a pause. She turned her head to face forward again, and her voice softened. "Just not sure the cost, yet."
Captain Riprock: "Let's go sit with a bottle once you're done with your calls, and we'll talk out some ideas."
Ashley: Ashley had been about to respond but-- Well, there's that right there.
Kesvo: She nodded and headed out.
Captain Riprock: Riprock patted Tal's shoulder, then moved to step out of the briefing room too.
Tal: Tal took the collar and the trigger to his room.
Kesvo: Kesvo went to the DUNJUN to find Hasar.
Janix: There was more fury there and Janix knew better than to take it full on. She moved her hand and nodded. "I see," she said noncommittally to Rook. She looked at Ashley for a moment but didn't push Rook. "If you want to talk, I'm here. You are a great warrior and I respect you," she said to Rook.
GM (GM): Kes make whatever social check you want to versus Hasar to git her to do what u want.
2r 1p for Charm but gain 2 Boosts from Venn's efforts!
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Rook: Rook gave a strangled laugh, and then gripped Janix's hand. "whatever they said, and though there will be a cost, we did the right thing. Maybe not the best thing, or the cleverest, and certainly not how they would do it. But a right thing. If we walk away from who we are, we will just end up becoming another enemy like the FO. You saw the captain. Kesvo. I understand their commitment. but the price is to loose that very thing which separates us from their enemies."
Ashley: "She isn't entirely wrong," he replies, "but sometimes ..." Ashley shakes his head, whatever he was going to say about Kesvo being left unsaid. "You weren't here when we dealt with the slavers, saw all that we did, and to have one of those brought out? It's not okay, at any point, the rest of what was said ..." The Pantoran waved a hand. "We'll work it out but the results may be that some of us go separate ways. We can't be-" A sigh escaped, as Rook said it but he echoed it. "We can't be our enemies."
Kesvo: Kesvo spends some time with Hasar, talking about how the woman wound up where she is, and where she hoped to go from here. After expending a good bit of charm and patience, she sends the woman on her way with Mandrake on the Blade.
Tal: Tal will then head to the dojo to work off his own irritation.
Kesvo: She then tries to reach the Glove, but can't get through.
GM (GM): These Scenes will be carried out in Downtime.
36 hours pass, and the Blade of Rogak disembarks with Onrein Hassar and Vazus Mandrake. The Aeon Mallard remains docked to the Ardent Rivener. Jumping out of Hyperspace, the tracker indicates Kiyota's ship is indeed heading to Nizon and not Centares. You find a fair number of freighter traffic and smaller-craft moving around Centares, but no other large ships are in the area of the main planet.
Rook: Rook gave a half-smile to Ashley, though it faded swiftly.
GM (GM): All of you can be at whatever station you wish as the ship jumps out of hyperspace and goes to sublight.
As you approach Nizon some hours later, you find that there is a large nebula around the dusty world, one that interferes with most sensors.
Ashley: Ashley will do the copiloting thing. Like a good person.
GM (GM): Ashley is finding a lot of interference in the area, but as the Co-Pilot can attempt to make a Daunting (4p) Computers check to compensate for the interference.
Kesvo: Kesvo grimaces as the scanners stop being useful.
"Gonna go ahead and guess that all that nonsense is interfering with our tracker, huh?"
Captain Riprock: "The tracker said she was headed to Nizon, but I can't pick up where on the planet."
Ashley: "Let me see what I can do," says Ashley. "Maybe I can clear it up."
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Rook: (( Rook will spend most of that 36 hours to make her new gun as amazing as her old gun. she keeps mostly to herself unless approached.))
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
GM (GM): Ashley is successful in picking up a very large object in the nebula, something that's providing a lot of electrical interference and jamming most communications and long-range sensors. He also detects four starfighters that are moving from the atmosphere on an intercept course with the Ardent Rivener.
Ashley: "So, heeeeeeey."
GM (GM): Ashley can pick up the configuration of the fighters as some sort of interceptor craft - similar to an A-Wing, but looking to be upgraded in materials.
Ashley: "Cleared things up a bit but we've got incoming."
Captain Riprock: "Picking them up now. Four fighters. Looks like Barracudas - BLASTECH's latest.
Kesvo: "Wonder if they're friends of our quarry."
Ashley: "Yeah, there's something else out there too. Big but more concerned with those fighters."
Captain Riprock: "Try to find out what it is, Ash. Everyone else get to your stations. Tak - raise the shields. Tal, man the weapons station."
GM (GM): A general alert sounds through the Ardent Rivener
Tal: Tal makes his way to the turbolasers and does so. "On it, Captain."
Ashley: "Alright, I'll see what I can find out." Ashley turns his attention back to the console, trying to clear things up and figure out what was out there.
Captain Riprock:
Initiative Vigilance
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Janix: Down in the weapons room with Tal, Janix mans the weapons that Tal doesn't take himself.
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
%u2694%uFE0F Initiative Check Image   Weswin's Foresight
Calling upon the Force at the start of the combat, Ashley is able to glean insight into what comes next.
Activation   Action | Self
Check   Initiative (Cool or Vigilance) + %u2394 up to FR
Effect   Spend %u25D0 to add automatic Image on his first check this encounter.
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Barracuda Fighter:
Initiative Vigilance
Barracuda Fighter
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Barracuda Fighter:
Initiative Vigilance
Barracuda Fighter
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Barracuda Fighter:
Initiative Vigilance
Barracuda Fighter
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
Venn: (is that Yoda poopin)
Barracuda Fighter:
Initiative Vigilance
Barracuda Fighter
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal: (Relieving himself, he is.)
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: Venn puts away her candy bar as suddenly her comms officer station receives the information. "General quarters, we have incoming starfighters on incercept course" she calls into the mic. Then she activates the Red Alert throughout the Rivener so that the entire crew can be alerted that things might get bumpy.
GM (GM): The Barracuda Fighters are at Long Range from the Ardent Rivener. Nizon is Extreme range away from the ship.
The nebula makes targeting difficult. Any attacks made from longer than Close suffer 3 setback dice.
Rook: Rook will use her free maneuver angle the Deflector Shields to forward from aft.
GM (GM): A comm comes through from the lead Barracuda: "Unidentified vessel, you are entering a restricted area by Republic command 62-Subsection Thirty Four. Please turn back to Centares."
Kesvo: "Is that legit?" she asks Riprock at the transmission. "Are they Republic, from what you can tell?" she asks, nodding to his control panel.
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
"Hrm.. yeah that's legit. Sounds like a Senator ordered this area off-limits for conservation purposes."
Captain Riprock: "Those aren't regular Republic ships, but they could be new. They seem to have Republic credentials."
Kesvo: Kesvo returned the hail.
"Barracuda, this is the Rivener. We're here on Republic business that requires a brief stop on the planet's service. You're welcome to escort us down and look over the credentials yourself there."
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   6
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Barracuda Fighter:"Copy that, Rivener. Meet us at Two-Three-Six Mark Five and we'll escort you down."
GM (GM): The coordinates that are given are deeper into the nebula, but present a decent landing approach vector.
They are also closer to the large object.
Ashley: "... that'll get us closer to whatever is out there," says Ashley, still trying to discern whatever said large object is.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Success) (Success) (Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
GM (GM): Ashley is able to pierce through the nebula, despite the space dust and interference, to see that it's a very large starship in the nebula that is slowly moving toward them -- a Victory-II Star Destroyer.
Ashley: "Oh."
The Arkanian Dragon:
Initiative Vigilance
The Arkanian Dragon
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: "Victory-II Star Destroyer. That's jamming the comms."
"... so, uh. Yeah. Let's not fight."
Tal: Tal's eyes widen. "Oh no. That's a Victory Class. This is bad."
GM (GM): The coordinates that were sent for the escort duty would put the ship in Close range - perfect for the Star Destroyer to use its tractor beams on the Ardent Rivener.
Venn: "They tend to do that." she calls from her station.
Captain Riprock: "What the druk is a Star Destroyer doing in a Republic-ordered protected place!?"
Kesvo: "Nothing good."
"What are the odds we can outrun those fighters to the planet?"
Captain Riprock: "Dececent. Even with the Mallard strapped to the ship's belly, the Rivener's still fast for a ship of our size. Definitely faster than that Star Destroyer!"
Kesvo: "Let's hit it, then. I've no desire to see inside a destroyer today."
Venn: "Good old fashioned blockade running."
Kesvo: "Anyone know the range the on the guns on that thing?"
Tal: "The Star Destroyer can hit us with anything but tractor beams and missiles at the moment. Once they do that, though, they'll tractor beam us and either drag us aboard or blow us away with missiles." Tal said. "And it can hit us before we hit it. Our weapons aren't scratching that thing."
Kesvo: "I vote we run it."
Venn: "The Rivener is a republic cruiser, they were famous for running blockades."
Ashley: "Blockade run sounds great to me."
Tal: "Run it and let's be ready to pick off those start fighters as soon as we're close."
Captain Riprock: "Alright, buckle up, this is gonna get a little bumpy!"
Riprock punches it, accelerating to maximum speed and inflicting 2 system strain to the Rivener.
Janix: "By the Goddess," Janix says as she learns what is waiting for them. Buckled in, she aims for the star fighters and prays to the Goddess.
Tal: "Janix, take the first shot at those things and I'll clean up behind you."
Barracuda Fighter:"Rivener, you are deviating from the rendezvous coordinates. Please return to the assigned flight path and we will escort you to the planet's surface."
Janix: "Got it." She doesn't banter with Tal about 'winning' this time.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Twin Heavy Ion Cannons
Janix M'kyato
Vehicle   The Ardent Rivener
Damage   4
Critical   7
Range   Medium
Qualities   Ion, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
GM (GM): The Rivener's Heavy Ion-Cannons shoot blue pulsations of light that strike the Barracuda and completely disable the fighter.
Janix: Janix pulls the Ion Cannon around and fires as soon as the ship gets in range. "Got it," she yells to Tal as she swings the gun towards the rest of the oncoming ships.
Twin Light Turbolasers
Tal Vodax
Vehicle   The Ardent Rivener
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Breach 2, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Venn: ((we are shooting the disabled ship?))
GM (GM): The Turbolaser rips through the disabled starfighter and causes it to explode.
Venn: Venn will spoof missiles.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Rook: Rook will BOOST SHIELDS.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
GM (GM): The Star Destroyer - its designation of The Arkanian Dragon - opens fire in a Concentrated Barrage at the Ardent Rivener.
Dice System:
Kesvo flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   5
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   6
The Arkanian Dragon:
Ten Light Quad Turbolaser Batteries
The Arkanian Dragon
Damage   9
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Breach 2, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
GM (GM): The Quad Light Turbolasers send a rain of green fire through the nebula at the Ardent Rivener. The ship buckles as a blast strikes its shields, but the tough former pirate flagship holds firm.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   5
Barracuda Fighter:
Forward-Mounted Concussion Missile Launchers
Barracuda Fighter
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 6, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM (GM): Two missiles strike through the shields of the Rivener and cause explosions in the front part of the ship! Flame licks along the starboard and aft as the Rivener flies toward the planet.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
Barracuda Fighter:
Forward-Mounted Concussion Missile Launchers
Barracuda Fighter
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 6, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Triumph)
The Ardent Rivener:
Starship Critical
The Ardent Rivener
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   98
Total   98
Engine Damaged
Ship or vehicle's maximum speed reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1, until repaired.
GM (GM): One missile flies through the hole in the shields and strikes one of the engines, causing the ship to buckle and emergency alerts to go off as red lights flicker.
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Barracuda Fighter:
Forward-Mounted Concussion Missile Launchers
Barracuda Fighter
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 6, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
Captain Riprock: "What is with this week and my ships getting blown up!?" Riprock roared in annoyance.
"Hang on, I'm going to do something a little crazy!"
Captain Riprock
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Action: The Rishi Sendoff
Captain Riprock: Take a Rishi Sendoff action targeting two ships or vehicles at close range; Make an Average Cool check to cause the targets to suffer a major(!) collision.
Rook: Rook swears as another barrage of missiles sweeps over the Rivener. Damage Control alarms blare, and Rook swears as ship's engines scream protest. Without speed, they were dead in space.
Ashley: "Beautiful!"
Kesvo: (insert falleen swears)
Tal: Words fail.
Janix: There might have been some scared screaming until she sees the explosion of the ships hitting each other. "By the Goddess," she exclaims, impressed.
Captain Riprock: The Ardent Rivener literally spins so hard that it causes some G-sickness in the crew. Alerts go off as Riprock turns off the inertial safeguards to the ship, nearly tearing it apart as he spins and causes the smaller fighters to get caught in a gravitational vortex that slams them all together.
Rook: Rook swears again as the ship serves oddly, but the cheers fro the bridge suggest that was suppsoed to happen.
Captain Riprock: Three explosions are seen through the aft-windows of the ship as it speeds toward the planet.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Ashley: "Rook, think you can do something about the engines? If you aren't already," comms Ashley, who assumes the engineer is already on the ball.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
picking herself up off the floor, she lunges back to her station and attempts to repair the engines!
"you have your engines back, skipper!"
Captain Riprock: "Just in time, Rook!"
GM (GM): Turbolaser fire flies around the Rivener as it barrels toward the atmosphere of the planet.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
The Arkanian Dragon:The Star Destroyer focuses its fire with a barrage from its Twenty Medium Turbolasers at the Ardent Rivener.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Twenty Twin Medium Turbolasers
The Arkanian Dragon
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Breach 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
GM (GM): The Rivener shakes as the heavier turbolasers explode around it, and the Hellion's ship sprites toward the dusty world's upper atmosphere.
Ashley: "Thanks Rook!" calls out, pushing the Ardent Rivener back up to speed and engaging in a few evasive maneuvers to not get hit.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
GM (GM): Tal is able to slice into the systems of the Star Destroyer, lowering their fore shields for two turns.
GM (GM): The process is stressful on him and he suffers 3 strain.
Janix: Janix will make some repairs as they are fleeing!
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
Heal 1 hull trauma.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Threat) (Threat)
GM (GM): Kes shoulda read that book more. Take 2 strain.
Venn angles deflector screens to aft.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM (GM): The Ardent Rivener enters into the upper atmosphere of Nizon as the Arkanian Dragon sends turbolaser fire at its backside. The angled shields and the atmosphere assure that the vessel suffers no further damage. As you enter the atmosphere of the planet you detect only one area of civilization, a set of towering metal spires.
You haven't been detected yet, but the sensors are already going haywire from this planet. Ashley make a daunting computers check.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM (GM): Ashley is able to detect a number of Barracuda fighters patrolling near the city. It would appear to behoove the group to park the ships somewhere where they'd not be detected.
%u262F There Is No Try Use   Once Per Session, OOT incidental
Effect   Before an ally rolls the dice for a check, the character may spend a Destiny Point to allow the ally to automatically succeed at the check with one Image and no other results.
Janix: ((YESSSSSS))
Venn: Easy.
Riprock and Venn did it for the first time during that 36 hour spell.
Ashley: "Okay, yeah, let's avoid that area," says Ashley, relaying info about the other fighters.
Captain Riprock: Riprock, motivated by post-coital bliss, easily succeeds the FORMIDABLE piloting check, and brings the Ardent Rivener and the Aeon Mallard into a series of caves, parking both ships safely.
GM (GM): The Hellions are able to disembark from the ship and begin their task on Nizon...
End Session 95



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2020, 06:12:52 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 96 - Insurgency
GM (GM): The Hellions have landed on the planet Nizon, narrowly avoiding a Victory Class Star Destroyer that was hidden in the nebula surrounding the planet. Following the trail of the agent Kiyota, Ashley has helped navigate the Ardent Rivener and the Aeon Mallard into a set of caves in the mountains, somewhere in the wilderness.
GM (GM): The tracker seems to indicate toward the north from the ship, though the planet is highly inhospitable, and is playing havoc with the tracking device. You can get a general idea on where you need to go, but nailing down how long it'll take to get there or what awaits you are outside of the device's capabilities at this time.
Those stepping out of the Ardent Rivener find that the planet has a large amount of dust on the planet, making it difficult to see and breathe.
Captain Riprock: Riprock meets with the others before they move to leave. "The Mallard is still a mess, so I'll try and get the crew working on it while we fix the Rivener too. I could use a hand back here while you're all out looking, it alright if I keep N1-TR0 here?"
"Since it sounds like you're taking Tane?"
Venn: Venn had switched coms to private during the descent, only addressing Riprock as he piloted the Rivener. Her cadence was calm and confident in that they were encouraging words without actual direction. And lo and behold, success! Though if you want to reduce it to post coital bliss, you can because you are twelve!
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Janix: Armored and happy to have her rifle back, Janix moves to the assembled and dons her helmet. It's not environment sealed but it should help. "Ugh, dust." She mutters to herself as she dons the hemlt.
Kesvo: Kesvo, unhappy at the news that the tracker was being imprecise, made her way towards the ramp leading onto the planet's surface. Wincing against the abundant dust she can see below, she pulls her breath mask out of her kit and puts it on. Riprock's comment draws a nod.
"Nitro, you mind giving him a hand?" she asked the droid.
N1-TR0: "Affirmation: I would be pleased to assist the Captain. I will endeavor to keep a communication channel open between the team and these vessels - however, it is likely the planet's conditions and our own efforts to remain hidden here will necessitate a lack of communication."
"Query: Do you wish me to arrange for Doctor Tane to be returned his equipment?"
Kesvo: "Understood," she said,nodding in regards to the comms. At the question about Tane she sighed softly. "Might as well."
Venn: The pale umbaran has her hood drawn, the composite fabric of her cape picking up in soft billows from the strange breeze of the planet. She affixes her visor-mask, obscuring her features in the dark metal as the violet lenses flare to life. "I don't supposed the airspeeder would work here..." she mused aloud.
Kesvo: "Don't worry. One day we'll get to use it," she told Venn with a little smirk.
Venn: She held up a gloved hand as if to catch some of the dust whirling about. "I can't imagine all these particulates are good for engines."
"Always with the promises..." she returns to Kesvo with a shake of her head.
Kesvo: "I assume Four's grabbing Tane," she observed, at the Mando's absence.
Venn: "Or they are grabbing each other."
Kesvo: "Not if he values all his parts."
Captain Riprock: "Ya'll be safe out there. Keep an eye on your back." The Captain urges, though he looks toward Venn after that. "Especially you."
Rook: Rook stepped into the strange, dusty world. Her armor is more silver than colored, jet pack and new disruptor rifle in all polished and ready for mayhem. She grins over her shoulder at Doctor Tane, and then settles into place near Kesvo.
Venn: "I am the most responsible person out here." she scratches back through her vocoder in what could probably only be jest.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane arrives at Rook's side, N1-TR0 handing him his blaster pistols and equipment. IL-0M floats behind, chirping something toward the other Droid.
"Ahhh, I'd nearly forgotten how the air on this planet practically hums with history."
Kesvo: "Alright. Let's move out."
Venn: *" I have to waste my time with a threat?" says the masked woman directly to Tane, visage impossible to discern.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane looks over to Venn, an eyebrow lifting. "I don't know, do you? We're all friends here, I thought."
"I'm here to prove myself a valuable member of the team."
Venn: She doesn't say anything, right away, leaving her unsettling air remain for a second. "For your sake, I hope that is true." scratches the filtered Imperial female voice before she turns and moves on.
Kesvo: "Alright, let's focus," she said, as the party began to move out. She turned her head to look at Tane. "Are you familiar with this part of the planet? Are there concerns - flora, fauna, that sort of thing - we ought to be particularly careful about?"
Rook: Rook's mood lightened a bit by the chatter, she gave a quiet greeting and farewell to N1, then a wave to the Captain. The Doctor's calm in the face of Venn's effortless aura of menace was either a mark of his confidence or of the very bad company he'd kept in the past.
Tal: Tal is glad to be back in his armor. He decides to let the others handle Tane, for now. If they thought he could be useful, he'd go with it until the man proved otherwise.
The dust on this planet made him grimace beneath his helm, so he focused on his new axe and his bowcaster as the equipment he brought with him.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane withdrew a breathing mask from his equipment and placed it over his mouth. He likewise pulls out some glare-shades and places them over his face as well. He seems to have equipment preparing himself for traversing this planet. "Quite so." He voices from behind the mask. "The planet is very old. The Nazren, the natives, their species had an empire that once covered the planet and controlled many nearby systems. One of their enemies destroyed one of the planets in the region - causing this world to get knocked closer to this system's sun."
Gesturing outward to the desert world, he continued. "What was once a lush paradise world turned into a hazardous mess. Many of the natural species died out in a matter of decades, what remained has adapted to be extremely resilient."
Dice System:
Kesvo flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
%uF4DD Careful Planning Activation   Action
Effect   Once per session, may introduce a "fact" into the narractive as if a Destiny Point had been spent.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Janix: Another bag by the door contains some additional items that seem they will be useful for the planet. "Here, these should help." Most of the gear seems most suitable for a desert planet. "Thought a bit of a survival gear might be useful while we were all doing our own things."
