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SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
►Last Post by phinneas
January 12, 2021, 09:59:18 PM

Animal Talk
►Last Post by Doctor Catriona Wicker
April 29, 2019, 10:39:18 PM

Roll20 Session Logs
►Last Post by phinneas
April 08, 2019, 09:37:05 AM

Getting the band back together
►Last Post by Doctor Catriona Wicker
March 06, 2019, 01:14:45 AM

Alone in the Dark
►Last Post by Doctor Catriona Wicker
February 20, 2019, 01:56:30 PM

Absences & Scheduling Issues
►Last Post by Euron Sand
November 16, 2018, 03:24:25 PM

The Forgotten
►Last Post by Levinath
November 01, 2018, 12:13:41 AM

Kara-Tur Adventures
►Last Post by Doctor Catriona Wicker
October 17, 2018, 03:44:23 PM

►Last Post by Jinharath
October 11, 2018, 11:49:17 AM

►Last Post by Jonias Siannodel
October 05, 2018, 11:16:22 PM

Roll20 Session Logs

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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2018, 03:05:04 PM »
Session 23

Levinath (GM):The black spider has been vanquished! The watch has defeated the drow and foiled his master plans! They remain undisturbed during their long rest and find themselves refreshed and ALIVE!

Dr Catriona: The Doctor barely understands naming a group or what the Watch means, but figured it out in context!
Doctor Wicker is admittedly oblivious to much.

Wolfe: Wolfe is refreshed! Waking slowly, he gets to his feet and dusts himself off. He digs into his pack, pulls out some jerky to get himself going, washing it down with some shitty hobgoblin alcohol.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran wakes rejuvinated. he takes a moment to wash his face, drink some water and then chase it with wine.

Dr Catriona: After the events of (last dtrp post), she does have a ridiculous sleep. When there is movement and noise as people rustle and wake, she does too and takes some time to clean herself up and organize her belongings.
The scientist moves to the door and looks outside it if anything looks suspicious..

Nundro Rockseeker: Nundro woke and ate some leftover food in silence before packing what few belongings he still had. The knife Zimran gave him, several books, and a piece of cheese. "Are we going to get out this bloody mine already?"

Dr Catriona: "I am going to collect a sample of Nezznar's blood. Be right back."

Westra Goldbrook: Having cleaned herself up before sleeping, Westra rises and splashes some water on her face before finding a quiet corner to do her devotions. An austere breakfast of travel-ready food from her pack is consumed, and then she takes stock of the others.

Zimran Ibanez: "Seems like a good Idea to me. Perhaps you could show us the way out?"

Nundro Rockseeker: You receive 1 x Vial of Blue Blood.

Dr Catriona: And she steps out of the supposed sanctuary to get dat.

Wolfe: "Eh, we're down here, we might as well clean this shit out."
"You came down here for a reason, right Nundro?"
"...Or were you just kidnapped? The details are a little hazy."

Westra Goldbrook: "Doctor, wait," Westra calls, going after her. "You shouldn't venture these halls alone."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Uhhh, ye. We were looking for the ancient Spellforge." He paused. "But that 'as already cost me both me bruthas."

Westra Goldbrook: She accompanies the scientist to collect her specimen, and returns with her.

Wolfe: "Well, runnin' away ain't gonna bring 'em back."
"Might as well make it so they didn't die for 'nuthin."

Dr Catriona: "Its okay, its not that far." she says back to Westra, though does not have an issue with being accompanied.

Nundro Rockseeker: He looks as if he wants to retort, but only gives a half hearted nod.

Dr Catriona: "That note mentioned some kind of serum being tested."

Wolfe: Wolfe lays a heavy hand on Nundro's shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
"Your brother was a good mate, Nundro."
"Sorry for your loss. But I'm sure he'd want you to press on, finish the work, y'know?"

Dr Catriona: "If its some manner of mutagenic elixir, we should study it should we come across some other being enhanced by it."

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe rolled his shoulder, making sure that he was ready to draw his bow and fire at a moment's notice.

Nundro Rockseeker: Wolfe's talk seemed to steady the dwarf and he nodded again with more determination. "Aye, with ye lot, we can do it."

Dr Catriona: She uses one of her iron vials to collect it and presses in the stopper. "All done."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Well, there's still a bunch of undead to get through. Maybe a few more Bugbars or Hobgoblins, too."

Westra Goldbrook: "If you think it's wise," Westra allows, clearly humoring the woman's work.

Wolfe: "Just stay behind us and stay safe, alright? It's obvious you ain't no Bruenor Battlehammer."
"Y'got spirit, tho." He grins a tusky grin.

Westra Goldbrook: She then escorts Cat back to the other room and arrives in time to hear the last of Wolfe's pep talk for the dwarf

Wolfe: He retreats his hand and goes for his flask.

Nundro Rockseeker: He nods again and pulls his pack on.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran sighed. He wanted a hot meal and warm hearth to play by, but instead it seemed like he'd have to endure an adventure. A smile crept over his face, "Well seeing as I've been tasked to offer my aid Master Rockseeker it seems I am still at your service should you want it."

Westra Goldbrook: "There's no reason we can't escort him to the surface before returning to clear this place." she said, to Wolfe. "He's been through an ordeal."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Nay, Lord Wolfe is right. I will go with ye lot."

Wolfe: "Why? There's hobgoblins and ghosts and fuckin Drow and all sorts of crazy shit around the village. That doppleganger is still loose, he could come back and murder Nundro on the way back to town."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran's eyes jumped as he suppressed a laugh at Nundro calling the half-orc "Lord"

Westra Goldbrook: When Nundro insists, Westra turns to Zimran. "We would be fortunate indeed to have your continued assistance. You proved to be quite adept in the last altercation."

Wolfe: "See? Everyone's happy."
"Let's get going."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran stands up straight when Westra requests his assistance then bows, "Ah, to follow your lead? How can i say no?"

Dr Catriona: "Is that a good idea?"
"For Mr. Rockseeker to come along, I mean. No offense, but you didn't strike me as a fighter..."

Zimran Ibanez: Once outside the room Zimran points down the hall relating the little he was able to explore.

Dr Catriona: "And you're the last brother. Would it not make more sense for you to go into hiding somewhere?"

Nundro Rockseeker: "Where would I hide Lassie? I get nuthin left anyways."

Wolfe: "You don't strike me as a fighter, either, Doc."

Dr Catriona: "I dont know. Dwarves can hide in places I can't fathom."

Wolfe: "We let you come along."

Westra Goldbrook: "Regardless,"

Wolfe: "It's his choice. I ain't his babysitter."

Dr Catriona: "But he should go try to repopulate his family line.. or something, no?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Master Rockseeker has made his choice."

Wolfe: "Heh."

Dr Catriona: "I don't know how it works here."

Wolfe: "It ain't all it's cracked up to be."
"Believe me."
He drinks more from his flask.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran gives the Doctor a sidelong look.

Dr Catriona: "Um.. okay.. "

Westra Goldbrook: "So we're agreed. We're clearing the rest of the vermin from these mines."

Wolfe: "Yep."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Yep. Seems so."

Zimran Ibanez: "Aye"

Nundro Rockseeker: He nods. A really member of the group now.

Dr Catriona: She flicks two switches on her BOOMer and no-look aims behind her. It it WHOOMPS a blast of fire towards the corpse of the Black Spider in the background, setting it ablaze.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran jumps

Dr Catriona: She then re-holsters the contraption and is startled by Zimran's jump.

Zimran Ibanez: "What the..."

Westra Goldbrook: "She does things like that."

Levinath (GM):Roasted spider begins to smell not delicious.

Westra Goldbrook: "Most of the time, it turns out to be wildly useful, though."

Wolfe: The Half-Orc gets surprised by that, startled for a moment. He then sees the source and starts bursting out laughing. "HAH! Fuckin' Cat!"

Zimran Ibanez: "Okay, then. Noted."

Dr Catriona: "Oh.. I assumed rapid oxidation would prevent any further trouble from it."

Westra Goldbrook: "Were there scoundrels and undead in the direction from which you came?" she asked Zimran

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran pulls out a small notebook where he would usually write lyrics or poems and instead notes the strange word "oxidation"
"I may use that later"

Levinath (GM):A wide rift fills the eastern half of this cavern. A stream pours out of the west wall, then tumbles down into the rift and flows out again to the north. It creates a loud waterfall echo throughout the cavern. Several ropes are secured to iron stakes along on the western edge of the rift, leading down to the chasm floor. A single bugbear lazily kicks stones about on the chasm floor.

Dr Catriona: "I did not have the opportunity to say, sorry you were replaced by a spy, Mister Raithe. "

Levinath (GM):The stream to the south has several stones that can be used to cross the water.

Westra Goldbrook: "That looks like our path," Westra murmurs with quiet resignation.

Levinath (GM):The rock face appears to be about 25 feet down.

Zimran Ibanez: "Looks like those cretins are still down there," Zimran whispers

Wolfe: "Raithe."

Westra Goldbrook: "Master Moonstrike, Doctor,"

Wolfe: "Think you can snipe that poor fuck?" He whispers to him, pointing to the Bugbear.

Raithe Moonstrike: "Yep." One sec...."

Westra Goldbrook: "...or at least provide cover while we attempt to climb down."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Give me just a sec."

Zimran Ibanez: The bard loads his handcrossbow.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra carefully steps across the stones in the river.

Dr Catriona: She misses as usual.

Dr Catriona: "Oh, she is no friend to gravity..."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Now that is falling with style."

Wolfe: Wolfe throws his hand-axe and goes wide, he's not warmed up yet. Though when Westra trips to fall and murder the Bugbear at the same time he just starts laughing.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran fires his handcrossbow aiming for and hitting the brutes center mass.

Westra Goldbrook: Once the ranged attacks pass by and the bugbear remains standing, Westra attempts to launch herself off of the ledge and tackle the creature with a shout. She stumbles and descends less-than-gracefully, but recovers soon enough to take a swing at the beast even so.

Levinath (GM):11
Westra trips and falls 25 feet, landing next to the bugbear. As she crashes into the ground, her halbred flips free and lands in the bugbear's back, killing him.

Nundro Rockseeker: "That was madness."

Zimran Ibanez: "Ooo such daring"

Dr Catriona: Catriona holsters her gun on her belt.

Wolfe: Wolfe is still laughing.

Westra Goldbrook: "WHENEVER YOU'RE READY," she calls, with a note of annoyance in her voice.

Dr Catriona: ((How strong is this stream current?))

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe will use some rope and climb down.

Levinath (GM):The stream is difficult to stand in, but you could navigate through it.

Wolfe: Wolfe climbs down slowly but surely.
He walks over to stand next to Westra, grinning like a fool. "Ahhh, I'm glad we brought you back."

Westra Goldbrook: While she waits, Westra kicks the bugbear over and looks for some indication of what his task here might have been

Wolfe: "This shit ain't nearly as funny without you falling on your high-horsed ass every ten minutes."

Zimran Ibanez: "Where did you bring her back from," the bard inquires.

Levinath (GM):A large pile of stone and rubble as been amassed to the south near the bugbear corpse. To the east, a channel has been formed through the rock, it appears at one time the water was diverted through the channel.A secondary tunnel can be seen from the Northeast.

Wolfe: "Whatever celestial plane that got stuck havin her there."

Westra Goldbrook: "Well, it's as they say, the misfortune of other's is the dullard's comedy."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Brought back...? You died?"

Zimran Ibanez: "Celestial plane?"

Wolfe: "Yeahhhh."
"Shit I forgot."

Westra Goldbrook: Westa sighs.
"We can tell stories later."

Wolfe: "That was Not-You."

Westra Goldbrook: "We have work to do."

Wolfe: He motions to Raithe.

Raithe Moonstrike: "He killed Westra?"

Wolfe: "No."

Zimran Ibanez: "Oh I look forward to hearing this!"

Wolfe: "Some slime did. Down here."

Dr Catriona: "I think a proper debrief will be in order."

Wolfe: "Fell all over her, got in her mouth and everything."
"Heh. Heh."

Nundro Rockseeker: "They would have used the channel to the east to have water power the forges." Nundro volunteers as he inspects the carved out channel.

Wolfe: "Means the forge should be close, eh?"

Raithe Moonstrike: "I'll be waiting to hear the close to this story." Raithe said, keeping any eye out for danger or traps.

Nundro Rockseeker: "Mmm perhaps. This would be a good way to check."
"Water can flow for a long time though, depending."

Wolfe: Wolfe starts heading over.
"Raithe get up here."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra starts down the channel, eager to find something besides bothersome conversation.

Wolfe: "Check to make sure this thing doesn't collapse or some shit."

Westra Goldbrook: "Undead this way," she tells those behind her.

Levinath (GM):As Westra turns the corner, she can see some figures moving in the flicker torchlight, they don't seem to take notice of her, yet.

Wolfe: Wolfe slowly draws talon

Dr Catriona: ((he draws it on the wall))

Levinath (GM):The channel continues on for a ways, and opens into a room, four feet up from the bottom of the channel is the floor of the room. The channel is blocked ahead by a broken water wheel.

Wolfe: "Got a fight ahead." Wolfe says over his shoulder.
"Raithe, get up here."

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe nmoves."

Wolfe: "Westra."

Raithe Moonstrike: "We want to pop these zombies or walk by 'em?"

Wolfe: "On three, you get the one on the right, I get the one on the left."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran remains back keeping an eye on Nundro

Wolfe: He ducks down to crouch, and walks slowly keeping close to the floor.

Dr Catriona: "Ambulatory cadavers, Mister Ibanez."

Dr Catriona: "On your ..uh.. guard."

Zimran Ibanez: "Am-buu-la-tor-ray" Zimran scribles

Levinath (GM):
Gundren moves away from Zimran and begins inspecting the bugbear and its surroundings seemingly not interested in the fight to come.

Dr Catriona: Catriona speaks in a somewhat gnome-ish dialect and affectation.
"Mobile. Predatory. Mindless."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra hups up out of the channel and charges towards the zombies!

Zimran Ibanez: "Mmmm. Poetry good doctor, pure poetry." Zimran scribles some more before he sees the others move ahead.

Westra Goldbrook: She shoots a look at Wolfe ...after both zombies fall

Dr Catriona: "...uh....huh?" she says, brows pushing together, not understanding him... but then turning to view the conflict ahead.

Levinath (GM):Two zombies collapse at Westra's assault. As they fall she sees a glowing green orb above the large forge. It turns to her and lets out a ghastly howl as all the zombies turn towards Westra.

Wolfe: "Let's see if you can go through one fight without getting knocked out!" He yells up after her boasting.

Westra Goldbrook:

It is Wolfe's turn   


It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe leaps up and throws a hand-axe at the glowing green orb. HUH!!!

It is Flaming Skull's turn   

Levinath (GM):The skull lets out a howl and sends a blast of green flame at the trio.

Zimran Ibanez: Hearing a comotion ahead Zimran rounds the corner of the aqueduct and kips up the wall quickly, staying behind the warrior woman.

Wolfe: A huge boooooooom lands right amidst the Watch. Wolfe ducks low, currently on fire and swearing.
"Raithe, Cat, shoot that fucking thing out of the sky!"

It is Gizmo's turn   

Dr Catriona: ✔ End of Turn ✔


Zimran Ibanez: Zimran barely scrambled behind the structure next to him, but the heat from the fiery blast still burned.

Wolfe: "Hey! The Forge is glowing the same color as the skull!"
"Maybe it's connected to it!"

Dr Catriona: (nothing)

It is Zombie's turn   

Westra Goldbrook:

It is Raithe Moonstrike's turn   
Raithe Moonstrike

Raithe Moonstrike:

Westra Goldbrook: "Find cover!" she calls to the ranged fighters, before slashing at the mass of approaching zombies.

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe gets out of the trench, nocks his arrow, and fires at the flaming skull!

Dr Catriona: She runs up within the trench then ducks her silly blonde head out to use the Phantasmitron 2000 to make a minor illusion hologram of a fat dwarf
Then she drops prone, out of sight.
✔ End of Turn ✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Dr Catriona: Can I put it on top of that... machinery?
(No next to Raithe)
(So zombies will have to climb to get him)
(whatever wastes time for them)

Westra Goldbrook:

Dr Catriona: ((but there is Helpless Dwarf Meat!))

It is Wolfe's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra chooses to head for the skull, cutting a path through its zombie minions to get there.

Wolfe: Wolfe takes a deep breath, recentering himself. He then reaches his hand out to grab the Zombie by it's face and shoves it away. It flails at him and gnaws sluggishly at his hand and he moves forward, throwing his second axe at the flaming skull. "FUCK OFF!"

Dr Catriona: "Wow! That was better than the Captain!"

Wolfe: It chips at the side of it's flaming face.

Dr Catriona: Catriona sees it all.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran stumbles into the pit, hoping to avoid the fiery blasts and the attention of the zombies. He then let out a clear whistled fey tune, lighting enemies in a glow.

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe will aim and fire at the skull again, then close the distance from his side of the gorge.

Levinath (GM):An arrow blasts the bottom half the jaw from the skull, it begins to laugh maniacally, the sound sends a chill down your spines.

Dr Catriona: "Duck, Mister Ibanez!"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran ducks.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra continues her charge towards the skull and attacks it with fervor, hoping to spare the party from another blast of painful fire.

Dr Catriona: She will actually duck as well, using full cover.

Dr Catriona: After using her BOOMER to blast the zombie's torso wide open.

Westra Goldbrook: When her polearm butt smacks into the creature, Westra calls on divine power to make it hurt.
When the weapon connects, the skull explodes in a shower of greenish fire and bone.

It is Wolfe's turn   


It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran calls from the water channel, "Is anyone hurt?"

It is Gizmo's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: "Singed but alive!" she calls back, looking to the others to verify

Raithe Moonstrike: "I'm good!"

GIZMO-2: The clockwork owl hoots and beeps at Raithe then flies over one of the zombies, distracting it, before flying away.
(Help to Raithe)
✔ End of Turn ✔

Wolfe: "I'll be fine once I beat the shit out of these fuckin' zombies!"
"Good work, Westra!"

It is Zombie's turn   

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran scurries out of the channel again and fires a readied bolt at the nearest zombie. Hearing Westra call out first, Zimran smiled, "Waukeen's blessings Captain."

Levinath (GM):A fleshless hand grabs Zimran's leg, as three zombies laying around him come back to life.

It is Raithe Moonstrike's turn   
Raithe Moonstrike

Levinath (GM):

Wolfe: "We need the Dwarf up here to fix this damn Forge, or something! It's till glowing with flames!"
"Or dispel it or.. OOF."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran yells as several sets of hands pummel his legs.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks around for more shit to hit.

Dr Catriona: Cat blows away the Zombie that tried to make lunch of the bard, but that is obviously not enough.

Levinath (GM):The glowing embers seem to die in potency as the skull is vanquished, though they still active.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Why are you all right in the middle of their number?"

Dr Catriona: "Mister Ibanez, can you extract yourself?"

Zimran Ibanez: "This wasn't my intention Doctor!"

Wolfe: Wolfe cleaves one in half then moves over to distract the zombies from Zimran. "Hey, closest corpses, right here!"

Dr Catriona: Catriona slaps her forehead as Wolfe replaces the bard in the middle of the zombiefest.

It is GIZMO-3's turn   
GIZMO-3: ✔ End of Turn ✔

It is Zombie's turn   

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran slips out from between the zombies and hides.
GIZMO-3: Gizmo just keeps Raithe company for now.

Levinath (GM):The zombie below Wolfe begins to move, though his boot is firmly planted on its head and arm.
Another zombie comes alive in the pit, and tries to reach for the Doc.

It is Raithe Moonstrike's turn   
Raithe Moonstrike

Raithe Moonstrike:

Levinath (GM):Raithe finds there is a pile of green glowing embers sitting in the bottom of the forge, they appear to just be normal embers of a fire so far Raithe can tell. They give off an unnaturally warm heat for the small pile that is in there forge.
The embers sizzle and the green glow fades out in moments, the zombies falling prone as it happens.

Wolfe: "Good job, Raithe!"

Raithe Moonstrike: "I had no idea if that was going to work. Thank Mask!"

Dr Catriona: ((but Mask is in a sword!))

Levinath (GM):"Oy ye lot! I found sum'in back der in da rocks! Ey, where did ye go?" A voice calls from the bottom of the trench.

Westra Goldbrook: Once the zombies fall (for good), Westra takes a moment to tend to her wounds. (Lay on Hands)

Zimran Ibanez: "Everything clear? Zimran asks as he checks the gashes along his legs

Westra Goldbrook: "Well done, Raithe."

Dr Catriona: "You look very damaged."
She says to Zimran.

Nundro Rockseeker: 5

Dr Catriona: "Do you need some goodberries?"

Nundro Rockseeker: Thunp "Oye!"

Raithe Moonstrike: "Thanks, Westra. But what do we do with this thing now?"

Westra Goldbrook: Only afterwards does she notice how banged up the bard looks.

Zimran Ibanez: The coughs, "Thanks for the observation Doc."

Westra Goldbrook: "Here, use this," she says, offering him a healing potion.

Wolfe: Wolfe walks over and helps the Dwarf up.
"Think we found what you were lookin' for."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Thanks Lord Wolfe. I found ye these gauntlets." He hands Wolfe a pair of seemingly good condition silver gauntlets. They seem to be for a being much larger than a someone Wolfe's size.

Zimran Ibanez: "My thanks Captain," Zimran says with a smile before gulping down the potion.

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts an eyebrow at the gauntlets that look like they were made for an ogre. "Uh.. thanks. Where did you find these?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra watches the bard skeptically, and says, "Are you well? You seem a bit peaked still."

Dr Catriona: The flaxen haired half elf offers the Zimran 5 goodberries for 5 HP. That leaves her with 5 for the day.

Nundro Rockseeker: "I noticed sumpun wasn't settled clean on da rocks back there, checked it out."

Wolfe: "Huh. Thanks Nundro."
He drops the gauntlets into the Bag of Holding to check out later.

Nundro Rockseeker: He gives Wolfe a smile and nod.

Zimran Ibanez: "I can use a bit of magic to aid myself, but who knows what further dangers lie ahead" the bard nods to Westra before accepting the berries the Doctor offered."

Wolfe: "We found the spell forge, I think."
"Was bein' used to make zombies."

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe uses the flat of his dagger to pull one of the embers from the forge and study it.

Dr Catriona: "Here, consume these one at a time. They should promote some accelerated rejuvenation.

Nundro Rockseeker: The Dwarf takes a few minutes to look at the forge, walking around it slowly.

Dr Catriona: "How did you know what to do?" she says to Raithe with scientific curiosity.

Zimran Ibanez: "ummm" Zimran smiles sheepishly after consuming all five at one time.

Wolfe: "Here. Zim."

Nundro Rockseeker: "The legends say the forge was...." He looks to Zimran and says 'enchanted' in dwarven."

Wolfe: Wolfe draws out the giant guantlets and hands them to the Bard. "Can you check these out?"

Raithe Moonstrike: "I didn't. But it was forge. I figured dousing the fire would help...if it didn't kill us."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran looks up at the half-orc, "I believe those are called gauntlets."

Dr Catriona: "Exemplary um.. thinking. Glad the real you was around this time."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra coughs to hide a chuckle.

Dr Catriona: "Who knows how much other things you could have spared us from." she says, trying to make a joke.

Wolfe: "Thanks buddy."
"I was sayin if they're magical."

Zimran Ibanez: "Any time!"

Wolfe: "Or if they're just fuckin gauntlets."

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe looks a bit sheepish. "Yeah...or how many other people could have been spared."

Nundro Rockseeker: He continues....."This is a fine forge of Dwarven make, but I see nuttin that says it has any magic in it."

Dr Catriona: "But its dousing extinguished the energy that powered the corpses."
"If that is standard faire for dwarven forges, I am afraid I am in the wrong industry."

Zimran Ibanez: "Oh I don't specialize in identifying objects of power. I suppose if i had some time to look closer. at least an hour or so I could tell you more. Maybe."

Wolfe: "Oh wait. Doc's WEENIS... heh.. heh... heh."
Wolfe stows the gauntlets.
"Nevermind, then."
He walks back over to the others. "So, not it?"

Nundro Rockseeker: He shrugs. "Da books say it had magical text carved into the forge, and it was powered by some ancient artifact."

Wolfe: "So. Not it."
"We got any potions left?"

Zimran Ibanez: "So this is just an incredibly well made dwarven forge that after centuries of being dormant still glows warm? good to know."

Dr Catriona: "And powers the walking dead."

Zimran Ibanez: The bard scribbles more notes.

Dr Catriona: She examines the pieces of flameskull.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra tosses Wolfe the last potion.

Wolfe: Wolfe grabs it and drinks it down like it was some sweet, sweet hard liquor. 6

Westra Goldbrook: Though his use of "we" annoys her.

Nundro Rockseeker: The barricade to the west appears to have been built hastily and recently to all those near it. There is a hallway leading south, one to the east and the channel moves back into the wall a little to the north east.

Wolfe: "Me and Zim are a little beat up still, but if we don't wanna stop I think we're good for one more brawl as long as it's nothin' like the Spider."

Dr Catriona: Catriona gives the forge her own investigation while people are debating things.

Wolfe: "Worse comes to worse we run away, regroup, come back."

Raithe Moonstrike: "I agree with Wolfe."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods. "Onward, then."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Dis doesn't look like the normal coal for the forge." The dwarf peeks in the bellows but doesn't touch anything. "Da crystalization on it doesn't match natural coal, look." He points to a pile of coal next to the forge covered in dust.
No one is able to discern what difference he is actually talking about.

Dr Catriona:
Same as Nundro.

Nundro Rockseeker: Seems to just be a normal, albeit large forge.

Dr Catriona: ((Eating all 5 goodberries at once makes Zimran burp randomly for the next hour. I DECREE IT))

Wolfe: Wolfe recollects his hand-axes.



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2018, 03:16:34 PM »
Session 24

Dungeon Lord (GM): The Watch, having slain a flameskull and mass of zombies, discover what they thought to be the Spellforge was in fact not.

Dr Catriona: "It looks mundane to me. I just cant figure out why it was connected to the undead."
She then circles the forge, seeing if the forge is connected to anything. Pipes or whatever dwarven muckety muck.

Nundro Rockseeker: "Coud it 'ave just been a magic spell of dat floating skull?"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran rests against a wall, tending to his wounds.

Dungeon Lord (GM): The forge is connected to the bellows which is connected to the broken water wheel.

Westra Goldbrook: "Someone situated that creature there as a guardian for some purpose," Westra guessed, as she made her way to the Bard. He'd healed her considerably earlier, and she took the opportunity to offer him help in return, now that he looked a little.. .singed. "Here," she offers, extending a hand towards his shoulder. "Allow me to pray with you. It will help."

Dungeon Lord (GM): The water wheel has been nearly eradicated by the long past battle. Its gears are destroyed and most of the paddles are rotted or broken off.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran smiled in return to Westra before taking her extended hand, "Why certainly." He bowed almost reverently.

Dr Catriona: "If it was, how was it controlling the undead after it exploded.?"

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe stepped away from the party to investigate a nearby passage, wanting to make sure that an ambush wasn't coming at them.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra bowed her head and prayed silently, seeking diving healing for the wounded Bard.

Nundro Rockseeker: shrugs

Wolfe: "None of this shit makes sense."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods at his thanks, and then steps away to tend to her own ills.

Dr Catriona: "Mister Moonstrike, perhaps we should let the captain try to detect undead about?" she says towards the disappearing thief.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Raithe can see a group of zombies that seem to be meandering near the bend in the path. They don't seem to notice him as they stand idly.

Raithe Moonstrike: "Well, I can tell you that there are zombies that way. That's for certain."

Dr Catriona: "How do we know this forge won't reactivate, raising these bodies once more?"

Zimran Ibanez: Renewed by the Captain's healing, Zimran pushed himself up from the wall and looked over where the others were discussing the state of the forge with only passing interest.

Westra Goldbrook: Still sore from the recent bout with zombies, Westra pulls a healing potion from her pack and uncorks it. Before drinking it, though, she catches wolfe out of the corner of her eye, looking a bit haggard. She hesitates.
For too long, really.
and then corks it and crosses the room towards the half-orc.

Westra Goldbrook: "Here," she says, from behind him, and passes the thing off before heading towards Raithe.

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe points down the eastern path when Westra arrives, showing her where the zombies are.

Wolfe: "Thanks Princess."

Nundro Rockseeker: Nundro grabs a shovel and moves the still smokey charcoal from the forge, dumping it in a pile to the side. "If der ain't no fuel, perhaps it won't."

Wolfe: Wolfe drinks the healing potion, oblivious to Westra's struggle of faith
it obviously lacks the power of his regular beverages of choice

Dr Catriona: "Good idea, Mister Rockseeker."
"Would be quite the bother to be leaving and walk into a party of these buggers."

Nundro Rockseeker: He seems pleased with the Doctor's praise and gives her a nod.

Westra Goldbrook: "Still, we shouldn't leave them for someone else to contend with," she says, eyeing the path to the east. She then looks back to the party. "Everyone ready to clean up a bit?"

Raithe Moonstrike: "Ready when you are, Cap."

Zimran Ibanez: "Ummm, Clean up? There's hardly a place to draw a bath."

Wolfe: "Sure."
"Who minds gettin a lil dirty, here and there?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pauses and, taking heed of the Doctor's suggestion, allows her Divine Sense to inform her of the nature of the foes down that tunnel.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Westra's nose picks up the scent of decay and undeath. She can sense zombies and ghouls in the path ahead.

Dungeon Lord (GM): 3 ghouls and a zombie horde

Westra Goldbrook: "Ghouls as well as zombies," she warns

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran rolls his eyes, "Glad I brought my yarting..."

Westra Goldbrook: "Your what?"

Wolfe: Wolfe walks over slowly, drawing Talon as he goes and settling both hands upon the grip.
"After you, Princess."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran lightly taps on his six-stringed instrument. A more curvaceous type of lute made of fine wood.

Dr Catriona: ((thought it had the 6 colored guitar hero buttons tho))

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe draws his bow and nocks an arrow, ready to provide cover fire.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra eyes the musical instrument and nods in understanding - albeit skeptical understanding. Then her lips press together in a displeased expression towards Wolfe. "Never let them say you're not a chivalrous creature, Wolfe," she murmurs, sarcastically.

Dr Catriona: "Remember that zombies lack in intellect."

Westra Goldbrook: And then heads into the tunnel

Dr Catriona: "Ghouls, I imagine not..."

Zimran Ibanez: "It's a joke amongst bards that the undead are terrible art critics."

Wolfe: "I never do."
It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   

Zimran Ibanez:

Dungeon Lord (GM): Zimran's arrow knocks the head off one of the zombies.

It is Wolfe's turn   



Dr Catriona: "Wow, you know how to use that device." she says to Zimran, not having noticed him being effective with a crossbow.

Nundro Rockseeker: "What're ye lot doin?"
He helps the doc.

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Careful Mister Rockseeker."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Careful yeself Lass!"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran fires his hand crossbow almost blindly into the walking mass of flesh in front of them. He then turns to his yarting and gives it a quick strum before offering a wink to Westra.

Dr Catriona: Unlatching her gun she aims into the dark, shambling horde.

Nundro Rockseeker: "Oy dats a might fine piece ye have der!"

Dr Catriona: ✔ End of Turn ✔

Nundro Rockseeker: Another zombie is burned to a crisp

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe moves in and slashes at the zombie horde but his cracked rib causes him to wheeze in pain at the worst time.

Dr Catriona: The hallway lights up in azure illumination as a projectile fires between the frontline and collides with a deadite.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra lunges forward to do what she does best (besides falling into holes).

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Decayed and decaying body parts are slung in several directions as Westra slashes through the shambling horde. "Vile creatures!"

Wolfe: "Well... at least those fuckers are out of the way."

Westra Goldbrook: "More ahead," she intones, lunging deeper into the tunnel

Dungeon Lord (GM): As Westra moves into the room, a fog covers the ground. She can make out three ghouls to the south, their heads turn sickly sideways and stare at her as she approaches.

Dr Catriona: ✔ End of Turn ✔

Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   

Dungeon Lord (GM): The Ghoul's maw opens and lets out a loud disgusting scream. The others follow in turn.

Wolfe: Wolfe moves in and slahes heavily through the Ghoul's scabberous chest, making a brand new opening for it to scream through.

Dungeon Lord (GM):
Nundro moves up, dagger in hand, but he stays back and helps Raithe.

Dr Catriona: "Mister Rockseeker! There are bad things in front!"

Nundro Rockseeker: "Lass I cann't stand behind yet curtails all day long!"

Dr Catriona: "You can, it is permitted!"

Dungeon Lord (GM):

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona: "Oh nerts. You've got me worrying now."

Dungeon Lord (GM): More screams, exactly the same as those outside can be heard from the inside of the dilapidated building directly in front of the group.

Westra Goldbrook: Slashy. Slashy.
Westra tears mercilessly through the nearest ghoul, then turns to find more targets!

Westra Goldbrook: "If you're not going to dispatch those, I can assist," she taunts Wolfe.

Wolfe: "Can you assist with this itch I have on my left nut?"

GIZMO-3: Gizmo flashes lights from his owl eyes to help Raithe!

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

GIZMO-3: "Breep Hooot Zeeeeeep."

Westra Goldbrook: "Of course!" She twirls her halberd around so the blade's towards him. "Come."

GIZMO-3: (help action)

Wolfe: "I'm seeing why Rutherford sent you out of the city, Princess."

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed. He could cull his own foes."
"I'm more needed here by far."

Wolfe: "Right, we got pits that need fillin' out here."

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe nocks and fires another arrow, landing it in the ghoul's shoulder.

Westra Goldbrook: "Ah! See, look even the Bard sees the need to help," she says, oddly cheerful.

Wolfe: Wolfe cuts the head clean off the Ghoul in front of him. "Of the two of us, who's died more often, Westra?"

Westra Goldbrook: "I can't say, since you perpetually smell as though you're three days expired."

Nundro Rockseeker: Nundro helps Raithe again. "There is one there behind the corner laddie!" He points.

GIZMO-3: "I do not think the ghouls care for this conversation."

Dr Catriona: says doc.

Wolfe: "Hah, if you think you smelled like roses in the crypt you're even more delusional than I thought."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran rests his arm over Nundro's shoulder, "Steady please Master Nundro." His bolt flies true into the ghoul in front of Wolfe before the brute cuts the creature's head off.

Dungeon Lord (GM): The remaining ghoul lets out another loud scream that is echoed inside the building again.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dungeon Lord (GM):

Westra Goldbrook: "Well done, Doctor. That contraption of yours is quite useful."

Dr Catriona: The blue fire collides with the ghouls midsection and erupts into a full on inferno over the creature's body, burning it down to a skeleton.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran marvel's at the doctor's strange boom stick.

Dr Catriona: "Um, sometimes. When it works."

Zimran Ibanez: "Right then, that was easy. Where to next?"

Dungeon Lord (GM): Glittering minerals in the ceiling of this large cavern catch the light and send it back to create the impression of a starry night sky. Dozens of skeletons,many crushed under fallen debris-are scattered across the floor. The cave is large enough that it contains two freestanding structures. Each of these stone buildings is proportioned for human use, as opposed to the dwarf-sized doorways and furnishings you've seen elsewhere in the mines. Both structures have battered and blackened masonry walls, their double doors cracked and scorched. The cavern is divided by an escarpment, into which a flight of stairs has been cut. Passages lead out of this area to the north, south, and west. The entire cavern is covered by a light fog.

Wolfe: "Good job, Doc." Wolfe calls over his shoulder toward Cat.

Nundro Rockseeker: "I cann't see me own beard in ere!"

Dr Catriona: "I am sure it is still very stout and bushy."

Nundro Rockseeker: He walks into the back of the Doctor. "Oy! Sorry Lass!"

Dr Catriona: She contemplates if that was intentional...
Nundro Rockseeker will never tell.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks around at the cavern, momentarily pleased by the strange etherealness of it before she snaps back to business and begins inspecting the structures. "What a strange place this is turning out to be."
"Master Rockseeker, what are these structures?" she asks, hoping he'd have some insight into the mines.

Dr Catriona: The Doctor scratches in charlk on the door "Forge #1 / Skull Monster" before they leave the opening of that chamber.

Wolfe: "Hey. I remember that smell.. We're close to where that slime fucked you up, Princess."

Dr Catriona: Gizmo can guide you, Mister Rockseeker." She sets the owl on his shoulder.

Nundro Rockseeker: "Thank ya Lass." Though he doesn't sound particularly as pleased with that idea.

Dr Catriona: "I have a strange feeling here."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra, noticeably, does not respond.

Dr Catriona: "The air has some kind of variance in energy."

Raithe Moonstrike: "I'm gonna look around over here, just to make sure we don't get jumped by more zombies." Raithe said.

Nundro Rockseeker: The double doors on the southern structure also appear charred and black as if damaged by some explosion, or magic.

Westra Goldbrook: "What kind of variance?" she asked, the doctor, curious.

Dungeon Lord (GM): The doors hinges appear to be melted from some blast. Westra can probably force them open.

Dr Catriona: "Its like when you are near a person with perfume that is a bit too strong, that you wonder if it is you or them... and just feel uneasy not knowing and you cant just go up and sniff them to confirm your suspicions..."
"Its a feeling like that, but arcana."

Wolfe: "Need me to take care of that, Princess?" Wolfe walks over to settle next to Westra.

Dr Catriona: "No offense, Mister Ibanez."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra aims the heel of a heavy boot at what she guesses to be the weakest part of the doors, hoping to kick them open.--at least, she prepares to do so, but pauses at Cat's description.

Wolfe: "Chivalry, all that. Don't need you gruntin and smellin like me beneath all that armor."

Westra Goldbrook: But then wolfe walks up, and she continues.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Westra gives the door a strong kick and it folds in with a loud creek in protest.

Dr Catriona: Doctor Wicker gets startled.

Zimran Ibanez: "Offense over what doctor?" The half-elf perked up. He had not been paying attention, instead marveling at the cave.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Dust, ash, walls blackened by fire, and heaps of debris beneath the sagging ceiling show that this room was damaged by a destructive blast. The furnishings-tables, chairs, bookshelves, beds-are charred or splintered, but otherwise well preserved. A scorched iron chest stands near the foot of one of the beds.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra enters the room, takes stock, and is drawn to the iron chest.

Zimran Ibanez: "Wonder what's going on up there?" Zimran points to Westra and Wolfe.

Wolfe: "Hey! We found some actual loot!"

Dungeon Lord (GM): It feels substantially colder inside the room.

Westra Goldbrook: "I do not like this room," she says, noticing the chill.

Wolfe: "Feels about as inviting as your personality."

Mormesk: A blade shadow floats up from the back of the room. "Your presence is offensive to me, your life forfeit. My treasures are mine alone, not yours to plunder!"

Wolfe: "Oh.. uh..."
"I didn't know this place was occupied..."

Dr Catriona: "That does not sound like a nice person." she says.

Westra Goldbrook: "Who.. or what... are you?" she asked, taking a step back from the apparition.

Chaltesha: "Love, do not be rude to our guests. It has been so long." Another voice sounds before a beautiful ghost of a woman appears next to Wolfe, giving him a warm smile."

Westra Goldbrook: "What in the name of Helm..." she murmurs, looking between the two specters.

Raithe Moonstrike: "Yeah, I really don't like where this is going."

Chaltesha: She runs ice cold transparent fingers along Wolfe's arm. "Such a might one, this one."

Wolfe: Wolfe looks between the two, confused. He pulls his arm back as one of them touches his arm. "Hey!"

Dr Catriona: "Mister Rockseeker, stay where you are. Gizmo will let you know if danger approaches. It seems there is an...umm.. disturbance up ahead." she warns and creeps on forward.

Mormesk: He clears his throat in visible annoyance. "Why do you disturb us?!"

Wolfe: "Sune's tits your hand's colder than Westra's snatch."

Nundro Rockseeker: "What kind is it Lass?"

Westra Goldbrook: "We seek to rid these mines of the ghouls and zombies that have infested it. Who are you? Why are you here?"

Wolfe: "We're just passin through, buddy. Clearin out the Drow and all their minions."

Chaltesha: She gives him a pouty face and floats back over to the Shadow.

Dr Catriona: "Nothing good." she says, watching from the distance.

Mormesk: "I am Mormesk Ghoatem and this has been our home for over half a millennia. We were slain by the orcs that invaded the mines." He looks to Wolfe as he finishes. "Drow?"

Wolfe: "Yeh, They were in charge of the Orcs and the Hobgoblins and Goblins nearby."

Chaltesha: "Only undead and Spectators around these parts Sugar."

Wolfe: "Like... Voyeurs?"

Mormesk: "He has Drow in his charge now? This cannot stand." His hand floats through his chin as he attempts to rub it.

Westra Goldbrook: "He who?"

Raithe Moonstrike: "Who was the Orc that took over this place when you were here?"

Mormesk: "You simple minded fool. Spectators, a guard for the spellforge summoned by a fool of a wizard near 500 years ago."

Westra Goldbrook: "So the forge is near, then," she murmurs.

Raithe Moonstrike: "Did he just call me simple-minded?"

Chaltesha: "Ohhh, I didn't see you back there lovely." She winks at Raithe.

Mormesk: He looked to each of the Watch. "Yes it is near, if you could dispose of that bothersome Spectator for me, I would perhaps allow you all to leave with your lives and even, perhaps have a portion of my belongings."

Wolfe: "How fuckin' generous of you."

Westra Goldbrook: "Who is the 'he' to whom you referred?"

Raithe Moonstrike: "Wait. The dead guy is threatening us?"

Westra Goldbrook: "You said it wouldn't stand that 'he' employed Drow."

Chaltesha: She disappears from sight and reappears between Raithe and Zimran, her fingers running along the elf's scalp. "All kinds of handsome fellows in this troop."

Raithe Moonstrike: "I just want to make sure I'm hearing this right."

Westra Goldbrook: She holds up a hand towards Raithe, silently begging patience for a moment.

Raithe Moonstrike: He Raithe draws back a little. "Hey, beautiful. Give an elf some warning before you do that?"
"The whole popping-out-of-thin-air thing, I mean."

Mormesk: "Bisleb Vzzit Grblorb Frashaba, the spectator that is controlling the undead and making our lives insufferable!"
"All day! Ghouls screaming and destroying the house!"
He huffs.

Wolfe: Wolfe winces.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran bows slightly to the lady ghost, "How kind of you my lady to notice us, what with all the scrapes and cuts we've endured."

Wolfe: He reaches into his belongings for the flask and takes a hit.
"If we're gonna go on and fight some crazy shit, how about we take a little rest while we interview our hosts here."
"Ya'll don't mind, do ya?"

Chaltesha: "You should stick around for a few centuries, dear." She whispers to him. "Would be fun."

Dr Catriona: . o O ( But Half orcs have notoriously short life spans... )

Zimran Ibanez: "Well if we're to be guests, then perhaps our hosts would care for some music?"

Westra Goldbrook: "But why are you still here?" she asks Mormesk.

Mormesk: "I warn you, duplicity is unacceptable. If you agree to my proposition, we would be pleased to extend our hospitality."

Dr Catriona: Catriona begins to think everyone is charmed.

Mormesk: He turns towards Westra his mood souring. "We are here because we must be."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Do you guys think we should just set up camp outside? This is a little weird."

Wolfe: "We're not bein duplicitous, buddy. We just fought a bunch of shit to get here."

Chaltesha: She gives Raithe a pouty face. "But you were going to stay in my bed!"

Wolfe: "We got no beef with you and we're not thieves."
"We can sit here and rest up and talk, and go kill this monster thing."
"And if you wanna give us something for it, great."

Dr Catriona: Catriona approaches Nundro and lets him know its her, in the dark. "I think they are attempting to set up a tea party with some... ghosts."

Zimran Ibanez: The bard begins to play a light tune on his yarting, hoping to calm the mood of the male ghost, "No need for any of us to get upset now. Let's simply chat, enjoy some music."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Whoa! Hold on a sec. I'm spoken for, Miss. My lady carries a cannon that shoots ice and fire." Raithe said, stepping back just a bit.

Mormesk: "I do believe we have an accord then." He nods. "Chait!" He gives her a head nod and she seems disappointed by dutifully quits playing with Raithe.

Nundro Rockseeker: "Gh..ghosts? Mayhaps I will stay be ye curtails on second thought!"

Westra Goldbrook: "Where is the forge? I saw a set of stairs not far from here, is that the path to this Spectator?"

Mormesk: "The building to the North, up the stairs."
"Ugh, this fog is ruining the drapes!"

Westra Goldbrook: "Can you tell us anything about this sentinel? I've never heard of a Spectator before. What manner of creature is it?"

Mormesk: He tries to wipe off the completely rotten wool, a piece of it falls off as he does.
He turns back to Westra. "It is just a manner of lesser beholder. A simple guardian for any wizard to summon."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra, who saw what chaos the Beholder of Neverwinter's chasm wreaked, looked unhappily surprised.

Mormesk: "That idiot Zrell." He says offhandedly, going back to tending the curtains.

Chaltesha: She floats over one of the beds and watches.

Nundro Rockseeker: The dwarf stays uncomfortably close to the Doc and watches the rest of the group with the ghosts warily.

Dr Catriona: "They are really taking their time..." she says, awkwardly.

Nundro Rockseeker: "At least I we are safe Lassie!"

Dr Catriona: "Well. I think that building a few feet away is full of ghouls."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Could I...uh...maybe..take a yonder at that boom stick?" He looks at her waist.

Dr Catriona: She hands it over to him.
"Its not exactly functional for anyone but me."

Nundro Rockseeker: He looks down the barrel and inspects it thoroughly. "Where is ye firing pin?" He seems very confused. "And what kind of munition do ye use?"

Dr Catriona: "I removed it as it wasn't necessary. I was trained on arquebus and so I use it for, familiarity when I focus my energy."

Westra Goldbrook: "Is the Spectator the source of this fog?" she asked, Mormesk

Dr Catriona: "I am the ammunition."

Wolfe: "That sounded a little bad-assed, Doc." Wolfe says from his seat, nursing his flask.

Mormesk: He nods. "I believe there is a high probability of that, it has only been here for around two hundred years. Since the undead started appearing."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Ye energy?" The dwarf appears confused again as he hands the not-a-gun back.

Dr Catriona: ((Wolfe has superman hearing, confirmed))
Taking back the ornamental weapon, she shows Nundro her han where her veins glow beneath her skin.

Westra Goldbrook: "This place just keeps getting more and more odd..." she murmurs, as she moved back into the hall.

Nundro Rockseeker: Nundro big eyes the doc's hand.

Chaltesha: "Farewell Lovelies! Come back and see me again!" She says as they move to depart.

Dr Catriona: She shrugs a little to the dwarf, and adjusts her glasses, even though he cant see her all that well.
"Oh, they are still alive!"

Mormesk: "Of course they will be back you daft woman, unless they are murdered."

Wolfe: "Did you think we were dead?"
"You didn't even check on us?"

