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A Fallen Friend

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A Fallen Friend
« on: November 17, 2017, 03:31:36 PM »

Sister Garaele stood silently for several minutes as Wolfe left before turning back to the body of Westra Goldbrooke. She solemnly removed the warriors’ armor and cleaned the woman as best she was able before moving to the herbs and flowers along and wall. She quietly sang prayers as she prepared a tincture to cover the woman’s skin. A soft smell of lavender filled the room even through the bitter cold. The body prepared the Elf lowered her head and began to pray in Elven to Tymora and Helm to guide Westra’s soul to her eternal rest. She remained there for hours in prayer to anyone that stayed.

Wolfe found several mugs of the thick hoppy ale Trilena served sitting at his usual table as he made his way into the Stonehill Inn. People move aside even more than normal, likely due to the Orc’s stern gaze. Over the next hour, though no one seemed to call for it, the merriment and festivities of the town slowly ebbed to a close. As word spread of the return of the watch to Phandalin. people found their way home and even the inn seemed to empty of its usual late night occupants. The former rejoicing now past left the village to an eerily silence. Few could be found on the streets and even fewer homes seemed illuminated.

The only soul that seemed to stir as the night continued was the bar keeper, who kept Wolfe's mug filled.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2017, 06:08:20 PM »
Catriona had come to favor her unintrusive booth.  Even at the Wyndamere Academy, she was not one to have much, if any company at her table in the faculty commissary.  Already awkward, she tended to have every social hinderance heaped upon her;  being a half-elf in a land of naught but gnomes and humans, being a veritable orphan, or even being such a prodigious youth that she was always much younger than her peers.

Still, the grim weight of death, while pervasive, did not have the quirky scientist wallowing in a bottle (because she isn’t a proper drinker anyway).  She felt she had failed in some way, not only a survivor’s guilt but one of some unpreparedness and ineptitude.  She was notoriously ineffectual when matters of combat came about, particularly in comparison to these new peers.  She was but a novice explorer and her combat experience was relegated to engineering duties and the like. 

Even as she scribbled and drew with a hard graphite pencil in a tome; she considered how if she had only been better prepared and more versed in fighting, perhaps the ill fate may have been avoided.  Her BOOMER was more likely to strike walls than proper targets and such inaccuracy might have been the key failure in the mine.

Her sketching was of an improved version of the BOOMER, though still at this point theoretical.  Dwelling was not what she wanted to do, so she immersed herself in engineering design, able to focus as usual with the noise of the tavern about her.



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2017, 09:06:42 PM »

Trilena continued to fill the inebriated half-orc’s tankards with zest. She said nothing to him unless he began a conversation, only looking to the fool with pained eyes. The barkeep had many years server drink and she could tell from the demeanor of a man how he preferred to consume his poison. She could read his pain, but she also knew he preferred to drink it away in silence. Her eyes portrayed sympathy to him with every delivery, but all communication was unspoken. After a time the young golden haired woman appeared and found her usual table seemingly opposite the bar from Wolfe. The bar keep sat a tankard down quietly on Wolfe’s table before moving to the opposite side. “Anything I can get you Dearie? Or anything I can do to help? I am so sorry to hear of Miss Westra.” She conveyed nothing but pure empathy to the flaxen haired girl, giving a motherly smile and hoping to coax some comfort to the dame.

As Cat responded, the door to the inn opened quietly, diverting Trilena’s attention from the Doctor for a moment. The older gentleman from the general supply closed the door quietly behind and surveyed the room. Trilena offered him a nod before returning back to Catriona. The old man looked to Wolfe across the bar before turned and approaching the pair of laides pensively. Elmar had sorrow in his eyes as he looked down to the Doctor. “Very sorry to hear about what happened.” He offered Cat. “Trilena, could we have a moment?” He nodded and hurried off to get Cat a drink, if she so requested.

“May I sit?” He asked softly. His voice continued, barely above a whisper. “Miss Westra and you all have do so much for us, I was saddened to hear she gave herself today providing another task for the village.” He paused and sigh. “Today of all days….her intervention here is why I am now charged with protecting everyone in Phandalin, and you all are as much of this town as any of the rest.” He looked back to the half-orc hoping not to be seen. “I have communicated with a couple contacts back in Neverwinter, there may be a way yet to return her to us, but…” He hesitated for but a moment. “…the logistics of locating, acquiring, and returning the magical scroll required is quite expensive.”

