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It's the subtle acts of defiance that usually brought about the most interesting results in Jonias' life. His parents had wanted him to pursue more political and social ambitions, so of course he cloistered himself away in the grand library at the Academy of Magic. His teachers all saw him as a student with great magic potential, so of course Jonias practiced more of his acrobatic and dextrous skills. All elves know when petitioning a dragon, especially one you are assumed to be in decent standing with, to simply let that moment of awe wash over you, so of course Jonias tried to resist.
He didn't.
While not cowering with fear, the elf simply stopped at the entrance and stared dumbfounded while Wolfe addressed the dragon. Beryllium was hiding in the Tome of Xenemarcses and it would be a moment before she would realize her current master's state. Only then would she reluctantly emerge from the tome invisibly to nip at Jonias and snap him back to reality.
Westra, as well, chose to accept the magic that washed over the group when they greeted the dragon. She did not speak, but let Wolfe address the beast for the sake of the group.
« Last post by Wolfe on October 01, 2018, 05:11:58 PM »
"Being a father isn't easy, especially when you're busy grieving over your wife." Wolfe had said, understanding where Vadim's father was coming from in terms of his difficulties. He had been there himself, and he was certain others would judge him if they considered his actions where Sera was concerned. Sometimes he wasn't certain if he could ever forgive his daughter, or get over the death of her mother. Time had not completely healed the wound - there'd always be a scar - but he was able to move past it, now.
They moved along the cold ground to visit the great Silver Dragon once again. Astonaxia was a sight to behold, one he'd never forget, really.
When he felt the Dragon's magic sweep over him, he merely bowed his head in respect. "Great Astonaxia, as promised we found and freed your child. We have brought with us one of those responsible for his imprisonment; A boy, not even a teenager yet, who has a brilliant mind but seeming inability to weigh consequence.
We were at a loss what to do with the child - we are from a lot of different lands, a lot of different cultures." He lifted his head up to look at the dragon as she seemed to weigh them with her stare. "So I suggested we come see you, so that you could weigh his soul and see if he is capable of being redeemed, or if he is forever lost."
« Last post by Levinath on October 01, 2018, 02:35:29 PM »
Vadim’s father was torn, he spent much of the evening coming to terms with the part his son played in the destruction of Sunderwood and so many deaths over the past few months. The boy remained mostly unaware of the moral implications of his actions, continuing to scribble and take notes in a small notebook that he carried with him. The morning came and after a few reciprocated endearments, Vadim’s father stood from speaking to his boy and addressed Wolfe. “I am sorry I failed him as a father, it seems we were both too lost in our grief to do what we should have done. Hopefully he can be helped, and trained somewhere by those that can understand his mind." The days pass slowly as the band of the Watch moves first across plains and then through the forest as they had before. The Rex found itself parked at nearly the same location it had awaiting the group prior. L.E.R.O.Y. even wagering with the mechanical owl on the number of days they would be left to rust alone this time. The air on the mountain seemed crisp and fresh, no fog rested over the area as it had during their last ascent. After a week’s time, the group finds themselves at the entrance to the shimmering cave once more. The air is brisk and clean as they move into the crystallized dome. The massive Silver dragon rests at the rear of the cave where they group had previously met her, a young male elf standing in front of her. They watch the group as they approach, their faces neutral. After a brief moment the group feels the dragon’s presence sweep over them as they approach. (Anyone is welcome to make a Wisdom save if they wish to resist the dragon’s magic)
« Last post by phinn on October 01, 2018, 11:55:40 AM »
Session 45
Dr Catriona: She will actually cease concentrating on Web, so that can vanish.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra summons a moment of focus and draws on her faith to harden her resolve. (And her AC, via Shield of Faith). She then strikes at the monstrosity in front of her with vigor!
Dungeon Lord: The planets continue to spin even as the Doctor toys with the massive lever. 5 Westra feels invigorated, the seeing the sun rise on a new day. 3 Wolfe feels regnerated as well as the bright light moves on.
Wolfe: (Hellll yeah. 5hp?) Wolfe looks up, and up, and up at the titan werewolf mother. He strikes at the monumental target, Shokan moving as fast as the wind. He also only hits the wind. He will Second Wind.
Wolfe: 14
Jonias Siannodel:
Dungeon Lord: 2
Dungeon Lord: The massive beast rakes her claws across Euron's back as he recovers his senses. The kid is trying to clean up the mess Gizmo is causing
GIZMO-3: Gizmo will continue to wreck the table chaotically, like a cat who sees a glass of water on a coffee table. GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔
Jonias Siannodel: In an attempt to move forward, Jonias knocks his new bow into a jar, which caused a crash and his arrow to go wide. It's as though Tymora herself decided Jonias would have no favor from her today.
Wolfe: "Good job Gizmo!"
Vadim: "Get away from here you stupid owl! You are ruining my research!"
Dungeon Lord: Euron pulls on helm's favor to bless the trio of warriors yet again. 2
Vadim: Vadim targets Gizmo with a beaker. 1
Vadim: 1 Recharge 5-6
Dungeon Lord: 1 The massive werebeast attacks Westra after the paladin's strikes find purchase.
Westra Goldbrook:
Wolfe: "Westra! Euron! Get back and heal up and I'll draw its attention!"
Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4 (4)= 4
Westra Goldbrook: Westra grits her teeth, clearly not liking the direction from Wolfe. More inclined to continue attacking the beast, she only relents because of the look of the cleric. She darts to his side and summons divine magic to help restore some of his health.
Dungeon Lord: The planets spin... Wolfe and Westra feel energy flow throw them as a planet hovers nearby. Their weapons feel lighter and more accurate.
Wolfe: (Bless) 83 damage Wolfe leaps into the air and delivers a quick Z-slash across her arm, leg, and back. "FACE ME!"
Dungeon Lord: The beast howls in rage and swipes at Wolfe with its claw.