Chaltesha: "Don't you call me daft! I will not stand for it!"

Mormesk: "What will you do? Not talk to me for another century?"

Chaltesha: "Maybe two! You insensitive jerk!"

Dr Catriona: "I did, but you seemed to be... fraternizing.."

Dungeon Lord (GM): They argument trails off as the group moves away.

Westra Goldbrook: "Here," Westra says, looking back towards where the party was dragging. "There were noises from this door. I suggest we clear the room before proceeding upstairs."

Dr Catriona: "And I wanted to keep Mister Rockseeker safe."

GIZMO-3: "Bruuuuuuuuuup..."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra kicks in the door.

Dr Catriona: She is startled again.

Westra Goldbrook: She looks like too much of a badass to stop entering rooms that way, tho. #sorrydoc

Dungeon Lord (GM): The area inside this room is heavy obscured with even thicker fog, you can make out what appears to be some kind of green glow from the doorway but nothing else that can be identified from the door.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pauses, and once again reaches for the Divine Sense to tell her more

Dungeon Lord (GM): Westra senses four ghouls in the room.

Zimran Ibanez: "She's like a beautiful battering ram... Something, something, rhyme with ram..." Zimran sings

Westra Goldbrook: "More green fire, and more ghouls," she observes. "Somewhere."
She steps cautiously into the room

Wolfe: "Get ready for some crazy shit."

Dr Catriona: Doctor Wicker removes her glasses and puts on some funky steampunk goggles.

Dungeon Lord (GM): A moment passes in silence, then a chorus of screams ring out.

Zimran Ibanez: "Ooo they have a chorus!"

Raithe Moonstrike: "Yeah, that would definitely drive down the property values in the area."

Dr Catriona: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Wolfe: "I'm feelin pretty good."
"I'm a lil' buzzed."

It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   

Raithe Moonstrike: "Okay. Nothing over there."

Dr Catriona: "Why not bring the ghouls to the phantoms and let them all fight..."

Zimran Ibanez: "I'll find something to rhyme with ram, but for now, what's the plan?"

It is Ghoul's turn   

Westra Goldbrook:

Dungeon Lord (GM): 1


Nundro Rockseeker: "Shoot em Doc!" (help)

It is Ghoul's turn   

Dr Catriona: "I can't shoot what I can't see,"

Nundro Rockseeker: Six red glowing dots are all that can be seen by Westra as the entire group feels itselfs covered in necrotic energy.

Wolfe: "Hey.. I feel worse than a hangover."

Nundro Rockseeker: 4

Raithe Moonstrike:

Nundro Rockseeker:

Westra Goldbrook:

Dr Catriona: (bardic too)

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

GIZMO-3: Gizmo helps Westra and then flies away.

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Lets engage them out here!"

Bisleb Vzzit Grblorb Frashaba: Faint whispers fill your minds. "Yes yes, more, more more, you will all be mine."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Who said that?!"

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: (Still heavily obscurred?)

Zimran Ibanez: "That doesn't rhyme with 'Ram'!"

Dr Catriona: She holds out a hand and just beyond Westra, the room is subsumed in pure cosmic blackness.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Ghoul's turn   

Nundro Rockseeker:

It is Wolfe's turn   

Dr Catriona: She scuttles back, wringing her fingers from the unpleasant sensation.


It is Ghoul's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe moves forward and clips the Ghoul and then ducks out of line of sight of the beam-machine.

It is Raithe Moonstrike's turn   
Raithe Moonstrike

Raithe Moonstrike:

It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   

Zimran Ibanez:


Nundro Rockseeker: "Whats going on thar Lass?"

Dr Catriona: "Best you not know!"

Nundro Rockseeker: He helps Cat and peeks around.

It is Bisleb Vzzit Grblorb Frashaba's turn   

Nundro Rockseeker: A ghastly floating skull appears from atop the structure, six glowing red spheres hover above it.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran fires quickly from the hip with his hand crossbow, unsure of exactly where he could hit the shrouded figure by Westra. "I think i got it guys," Zimran exclaimed just before the figure toppled back into the darkness with a resounding thud.

Nundro Rockseeker:

Dungeon Lord (GM):


Zimran Ibanez:

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't even dodge the attack, he deflects it with his sword.

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

GIZMO-3: Gizmo fires some fluttery chaff in the face of Westra's enemies, using help.
Then he flies away into the dark.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook:

GIZMO-3: (Advantage tho)

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: (Is spectator in Heavily Obscurred?)
She drops the darkness...

Dungeon Lord (GM): The voice fills your head again. "Yes yes, you will help me protect the forge! No one! No one can assault it!"

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔
It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe gets right under the fucker.
It goes up and he catches it once it comes down.

It is Ghoul's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Raithe Moonstrike's turn   
Raithe Moonstrike

Wolfe: He then runs around the corner to stand next to Cat. "Hey Doc. Times like these I wish I had a boomer too."

Dr Catriona: Catriona is startled. "Ah!"

Wolfe: "Ah! Don't shoot!"
"Don't shoot me, rather."

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe takes aim at Frashaba, attempting to put an arrow in one of his eye sockets. Or a mouth. Or somewhere that it'll really, really, hurt.

It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   

Nundro Rockseeker: "Lassie! Where did ye go?"

Dr Catriona: "Come towards my voice, Mister Rockseeker. Quickly!"

Zimran Ibanez:


Nundro Rockseeker: He charges around the corner and runs into Wolfe, nearly knocking him over! "Ahh!"

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

GIZMO-3: Gizmo helps Raithe.

Westra Goldbrook:

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: She takes a deep breath and holds her hand out again...

Dungeon Lord (GM): The voice fills your head again. "Yes my minions! come forth and feast! Feast on the living!"

Dr Catriona: "The captain looks to be in real peril. Locked in place."

It is Wolfe's turn   

Dr Catriona: "The ghouls will take advantage"

Wolfe: Wolfe moves into the room and cleaves the Ghoul in half. He looks at the paralyzed Paladin, who can't respond, through the thick fog. "That's two you owe me."

It is Raithe Moonstrike's turn   
Raithe Moonstrike

Dr Catriona: The spectator suddenly erupts in blue flame, lighting up the dank halls, filling them with creepy squeals.

Raithe Moonstrike:

It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   

Raithe Moonstrike: "Your mother had five eyes. Two on her stalks and three in her pocket!"


Nundro Rockseeker: Nundro helps the doc, cuz he doesn't know better.

Bisleb Vzzit Grblorb Frashaba: "You all will serve me for eternity! Ah Ah Ah!" The sick voice says in your head.

Dr Catriona: (How rough does Spectator look?)
She brings out the Phantasmitron and puts an injured human.
That looks more tempting!

Nundro Rockseeker: "What's happening out there?"

Dungeon Lord (GM): The beholder's eyes glow towards Raithe as the fire burns the remaining skull away. The moment the spectator's form fades away the ghouls fall over prone.



  • *****
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  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2018, 11:43:45 AM »
Session 25

Dungeon Lord (GM): The watch has vanquished the undead spectator and destroyed the undead infesting wave echo cavern. The doc has successfully infused Wolfe's blade with Talon's magic and the group may act from the end of the DTRP thread.

Zimran Ibanez: “Now that I have my freedom, good captain? I’m not sure I ever lost it,” Zimran says, flashing a smile.
“That said I do need to report back to Neverwinter, let them know what happened here. How about you, Captain? Back to your duties with the Flaming Fist? Or is your arm always up for hire?”

Nundro Rockseeker: Nundro gave the Doc a crisp high five and lingered near her after with little else to do. After a bit of awkward silence he said. "Perhaps ye could stay and 'elp me rebuild that place?"

Wolfe: "For the right price, sure."

Dr Catriona: Rubbing the lenses her glasses in her hands, she places them back on and looks to Nundro and wonders who he is asking.

Wolfe: Wolfe walks out of the room, placing Shokan into its sheath and sliding it onto his back. "I'm gonna check on those ghosts. Let 'em know we cleared the place out."
He then walks down toward their abode, seemingly unconcerned about any other threats that may be here.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra narrowed her eyes curiously at the bard's assertion that he'd never been imprisoned. She didn't argue the point, though, and instead considered his counter-question. "My task here is complete. Once we ensure the rest of this place is free of foul influence, I will likely return to Neverwinter to resume my duties to the Flaming Fist."

Wolfe: "Morm! Challa!" He didn't actually remember their names.

Dungeon Lord (GM): As the group spoke outside of the small building, the silhouette of a tall woman appeared from the cavern to the North. She was first seen by Zimran as she approached. The woman strode elegantly towards the entrance forge where the rest of the party was amassed.

Wolfe: "...Wait a minute." Wolfe squints as he sees the woman approach.

Westra Goldbrook: "Halt," Westra calls, as the stranger approaches. "Who is it there?"

Dr Catriona: "Rebuild it into what? Doesn't replenishing the arcane elements require mages?"

Wolfe: "It's that chick we freed from the Mine."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran raises his hand and gets the captain's attention, pointing out the ghost lady from earlier.

Jghara Imustreau: " lot. Again." She says, striding directly next to Westra and looking down at her.

Wolfe: "Decide to come pay us for saving your ass after all?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra cuts her eyes at the RUDE BOY. ..but waits to hear the woman's response.

Jghara Imustreau: He let out a quick laugh. "Save me?" She placed a hand on her chest. "You are quite the comedian."

Westra Goldbrook: "You were imprisoned, and now you are free. Why do you linger in this place?"

Wolfe: "That's what they tell me."

Jghara Imustreau: "However, you do have my gratitude in saving me the trouble of disposing of such a filthy spectator. Such vile creatures of weak minded wizards." She returned her attention to Westra. "I shall only be a moment, Love. Then I shall be on my way."

Dr Catriona: The platinum blonde watches and listens to the interaction with the lady at the door.

Nundro Rockseeker: "Who is 'dat Lass?" Nundro whispers looking around the edge of the forge.

Dr Catriona: "No one good, I think."

Zimran Ibanez: The bard takes notes of the interaction going on between this band of adventurers and the ghost. The look in his eyes show he's already spinning a tale.

Westra Goldbrook: "Who are you? Why was the spectator a concern of yours?" Westra asks, a little bothered by the woman's familiar tones.

Jghara Imustreau: "Oh my apologize, I was in a bit of rush when we last met. My name is Jghara Imustreau." She gave a curtsy towards Westra. "The spector was of little concern, honestly, but dealing with them is always bothersome."

Wolfe: "Yeah. You're welcome."

Westra Goldbrook: "Westra Goldbrook, of Neverwinter," Westra replied, as if by habit, paired with a respectful nod of her head. "But who are you, Lady Imustreau? How did you come to be here?"

Jghara Imustreau: "I am only here to harness the latent energies of this place, as they are not being utilized." She looked around shaking her head at seemingly nothing. "I had forgotten how bothersome all this diety murder was."

Westra Goldbrook: "You mean Mystara?"

Jghara Imustreau: "Indeed, Love. Cyric's treachery makes this era such a bother to navigate."

Wolfe: "What an asshole, that Cyric guy."

Westra Goldbrook: "This era? Youv'e seen others?"

Dr Catriona: "What... um.. Era are you from?" she says suddenly, scientific curiosity taking charge.

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs, as he realizes that talking to this woman who was weird the last time they met was now a priority. He goes and retrieves his flask, opens it up and takes a drink.

Jghara Imustreau: She gave Wolfe another smile. "At any rate." She sighed. "There is much to be done, little time for chatting. My thanks again for clearing this area, I will be done here in a moment and you all can...." She looked around. "..get back to, whatever it is you are doing."
She approached the Spellforge, pulling up the sleeves of her dress.

Dr Catriona: "Are you just going to show up every time we remove an obstacle and do as you please?"

Westra Goldbrook: "What is it that you intend to do?" Westra asked, following the woman back towards the forge.

Dr Catriona: "I mean... is that like.. a thing you do."

Nundro Rockseeker: She looks at the Doctor and gives her a wink as her hands begin to glow. A flick of the women’s wrist caused the air around the room dry, everyone was forced to cough as the moisture was sucked from them. The forge, groaned as a thick red rust began to cover it, the magical metal continued to protest her magic, but portions of it soon fell away, leaving holes where the now dying flames strained to escape.

Dr Catriona: "Mister Rockseeker" cough "Vacate the chamber."

Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a deep cough, then drinks some more booze to clear it up, He pokes his head in to see the tail-end of the display. "Huh."

Dr Catriona: "After careful consideration.." cough "I've decided not to partake in the renovation of this mine.."

Nundro Rockseeker: "What is goin on?! THE FORGE!"

Dungeon Lord (GM): In less than a minute the entire forge was naught but a pile of red dust. The green flame hovered two feet atop the pile that rested on a piece of obsidian in the ground. The air of room return to normal, allowing everyone’s cotton-mouth to begin to abate. Jghara cast another spell and flame fell to the obsidian and effortlessly disappeared into the black stone as the ground began to shake.

Westra Goldbrook: "What have you--" cough "--done?"

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes go to the ceiling, trying to judge the structural integrity of the cave.
"Closed down shop forever, I think."

Westra Goldbrook: She backs out of the smaller room, and also begins to eye the structure around them.

Dungeon Lord (GM): The cave appears stable, only the ground seems to shake.

Wolfe: Shrugging, seeing as there's no danger, Wolfe goes back to drinking.

Dungeon Lord (GM): The black stone begins to rise from the ground as the floor shook. Illumination pulsed from inside a large crystal that was revealed below the black obsidian. Pieces of the ancient building fell around the party, covering them with dust and debris. The crystal stopped, protruding nearly ten feet tall, as the dirt beneath them settled. The green energies of the forge pulsed within the crystal.

Dr Catriona: Catriona's lips formed a line, somewhat despondent at the state of affairs.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran moves to get a better view of what's happening within the forge room.

Dr Catriona: "What in tarnation..."

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over at the sudden crystal that came up out of the ground, his bushy eyebrows going high upon his brow in question.

Dr Catriona: (lol am I the only one trained in arcana?)

Dungeon Lord (GM): Jghara pulled a small stone from her pocket, Wolfe recognized it as the same one she removed from the necromancer in Old Owl Well. After a series of complex motions she set the stone hovering between her and the crystal before continuing with a massively complex incantation. The green energies began to flow from the crystal’s entire length, they were slowly drawn into the small hovering stone. A beam of pure energy shot from the opposite end of the stone and directly into Jghara’s chest. The woman let out a gasp, but continued her spell as the crystal grew dimmer.

Westra Goldbrook: As the woman had declined to answer any questions about her doings, and as she had done nothing to mark her as villainous (yet), Westra merely watched the strange transformation inthe room.

Nundro Rockseeker: "What is going on Lass?! What did she do to to me forge?!"

Dr Catriona: "That looks like mythal..."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra grunted softly, "Wizards," and shook her head.

Dr Catriona: "Its a powerful ancient warding magic."
"It looks as if she is siphoning the warding power of the Mythal here."

Zimran Ibanez: "She's drawing power out of the stone. Forge may be useless if she continues."

Dr Catriona: "I am pretty sure we are past that point, Mister Ibanez."

Nundro Rockseeker: Before the Watch’s eyes, the older woman grows younger, years faded from her as the crystal grows dark. The last strands of energy flow into the now young woman and she released the magic in the room.

Zimran Ibanez: "Let me rephrase then; Should we continue to let her draw power from the crystal?"

Dr Catriona: "I don't think we can stop a time traveling, mythal summoning, rude-woman..."

Wolfe: "Well... that's one way to get rid of the 'ol gray hair." Wolfe lifts his flask in salute toward the obviously-out-of-his-league-weird-shit.

Nundro Rockseeker: The entire process was over in a span of thirty seconds. The huge crystal cracked and collapsed upon itself into a deafening shatter before she reached out and grasped the floating stone from the air. "Invigorating." She said as she closed her eyes and breathed deep.

Wolfe: "Hey! J'Ghara!" Wolfe calls out toward the wizardress. "You got any left to spare?" He gestures to himself with a little chuckle. "I could use a couple years back."

Zimran Ibanez: "Had it been important, perhaps one of us could have shot her magic stone out," Zimran says with a shrug.
He didn't know this woman, perhaps this wasn't his problem.

Dr Catriona: The wide eyed scientist looks at Zimran. "I am not in charge....."

Jghara Imustreau: A stunning smile revealed pure white teeth towards the Orc. "Perhaps next time Love, I needed all that for myself."

Westra Goldbrook: "There was a claim laid to this forge," Westra says, once J'Ghara's transformation was complete. "And you seem to have depleted it. I trust you will compensate Master Rockseeker for the loss of his forge."

Dr Catriona: Gizmo-3's eyes get big. For an owl.

Wolfe: "Damn."
"Welp." Wolfe shrugs and lifts his flask in salute. "Had to try." Gulp Gulp.

Dr Catriona: "Yes, I agree with Captain Goldbrook. Mister Rockseeker expended considerable, irreplacable resources for this."

Jghara Imustreau: She eyed the Paladin for a moment. "Rockseeker...Rockseeker."

Dr Catriona: She then steps slightly behind the bard after making her bold claim.

Jghara Imustreau: 17

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran starts to laugh. a building chuckle that becomes full on mirth.

Jghara Imustreau: "Oh....Only one survived this time, yes?" She looked to Westra, then to the Dwarf.

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed. He lost two brothers over this forge," she pointed out, skipping over the weirdness of "this time".

Zimran Ibanez: "You mean to tell me, you guys set out to claim this mine, in the process there's bandits, and drow, and capture of one very dashing bard. A party member disappears and is replaced by a spy. somewhere along the way you free this ghost and now that you've claimed the forge, she comes back and destroys all your work?"
"This whole time I've been writing an epic in my head I should have been writing a comedy!"

Jghara Imustreau: "Mmmm...perhaps in time, the debt can be paid."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra narrows her eyes at the bard.

Dr Catriona: ((I found the person with no chill, guys! ))

Zimran Ibanez: ((You're Welcome)

Wolfe: "Naw, I didn't come here for no fuckin mine."

Jghara Imustreau: "For now, I must bid you farewell." She turns to walk towards the cavern to the North.

Westra Goldbrook: "In time?"

Wolfe: "I came down here to save a Dwarf that got kidnapped."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra moves to block her path.

Wolfe: "And I did that."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran continues laughing
GIZMO-3 makes a The Price is Wrong sound through its mechanical speakers.

Zimran Ibanez: He is almost out of breath, buckled laughing and pointing at the newly young woman.

Jghara Imustreau: "Love, you are impeding my departure."

Dr Catriona: "Not now." she says to the clockwork bird.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra doesn't move. While holding Jghara's gaze, she says, "Master Rockseeker, is it your desire to press this matter?"

Wolfe: "Heh. This is gonna be good." Swig.

Nundro Rockseeker: "I....uhhhh...." He looks at the two women, unsure of who is scarier. "Me bruthas did die for dis mine....."

Dr Catriona: Catriona mutters to herself, "I knew he shouldn't have come with us."

Westra Goldbrook: "Then I believe the dwarf deserves better recompense than, 'in time, perhaps'," she tells Jghara. "How do you intend to make this right, Lady Imustreau?"

Dr Catriona: (( the answer will be "With Pain!"

Jghara Imustreau: Jghara continues to smile was Westra.

Zimran Ibanez:
Hold Person
enchantment 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Jghara Imustreau:
Ability: 23 | 28

Jghara Imustreau: As Zimran's spell fails to take hold, everyone finds themselves unable to move.

Jghara Imustreau: She leans down and taps Westra on the nose. "I do not answer." Tap. "To," Tap "You." She gives the solider a final smile before leaving through the Northern cavern.

Westra Goldbrook: "Grrrrr."

Dungeon Lord (GM): The magic fades after a loooong minute.

Dr Catriona: "Brooooopppp hoooooot."

Wolfe: Wolfe is disappointed, because he got thirsty during his paralysis.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran resumes laughing.

Wolfe: Released from his prison, he exhales slowly. "Phew."

Dr Catriona: Gizmo's head head turns 180 degreees, following the bitch out.

Wolfe: "WELP. Glad we got that straightened out."
"Sorry Nundro." He pats the Dwarf's shoulder. "Them's the breaks sometimes."

Dr Catriona: "Gah! That was not ideal!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra strains for the entire minute, and jerks free once the spell ends.

Wolfe: "Let's go see if we can salvage anything for the Dwarf."

Westra Goldbrook: "Gods-damned wizards," she grunts, annoyed.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc heads back toward ghost-home-land.

Nundro Rockseeker: He falls to the ground and sits with his hands between his legs, staring at the shatter crystal laying where the forge used to be.

Dr Catriona: Catriona walks over and hesitates... then gives Nundro an incredibly awkward pat on the shoulder.

Westra Goldbrook: "Wait here," she says to the dwarf. "I'm going to ensure the orc doesn't get himself killed."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimrans laughing quiets down as he composes himself. Seeing Nundro fall to his knees quickly sobered the bard.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Wolfe finds the room as it was earlier. The ghosts still do not appear. The large burnt chest rests at the foot of one of the beds, the bookself to the north and the mechanical construct in the pile of rubble to the south.

Westra Goldbrook: She then heads down the path Wolfe took

Nundro Rockseeker: He is unresponsive to the Doc. "They died fer nothin."

Westra Goldbrook: "Approaching the chest made them appear last time," Westra points out, when she reaches the room behind Wolfe

Zimran Ibanez: "Give him some time, Doc."

Wolfe: "Huh." Wolfe looks around slowly. "Hey! You two still around? We killed the Spectator!"
"Oh. Right." He walks over to the chest.

Dr Catriona: She chews on her lower lip some. "There was nothing you could do, Mister Rockseeker."

Westra Goldbrook: When nothing happens right away, Westra approaches the other end of the room, and begins trying to pick the construct out of the rubble to inspect it.

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe takes a quick tour of the area to make sure that they aren't going to get ambushed before returning to the group.

Dungeon Lord (GM): As Westra clears the rubble, it appears to be a small mechanical construct that was fashioned to appear as a gnome.
Nothing happens as Wolfe moves near the chest.

Wolfe: "Well... If they're not here anymore." Wolfe tries to open the chest.

Dungeon Lord (GM): The chest opens.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra drags the construct free of the rubble, and sets it upright. "This seems like something the doctor would find interesting," she muses.

Wolfe: "Maybe give it to Nundro and let him pretend it's his new brother."

Dungeon Lord (GM): The chest contains a wide assortment of ancient coins along with some gems and a silver lined smoking pipe.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra scowls. "Obviously spoken by a person who's never had brothers."

Wolfe: "Nope. Never have." Wolfe runs his fingers across the coins. "But I've had family, and I never risked them for fuckin' treasure."
Wolfe closes the chest and turns to look at Westra. "Greed brought him down here, and greed got him what it gets everyone."

Dr Catriona: ((the irony))

Westra Goldbrook: "Adventure and glory have risks. You should not be so quick to judge when it was you who brought the ceiling down on your allies in search of a pithy gemstone."

Wolfe: "The second time was to hurt the spider."
"Not my fault the place don't make sense."

Westra Goldbrook: She grunts and starts hauling the construct out of the room.

Wolfe: Wolfe inspects the rest of the room.

Westra Goldbrook: "you don't make sense," she grumbled sullenly as she worked.
"Doctor Wicker!" Westra calls towards the staircase as she reaches thehall.
..cause no reason to haul it up the stairs if the doc doesn't want it.

Dr Catriona: Gizmo hops several times and nears Nundro and boops his leg.
It casts cuteness.

Dr Catriona: "Ah!" She is startled by her name being called so loud. "Present!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra rolls her eyes and shakes her head at the startle she can hear from downstairs.

Dr Catriona: She approaches the paladin.

Westra Goldbrook: "That woman is going to give herself a stroke," she whispers. "A moment, please!" she calls. "There's something here I'd like you to look at.

Wolfe: Wolfe will collect the tomes and put them in the bag.
He looks over at the chest, shrugs, and puts that in the bag too.

Zimran Ibanez: "I suppose we should join the others," Zimran says quietly to Nundro. Honestly he doesn't feel good leaving the dwarf alone with the elf who was NOT his captor earlier.

Wolfe: Wolfe puts the books in the chest and with a grunt he lifts it up and carries it up the stairs. "Good news! We still got paid!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra eyes Wolfe hesitantly. "Why not use the bag?" she asked, watching him heft the chest.

Dr Catriona: Catriona gives Wolfe the weirdest look ever, and thats something from someone who is always giving weird looks.

Wolfe: "I ain't got skinny arms and ain't afraid of work, that's why."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs and shakes her head again.

Dr Catriona: Gizmo keeps Nundro company like a comfort animal. Made of copper, iron and other unknown metals.

Wolfe: He kicks open the chest and looks over to Nundro. He nods at the treasure inside. "Take your pick, Nundro."

Westra Goldbrook: "Ah, Doctor," she says, realizing the mousey woman has appeared. "What do you make of this?" she asked, stepping aside to reveal the gnome-like construct.
"Is it something you might have a use for?"

Raithe Moonstrike: "Getting paid is always good."

Dr Catriona: Her eyebrows raise and eyes em-biggen. "This was just down here?"
She examines the construct.

Westra Goldbrook: "It was in the room with the, uh... apparitions?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Half-buried under rubble. Doesn't seem to have been used in quite some time."

Nundro Rockseeker: He seems to collect himself. "No thanks Laddie....."

Dr Catriona: "Definitely dwarven crafted." she starts.

Wolfe: "No?" Wolfe raises his eyebrows at the Dwarf. "Not even a little?"

Nundro Rockseeker: "This was neva my was Gundren's. I see now it was all a mistake." The dwarf gets to his feet and lets out a final sigh before straightening his face. " ow do we get out of 'ere?"

Dr Catriona: The blonde gives the automoton a once over, thoroughly inspecting its construction. "I believe I've an 89% chance of restoring this to full functionality if given a proper allotment of time. Likely less than an hour."
"We should take it with us. It might be useful." she says.
"It can even process organic matter and convert it to energy." says the impressed nerd as she opens the front hatch of the gnomebot.

Westra Goldbrook: "Very well," she says, a touch of resignation in her voice. She then begins to carefully back the gnome up the stairs towards the others.

Dr Catriona: "You can name it since you found it, Captain! Gnomebrook? Little Cappy?"

Raithe Moonstrike: "I know what it's like, when your brother's dreams overrule yours, Nundro. Sorry about your loss." Raithe said.

Dr Catriona: Catriona obviously does't realize how un-fascinating this is to Westra in the way she is acting.

Nundro Rockseeker: "I'm just ready to get out of this forsaken place."

Westra Goldbrook: "I'll," grunt "Leave that," grunt "Up to you." The paladin progresses slowly, clunk - clunk - clunking it up one step at a time.

Dr Catriona: Catriona helps Westra, if allowed to do so.

Wolfe: Wolfe will count the money in the chest while they rest!

Westra Goldbrook: "Actually, you say less than an hour?" Westra says, once she and the doctor reach the top of the stairs.

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe walks over to Wolfe while he counts the money.

Westra Goldbrook: "Let's rest here a few minutes longer and let the doctor get this thing working," she suggests.

Dr Catriona: ((The rest is on? even though Nundro doesnt want?))

Dungeon Lord (GM): Nundro doesn't seem to object if the others wish to rest.

Dr Catriona: "Nundro, are you feeling up to assisting me?"

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't look up as he counts the coins. "Yeah?"

Nundro Rockseeker: "Anything for ye, Lass." That seems to cheer him up a bit.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran plays a tune.
Song Of Rest
Class: All add +1d6 to HP gained during a rest.

Dr Catriona: She figures busy hands may temporarily take his mind off more dour matters.

Raithe Moonstrike: "Hey, when we get out of here, I need 500 gold." Raithe said.

Dr Catriona: (savage)
Putting out her tinkerer's tools, she puts one some funky goggles and gets to work.

Wolfe: "I don't know... You were only here for half the trip..." He looks up at Raithe and smirks.

Raithe Moonstrike: "Not like you noticed." Raithe counters, with a grin of his own.

Wolfe: "Seems like there's enough here to share."

Dr Catriona: The bard's music is interrupted by the clanging of a hammer.
Maybe it adds a dope beat, who knows.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Nundro and the Doc are able to get the robot repaired during the rest. Using some leftover ghoul parts, they are able to fill the robot's energy reservoir to capacity.

Zimran Ibanez: The bard matches the rhythm of the clanging hammer.

Dr Catriona: THE REMIX. Gain additional inspiration.
Doctor Wicker half-grosses out Nundro by ripping off Ghoul parts and putting it in the feed-o-matic.
"Its still organic, even if necrotic!" she says, like a cheery factoid.

L.E.R.O.Y.: The robot's eyes glow yellow as some smoke puffs from an exhaust pipe on its back. "Life Extractor and Reconstitution Optimization Yordle boot sequence intiated..."

Dr Catriona: "Stupendous!"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Systems sub optimal. Maintenance required." The robot head does a full 360. "Unknown life forms observed."

Westra Goldbrook: Despite the dour situation, Westra finds her spirits lifted by the odd chorus that plays while she rests.

Dr Catriona: "...define parameters of required Maintenance."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Access Denied, user unknown. Event logs require administrative access."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran takes note of as many polysyllabic words he can. All are spelled incorrectly.

Dr Catriona: "This life form is administrator."

L.E.R.O.Y.: He focuses on the Doctor. "Please state name to reconfigure administrator."

Dr Catriona: "Doctor Catriona Valensariel Wicker."

Nundro Rockseeker: "By me beard..." The Dwarf seems impressed.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks up from loot counting to check out what all the racket is for.

L.E.R.O.Y.: The head spins several times. "Updating....updating...Greetings Mistress." He bows to Cat.

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe looks to see what is going on. He's not quite sure what's happening.

Dr Catriona: She makes a face. "Reconfigure admin designation alias to "Doctor."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Yes Mistress."

Dr Catriona: "Nerts."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Re calibration complete."

Dr Catriona: "Yay!"

Zimran Ibanez: "We only need to worry if the construct starts to refer to us as 'Meatbag' correct?" Zimran asks aloud.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra barks a laugh.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Warning warning.....necrotic energy source provides sub optimal performance. It also tastes bad."

Dr Catriona: "Designate all life forms other than admin, within 100 feet as allied friendly entities."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "All entities classified as allies." He begins to scan the others, though the robot stops at Wolfe. A large horn appears from the robot's shoulder and screeches. "ALERT ALERT! ORC ASSAILANT! ALERT ALERT!"

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe comes back to see what's happening. "What is happening?"
She covers her ears and falls on her ass

Westra Goldbrook: "The doctor is calibrating her new friend," Westra tells Raithe

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at the robot that's chirpin Orc assailant.
"Tell that fuckin' thing I ain't an Orc."

Dr Catriona: "End alert!"

Westra Goldbrook: "She's apparently informed it of Wolfe's history with her gadgets."

L.E.R.O.Y.: The screeching stops.

Wolfe: Wolfe grunts.

Dr Catriona: "Designate that life form as ally."

Raithe Moonstrike: "That's....kinda creepy. I'm not sure how I feel about this thing."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran begins tapping his feet as a song begins to come to him. Using a bit of magic to amplify and change the tuning of his yarting and voice, the bard begins to play.:

Dr Catriona: She then leans in. "You can do that for other orcs, though."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Orc based life form alliance requires administrative override."
"Orc based life forms designated as hostile."

Zimran Ibanez:
Minor Illusion
illusion cantrip

Dr Catriona: "Override, then. From Administrator."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Yes Mistress."

Dr Catriona: "Nerts!"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "All life forms designated as friendly."

Dr Catriona: "Okay umm.. guys... it shouldn't attack you."

Wolfe: Wolfe shakes his head a little, laughing some.
"Good. We ready to get outta here, now? I'm done with sittin in a cave."
GIZMO-3 somehow, looks jealous.

Zimran Ibanez: "So again... We're all okay with the flesh eating construct following us around? This... This is normal for you all?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed. I'm ready for some daylight."

Dr Catriona: She stands and brushes herself off. "It may have information, Mister Ibanez."

Wolfe: "If Cat has it under control, sure."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Self check complete. Energy reserves at 97%, time to refueling 47.65 hours.Installed modules functional. Your orders Mistress?"

Zimran Ibanez: "As long as that information isn't 'How To Serve Man' I guess I'm okay.

Dr Catriona: "Follow me until other orders are given."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Yes Doctor."

Dr Catriona: ((LOL zim))

Westra Goldbrook: "Fear not, Master Ibanez," Westra says as she rises to her feet. "The doctor will keep a wary eye on it until we're sure it's no harm."

Dr Catriona: "It is the friendliest thing we've encountered down here."

Dungeon Lord (GM): The Watch may spend some additional time within the cavern, but find no more foes or anything of major interest.

Dr Catriona: (:O)

Zimran Ibanez: "I'm pretty friendly," Zimran says with a wink to the doctor.

Raithe Moonstrike: "Yeah, let's get out of here."

Dr Catriona: "But... you laugh at the misfortune of others."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Male vitals indicate a probable desire for procreation, Mistress."

Dr Catriona: Catriona puts her hand to her face.

Zimran Ibanez: "Not at their misfortune! But the absurdity of it all. Those make for the best morality tales. Besides a good laugh can chase away any ill feeling."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra leads the others back to the surface.

Dr Catriona: The Doctor follows after Westra, avoiding eye contact with people.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran eyes the mechanical gnome, "You are not allowed to be too close to me."

L.E.R.O.Y.: The robot just looks at Zimran, but offers no response.

Wolfe: "Laugh don't help hangovers. I can tell ya that right now."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran resumes his conversation at some point of the journey with Westra about why he asked if she would be returning to her duties or still doing sellsword work:
“Reason I ask is that, I suppose I owe you for helping me leave here alive. If you were to continue on as a mercenary band, or hired adventurer, I could perhaps be of service. Sometimes information comes my way, stuff the Harpers may not be interested in, but others may find useful. Or I could offer my services in spreading word of you and your dashing band of adventurers. From what I understand, your story alone is worthy of a song.”

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe follows everyone out, knowing that Vyara got away somehow. He got lucky, for now. But it wouldn't last.

Dr Catriona: Catriona, with a spell of silence considers the matter of the time skipping super-wizard and just what her plans could be, if they were even knowable.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Mistress, my scanners have an alert."
"Orc blood alcohol content is nearing lethal levels. Based on atmospheric readings. 0.19%. According to my records, the lethal limit for orc life forms is 0.20%"

Raithe Moonstrike: "Okay, how is that thing measuring that without touching him? What sorcery is this?"

Westra Goldbrook: "We were commissioned to see to the matter of Black Spider and his ruffians that were terrorizing Phandalin and waylaying supplies from Neverwinter," Westra explained. "Now that the issue is resolved, I do not imagine this particular coterie will remain together much longer." She pauses, and resists the urge to look at anyone in particular. "We are a diverse and oft incompatible lot, you see."

Wolfe: "This fuckin' thing needs to learn how to pipe the fuck down."

Dr Catriona: The doctor is not familiar enough with alcohol to know what all has to do with anything, so says towards the unit. "Limit alerts to priority messaging for the next 8 hours."

Wolfe: "We're gonna go get settled with Fat Fuck Neverember, get paid, and get on with our lives."

Westra Goldbrook: "But," she says, looking over to the bard, "Had we another mission to complete,you would most certainly be welcome to join us. You have proven yourself quite helpful in dire situations, Master Ibanez."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Recommended Remediation: Dispense large quantities of wat......Yes Mistress."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra grits her teeth and obviously bites her tongue.

Dr Catriona: "Is.. that a real name?"

Zimran Ibanez: "Ah," the bard says simply with a slight frown. "Well if I may, I'll accompany you back to Neverwinter."

Wolfe: "Lord Darguth Nevember, Cat."

Dr Catriona: "Oh... the.. other thing... would have been unfortunate."

Westra Goldbrook: "Of course," she says, with a nod to the bard.

Wolfe: "The racist piece of filth that runs Neverwinter on behalf of her Royal Scarredship Queen Tylmandra."

Westra Goldbrook: "Lord Neverember is the only reason Neverwinter survived the Chasm and its horrors," Westra countered, turning towards Wolfe

Wolfe: "As I remember that was The Regulators and the Queen. That's why he's a Lord and not a king."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Wow. That escalated quickly."

Westra Goldbrook: "They would not have had a city to assist if the Flaming Fist had not held back the tides as long as they did."

Dr Catriona: "This conversation is well beyond me."

Wolfe: "Sure. Rutherford's alright. You ain't bad, Westra. But Neverember can go choke on an ogre's cock."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Records indicate the current Monarch of Neverwinter is King Nuriendar Alagondar"

Westra Goldbrook: "That is enough!" she barks.

Dr Catriona: "Thunderation."

Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a low chuckle which settles into a laugh that transitions to a cough. He then chokes it onto chuckling as he grabs his flask for more throat lubrication.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran lets out a long whistle, "That goes back quite a ways. Need to get him up to date."

Dr Catriona: "I will just have him consume the brain matter of a historian."

Westra Goldbrook: "We should stop and divide the coin and gems. I've a desire to go through Thundertree, and won't be going straight to Neverwinter."

Dr Catriona: That was the best she could do as a joke...

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran's eyes widen with horror as he looks at the doctor.

Wolfe: Wolfe laughs at Cat's jest.

Dr Catriona: She laughs and snorts. She then covers her face.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Cerebellum matter is an optimal fuel choice."

Wolfe: "Sure. Raithe wanted five hundred gold.." He turned to look at the Elf. "Why do you need five hundred gold?"

Dr Catriona: "What is Thundertree?"

Raithe Moonstrike: "Just to grease the wheels of justice while I hunt down the Drow that stole my face."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran steps further out of range of the gnome construct.

Wolfe: "It was a Doppleganger, not a Drow."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Close enough. It was a Drow when I met it."

Wolfe: "Well."

Westra Goldbrook: "It's a town east of Neverwinter," she tells the Doctor as an aside. "A lady we helped told us of some baubles hidden there she wanted us to have in thanks."

Wolfe: "While you were gone we used the money we got to resurrect Westra."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra paused and frowned. "All of it?"

Wolfe: "So, if everyone's willing to give you what's in this chest, sure." He shrugs as he pats it. "I'm fine with giving my share, as long as I get enough gold for my tab."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Ah. So that's how you did that. But I thought most of the people who could that blew up in the Spellplague?"

Wolfe: "You're welcome." He says in response to Westra's question.

Raithe Moonstrike: *who could do that

Wolfe: "We found a workaround. Care of one of your buddies, Raithe. You may not wanna go to Neverwinter, by the way."

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe looks at Wolfe for a moment and then... ~Elvish~ "You gotta be fucking kidding me."

Wolfe: He shrugs, helplessly.

Raithe Moonstrike: "You guys didn't happen to run into a guy named Eston Ware, did you?"

Westra Goldbrook: "What workaround?"

Wolfe: "I think that was his name. Likes to smile a lot."

Dr Catriona: "And there was a man in a bush, too."

Wolfe: "Yeah he brought backup."

Dr Catriona: "He thought he was invisible. I assure you, he was not."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pauses to shoot a confused look at the Doctor, briefly.

Raithe Moonstrike: "Ware...had a Scroll of Resurrection...and he sold it to you. After he told me there was no chance of him getting one?"

L.E.R.O.Y.: ~Elvish~ Translator functions online.

Raithe Moonstrike: "That rat-bastard."

Wolfe: Wolfe shrugs helplessly.

Dr Catriona: She blinks at the gnomebot.

Raithe Moonstrike: "I needed that damned scroll."

Wolfe: "Maybe he's got another one. You can come with us, if you want."

Dr Catriona: Catriona looks at Zimran. "This is kind of the norm. A fight is near to breaking out at least once a day."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Damn it. Damn, damn, damn it."

Wolfe: "Yep. See all the hassle you cause, Westra?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra narrowed her eyes again at the orc. "How much? What did you pay?"

Wolfe: "Like I said. All the money. We got what's in this chest."

Dr Catriona: "I thought you offered favors?"

Westra Goldbrook: "And what's in the bag."

Wolfe: "And whatever Rutherford pays us."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran looks back at the doctor and shrugged, "It's okay. I have no idea half the time what you lot are talking about. I just fill the blanks in my self with more exciting interludes when i tell the story."

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts a finger up toward his lips and looks towards Cat.

Westra Goldbrook: "What favors? To whom? This Eston Wares?"

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs, "I said. That you'd go on a date with Wares. Once we finished our work."

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe looks visibly upset. "You offered Ware favors? That's...not good."

Wolfe: "Well. We didn't have enough cash at the time."

Westra Goldbrook: Westa gritted her teeth. "Tell me you did not indebt us to Eston Wares."

Wolfe: "So, a little haggling was done."

Westra Goldbrook: "Empty the bag, Wolfe."

Wolfe: "Technically, you are indebted."

Dr Catriona: "Really?" she says to Wolfe, about bargaining a Westra date to Ware.

Wolfe: "Since you're the one that needed resurrecting."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra moves in Wolfe's direction. "Empty. The. Bag."

Dr Catriona: "Is a date really that bad?"

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts his eyebrows in question at Westra. He then looks around, then looks back to her. "Are you talking to me?"

Westra Goldbrook: "There was a fortune of gems in that bag from Old Owl Well," she growled. "More than enough to pay for any scroll. Where is it, Wolfe?"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran looks to the doctor again, and says not too quietly,"Is this a lover's quarrel?"

Dr Catriona: "I do not know what a lover's quarrel looks like..."

Wolfe: "That ain't yours to give away."

Dr Catriona: "Isn't there slapping?"

Westra Goldbrook: "It belongs to the party."

Wolfe: "They're mine." Wolfe's sunny, snarky expression fades to something hard and his eyes look dark and focused.
"I was the one who found them."

Zimran Ibanez: "Sometimes. If you do it right they may need some time alone afterwards however."

Westra Goldbrook: "You were one of a TEAM that acquired them."

Wolfe: "When all the rest of you wanted to quit."

Westra Goldbrook: "You're out of your mind."
"Open the bag, Wolfe."

Wolfe: "I was the one who found them."

Dr Catriona: "Wait what? You can't keep all that."

Wolfe: "No."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Mistress, based my readings, I calculate the probably of copulation between the orc and human at 65.43%"

Wolfe: Wolfe feels threatened and dismounts. He draws his Daikatana.

Westra Goldbrook: "Open. The. Bag."

Wolfe: "You want it." He levels the blade into a fighter's stance. "Come and get 'em. We'll fix our mistake of bringing you back."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran glances at the construct and throws up a little in his mouth.

Westra Goldbrook: "You're willing to shed blood over them? After we have fought side by side?"

Wolfe: "You willin to fight me over what's mine, after I went through all the shit of bringing your fool ass back to life?"

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Zimran:▓▒░ « Can you use your Hold spell on Wolfe? »

Raithe Moonstrike: "Whoa! Wait a second! Hold on! We don't need to fight over this!"

Dr Catriona: In a disconcerting turn of events, Catriona speaks directly into Zimran's mind.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran's head snaps to the Dcotor, "Is it that bad?

Westra Goldbrook: "I should have known your nature would get the better of you eventually," she grumbles.

Wolfe: "You're right, Raithe. We don't." Wolfe narrows his eyes at Westra. "But this bitch is just like her boss - tryin to push everyone else around to get what she wants."

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Zimran:▓▒░ « Do it, please! »

Zimran Ibanez:
Hold Person
enchantment 2
Wolfe is paralyzed.

Zimran Ibanez: "As you wish Doc"

Dr Catriona: "Wow! Good work!"
"No one robs... us... not even us!"

Wolfe: Sensing the magic of what's come over him, the Half-Orc lets out garbled, angry sounds that are strained by the fact he can't move or talk as he tries to shake off the spell.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran whistles a piercing tune causing Wolfe to lock up.

Raithe Moonstrike: "Look, let's talk this out. We've worked together too long to fall to infighting--what the hell?!"

Dr Catriona: Catriona will dismount and manacle Wolfe.
"Captain, what do we do?"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "I detect orc aggression increasing."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra takes the bag off of Wolfe's waist. "First, we see if he's managed to spend it all," she says, opening the bag to peer within.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Westra finds the bag filled to the brim with the gems they collected. Not a one missing.

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words

Westra Goldbrook: Westra tosses the bag to whomever's standing behind her. "They're still present."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Are we seriously robbing a party member?"

Westra Goldbrook: "We're not robbing him. He's still welcome to his share."

Dr Catriona: Cat is on manacle duty.

Westra Goldbrook: "We're just not letting him rob us of ours."

Wolfe: Wolfe will fight his way toward the bag of gems.

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words

Dr Catriona: "What is wrong with him?!"

Wolfe: Still manacled, Wolfe will shove Cat out of his way and throws a double-fisted, manacle-covered punch at Westra. "THEY'RE MINE!" He snarls, his eyes crazed in rage.

Dr Catriona: "LEROY, scan the half orc!"

Wolfe: 25

Westra Goldbrook: "He's lost touch with his better half," Westra grunts, bracing herself to try and block Wolfe's lunge.

Wolfe: 18

Wolfe: 6

Dr Catriona: Catriona reaches out with telekinesis and picks up the gem bag.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Scans indicate illogical response to perceived items of value."

Dr Catriona: "Is he drugged or something?"

Zimran Ibanez:
Bardic Inspiration (D8)
Class: Bard

Wolfe: Wolfe fails to connect to Westra, but ducks under her fist.

Westra Goldbrook: Wolfe lunges forward, swinging wildly, but manages to evade her counter swing.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Poison detection module not installed."

Zimran Ibanez: "Just put him down already Westra"

Westra Goldbrook: "Arrgghh! Do you not hear yourself?!"

Nundro Rockseeker: "What in da world are you lot doing?!"

Dr Catriona: "Mister Moonstrike, we need to get him under control. Something is obviously wrong. Another doppleganger?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Your greed will not rob those who have fought just as hard as you have!"

Dr Catriona: 30 ft

Raithe Moonstrike: "Music Man. You say something about putting someone down again, I'm going to put an arrow in you."

Wolfe: He then runs straight at the bag and will try to LEAP AND GRAB at them.

Raithe Moonstrike: He looks at Cat. "There are manacles on the guy. Someone paralyzed him. It looks like he's being attacked by his party members. Did you think he was going to take it well?"

Dr Catriona: "That is not logical!"

Zimran Ibanez: "Relax elf, I just mean knock him out. Obviously no one wants to be killed today"

Dr Catriona: "LOOK AT HIM."

Wolfe: While its almost comical, as the bag is too high off the ground. Wolfe snarls and grabs at the bag as it floats in the air. "GIVE IT TO ME!"

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe gets down off the horse. "Give him the bag! It might calm him down!"
"Otherwise, he's going to keep attacking!"

Westra Goldbrook: Even Westra begins to pause, seeing the inane display.

Dr Catriona: "How is that normal?"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Life form logic does not compute."

Westra Goldbrook: "Wolfe."

Dr Catriona: "Captain, could it be some foul magic?"

Wolfe: Wolfe can't even hear Westra as he's shouting and leaping at the bag.

Westra Goldbrook: "I almost hope it is."