Kesvo: "And entirely self-concerned and non-hostile, right?" she amended, deadpan as though she expected it to be true.
She did not.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "The natives or the rest of the fauna and flora?"
Kesvo: Kesvo nods to Janix, reaching for the bag to pull out some glareshades.
To Tane, she says, "The super resilient fauna that we're likely to encounter between here and where we're going."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Oh. They'd like to eat us, no doubt."
Rook: Helmet angled in delight, Rook gave a quick thumbs up to Jannix, as the team acquired the necessary gear for desert travel.
Janix: Thinking of Mandrake, Janix turned to the good Doctor. "Do you speak their language?" She paused. "The natives, not the plants," clarified the Commando.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "There's one in particular - a Nizon Blade Scorpion, oh it's massive, as big as a speeder, and its tail has a venom that can incapacitate a Dewback in about three seconds. It's really rather fascinating how it came to be.."
Janix: Janix returns Rook's thumbs up.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I do, indeed, know the language of the locals." Tane says with a tone of pride.
Rook: Hearing about the giant scorpion, Rook double checked her wrist rockets. Just to be sure.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "As I said, I've been here before. Once we find some transportation - perhaps from the local garrison - we could even venture out to find Balak-To.
Janix: "Good. Maybe we can avoid being attacked by native children again." adds the Hapan with some lack of cheer.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Oh, do you all make it a habit of tousling with the local wildlife?" The rogue archeaologist chuckles and steps into the open desert, the dust in the area is thick and you all can barely see one-another (save those who have equipment who ignore such problems). While you're able to move about and survive in such conditions, it's unpleasant, and obvious that what Tane said is true, this planet is highly inhospitable.
Rook: "Any reason to bring along a ion rocket, or should I swap it for an extra flechette?"
Tal: "No, but it makes a habit of tussling with us." Tal said, deadpan.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Uh. I'm not really qualified to answer that - I don't think I've ever used an ion rocket."
Rook: Rook could only nod agreement to Tal's comment.'
Janix: Janix nods at Tal's assessment of the previous situations.
Rook: Rook shook her head sadly. "We'll have to fix that. You haven't lived until you've fired a wrist rocket."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Oh, that my life has been so without purpose..."
Janix: She follows the team down the ramp and finds herself considering the usefulness of her sniper rifle. She can barely see a few meters in front of her let alone over a hundred. Nevertheless, it was nice to have the target rifle back at her side.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "The city, Ahdjok, the natives call it, will be above the dust. Once we're there we won't have to worry about all of this as much."
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook: A warm chuckle followed, despite the inhospitable world. the banter helped ease the sorrow she felt any time they faced a desolate, ruined world. "I don't suppose there's any technology to put the planet back in it's proper place."
She sent a sideways glance at Kesvo, and held up a hand. "Idle speculation."
Kesvo: Kesvo gave a soft, amused little snort.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Oh, if there is, I would bet real credits that someone would love to get their hands on it. That sort of thing could be an unimaginably powerful weapon."
"Something akin to the old Death Star."
Janix: Janix smiled at Rook and shook her head slightly. Rook was definitely a dreamer but it was better than the alternative.
Kesvo: "What resource is here that would justify a war ship hidden in orbit?"
Rook: Rook shook her head. "All of the great inventions seem to be that way. So easily turned to domination and destruction."
Rook glanced at Dr. Tane, thinking of at least one thing the First Order would want; at least, if it was here at all.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Oh, there's a lot of resources on this planet. Enough duranium to make a fleet of ships. Ancient technology that we were only beginning to scratch the surface of what was possible. The local population alone was seen as a worthwhile investment - few races are naturally as strong or as docile as the Nazren."
"And if Balak-To was found, well, that's a Beskar forge."
Rook: Rook glanced over at Tal.
Tal: The longer Tane spoke, the less Tal liked what he was saying. The First Order and the Empire were always looking for new places to subjugate, strip-mine, and destroy.
The mention of the Beskar forge drew his attention. Rook looked at him and Tal considered what that would mean for both her clan and his own.
Doctor Rafan Tane: All of you easily get the sense that Tane would talk for hours if you let him, probably to hear the sound of his own voice.
GM (GM): Though thankfully, you, as players, do not have to - let's do a time skip!
Hard Survival Checks, please.
Kesvo: Kesvo's content to quietly let him talk while they move, taking in what she can about the planet.
Intense Focus: Maneuver   Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade next ability check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure)
Janix: (Follow the leader and also IF!)
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage)
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Rook: Rook will listen intently, drinking in knowledge and trying to prepare for what is to come.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure)
Doctor Rafan Tane:
Dice Pool
Doctor Rafan Tane
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn Parsa uses SINCEREST FLATTERY. Once per encounter, when she makes a skill check someone else has previously used during the encounter, she adds %uF7E6 %uF7E6 to her check.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Kesvo: (("bad stuff"))
((This is fine.))
Janix: (("fine"))
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
GM (GM): Over the course of the next day of travel, you notice you are being followed by a giant (silhouette 2) scorpion at extreme range. It seems to have caught your scent. Tane recommends not fighting it, as they are known to be pack animals. While it is following the group, it's not seeking to actively engage, so you continue on your way.
Unfortunately, the planet's inhospitable nature seems to be more than just the air. As you come in sight of some ancient artifact that juts very high into the sky from broken earth, a sandstorm suddenly sweeps over you. Kes and Tal are nearly swept away from it, were it not for Janix's quick action. She manages to stop both of them from being lost in the storm.
Nonetheless, you have to take shelter and quickly so. It's a scary thing, as one moment you were walking along and the next you were in a sand hurricane. Kesvo suffers 10 strain. Tal suffers 5 strain. Anyone with any remaining threats (after successes acting as advantages) suffer strain equal to the result.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Triumph)
GM (GM): You all lose a full day of travel time, and as you emerge from the cave you found shelter in, the air is a little clearer, and you stand by what looks to be a shallow river at the foot of a massive structure.
Tal: The massive structure is the first thing that draws Tal's attention. He wished he was a gearhead with a mind for understanding what such a thing could even be used for.
It's a little awe-inspiring, even as it worries him a bit.
Venn: ((Tane is gone, everyones pockets are out like rabbit ears))
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Fascinating!" Tane says with cheer, nearly rushing forward toward the structure. "This was built by the ancient Nazren - at least five thousand years ago!"
Kesvo: Kesvo expresses her thanks to janix for the quick thinking, and then agrees with the rest of the group that shelter is prudent. Upon emerging, she slows her pace to gawk a little at the immense structure before them.
Rook: The sand is a weapon all of its own, eating into the joints of her armor, fouling the vents of her breathing system almost faster than the filters can accommodate. Dark, hot, dry ... moisture and life seem to be drained away by the second as the storm raged. Once the air cleared, a vast structure like an eye loomed over head.
Janix: "Wow," Janix says as she emerges. "To see it before it was destroyed...," she adds wistfully.
Rook: Rook moved closer, trying to decipher what materials it was
Tal: Tal looks around to see if there are any automated guns training themselves on Tane or anyone watching from the structure.
He also pats Janix on the shoulder. "Hey, thank you. Next round is on me when we get somewhere better than this."
Kesvo: ...and then she remembers the giant scorpions, and does a slow 360, looking for movement around them while everyone's staring at the structure.
GM (GM): Average Perception.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: "Looking for our fans?" she says to Kesvo, with the same idea.
GM (GM): Seems fine!
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Janix: Janix looks around, after gazing at the structure a bit too long, for any threats amid the lessened sand storm.
Kesvo: "Yeah... I don't see anything, though. It must've moved on while we were sheltering."
GM (GM): Janix still has some dirt clogging in her armor - ditto for Tal (3 strain to Tal), but both of them indeed see three giant scorpions on the crest of a hill above them, skittering toward them.
Tal: "Nope. Looks like he brought friends!"
Rook: "I can't tell if it's a relic from the locals, a crashed ship, or something else entirely."
Janix: "By the Goddess. Incoming!" Janix points towards the crest of the hill.
Nizon Scorpion:
Initiative Vigilance
Nizon Scorpion
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Tal: Tal points to the creatures on the hill.
Nizon Scorpion:
Initiative Vigilance
Nizon Scorpion
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
Nizon Scorpion:
Initiative Vigilance
Nizon Scorpion
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Doctor Rafan Tane:
Initiative Vigilance
Doctor Rafan Tane
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rook: Rook gave a half laugh, as Tal pointed out the enemy. "The wildlife always wants to eat you, Tal."
Tal: "Not funny, Four..."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Don't let them sting you!" Tane yells out as he reaches for his blasters.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Maneuver   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 2 rounds.
Tal: "Focus fire on the center one to start!" Tal said, Quick-Drawing his bowcaster!
Kesvo: "We have come too far to get cut down by overgrown insects, folks," Kesvo says, looking for cover. "Pick your targets, be smart. And for void's sake, stay away from the stingers."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Technically a scorpion isn't an insect it's a.."
Kesvo: "Not now, Tane!"
Tal's Bowcaster
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Cumbersome 3, Auto-Fire, Knockdown
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
Tal sees his shot almost bounce off the creature's hide and blinks.
"Great. We need cover!" Tal said.
Kesvo: "Head for the structure!"
Janix: Janix, pulls her rifle out (happy to have it back) and aims!
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
GM (GM): The Blade Scorpion doesn't even seem to really notice Tal's shot.
Janix: (also quick draw)
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Failure x2) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(4 adv = crit, 2 = dmg)
(ignore dmg)
Nizon Scorpion:
Npc Critical
Nizon Scorpion
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   41
Total   41
Bowled Over
Knocked prone and suffer 1 strain.
Janix: (take cover as free manuever)
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
GM (GM): While Janix's shot did not grievously injure the Scorpion, it did knock it prone!
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Nizon Scorpion:
Poisonous Tail
Nizon Scorpion
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Breach, Vicious 4, Target Must Make Daunting Resilience Check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM (GM): The tail comes down and nearly stabs into Janix, though it hits the dirt instead.
Janix: Though the attack is nearly on target, Janix dances to the side and avoids the attack.
Nizon Scorpion:
Poisonous Tail
Nizon Scorpion
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Breach, Vicious 4, Target Must Make Daunting Resilience Check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
The Scorpion's tail comes down at Tal, and while his armor stops the stinger from piercing into his chest, it nonetheless hits him with such force that he drops his bowcaster.
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank)
Venn: ((I can go))
%u2756 Move - Control: Hurl Image   %u201C...You wanted this chaos!%u201D
An outstretched hand has her reach into the Force, turning the very environment around her into weapons.
Action - Activate with %u25D0 || Ranged Combat Check vs. Sil.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +2 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Short.
Magnitude    %uF53C +4 objects per %u25D0. Auto-fire quality.
Strength    %uF53C +3 sillhouette per %u25D0. Damage is Sil size x10.
+1 adv?
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Dice Pool
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn will drop to a knee and draw the Force into her from the ground, swirling the dirt and debris like a cyclone.
She then thrusts her hands forward, sending both scorpions to Extreme range.
Draw saber as a maneuver
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM (GM): The Scorpions don't scream cause they're scorpions, but they do make some sort of strange sound as their legs flutter in the air when they go flying up and outward.
Janix: Janix nods in appreciation to Venn. The Acklay was a little _overly_ fresh in her mind.
Venn: The air cracks with deep bass as the titanic arachnids go hurling leg over tail...
Lethal Blows rank 1. Add +10 any Critical Wounds inflicted.
AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw.
Nizon Scorpion:
Npc Critical
Nizon Scorpion
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   80
Dice Roll   92
Total   172
Complete, absolute death.
Kesvo: Kesvo pauses in her retreat to stare as Rook takes down one of the scorpions. She turns a mildly confused look to Tal.
"How come your gun didn't do that?"
Tal: "She's got a Disruptor rifle, Boss!"
"I hope someone remembers my birthday this cycle!"
Janix: "Huh," Janix looks briefly at Rook. "Is that even legal?!"
Kesvo: "Sounds like excuses to me, Five!" she called, for some reason finding humor NOW in the midst of the fight.
Rook: Rook stepped forward, cleared her mind (turns out Meditation IS useful) and focused completely upon her target. A squeeze of the trigger, and the leashed lightening of the Disruptor Rifle obliterated her opponent. She took a moment to watch the other too, and then prepared to join the team in their retreat.
Venn: "There is just like.. a couple of legs left..."
"Oh wait those are gone now too."
Tal: "I get no respect." Tal muttered, mock-indignantly. In truth, he was glad that someone on their team had a Disruptor Rifle.
"We get another weapon like that, we don't sell it."
Rook: "Oya!" Rook grinned but didn't take her gaze away from the enemy. "No, it's not legal at all."
Venn: "Did it get you?" she asks Tal, who she saw get struck...
Rook: "I maybe could build you one, if we got schematics." Rook assured Tal.
Tal: "No, I'm good. Just knocked by bowcaster out of my hands!" he told Venn.
Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric Skill   Leadership
Difficulty   Average(Image)
Maneuver   Each Image causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend Image to cause 1 affected ally to heal 1 additional strain.

Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains Image on all skill checks for 2 rounds.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Tal: Tal picks up his downed weapon and, seeing Tane run, follows after the doctor!
Just in case he plans to betray them...
"We gotta move! They'll be back!"
Kesvo: Kesvo begins backpedaling again.
"Nice shot, Four! Now let's haul ass, guys! Get your shots in on the move if you can, but get inside the structure!"
Janix will hustle back with the team as her rifle recharges. "Hurry up," she mutters to it.
GM (GM): The Scorpions get up from prone and start hustling toward the group - they are now at Long range from Venn.
Venn: "Four, heads up. We are moving." she calls out to the mandalorian.
Rook: Rook retreats, full speed, but keeps her attention on the scorpions. "Wilco, Two!"
GM (GM): The Hellions are able to reach the structure, finding that much of it is hollowed out and they can move to get inside.
Venn: "Bloody things are tenacious." she remarks, hustling back to their number once Rook is clear.
GM (GM): Given the size of the scorpions, it looks like it would serve as a good barrier between them.
Kesvo: "See if you can find an opening to shoot from," she calls out as the Hellions make their way inside. "We can pick them off from safety."
Rook: Rook keeps a rear guard, making certain all of the Hellions, Dr. Tane and especially IL-0M are safely inside.
Tal: "This is insane. Those things are nightmares given form. I miss the Nunno." Tal said.
He begins looking for a place where he might hunker down and fire his weapon from safety.
Rook: "The nunno was good eating." Rook says, thinking back upon the encounter with fondness.
Tal: "Yeah, it was." he agreed.
Venn: "At least Nunno had that delicious langostino meat, indeed."
GM (GM): As the group get into the structure, the Scorpions come across the disintegrated remains of one of their packmates, turning toward the structure that houses the group. There's some mad-staring, it seems, and then they turn and flee back into the badlands.
Rook: It's almost enough to distract Rook, thinking of that meal!
Kesvo: While the others are looking for perches to shoot from, Kesvo takes a look around the space they're now in, trying to determine whether or not they've just run into another tricky situation.
Rook: "It looks like they are retreating."
Kesvo: "Odd."
Venn: "Seems they have at least enough intelligence not to want to be liquified." her filtered voice remarks, watching the beasts.
Kesvo: "I know that should be good news, but damn if it isn't creepy."
Doctor Rafan Tane: The structure appears much as it did outside - some sort of massive building or device. Venn gets a feeling similar to a crashed Star Destroyer within this device, as if some massive ship or station had crashed into the surface here.
"There are a couple more of these around the city. I've always wondered what they were - a starship that crashed during the cataclysmic event, a space station? Or perhaps the remains of some sort of portal technology, given its shape?"
"Could it be a Gree Hypergate, perhaps?" Tane gestured around them to the hollow structure that was ancient and yet, did not feel completely dead.
Rook: "At Vlemoth, the only real city really was a space station, once." Rook studies the metal skeleton of the machine, eager to learn what she can of it.
Janix: With a quick breather, Janix finds a good snipers nest, just to be safe, she stays there. She listens to the Doctor and team but keeps an eye out.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
GM (GM): Rook can tell that this metal is unlike anything she'
she has seen before - except that there are obvious traces of Beskar in it.
Rook: "Look at this!!" Rook ran her hands along the metal in a caress. "There's Beskar in here! how did they do that?"
Rook will look for any piece small enough to cart away, and even take a scraping in case she can analyze it later.
Venn: "Strikes me as maybe some antediluvian super-vessel." she taps the side of her visor mask, the panel folding away to reveal her feace.
Kesvo: "I'd love to say we had time for you to investigate to your heart's content, but that sand storm already cost us a day. We need to get moving again."
Venn: "Isn't beskar ore from the planets in the Mandalorian system?"
"Maybe they went there however thousands of years ago..."
Tal: Tal looks over everything, moves to see what Rook is looking at.
"It is. Finding Beskar is hard to do these days, for most people."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Yes, and that may well have been why the Mandalorians came to this world and built a city here during the Conquest."
Venn: She nods at Kesvo, who is bringing reality to the matter.
"Oh, the Empire used to stockpile it." she divulges casually.
GM (GM): Rook can find a few small pieces, but they look to be more collector's pieces than anything functional unless you have something that could properly melt it down or harvest it. Clan Awaud does not.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Yes... one of the other reasons they found this world of interest, no doubt."
Rook: "Yes." Rook nodded to Tal and Dr. Tane. "it's very rare ..." She paused as Venn confirmed something that Duke Irban and Oberos has implied.
Rook will take a few of the precious pieces, though she has no hope of shaping, refining or purifying it. "I'll study this later," She glances at the amazing structure once again. "We can't shape it at all, at home."
Venn: "Where to then?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "The scorpions looked spooked - thanks to Rook's weapon - or the building we went into. Either way, I think we're safe to proceed!"
Kesvo: "Same heading. We'll be lucky if she's not gone again by the time we catch up."
That comment caused her to turn a distrustful look up towards the building, for a beat.
Venn: "Almost as spooked as you." quips Venn at the way Tane bolted earlier.
Kesvo: But she didn't comment on it, and headed back out into the desert.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Me?" Tane gestured to himself. "Madam, you mistake my excitement for investigating this building for cowardice. I assure you, I was only slightly afraid."
Kesvo: "Let's move out!' she prompts, as she goes.
Tal: Tal shoulders his bowcaster and moves out with Kesvo.
Doctor Rafan Tane: He turns to IL-0M, which had been hovering around scanning over things. "Get everything?" He asks the Droid, who repeats in a cold 'Affirmative' before following after the others.
Janix: Janix laughs slightly. "It's ok Tane. I'd stand behind Five too if I could." She claps him a bit on the shoulder, firmly, as a good reminder of the strength of the team. "You are in good hands and better off if you don't need rescuing again."
Rook: Rook uses her jet pack to sweep around the building, taking a few vids, before rejoining the team on the ground.
Venn: As they go out again into the unpleasant sun, the Umbaran taps twice at her temple, causing her mask to again cover her visage. With danger now lurking in the distance, she will submit some of herself to the Force for protection. (Sense - commit 1 dice)
GM (GM): The Hellions proceeded forward back into the uninviting air of Nizon. They travel for another day, as the sun begins to set they find what looks to be a road of carved stone, and in the distance, they see a gigantic mountain rising high above the valley they are in.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane gestures toward the mountain. "That's where Ahdjok is."
Kesvo: Along the way, Kes attempts to make contact with the Rivener to keep Riprock updated.
Rook: Rook studies the mountain, trying to estimate distance. "Makes sense they'd head for higher, cooler ground. What sort of organization does the city have?"
Tal: Tal keeps an eye out for scorpions or other fauna, but otherwise follows the group in the direction of the city.
GM (GM): The tracker points toward the city. Kes is unable to reach the Rivener.
Venn: At some point when matters become dull, Venn binders herself to Tal to annoy him... as she is want to do.
GM (GM): You do see some starships flying up into space and some craft - notably the starfighters you encountered, circling around the city.
As you are looking - two TIE fighters fly overhead, nearly knocking you to the ground as they zoom past you toward the city.
Tal and Venn recognize that they are not the old Imperial TIE Fighters, sporting what looks to be a new design.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane cringes. "Ah.. well... that's not good."
Tal: Tal starts to point something out to Venn....and realizes that he's cuffed to her once again. How did she do it? When did she do it?
Normally, he'd be super-annoyed and do something like throw Venn over his shoulder and carry her. Instead, he recalls the trick he studied. There's an audible pop and then Tal slides his hand out of the restraints. Then he relocates his thumb.
He does so just in time to see the TIE fighters that nearly clip them all down...except different.
Tal: "Those look like TIE Fighers, but not any design I ever saw. They look like newer models....that's not good."
Rook: The squeal of engines a they are buzzed by a pair of TIE fighters sets Rook's pulse to racing. Her gaze traced their flight path.
Venn: She draws her cape up to withstand the engine wash of the starfighters as they blaze on by with the signature scream.
Kesvo: Kesvo watched the fighters speed away, though she didn't comment on their build.
"The tracker not being reliable is going to be a problem." She looked to Venn. "Unless you can get any sense of where we're going?"