Dr Catriona: ((How high is the ceiling?/planets etc))
Dungeon Lord: At least 80 ft
Jonias Siannodel:
Wolfe: The creature's claws rake across Wolfe's chest, his trusty splint mail holding fast. He grunts but holds firm.
Jonias Siannodel: rolling 3d6 (1+2+5)= 8
Dungeon Lord:
GIZMO-3: The mechanical owl continues to pick up and drop random things.
GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔
Dungeon Lord: 77
Dr Catriona: The Doctor takes off her glasses and her eyes pool with illumination... and bright thick beams lance the distance between her and Nadiyya.
Dungeon Lord:
Jonias Siannodel: Recovering from his faux pas earlier, Jonias pops up from behind the counter and fires his arrow true this time. It is however when he returns to crouching that he discovers the jar he knocks over contained some sort of greasy fluid, perhaps lubricant for the device above them in the room. The elf landed on his rear-end.
Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔
Dungeon Lord: The beast is struck true by the blinding light, but instead of it blinding the beast, she seems to absorb some of its energy. (Legendary Resistance)
Wolfe: (+4 more) (Life cleric is 2+Spell level)
Dungeon Lord: Euron lays a glowing hand on Westra, returning the favor of healing.
Wolfe: (Euron heals for 4 cause of Blessed Healer)
Dungeon Lord: The beast continues her assault on Wolfe.
Wolfe: Wolfe is struck by a mighty blow but remains standing strong!
Dungeon Lord: Vadim throws another bottle of fluid at that meddling owl! 10
Dr Catriona: 11
Dungeon Lord: 5 Recharge 5-6
GIZMO-3: GIZMO screeches and turns into a ball just as the vial almost hits him. Then he unfurls back into owl shape and goes "NEENERNEENERNEERNEER."
Dungeon Lord: The beast lets of a howl that seems to shake your very bones before it lets loose another torrent of energy.
Dungeon Lord: 8 8
Wolfe: 2
Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d8 (5)= 5
Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a scream of pain as acid splashes across his eyes and blinds him! He is most mad about losing the bless, though.
Dungeon Lord: Euron is blasted by 2 beams and falls to the ground.
Westra Goldbrook: A shock of cold tears into Westra, who growls but stays upright Westra follows the fleeing beast and takes another series of strikes at it. rolling 1d4 (1)= 1
Westra Goldbrook: Euron falls and Westra ROARS in frustration and fury as the beast launches itself into the air. She follows it, skidding to a halt just as it lands, and with gritted teeth tears apart the monstrosity's side, spilling entrails and blood in a heated splash over the dungeon floor. The monstrosity falls with a gurgling snarl, and lays unmoving on the cold stone. Westra huffs, watching for a moment to make sure it is slain, and then turns to take in the room.
Westra Goldbrook: She goes to Euron's side and kneels, and casts her last spell to brink him back to wakefulness.
Dungeon Lord: The beast continues to twitch for several seconds as the magical energy dissipates from the monstrous corpse. Vadin, hears his mother's cry of pain and turns to see the fallen beast. "Mother! NOOOO!"
Wolfe: "AHHHH!!!!! FUCK YOU, YOU GODS DAMNED ACID BLOOD BITCH!" Wolfe yells as he swings wildly at the air in front of him. He keeps moving forward into his swings until he bounces off of the planetarium frame. Landing flat on his ass, Wolfe wipes at his eyes with his sleeve, trying to restore his vision. "What...hey.. we won?"
Dr Catriona: "Mister Wolfe, calm down! It is subdued!"
Westra Goldbrook: "Wolfe!" Westra calls, as she helps Euron to his feet. "It is done."
Wolfe: Wolfe lifts a fist up into the air. "Everyone alright?"
Westra Goldbrook: "For the moment," she said, turning to look at the boy. "Vadim."
Jonias Siannodel: Seeing the beast fall beside him, Jonias bolts upright, and out of the way of the crashing beast and Westra. "Captain, I will find a bard, first town we get to, and tell them of this act." The elf bows, formalities and all, befound bounding out from behind the counter.
GIZMO-3: The mechanical owl gives Vadim the stink eye. And what big eyes they are.
Vadim: "No! No no no no....I can fix you Mom....just give me more time. The protein synthesis was off, but I can recalculate the mitochondrial replication rate."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra glances at Jonias, but is in no mood for joviality. She is yet cursed and poisoned, and leaning uncharacteristically on her halberd.
Dr Catriona: "This child is clearly disturbed."
Wolfe: Wolfe getting to his feet, cleans off his sword and sheaths it. Dusting his hands off he goes to inspect the rest of the lab to see if it has any insights about Sera or the rest of this insanity.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra draws a steeling breath, stows her weapon, and moves over towards the child. She takes his shoulder, and turns him away from the monstrous corpse. She kneels down to be eye level with him. "Vadim, listen to me."
Wolfe: Wolfe finds a potion, maybe a red one? He thinks it's a healing potion. So he drinks it.
Vadim: The child seems lost in his own thoughts, the Doctor might relate to running calculations in her head.
Wolfe: (rolled a 1 I figure it's apt)
Dr Catriona: "No, Mister Wolfe what are you doing?" Its just Red Drank
Vadim: 93
Wolfe: "What. It looks like a healing potion."
Jonias Siannodel: "Said the blind man"
Dr Catriona: "And flammable oil looks like pudding!"
Wolfe: "I'm not blind anymore, I was but I got the acid out. Everything looks fine to me!"
Dr Catriona: She smacks her forehead.
Wolfe: "Whoa..." He says as he looks down at the bottle with wide-eyes, his lips still tingling from the taste. "WOW."
Euron Sand: Euron feels like he got hit by a herd of wagons all moving in a circle all over his body.
Westra Goldbrook: "Vadim," Westra repeats, gently jostling the boy's shoulder's to try and get his attention. "I'm sorry, but that was no longer your mother. She has been gone for some time. You cannot save her. I'm not sure you ever could."