The old man glanced back to Wolfe again, seemingly being sure the drunken half-orc was not overhearing their discussion before leaning back, his expression unreadable, and allowing her to mull over his cryptic proposition.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2017, 09:31:23 PM »
There was a moment of disrupted confusion as she was actually spoken to;  adjusting her specs, her lips formed a line and she shook her head.  “Thanks, I am fine.  Yeah.. it is ..uh.. not an ideal situation.”  The response was awkwardly delivered as was Catriona’s way when involved in a social discourse with that she was unaccustomed (which was most of them).

Eyebrows pushed together with an expression of mild bewilderment when yet another individual approached her table. A somber nod, which might have applied to the sentiment about Westra or the permission to sit.

Pencil left paper and she fiddled with it in her fingers as the man spoke. “Oh, right… well done on the winning. You won right? Yes, I mean.. I have been distracted but I think that is the case.” 

The posture of the girl straightened up as he spoke of his contacts in Neverwinter and more specifically this matter of ‘bringing her back’.  The way the man spoke, squirrely-like about attention from Wolfe, was peculiar.  “I.. I don’t umm… shouldn’t you be speaking to him?  They were partners and contracted by Neverember.”    The doctor’s own voice was low volume as well, though truthfully, she did not know why.  Just timidly following the conspiratorial lead of the conversation?

“ expensive?”



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2017, 03:47:20 PM »
Elmar sat across from her, his back to the half orc across the room. A gentle smile formed on the man’s face as Cat responded quietly in the same manner of tone as he. “Yes, I did win, Harbin is out and we will run this village quite different from now on. Funds for a protective regiment, development of the community, and I shall not live in lavishness while others suffer. It is all the work of your entourage, and the people will reap the rewards of your hard work. “

As Catriona questioned his decision to speak with her in lieu of Wolfe, the smile faded. “Many have heard of the half-orc savior from Neverwinter. Many rumors swirl around these parts about the man, but from my experience thus far, if he has a good heart,  it is buried deep behind resentment and pain. “ He paused and took a breath. “My sweet child, I have noticed your friend counting the spoils of your victories. More greed shimmers in his eyes than any miser I have laid eyes upon. I wager he would not part with the coin to even save his comrade in arms. Rutherford sent them to perform a job, but the fact that he got Wolfe to agree to come at all is surprising. His sway over that man surely ends there. I would suggest you speak with Raithe, and the hooded woman. It may be best to make the decision without the half-orc’s consent, but I leave that to you. The price is twenty thousand gold in coin or other valuables, I will convert as required to assist you all. It is the least I can do.”

He stood, indicating his intention to depart quickly. It was easy to summize he didn’t wish the draw Wolfe’s attention by having a length conversation. He added at a normal audible level. “If you all need anything, you know where to find me Doctor.”


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2017, 07:20:03 PM »
What Catriona knew of Wolfe was little, though she also was able to piece together some bits to form a vague hypothesis on the man.   This thought process halted, even as she was looking over at him, when Elmar called her a sweet child. Briefly, displeasure played on her features, though she remained listening.

Lips thinned into a line briefly as she considered the idea of the half-orc being so greedy as to not agree to part with some coin to raise the Captain.  Of course, this Elmar could be bullshitting her as well, and she was being put in a rather precipitous situation. 
“Wonderbringer’s sprockets…” she exclaimed, her voice falling outside of the parameters of someone cool enough to properly keep an incognito voice on the whole way through a meeting.  “That is….” she adjust both her glasses and the volume of her voice back to a proper level.. “That is substantial.”  She had heard of services akin to this before, though never assumed the financial investment would be so grand.

“Uh.. okay I will speak to them and appraise them of this... option.”  she remarked as Elmar made moves to be on his way.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 07:55:53 PM by Doctor Catriona Wicker »



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2017, 02:01:42 PM »
Wolfe had been drinking more than his usual fill. He was upset and angry by Westra's death, shouldering the majority of the blame of it on himself. He had been content to let the Paladin of Helm take charge of this shitshow of an expedition, knowing that his own skills would probably see them out of whatever trouble they ran into. Westra had died thanks to her stubborness, and it had been a bitter pill that the Half-Orc was forced to swallow.