Dr Catriona: Catriona turns the bag over and dumps it all over... not all in one spot even
She just sends it swirling around like a sprinkler.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra steps back, away from the gems, and watches wolfe.

Dr Catriona: Then it just drops. "I want you all to watch this."

Wolfe: As the gems start dropping, Wolfe barely noticies the pain that happens to him from their descent, and nearly slips as he starts running around and starts grabbing all the gems on the ground, trying to collect them all.

Dr Catriona: "This isn't the normal wingnut dunderbrain."

Westra Goldbrook: "Those gems were in that Well a very long time. It's possible some foul magic infected them."

Dr Catriona: She then looks sad because its...pathetic. "This explains... much."

Westra Goldbrook: "Is there anyone among us who can sense such things?"

Dr Catriona: "Mister Ibanez, do you have any arcana that might... break ...whatever this is?"

Wolfe: He starts trying to put them into his pockets, holding as many as he can, but there's too many and they start slipping through his fingers. He visibly growls in frustration as he can't possibly hold them all, and then he starts putting them into a pile and collecting them together.

Zimran Ibanez: "Sorry ladies. Charming is my specialty, not breaking charms."

Dr Catriona: "Okay. Well, Captain... your call.. I guess. "

Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe has no idea if this is actually a curse or just a man being pushed over the edge.

Nundro Rockseeker: "What madness is this...." He mutters.

Dr Catriona: (Raithe just saw Wolfe jumping at a bag 30 feet in the sky repeatedly... thats some oddness!)

Wolfe: Once he gets them into a pile, he quickly runs over, grabs his sword, then brings it back with him as he kneels over the gems, whispering to himself something to soothe his mind of the stress that it just went through. "Mine. Mine. Mine. They're mine. I found them. They belong to me."

Dr Catriona: "Wolfe is infected with some kind of..avarice."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Okay, that's not natural."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Where did ye find these gems?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Old Owl Well."

Nundro Rockseeker: "Abbathor."
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 11:55:43 AM by phinn »



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2018, 11:56:14 AM »

Westra Goldbrook: "Pardon?"

Nundro Rockseeker: "That mine was fabled to be a temple of Abbathor. The Great Master of Greed."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs, closing her eyes. "Of course it was."

Dr Catriona: "That does not sound ideal."

Westra Goldbrook: "We need to find someone who can break whatever magic has gripped him."

Raithe Moonstrike: "Okay. So how does it get fixed, then?"

Nundro Rockseeker: "Lore says the priests eventually murdered each other they were so overcome in their avarice."

Dr Catriona: "No one is murdering anyone here."

Wolfe: Slowly Wolfe's gaze seems to return to something more sane, his gaze darting to and fro among the party.

Westra Goldbrook: "Phandalin seems a small town when hoping to find a cleric strong enough for this. In Neverwinter there may be hope, however."

Wolfe: He tries to break the manacles.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran whistles long and loud again, "Well this sounds really unfortunate..."

Westra Goldbrook: "Perhaps if we let him collect the gems, we could get him there.."
Cutting Words

Westra Goldbrook: Westra walks over and picks up the bag of holding from where it fell atop the gems.

Wolfe: Wolfe pulls hard on the chain, but Zimran's words catch his gaze as he distracts him from his task of breaking the manacles.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Wolfe sites next to a 30 ft tall pile gems.

Wolfe: "Fuckin' shut your trap."

Zimran Ibanez: "Come on you drunk, settle down already"

Westra Goldbrook: She then tosses the bag to Wolfe, seeing no way he'd gather all the gems without it.

Wolfe: He then goes back to trying to break the manacles again.

Dr Catriona: "Wolfe, would you calm down if we let you hold them?"

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words

Wolfe: Snap.

Zimran Ibanez: "Half-wi..."

Wolfe: Wolfe breaks off the zip-ties and gets up to his feet. He pulls free his sword.
"All of you. Fuck off. Leave the bag. Get on your horses. And Fuck. Off."

Westra Goldbrook: "Pick up your spoils if you want. But we are going to Neverwinter together."



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2018, 11:56:37 AM »
Session 26

Dungeon Lord (GM): The Watch vanquished the black spider and discovered the spell forge. After leaving the lost mine of Phandelver, they discovered a grim magic at work on Wolfe. After confrontation, he was knocked unconscious and bound.
After a very long day, the Watch continues North along the road. The sound of waves and smell of salt in the air increases as the sun slowly moves high in the sky. Merchants and travelers increase as the day carries on. Each eye the group, specifically, the bound half orc as they pass but generally do not speak or only offer a “Good Day.” Just as the afternoon heat takes hold, the group sees the familiar sight of Neverwinter’s walls. Sweat dripped off each of the travelers as they passed through the gate.

Treubo Ivoodric: "Captain Goldbrooke." One of them speaks still saluting. "I have a missive if you were to return."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran looks around to the others as if he was about to speak, but held his tongue when the guardsman approached the party.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra was mightily relieved to see the familiar walls of Neverwinter rising before her. Road-weary as she was, she couldn't help but pick up the pace a little as they drew near. She stopped, though, when the guard hailed her.
"Yes? What is it?"

Wolfe: Wolfe struggles in his bindings and looks at Treubo (as best as he can). "I have a complaint against the Captain here." The surly Half-Orc grumbles, in a noticeable bad mood due to being bound and also not having had a drink the last few days.

Treubo Ivoodric: "One moment." The short man is barely able to see through the misaligned holes in his helmet and seems uncertain as he moves into the room inside the wall. He takes several minutes to locate the paper inside the small guard post. "We were just ordered to deliver it to you if arrived." It is a scroll rolled and sealed with a symbol of the Flaming Fist pressed into the wax.
"Uhhh..." He says, looking at the half-orc and then the Captain again.

Westra Goldbrook: "Pay him no mind, private," Westra assures him. "Thank you for this, sir." She counters his salute and nudges her horse to continue on into the city.

Nundro Rockseeker: "I am overdue fer some good beer Lass! Will you join me this eve?" He says to the Doc.

Westra Goldbrook: While the horse clops along towards Ironheart's temple, Westra breaks the seal and reads the missive.

Zimran Ibanez: "I have a complaint as well guardsman. Our captain here doesn't gag her prisoners." Zimran said with a smirk.

Treubo Ivoodric: “Captain Goldbrooke,
I was pleased to hear the weapons shipment arrived at the southern outpost without further issue. I appreciate you taking this task upon yourself the fine work you and your regiment have performed. Your return was expected some time ago and I must urge you to come to the castle immediately. Lord Neveremeber has taken an interest in your work and requests your aid in another task. Please find your way to the castle post haste.
Commander Cullen Rutherford”

Westra Goldbrook: Westra grits her teeth, and looks to the others, uncertainty in her bearing. "I've been summoned to the castle at once." Specifically, she eyes Cat and Zimran. "Do the two of you feel comfortable transporting Wolfe to Ser Ironheart on your own?"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran breaths in the familiar smells of civilization and sighs with content. When Westra looked at him and the Doc asking them to take Wolfe to the temple the bard rolled his eyes, "Like you, I have superiors I must report to. I was hoping to take care of that first so that i can find a good inn to perform in. No offense to you all, you're quite a lively bunch, but I could use some applause to lift my spirits."

Wolfe: "I'll applaud you if you get me out of these fuckin' bindings."

Westra Goldbrook: "Do what you must, but if you wish to receive compensation for the aid you've rendered, you'll need to accompany us a bit further yet. Lord Neverember would be the one to dispense it."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran looks visibly displeased, but does not object further, "What's a few more hours I suppose?"

Dr. Wicker (I have been talking to myself ALL this time)
There was certainly a characteristic splendor to Neverwinter, the Jewel of the North. It wasn't exactly Waterdeep, but the city was still a sight to see to a newcomer, if not for how it has recovered from the Spellplague's effects. Catriona was again wide eyed and observant to the new city, taking it in like a tourist walking through the gates.
"Umm, maybe. I am not really a drinker, but if we can find Wolfe sorted..." she replies to Nundro, trailing off but articulating her priorities.
"I.. do not know this city but I can, um.. ask around where this Ser Ironheart is." she replies to Westra.

Nundro Rockseeker: "Well, I am followin Zimran as soon as we 're allowed to find an inn."

Dr. Wicker "If you all must deal with other things, I can see to it."

Westra Goldbrook: At Catriona's hesitance, Westra shakes her head. "On second thought, perhaps there will be someone at the castle who can remove the magic from him," she said, with a nod to Wolfe. "And the soon we can unbind him, the sooner he can bathe. Let's proceed to the castle."
*the sooner

Dr. Wicker Catriona makes a Catriona face. Use your imagination as it is probably spot on to what you picture.

Wolfe: "The sooner I can punch you in your self-righteous mouth."

Dungeon Lord (GM): The watch moves towards the castle quickly occasionally a member of the guard that knows Wolfe will see him and laugh. Prompting him with comments such as "What did you do this time?"

Zimran Ibanez: Along the road up to the castle, Zimran plays his yarting from the saddle. He plays a song loud and clear about how apologizes profusely to the city for the stench that their prisoner bears.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc grumbles in annoyance as he's made a spectacle.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra finds that she likes the Bard more the longer he hangs around.

Dungeon Lord (GM): As the group moves through the city, Westra notices there are far fewer guards posted around the city. Many are men she does not know and move with an awkward demeanor of men who are not experienced with the guard.They arrive at the castle proper without further incident and are quickly greeted and escorted to an audience with Lord Neverember.

Dr. Wicker Somehow the Shame Shame Shame walk of Wolfe and the soundtrack by the minstrel is probably enough to draw attention away from the mechanical gnome walking behind cat.
bell ding

L.E.R.O.Y.: "My records are inconsistent with the current state of the city Mistress. Updating indexes."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran tries his best to knock the dust off of his clothes before meeting Lord Neverember.

Dr. Wicker "So are mine, Leroy. So are mine."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra likewise adjusts her armor to be as regulation as possible before going in front of a superior.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Darguth Neverember sits at the end of a large banquet table with a host of dishes sat about him. His attention was focused on a pile of parchments as the group enters from a side door. As the guard approached, his eyes rose towards the man with a scowl. “Westra Goldbrooke and her companions have returned, M’Lord.” He returned his food to the plate and wiped his hands quickly before standing and motioning for the guard to return to his post.

Wolfe: Wolfe walks in, manacled and wrapped in several rounds of rope. A chained beast for spectacle and display, har fucking har.

Darguth Neverember: “Commander Goldbrooke, I am pleased you have returned. Please join me.” He motions towards the seats around him before seeing Wolfe and a wide smile forms on his face. "The famous Wolfe. What an honor."

Dr. Wicker "We... can say it was a prank?" she quietly says to Wolfe, not knowing how to better the situation.

Westra Goldbrook: "Lord Neverember,"

Wolfe: "Go fuck yourself."

Darguth Neverember: "Articulate as always. Can I get you some ale? Or have you switched poisons?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Lord Neverember," Westra begins, offering a proper salute. "I--" she stops, thrown off by the title used. "Apologies, sir. It's only Captain. Nevertheless, we--" Wolfe interjects, and Westra pauses to scowl at him. "You'll find yourself gagged if you refuse to show proper respect," she warned him.

Dr. Wicker Unfamiliar with Neverwinter court customs, Doctor Wicker stays quiet and observes those who probably know better like Westra or Zimran, for cues.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran's eyes went wide briefly at Wolfe's outburst. Well, hi figured, looks like I get to see a beheading tonight. Guess that's something.

Wolfe: Wolfe, already in a bad mood, made indolent by these thieves who wrapped him up like a monkey for public ridicule have brought him to the man he despises most in the region. "There's nothing to respect here from a thug and a politician who would throw innocents to die in a monster pen."
"And you." He turned to look at Westra. "Can also go fuck yourself."
"But I'll take a beer, if we're going to sit and chat."

Westra Goldbrook: "Please forgive the circumstances, Lord Neverember," she says. "Wolfe has been embroiled by some foul curse. While I doubt anyone would call him congenial on a normal day, he is doubly intolerable now, and will be until we can find someone to remove the magic troubling him."

Dr. Wicker ((Raithe left to his own devices?))

Darguth Neverember: "It's fine Captain. We are....old friends, so to speak." He chuckles."Please have a seat." He motioned to some attendants who brought beer for everyone!

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran is disappointed he won't be seeing a beheading tonight.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Raithe disappeared in the shuffle to the castle.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc sits, though with some difficulty, as long as his leash is made long enough.

Darguth Neverember: "Oh?" He seems peeked by the new revelation. "Are you certain? He seems as normal as his kind can be."

Westra Goldbrook: though westra seriously considers leashing wolfe to the wall, she ultimately decides he'd likely be quieter if he could reach the beer.

Dr. Wicker Doctor puts a straw in Wolfe's beer.

Wolfe: "Thanks, Doc."

Dr. Wicker And its legit because... Lantan.

Westra Goldbrook: "I have traveled with him these past weeks," she said. "I assure you, there has been a change."

Wolfe: He mutters something unkind as he leans down to sip on the beer. It's not the same, but, well... whatchya gonna do.

Dr. Wicker She nods in response, then takes a seat as the others do.

Darguth Neverember: He motions to another attendant and whispers something before the man hurries off.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra does take a seat, however, and waits to see what Neverember needs.

Dr. Wicker She silently wonders if Neverember will be fine with a Harper in audience.

Westra Goldbrook: "Oh, my apologies,"
she recalls

Dr. Wicker She didn't know the man, but opinions of him have been....divisive.

Westra Goldbrook: "This is Doctor Catriona Wicker, and Ser Zimran Ibanez," she says, only now noticing with a frown that Raithe is absent. "They joined our party during our trials, and their aid was indispensable."

Darguth Neverember: "As I understand these were not those that you departed with?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Correct. Lady Tealina and Ser Hjalkohm met some hardship and had to retire from the trip."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran bows gracefully once introduced, "The captain is too kind. Yes I help, but she and the others rescued me. It was my duty to aid one of Neverwinter's finest after such a heroic display." The half-elf takes his seat and smiles broadly.

Wolfe: "Funny way how you show appreciation."

Darguth Neverember: "I see. Thank you for aiding the Captain in her duties." He says to each in turn before pushing his plate away tossing the napkin atop. “You have been of great service to Neverwinter. Commander Rutherford holds you in very high esteem, and it appears that is not misplaced. “

Westra Goldbrook: "I am honored to serve, Lord Neverember," Westra demures.

Dr. Wicker She wondered if there was curtseys or if bowing was standard, everyone did something different! All she knew for certain is Wolfe's style of greeting was one she shouldn't do.
"Well... met." she says. Those were safe words to use.

Zimran Ibanez: "The brute wasn't as helpful. Nearly brought a cave down on us, but I figured I would save that for the more comedic moments when i tell the story through song," Zimran said with smile. "When it is done my lord, I would be honored to perform it in your court."

Wolfe: Wolfe grumbles to himself some more, sipping his beer.

Darguth Neverember: "A tale of the jester half-orc, I am on the edge of my chair." He smiles to Wolfe.

Dr. Wicker She slides the beer she was served over the half-orc's mug. She didn't know booze and wasn't going to start in front of some dignitary.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns slightly at Zimran's comment. "While I would be the last to praise his methods, as they did border on barbaric at times, I cannot deny that we would not have succeeded in our mission without his assistance."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran quickly notes to himself to fill the story with more Wolfe making a fool of himself. The bard knows how to play to his audience.

Wolfe: "Must be difficult, considering how fat your ass is, Darguth."

Darguth Neverember: "Mmmm. He is a crude tool, but they have their uses."

Wolfe: The Half-Orc audibly growls, muttering more beneath his breath.

Dr. Wicker "I.. am confused... aren't there personel here who can dispel curses?"

Zimran Ibanez: "Mmmhmm," Zimran acknowledges Westra's truthfulness on the matter, though the bard's dismissiveness of Wolfe can be seen plainly on his face.

Darguth Neverember: "Enough of these pleasantries. Wolfe is blushing."

Dr. Wicker She wonders if these are really what Neverwinter pleasantries are like.

Darguth Neverember: "I have dispatched someone to fetch Ironheart. Unfortunately, my resident wizard is indisposed. We will have our friend good as new shortly Miss Wicker."

Dr. Wicker "Oh. I mean gratithanks."
She corrects herself and adjusts her glasses on her nose.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods, satisfied at the news that Ser Ironheart has been summoned.

Darguth Neverember: “I have another task Captain, if you would continue to serve Neverwinter’s interests. As you recall, during the Regulator’s time here, Luskan assaulted us in the midst of a dragon attack. With the rebuilding of Neverwinter well underway, it is time to address their treachery.” He smiled to himself while leaning back in his chair.

Westra Goldbrook: "I do recall," she nods, looking interested. "Though I don't believe I ever heard why they thought to attack. You intend to send forces to Luskan?"

Dr. Wicker Catriona makes a face when she hears Luskan.

Darguth Neverember: "Of course not, we cannot afford or sustain a battle. Nor would it be good for appearances."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns, thoughtful. "Then what do you plan, sir?"

Darguth Neverember: “The city has become unstable since the Spellplague. Reports indicate the four Captains are having trouble containing the chaos within the city, monstrosities and criminals are both oddly flocking into it, more than normal it seems.”

Dr. Wicker Speak of a city dealing with the Spellplagued piqued her interest, however.

Darguth Neverember: "It is time we helped the poor citizens of the derelict and corrupt council. We will reveal their lack of leadership for what it is and take control of the city. This is the only method to reign in the lawlessness and debauchery running rampant.”

Wolfe: Wolfe grumbles something unkind.

Westra Goldbrook: "The people are not being protected?" she asked, frowning

Darguth Neverember: "I am afraid so Captain. The city is rampant with murder and theft."

Dr. Wicker "Luskan ships once attacked my country." she says, as if not knowing what else to add.

Darguth Neverember: "The city was reported impacted far worse than Neverwinter when the Spell Plague occurred."(reportedly)

Westra Goldbrook: "That is troubling, indeed," she said, pausing to glance at Catriona. "Is that so?"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran merely nods in agreement but generally feigns disinterest and aloofness to it all. Mentally however the bard is making notes of every word Neverember uses, and doesn't use.

Dr. Wicker "Oh there is no doubt much to study if what Mister Neverember says is correct."

Draeous Ironheart: A man familiar to Westra enters through the same door the group entered a short while ago. "Lord Neverember, what can I do for you today?" The man seems out of breathe.

Dr. Wicker "I was just bringing up a point of history....I don't know why."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra stands when Ironheart enters, and nods in respect to him

Draeous Ironheart: "Captain Goldbrooke. Good to see you back and safe." He adds.
A moment later another man enters the door and stands next to Ser Ironheart.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc has a lot of unkind things to say at this moment about Neverember and Westra's loyalty to such a man, but given his situation he knows it's a waste of his breath. While Ironheart coming in may mean an end to this ridiculous situation, his anger over it all is not diminished, nor relief in sight as far as he's concerned.
After all, he doesn't think he's crazy.

Westra Goldbrook: "Thank you, Ser Ironheart. I'm happy to be home."

Darguth Neverember: "Ironheart! You never come and visit. It seems we have an 'orc under a magic spell'.He does air quotes and all, savoring the moment.

Draeous Ironheart: "I..uhh...." The old man seems confused.

Dr. Wicker Cat shoots up from her seat to clear up the situation, but halfway bangs her knee against a table leg...Krak!
She makes a face and holds back an exclamation, rubbing said knee.

Draeous Ironheart: Everyone turns to Doctor Broken Knee at the loud sound.

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't. But it's not new to him that Cat is a clutz.

Dr. Wicker "He is hexed by a curse of greed and.. unnggmmm avarice."
She rubs her knee more, because that hurt like a mother pilfer.

Wolfe: "Cursed by bein stuck with you lot."

Draeous Ironheart: "Oh, I see." He looks to the bound half-orc before approaching cautiously.

Dr. Wicker "The hypothesis is that its source is the gems in his bag."

Wolfe: "Racist fuckers and thugs for this fat fuck." He juts his chin toward Darguth.
"Except the Doc." He nods to Cat. "She's just young and caves to peer pressure."

Dr. Wicker "Hey!"

Darguth Neverember: He chuckles.

Dr. Wicker "Well.. sort of."

Wolfe: He looks to Ironheart with a sneer. "You wanna help me, Holy Man? Get these fuckers to untie me."

Zimran Ibanez: "It's been no vacation for us either"

Dr. Wicker "Its been.. uh.. trying. Many days."

Draeous Ironheart: "Euron, I believe you are ready for such a calamity." The older man motions towards the still silent human who approaches quickly and inspects the bag of gems around the half-orc's neck carefully.

Dr. Wicker "Do you have hazardous material containers here?" Of course she would ask that.

Draeous Ironheart: "What do you mean, my dear?"

Westra Goldbrook: "The gems themselves are no longer cursed, I'd wager. Otherwise I would be as afflicted as Wolfe."
"Well, partly, at least."

Dr. Wicker "I wouldn't want you to become hexed as well if you make contact."

Wolfe: "That's cause there ain't no curse."
"These fuckers are just trying to rob me of what is rightfully mine."

Dr. Wicker "Everything you just said is incorrect."

Euron Sand: He looked to the bag and then Wolfe. The human's hand glows and he presses it to the side of the dirty half-orcs head. Wolfe begins to feel his greed diminish, in a few moments the curse has faded.

Darguth Neverember: "I'd wash that hand as soon as possible."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra hands Euron her napkin from the table

Wolfe: Wolfe exhales slowly as the curse is lifted from him. For a moment he goes silent as his mind seems to catch up to everything, but Westra/Darguth carrying on catches his gaze again.

Zimran Ibanez: "You know the orc may be right. It may not be cursed. That said the only way to be absolutely sure would be to drown the orc with the gems at the bottom of the bay. If he sinks, we'll know we were wrong, but if he floats then the curse is strong and we'll be forced to be rid of him."

Wolfe: "Good. Now that's done. Now fucking untie me."

Dr. Wicker The bespectacled blonde reaches out with a hand and attempts to remove the bag remotely.

Draeous Ironheart: He inspects Wolfe carefully as the young human casts his spell.

Westra Goldbrook: Before moving to untie Wolfe, Westra watches to see his reaction to Cat's taking of the gems

Dr. Wicker (She is doing it telekinetically)

Wolfe: He doesn't seem to change -- though he is obviously still grumpy.

Draeous Ironheart: "Do you feel any residual greed?" He asks Wolfe.

Wolfe: "No."

Draeous Ironheart: "May Euron keep one of those gems as compensation?"

Wolfe: "Sure."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran smirks, "How do we know he's not lying?"

Draeous Ironheart: He nods. "Well done!" And pats Euron on the back.

Dr. Wicker "They would need to be purified. And the bag of holding is something we would like to hold onto."
She deposits the bag at her feet.

Westra Goldbrook: Once the bag is removed from wolfe's care, Westra gets up from her seat and walks over to the orc.

Dr. Wicker She looks over at Wolfe to see if he is interested in the fate of the gems.

Wolfe: He looks up at her with a narrowed stare.

Westra Goldbrook: She moves behind him, and begins to untie the rope that binds him.

Wolfe: Once untied he'll pull the ropes off of him and look around to the others. "Who has my swords?"

Dr. Wicker (SOLD THEM K?)

Zimran Ibanez: "I don't remember what we did with those. Did we let nundro take them as a sort of complimentary parting gift?"

Darguth Neverember: "Thank you Ironheart. That is all the service I require, today."

Wolfe: "You're pretty funny for a fucking tool, Zimran."

Dr. Wicker "They are with our belongings, Leroy is watching them."

Wolfe: Wolfe gets up out of his chair.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra backs up when wolfe stands, and watches him calmly.

Dr. Wicker "I should go find a way to destroy these....right?" she points to the gems.

Wolfe: "If your little metal gnome doesn't give me my shit back, I'm going to punt him all the way back to the mine."
He turns and leaves for the door then, not sparing anyone else a second glance.

Westra Goldbrook: "That's a great deal of wealth to destroy," she pointed out. "Can it not be cleansed somehow?"

Dr. Wicker "He would alarm me if someone tried to..." she trails."

Westra Goldbrook: She paid no attention to wolfe leaving.

Dr. Wicker "I don't know. Maybe a temple?"

Darguth Neverember: "Lord Wolfe, please do not leave us." He says weakly.

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't even bother flipping Neverember the bird. He just keeps walking unless stopped to reach L.E.R.O.Y.

Draeous Ironheart: "Thank you, Lord Neverember. Euron." He moves to leave before looking back to Westra. "Captain, do please stop by the church before you depart the city again. I have some training for you before you depart. Helm watch over you."

Westra Goldbrook: "Of course," Westra agrees, with a deep nod of respect.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Greetings entity known as Wolfe. How may I be of service?"

Wolfe: "I'd like my swords back." He says to the little metal gnome, still irritated.
"And any other stuff of mine you got."

Darguth Neverember: "Well, as much of a diversion as this has been, I have things to attend to as well."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Release of property requires administrative approval."

Wolfe: "I'm going to say this once."

Westra Goldbrook: "But you were saying something about sending a detachment to Luskan?"

Wolfe: "I've had a long, trying fuckin' day."
"Give me my shit, or I am going to grab you and hand you over to the nearest blacksmith."

Darguth Neverember: “If you desire to aid in this task please return here in a week’s time to depart. If you have…” He paused. “..other matters to attend to, the Commander does inform me you have a leave upcoming. Please stay, eat, drink.”

Wolfe: "Who is hopefully going to melt you down and remake you into someone's silverware."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Illogical response, intitating administrative override." The robot gives Wolfe his stuff.

Wolfe: "Thanks."
"You take care now."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Farewell entity known as Wolfe."

Wolfe: He then walks away from the little gnomegolem and heads toward Rutherford's office.

Dr. Wicker Making sure the bag of holding is closed, she picks it up.

Westra Goldbrook: "Thank you, sir."

Dr. Wicker The woman seems somewhat uncertain as to what to do or where to go.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Wolfe finds that Commander Rutherford is not in the city as present as he gets to his office.

Westra Goldbrook: "Oh, sir!"

Darguth Neverember: "Yes Captain?" He says looking back.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra remembers, before Neverember has left. "May I ask where the bulk of the guard has been dispatched to? I noticed an abundance of green privates on our way into the city."

Dr. Wicker She looks to Zimran. Maybe he knows what they should be doing.

Wolfe: "Dav." Wolfe says noticing the guard who usually watched over him in his cells. "Where's Rutherford?"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran motions to the Doctor to stay where she is for now.

Darguth Neverember: He sighed. "We have been dealing with were-beast attacking homesteads to the North East and some form of magical fog is encroaching on our Southeastern lands. If it isn't beholders and air ships, it is always something."
The man looks up. "You smell worse than usual."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks offended.

Dungeon Lord (GM): (That was Dav)

Wolfe: "That's not an answer to the fuckin' question."

Westra Goldbrook: "I see. Thank you," she says, and bows her head in respect.

Dungeon Lord (GM): "The commander left with some soldiers a few days back. They were headed south to check out some.." He holds his hands up in mockery. 'magic fog.'
"You been drinkin? Want to go back in the pen?"

Westra Goldbrook: She then sits down at the table again once he's leaving and begins to chow.She stops again, though, when he speaks. "Commander Rutherford went himself?" she asked, turning in her chair to speak

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran stands and bows to Lord Neverember as he leaves."

Wolfe: "Naw."
"Unfortunately, I haven't."

Dr. Wicker She awkwardly bows, too, and it shows she has no familiarity with such a thing.

Wolfe: "I finished his job. Tell him when he gets back he owes me fuckin' money."
The Half-Orc turns and then heads toward the nearest bar.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra eats, frowning at the thoughts of Neverwinter being so under siege.

Davgeon: He laughs. "How much did he owe ya?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Are you not hungry?" she asks the bard and the doctor.

Dr. Wicker "I consume a goodberry daily. It has proven efficient."
((To be fair, goodberry "sustains/nourishes... but you might want more! ))

Davgeon: "A cask of beer and a whore?"

Dr. Wicker ((Just means you arent going to starve ))

Wolfe: "Three hundred and fifty gold."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran turns his attention to the food after Lord neverember left, "Of course, this food looks fantastic. But I'm dirty and haven't eaten anything but berries for nearly three days now. I don't want our dear Lord Neverember watching me eat voraciously"

Dr. Wicker She takes the joy out of a good pigging out.

Wolfe: "Enough to pay for your mother for a whole year."

Westra Goldbrook: "Well," Westra sighs, pausing to take a long draught of the beer that had been poured. "That's that, then. Are the two of you interested in seeing to Lord Neverember's offer?"

Davgeon: "Ha, that doesn't sound right."

Dr. Wicker "I am more concerned about carrying deadly gems."

Wolfe: "Well your hearing doesn't fuckin' concern me."

Dr. Wicker "And this is..uh.. from someone who regularly carries around explosives."

Westra Goldbrook: "I assure you, they are not deadly, Doctor. I have already touched them and they have not affected me. Wolfe took the brunt of that malady."

Wolfe: "You said that south for some fog? How long til he's supposed to come back?"

Davgeon: He shrugs. "Its MAGIC fog. He might be gone for years!"

Wolfe: "Too bad they didn't send you, instead."
"Thanks for the help."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran nods simply, "I'm certainly interested. I'll just need to see how my week pans out. I do have matters to attend to."

Davgeon: "Now you are just being mean."

Wolfe: He turns and walks off, heading for the nearest bar.

Davgeon: "Hey Wolfe."

Wolfe: He stops.

Davgeon: He throws a heavy bag of coins at the Orc..

Wolfe: The Half-Orc catches it.
He looks a little perplexed.
"What's this?"

Dr. Wicker "Luskan... sounds interesting. If has spellplague anomalies... there could be much to learn."

Davgeon: "Was just fuckin with ya."

Wolfe: For once, the Half-Orc laughs.

Davgeon: "Your money, you idiot."

Wolfe: "You're an asshole."
"But, thanks."

Davgeon: "Takes one to know one."
"See ya."

Wolfe: "Yeah." He says after a moment, considering the guard and then gives him a slow nod.

Davgeon: He goes back to his pile of paperwork.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods. "Oh! We didn't ask Lord Neverember for compensation for you. But if you are returning in a week, surely he will see to it then."

Wolfe: The Half-Orc then walks off and heads to find a watering hole and some space to reflect.

Dr. Wicker "Yes.... projects and research do require funding..."

Westra Goldbrook: "In the meantime,you are both welcome to lodge at my family's estate, if you need a place."

Zimran Ibanez: A disk scratches in Zimran's head, "You're family's estate?"

Dr. Wicker "Oh, I did not know you were so established in the city."

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed. The Goldbrooks are an esteemed institution in Neverwinter," Westra explains, with a smile of clear pride.

Wolfe: Settling down after ordering a beer, the Half-Orc takes up a seat in the corner of one bar, sipping his ale as he takes stock of the populace and lets himself cool down a little after being near a point of head-bashing.

Westra Goldbrook: "When we leave here, if you would like to tend to your matters and join us there later, I will let them know to expect you," she offered, to Zimran

Dr. Wicker "That's kind of you." she finally says.

Zimran Ibanez: "I would be honored to play in your family home, Captain."

Dr. Wicker "Should we seek a temple to see if these can be cleansed frist?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra smiled again. "Of course. Ser Ironheart has asked me to stop by to see him anyway."

Dungeon Lord (GM): Two men sit at the table next to Wolfe drinking and talking loudly. One appears to be a traveling merchant, the other a member of the first who eyed the half-orc as he first sat but then continued speaking with his friend.

Wolfe: Wolfe will listen in, as he's just drinking at the moment anyway, though his head is lowered and he's staring at his beer.

Awhun Oklass: ’Twas one of the most terrifying things I have seen in my entire life. Dark fog overtook everything, then you could see beings inside it, walking around. Their eyes glowed fire red.” He took a big gulp of beer. “Ol’ Henry was asleep next to me, I couldn’t wake him when I saw it coming towards our camp."

Dr. Wicker It was kind of odd to see Westra smiling so often, to be honest, but she said nothing of it.

Awhun Oklass: "I tried and chase it away with me torch, but the light and fire did nothin' to stop it."

Dr. Wicker She hands the bag of holding with the cursed gems to Westra then, leaving the matter in the hands of holy folks.

Awhun Oklass: "I started punching henry and he still wouldn’t wake up, had to leave him there.” The patron visibly shook. “Then….when I turned around to look at the blackness following behind me, I saw Henry. Eyes red as dragon fire standing in it, looking right at me.”

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Mistress! Security Alert!" The gnome walks into the room.

Westra Goldbrook: After Westra had enjoyed a bit of food and some drink (though not an extended meal by any means), she looked to see if the other two were prepared to leave.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "The being known as Wolfe violated security protocol and obtained lethal tools."

Dr. Wicker "Were they two swords, Leroy?"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Yes Mistress, he also absconded with a backpack. I took the liberty of placing an identifying marker on the satchel."

Dr. Wicker "...that is.. an odd function. Explain what it does?"

Dungeon Lord (GM): "Black magic." The solider in the bar responded. "Is this madness from the spell plague ever going to end? God damned magic."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran ate a fair bit of food, saving the fine cooking and real food. Satiated, the bard wipes his hands on a cloth napkin before standing, "I must go tend to some duties of my own Captain. Though do let me know where your estate is and will be sure to visit before evening."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "I used some ink to write 'W-O-L-F' (he spells it out) on the inside of the satchel."

Dr. Wicker She quietly facepalms.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Doctor, do you require further explanation?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra advises Zimran of the location of the Goldbrook estate, and then turns to the Doctor.

Dr. Wicker "No, Leeroy. As you were."

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Yes Mistress."

Westra Goldbrook: "Will you be coming with, for a bit of rest and respite, or should I tell them to expect you later as well?"

Wolfe: Wolfe takes in the information about the black magic fog and quietly makes note not to head south if he's going to leave town.

Dr. Wicker "I. suppose some time to recharge would do me um.. some good. I don't know the city at all."

Westra Goldbrook: "Excellent. We can stop at the temple on the way, so that your mind may be put at ease about the gems."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran leaves to inform Bellis and the other Harpers about the events at the lost mine, as well of Lord Neverember's move on Luskan.

Dr. Wicker "I worry about Wolfe, though. He had quite an expanded amount of.. badness.. for many days. That probably does not just go away."

Davgeon: As the group leaves the castle proper several soliders comes up to them and hands Westra four bags of coins "Payment for your efforts, courtesy of Lord Neverember."

Dr. Wicker She nods at the plan in agreement.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran accepts the payment for someone else's work without question and continues on his way,

Westra Goldbrook: Westra thanks the guards and packs three of the four bags onto her horse. The third and fourth, of course, she gives to the Doctor and Zimran. "Wolfe began this journey in a foul temperament, and he will end it in one. I don't know how you could tell whether he's any better or worse off, frankly."

Davgeon: "Captain," he salutes. “I was very sorry to hear about your brother, I hope there is some news soon."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra stops. "Come again?"

Davgeon: "Oh...I uh...had you not heard of Vaughn's regiment?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Speak, private. Quickly."

Dr. Wicker The doc blinks at the payment.

Davgeon: “Yes Ma'am. As you know, his regiment traveled North at Commander Rutherford’s command to investigate the increasing reports of were-being attacks near the Lurkwood. They have not reported in since the time you departed several weeks ago.”

Westra Goldbrook: Westra seemed agitated at this. "And none have been sent after him?"

Davgeon: "I believe Commander Rutherford did not have men to spare at the present."

Dr. Wicker Seeing this is some kind of personal matter, Catriona slinks some distance away and .... city-gazes.

Westra Goldbrook: "Where is Commander Rutherford?"

Dr. Wicker ((You have to grab him by the lapels and yell it in a batman voice))

Davgeon: "He departed several days ago with two regiments to investigate some kind of magical fog encroaching upon the southeastern border."
He lowers his voice and moves closer to her. "Reports detail entire towns have fallen asleep and wake up as.....nightmares."

Westra Goldbrook: "Nightmares? Speak plainly, sergeant, what manner of fog is this? And what more do you know of the werebeast to the north?"

Davgeon: "I cannot say about the fog. Those who fall its victim cannot be roused, it is said. There have also been reports of their ghosts being alive, in the mist."
"The werewolf attacks have continued to increase in frequency and viciousness. Nothing else new to report, as you likely recall from reports weeks past." (Westra would know that were wolf attacks had been reported in the weeks prior to her leaving South with the group.)

Dr. Wicker Catriona looks down into the sewer grate. So primitive.

Westra Goldbrook: "Thank you, Sergeant."

Davgeon: "My pleasure, Captain."

Westra Goldbrook: "Doctor, I'll need your help," she says, moving off in the direction Catriona went

Dr. Wicker "Really?"
"I mean... sup."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra seems confused by the Doctor for a moment.
"ah.. my.. brother has gone to combat some werewolf menaces to the north and hasn't been heard from in weeks, now. There is no detachment of guards to spare. I must go to see if he is in need of assistance. Will you accompany me? I will no doubt need assistance if any werebeasts are encountered."

Dr. Wicker "Rogue lycanthrope?" she pauses to consider. "The claws may hold intriguing transformative proper... Oh, sorry. I am dismayed to hear about your brother and I would .. help with that."



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2018, 06:01:05 PM »
Session 27

Dr Catriona: Guest Star Recap - Session 27: My name is Dr. Catriona Wicker and previously, in this rather confusing state of affairs...
The group reached Neverwinter City and met with the controversial man known as Neverember. Mister Wolfe, the irritable bladesman was cured of his curse of avarice by a summoned priest of Helm, Euron Sand. Lord Neverember debriefed those who would listen, mainly the dutiful paladin Captain Goldbrook and the Harper agent Zimran Ibanez. The latter moved on to report to his superiors (or so it seems!) about the end of the villain Nezznar, the Black Spider.
After receiving a mission about Luskan from Neverember and troubling news about her brother's detachment, Captain Goldbrook tended to her faith and met again with Euron Sand who disclosed that he had like business to her own. Wolfe and I left Nundro at a pub to go buy a carriage that I had my eye on earlier. That didn't go so smoothly as crime boss Eston Ware appeared out of nowhere (without his badly hidden ambush partner) and charged Mister Wolfe with retrieving a live lycanthrope. Nerts!

Dr Catriona: I still bought my carriage and hope to fix it up into something formidable. Captain Goldbrook already asked me to go with her to find her brother ( as if I would ever say no to lycanthropes ) and I am staying with her at her family estate while we handle preparations.
How in tarnation will this all turn out for The Watch?

Wolfe: Wolfe approaches Westra with Cat at his side once she's done fucking around with Neverember outside of the Castle. "Heard your brother's missing in Lurkwood."
"Cat convinced me to come along." He looks over to the scientist with a slight smirk.

Zimran Ibanez: "Right, so we're headed north?"

Dr Catriona: Catriona spends the days being productive and getting the carriage set up and other unexciting tasks. At the end, she gets it moved to the Goldbrook stables for fitting horses or whatnot, per Westra's permission. Its a sturdy, though not particularly fancy looking vehicle.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looked from one face to the other, and felt an odd sense of portent about the fact that The Watch had mostly reassembled for the trek north. Wolfe's return to the group was a surprise, and while itnormally would have been an unwelcome one, the notion of having more help to potentially locate her brother more quickly was appealing regardless of the source, for the moment.
"It would seem so. Father Sand, the cleric Ser Ironheart brought to Neverwinter Keep, has asked to join us as well."

Dungeon Lord: Nundro randomly found the Doc the day after the group arrived in Neverwinter. He bid her farewell, looking rough after a long night of drinking. He left to travel to Mirabar, his home. The somber dwarf thanked the watch for all their help and bid them visit him if they ever found their way to the city.

Dr Catriona: "I take it Mister Moonstrike has taken to other pursuits..." She hadn't seen the man in days.

Wolfe: Wolfe has, notably, bathed and cleaned himself up with his two days off. He had wished Nundro well for his journey, and told the Dwarf if he ever had need of someone he could reach out to him for aid.

Westra Goldbrook: "I am thankful to have all of your help on this task. Our time is short; Lord Neverember requires us to be in Luskan by Eleint 21st to tend to matters there on behalf of Neverwinter. We will need to move quickly, and we still won't have long to search."
"I have not seen Raithe since we returned to Neverwinter," she agreed with Cat, frowning slightly.

Dr Catriona: "I cant imagine being swapped and captured by a doppelganger provides uh.. lots of confidence in adventuring."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran shrugged at the loss of Raithe. As far as the bard was concerned he wasn't completely sure who the elf actually was...

Wolfe: "He said he wanted to track down the guy who was lookin' like him."

Westra Goldbrook: "Let us be off, then," Westra says. "If everyone is prepared. The Doctor has acquired a carriage to make the trip a little more comfortable."

Zimran Ibanez: "Did he consider looking in a mirror?"

Wolfe: "Ha. Ha."
"For a bigot you're hilarious, Zimran."

Dr Catriona: The doctor will give a somewhat sheepish greeting to the priest and have introductions then return to he matter at hand.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran eyes the half-orc, "Are we sure he's cured?"

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't acknowledge the Priest for now.
"Sadly I'm still cursed with putting up with your shit, singer."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra will climb onto the carriage while the others bicker, clearly eager to go.

Wolfe: Wolfe will get on his horse, not seeking to share space with Westra or Zimran.

Dr Catriona:Catriona sets LEROY up in the back and then will sit up front with whomever wants to drive. For a bit.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran settles in the carriage. Sleeping when he can or otherwise playing some music for the road.

Dungeon Lord: The group departs Neverwinter on the morning of Eleint 13th, heading quickly towards Lurkwood and the area where Westra's brother was last directed. Directions are scarce though she knows he was patrolling the Long Road. The trails through Neverwinter wood are tough and its difficult to maintain a quick speed past the roots and the fallen timber that must be cleared.

Dr Catriona: Catriona is probably the worst driver; animals don't like her.
(Unless they are made of METAL)

Westra Goldbrook: Catriona won't have to drive often, as Westra opts for that position naturally.

Wolfe: Wolfe's good on his horse.
"So, when we run into these Werewolves." He says to the group. "Try not to get bitten."

Dr Catriona: Not totally useless, she does set her pokemons (familiar and gnomebot) up for alarm and watch when they stop at night ;p
"I... normally try not to be bitten, regardless of what is doing the biting."

Dungeon Lord: After two long days of endless wood, annoying goblins and even a troll, the group finds themselves set overlooking the plains Northwestwest of Longsaddle. Another day brings them to the Long Road, somewhere fifty miles north of the town, the road and surrounding areas do not indicate anything amiss in the area.

Dr Catriona: She keeps a troll ear. It probably has stem cells for all that regen.

Wolfe: Wolfe will investigate for tracks or anything that might give an idea that they are on the right path.

Dungeon Lord: The sun begins to lick the horizon as the group finds the worn road, the road is difficult to read as it is a common thoroughfare and heavily used. But, as the last vestiges of light turn to twilight, Wolfe does lead them North. The horses begin to knicker and move nervously. Ahead,those of the group with darkvision can see several figures laying across the road.

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts a hand up toward the others. "Careful." He speaks softly. "Looks like we found some of them."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pulls the carriage to a halt at what seems to be a safe distance away, and then climbs down to go inspect the figures in the road, her heart in her throat.
25   8

Dr Catriona: (its not night yet..its like sunset sounds like )
(oh nm I see)

Dungeon Lord: Westra can see the bodies of fallen soldiers in her flickering torchlight. The road is quiet and she sees no signs of any movement or other figures lurking through the grasslands on either side.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra approaches the soldiers, and crouches to check their state and to see if she recognizes any of them.

Dr Catriona: Catriona peers out once the carriage stops. Before she says anything, she notices the bodies.

Dungeon Lord: Westra can see these are soldiers of Neverwinter, some of which she knew, some she knows were with her brother. A wolf howls in the distance, though it is clearly miles away.

Westra Goldbrook: ((They're dead? And if so, any indication of how they died?))

Dr Catriona: Stepping out out of the vehicle and sets GIZMO to do a flyover recon.

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns as he sees the carnage and hears the howl of a wolf. He lifts a hand to his pendant and grips it, then looks up at the phase of the moon.

Dr Catriona: "That is ... many cadavers."

Dungeon Lord: Upon further inspection, several of the soldiers have been killed with weapons such as pikes and swords, but others have been ripped apart by beasts, their body parts missing, entrails littering the ground. They have all been dead for days, maybe longer.
Westra can see 14 bodies littering the road and ground beside. Several lay in the high grass east of the road, their blood trailing from the road, along with finger marks in the dirt.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran covers his nose and mouth too dampen any smell in the area. The bard stays by the wagon.

Westra Goldbrook: "A grim fate for brave men," Westra laments, frowning.

Dr Catriona: The scientist seems rather unaffected by the pungent morbid odor, but that does not mean she doesn't look perturbed.

Westra Goldbrook: She then begins to pull them off of the path as best she can, so that the carriage can continue. "When we next reach a town, we must send word back to have the bodies transported home."

Wolfe: "If there's much left of them after, but... yeah."

Dr Catriona: "Wouldn't that be dangerous to the people who come to pick them up?"

Westra Goldbrook: As she works, she notices the finger marks in the dirt and the trail of blood. She steps off of the road towards the east to get a closer look.
"Not if we find the monsters responsible and end them."

Wolfe: Wolfe makes a sound at Westra's comment, but just turns his eyes to scan about.

Dr Catriona:
Skill: 10 | 22

Dungeon Lord: The men in the grass seem to have been pulled by the torn flesh and missing lower limbs. It appears they fought whatever drug them from the road, their fingers are bloody and gouge marks left by them are deep in the dry dirt. Westra does not find her brother among the corpses..

Dr Catriona: (has advantage)

GIZMO3: GIZMO is doing a fly around of the area to get a lay of the land.

Dungeon Lord: Gizmo only sees grass, trees, and the group in the nearby area. Far to the north Gizmo can make out a flame.

Westra Goldbrook:
1   4

Euron Sand: Euron appears disturbed by all of the death the Watch has found. So many lives cut short for seemingly no reason.

Dr Catriona: "There is a fire a distance to the north." reports the scientist as she looks up towards the mechanical owl in flight.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra goes back towards the carriage, grim-faced. "Then we head north."

Dr Catriona: "I am unfamiliar with what kind of predators make their home in these parts."

Westra Goldbrook: "These were no normal forest predators. These men were half-consumed."


Euron Sand: Euron scans the area for anything that might point to the Black Claw being behind this.

Westra Goldbrook: "There are indications of sword injuries as well as claws," Westra points out. "I believe these are the were-beasts that have been rumored to lurk in these woods."

Euron Sand: "I thought the werebeasts had been hunted down and destroyed. This is worrisome."

Dr Catriona: "Gizmo just told me the flame is actually two torches."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns as he looks over the bodies, but says nothing.

Westra Goldbrook: "That is why this detachment was sent here."
"Let us make haste. We've no time to waste here." She climbs back onto the carriage, and will start it north once more once everyone's on board.