Wolfe: "THIS STUFF IS.. Holy Gods I can see your words." "AND TASTE PURPLE."
Westra Goldbrook: "You must stop and look at all of the people who have been hurt while you have been trying to do the impossible here. Do you understand everything you've done?"
Wolfe: Wolfe will slowly find a seat and sit down as he's overwhelmed by the mega-hallucinatory.
Dr Catriona: No medical doctor, Catriona just gives Wolfe a worried glance... but he hasnt passed out so she gingerly steps toward Euron and gives him her remaining 9 GoodBerries.
Vadim: He looks to Westra with cold determination that she can empathize with. "I can. And I will. She wasn't my mother, but I will bring back the real one. I just need to reanimate the cells properly."
Westra Goldbrook:
Dr Catriona: "It is not much, but they may help." They will restore 9 HP to Euron, but over a minute.
Westra Goldbrook: "Vadim. Stop. Listen to me."
Jonias Siannodel: Not one for dealing with children, Jonias moves to help the half-orc upright. "Come along friend." The elf says to Wolfe, looking to help him up.
Vadim: "Hurt? I didn't hurt anyone." He looks genuinely confused. "I just run my tests down here. Dari gets me the ingredients I need, I am not hurting anyone, and the creatures are all locked up."
Wolfe: "Whoah....." Wolfe doesn't resist Jonias's leading him, looking to be somewhat confused and high af.
Dr Catriona: The bespectacled doctor calls over to the sun elf. "Mister Siannodel, um... perhaps you can investigate this celestial.. um... apparatus?"
Jonias Siannodel:
Euron Sand: Euron accepts the Goodberries from Cat. "Thank you, Doctor. This is much appreciated." Euron said, eating the first one. He'll continue to eat them while he collects his wits.
Westra Goldbrook: "These experiments you've been doing, has Dari had access to them? Someone has been creating and releasing abominations, weird combinations of werewolves and monsters."
Vadim: "Of course, this is his lab. He lets me use it to try and fix mother."
Westra Goldbrook: "Where is your mother?"
Vadim: He points to the dead werebeast. "I miscalculated. Again. Reanimating and curing lycanthropy simultaneously has proven troublesome."
Jonias Siannodel: "I will Doctor Wicker, but first we must get our friend here somewhere nice to lie down. By the smell on him I'd say he was under the influence of a europhic tonic. No major harm, but we should at least do him the honor of putting him somewhere comfortable."
Wolfe: "I'm not euphoric I'm a Half-Orc! Not a You Orc." "I'm fine." Wolfe pats Jonias's arm. "I'm fine."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra looked confused. "You just said she was not your mother?"
Vadim: "She is......inside. That monster wasn't who SHE IS."
Jonias Siannodel: "Yes of course you are my friend. Either way, perhaps I should lead you away from the other potions for now."
Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't resist, he's still trippin.
Dr Catriona: Her eyebrows push together as she watches the Half-Orc spaz out.
Jonias Siannodel:
Wolfe: "What? Why? I already feel better. Wait where are you going..." Wolfe says, confused, as Jonias leaves. For a moment he just seems sad. He frowns heavily and sits down in the middle of the floor, drinking more of the potion.
Dungeon Lord: Wolfe suddenly feels better and not sad.
Westra Goldbrook: "But now... now she is gone? And she wasn't before?" she asks, trying to understand something that is clearly beyond her ken.
Dr Catriona: Catriona will walk over and try to pry the potion away from Wolfe.
Vadim: "No, she was dead. She was killed by a werewolf several years ago."
Jonias Siannodel: Feeling confident that Wolfe was in good hands with Euron, the elf slipped away quickly to see what he could make of the planetarium device. What the plants do themselves he couldn't figure out, but he seemed to at least get a grasp of the controls.
Vadim: "I have been working to restore her, with Dari's help.
Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't resist Cat Wicker's mega strength, though he looks up in confusion as she takes the potion away. "What? I wasn't finished with whooooooaaaa your hair is nice."
Westra Goldbrook: "I believe Dari was using your research to create monsters to hurt people with, Vadim. The creatures were not all locked up. People have died."
Wolfe: "How do you get it so soft." He reaches his fingers up slowly toward her head in an exploratory fashion. "It's like it's made out of cotton candy..." He leans his head up toward her, in a haze as his fingers stroke at her hair.
Euron Sand: Euron watches Wolfe to make sure that he's going to be all right. He's devoured his goodberries and feels marginally better, but is still having a tough day.
Vadim: "Its a very complex process to reanimate and cure a disease like lycanthropy. Doing both in tandem provides additional complexities. I was able to isolate the lunar protien and can irradiate it from a blood stream, but the stress of reanimation mixed the mitochondrial replication seems to make the protien isolation fail. I believe the increased animation may supercharge the subject's immune response. "Oh....." He frowns. "That is unfortunate."
Dr Catriona: Mild concern plays on her countenance at the warrior's words, but she takes the potion away, returning to see what aid she can provide Westra.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns, and pauses for a moment. "Uh.. Doctor?"
Wolfe: Wolfe's hands linger in the air as Cat walks off, and he brings a strand of her hair to his mouth. "Cotton cannnnnndyyyy."
Westra Goldbrook: She gestures the woman over. "Vadim, will you repeat what you just said?"
Dr Catriona: "My specialty is not biological but he is very gifted."
Westra Goldbrook: "Did he just suggest that he can remove lycanthropy?" she asked, quietly.
Wolfe: Wolfe starts wandering around a bit. His fingers are idly moving in the air. He is licking the air.
Vadim: 1 Almost instantly the potion's effects seem to begin to wear off.
Dr Catriona: She shakes her head at Westra. "If one creates a proven cure for anything, one will be very clear and excited about it..."
Jonias Siannodel: Jonias moves to investigate the contents of this table.
