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April 29, 2019, 10:39:18 PM

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April 08, 2019, 09:37:05 AM

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March 06, 2019, 01:14:45 AM

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February 20, 2019, 01:56:30 PM

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October 05, 2018, 11:16:22 PM

It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)

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The dwarf shook his head and sputtered as he waved dust from the air in front of him. “Ye lot a’ crazy.” He said to Zimran as he appeared from his hiding spot in the doorway, speaking in his broken common. “Ye nearly, brought ta whole place down.” He paused then, the look with the bard at the remains of the black spider’s lair.

A grey fog permeated the air, making it difficult to see more than several feet in front of anyone. Westra found herself completely blind until she was able to restart her torch, which went out in the chaos. The flickering light spread across the remains of what was several minutes ago, a shrine. Remnants of the pillars and ceiling piled themselves high in the middle of the room where most of the ceiling had collapsed. The mangled remains of bodies lay scattered across the floor, fluid and gore covering everything. The massive body of the black spider twitched occasionally while its blue blood continued to pour from the many gaping wounds inflicted upon him.

Occasionally a few pebbles would drop or roll down the cracked remains of the ceiling, echoing their clacks across the large empty hall, but except for that and the sounds of the Watch, the room seemed eerily silent. A large piece of stone cracked the heavy wooden table in half where the Spider had been working before the Watch’s arrival. As the group inspected the area they found a wealth of documentation.

Littered across the southwestern area of the room are all manner of papers and ledgers including those regarding the mine, the events around Phandalin, and several documents detailing the public histories of the Watch members.  It would take several hours to collect organize and go through all the materials, but as it was done, there was also an interesting amount of papers referencing Glassstaff, Neverember, Rutherford, the commerce of Neverwinter, guard schedules and routes, and city maps.

They also found a curious missive that did not seem to fit with the others.



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Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2018, 06:32:37 PM »
Raithe took up a position in a corner of the room and started sharpening his knives.

He didn't know the extent of what Vyara had done in his name, but he had to find out fast. That the doppelganger had not shown himself since the before the end of the battle didn't bode well. Raithe slid his daggers over the whetstone, staring at nothing in particular, while he considered his next moves. The Black Spider was dead and Phandelian would be safer without his shadow looming over them.

All the same, it opened up the area to new threats and the Watch was the only group that could stop them.

But he couldn't let Vyara walk away from all of this alive. His wounded pride at being one-upped had blossomed into an anger that would consume him if he allowed it.

He continued run his knives over the stone, slowly breathing in and out. He could plot all of the horrible ways he'd kill the Drow soon. Right now, they all had to get out of this place alive and in one piece. Between Wolfe and Westra, that was going to be a hell of a challenge.


Zimran Ibanez

Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2018, 02:26:25 PM »

Zimran's eyes adjusted to the bit of light coming out of the room behind him from where Nundro appeared. The bard simply nodded to the dwarf as he called this other group of adventures crazy.

The half-elf's eyes adjusted again as the armored woman lit her torch. Zimran's face froze briefly smitten by warrior, trying to recollect if he had gotten her name earlier. He quickly shook his head as he looked towards the others. The young half-elf woman who created shades of herself and was already examining the corpses around the room with strange contraptions seemed already preoccupied. Then there was the half-orc he had promised to write a song about. the others had yelled at him earlier and it seemed as if he was the cause of the ceiling collapse during the battle. Lastly Zimran eyed the elf who moved to sharpen his blades in the corner. Why the others seemed to trust him so easily was beyond the bard. Zimran thought it best to be wary of the man who appeared as one of his former captors.

There had been a brief bit of banter between this motley crew after the din of battle. Zimran used that time to quickly look over the staff the drow Nezzenar once held. The bard face looked disgusted at the garishness of the drow's implement, adorned with a spider and patterns of someone compensating for something. Still, the bard held on to it. No doubt Nezzenar would have some item of power and it would best to make sure it was safe.

Finally the bard looked around again at the others before placing his hand on Nundro's shoulder. Zimran cleared his throat and finally spoke up, "Thank you for coming to our aid companions."

