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Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]

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Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« on: September 05, 2017, 10:58:35 PM »
Quite a long way from home, this one was.  Nearly half a year ago, she was well over a thousand miles from where she currently stood, considering that reality for a moment.  Of course, then the world changed.. and it still was changing.

Lantan, the secretive Island Kingdom somewhere in the Trackless Sea, her home, was swallowed by the chaos during the onset of the Spellplague.  A survivor, she had portaled with a few other exiles to Waterdeep where she made her life for a short time before her funding reserves expired.

Even as an illegitimate child, she knew of one of her uncle’s daughters who was involved with the Lionshield Coster.  Offering services (miscellaneous as they were), Linene Graywind accepted this girl’s appeal and noted that she could use a brainy scientist in Phandalin’s. And so the girl travelled yet again, this time by carriage, to the frontier town, and settled in.

While playing shop-girl would pay for her room and board, her true goals were always to learn more about the Spellplague and its effects.  The catastrophe and her own fate were entwined inexorably and so she would find it her prime scientific motivation.

Today, however, was one of her first solo outings and she found herself on the outskirts of the small community known as Conyberry.  The sun was high, the weather only slightly chilly, and it was peacefully quiet.  The pale, bespectacled girl was with her bizarre tools exploring some ruined structures,  performing a myriad of tests and recording notes in a journal as she did so.

It was certainly an odd sight, as she was alone, with no escort, oblivious to the typical standards of self safety a young woman should be taking in this environment.


Yvaine Songsteel

Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2017, 02:59:10 PM »
Perhaps the young blonde woman alone in the ruins might have indeed seemed out of place to some. However, it was exactly as Yvaine had envisioned it...over, and over, and over.

She'd been here for hours, waiting for the right moment. Yvaine had been watching and biding her time. The new reality of that repeating dream matched so closely that it was unnerving and surreal. This vision had haunted her sleep night after night for several weeks, until it became so frustrating and pervasive that she sought outside advice. Torvin Lightguard, the Priest that saved Yvaine from slavery, was a wise cleric, mentor, and surrogate Father figure. In spite of her intense dislike for his particular council on the matter, the woman was left with little choice but to heed his words when he told her to follow her visions and come to this place.

Since her time in the fighting pits, Yvaine had kept herself very close to the Cleric, and leashed herself very tightly to the Temple. The girl didn't trust other people, and she had avoided the public or going out whenever she could. So the notion that she rush off to adventure, on her own, to follow some dream seemed absolutely ludicrous.

But now that Yvaine was here the familiar scent in the air, the texture of the moss as it crawled over ruined structures, and the familiar glint of sunlight in the golden-haired girl's eyeglasses had proven Torvin right.

Yvaine found it very difficult not to be overwhelmed in this moment. She had to remember the journey from Waterdeep in order to be certain that this just wasn't another replay of her dream. On the trip here she'd thought very hard about what she would tell Catriona. How should she would reveal herself? Should she admit to knowing the girl's name? Should she reveal that some silly vision sent her, so naturally the girl should trust her?

What would her story be?

As she perched like an unmoving statue on a ledge of some crumbling wall, every thing she'd decided before this moment was washed away. Now she just had to make sure the girl didn't run away.

"Greetings," a somewhat calm and raspy female voice would cut the air. It was just loud enough to catch Catriona's attention without startling her too much. If she looked around to find the source of the voice that called out, she'd find a woman draped on a ledge with a dark hood obscuring most of her face, an articulated breast plate emblazoned with the holy symbol of Helm, and large shoulder pauldrons that gave her a formidable stature. Heeled boots ran all the way up her thighs, and a crossbow hung limply from her hand.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" the quiescent, seemingly human figure said after a moment. Small talk was not Yvaine's strong suit. She hopped off the ledge, and took a few slow steps to descend the hillside towards the vibrant young scientist.

"My name's Yvaine. Sorry to disturb you. Have you found anything interesting here?" she asked, doing her best not to come off like some ruffian or robber. Whether she was successful would remain to be seen.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 03:29:07 PM by Yvaine Songsteel »


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2017, 05:50:27 PM »
As the halfblood young woman went about her business, it could be seen that she was fully ensconced in her work.  She wasn’t an exceptionally striking girl, moderate of height and with bearing that wasn’t all that graceful.  Quite curvy in build, her attire was of a foreign fashion; though still maintained very neatly. Even her off-white hair was brushed in a fashion that was conservative, if not somewhat 'Wednesday Addams-like.'

At her feet was a brass and copper clockwork device that was animated on its own, spinning slowly, then quickly.  Whatever it was doing was impossible to understand without a real knowledge of tinkering.  She scribbled some in her journal, then looked at the device, then scribbled some more. 