Venn: "Those have to be from that ISD in the nebula... if not, they are being constructed here?"
Rook: "I am thinking it's be worthwhile to get a copy of those plans." Rook murmured, then glanced over at Kesvo.
Venn: "If I try to scry that slag we are after, she might in turn know I am here."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Well, it looks like the First Order has picked up right where the Empire left off."
Kesvo: "The alternative is following an only quasi-reliable tracker signal into the front door of an imperial city."
Venn: " The Empire's starfighters are manufactured by companies. Massive contracts."
Kesvo: "If anyone has ideas, I'm open to hearing them."
Venn: "So either Seinar is still working with them on the sly, or these folks came upon a stockpile and are upgrading it with their own.... people..."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I'd assume they have taken over the garrison. Also, see that?" Tane gestures to some of the ships leaving. "Those are freighters - it's safe to assume there's people besides the First Order and the Nazren here. Merchants, traders, mercenaries - people who don't mind First Order credits."
Tane gestures up to the highest peak where there's sporadic light. "There looks to also be some sort of construction on the mountain."
Venn: The masked woman looks to Kesvo. "If I try to do it, it would probably be better to do it when we aren't vulnerable in the open..."
Rook: "If they are building ships here ... that's probably something we should know more about. and we might be able to get near a computer terminal and hack in. that might be safer?" Rook looked between the force users, leaving it up to them.
Kesvo: "Fair enough," she nodded to Venn. "Maybe we can blend in enough to not draw immediate attention."
Rook: "in general, a mandalorian can wander around places like this. Do you want me to look around?"
Venn: "We know too much. This has to be a massive secret that they can't let get back to the wider galaxy. So I would not expect any quarter to be given if we are discovered and they know we saw that ISD."
Rook: "So what is the larger risk, you being sensed by her, and she sends a death squad after us, or us tyring the computer where they don't konw for sure who it is?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "As long as we appear inconspicuous, we should be able to move around the city, I think. As long as we don't approach anything sensitive."
Kesvo: "If the opportunity presents itself, yes, but that's not our primary concern, at the moment," she told Rook. "We can always investigate that aspect of this place more later."
Venn: "The city looks large and noisy enough to give us cover for whatever we are going to do."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "What is it, exactly, we're trying to do here?"
Kesvo: "Let's head in and hope the tracking signal clears up."
"We're trying to find someone."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Ah. But you don't want this someone to know we're looking for them." He gestures to Venn.
"If I understood the scary lady correctly."
Venn: "We are doing a surprise nameday party."
Kesvo: "Preferably, no. We want the chance to de-escalate from our last meeting that ended poorly. If she sees us coming, she might bolt or worse."
Janix: Janix moves to near Rook and Ashley. Good thing she has a helmet. It is unlikely that Kiyota is going to be very pleased to see them. "Good thing we have armor," she says to Rook.
Rook: Rook nodded. "Indeed." she studied Janix' kit for a moment. "but if she knows how to read my sigilsmight not matter." Rook shrugged. "I expect we won't be along for the initial contact."
Janix: "We'll figure it out." She claps Rook lightly on the shoulder and adjust her rifle. The city was fascinating, even if it might be an enemy stronghold.
GM (GM): The Hellions descend from the cliffside they had reached, heading down into the valley toward the city along the road. As they move, they can see a squad of First Order Stormtroopers escorting what looks to be several aliens in a caravan toward the city.
GM (GM): The Nazren (for Tane indicates that's what the reptilian people are) are held in collars and chains. They are currently hauling what looks to be a block of metal - carved from a structure similar to what you had sought refuge from the scorpions in - toward the city.
Kesvo: "Easy," Kes murmurs under her breath.
Janix: "Goddess be damned," Janix mutters. This wasn't right but she knew blowing their cover moments away from the city would not engender her to the rest of the team.
Rook: Rook watches intently as the First Order continues its racial hatred right here. The slaves - collars and all - forced to unearth and break apart their own relics. worse, if the were hauling this in, then the First Order did indeed know how to smelt it.
Tal: Tal grunts as he sees the Stormtroopers doing what they do best: slaving. He's ashamed that he was ever one of them. While he'd like to kill every last one of them, he stifles the urge to do so. He'd asked Rook to think before she acted. He needed to do the same...and he needed to be ready in case something went sideways here.
Rook: Fists clenched, Rook stood frozen, watching intently.
Kesvo: Kesvo continues moving, and prompts the team to do the same.
Janix: Janix will pull Rook with her. "Come on," there is insistence but understanding.
Rook: Rook remains rooted for several long seconds, then moves on. Janix's tug on her arm is greeted with a nod, and she moves easily with her.
GM (GM): The Hellions move past the troopers and the Nazren slaves, the Stormtroopers so focused on their own work that they pay the group little mind.
You pass through massive gates, at least 5 stories tall, made of ancient stone. The city is sprawling, with 10 to 15 story buildings crowded around wide streets and public fountains. Most of the city is ancient, constructed of stone, or natural caverns. Ancient statues of rock and ornate decorative carvings are worked into most buildings and the mountainside, and the road you walk upon is paved with carved stones.
More modern constructions can also be seen, mostly watch-posts bolted onto buildings or gates that block access to some streets. Posters, wanted signs, and recruitment fliers (some tattered and showing signs of The Empire, and others more recent showing 'Join the First Order!') have been plastered everywhere, ugly debris atop the city's natural charm.
Most of the creatures you see are the Nazren. None of them seem to carry weapons, not even something as crude as a knife or a club. Their heads are generally downcast, their shoulders slumped to make them look shorter than they actually are. But whenever you see one glance up toward a First Order soldier or poster, they look up with obvious hatred in their eyes.
GM (GM):
Though far less common, aliens from dozens of worlds also walk through the streets. Most are followed by one or two Nazren carrying heavy bundles of goods. The aliens pass by you without comment and are diverse enough that you see no reason your own appearance should draw unwanted attention.
Kesvo: Kes inspects the tracking device to see if its signal has firmed up any since leaving the desert and entering the city.
Rook: Rook will take a moment to scan over the wanted signs. Maybe they could be allies? She watches the locals carefully, and begins to wonder if they are nearly as cowed as the First Order believes. maybe they only need weapons and armor to take back their own world?
GM (GM): The First Order presence here is also obvious. Stormtroopers in small groups patrol openly through the city, and you can even hear the mechanical stomp of military walkers as AT-STs and old Imperial tanks move through the city streets.
The signal does indeed clear up - it points toward the mountain overlooking them, where they can see signs of construction taking place.
Janix: Though they were surrounded by enemies, she felt for the local Nazren, reminded of the Felucians. The more she saw of the First Order, the easier it was to want to tear them down with her bare hands.
Kesvo: "She's up there," she quietly tells the group, and nods up towards the mountain. "Which I'm guessing is crawling with bucketheads."
GM (GM): There is a wanted sign for a Mandalorian called 'The Protector' for 50,000 credits. The sign says he is responsible for a number of attacks against First Order troops, and that his bounty is to be brought to Captain Garrett in the barracks.
Kesvo: She looks to Venn.
"How likely do you think it is that the rank and file grunts here know who Kiyota is?"
Rook: Rook will rip off that bounty, her heart pounding.
Venn: "I can't say. It would depend on how prominent she is in their command structure."
Janix: Next to Rook, Janix notices the action. Her only question is if it's Rook or Tal. She says nothing in the open though.
Kesvo: "In general, were the Hands visible or more secret agents?"
Venn: "Secret assassins usually were secret."
Rook: "I was thinking, given her rank and general attitude, that there's probably all sorts of ceremonies and what not around her. even if she's under an assumed name. That's why I thought maybe a scan of their local communications or computer might be safer than the alternative."
Kesvo: "Mm." She hummed, eyeing the nearest patrol and thinking.
Venn: "I was able to pull rank during my business back then, but only if it pertained to my business and I wasn't allowed to just gab with the troops."
Rook: Rook smoothed the paper, and then watched Kesvo. "Should we get inside, where we can talk ?"
Venn: "Thing is, she may have decided to take on a more... prominent role in the organization. More visible." Beat. "Who knows how these idiots operate."
Rook: Rook nodded to Venn, thinking about it.
Kesvo: "I'm guessing there won't be data ports in the native structures," she said quietly. "We'd have to find our way in to one of the guard stations in order to find a useful access point, probably."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "In the meantime, I noticed an old watering hole that's still active. It was ran by a Kel-Dor, 'Smiles' he was nicknamed, ironically so, that was the crossroads for most of the merchants and mercenaries."
"If we want to blend in, we should probably head there and seem like we're looking for work."
Kesvo: Kesvo nodded, and gestured for Tane to lead the way.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Just as Tane begins leading the group, they see six heavy stormtroopers kick down the door of a building nearby. They rush in, four of them with rifles ready and aimed.
Rook: Rook scanned the area, looking city over for signs that a subtle resistance still played out here.
Venn: "These scum must really believe they have a firm hold on this planet."
GM (GM): In moments, the troopers drag out a Nazren woman who is screaming about 'her child', and the wailing of a youngling can be heard from within the building.
Rook: Rook spins towards the commotion, and takes up a defensive stance.
Rook glances at Kesvo.
Janix: As she'd taken up a spot near Rook for the walk (in the back), Janix responds to the commotion and Rook's spin. "Four..." She uses a cautious tone even if the scene unfolding boils her blood.
Kesvo: "Keep focus," she says simply, without breaking stride.
Rook: "Can we at least see to the child?"
GM (GM): They are in the process of leaving with the woman.
Venn: "I will go have a talk with them."
GM (GM): They are dragging her screaming through the streets.
Rook: Rook seeks to memorize the features of the woman, in case she gets to come back and resuce her.
Kesvo: "Leave it alone, Four."
"Two." She pauses, and turns to look at Venn.
GM (GM): There are more troops further out, but they are focused on their own tasks.
Tal: Tal's steps slow, for a second, though he keeps walking with the group.
Janix: "You don't leave children." Janix said to the group as though fact. ((Are there other Nazaren around who don't appear to be slaves?))
Venn: She will approach as if walking by, then address the commander
Rook: Rook veers enough to be near the doorway the child is in.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   5
Venn: (Uncommitting a force die)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Kesvo: Kesvo watches as Venn ignores her and walks towards the troopers. She stands silent and watches.
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
"You don't need to be causing such a scene. You should come back another time when the streets aren't full."
First Order Sergeant: The Sergeant looks over to Venn and just stares at her for a moment.
"Who the hell are you?"
Venn: She leans in... "Glory to the First Order." she says in her officer's accent.
First Order Sergeant: The Sergeant's helmet indicates some confusion. As Venn leans in she can see his operating number on his helmet. Handy!
"Uh. Glory to the First Order!"
"Now, we'll go back to detaining this seditionist."
Venn: Venn returns to the group. "I have his number. We can find him later."
Rook: Rook will seek to meet the gaze of the Nazren woman being dragged off, "I will protect your child."
Rook will step into the building, looking for the child.
Kesvo: Kesvo continues to the tavern.
Tal: "Wait, where's Four?"
GM (GM): The troops pull the woman away. It does not take Rook long to find the screaming babe - perhaps only a couple years old. There is a dead hound in the living room, having been shot by a blaster bolt.
Kesvo: She leaves the others if they don't keep up, gets a drink, and sits at the bar with it.
Janix: "Tane, come here and help." She orders the Doctor as she drags him towards Rook.
Rook: Rook looks for some sort of carry seat or sling, and will pick up the baby.
GM (GM): Kes finds that the bar is somewhat small but filled with people. She barely is able to find a seat as a scarred Kel Dor is handing drinks out to a variety of aliens. Some are well armed and look to be bounty hunters. Others are more relaxed in their garb.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "This is a bad idea..." Tane mutters as Janix is trying to drag him along.
Rook: She collects a baby bag - she had, after all, done her share of baby sitting.
Tal: Tal looks around for Rook and hopes that she didn't do anything crazy. He'll then head to the bar and join Kesvo at the bar.
Janix: "Of course it is, but would you rather it be Four alone in the bad idea or with backup?" The question is asked with a fact that backup is the right answer.
Venn: ((I would like to use a destiny to introduce a fact))
Venn: Someone of relation to the woman being dragged away nearby is familial/related and and will come up to Venn and tell her so.
I.e. an avenue for someone to care for the child.
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Uh.. this feels like a trick question." Tane says as Janix inquires. "She's a Mandalorian. She has rockets."
"Yes, and they have backup. Stop arguing and find someone who can help so we aren't babysitters."
She points to the Nazren who are watching.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Venn is soon approached by a younger man of the species. He speaks in Basic, albeit in a gutteral way that's a little intimidating at first. He seems unbothered by her appearance, mask or no, and says he is the woman's nephew.
Tane will do as Janix asks and try to summon some aid as well, though by then Venn can have it well in hand.
Venn: She comms the others and lets them know there is someone who can take care of the child.
Rook: Rook heads for Dr. Tane, who knows the locals and speaks their language.
Janix: Janix will move with Tane to loiter conveniently for the hand off of the child to the relative. Hopefully to hide any of Rook's involvement from any passing troopers.
As Venn and the local head towards them.
Venn: "He is a relative and can look after the youngling." she says to the others, introducing the family member.
GM (GM): Half of the team is able to unload the child from their care, the nephew thanks them and he leaves with the child. He whispers, quietly: "Sartok will want to speak to you."
"You can find him at the detention camp."
The alien then leaves with the child in his care.
Venn: "Hmm. And we got a new contact out of this." she says before jutting her masked head towards the bar where the others are.
Janix: "Curious." To Rook, she motions her head towards the bar. "Time to regroup."
Kesvo: Kes is in the process of trying to chat up the Kel Dor, asking about potential jobs in the area.
GM (GM): The Hellions regroup together inside the bar. Overhead, they hear the sounds of TIE Fighters flying past the city, arcing above them. Tane notably keeps his head down, trying not to draw attention, and the group are soon served drinks and a hot meal. It's starting to get dark, and they can arrange for some rooms at the two neighboring establishments, which are local hotels. The rooms are nothing fancy, but they're serviceable, as they're built out of a series of caves that were carved into a building.
Nevertheless, they are here, amidst their enemy, and their next moves may well prove to be their last...
End Session 96



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Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2020, 07:37:58 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 97 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions have made their way into the Nazren city of Adhjok on the planet Nizon. Finding that the ancient city is fully occupied by the First Order, they are covertly moving about and gathering information on the whereabouts of several individuals: Kiyota, the First Order's "Emperor's Hand" who was their contact from Prince Xizor, "The Protector" a Mandalorian renegade who is attacking First Order interests on the planet, and "Startok", a leader of the Nazren that is evidently the head of their resistance.
Having split up to rest in a cave-based hotel, the group went into several private conversations on their next moves and their interpersonal lives. The Aeon Mallard and the Rivener remain hidden in the desert while a Star Destroyer remains in the nebula that surrounds the planet.
While Kes has decided to split from the group to engage in her own private act of espionage and negotiation, the rest of the crew awaken the next morning. Dr. Tane is still in the room with both Janix and Ashley.
(From GM): Willa has been scouting out the detention center near the market square the last couple days. Last night she met a strange and unique droid - IL-0M, that explained that it was here with its master on an independent journey. Over the course of the next two hours, the two talk and she comes to understand that IL-0M's master is here to resist the First Order.
Tal: Tal slept quietly, stretched out on his bed. When morning arrived, he woke and got dressed, thinking over what Kesvo said the night before and what they'd need to do today. He rose, stretched, and started to once more to don the guise of Gil Cressik.
Rook: Rook slept well, soothed by the cave-style room and Venn's perspective on life. She fashioned a white half cloak to help disguise her look, folding and pinning it to cover her clan markings.
Rook: First thing in the morning, Rook would head to where Janix, Ashley and Dr. Tane are to ascertain what supplies were left from their trek here and what might be needed for their trip to the Bed Lands. She knocked on the door, confident that Jannix would be up early no matter what!
(To GM): Would IL0M share any details about HOW its master plans to resist the FO?
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane steps out of the sonic shower and gets dressed, uncaring about Janix or Ashley's sensibilities. "Well! Who's ready to sample the locale faire? As I remember, the bar serves a mighty good Trandoshan Coffee."
(From GM): IL-0M shares that its master works with a group of heavily armed and accomplished mercenaries - one that Willa's heard of: The Hellions.
Venn: The new day met the Umbaran witch who again adjusted her hairstyle. Gone were the longer blonde and pink locks she had the night prior. Short hair now crowned her head as it used to some while back. The chromomite color was now a shiny ice silver, with dark lowlights* blended in near the roots. Rook probably is still amused that Venn used her Seeker droid to get that hair cut... and the fact was revealed that ID-9Z did more of that cosmetic stuff than actual combat duties. That droid does her nails too, by the way... and she'd hook Rook up with that probably. Heh.
Janix: Though not the most illustrious job, Janix spends the evening with Ashley and Tane and manages some decent sleep. She got the shower before Tane and was just stretching when Rook came to the door. "What makes this coffee special?" She asks as she looks through the peep hole and sees Rook's armor and opens the door.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Oh, it's about as strong as a Trandoshan's breath."
(To GM): ...she'd ask if the Hellions need a slicer?
Janix: "What is a Trandoshan?" She asks. Maybe she should spend more time studying the galaxy and less training....
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Su cuy'gar!" He says in greeting to Rook.
"Oh, they're like... lizard folk. Hunters. They are traditional enemies of the Wookiees. Like our very friendly security chief."
Rook: Rook would be delighted to have the Droid help with her nails! and then would make a solemn resolution not to punch anyone as it might damage her nails.
(From GM): IL-0M would say it does not hurt to ask, and that perhaps they share purposes.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "There were a couple in the streets here. I think the ones in particular we saw are slavers, actually."
Rook: "Su cuy'gar!" Rook grinned brightly at Dr. Tane, before stepping into the room and offering a "Good morning!" to both Jannix and greeting to Ashley in Pantoran.
(To GM): Would he tell her where to find them?
(From Il0M): "This Unit can guide you to them."
Janix: "Mmm," she says non-committal about the coffee and the race. "Good morning," she says more warmly to Rook. "Shall we join the others?"
GM: Ashley has a bad stomach ache from something he ate, and says he needs to stay in bed for a little while longer.
GM: He does look somewhat 'greener' than his usual blue skin.
Rook: Rook stepped out of the way so that Venn, Tal and/or Kesvo might join them, waiting to brief Ashley and Janix until that lovely vid-vox scrambler was in place ... only slowly realizing that Kesvo wasn't going to be there so no safe zone to speak of.
(To GM): Willa will follow, with Nines in tow. It's a chatty walk.
Janix: Janix will make sure to send someone with some water and food for Ashley later.
Rook: Rook frowns in concern at Ashley, glad he wasn't facing a long hike to the badlands.
"So ... did anyone catch you folks up to speed?" Maybe the breifing already happened.
(From GM): Willa learns that IL-0M's master is an archaeologist and adventurer, and has been on the planet before. He is looking for a 'Lost City' of Mandalorian nature. It inquires if Willa knows anything about it.
Tal: Gil finished getting ready and then went to check on the rest of the team.
(To GM): what's the roll?
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Catch me up to speed on what?"
Janix: "Negative." She glanced at Tane. "How about this, we'll follow you and you can tell us on the way." It'd be safer that way.
(From GM): Daunting Lore check (4 purple)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
(To GM): 1 sux 5 adv
(From GM): Willa has heard of the same ancient Mandalorian City Tane has talked about to the group in the past.
Rook: "Ok then. Seven, you and One get to help Two out. It'll be fun." Rook points at Dr. Tane as he doesn't have a call sign. "you, sir, get to help out Five and I."
Tal: "Actually, we should all go together." Gil said.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "This number thing is really confusing."
"Who's what number?" He gestured to himself. "Do I get a number?"
Rook: Rook could only nod agreement to Dr. Tane.
Venn: Venn...literally out of nowhere... is behind Tane. "Aren't you a bloody doctor. Simple numbers elude you?"
Rook: "That's not what was decided last night," Rook said to Tal.
Janix: "You'll have to wait until Five doesn't want to kill you," Janix joked dryly.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane jumps a bit. "Eek!"
Rook: Rook tried not to sputter a laugh at Janix
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Stop that. That's ridiculously creepy."
Venn: "Then you should like it."
Rook: "She's awesome that way." Rook said in regards to Venn.
Janix: Venn was definitely creepy at times but Janix smiled at Tane's reaction. "Lead the way," she says to Venn. Her or Kes could fill her in later.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Mmm.." He pauses and points to Venn. "Point."
Tal: "Yeah, there was a talk after the talk." he told Rook.
"If we get out there and things are hotter than we expect, it might be good to have the team with us." he said.
(To GM): Cue some idle postulating about whether beskar would be useful for cybernetics or droid-making.
Tal: "It's a suggestion. This is unknown territory and splitting up isn't a good idea until we're sure we're not going to endanger the other operations in motion." he said.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "So, where are we headed?"
Rook: Rook gave a cool look to Tal. she knew exactly how to interpret what he and Kesvo decided.