Euron Sand: Euron returns to the carriage and gets in.

Dr Catriona: Catriona sits on the driver's bench with Westra, if only because she has good vision at night.

Dungeon Lord: As the ground continues North, and occasional howls continue to be heard in the distance, though they do not seem to be moving closer. After nearly an hour more of travel, the group can see a wagon with three figures on it, a torch mounted on each side moves towards them.

Dr Catriona: Doc will LOOK.

Wolfe: Wolfe will look as well.

Dungeon Lord: The doctor can see two soldierly types sitting on each side of a smaller man, though only in height. What he lacks vertically, he makes up horizontally. The two outside hold long spears and keep watch as the middle man steers the two horses.

Dr Catriona: She casually knocks on the side of the carriage and calls back. "Look.. um... alive. Strangers."
Since Euron and Zimran are probably thumbwrestling or something.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran is simply looking out the window of the carriage, but not for anything. He is wistfully thinking of a warm bed and a warm maid to sleep with.

Wolfe: "Hail." Wolfe calls out brusquely.

Euron Sand: Euron looks to the Bard. "Can you tell what's going on out there? I can't see."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra slows the carriage and pulls to one side of the path as it moves. She waits to hear the response to wolfe's hail.

Lick Uscovaem: "Whooa whooa Nell." The man says as he pulls to the side of the road to let the carriage pass. "Well met! Fine night!"

Dr Catriona: Nothing like sending a Half orc out to do diplomacy in the dark wood.

Zimran Ibanez: The half-elf merely shrugs.

Wolfe: "Yeah. It's a real dandy."

Westra Goldbrook: "A dangerous night, citizen," Westra replies.

Wolfe: "What brings you three out this far?"

Lick Uscovaem: "Dangerous times we live in!" He says though he eyes Wolfe at his question for a moment before answering. "Headed to Longsaddle with my goods. Bhrigam and Tom here handle, unscrupulous folk."

Dr Catriona: Her lips form a line as she looks over the scene where the men are, searching for some visual reason as to why they are stopped here. Of all places.

Lick Uscovaem: "You lot ought be careful though. Werewolves about!"

Dr Catriona: ((found the smart one))

Euron Sand: Euron listens to the conversation, unsure of what's happening here. But he trusts Captain Goldbrook to do her job.

Westra Goldbrook: "I would consider an alternate path, friends," she says. "Nearly an entire detachment of guards from Neverwinter were slain just south of here. We are seeking the rest. Whatever assaulted them is likely still about, and you may find it worth your life to travel some other way."

Lick Uscovaem: "Ahhh" He waves a hand at Westra. "I've been up this road twice in a fortnight. Werewolves ain't bothered me none." His voice lowers to a whisper. "I know how to keep em away you see..."

Westra Goldbrook: "And how is that?"

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at Lick.

Lick Uscovaem: "Garlic and stale beer! You crush a whole clove in your beer, and drink it up. Werewolves won't touch you until it leaves your system!" He reaches behind him and pulls out several white bulbs. "Want to buy some?"

Euron Sand: "Excuse me, Doctor? What's going on?"

Dr Catriona: "That sounds implausible."

Wolfe: The Half-Orc lets out a chuckle. "Oh. I.. uh.. hadn't heard that."
"Sounds like... the remedy, alright."

Dr Catriona: She pulls open the port window behind the driver's bench so Euron can see this odd business.

Westra Goldbrook: "You've seen these werewolves?"

Lick Uscovaem: "Demand is pretty high in Longsaddle, but I have a few extra if you all are interested."
" But that is because the garlic keeps em away!"

Wolfe: "We're kind of lookin' for them, so we'd rather not keep them away."

Dr Catriona: "I thought garlic was for vampiric entities.." she muses aloud to no one in particular.

Wolfe: "Would be against our mission, y'know?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Have you heard where they congregate?"

Euron Sand: "I'm reasonably sure that these men aren't being truthful with us. Or...they're dangerously ignorant of their surroundings."

Lick Uscovaem: "Sounds like a bad idea. I'd say head West, I have heard the Gray Wolves are in Eastern Lurkwood."

Wolfe: "Thanks for the tip."
Wolfe nods towards the East. "You lot ready?"

Lick Uscovaem: "Sure you don't want any garlic and beer?"

Dr Catriona: She shrugs, as expected.

Wolfe: "Not stale beer."

Lick Uscovaem: "Suit yourselves."

Westra Goldbrook: "Safe travels," Westra bids them, then turns the carriage towards the east.

Lick Uscovaem: The odd trio continues south down the road.

Dr Catriona: When these travelers depart, she remarks.. "Was that normal?"

Wolfe: "No."
"We should probably take a break before we get too far in. Horses could likely use a rest."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks conflicted.
But ultimately decides that driving the horses to death would only slow things down in the end.

Dr Catriona: "Probably makes sense as it is getting very dark. The horses can't see well, I reckon."

Dungeon Lord: (Watches?)

Dr Catriona: She sets LEROY up for alarm mode and Gizmo up in the trees.

Euron Sand: Euron will also take an early watch.

Wolfe: Wolfe will take first watch as he dismounts.

Dr Catriona:
abjuration 1 (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 30 ft
Components: V, S, M (A tiny bell and a piece of fine silver wire)
Duration: 8 hours
You set an alarm against unwanted intrusion. Choose a door, a window, or an area within range that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. Until the spell ends, an alarm alerts you whenever a tiny or larger creature touches or enters the warded area. When you cast the spell, you can designate creatures that won't set off the alarm. You also choose whether the alarm is mental or audible.

A mental alarm alerts you with a ping in your mind if you are within 1 mile of the warded area. This ping awakens you if you are sleeping.

An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell for 10 seconds within 60 feet.

Zimran Ibanez: ((Zimran doesn't take watches))

Dungeon Lord:

Zimran Ibanez: ((I can't control my token))
all good i moved him

Dungeon Lord: Halfway through the second watch Euron hears a rustling in the bushes to the South, he seems something move through the underbrush, something fast.

Zimran Ibanez: ((Zimran would be sleeping inside or under the wagon

Dr Catriona:
Skill: 19 | 11

Euron Sand: Euron grabs his mace and rises from where he was reading.
Initiative: 10

Zimran Ibanez:

Dungeon Lord:
Initiative: 17
Initiative: 15
Initiative: 17


Dr Catriona: ((remember to select your token))

Euron Sand: "I think we've got company!" Euron said to the group.

Dr Catriona: "AH!"

Westra Goldbrook:

Zimran Ibanez:

Dr Catriona:

Euron Sand:

Dr Catriona:

GIZMO3: Gizmo screeches.

Zimran Ibanez: ((Has someone sounded an alarm?))

Initiative: 18

Westra Goldbrook: "To arms!" Westra calls as she climbs to her feet, slapping a hand on the side of the carriage to wake the bard.

Wolfe: Wolfe grunts as he was deep asleep.

Dungeon Lord: A long howl comes from the underbrush to the south, and another echos to to north and the east.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran wakes suddenly from inside the wagon. The groggy half-elf peeks out the window of the wagon.
((Does he see anything? is that one visible just for gizmo?))
Zimran loads his handcrossbow and stays hidden within the wagon.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra lunges towards the south, halberd drawn as soon as she's on her feet.
Catching a glimpse of dark fur in the firelight, Westra swings towards it. "Beasts!"
9   23
Halberd Slash (+7)
24   12
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
21   17
Halberd Slash (+7)
21   23
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)

Dungeon Lord: Westra's second and third strike seem to hit the beast, though it does not respond in the expected form of pain.

GIZMO3: ((Need Silver the tiefling.. and silve r the metal)

Euron Sand: Euron begins speak, touching the Watcher's Eye as he does.
"Helm, praise be unto you. Reach forth and extend your strength into our realm and give these warriors the power to defeat our enemies."
enchantment 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft
Components: V, S, M (A sprinkling of holy water)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
(Wolfe, Westra, Euron)

Dr Catriona: "They are above!" she warns, fumbling for her glasses.

Dungeon Lord: The werewolf from above launches off the cliff face at the doctor.
Ability: 15 | 4

Dr Catriona:
Defensive Step
abjuration 1
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Target: Selg
Components: M (Nomadic Step)
Duration: Instantaneous
When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to gain a +4 bonus to AC against that attack, possibly turning it into a miss. You then teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

2 psi points spent.
She vanishes and her blanket falls down as if she was a jedi master who just became one with the force.

Dungeon Lord:
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 23 | 16
Damage: 7slashing
The Doctor's alarm spell goes off.

Euron Sand:

Dr Catriona: "Leroy has spotted more towards the south!"

Euron Sand: "ARGH!" Euron said, as he's clawed from behind.
rolling 1d4
(4)= 4
He does, however, manage to keep his spell!

Dungeon Lord: Westra sees the Wolfe attacking Euron is wearing the remnants of a flaming fist tunic.

Dr Catriona: ((GASP))

Wolfe: Wolfe gets to his feet slowly, awoken by the alarm spell and all the insanity that's going around. Grim at what he sees he draws Shokan from its sheath.

Zimran Ibanez: ((The half-orc is a TR8OR!!! Zimran warned you all))


Dungeon Lord: Another Werewolf comes from around the corner and lunges at the first living being it finds.
Mmmm horse.

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

Zimran Ibanez: ((Glad you spent that money on a wagon Six?))

Dr Catriona: (How bad does the one by wolfe look?)
She will use half her movement to stand, then ready a cantrip until Gizmo distracts the horse bothering asshole.
Focus: Mastery of Fire
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Now focused on Mastery of Light & Fire: While focused on this discipline, you gain resistance to fire damage, and you gain a +2 bonus to rolls for fire damage.

Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action.
8   27
120 ft
Fire Bolt (+7)
Jets of blue fire stream towards a target.
She tuts her fingers, drawing flaming energies about her and lets loose....

Dr Catriona:
21 + 9
(The ASPCA got involved)

Zimran Ibanez: (PETA)

Dungeon Lord: The horse lets out a cry of pain as the werewolf takes a big bite out of it, the Werewolf in turn lets out a howl of pain as it catches on fire.

Dr Catriona: (no)
(Why is the horse dying?)

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 9 | 23
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Damage: 9piercing

Zimran Ibanez:
Dissonant Whispers
enchantment 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Target: one creature
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You whisper a discordant melody that only one creature of your choice within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 10 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from you. The creature doesn't move into obviously dangerous ground, such as a fire or a pit. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn't have to move away. A deafened creature automatically succeeds on the save.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Dr Catriona: ((says the guy going to do GWM))

Zimran Ibanez: Still hidden inside the wagon Zimran peers out the window looking towards the werewolf in front of three of his travelling companions. A bolt of fire streaked past his view. The bard whispers a spell quietly towards the werewolf.

Dr Catriona: (Opportunity attacks!)

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 20 | 4

Dr Catriona: (nooo)
(still takes 5 damage)

Zimran Ibanez: ((brb))

Westra Goldbrook: When her strike at the wolf seems to have little effect, Westra pauses to imbue her weapon with a spell of divine fervor before striking again, hoping that will serve her better.
Divine Favor
8   13
Halberd Slash (+7)
27   17
Halberd Slash (+7)
9 + 5

Dr Catriona: (get it gurl)

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(1)= 1

Dr Catriona: ((She is hesitant because she has bonded with her cocoa dog IRL))

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(3)= 3

Dungeon Lord: Westra's radiant damage seemed to have an effect on the beast, it snarls at her through the bush.

Euron Sand: Euron steps back, then focuses on the creature that attacked him.
120 ft
Guiding Bolt (+8)

Dr Catriona: (move provokes)

Dungeon Lord:
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 11 | 7

Euron Sand: "Helm has no patience for your tyranny."

Dungeon Lord: The radiant damage strikes the beast and he begins to look a bit rough.

GIZMO3: Gizmo distracts the monster by Wolfe, using the help action, then flies off.

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

GIZMO3: ((11 yes))

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 20 | 9
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 7 | 24
Damage: 8piercing

Wolfe growls. "Once bitten, twice fooled."

Zimran Ibanez: ((None of them have names))

GIZMO3: ((FYI, no healthbar over Euron for me))
((Names appeared yes))

Westra Goldbrook:
24   21
Halberd Slash (+7)
rolling 1d4
(2)= 2

Dungeon Lord:
All creatures within 30 yards must succeed on a DC 15 Charimas Check or become frightened of all werewolves. After succeeding a creature is immune to howl for 1 hour.

Westra Goldbrook:
9   14


Zimran Ibanez:

Dr Catriona: ((30 YARDS..holy shit))
((Is there no way to unfrightenize them?))

Euron Sand:

Wolfe: Wolfe gets a little shook by that Werewolf howl. He takes a slow breath, calming himself and helping to fight through the fear.
Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   

Dr Catriona:

Shokan (+9)

Euron Sand: Euron's eyes go wide at the sound of the howl. What were they doing here? Could Helm's power reach them here?

Shokan (+9)
Wolfe delivers a quick couple of slashes in rapid, nearly blurringly quick strokes. He kicks the Werewolf away, his eyes focused as he scans around the group.

Westra Goldbrook: A new beast surges forward from the brush, and though Westra catches him with a sound slash of her halberd, the following howl chills her to her bones.

Wolfe: He then grabs the Wakazashi at his side and tosses it toward Westra. "WESTRA! USE THIS!"
As the blade swirls through the air, the moon shines off its silver blade.

Dr Catriona: Flying
(Oh he's scared too probably)

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 24 | 17
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.

Dr Catriona:
Ability: 2

Dungeon Lord:
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 17 | 20
Damage: 6piercing
Damage: 11slashing

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words


Dr Catriona: ((is that the flaming one?))

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 25 | 6
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 12 | 10
Damage: 15 + 12piercing

Dr Catriona: ((Brother sister werewolfe pair))

Westra Goldbrook:
7   4

Dr Catriona: ((Which one looks most hurt?))
Dexterity Save
90 ft
Energy Beam (Fire)

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 14 | 20

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns as he sees one of the Werewolves bite Westra.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona: She uses her Boomer, blasting the lycanthrope that is already singed to hell.

Zimran Ibanez: "You flaming, mangy mutt. Begone! Shoo!"

Dr Catriona:

Zimran Ibanez:
Wisdom Save
Disadvantage on the next Attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
60 ft
Vicious Mockery

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 15 | 9

Dr Catriona: ((Save vs frightened))

Zimran Ibanez:

Westra Goldbrook: Wolfe calls to Westra, and she turns in time to catch the sword he tossed. While she hefts it more soundly into her grip, however, the nearby monster surges forward and sinks its vile teeth into her arm. Westra shouts, an uncharacteristic note of true fear in her voice, before slashing wildly back at the beast with Wolfe's blade.

Dungeon Lord: The werewolf howls in pain as the silvered weapon slices into it.

Westra Goldbrook:
26   21

Euron Sand: Euron focuses on Westra, touching the Watcher's Eye. "Bind her wounds. Her watch is not ended."
60 ft
Healing Word

Westra Goldbrook: Emboldened by the more effective weapon and the cleric's healing prayer, Westra snarls as she squares herself against the wolves once more.

Dr Catriona: She takes a bit of relief seeing that Euron is actually compotent.

GIZMO3: Gizmo helps Wolfe and then flies away.

Euron Sand:
11   10


Euron Sand: rolling 1d4
(3)= 3
Ability: 0

Dungeon Lord:
Trap Jaw
Attack: 7 | 15
DC 15 Dexterity Check or stop moving. The creature cannot move until it makes a DC 15 Str check to break free. You can automatically hit with this attack if you are already biting a target in this way.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 24 | 16
Damage: 10slashing

Dr Catriona: "The acoustic censors have destabilized GIZMO's equilibrium stabilizers!"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "You should re calibrate the stabilizers by bypassing the primary lift sensors." The voice comes from the drivers seat.

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
Wolfe dispatches another werewolf, as there can be only one wolf.

Dr Catriona: "Marvelous!"

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 21 | 18
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 16 | 22

Dr Catriona: Wolfe is not in High-Five range.

Dungeon Lord:
Damage: 10piercing

Dr Catriona: ((thats what she said))

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words
"Hands off mongrel!"

Dr Catriona: She pulls the spider staff from the back and points it forward... "Eat adhesive you pinhead varmints!"
conjuration 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Target: Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn
Components: V, S, M (A bit of spiderweb)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 hour
You conjure a mass of thick, sticky webbing at a point of your choice within range. The webs fill a 20-foot cube from that point for the duration. The webs are difficult terrain and lightly obscure their area.

If the webs aren't anchored between two solid masses (such as walls or trees) or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling, the conjured web collapses on itself, and the spell ends at the start of your next turn. Webs layered over a flat surface have a depth of 5 feet.

Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free.

A creature restrained by the webs can use its actions to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, it is no longer restrained.

The webs are flammable. Any 5-foot cube of webs exposed to fire burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to any creature that starts its turn in the fire.
Anchored the walls.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Zimran Ibanez:
20   22
Hand Crossbow (+6)

Westra Goldbrook: Westra continues to slash at the beast with the unfamiliar blade

Euron Sand:
60 ft
Healing Word

Dr Catriona: ((healing word is a bonus))

Westra Goldbrook: Westra once more feels the cleric's faith support her, and she casts him a grateful glance.

Euron Sand:
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 17 | 3

Euron Sand:
25   26

Dr Catriona:
Initiative: 8

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 19 | 12
Trap Jaw
Attack: 19 | 20
DC 15 Dexterity Check or stop moving. The creature cannot move until it makes a DC 15 Str check to break free. You can automatically hit with this attack if you are already biting a target in this way.
Damage: 6piercing + 2piercing
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 8 | 20

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words

Wolfe: Wolfe baps the Were-Wolf(?) on the snout.

Dr Catriona: ((damn these cutting words are puttin in the mileage))

Shokan (+9)

Euron Sand: (glamping for Zimran)

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

Dr Catriona: ((op mofo))

Dungeon Lord: 9

Wolfe: 48

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 20 | 6

Dr Catriona: "TARNATION!"

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 22 | 13
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 20 | 6
Damage: 16piercing
Damage: 8slashing

Westra Goldbrook:
8   16

Wolfe: Wolfe delivers a literal assault upon the Werewolf, but then notices the one by Westra lights her the fuck up.

Dr Catriona: ((Her brother comes out of the bathroom in the castle in Neverwinter was like, whered everyone go))
120 ft
Fire Bolt (+7)
Jets of blue fire stream towards a target.
120 ft
Fire Bolt (+7)
Jets of blue fire stream towards a target.

Dr Catriona:
ANd web...

Zimran Ibanez:
Faerie Fire
evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Target: Each object and creature in a 20-foot cube within range
Components: V
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in blue, green, or violet light (your choice). Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined in light if it fails a Dexterity saving throw. For the duration, objects and affected creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius.

Any attack roll against an affected creature or object has advantage if the attacker can see it, and the affected creature or object can't benefit from being invisible.

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 11 | 19
Ability: 19 | 7

Dr Catriona: Seeing Westra taking grievous injuries, she rapidly tuts her fingers to direct blue fire over to the far werewolfe.... the web begins to burn.


Dr Catriona: ((remember Bless))

Westra Goldbrook:
21   15
26   17
Silvered Sword (+8)

Dr Catriona: (-1)

Westra Goldbrook:
23   8
Silvered Sword (+7)

Dr Catriona: ((just call it a KO))

Westra Goldbrook: Westra takes a beating from the nearby wolf, but as she goes to return the fury, she notices the sigil of the Flaming Fist on the remnant of the gear the beast is wearing. At the last minute she pulls her blow, knocking the beast unconscious instead of taking its life.

Dr Catriona: ((thats not murder))

Westra Goldbrook: "These are our men," she tells the others, distress in her voice.
The longer the realization sinks in, the more distraught she inwardly becomes, She turns, looking over the field of battle at the felled bodies.

Euron Sand:
Cure Wounds

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 11 | 23
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 19 | 23

Dr Catriona:
Ability: 2

Dungeon Lord:
Damage: 11slashing
Damage: 10piercing

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words

21   23
Shokan (+9)
29   13
Shokan (+9)
14 + 19
Wolfe not only punches the Werewolf in the snout, he punches it in the fucking gut.

Dr Catriona: ((He is wearing a murder me t-shirt))

Wolfe: After knocking the wind out of it, he then bats it in the temple with the butt of his katana.
"Sit the fuck down."
End Session 27

Dr Catriona: ((thx GM))
Ability: 2

GIZMO3: Gizmo recovers once the threat is neutralized.



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2018, 06:07:36 PM »
Session 28

Euron Sand: “My name is Euron Sand, Cleric of Helm. When I was a boy, my parents left me behind to fight a great evil, leaving me only the symbol called the Watcher’s Eye to aid me in my quest. My path brought me to Neverwinter, where I was fortunate enough to encounter a group of heroes making a name for themselves with their dedication to justice.
Captain Goldbrook is my sister in Helm’s grace and a capable leader seeking a way to save her family. Do not question her strength or devotion.
The half-orc, Wolfe, is a fierce warrior wrestling with his own demons using his enchanted blade.

Euron Sand: Doctor Wicker is a Lantanese scientist with a gadget or idea for every situation. Underestimate her at your peril.
Zimran, our Bard, is an excellent singer, who can inspire with a song or bring an enemy low with cutting words. His voice will be the last you hear as you fall in defeat.
We’ll stand together against evil so that others don’t have to. Some call us heroes. We call ourselves The Watch.

Euron Sand: We left Neverwinter to investigate the Lurkwood and locate Captain Goldbrook’s brother, Antony, whose regiment had vanished while dealing with rumors of werewolves in the woods. Initially, we found mangled bodies on the side of the road, destroyed by inhuman creatures.
We stopped for the evening, determined to rest and continue our search in the morning.
Our quarry found us first.
The Watch defeated the enemy, but an investigation brought forth new information. The werewolves that attacked us were members of the Flaming Fist, from Antony’s own group. There’s been no sign of Antony, so there is still hope. The search continues…"

Dr Catriona: She supposes people are manacled and roped up?

Westra Goldbrook: Unable to sleep after the disturbing revelations from the werewolves, Westra takes up a post and keeps watch regardless of who else might be up.

Wolfe: Wolfe stayed on watch while the others tried to sleep.

Zimran Ibanez: After a while of not being interrupted, a gentle snore can be heard emanating from the carriage.

Westra Goldbrook: When dawn neared, Westra stood and moved towards the captives, clearly anxious to see them transform.

Wolfe: Wolfe is hovering nearby them, chewing on an apple. "Mornin." He mutters around apple bits and tusks.

Dr Catriona: ((Horse heals too?

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods to Wolfe's greeting, and quietly paces while waiting.

Dr Catriona: (It could just use its horsey hit die, no?)
She will give Horse some goodberries if not.

Dungeon Lord: The dawn crept over the horizon in orange brilliance and the moon disappeared in moments. Both wolves clearly regenerated as they lay unconscious throughout the rest of the evening, leaving little but scares to indicated the previous battle. The larger, stronger looking werewolf's form began to change, the ropes and manacles grew loose as he shrank into a a ragged, skinny man. His matted hair and beard, the only things providing any cover on his body. The other wolf, the one wearing remnants of the flaming fist, notably did not revert to his form.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra leaves Wolfe with the captives long enough to retrieve a blanket from the carriage. While there, she rouses Zimran. "Dawn has come," she told him. "We must work."

Wolfe: "Huh."

Westra Goldbrook: She then took the blanket back to the captives and spread it over the naked man.

Wolfe: Wolfe scratches at his beard as two don't transform back.
"That shouldn't happen."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran wakes suddenly, at the sound of motion and voices outside the wagon. The bard took a moment to gather himself, grab hold of a water skin and step out. The half-elf recoiled at the sight of the charred remains of one horse before going around to relieve himself.

Westra Goldbrook: "Does this mean that there was a werewolf among the Flaming Fist the whole time?" she asked, frowning at the sleeping captives.

Wolfe: "Yes?"
"I think?"

GIZMO3: Gizmo happens to be on a branch above where Zimran is doing his business. He does not want to be there.

Westra Goldbrook: While the captives continued to sleep, Westra double-checked the bindings on the wolf. Then she stood, and nudged the other man gently with the toe of her boot.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran looks up at the mechanical bird, "You're the one with wings, you find somewhere else."

Dungeon Lord: "Wha....what?" He looks around quickly before struggling against the bindings.

GIZMO3: Gizmo does that weird thing owls do where they turn their head totally upside down. Then he moves to another branch with some R2 like beeps.

Westra Goldbrook: "Be still. We've no desire to harm you further," Westra advises, calmly. "What is your name?"

Dr Catriona: The Doctor snuffs out the campfire with a clenching of her fist and a seeming will of her mind, squinting some towards the sun and then back to the captives.

Chaag Drehi: "Name? Name? What is in a name?" He mumbles to himself. "Power! NAMES ARE POWER!" He shouts up to Westra and continues struggling.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns. "I am looking for Antony Goldbrook," she said, crouching down to rest on the balls of her feet in front of the man, just out of arm's reach. "Are you one of his men? You're a member of the Flaming Fist?"

Wolfe: The Half-Orc watches the man shouting with a critical eye, though he remains quiet for now.

Zimran Ibanez: "Try not to alarm your master," Zimran said to the bird as he finished relieving himself. Splashing some water on his face and hands, the bard recomposed himself and came back around the wagon to see what Westra was up to.

Chaag Drehi: He doesn't seem to take any notice of Westra's inquiry and continues mumbling as his eyes dart everywhere. "He will give us all the names! All the power! Just a scratch, just a bite. Power! I will bring him more names, for more power."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks over at Wolfe, an uncharacteristically helpless expression on her face.

Dr Catriona: "I don't think all his marbles are uh... accounted for."

Westra Goldbrook: "Who?" She asked, looking back to the captive. "Who will give you power?"

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs and walks over to sit on his haunches next to the madman. "Hey." He places a firm hand on the fellow's shoulder.
"Answer the lady, or I am going to make this unpleasant."

Dr Catriona: She rubs the lenses of her spectacles some and places them on, looking on with some wariness.

Chaag Drehi: He struggles harder at the bindings, Westra's is able to tell he is far stronger than he appears."My Lady, my sweet lady, give it all to me." He cranes his neck and looks to the West. "I need the names!"

Wolfe: "Westra."
"Give me my Wakazashi, please." He holds a hand up to her.

Dr Catriona:"Is.. that breakfast?"

Wolfe: "The small blade I gave her."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra stands without a thought to begin to hand Wolfe back his sword, but pauses when she realizes what he means to do. She frowns. "Do you think that is warranted?" she asked. She did slowly complete the gesture to offer the sword back to him. "He clearly has lost his sense."

Wolfe: Wolfe takes the sword in hand and slowly unsheathes it, holding the silvered blade before the eyes of the madman. "You know what this is, don't you?" He asks more as a rhetorical question than one he expected an answer from.

Chaag Drehi: The man grunts a couple times and coughs. "Sun, Moon, Stars, Darkness, Light, Twilight, beware the night, retreat from the day, all will obey."

Dr Catriona: "I have to... agree with the captain. I don't see how physical coercion would right an addled mind."

Wolfe: "Luna's metal. She who gave you power and can strip it away." He says slowly to the man, his hand slowly reaching out to grip the hair of the babbling man, forcing him still as he brings the blade closer.

Zimran Ibanez: CRUNCH!
Zimran bites into an apple as he watches the dramatic tension build in front of him.

Wolfe: "Who holds the names?"

Chaag Drehi: "He who must not be named."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran laughs, chocking slightly on his apple.

Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a slight sigh of relief.
"Well. That's good at least."

Dr Catriona: Catriona, not particularly squeemish, but not interested in torture, turns and returns to the wagon to grab some tools from her belongings.

Westra Goldbrook: "That means something to you?" she asks wolfe

Wolfe: He leans back some taps the weapon against his hand. "Yep."
"What's he look like, babblefish?"

Chaag Drehi: "Yes, yes. Run. It makes the blood pump faster." He struggles harder at his chains.
"Tastes so much sweeter."

Dr Catriona: She then approaches a werewolf corpse in the background and removes a few teeth and claws. They make soft plink sounds as they fall into her specimen jars.

Wolfe: Wolfe grunts. "We're not getting anything useful from this guy."
"We should just get rid of him."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran steps aside making sure he's out of the doctor's way. Leaning against the side of the wagon Zimran bites into his apple once again.
"Hey, what's up Doc?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Whom did he mean by 'he who must not be named'?"

Wolfe: "Fuck if I know."

Dr Catriona: "Umm... up where?" she replies to the bard, twisting the cap onto the iron jar.

Wolfe: "He didn't give me a name."

Westra Goldbrook: "You said if they transform back, the lycanthropy was a curse that could be reversed."

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs.

Westra Goldbrook: "Can Father Sand not heal him of this?"

Wolfe: "I guess."
He gets up and sheathes the silver sword.

Euron Sand: "I can try." Euron said, returning to the group once his prayers were finished.

Euron Sand: "I can try." Euron said, returning to the group once his prayers were finished.

Zimran Ibanez: "It's a greeting asking... nevermind," the bard says giving a slight sigh. He turns his attention back to the werewolves.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nodded at the returning Priest. She watched Wolfe lift the other wolf and start off, and though she looked like she wanted to object, she held her tongue.

Chaag Drehi: The man slams his teeth together biting the air, the hair on his body begins to thicken. "They fear, they run, they die. They all die...."

Wolfe: He then grabs the knocked out Werewolf and pulls him toward a tree.

Dr Catriona: "Oh... I'm not good at all that... colloquial greetings and such." She pushes her glasses up some. "But I will keep that one in mind next I hear it."

Wolfe: Wolfe will then start tying the werewolf to the sturdiest looking tree he can find.

Dr Catriona: Satisfied with her were-wulf reagents, she returns to the more pressing scene unless stopped for some other reason.
"I.. may be speaking out of assumption, but... it sounds like he has fallen sway to some manner of cult me."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra waits for Father Sand to do his thing.
"It would seem so," she agrees, towards the doctor

Dr Catriona: "Could this mean there is some cult leading alpha wolf that the others beta too?" That was not a pleasant picture....
"And does it just want to swell its pack at cost to everyone else?"

Wolfe: "Yep!" Wolfe calls from the tree as he finishes tying up the werewolf.

Westra Goldbrook: "That, or some megalomaniacal wizard such as the Black Spider was, using these men for some foul purpose."

Wolfe: "The strong are turned, the weak consumed." Wolfe says as he walks back to the others, dusting off his hands.

Westra Goldbrook: "But I confess, I do not know where the lycanthropy curse originated."
She eyed Wolfe as he returned. "You know much about this," she observed, her tone neutral.

Wolfe: "Funny what you hear when you keep an open mind."

Westra Goldbrook: "So this is hearsay?"

Wolfe: "Sure."

Dr Catriona: "But hearsay can be rumor."

Chaag Drehi: "The lady comes." He struggles and turns on the ground. "When the day is done and the weak retreat, she sees all, and is a sight so sweet."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns as he looks over at babblefish.
"What's that mean?"

Dungeon Lord: Euron lays his hand on the babbling man, and the spell seems to have no effect on the man's crazed speaking or behavior.

Westra Goldbrook: "This does not make any sense," she says, her frown deepening. "Can they not be saved at all?"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran takes a final bite from his apple before tossing it over his shoulder. ((Please let it hit GIZMO))
"If he weren't mad I could probably compel him to speak, but in his state, no telling what he might say."

Dr Catriona: "We might have to consider that this state is too advanced to be remedied, or that the nameless figure must expire to free him."

Wolfe: "Yeah he could just be nuts without magic."

Zimran Ibanez:

Dr Catriona: ((11 +cover lol))

Chaag Drehi: 18
12   17

GIZMO3: Gizmo is hit with an apple core and whirls around under the branch from the impact and hangs upside down before falling to the ground. Its hate for Zimran grows.

Dr Catriona: Catriona looks back at the owl squeal, but cannot identify why, so looks back to the werewolf.
"If we cannot help him is it ..humane... to leave him like this?"

Wolfe: "Westra's call. I'm leaving the other one tied up until we get done up here."

Zimran Ibanez: "No it is not..." said the bard quietly.

Wolfe: "Leaving some rations for it and that's it."

Dr Catriona: "I can uh.. say.. if I was running around naked in the woods turning into a feral predator, insane and babbling... death would probably be preferable."

Westra Goldbrook: "If we kill this alpha," she says, looking to Wolfe, "Will it help him?"

Zimran Ibanez: "The alpha needs to die anyways Westra. The question is how many more will this one kill before we get to the leader..." Zimran didn't care for the tone this conversation was taking and pulled ou8t his yarting.

Chaag Drehi: "She will reign and fall to day, but those who know will find a way." A moment later, the man tears apart the bindings holding and and shoves Euron to the ground next to him. The man rolls onto all fours.

Dr Catriona: "AH!"
Doctor Wicker is startled.

Wolfe: "Don't think he.. whoa!"
Wolfe draws his katana quickly.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra whirls her halberd off of her back and sinks into a fighting stance.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc walks over and steps onto the man's back, putting his katana tip to the back of his neck. "Simma down."

Westra Goldbrook: She tries to angle herself between the werewolfe and the cleric, giving the latter a chance to get back on his feet and move away

Wolfe: "Or I'm going to stop your chattering once and for all."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran's eyes go wide as he grips onto yarting tightly.

Dr Catriona: The cluster of persons around the creature has her not able to get a good bead on what is going on and what she can do about it in the moment.

Chaag Drehi: "I have a name! Anthony! Hahahahaahaa! Anthony!" He coughs and grunts.


Chaag Drehi: The man pushes Wolfe off and runs from the group through the grass to the West."A name! A name!"

Dr Catriona: (( Can I shoots it?))

Westra Goldbrook: "Wait!" she calls to cat
"If it is collecting names, is it likely not running back to its master?"
"We could follow it."

Dr Catriona: Her hands frost over, fingers taking on a white mist. She looks at Westra.
"But it is fast."
"All werewolf prints look similar to me, too."

Westra Goldbrook: She looks to wolfe, who seems to have been the resident survivalist. "Can you track him?"

Wolfe: Wolfe grumbles as he finds his proper footing. "Yeah. Probably."

Dr Catriona: "Gizmo!" she calls out.
Unfortunately, Gizmo is confused from having fallen over. Thanks Zimran.


Westra Goldbrook: "Hurry!" she calls to everyone. "Into the wagon. Wolfe, take your horse."
"After him!"

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe can easily see the fresh trail through the grass.

GIZMO3: The owl drunkenly takes off into the air and tries to get a ...birds eye view.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc will go and mount up and try to go after the man.

Dr Catriona: Catriona extends a hand to Euron to help him up (though he probably gets a bit of superficial freezer burn from the contact) and she heads to the Rex.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran climbs atop the wagon strumming a tune that seemed to imply a chase...

Westra Goldbrook: Westra hops into the driver's seat (unless that's where Cat went) and the second all are aboard she sets the horses off

Dr Catriona: Cat isnt in a place that interferes with Action Westra™ driving.
"How do we know it isn't leading us into a bigger ambush?"

Dungeon Lord: As the group moves across the expansive grasslands, following the clearly meandering trail of the Werewolfe man, they massive lush forest of Lurkwood creeps into view from the North.

Westra Goldbrook: "Did he seem like a man capable of complex planning to you?"

Dr Catriona: "Like.. wolf instincts... or something."
She grips the bar in front of her as the speed properly hits.

Westra Goldbrook: "Either way, we will find more werewolves."

Dungeon Lord: The plain is fairly bumpy for the wagon, certainly less pleasant than even the root covered roads in Neverwinter forest.


Dr Catriona: (Can Gizmo Help)


GIZMO3: Gizmo is helping from above tho, with his birds eye view.

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe notices as they follow the man, the hand and footprints change back into paw prints.

5   7
Wolfe frowns sharply as he notices. "Hey! He turned back into a werewolf!"

GIZMO3: "In the middle of the morning. Something is definitely odd here."

Dr Catriona: as Cat

Dungeon Lord: The middle of the day comes and Wolfe is able to still follow the trail. As the afternoon comes Wolfe finds that the trail is harder to follow. He manages to make it to the edge of the forest where a small brook flows along the treeline, before losing it.

Westra Goldbrook: "Didn't he already say if they were given over to the wolf they weren't bound by the moon?" she asked, confused at Cat's confusion.

Wolfe: "He turned back into a person at dawn. He was supposed to be cursed."
"And Euron removed it. And I fucking lost him."

Dr Catriona: "Nerts."

Wolfe: The Half-Orc snarls in anger.

Westra Goldbrook: "No!" Westra grunts.
She hops down off of the wagon and eyes the treeline, as though she might see something the half-orc missed.

Skill: 21 | 12

Westra Goldbrook:
12   21

GIZMO3: She sets a visor over her eye which kind of looks like a DBZ scouter thing and syncs into her familiar's vision.

Dr Catriona: "This is trippy..."
"Oh.. I see a clearing about... two miles into the woods."

Dungeon Lord: Westra finds several blackberry bushes in bloom on the other side of the river

Dr Catriona: "Or Gizmo sees it. I see what he sees."
"North." she adds.

Wolfe: "We should get across the brook then and head that way. Maybe the trail will pick back up."

Westra Goldbrook: "Thank the Watcher," Westra says, at Cat's report. "The next person who abuses that owl will suffer for it," she says, climbing back onto the wagon

Zimran Ibanez: "And here I thought you had been gifted with some extra elven sight," Zimran chuckles from within the wagon.


Westra Goldbrook: Westra guides the wagon and towards the clearing the doctor indicated.

Dr Catriona: Cat doesnt handle the bumpiness well and is thankful whenever that bit ends.

Dungeon Lord: Taking the wagon through the wood is a very slow process without even a trail. After several hours the group finds the trees clearing.

Wolfe: "Well..."
"This looks ominous."

Dr Catriona: ((Would it have made obvious sense to leave the carriage?))

Zimran Ibanez: ((raises hand sheepishly))

Dr Catriona: ((also Wolfe coulda rode ahead, no?))
((leave Zimran to guard it ALL))

Wolfe: Wolfe takes a slow sniff of the air.
Wolfe slowly dismounts off of his horse... because he is not proficient in mounted combat.

Dr Catriona: She summons Gizmo back.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pulls out her torch.
And begins to light it.

Wolfe: Wolfe starts slowly walking north. As he moves he draws his katana and settles it solidly in both hands.

Dungeon Lord: The wood around the house begins to darken in the early evening. Dead trees and weeds litter the area surrounding the structures, broken fences litter the area partitioning off what used to be fields of crops. The large two story structure has a large wrap around covered porch leading up to two doors on the southern side. There is no illumination within the boarded windows and the large barn to the Northeast has only double doors on the West side.

Dr Catriona: "A strange place to have a home... probably why it has been abandoned."

Wolfe: "Wasn't always abandoned." Wolfe says softly, more to himself as he walks forward toward the north, trying to pick up something he sensed.

Dr Catriona: "Mister Wolfe, where are you going?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra draws her weapon and hops down from the wagon to head after Wolfe, cautiously.

Dungeon Lord: Euron follows.

Westra Goldbrook: While moving, she reaches deep into her faith and lets the Watcher's keen eyes tell her what unholy creatures may be near. (Divine Sense)

Dr Catriona: She sets Leroy in the back to alarm sentry mode.

Wolfe: "Something familiar."
(From Dungeon Lord (GM)): you can sense a ghoul near the house.

Dr Catriona: "Familiar pie? Or familiar like hungry basilisk?"

Westra Goldbrook: "There are undead near us," she says, quietly.

Wolfe: "If you're familiar with hungry basilisks it explains a lot about your childhood, Cat."

Dr Catriona: "Undead... again? What do they have to do with werewolves?"

Dungeon Lord: Westa sees a rotten, torn apart body that appears to be lifeless laying on the far side of the porch, though her sense tells her it is undead.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra walked up to the ghoul and if it didn't move, set her halberd blade down through its throat, beheading it.

Dungeon Lord: The old wood creeks in protest as you walk up the steps to the porch. You have to dodge broken and rotten boards as you move further along it.

Dr Catriona: "Contact up ahead."

Dungeon Lord: The head rolls away from the body without a sound or response.

Wolfe: Wolfe slowly follows after Westra, his pace controlled as he scans around the area.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra tries one of the doors to see if it's locked.
If it's not, she opens it.

Dr Catriona: "What if there are undead werewolves? That is like twice as bad as undead or werewolves." she whispers emphatically.

Dungeon Lord: A moment before you reach the door, from within the house you hear the voice of a young girl. "It's ok Lucy, the monsters are gone we can play now."
The smell of stale air, rot, and dead fill assault your nose as you open the door. The top hinge rips out of the wooden frame and nearly strikes you as you dodge away. Two mangled bodies lay in this room. Whoever the poor people were, they were attacked by some kind of animal and nearly completely consumed.

Dr Catriona: "Captain be careful. Little girl voices are notoriously harbingers of grisley fates."

Wolfe: "Starting to see where the weird shit that comes out of you comes from, Cat." Wolfe frowns as he looks around the house.

Dungeon Lord: The remains of another rest in the hallway to the north, entrails and brain matter having dried ont he floor.

Dr Catriona: She makes a face.

Wolfe: "This place is giving me the creeps."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran looks to the doctor, "I'm sorry I've been lost in thought and blindly following, but why are we wandering around a creepy house in the woods?"

Dungeon Lord: The door hangs opened on its hinges as you push it opened you see more manged bodies, the overwhelming smell of death fills wafts out to the hall. Around the back of the door a large wolf chews on the remains of a body, tufts of skin sag and wounds show holes within the beast's body. His nose wiggles at your scent and he turns to look at you, his black eyes are not something of a living creature, but something else.

Dr Catriona: "I suppose now would be a poor time to advise that I am claustrophobic." she whispers.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra makes her way down a narrow hallway and into the first door she sees.
"To arms!" she calls


Dr Catriona: Doctor Wicker gives Zimran the biggest shrug of confusion.

Zimran Ibanez:

Dr Catriona: "Unclear!" she says in a whisper.

Dungeon Lord:
Initiative: 17

Dr Catriona:

Dungeon Lord:
Initiative: 7

Westra Goldbrook: "What sort of unholy fiend is this?" she remarks, with obvious disgust

Dungeon Lord:

Dr Catriona: (no thats ok)

GIZMO3: (or not)
Initiative: 13

Dungeon Lord: Euron pushes past the Doctor for a moment to bless Westra, Wolfe, and then the Doc herself, before ducking back around the corner.

Dr Catriona: (no! zombie wolves are worse than zombies and worse than wolves!)

Dungeon Lord: The wolf looks at Westra and chomps its bared fangs.
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 25 | 12
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 12 | 7
Damage: 7 + 1piercing

Westra Goldbrook:
19   9

Dr Catriona: Hearing the snarls, she makes a worried face.
"What is that?!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra returns the favor, and swings angrily at the beast.
10   22
Halberd Slash (+7)
22   23
Javelin Hurl (+7)
14   13
Halberd Slash (+7)
rolling 1d4
(3)= 3

Dungeon Lord: All three of Westra's attacks find purchase, thought they appear to not effect the beast.

Dr Catriona: (Javelins ?)

Westra Goldbrook: Westra snarls. "Wolfe! Your short sword, please!" she calls to the half-orc

Wolfe: "It's called a Wakazashi!"

Dr Catriona:
Focus: Mastery of Fire
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Now focused on Mastery of Light & Fire: While focused on this discipline, you gain resistance to fire damage, and you gain a +2 bonus to rolls for fire damage.

Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action.
She levels her boomstick and fires that instead, lighting up the hallway with blue fire.
Dexterity Save
90 ft
Energy Beam (Fire)

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 3 | 13

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dungeon Lord: Werewolf flambe!

Dr Catriona: "Theres a big rotting lycanthrope ahead!"

Wolfe: "On it."

Zimran Ibanez:
Bardic Inspiration (D8)
Class: Bard

Wolfe: Wolfe quickly draws the Wakazashi and tosses it toward Westra. "Catch!"

Wolfe: He then brings the katana down at the zombie werewolf twice in quick succession.

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
16 + 19
Orcish Fury Crit Damage

Dr Catriona: ^^^

Wolfe: 56

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe chops off a chuck of wolf.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran looks beyond the others ahead of him towards Westra, "The shining knight faced her foe..." he began to sing. For some odd reason he felt the need to dance in place while he played and sang.

Dr Catriona: Cat turns around and accidently slams into Zimran as he is RIGHT there behind her. And she is a clutz. "OW!"

Wolfe: "It's alright, Princess!" He yells out as he savages the werewolf zombie. "I'll protect you!"

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 11 | 9
If the target is a creature other than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Damage: 10 slashing

Dr Catriona: Her hand claps to her mouth as she says "Sorry!"

Zimran Ibanez: "How did you not know I was here? I sing when I walk!"

Dr Catriona: "Fog of war!" she protests, in a vain attempt to defend herself.

Dungeon Lord:
All creatures within 30 yards must succeed on a DC 15 Charimas Check or become frightened of all werewolves. After succeeding a creature is immune to howl for 1 hour.

Dr Catriona:
Ability: 8

Westra Goldbrook:
23   13

Zimran Ibanez:

Dr Catriona:


Dr Catriona: She covers her ears and crouches like a bomb went off.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran sings over the howling and yells back, "Yeah, yeah, everyone's a critic!"

Dr Catriona: "So loud!"

Wolfe: Wolfe shivers, that sound always puts a chill up his spine.

Dungeon Lord: As the wolf lets out a loud howl, the bodies around the house begin to move.

Dr Catriona: "Behind you!" she exclaims, pointing behind Zimran.

Euron Sand: "Undead foes!" Euron shouts from the back.

Westra Goldbrook: Undeterred, Westra slashes at the Zombie Wolfe with the borrowed short sword.
17   9
Silvered Sword (+7)
10   10
Silvered Sword (+7)

Wolfe: "What's that world you yell out, Doc!?"

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(4)= 4

Euron Sand: Westra finds purchase with the silvered blade.

Zimran Ibanez: "In legends of old, songs were made for brave priests who could turn the undead away. Euron, please tell me you're one of those priests."

Westra Goldbrook:
Divine Smite

GIZMO3: "BRRRRREEEEEEP BOOP BOOP BREEEEP!" screeches Gizmo as the audible disturbance wreaks havoc on his equillibrium sensors. He flies into a wall, bonks it by accident, then flies out of the house.

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona: "We're surrounded!"

Zimran Ibanez: "An astute observation as always doctor!"

Dr Catriona:
Cloak of Air
evocation 2
Casting Time: 1 bonus action.
Range: Self
Components: M (Mastery of Air)
Duration: Concentration 10 minutes
You seize control of the gravity around you to create a protective veil. Until your concentration ends, attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and when a creature you can see misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to force the creature to repeat the attack roll against itself.

3 psi points spent.
Dexterity Save
90 ft
Energy Beam (Fire)

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 6 | 4

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Zimran Ibanez: ((fast zombies))

Dr Catriona: She tumbles around Zimran and the air around her swirls some. Drawing her boomstick, she puts it right in the ghoul's crouch (by coincidence, really) and fires through it.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran draws his rapier and stabs at the ghoul ahead of him.
Rapier (+6)
((End of turn))

Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   
Shokan (+9)
10 + 23

Wolfe: Wolfe quickly cuts off the head of the zombie werewolf with a snarl, suffusing his fear into his limbs.