So he drank down enough booze to make the pain fade into just a numbing ache.

He got up from the bar, stumbling somewhat as he did so and made his way with mug in hand to sit heavily on the other side of Cat's table. He watched the retreating figure of Elmar vanish and he snarled in annoyance as he left.
"What'd that asssssshole what?" Wolfe had managed not to spill his drink, but only barely, and he leaned heavily against the table as he smelled heavily of ale. One arm was used to prop his torso aloft, the other curled strong fingers around the grip of his mug.

"You tell 'im we ain't donatin' to his fuckin political fund?" The Half-Orc half smirked, half laughed to himself as he took another deep drink of his beer. He paused only enough to take a deep breath and surpress a burp. "All outta --rhm" He lifted a fist up to cover his mouth and surpressed another burp. "fuckin charity."


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2017, 08:03:12 PM »
Before she could put more thoughts on the matter together or further ruminate, the titubant blademaster invited himself over as ungracefully as possible.  The threat of her work being soiled had the young flaxen haired scientist pull it all in the opposite direction as to avoid such an unpleasant result. 

She barely understood his muddled words as they came across the table in a veritable assault of gruff sound.  Her posture straightened a touch as he continued on before she could figure out how to answer his initial query. 

“Political fund? He already won the contest; there isn’t any reason to ask for political donations.” Doctor Wicker pressed the point in her glasses above her nose to push it back on her face.

“He umm, mentioned condolences and also how the township would be run more efficiently now.  Guards, development, and how he was thankful to your group for making it all possible.” Shoulders rose and fell slowly in a shrug.

“I don’t think there was anything to interrupt your intoxication.” she said plainly.



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2017, 01:30:42 PM »
"Them types.. alwaysh are look'n... for.. their cut." Wolfe grumbled as he swayed slightly in his seat. He gestured to the door from which Elmar vanished out of, his arms heavy with drunken led. "I'd give 'im a cut, too, if he turns out like that fat fuck that was his pred... pred... predator."

Wolfe lowered his arms back to the table, using it to support his weight as he shifted his gaze directly at Cat then. The drunken Half-Orc was way more intoxicated than normal, and there was an intensity in his stare that would have been uncomfortable to be beneath. "Your group just as much. Wasn't at the time. Is now."

He turned his fiery stare away from her back down to his mug and shrugged. "Naw, I ain't gonna let that... political fuck... interrupt me anyway. Nothin' does. Not even dead Paladins."

Wolfe lifted up the mug of ale and drank deep, as if the frothy beverage would drown out any concerns he had. When he set the mug down he exhaled heavily and took an even deeper breath, wiping the head away from his beard with the back of his head. "She always looked down at me. Called me all sortsa shit. Stuck up bitch. But she was tough, too..." Wolfe nodded heavily, his head swaying as if it were not on a solid foundation. "Fought for what she believed in. For the people here. S'what you should do, with your arms and armor. They ain't given to you cause you can carry em. They're given to you to use them where others can't." He turned his head sharply at her then, finding focus as he leveled his gaze at her once more. "That's what it means, to have a sword. To defend the people. The serfs to the Shogun. The Samurai is the shogun's arm, his voice, his blade.

Sometimes, you serve a shitty Shogun. Sometimes your blade gets covered in the wrong kinda blood. Westra served a shitty Shogun, but she never got her blade covered in the wrong blood."

He nodded heavily, his point made (albeit mostly to himself) and he reached for his ale, frowning to find it was mostly gone. "TRILENA!" He lifted his bobby head up toward the serving girl. "I need another!"



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2017, 03:42:04 PM »
“Sure…” A voice called from the back of the bar at Wolfe’s request. The protests of a chicken were promptly silenced with a loud thump a moment later. The barmaid still looked sullen from the events of the morning, likely further exacerbated by Westra’s demise. She brought out two more tankards and sat them down between Cat and Wolfe, offering an insincere smile to each before returning to the kitchen.


The older man pulled his jacket tight around himself as he exited the inn, his eyes slowly adjusting to the soft moonlight. He looked in each direction before deciding to move towards the Sister’s residence. The events of this evening were a complication he did not expect and the two members of the Watch best equipped to deal with them were both unavailable to him. The two remaining he knew something about would have to get it done, or his plans would be jeopardy. He walked slowly and silently as he moved along the street, watching every alley and doorway. Thankfully it was late and the streets were empty, very few homes illuminated. He knew nothing of this mysterious hooded woman, called Yvaine, so he had to trust in elves, which left a bitter taste in Elmar’s mouth.