Having been alone out here for a while, hearing some disembodied voice greet her would normally startle a person.  Catriona, however, so nose-deep in her research only called out “One moment.”, kind of distractedly.  She was in the middle of getting a reading on something and interruptions would have to wait.

The girl snapped out of her tunnel vision and looked around now for the voice.  Her spectacled blue gaze panned around, her body following with an awkward twist as she finally settled on this stranger.  Catriona used a hand to shield her eyes from the sun and made a face as she squinted to get a better view of this armored lady who somehow ...snuck up on her? 

“Umm, I guess.  There is an unpleasant volume of pollen and dry air, but it could be worse.” Backing up some towards her gear, slowly, she gives off the impression of someone who is obviously worried of this stranger’s intentions.  Noticing the armor as the stranger began to approach, she recognized the symbol of Helm; still… anyone could wear that.

“That is a… distinguished name, Miss Yvaine.” replied the half-elf, adjusting her glasses some and holding her journal protectively to her bosom.  “Doctor Wicker.  I mean, that’s me.  Beat.  "Interesting? I... sure.  I’m sorry is this our home or something?  If so, my apologies, you have a lovely err dwelling.”

The girl came across as uncomfortable, because basically Batman appeared out of nowhere and approached her with questions Chris Hanson style.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 02:20:53 AM by Doctor Catriona Wicker »


Yvaine Songsteel

Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2017, 08:51:05 PM »

Yvaine wasn't sure why, but as the girl made her wait to be acknowledged, she found herself amused rather than irritated. Truthfully, she should have been annoyed. Instead, she thought it remarkable considering how easily it would have been for someone with ill intent to take advantage of the young woman's focus. However, as Yvaine was pleased to see this girl -- as much as she was ever pleased to see any stranger -- it simply caused a smile to form on her pillowy lips. (Her mouth incidentally, was the only visible facial feature besides her mildly upturned nose and pale skin.)

It was incredibly difficult to read the expressions of the darkly draped woman in front of her. Pollen? The edge of her mouth turned into a smirk, and she with a great amount of dexterity  the woman made her way down the rough edge of the grassy slope. She did it at a very slow, unimposing pace. The stranger stopped several feet from the Doctor so as not to become too imposing, but close enough that they didn't have to call across a distance.

Yvaine's build was slight, but hard to really suss out beneath the partial pieces of plate and leather corset. She had a small shield over her the dark cape that ran down her back, and a rapier strapped to her waist in addition to her cross bow. At this distance, Dr. Wicker would be able to tell that the woman in front of her was only about five and a half feet tall thanks to her boots, and she seemed human though she carried a cat-like grace.

"Pleasure, Catriona," she said in a somewhat flat, but polite enough tone. Pleasantries and social sucking up wasn't one of Yvaine's strong suits. Still, the fact that the woman dressed in black referred to the girl by her first name when it had not been offered, might have seemed unsettling. Obviously, she wasn't here by accident.

"No, I do not live here," she said, waving gloved fingers around. "From what I can tell, no one does," she remarked dryly. "Don't worry, I mean you no harm. However, now that I've met you..." Yvaine struggled to find some honest statement that wasn't going to freak the bookworm out. "I must say you're more delightful in person than I imagined," she offered in hopes a bit of flattery might help put the girl at ease in spite of the awkward encounter.  Yvaine had no trust for other people, so there was only so much trust she expected from anyone else...although she was at least putting forth some effort.

"You are the scholarly type, Doctor. That much is obvious. But do you subscribe to any particular religion?" she asked in an even tone, curious inflection suggesting that this was a leading question.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2017, 11:01:59 PM »
The matter at hand became all the more unusual when the heavily armed stranger freely used her un-given first name.  It was not as if she had a wealth of friends in the area where such a thing would even begin to make a small amount of sense.  At the same time, it was not as if she had enemies waiting in the wings, either.

Catriona’s mouth formed a line and she did not stand on ceremony or ‘looking cool’ ; she half leaned forward to try to see underneath the hood in her patented inelegant fashion.  It proved futile quickly enough and she ceased trying to do so as quickly as she started.

I mean you no harm.

Probably should have lead with that.

She did not say anything about being called delightful, the compliment not quite making it past the other things in the air between them.  She bit the side of her lip as if considering what course of action to take to find some control in this situation.

The question was easy enough.  “Are you doing street outreach and signing people up for Helmite service?” It was a clumsy assertion; that this armored lady was out spreading the good of The Watcher to the impious.  Was handing out miniature scripture books next?