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2018, 06:12:03 PM »
Session 29

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran scanned the room when his eyes stopped at the doorway leading outside. A smile grew on his face as though he suddenly recognized a friend.
“Ah! I see you’ve joined us again. Well don’t you have impeccable timing, you always seem to show up just after a fight,” Zimran’s eyes narrow at the unseen observer for a moment, his face contorting as if to imply suspicion before turning back to the half-elf’s usual handsome grin.
“So, let’s see, when last you checked in on me and my adventures, I told you how we had just been waylaid by werewolves, correct? Yes, well the half-orc let one of them get away which turned into a daylong chase through the countryside.”
The bard shrugged his shoulders as he continued, “I suppose something happened there with the half-orc or Westra leading the chase, but I’ll be honest I started thinking about the next song I am writing and mostly forgot what we were up to. See I was riding inside the wagon with Euron, who by-the-by, I still have no idea who this priest is or why he’s with us. Quiet fellow, but Westra seems to like him well enough so he can’t be all that bad.”
Zimran paused for moment, “Though she does insist we keep the half-orc around for some odd reason… Bah! Obviously just a sign of her devotion to Helm and her staunch support of being a shield for the weak. Yes, that must be why…”
The half-elf seemed to lose himself in thought before realizing the unseen observer was still there, “Anyways I stayed close to the good Doctor, her nonsense words are great for creating rhymes, but she kept forgetting I was behind her and would constantly bump into me.” Zimran smiled impishly, “Now I’m no stranger to women throwing themselves at me, but I honestly think she’s just befuddled. I suppose I could pay more attention, but an artist never passes on a moment of inspiration!”

Zimran Ibanez: “As I was saying, I followed the good Doctor Wicker without noticing that we were walking into a house full of the undead! As we all know, the undead are terrible music critics, so I fell back to using my trusty rapier, and offering words of encouragement to my comrades,” Zimran continued.
“Then Wolfe beat a wolf and everything ended.” The bard sighed, “I know that’s confusing.”
Zimran’s voice lowered to a whisper, “Between you and me I’m thinking we should just change his name so that when we fight actual wolves, everyone is clear on what we’re talking about. Hmmmm perhaps calling him Rufus McCrinkleberry in all of my songs would work, what do you think?” The half-elf’s impish smile grew from ear to ear before giving the unseen observer a playful wink.
“So that’s where we are in case you were wondering. Now I suggest you wait outside and let the heroes deal with this mess. I’ll fill you in the next time we meet!” The bard waved his hands in the air dismissing his unseen audience.

GIZMO3: "What happened? Why did they suddenly expire?"

Dr Catriona: *as doc
"What happened? Why did they suddenly expire?"

Westra Goldbrook: The wolf fell and Westra stood upright, looking about to check the state of her comrades... and Wolfe. She sighed at the silvered short sword in her hands, and shook her head. "It is unfortunate that only silver weapons seem to affect these creatures," she said. "This would go more easily if I could use my own weapon." She glanced to Wolfe. "Though I appreciate the dispensation of charity, as it were," she said, with a nod of her head.

Zimran Ibanez: "Wolfe killed a wolf before the wolf could wolf down Wolfe."

Euron Sand: Euron feels confident enough to speak now, given everything that's occurred so far.

Westra Goldbrook: "Is everyone alright?" she calls, stepping back towards the hall where the Doctor and the Bard were.

Dr Catriona: She merely looks incredulous at Zimran, but does not offer a reply to that.

Dungeon Lord: The room Westra, Wolfe and Zimran find themselves in is an old bedroom, though that is difficult to tell through the rotten body parts, blood, and gore. The remains of a window are hanging loosely in the hole that leads back outside the house.

Zimran Ibanez: "Yes," Zimran replied as he stepped into the room to get a closer look at the dead wolf. He covered his mouth and pinched his nose to protect himself. "I am fine, thank you."

Euron Sand: "I'm all right." Euron said, entering the room.

Dr Catriona: Drawing some hair behind an ear, she enters the bloody room with dim lighting reflecting against her glasses. The dead necro-wolf immediately catches her fascination.

Westra Goldbrook: Once the others are accounted for, Westra takes a look about the room for anything of interest before moving back out into the hall.

Wolfe: "You sure you wanna not hang onto that?" Wolfe asks the Paladin.

Dr Catriona: "So this one dies and the undead become inanimate."

Wolfe: "Your halberd ain't gonna do dick against a Werewolf."
ignore above

Dungeon Lord: The Doc finds the Wolfe appears to be some form of animated undead.

Dr Catriona: She crouches and examines the severed head.

Wolfe: "I knew when we were heading over here that we'd need a silver blade or two." He nods to his daikatana. "This'll handle them on its own."

Zimran Ibanez: "Well done Rufus!"

Dr Catriona: "This necro-wolf was not living."

Westra Goldbrook: "Necromacer werewolves?" Westra says, with narrowed eyes
"What madness is this..."

Dr Catriona: The doctor pocks at it with an errant stick she finds on the ground nearby.
"Undead necromancer werewolf."
"It sounds like a hammy penny dreadful."

Wolfe: Wolfe ignores Zimran's nickname and looks over at the body, a frown sharp on his rugged features. He sheathes his blade after cleaning it then moves over to check the entrances.

Dr Catriona: If the severed head does not react, the doctor will rip free a tooth.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra does a double-take at Zimran's name for wolfe. She is confused, for a moment. "Do you know Rufus?"

Euron Sand: "Werewolves most foul." he said, looking around the room for anything else that might stand out or provide a clue about these monstrosities.

Dungeon Lord: The doctor gains Zombie Werewolf Fang x 1

Dr Catriona: She stores it in one of her pouches. "It may prove to have interesting properties upon further scrutinization."

Dungeon Lord: The only piece of still standing furniture is a double bed, which has nothing of interest.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran refrains from gagging at the sight of the Doctor tearing into the dead undead werewolfe head.

Dr Catriona: "Captain, do you still sense undead in the area?"

Zimran Ibanez: ((-e))

Wolfe: "Cat with her monster parts collecting." He shakes his head at her antics.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pauses at the doctor's question, and turns towards that divine sense.

Dungeon Lord: Westra senses no more undead.

Westra Goldbrook: "No, I sense no more undead," she replied.

Dr Catriona: "And no one has heard that blasted little girl voice anymore, yes?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra begins to go from room to room, checking for --
19   20
-busted through sticky doors to check for fiends or other things needin' a stabbin.

Wolfe: Wolfe nods with an obamanotbad expression.

Dungeon Lord: There are barrels and a storage shelf pressed against the back of the door, Westra has to exert herself to force it open. This room was a storage room for the home, crates and barrels of wasted food, along with other items.

Westra Goldbrook: Westa leaves the room for the scavenger to sort through, and moves on to the next one.

Dr Catriona: "There might be other homes like this, stricken with... whatever malevolence that took root here."

Dungeon Lord: The western wall is badly damaged in this room, the thick smell of rotten and decaying wood fills your nose. A small bed sits across from the doorway with several toys and books lay about the empty room.

Dr Catriona: "That is... pungent."

Wolfe: "Not the best place to enjoy a good sense of smell."
"Seems there's more at work than Werewolves though. This place seems rotted out and haunted. Not just abandoned, but an evil presence is here."

Euron Sand: Euron searches the area to make sure there are no hidden rooms or doors where someone might hide.

Westra Goldbrook: Seeing nothing of interest there either, Westra heads back down the hall

Euron Sand:
9   18

Dungeon Lord: Euron finds no secret or hidden areas.

Westra Goldbrook: She opens the last remaining door in the hall.
And steps inside the room

Euron Sand: Euron is satisfied that he finds no hidden nooks or areas where an ambush might come from.

Dungeon Lord: This old dining room is in disarray, chairs are broken and overturned, old, rotten, food is still spread across the table. Matching hutches and buffet fill the room leaving everyone to realize this was once a happy home for someone. A large mirror rests against the southern wall, it is 6' tall and and 3' wide. Two doors are on the eastern wall.

Westra Goldbrook: "One wonders at the story of this place..." she muses, as she heads for one of the doors.
She attempts to open it.

Dr Catriona: "Did you know that the way sense of smell works is that microscopic bits of the source of the odor react to the membranes within our nostrils?" randomly spouts the scientist.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran peeks into the room, still pinching his nose to guard from the stench of rot, "Remind me again why we're in this house?" he asks the Doctor behind him.

Dungeon Lord: The door lets out a loud groan as you open the door. A naked man and woman lay on the floor, they rouse as the door falls back. Both of their eyes grow big as they see you in the doorway. "Who's there?! Alexander?!" The man shouts.

Wolfe: "No, I didn't know that, Cat."
"Mostly because I didn't understand half of what you just said."

Euron Sand: "I didn't know that, Doctor."

Dungeon Lord: Westra quickly realizes the man is the same fool they have been chasing for the last day.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns and averts her eyes. "Be at peace, citizens," she says, pulling her torch back out of the room to give the folks back some privacy.
"Are you unharmed? We are here to help."

Dr Catriona: "Citizens?" she says, wondering what that meant
...out in the woods.

Westra Goldbrook: ...but on second glance, she recognizes the man. Her expression darkens.
"Here!" she calls to the others
She then steps into the room, torch and all.

Dungeon Lord: The woman only smiles at Westra, still laying on the floor. The man's eyes reveal he has some memory of the paladin. "You will not take my name!" He shouts to her.

Zimran Ibanez: "Ah, nevermind Doc. Looks like we're here on a rescue mission. Such heroic tales to tell..." he mumbles and trails of reaching for his yarting. he doesn't play it but his fingers move across as he works out his song.

Wolfe: Wolfe blinks, not sure what the fuck is going on. Westra's shout is enough to get him on guard and so he draws his sword.

Dr Catriona: "Oh so naked." she says and backs out of the threshold of the door once more.

Westra Goldbrook: "Who are you?" Westra demands of the woman, who seems far more calm than the idoit worried about names.

Zimran Ibanez: "AH! Wait no! Not Good!"

Euron Sand: Euron steps further into the room to see what's going on. He notes the man and the woman and attempts to get closer.

Dungeon Lord: She just stares at Westra. The smile is getting creepy.

Dr Catriona: "It is our quarry now in some kind of tryst with a stranger."

Zimran Ibanez: "Oooo... Salacious!"

Euron Sand: "How many names do you need to take back to Him?" Euron asked.

Dungeon Lord: They just seem to be laying on the floor, apart, no signs of fornication.

Dr Catriona: ((#dogystyle))

Westra Goldbrook: Westra grits her teeth. "I suggest you supply some explanation, lest we are forced to assume your collusion with monsters," she warns the woman.
17   13

Dungeon Lord: Her smile fades and her eyes trail downward, but she does not otherwise respond.

Dr Catriona: 'She is just talking to them while they are naked. That is the most paladin thing I have ever witnessed."

Dungeon Lord: 21

Westra Goldbrook: "Somebody tell me what in the Watcher's name is going on here!" Westra insists, frustrated.

Wolfe: "Someone's about to get fucked.. but it's not them, I think." He looks up.

Dr Catriona: The doctor peers into the room and looks if there are other exits that might be used by the cornered pair?

Dungeon Lord: The woman now will not meet Westra's gaze, she only stares at the floor. The man backs into the corner. "She comes, soon she will come."

Euron Sand: "Who is she?" Euron asked.

Wolfe: "I hear something over us."
"A little girl laughing."

Westra Goldbrook: "Over us? Is there a second story?"

Zimran Ibanez: "Are we hearing voices now?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Oh, there was a staircase..."

Dr Catriona: "Oh nerts." she says in response to Wolfe.
"That is never a good thing."

Westra Goldbrook: She sighed, looking at the two naked folks, and then shook her head. "Leave them, for now."

Dungeon Lord: "She will rise and conquer all, any who withstand will fall." He claws at the walls.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc moves toward the stairs after Westra.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra heads up the stairs, carefully

Dr Catriona: She gives the guy a weird look.

Euron Sand: Euron takes one last look at the pair, something about their words bothering him deeply. Then he turns and follows the others out.

Dr Catriona: "We are going towards the creepy child voice?"

Wolfe: "Might as well figure it out."

Dungeon Lord: The small stairway creeks as the group moves up into the hall.Two doors are at the end of the hall, one going in each direction.

Dr Catriona: "I advise against ever going towards the sound of a disembodied child voice."

Westra Goldbrook:
20   9
(From Dungeon Lord (GM)): Westra hears a sob from the door to the East.

Zimran Ibanez: "I'm not afraid of any ghosts."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra turns sharply towards the east, and heads for that door.
And then opens the door

Dungeon Lord: As you open the door you see a girl not more than ten sitting against the far wall sobbing. Her eyes move to you as you enter the room. "Who…who are you?"

Westra Goldbrook: "We are here to help. Who are you? Why are you here alone?"

Dr Catriona: The doctor looks skeptical.

Lyla: She scoots back. "You are monsters! Coming to get me!"
"Stay away!"

Wolfe: Wolfe slowly follows after Westra, looking around slowly.

Lyla: She clutches at a small ragdoll shaped like a bear.

Westra Goldbrook: "Nonsense. Do we look like mon--" she starts to say, but stops when Wolfe joins her.
"In any case, we're here to help. What is your name?"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran chuckles.

Lyla: "Yes! You look just like them!" He says to WESTRA, seemingly to not be disturbed by Wolfe.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra narrows her eyes, confused. "Like whom? Who has hurt you, child?"

Dr Catriona: "The Flaming Fist."

Wolfe: Wolfe will try to tell if there's anything weird about the little girl beyond her behavior.

Dr Catriona: "Well... the werewolf versions."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pales a little, and takes a step back, trying to ease the girl's fears.

Lyla: "Leave me alone! Or you will be sorry!" She holds up the bear with her arms extended and closes her eyes.

Westra Goldbrook: "I see. Doctor, perhaps you might be a better..." she says, though she stops when the girl speaks again


Westra Goldbrook:
8   21

Dr Catriona: "Me?"
"Maybe Mister Ibanez can play her a song."

Westra Goldbrook: "Well, I'm obviously going to be no comfort to the girl," she explained.

Euron Sand: "May I?"

Wolfe: "Sure, padre."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra gestures for Euron to go past her

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran is disappointed that the little girl is not in fact, a ghost.

Euron Sand: Euron will step forward and kneel before the girl.

Dr Catriona: She breathes a sigh of relief, evading awkward social interaction. And when the little girl's teddy bear becomes a ursine kodiak monster bear.

Euron Sand: "Hi. My name is Euron. My friends and I don't want to hurt you. We're here to help." he said, attempting to appear as reassuring as possible.
9   18

Lyla: She keeps her eyes closed and her bear out as Euron speaks.
Skill: 20 | 6
"No! You are going to eat me! Like the monsters ate Mommy!" She screams in a rather unpleasant screech.

Dr Catriona: "How does she nourish herself here." muses the scientist allowed.
She ponders if its because demons don't need to eat

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks at the doctor, and then looks back to the child more thoughtfully.
"How long have you been here alone?" she asked.

Zimran Ibanez: "Hmmm, that is a good question doc."

Wolfe: "You're too fuckin skinny to eat, kid."
"What ate your mom? Was it a werewolf?"

Euron Sand: "We don't want to harm you! I promise you that. We're trying to stop the people who hurt your mother." Euron said.

Dr Catriona: And all her skepticism and such about scary little children is out done by wolfe droppig f-bombs in the presence of the yooungling.

Lyla: She nods.

Wolfe: "Well we ain't werewolves."
"We're here to stop them."

Westra Goldbrook: "They used to be friends of mine," Westa explained. "That's why they were dressed the same. But something happened to them, to make them... mean. If you could tell us what happened, we might be able to stop them."

Wolfe: "Quit crying over there and get over here and talk to us so we can get you out of this creepy fucking house,"

Westra Goldbrook:
9   23

Skill: 5 | 14


Zimran Ibanez: Zimran sighs, "Children..."

Lyla: Her eyes open and she looks at Wolfe. "You lie."
" can help us."

Westra Goldbrook: "Us?"

Wolfe: Wolfe looks at Lyla, eyes narrowed at her for a moment. But when she relents he seems to ease a bit. "The bear and her."
"C'mere, kid. What's the bear's name?"

Lyla: "I can smell you." He says to the half-orc.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran waves his hand at the Docter, "Come quick, she's getting creepy!" he shwispers

Wolfe: "I hear that a lot."
"Mostly in a rude way."

Dr Catriona: "And go where? They've already committed to... whatever this is." she replies to the bard.

Lyla: She keeps looking at Wolfe. "Do you wanna play? It'll be fun."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran rolls his eyes and beckons her towards the door to get a better look into the room.

Dr Catriona: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Wolfe: "Naw, playtime's over kid. Were you the one gigglin up here?"
Wolfe slowly moves forward.

Dr Catriona: "Maybe she is like the ones below? A natural born lycanthrope?"

Lyla: "We can play Werewoles and villagers. They can be the villagers." She points to the group besides Wolfe.

Dr Catriona: "Mister Wolfe, I would exercise caution."

Euron Sand: "I don't like where this is going."Euron said.

Wolfe: "Fuck."

Dr Catriona: "Villager... I'll have you know I was born in a metropolitan city!"

Wolfe: "There's werewolves up here!"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran starts playing his yarting into a slow crescendo.
Westra Goldbrook
Zimran Ibanez
Dr. Wicker
Euron Sand

Dr Catriona: ((omg shes a furry))
"TARNATION! I hate being always correct!"

Zimran Ibanez: "Well it's just like all the stories.. creepy girl, in an attic.Though I guess this just the second floor..."

Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 23 | 16
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 22 | 19
Damage: 7slashing
Damage: 12piercing

It is Wolfe's turn   

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

It is Werewolf's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe gets mauled by the Werewolf and delivers a quick pair of slashes with his katana. "Little help!"

Lyla: A part mechanical wolfe runs from around the corner, green fumes pulse from a vent in his chest and a green liquid drips from a mechanical claw.

Wolfe: "...what the fuck is that!?"

Dr Catriona: "Gond's titanium tongs!"

Dungeon Lord: He attacks Euron as he rounds the corner.
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 13 | 18
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 17 | 25

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Euron Sand:
enchantment 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft
Components: V, S, M (A sprinkling of holy water)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
Euron speaks a prayer to Helm for his blessing, catching up Wolfe, Westra, and himself!
He will heft his shield and Lightbringer and wait for his next chance to attack!
~End Turn~

Lyla: "I'm not alone! I have friends who protect me from monsters and play with me." She drops the bear.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra lunches forward and slashes at the wolf that attacked the cleric, trying to provide cover for the holy man to get out of range.
14   22
Silvered Sword (+7)
14   26
Silvered Sword (+7)

Dr Catriona: ((Bless))

It is Werewolf's turn   

Lyla: A werewolf in white fur charges from around the corner and leaps off the back of the robo wolf, attacking Westra as he flies across.
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 19 | 12
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 12 | 14

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words

It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra ducks and shoves to dislodge the attacking wolf without his bite finding purchase.

Zimran Ibanez:
Hold Person
enchantment 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Components: V, S, M (A small, straight piece of iron)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target on additional humanoid for each slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Ability: 10 | 9
Ability: 15 | 19

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Lyla: "No one likes a cheater!" She says tot he bard.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran raises his hands after a loud strum of his yarting hoping to use the energy to trap the two werewolves flanking Westra.
Nega-Doc: The doctor chews on her lip and makes a small cut along her arm. The pain sparks through her core and dark matter flows from her form, creating the Nega Docs. "Anyone call dog catchers?" "Bitch catchers." "Hahah yeah."
Shadow Beasts
abjuration 2
Casting Time: One action
Range: 60 feet
Components: M (Mastery of Lightt/Dark)
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute
As an action, you cause two shadows to appear in unoccupied spaces you can see within 60 feet of you. The shadows last until your concentration ends, and they obey your verbal commands. In combat, roll for their initiative, and choose their behavior during their turns. When this effect ends, the shadows disappear. See the Monster Manual for their stat block:


3 psi points spent
Focus: Mastery of Fire
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Now focused on Mastery of Light & Fire: While focused on this discipline, you gain resistance to fire damage, and you gain a +2 bonus to rolls for fire damage.

Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action.
Initiative: 12
Initiative: 10

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona:
Initiative: 11

It is Lyla's turn   
Nega-Doc: "Oh. More boys, too." #1 says to #2. "We should be out more often. For the view." They both laugh.

Lyla: "Come out, come out wherever you are."

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs at the banter reinforcements.

Euron Sand: Euron appears unnerved. "What...are those?"

Attack: 20 | 18
The target's speed is reduced to 10 ft until the end of their next turn.
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 24 | 19
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Damage: 6
Damage: 13piercing

It is Werewolf's turn   


All creatures within 30 yards must succeed on a DC 15 Charimas Save or become frightened of all werewolves. After succeeding a creature is immune to howl for 1 hour.


Zimran Ibanez:

Euron Sand:
22   18

Westra Goldbrook:
12   15
Nega-Doc: "Such beautiful music." "I am scared. I really am." "Me too." "Not.*"

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(2)= 2
Nega-Doc: Nega Docs are immune to being frightened.

Zimran Ibanez:
(that was Doc)

GIZMO3: Gizmo freaks out somewhere.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe takes a deep breath and focuses past the pain.
Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

It is Werewolf's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe stabs the Werewolf in the chest, kicking him in the wound and then twirls his samurai to cut the head off of the Werewolf in a single clean blow.

Toxic Fumes
At the start of his turn, DC 15 con save for all targets within 5 ft. On a failed save take 5 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 minute, half damage on a successful save.

Westra Goldbrook:
9   21

Euron Sand:
12   20

Dr Catriona: ((Bless, Euron))

Euron Sand: rolling 1d4
(1)= 1


Dr Catriona: (with bless)

Euron Sand:
15   4

Dr Catriona: (you are good)

Dungeon Lord: The wolf attacks Westra as he gases the trio.
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 17 | 7
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 25 | 20

Dr Catriona: "That thing is fully operational!"

Dungeon Lord:
Damage: 11piercing
Damage: 7 + 1slashing

Zimran Ibanez:
Cutting Words

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Lyla: "You are on the wrong team!" She yells at Wolfe.

Euron Sand:
30 ft
Prayer of Healing

Lyla: "No fair!"

Wolfe: "Been told that a lot too!"

Lyla: "Hmph!"

Euron Sand:
Higher Level Cast
Cure Wounds
Euron focuses upon his Holy Symbol and calls upon Helm's grace! "
"You cannot have him!"

It is Nega-Doc 2's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Here puppy. Let mommy pet you." says Negadoc from one side. The other one soundlessly stomps her foot. "My puppy!" They both grab the burly furry arms of the icey werewolf and pull. Like two brats fighting over a stuffed animal.
(Crit #1)
Crit 2
(strength drain is 2d6+2)

Dr Catriona: (sorry you ar right)
(the sheet was borked)
(so 20 damage + 3) str
then the next one
15 damage + 5 strength drain
(damage necrotic)

Nega-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Nega-Doc 1's turn   

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   
Nega-Doc: ((35 necrotic and -8 strength))

Westra Goldbrook: Through a barrage of attacks, Westra attempts to slash at the wolf in front of her.
20   24
Silvered Sword (+7)
16   12
Silvered Sword (+7)
Nega-Doc: They start dislocating the arms from the creature.

Wolfe: Wolfe thinks that Euron is now his best friend.

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(4)= 4

It is Werewolf's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 19 | 20

Westra Goldbrook:
15   12

It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   

Zimran Ibanez:
Hideous Laughter
enchantment 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft
Components: V, S, M (Tiny tarts and a feather that is waved in the air)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
A creature of your choice that you can see within range perceives everything as hilariously funny and falls into fits of laugher if this spell affects it. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw of fall prone, becoming incapacitated and unable to stand up for the duration. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or less isn't affected.

At the end of each of its turns, and each time it takes damage, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. The target has advantage on the saving throw if it's triggered by damage. On a success, the spell ends.

Dr Catriona: (did you bring the tiny tarts spell component tho)

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 19 | 7

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: (CHa DC15)

Zimran Ibanez:

Dr Catriona:
Dexterity Save
90 ft
Energy Beam (Fire)

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 4 | 6

It is Lyla's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 14 | 17
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Attack: 17 | 20
The target's speed is reduced to 10 ft until the end of their next turn.
Damage: 12

Lyla: She giggles. "This is fun!"

Wolfe: Wolfe grunts from the hamstring of the Werewolf-ette.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

It is Werewolf's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Toxic Fumes
At the start of his turn, DC 15 con save for all targets within 5 ft. On a failed save take 5 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 minute, half damage on a successful save.

Westra Goldbrook:
20   12

Wolfe: "I'm gonna finish kickin this damn thing all over the place and when I get to you you're gonna get the spanking of a fuckin' lifetime."

Euron Sand:
14   12


Euron Sand: rolling 1d4
(3)= 3

Dr Catriona: "This confined space makes makes utilizing fire require extra uh... care."

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 19 | 24
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 13 | 15

Dr Catriona: (Euron's gotta con check again )

Dungeon Lord:
Damage: 15piercing

Westra Goldbrook:
14   14

Euron Sand:
7   8

Dr Catriona: (add bless)
(to that)

Euron Sand: rolling 1d4
(3)= 3

Dr Catriona: (You are good)

It is Euron Sand's turn   

It is Nega-Doc 2's turn   
Nega-Doc: "So bright. Can't hide." complains Nega Doc 2, giving Westra an annoyed high school diva like look of displeasure.
Strength Drain
Attack: 13 | 11
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 1. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.
((somethings up with the sheet lol))

Nega-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dungeon Lord: 13

It is Nega-Doc 1's turn   
Nega-Doc: The other grumbles and tries to pull the ice wolf apart.
Strength Drain
Attack: 23 | 18
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 2. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra slashes again at the mechanical wolf.
18   23
Silvered Sword (+7)
12   26
Silvered Sword (+7)
Nega-Doc: Negadoc #1 finds that its arm comes RIGHT out of its socket after all that stress, sending the othe one falling back with the rest of the corpse. Blood sprays in an arc all over the immediate area.

It is Zimran Ibanez's turn   
Nega-Doc: "You slut you broke it."

Zimran Ibanez:
Hold Person
enchantment 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Components: V, S, M (A small, straight piece of iron)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target on additional humanoid for each slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.
Nega-Doc: "Enough flattery." says the other, reforming up into a standing stance.

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 10 | 10

Wolfe: "Torm's eyes, Cat where does that garbage come from?"

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: The Doc just looks pallid and focusing on other stimuli.

Zimran Ibanez: ((Nope))

Dr Catriona: ((Westra looks real bad?))

Zimran Ibanez:
((I cast Hold Person... Cannot heal))

Dr Catriona: "Captain, do you need an out?"

Westra Goldbrook: "No," Westra grunts as she slashes. "It will fall before I do!"

Dr Catriona:
Wind Stream
evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 x 5 ft
Target: Each creature in range
Components: M (Mastery of Air)
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a line of focused air that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a STR saving throw DC15, taking 3 bludgeoning damage per psi point spent and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

1 psi points spent, 5 max.

Ability: 5 | 20

Dr Catriona: She summons a torrent of gravity that knocks the mechawolfe on its ass.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Lyla's turn   

Attack: 19 | 24
The target's speed is reduced to 10 ft until the end of their next turn.
Damage: 6
Lyla turns and jumps out one of the opened windows.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Dr Catriona: "That nitnosed crumpetface just fled the premesis!"
(its prone so advantage)

Wolfe: Wolfe grunts as his old-ass legs are once more assaulted. AS much as he wants to chase after the little girl, he takes his frustration out on the mecha wolf.

Dr Catriona: (Oh I didnt even notice that lol)

Wolfe: He then completely hacks the thing into pieces.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran counts that as one of his kills,
End Session 29
Nega-Doc: The Negadocs join Wolfe, freaking him out.
"You are an artist of death. We don't hate it."



  • *****
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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2018, 06:23:11 PM »
Session 30

Wolfe: Wolfe thinks as he gets to his feet: "Fucking. Werewolves." So far they had slogged through a dark forest, found some insane naked people screaming about missing names, a child that turned into a werewolf (and had friends), and a monstrous half machine half lycanthrope.
In general, Wolfe was in a bad mood about the whole thing. He had a lot on his mind, something that was soon to be revealed as they moved closer and closer to the inevitable.
As he dusts himself off, he looks to the others as they continue on their quest to find Westra's brother amidst all this insanity. "Everyone alright?"

Dr Catriona: Catriona scuttles over to the window where the creeper-wolf-child made her exit, then looks out.

Zimran Ibanez: "Well enough," replied the bard.

Wolfe: "That little bitch is gonna get some distance from us, I think." He exhales, and since the little girl was a female werewolf, it wasn't that bad that he'd called her a bitch!

Dungeon Lord: The doctor can see the broken shingles and destroyed portions of the covered porch. The moon peeks from behind the horizon as she gazes into the dark.

Zimran Ibanez: "Though the two of you look like you could use a rest."

Westra Goldbrook: "Still standing, at least," Westra replies, as she looks around to confirm as much for the others.

Zimran Ibanez:
Song Of Rest
Class: All add +1d6 to HP gained during a rest.

Westra Goldbrook: "What horrible creatures," she grumbles, shaking her head as she picks bits of fur from her armor. "I don't understand this craziness. What was that ... thing ... with machine parts?"

Dr Catriona: "There are still those two people downstairs."

Wolfe: "Mechanized Werewolf by the looks."

Dungeon Lord: The three broken bodies lay on the ground, their bodies remaining in werewolf form. The part mechanical one's gears continue to creek, sending the glowing green ooze down through a crack in the floor in a small trickle.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran strums his yarting and begins to play a song. The bard didn't care if there were two more wolves, or werewolves, or possesed little children. He was bored and wanted to play some music.

Westra Goldbrook: "Doctors what do you make of this?" she asks, indicating the green ooze about the mecha-wolf

Dr Catriona: Stepping away from the window, resolving that the enemy is in the wind, she returns to look down at the carcasses, particularly the mechanized one.

Westra Goldbrook: "But why?" She replies to wolfe. "And how? This one looks partly natural."

Dr Catriona: She crouches by it and examines it with a critical eye.
"We are running into quite a few instances of weird science."

Dungeon Lord: The werewolves appear as normal as werewolves can appear, sans the elemental and mechanical features they posses. The ice on the fur of the frozen wolf has begun to slowly melt, moistening the area around it. The mechanical wolf's body has been grafted together somehow, the metal part of the creature's form.

Dr Catriona: "This level of mechanosurgery must require a party with bizarre resources, or perhaps something Spellplague related."

Wolfe: Wolfe shrugs slowly. "Not sure. This isn't anything I've seen before. All these wolves aren't turning back, which is weird. If they were bit then they should. But they're all natural. It's odd to see so many of the moon-born all together."

Dr Catriona: She takes a sample of the green liquid. "It isn't unheard of to experiment on creatures with increased regenerative capabilities frankly because they can withstand the more extreme procedures."

Westra Goldbrook: "Ugh. What a horrifying notion."

Wolfe: Taking a deep breath, Wolfe gets to his feet after their break. "We should keep going."
"Now that we've had a moment to get our wind back we need to stay on the trail."

Dr Catriona: "I will test this later." she says about the green liquid. She also looks to see if she can extract some mechanical small portion that can just be studied later.

Dungeon Lord: The doctor manages with some struggling to remove a hand sized plate from the werewolf's arm.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra makes use of the moment's reprieve to say a prayer, during which the strength of her face helps to restore her. (Lay on Hands)

Dr Catriona: "I want the record to show that I correct about little girls beckoning you in placed they shouldnt be."

Wolfe: "You feel better about sayin 'I Told You So' Cat?"

Dr Catriona: "The Negative Doctors certainly do..."

Wolfe: "Yeah about that."

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed," she says, with a nod to Wolfe's suggestion to keep moving. "Let us see if the strange pair downstairs is where we left them. Maybe the girl will speak, now that the monsters have been dispatched."

Zimran Ibanez: "I saw it coming. How could you not?"

Wolfe: "You should probably see a Cleric or take up some sort of hobby to work out your aggressions or something, given how fucked up those parts of you are."

Dr Catriona: Stowing the things added to her collection, her block heels clunk against the aging floorboards as she meanders back to the stairs.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pauses on the way out to investigate the remaining room before heading for the stairs.
She opens the door.
..and looks around.

Dungeon Lord: This room has a group of beds taking up the entire space, the sheets and bare mattresses are dirty and matted, the windows are completely boarded shut.

Westra Goldbrook:
14   17
Seeing nothing of interest at first glance, Westra steps further in to look more closely for anything of interest before leaving.

Dr Catriona: The bespectacled blonde does not have a response for Wolfe's statement, though its something that bothers her a little. She looks off to the new room instead.

Wolfe: Wolfe smells something frowning as he moves over to the bed. He kneels down slowly beside it and looks over it, his hand running across the dirty sheets.

Dungeon Lord: Blood stains are littered around the bedding and floor, broken household items lay in the corners and against the walls.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc's eyes narrow at the blood stains, his expression one of restrained emotion.

Westra Goldbrook: "This house seems so run down.. It's hard to imagine someone living here recently. Yet the signs throughout the house make it seem as though a family was accosted by these things."

Dr Catriona: "It was plagued with ambulatory dead and crazed lycanthropes. It may serve us well to burn it down."

Wolfe: Wolfe pulls back the sheets of the bed and then tosses them aside, checking beneath the mattress and under the bed itself.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods at the doctor's suggestion, but then is distracted by watching wolfe with a curious expression. "What are you looking for?"

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe finds nothing but dust, dirt and stains about the area.

Wolfe: "Something familiar..."

Westra Goldbrook: "Why would there be something familiar? Have you been here before?"

"Nope. Never been up here before."

Dr Catriona: "Up here?"

Wolfe: Wolfe gets to his feet, the scent on his nose. "I think I know where we need to go. Come on."
He then hustles to follow the trail.

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran reaches down and picks up the discarded bottle of alcohol. He unstops the bottle and takes a quick sniff. The sweetness of the brandy strikes his nostrils and he wrinkles his face in a pleasantly surprised look.
Insert ObamaOK.jpg

Westra Goldbrook: Westra starts to stay and object, but seeing Wolfe hustle off, she follows after him.
"What was familiar? How do you know where to go?"

Dr Catriona: The half elf looks to Zimran who is suddenly messing with booze found in a hellhouse. "That could be lycanthrope uh.. urine.. for all you know.."

Zimran Ibanez: The bard stashes the bottle into his pack.

Wolfe: "Hurry up and talk to your lunatics. I'm going to go outside and see what I can find." He says without answering Westra's question.

Zimran Ibanez: "Smelled like brandy to me. Bit too sweet for my taste but excellent when served with lamb"

Westra Goldbrook: Westragrowled in frustration at Wolfe's non-answer, but quickly went to see if the "lunatics" were still there

Dr Catriona: "Uh.. okay. I don't know anything about such spirits. I will take your word for it."


Dungeon Lord: Westra finds the room now empty.

Dr Catriona: (lol my token is stuck)

Dungeon Lord: The small living room has an unused fireplace along the west wall, the rest of the furniture was long along boarded against the front door of the home. To the North, a stairway leads down to the basement.

Wolfe: Wolfe walks back inside. "I think she headed Northeast. You get what you need from your nutjobs?"

Westra Goldbrook: "I haven't found them yet," Westra replies, as she heads down to the basement.

Dr Catriona: "How are you coming to these conclusions?"

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran plays Stairway to Heaven

Wolfe: Wolfe taps his nose.
"That's how."

Dungeon Lord: At the bottom of the stairs Westra finds a heavy banded iron door. Not something that you would expect to find at the bottom of such rotten and rickety stairs.

Wolfe: Wolfe follows Westra.

Westra Goldbrook: Westratries the door to see if it's locked.

Dungeon Lord: It is indeed locked.

Dr Catriona: "Oh..." she says with a nod. Though, she had a typical reaction one has when you tell someone you can identify others by smell.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra attempts to kick the door open.
17   19

Dr Catriona: (its advantage of Wolfe is helpin)

Dungeon Lord: The door does not budge.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra growls.
"Can anyone pick a lock?"
She kicks it again for good measure.
Also cause she's grumpy now.

Dr Catriona: Her eyebrows raise.

Westra Goldbrook:
12   18

Dr Catriona: ((is it a padlock or key lock or like a deadbolt?))

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran shrugs, "I don't have any tools but I'm good with my fingers" The half-elf twiddles his fingers in the air before strumming a quick chord on his yarting.

Dr Catriona: "Mister Ibanez, do you have any skills with intrusion?"

Wolfe: Wolfe takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
He tries to force open the door as well.

Dungeon Lord: The keyhole does not appear to fit a normal key, the cylindrical shaped notch has different shaped indents around it.

Wolfe: "Ow."

Dr Catriona:

Wolfe: He rubs at his shoulder.

Zimran Ibanez: The bard shrugs, "We could always just burn the place down."

Westra Goldbrook: "How is there even this sturdy of a door in this run-down place?" she growls, frustrated.

Dr Catriona: She gives it a test pull.
With no avail, she brings out an acid vial.
She administers it, attempting to corrode the locking mechanism

Westra Goldbrook: "Who carries around acid?"

Dungeon Lord: With some finesse the Doctor is able to get the acid into the keyhole. After thirty seconds, a loud thump can be heard in the wall beside the stairway and the door creeks open.

Wolfe: "The same sorta girl who picks up golem-werewolf parts and carries them around."

Westra Goldbrook: "...though, as usual, it is proven that we are lucky to have you, Doctor."

Dr Catriona: She sniffs some stoppers the empty vial, noting to herself to buy more later on as she is now uout.

Zimran Ibanez: "You've been traveling with her longer. With how she always goes around collecting things, I'm surprised it's just acid, and not the spittle of some rare bog creature."

Dr Catriona: Stepping back, she lets the beefier folks explore.

Westra Goldbrook: "I don't care where it comes from, if it gets the job done," she tells Zimran, before heading into the basement to look around.

Dungeon Lord: This room appears strange to most of the group. It is long unused, vials, and strange glass spheres and tubes meander about the desks and counter tops. Some stray papers lay among them.

Dr Catriona: "I have been on my own for a long while and explore strange areas. And so I have to be very self sufficient with my supplies."

Wolfe: "You've always been a great partner to have around, Doc, that's for sure."
Wolfe looks through, investigating the area.

Westra Goldbrook: The vials and spheres mean little to Westra, so she inspects the papers layng about

Dr Catriona: She seems bashful briefly but that is erased as they enter the new room, which catches her attention proper. "Hidden lab."


Zimran Ibanez: Zimran shrugs, unsurprised by the other half-elf's resourcefulness.

Wolfe: Wolfe's nose seems to flare and he looks over this area with far greater interest.

Dungeon Lord: There are groups of notes about lycanthropy, vampirism, and undead, though nothing much more advanced than common knowledge. There are no complete and understandable conclusions from the various notes that were left. It is indicative that most of the data is not here. One vial of thick green liquid rests in a bottle near the empty mass of glass instruments.

Dr Catriona: ((does it resemble the liquid in the Mechanowulf))

Wolfe: Wolfe looks along the wall, then stops at a wall in the southwest of the room. "Hey. There's another keyhole here, but in the wall."

Westra Goldbrook: "We've no key and we're out of acid. Can you force it open?"

Wolfe: He takes a deep breath. "Let's see." He tries to put some sauce into it.
17   12

Dungeon Lord: The door does not move, at all.

Dr Catriona: "I am going to take some of these notes."

Wolfe: He pulls out the Half-Orc-beaning-crowbar and tries to bend open the door, but all he does is bend the crowbar.
"There's gotta be a key or something around here." He growls as he throws away the crowbar. Piece of junk.

Westra Goldbrook: "I don't know why they would have left it in this very room, but..." Westra says, though she does turn to look through the tables and shelves to see if it's the case.

Dungeon Lord: Westra does not locate a key as she looks about the room.

Dr Catriona: Catriona presses her ear against the door.

Dungeon Lord: The doctor only hears silence.

Dr Catriona: (Can you look through the keyhole?)

Dungeon Lord: You cannot

Dr Catriona: "Thunderation." she mutters. there any acid in the lab? :)

Westra Goldbrook: "The key is probably with the child."

Dr Catriona:She will take the vial of green though.
"Do you sense something in there?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Come. Let us see if Wolfe can track her before she gains too much ground."

Wolfe: "No I haven't sensed anything beyond that door."

Dungeon Lord:
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 min
You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The spell then ends.
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 min
You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The spell then ends.
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 min
You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The spell then ends.

Dr Catriona:"Try once more, Mister Wolfe. I'll help."

12   16

Dr Catriona: 3

Wolfe: Thump

Dungeon Lord: The door does not budge

Wolfe: Wolfe even with THEIR POWERS COMBINED and Guidance, can't get that door to open.

Dr Catriona: The doctor removes her glasses and looks frustrated before walking away.

Wolfe: "Ugh. Gettin old." He grumbles.

Westra Goldbrook: "Here, let me try."
25   16

Dungeon Lord: The door flies opened with a crash.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra backs up then lunges at the door with a determined boot.

Westra Goldbrook: "Ha!"

Dr Catriona: Catriona is startled.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra heads inside.
..and looks around

Wolfe: Wolfe follows slowly with some trepidation after Westra destroys the door.

Dungeon Lord: This smaller study appears mostly barren as well, a small cot and a desk take up the majority of the space. A piece of paper hanging on the wall the wall has a circle over a single word 'Sunderwood'. Cat finds some additional notes within the room that there have been a number of genetic experiments performed by whomever owned this lab. Several drawings that are very similar to the mechnowolf's modifications are hanging along the wall.

Dr Catriona: "Eureka." she says, pointing at the mechanowolf blueprints.

Westra Goldbrook: "Ugh," she groans, seeing only more of what looks like the same arcano-science nonsense. "I was hoping there was something more exciting here."
"For a hidden door this seems underwhemling."

Wolfe: Wolfe moves over to look at the notes and scan over the room, seeing if there's any further clues.

Dr Catriona: "It seems we have a mad scientist necromancer or ..something."
"Never thought I would say those..uh.. words together."

Wolfe: "Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, Westra."
"Hard to tell."
The Half-Orc releases a slow sigh of relief.

Dr Catriona: "Sunderwood?"

Wolfe: "Small blessings." He whispers to himself.
Gavin: Euron takes a moment to center himself. He wants to be ready in case there are anymore hostiles around them.

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe sees several diagrams he does not understand. They are strange circles connected in various shapes with tubed lines and letters written next to each circle.

Westra Goldbrook:
10   14

Euron Sand:
23   16

Zimran Ibanez: ((back))

Euron Sand: "Sunderwood...that's familiar. It's a village in this region. I've not been there, though."

Dr Catriona: She pulls down one of the schematics for the mechanowolf and rolls it up along with other things she finds interesting. It might prove useful. Not a mainlander, she doesn't know what Sunderwood means in the context.

Westra Goldbrook: "Do you know where it is? How far away?"

Wolfe: "Is it to the Northwest of here?"

Dr Catriona: "It might be a target."
"For a testing ground."

Euron Sand: "From what I remember, it's between here and Mithral Hall."
"Based on where we are....Mithral Hall is to the east, I believe."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns, not liking what he's hearing."

Dungeon Lord: You estimate you are about 200 miles from the Mirthal hall based on your current location.

Wolfe: "The little girl went Northwest, not East."

Euron Sand: "That's not good. There's only more forest to the Northwest."

Dr Catriona: Catriona tries to assess the lab in a way to see if she can discern anything at all about its owner; gender, species, etc

Westra Goldbrook: "That is a long way to travel with no more information than seeing the name written down in a strange room."

Dungeon Lord: The bed appears to be for a medium sized creature, the writing is in common and show excellent penmanship, the diagrams are well drawn and neat. Various items such as quills, ink bottles and other miscellaneous supplies do not appear different from the norm.

Dr Catriona: (are the random people still inside?)
"I don't think theres much else here we can use."
"But we know there is a mad scientist, engineering werewolves and undead, and has his or her sights on this village of Sunderwood."
"That is much more than we knew when we woke up earlier."

Dungeon Lord: The dust in the room makes the Doctor sneezy as the group kicks it up.

Dr Catriona: Achoo

Wolfe: "Yeah, we need to get what we need from here and get going."
"They're getting more time between us."

Dr Catriona: ((Dust meaning this place hasnt been frequented recenty?))

Zimran Ibanez: "I can share what we found with the Harpers. Maybe they can keep an eye on Sunderwood?"

Dr Catriona: "That is a good idea."

Westra Goldbrook: "If we do not turn towards Luskan we will miss the appointment to which I am obligated."

Dr Catriona: "Harpers have more resources than we do."
"What about your brother?"
She rubs her nose.

Wolfe: "Fuck Luskan." Wolfe says without preamble or indication of sympathy.
"This is more important."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra shakes her head, looking around the room as though a little uncertain. "There has been no sign of him. He was not with the others from his unit. I do not know what his fate could have been, but he would not wish me to dismiss my duty for his sake."

Dr Catriona: "Whoever owns this place has likely not been here in months if not longer, given the amount of dust acumulation and neglect."

Zimran Ibanez: "How is wandering aimlessly through Lurkwood more important than getting to Luskan?"

Wolfe: "There's mecha-zombie-werewolves."
"What the fuck in Luskan is more important than that?"
"Political bullshit for Neverember?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Duty."

Dr Catriona: "I thought Luskan had a spellplague anomaly."

Wolfe: "Your brother is your duty, you automaton."
"There were Flaming Fist soldiers made into Werewolves."
"You're going to abandon him?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra gnashes her teeth, but is silent for a moment.

Wolfe: "Fine. If you aren't gonna save him, I will."
Wolfe turns and starts heading out of the building.

Dr Catriona: "This lab is of a perimeter too small to contain a conflict between you two."

Zimran Ibanez: "A warm bed. Food. Women. The smell of fresh bread. Good wine. Song.... There's lots in Luskan"

Euron Sand: Euron listens to the conversation, trying to determine the various agendas at play here.
"Has Luskan been affected by the Spellplague? Do they suffer as Neverwinter did?"

Westra Goldbrook: "We have seen no indication that he is even still alive, much less that he's survived the fate that befell his men."

Dr Catriona: "Unclear. All I all I know is they have an anomaly of a kind."

Zimran Ibanez: ((Zimran wants to be the fiddler))
((On the roof))
((A Hot Tin Roof))

Westra Goldbrook: Westra rubs her brow and frowns, clearly conflicted.

Dr Catriona: She will move to walk out.

Wolfe: Once Cat comes up, he speaks loud enough that he figures the others can hear him. "I'm going after the trail. You can fuck off to pirate town if you want. But I'm not going to abandon those men to slavery and death."