The half-elf bowed slightly before patting Nundro, "Again, I am Zimran Ibanez, and this is Nundro Rockseeker. He's one of the dwarves who hold a claim on this mine." He nodded  over his shoulder towards the room Nundra had walked of, "There's water, wine, and food in there if it's safe enough to rest, and I can mend wounds should anyone need it."

Zimran's eyes darted again between the adventurers before glancing mostly between the lovely warrior and the half-orc, "If I may ask? Which of you leads your band?"


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2018, 03:59:21 AM »
Disheveled.  That was the best way to describe the young woman who just watched the captain carve into the underbelly of the unholy creature.  Her internal reserves had zeroed out, a dangerous state to be in, but she kept quiet about it.  The caking blood from her nose was wiped away as she moved through the carpet of dead bugs to gather the scraps of GIZMO-2 that she could find.  Additionally, she would collect all the documents, as they looked of importance.

The scientist held the bundle of parchments close to her chest before ginger strides carried her in the direction of the bard.  More specifically, she sought these unmolested chambers that would be more comfortable.  The immediate post-battle banter was not something she partook in this time.  There was also the matter of the Raithe duplicate that she hoped someone would address with the attention it warranted.  Perhaps there were clues in these files.

"Doctor Wicker.  And, the Captain does." she said in a pressed state, not as composed as when he first laid eyes upon her.   A terse introduction towards the minstrel and the dwarf, but pleasantries were more likely once she had composed herself.  Catriona did not wait for any kind of tour, instead peered about herself through her lenses, arms full.  When she found these accommodations, she set her burdens down and sat for a spell.  A trickle of blood fell from her nose again, though now she was able to tend to it.    With a kerchief, she also cleaned most of her face and the like.

"There are extensive documents here.  Quite comprehensive, if not dense.  It will take a while to parse them properly." The announcement was to no one in particular, but it was made, nonetheless. 

Pulling out the notable missive, she separates it from the pile on the table.  "This one is from someone else. It's signed Z and doesn't match the others."  Her words were devoid of energy and had the mildest interest. 

The puffy eyed, pale half-elf then slumped in her seat with a sigh.  Overuse of certain powers manifested in her psychology; sustained use of void and darkness gave the affect one would expect.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2018, 12:03:20 PM »
Westra did indeed re-light her torch, and held it up to peer through the dusty aftermath, coughing quietly.

"Is everyone alright?"

Her usual post-combat poll was a bit less energetic than usual. The Captain, who was usually quite particular with her halberd, stood with her weight leaned upon it, a rare sight. Clearly weary from the exertions of the past few hours, she swept her gaze over each of the other Watch members in turn. All seemed to be managing themselves well enough for the moment, save Wolfe. He was laid prone in the lap of the statue of the dwarf, and the sight of him laying there like a drunken lout drew a gentle sneer across Westra's face. She wiped the blood from one cheek and started towards him, her pace reluctant but resolved.

"Get up, you fool," she growled, thumping his calf with the lower part of her weapon. When he didn't stir, she hesitated a brief second, then fished one of the Doctor's goodberries out of her pocket. With her face crinkling in obvious distaste, she pushed the berry into the half-orc's mouth, and once his reflexes had caused him to swallow it, she stood upright and thumped his leg again with her halberd to stir him. She waited a beat to see if he woke, because yelling at him wasn't nearly as satisfying if he wasn't conscious to hear it.

By that time, though, the Bard was addressing the group. Westra turned to regard him and the dwarf at his side. She hesitated in replying, only because the doctor was suddenly headed towards the door with an armful of papers, and Westra didn't like the banged-up look of her. Assuming Wolfe had successfully returned to the realm of the conscious, Westra would begin to make her way towards the doorway through which the doctor had gone, to speak to the Bard who stood there introducing himself.

"I am Westra Goldbrook, of Neverwinter, a captain of the Flaming Fist," she told him, watching him with a sharp, almost critical eye while she extended a hand for him to shake. "If I'm not mistaken, we owe you thanks as well, Master Ibanez. It was your effort that restored some strength when I was flagging, was it not? You have my gratitude." It was tempting to explain that every advantage was necessary when one traveled with someone as careless as a half-orc in one's party, but she refrained. Barely. She looked to the dwarf then, and offered her hand there.

