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Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)

  • 14 Replies

Westra Goldbrook

Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« on: September 29, 2017, 03:44:57 PM »
The party emerged from the mine in triumph, all hands accounted for, including the halfling and dwarf that Westra had feared lost. Nearly dying and returning to a fight multiple times in the span of a few hours tended to wear on a person, though. Westra normally didn't shy away from work no matter how tired she was, but for once she didn't object when someone else took first watch. Rather than immediately resting, the Paladin recruited Hjalkohm's aid in gathering enough stones to construct and consecrate a small and simple altar to Helm near the entrance to the mine. She marked it with the Watcher's symbol very clearly, hoping that in the coming days, when the townspeople began to reclaim the mine, they'd be reminded of the part Helm's blessings played in making it safe for them once again. She knelt to pray there when she was done, thanked Hjalkohm for his aid, and then laid out her bedroll at the camp the others had set, and crashed out for a bit.

Westra felt more like herself once she woke, and she took to her turn at watch with a bright-eyed enthusiasm. Afterwards she ate some of her rations and made some notes in the journal she carried with her. In looking back over past notes, she began to wonder about this mysterious Black Spider and what his ultimate goals were. She was still thinking about it when she took to cleaning the old armor set that Wolfe had come across. It wasn't terribly modern, but there was something comforting about the feel of it, and Westra had a mind to replace her current armor with it.

"We should head back to Phandalin and check in with Ser Hallwinter and the shopkeep. If either the dwarven brothers or Aberik have shown their faces, we won't want to miss it. Since we're so near, though, I don't see a problem in checking the Conyberry ruins for the mystic that Sister Garaele asked about. Does anyone object to doing so?" she asked, looking over to the others.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 03:45:32 PM by Westra Goldbrook »



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Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2017, 12:08:53 PM »
Wolfe had taken the first watch after he'd scouted the surroundings and started the group a fire and prepared a rabbit he had caught in the woods. He had brought rations but the Half-Orc avoided that sort of staid food if he could help it.  Something fresh was much more enjoyable, and when cooked by his own hands he knew he could trust it.

Instead of going right to sleep when Westra awoke, he set himself to sit somewhat away from the others. Pulling forth the new bag with deep pockets, he began to pull out the gems and the coins they had gathered in the mine. One by one, he counted the newfound bounty, seeming to have a focused gaze upon the gems and coins that they had won after their hardfought battles.

Westra spoke then, but Wolfe didn't immediately look up from his task that had stolen his full attention. His dark, burning eyes focused on his bounty, one by one returning the gems to the bag. Finally he looked back up at Westra, considering her with a thoughtful look.
"Maybe there's something magical that caused all those problems eh? Good to think that if there was some magic in the mines that brought the Red Wizard here there's more about.

Speaking of..."
The Half-Orc considered the matter further. "Those Orbs survived us using them, right? Could probably sell them for a pretty big chunk of gold back in Neverwinter. Maybe even in Phandalin if they could figure out how to use 'em." He rubbed at his jaw, considering all of the ore they had found as well.

"Wherever you wanna go next, Princess. I'm fine either way." He refocused on his task then, having kept his count in his head.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2017, 01:25:16 AM »

With a return to the surface there was a well of relief in the Catriona, as the night air was far fresher than the stagnant atmosphere of the mine.  Coming from an island nation, it was not difficult for her to feel stifled.  Also, there was the pleasant elation of newfound wealth to make up any further difference.

She tossed a glance at the Westra’s creepy Eye symbol marking.    The captain was certainly excessively pious it, that was for sure.  That would have to be considered when inevitable irrationality arises. (And oh it will!)

If you could believe it, Catriona unrolls a flat sheet of some unknown suede-like fabric that ends up being some steampunk era version of an air-mattress.  She used a small bellows to fill the Lantanese bedroll (though it took about 10 minutes!) and set it up away from the dog.  One could see her nose becoming red and her allergies acting up when the canine was in range.

Catriona was very neat and that translated into how she kept her “area” organized.  The spectacled girl definitely had a routine that she followed.  The Goodberries were of good use, (though likely not as delish as a rabbit) and the doctor only washed her face with some canteen water.  She removed her glasses and went to sleep quickly, as she was exhausted from expenditure of her energies in such a contracted period of time.

The voices woke her; she would only listen at first, before opening her eyes. 