Venn: "Why ask when you don't have a choice either way?"
Tal: "We'd be heading into the badlands for a little expedition. I'd rather talk about it more once we're on the way." Gil said.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Is that something your last paramour told you?"
Rook: "We will need supplies, he's best suited to helping us know what we need." Rook will look through what is left of the supplies Janix had arranged.
Venn: "Your sense of humor needs refinement."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Oh, the Badlands." Tane nods slowly. "Yes I'm familiar with it. Nasty stuff. We'll need a speeder that'll get us out there."
"Going on foot wouldn't be advised. More of those scorpions and even worse storms." He says, turning away from Venn to look to the rest.
(To GM): She'll follow Ilom to the hotel then? Or the cantina that's attached. Wait and watch for them.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Going to be hard to find.." There's a knock on the door.
Tal: "Well, let's get those things arranged. I want to move on this as quickly as we can." Gil said.
Tal: Gil heard the knock on the door and motioned for the others to quiet down.
He walked over to the door and looked through the peephole.
GM: IL-0M is floating in front of the door, behind the small droid is a young purple-skinned Twi'lek woman and an R2 unit
Tal: Gil grimaced.
"I recognize exactly one droid outside this door. Who else did you invite here?" he asked, looking at Tane.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Hrm, what?"
Tane moved to look out the peephole.
"Hrm... I don't recognize her. But that's definitely IL-0M."
Tal: He really didn't want to try hiding a body today.
"Why is your droid in the company of a stranger, Doc?"
Rook: Rook puts her helmet on and checks her weapons.
"Probably going to cause a commotion leaving them out in the hallway," Rook says dryly.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Don't worry." He turns and flashes Tal a grin. "I'm sure if she's any troubles you can just beat her to death or something."
Tal: "Not as big as the one that'll happen in here."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I sent him out to get some intel and supplies."
Rook: "In here it would at least be private, which is what we are striving for."
Janix: "Goddess be damned." Janix mutters angrily and glares at Tane.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane opens the door. "Hey there, little buddy!" He says in cheerful greeting to the droid. He then looks to the young woman. "Brought a friend have you, come in, come in!" He gestures for her to step inside as he steps aside.
Rook: Rook gives a quiet greeting to IL-0M.
Venn: The hooded woman just shakes her head in the background, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.
Willa: "Whoa," the woman says, bright eyes widening at the gathered crew once the door opened. "Lotta you in a small room," she added with a nervous little laugh.
She waved a white, cybernetic hand. "Hi!I'm Willa. IL0M here says we might be able to help each other out!"
Il0M: The little droid floats forward and hovers by Tane. Notably, Tane closes the door behind the Twi'lek and her R2.
Tal: Once everyone's inside, Gil closes the door with a very final slam. He looks to the Twi'lek woman, checking her for weapons.
"I'm bad with names and worse with surprises. Who are you and why are you here?"
Willa: She jumps at the slammed door, and tries to give the angry guy some space. The R2 unit chirps indignantly.
Il0M: "This Unit found her, Doctor. She says she is an expert slicer and has done some reconnaissance on the detainment camp."
Willa: She's wearing a blaster pistol on her hip, a hip that she turns defensively away from the big man if he reaches for her gun.
Il0M: "She also has a fully functional speeder that can fit all of us. And knows something of Balak-To, as you requested."
Janix: This all seemed surprisingly helpful. Janix glared a little less at the doctor and looked to the woman.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane leans in close and whispers to IL-0M. "Good job, little buddy."
Willa: "Wow, you guys are jumpy," she observed, looking from face to face. "This a bad time?"
Rook: "Hello, Wila. Nice to meet you. You can call me Four, for now."
Willa: "Oh hi, Four!" she chirped, smiling brightly as though clinging to the one friendly presence. She held out a hand to shake. "Nice to meet you."
Rook: Rook smiled when Wila called the team jumpy but as her helmet was on, likely only the team would note that particular angle of her helmet.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I'm Doctor Rafan Tane." He takes Willa's hand before anyone else could shake it. "This is my expedition team."
Rook: Rook takes her hand in a gentle grip, familiar with the task of shaking an unarmored hand when she was geared up.
Tal: "Yeah, I get jumpy when helpful people I don't know show up on my doorstep--"
Gil glared at Tane.
Willa: "Oh, so you're the one responsible for this little guy?" she asked, turning to shake Tane's hand after Rook's.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "We're here in search of Balak-To." He releases the hand for Rook to shake.
Willa: "He's pretty spectacular."
Rook: Rook tried to swallow a laugh as Dr. Tane offered both the perfect cover and a declaration likely to irritate the rest of the team.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Indeed, he is all of that. There's a long story about him. Don't worry about Five here. He's always grumpy before coffee."
Willa: "Are you?" she asked, casting a curious glance to Ilom briefly.
Il0M: "This Unit is unique, thus the Doctor's statement is correct - This Unit is spectacular."
Tal: Level head. Level head. Level head. Level head. Level head.
Janix: Great. They were all bonding over droids. Maybe she should have tried that coffee...
Rook: "Indeed you are, IL-0M!" Rook grinned wider, liking anyone who was smart enough to appreciate IL-0M.
Willa: "Uhh. So... maybe we should go down and get some... uhm.. coffee?"
"And we can talk about how we can help each other?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "In a moment.." Tane says with a smile.
"My friends here are very business-minded."
"They don't like to waste a lot of time, or conversation."
"So, to expedite it a little - I don't like to subject anyone to Five's mood that doesn't need to suffer it - how about you tell us how we can be of help to you."
"Given that IL-0M wouldn't bring you here if he didn't think you'd be useful to my expedition."
Tal: Gil just smiles. Awkwardly. As though he just learned how the expression worked.
Willa: "Oh, well, see, I have this... uhm, problem."
"I need to get into the detention center in the middle of the city. That is, rather, I need to get someone out of there. And while I'm pretty good at solving problems, this place is pretty heavily guarded with only one way in and one way out."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I see. And what's the name of this friend?"
Rook: Rook murmurs to Tal, "We need the vid-vox."
Janix: Janix was a bit more interested as it would be nice to have a good reason to free some people... That said, she wasn't the only deciding factor there.
Rook: Rook holds up a hand to gently request Willa hold onto the name until the device is turned on.
Tal: Gil's voice is low. "We need a lot more than that.."
"Wait a moment, before you go any further."
Willa: "Uhhh... Indo?" she said, narrowing her eyes as though confused as to why that was relevant. "Not exactly the social butterfly ty--" she started to say, but stopped at Tal's interjection.
Tal: Gil leaves the room. He returns less than a minute later with the vid-box in question and sets it up.
Willa: "Huh," she chirps, as she watches the device Tal sets up.
"Is that a scrambler?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Very astute."
Tal: Once it's ready, he'll look at Willa. "It's a finish-your-story box."
Willa: "Oh. Right."
Rook: Rook grins at Tal, then nods to Willa. "Indeed."
Willa: "Uh, so, anyway, Indo isn't the social type, so I doubt you know him, if that's what you're after," she finished, to Tane.
Rook: "Is Indo a local?"
Willa: "He is now, I guess. He's been on Nizon for a couple of months, now, but he's not a native, if that's what you mean."
Tal: "We need a full name and explanation of who this is. You're asking for a lot from people you just met without giving out much in return." Gil said.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Well, now, Five. That's not completely accurate."
Willa: "On the contrary, I have a speeder," she said, holding up a finger as though it was a clarification that explained everything.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane nods toward Willa. "She has a speeder, and given that the First Order has everything locked down tight, I'm sure Willa here would be happy to let us use that speeder without much paperwork, right?"
"Paperwork is the bane of research."
Rook: "She's risked lot to speak to us at all, Five," but Rook paused as Willa clearly had the matter well in hand.
Tal: "Note that we didn't invite her here."
Doctor Rafan Tane: He looked over toward the dark corner Venn was in. "Besides, we've heard of someone else that is in the Detention Center, no?"
Willa: "Of course. Plus, I know my way around the badlands, some. I can be helpful! I'm not trying to short anyone, you know. I've heard of the Hellions. You guys are not the ones to get on the bad side of," she said, with a slightly nervous little laugh.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane looks at IL-0M.
"I told you, to keep that quiet."
Il0M: "This Unit thought your cover story was bad."
Tal: Tal looks from Willia, to Tane.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane looks at the others. "I said to keep it quiet."
"I explicitly said."
Venn: Venn doesn't affirm nor deny Tane's claim.
Rook: "It seems like this is the fastest, most efficient way to see to our tasks. we need into the Detention center anyway,"
Tal: "Well, you're probably right. They sound like people you wouldn't want to upset. We're just a bunch of researchers."
Janix: Janix pinched the brow of her nose in pain. She wanted to be on Tane's side but he was making it hard.
Willa: "Oh," she frowned. "But IL0M said that y--" she looked back to Tal, and his expression stopped her. "Oh."
"Right. Researchers! That's... what I said, heh."
Tal: "Tane's Topological Training Team." he said.
Willa: "Which works out well for me, 'cause researchers don't typically blast well-meaning strangers who show up uninvited to their room. ...right?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Willa, right?"
Rook: "We are interested in (i)Balak-to(/i) but things aren't quite what we expected here." A fully truthful statement, even if not covering the whole truth.
Willa: "Yep!"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "How about you answer my friend's questions, and we'll talk it over."
Willa: Willa drew a deep breath, and then began to speak. Her cadence was naturally a quick and rolling one, hard to follow when she got really excited. But for now she was only moderately excited, so she was intelligible.
"Okay, so Indo is part of a group that calls themselves the Ruffians, headed up by this Klatooinian guy named Mephit. They actually kinda hijacked the ship I was working on a while back, and said they'd leave me in one piece if I worked with them, and I was freelancing at the time anyway, so I figured, sure, I'll take a new gig over dead any day, right? So I've been working with them for a while but Mephit had the brilliant idea to come here for some reason he wouldn't explain, and we've been running small jobs for months now."
"Indo got picked up by the First Order for--Idunno, looking like Indo, I guess, and they locked him up a few days ago in the camp in the middle of town. Mephit and the rest of the crew went out on a job in the desert, and he told me to stay behind and get Indo out, or don't-come-home basically."
"Which kind of is fine with me actually, 'cause it wasn't so much of a home as it was a kind of hostage-slash-indentured-servant kind of situation, you know what I mean? And when IL0M said the Hell--er--" she glanced to Tal, nervously, then back. "You researchers were here, I thought, this would be the perfect chance to maybe hop on a different crew. If I had a chance to prove my skills, of course. So it's kind of perfect that you need help, and if you need someone from inside the detention center then we can do it together and you can see how good I am and I can--"
The droid at her knee made a grunt of disapproval, and Willa stopped talking.
"Sorry. I get going, sometimes..."
Janix: Janix wondered if Willa ever stopped to breath.
Rook: Rook laughed softly, and nodded at Willa. "me, too."
Janix: There was a soft laugh at Rook's retort.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane turned to the others, waiting for their reactions.
Rook: She glanced around at the team, wondering where they stood on the matter.
Willa: Willa smiled, bright and cheerful, at Rook's comment and Janix's soft laugh. Her expression got more uncertain as she looked to the quieter ones present.
Janix: It seemed like a moving story but she wasn't sure Kes or Tal/Gil wanted more crew.
Tal: "Well, Willa, that's certainly a hell of a tale. We need to talk about this, so...Four is going to hang out with you for a moment and we'll get back to you."
Janix: The speeder the whole team could use was of note in the whole of the story.
Rook: Rook nodded cheefully, "Why don't the two of us grab coffee and breakfast for everyone, and you folks can talk."
Tal: "Great idea, Four."
Willa: "Oh. Uh. Sure!" she chirped, and nodded.
Rook: Rook grinned at the little R2. "I didn't mean to fail to include you. Why don't you come with us?"
Willa: Willa laughed a little as she started to move.
"Good luck getting him to stay behind. Nines is the best but he has, uhm... attachment issues," she starts to explain, as she heads out with Rook. The R2 unit leaves as well, close on her heels.
Janix: To Gil and Venn, Janix turned. "Where is Three?"
Il0M: IL-0M turns to the others after Rook, the R2, and Willa leave the room. "This Unit did as you requested, Doctor Tane. Do you wish me to eliminate her?" The droid's central eye turns red. "Does she know too much?"
Janix: She knew Kes would have an equally strong opinion about dealing with local color and those who wanted jobs.
Tal: Gil closes the door behind them.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane holds a hand up. "Wait a sec, IL-0M. It's fine. You did good."
Janix: "I think it would be preferable not to have your droid murder random people when we are trying to avoid attention."
Tal: "You sent your droid out to find us help. Said droid basically gave away our info to a stranger." Gil said.
"This stranger has a speeder, but wants us to break into a high security facility in the middle of town to help her find a friend. It just so happens that we need to go there, but...this is the opposite avoiding attention." he said, through gritted teeth.
Venn: "She is not lying." she declares calmly.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "That's why I told him not to."
"Two birds, one stone." Tane gestured to the group. "We get a speeder and a guide to the Badlands, we get closer to this Protector, we mess up the First Order a bit, and help the resistance leader."
Janix: "She seems... eager. It'd be nice to put her with a crew that didn't give her the choice of "death or join"..."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I didn't tell IL-0M to tell her that we were the Hellions."
Tal: "But you didn't tell it not to, either?"
Doctor Rafan Tane: "No I told him not to!"
Il0M: "Your cover story was not believable."
"This group does not act well in clandestine affairs."
Tal: "This is why the Restraining Bolt industry persists."
Il0M: "It is unfortunate that there are no restraining bolts for organics."
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane smacks the side of the droid's chassis. "Pipe down."
Janix: Janix pinched the bridge of her nose again and ignored the droid. "I think helping her would help us and One says she was being honest . We don't have to take her back with us but might give her a fresh start."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Worse comes to worse, we steal the speeder from her afterward."
Tal: Smashing the droid would substitute for smashing Tane's skull right now.
"My initial thought is that we give her an audition. She helps us and we'll consider helping her in trade based on her performance." Tal said. "We take care of our objective first and go from there."
Janix: "Also not a bad option but might want to not tell Four that one."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Sure, that sounds fair to me."
Janix: "I like that Five. No promises but a chance. And it'd give Rook someone to talk to at length potentially."
Tal: "By then, Three should be back, One will be in shape and we can decide how we'll handle it." Gil said. He had an idea or two already, but he'd have to talk to Venn about it.
Tal: "Alright. We let Willa audition for the Research Team and we get moving."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Right, and reinforce the research team cover."
Tane leans in and whispers quietly, but audibly, to Tal: "You're doing great."
Tal: "Do not ever invite strangers here again."
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Never again."
"...because I never plan to be here, again." Tane moves for the door.
Tal: Tal's fingers twitch. His neck. It could be clutched and squeezed until his head pops off and rolls across the floor....
Is this what the Dark Side feels like?
He would ask Venn about that, too.
Janix: Janix grabs her helmet and a light cloak from before to drape and cover herself slightly. It would get hot but it might help keep some attention off her. She wasn't about to stop Tal from giving Tane a good punch. The Doctor was being quite sassy.
Rook: Rook was chatting easily with Willa and Nines, learning a bit more about the area and the Roughians. Assorted coffees fixed for the tastes of the individuals were in souvenir mugs, and warm, wrapped sandwiches, too. Probably everything would be devoured before they even got to the detention center.
GM: The Hellions (and interns) step out into the open streets of Ahdjok. Having agreed to work together with Willa, the crew step out together. The market place near the detainment center is crowded with a number of merchants, traders, and mercenaries. Nazren slaves are ever-present, with a trio of Trandoshan slavers (whom Tane points out to Janix) move about with their faire, looking to sell them.
They can see the detainment center's main entrance way - an old stairway that leads up to the nine-meter tall walls that look into another part of the city. From beyond the walls there's sounds of distant shouting of some kind.
(To GM): the north wall that had the controls for the gate, is that the far side of the camp? the side we can't see right now?
GM: The stairway has an automated fence and a group of four stormtroopers on guard. The Stormtroopers up on the walls have Light Repeating Blasters.
(From GM): Yes.
GM: There looks to be two places in the wall that were once gates, but have been patched up with newer brick - evidently to secure the area more.
Rook: Once again the helmet being in place is helpful for Rook. it's hard to watch those slavers and do nothing. Kesvo's advice to remember that they were doing something, something bigger than just destroying three slavers helped. it was hard to keep her attenion primarily upon the stalls and the gear they needed to shop for.
Janix: Janix keeps near Rook, just in case she needs to stop the young woman from disobeying orders. She preferred when Kes wasn't glaring at her or others.
Willa: Willa quiets as they move through the city. She watches the slaves and their slavers, but doesn't comment much until they get a little closer to the detainment camp.
"There's a panel that controls the gates on the north side of the camp," she told the group, while pretending to pause and shop at one of the stalls. "Getting the gate to open is easy. It's all the guards that are harder."
Rook: "Is there any legitimate way to get several people inside there?" Rook asks softly. "Or tunnels, or weak places in the wall? Do you know if the detainees are in good enough shape they would be able to move swiftly?"
Tal: Gil tries to take in everything as they pass, including the armor that the stormtroopers are wearing. He files away the information on the gates and the discussion of the guards. Placing the detention camp in the center of town made stealth a necessity.
Willa: "Not without them being processed as actual prisoners, which..." she shrugged. "You know, didn't seem like a smart idea for someone like me. If there were known tunnels or weak places I'm sure they would've been patched up; you can tell by the guard compliment that they're taking this place seriously. I mean they even patched up the old gates," she said, pointing to the newer patches of block.
Janix: "Could always blow it up," she joked and looked at Rook.
Tal: "Let's not even joke about that."
Rook: Rook flashed a grin at Janix, but shook her head no. "Not this time. too much at stake."
Willa: "Heh. That would be perfect, actually. It'd be just the kind of distraction I'd need to keep them occupied so I could slice the gate and ge--" She paused. "Oh. You were joking."
Rook: Rook looked around the city, for a place that would be an excellent distraction.
Venn: Clicking her mask down into place, she scratches through her vocoder. "I could cause a distraction."
Janix: It was a dry joke but she nodded when Willa said she was joking.
Willa: "It would need to be one that drew alot of guards."
Rook: "Could we cause one that framed the roughians? and one without ..." Rook wiggled her fingers in their super secret code for The Force.
Willa: "Maybe multiple distractions?"
Willa watched Rook oddly, clearly not following.
"I think framing the Ruffians would be bad for me unless you guys are sure you're gonna let me follow you off this rock."
Rook: Rook nodded to Willa. "Just wondered if it was on the table at all."
Willa: Willa adjusted the military-style pack on her back and tilted her head to eye the top of the wall, and the guards patrolling it.
Venn: "We will see what happens." she declared
She masked woman will drift into a group of people moving around, vanishing for the moment.
Willa: Willa was watching Venn and still lost track of her.
Venn: ((Stealth vs the Trandos?))
Willa: "Wow. Don't take this the wrong way, but she is really creepy," she murmured, to Rook.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "That's what she does..."
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success)
Rook: "She lives in the moment," Rook attempted to reassure willa ... and mabe Dr. Tane. IF they thought this was bad, they were not ready to see her in combat!
Janix: "That's part of her charm. That and well placed tea." She says about the time she spilled tea in Tane's lap.
Willa: "You mean well made tea?" she asked, uncertain.
Rook: "That too."
Janix: Janix shrugs and waits, looking around the market.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane looks over to Janix. "I thought that was misplaced tea, personally."
GM: The market is quite busy!
Venn: Like a ghost in the crowd, she passes by their number from behind. She utters as she moves.. "The Imperials are betraying you this very moment and ridicule the Scorekeeper. Its you or them."
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Willa: Willa heads towards the wall, keeping an eye open for things that might be useful. Droids, surly market-goers, anything.
Venn: The filtered whisper carries on the wind, like a poison breeze for their minds. And she continues moving on her way...
GM: The Trandoshans turn and look to each-other, rumbling in anger at the whispers in the wind that they take as truth. They let out a roar and turn toward the patrol to the south and charge down toward the First Order soldiers.
The Hellions see a commotion off to their left as suddenly the Trandoshans pull out their stun rifles and open fire at the Stormtroopers on patrol!
Suddenly under fire, the troopers call for aid, and the stormtroopers at the gate turn and start rushing toward the sounds of battle.
Rook: "Do you need more?" Rook whispers urgently, but she is watching both the storm troopers and the slaves the trandoshans had been intent upon selling. is there a way to discretely loosen their bonds?
GM: There is now... A FIREFIIIIIIGHT
Janix: "Hm, seems like Two's work. Shall we?"
GM: Many shopkeepers rush behind some cover.
Tal: "That is...both what I expected and not what I expected."
Venn: *"What did I miss?" she says, batman-appearing%u2122 by Tane.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane jumps again. "EEK! STOP THAT."
Tal: Gil will move behind some stalls and stealthily approach the stairs in question.
Janix: Janix laughs again at Venn-Tane antics.
Willa: Willa makes her way towards the stairs, using the market stalls for cover to try to avoid attention while moving.