Dr Catriona: "He sounds as though he is earnestly trying."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks back to Vadim. "Vadim, how do you know you are able to..." she pauses, trying to recall the words he used, "...eradicate lycanthropy from a bloodstream?"
Wolfe: Slowly coming back down to his senses, Wolfe shakes his head and brings a hand up to his temple, cradling his forehead. "Uggh. yikes. I ache in places I didn't know I could ache."
Dr Catriona: "Scientific process, and the like. I don't think it would be wise to.. um.. leave him without a safe place that he can indulge his intellectual curiosity... like a temple of Oghma or a trusted facility of academics."
Wolfe: Wandering over to the others, he pats Cat's shoulder gently. "Sorry. You were right. Shouldn't drink random colors."
Dr Catriona: "He said irradiate. Not eradicate..."
Vadim: "I tested it on a subject, but it is not of use unless I can reanimate mother in simultaneously."
Dr Catriona: She almost "AH!'s" at Wolfe sneaking up on her.
Westra Goldbrook: "You cured someone of lycanthropy?"
Jonias Siannodel: "Or a monastery... Somewhere far away." The elf suggests over his shoulder as he continues to search around the tables for items they could use.
Vadim: "That has been the major point of contention." He nods at Westra.
Dr Catriona: "Contention by whom? You have no peers to assess your work."
Westra Goldbrook: She narrows her eyes. "You said you were successful in that part, but not the part that would bring your mother back to life?"
Vadim: "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CAN BE PEER REVIEWED UP HERE?!" He throws his hands up in exasperation.
Wolfe: "Only if you have a bunch of halflings smuggled somewhere else in this little dungeon."
Vadim: "As you can see, the reanimation, still requires further study."
Jonias Siannodel: Jonias glares at the child then the others, "Does he really not understand the damage he's done? The people he's killed?"
Wolfe: "Do you understand what the fuck you've done down here?" He asks with an edge to his growl as he looks down at the child mad-scneitist. "The monsters you've made killed people from your village."
Westra Goldbrook: "He does not seem bothered by the casualties," she murmured, stepping back while rubbing her brow with a frown.
Dr Catriona: She looks to Jonias, then to Wolfe.. "Sirs... it can be difficult for a young mind to grasp proper consequences when burdened with overwhelming intellect."
Wolfe: "And a good gateway to malevolence."
Dr Catriona: "It can overwhelm empathy, sense of place in the world."
Westra Goldbrook: "The townspeople will want their answers," she said, looking to Cat with a weary expression.
Vadim: "Improbable, they are confined for study and Baldarich developed, with my help, a device to keep those beasts from the North out of our village."
Jonias Siannodel: "Still doesn't absolve him."
Wolfe: "So you think we're lying?"
Dr Catriona: "I did not say it did."
Wolfe: "You're coming with us. You can see it with your own eyes."
Vadim: "I checked on them several hours prior. All our current stock was accounted for."
Dr Catriona: "Only that I remember being young and being frustrated at the thought that everyone could not understand me and that I was the smartest person in the room."
Westra Goldbrook: "What beasts from the North? You knew about the werewolves?"
Dr Catriona: ((How old is this kid?))
Jonias Siannodel: ((old enough for a solid backhand?))
Vadim: "The barbarians are the beasts that killed her. I am sure of it. After studying the different lycanthropes of the region only they have the grey fur and features of the beast that mauled her."
Dr Catriona: "If you wish to deliver a reality check, you should walk him through the ruins above."
Wolfe: "That was my plan."
Dr Catriona: "It will be scarring, but it will do the trick."
Westra Goldbrook: "Let's get on with it, then."
Euron Sand: Euron doesn't like what he's hearing from the young man. "This place should be destroyed."
Wolfe: (Only if we were fucking evil, Sam) "Not yet. Let's see if there can be some good salvaged out of all of this."
Dr Catriona: "I will stay behind and clean out anything dangerous here."
Vadim: Jonias finds several potions and other items of interest in the room.
Wolfe: Wolfe puts a hand on Vadim's shoulder and forcefully spins him around and guides him toward the door. "Let's go kid."
Vadim: "Wait...my research!"
Westra Goldbrook: Westra walks at Vadim's other side. "You're about to invest in some field work."
Vadim: The pair easily "escort" the young boy.
Dr Catriona: "GIZMO, scan the laboratory for any schematics or plans that might be of use." The blonde gives the drone an order while she goes about attempting to cleanse the room of anything that maybe a danger.
Jonias Siannodel: The elf collects several potions and tools. Some he recognizes, others he'll have to figure out.
Wolfe: Wolfe will lead Vadim up to the surface so that he can survey the town.
Vadim: "Hmmm..."
Wolfe: "Lyla and Baldrich are dead." He tells Vadim. "Some of the guards as well."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra goes along, saying nothing while she looks over the smoldering remains of buildings, and the slain forms of the fallen townspeople.
Vadim: He says as he looks across the village.
Euron Sand: Euron will join Westra and Wolfe in escorting Vadim to see the results of his handiwork.
Jonias Siannodel:
Vadim: "It seems the electrical discharge of the planetary foci may of disrupted the subterranean plates within the village. Most unfortunate. I did tell Dari we required better containment areas, if I had enough crystals for the ionized containment fields, the elemental beasts would have remained in containment. "
Westra Goldbrook: "Vadim," Westra says, her voice finally edged sharply. "Did you hear him? Your work, your choices have killed your friends and townspeople! Does that mean nothing to you?"
Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at Vadim's emotionless survey of the situation.
Vadim: "This is an unfortunate series of events, though not unformulated. Lyla was a nice girl, though not terribly bright." He looks around again.
Wolfe: "That right?" Wolfe turns Vadim around to face him. "So you feel no grief, no regret over what you've done? The consequences don't mean anything to you?"
Vadim: "Dari assured me containment was not a concern, but all evidence pointed to financial motives rather than science or altruism. My lack of financial resources left me with little alternative."