"Well met, Master Rockseeker." Westra was burdened by the need the tell the dwarf about the fate of his brother, but opted to hold back for the moment in favor of relocating the group to somewhere safer. "Come," she said, turning back to Raithe and Wolfe. "Let us move to the more friendly space to recover from this." Barring objections, she'd find the doctor in the next room. Once there, she nodded to the doctor's assessment of the documents, and moved over to take hold of the odd parchment Doctor Wicker had pointed out. Before reading it, the paladin eyed the bloodied scientist, warily.

"Do you need assistance, Doctor?" she asked. "I have a healing potion yet, and our new friend has offered his healing magics," she said, gesturing to Zimran (assuming he too relocated).



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Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2018, 01:02:17 PM »
Wolfe had gotten his ass kicked.

It wasn't a common thing, really, and for whatever reason his rage hadn't burned as hot down here and given him the edge to keep fighting when he normally might have expired. He woke from darkness, having lost all sense of the world and gained no manner of dreams and found Westra standing over him with a sneer on her face.

"Ugh. Fuck off." He groaned as he rolled over onto his side, clutching at his own wounds. The Drow had done a number on him with his freaky garbage.

As far as Wolfe was concerned, Raithe was sorted. He bled red blood upon Wolfe's blade and as far as he knew, Dopplegangers had green or yellow blood or some shit. He sat up slowly, surveying the mess of the room and laughed softly to himself -- though it inspired a cough and a sharp wince of pain.
"Ow. We really fucked his shit up. His whole temple to his Spider God gone with him."

Getting slowly to his feet after he slid off the Dwarf's lap, he began to slowly follow the others while he cradled his ribs. He spat some blood that had lingered in his mouth (along with goodberry taste, yegh) and fished for his flask. He opened it and went to take a swig, but found it was empty. With annoyance he stowed the empty one, then reached for one of the ones that still had ale from the Hobgoblin's stores. Wasn't as good, but when in a pinch...

Taking a swig from the flask he narrowed his eyes some and looked over at the Half Elf who had been throwing out a bunch of bullshit in the middle of the fight but had also taken the Spider down for them to murder with his magic. He made note to not underestimate him given that he could paralyze someone with a wiggle of his likely-feminine fingers.

"Glad you're alright Nundro." The Half-Orc said genuinely with a bit of a stutter in his speech because his lungs weren't one hundred percent yet. He made his way toward the nearest sturdy looking wall and slowly sat down against it. "You're the last one. That Spider-Kisser killed the other two."

Indelicate, as always, Wolfe then took another swig to clear his palette. He winced at how awful the Hobgoblin swill was, but he drank some more of it down to put a burn in his belly and chest -- which it was good at.


Zimran Ibanez

Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2018, 02:58:21 PM »
"Well met...Doctor..." Zimran sputtered out as the young woman whipped past him with the bundle of papers she had gathered.

The bard started to look towards where Westra was proding the half-orc up and withheld himself from interrupting their exchange. When the majestic woman finally offered her hand and eyed him Zimran took her hand in his and bowed with a slight flourish, "It is my pleasure to assist you captain."

The exchange was brief as she moved on to introducing herself to Nundro before  before calling the others to catch up with the hurried doctor. It was then that the half-orc dispensed terrible news. Zimran was quick to throw an arm over the dwarf's shoulders, knowing that the dwarf had already suffered the loss of one brother. "I am terribly sorry my friend. Come lets see if we can find something for you to drink."

The bard shot a displeased look at the lumbering brute while the half-orc sat against the wall.



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Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2018, 03:50:04 PM »
The dwarf nodded as he was introduced and took a moment to inspect each member of the group as they moved into the room one by one. His mouth gaped, but for just a moment, as Wolfe delivered the news of his remaining brother. A slight hint of sullenness betrayed itself in Nundro’s eyes, though he only nodded and attempted to mask the hurt of his loss. “I had ‘oped he was just delayed.” He offered no other response as everyone moved into the small study the Spider had made the dwarf’s prison for several weeks.

He straightened has the bard offered promise of drink. “None of that elf swill fer me, thank ye laddie. I could really use a pint of Mithral Ale.” He followed everyone back into the room and sat quietly on the couch he had been first discovered.