Catriona leaned up, resting on her elbows as she watched the two seem to find enough common ground to have a conversation. Westra ending with a question that was open to everyone, had her wonder how to answer.

“I was just near the Conyberry ruins.” she volunteered.  “Before, you know.  Coming here.”  She wipes her eyes some and yawn before asking, "What do you think is there?"


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2017, 10:26:29 AM »
"I have had quite enough of that place's magic," Westra softly grunted. She glanced over to her poor, half-eaten halberd, and pressed her lips into a line. "In fact, I have had enough of that mine altogether. And I'm sure the people of Phandalin will have an easier time of things if there's nothing but mundane goods in that mine to harvest." She didn't comment on the half-orc's desire to go back in and procure the strange dwarven orbs, as she felt they had more than enough wealth already and didn't mind leaving the rest for the villagers. At the same time, if Wolfe had his mind set on those orbs, it wasn't worth bickering over. The fact that he had no objection to performing the Priestess' errand was a happy surprise, and she counted herself lucky for that. When Catriona woke and posed her query, Westra glanced over to the woman to respond.

"We met a Priestess in Phandalin who told us there is rumored to be a banshee who sometimes appears there, on certain occasions. She believes if we go, and if the banshee appears, we'll be able to make an offering of a trinket the Priestess gave us. In exchange, the Priestess believes this banshee will tell us the whereabouts of a lost book of spells the Priestess desires to find." Westra shook her head as she reached for her halberd, and began to make attempts to clean the blade as best she could, despite how it was damaged.

"I do not expect we will find any truth to the story, but we did tell her that we would make the attempt. I do not expect the errand to take long, considering how near the ruins are. After that, we should head back to the village. I'll need to have a new weapon made before we go much farther."

Westra glanced up to the others, both the two who'd been speaking with her and the other four who'd been quieter.

"There's also the matter of accountability, which we've not yet discussed. Though Commander Rutherford has commissioned this party, with only one of us actually being sworn to service in the Flaming Fist, we obviously cannot call ourselves a Flaming Fist contingent. We should decide on a means to refer to ourselves collectively, for ease of reference. Doctor Wicker, Lady Songsteel, though you were not covered under the initial charter of this group, I believe you have both more than proven yourselves capable in demanding situations. I hope that you will consider formally joining us as we try to set this region at peace."


Yvaine Songsteel

Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2017, 10:49:23 PM »
Leaving the mines was obviously a great relief as evidenced by her taller, more confident stance. She may have been short (which she made up for with her tall-heeled "warboots" that she was remarkably adept in) but with her armored upper body, and tightly corseted waist, she had a formidable gait. Even so, after the encounter that had Yvaine near death, she had made a greater effort to stick towards the back and did her best to go unnoticed. Besides, Westra and Wolfe seemed more than happy to play meat shield and take the lead. While her swordsmanship was decent, she quickly realized that her holy talents were of far more use than her rapier.

Thankfully, perhaps the most unpredictable thing anyone had seen from the hooded Minister, has so far gone unaddressed. The spectacular stunt during the battle with the Wizard in which she sprouted marvelous wings, shot in the air, and radiated divine light brighter than the sun was something Yvaine was loathe to discuss. It only erupted from a moment of despair, and lives hinged on action. She was quite glad no one had brought it up, and she surely wasn't going to.

So, after they settled at camp, Yvaine made sure others were healed, blessed, and comfortable to the best of her ability, and then she found a spot nearby. Taking a graceful seat on the ground, the slender woman leaned against a tree with her cowl down. She could have been sleeping for all anyone else knew, but she listened to the conversation. In the short time they'd known her, the group might find her an oddity, even among holy types. She was usually quiet, reserved, purposeful...and a person sitting on a great deal of silent rage.

After Cat's comment about Cornyberry, Yvaine thought back to the dozens and dozens of dreams and sensations she'd had of the place. In her mind, that particular vision had been so pervasive, she may as well have grown up in those ruins. Now that those visions were made manifest, she wondered, if she slept, what she might see tonight? More importantly though, she couldn't shake the sense of duty and responsibility she felt for the equally strange (to Yvaine) she was.

"I'm not sure what Dr. Wicker found with her gadgets at the ruins, but by my measure there is little there. However, a roaming banshee is quite possible," she said in a low rasp, just loud enough to be heard across the fire. Rather than continue with that line of thought, she tilted her cloaked face towards Westra.