He had nearly ran into the elf before he realized Raithe stood before him in the streets. Was he so lost in thought he didn’t notice him approach? “Evening Master Raithe.” He offered a nod. “Sorry to hear about your friend.” He paused and his voice fell to a whisper. “Though I believe I may have a solution to that problem. I have been speaking with an acquaintance within Neverwinter that I understand is a friend of yours, a Mr. Eston Ware.” He looked for confirmation before continuing. “He seems to be able to locate a scroll of some manner that will raise her from the dead. Though, as I am sure you are aware, his services carry a hefty pricetag.” The older man looked around as they spoke.



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2017, 10:27:39 PM »
Raithe was a quite man by nature, so quiet that it was easy to let one's attention slide right past him in a given place unless he spoke up or placed a knife to one's throat. He didn't do either of those things now, as he saw Elmar, but his expression didn't change. He didn't looked pleased to see the man, nor did he look angry. Elmar was a just another human in this town as far as he was concerned.

Elmar offered his condolences and Raithe gave a half-shrug. "Pity, that. She was a good woman."

He listened closer, though, as Elmar spoke of Eston Ware and the possibility of raising Westra from the dead. His eyebrows rose in genuine surprise.

"Oh, you've got me all wrong, Elmar. I don't have friends. I have acquaintences, some who pay more dividends than others." Raithe said.

"But Eston Ware's help doesn't come cheap and Neverwinter's a long ways off. Is he here in town? Did he tell you what his price is for a scroll like this?" Raithe asked, his posture growing decidedly more relaxed as they spoke. He checked the street, finding it empty. Few of the homes were illuminated.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2017, 11:34:36 PM »
The Lantanese scientist found herself less than comfortable (more so than usual) as the inebriated warrior rambled on in disconnected notions and poorly veiled threats of violence against seemingly innocent persons.  Slim hands moved to trace along her temples, tucking her straight pale hair behind ears slightly tipped by subtle points. Eyes went downcast to her work as she let the venting go on without interruption.

She didn’t know what to do with the assertion that she was just as much a part of the group, considering how short of a time she was a part of matters.

Catriona then listened further, a gentle cant of her head as she does so.  The bewildering dynamic between Wolfe and the late Westra became only moreso as she heard him talk about her at length in some strange intoxicated reverence.

Apparently, this Neverember person was this ‘shitty shogun’, though that point was basically lost on her as she’d never met the man.  All these politicians were a mystery to her in one form or another.

It was a note that Catriona just let Wolfe go on without interruption, up until he yelled for Trilena, an act that made her gasp and bring her hands to her mouth; properly and rightfully startled.

“There are..umm… more effective sedatives than repeated imbibing of that substance; less chance of protrusive abdominal obesity of the stomach over time, too.”  At least she knew what a beer belly was.



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2017, 02:17:33 PM »
“No, Eston is not here. I have methods of communicating with him.” He paused and offered no further explanation, which would be of no surprise to Raithe.  As his inquiry the older man stated plainly. “The fee is twenty thousand gold pieces, which is more than the scroll is worth. Though time is of the essence, you and I know how this business works, and all involved have to make a profit for such acts of good will.” He offered a smile. “I have already reaped my profits of the fine works you folks have done, and I would like the town to continue to receive the services of your fine group, so know I am only trying to restore Westra.” His smile faded into a grimace as he continued. “I know Lord Wolfe carries gems enough to cover the fee, but I feel he is likely adverse to parting with them, even to return Lady Westra to life.” He allowed that to sink in for a moment before adding. “I have shared this information with the Doctor too. I dared not approach Lord Wolfe directly, fearing for my safety should I raise this type of request.”

He looked around again as cold winds whipped at the pair. “Once you all make a decision, I can let Eston know.” His eyes lit up for a moment. “He also asked me to relay he was pleased you were able to locate the object he requested and thanks for you for that effort. Did you destroy it?”



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2017, 10:39:25 PM »
Raithe listened. Of course Ware wasn't nearby. He'd never expose himself to danger or discovery unless the need was dire. Even then, he had a number of associates, like Raithe, to send in his stead and minimize his risk. He snorted at Ware's suggested retail price for the scroll, knowing that the thing is grossly over-valued.

