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Get back to work

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Get back to work
« on: December 17, 2017, 06:45:17 PM »
Wolfe arrives at the Sister's humble late in the evening; though thankfully not late enough she'd probably be asleep. After banging loudly on her door to summon her, he shoves the scroll into her hands.

"This'll resurrect Westra. Can you handle castin' it, or should we find someone else to do it?"
« Last Edit: December 26, 2017, 10:42:23 AM by Wolfe »



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Re: Get back to work
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2017, 06:57:28 PM »
Sister Garaele was startled as a scroll was thrust into her face the moment she opened the door to her small home. Wrapped in a light robe, she tentivley reached and retrieved the parchment from the half-orc's outstretched hand. She broke the worn wax seal on the document and unfurled the ancient sheet of paper, the runes glowed with a soft yellow luminescence.

"I.....I think I should be able to cast this. I can read the runes, though the breadth of the spell is too complex to fully grasp."

She disappeared for a beat before returning in her normal attire. She walked briskly around the home to her cellar and pulled open the door, the aromatic scents hit Wolfe and the others as they follower her down the steps along with the unnatural chill that began seeping into their bones again. Westra still lay where Wolfe placed her, though her arms were folded over her chain mail, which was now clean.

The Sister stood next to the table and opened the scroll again, she looked back and forth to Westra nervously several times and then to the group before taking a deep breath. The words from her mouth were foreign to all present as she read the spell from the scroll. As she spoke, the runes glowed and disappeared from the parchment as their energies were released. As the final rune disappeared, the scroll itself flashed a brilliant golden light and ceased to exist. The room fell silent....


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Get back to work (Post S19)
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2017, 02:38:04 PM »
The haste with which they returned to Phandalin with the mystic scroll to raise the dead was enough so that the Doctor wasn’t particularly able to put all the pieces together as to what they had accomplished to get it. Technically, she didn’t agree to anything so when it all is clear what the true picture is, she may have to appraise them of that.

It was brusque the way the leads unceremoniously charged Sister Garaele with a task without any warning.   When the good priestess went to change, Catriona rubbed her nose some and made random point.  “I know there is an urgency, but maybe a ‘please’ or something might have been like.. Nicer. Like for her mood."

It was like a random musing, if not empathy, for Garaele, given how Wolfe barked out questions and directives.  The priestess probably had to be in a calm and focused state of mind to do this properly, right?  Such was what Catriona assumed, anyways.

For the second time she followed Garaele to the place where Captain Goldbrook’s body lay.  The doctor gave a cursory look about the environment of the priestesses’ home again, mainly spurred by curiosity.  The lives of Phandalin citizens was rather interesting considering the odd dangers that lay just outside of town limits…

When the scroll was being read, she paid close attention with scientific inquisitiveness.  She had not seen a raising of the dead before up close, and she was quietly anxious to see what it entailed and the ramifications on the subject, er the Captain.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 02:41:59 PM by Doctor Catriona Wicker »


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Get back to work
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2017, 02:24:45 PM »
Sister Garaele read from the scroll, and the room fell silent in the wake of the magic being dispensed. Nothing seemed to happen at first. For a pair of seconds, three, then four... the room remained silent and the corpse on the table remained unmoving.

Then Westra inhaled.

It was a simple thing. No golden lights from heaven, no trumpets sounding or flashing magical spectacle. Just a drawn breath, gentle but deep, and suddenly the paladin was merely sleeping instead of dead. Only a pair of seconds later, Westra's eyes blinked open as though she was waking from slumber. She didn't recognize the ceiling above her, couldn't quite remember going to sleep. That confusion was compounded by the stiffness in her limbs, and the strangely eerie realization that her arms were folded over her chest burial-style.

The realization that she wasn't alone in the room was slow in settling over her, but when it did she turned her head and was surprised to see not one but four someones standing there with her. She frowned, and with some effort she uncrossed her arms and pushed herself to a sitting position.

"What..." she started to say, the tone suggesting a question rather than a demand. What happened? she'd nearly asked, but she looked around the room she was in, and the presence of the holy woman and the rest of her comrades suddenly made sense. She looked down at her armor, scrubbed clean, and then to the floor. A soft frown of confusion lingered on her brow, as though something about the scenario still puzzled her.

"What's happened?" she asked anyway, trying to push past the surrealness of the moment, and all of the upsetting thoughts flying through her mind.