While Yvaine could recognize the woman's offer to travel with them as a kindness, Yvaine's peculiar social mores prevented her from returning the offer with the warmth it deserved. Westra could not see her true expression, which would have been more honest. Instead, the dark Cleric said with her visible lips, "I was sent here for you." As if that were not jarring enough, her chin swiveled as though her unseen eyes were crawling over each individual, including the mouthy Half-Orc inspecting his riches as though he were a dragon with it's hoard. "All of you. I have no intention of parting company at this time."

Her tone was plain, smoky, and controlled to the point that conveyed she would not accept argument to the contrary, even if they gave it. Any subtext was not addressed. However, after a moment, as though suddenly realizing that may have sounded strange, she added, "Though, I'm grateful to be of service," in a somewhat humble attempt at social grace.

Yvaine had a certain strange charm to her, yet it was evident that without the proper attention, it wasn't always obvious. It seemed like her words and actions were often as guarded as her face.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 10:54:40 PM by Yvaine Songsteel »



  • 0
  • Money. Survival. a cute notion.
Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2017, 11:14:49 PM »
Raithe was glad to get out of that infernal cave. The lack of light in the place didn't bother him. The number of zombies didn't even bother him. The number of magical evil people in that place was too damned high, but that wasn't even the part that bothered him. He hated that stupid cave because it took so many arrows to get through it.

But now the Watch (his name for the group) had escaped with their skin intact from this dungeon. He still had to get Eston's ledger back to him. He didn't think that the rest of the group would take it well if they learned about his friend's dealings, so Raithe left that out of most (read: every) conversation he had with the group. They were all do-gooders, even Wolfe, try as he might to be a grumpy hardass, so Raithe had to speak for the side of self-interest now and again.

"Do we really need a name? I mean, if we're all going our separate ways after we catch up with Rutherford again, no need to get overly invested, right? Besides, Rutherford's probably gonna try to stiff us somehow by the time this is all over. That's what lawmen do." Raithe said.

"As for where we're headed...why bother with this banshee? Every time we get near ruins or caves so far, there's some kind of undead creature there trying to kill us. Or someone doing something terrible with magic. Why don't we just find this Black Spider, let Wolfe put a sword through his face, and count our gold pieces?

Better chance of walking away alive, too.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 05:41:45 PM by Raithe »



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Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2017, 04:14:22 PM »
Wolfe was still grumpy with Yvaine for having clocked him with a crowbar after he'd spent hours digging through the rubble. Her complaint of being tired had only made the Half-Orc grumpier than his normally prickly self. Given the recent acquisition of wealth and booze, he was in greater spirits than he might normally had been.

He just had no interest in asking Yvaine about her wings, her weirdness, or her fascination toward the strange woman that had appeared out of nowhere. Wolfe was a little particular about people he felt who treated him with disrespect.

Raithe's self-motivated point brought him up from counting the gems and he frowned at Raithe's suggestion that Rutherford was going to betray them. It was something that bothered him, if only because he wasn't so certain it wasn't true. Neverember was a right bastard and though Rutherford had let him out of a cell, it was to do something for him.


"You wanna fuck off after we're done that's your business Raithe. Not all of us are in it for the money, and us getting out of our way to handle this got you a lot richer. Who's to say the next thing won't line your pockets more?

Whatever Princess Goldbrook wants to call us. I don't really care. I'm going to clean up the problems around here for the people that live in town. They aren't part of Neverember's bullshit. They're just trying to live their lives.

You want to focus on being a merc, that's your business. I'm sure people are hiring for a good archer if a payout is all you want."

He then returned to his gems and counting them, his attention returning fully to that most important task.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
  • 0
  • For Lantan.
Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2017, 05:31:08 PM »
Her knowledge on Banshees was purely academic as such things did not exist where she came from;  all she really knew was that banshees had some relation to elves and could kill with their wail.  Oh, and they were spirits of a kind.

Did the danger outweigh the possibility of knowledge gained, though?  For her, the answer usually meant nope.  Maybe she could record  the banshee’s wail.  Perhaps some kind of sonic emission system.  Wait, she should also make ear plugs.  Thoughts ran through her mind rapidly at that mention of experiencing a meeting with a new entity.

Seeing the Captain fruitlessly work with her ruined halberd, the pale haired doctor sits up further and rubs briefly at her puffy bedroom eyes. “Umm, I do not think that there is a field kit that can repair that high grade acidic erosion of the steel.  Maybe that bladed staff might be useful until you can return to a smith for a replacement?”