“I am already inspired by the Gond, the Wonderbringer and sometimes the Lord of Knowledge, Oghma.”  Beat; her hand tightens some on the book pressed against her chest.  “So… all full up on religion…” admits the flaxen haired  doctor, mouth forming a line.

“Is there a reason you are hiding under that hood? Are you horrifically disfigured? It is okay if so, I have seen a wide variety of disfigurements in my time and I think I can handle it if you look weird.  Not like, monster weird, but burned or something. ”  Catriona, particularly when in an uneasy position, could speak rather quickly - all the words chaining together and out before she could even finish thinking them.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 02:21:13 AM by Doctor Catriona Wicker »


Yvaine Songsteel

Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2017, 11:55:11 PM »
As Cat endeavored to peer under the woman's hood or perhaps make eye contact, Yvaine quickly diverted with a twist of her head. The gesture caused the stiff, deep brown fabric with elegant inlays to streak across her cheek, thus making it impossible to see more. It was as though actually watching the Doctor was unimportant, and an obvious deflection.

It was a gesture Yvaine had made thousands of times before. She seemed stubbornly proficient in staying hidden -- even if it seemed to defy the laws of physics.

Her pink lips spread into a mild smile, revealing slight dimples at the edges when the Half-Elf proposed that Yvaine was some mercenary. She was glad the girl recognized the symbol of her God. However, when the blonde said she was 'full up on religion' the Cleric's smile grew wider, revealing straight, white teeth. Had there been true joy in her face, her smile could almost be considered 'pretty' by some standards. As it was, the edges of her mouth seemed to hit invisible walls that prevented it from being anything so dazzling or winsome.

"Perfect." She stated simply and softly in her quiet voice. "Faith is important. It means that we are able to trust in the unseen. So..." she said, deftly whirling her crossbow like a baton with an easy gesture, "maybe a girl so full up on religion could believe that I know your name, and I knew that you would be here because I was sent."

The woman in black did not respond to or acknowledge the inquiries about her appearance.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2017, 11:09:49 AM »
Catriona’s eyebrows pulled together as this Yvaine spoke longer with what she perceived as vagaries and near-riddles.  Both Gond and Oghma were gods that inspired petitioners to reach new plateaus in knowledge, invention and creativity.  Most other gods, to her, seemed to invoke varying levels of zealous creepiness. 

Of course in the metropolitan city of Waterdeep, even in a short few months, she’d been exposed thoroughly to all manner of religions, creeds and races.   It was a just name for the city, as even the most isolated soul gets tossed “in the deep end” as the saying went.

“Oka….” she said in a protracted fashion.  The half-elf took a handful of steps back to back up to her strange gadget that was still animated and doing something.  Half-crouching in an ungraceful manner, she twisted a knob on it and caused it to power down.

“Miss Yvaine, I don’t know who sent you but I’m nobody.  Is this about something in Phandalin?  Dissatisfied Coster customer?” Beat. “All the mystery and whatnot isn’t helping this interaction… though I am sure it works with your enemies….”

She trails off as she says that, eyes following the crossbow fanciness.

So sure…”


Yvaine Songsteel

Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2017, 11:34:36 AM »
'Sure.' That was a good enough acceptance for the mysterious cleric.

"I don't know what you're referring to," she said, waving dismissively with a gloved hand to Cat's questions of places and customers.

"I don't mean to be intentionally vague, Dr. Wicker. We find ourselves in a strange situation, and as unnerving and bizarre as it is for you, I can assure you it is more so for me. I came to this place because I saw it in a dream...a pervasive, unrelenting dream -- as peculiar as that sounds. I saw you in that moment, everything about you as vivid and real as you are standing before me now. I knew your name as easily and naturally as I recognize my own. I have never been here before, nor have you and I ever met...and yet somehow, all of this is familiar to me. So as unimportant or uninteresting as you might find yourself, the Powers that Be have put you in my path, and I in yours.

"I apologize for the way that sounds. I had toyed with the idea of coming up with some other story or lie that may be more palatable," she continued, watching the girl power down her device with mild curiosity. "I thought it might be better received. I may be guarded, but I have no palette for deception, sorry to say."

There was a long moment where Yvaine stood quietly, one hand on her hip, and the other propping the cross bow to rest lazily against her shoulder in an unassuming stance. Perhaps as awkward as Catriona was, she might also sense the social struggle from the strange woman in front of her as well. Yvaine took a deep breath, and simply powered through the uncomfortable conversation.

"This is just the beginning though. The Gods -- whichever you chose -- have a bigger narrative in mind for us, Doctor. You and I have some people to meet. If you like, you may finish your study of Conyberry today," she said, leaning against a nearby crumbling structure patiently. "We can also return you to town so that you may rest, make arrangements, and gather any supplies you might need," she explained in a quiet, matter of fact tone. "It's possible you may be gone for some time."