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  • Money. Survival. a cute notion.
Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2018, 03:57:10 PM »
Raithe looked up when Westra suggested that they move to another space. His hand still stung a bit from Wolfe's little test, but he endured it silently. He put his knives and sharpening stone away, then rose from his seat against the wall. Rather than follow Westra and the others immediately, Raithe headed to  the entrance to the room, stepping over the bodies of the dead Drow, and sprinkled a few caltrops across the entrance.

Once he was satisfied of any early warning for intruders or people who happened up this way, Raithe followed the rest of the group to the other location. He noted that Wolfe and Westra were still the odd couple, still going at each other. Raithe wondered if it was genuine irritation anymore, but he didn't bring it up.

He noted the Dwarf and the Other Half-Elf (by dint of being the second Half-Elf that Raithe men, since Doc was the Professor Doc) and offered a nod.

Speaking of Doc, she looked like she wasn't doing so well. Raithe watched her move away from the group, then went to follow her. He made sure his gear rustled just enough to let the Doc know he was walking up to her, rather than attempting to sneak up on her.

"Hey, you mind if I take a look at some of these papers? Maybe I can help figure out what's on them." Raithe said.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2018, 05:41:42 PM »
If she believed in such things in their proper etymology and meaning, one could say these Rockseeker brothers were cursed.  She has seen more dead Rockseekers than living ones at this point.  The way Wolfe unceremoniously delivered that update did not bother her as much as it did others.  She, herself, was not one proficient with tact, but was more likely to deliver that information in a sheepish fashion.  That Ibanez fellow seemed to be able to tamp down the coarse edge of the topic...

She shook her head at Westra, slowly, with minimal eye-contact.  "That would have negligible effect and be a less than ideal use of resources."  Whatever was ailing her did not look to be injury born.  Her bracer'd arm lifted so that she could check what looked like a gauge with a slowly blinking light.  It had the aesthetic of looking at a gasoline gauge and indicator that it was on (E)mpty.  "My metabolic equilibrium is suffering from excess depletion of reserves. Using void energies and the duplicates is... the most taxing.  I just uh... have to focus on regulating my core for now."  Beat. "I would ...rather not reach critical mass and explode or something."  that last bit delivered in a black-humor type of way, after that bout of science-babble™.

"Umm... I think we... would do well to make sure we are safe here." she offered to the Captain with the important Missive, before Real Raithe approached her. 

"I was going to say perhaps split up some so we can see what this.. enemy was doing.  I mean, it even looks like he has files on some of us."  She pushed a bundle of documents towards Raithe.

Before he could respond to the to the moon elfe, she had her head just loll back against the chair and mouth open, like a toddler.  Glasses remained on her face, slightly cocked and she seemed to have instantly succumbed to a narcoleptic episode

She wasn't dead, though.  There was breathing; detectable if you neared her.  No drool...yet.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2018, 07:09:44 PM »
"Metabol--" Westra began to repeat softly, eyes narrowed in uncertainty before she gave up in favor of listening to the rest of the doctor's ramblings. She did take away from the deluge of unfamiliar words that the doctor did not feel that she required immediate healing. Westra wasn't entirely convinced, but held her tongue. She looked towards the papers Catriona pushed towards Raithe, and then looked back to the doctor, lips parting to speak. The doctor, however, seemed to be suddenly and deeply asleep. After assuring that the woman did indeed seem to be at least stable, Westra let her be and turned her attention back to the dwarf.

"You have my condolences," Westra offered gravely, after a near-Herculean effort was expended to not stop and berate the indelicate orc among them for his brusqueness. Or his "tactics" during the fight. Or his mouth. Or his stench. Ugh.

"Gundren was indeed delayed by a scourge who called himself King Grol. We managed to rescue him, but assassins took him the first night he was free. It is a loss; he seemed a decent fellow." The dwarf went off to grieve on his own, and Westra watched him go. She had more questions for him concerning the caverns and the Spider's doings, but she determined they could wait for a bit. It was better, she decided, to give the man time to process his losses.

While sifting through the documents was likely the better use of her time, an unanswered question prodded her to turn once more to the bard among them.

"I'm sorry if it's already been said and I missed it," she said, looking uncertain. "But may I ask what you're doing here? How did you come to be mixed up in this?"