Raithe's eyes narrowed briefly. He understood why Elmar had come to him.

"Yeah, you ask Wolfe for those gems and he's likely to spit you and roast you over an open flame. And that's the best-case scenario." Raithe said.

"So what is it you're hoping that I can do? Talk Wolfe into buying an overpriced scroll that, for all we know, is fake? Eston might not be here, but I assure you that if you offer him this and it's not real...he's going to pull your guts out through your ass for fun.

I've got Ware's stuff. I was going to destroy it, but the way I see it, he owes me a couple after I saved his life and then risked mine a few times over to get what he was looking for.

Tell him I want the scroll to square our account. And tell him to hurry, too.
" Raithe said.



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2017, 09:34:50 AM »
Elmar frowned at Raithe’s summary of him offering the deal to Wolfe. “I never intended to ask Master Wolfe anything. The spoils of your adventures are your groups alone. I only offer you all the opportunity to revive a fallen ally. At present, it seems Wolfe is nearly complete in passing out on Trilena’s ale, you lot could simply remove the required coin while he sleeps.” He paused and offered a nonchalant shrug, the older man's smile returning before Raithe continued.

Raithe made a counter offer and the older man attempted to appear neutral, though the rouge could discern Elmar seemed quite interested in the ledger as well. The silence carried on as Elmar sat silent for a beat chewing his cheek after Raithe finished.“I can certainly relay the request on, but seems like you are turning a fortuitous situation into a precarious one. He led me to believe you had already come to an arrangement on that particular task. You lot can handle yourself, that is for sure, but crossing Eston Ware rarely ends well. Are you certain that is the message you wish me to relay?”



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2017, 11:48:29 PM »
"Right, because I should risk my life stealing from the Half-Orc just because it's for a good cause." Raithe snorted, shaking his head at Elmar. The human was an annoying man, but not annoying enough to murder on the street right now to soothe Raithe's temper. The Elf sighed.

"Talk to Ware. Tell him I want to renegotiate this deal. I want the scroll and I don't want to jump through hoops to get it. I don't want to bankrupt myself to get it. I've shed blood and lives have been lost on this job he put me up to. So yeah, he does owe me one. You tell him that." Raithe said.

"Is there anything else, Elmar? How soon can you get the answer from Ware?"



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2017, 12:50:22 PM »
Elmar remained silent for a beat. “I will relay our message. I do not know much of the man, but it seems like a bargain hard struck." looked off towards the inn. "I should have a response from him on the morrow.” He looked as though he wished to say more, but only nodded to the elf. “Good evening, Master Raithe.” With that, Elmar made he was up the dark streets towards his shop.



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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2017, 01:24:19 PM »
Wolfe's drunken conversation starter had gone nowhere. He wasn't in the mindset to press or to argue, as he was bitter and angry over Westra's death and that was exacerbated by his inebriated state. "Nobody.. fuckin.. asked.. you." He snarled, with some slurring, toward the young-ish Doctor and her suggestion he should seek other remedies.

Talina arrived and handed him another beer, and he began to drink deep of it. He didn't seem intent on moving from his seat, but the way he groused and grumbled to himself it was clear he was growing more surly. Invaded her table and taken over it, how rude!


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: A Fallen Friend
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2017, 01:29:48 PM »
As it became more and more evident that the slurring half-orc was succumbing to the spirits of his sloshing tankard,  the doctor realized she was just playing part of witness to the man’s grief-borne stupor.  It was remarkably easy to just stand and collect her things and slip away as he wavered into unconsciousness.

With her schematics well stashed her satchel, she would step outside and endeavor to find the creepy cleric who always seemed to follow her about.  If she was right, it was likely only her or this Sister Garaele who would be the only ones available to cast this supposed Raise Dead scroll that was unfathomably overpriced.

What she saw was Elmar leaving Raithe, likely after some kind of conversation that may or may not have been of the same subject matter she experienced a few moments ago.  The flaxen haired woman approached the elf with a brisk walk.

“Mister Raithe, I ..uh.. Noticed the new Townmaster was just with you.  Did he advise you on some scroll or something like that concerning Captain Goldbrook?”  While she usually wanted to practice her Elvish with Raithe, this hurried query was delivered in common.


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