Euron Sand: "I'd hope it wasn't true." Euron said.
"Captain, we came here to help your brother. I'll support your decision. But this matter with the werewolves will run unchecked if we leave now."

Dr Catriona: "Slavery?"

Wolfe: "Slavery." he snarls.

Dungeon Lord: The moon has made progress into the sky by the time the group makes their way back outside.


Zimran Ibanez: "Selune's tits," Zimran sighs, "Not this shit again..."

Wolfe: Wolfe slows down a moment, noticing something.
"Wait a minute..."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra follows the others to the outside.

Wolfe: He walks over toward the barn, slowly, drawing his weapon quietly as he goes.

Dr Catriona: "I am confused...."

Wolfe: Wolfe turns to Cat and puts a finger over his mouth indicating shush
Then turns and starts back toward the barn, heading inside.

Dr Catriona: She looks at the other folks nearby, as if to read their reactions or if they know something she doesn't.

Euron Sand: Euron looks aroudn the area, trying to make sure they aren't about to get ambushed by werewolves or worse.

Dungeon Lord: 32

Dr Catriona: Harsh whisper... "Captain.... captain.... captain..." she says, trying to get Westra's attention.

Westra Goldbrook: The Captain is lost in her own thoughts, but looks over at Cat with a frown when the doctor calls her

Euron Sand: Euron checks the perimeter.

Dr Catriona: She pantomimes a zombie walking with its hands out, then points at Westra.. as if to see if the paladin senses the walking dead.

Westra Goldbrook: She arches a brow in question, and only then realizes that wolfe has snuck off

Euron Sand:
25   25

Westra Goldbrook: She's distracted from looking for him by the doctor's antics, though, and nods. She closes her eyes and summons the hly power the dr requested
(Divine Sense)

Dungeon Lord: Westra sense no undead.

Westra Goldbrook: She opens her eyes and shakes her head solemnly at the doctor.

Dr Catriona: Her eyebrows push together with uncertainty.

Euron Sand: "There's a set of paw prints leading to the northwest, away from the barn over there." Euron said.

Wolfe: Wolfe slowly looks around as he quietly moves forward, weapon low.

Dr Catriona: Looking up at Gizmo, she makes a swirl of her finger motion. The clockwork owl takes off and does a fly around.

Wolfe: "...god damnit." He mutters to himself beneath his breath.

Skill: 7 | 8

Wolfe: Wolfe sneaks back out slowly.
He will exit the barn and move over to the others, quiet and hunkered down. "There's another one of them in the Barn." He whispers as he gets close.

Dr Catriona: (On top)

Westra Goldbrook: "Another what? Mechanical wolf?"

Dungeon Lord: The mechanical marvel sees nothing.

Wolfe: "Werewolf."

GIZMO-3 needs a OS update.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Are you prepared to depart Mistress?" A robotic voice says from directly behind the Doctor.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs."We cannot leave it undispatched."

Dr Catriona: The doctor is startled.
SHe then puts her finger to her lips and tells LEROY to shush.

Euron Sand: Euron looks down at the ground. He nods.

Wolfe: Wolfe nods and turns, starting to move back to the barn.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Based on your biometric readings, this motion relays a desire that I decrease volume?" He says just as loud.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra follows Wolfe, still mad about the tiny little sword she's been reduced to.

Dr Catriona: she asks in a low volume, "What is it doing in there?"


L.E.R.O.Y.: 23

Dr Catriona: "Affirmative. Watch the transportation." she tells the gnomebot.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "As you wish Mistress!" The doctor, thinks he says, his voice too low to make out.

Dr Catriona: Her eyes close, features showing the quiet frustration of a mother with an insipid child as the gnomebot walks away.

Dungeon Lord: The werewolf hears the group as a whole coming and lets out a paniced howl before running back and forth in the barn.

Dr Catriona: "Oh nerts, are we sure nothing is hidden in the haystacks?"

Wolfe: "Nope!" He yells out as he moves forward. "HEY, GIVE UP NOW OR YOU'RE GONNA GET FUCKING KILLED, ALRIGHT?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra draws her sword and moves forward.

Dr Catriona: "But we could have just set it all on fire, smoked them out at a chokepoint at the door and dispatched them on our terms."
"Uh... okay running into chaos it is.."

Dungeon Lord: The werewolf charges at the group.

Euron Sand: Euron is surprised at Wolfe's words,'s time to fight. He draws his shield and mace!

Westra Goldbrook:
23   24
Silvered Sword (+7)
The werewolf charges and Westra swings at it with a snarl.
24   12
Silvered Sword (+7)

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
Wolfe puts some sauce on it as he slashes at the Werewolf.

Euron Sand:
25   8
5 Feet
Lightbringer (+6)

Dr Catriona:
Spiderstaff (+7)

Zimran Ibanez:
Hold Person
enchantment 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Components: V, S, M (A small, straight piece of iron)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target on additional humanoid for each slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 18 | 6
(From Dungeon Lord (GM)): Make a perception check

Westra Goldbrook:
8   23
Westra pauses to give an eye to the barn's interior while the werewolf flees.

Dungeon Lord: This old barn has hay and tools sprawled about the area. A small forge and blacksmith's tools are in the middle of the room along with several large, but empty, cages and large metal hooks hanging from the ceiling. Another large, reinforced wooden double doors are chained and held shut with a large wooden block.

Westra Goldbrook:
21   27
Javelin Hurl (+7)
5 + 5

Dungeon Lord: The javelin hits him square in the back but seems to have no effect.

Westra Goldbrook: Seeing the creature out of range, Westra launches one of her javelins at him, to no avail.

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
Wolfe punches him in the back of the head with Shokan's hilt.
And knocks him out.

Dungeon Lord: 39

Euron Sand:
8   8

Dr Catriona: The blonde is flabberghasted by the flurry of action, barely tripping the fleeing wolfman.

Dungeon Lord: Something bangs on the chained door in front of Euron, the Doc, and Zimran.

Westra Goldbrook: "We should check the barn more carefully. The woman that was with him may be hiding."

Wolfe: Wolfe rushes out after the fleeing Werewolf, knocking him out.

Euron Sand: "There's something else in here." Euron said.

Dr Catriona: "Illumination for those who cannot see in the dark would be useful..."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra grabs the unconscious were by an arm and drags him back towards the barn

Dungeon Lord: Another bang resonates from the door in quick succession. The metal jingles as the beam creeks in protest.

Dr Catriona: "Something not ideal may be inside."

Euron Sand: Euron will light a torch in order to illuminate the area.

Westra Goldbrook: "No matter what it is, we cannot leave it here untended."

Zimran Ibanez: Zimran backs out of the barn and calls out to the captain, "Ummm Westra? There's something banging inside the barn"

Dr Catriona:  Image

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods to the bard as she passes him on the way back inside.

Wolfe: Wolfe walks over toward the racket, his sword still drawn and feeling some trepidation.

Dr Catriona: "Oh nerts... up high!"
She points towards the rafters, stepping back.

Dungeon Lord: A werewolf sits in the rafters, watching the group. Her fangs bare in a wicked smile, that is familiar.

Dr Catriona: "Bad little girl!"
nevermind that.

Wolfe: "I knocked out your boyfriend, lady!"

Dungeon Lord: Something slams into the door right next to the Doctor.

Wolfe: "Just come down and relax, let's have a talk!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks for a way to get up to where the wrewolf is

Dungeon Lord: She can see no way to get up sans trying to climb the vertical walls or jumping to the rafters 15 foot about. The werewolf deftly leaps to another rafter which is directly above the doorway.

Dr Catriona: ((Can I cast something?))
Catriona's eyes pale to an icey white and the rafter the wolfe is perched on becomes coated in ice.
Ice Sheet
evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20' radius within 60'
Components: M (Mastery of Ice)
Duration: 10 minutes
Choose a point on the ground you can see within 60 feet of you. The ground in a 20-foot radius centered on that point becomes covered in ice for 10 minutes. It is difficult terrain, and any creature that moves more than 10 feet on it must succeed on a DEX saving throw DC15 or fall prone. If the surface is sloped, a creature that falls prone in the area immediately slides to the bottom of the slope.

2 psi points spent.

Dungeon Lord: Several howls echo from behind the door.
Ability: 4 | 3
Ice coats the perch of the werewolf and she lets out a snarl as she unexpectedly falls backwards. A moment later a loud thud can be heard from the other side of the door followed by several snarls and the gnashing of teeth.

Dr Catriona: Her pupils regain their color and frost exhales from her lips. "Ummm.."

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over to Cat with a nod. "Good thinking! It sounds like they're all penned up."

Dr Catriona: "Was that good...? or bad?"

Wolfe: Wolfe moves closer to try and investigate what's going on.

Dungeon Lord: The slamming on the door resumes a moment later.

Westra Goldbrook: "Will your Gizmo fit through the rafters? It would be good to see what is on the other side," she asks the doctor

Dungeon Lord: Growls and scratching can be heard on the opposite side of the door as multiple creatures attempt to break through the strong baricade.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks around for anything that might be used to reinforce the door.

Dr Catriona: "I... can try.."
She then flicks down her scouter to view through the familiar's visual. Cat is startled.

Westra Goldbrook: "What happened?"

Dr Catriona: "They look... sick..."

Westra Goldbrook: "Sick?"
"How many are there?"

Dr Catriona: "Half dozen lycanthropes and the one that just fell down."
Cat shivers.

Euron Sand: "That's not good at all."

Zimran Ibanez: "We can always just leave..."

Dr Catriona: "The female is smiling. Very disconcertingly."
"In a situation that is not appropriate for smiling.

Dungeon Lord: The wood creeks in protest at another bang.

Dr Catriona: "Three are hitting the door. They all look like they are maybe starved."

Zimran Ibanez: "This is a barn right? Don't farmers always worry about these things burning down?"

Westra Goldbrook: "We cannot just leave them here. They are a danger."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns, considering the matter and feels torn.

Dr Catriona: "Of being experimented on?"

Wolfe: "And starved to death."

GIZMO3: Gizmos' head turns upside down the freaky way owls do, looking at the smiling creeper female.

Wolfe: "But most impressed Lycanthropes go mad, or are driven to some heinous acts that they can't come back from."

Westra Goldbrook: "Not in danger. A danger. To everyone else, if they break that door after we elave."

Dungeon Lord: 42

Wolfe: Wolfe will start trying to move the cages over to help reinforce the door.

Dr Catriona: "If we set this on fire, there is a good chance most would die first of smoke inhalation."

Euron Sand: Euron will aid him.

Zimran Ibanez: "But do we want to risk opening that door and putting them out of their misery?"

Dr Catriona: "Likely a painful way to end them, however."

Wolfe: "We need to find whoever made them this and kill them."
"Then they'll all get turned back to whatever they were before."

Westra Goldbrook: "They are sick and starving creatures. We can grant them a quick death," she said, looking primarily to wolfe.

GIZMO3: Gizmo chirps as he is nearly grabbed by jumping monsters.
He moves out of their reach.

Dungeon Lord: Euron and Wolfe are able to handle the heavy cages.

Westra Goldbrook: "You are certain that will break the curse?"

Zimran Ibanez: "I vote for burning the place down and letting Waukeen sort it out."

Dr Catriona: (savage)

Wolfe: "Fuck you, Zimran."

Dr Catriona: (Oh snap that was out of character! PERSONAL BEEF!)

Wolfe: "We kill the creature that did this, and they're free."

Westra Goldbrook: "If there is a way to save the men that these were..." she says, with a shake of her head towards Zimran

Euron Sand: "I dislike the idea of killing them if it's at all possible to save them."

Zimran Ibanez: "But how long will it take for us to find these people?"

Wolfe: "We don't have a lot of time, though. I'm telling you we need to lock them up for now so they don't get loose and hurt anyone else."

Dr Catriona: "The female, I think, is more malicious than the others."

Wolfe: "If they starve they die anyway."

Dr Catriona: "She is sitting in the back, as if amused."

Zimran Ibanez: "So it's better to suffer for days?"

Dungeon Lord: 25

Wolfe: Wolfe will try to climb up to parlay with them.

Dr Catriona: "Mister wolfe, be careful!"

Wolfe climbs up atop one of the cages.

Dr Catriona: "They are starving, they won't listen to reason."

Wolfe: Wolfe gets up in the rafters with some huffing effort.

Dr Catriona: "Maybe throw them some food?"

Zimran Ibanez: "Fire would be a quicker death than starvation"

Wolfe: "HEY!" He yells down at them, trying to get them to heed him and hoping some of them can communicate.

Dr Catriona: She shakes her head.

Dungeon Lord: 18


Dungeon Lord: Two of the werewolves jump up at Wolfe.

Wolfe: Wolfe ignores them for now.

Dr Catriona: "This is going to be not ideal."

Wolfe: "HEY." He points down at her.

Dr Catriona: "Do lycanthropes like goodberries?" she asks no one in particular.

Dungeon Lord: She watches Wolfe, but doesn't seem interested in conversing.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra shrugs.

Wolfe: Wolfe climbs back down.

Dr Catriona: "I am only looking for solutions."

Wolfe: He grabs the knocked out Werewolf and throws him into an iron cage.
He then closes it and locks it with the chain he has in his pack.
"Let's go."

Dr Catriona: "Umm... so should I give them some goodberries then?"

Wolfe: "Sure."

Dr Catriona: "Are we just leaving them?"

Wolfe: "That may help."
"Throw them over the wall."
"For now we are."

Dr Catriona: She chucks good berries in random directions over the wall to mitigate frenzies as humanely as she can.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc turns to Westra then, his eyes furiously focused on the Paladin. "I am going Northwest to try and save these people. If you want to head to Luskan, go ahead. But I'm not abandoning these people to this fate."
He then leaves the barn behind, heading outside.
It is very clear Wolfe is agitated, on the brink of fury.

Dr Catriona: 7 goodberries over the wall... each sustains a creature for 1 day so hopefully, they dont go nuts trying to eat more.

Dungeon Lord: The beasts continue to slam into the door, nothing to seems to change as the doctor throws berries.

Zimran Ibanez: "I say we burn it down, let these poor folk meet their god of choice, and we can warn the harpers of a bigger threat once we get to Luskan"

Dr Catriona: Gizmo perches on Cat's shoulder and she walks out, obviously conflicted on how all this went down.

Zimran Ibanez: ((He says after Wolfe leaves))

Westra Goldbrook: "If there's a chance we can save them, I'll not see them burned alive," Westra says to Zimran, with a tone of finality.

Euron Sand: Euron follows Wolfe. "Wolfe, there are tracks on the side of the barn that lead to the Northeast. Over here,"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs and follows the others out

Euron Sand: "I can show you where they are." Euron said.

Wolfe: "The trail I picked up leads Northwest."
"We should go that way."

Dr Catriona: "This is not the kind of lycanthrope adventure I assumed it would be."

Zimran Ibanez: The bard shrugs, "So we're going deeper into the forest?"

Wolfe: Wolfe growls at Cat's comment.
"Sorry you're fucking disappointed."

Euron Sand: "I think we should go Northeast. That's where the tracks lead. Did you find other tracks?"

Dr Catriona: "I am not disappointed. I am disturbed."

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs, looking toward the trail Euron found, then up toward the Northwest.
He seems to struggle with the decision here.
"Not tracks. A scent."

Westra Goldbrook: "The scent of the fleeing girl?"

Wolfe: The Half-Orc frowns, looking down at his hands. One touches the pendant at his throat and runs his thumb over the edges of it.
"I'm going Northwest." He then starts heading that direction, following the scent he picked up.

Dr Catriona: "I am.. um.. unclear as to what the next steps are. Who are we looking for now?"

Westra Goldbrook: "What are you not telling us?" Westra says, watching the orc

Dr Catriona: "There is certainly um... something missing in this plan..."

Wolfe: "I know someone involved in this."

Dr Catriona: "You...know a mad scientist?"

Euron Sand: "The person behind it? Or someone affected it by it?"

Wolfe: Wolfe stops his path, knowing he needs the carriage. "No. I don't know who's doing this. Or who's behind it."

Zimran Ibanez: "Why am I not surprised," the half-elf says with an eye roll.

Wolfe: "Someone involved. I'm not sure how."
Doctor Wicker is not a fan of mad science!

Wolfe: "Her scent litters the whole house."
"But I can tell she left in that direction." he points to the northwest.
Doctor Wicker does like weird science.

Wolfe: "And I know she'll tell me the truth of this, if she can."
"She wasn't in the room with the plans for the mecha werewolves."

Dr Catriona: "So... we came to look for the captain's brother, and now we are looking for some old friend of yours..."

Euron Sand: "All right. Then we should go Northwest and find this person. We need more information. If this person has it, let's get it."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra does not stop watching Wolfe. When there is a lull, she says, "You think this will solve this matter faster than pursuing the child?" Her tone is neutral, as though sincerely asking instead of challenging his lead.

Zimran Ibanez: "So we're abandoning our job dealing with two cities, chock full of people, to wander around a werewolf infested forest in search of a girl?"

Wolfe: "I don't know. There's too many unknowns, too many things that don't make sense."

Dr Catriona: "I don't know, I feel like this information could have come about... earlier."

Wolfe: "But if I find Sera, we can get some straight answers."
"Something more is going on here than simple Lycanthropy shit. Someone's behind forcing the mechawolves and undead werewolves."

Dr Catriona: She sighs and crosses her arms, feeling somewhat in the dark about things. "To the Rex then?"

Wolfe: "Someone's driven them insane and done crazy garbage."

Dr Catriona: "A mad scientist."

Dungeon Lord: On queue a wolf howls in the distance.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra paused. Looked from Wolfe to Zimran. To Euron. To Cat. Then back to Wolfe.
"Luskan needs help, but not as immediately as the men in that barn. If we have the means to save them, we must try. And if Wolfe's instincts are telling him to go Northwest then... he's given us no reason to argue, thus far."
"Let us find this Sera."

Dr Catriona: Cat is startled.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks up at the wolf howl, his eyes narrowing.

Zimran Ibanez: "Then maybe I need to ask for one of the horses. This feels like a fool's errand to me."

Dungeon Lord: The howl came from the Northwest.

Westra Goldbrook: "You don't think the Harpers would have you stay and uncover what is going on with these men-turned-werewolves turned-machines?"

Wolfe: Wolfe nods toward that direction. "Sounds about right. Should get to the Rex and head toward it." He ignores Zimran's comment.

Zimran Ibanez: "I can head to Luskan, warn the Harpers of Sunderwood, then keep my ear to the ground in the city. Should you all not return in a weeks time I'll assume the worst and inform Lord Never(something) of your fate."

Dr Catriona: "That would assume you would make it out of this plagued wood unscathed."

Euron Sand: "And a single traveler is at greater risk than a party."

Zimran Ibanez: "I can make due"

Dr Catriona: "I figure we are well committed already, best to see it through than come away without anything done."
"Wolves pick off stragglers."
"Or so I have read."

Zimran Ibanez: "We haven't done much but wander into the homes of monsters and killed them for it. Leave them be and head back to civilization"

Wolfe: Making his way toward the Rex, Wolfe mounts up in the driver's seat.
"Luskan ain't civilization, it's a pirate's town."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra moves towards Zimran and addresses him directly.
"Stay. We need your help, and you are safer with us. When this is over you will have epic songs to write, and the gratitude of Neverwinter."

Zimran Ibanez: "If you're driving the wagon may I take your horse? I'll pay for her. 50 gold sound fair?"

Wolfe: "And there's no reason to be up there when we have some crazy cunt out here making evil monsters that have killed or turned soldiers of the Fist."
"Fine with me." Wolfe gestures to the spare horse.

Westra Goldbrook:
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Dr Catriona: ((Promise of Copulation bonus adds +10 to check))

Zimran Ibanez:

Dr Catriona: Stowing her staff in the back of the Rex she, looks around once more... kind of happy to leave this awful area.

Zimran Ibanez: "I'm sorry Westra, but this doesn't strike me as bravery. We are wandering The Lurkwood. I sing songs about NOT wandering The Lurkwood for a living"

Dr Catriona: "But..anyone can do that."

Wolfe: "What do you expect from the guy that hides in the carriage while we get ambushed by a bunch of Werewolves?"

Dr Catriona: " ♫ I donnn't... wander the Lurkwoood... there are lycanthropes and ornery corp-ses...♪"

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs at Cat's singing.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra lifts her chin, then nods.
"It is Captain Goldbrook. Good luck."



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2018, 02:03:30 PM »
Session 31

Lyla:   Lyla grumbled as she trotted along the old game path leading to her real home, though she remained in were form, she walked upright with a slow pace. She hadn't planned to go home yet, stupid people ruining all her fun. Who were they anyways? A bunch of weirdos. That one in the back smelled of cheese and beef. The orc had smelled…like 'her'. She would have to tell him of this detail, Lyla was certain he would find it interesting. He found EVERYTHING interesting.
Wolves howled to the Northwest and she quickened her pace away from the sound. Those were different howls, other howls. She fell back to all fours, the small werewolf increased her pace again and continued. Why had they come out here? What were they doing in these parts? They seemed quite the odd bunch. She would find out, and she would make them pay for killing her friends. At least she still had Tibbers.
The Watch finds themselves on the outskirts of the old house watching Zimran ride away on Wolfe's horse.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra watches Zimran ride away on a GOLDBROOK FAMILY MOUNT and then turns to the others with a resigned expression.
"Onward, then," she says, with a nod to wolfe.

Dungeon Lord: The moon is high as the party ventures away from the house. The rex makes it slow going through the thick wooded areas and the carriage often has to loop around areas while Wolfe follows the scent deeper into the woods.

Dr Catriona: After giving Zimran some of the documents they found in the lab so that he could give to the Harpers, she organizes the ones she keeps and gets into the back of the Rex, as it seems likely that Westra might want to ride shotgun.

Wolfe: Wolfe, a little more determined now, continues on the path northwest while the Rex follows behind.

Dungeon Lord: The evening moves slowly, but quietly with only the occasional howl in the distance. Westra does scare off a giant badger that seemed interested in the food stores on the Rex. Wolfe's determination allows him to continue following the scent though as morning comes the group begins to get weary.

Wolfe: Wolfe will take a deep breath as they crest a small hill, worn from traveling on foot all night. They hadn't gotten attacked again, which was good. But he was bone-tired. "We should probably make camp for a bit. Better to do it during the day."

GIZMO-3 is not weary.

Euron Sand: "Yes, we need to rest. Our effectiveness diminishes without proper self-care."

Wolfe: Grunting as he arches his back to make it pop, Wolfe lets out a groan. "Listen... to the padre.."

Westra Goldbrook: Driven by purpose, Westra is reluctant to stop. However, Wolfe's complaint reminds her that she's primarily been riding all night, while he's been progressing on foot. She pauses a moment to consider how necessary it is for him to continue leading the way, and then nods with an unhappy sigh.
"Very well." She pulls the REX to a halt and dismounts, tapping the door to signal those inside that they're breaking.

L.E.R.O.Y.:  "Does the antiquated method of transportation require repairs, Mistress?" He pokes his head out from one of the windows.

Wolfe: "He called your truck old." He laughs a little toward Doc.

Dr Catriona: "I will give it a look before we leave. For now, its Sentry mode for you." she says, removing her glasses and rubbing her eyes and bridge of her nose.
"It is advanced in age..."

Westra Goldbrook: "Let us set camp. I will take first watch."

Wolfe: Wolfe draws out his bedroll, finds a cozy spot of grass beneath a tree and then pulls off his chainmail. He sets it down beside him with a groan of appreciation -- much like someone would get for kicking off their shoes or taking off their shirt from a long day of work, and lays down on the bedroll.

L.E.R.O.Y.:  "Very well, Doctor." He converts into mobile alarm unit.
GIZMO-3: The ocular apertures of the clockwork owl dilate wide and it goes to provide watch, too.

L.E.R.O.Y.:  61

GIZMO-3 has a passive perception of 18.
Gavin: Euron got out of the Rex and unlaced the straps of his armor. Cland in a tunic and breeches, he sought a place to lie down and relax.
GIZMO-3: (( 50 GP sounds above market price tho ))

Dungeon Lord: The morning passes without incident. As Westra settles down to nap and Wolfe brushes the sleep from his eyes he is confronted with the tip of a spear pointed as his neck.

Wolfe: Wolfe opens his eyes slowly and looks up.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: "Get up." The man draped in grey Wolf furs and wearing a headress of the same beast whispers as eight others appear around the group.

Wolfe: Slowly Wolfe gets to his feet as directed.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: About then Gizmo probably goes off.

Dr Catriona: ((its never worked lol))

Wolfe: "Fuckin' worthless bucket of metal." Wolfe grumbles.
GIZMO-3: GIZMO makes shrill sounds to alert all and flies around.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: Spears are similarly pointed at the other group members as they are roused, one throws a rock at Gizmo but misses. "You trespass in land that does not belong to you."

Dr Catriona: Cat is sleepin inside the Rex.

Wolfe: "Yeah, uh, sorry about that."

Dr Catriona: But is awakened by GIZMO sounds.

Wolfe: "We're just trying to track down some Mecha-Werewolves."

Westra Goldbrook: Westa growls as she climbs to her feet.

Wolfe: "And non-mecha Werewolves."

Westra Goldbrook: But for the moment, she lets Wolf address his people.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: He eyes Wolfe and pokes the tip of his spear against his skin. "You are hunting werewolves?"

Wolfe: Wolfe grunts. "Just the ones that are ranging far south from here in the woods."

Gray Wolf Barbarian: This visibly agitates them all.

Wolfe: "Ones that do not transform back when they are knocked unconscious."

Euron Sand: "The ones harming these people."

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over at Euron for a moment with a blank look, then back toward the guy with a spear in his chest.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: He pulls his spear back a bit. "What people?" He looks to Euron.

Westra Goldbrook: "Citizens in the nearby villages," Westra chimes in. "A group of soldiers was sent to help the civilians near here, and they seem to have been captured and transformed against their will."

Gray Wolf Barbarian: Another Warrior standing near Wolfe begins to sniff in his general direction.

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't react to the man's sniffing.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: "If the weak do not wish to get killed, they should not encroach into dangerous territory. People of nearby villages take what is not theirs." He eyes each of the group again as he scowls.
"How many of these transformed werewolves have you killed?"

Wolfe: "Five or six."
"Maybe more, I stop keeping count."

Gray Wolf Barbarian: That gets Wolfe a couple snickers from the peanut gallery.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over the men and sniffs at the air.
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Gray Wolf Barbarian: "Silence!" The one in the headdress yells with a scowl.

Wolfe: Wolfe nods slightly to himself and then returns to his neutral stance.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: "You have trespassed and will brought before Victor for your judgement."

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs softly. "Alright."

Euron Sand: "Victor, who?"

Gray Wolf Barbarian: "Victor Banesblood, third of his name. King of Lurkwood, Drinker of Blood, Slayer of the Beasts of Yosithar," He says before turning to the others. "Take their weapons, especially that one." He points to Wolfe's Katana.

Wolfe: "Hey hey, now."
Wolfe puts a solid hold on his hilt.
"I give you my word that I will not unsheath this blade unless in honorable combat."

Gray Wolf Barbarian: "I can smell the silver from here." He looks to Wolfe and considers.


Westra Goldbrook: "Enough," Westra says, through gritted teeth.

Dr Catriona: "Doesn't this leader want to know that someone is experimenting on lycanthropes?" says Catriona from the window of the carriage.
"We should be working together."

Westra Goldbrook: "We have come here looking to stop some creatures from harming innocents. We are not here to harm you, or take anything from your land. Our work may in fact help you, as the person we are after has been experimenting on people in these parts. We are not surrendering our weapons. We are not giving ourselves to your custody. We are here to do a job. Stand. Aside."
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Gray Wolf Barbarian: He seems to take pause with Westra. "I feel no deceit on your part so I will allow you to keep your weapons, but you are coming with us."

Wolfe: "Seems fair to me."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra purses her lips and looks unhappily at Wolfe. THen back to the furry. "Quickly, then. The longer we stay here, the more harm is done elsewhere."

Dr Catriona: "What about the transportation?" she asks, gathering some things in her satchel.

Euron Sand: Euron doesn't look happy about any of this, but he remains quiet. He does keep an eye on everyone's position.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: "Follow me." He turns towards the Northwest and the other warriors fall in line around the group. He turns back to the Doctor as she asks. "You shall walk, that beast of a transport you have there wouldn't have made it much farther into the forest either way."

Dr Catriona: "LEROY, watch the REX. Thanks." she says, stepping out of it, squinting at the brightness of the day.

L.E.R.O.Y.:  "Yes Mistress! Enjoy your trek with the hostiles! I shall wish for your speedy return, with all your bowels in tact." He waves to her.

Dr Catriona: "...uh... okay. Thanks." she says before joining the others.

Wolfe: "Hey Leroy, work on your alarm program so that it's actually worth a shit next time."
Wolfe then grabs his gear and follows after the Barbarians.

Euron Sand: Euron grabs his gear, strapping on his armor, and then follows the group.

L.E.R.O.Y.:  "Thank you for your feedback comments, they have been submitted to the creator via wireless link."

Gray Wolf Barbarian: As promised the trees do grow closer together, the thick canopy blotting out most of the radiant sun as you move further into the woods. Some of the barbarians shift in and out of the bushes, but remain around the group as tight as is possible within the confines of the various trunks and bushes. Even those with good directional instincts quickly find it difficult to tell what direction they are traveling.

Wolfe: Wolfe seems stoic and calm about their journey. His fingers flex around the hilt of his reforged blade, but he has no other signs of nervousness.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra mad.
...but she marches along with the others in watchful silence.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: After several hours of unpleasant hiking some kind of structural stone pieces begin to litter the area.

Dr Catriona: "I am assuming someone named Banesblood isn't very.. uh.. cordial.."

Wolfe: "Probably not."

Gray Wolf Barbarian: You are quickly escorted by the men to the ruins of what appears to be a temple. The weathered and foliage overgrown hides a large portion of the structure as you are escorted inside. Large statues of dragons are placed at intervals of the structure and within the halls are as you lead deeper inside. A few of the men remain at the entrance but most escort you down into the bowels of the ruins, the smell of stale air and burning torches fills your nostrils in the confined hallways. You are forced to move two people at a time as the halls narrow before you come to a pair of reinforced wooden doors.

Westra Goldbrook:
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Gray Wolf Barbarian: The leader of the group pushes one door open and walks inside while the others wait for the group to enter.

Dr Catriona: Catriona sneezes.
And it sounds adorable

Westra Goldbrook: Westra narrows her eyes and studies what she can see of the statues and other details along the way, trying to understand anything she can about who these strange people are.

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe is able to identify the dragons as being Silver dragons. Westra's recollection of studying elvish lore leads her to recall the way the statues are placed and the structure itself may have been a religious location.

Wolfe: "Well..."
"The good news is that they're good dragons, and not evil dragons."

Victor: "Rageclaw. Why are you back already?" An elegant voice bellows from inside the doorway.

Dr Catriona: "These names sound so aggressive..."

Wolfe: "Werewolves aren't exactly Paladins of Lathander, Doc."

Victor: A man standing nearly seven feet tall stands in front of a table littered with documents. He wears elegant golden armor, a two handed great sword nearly as tall rests across his back, its golden hilt lined with an assortment of gemstones. "Oh? What have you brought me?"

Wolfe: Wolfe quiets down as he looks around the room, sniffing at the air while 'Rageclaw' will speak his piece.

Victor: The man wearing the headress continues to whisper to Victor. Who nods and gives the group a smile with teeth that seem abnormally large even for his giant head.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks about the room as they enter, though her focus is quickly stolen by the very tall man in its center.

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow as he looks at Victor and his smile.

Victor: "So you have come for the festivities tonight? I understand you are werewolf slayers from down south." He spreads his arms before providing a slight bow.

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts a finger up.
"Mecha werewolf slayers.":
He says in a correcting tone.

Euron Sand:
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Victor: "I am Victor Banesblood, Lord of the Gray Wolf tribe and all of Lurkwood."

Dr Catriona: "Good tidings and uh... well met. Do you know about the strange activities happening within your domain?"

Wolfe: "Most people call me Wolfe." He says in introduction.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra takes a headcount while the others talk. Eight to four, not counting the seven-foot leader. She prays silently, convinced already that they will not leave this place without testing their lives.

Victor: "I know of all activities happening in my domain Child. Why have you so brazenly trespassed against our tribe?"

Dr Catriona: "There is rogue experimentation and necromancy..."

Wolfe: "Do you know about cultists who have been driven insane and gibber about collecting names? Or about werewolves transformed into half metal monstrosities?"
"What about Werewolves that don't revert to a man's shape when they're knocked unconscious? Or killed?"

Victor: He looks at Wolfe, who speaks a bit clearer, his eyes narrowing as he addresses the entire group. "Who are you?"

Wolfe: "One among you knows who I am."
"I came here to find Sera and the truth."

Victor: "You are not some village idiots wandering...." He clears his throat. One of the men behind Wolfe lets out an audible growl.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra turns her head and stares at the growler.

Victor: He sniffs in Wolfe's general direction. "The prodigal father...." He starts laughing a deep mirth filled laugh.

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at Victor, waiting for him to get over thinking himself so funny.

Dr Catriona: Catriona is for once not surprised.

Westra Goldbrook: Victor's laughter and comment draw Westra's eye, though her attention then slides to Wolfe.

Euron Sand: Euron keeps his eyes on the beast-men near him. He doesn't look away or act intimidated.Victor's words about Wolfe earn narrowed eyes from the priest, but he says nothing and waits to see if the man will explain himself.

Victor: "A father unable to teach his daughter what she is. Help her embrace it, to understand it."

Dr Catriona: "More common than you think.. uh.. sir."

Victor: "Such a tragedy, my poor fellow. Sera is not here, she was too weak to embrace her true heritage. She still fights to be the weak mortal shell that houses her true power."

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Westra:▓▒░ « Hi Captain. It's me, Catriona Wicker. Would you mind performing your scan of undead? Sorry if this voice in your head is weird. »

Wolfe: "Where is she, then?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra arches a brow at Cat
But then focuses her senses and checks for undead in the area.

Euron Sand: Euron looks from Victor to Wolfe and back. Wolfe's desire to find Sera made sense. He could only imagine Zimran's reaction to this news, given his dislike of Wolfe.

Victor: "She came here, babbling something about some idiot that would cure her." He laughed again, though in a mocking tone. "Such a thing is not possible save the gods themselves, and even it were, you cannot remove the beast born within you without losing that which you are."

Wolfe: Wolfe nods slowly. "So it's said."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks back at Catriona and shakes her head subtly.

Wolfe: "But that's not what I asked you."

Dr Catriona: "May I show you something? All these words... probably better to show, not tell..."
She directs that towards Victor, though her perpetual timidity colors her words.

Euron Sand: "The gods are capable of much, Mr. Banesblood. Perhaps it's best not to speak of them with our limited perceptions."

Victor: "So, four of you marched up here to save your little girl?" He sat down on the desk clearly amused with this entire discussion. "Rageclaw, wine."

Wolfe: "No."
"We came up here to stop the attacks south of Lurkwood, and to put down the Undead and Metal werewolves." He nods towards Cat. "There's some paperwork she can share with you."

Victor: "I know much of gods holy man." He looks to Cat and gives her a toothy grin. "Please by all means come closer and show me my dear."

Dr Catriona: "I have more than paperwork."
She steps forward, closer to Victor and sets not only the schematics with the mecha werewolves on the table, but a the piece of metal claw and such she removed from it.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: Rageclaw returned with a large goblet of wine which Victor promptly chugged half of.

Dr Catriona: "And if you will allow me, I can fabricate an insubstantial facsimile of what it looked like. I.. I guess you would call it a localized illusion."

Victor: He seems let down as he looks at them. "You show me nothing I do not already know."

Dr Catriona: "Oh.. "
"Isn't um.. aren't ...such things anathema to your people?"

Victor: "I was only then learning of their attacks on our people when she arrived. Unfortunately, I found out too late Sera knew the identity of the of the person creating these beasts. I believe she may even be assisting him." He sighed and took a quick sip. "Give me five minutes with her now and I'll get his location out of her."

Dr Catriona: Catriona begins rolling up the parchment and other items then. "What.. is the purpose of such activity?"

Wolfe: Wolfe listens to what's said but doesn't interject for now. He's looking over the other barbarians, trying to gauge their feelings at the moment.

Victor: He nodded to Cat. "We will find her, and her sorcerer and gut them both. After they have been stopped, we will destroy the remaining beasts."


Dr Catriona: "Why not let us do it? We have some experience with the weird...."

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed. Keeping us here only delays this sorcerer being found."

Dr Catriona: "It may be a mad scientist and necromancer. Not something one runs into typically."

Victor: He finishes his wine. "It does not matter, we have existed for thousands of years because we are the most power tribe of barbarians on all of Faerun. Blessed by the gods. We will prevail."

Wolfe: "Your men are afraid." Wolfe says as he turns his face toward Victor. "Maybe because while you drink wine, they are being sent to their deaths -- or to be transformed into experiments."

Dr Catriona: "I.. uh.. don't know if you have heard..."
"But there is a realmwide cataclysm underway."

Victor: "And the matter of your trespass ..."

Wolfe: "You are not strong. You're a coward."

Dr Catriona: "Unlike anything that has come in millennia."

Westra Goldbrook: Westa grits her teeth.

Victor: A quick scowl forms on his lips before returning to a smile as he sets the goblet down.

Wolfe: "You speak about strength while you sit and your people perish or are tortured."
Wolfe looks out of the corner of his eye to see how this is resounding with the troops.

Victor: "Are you challenging me? Halfbreed." His voice is calm, but his eyes belie his rage.
All of the men take a step back.

Wolfe: Wolfe reaches his hand up slowly toward his neck. "Unlike my daughter, I know the beast inside. What it is, and what it means. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives."

Victor: "Unpure filth."

Wolfe: He unclasps the pendant and lowers his hand.
"I do challenge you. Warriors should not be lead by a coward."

Dr Catriona: "This has escalated far uh.. beyond my projections."

Westra Goldbrook: "Have you even been outside of your temple to see what is being done to your people?" Westra asks, eyes narrowing. "Have you seen with your own eyes how metal and machine have been fused to their bodies? How their minds have been fractured and they can do nothing but babble nonsense? Have your men seen it? Do they know the fates to which you condemn them while you sit here, ordering them about?"

Victor: Victor stands and pulls his sword from his back.

Wolfe: Wolfe draws his katana, lightning fast into his hands. A snarl, more bestial than man, rolls from his chest.

Dr Catriona: ""

Euron Sand: Euron draws back, closer to the table, attempting to get a look at the map. He doesn't want to be in the arc of either man's weapons or claws...

Dr Catriona: "Oh this is matter excludes all but the involved parties."
She says, like an anthropologist.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: The soldiers move the three remaining non-barbarians away from the central area. And all back away.
Euron is able to see the map is a detailed map of Lurkwood with some wooden figures on it that don't seem to represent anything he can tell.

Victor: Victor turns black as he begins to grow two more feed, his mouth extends into a snout and his fingers growl into claws.

Westra Goldbrook:
23   17
Westra watches with a hawklike intensity. She prays quietly to Helm for a favorable outcome... while surreptitiously applying the magic granted by the Watcher to aid Wolfe.
Shield of Faith
abjuration 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 ft
Components: V, S, M (A small parchment with a bit of holy text written on it)
Duration: Concentration Up to 10 minutes
A shimmering field appears and surrounds a creature of your choice within range, granting it a +2 bonus to AC for the duration.

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow, but he holds his weapon in hand and solidly. "Come on then, show me some of your fuckin' divinity."

Victor: He lets out a howl and with lighting speed moves in.
Hilt Strike
Attack: 13 | 23
DC 15 Con save or be knocked prone.
Attack: 19 | 14
Attack: 28 | 12
Damage: 10slashing
Damage: 8slashing

Wolfe: Wolfe becomes one his blade. While Victor lands some hits, his eyes blaze with deadly focus.
Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   
20   27
Shokan (+9)
29   13
Shokan (+9)
17 + 26
Orcish Fury Crit Damage
21   28
Shokan (+9)

22   29
Shokan (+9)
17 + 28

Dr Catriona: "YES!!!! MISTER WOLFE!" yells Cat, super out of character... then she catches herself and looks embarrassed.

Victor: Victor gets the shit kicked out of him, but does not fall. He growls as blood flows from several deep cuts.

Wolfe: Moving like the wind, Wolfe unleashes a roar. His teeth and hands shift into something more animistic as claws sprout out of his gloves. He lets out a loud "HASAKIIIIIII!!!" as he carves through Victor like a hot knife through butter.

Victor: Some of the guards seem to murmur between each other.
Hilt Strike
Attack: 17 | 29
DC 15 Con save or be knocked prone.
Attack: 29 | 12
Attack: 16 | 25
Damage: 13 + 9slashing

Wolfe: 17

Westra Goldbrook: Westra continues to watch intently. Though her satisfaction at Wolfe's first barrage of strikes is much quieter than Cat's, she quietly makes a note to not talk shit about Wolfe's daughter.

28   10
Shokan (+9)
18   13
Shokan (+9)

Victor: Victor manages to block the second attack through loud gasps of breath. "This. Is. Impossible."

Euron Sand:
Higher Level Cast
Cure Wounds

Westra Goldbrook: Westra glances to the priest behind her, gives him a look, and then positions herself to help cover the wolf peoples' line of sight on him

Dr Catriona: Catriona will Help Action to help Euron

Euron Sand:
12   4
Higher Level Cast
60 ft
Healing Word

Wolfe: Wolfe slashes down heavily at Victor, an onslaught that is hard to ignore. "Not impossible." The Half-Orc snarls. "Inevitable."

Gray Wolf Barbarian: "What?! THEY DO NOT FIGHT WITH HONOR!" A gray wolf near Euron shouts before smacking him his hilt.

Euron Sand: "Apologies. Helm made me do it."

Gray Wolf Barbarian:
Spear (Humanoid Form Only)
Attack: 24 | 19
Damage: 8piercing

Victor: He looks to the priest. "Seize them! They have no honor!" He takes a step away from Wolfe and the half-orc can see relief flood into werewolf's eyes.

Westra Goldbrook: "See him flee."

Wolfe: "STAY OUT OF IT!" he yells toward the others as he feels rejuvenated from the magic.
He turns his bloodied blade toward Victor. "Come on, runt."
"I'll give you a free one to even it up."

Euron Sand: Euron is assaulted, earning growl of pain. "Your master has no honor. He hides rather than help his people. And those who follow a man with no honor are damned just the same!"

Westra Goldbrook: "One man's prayer for the wounded, and your self-declared god looks for reason to escape."

Wolfe: "Unless you're too much of a coward to take me on."
21   16

Victor: "I thought for a moment you might die with honor. I suppose just dying will have to do."

Wolfe: "The only one dying, runt." Wolfe sneers. "Is the pup in front of me."

Victor: He nods to the side of Wolfe and Rageclaw looks to his leader.

Wolfe: 15

Hilt Strike
Attack: 26 | 17
DC 15 Con save or be knocked prone.
Damage: 4bludgeoning


Attack: 21 | 10
Attack: 18 | 24
Damage: 8slashing

Wolfe: Wolfe spits to the side as Victor smacks him about the head. "Alright, then."
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
Wolfe drives his sword into the chest of the werewolf chief. He grabs the back of his head and draws him close so that he can whisper into his face.
"Remember this moment, that you were beaten by a half-breed." He whispers with a snarl.
"And know that I can kill you whenever I wish."

Wolfe: He then pulls the blade out and punches him unconscious.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: Rageclaw grits his teeth.

Euron Sand: "And thus, always, to the dishonorable." Euron said to the one who hit him.

Wolfe: Wolfe turns to Rageclaw then.

Dr Catriona: The bosomy doctor bounces in barely contained jubilation and tries to high five the werewolf next to her, by accident.

Gray Wolf Barbarian: "Shut your mouth dishonorable wretch." He raises his weapon again.

Wolfe: "Because they acted to protect me, it would be dishonorable to profit."
"But a pack seeks to protect their own."

Dr Catriona: Then she realizes its a werewolf and puts her hand down, seeing treachery!

Wolfe: "His fate is yours to decide."

Euron Sand: "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."

Gray Wolf Barbarian: He nods to Wolfe. The rest of the men scowl in Euron's direction.

Wolfe: "He's a human, their kind don't know what honor means." He gestures to Rageclaw. "But we do."
He lowers the blade over Victor's head. "Name his fate."

Gray Wolf Barbarian: "The will of the Black Blooded One has already been made known. I cannot challenge that." He again nods to Wolfe. "You are welcome to go search for your Sera."

Wolfe: The Half-Orc nods slowly. He sheaths his blade. "I would appreciate if you could tell me where you last saw her go."
"We are not enemies, Rageclaw. This monster to the south is both of our enemy."



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #35 on: April 30, 2018, 02:08:32 PM »
Session 32

Dungeon Lord: The Watch finds themselves within the hold of the Gray Wolfe Tribe while searching for Sera and the the cause of the mysterious mechanical and magic infused werewolves. After crushing Victor in single? combat, Wolfe finds that the rest of the tribe looks at him with a reverence not before seen.
Rageclaw considered Wolfe a moment, glacing down at Victor who still struggled to collect himself. "Sera came to us looking for protection, though she would not commit to our ways. You cannot remain with the tribe if you are not of the tribe." His eyes wandered to the other members of the watch as a moment of silence passed between the two. The older man's eyes found their way back to the half orc before he continued. "After she heard about a 'cure' from some fool scientist, she wandered south to some village where he was performing experiments. That is all I can tell you."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra watched the goings-on in grim-faced silence. She thought it unwise to leave the defeated creature alive, but was at least aware enough of the environment to understand that there may be no alternative, at the moment.

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns and nods slowly. "Understandable. To be part of a people you have to accept who they are -- and make it part of you. What do you know of this scientist?"

Westra Goldbrook: The news about this "Sera" was frustrating, and it likely showed on her face. To her mind, this was nothing the party hadn't already figured out on their own.

Dr Catriona: "Mad scientist. A proper one would not be so abhorrent." she corrects as she keeps hearing the term without that modifier.

Dungeon Lord: "Nothing. She seemed especially reserved about speaking of him, perhaps it was caution, but my nose tells me it was fear."
He gave the doctor a quick scowl before looking back to Wolfe.

Wolfe: "And the experiments? He's taken some of your people and turned them into mecha monsters, is that right?"

Dungeon Lord: He shook his head in the negative with a slight laugh. "The creatures he has at his command are weak, they could never take us. The beasts he creates are unnatural abominations, made from....them." He motions towards Euron and Westra.

Wolfe: "So they are humans he turns into machine lycanthropes?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra narrowed her eyes. "You have seen him and the people he turns?"

Dungeon Lord: "I have heard rumons of dwarves from the mithril hall as well."
"No, but I know the smell of the beasts. They are not pure."

Wolfe: "There has to be at least one of them who is actually a werewolf to pass on.." He almost said the curse but he went with another way of phrasing it, as he was aware of his audience, "..lycanthropy."