Zimran Ibanez

Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2018, 08:30:02 PM »
Zimran kept his arm around Nundro's shoulder until he could sense the dwarf was ready to be left alone to his thoughts. Without any ale present the bard looked over to the brute who shared the unfortunate news of the other Rockseeker brothers.

"If there's more of that ale to be had I'm sure my dwarf friend here would be most appreciative," Zimran's eyes narrowed slightly, "Considering..." The bard held his tongue as the Flaming Fist captain chimed in, mindful of the look she shared with the half-orc.

Thirsty, Zimran poured himself some wine. The half-elf was ready to check on his yarting, when he felt the Flaming Fist Captain's gaze turn to him. Then came the question.

Harpers usually keep their affiliation hidden. Sometimes, just being associated with the secretive organization was enough of a death sentence. Yet today it seemed he'd be sharing it with everyone. When the fastidious doctor noted that Nezzenar had notes on some of them, the Harper knew it would only be a matter of time before something about him came up.

Zimran approached Westra, reaching into the breast pocket of his leather jacket and clutching his pin in his hand. Once up close with the Flaming Fist Captain, the bard spoke hushed but clearly to her, "I'm a Harper." The statement was simple and said plainly, without his prior flourishes, only his palm faced up towards the captain  with his harper's Pin resting on it.

"I was waylaid on the road to Phandalin by a band of ruffians carrying a missive intended for Gundren Rockseeker and his brothers," Zimran continued. "Once they figured out I was a Harper, they kept me alive and had me transferred here. I haven't been a prisoner here for more than a day. When I first came across you and your companions I was testing the bounds of my captivity."
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 08:46:34 PM by Zimran Ibanez »



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Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2018, 06:28:56 PM »
Wolfe looked up at Zimran and his suggestion that he share his drink with the Dwarf. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "I doubt it. This swill's leftover from Grol's hobgoblins. It tastes like suddy cow piss. Dwarves like the good stuff. I'll buy him a round when we get back to town."

The Half-Orc let out a slow laugh at Zimran's revelation, though it ended with a wet cough. "Hah! Fuckin' Harpers. You might be the first useful one I've met. Most of 'em do less than dick around here these days." Well, that was ignoring the current Queen of Neverwinter and her closest associates, but Wolfe didn't count them. As far as he was concerned Neverember was running the city.

That said he looked over at Cat and Raithe, seeming amused at the doctor passing out and Raithe checkin over things.

"You gonna go after that fucker who wore your face, Raithe?" He paused and considered, then, that it had been the Doppleganger that helped establish the meeting that brought Westra back.


"Say. Zim. You or Raithe overhear anything about what this Doppleganger was supposed to be doin' while he was hiding out as Raithe?"


Westra Goldbrook

Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2018, 09:42:08 AM »
Westra eyed Raithe after Wolfe's question. She thought she'd noticed a second image of Raithe during the fight, but had assumed it was some sort of elven chicanery on the thief's part, for what little she'd been able to ponder it. It was only now, in the relative calm of the aftermath, that she recalled the details that made her initial assumption seem false. She was interested in that conversation, but was distracted from listening to it.

Zimran drew near and spoke quietly to Westra, who watched him with an intensity that might've suggested both interest and careful skepticism. Somehow she seemed both willing to hear him out in such a conspiratorial fashion and prepared to bash him over the head if his movement was a ruse to surprise her with something foul.

The revelation of Zimran's status as a Harper caused Westra's chin to lift slightly, and her mien to become more thoughtful.

"Interesting," was all she said at first, before being interrupted by an eavesdropping half-orc. Westra lowered her eyes and sighed, as though reminding herself that her fellowship with Wolfe was part of some great holy burden or something, and then opened her mouth to continue speaking with Zimran as though the orc hadn't contributed.

...only to be interrupted again. This time, however, Wolfe had a genuine question, and Westra looked to Zimran afterwards to hear his answer before proceeding.


Zimran Ibanez

Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2018, 10:56:09 AM »
Zimran sighed audibly after the half-orc blurted out the bard's true occupation. The half-elf had hoped to reveal to each member in his own time to gauge their reaction, and Zimran could only hope the brute was giving at best a backhanded compliment. The interruption seemed to give the captain some pause, especially after questions as to a "wraith" which seemed to refer to the elf who had stood alongside Nezzenar not a few hours before.

