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Hail the conquering heroes!

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Hail the conquering heroes!
« on: November 03, 2017, 11:15:27 AM »
Dusk has settled on Phandalin as the group returns from their day adventure at Cragmaw Castle. Dwarf in tow, the group approaches the town and a weary sentry raises his lantern. “Who goes there?” A raspy voice calls out before the light spreads across the bunch. “Oh you lot. Glad you made it back no worse for the wear.” The man continues before seemingly done with his 'guardly' duties. It is apparent these are townsfolk and not a well regulated militia.

The town is silent though candlelight can be seen in many of the homes, no one else seems to be about tonight. The grou continues towards the Stonehill Inn as Gundren looks to Westra. “Lass, where might I find Sildhar? He staying at the inn?”


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Hail the conquering heroes!
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2017, 06:23:04 PM »

The bespectacled scientist did not have proper business with Gundran, Sildar, or the politics of the matters that some of the others did.   While initially she was boarding with Linene Graywind, she had since had whatever belongings moved to the Stonehill for more room and to stop driving her cousin mad.

Despite the onset of proper evening hours and their late arrival back to town, Doctor Wicker only retired to her new room for a few moments before meandering back down to the tavern proper.   Phandalin proved to be much quieter than she was comfortable with and at least here there was some minor degree of bustle and activity.

Even though she appreciated a ‘noisy’ ambiance, she still desired place to work, finding a table off on the side, rather than in the center.  Only for the briefest moments did she observe others socializing before setting up an array of tools and some bizarre and unfinished mechanical project. 

The flaxen-haired half elf seemed her most confident when she was head down and engrossed in this odd tinkering, often oblivious to the odd look she would receive from onlookers.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Hail the conquering heroes!
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2017, 09:16:40 PM »
"He was staying with the townmaster, who seemed to be a friend of his. When last I tried to visit him, the townmaster said he'd gone back to Neverwinter," Westra told the dwarf, as they walked. "Is that where you'll be heading as well, or are you anxious to find this lost cave of wonders with us?"



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Re: Hail the conquering heroes!
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2017, 09:44:14 PM »
Gundren seemed saddened by the news that his friend had left. He simply nodded as she broke the news. As she questioned his motives he did not hesitate before reply. “I ‘aft to find me brothers. They knew where the cave were too, I ‘ope they fared better than I. I will rest up here for the evening, then leave for the cavern. It is about a half days walk to the south. Thank you lot again for the help." He turned to walk towards Stonehill Inn.


The Doctor found that she got far fewer looks from onlookers than she might expect. The people of the small town were not used to the current number of outsiders encroaching on their small village, but all seemed truly welcoming and grateful for all the good fortune the group had brought with them. Noisy drinking, singing and banter filled the small inn, much of the discussion fashioned around the coming election in the morning. It seemed the news had spread as fire to a dry field in Phandalin and most seemed hopeful for Elmar Barthen’s rise to mayor.

Trilena wrestled a man to the ground with surprising ease after he gave her rear a hearty slap. “Just because Elmar is buyin’ the drinks tonight doesn’t mean ye gettin’ all handsy in here! Now out you go!” She held an arm behind his back and hefted him upright as he let out a yelp. “Get home or yer wife will hear about this.” She pulled the door closed and went back to serving the rest of the patrons.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Hail the conquering heroes!
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2017, 05:39:50 PM »
"We did look for your brothers," Westra told the dwarf, after considering his response. "We were told of their recent camps nearby, but never found signs of them. Is it possible they went to the cavern themselves, in search of you?" She nodded at his thanks, but didn't let him depart just yet.

"We will go with you, in the morning," she told him. "This Black Spider creature has caused enough mayhem in these parts that I would not feel at ease leaving the area before he is dispatched. The people of Phandalin have suffered enough already from the antics of those in service to him." If the dwarf seemed intent on going his own way then, Westra would let him go in peace. Either way, she continued towards the inn and took stock of the interior once there. She spied the doctor in the corner and headed her way, only pausing long enough to narrow her eyes unhappily at the sudden turn of events with the frisky patron.

"How do you fare, Trilena?" Westra asked the wench, after. It was as much a general greeting as it was an inquiry about the trouble with the patron. "You seem to have a lively crowd tonight, good to see," the Paladin said, with an approving smile. "When you have an opportunity, I'll take some supper at the table in the corner there," she said, gesturing to the spot where the doctor was tinkering with something.

If she wasn't stopped before doing so, she'd approach Catriona's table then, and pause at its edge.

"May I join you?"


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Hail the conquering heroes!
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2017, 09:05:54 PM »
The scuffle on her periphery barely drew a glance from the doctor as she worked.  It looked as if this Trilena had the whole situation well and hand and even used to patrons acting up.  Something much more substantial would have to properly prove a distraction (tavern on fire? rogue bull inside?  Wolfe in a dress?).
Despite what Linene would say, Catriona wasn’t haphazard with her tools and parts to the point where they were a danger or severe bother to others.  Even in at her table, she was rather contained in a corner of it.  She was twisting a coiled spring with some pliers when she realized that Westra was at the perimeter of the table.

She straightened up her posture, inadvertently banging her knee against one of the legs of the table. “Yes, cert-ow!”  She rubbed her knee some, though attempted to play it off cool. “I mean... be my guest.  How can I help you, Captain?”
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 08:42:38 AM by Doctor Catriona Wicker »



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Re: Hail the conquering heroes!
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2017, 05:12:51 PM »
Gundren nodded. “Aye, they were staying in the mine with me prior, we just chose to say we were camping on the outskirts as to keep the place a secret until the Captain could dispatch a proper guard. I appreciate the offer Lass, and will be happy for an escort." He paused. "I am sure me kin has been able to avoid this spider character. Few stealthier than a dwarf in a mine.” He let out a chuckle. “Now if you excuse me, I need to find a meal, a bath, and a nice lassy to wash me back. Though perhaps not in that order.” He smiled and waddled off, though not towards the Inn.

Trilena gave Westra a soft nod as the soldier entered and returned with a smile after removing the man. “Nothing I ain’t used to handling sugar. This lot is a bit rowdy tonight since you all seem to have orchestrated free pre-election ale.” She winked at Westra. “I have a few more quail on the spit, I will bring it right out M’Lady. Water to drink, right?” After confirmation she ran off to get Westra’s meal.

Trilena returned minutes later with a mug and plate, dropping it to the table she scampered off to deal with a man shouting on the other side of the inn. Gundren wandered in minutes later and spoke briefly with Trilena before heading upstairs. Minutes later one of the young barmaids hefted two large buckets of steaming water up the stairs after.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Hail the conquering heroes!
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2017, 09:01:27 PM »
Catriona actually found herself recently well-served by the strange frog trinket that provided Goodberries that, if you didn’t know, sustained a creature for a day.  Leave it to the Doctor to find efficiency in meals and conservation of funds by not doing much in terms of even taking the pleasure of eating.

With all the dinner negotiations occurring, she returned to her project. The spring properly twisted, she placed it within the bronze housing the size of a deck of cards.  There was a brief sound of whirring and then a click.

She sat back a moment, a mildly confused look on her face before…

The bronze device opened and expelled a large mechanical sphere onto the table that instantaneously transformed in technomagical-steampunk fashion into a…

A clockwork owl!

The sudden appearance of the “creature” was startling enough to have someone drop their flagon with surprise.

“Eureka!” The doctor notices person covered in their beverage.  “I mean sorry…”


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