Wolfe: "Yeah. That's terrible." Wolfe draws Shokan.
Vadim: "I can bring them back, I just need more time."
Westra Goldbrook: "Wolfe."
Wolfe: "Your time is up."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra pulls the boy aside, away from the half-orc. Weary and sick as she is, her stare is steely.
Westra Goldbrook: "We are not savages."
Wolfe: "Nothing savage about justice." "Those who pass the sentence should swing the sword."
Vadim: "I will fix them. Just as I will fix Sera and mother."
Wolfe: "Not going to give you the chance to make more monsters and hurt more innocents, kid."
Westra Goldbrook: "This town has suffered the pain of his choices. This town should be afforded the chance to decide his fate, whether that is affording him mercy, seeking help for his... state.. or exacting the justice you speak of." "It is not our place."
Wolfe: "It was our place to get involved in their affairs."
Westra Goldbrook: "He's a child."
Vadim: "I would have already fixed Sera, but....if Dari knew that I had the cure, I calculate a 87% probability that he would not allow my experiments to continue."
Wolfe: "That's caused the death of innocents." "Including another child."
Westra Goldbrook: She looked back to Vadim. "You do have the cure, then?" she asked, seeming confused once more.
Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't seem phased or affected by the revelation.
Vadim: He sighs. "I already said that."
Westra Goldbrook: "Where is it? Is it a serum? A ritual? Is it written down or distilled?"
Vadim: "It requires an ichor and in addition to ionized moonlight particles. "That allows adhesion to the affected cells."
Wolfe: "I'm willing to do a compromise."
Westra Goldbrook: "Have you recorded this somewhere?"
Wolfe: Wolfe sheaths his sword.
Vadim: "Yes, I have my notes down in the lab."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra looked to Wolfe and waited.
Wolfe: "We give him to the Silver Dragon. She decides what happens to him."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks around at the ruined town, and then nodded. "That feels more just than..." she trailed off, though her eyes glanced at the now-sheathed katana.
Dr Catriona: If she can be done with the lab, she will find her way back up to the town.
Wolfe: "He was partly responsible for the kidnapping and experimenting on her child. She's a creature of unquestionable Good. She is wise and powerful." "She weighed our souls and knew what was there." "She will know if he's redeemable or not."
Dr Catriona: Dusting off her hands, she looks around until she finds the rest of the group.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods again. When the Doctor emerges, Westra looks to her. "Did you find his notes?"
Vadim: "I did request a mature Silver dragon. But Dari was unable to locate such a creature, he said the adolescent was the only one available."
Wolfe: "I know where the parent is."
Dr Catriona: "I have not looked through all the documents in detail."
Wolfe: "You'll get to meet her yourself."
Dungeon Lord: The doctor found a pile of notes and potions, though a portion of them were ruined by random potion bombs.
Dr Catriona: "They are not all in the best shape."
Vadim: "Excellent, perhaps I can collect some samples. I need my spectrometer and A.M.D."
Jonias Siannodel: With a sack full of vials, potions, and tools, Jonias carries them up in hopes of distributing the potions as needed among the injured. Assuming the vials are tested first... The elf taps on his book, looking to gather some insight from his dragonling familiar. Beryl however did not emerge from her home...
Wolfe: "You want a good head start on saving yourself and making amends, you should work with Cat here on the Lycanthropy cure. There were plenty of people bit who may have survived here." "Westra included."
Vadim: "I already have a potion brewed, here it is." He points to a blue silver potion Cat is carrying in her arms. "To create more I need additional silver dragon scales, swamp troll blood, and several other ingredients.
Westra Goldbrook: "Will that cure any lycanthropy, or just that transmitted by a bite?"
Dr Catriona: She makes a face and looks at the vial.
Vadim: "It isolates the latent pathogen, it is universal."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra reaches for the blue silver potion in Cat's arms.
Jonias Siannodel: Jonias, a bit late to the party, looks confused at the reception the child is receiving. "I suppose some of his ingredients are in here?" Jonias hold up his bag.
Wolfe: (afk work stuff)
Dr Catriona: "So you posit the infection and the genetic anomaly are rooted in the same source." she says aloud. The Doctor looks to Westra. "We do not know of his assessment is.. um.. accurate or without unknown side effects."
Vadim: "Correct, the infection cannot perform cellular replication, but isolates itself from the body's immune response." "So targeting the cellular footprint, the potion allows us to eradicate both types of pathogens."
Dr Catriona: "But you have had no successful trials."
Westra Goldbrook: "It is not for me," she murmurs, eyeing the potion. She passes it to Wolfe with a solid look. "He said it has worked once before." She then left him with it and went to find Euron
Dr Catriona: "Worked is a broad term."
Wolfe: Wolfe takes the potion and considers it.
Vadim: "Dari captured one of the tribesmen of the north, and I was able to test the result. The man was unable to transform post treatment and his bite did not distribute the pathogen."
Dr Catriona: ((same dude who was drinking random red drank in a stranger's cellar 20 min ago ))
Wolfe: "What'd you do with him afterward?"
Vadim: "I told Dari I had completed the trial without success and he was placed back in containment. Unfortunately, after treatment, his peers in the same containment decided to consume him. He was discovered perished the following morning."
Dr Catriona: "Fascinating, but a single cessation of the trait in a random host is not exactly what I would consider a healthy sample to judge a proper conclusion from."
Westra Goldbrook: After locating Euron, Westra will inquire about some curse removal before she wolfs out on ppl.
Dr Catriona: "But, I suppose it is something."
Wolfe: Wolfe sighs at the description of the aftermath.
Dr Catriona: "Did those who consume him have no effect from the serum in his system?"
Wolfe: "Alright. Let's have you say your goodbyes to the villagers." He starts leading the kid to the other townsfolk.
Dr Catriona: consume'd
Vadim: "It's difficult to conduct a proper study in secret."
Dr Catriona: "OBVIOUSLY." she says in sudden, almost random frustration.