Zimran's shared a sympathetic look with Westra before narrowing his eyes towards the half-orc and the elf, "I don't know of any 'wraiths' here or dopplegangers. I only know that your elf companion was standing alongside Nezzenar just a short while earlier as one of my captors. I can only hope that he was acting as an agent of yours in the Black Spider's service. Perhaps Nundro can answer more, he's been here longer than I have."



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Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2018, 10:31:57 PM »
Raithe looked over the papers that Professor Doc showed him, but even the Elf was a little surprised when she just fell unconscious right there. For a moment, Raithe wondered if she'd been hurt more than she let on. But he didn't see the telltale signs of a concealed wound, nor did he think Professor Doc capable of hiding such a thing if she had one. Despite the fact that Raithe couldn't recall ever seeing her smile, Doc had the most expressive face in the group. She wasn't a killer like the rest of them.

Doc wasn't dead, though. Just exhausted. Fatigue settled deep in Raithe's bones. He wished he could sleep as easy as she did.

Kids these days.

Wolfe piped up and asked Raithe if he was going after Vyara for wearing his face.

"Yeah, I kinda have to. I don't know everything that he did in my absence. If I don't, it'll come back to bite me in the ass someday when I least expect it. But I'm not leaving until we shut this place down and figure out what to do with it.

If we find that bastard between now and then, I'm taking him out.
" Raithe said.

He looked the Harper.

"I'm the Raithe that he's talking about. The doppelganger is named Vyara and he took me out of commission while he traveled with them. Now you're caught up." Raithe said.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2018, 01:44:09 AM »
As the others discussed matters and made sure introductions were properly settled, Catriona looked ridiculously harmless, if not amusing in her catatonic rest state.  It was not as if she was awake, she would come across as all that important to matters, anyway.  She knew the least out of the others of what exactly was going on and was generally regulated as a somewhat out-of-place follower to the more seasoned fighters. 


An hour or so in, an amusing situation would occur in the form of the nearest parchment to her on the table began to bristle and shift.  The sheet slid off the table by some unseen force and began to slowly orbit the platinum blonde girl as she shifted positions in her slumber.  It kept doing so, like a moon around a planet for a few seconds in an odd manifestation of a psionic quirk. 

Suddenly, it flew right at her slack jawed countenance, covering it and causing her to shoot awake. “AH! I can’t - oh” she exclaimed just before catching the reality of the situation.  She pulled at the parchment that static clung to her face, with some actual difficulty… until she calmed down and it fell away easily.  “Never uh.. Mind. False alarm.”  Sitting up straighter, she was possibly embarrassed but her gaze would not move to meet anyone else’s. 

Also, drool wipe™.

She reorganized the documents before her and spoke up again.  “I was... um... thinking that given the strange situation with the duplicate spying on us, it would do well if I screened you all for any suspicious arcana with my W.E.E.N.I.S.” 

The doctor’s posture straightened some as she held up one of the files on one of the group members. “This kind of intelligence gathering is  high caliber.  I would say it's best not to take chances and be certain we are we who we say we are.”  Adjusting her spectacles, she stood to go to her pack so she could grab the device.

(click to show/hide)



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Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2018, 01:15:43 PM »
Wolfe nodded slowly at Raithe's comments about the Doppleganger and the Black Spider. They weren't helpful, but all things considered he probably wasn't going to get much more information. The upshot was that meant only Cat knew about the deal with Westra and the circumstances of her resurrection and he felt the Doc was a 50-50 chance of not spilling the details until it became pertinent to do so.

Cat's sudden waking caused him to laugh, if only because it was adorable and silly at the same time. The laugh caused him to wince, though, as he was still fairly beat up.

"Sure, Doc. Ya do what you need to.." He allowed once she said she wanted to use her.. heh heh.. WEENIS on them. He had no reason not to trust Cat at this point.

Sullen and not willing to sleep just yet, he set his swords aside to let himself get more comfortable against the wall. He itched to count the gems again, but he didn't know Zimran. Didn't know if he could trust him yet. Didn't know if he could trust Raithe a hundred percent, yet.