Dungeon Lord: He considers for a moment at Westra as he answered Wolfe. "The scent of even the black blooded one feels tainted, I do not believe it is of Him. We have one, we can show you."

Wolfe: Wolfe nods slowly. "Please. We wish to put a stop to him. Any information you can give would be of help."

Westra Goldbrook:
15   5

Dungeon Lord: Westra knows the black blooded one is Malar, patron of Weres.
He nodded. "Follow me." He turned back a moment later was he moved to leave. "Bring them." He pointed to the other members of the watch oddly.

Dr Catriona: Catriona crosses her arms and will move before anyone goes touch her.

Dungeon Lord: The warriors escort the group, lead by Rageclaw into a winding tunnel and slowly ascends back towards ground level. After about five minutes, he turns to a set of steps leading sharply down. The man grabs a torch off the wall and descends the twenty steps to an iron door. After unlocking it he ushers the group inside, though several guards remain outside the room.
As your eyes adjust the dim torchlight, several 8x8 cells come into view. The iron bars look ancient, though still strong. A beast, sits in the cage directly across from you, the all too familiar form of a werewolf. It smells the air and snaps its teeth as you look around but does not otherwise react. The fiery orbs of its eyes watch each member in turn.
"Here is the beast, its fur goes aflame when it is enrage."

Dr Catriona: "Pardon?" Wat...

Dungeon Lord: 21

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowned as she drew near to the bars, trying to see what she could of the beast. "I don't understand. The others did not 'go aflame'."

Wolfe: "Looks like our scientist likes to make a whole bunch of weird shit." Wolfe grumbles as he hovers near the entrance.
"You seen him before?" He asks Rageclaw. "What does he look like?"

Dungeon Lord: "He. Catches. On. Fire." He says slowly while shaking his head at Wolfe.
"I have not seen the creature that creates these." He motioned to Wolfe. "They never revert."

Dr Catriona: "Spontaneous Incendiary transformation. Fascinating."

Wolfe: Wolfe gives Rageclaw a nod. "I noticed that. Tried a few out and they never changed."
"So they're not actual lycanthropes. They just look like one and have the same strengths. But they never change and don't seem to be able to control their actual shaoe?"

Dungeon Lord: The wolf pounces at Westra gets closer, the fur on its back glowing orange before it bursts into a bright torrent of fire. He crashes into the bars reaching for the paladin, snapping its jaws.

Dr Catriona: Catriona taps her chin a moment, but then seems to notice something in another cell and walks away from the others.

Dungeon Lord: "They are mad beasts. Uncivilized."

Dr Catriona: She is startled by that... then backs up some and resumes on her previous path.

Wolfe: "Can they change?"

Dungeon Lord: He shrugs, we have never seen any of them change back.

Westra Goldbrook: Westa flinches slightly at the sudden outburst, then scowls as she stands to her full height, watching the beast burn. She turned back to the others, frowning.
"Then we have learned nothing new here. Time is fleeting. If there is no further trail to follow, we must make every effort to warn the people of Sunderwood."
14   16


Dr Catriona: "Mister?" she says to the man with his back to them. "What are you in here for?"

Dungeon Lord: Westra notices through the light of the wolf, a slumped body laying across a cot on the far side of the room.
Cat receives no response.

Westra Goldbrook: "There," she points out, lifting a finger to indicate the form laying across a cot. "That one has reverted has it not?"

Dungeon Lord: "No, that is a guest."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowned, glancing briefly at wolfe before looking back to rageclaw. "What manner of guest?"

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Unresponsive Prisoner:▓▒░ « Mister! Are you alive? »

Antony Goldbrook: Arms flail and the person falls to the ground. "AHHHHH What in the hell?!!" A voice familiar to Westra shouts.

Wolfe: Wolfe will slowly pace down the cells, looking to see if there's anyone or anything of interest in here.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra gasps
She crosses the room in quick strides, and takes hold of the bars of the cell before her. "Can it be?" she whispers. "...Antony?"

Antony Goldbrook: He looks around in confusion, moments later he locks eyes with his sister. "Wessie?"
He stands and moves to the bars. "What in Torm's tits are you doing here?"

Wolfe: "Glad we came up here and wasted our time." Wolfe says over his shoulder as he's inspecting the cells.

Dungeon Lord: "Shut up with the incessant snaping." Rageclaw punches the wolf with a well time strike and knocks it back against the wall. Though it returns in a moment to bit at the group.

Dr Catriona: "Such a familial journey." she remarks to herself.

Westra Goldbrook: "Antony!" Westra repeats, emotion filling her. A grin brighter than daylight splits her face. "I'm here looking for you," she explains. But slowly, she recalls the situation at hand, and the grin bleeds off of her face. "Antony, are you alright?"

Antony Goldbrook: "Oh, hey there lovely." He gives her a wink. "Who's your friend Sis?"

Dr Catriona: Cat beams. "The odds are astronomical, yet here we are." At least something good was being accomplished.

Westra Goldbrook: "This--" she started to introduce, but turned back to rageclaw, her brow creasing. "You must open the cell. This is my brother."

Antony Goldbrook: "You can say that again, its not every lady that gets to lay her eyes on such a fine man."

Wolfe: Wolfe would comment, but he's inspecting...

Dungeon Lord: "If he will control himself." Rageclaw responds.

Dr Catriona: Cat thinks these Flaming Fisters have strange senses of humor.

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe finds no other sentients present.

Westra Goldbrook: "Of course he will. Why is he imprisoned?"

Antony Goldbrook: "Hey fuck you guy. I didn't know you were different. I told you that. Fucking werewolves everywhere." He shook his head and looked to Westra. "These fuckers are all sore because I killed one of -I- knew there were different werewolves."

Wolfe: He then returns to stand with the others. Seeing Westra's whole purpose of going along, he turns to Rageclaw as Westra asks her question. "He probably encroached on their land, as well."

Dungeon Lord: Rageclaw motioned to one of the guards to let him out.
"And he brought this beast and several others on his tails....the fool."

Antony Goldbrook: "Duuuuudddeee! They were killing all of us! I told you! This guy Sis....."

Dr Catriona: "I think that all uh... parties... are subject to a massive miscommunication."

Antony Goldbrook: As he is released the guards leave the room through the door where everyone entered.
The man picks Westra up in a great bear hug. "Wessie saved her big brother!" He mocks.

Westra Goldbrook: When Antony is released, Westra steps forward and embraces him strongly. "Shut up, you wonderful fool," she tells him, without any heat. "I'd though you lost, Antony. I'd thought--" she put her hands on his shoulders and leaned back to look at him more evenly. "Does this mean that you're not--?" she couldn't quite bring herself to say.

Antony Goldbrook: "As if.....they can't bite me. He jukes from side to side in mock dodging. "I got the moves."

Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a long, heavy sigh.

Antony Goldbrook: "Oh, my apologize." He takes Cat's hand and kisses it. "A -real- pleasure to meet you Miss.....?"

Dr Catriona: Catriona basically freezes like a deer at this
"Uh... Wocter Dicker.."

Dungeon Lord: Rageclaw turns to Wolf. "The festivities are about to begin, I shall leave you all to reunite."

Dr Catriona: She shakes her head. "Doctor.. uh Wicker."

Antony Goldbrook: "Doctor? Hey hey." He turns to Westra. "Think father would approve? You know he didn't really care for Emily. Or Sandra. Or Bethany."

Westra Goldbrook: "Anthony, be serious, please," Westra tsked, shaking her head. "Dr. Wicker is well-esteemed as a scientist and a maker. And this is Father Euron Sand, newly of Neverwinter, one of the Watcher's faithful and a most competent cleric."

Dr Catriona: " happening..." she whispers to herself.

Antony Goldbrook: "He looks kinda of like a younger version of that old goat you always go see at the temple. What was his name?" He offers a million dollar smile to Euron. "Well met."

Westra Goldbrook: "And this is Wolfe," she says, turning to the half-orc. "He is.." She struggles a little, but then says, "...he is perhaps the most capable swordsman I have encountered in some time."

Wolfe: Wolfe looks to Westra, an eyebrow raised.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns. "Antony, don't be rude."

Antony Goldbrook: "Ah ha ha! I have battled a few half-orcs in my day. Very fierce fighters. Want to give it a go?"

Westra Goldbrook: "If you are well, we have work yet to do. Are you... do you know what has happened to your men?"

Wolfe: Wolfe turned to Antony then. "No."

Antony Goldbrook: "Ahh cmon, get that stick out of your butt Sis, we aren't in church."

Dr Catriona: "Empirically, that challenge holds little use as Mister Wolfe bested the leader of this entire tribe and you were incarcerated by his staff..."

Westra Goldbrook: "Ahh. You might see if the young goat has some ointment for that wound."

Dr Catriona: "I mean.. if we are to save time is why I mention this... not to be uh... unintentially emasculating I'll stop talking now..."

Wolfe: Wolfe considers them for a moment. "I'll let you two catch up." He says to the Westbrooks then goes up after Rageclaw.

Dr Catriona: "Wait... there is a stick.. in your body?" she asks, looking at Westra in honest surprise.

Antony Goldbrook: "Cmon Babe! They had me like 20 to 1, what am I supposed to do? I mean..I am crazy, but not THAT crazy." He turned to Westra. "This little thing, it is but a scratch." In fact, he does appear unharmed.

Dungeon Lord: He scratched his head as he considered his men. "Aww man...we were escorting some dipshit fancy pants...and then all of a sudden there are like ten werewolves eating everyone. Fucking Charles got his throat ripped out before we knew it, and Francious was disembowled. It was chaos."

Westra Goldbrook: "Escorting?" Westra asked, frowning. "I thought you'd been dispatched here to deal with the--" she glanced aside, making sure the weres had retreated. "--the werewolves," she finished in a whisper. "Who were you escorting?"

Dr Catriona: Catriona ambles over to the cage of the Firewolf(TM) and visually appraises it out of scientific curiosity.

Antony Goldbrook: "There were like five of us left after a couple minutes, backs to a wagon. We managed to kill a couple, but gods they were fast. After Timothy fell we retreated into the woods. I don't know how long we ran, before there were more of them." He let out a sight. "Then they were killing each other. We managed to take a few down before Georn and Hernry fell."

Dungeon Lord: The wolf sits are the far end of the cage, quiet again, though occasionally sniffing at the doctor. From this range it looks like a 'normal' werewolf.

Antony Goldbrook: "Hell if I know...Neverwinter's new boyfriend. It was all some.." finger quotes. "Super secret mission."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra made a confused face. "What are you talking about? You don't know whom you were responsible for transporting? Where were you headed? What happened to your charge?"

Antony Goldbrook: "We picked him up in Mirabar in the middle of the night. Had a whole contingent escorting some dude. He was weird as hell, kept mumbling and talking all scientisty."
"We were supposed to bring him back to Neverwinter. Not even inside the city. We were to bring him a league from the city then send word he had arrived. Boooooorrrrring!"

Westra Goldbrook: "...scientisty?" she repeated, wondering if her brother had been more injured than he let on.

Antony Goldbrook: "You kidding me Wessie, he got wasted in like two seconds after we got attacked."

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Firewolf, The Bow Wow Burninator:▓▒░ « Do you know the name of who did this to you? »

Antony Goldbrook: "Sure...he was talking about walls, and tunnels, and the measurements of castle walls and weird stuff."
"I know me.....if it isn't combat training. Whoop." He motions his hand over his head.

Dr Catriona: The doctor smirks. The removes a glove and holds up a bare fist... which abruptly ignites in azure flame.

Antony Goldbrook: "Think she is into me?" He says to Westra in a hushed tone as he watches the Doc.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra shook her head. "I don't understand," she said, frowning. "But that is neither here nor there. I suppose we should--" She stops as Catriona ignites. "...Doctor? Are you well?"

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with FireWolf:▓▒░ « I think you would find me quite unpleasant on the digestive... »

Westra Goldbrook: She casts a quit-fucking-around glance at Antony

Dr Catriona: The flames light licks against the lenses of her glasses, obscurring her eyes.. but the interruption has her turn to Westra. The fist goes out.

Dungeon Lord: The large double doors on the wall behind Antony shake for a moment, a familiar sound to the two warriors of a door beam being lifted.

Dr Catriona: "Yes, Captain. Just communicating with this specimen."

Westra Goldbrook: "Communicating?" she echoes. "Are you able to hold a conversation with it?" she asked, before her attention darted towards the noise at the rear door.

Dr Catriona: "Not really. It just wants to bite me."
"It may just have had its intelligence shredded to base instincts."

Westra Goldbrook: "That is unfortunate," she sighs.

Antony Goldbrook: "Is this chick crazy? She didn't say anything to it." He whispers.

Westra Goldbrook: "This lady has all manner of unusual and strange methods, but they are typically very effective," she tells Anthony, quietly.

Dr Catriona: Catriona puts her fingers to her temple, Xavier style and prods at the creature's mind with a small battery of cognition tests.
Her hand drops. "It's mind is akin to that of an angry beast, instinct alone."

Dungeon Lord: The doors, creek open, revealing white moonlight. Two werewolves push the massive doors opened. A great number of howls can be heard from from outside the door.

Dr Catriona: "This mad scientist will need to be stopped as such a fate is worse than murder."

Antony Goldbrook: "What in Torm's testicle is going on out there?"

Dr Catriona: "Is this a common main-lander colloquialism? To call upon the nether regions of deities?"

Westra Goldbrook:
12   14

Dungeon Lord: The smell of fresh air fills the room. The group can see a sandy ground with pillars littered about the area, about 100 ft from Antony and Westra, across a small pit five werewolves mill about with weapons in their hand.
"It is time for the ceremony to begin." One of the wolves say before they leap out of sight. The bars on firewolf's car begin to raise into the ceiling.

Dr Catriona: ((Wait are we in the way? lol))

Westra Goldbrook: "We should perhaps return to the ground floor," Westra says, moving back towards the exit.

Dr Catriona: "Yes. Post haste."
((So there is no way out?))

Westra Goldbrook: Westra leads the others to the iron door, only to find it locked. She draws her tiny loaner sword and knocks on the door with a gloved fist.
"Open the door!" she calls.

Dr Catriona: "This is not ideal."

Dungeon Lord: Rageclaw stands, his voice bellowing across the temple, those in the room can hear the familiar voice. "Younglings. Tonight you face your first test! The trial of strength begins, fight, feed, and be victorious, or perish as the weak do not stand with us." Thunderous roars and howls shake the entire arena.
Westra receives no response to the door banging.

Westra Goldbrook: "Out the doors, then, quickly," she says, gesturing to the opened doors.
"We need to get out of its way."

Antony Goldbrook: "Yeah, fuck that fire wolf, I am getting out of here."

Dr Catriona: "What if they mistake us for their challengers?"

Westra Goldbrook: "I have a feeling that was the intention."

Dr Catriona: She says, adjusting her glasses as she briskly jogs behind the Flaming Fisters.

Dungeon Lord: Westra, Antony, Euron, and the Doctor emerge into the floor of a huge arena. The bright full moon glows above and gives the stones a magical hue. Westra and quickly see Wolfe sitting next to Rageclaw as nearly 150 werewolves roar in approval as the group emerges from the doors.

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts his head up and looks over at Rageclaw. "...What!?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Rageclaw!" Westra bellows. "What trickery is this?"

Dungeon Lord: "There are penalties for trespass. You proved your worth, let them do the same." He says calmly to Wolfe.
Westra Goldbrook
Doctor Wicker
Euron Sand

Dr Catriona: "This is not ideal."
She repeats.

Westra Goldbrook: "RAGECLAW! ANSWER ME."

Dungeon Lord: He seems disinterested in speaking to Westra.
One of the wolves across the small pit of water howls and rushes towards the group with zeal.

Wolfe: Wolfe growls over toward the Werewolf. "You set this up!?"

Dr Catriona: Catriona sneezes.

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 13 | 8
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 18 | 26
Damage: 11 + 3slashing
It slashes Antony.

Antony Goldbrook: "You asshole!"

Dr Catriona: "Is this to the death?!"

Westra Goldbrook: "It is now."
Westra summons the Watcher's arm, imbuing her loaned sword with radiant energy while the wolves approach.

Dungeon Lord: "This is our solstice tournament, trespassers are the challengers for our youth to battle." He says to Wolfe. "You have proven your worth, but if you are so concerned with your allies, you are welcome to gauge our younglings yourself."

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Dr Catriona: "This is such a waste of resources... why commit these fighters to this when a greater threat looms?"

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 21 | 24
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 20 | 23
Damage: 18piercing
Damage: 12slashing

Westra Goldbrook: "Because they are beasts who know nothing but destruction," Westra growls, near-shaking with fury.

Dungeon Lord:
22   13

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe looks to Rageclaw, his eyes narrowed at the set up. "Will you question my honor if I stand with them? Five against five?"

Dungeon Lord: Euron gets bitten and scratched by the wolf, he quickly patches himself up.
"No, you are still a trespasser on our lands so the law is clear."
Higher Level Cast
Cure Wounds

It is Wolfe's turn   
Jon Bond

Dungeon Lord: "It looks as if this battle will not last long, please go make them work for their honor."

Dr Catriona: "That Flame-wolf will likely be on its way."

Wolfe: Wolfe grunts and leaps down from his seat.
Wolfe rolls across the ground, coming up perfectly with his shokatana in hand, resting both hands upon the hilt of the blade.
He then moves forward and provides two quick slashes at the wolf assaulting Euron.
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

Dr Catriona: "AH!" she says, startled at Wolfe's sudden action hero entrance.

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 5 | 21

Wolfe: "I know. I know."
"You missed me."

Dungeon Lord: One of the remaing werewolves attempts to jump the pit and disappears from sight with a splash. He claw his way out of the pit a moment later. Furious laughter erupts from the crowd.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra steps forward to meet one of the oncoming wolves with a pair of strikes.

Dr Catriona: "The Fire Wolf is coming." she again says, now to Wolfe... so he knows.

Westra Goldbrook:
Divine Favor
9   15
Silvered Sword (+7)
20   14
Silvered Sword (+7)

Dr Catriona: (Have to move closer)

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(1)= 1

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 25 | 24
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 13 | 9
Damage: 8piercing

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Wolfe: "Ow."
"You shouldn'ta done that, kid."

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 22 | 16

Wolfe: "Now..." Wolfe sneers. "Now you made me mad."

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dungeon Lord: The wolf laughs at Wolfe.

Dr Catriona: Cat runs across the sand and dirt, the particles suspending in air as she makes her way to a position. Gravity wells around her feet and up her body...
And she CLAPS.
Wind Stream
evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 x 5 ft
Target: Each creature in range
Components: M (Mastery of Air)
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a line of focused air that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a STR saving throw DC15, taking 20 bludgeoning damage per psi point spent and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

5 psi points spent, 5 max.
(5 yes)

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 14 | 14
Ability: 9 | 15
Ability: 8 | 7

Dr Catriona: The sand erupts in a halfpipe shape, carving a crevasse from the force.


Dr Catriona:
Focus: Mastery of Fire
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Now focused on Mastery of Light & Fire: While focused on this discipline, you gain resistance to fire damage, and you gain a +2 bonus to rolls for fire damage.

Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action.

Wolfe: "Ho-ly."

Dungeon Lord: Fire Wolf lunges at cat with two claws.
Flaming Claws
Attack: 9 | 9
Flaming Claws
Attack: 24 | 7
Damage: 9Fire

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   

Dr Catriona: Her shoulders slump forward as she is exhausted in the moment, only to have the Fire Dawg!

Antony Goldbrook: "Hooo Wessie! Lets do dis!!!" He pulls his two battle axes off his back.
6   7
Battleaxe (+5)
13   16
Battleaxe (+5)
15   18
Battleaxe (+5)

Antony Goldbrook: He bites into the nearest beast with two swings.

It is Gray Wolf Youth's turn   

Antony Goldbrook: The Wolf bites at Westra and attempts to keep Antony back with its spear.
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 20 | 11
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Spear (Humanoid Form Only)
Attack: 19 | 20
Damage: 16piercing
Damage: 12piercing

Dr Catriona: ((attacking while prone is at disadvantage))

Westra Goldbrook:
9   5

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Antony Goldbrook:
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 21 | 23
Spear (Humanoid Form Only)
Attack: 13 | 22
Damage: 10slashing

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: (Lol humanoid fom)

Antony Goldbrook:
Higher Level Cast
Cure Wounds

It is Wolfe's turn   
Jon Bond

Wolfe: "Good job, Euron! It's alright for you to do it now."
27   19
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe beats the man while he's down like the Half-Orc is part of the LAPD.

Antony Goldbrook:
All creatures within 30 yards must succeed on a DC 15 Charimas Save or become frightened of all werewolves. After succeeding a creature is immune to howl for 1 hour.


Antony Goldbrook:
19   12

Westra Goldbrook:
22   21

Antony Goldbrook:
10   16

Dr Catriona:

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Antony Goldbrook: "Wessie! We....we should get out of here!"
His hands shake as he takes a step back.

Westra Goldbrook:
10   23
Silvered Sword (+7)
14   23
Silvered Sword (+7)
rolling 1d4
(4)= 4

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Antony Goldbrook:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 15 | 20
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 7 | 12

Westra Goldbrook: "Leave if you must," she growls to Antony. "I will stay and see this ended." She then slashes again with her sword, and opens up the throat of the wolf in front of her.

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Wolfe: "Nobody likes a quitter, Tony!" Wolfe yells with a bit of a pitch to his throat. "Your prospective girlfriend is watching!"

Antony Goldbrook:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 18 | 13
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 13 | 15

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona:
Wind Stream
evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 x 5 ft
Target: Each creature in range
Components: M (Mastery of Air)
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a line of focused air that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a STR saving throw DC15, taking 6 bludgeoning damage per psi point spent and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

2 psi points spent, 5 max.

Dungeon Lord: The celebrating dies down a little as Westra kills one of the youths. Some light murmuring fills the area before the cheering continues.
Ability: 7 | 17
Ability: 10 | 10
Ability: 18 | 16

Dr Catriona: She uses one hand this time as she fends off the fire wolf with the staff in the other. Then she vanishes....
(1 made it!)

Antony Goldbrook: "I...uhhh..."He stammers and seems to steady himself, a bit. At Wolfe's goading.


Dr Catriona: (teleporting ..)
Step of a Thousand Paces
transmutation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Target: self
Components: M (Nomadic Step)
Duration: Instantaneous
If you haven't moved yet on your turn, you take a bonus action to teleport up to 20 feet per psi point spent to an unoccupied space you can see, and your speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the turn.
2 psi

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona: (stealth?)
23   12

Antony Goldbrook:
Skill: 23 | 6

Dr Catriona: (lmao)

Antony Goldbrook:
Ability: 18 | 15

Dr Catriona: (I just teleported. no invso)

Antony Goldbrook: The wolf raises his nose and follows the scent of his prey.

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   

Dr Catriona: "AH!"

Antony Goldbrook:
15   10
Battleaxe (+5)
8   19
Battleaxe (+5)
21   7
Battleaxe (+5)

Antony Goldbrook:
Relishing In Battle
On your turn, regain [[1d4] hit points for each attack that hit this round. Max if one of the attacks was a crit. Regain ability after a long or short rest.
Antony slices through one of the prone werewoles.
14   11

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona:

Antony Goldbrook:
Cure Wounds

It is Wolfe's turn   
Jon Bond

12   22
Shokan (+9)

Dr Catriona: (What is that water hazard?)

Wolfe: Wolfe finishes off this Werewolf, unlike Victor. But still being a little cautious, he refocuses some.

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Antony Goldbrook:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 9 | 21
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Spear (Humanoid Form Only)
Attack: 28 | 25
Damage: 8piercing

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra turns and slashes at the wolf behind her.
13   12
Silvered Sword (+7)
11   15
Silvered Sword (+7)

Dungeon Lord: Most of the arena clamor has died down now. Only the sounds of battle can be heard.

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(4)= 4

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 21 | 13
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 15 | 15
Damage: 16piercing
25   16
5 Feet
Lightbringer (+6)

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Animal intelligence, right?" she says, as if to herself... then she warps again.
Then she readies a power as a reaction, Trigger being the wolf jumping across.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona: (rather, when it is running to do so)


Dr Catriona: (Right as he runs to jump.. Darkness
So he misjudges the ledge
illusion 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Components: M (Mastery of Light/Dark)
Duration: Concentration 1 minute
As an action, you create an area of magical darkness, which foils darkvision. Choose a spot you can see within 60 feet of you. Magical darkness radiates from that point in a sphere with a 10-foot radius per psi point spent on this ability. The light produced by spells of 2nd level or less is suppressed in this area.

1 psi points spent, 5 max.
((10 foot circle))

Dungeon Lord: The sound of of splash and sizzling fills the air, followed by a pained howl.

Dr Catriona: She puts a hand to an ear.
"Animal intelligence." she says, confirming to herself.

Dungeon Lord: The dogo appears from the darkness at it scrambles up the embankment between the pits.

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   

Antony Goldbrook: "Wessie! Hit this one!" He points to the Wolfe between them. "Wait.....where is your polearm?!"

Wolfe: "She upgraded."

Antony Goldbrook:
22   14
Feint (+5)
You expend your bonus action to gain advantage on this attack.
7   11
Battleaxe (+5)

Westra Goldbrook: "It isn't silvered," she said, as she swung. "Apparently these beasts feel nothing less."

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Antony Goldbrook:
Cure Wounds

It is Wolfe's turn   

Antony Goldbrook:
6   22


Antony Goldbrook: .

Dr Catriona: (doesnt show up))

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Dr Catriona: (Theres the 8)

Antony Goldbrook:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 21 | 22
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Spear (Humanoid Form Only)
Attack: 23 | 28
Damage: 15piercing
Damage: 10piercing

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Antony Goldbrook: Antony heaps to the assault of the Wolf.

Westra Goldbrook: "Antony!" Westra shouted. She turned her blades to his attacker.
14   14
Silvered Sword (+7)
17   27
Silvered Sword (+7)
10 + 5
rolling 2d4
(1+3)= 4

Dungeon Lord: The crowd roars back to life as Antony falls.

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 14 | 14
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 8 | 16

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona:
Wind Stream
evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 x 5 ft
Target: Each creature in range
Components: M (Mastery of Air)
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a line of focused air that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a STR saving throw DC15, taking 8 bludgeoning damage per psi point spent and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

2 psi points spent, 5 max.

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 8 | 21
Ability: 22 | 11


Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona: (fire damage!)
(Is the fire wolf aligned with the young wolves?)
((why isnt it attacking the prone one wolf if not lol))

Dungeon Lord:
Flaming Howl
Attack: 20 | 8
All targets in a 5 foot line. DC 15 Dex save for half damage.
Damage: 8fire

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 12 | 19

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 17 | 5
The fire resistant doctor absorbs the ambient flame that washes over her, taking 2 damage.

Dungeon Lord: The fire wolf bursts aflame, fire spraying from its mouth and bathing the doctor and two wolfs in fire.

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Cure Wounds

It is Wolfe's turn   


It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((I ad -1! )

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 19 | 12
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Spear (Humanoid Form Only)
Attack: 28 | 24
Damage: 10piercing
Damage: 7piercing

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook:
26   12
Silvered Sword (+7)
14   16
Silvered Sword (+7)
rolling 2d4
(1+2)= 3

It is Grey Wolf Youth's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 8 | 7
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 16 | 26

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: (sorry disconnect borked my sheet, 1 sec)
Wind Stream
evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 x 5 ft
Target: Each creature in range
Components: M (Mastery of Air)
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a line of focused air that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a STR saving throw DC15, taking 4 bludgeoning damage per psi point spent and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

2 psi points spent, 5 max.

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 12 | 17
Ability: 4 | 15


Dungeon Lord:
Flaming Claws
Attack: 17 | 14

Wolfe: "Oh..."

Dungeon Lord:
Flaming Claws
Attack: 14 | 25
Damage: 8Fire

Wolfe: "It's... OW!"

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   
Zimran Ibanez:
16   22
Battleaxe (+5)
22   19
Battleaxe (+5)
25   22
Battleaxe (+5)

Dungeon Lord:
6 + 7

Westra Goldbrook: "YES, ANTONY!" Westra cheers, as her brother all but rises from the dead to demolish the wolf before him

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
23   14
5 Feet
Lightbringer (+6)

Wolfe: "Yeah....." Wolfe exhales out a shudder of quiet fear. "Good job."

It is Wolfe's turn   

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   
Zimran Ibanez: His mind rattled, Anthony awakens to see the flame wolf run past him towards Wolfe. On instinct the fighter jumps up and bring his battleaxe around in three successive swings, hacking away at the hindquarters of the wolf until it falls into flaming pieces.

Westra Goldbrook:
8   10
Silvered Sword (+7)

Antony Goldbrook: His mind rattled, Anthony awakens to see the flame wolf run past him towards Wolfe. On instinct the fighter jumps up and bring his battleaxe around in three successive swings, hacking away at the hindquarters of the wolf until it falls into flaming pieces.

Westra Goldbrook:
18   12
Silvered Sword (+7)

Dungeon Lord: As the last wolf falls, murmurs and grumbling fill the stands as the eyes of over one hundred werewolves glare down at the group.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra turns, emboldened by her brother's return, and slashes into the remaining wolf. "Down with you, beast!"

Dr Catriona: Catriona watches from behind a pillar as blood washes the sand in ropes and fur flies. Nasty business. She looks up at if the audience is enjoying this bloodbath.

Wolfe: Exhaling, the blademaster looks up at Rageclaw. He then wipes off his sword and sheaths it. "Satisfied?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra shakes the blood off of the sword she holds, and turns to glare up at Rageclaw. "Now five of your number are gone. Is THIS WHAT YOU WANTED, CREATURE?"

Dungeon Lord: After several tense moments, the voice of Rageclaw fills the air, a sense of melancholy fills his voice though he speaks with strength. "The Black Blooded one has judged our youth unfit."

Dr Catriona: She pats down her flyaway stray hair as she steps out gingerly back to the others.

Dungeon Lord: The restless horde silently begin to file out of the arena, though sneers and growls can be heard as they file out. Rageclaw descends down to the arena pit with a number of his warriors. "Never have all our youth perished in the Trial of Strength."

Dr Catriona: Careful steps have her avoid stepping on or into any carcases or limbs or bloodpools... but she does go to examine the FireWolf corpse.
A sample must be had.

Antony Goldbrook: "Never have their youth faced a couple of Goldbrooks" Anthony mutters under his breath towards Westra

Wolfe: "Live by the sword, die by the sword." He says without remorse to the leader of the Werewolves. "Any trial to the death carries that risk."

Dr Catriona: She takes a claw and a tooth and a pinch of fur.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra does little but glare at Rageclaw as he approaches. She sneers at his comment about his youth perishing, and turns her head to eye the stands.
"Where is the exit?" she asks, short and direct.

Dungeon Lord: "Indeed." He nods to Wolfe."You are strong, we misjudged you." He seems to speak directly to Wolfe.

Dr Catriona: (You can unfrighten now you know ;p)

Wolfe: "Bear that in mind if Sera ever comes back this way." He looks around the arena. "Where's the way out, Rageclaw? We've got some work to finish."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra steps forward, into Rageclaw's space, bumping into him if he doesn't step back. She stares him down. "Where. Is. The. Exit."

Wolfe: The Half-Orc sighs.

Dungeon Lord: "I invite you to complete the trials, Wolfe. The black blooded one will purge you of your inequities and make you pure. Your friends may attempt them as well, though how the Beastlord will judge them, I cannot say."

Dr Catriona: "On Lantan, we had arenas too. We remote controlled our mechanical gladiators for engineering fellowship opportunities." Of course no one is listening.

Wolfe: "I had the option back home, Rageclaw. Thanks, but no thanks. I walk a different path."

Dungeon Lord: He turns to Westra as she does bump into him. His grey snout forming into toothy smile. "Careful." He points towards a stairway down into the side of the area where werewolves still file out.
"It is a shame, he would provide you with great power to deal with your foes to come."

Dr Catriona: After sealing away the specimens of fire wolf, she pops up and looks around from behind everyone else, wondering if this was over. Her allergies were acting up.

Antony Goldbrook: "Speaking of walking paths... Which path is the way out of these damned woods..."

Wolfe: "Any idea which way the scientist is?"

Dr Catriona: "Mad scientist."

Westra Goldbrook: "You should be careful," she tells him through gritted teeth. But now that he's acknowledged her, she turns and heads for the exit, leaving wolfe to speak with the creature if he wished. Westra was done trying for now.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks to Cat out of the corner of his eye, then gives a slight tilt of his head toward her.

Dungeon Lord: He looked down at the bodies of the fallen and the guards began moving them. "I may have some information, though it seems our time of civility has drawn to a close." He watches Westra leave.

Dr Catriona: Catriona actually finds the broad-brushing of scientists problematic, hence why she keeps correcting everyone.

Wolfe: "It's in the best interests of your people, too, Rageclaw."
"There's no honor in whoever's doing this."
"And the more problems that he brings up here, the more trespassers will come."

Dr Catriona: "Farewell Mister Rageclaw. I find your methods not ideal, but it is not my place to judge a society I do not belong to. I would only recommend you um.. consider resources... in this time of cosmic upheaval. "
She waves and leaves Wolfe to this seemingly personal matter.

Dungeon Lord: "My people can deal with these beasts on their own. Do not presume to know our problems." He snaps. "You have bought only your lives with this contest, do not presume we owe you any more."

Wolfe: "It is not a matter of owe."

Dr Catriona: She scuttles up to catch up to Team Flaming Fisters.

Wolfe: "My daughter is out there." He gestures to the woods. "Just as I am now."
"Tell me where to find her." He lowers his arm. "Please."

Dr Catriona: "If anyone has has a stick in their body, I would say it is that leader." she remarks to the paladins.

Dungeon Lord: He watches the last body of his youth carried from the arena. "Victor will not approve." The wolf rubs his furry chin with a clawed hand.

Wolfe: "Victor's not here right now."

Dr Catriona: "The odds that your missing brother and Mister Wolfe's missing daughter are embroiled in the same plot are at least eight quadrillion to one by even my most conservative estimates."

Dungeon Lord: "Victor is my sovereign nonetheless." He looked to the sky. "There is a problem we cannot handle ourselves, if you would solve this, I believe he would find himself too distracted to care about his lost love."

Dr Catriona: "Serendipitous, nonetheless, in a way. You can see why one might consider the idea of destiny."

Wolfe: Wolfe considers the Werewolf shaman. "What is that?"

Dungeon Lord: His eyes fell on a half destroyed statue of one of the dragons similar to the entrance. "A dragon."

Wolfe: "Uh."
"I assume you want us to fight one?"

Dr Catriona: Having tapped into her gravity powers so much has shifted her personality to one who considers the weight of such crazy circumstances! Not to mention the ups and downs of the last couple of hours.

Dungeon Lord: He moved a little close to Wolfe.

Dr Catriona: She does shut up tho as it seems Westra doesn't want to hear her mess!

Wolfe: "You know..." Wolfe looks over at Rageclaw with skepticism. "You did try to kill us."

Wolfe: "The others aren't going to want to help you."

Dungeon Lord: "Complete the trials or help the tribe. The tribe is all that matters."



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2018, 09:14:59 PM »
Session 33

Westra Goldbrook: Date: The 18th of the Drawing Down, two days before the Winter Solstice.
I must praise the Watcher for His infinite justice. Antony is alive! Not only alive, but seemingly unharmed. I cannot imagine what fate the werewolves had for him, that they kept him imprisoned but unharmed for as long as they did. I can only be thankful for the fact that he has been returned to me whole. That is, however, the only happy news I have to record. Despite the fact that one of our number defeated their leader in single combat, the werewolves forced us into violence against a number of their youths. I find myself thrown from one extreme to the other in how to regard these creatures. Am I to consider them as humans, with wants and desires beyond the base urges of animals? Or am I to regard them as monsters, as I was taught? I have tried to be patient, to open myself to seeing new shades of the colors I have long known, and yet I cannot reconcile a humane view of them with their willingness to celebrate such needless, useless death and misery. Wolfe seems to believe there is some honor, some reason to their methods. I do not see it, and I fear it is only because he is half-beast himself that he does.
As I mentioned before, one of these creatures is apparently Wolfe's daughter. We have no further leads to discover the location of the madman behind the mecha-wolf creatures, but Wolfe is convinced that his daughter will know more. Unfortunately, the only means we have to find her is to ask the local werewolves for information. They have it, but have vowed to not surrender it unless we join their tribe (HA!) or slay a dragon that has been feeding on their people. Needless to say, I have no desire to do either, particularly since it may be a silver dragon to which they are referring. With few other options for ending this madness, however, we have agreed to go and speak to the dragon, in hopes that he can tell us something useful. Perhaps he can be convinced to feed elsewhere for a time, despite how much good I believe him to be doing by thinning the local population of werewolves.

Westra Goldbrook: We shall see.
Into the Watcher's care I commend us.

Dungeon Lord: The group was unmolested for their long rest in the woods, though they were certainly away they were not alone throughout the night.

Wolfe: Wolfe sits at the front of the rex, muttering to himself about the fact that Westra gave away his horse.

Zimran Ibanez: <>

Westra Goldbrook: Westra, as usual, ignores Wolfe's complaining, and climbed into the Rex's seat to take up the reins. "Where did the creatures say this dragon was to be found?"

GIZMO3:  Gizmo stands watch like Drax does, so still he is almost invisible.

Wolfe: "North west."

Westra Goldbrook: Once it's been confirmed that everyone is on or in the wagon, Westra clucks the horses into motion and heads northwest.

Zimran Ibanez: Somewhere, far away Zimran brushes his new horse before getting on with his day of travel.

Antony Goldbrook: Antony remained somewhat quiet, letting his sister take charge of her crew. He smiled approvingly when he takes a seat atop the wagon.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra then remembered something she somehow forgot, and sighed as she spoke. "I fear our chances of reasoning with this dragon may be smaller than we hoped. I saw it last night, near the end of my watch. It was late, and dark, but... I believe it was a white dragon, not a silver one."

Dr Catriona: The uneven ride of the carriage makes Catriona's repairing of her glasses more difficult. She makes a mental note to add shock stabilizers to the Rex once the opportunity presents.

Wolfe: "...What?"
Wolfe's nose crinkled.

Westra Goldbrook: "It flew overhead, towards that mountain's top," she said, gesturing to a nearby mountain to the northwest.

Wolfe: "I could have sworn the statues in the temple were Silver Dragons. Fuck me."

Westra Goldbrook:
14   6


Westra Goldbrook: "That ahd been my hope."
"That had been my hope."

"If it's a White Dragon, it'd make sense. We're in the North. They're evil as a general rule." Wolfe glowers. "They're more bestial than intelligent -- they're like.. the dumb evil dragons."
Wolfe looks to Westra. "Have you ever seen a Dragon?"

Dr Catriona: In the back of the carriage she does doze off and looks pretty silly in her sleep state, much to the amusement to whomever is sitting across from her.

Westra Goldbrook: "Yes. It is my hope now that I was simply mistaken. I just thought it wise to share the possibility."

Dr Catriona: There is likely an impetus to just reach over and close her mouth.

Wolfe: "There's a pretty big gulf between White Dragon and Silver Dragon."

Westra Goldbrook: "Not visually."

Wolfe: Wolfe grumbles something under his breath.
"Well. If it is, we'll just kill it."

Antony Goldbrook: "Oh yeah? Just like that?"

Wolfe: "Yeah."

Antony Goldbrook: Anthony chuckles slightly, scoffing at the half-orc's jest.
"But seriously, we're not going to fight a dragon. Just the 5 of us.

Westra Goldbrook: "We are going to see if it can be reasoned with," Westra clarified.

Euron Sand: "Reasoning with a dragon seems wiser than fighting one. Avoiding a dragon seems wiser still."

Antony Goldbrook: "Don't get me wrong Wolfe. You look like you have a strong arm in a fight, I don't doubt it. And, well Westra's a Goldbrook so it's only a matter of time before she kills one. Not today though.

Wolfe: "Gotta break 'em in sometime, kid."

Dr Catriona: (back)
(uber storm just started blowing rain into my open windows)

Dungeon Lord: After a couple hours the group comes to the edge the mountain. The rocks and grade of the terrain make it far more precarious to continue by wagon. It looks like it might be a long walk to the top.

Antony Goldbrook: "One does not simply walk up to a white dragon and parlay with it," Anthony said pinching his fingers in front of him.

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs as he looks up the path.

Westra Goldbrook: "We should continue on foot," Westra sighed, heavily.

Wolfe: "Gettin too old for this shit."

Westra Goldbrook: She dismounts.

Wolfe: He, also, dismounts, then knocks loudly on the outside of the passenger part of the Rex. "RISE AND SHINE, DOC."

Dr Catriona: You can hear from inside the wagon...

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pulls her gear down from the wagon, waits for the others to ready themselves, and then begins what looks to be a long trek up the mountain.

Dr Catriona: She opens the Rex door, smoothing her typically well brushed hair which had taken an angular shape from where she rested her head.
"I was awake, but you startled me still."

Antony Goldbrook: Anthony follow's his sister's lead, keeping an eye out along the way for signs of the dragon.

Wolfe: "We got a long walk up the side of a mountain."

Euron Sand: Euron will grab his shield and mace, whispering a prayer to Helm, before moving to follow the rest of the group.

Wolfe: "Come on." He gestured gently toward the path.

Westra Goldbrook: "Wolfe. Will you tell me how you came to be separated from your daughter?" she asked, as she hiked.

Dr Catriona: Stepping out properly, she rubs her spectacles against the fabric of her sleeve and puts them on. While everyone is getting their gear, she does take a moment to brush her hair, using a compact mirror because she's OCD like that.

Wolfe: "Hey." He says gently toward Cat, still at her side.
"You're still beautiful. Also. The Dragon ain't gonna care about your hair." He turns to Westra as she spoke during their hike, and he grimaced. "She didn't know she was a Werewolf."

Dr Catriona: Catriona does not look like she knows what to say to all that, somewhat embarrassed obviously.

Wolfe: "I didn't, either, until after it happened."

Dr Catriona: Thankfully, Westra's took the heat off her. Yey!

Westra Goldbrook: "How does one not know that?" she asked, frowning. "Was she not bitten?"

Wolfe: "She wasn't. I was."

Westra Goldbrook: "But then--" Westra stops walking.

Westra Goldbrook: Stares at Wolfe.

Wolfe: "I was bit when I was around, twenty or so in Kara Tur. Fought a giant Werewolf Lord who was threatening the lands of my Shogun. Killed him, but he bit me first. Thought I was going to die. My Shogun, he's an Elf. An old one. He said in return for my loyalty he would save my life." He lifts a hand up and taps the wolf pendant on his throat. "It's the symbol of my Shogun's house. The Wolf."

Euron Sand: Euron blinks at Wolfe's admission. He nods, then, because now things make a lot more sense.

Wolfe: "'As long as you wear this, you will be safe', he said."

Dr Catriona: The bespectacled doctor trails along behind the more confident others, eyes downcast as she listens to this fascinating matter surrounding Wolfe. Werewolves in Kara Tur... Fascinating!

Wolfe: "But I hadn't thought it would go to my daughter. I came home one day and Sera had transformed..." He paused, the words visibly being more difficult for him to speak. "She'd killed her mother. Then she fled. My Shogun said I had a charge, to bring her back to face justice." He gave a slight shrug. "So here I am. But that was five years ago. Probably knows by now I'm not gonna bring her back."

Antony Goldbrook: Antony wrinkles his nose slightly towards Westra as Wolfe starts his tale. As it progresses however the fighter's face softens.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks a bit like Wolfe has succeeded in blowing her mind. She's still watching him with the ghosted expression of someone who can't reconcile what they're learning with what they know.

Euron Sand: "I'm sorry to hear that, Wolfe. I can't imagine what you've been through since then." Euron said.

Wolfe: "A lot of beer, Padre."

Euron Sand: "Do you believe that Sera will listen to reason if we find her? If you speak to her, can you get through to her?"

Westra Goldbrook: Euron's comments seem to bring Westra back to the present, though, and she looks to the priest, then back to the half-orc while they speak.

Wolfe: "Maybe. Maybe not. Been a long five years, for both of us, I'm sure."

Westra Goldbrook: "Did she know what you are before she changed?"

Euron Sand: Euron nods, his expression grim. He did not want this to end in the death of a young woman who had not asked to be what she was. Euron was afraid, however, that it would happen because they would have no other choice.

Wolfe: "No. I don't think so. I didn't really know until after. I had thought the Shogun had cured me. But.." He gave a shrug. "I did a lot of learnin', after."

Dr Catriona: Lips formed a line of grim sentiment at the tragic tale told. She also wondered if this sharing would have the Captain give him some more rope when he acted out of turn in the future.

Wolfe: "S'why I know so much about the Werewolves up here. Come on." He began moving again. "We've got ground to cover, and the dead ain't gonna get up from us talking about 'em."

Dr Catriona: "Does uh.. this mean you still bear the curse?"

Wolfe: "Yep." He says over his shoulder, without stopping.

Westra Goldbrook: "Why can it not be cured?"

Dr Catriona: "Werewolf Lord.. that sounds like perhaps there is a potency factor."

Wolfe: "The Werewolf, Honshū, wasn't one of these limp-dicks like Victor or Rageclaw. He was the real deal. He commanded more than just Werewolves, but other lycanthropes too. He wielded magic and sword in equal measure."

Dr Catriona: "Oh like were-tigers?" Imagery came to mind of certain things she'd read about such creatures.

Wolfe: "Honshū killed most of the other Samurai who had gone to defeat him. Or turned them away from our Shogun. His bite could never be reversed, but with his heart the Shogun was able to give me the pendant -- it's inlaid with his blood to suppress his bite. Yes."

Dr Catriona: Catriona wants to see a were-tiger. But realizes this is not the moment to express that desire aloud.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra began moving again when prompted, though it's clear she still thinking very deeply about all this.

Dungeon Lord: The journey continues for another two hours, the physical exertion coupled with the thinning of the air make the trip difficult. You can see what appears to be a large cave mouth still several kilometers off. Much to the dismay of the Doc, the winds have increased in speed as the day as progresses and her hair is now windswept and tangled.

Wolfe: "I didn't get to talk to Sera since that day. I can't tell where her soul is at. Or who she's become."

Dr Catriona: The doctor makes the somewhat offhanded comment to Wolfe. "We are more similar than I first thought..." Though the statement might just be her realizing something aloud just as it could be her giving the half orc some solidarity.

Wolfe: He looks over to the Doctor with a slow smile, though it's obviously a little sad. "Yeah."

Dr Catriona: She pats down her hair every so often then, asshole.

Dungeon Lord: Rounding another cliff face you hear the sound of voices ahead. "Bones taste like poop!" Another voice carries, though it sounds farther away. "You look....poop!" A third voice laughs far to much at the simple joke. The original voice continues. "Want meat, need find goat.".

Euron Sand: Euron does not like the sound of that. Creatures that speak like that tend to be abnormally strong.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pulls loose her polearm, and continues around the corner.

Dr Catriona: "This extreme altitude is negatively affecting our pulmonary processes. The air quality is thinner than that which is ideal for creatures our size."