Catriona stretched some and apparently slept in her academy sweater, which bore the Wyndamere crest.  Because it's what cool people do.

“I appraised the properties of the late Mister Kost’s weapon and if you attune yourself to it; it’s enchantment strips the life process requirements of needing food, drink and even sleep.   Most magic will read you as undead, though.  So you might have to be quick with explanations.”  Beat.  “It's sturdy and the blade is sharp, too.”

She did not immediately say anything beyond that as there was some matter of party dynamics and logistics.  Quite a bit had happened in the last  day and it was all more riveting than what she was dealing with in the old libraries of Waterdeep.  At first she considered Yvaine a somewhat disturbed clergy-person, but the woman spontaneously manifested angel wings and that was something that required some study.  When the time was right, of course, she did not want to come off as rude and get a bolt in the eye.

Raithe’s sentiments caused her to barely hide some disappointment; she had just began to take secret solace in how rational he came across compared to the others.  Voices from the sky, visions from beyond nor an addiction to the bottle did not have agency in his motivations.  Survival did and that was something she could more easily understand (even if she did not feel the same). 

After having one of the goodberries before they expired (efficiency in meals!), Catriona fished about for her glasses and set them on her face once she found them.  As deliberations continued, she went through a routine of packing up her things, folding this and that and methodically brushing her hair and being prim in her unconventional attire.

“I don’t uh… know.. these people you are talking about.  I know there is Spellplague anomalies all around here, though and I think following you will lead me to areas of anomaly concentration. And, if that helps Phandalin, that’s good.  So, that is ..what I think.  Of things.”

Pushing her glasses up on her nose some, she adds.  “If the financial windfall from the mine is typical of what we will come across, that is an incentive, too.” Scientists need funding.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 05:35:01 PM by Doctor Catriona Wicker »


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2017, 06:10:42 PM »
Westra nodded in response to Yvaine's skepticism about the banshee.

"Yes, I do not expect to find much. But that is all the more reason to do as the Priestess asked. It will cost us little and allow us to spread some goodwill anyway. Watcher knows the people of Phandalin have need of that, of late."

When she went on to speak of the group at large and the hooded woman insisted so pointedly that she'd been sent with a purpose, Westra paused her work and looked over to eye Yvaine thoughtfully. She was interested in that revelation, but she spent a moment thinking over what the woman had said upon their first meeting, and before she returned to speaking, Raithe spoke up and distracted her. She made a mental note to have that conversation with Yvaine when time permitted, and focused on the half-elf.

The longer he spoke, though, the less pleased Westra looked with what he was saying. By the time he finished speaking, her mouth was a firm line, and her brow a little furrowed.

"I beg your pardon," she said, though her tone made it clear she wasn't begging for anything at all. "That is what corrupt lawmen do, and I can assure you that Commander Rutherford is no such scoundrel. Nor myself, for that matter, despite the fact that I am as well an officer of that same enforcement agency. Though it is clear how you might be confused about such details, as you seem to have either no respect for the value of honor, or no definition of honor to begin with. On the odd chance that there is some dangerous creature roaming those ruins, would you rather leave it there to accost an unprepared and unsuspecting villager? Should not we - who are not only better armed, but better-skilled than most, and who have been asked to tend to the matter - take a few moments to ensure the safety of those less equipped to do so? Does your care truly not extend beyond your own nose?"

Surprisingly, she had less to argue about from Wolfe's comments than from Raithe's, which was saying something considering that he was insisting on calling her Princess, still. It was difficult to resist the urge to demand otherwise, but Westra had thus far reasoned that treating Wolfe like she would any errant toddler would serve the situation best. That is, if she didn't show him that it bothered her, he would eventually tire of her lack of reaction and cease.

Westra had forgotten by then that she was still holding her halberd and her cleaning supplies, but she was reminded of it when Catriona commented on the futility of her endeavor. She looked down at the weapon in her hands and sighed, knowing the doctor was quite right. Still, the halberd had been with her for a time and served her well, and she was loathe to part with it. The doctor suggested the necromancer's bladed staff instead, and though Westra made a face at the notion, she did stand up and go pick it up to inspect it. The displeased look on her face lingered when she considered the thing's magical effects, but she spun it about and weighed it in her hands and found it balanced and agile enough.