Venn: The Umbaran drifts off in Tal's wake, following the big Mando. "Works well enough?" she whispers to him in good-natured fashion.
Janix: She follows the group, moving quietly keeping alert.
Tal: "Has anyone told you lately how amazing you are? If not, let me be the first. You are amazing."
GM: As the Hellions (and intern) approach the main electrified gate, they can see a small panel on the wall that controls it. Some of the troopers are looking toward the sounds of battle in the streets, where as the rest are looking inward at the commotion that is still seeming to be coming from within.
The troopers above you don't seem to notice you yet.
Willa: Willa heads towards the gate, though she's startled to find Tal and the others there already.
"How did you--?" she starts to question, but shelves it and tucks into the cover. "Here, I can get this," she says, reaching for the panel. "But this is gonna lead us up into another string of them, just so you're aware."
Janix: "Sounds like we wnn't have to be as quiet anymore," Janix says with a bit of a smile in her voice.
Venn: "That is unfortunate... For them."
Willa: "You guys are wild," she says, while she works.
GM: 2r 1p
Over her shoulder, Rook can see the Nazren that were enslaved by the Trandoshans running for cover.
Rook: Rook tries to watch where they are going, knowing they would need help - probably Willa's style help - to get those slave collars off.
Janix: Moving towards the young Twi'lek, Janix puts a hand on her shoulder with familiarity. "You got this kid." Using her biotics she urges her neurons to fire faster and her fingers to move with quickness.
%uF4AA Imbue Activation   Action
Effect   The user may spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase one of another engaged chracter's characteristics by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the Force user's next turn.
Caveat   This can only be used once per character per encounter.
Give into the Darkside   If the user uses %u2B24 to generate %u25D0, the target increases a second character by 1 (to a maximum of 6) until the end of the user's next turn, but both Force user and target suffer 3 strain.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: While waiting, Venn will ruminate on the state of the Force around her. She commits 1 die to Sense.
+1 green die to relevant stat
Willa: "Oh, wait, I should..." she murmurs to herself, before tapping a panel on her cybernetic arm. A panel slides open, and she begins tapping at a tiny keyboard there. Janix's touch on her shoulder stops her, and she looks up to the helmeted woman with a confused expression.
"Of course I do," she said, not understanding the sudden vote of confidence. Nonetheless, she feels good enough in the wake of it that she forgets about her Overcharge process, and proceeds to simply begin slicing.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Willa: Willa's fingertip flips open, and a cyber jack extends to plug into the panel. It shifts and spins for a few seconds, and then the field flickers out.
GM: Willa disables not only the gate, but all of the electronics of the First Order for the area. Their personal gear will work, but any sort of recorders or computerized defenses will not.
Willa: She retracts her tool and stands up.
"Wow, I really did have it," she said, as she sees the effects read out across the screen. "All of their electronics are down, except what they're carrying on them."
Tal: Gil actually looks impressed. "Good job, Willa. Let's get to researching."
Willa: "Ha! Heck yeah!"
Venn: "That means automated security if they have any. Lovely."
Janix: "Good," Janix looks at the rest of the team. "Less likely they'll be able to pin what comes next on us." And follows Gil/Tal
Willa: "Are we not worried about doing this quietly?" she loud-whispers as she follows the crew.
GM: As the Hellions crest atop the huge wall at the top of the stairs, they see a large number of Nazren gathered in various locations in what was once another part of the market. In the center there is a large makeshift Fighting Ring that currently has a pair of combatants engaged in a deadly melee: A Togorian and a Wookiee.
Willa: "Cause if not, I have... things..."
GM: Standing off to the side is a First Order officer, a Captain by the looks, watching the fight and talking quietly with a Trandoshan.
Patrolling the walls are seven-foot tall vicious-looking robotic hounds with Duranium plating and teeth, standing nearby a number of Stormtroopers.
Willa can see Indo, talking quietly with a Nazren man, his head downcast.
Janix: Janix looks at Willa. "Most of us aren't quiet. I would avoid explosives and just follow our lead. Don't follow Four's lead though," she says vaguely. Rook liked to fly around and leap forward which was less ideal.
Willa: "Oh! Hey! There's Indo!" she whispers to whomever's next to her while she points out her target.
Venn: "Those are new." she says, regarding the assault K-9s. "It will not be long before they discover something is wrong with their electronic infrastructure."
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Challenge Despair) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph) (Despair)
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   5
Janix: Tal provides an opening and Janix takes it, urging Willa to follow.
Mandalorian Sunset (Headbutt
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal: Tal moves up, silent and quick, and chokes out the nearest stormtrooper, dragging his body behind a crate and lowering him to the floor.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
Venn: Venn watches the pair slink up and take down sentries like pros. She waves Rook and Tane to keep up, but also keep low.
Janix: Janix moves forward and Tal chokes out a Trooper, angles her hand and lashes out at the Trooper, targeting his soft flesh at the base of the neck. He collapses unconscious.
Dice System:
Rook B. flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Doctor Rafan Tane:
Doctor Rafan Tane
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Willa: Willa watches in mute awe while the Hellions--er, Researchers deploy in deadly silence. After a moment of gawking, she shakes herself out of it and looks for a way to be useful.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Rook: Rook moves nearly silently up the stairs, but instead of attempting the long, slow fight along the wall top that Tal, Venn and Jannix are so well suited for, she leaps off of the wall and drops the 20 feet to the building roof. With preternatual grace, she lands quietly and rolls easily to her feet.
Willa: She crouches down and taps a line of quiet strokes down the modified bandolier slung across her body. Four small discs whir softly to life and peel out from her body. They disperse to try and gather intel about the containment structure.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Willa: Willa's distracted from the data stream being fed back from her droids by the sudden leap of one of the Troopers off of the tower.
"What the..."
First Order Stormtroopers:
Dice Pool
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
First Order Stormtroopers:
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Success)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Doctor Rafan Tane:
Initiative Cool
Doctor Rafan Tane
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
Initiative Cool
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success))
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Venn: Venn holds two fingers down and swipes them low, out of everyone's view. One of the stormtroopers stumbles back and falls backward over the wall, his rifle going flying into an animal pit.
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal Vodax
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Triumph)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Stormtroopers
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank)
First Order Sergeant:
Initiative Vigilance
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Tal: Gil moves forward and chokes out another stormtrooper and tosses him and his weapon over the side of the awning. He also tosses the man's weapon to the Nazern slaves on the ground.
Another one is punched soundly in the face as they realize that they're under attack!
Venn: "Well, we are made now."
(No you can go)
First Order Stormtroopers: The troopers turn toward the assault, letting out a cry of alarm. "We have intruders!"
Willa: "So, still no on the explosions?" she asked, looking worried as Janix takes off
Janix: "No explosions yet!" She yells back as she runs forward.
Willa: "Nnggghh! But they're really COOL," she objected.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
First Order Sergeant
Dice Roll
(Setback Threat)
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Willa: Willa just stares, wide-eyed, as Janix goes on to show why they didn't need explosives.
First Order Sergeant: "Blast 'em, men!"
Janix: As she rushes forward she slides along the stone, her armor sparking, Her fists strike out as she hits not one, not two, but three troopers.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Light Repeating Blaster
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
%u267B%uFE0F Prime Positions Activation   Passive
Effect   When a character or ally in short range takes cover, they increase their soak against ranged attacks by 2 until they leave cover.
As she ducks behind the crates it seems they attracted some attention and she takes a solid blaster hit to the side. "By the Goddess," she curses and hunkers down more.
Willa: Willa takes cover and powers up her defensive gear!
Venn: ((Good music dis session 4 sho))
First Order Sergeant: "Frag out!" The front sergeant yells as he pulls out a grenade and throws it at Tal.
Frag Grenade
First Order Sergeant
Damage   8
Critical   4
Range   Short
Qualities   Blast 6
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Threat)
"Damnit, I knew those grenades from that Trandoshan were phony!"
"Forget the grenades!" The other sergeant yells and points his blaster rifle and fires at 1...
First Order Sergeant: Tal
Janix: "Ok," Janix yells back seeing the First Order asshole throw a grenade. "Maybe explosives are ok!"
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Sergeant
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat)
Venn: Her cape billows out behind her as the masked woman surges forth towards cover (-2 strain).
(Sgt is a Rival?)
%u2756 Fear the Shadows
Venn Parsa
Activation   Action - Hard %u2666%u2666%u2666 Deception check
Effect   Force a single minion group or rival to flee the encounter.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane draws one of his blaster pistols and jumps off the side of the wall, quickly spinning upward to shoot a grappling hook up at the edge of the wall and using it to help him land safely beside rook.
Venn: Venn seems to do nothing, other then post up behind a crate. Yet for some reason, one of the troopers suddenly stops firing and at them.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Hey there, lovely, come here often?" He winks super cheesily toward her as he lands beside her.
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. Add +10 any Critical Wounds inflicted. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Long
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Npc Critical
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   60
Dice Roll   4
Total   64
Slightly Dazed
Add 1 Setback die to all skill checks until end of encounter.
GM: The massive hound is aware of Rook on the roof!
Rook: Rook grins, "All the time," She assures him. Seeing the others all strung out on the roof, Rook side steps (3 strain for 3 upgrdes to incoming ranged) and shoots at the terrifying attack droid.
GM: The Hellions are in the midst of battle against First Order soldiers, hoping to free not only the Nazren resistance leader, Sartok, but her new ally Willa's friend Indo. Will they succeed, or perish?
End Session 97



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2020, 10:08:04 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 98 - Insurgency
GM: On the planet Nizon, hidden away in the Centares system, our brave Hellions fight forces of the First Order to free the leader of the native Nazren, Sartok. Kesvo has slipped away to infiltrate the First Order to track down and persuade the former Emperor's Hand "Kiyota" into accepting the Hellions as chosen agents. In the meantime, disguised as mercenaries, they are engaged in a frantic fight against occupying troops to free the populace!
We find them now, in the midst of that battle. Ashley, bedridden with a nasty stomach ache from some of the native food, has felt a disturbance in the Force that awoke him with a jolt and led him to the central market place, wherein Trandoshan Slavers engage in frenzied battle against First Order troops.
Atop the wall, some 30ft off the ground, he can see soldiers fighting against Tal and Janix as grenades go flying.
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Triumph) (Triumph)
Venn: ((You can free maneuver up))
((that guy is out of the combat))
Dani will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Janix M'kyato will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
(4 adv = 1 crit)
Npc Critical
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll   44
Total   54
Fearsome Wound
Increase difficulty of all Presence and Willpower checks by 1 Difficulty die until end of encounter.
Venn: ((Isnt it crit already from rook?))
Tal: Tal unslings his bowcaster and picks up his vibroaxe, swinging in a deadly arc that cuts through the stormtropper before him. His momentum carries him forward the First Order Sergeant that was, originally, several feet away. Now he's right in front of the man, axe prepared to strike.
Venn: (Oh thats how it works)
Janix: Janix will move her cloak aside, quick draw her rifle, and lay it on the edge of the bridge. Taking cover behind a crate, she takes a moment to center her breath and shoot the dog that Rook blasted. It hits the beast square but doesn't fell it. Down the ramp, she knows Tal can take care of themselves. "Hope you have explosives," she yells to the new girl.
GM: The First Order sergeant in front of Tal is obviously startled by Tal's immediate presence, and the blood upon his blade. Unsettled and afraid, the difficulty of his next action against Tal is increased by one.
The Droid Assault dog suffers a terrible wound to its maw, sending Duranium Teeth all over the place from the sniper rifle shot. It looks terrible, but the resilient monster is still active.
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. Add +10 any Critical Wounds inflicted. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Long
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Despair)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Despair)
Venn: Venn senses a presence she hasn't felt since... this morning! She glances over and waves down at Ashley in the most goofy way, even though she looks like a masked terror.
GM: Rook's rifle disintegrates the massive assault dog, but her Disruptor Rifle runs out of power - the weapon only meant to be used in short bursts!
Rook: Rook fires at the deadly assault droid, her weapon making a quietly disturbing whine. several tale-tells flared red, and it a faint scorching sound came from it. It would take more than a quick recharge from her armor to get it back in motion. Side-stepping (+2 upgrades vs ranged), Rook prepares to handle the rest of the fight with her pistol ...
Ashley: Sometimes Ashley really did not need to try out new things but at least--with that kick in the arse disturbance in the Force--he was out and about. His eyes widened a little at the goofy way that Venn was waving. Really, it was reassuring to see her goofy wave and that crazy mask as he would make his way to, you know, the commotion.
Venn: Venn will spend her turn chucking the fallen Imperial rifles into the crowd of prisoners below. "Happy Life Day!"
And will take cover moving up after the fact, within the range.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
GM: Several of the Nazren pick up weapons as they rain down from the skies, causing the First Order to look over to them in sudden alarm.
First Order Stormtroopers: "Watch out, they're armed!"
Captain Hegler: "Kill them, you idiots! Kill all of them!"
"Call for backup!"
GM: One of the massive cyber-dogs leaps and pounces a Nazren gun-wielding prisoner, chomping the tall reptilian humanoid in half.
Janix: "Great shot," Janix yells at Rook as she sees Venn throwing rifles down. "And a great idea," she says, smirking as the captured Nazren pick up the weapons.
Rook: Rook snarls at Captain Hegler orders his men and his battle droid to kill the nazren prisoners.
GM: The other jumps atop the building where Rook and Tane are on, growling at them both, and charging at them.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Dog! DOG!"
Duranium Teeth and Claws
Damage   6
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 2, Sunder, Pierce 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
The Hound bites onto Rook's cloak, wagging its head from side to side trying to trash her apart, but not getting a full grip on her.
Willa: Willa watches the fight play out with wide-eyed fascination for a second, before the presence of mind to act kicks in. She murmurs something to herself and taps on the panel of her forearm, causing it to slide back to reveal a small keypad. She devotes a few keystrokes to reorganizing the power differentials in her cybernetics, and inhales shakily as she feels things adjust.She then starts to sprint forward, intent on tossing the guns of the downed imperials down to the slaves... only to find Venn already doing so! It's about then that one of the giant robo-dogs launches itself after Four and Dr. Tane. Willa gasps and heads that way.
Talent: Overcharge Attribute   Mechanics
Difficulty   Hard (Image)
Frequency   1x per session
Action   On success, Willa's Cybernetic Brain Implant provides and additional +1 to her INT until the end of the encounter.
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage)
GM: Willa leaps down trying to land on the hound, but bounces off the side of its metal back and crashes onto the roof. She takes three strain.
GM: End of round
Willa: "Oof!" she chuffs, as she hits the roof. "That went alot cooler in my head," she said, as she pushed to her feet.
"But don't worry! We got this," she chirped, grinning brightly at Tane and Four despite the monstrous droid nearby.
Ashley: "Do I even want to know," called out Ashley, who really needed to get back into the en su ma regime and just Force leap to places.
Ashley Nasur %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 End Turn %u2714
Rook: Rook leaps to the side as the GIANT dog lunges at her. A harsh breath escapes as it just misses her only to grab her cloak and yank harshly upon it. Her bright laugh follows, especially as Willa charges to the rescue.
Venn: %uF3A7COM to Ashley: %u2301 Oh look who is done playing hooky. %u2301 .
Captain Hegler:
Captain Hegler
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success)
First Order Sergeant:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Sergeant
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
Doctor Rafan Tane: Watch Out for Traps!: Make a Hard Vigilance check, if successful all characters within short range suffer 2 wounds plus 1 additional wound per failure. GM may spend Despair or 3 disadvantage to become immobilized, disoriented, or staggered.
Doctor Rafan Tane
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Failure) (Threat)
Tane slides out a small pouch of metal objects that he lets free toward the hound, but the dog ignores his efforts...
GM: The Nazren open fire at the Stormtroopers.
Nazren Slave:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
Nazren Slave
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Venn: (thats handy)
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   5
GM: While the Stormtroopers don't succeed in striking Janix, they do succeed in summoning more reinforcements.
Janix: The flurry of blaster fire bring out a biotic surge as she dodges the attacks and flees backwards down the bridge. It seems the dog has gotten close to the ones she would not have thought best suited for hand to hand combat. She thinks she might help fix that.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: 2
Ashley: %uF3A7 COM to Venn: %u2301 Look, maybe I don't need to try the local cuisine anymore but I'm here now. %u2301
Venn Parsa %uD53B%uD546%uD53B%uD53E%uD53C%uD54A when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Venn Parsa SENSES ADVANTAGE! Once per session, as an OOT incidental, she adds +%u25FC%u25FC to one NPCs check.
Venn: So upgrade 2x, 1 ranged defense, +2 setback to the check
First Order Stormtroopers:
Light Repeating Blaster
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
IL-0M flies up and its eye opens up to reveal a long barrel that begins to spin.
A whining sound is heard...
Rotary Blaster
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Accurate, Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
GM: IL-0M releases a hail of blaster-fire at the Droid Assault dog in melee with the trio, and while it does not do serious harm, it does distract the giant Duranium Dog.
Venn: (New round?)
Dice System:
Willa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   5
Light Side points remaining   4
GM: The Togorian and Wookiee slaves turn and charge at the Captain and Trandoshan slaver.
They roar in unison, beaten and bloodied to engage in a fist-fight with the First Order commander.
Venn: (HAHA!)
(Hask deserves it)
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Willa: While the robo-dog is concerned with trying to maul Four, Willa spies an input port and seizes the opportunity! That bionic finger flips open again and she jacks in, requiring just a few seconds before the droid falls still.
Willa: "See! We got this!" she chirps, panting softly as the dog finally complies.
Rook B. will use DEATH FROM ABOVE. Once per Encounter inflict 1 System Strain on Jet Pack and make a Hard (Three Purple) Piloting check. For each Success 1 adversary in Close Range (personal Scale) is knocked Prone. May use a Triumph to stagger one affected target.
Janix: The dog stills and for a moment she thinks it's about to attack, but Willa pips up. Janix lets out a light laugh and should have trusted them. "Good job," she sees Ashely coming up. "Let's get the rest of them," she says to the ones nearest her.
Rook B. will use her 3 ranks of HIGH G TRAINING to pay up to 3 Strain instead of having her Jet Pack suffer the same amount of System Strain.
Willa: Willa alters the dog's programming for defense instead of offense, and inverts its definitions of enemies and allies on the field.
Piloting - Planetary
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: She watches Rook soar across the sky wonders what the crazy woman is planning. She is not disappointed at the result.
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
First Order Sergeant:
Npc Critical
First Order Sergeant
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   80
Dice Roll   68
Total   148
The End is Nigh
Die after the last Initiative slot during the next round.
Rook: "Thanks, little guy!" Rook says to IL-0M; Flipping on her jet pack, a shiver of adrenaline seared through her. "
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank)
Venn: Venn creeps up slowly in the wake of Tal's gory mess...
%u2756 Influence: Mind Trick / Stress Mind Image   %u201C...Boring conversation anyway.%u201D
She draws on the the Force to psychically pacify or manipulate her opposition. Action - Activate with %u25D0 vs. Living Target.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +1 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Engaged.
Magnitude    %uF53C +3 beings per %u25D0.
Strength    %uF4A4 Inflict 2 strain per %u25D0 (no soak).
Rook: "K'yacyi!" and a wave to Dr. Tane followed, heat and fire curling behind her as she said to Willa, "that was awesome." Soaring into the air, she then swooped down at their true enemy in a vicious dive that knocked both the Commander and the Slaver prone!
Venn: ((Discipline opposed?))
Tal: The Sergeant tried to shoot him in the face. He missed, so Tal swung his axe. It bit deep through his armor and Tal felt it bite into skin, through muscle, and heard the Sergeant's surprised cry as he realized what had just happened to him.
Tal sprinted past him and headed up to the remaining First Order warriors in the tower, intent on keeping them from firing at his team or the Nazeren on the ground.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)

Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn: Venn leans by the bleeding victim of one Tal Vodax, "Don't worry, I'll get help."
Venn Parsa %uD53B%uD546%uD53B%uD53E%uD53C%uD54A when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Venn: +1 defense
and DP
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
First Order Stormtroopers:
Light Repeating Blaster
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn: ((Who shot?))
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage)
Venn: Venn will immediately perform a free maneuver and take cover from their threat.
First Order Stormtroopers:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Stun Setting, Auto Fire
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
GM: Three of the armed Nazren are gunned down by the Stormtroopers.
First Order Stormtroopers: "Halt!" The troopers behind Ashley shout as they approach, weapons drawn.
Venn: She is chucking weapons over like Oprah. You get a blaster, you get a blaster! In her zeal, she doesn't see the stray fire that wings her bicep.
First Order Stormtroopers: They will Aim at him this turn but take no further action.
%u2604%uFE0F Force Leap Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Take a Force Leap maneuver. Make an Enhanced power check. The user may spend %u25D0 to jump vertically in addition to horizontally to any location in short range. Spend %u25D0 to increase the power's range by a 1 range band.