Vadim: "It did not appear to, just normal regurgitation of skeletal pieces."
Dr Catriona: Catriona straightens her coat some and recomposes herself.
Euron Sand: Euron isn't far from Westra. He looks very upset at the idea of a young person causing all of this suffering. "Captain, how are you holding up?"
Westra Goldbrook: "Glad to be upright, and thankful. But if you are not too weary, I was hoping you could help resolve the little matter of..." she trailed off, gesturing to the werewolf bite that'd infected her with the curse.
Dr Catriona: The doctor rubs her temples some as its been a trying day.
Euron Sand: "Yes, I can help with that right now." Euron said. He was weary, but for his sister in the faith, Euron will do what is needed. He removed the Watcher's Eye from around his neck and gently moved it over the bite. He spoke slowly in the Celestial language, demanding that the werewolf's curse leave Westra's body.
Wolfe: (We're not on some other time crunch tho are we?)
Dungeon Lord: "Oh gods! Vadim you are safe!" The older man that was worried about him earlier runs up and hugs boy. "Thank you! Thank you all!"
Vadim: "I am fine, Father."
Wolfe: "Don't be so quick to be worried about this little shit." Wolfe snarls down at Vadim as the older man hugs him. "He was down below us helping Darish make all the werewolves that attacked the town."
Westra Goldbrook: "My deepest thanks, Father," Westra says, sincerely. "As always, you are a light in the dark."
Wolfe: "He was trying to resurrect your wife and cure her of lycanthropy."
Vadim's Father: He stands up. "What? Vadim? You.....how?"
Euron Sand: "You're welcome, Captain. I hope that we're not going to rush off too soon. I think we could all do with a bit of rest. And...I'd like to pray over all that's happened."
Westra Goldbrook: While Wolfe takes the boy around to say his goodbyes, Westra will go looking for the horses and REX
Vadim: "You wouldn't understand Father. You were content with putting her in the ground and leaving her there. I told you I could fix her."
Westra Goldbrook: "We can rest on the way, I'm certain," Westra assures the cleric. "It will take us several days to reach her."
Dungeon Lord: "YOU CAN'T FIX THE DEAD! I have told you this a hundred tims young man! Gods be good he is with Torm." He shouts to Vadim.
Wolfe: "Yeah well he didn't get the message."
Vadim: "As I said, your mind cannot comprehend the complex issues I am trying to solve."
Wolfe: "Brilliance can breed arrogance."
Dungeon Lord: The man slaps the boy across the face leaving a red welt. "You will not speak to me in such a tone." He looks to Wolfe. "How was he involved with all of this?" Vadim sighs.
Wolfe: "Have to admit, I wanted to do that."
Dr Catriona: Seeing domestic squabbles in the distance, Catriona will walk over to the scene, her meek demeanor falling somewhat away.
Jonias Siannodel: "Or necessity gave birth to obsession. Magic can do what this child cannot. This child may indeed be brilliant, but so disconnected..."
Wolfe: "He created the Werewolves. The mecha ones, the fire ones, the undead, pretty much everything. Darish gave him a lab and the kid went nuts. Like a science candy store."
Dr Catriona: "Of all the things he understands, he doesn't understand certain consequences. Hitting him will not change that."
Wolfe: "He had a bunch of stuff down there in cages that he was harvesting for parts or experimenting on."
Dungeon Lord: The man looks around at the corpses still laying on the ground. "What?! But he is just a boy, only a monster could create such beasts..."
Wolfe: Wolfe shrugs.
Dr Catriona: "He was manipulated and exploited."
Wolfe: "Eh..." Wolfe lays his palm out flat and wiggles it a bit.
Dungeon Lord: "...Darish you said? Now that man is trouble....I'll bet he put these ideas in my boy's head.....I am going to have to report him to Eric and...."
Jonias Siannodel: Jonias points to the large werewolf and hybrid corpses, "Did the child not create those?"
Dr Catriona: "Who knows how long Darish has been twisting his intellect to his purposes."
Wolfe: "Darish is dead. We already killed him."
Dungeon Lord: "...You WHAT?" He takes a step back.
Wolfe: "Killed him."
Dr Catriona: "Mister, Please calm down."
Dungeon Lord: He seems a little more shaken. "Va...Vadim.....come over here. Away from those people."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra returns after having watered and readied the horses.
Wolfe: Wolfe puts a hand on Vadim's shoulder. "You got something you need to say?"
Dr Catriona: "Mister, I do not advise you have custody of your son."
Wolfe: He doesn't take his eyes off the father's face.
Dr Catriona: "With ..um.. all do respect... he will outsmart you time and again and that may breed more ..um..catastrophe."
Dungeon Lord: "I think....we should let Eric sort this thing out. You lot helped us against those beasts...but killing villagers....I think I need to take my boy and we can go see Eric." He looks around.
Wolfe: "You go get Eric. We'll be right here."
Dungeon Lord: "ERIC?!" He says with a squeak in his voice. He looks around and runs off shouting.
Wolfe: (No need to sugarcoat it)
Eric: He guard comes marching up with Vadim' father. "Ahh you lot, were you able to find the cause of all this insanity?"
Wolfe: "Yep. Darish and Vadim, here. We killed Darish. Didn't feel right about killing the kid, though."
Eric: His eyes widen. "Darish and Vadim? But...how?"
Wolfe: "Darish gave Vadim his lab. Vadim used it to experiment on all manner of shit to try and find a way to resurrect his dead mother and cure her of lycanthropy." "By the way he turned her into a thirty foot tall mutant werewolf that bled acid."
Eric: He looks down at Vadim and then to his father, then to Wolfe. "But...he is just a kid!"
Wolfe: "No shit that's what I just said."
Eric: "You can't mean to put him in prision?"
Westra Goldbrook: "He is a danger. Since there is no magistrate here, we mean to take him to the most just one we know of who has suffered due to his obsession."