"Mm. I've no interest in making use of the necromantic magics it holds, but it may do as a mundane weapon until I can have my halberd repaired. Thank you for the analysis, Doctor," she said, with a nod of her head. She nodded again at the woman's assessment of the tasks they'd been given.

"I do not think that anyone is under the pretense of being here out of charity," she said. Except maybe Wolfe,
 if his words were to be believed. He was counting that money a little too obsessively to make that an easy buy for Westra, though. "I myself hope to gain some reputation from the work we do here, and I am not unaware of the value the associated fees and wages present to others." Money was less her concern, as her family was well enough off to see to her needs. Still, she wasn't immune from the urge to want nice things, and so she understood this in others. "If no one else is interested in a name for our merry little band, then I shall simply choose one and give it out myself. No one has an opinion on it?" she confirmed, pausing her inspection of the scythe to look around at the group again.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 02:07:53 PM by Westra Goldbrook »


Yvaine Songsteel

Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2017, 01:48:42 PM »
The Cleric saw to everyone's health, but whether anyone was 'grumpy' didn't particularly concern her. Yvaine could scarcely find ways to deal with her own feelings, much less worry about or try to control others. As for the crowbar? Well, she didn't intend to hit Wolfe with it. It just worked out that way, and given the mouthy Orc's attitude at the time, she wasn't particularly remorseful. Besides, he hadn't brought up his grievances, so she did not seek them out. The mysterious woman wasn't even empathic enough to know she should.

Raithe's very...blatant views on what they were all doing here caught her off guard. She wasn't sure why, she'd only known him a short time and hadn't spoken to him much, but she was a bit surprised by his motives. For some reason, she expected something different, although she didn't have a real reason to. Even if she would have commented on it, the others did it for her.

As curious as Raithe's opinion was, Wolfe's was also a bit astonishing. As she tilted her face to listen to his response to the elf, she found herself impressed. She quietly took notes in her head about the things that he said, and decided that he just got slightly more interesting.

Westra or Cat's replies were not at all unexpected, but Yvaine was glad to hear what they said. This was an important, and edifying conversation. The Minister remained silent while they discussed driving goals, not volunteering her own.

In her mind, money was a necessary evil, but she had no care for it beyond funding basic needs or valuable ventures. Riches, glory, knowledge, or renown had nothing to do with why Yvaine was here.

Her path was set, so she simply stayed silent and still, like a statue in a mortuary as the others discussed amongst themselves.



  • 0
  • Money. Survival. a cute notion.
Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2017, 02:01:25 PM »
"Hey-hey-hey now, Westra. No need to beg. You can have the pardon. I wasn't gonna use it." Raithe said, holding up his hands, palms out, as if to ward her back. He wasn't fool enough to fight any of these people in a melee, where the odds were fair. Especially not Wolfe or Westra. Those two made for excellent front-liners and, hey, Raithe didn't hate the sight of their faces so far. Granted, one smelled like a distillery and the other had a habit of landing in holes or dying and coming back to life more than any person should...but they weren't terrible people.

Misguided, maybe. But not terrible.

Raithe, however, recognized his audience. The dig on Rutherford would have gone over better without someone like Westra within earshot. Moreover, Rutherford was probably the guy who would keep his word. His boss, on the other hand, was a wolf in human skin. The same guy that put together the Regulators was also the same guy that controlled a mercenary force that did his bidding.

"I have a definition of honor, but let's talk about important things." Raithe said, lowering his hands. Honor: the first thing you toss in the garbage when you realize survival is more important. "You guys want to help these people? Fine, let's help 'em. Let's make sure that when we do leave, they don't end up with more Redbrand Raiders. Or whatever the Pit they call themselves." Raithe said.

"Where there's trouble, the Watch is on duty. Get it? The Watch. Isn't Helm called 'The Watcher' or something? Not gonna think too hard on what that means, but I figure it fits." Raithe said, shrugging.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 02:12:10 PM by Raithe »


Yvaine Songsteel

Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2017, 02:09:25 PM »
Yvaine was silently amused, and it was demonstrated by the visible smile curling at the edge of her lips at Raithe's attempt to smooth things over by mentioning Helm. "Among other many names," she added.