Ashley: "... hey, look, I'm just standing here," says Ashley.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: ((Max range is medium for that btw))
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
(3 white = success)
Janix: "Give Blue some cover!" She yells at Tane/Willa before leaping off. "I'll give these assholes something to shoot at." Biotics flare to life as she lands gracefully amid the slavers and troopers. Rook looked lonely afterall. With her rifle still in her hands, Janix kicks out towards the Captain's neck, landing a solid blow. Slaving was a particular low she was happy to stomp out.
Ashley: "I am just trying to get a look at what's going on," says Ashley to the troopers, "but you might want to consider ..." A gesture was made back down the stairs. "Going back the way you came? Clearly it's a bad day for you guys and I really don't want to see you hurt."
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Dice System:
Ashley Nasur flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Despair) (Challenge Failure) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
First Order Stormtroopers: The Stormtroopers look to each-other, confused and uncertain. They hear the sounds of more battle and combat.
"You know.. I think the southern part of town needs reinforcement."
"Could be the Protector." Says another one.
"Right, good thinking."
"Let's get going, men!" The leader says, then turns and runs off.
Venn: ((Why are there all those free successes?))
Ashley: ((weswin init))
Venn: ((oh))
Cyber-Dog: The Dog leaps up and bites at Janix, after flattening the Togorian beneath its paws (fuck cat ppl)
Ashley: "... that works," mutters Ashley, relaxing and going for the kyber blade on him since--you know--lightsabers were probably a bad idea.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Duranium Teeth and Claws
Damage   6
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 2, Sunder, Pierce 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Blank)
GM: IL-0M floats away from the building, seeing that Willa has the matter in hand. Out of the sides of its cyclical body a pair of missile launchers unfold.
Janix: Janix sees the metal beast approach and she readies herself, sets her feet, and lunges back as it attacks. It barely misses and she feels it's metal teeth against her armor. Better her than the defenseless Nazren.
Missile Launcher
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Blast 5, Breach 1, Inaccurate 1, Limited Ammo 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Success)
(Success) (Success)
GM: The missile lands in the midst of the group of Stormtroopers who were firing on the Nazren, killing three of them instantly.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Good job, little buddy!"
GM: "Carnage. Death. Destruction!" The droid says with enthusiasm it has never shown before.
Venn: Holding her bicep some, she watches a random missile come not from Rook and decimate some troopers.
GM: Hegler gets up and draws a pistol, firing at Rook.
Captain Hegler:
Blaster Pistol
Captain Hegler
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Threat) (Threat) (Triumph)
Venn: ((It bounces off her helmet like in the Mandalorian lol))
GM: Hegler gets up, shooting at Rook - the bolt bounces off her helmet, which seems to just intimidate him. "Cover me!" He yells to the Trandoshan, then rolls off the stage and starts running.
Trandoshan Slaver: The Trandoshan, who is just now getting to its feet, barks out something in its language and unhappily so.
It also shoots at Rook.
Rook: Just when I thought IL-0M couldn't get any better. Rook gave a bright laugh, only to have her attenion wrenched back to the fight before her when a blaster bolt ricocheted off of her helmet. the slimy captain ran like the coward he was ..
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
The warbling blue beam strikes Rook in the chest, sending the flying Mandalorian rocketing back for a moment before she re-orients herself.
Venn: ((Team Nazren needs a win))
Trandoshan Slaver: She returns a shot that wings that Trandoshan.
Rook: Then the slaver opened fire, and Rook's focus snapped to him as a wave of exhaustion swept over her. Stun weapons were the worst!
Nazren Slave:
Heavy Blaster Rifle
Nazren Slave
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: Willa looks up to the R2 unit currently spazzing at being left behind on the parapet overhead.
"Nines! Clear out! I need to make a door!"
As she says this, she taps her fingers over the four medallions strung on her modified bandolier. The little disc pop open, expanding into small, airborne droids. They flutter up and away from Willa, following unspoken commands to gather information about the structure of the prison's exterior walls.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: (( its a mechanics))
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
Willa: "Blue? Who's blue?" she replies, but Janix is long gone in an impossible leap! Willa stammers for a moment, staring with wide eyes while trying to reconcile what she's seeing.
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   6
Light Side points remaining   3
Doctor Rafan Tane: "She's blue!" He yells before he grappling hooks to the other building and swings across.
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: When she manages to snap out of it, she takes a look around and decides to make an exit to get some of the Nazren out of harm's way. She directs the dog to follow her, and jumps down carefully from the roof to the ground below.
Venn: Venn shirks "Ech!!!" as dismembered arm clad in white lands right by her feet.
Tal: Tal ran up the steps and charged the stormtroopers. Slash-slash-slash, and there were four more dead stormtroopers.
Ashley: Even from where Ashley is, he thinks he spies waht looks like body parts flying. Tal must be doing work.
Janix: ((At least he's not punching someone into little bits.... ?? /shrug ))
Ashley: ((it's all the same, tbh))
Janix: ((truth))
Willa: The four small disc-shaped droids return to her and affix themselves to her bandolier again. She looks over the nearest exterior wall while they feed their information to her, and selects a spot she deems the least likely to challenge the overall integrity of the wall. She kneels there and prepares a pair of proton grenades, and then runs away from the immediate area before the blast fires.
"Fire in the hole!" she yells, despite thinking that no one is near enough to be hit by it.
Blaster Pistol %uF52B
Rook B.
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting, Point Blank +4 dmg in %u2264 short range. Lethal Blows 1 add +10 to any critical dealt.
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Success) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Trandoshan Slaver:
Npc Critical
Trandoshan Slaver
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   20
Dice Roll   62
Total   82
Cannot voluntarily suffer strain to activate abilities or gain additional maneuvers until end of encounter.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
"Fives, you trust me?" She calls to Tal up above.
Tal: "Always!"
Willa: "Indo!" she shouts, once the blast has fired. She stands up and waves her arms, hoping to draw his notice over the commotion of the fighting. "I made a door!" she calls, pointing back towards where the smoke was clearing, behind her. Only afterwards did she seem to notice the Nazren between her and her comrade.
"Oh, you guys should totally leave, too!" she chirps.
Venn: "Try to look prime... as if thats ever been an issue for you." she scratches from her vocoder. She will hold out a hand and lift Tal up and deposit him in front of the two troopers; maybe drop him about 4 feet higher so he can land with oomph/ superhero landing.
1 pip activate, 1 pip strength, 1 pip range.
Willa: She looks around then to see where the Hellions had scattered to.
Tal: Whatever he was expecting, it wasn't this.
Indo: "Willa! You little Devil! How the hell did you find me!?"
GM: The Nazren look over, wide-eyed.
First Order Stormtroopers: "What the!?"
"Do they all have jetpacks!?"
Venn: Venn will go prone and thus out of sight from ranged from below.
*as a maneuver
Tal: Tal lands, dropping to one knee as he does so. He looks up at the stormtroopers, axe in his right hand sand still dripping the blood of their comrades.
"Bad luck for you."
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Willa: "What even are these people..." she whispers, watching Tal seem to leap as magnificently as Janix had.
First Order Stormtroopers: "Shoot him!" The troopers near Tal back up and fire.
Light Repeating Blaster
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2)
Light Repeating Blaster
First Order Stormtroopers
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Cumbersome 3
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Venn: (Doctor Take is now Enraged.)
GM: The stormtrooper remaining alive at the bottom opens fire at IL-0M, blasting it with his Light Repeating Blaster. The droid lets out a shrill VROOOM as it crashes into the stone floor on fire.
Janix: Janix will move back and shoot the Slaver.
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn: ((Ashley is just having a mint julip on the stairs, watching the square))
Rook: Rook snarls in rage, as a storm trooper knocks IL-0M out of the air! But Janix is there, and both takes out the slaver and that storm trooper. Leaving the giant dog, and the fleeing captain ...
Ashley: ((i mean he's gonna jump down to the roof in a second but ... ))
((probably is carrying a mint julip))
Janix: She takes aim and clears the head off the Slaver that Rook fired at. For good measure, she rifle butts the Trooper next to her in the head. "Stay down," she mutters as she lets her rifle begin to recharge.
Willa: Ashley passes a teal-colored R2 unit as he rushes along the parapet to join his comrades. Nines squeals in surprise, then backs away from the edge of the wall and heads back down the stairs. Given a moment, he'll make his way through the hole in the wall Willa made on the ground level.
Venn: ((I didnt give Willa her explosion sound))
Ashley: With the explosion clearly blowing his obvious path, Ashley finally makes it to the roof and jumps down onto it (waving at the startled unit that went by). Still too far away to really do anything, however, he calls down to ... hm, interesting ...
"The way is clear for a short distance!" calls out Blue, judging whether or not he wants to do the entire flip off the building. "There's gonna be troopers further away, since I convinced them it'd be a bad idea to stay around."
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: Her hands plant to the stonework ground as it rattles and trembles from the bomb blast. Thankfully, she isn't on her feet when it goes, and is stabilized enough from her prone position.
Willa: "Oh! You must be Blue!" Willa chirps as the Pantoran arrives out of nowhere.
Ashley: A few crazy flips and parkour maneuvers, Ashley drops down and pulls his blaster out to take a shot at the other robotic dog. "Yep!" he answers.
x-30 Lancer
Ashley Nasur
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Accurate 1, Pierce 3, Superior
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat) (Advantage)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: "Oh, wait!"
Willa: "I might be able to tame him! Like Rex here," she says, setting a hand on the dog at her side.
Ashley: Ashley makes a face as his blaster doesn't fire.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Duranium Teeth and Claws
Damage   6
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Vicious 2, Sunder, Pierce 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: "... this is what happens when I haven't used it in forever," he mutters. Ashley glances over at Willa. "I mean, that one is obviously tame but that one," he points towards the one chasing Janix and he had tried to fire at, "is definitely not tame."
Venn: Image
The future right there
Janix: Janix sees the dog is on her tail and jumps back as it lunges at her. She continues her move towards the Captain.
Willa: "Not yet," she says, with a grin
Ashley: "I mean ..."
Willa: Willa takes off towards the dog
Ashley: "I could hold it in place for you? Or try, anyway."
GM: As Helger moves to run, one Nazren steps in front of him.
Venn: ((Team Nazren yis!!))
Sartok: "You are not going anywhere, Hegler."
The Nazren draws a vibro-knife.
Damage   5
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success)
Venn: ((For the watch))
Sartok: The Nazren stabs the Captain in the gut, causing him to cough blood as the Nazren man shoves his dying body to the ground.
GM: Many Nazren nearby start shouting "SAR-TOK! SAR-TOK!" in cheers.
Tal: ((For the wallet))
Doctor Rafan Tane:
Twin "Security" S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistols
Doctor Rafan Tane
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Blank)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Willa: "Come help!" she calls to the tamed robo-dog, who lopes along after her towards the remaining hostile.
Janix: As the droid continues at her, blaster fire comes from behind. "Thanks!" She yells as she lunges forward.
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I got your back, Janix!"
Janix: (3 for crit, 5 for success_
Npc Critical
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   77
Total   77
Attacker may immediately attempt another free attack against you using same dice pool as original attack.
Janix: Angerly, Janix leaps foward and roundhouses the droid. "Back. Off!" she yells though droids are stupid and it won't understand her.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Threat)
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark x2) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
(cancel threat + 2 success)
As she comes down from the flying kick, she elbows it in the head, hearing it crunch but not quite stopping it.
Dice System:
Willa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   7
Light Side points remaining   2
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
"Wait! Wait! I got it!" she calls out, holding up a hand as she surprise!jacks-in from behind the dog.
After a few short seconds, the dog goes inert, allowing Willa to begin altering its programming.
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: "There are moments," says Ashley, "that you kind of wish you had cybernetic parts ..."
Janix: Janix holds her rifle ready, either to shoot or rifle butt, as Willa reprograms the dog. That was handy but she was not certain she wanted huge droid dogs to follow their team around. "Thanks?" She mutters apprehensively.
GM: As the last of the First Order forces fall, the Nazren with a knife steps forward. "Brothers and sisters, our saviors have come! Quickly, we must away through the door they have formed!" he gestured to the giant hole that was formed by Willa's bomb.
Willa: "Hey any time!" she replies to Janix with a bright grin.
Venn: ((Tal will get a statue like Jane Cobb))
Tal: Tal rises and sweeps the blade of his axe at the stormtroopers, cutting them down right in front of the Nazren slaves.
"You're free! Grab their weapons!"
Ashley: "Be careful!" says Ashley. "There might be more troopers as you head out." Mostly so people did not get shot, though he made a point to try and get an eye on anyone who looked horribly hurt and would need help.
GM: Approaching Janix and Willa, the regal Nazren gestures to them. "Come with us, there is a safe place not far from here I can take you!"
Janix: Janix waits for the droid dogs to go first, her rifle strangely at the ready. "I got the rear," she shouts as the Nazren and team can go first.
Rook: Rook will search the body of the slaver for the controler so she can remove any slave collars ... but then she will fly over to IL-0M and pick the little droid up most carefully.
Indo: "Willa, you and your friends should listen to Sartok, he knows his way around this place!"
Willa: Willa nodded at Indo. "Are you coming with?"
GM: The Nazren do not wear slave collars like the Zygerrian slaves do, but rather simple collars and chains.
Janix: "Find the one with the axe," she says to the regal Nazren, "He can speak for us and make sure your path stays clear."
Indo: "You go ahead, I'll let the gang know that you got me and send you a signal where to rendezvous. I gotta grab somethin' in town fast."
Ashley: Well, the lack of bad slave collars is good.
Venn: ((Encounter still running or can we move normally?__
Indo: Indo places a hand on Willa's shoulder, flashing a wide grin. "Thanks, kid. I owe you one."
Willa: "What?! What could you possibly--arrghh. Alriiiiight," she huffs, as he takes off.
Janix: "Five, can you lead the way?" Janix yells to Gil/Tal and points to the regal Nazren.
Indo: "Nice to meet all of you!" He yells to the rest and waving, before rushing toward the northern gate.
Venn: Venn leaves the wall with two blood spattered rifles from Tal's carnage and tosses them to the nearest Nazren as she walks by.
Rook: "Let's go, folks."
Janix: "I'll pull up the rear." She says, eyeing the "tame" dogs.
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane hops down and walks over to Rook, looking at IL-0M with a frown. "You think you can fix him?"
Willa: Willa whistles a sharp few notes -- binary, actually -- which summons both Nines and the two robo-dogs to her proximity.
"Lead the way!" she says, agreeing to follow Sartok.
Tal: "Got it!" he said, and moved to follow Sartok to the safehouse. The whole way, he knew that Kesvo would not be happy about this. Not one bit.
Venn: From her bicep she pulls a stim and administers it, recovering 5 wounds.
Sartok: Sartok nods to the Nazren who are now armed, taking the lead with Tal, the Nazren leader guides them out of the prison into a hidden cave entrance that was disguised by some sort of illusion technology. Within minutes you are taken to a series of underground caves that look to connect to a dried out river.
Rook: "I think so, but I'll want my workstation and it'll take time." Rook answers seriously.
Sartok: "We have one there. We can speak without being rushed once we reach the safe haven."
Janix: "Hurry up," She urges Rook & Tane. "We'll figure that out later."
Willa: As she's going, she slaps some repair patches on the each of the dogs.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "Coming mom."
Venn: She is, at first, rather confused why two large technological beasts are in their group.
Ashley: Ashley snickers at that.
GM: The two cyber-dogs follow after Willa.
Janix: Janix glares at Tane's back as she holds her charged rifle and remembers why he's useful to her.
Willa: "So.... you guys are pretty nuts," she observes, as she moves along with the Hellions and the Nazren. She falls into step beside whichever of the Hellions is nearest.
Venn: Scratching from her vocoder after a beat. "What guarantee do we have that those things won't revert to base programming..."
*"How are you calling others nuts when you are flanked by those like some kind of cyborg houndmaster supreme..."
GM: Within around twenty minutes the Hellions leave behind the surface of Ahdjok. Along the way the Nazren and their leader pick up several cashed belongings. They reach a large cave that seems to have held an underground lake. He makes a quick sweep of the cavern, checking to ensure that it has not been disturbed. There are several beds and cots here, as well as amenities and supplies to see to several dozen Nazren that are here, waiting for them. There are tearful, warm reunions among the prisoners and their loved ones.
Willa: "Well, but this is just programming," she says, gesturing to the dogs. "Just science. Did you see the blue lady jump across the whole yard at once?" she asks, eyes widening. "And Five did it too! What even is that?"
Rook: Rook moves easily into the cave system, unbothered by being underground. She does attempt to remember the way, as best she can.
Sartok: Sartok turns to the Hellions, and while some of the Nazren are fearful of the reprogrammed dogs, he lifts a hand to dispel their murmurs. "Can you send them back some? They are frightening my people."
Venn: "Maybe repulsor tech or rocket boots."
Tal: Tal follows Sartok, his axe reshouldered and his bowcaster at the ready. Entering the caves makes him feel a bit more secure, but he wondered how this would all play out in the long run. He hadn't expected that they'd help Willa right away, but now that they had....what next?
"Good genes."
Ashley: Ashley, similarly, as they move into the cave system keeps a mental track of the path they take.
Willa: "Oh, sure, of course," she says, feeling sheepish and apologetic once she realizes the dogs are scaring the Nazern. "I'm sorry, I shoulda thought of that." She looks back at the dogs, and silently commands them to move back into the tunnels.
"I'll have them stand watch and let us know if anyone follows."
Ashley: Just in case, you know, they got to make a quick path right back out there later.
Sartok: "My name is Sartok, and I am the leader of the Nazren rebellion. We must speak, but first, let us see to your injuries. We have food and water." He gestured to the small fire that had been formed, and several bedrolls that had been brought forth. "Rest, and we shall speak soon."
Venn: The masked Umbaran looks to Sartok and notes his apprehension. It is likely shared by most in different degrees.
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Ashley: "I can help with anyone who is injured or needs medical help," says Ashley to Sartok.
Janix: As the caboose, Janix keeps an eye out and her rifle ready. When they make it to the caves she doesn't put the rifle away. She leans near the entrance and keeps an eye out.
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
%u2696%uFE0F Balance Activation   Maneuver
Effect   When the character heals strain at the end of the encounter, she may add %u2B21 per Force Rating, 4. She recovers additional strain equal to %u25EF generated.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: "Yeah, I can help some, too, if people need it," she adds after Ashley, eyeing the newly-freed Nazren.
Tal: Tal will also use a stimpack.
Ashley: "If there are any of your people that are injured badly or need to be looked at," says Ashley.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
"Blueberry," she says as a sort of codeword she picked up from Venn. "I'll take some help but I can wait." There is some purple blood on her torso but it's far less than the arena and the near death she faced with the Acklay.
Willa: "I'm Willa by the way," she says as an afterthought, extending a hand to Ashley.
Ashley: "One," says Ashley, "or Blueberry." Pause. "Blue as well." No proper first name at the moment because, well ... he wasn't sure. Though he did take her hand and offer a warm smile.
Venn: Two fingers move to her temple, double tapping the visormask so that its intimidating visage fades with the retraction of the panels, revealing her face. Whatever lessons the suspicions of these oppressed peoples.
Ashley: A glance went to Janix. "Really can't leave you alone, can I?"
Willa: "Nice to meet you. And this is Nines," she said, gesturing to the R2 unit who followed close on her heels.
Rook: Rook is still fatigued from that stun blast, not to mention the shot that ricocheted off of her helmet. "just need a stim pack here, Blueberry." Rook grinned at Ashley. "Sorry we got you out of bed."
Janix: Janix takes off her helmet and smiles at Ashley. "Probably best if you didn't."
Venn: "Are you certain this place is secure?" she queries to Sartok.
Ashley: "Look, maybe I just don't try the local cuisine when it comes with a medical disclaimer."
Sartok: "Absolutely certain."
Willa: Willa watched the banter between the others for a moment, and then set about moving through the Nazren to see if any needed a little patching up.
Janix: "To be fair, I learned that the hard way after leaving home." Janix responded to Ashley about local cuisine. She ate simple because it was safer.
Tal: Tal paid attention to their chosen path, making sure that they wouldn't be surprised by enemies in the darkness. Once he was satisfied of that, he felt a little more secure in relaxing.
Willa: As the Overcharge wears off, a bit of sluggishness afflicts her, though, and she's a little slower moving than she was before.
Rook: She looks around for the promised mechanics workstation for looking after IL-0M. Then she will nod to Sartok. "Nice to meet you ... for now, I'm Five."
Janix: As Willa passed, Janix smiled at the young woman. "Good job. Those dogs are still creepy though, but thank you."
Rook: (four i mean argh)
Willa: Janix's comment summoned an instant and bright smile.
"Sure thing! Don't worry, they're no threat anymore. But I'll have them keep their distance anyway. I get it."
Janix: "So what now?" She asked, mostly of the Hellions and Sartok. It seemed safe but she wasn't about to completely let her guard down.
GM: The Hellions rest up after freeing the Nazren rebels, and Willa's friend. Safe, for now, they recover from the fight and plan to speak further with Sartok, the native leader, on their next move...