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Re: Get back to work
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2017, 11:01:35 AM »
Cat's gentle rebuke came with just a grunt of acknowledgement from the Half-Orc. He didn't answer, but the girl had a point and he'd bear it in mind later, maybe. As the priestess did her work, Wolfe pulled free a flask and began to nurse it as he waited for Westra's resurrection. He knew there was a chance the scroll was a fake or that Westra's soul would just not return.

When she did, and she took her first breath, Wolfe's expression seemed to become bitter and angry, and he looked displeased with the whole affair.
"You got yourself killed." Wolfe snarled, unkindly, from the wall where he had claimed as his own resting place while Sister Garaele worked the magic of the scroll. The Half-Orc was grumpier than he'd been during his sojourn with Cat and Raithe to retrieve the scroll, his cheery demeanor gone. "Raithe found us a Scroll that could bring you back that survived the Spellplague. Went through a good amount of trouble for it too.

Your fellow Helmite fucked off out of town after we brought you back here. So now it's just the four of us."
Wolfe took another swig of liquor, then gestured to Sistar Garaele. "The Sister here did your last rites, cleaned you up, and just used the Scroll." He didn't expressively tell her to say thanks, but it was heavily implied.

Wolfe stepped off the wall, approached the Sister and paused before her. He gave a soft nod to her and then softer, and kinder than he'd been to Westra or her, he said in a soft voice as his eyes met hers.
"Thank you."

He then turned and without another word made for the stairs to take him up to the surface and into the open air. He was tired of being in the crypt.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2017, 11:03:27 AM by Wolfe »


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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Re: Get back to work
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2017, 03:44:36 PM »
Catriona’s eyes became saucers, as if their increased size became as such to take in as much information as possible as the ritual took effect.  There was much that could have gone wrong here and through the grace of Gond, no mishaps seemed to occur.  When the captain moved and stirred, she could have gotten up and started trying to eat people or something!

Still, the doctor had just witnessed her first raising of the dead that didn’t result in some mindless monster, such as the ones she first saw the group dealing with. 

Her mouth opened to answer the ‘What happened’ question, but the hesitation on her part gave opportunity for the half-orc to provide the information in a terse and unceremonious fashion.

Her eyebrows pushed together, lips forming a line as the raw debrief ended;  she figured the news about Yvaine could have waited, considering it wasn’t pertitnent to the current situation.  At least he thanked the priestess for the services?

No doubt there was an awkward silence after the swordsman’s abrupt departure.  The doctor blinked once, then twice, then broke that moment with an approach to the risen paladin.  “You’ve just experienced body wide re-animation of biological processes.  Um… I am not a healer...  or... medic... but I think these will probably do you some good to jump-start the innervation of your internal core functions.”

Always responsible with that weird magic frog device and its Goodberry dispensing, Catriona offered Westra a kerchief of 9 goodberries to get that HP up and maybe dispel any sudden hunger or thirst.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Get back to work
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2017, 07:59:56 PM »
You got yourself killed.

Wolfe's terse greeting(?) caused Westra's brow to furrow, though it was a gesture born more of confusion than ire. She was still trying to recall the last memory she had before waking while Wolfe brusquely ran down what'd happened during her... absence? Sleep? Death? Westra knew the half-orc's way of speaking well enough to understand that "a good amount of trouble" likely had nothing good about it at all, but she didn't have time enough to even feel that burden before Wolfe revealed that Yvaine had abandoned the party.

"Yes..." she echoed, after Wolfe thanked Sister Garaele, her confused and clouded gaze lingering on the Sister while the half-orc left. "I... yes, thank you," she said, frowning and softly shaking her head. "All of you," she amended, shifting her eyes to Raithe and then Catriona, the latter of which approached. She restated Wolfe's assessment in a far calmer, albeit less common manner, and Westra nodded as her eyes fell to the Goodberries. Only upon seeing them did the Paladin realize a terrible hunger and thirst within herself. She accepted the nourishment with a nod of thanks.

"You have my gratitude, Lady," she said, quietly. "Please forgive me, I.. I seem to be a bit clouded, still," she stammered, seeming as unhorsed as she ever had. "If it's alright, I think I'd like... I think I should spend some time in prayer. If it's not an inconvenience, may I rejoin you at the inn in the morning?" she asked Raithe and Catriona. Wolfe had walked away from his vote in the matter. Unless someone objected, Westra would then thank her party members and Sister Garaele once more with heartfelt sincerity, and would seek out a quiet place to commune with her god.


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