His fingers flexed and loosened, and he exhaled slowly. Time enough for it later, when they were all asleep.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2018, 01:46:53 PM »
"Raithe is his name, not his race," Westra clarified for Zimran, when he seemed to be confused. "And there seems to be some issue with--" she began to say, but paused when Raithe explained himself that he'd been replaced by someone named Vyara. Westra frowned sharply at this, and left the Bard's side to approach Raithe and Wolfe.

"How did this happen?" she said, looking from one to the other.

Once she was filled in on the doppleganger affair, Westra would find a place to sit down. She'd take a moment to rest and clean herself up, and would then seek some solemn meditation via silent prayer until the doctor woke with a shout. Westra came to her feet at once, startled, but settled again quickly when it became clear there was no cause for alarm.

She nodded to the doctor's suggestion, and would present herself for inspection without issue.



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  • If it works, I can break it.
Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2018, 01:55:36 PM »
Nundro sat quietly while the rest of the group spoke and were probed by the W.E.E.N.I.S. Any inquires of his captor’s knowledge or actions came with no insightful information. While Nundro had been held, it was quickly discovered he opted to sleep and remain in the small confines of their current room. The dwarf’s fiery demeanor that exposed itself during the battle with the spider had seemingly vanished into the timid, uncertain, being he had been when Zimran first met him. The more insightful members of the groups would likely attribute that to the second loss of a brother due to Wolfe’s revelation.

As the Doctor probed each member in turn she found the following:
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While her tools worked, Cat found herself feeling as if she were under be watched by something extraterrestrial, though the W.E.E.N.I.S. did not report any further findings.


Zimran Ibanez

Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2018, 02:18:01 PM »
Zimran's eye brows arched as several people explained who Raithe was and the issue of his being "replaced." It didn't make much sense and the half-elf's body language showed his general mistrust of the elf who apparently wasn't one of his captors.

Seeing that his revelation of being a Harper wasn't going to be challenged, Zimran settled down near the dwarf and sat cross-legged with his yarting in his lap. He knew he couldn't break into song but he did hum an Amnian song while drumming his fingers on the finely polished wood of his instrument. The bard knew he relaxed best with a bit of music and knew the others would feel the same effects. Zimran had been weaving spells into his songs for years now and knew its effects would be helpful to this adventuring group, even if he didn't know what to make of them yet.
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When the studious doctor woke up suddenly, the bard continued to hum and play softly. When the doctor approached him with her strange device, Zimran paused his humming, but not the drumming, "If you would kindly keep any such devices away from me it would be much appreciated." His words were quick and stern, but flowed right back into his humming. He had no idea what the strange doctor was doing, but if she could make copies of herself and the elf was having problems with his copies, then perhaps it would be best to limit the interactions with the strange magical devices she wielded for now.

After an hour of humming and playing his restful tune the bard turned his attention to the garish spider staff he had taken from Nezzenar, looking the object over and examining it for clues as to its power.
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Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: It's darkest in the Black Spider's Lair (Long Rest Post Session 22)
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2018, 08:47:32 PM »
Zimran’s objection had a look of hurt briefly play on her features, as if she took the mistrust to heart;  she stammered as if to give a response but settled on “Sorry.”  He looked, uh.. Busy anyway.  Also, his choice spell sealed the fate of Nezznar, so, maybe that would be enough for for everyone.

She held one of the leads against Westra’s wrist next; at least the raised Captain was compliant.  The doctor focused on the dials and readout of the contraption for a while.  Then she offered the paladin a simple smile and pulled the lead away. “No detectable arcana.”  She then gave Westra a thumbs up, then felt stupid about doing that and put her hand away.

When Wolfe sat for his test, the flaxen haired scientist’s expression became stoic, if not evasive.  She did not even look at him as she used the lead from the WEENIS on his arm.  The light bulbs of the device flickered softly, reflecting in her glasses.  Her tone was less than enthusiastic, “Nothing detectable.”

Pulling the lead away, she wrote some notes and performed the test on Raithe“There are trace amounts of a charm enchantment that is no longer active, but otherwise, it would seem you are also <<Elvish>>clean</Elvish>>.”  Pushing her glasses up some, she gives the elf a small smile, perhaps of relief.

“I am going to ..uh.. Peruse some of these documents then and see if I can find anything, then likely will need to rest further before we move forward.”  she advises.

For the next hour she’d comb through the ledgers and documents that she had and then would properly find a place to pass out, again.


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