End Session 98



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2020, 10:21:10 PM »
Episode 6, Chapter 4, Session 99 - Insurgency
GM: The Hellions have finished resting for the night in the caves beneath Ahdjok after agreeing to help Sartok and his people. With the help of Willa, they find a speeder that can ferry all of them. It's something akin to an old rusty van, but the AC still works and the crew can at least be comfortable in it.
Rook and Doctor Tane are able to repair IL-0M enough to be functional, though he's still somewhat damaged. Everyone recovers all of their strain from a night's rest and 1 wound.
Willa receives a written message to meet with the rest of the Ruffians out in the Badlands. She receives a transponder message that gives coordinates.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   6
New Light Side total   3
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   5
New Light Side total   4
Willa: Willa spends much of the night completely scrubbing and rewriting the programming of the cyberdogs she 'acquired' from the prison. She found one of Sartek's people who was at least middling comfortable with tech, and walked them through the programs and how the dogs could be used to defend their base.
The next morning she led the "research team" to the speeder. The messenger was a surprise, and she seemed to deflate a little while reading it.
"Welp," she sighed, tucking the note away. "So much for not running into them," she murmured. "I have to meet my guys," she told the Hellions. "Do you wanna ride with? Or is there somewhere else you want me to take you first?"
Rook: Rook settled into her seat, watching Willa's demeanor. the news that she was asked to meet up with her team was unsettling. Her gaze swept over the Hellions, wondering how they would react, before settling once more upon Willa.
Tal: Gil checks over his armor and weapons before sleeping that evening. In the morning, he wakes and dresses quickly. He wants to get moving as quickly as possible in the hopes of finding the Protector and his people.
Janix: Though the night is quiet Janix still takes a turn at watch. Habit after all. As they head towards the older but functional speeder, Janix looks at the younger girl and the note. With a bit of a frown, she looked at Willa given the change of attitude. "We'll stick with you kid." Her rifle across her lap, Janix settles into the speeder with a obvious hint of malice though not directed at Willa or the team.
Willa: "Hooookay," Willa says, before nodding to Nines to hop in. The R2 unit attaches itself to a clamp on the side of the speeder, obviously used to this arrangement.
"Everybody hop in, then!" she chirps. "Badlands here we come!"
Ashley: Ashley slid into the a seat--which not driving was a nice twist, since he had spent a portion of his night studying the kyber blade and making rounds through Sartek's people--before eventually having a fitful sleep. Really, no more local food for him that was spicy.
Tal: Talgil will get into the speeder and ready himself to head into the Badlands.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "With any luck, we'll find Balak-To when we find the Protector." Tane says with a grin toward TalGil and Rook.
Tal: "Let's hope that the Protector's people don't enjoy migration. Otherwise we could be looking forever and not find them." he said.
Venn: Seeing this mode of transportation has Venn long for the Hellrazor for the second time during this little excursion. She wordlessly enters this contraption, drinking what will pass for breakfast from a metal container.
Willa: Once everyone was settled, Willa took off.
"So I know Four, and I've figured out Five, and of course Dr. Tane," she said, as they went. "What do I call the rest of you?"
Janix: "Seven." Janix scoots closer to the window and gazes outwards. Acklays and massive scorpions on her mind.
GM: "This Unit is referred to as Eye Ell Zero Em. Many refer to it as Ill-OOM."
Janix: She does not use Kesvo's nickname even if it does bring a little twitch of a smile to her face as she thinks of it.
Rook: Rook studies IL-0M for a bit, worried for the little droid. When Janix claims the number seven, Rook almost corrects Janix to her real call sign. but those might be head and remembered by enemies, so she refrains.
with a grin at Dr. Tane, she adds, "I'm so glad its not some sort of taboo or forbidden location!"
Venn: As le grande bitch the is and to mostly no one's surprise, she doesn't throw into ride-a-long small talk/pleasantries at this point. She does, also, peer out a viewport of the craft as she imbibes her drink.
GM: The Hellions (And company) move several hours through the Bandlands. The desert proves as inhospitable to the vehicle as it did to its inhabitants as you moved through the dry planet. The sun paints much of the area in a red and yellow landscape with high-rising rockfaces, old machines long dead that reach up toward the clouds, and crashed ships. The sun has an especially reddish hue as you move away from Adhjok, the giant mountain city left behind you.
Soon enough you close to the coordinates and receive a proximity alarm. There's another vehicle nearby.
Rook: Rook gives a small sigh, then points at Ashley, "One," and then at Venn, "Two."
Willa: Willa doesn't press the issue when Venn refrains from answering, but shoots Rook a wink of thanks at the provided answer.
Janix: Her rifle in her lap, Janix pulls the weapon up and aims down the sight, looking to see if she can spy the vehicle nearby.
Willa: Idle chatter is had for the duration of the drive, unless someone demands otherwise. When they draw near to another craft, Willa sits up and alerts the others.
"They should be around here somewhere..."
Rook: Rook readies her weapons, hating being in a vehicle for so long with her jet pack on. leaning over towards IL-0M, she says seriously, "no heroics today!"
Tal: Five will also ready his bowcaster in case they need to start firing upon exit from the speeder.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   4
New Light Side total   5
Janix: In her helmet, Janix rolls her eyes at Rook's doting on the droid.
Willa: When everyone starts readying weapons, Willa laughs a little nervously.
"Oookay, guys. Let's stay easy, okay? And, uhm, try to avoid shooting the speeder if you can help it, okay? It's our only ride outta here."
GM: Suddenly Willa finds that her speeder is starting to die. She'll have to park it about a kilometre away from the other speeder.
Bad motivator, maybe...
Willa: "Oh."
"C'mon, kid," she whispers at the speeder as it starts to slow. "Not now. Not in front of company!"
Janix: "I don't plan to shoot this speeder." Janix assures Willa.
Willa: "Hey, uh, I'm thinkin' maybe we oughta approach on foot the last few feet," she says, setting the speeder down.
"So we don't surprise 'em, you know?"
"They're a little paranoid sometimes."
Ashley: As the speeder begins to slow, Ashley just raises his eyebrows.
Rook: "At the moment we're not planning on shooting anyone." Rook says, a touch of humor in her voice. sitting forward happily at Willa's words, "Sure thing."
Venn: A shake her hooded head follows the obvious signs that this ride was over.
Willa: Willa hops out with cheerful mien, as though nothing is amiss. Nines joins her, and they begin to lead the way further into the wastes.
"They should be right over that ridge."
Janix: As she stands and beings to exit. To Rook she jokes, "I rarely plan on shooting but it seems trouble tends to find us."
Tal: Five didn't like surprises, either. Still...he didn't want to ruin this for the group. He exited the speeder, his axe on his back and his bowcaster in his hands.
Janix: She'll follow, looking around and rifle in a simple carry across her arms.
Venn: With the reality of again walking in the harsh sunlight, she dons her visormask before stepping outside.
Rook: Rook falls into a two-by-two cover formation by instinct, laughing brightly at Janix's quip. "There is that."
Ashley: "... as if we don't generate enough trouble on our own," says Ashley, checking his med-bag and then moving along.
GM: The Hellions (and company) get out of the speeder and begin to hoof it. The air is extremely dry, and were it not for your survival gear and preparations, you'd might well find yourself with a bloody nose. As you approach the other vehicle you find it's a large transport vehicle with heavily reinforced armor. A group of Trandoshans are currently shepherding some Nazren into the vehicle's open side bay. At the head of them is a freakishly large (silhouette 2) Trandoshan that looks somewhat mutated.
On the other side of the cliffs is another crashed, old starship, half-buried in the sand and dirt.
Janix: "See," Janix mutters to Rook as she looks down the sight of her rifle towards the scene. "Trouble."
Willa: "Whoa," Willa whispers, as she ducks behind a large rock formation. "Thhhhat's not them," she says, dismayed.
Ashley: Honestly, the sight of anything mutated is enough to make Ashley's eyetwitch because ... m e m o r i e s.
GM: Suddenly there is a woot and roar, and Willa recognizes a deep voice that shouts out "TIME TO GET PAID!"
Rook: Rook surveys the scene, thinking that maybe Willa was before hand worrying about her team .. looks like she should have been worried for them. She nods to Janix, then moves close enough to Willa to talk to her ....
GM: All at once blaster-fire rings out from the cliffs above the Trandoshans.
Willa: "That's them, though!" she says, startled at the sudden gunfire.
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter:
Initiative Vigilance
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Cool
Rook B.
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Advantage x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Initiative Vigilance
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Initiative Vigilance
Tal Vodax
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Success) (Ability Success x2) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Initiative Vigilance
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn: (rook gets a free maneuver)
Tal's Bowcaster
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Cumbersome 3, Auto-Fire, Knockdown
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Success) (Advantage)
Rook: Rook turns on her jet pack as her free maneuver!
Ashley: Ashley moves quickly towards some cover, quick drawing his blaster to take a shot at one of the trandoshan slavers.
x-30 Lancer
Ashley Nasur
Damage   7
Critical   4
Range   Long
Qualities   Accurate 1, Pierce 3, Superior
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Triumph)
Trandoshan Slaver:
Npc Critical
Trandoshan Slaver
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   40
Total   40
Increase difficulty of next check by 1 Difficulty die.
Janix: (Aim x2 and fire rifle)
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success) (Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2) (Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
GM: One of the slavers is punished heavily by Ashley and Tal's shots, and it calls out in alarm.
Janix: (double crit)
Venn: "Fine predicament we've been lured into." she scratches through her vocoder, with sarcasm.
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter:
Npc Critical
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll   76
Total   76
Attacker may immediately attempt another free attack against you using same dice pool as original attack.
Janix: Janix takes a knee as she rest the rifle across herself, feels the armor adjust slightly and takes a shot.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Boost Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Advantage)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
%uF3F9 Natural Marksman Activation   Incidental
Source   "Accu-Strike" Integrated Targeting
Effect   Once per session, may rereoll any 1 Ranged (Light) or Ranged(Heavy) check.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Despair) (Advantage)
(Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   3
New Light Side total   6
Ashley: ((everyone gets a blue))
Venn: (She went full Kesvo with those advantages))
Tal: (You always go full Kesvo)
Janix: (hahaha_
Willa: Willa watches the Hellions spring into action without questioning the danger of the situation at all. A little awestruck, she taps her forearm and causes a panel to slide back. A few keystrokes cause a discreet electric field to surge to life around her, affording her a bit more protection ((Verpine Armor Maneuver)). Only then does she move up towards some of the fighting. ((+2 Strain to Take Cover.)) She pulls a grenade from her bag and launches it at the trandoshans before her.
Janix: The rifle fires and the trigger is sensitive enough she fires again. It doesn't hit and only gets near the Ultimate Hunter. With her own memories of Felucia it's easy to target the large one in hopes of taking it down early.
AP-M1 Armor Piercing Grenade
Damage   13
Critical   4
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 12 (1 ADV to activate
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Janix: Cursing slightly, Janix informs the team of the movements she saw while sighting at the largest beast.
GM: Two slavers who just got hit turn and shoot at Willa.
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: "Agh! Hey!" she growls, scooting back closer to the rock face.
Ashley Nasur DODGEs when he is targeted, suffering 2 strain to upgrade difficulty of that attack by 2.
Trandoshan Slaver:
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   2
Critical   0
Range   Short
Qualities   Ensnare 3, Knockdown, Limited Ammo
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Triumph)
While the Trandoshan's net misses Ashley, the slaver who's wounded sets off an emergency alarm, calling for reinforcements!
Ashley: Nope, nope, nope. Ashley is not having the net thing happen again. He remembered from that one time.
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Failure) (Advantage)
Zharog lets out a roar in its native tongue.
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter:
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
GM: And its wounds close.
Janix: ( fuck you Zharog! )
Venn: "You've got the skies, Spitfire? Call out what you see." she says towards Rook before the monstrous roar floods the valley, echoes bouncing off the rocks. "What the bloody..."
Ashley: "... uhhhhh."
"FYI, it just regenerated from that shot." So, you know, that was going to be fun.
Rook: Rook soars into the sky, side steps (two strain for 2nd manuever and 3 for upgrades) and studies the terrain around them (Perception?)
Venn: "Going to backup, Blueberry." she says, before bolting in a sprint. As her action she draws the ambient Force into herself. Committing 2 force dice to Sense.
%u262F Sense - Control: Upgrade Ability Image   %u201CDo what must be done. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy.%u201D
Enmeshing herself in the Force, she moves to exploit flaws and overwhelm defenses of the enemy.
Activation   Action to Commit %u2394.
Effect   Twice per round when making combat check, she upgrades twice.
%u262F Sense - Control: Upgrade Difficulty Image   %u201CI... am one with the Force and the Force is with me.%u201D
Finding a sort of battle-calm, she surrenders some of her self preservation instincts to the will of the Force.
Activation   Action to Commit %u2394.
Effect   Twice per round when an attack targets her, she upgrades the difficulty pool twice.
((Sure I will take -2 to do another maneuver))
Venn Parsa will suffer 2 Strain %uF504 to gain one additional Maneuver.
Venn Parsa will %uD54B%uD538%uD542%uD53C %u2102%uD546%uD54D%uD53C%u211D %uF6E1%uFE0F as a Maneuver. Until the start of her next turn her Ranged Defense increases by +1.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Setback Failure)
GM: As Rook flies into the air she can see a group of warriors on the ridge over the Trandoshans, shooting down at them. The Dug takes note of her flying through the air and yells out something about Mandalorian!
As she flies, she sees some dirt starting to stir from the cliff-top above Willa and Tal...
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. Add +10 any Critical Wounds inflicted. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Long
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn: ((Coo))
GM: Above Willa and Tal, several pebbles fall down the cliff top atop them, landing on their shoulders and helmet. Above they hear the sound of clack clack, and the scurrying of multiple legs - just as Rook yells out a warning.
Rook: Rook soars into the sky, twisting as she goes to look around her, using her comms she reports, Looks like a Willa's team on the large cliff North West of the landed ship. four reinforcements coming from the nose of the shuttel, and avboe Willa and Tal something is stirring the sands .."
Willa: "What the..." Willa murmurs, looking down at the pebbles and then up to the rock.
Tal: "Pfassk this planet, man." Tal growled.
GM: Willa sees a gigantic Nizon Blade Scorpion crawling down the rockface toward her.
Rook: She releases a blast of disruptor fire at the wounded Trandoshan, pleased and secretly suprised that it kills him!
Ashley: "This place is something," says Ashley, eyeing the scorpion that's just dropped down to say hello.
Janix: "Above you!" Janix calls out, too late to help, as the Scorpion descends.
Willa: "NOT ALLOWED!!" she shouts, backpedaling to try and scramble away.
Nizon Scorpion:
Poisonous Tail
Nizon Scorpion
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Breach, Vicious 4, Target Must Make Daunting Resilience Check.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn: Venn was going to bother Ashley with some banter but then that massive creature bursts free from the rockface. "What the pfassk are we into here?!"
GM: Willa is poisoned by the giant scorpion, she is suddenly violently ill, upgrading all of her difficulties twice.
GM: If she is not healed soon, she will die.
Janix: "Willa!" Janix shouts as the scorpion attacks. Cursing under her breath, the Hapan readies herself to respond. Afterall, a Commando doesn't leave a man behind.
GM: Tane will rush forward, drawing his blaster pistols and opening fire at the Blade Scorpion.
Willa: "OW!" she shouts at the pfassking scorpion, as though scolding it for the very painful jab of its stinger.
Doctor Rafan Tane: "I got your back Willa!"
Venn: "These people are going to get themselves killed."
Twin "Security" S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistols
Doctor Rafan Tane
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Mephit: "That's a Mandalorian. Bring her down! I want that rifle!" Mephit snarls to his companion.
Ashley: "... considering we're between that thing," he gestures towards the scorpion, "and mister I heal everything done to me," he gestures towards Zharog, "we are clearly in a wonderful place."
Highly Illegal Blaster Rifle
Damage   10
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Pierce 3, Vicious 2, Lethal Blows 5
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Bo-rifle Ranged
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 3, Stun Setting. Can switch to melee with Maneuver.
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Despair) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Threat)
GM: The shot goes wide past Rook, and a cloud of dust goes up and interrupts its weapon.
Indo and Reelo open fire at the Trandoshans.
Mother K
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Limited Ammo
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Relby-v10 Mortar Gun
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 6, Cumbersome 4, Pierce 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Rotary Blaster
Damage   10
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Accurate, Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure x2) (Challenge Despair)
(Failure) (Failure) (Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Despair)
Venn: ((I thought that doesnt apply if hte target is bigger))
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   2
New Light Side total   7
Tal: Tal drops bowcaster and quick-draws his vibro-axe, thumbing it to life!
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   3
Light Side points remaining   6
Venn: "Do your thing, Blue. We'll keep that abomination occupied." she says to Ashley to ease his concerns. She then gives a hand signal to Janix, to indicate the big nasty was rounding the bend...
Tal: Tal slashes the the blade scorpion with his axe, striking true! The axe bites into the creature's hide, but it isn't dead yet!
Janix: Janix fiddles with the switch, making sure to vent the heat of the rifle as she looks at the huge monster that healed already. With a glance to WIlla and the Scorpion, seems like a good distraction as her rifle vents heat.
GM: While IL-0M and Doctor Tane try to open fire at the Blade Scorpion to relieve some pressure, however their efforts pale in comparison to Tale slashing into the giant scorpion - which is hurt, but what should have been a mortal blow merely seems to draw its attention.
Ashley: "On it," says Ashley to Venn, taking a moment to palm the talisman from his pocket.
Willa: Willa scrambles away from the scorpion while Five engages the beast.
She draws her pistol and takes a shot before she goes tho!
BlasTech DH-1 Blaster Pistol
Damage   6
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Failure) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure) (Challenge Despair)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Despair)
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   2
New Light Side total   7
GM: Willa's shot strikes true but she finds that the blaster bolt fails to harm the monstrous native beast.
Willa: ((Taking back 2 strain as an incidental))
Ashley: Catching sight of Willa, who is clearly moving to get out and away from the scorpion, Ashley calls out. "Willa! Over here!"
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage)
%uF915 Heal (Force Power) Image   "Every second matters."

Through channeling and his strong connection to the Force, Ashley heals injuries sustained both in and out of battle.
Activation   Action | Ally
Magnitude   Spend %u25D0%u25D0 to increase targets affected per rank (3). Can be activated multiple times.
Range   Spend %u25D0 to increase maximum range per rank (1). Can be activated multiple times.
Control: Medicine   Heals additional wounds equal to Medicine ranks (3).
Effect   Heals 8 wounds.
Dice Pool
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark)
Willa: Willa is stumbling a little by the time she clears the scorpion and hears Ashley's summons. She aims herself towards him, and sinks down to her knees at his side.
"Just.. need a... minute..."
%u2604%uFE0F Force Leap Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Take a Force Leap maneuver. Make an Enhanced power check. The user may spend %u25D0 to jump vertically in addition to horizontally to any location in short range. Spend %u25D0 to increase the power's range by a 1 range band.
Dice Pool
Janix M'kyato
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
%uF938 Martial Grace Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per round, the character may suffer 2 strain to add additional damage equal to her
ranks in Coordination to one hit of a successful Brawl
combat check.
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Janix M'kyato
Damage   4
Critical   3
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 1, Pierce 5, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Advantage) (Ability Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Force Light x2) (Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark)
(3 white = advant, 2 white = success)
%uF4A5 Sapith Sundering Activation   Incidental
Effect   May include %u2B21 up to Force rating on Brawl attack. The attack gains the Sunder quality, and may spend %u25EF generated as Advantage to activate the Sunder quality.
(4 sunder)
%u267B Sunder %u2694 Image   "Ugh. So uncivilized."
In intimidating fashion, she shows off the cutting power of the plasma blade of her lightsaber, carving up that which her opponent wields.
Activation   Successful Lightsaber check
Effect   Damage opposing weapon / item by 1 Step per each Image spent.

Damage Step (Penalty): 1.Minor (+%u25FC) | 2.Moderate (+%u2666) | 3.Major (Unusable)
Ashley: "I got you," says Ashley, tugging Willa back towards the cover that he is. Whether or not she recognizes it, Ashley gets his hands on Willa and calls upon the Force. Perhaps it was a little too much because as he felt it answer, there was a surge of it even as some of Willa's injuries from the scorpion began to heal. Not just Willa would feel the effects but so would others of the Hellions (Tal, Rook, Tane, and Venn).
((aka venn gets healed for that two, tal got all his strain healed, and rook's strain is now gone and so is tane's. also willa gets 8 wounds healed. one pip for activation, four pips for magnitude ... six people in addition. ))
Tal: Behind Tal's helmet, his jaw drops as he watches Janix destroy the scorpion's tail with her bare fists. He looks at Janix's fists, then his axe.
Then her fists.
Then his axe.
Tal: "I gotta learn how to do that." he said, staring at the Hapan with a newfound admiration, before returning his attention to the scorpion.