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2017, 01:08:57 PM »
So this Helmite warrior was not a disgruntled customer of the Lionshield Coster.  That was more a relief than anything, as she had not been there long and did not want to be blamed for anything so soon.  Linene already barely gave her anything to do as it was.

Being referred to in a dream; no being a subject in it; was surely something fascinating.  Catriona found the unexplained like catnip to her, and to inject her in some kind of intrigue made it all the more interesting.  At the very least, she wanted to know if this woman was just crazy or if something more bizarre was afoot.

When Yvaine apologized for being a cryptic presence, for some reason the girl’s shoulders loosened some from their tightened state.  Her attire remained a touch more modern than anything you’d find in most of the Sword Coast (though modern would be the wrong word in-scene.. Perhaps unusual in style?  Those Lantanese, am I rite?). 

An almost adorable, if not innocent light snort of laughter came from Catriona, is if to further affirm (if there was any doubt) how dorkish she was.  It also had elements of a scoff.  “This sounds like the most polite kidnapping I’ve ever heard of.”

She set her journal into her satchel and moved to carefully pack up the clockwork device and the tripod it was on,  in moments setting it in an old hide briefcase of a sort.  It was remarkable how well compartmentalized and compact it all was.

“You want me to follow you to meet people I don’t know because you had a dream that we have some kind of shared destiny?” Said aloud in such a stream of consciousness assessment, it certainly did not sound practical.  “I… well, are these people pleasant?  It would be safer to do my work if there are others around anyway to dissuade bad elements…”

“What other information did your brain conjure?”  Because let’s study the psychic faithful batman lady.  More interesting than rocks and soil samples...


Yvaine Songsteel

Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2017, 03:01:31 PM »
The fact that this was essentially a kidnapping had also crossed Yvaine's mind. After all, Yvaine wasn't going to particularly take 'no' for an answer -- the visions would not let her. So, she gave a shrug with her oversized pauldrons, unable to disagree with that particular statement. Cat wasn't necessarily wrong. Heh.

Though the Doctor would be unable to see it, Yvaine was watching her carefully. She was inspecting the device as best she could without getting uncomfortably close. She would ask about actual purpose of the contraption another time. It was a point of curiosity, though.

"That sums it up accurately," Yvaine agreed. True, the statement sounded ridiculous. "Though I would call it 'divine intervention,' rather than 'kidnapping.' It sounds preposterous, but I don't imagine the Gods would have lead me here if you were the kind to simply dismiss the notion out of hand." There was a bit of a sniff through her nostrils as though her nose itched. Perhaps that's the pollen.

"Yes, they are individuals that -- for an as of yet unknown purpose -- the Powers That Be wish you and I to encounter. I don't know why I know, and I can't articulate it, but they are roughly fifteen miles to the south. There's a tower shrouded in green ivy in a large clearing blanketed with wheatgrass. Based on my vision, there is a human woman leading this group. She seems to a paladin of Helm -- not a coincidence, I suspect. There's also a half orc with silver hair who loves to drink, a halfing riding an exceptionally large dog, a dwarf, and an elf with them. I don't know the name of this place, but I do know that I'll discover the way as we go -- and also, that you and I will be there, in the correct moment, no matter what."


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: Peculiar Readings [Catriona/Yvaine]
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2017, 05:28:10 PM »
In short order her belongings were stowed away for whatever came next.

The gods apparently had such pull and influence that she was assumed to be keen on the whole idea just because of that alone.  “Full disclosure, Miss.  I once followed hallucinations brought about by mildly poisonous mushrooms for two days. It certainly was… enlightening. So be it hallucinations or some real vision, I think there s something to discover in this situation.” she said, as if convincing herself.

“The powers that be what?” 

What did they be?

More information came and it caused the nerd girl to squint a bit behind her glasses.  That sound like a rather strange group of people, even for these parts. Halfling riding a large dog; what  kind of other oddities were in store?

“Again, such ..umm.. kindappy rhetoric.  I warn you now, no one will pay a ransom for me.”  Her thumbs dig under the straps of her pack, adjusting the weight and then she once more corrects the way her glasses sat upon her countenance.  Maybe that was an attempt to ease tension with some humor. Probably.

She starts to take a step  in one direction, then stops.  “My mammalian transport is  secured over there.  Do you need to share a ride? Or do will you just mysteriously appear at the destination asking what took me so long?” Catriona seemed serious about the last bit, if not at least entertained by the idea of it.

“Because that would be rather neat.” Now she kind of hoped it was a possibility....


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