Jonias Siannodel: Jonias animated Wolfe's words as he spoke with Minor Illusion and Mage Hand, filling the townsfolk in as they gathered about. When the half-orc swore the elf merely made a few burry symbols appear in the air.
Eric: "He is just a boy. Darish is a scheming fool, would sell his own mother for a silver....surely Vadim did not intend to harm anyone."
Wolfe: "Eh. The Dragon'll decide on it. She can weigh the soul of those she looks upon."
Dr Catriona: "When I was eight years old, I accidentally created a fissure in the main street of my town that became a geyser and flooded 20 citizens out of their homes for weeks." "Age doesn't matter when you do not see the world like 'normal' people do."
Wolfe: "Yeah, but did you feel bad about it, Cat?"
Dr Catriona: "No."
Wolfe: "Oh."
Dr Catriona: "I had to learn to."
Wolfe: "Ah."
Dr Catriona: "Which is my baseline point in all of this."
Wolfe: "...I get what you're saying." He wags a finger at her and nods. "So what do you think?"
Dr Catriona: "I am not... good with.. um.. emotion. It does not look like he is either."
Vadim: "Remorse can input bias into test results and should be avoided along with all emotion during the scientific method."
Wolfe: "We should take him back to Neverwinter and give him to a Temple of Oghma or something?"
Dr Catriona: "And see my point proven."
Jonias Siannodel: Jonais looks at Doctor Wicker, a hint of sadness, "You should have been raised in a more civilized community."
Wolfe: "Where did you go to learn? She was raised in one of the most advanced cities in Faerun, before the Spellplague."
Vadim: "I read all of Baldarich's books before I was ten. The only way to learn in this educational desert."
Dr Catriona: "Still, when you are a child, it is different."
Jonias Siannodel: "Evereska. Where did you go?"
Dr Catriona: "A temple of Gond. But in my teenage years I went to academy. I feel a temple of Oghma may serve him well as there is likely a rich amount of knowledge there and they value it more than most."
Wolfe: Wolfe frowns and considers it
Jonias Siannodel: "Certainly fine people I'm sure. I simply mean that perhaps my people, her shared lineage, could have done better. I'm sorry she did not have that opportunity."
Sera: "Vadim is not to blame, Father."
Wolfe: "It doesn't sit right with me that he doesn't get punished for what he's done. No judgment.." He stops as he hears his daughter's voice, turning to regard her. He is relieved to see her, but outwardly he is still serious.
Dr Catriona: "Is it punishment if he doesnt understand punishment?"
Wolfe: "Sera. You came back."
Sera: The familiar voice of his daughter had crept up behind the group. "When I refused to help Darish anymore, things got out of control." She drops her head. "I am ready to face my judgement, for all my sins. I should have stayed and protected Vadim...and prevented...all of this."
Wolfe: "What do you mean? How did it change?"
Dr Catriona: She shrugs at Jonias. "My mother was Elvish, but she wasn't all too keen on her people. Just about all she taught me was the language." Twitching her nose, her gaze draws over to the returning Sera.
Sera: "He started capturing other werewolves, and then experimenting on them. Once the farmhouse was no longer suitable for his testing and containment, he moved here. I tried to capture and contain as many of his creatures that got loose as I could, but it was not enough.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra watches and listens, though there's clearly no elation on her face when it's revealed that Sera has returned.
Wolfe: "Why didn't you say this before?"
Jonias Siannodel: Jonias nods to Catriona, "I realize you and Wolfe may have taken my words a slight against you and your own. I meant no ill will. I just feel, well I know you would have had a more understanding approach in Evereska."
Sera: "I.....was confused and....scared. That you would hate me."
Dr Catriona: Her shoulders rise and fall at Jonias, though she does not look offended. "Maybe. I can only take your word for it."
Wolfe: Wolfe frowns and lets out a heavy exhalation of breath. "Sera..." He draws his hand off Vadim and steps forward to her. "You are my daughter. I love you." He will reach out to embrace her. It seemed the right moment to do it.
Sera: She accepts her father's embrace and sobs into his shoulder. "I. am. so. sorry."
Wolfe: "I know, love." His fingers hold her against him, and he feels something tighten in his chest. As he holds her, a thought comes to mind. Setting her down, he turns to the others.
Dr Catriona: --Circle Wipe Fadeout- (Written and Directed by George Lucas)
Wolfe: "Sera, Vadim has a cure to Lycanthropy." He reaches into his bag and draws it out. "He had lied." "But. He's only tested it once." "You said you're willing to go home? Face your grandfather?"
Sera: "What?" She looks perplexed.
Westra Goldbrook: ((Kids. They never listen.))
Sera: She pauses for a moment and look to Vadim, his brow furrows into a familial frown. Then she looks back to her father in determination. "Yes. I will face Grandfather's justice whatever that may be. It cannot begin to atone for my actions after I left. For Mama."
Wolfe: Tears sting in Wolfe's eyes. A small smile comes forth and he nods slowly in approval. "Alright." Something she said really struck him, there. He got choked up in the moment. Holding the potion in one hand, he reaches up to the back of his neck and unclasps the amulet. Bunching it up, he extends it onto her. "Put this on."
Sera: "What about you?"
Wolfe: "I got this." He shakes the potion. "Already had one today. What's the worst that can happen?"
Vadim: "Wait! We need the lunar isolation chamber!"
Wolfe: "I'm not drinking it now, pipe the fuck down."
Euron Sand: Euron is stunned at this turn of events.
Dr Catriona: The expressive scientist has her lips form a tight line.
Vadim: "I'm not going to have a half orc ruin my first peer reviewed experiment." He says matter-of-factly.
Wolfe: "Shutup kid, or I'm gonna cut off your hands and use your fingers as snacks."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs.
Euron Sand: "Vadim, I think it's best if you just let this go."
Westra Goldbrook: She looks to Eric.
Euron Sand: "You're in enough trouble as it stands."