Venn: Venn is 1 defense, 1 Take cover, 2 upgrades and
Janix: Janix leaps forward, her rifle in her arms. She grunts as she lands as she spins her torso as her leg comes around towards the most dangerous part, the stringer. Her blow lands heavy on the tail as she lands and digs deeper, a crunching noise as the tail disconnects from the Scorpion. A trail of faint blue light can be seen, a testament to the Biotics she used to fuel her action.
Venn Parsa %uD53B%uD546%uD53B%uD53E%uD53C%uD54A when she is targeted. She suffers 2 strain to upgrade the difficulty of that attack by +2.
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat) (Challenge Despair)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Despair)
Janix: Glaring at the Scorpion she looks at Tal and motions with her helmet, a "finish it off?" gesture.
Tal: "Gladly." he said, his voice positively murderous.
Willa: "I'm alright, I'm al..." Willa murmurs, slurring a little while the poison works through her system. She fumbles with her pack, intent on trying to find a stim, but is interrupted by ashley tugging her out of the open. She doesn't argue, and once she's in the shade of the nearby rock, she does begin to feel much better...
Venn Parsa takes 6 strain damage.
Rook: Even soaring through the skies balanced upon a jet engine, Rook feels the rush of power and peace from Ashley, restoring her energy!
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat)
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Success) (Triumph)
Ashley: "... pretty sure that thing's poison is still in your system," says Ashley, "which is the opposite of alright." At least, though, he was able to heal some of her wounds--along with the other teammates--and the poison could be handled next.
Trandoshan Slaver:
Dice Pool
Trandoshan Slaver
Dice Roll
(Setback Failure) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat) (Threat)
Venn: Venn braces against the wall as the sonic wash of the stun energy roils over her form. Her muscles seize briefly in response, but she holds steady.
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Threat)
Willa: "Hehe, yeah. Those things are kriffin' nasty. But I have like a whole ten minutes or something before it takes me out. So. Uhm. I should be fine, yeah," she rambles, having trouble focusing her vision to find the stim in her pack.
%uF343 Dodge Activation   OOT Incidental
Effect   When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may immediately perform a dodge incidental to suffer 1 strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by 1.
Improved   After using Dodge, can make a Move maneuver as an OOT incidental.
Nizon Scorpion:
Massive Claws
Nizon Scorpion
Damage   10
Critical   2
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Knockdown, Pierce 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat)
Ashley: "I'd much prefer that we not risk that," says Ashley, who has turned his attention from, you know, fighting--which was okay when you trusted your teammates--and going for his medbag as there's ... a rumbling noise ...
"... uh ..."
GM: 1
Ashley Nasur DODGEs when he is targeted, suffering 2 strain to upgrade difficulty of that attack by 2.
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter:
Rending Claws
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter
Damage   12
Critical   4
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Ensnare 3
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Triumph)
Venn: (No maneuvers for 3 rounds unless you spend an action to git freeee)
Dice Roll
(Setback Threat)
Janix: The scorpion, angrily, strikes Janix and hits her solidly in the side. "By the Goddess," she swears as she dances back. She knows Tal can pulverize someone with his fists and is preparing to line up a new shot with her cooled down rifle.
GM: The giant Trandoshan reaches out, yelling something in its savage tongue as it grabs Ashley and lifts him up off the ground, its talons wrapping heavily around the Pantoran Jedi.
Meanwhile the Blade Scorpion slashes at Janix, clawing across her armor before she rapidly moves backward.
In the background, the Ruffians and the Trandoshans engage in a firefight, one of the Ruffians being knocked out by the stun-bolts of the slavers.
Ashley: "Not. PFASKING. OKAY," says Ashley, who is not okay with this moment at fucking all.
Janix: "Blue!" Janix yells as she levels the rifle and starts to aim. It'll take a moment to line up the shot, but she knows she can. Save Ashley. Save Willa. There was an order.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success x2) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. Add +10 any Critical Wounds inflicted. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Long
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success)
Mephit: "I want that rifle!"
Reelo: "These Trandoshans just shot Indo!"
Mephit: "Kriff Indo, Mirra, get him up!"
Mirra: "I feel so inspired by your caring leadership..."
Rook: Rook swears as the giant Trandoshan sweeps up ashely and swaps her target to a slaver for fear of disintegrating her friend. she side steps (3 strain) and does True Aim (two strain for 2nd maneuver)
Venn: Venn will drop a committed die from Sense Upgrade Ability.
%u262F Flows Through All Things Effect    The character may perform a maneuver to recover Strain equal to their current Force Rating of 6.
Conflict opens the door to fury. And fury is best shared. Venn draws from the numbing pain caused by the stun bolt, her seizing muscles going still as she holds out her hand towards the monstrous Trandoshan. The Force wells around her, through her, sweeping up that pain and physical anguish and crashes into her foe...
(Discipline or Willpower for Zharog?)
%u2756 Influence: Mind Trick / Stress Mind Image   %u201C...Boring conversation anyway.%u201D
She draws on the the Force to psychically pacify or manipulate her opposition. Action - Activate with %u25D0 vs. Living Target.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +1 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Engaged.
Magnitude    %uF53C +3 beings per %u25D0.
Strength    %uF4A4 Inflict 2 strain per %u25D0 (no soak).
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Light) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light)
(Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
1 pip for range, the rest on damage so 4 conflict, 4 strain to me
Venn: 10 Strain
No soak
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   3
Light Side points remaining   6
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter: "RRAAARGH!!" The Trandoshan yells out and grips its head in pain.
Venn Parsa suffers 4 strain and 4 conflict from her use of the darkside.
Highly Illegal Blaster Rifle
Damage   10
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Pierce 3, Vicious 2, Lethal Blows 5
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter
Dice Roll
(Boost Success)
Venn: "Release him you overgrown mongrel!!" she barks from her vocoder, anger lining her voice.
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter: As it grabs its head, Ashley is released, free to land heavily on the ground but on both feet.
Janix: It's strange, feeling the power that Venn uses as she motions towards the monster. It yowls in pain as she beings to sight down her rifle.Thankfully it drops Ashley and she gives Venn a short look. She threw everything she had and Janix felt it. That was admirable.
Willa: Willa backs away from Venn, some.
Ashley: Even without Venn shouting out, Ashley would have known it was her that caused him to be dropped. "Thanks," he calls out, getting his bearings.
Dice System:
The GM flips a Dark Side Destiny Point
Dark Side points remaining   2
New Light Side total   7
GM: Tebosha reloads its weapon with its backup reload.
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage)
(Success) (Advantage)
Reelo: One of the mercenaries backs up and lets out a shout as he leaps across the gap between cliff and speeder, landing atop it.
Now in Medium range of Rook, he fires at her!
Willa: "REELO!" Willa shouts, trying to catch the human's attention.
"Reelo they're friendlies!"
Relby-v10 Mortar Gun
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Blast 6, Cumbersome 4, Pierce 3
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Blank) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Threat)
The shotgun blast goes wide, sending scattered shots through the air.
"Sorry kid, no Mando is a friend to us! I'll explain later!"
Ashley: Ashley's head ducks down because shot went wide.
Doctor Rafan Tane:
Twin "Security" S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistols
Doctor Rafan Tane
Damage   8
Critical   3
Range   Medium
Qualities   Linked 1, Stun Setting
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Setback Failure) (Setback Failure) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Failure x2)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage)
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank)
Missile Launcher
Damage   16
Critical   3
Range   Long
Qualities   Blast 5, Breach 1, Inaccurate 1, Limited Ammo 2
Dice Roll
(Boost Blank) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Challenge Failure x2) (Success)
(Success) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Tal: "That droid gets a raise!" Tal yelled!
GM: "This Unit will not tolerate assaults upon its friends."
Ashley: "So many raises," says Ashley, "so many of them."
Janix: Janix is confused who ILOM'S friends are....
GM: It fires a missile that strikes the center of the Scorpion, causing it to explode into little flaming arachnid bits.
Ashley: "... a little concerned but grateful here," says Ashley.
Rook: "Oya!" Rook calls out when IL-0M finishes the scorpion off!
Dice System:
Tal Vodax flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   3
Light Side points remaining   6
Tal's Vibro-Ax
Tal Vodax
Damage   11
Critical   1
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Pierce 4, Sunder, Vicious 4
Dice Roll
(Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Janix: (does it just explode yet?)
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter:
Npc Critical
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter
Previous Criticals   0 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   120
Dice Roll   26
Total   146
The End is Nigh
Die after the last Initiative slot during the next round.
Janix: (Janix will fire next)
Janix M'kyato will %uD538%uD540%uD544 %uF3AF as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
%uF9E0 Intense Focus Activation   Maneuver
Effect   Suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check by 1.
Venn: (Its prone )
Tal: Tal turns away from the remains of the beast and swings at Zharog with his vibroaxe! He swings his axe and cleaves right into the beasts guts!
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
LD-1 Target Rifle
Janix M'kyato
Damage   10
Critical   4
Range   Extreme
Qualities   Accurate 3, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, Slow-Firing 1
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Blank) (Boost Success + Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Boost Success) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Challenge Failure + Threat) (Challenge Failure) (Advantage)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
Dice Roll
(Setback Blank)
Janix: (3 crit)
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter:
Npc Critical
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter
Previous Criticals   1 x 10
Dice Roll Offset   10
Dice Roll   89
Total   109
Horrific Injury
Roll 1d10 to determine one wounded characteristic -- roll results(1-3 = Brawn, 4-6 = Agility, 7 = Intellect, 8 = Cunning, 9 = Presence, 10 = Willpower. Until Healed, treat characteristic as one point lower.
GM: 4
Janix M'kyato has ended their turn. %u2714%uFE0F%uF387
Venn: ((I will go then I guess))
Ashley: ((lol, go for it, i can get next action))
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark x2) (Force Dark) (Force Dark)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Janix: Taking another deep breath Janix sees the opening to fire as Tal knocks the beast down. Her rifle shot hits true in the arm as she tries to take down the beast but not quite. It can't out heal if everyone keeps up the pressure! "Good hit," she yells to Tal/Gil as her rifle begins to cool anew.
Venn: ((Whats to attack it?))
Venn Parsa will %uD538%uD540%uD544 as a Maneuver. Next combat check gains a Boost Die.
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Boost Success + Advantage) (Ability Success) (Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
%u2756 Move - Control: Hurl Image   %u201C...You wanted this chaos!%u201D
An outstretched hand has her reach into the Force, turning the very environment around her into weapons.
Action - Activate with %u25D0 || Ranged Combat Check vs. Sil.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +2 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Short.
Magnitude    %uF53C +4 objects per %u25D0. Auto-fire quality.
Strength    %uF53C +3 sillhouette per %u25D0. Damage is Sil size x10.
The triumph will be so that its undetectable.
Just a landslide of silhouette 2 object
So 23 damage
GM: Some of the cliffside breaks off and falls atop the giant Trandoshan.
Venn Parsa %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %u25B8 %uD674%uD697%uD68D %uD683%uD69E%uD69B%uD697 %u2714
Venn: (Actually)
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter:
Zharog the Ultimate Hunter
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Threat) (Difficulty Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Dice System:
Venn Parsa flips a Light Side Destiny Point
New Dark Side total   4
Light Side points remaining   5
GM: The giant mutant Trandoshan gets up, bleeding from its guts, head, and arms - rocks fall off of its shoulders and arms as it gets to its feet.
%u2734The Force is My Ally Use    Once per session.
Effect    Suffer 2 strain to perform Force power action as maneuver.
%u2756 Influence: Mind Trick / Stress Mind Image   %u201C...Boring conversation anyway.%u201D
She draws on the the Force to psychically pacify or manipulate her opposition. Action - Activate with %u25D0 vs. Living Target.
Upgrade options:
Range    %uF53C +1 bands per %u25D0. Default range: Engaged.
Magnitude    %uF53C +3 beings per %u25D0.
Strength    %uF4A4 Inflict 2 strain per %u25D0 (no soak).
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Ability Blank) (Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Challenge Failure)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Venn Parsa
Dice Roll
(Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2) (Force Dark) (Force Light x2)
(Light) (Light) (Light) (Light) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark) (Dark)
Venn Parsa suffers 2 strain.
Venn Parsa uses all her advantages for strain regain, though so regains 6.
GM: It takes a single step toward Tal, and then groans as it falls to its knees and then lays flat on the ground, its body too wounded despite its regeneration to endure.
Venn Parsa uses an OOT Incidental to activate her %uD565%uD552%uD55D%uD55A%uD564%uD55E%uD552%uD55F. The target must succeed a Hard (%u2666%u2666%u2666) Fear check to Move to Engage her as normal. If they fail, they must do something else and suffer 2strain.
Trandoshan Slaver:
Dice Pool
Trandoshan Slaver
Dice Roll
(Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Blank)
(Failure) (Failure) (Threat)
Trandoshan Slaver:
Trandoshan Slaver
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Ability Success + Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure)
(Failure) (Failure) (Advantage)
Trandoshan Slaver:
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   5
Critical   5
Range   Engaged
Qualities   Disorient 2
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Setback Threat) (Difficulty Blank) (Difficulty Failure x2)
Venn: Half of the pillar begins to crumple and topple, large slab of rock collapsees on the massive prone trandoshan, covering him in rubble.
Willa: Distracted by the fall of the Ultimate Hunter, Willa almost doesn't see the trando coming up behind her. At the last minute she jerks aside, just barely escaping its swing.
"Aah! Hey!"
Venn: As the creature, like a horror movie, reaches its hand from the pile like an undying monster.... Venn clenches her teeth and saps its energy until it goes still. The arm goes limp
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Success) (Setback Threat) (Challenge Threat x2) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Threat) (Threat)
Trandoshan Slaver:
Stun Rifle
Trandoshan Slaver
Damage   9
Critical   0
Range   Medium
Qualities   Stun damage
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Setback Blank) (Difficulty Threat) (Challenge Failure + Threat)
While the Trandoshan reinforcements approach, the slavers and the Ruffians engage fire with one another.
Ashley: "Yeah, no, not doing this," says Ashley, going to grab Willa and get her to safety (because stupid scorpion and it's stupid stinger).
Janix: It was nice to see the monster fall. Nevertheless, Janix could feel what Venn did and it reminded her (for a repeated time) that the normally pink haired Witch was quite terrifying.
Mephit: "Take that Mando down, Reelo! We're almost done with the Lizards over here!"
Reelo: "Mephit, they just took out the giant one!"
Rook: There were times when Venn came perilously close to being utterly terrifying. Until Willa called out, Rook had been too focused upon the larger threat to see the other tando close the distance to the Hellions.
Ashley: "You're all idiots!" Ashley calls over his shoulder at the people who are still trying to shoot at them.
Mirra: "Reelo, pay attention to the mission! Go! Now!"
Willa: "SneAKy TRando scUm--" she warbles, unsteady on her feet as she lifts her pistol to try and pay the melee jerk for his swing. But Ashley tugs her back out of range, and she squeaks in surprise but doesn't resist.
%u26D3%uFE0F Touch of Fate Activation   Incidental
Effect   Once per session, add Boost Boost to any 1 check.
Rook: Rook watched Reelo, torn between common sense, greedy orders and whatever his mission was.
Ashley Nasur
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage) (Boost Advantage x2) (Ability Advantage) (Ability Blank) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Blank) (Proficiency Success x2) (Difficulty Failure + Threat) (Difficulty Threat x2) (Difficulty Failure) (Difficulty Failure x2)
(Failure) (Advantage) (Advantage)
Willa: "YOu gotTA loOkout foR those SNEeaky bugGErs," she murmurs, slurring softly, as though Ashley isn't aware of the dangers.
Mirra: "Hurry up, Reelo! I see trouble!"
Reelo: "What about the kid!?"
Mephit: "Kark the kid!"
Willa: "Oh, hey..." she whispers, her focus pulling in to Ashley. "You're hurt..."
Ashley: "... multi-tasking is bad," mutters Ashley, who clearly is having trouble with figuring out something the counter to the scorpion's poison.
Willa: "I caN heLP yOu..."
Ashley: "Yes, hello, I am hurt but you're in worse shape," he replies.
GM: Reelo jumps down and starts herding the Nazren slaves into the giant speeder, his rifle urging them onward as the Trandoshans focus on the Hellions who slew their leader.
Willa: "Nonono, I can help you..."
Ashley: ((willa gets two strain back tho))
Dice Roll
(Ability Success) (Proficiency Success) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Advantage) (Difficulty Failure x2) (Challenge Threat x2)
(Success) (Success) (Advantage)
Dice Pool
Dice Roll
(Boost Advantage)
With intense focus, Willa manages to not make Ashley's situation any worse, at least.
Ashley: There's no real resistance from Ashley as Willa does her own medicine magic, it's mostly the kind of shenanigans one expects of two injured individuals trying to heal one another.
Zeyda's DX-765 Disruptor Rifle
Rook B.
Damage   11
Critical   2
Range   Long
Qualities   Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, Lethal Blows rank 1. AIM as Incidental at Short Range, Accurate 2, Quick Draw. Point Blank +4. Deadly Accuracy (Ranged, Heavy
Dice Roll
(Boost Success) (Boost Success) (Proficiency Success + Advantage) (Proficiency Advantage x2) (Proficiency Triumph(+Success)) (Proficiency Success x2) (Proficiency Blank) (Difficulty Threat)
(Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Success) (Advantage) (Advantage) (Triumph)
"If you get on the shuttle, you are at risk!" Rook calls out to the Nazren.
GM: As Rook disintegrates another Trandoshan, her call seems to strike some fear and trepidation in the Nazren. Reelo lets out a shout of Kark this as he runs into the vehicle.
Behind the Hellions they hear the sounds of approaching jetpacks.
Rook: Rook moves to block the kidnapping of the Nazrens, knowing it puts her at risk. She sides steps and spins in the air, (3 strain).
Willa: "Oh, hey..."
Rook: Rook could hear Kesvo's scold and mentally apologized to the mission-focused, absent leader.
GM: Over the air above them (and behind Rook), a squadron of Mandalorians with heavy weapons and armor fly through the air, opening fire on the Trandoshans and Mephit and his crew.
Willa: Willa turns and tries to see the source of the sounds.
"I bET it'S thE PRotecTOr gUy!"
Janix: Janix sighs and sights down her cooling rifle at the noise. The desert was much too busy.
Willa: "He'S a liTTLe laTe."
Mephit: "Kark this!" Mephit roars as he ducks behind cover. Reelo starts up the large speeder and it hums to life.
Rook: Rook can't help a laugh as Mandalorians sweep into the area ...
Mephit: Mephit and his crew quickly begin to rush away back toward their own vehicle.
Venn: Image
Willa: "Ooohhh" She pats Ashley's arm repeatedly. "LOOK!"
Tal: "Well then." Tal said, watching as the Mandalorians flew overhead.
Willa: "Holykriffthey'reCOOLlookin!"
Janix: To Ashley. "Can you keep her quiet?" She asks, fingering the trigger of her rifle.
Tvastar Ordo: The lead Mandalorian flies above the others, looking down at the assembled as the speeder takes off. Several Mandalorians fly after it.
Ashley: "Yes, yes," says Ashley, sparing a glance, "they're very cool. Can you please speak a little softer, hm?" That's added after Janix says something.
Willa: "Oof. Is it dusk already or am I in worse shape than I thought...?" she mutters, quieting.
Tvastar Ordo: "My name is Tvastar Ordo." The Mandalorian says to Rook. "And I must ask you all to come with us."
GM: More and More Mandalorians soon fly over them, appearing like a swarm.
Tvastar Ordo: "I must insist."
Venn: "That is... a kriffload of Mandalorians." she says, to the Trandoshan next to her, as if they are suddenly buddies for a moment.
Trandoshan Slaver: The Trandoshan lifts its hands up in surrender as it drops its weapon.
Janix: Anxiously, Janix looks at Tal and motions to the score of troopers arriving.
Rook: Rook nods to him. "Sul'cagar, Warrior. We have wounded that must be looked at before we move." She calls down to Ashley, "can Willa be moved?"
Willa: "Ooh, a rifle."
Tvastar Ordo: "We will see to them at our camp."
Doctor Rafan Tane: Tane drops his weapons and throws his hands up in surrender.
Rook: "Thank you." Rook nods. It never occurs to her not to agree since they were out here to find this guy, anyway.
Willa: "I like to camp."
Tal: The more Mandalorians that arrive, the less Tal likes their chances. He nods. "Let's keep cool. We should follow their lead for the time being." Tal said.
Ashley: "... can I get a moment to try and stabilize her? The poison is running rampant through her and I need another moment--" Pauses. "Or along the way? Sure. At the camp, works too."
Venn: Venn will secure the lone Trandoshan Slaver with her binders. "Not your lucky day, I reckon, scales."
GM: Soon the Mandalorians land, their weapons trained on the Hellions. It is clear this was less of an invitation and more of a demand.
Janix: With a look to Tane, she shakes her head and pulls up her rifle, not aiming at anything.
Rook: "Have you a speeder to transport those without a Rising Pheonix?" Becasue she wasn't sure anyone could carry Tal in all his gear ...
GM: But for now, they remain unharmed...
End Session 99


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