Brownie point for the elf.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 07:06:39 PM by Yvaine Songsteel »



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  • Death. Honor. Hangovers.
Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2017, 02:54:01 PM »
Wolfe continued to sift through their hard-earned spoils, placing each gem meticulously back into the Bag of Holding. For as much as the Half-Orc seemed to be haphazard with his own physical appearance he took exceedingly great care of his equipment. His swords, Talon, the katana, and the wakazashi were all well polished, cleaned, and sharpened. The handaxes he carried, too, were well seen to. Even the chainmail he bore he would clean and polish at night. It was the rest of him he didn't seem to care about, but in his gear, he was as spartan as Westra.

As he did, and started to count the coins with less of a deep interest, he picked through the remaining loot and picked up the magic ring and put it snugly on his left index finger. The ring transmutated into a proper size to fit neatly on his hand. The blademaster seemed to be comfortable with this sort of equipment, handling it as if he had done so before.

"Yeah, I bet you do, Raithe." Wolfe said with some obvious contempt at Raithe's apparent dismissal of the concept. He shook his head and finished packing away all the coinage, then set the bag aside and returned to his work of seeing to the maintenence of his gear. He also took a sip from his flask, from time to time.

"I'm fine with The Watch. It's less dumb than some other things."


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
  • 0
  • For Lantan.
Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2017, 04:11:15 PM »
“It's no trouble, Captain.” responds Catriona to Westra on the matter of the scythe and its properties.  She had also previously enlightened everyone on the properties of the armor and ring, as well, though those items were far more straightforward.

The scientist was absent the coarse personality-type that was prevalent here; the snipes and sarcasm back and forth went rather over her head as she remained more or less indifferent to it.   She was never a significant presence in any peer group prior and maintained that mindset here. 

The matter of choosing a name for identification was something she wasn’t expecting as she’d not even known these people 24 hours ago.  Given her record ad coming up with what to call things, it was best she left that decision to others.  Of the cool elf rogue man would come up with something popular.  Part of her wished she was able to invoke some elf coolness from her non-human half, but alas, halfbreed dork for life.

Somehow it being connected to Helm wasn’t ideal to her as she did not want to be associated with random religious groups, but it was innocuous enough that she didn't raise the point. “Neat.  It is enigmatic and ambiguous, an additional layer of protection.” she finally says, to not seem awkwardly silent before pushing her eyebrows together as she notices Wolfe’s bizarre behavior with the treasure. 

After, she awaits the others, spending the time shaving off bits of wax cut from one of her candles and then testing them as ear-plugs.  It looks somewhat goofy as she keeps trying them out.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 12:55:50 AM by Doctor Catriona Wicker »


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Setting a course (Post Session 11 - Open to all)
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2017, 04:46:44 PM »
Westra opened her mouth to argue with Raithe's initial comment, but paused and then looked slightly confused at his wording. Before she'd sorted out exactly how she wanted to respond to that, Raithe moved on to speak of honor and how he did indeed have a definition. That he inferred it wasn't an important topic was worrisome, but in the same breath he conceded to helping the people of Phandalin. He suggested a name for the band, and Westra found herself surprised at the agreeableness of his choice.

"The Watch," she repeated, thoughtfully, as though testing it. None of the others seemed bothered by it, and Westra was certainly fond of its implications. She was then confronted with the conflict of wanting to celebrate Raithe's very pleasing branding for the group while also wanting to scold him for his comments on honor and lawbringers. She settled for a mute nod for now, and let the others speak.

"It's settled, then," she said, once everyone seemed on board. "The Watch it is." She took the necromancer's scythe back to where she'd been sitting, and sat down once more to begin cleaning it.

"Questionable comments aside, Raithe does make a pertinent point. Dispatching the Ruffians is only a temporary aid. To truly help the people of Phandalin we'll need to position them so that they can combat such crises in our absence. When we visited the supply store in the village, we got some information and aid from the owner of the store, a man named Elmar Barthen. He gave us an accurate depiction of how negligent Harbin Wester has been as Townmaster, and asked that we help him to take over the role. I normally am reluctant to involve myself in the politics of other municipalities, but it seems prudent to see that Wester is replaced with someone and that he's held accountable for whatever ways in which he's been complicit with the Ruffians' work." She paused, just long enough to look up from her work to see who, if anyone, was still tuned in.

"As none of us are terribly familiar with the residents of Phandalin as far as I know, it might be worth helping them to establish some kind of vote or communal appointment. Or at least take an informal poll of those we've met to see if they feel Barthen deserves a shot."


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