Vadim: "Orc's don't really consume the flesh of humans, that is one of the children's tales spread across the Sword Coasts to keep children away for orc encampments."
Jonias Siannodel: Jonias laughs loud and very un-elf-like at the half-orc.
Wolfe: "Sera. We're going to go back to Neverwinter to drop this delinquent off at a Temple of Oghma. You should come with us."
Westra Goldbrook: "We are taking him to an institution of learning, where his drive to learn can be nurtured while balanced with a sense of right and wrong. Do you object?"
Sera: "I am your prisoner Father, I will go as I am instructed." She seems more relaxed than Wolfe has seen her these last few days. She even gives him a toothy smile.
Wolfe: "You are my daughter. Not my prisoner." He says, forcefully. "Alright." he turns to the others. "Let's get settled in, take a rest, get a hot meal maybe? And then let's have this kid try out his ridiculous garbage on me and then we'll take him down to Neverwinter so Westra can be reunited with her lost-love Lord Neverember." He stows the potion.
L.E.R.O.Y.: "Those traits are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Don't you agree Mistress?" The robot appears next to Cat with the Rex in tow.
Dr Catriona: "AH!"
Wolfe: "Before we do, though, I just want to say something. Jonias, Westra, Euron, Cat." He looks to each in turn. "Thank you."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra makes an annoyed sound, then turns to move off. She pauses when Wolfe starts to talk again.
Wolfe: "You've all suffered a lot of pain and anguish helping me get here to find Sera. I won't forget that. It's a debt I can never truly repay."
Euron Sand: "You don't have to thank me, Wolfe. But you're welcome all the same." the Priest says, with a smile. End Session 45 and Story Arc #2
Westra bristled just slightly at Wolfe's comment about the criminal's neighborhood.
"I assure you, my patrols with the guard took me througout Neverwinter," she felt compelled to say, entirely missing the dig at the truth of being otherwise averse to such parts of town.
"Very well, then," she said, when everyone seemed to have come to an agreement. "I propose we rest tonight, and head out at first light. It will give the boy's family a chance to say their goodbyes or prepare to travel with him. We will see the dragon, and if all goes well, continue from there to Neverwinter. Most of us, at least," she said, allowing a nod towards Euron and Jonias, who'd said they'd return to Sunderwood instead.
Westra then paid for a round of drinks for the crew, and in as noble a fashion as she could manage (while probably being mocked by the half-orc), she toasted the Watch and congratulated them on work well done.
The next morning's dawn saw them assemble and move out without issue, relying heavily on Wolfe's navigation skills to return them to the cave of Astonaxia.
While Wolfe, Westra, and Dr. Wicker spoke of returning to Neverwinter after paying the silver dragon a visit, Jonias turned to Euron, patting the priest on his armored shoulder.
"Your a good man Euron. If you will remain here I'd like to coordinate my efforts with Academy at Evereska and you. No need to have a large magical device residing underneath such a small hamlett. My brethren will compensate these people, and hopefully the sight of visiting elven wizards will keep whatever else lurks in these woods away. That cave nearby also held the remains of an ancient city of the Alu'Tel'Quessir. No doubt the Academy of Magic will want to explore that as well."
Beryl nipped at the elf's earlobe, "Ah! Sorry, Beryl lets me know I'm babbling in the worst ways sometimes." Though he expressed some minor frustration, it was clear to Jonias that his familiar was coming round to her old self.
The mildly disheveled scientist remained on the periphery of the gathering, briefly distracted by how barren and desolate things are in the inn. The watering hole wouldn’t be filled with laughter and socialization for a long while. Haunting.
With a slight adjustment of her glasses, her attention turned to the central conversation over the table with random items. It made sense for the elf to be provided some of the enchanted gear, as he had been helpful as Mister Wolfe stated. There wasn’t anything for her other than some of the notes that needed to be studied further.
She listened to the various testimonies of what comes next. It sounded like a visit to the powerful (if not slightly antagonistic) silver wyrm was what was decided for Vadim. That course of action didn’t wholly make sense to her, but at this point, she believed she had given more than enough of her opinion on the matter.
The giving of a lycanthrope troll head to that shady person that provided the scroll to revive Westra also came across as questionable. Who knows what kind of nefarious faction was just handed a bio-weapon.
When the crosstalk turned to her as a subject, she looked to snap out of her own head. “Um.. That was probably a mindgame, Mister Wolfe. But um...I can help with what is needed.”
« Last post by Wolfe on September 27, 2018, 01:22:21 PM »
Wolfe turned to consider his daughter and her question, finding it odd. "In all the years that you've known me, Sera, I'd think you would know my view on that. Deeds and Actions are what hold weight and what others should judge you by. Words are wind, right?" It was a saying he'd made often, and one echoed by his Shogun. Or maybe, the other way around.
Regarding the Paladin who had been a right-pain-in-his-ass the last few months, he eyed Westra and her suggestion to come along to see to the promised debt. "He wanted to meet me in Neverwinter, so it's not a long side-quest. You've probably never been to his neighborhood, though." Wolfe smirked over to Westra, patting the bag that lay flat but held a large deal of weight within its magical confines.
Smiling over to Cat, the Half-Orc seemed deeply amused at the Mystic-Nerd(ge). "He thinks Cat's pretty cute. We should bring her along as a distraction."
Westra listened to Wolfe's reasoning as he made his suggestions about divvying up the loot. She nodded, content with the enhanced halberd coming to her. The half-orc explained his plans for the immediate future, and Jonias and Euron followed suit. Westra listened with a sober expression, nodding first to the rogue and then to the cleric.
"I must return to Neverwinter. I have... obligations for which I must answer. But first, I will accompany you back to the dragon to see to the boy's fate," she told the group in general, before looking to Wolfe specifically. "And perhaps I should accompany you to pay this debt, as well. Where do you intend to find this man who deals in life, death, and werewolves?"