Dr Catriona: ((I see no Gizmo token!))

Wolfe: Wolfe will try to peek around the corner of the way.

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe can see a pair of ettins, one is chewing on a bone next to a large pile of various sizes, the other is throwing a rock back and forth, a very LARGE rock.

Dr Catriona: ((CHO GALLLL))

Wolfe: Wolfe leans his head back and towards the others. "Ettins. Three of them."

Dr Catriona: "In our path?"

Westra Goldbrook:
9   9

Antony Goldbrook: Antony readies his blade but looks to the path ahead, "And they appear to have the high ground..."

"Good news."

Westra Goldbrook: "I have not faced these creatures before. Are they merely giants?"

Wolfe: "You don't have to use the wakazashi anymore." He extends his hand toward Westra. "Dumb giants. That hit hard."

Dr Catriona: "When you say three of them... that means six heads, correct?"

Wolfe: "Yes."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra... actually smirks, with some humor, and tugs the small sword from her belt. She hands it back to him hilt-first. "It served well. Thank you," she said, strangely sincere. She didn't linger there, though, and twirled her halberd almost merrily as she turned her attention forward.

Wolfe: "Don't bother with sleep spells, knocking 'em out, or anything like that. Either head can run the body."

Ettin: "You rock is stupid!"

Dr Catriona: "It sounds like the intelligence is spread between them, too, with not much there in the first place."

Ettin: The other ettin throws the rock at the first and misses.

Wolfe: "Yeah."

Ettin: "Hahahahaha!"

Wolfe: "But you don't need to be a genius to hit someone with a rock." He watches the rock miss. "Uh."

Dr Catriona: ((Still smarter than Tharok sans headband of intellect))
"Are we to engage, then?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Creatures!" Westra calls. "We desire to pass!"

Hill Giant
Skill: 22 | 13

Wolfe: "Can you cause a mudslide or something?"

Euron Sand: "Before you do..."

Wolfe: "Cause them to fall down the mountain?"
Westra Goldbrook
Doctor Wicker
Euron Sand
Antony Goldbrook

Westra Goldbrook: "Where's the fun in that?"

Dr Catriona: "Have you ever seen a two headed behemoth fall off a high height? I imagine it is in the high tiers of things that are fun to see..."

Hill Giant: "Dummies! Food here!" A voice bellows down from atop a tower.

Wolfe: "Gotta agree with the doc,"

Hill Giant: 2
Hill Giant
Attack: 21 | 10
Damage: 18bludgeoning

It is Hill Giant's turn   

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: (dat ass tho)

Hill Giant: The giant throws a massive stone directly into Westra, knocking the wind out of her.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra no sooner starts towards the beasts before she takes a boulder to the face!
"Gah! Cowards!!" she yells, forging ahead

Dr Catriona: "Artillery on high!" calls out the doctor, adjusting her glasses as the whites of her eyes go dark.

Ettin: "Hahahaha! Greenie can throw rock gud!"

Dr Catriona:
Focus: Mastery of Light/Dark
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Now focused on Mastery of Light & Darkness: While focused on this discipline, natural and magical darkness within 30 feet of you has no effect on your vision.

Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action.
illusion 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Components: M (Mastery of Light/Dark)
Duration: Concentration 1 minute
As an action, you create an area of magical darkness, which foils darkvision. Choose a spot you can see within 60 feet of you. Magical darkness radiates from that point in a sphere with a 10-foot radius per psi point spent on this ability. The light produced by spells of 2nd level or less is suppressed in this area.

2 psi points spent, 5 max.
20 Ft CIrcle

Hill Giant: "Where day go??"

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe moves forward and quickly draws a pair of hand-axes.

Dr Catriona: She then tuts her fingers and siphons illumination from around the Hill Giant on high. "I will do my best to keep him occupied."

Hand Axe (+8)
Hand Axe (+8)

Ettin: "Ow! Dat not nice Green man!"

Wolfe: Wolfe's hand-axes whiz through the air, giving each Ettin a haircut as he draws Shokan from its sheath.

It is Gizmo's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((omg he cut off their top knot manbuns?))

GIZMO3:  GIZMO soars over Wolfe's head and ejects chaff into the face of the Ettin. Help action for Westra (of she attacks the southern Ettin.)

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra skirts down towards the southern Ettin, and once there lays into it with her halberd.
27   10
Halberd Slash (+7)
7 + 10
11   16
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
11   24
Halberd Slash (+7)

It is Ettin's turn   

GIZMO3:  Gizmo-3 makes excited noises.

Attack: 24 | 18
Attack: 13 | 20
Damage: 10slashing
"You no hurt us! We eat you puny meat sock!" He swings his weapons at Westra.

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: "What is a meat ...sock?"

Euron Sand:
Higher Level Cast
60 ft
Healing Word

It is Ettin's turn   

Attack: 22 | 10
Attack: 16 | 20

Dr Catriona: "AH!"

Damage: 12slashing
Damage: 13piercing

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   

Antony Goldbrook:
23   9
Battleaxe (+5)
19   8
Battleaxe (+5)

Carrion Crawler
Initiative: 10

Antony Goldbrook:
20   24
Battleaxe (+5)

Antony Goldbrook:
14   6
Battleaxe (+5)

7 + 5

Antony Goldbrook:


Wolfe: "What the fuuuuu -- "

Dungeon Lord: A monstrous disgusting creature crawls from atop one of the nearby cliffs.

Ettin: "No chibbie! They mine!" One of the south heads growls at the creature.

It is Hill Giant's turn   

Ettin: 8

Hill Giant: "Ha! I see you little man!"

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((Question again... is he on a sloped surface now?))
Ice Sheet
evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20' radius within 60'
Components: M (Mastery of Ice)
Duration: 10 minutes
Choose a point on the ground you can see within 60 feet of you. The ground in a 20-foot radius centered on that point becomes covered in ice for 10 minutes. It is difficult terrain, and any creature that moves more than 10 feet on it must succeed on a DEX saving throw DC15 or fall prone. If the surface is sloped, a creature that falls prone in the area immediately slides to the bottom of the slope.

2 psi points spent.
Focus: Mastery of Fire
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Now focused on Mastery of Light & Fire: While focused on this discipline, you gain resistance to fire damage, and you gain a +2 bonus to rolls for fire damage.

Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona: (no it stays)
(just changed my focus)

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: "Be right you in a moment there." He says toward the Ettin close to him. He then moves toward the one by Westra to finish what he started.

Dr Catriona: The then holds her hand out and removes the heat from the ground below the Hill Giant, frosting it over.

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
or not!

It is Gizmo's turn   

GIZMO3:  The mechanical owl flies over and again takes a dump in the eyes of the Ettin. But the dump is just silver confetti chaff flakes.
Help for Westra.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra TOTALLY DOESN'T ELBOW WOLFE OUT OF THE WAY but she's actually super glad he didn't manage to steal her kill. She whacks at the Ettin herself.
27   10
Halberd Slash (+7)
10 + 8
16   22
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
23   23
Halberd Slash (+7)

GIZMO3:  Owl takes credit.

Ettin: The ettin is still standing, but looks really messed up.

It is Ettin's turn   

Attack: 23 | 15
Attack: 9 | 26
Damage: 15slashing
"Ok, they mean! Get em Chibbie!"

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra smiles through bloody teeth. "Is that the best you can do, beast?"

Euron Sand: Euron brandishes the Watcher's Eye and brandishes it, pointing it in Westra's direction. "Helm, aid me! Your child does not fall today!"
Channel Divinity
Class: Cleric 2nd Level
As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke healing energy that can restore a number of hit points equal to five times your cleric level. Choose any creatures within 30 feet of you and divide those hit points among them. This feature can restore no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can't use this feature on an undead or construct.

It is Ettin's turn   

Attack: 25 | 16
Attack: 24 | 9
Damage: 9slashing
Damage: 12piercing
"I eat your guts with goat head stew!" He swings his weapons around.

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   

GIZMO3:  "That does not sound appetizing at all..." she remarks in response.

Antony Goldbrook:
17   20
Battleaxe (+5)
9   24
Battleaxe (+5)
7   11
Battleaxe (+5)

It is Carrion Crawler's turn   

Ettin: The creature crawls down the cliff wall with ease and attempts to wrap its tentacles around Westra.
Carrion Crawler
Attack: 18 | 12
Succeed a DC 13 constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. Until this poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The target can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
Damage: 4poison damage

Westra Goldbrook:
3   19

Carrion Crawler
Attack: 17 | 22
Damage: 6piercing

It is Hill Giant's turn   

Dr Catriona: DC 15 Dex

Hill Giant:
Hill Giant
Ability: 13 | 9

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Oh..."
End darkness..
transmutation 2
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 ft
Target: One ally
Components: M (Nomadic Step)
Duration: Instantaneous
If you haven't moved yet on your turn, choose an ally you can see within 60 feet of you. As a bonus action, you and that creature teleport, swapping places, and your speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the turn*. This ability fails and is wasted if either of you can't fit in the destination space.

3 psi points spent.
Catriona forces a hole in space time and transpositions with Westra.
She then dodges.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Shokan (+9)

Dr Catriona: FFFFT is the sound as air shunts from her appearamce.
And she gets SPLATTERED with Ettin blood.

Wolfe: Thanks to Westra not being in his way anymore, Wolfe leaps up and cuts off both heads in a single slash.
He looks over at Cat, an eyebrow raised. "Huh."


Wolfe: "You weren't here a second ago. Excuse me.."

Dr Catriona: She spits.. "No! Oral contamination!" she spits repeatedly.

Shokan (+9)
"Said that before in my life."
He says as he slashes a Carrion Crawler and causes it to bleed on Doc too.

It is Gizmo's turn   

GIZMO3:  GIZMO flys by Westra, looking at her oddly, then helps Antony with a distract.

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook:
19   22

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: The doctor removes her glasses, revealing dry shapes around her eyes that were shielded from gore before.

Euron Sand:
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame

Hill Giant:
Carrion Crawler
Ability: 18 | 11

It is Ettin's turn   

Hill Giant:
Attack: 27 | 11
Attack: 9 | 25
Damage: 14 + 12slashing
The ettin lays a whomp down on Antony who crumples just as Westra rolls over prone and looks to him.

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   

Antony Goldbrook:

It is Carrion Crawler's turn   

Hill Giant:
Carrion Crawler
Attack: 10 | 16
Succeed a DC 13 constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. Until this poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The target can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
Carrion Crawler
Attack: 18 | 24
Damage: 8 + 3piercing

Wolfe: "Ow."

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((LOL))
Spiderstaff (+7)
It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: "...You still have that!?"
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

Dr Catriona: Cat bonks the Carrion Crawler on the head.

It is Gizmo's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe cuts off some of its legs. "Get the fuck outta here, you caterpillar from Hell."

GIZMO3:  Gizmo will help Westra.

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra climbs to her feet and charges at the Ettin standing over her fallen brother. Teeth gritted in rage, she swings hard at the beast.
8   23
Halberd Slash (+7)
9   26
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
12   20
Halberd Slash (+7)

Dr Catriona: (first one has advantage)

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Euron Sand:
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame

Hill Giant:
Ability: 8 | 13

It is Ettin's turn   

Ettin: "You no take my food!"
He steps over Antony to swing at Westra.
Attack: 19 | 22
Attack: 27 | 15
Damage: 15slashing
Damage: 11 + 11piercing

Dr Catriona: ((Right on top of Antony))

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   

Antony Goldbrook:

GIZMO3:  Gizmo boops sadly.

It is Carrion Crawler's turn   

Ettin: "Big dinner tonight!" One head shouts. "You no go get food!" The second shouts. "Mine!"

Carrion Crawler
Attack: 21 | 14
Succeed a DC 13 constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. Until this poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The target can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
Damage: 6poison damage


Carrion Crawler
Attack: 23 | 8
Damage: 9piercing
Damage: 5piercing

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Uh... oh..."
And the music went silent too
Step of a Thousand Paces
transmutation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Target: self
Components: M (Nomadic Step)
Duration: Instantaneous
If you haven't moved yet on your turn, you take a bonus action to teleport up to 20 feet per psi point spent to an unoccupied space you can see, and your speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the turn.
120 ft
Fire Bolt (+7)
Jets of blue fire stream towards a target.

Ettin: "Ow!!!!" One head yells as his ass catches on fire. "You sit in fire again?!"

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Ettin: "I never sat in fire, you did!"

It is Wolfe's turn   


It is Gizmo's turn   

Dr Catriona: With a shunt, she appears behind Euron, arms in motion... azure fire fires from her hands at the Ettin.

GIZMO3:  Gizmo helps Westra with her Death Save?
He will.. do nothing then!

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

GIZMO3:  Dodge

Westra Goldbrook:

It is Euron Sand's turn   

GIZMO3:  "This is not ideal..."

Dr Catriona: Cat said that..

Wolfe: Wolfe is just taking a break, to make the monsters feel like they have a chance.

Ettin: "Huff Huff...maybe I just have a snack now..."

Euron Sand:
13   16
5 Feet
Lightbringer (+6)

Ettin: 2

Euron Sand: Euron is sick of this. He rushes forward, yelling "FOORRRRR HELLLLLLM!" and brings his mace down on the Carrion Crawler's skull. There's the sound of metal hitting flesh and the creature dies.
Euron turns to face the Ettin.

Ettin: "You look tasty little man.....what flavor you?" He swings at Euron.
Attack: 9 | 24
Attack: 16 | 11

Dr Catriona: The doctor is covered in shadow as the Ettin approaches.

It is Ettin's turn   

It is Antony Goldbrook's turn   

Antony Goldbrook:

Euron Sand: "Holier-than-thou." Euron growls.

Dr Catriona: "Tall..."

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Ettin: "What holier taste like Gom?" One head says to the other.

Dr Catriona: With the Ettin so close, she uses her boomer...
Dexterity Save
90 ft
Energy Beam (Fire)

Ability: 1 | 15

Euron Sand: Once the Ettin is defeated, Euron runs to Westra's side and calls upon their shared god to keep her on the mortal plane.
Spare the Dying
necromancy cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You touch a living creature that has 0 hit points. The creature becomes stable. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Dr Catriona: Pressing the muzzle to his back as he speaks to Euron, she fires the contraption blowing a hole throuugh the midsection. The Ettin falls over backwards and the Hole is just big enough to fall on top of Cat, slime-ing her as the creature collides with the ground.
She just stands there, disturbed, dripping.

Wolfe: 11

Antony Goldbrook:
HIT DICE (D10+3)
HIT DICE (D10+3)

Wolfe: 6

Antony Goldbrook:
HIT DICE (D10+3)

Dr Catriona: (( that was for you sam))

Wolfe: 43

Antony Goldbrook:
HIT DICE (D10+3)

Wolfe: 6
Wolfe walks over to Cat, handing her a hankerchief.

Dr Catriona: She crawls out from inside of the Ettin, likely traumatized.

Dr Catriona: "So.... ww.ww.warm.." she says...



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #37 on: May 31, 2018, 09:39:28 PM »
Session 34

Hill Giant: "I'm big and smart, unlike those two headed dumb ones arguing over goat meat. Here I am minding my business and I see new meat show up. Puny and frail. Bulkskull and Skullbulk are too slow to see em, but I do and I throw rock! But then it becomes night too early. Puny human trickery! They can't walk through our land, probably looking for dragon or somethin. Wait why slippery ground - oh noooooooo hoo hoo hoooey---." THE WATCH

GIZMO3:  O.RLLY Records Accessed.
Observation: ADMIN previously solitary. ADMIN = increased concern for these organics + their interests.
Appraisal: ADMIN seeks to enjoy camaraderie + friendship. Inorganics ≠ lost siblings or rogue offspring like the guardswoman + ronin soldier have. Assertion: Inorganics = easier friends // less trouble. 0 Baggage!
Opinion: These squishy organics = illogical. Chance of peril = 87%. Extrapolation: "friendship" = doom + ADMIN.
Observation: Lycanthropes convince soft organics to confront a Dragonoid Entity in exchange for vital intelligence. Ronin soldier's offspring = key to Mad Scientist?

GIZMO3:  Caveat: Lycanthropes = Lie? Suggestion: Extract information by force.
Statement: Accessing high-altitude protocols. Notation: 18% decrease in ADMIN + organics pulmonary efficacy (atmospherics). Unfortunate.
Assessment: Mountains = many dangers. Giantkin encountered + dispatched. Friendly organics = damage sustained. ADMIN contamination + various blood types. Suggestion: Full body rinse for ADMIN. And discard obnoxious squishy organics.
Direction: Performing Perimeter check.

GIZMO-3 flies around looking for more enemies!

Dr Catriona:
Skill: 13 | 15

Dungeon Lord: Gizmo sees no other foes in the area, he can see a large illuminated cave a few hundred meters up the slope.

Westra Goldbrook:
HIT DICE (D10+2)
HIT DICE (D10+2)
HIT DICE (D10+2)
HIT DICE (D10+2)
HIT DICE (D10+2)

Dr Catriona: ((Did the giants have anything of interest on them?))

Dungeon Lord: Bones and Rocks. They are after all, giants and ettin.

Dr Catriona: Since there is a respite and recoup period, the doctor has time to clean off and then move on to examine the carrion crawler corpse. Time to collect mucus!!

Antony Goldbrook: Antony takes some time to bandage his wounds. He whistled a tune as he tended to himself, though no one would mistake the soldier for a bard.

Westra Goldbrook: After the altercation with the giants, Westra is forced to take a breather. She sits nearby Antony, where she can ensure that he is recovering as well, and worries quietly that they were both felled by a pair of ettin. How would they bring glory to the Goldbrook name if they fell before they ever faced a dragon together?

Antony Goldbrook: "Are you alright Westie?"

Wolfe: Wolfe exhales slowly, recentering himself and takes some water and a heath bar, chewing on it idly as he watches Cat. "Maybe we can find a stream or something up here for you to clean up."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra gives a soft little sigh, and shakes her head. "I haven't been Westie since I was in pigtails, Antony. Please call me Westra. And, yes. I am well, all things considered. I will be better once we know what lies in wait for us atop this mountain."
She paused. "Are you alright?"

Dr Catriona: With a carrion crawler mucus sample collected, she is not able to answer before Gizmo returns to land nearby.

Antony Goldbrook: Antony gave his little sister his usual big grin, the same he would give whenever he got under her skin. He threw and over his sister's shoulder, careful to not show pain. His arm rested lightly on her knowing she probably wasn't keen on carrying her brother's weight after the fight they just went through.

Dr Catriona: "He saw a lit cave several hundred meters up in that direction." she reports a translation of the clockwork owl's recon.

Antony Goldbrook: "I'm fine, fit as a fiddle!" he paused slightly before continuing, "Though we do have to consider our odds against a dragon..."

Dr Catriona: "No other giants spotted, it seems."

Wolfe: "Didn't go all out against the Giants. Saving something in the tank for the Dragon."

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed. Hopefully it is a noble dragon and will aid us. And if it is evil..." She shrugged, lifting a hand to squeeze the one of Anthony's that hung over her shoulder. "It isn't as though we can turn away and leave it unchallenged."

Dr Catriona: "Actually, you can."
"I leave things unchallenged all the time."

Westra Goldbrook: "Come on, then," she said, patting his arm as she moved to stand. Whether she kept his arm there because she knew he was wounded or because she enjoyed the camaraderie, it was hard to say. "We should get go--Oh," she said, her expression shifting as she spotted the gore-covered doctor.
"Are.. you hurt?" she asks Catriona

Wolfe: "We're talking about beyond conversations, Cat." He looked over at her, barely restraining a smile.

Antony Goldbrook: "Of course not! If it comes to fighting a dragon I wouldn't want anyone else by my side... Except for maybe a few dozen crossbow men, a couple of wizards, and a few more knights."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra gives Antony a smirk.

Dr Catriona: "No, I am unharmed." she replies, stowing the carrion crawler sample. "Giant-kin is one thing, but a dragonkin is another."

Wolfe: "The dragon is probably less goo-ey."

Westra Goldbrook: "If you have another means to find the source of the mechanical werewolf attacks, Doctor, I would be glad to hear it. Otherwise, I see no choice but to at least attempt a dialogue with this dragon."

Dr Catriona: "To speak to it is uhh.. one matter."

Antony Goldbrook: Spotting the blood covered doctor, Antony gave a hearty chuckle. Had he his normal pack of goods he would offered the lady his handkerchief.

Dr Catriona: "Otherwise, I've articulated my thoughts on the matter already...umm. yes, before."

Westra Goldbrook: "If it is evil, I wager that speaking with it will be enough to set a course for us."

Dr Catriona: "None of you have aerial maneuverability."

Westra Goldbrook: "But we'll find no answers lingering here." She looks around to the others. "Does anyone need to heal further before we move on?" Westra pauses to look at the Doctor, confused by her comment. She waits to hear more.

Dr Catriona: "So if it leaves its den, effective courses of action net zero."

Wolfe: "So we lure it into a cave."

Dr Catriona: "If it is not in there already."

Wolfe: "Saves us the trip, then."

Antony Goldbrook: "A dragon in its own lair is quite dangerous enough. may even have a few kobold underlings or other servants. We should keep an eye out for signs of other creatures as well."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods at Anthony's point.

Wolfe: "Yup."

Dr Catriona: "We are well into this course of action..umm.. so.. not much choice but to see what it yields."

Westra Goldbrook: "Very well, then. Onward."

Wolfe: "Good lookin out, Cat." He pats the Doctor's shoulder gently in a 'good talk' sort of way, pulling some goo away with his hand and looking at it with a sigh.
He then wipes it off on his tunic and starts moving up the path.

Dr Catriona: "It would probably be more an objectively glorious demise to fall to a gigantic sapient reptile than an extortionist lycanthrope clan in the middle of the woods."

Dungeon Lord: The rocky terrain leaves no sense of a trail as you approach the cavern, slowly as the size and frequency of large boulders increases. The mountain face becomes steeper and the group finds themselves forced to scale the rock for the last fifty or so meters.

Dr Catriona: "Far more impressive epithets that way in the funerary matters."

Antony Goldbrook: "If only you guys knew a bard to sing that tale," Antony says unwittingly to the doctor.

Wolfe: "Bards are overrated."

Dr Catriona: "I prefer books to song. More accuracy. And less expensive to maintain."

Dungeon Lord: Everyone can easily scale the rough, ancient rocks. As each members comes to stand on solid ground again, they find a grand cavern entrance. The opening stretches 40 foot across and twice as high. Pale crystals grow from the cavern walls and the air grows warmer at the entrance, as everyone is pulled up from the cliff face you notice streaks of dried blood across the floor of the cave mouth.

Wolfe: "Well..." Wolfe says softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "That's not a good sign."

Antony Goldbrook: "Really? That's unfortunate. Saw an Amnian bard some months back in Neverwinter. Quite the show man. Perhaps when we return to Neverwinter you would like to come hear some music with me Doctor?"

Dr Catriona: The doctor's gaze pans along the structure of the cavern, trying to determine if there is anything special about the crystals.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nudges Anthony with an elbow, silently prodding him to focus. Her gaze sweeps around the interior of the cavern as the group presses on.


Antony Goldbrook: Antony chuckles slightly before noticing the dried blood. His face turned serious as he looked around the cavernous opening.

Dr Catriona:

Antony Goldbrook:
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Dr Catriona: ((Is it dark?))

Dungeon Lord: The cavern is illuminated by the large doorway, further in it is mildly illuminated by the glow of the crystals.

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns and looks over to Cat, speaking softly. "Hey, these things.. they're foci for magic energies."

Dr Catriona: " know the term foci?" she asks in a whisper.

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs softly.
"You're not the only one who reads a book."

Dungeon Lord: You see a small pool of silver water bubbling as you move further into the cave, the water bubbles softly echoing off the crystal walls. A moment later the sound of footsteps begin to echo further into the cavern.

Dr Catriona: She holds her hands up in surrender, as she was just honestly surprised. She moves to examine these magic crystals though.

Westra Goldbrook:
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Astonaxia: An Elvish woman, standing nearly seven feet tall appears from behind a stalagmite. Her silver hair cascades down her trim face, framing her sharp features in a beautiful fashion. Though the beauty of her features is undeniable, there is a subtle ferocity that accentuates the features of her face. She raises her hands in welcome, though her face remains devoid of discernable emotion. The silver eyes look to each in turn, the colors rippling in her irises as she inspects the group. "Greetings mortals, who sees fit to travel so high into the peaks?" Her voice dances across your ears like a soft melody.

Antony Goldbrook: Antony comes to stop when he hears footsteps and keeps his hand on the haft of his axe.

Westra Goldbrook: "Greetings," Westra returns, with a nod. "We are called the Watch, and we come seeking help for those who cannot help themselves. We seek the dragon said to live in these parts."

Wolfe: Wolfe slowly stops his stalking forward, stepping more into vision. He lifts a hand up. "Hello." He gives a bit of a wave.

Antony Goldbrook: Antony initially makes as if he's about to talk but noticed his sister move slightly ahead of him.This was after all, her expeditionary party. He gave her an approving nod as she got ready to speak.

Dr Catriona: She continues to examine the crystals, wondering if they look harmful.

Astonaxia: She turns her focus on Westra, the silver pools peeked with interest. "What would you seek with a dragon? Few would dare face ones wrath."

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed, yet dragons are often wise as well as fearsome. We hoped that this dragon might know of someone creating abominations out of werewolves in order to prey on the local populace."

Wolfe: "So we can stop him." Wolfe adds on.

Dr Catriona: "Or her."

Westra Goldbrook: "We have been hunting this madman, but have run out of leads."

Wolfe: He gestures to Cat and nods.

Astonaxia: "A noble cause indeed, and of a group of such diverse character."

Dr Catriona: Catriona wanders outside of the cave and along the side to mentally place a nomadic anchor on the side of the opening.

Westra Goldbrook: "May I ask who you are, in these parts alone?"

Astonaxia: She steps closer to the group and inspects each person. "Three humans, a half-orc, and.." Beat. "....a half elf."

Dr Catriona: She then walks back inside and resumes visually inspecting these crystals.

Astonaxia: "I am Astonaxia and this is my home." She waves a hand about showing off the cave in a manner of speaking. "Isn't it fantastic? A true wonder of nature?"

Wolfe: "Oh... yes!" Wolfe clears his throat, speaking a touch louder. "It's very beautiful. I can tell the care and attention that was put into the foci that make up the crystals." He gestures to them.

Astonaxia: A flicker of sadness moves across Astonaxia's face. "Indeed, though I cannot take credit for their care until recently. This cavern was long forgotten until a few hundred years ago."

Antony Goldbrook: Antony keeps his eyes on the tall elf, careful to relax his shoulders and shift the tension in his muscles.

Wolfe: "I'm sorry to hear that." Wolfe said gently, moving a bit closer to the woman. "Was it someone you knew? Family?"

Westra Goldbrook: "It is, as you say, truly a wonder," Westra agrees, letting Wolfe take the lead. His uncharacteristic way of speaking made her think he knew something she didn't.

Astonaxia: "No, I am unaware of the one that wove the magic into this place." As quickly as the emotion was their her face returned to neutrality.

Dr Catriona: "What manner of magic is it?"

Wolfe: "Still, it is very beautiful and it's clear that you've put great care into this place."

Astonaxia: "The crystals can grown from any magical source. I believe the original source was natural, but enhanced by those of the mortal coil hundreds of years past. The death of our Lady may jeopardize this place as it has all over Faerun."

Wolfe: "Mystra, you mean, right?"

Dr Catriona: "Spellplague."
"I can take some readings to see if I detect its effects." she seems to randomly offer Astonaxia, though it is probably easy to know she is interested to know herself.

Astonaxia: She nods at both Wolfe and Cat.. "You are unlike most of your ancestors mortal. I believe my prejudice has judged you incorrectly." She gives Wolfe a quick smile.

Wolfe: "Heh.." Wolfe clears his throat. "Some people deserve it more than others."
"What's your name?" He gestures to himself. "Most people call me Wolfe."

Astonaxia: "Yes, well humans are often short sighted and ignorant of the world around them."

Wolfe: "Yeahhhh...."

Antony Goldbrook: Antony's eyes look cautiously over at Westra at the talk of "humans".

Astonaxia: "I am Astonaxia." She says bluntly.

Antony Goldbrook: Antony notes the dragon has a stutter.

Astonaxia: "Tell me, why do you seek to destroy such evil creatures as werewolves?"

Wolfe: "Nice to meet you."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra meets Antony's eyes, but does not comment. She remains looking calm and patient while Wolfe and the stranger converse. If this was a dragon before them, bickering over racial prejudices did not seem the way to go.

Wolfe: "They're hurting people. This... Mad Scientist, especially. He, she, it, is taking people and taking them apart and sewing them back together with whatever's on hand. Making werewolves of fire, metal, using the undead, and we haven't even nailed everything else down."
"The Werewolves of the tribe down to the east are savage, but they aren't as bad as this mad scientist."

Westra Goldbrook: Though while she stood there listening, she considered the fact that Wolfe had done alot of the talking to the people they'd met lately. She considered herself to be the most politically-astute and congenial when speaking with strangers, most of the time. Then again, much of their talking had been with beasts lately... so perhaps it made sense.

Wolfe: "We came up here hoping you could help us; that you might know about this mad scientist and where he is and what he's doing."

Astonaxia: "There are multiple were tribes? And one of them is reanimating weres and undead?" She says with a hint of disbelief.

Wolfe: "Yes. The ones to the East are the Gray Barbarians. They're a savage people, but they have a semblance of honor. This other group.. they are just insane."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra softly snorted.
"Doctor, do you still have the piece of mechanism you took from one of the beasts we defeated?" Westra asked.

Astonaxia: She looked to Westra as the woman snorted before closing her eyes.

Dr Catriona: "Of course."

Antony Goldbrook: Antony caught his sister's snort and rolled his eyes at the half-orc's words as well.

Dr Catriona: She gives Wolfe the mecha-wolf specimen, so that he can offer it to Astonaxia. Then she steps back to where she was.

Westra Goldbrook: "Forgive me," she said, when the stranger looked at her. "He and I disagree on the 'honor' held by the barbarians. But the rest is true; this other 'tribe' is truly villainous and must be stopped."

Wolfe: He holds it before Astonaxia for her inspection, though he waits until she opens her eyes again.

Astonaxia: As Wolfe moves forward Astonaxia's eyes opened abruptly and seemingly swallowed the man's attention. This close, Wolfe is certain this is the most beautiful create he has ever laid eyes on.

Wolfe: For a moment, the old Samurai is transfixed, his breath caught in his throat.

Astonaxia: While he is briefly stunned, she reaches out and takes the piece of metal from him.

Euron Sand: Euron watches the exchange quietly, hoping that this is bringing them closer to their goal.

Euron Sand: Euron watches the exchange quietly, hoping that this is bringing them closer to their goal.

Astonaxia: She inspected it slowly, turning it in her hand. After a time she held it to her nose and sniffed. A low, extremely powerful growl erupted from the thin framed woman."Where did you find this creature?"

Dr Catriona: Catriona's eyebrows raise at that.

Wolfe: Some more breath catchin -- this time from more than being awestruck.

Antony Goldbrook: Antony's shoulders immediately tensed at the sound of the all too familiar growl.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra's expression falls. Though she'll let Wolfe continue his rapport with the woman, the stranger's reaction to the metal and the subsequent question made her think that, noble dragon or not, this woman knew nothing helpful of the mad scientist they sought.

Dr Catriona: ((the mecha werewolf was in that creeper house with the barn))

Wolfe: "It was..." He finally gets his mind back together. "Really south east, at the ledge of Lurkwood forest."
"To the southwest of Sunderwood."

Dr Catriona: "There was a laboraty there, umm too."

Astonaxia: She hands the piece of metal back to Wolfe, her composure seemingly regained. "And what do hope to accomplish by discovering this 'mad scientist'? Will you slay them? And all the beasts in his care?"

Wolfe: "Uh. Most of them, yes. My daughter is with him. I don't know yet if she's an accomplice or a prisoner or a test subject."

Astonaxia: At the same moment, the crystals in the cavern seem to glow brighter then return to their normal hue.

Wolfe: He lowers the metal to the side, looking earnestly at the beautiful creature. "I'd like to save her, if it's possible. But I can't tell you right now if it is or isn't."

Astonaxia: "And of the other test subjects or prisoners?"

Wolfe: "If they're too far gone, I'll put them down."

Dr Catriona: Cat notices Wolfe is in some kinda heart-eyes mode, so kind of quietly steps up some and.... telekinetically pulls the piece to her hands. She steps back away, stowing it in her satchel.

Wolfe: "If they can be saved, I'll save them."

Astonaxia: She looks to each of the others.

Dr Catriona: "I would also say that this Mad Scientists work be investigated. Strange science has a way of proliferating."

Astonaxia: "Warriors, I sense rage in your hearts. Can you temper your rage to spare those not worthy of your weapons?" She seems to address Westra and Antony.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra was momentarily distracted by the somewhat ominous flare of the crystals in the room, but she looks back to Wolfe and the stranger with a soft frown, after.

Dr Catriona: "But the perpetrator.. umm.. must have their activities stopped."

Westra Goldbrook: "If they can be saved, they will be spared."

Antony Goldbrook: "If there are innocents and others that can be cured, we may possess the means to do so," the warrior gestures towards Euron and Doctor Wicker. "But i will not hesitate to put down a vicious beast or vile construct."

Astonaxia: She smiles. "i sense truth in your hearts. Though there is still one question you must answer. Though I am saddened to say your aptitude in these matters leaves me little hope of being victorious."

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyebrows arch slightly.

Astonaxia: She walks back towards the pool and looks down in to the bubbling waters for a moment. She returns her gaze to the group before addressing them. "When you require me, I am discarded. When my use is complete, you retrieve me. What am I?"

Dr Catriona: Catriona holds up a finger.
"An anchor. I come from an island with substantial naval influence on its culture."

Astonaxia: She frowns. "Such an uneventful riddle."

Wolfe: Wolfe leans towards Cat, his voice soft. "I was going to say an arrow."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra just looks confused.

Astonaxia: "Though I sense your haste to depart."

Euron Sand: Euron looks to Cat. "That was...amazing."

Wolfe: "It's been a long road, Astonaxia, and a perilous one. We had to fight a bunch of giants on the way up here. And werewolves before that."

Antony Goldbrook: Antony flashes the doctor a winning smile.

Wolfe: "And mechawerewolves and fire werewolves and undead werewolves before that."

Antony Goldbrook: "I was captured and held captive by the non-mechanized werewolves. Missed the other stuff."

Astonaxia: The crystals glow again and several items float in front of the woman. "I will offer you one of these items and one of the alchemy items as well." Three larger items float in a row above a row of bottle.

Dr Catriona: "That is.. very charitable..."

Astonaxia: The three items to choose from are: Staff of the Python, Bag of Beans, Fochlucan bandore

Dr Catriona: ((lmfao, bag of beans is hilarious))

Astonaxia: The three alchemy items are: 3 Greater Potions of Healing, Dust of Disappearance, Potion of Stone Giant Strength

Wolfe: "That is.. very very nice." Wolfe says with a nod toward Astonaxia. Thank you! And you're going to tell us where you think the mad scientist is?"

Euron Sand: "That is very kind of you." Euron said to Astonaxia.

Astonaxia: "If I knew of such an evil creature, he would already be dead. I can take you down the mountain to anywhere you wish, but I do not know of where your foe resides." She pauses for a beat.

Dr Catriona: "Miss...umm...Lord... Astonaxia? If you are parting with magical items, would you be partial to trading a strange weapon for one more useful to our quest?"

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs, seeming dejected at that answer. He reaches a hand up to rub at the bridge of his nose as he closes his eyes and inhales.

Astonaxia: "My child disappeared nearly a fortnight back, and I have smelled the beast on that metal before. If you discover him in your investigation, please return him to me."

Westra Goldbrook: "Of course. Will we know him if we see him?"

Dr Catriona: "Oh...I am sorry to.. hear this... certainly.. yes, what she said." she said, indicating Westra's volunteering.

Astonaxia: "He will be a silver dragon!" She says with a bit of annoyance.

Dr Catriona: She refrains from saying AH! when startled, but you know it almost came out.

Euron Sand: "If we can return him to you, we will."

Astonaxia: "I am not a merchant to trade wares with young lady. Please make your choices."

Wolfe: Wolfe exhales and nods as he lowers his hand. "Alright. Yeah, we certainly will."

Wolfe: Wolfe takes the bag of beans

Wolfe: "Thanks, this looks great if we run out of food."

Westra Goldbrook: "This is all very kind of you," she tells the stranger. "But I'm afraid we must take our leave. Time is of the essence."

Wolfe: He straps it around his neck.

Dr Catriona: "I meant no disrespect, only to give us a greater chance against of success and equal offering so that is of no bother to your wealth." she says to Astonaxia.

Astonaxia: The other items float back behind the wall of crystals. "Now then." The cavern begins to rumble as Astonaxia begins to become taller.

Dr Catriona: She at least let Astonaxia see the Black Spider's staff.

Astonaxia: She continues to grow larger and with a flash of silver light an adult silver dragon stands before the group. The brilliant wings unfurl and flex with several strong beats.

Dr Catriona: "Okay, nevermind!"

Wolfe: Wolfe looks up and steps back at the giant silver dragon, a slow exhale of breath coming from him.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra takes a step back, wide-eyed.

Wolfe: "Wow."

Dr Catriona: "Stars and garters!"

Astonaxia: The crystals begin to glow a blinding silver as the group feels magic pour over them. You can make a DC 22 wisdom save if you wish to resist the magic.

Wolfe: "Doctor Wicker I don't feel so good...."
Wolfe doesn't resist the magic.

Euron Sand: Euron whispers a prayer to Helm.
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Westra Goldbrook: Westra does not resist the magic.

Dr Catriona:

Antony Goldbrook: Antony looks nervously over towards his sister as the magic courses through him...

Dr Catriona: She could only succeed on a 20 anyway.

Dungeon Lord: Everyone gains Boon of the Silver Dragon: For the next seven days, any weapon you wield are treated as silvered for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Wolfe: 10

Astonaxia: "Your weapons will now be unhindered in damaging the beasts you seek."

Wolfe: "You just made Westra's day."

Dr Catriona: NEVER FORGET: The DM can choose an effect from the following table, determine it randomly, or create an effect.

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed!" Westra crows, hefting her halberd as though she'd be able to see the difference. "I am most grateful. My thanks."

Dr Catriona: "Much gratitude, Miss Lord Astonaxia!"

Astonaxia: "I can take you down the mountain, to where ever you wish." She stretches our much like a cat, he claws longer than Wolfe's sword. "I can feed again on my return."

Wolfe: Wolfe looks back toward the trails of blood.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pauses, and frowns slightly.
"Where do we go from here?" she asked the others.

Wolfe: "Uh." He looks to Westra. "Sunderwood, maybe? The trail back at the barn has gone cold."

Westra Goldbrook: "Back to the house in the woods, to try and follow the trail of the girl?" She nodded at Wolfe's suggestion. "I have no better idea, currently."

Wolfe: "Cat?"

Westra Goldbrook: She looks to the dragon. "Are you willing to take us that far?"

Astonaxia: "The night is only beginning, it will only take a short while."

Dr Catriona: "Sunderwood via accelerated travel would be a great use of it."

Wolfe: "We would very much appreciate it."

Astonaxia: The group had to get a bit cozy on the large dragon's back, but once settled the dragon began a heavy leap towards the cave door and quickly lept off the edge of the cavern mouth. The dragon's great girth plummeted down the side of the mountain seemingly in free fall.

Dr Catriona: Internally, the scientist is excited for a dragon riding situation.

Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a sharp, restrained 'shiiiiiiIIIIIiiit' as they go over the side

Astonaxia: Her massive wings widened and the heavy tendons holding them to her body tensed. The air caught on the massive span of foiled skin sending the group soaring back into the air at a breakneck pace.

Dr Catriona: Catriona smartly pockets her glasses before lift off. As things get truly kinetic, she blanches. On the upside, the velocity wicks almost all of the gore from before from her person.

Euron Sand: "Holy Helllllllllllmmmm!"

Westra Goldbrook: The descent steals Westra's breath, but it is an exhilarating thing to experience. In all her family's history with dragons, she cannot recall one having RIDDEN one! She is grinning like a fiend by the time the dragon's flight levels, and is leaning forward, into the wind.

Astonaxia: The sun had begun its descent into the sea so many miles away, though the clear night allowed all the group (except Cat?) see the beautiful breadth of their homeland as the dragon's wings carried them along.

Wolfe: Wolfe is not from this land. But he still appreciates the view!

Euron Sand: Euron has never seen the world from this view. It's beautiful and reaffirms his faith in the gods and that they (most of them) must be good to create a world so vibrant and beautiful.
But they are very high above the world and Euron's stomach is working overtime to stay settled.

Antony Goldbrook: "Okay Westie, you win. Your first dragon encounter was better than mine!" Antony hollers at his sister through the roaring air.

Astonaxia: The ride on the dragon passes quickly due to excitement of the new experience and the sun is quickly replaced by the still full moon. Only a couple hours pass before the dragon begins to descend with seemingly nothing in sight of the group. A heavy thud rattles the passengers as the dragon settles down in a prairie. "This is as far as you will go with me, mortals."

Wolfe: Wolfe quickly dismounts, finding comfort in solid ground. He exhales and resist the lurch in his stomach. "Thank you." He says up toward the amazing creature, bowing his head low. "Thank you again, Astonaxia. I promise, we'll return your son to you as soon as we find him."

Astonaxia: "Sunderwood is ten miles due south, I dare not fly closer. It would startle the entire town. I wish you luck in your quest."

Wolfe: "Of course. We can make it from here." He nodded at her sentiment.

Astonaxia: (Doc forgot Leroy and the Rex!)

Westra Goldbrook: Westra slides to the ground with a bounce, and turns to grin at her brother, slapping a hand happily on his shoulder. She looks up to Astonaxia while the dragon speaks of Sunderwood, and then nods solemnly. "You have helped us greatly. We will do all we can to see your son returned to you. Thank you."

Dr Catriona: Catriona's puts on her glasses after dismounting. Her hair is poofy and wild as fuck.

Euron Sand: Euron slides down to the ground, looking up at the dragon in awe. Then gravity reasserts itself and Euron suddenly moves several feet away from the group and promptly empties his stomach.

Dr Catriona: She looks like she just discovered alternating currents.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over to Euron with sympathy.
For a moment, he considers feeding him a bean.

Dr Catriona: Her eyes go wide at Euron.

Wolfe: "You alright, buddy!?"

Dr Catriona: "This is why I only eat goodberries on this journey."

Astonaxia: As the group piles off, the dragon leaps into the air again. Several beats of the great beast's wings nearly knock Cat off her feet (and totally obliterates any semblance of hair organization) before the dragon is gone.

Euron Sand: Euron weakly gives Wolfe a thumbs-up. Then promptly vomits again.
Once he's done, he stands up straight. "I...guess I'm not a good flyer. That was my first time. I think I'd like to never do that again."

Dr Catriona: Catriona waves like a doofus, her hair floofing about in the buffet of wind.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks up and follows the Dragon into the sky, tracking her as she departs. He exhales slowly. "Glad we didn't have to fight the Dragon."

Dr Catriona: "Well, the matter of her attacking the lycanthrope continues to exist."

Wolfe: "Maybe they should stop doing evil shit and pissing off a Silver Dragon. Some people only learn through the hard road."

Dr Catriona: "I umm.. if they want to force others to do trials, they can deal with their own challenges."

Westra Goldbrook: "Agreed. We have more pressing matters to deal with."

Dr Catriona: She pats at her hair. "Well, they should have been more polite."

Wolfe: "Heh, exactly, Cat. Looking forward to a bed." He grunts as he arches his back, then heads along the road toward Sunderwood.

Westra Goldbrook: "And a bath," she concurs.

Dr Catriona: "You attract more rust monsters with unworn screws than you do with a tuning fork." she says as if its the most OBVIOUS wisdom there is.

Antony Goldbrook: "And a pint"

Westra Goldbrook: "A meal that wasn't charred over a campfire..."

Dr Catriona: "It is still ten miles away."

Westra Goldbrook: "The night's still young. We'll make it."

Dr Catriona: "Unfortunately, the Rex is still at the mountain base."

Antony Goldbrook: "Then we should get moving. Maybe make it there in an hour or two"

Wolfe: "Maybe it'll be home to a nice mountain lion when we find it."

Westra Goldbrook: "Or we can hire someone from Sunderwood to go and fetch it while we're working. The horses are still attached, after all."

Dungeon Lord: The miles go by without incident, and soon the group can see braziers list atop the end of a bridge. A twenty food river flanks the small town to the North and West as the group approaches.

Euron Sand: "I'll be glad for a nice bed. And to remain on solid ground."

Westra Goldbrook: When they reach the town, Westra begins looking for the inn.

Dr Catriona: "Do be on the lookout for indicators of the foul presence." she remarks, trudging along at the rear.

Wolfe: Wolfe nods at what Cat just suggested, his eyes peeled despite the walk for anything that's amiss.

Eric: As you cross the bridge two guards stop you and raise a torch towards you. " 'O goes there?"

Euron Sand: "We're just weary travelers, looking for a place to rest after a long journey, friend."

Eric: The two soldiers appear to be well trained based on their stance and handling of their weapons as far as Westra and Antony can tell.

Dr Catriona: "Do your credentials not umm.. have umm.. authority here?" she says towards the Goldbrook siblings.

Eric: He looks to the sky for a moment before looking back to Euron. "We don't get many visitors our 'ere. What business do you have in Sunderwood?"

Antony Goldbrook: ((Antony is letting Westra take the lead here))

Euron Sand: Euron steps back and lets the Captain speak to the military men. He'd rather not attempt to lie and he doesn't want to say the wrong thing.

Westra Goldbrook: "Tonight, we are simply looking for a place to rest. Tomorrow, we seek to try and find some troublemakers known to have been harassing these parts. Have your people had trouble with strange beasts of late?"

Eric: "There are no werewolves here Lady. We make certain of that and we don't want any trouble they bring to these parts."

Westra Goldbrook: "In that case, we are simply looking for a place to rest for the night, then."

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts an eyebrow at that.

Eric: He looks to the other guard and motions at the man. "We have to test each one of you before you can enter. To make sure you are not one of them." He pulls a small knife from his belt. "I will need your hand, My Lady."
The other guard moves away a few steps and returns with an odd mechanical device.

Westra Goldbrook: "One of what?" she asks, looking offended.

Eric: "A werewolf."
"Everyone must be tested to ensure one does not get in undetected."

Antony Goldbrook: Antony wastes no time and removes his gloves, "I'll go first Westra."

Euron Sand: "Is that truly necessary?" Euron asked, looking at the guards.

Wolfe: Wolfe clears his throat. "How, exactly, does that tell if you're a werewolf or not?"

Dr Catriona: "That blade does not look like it is sanitized..."

Eric: The guard slices Antony's palm and holds it in place. The other guard holds the device above the pooling blood, a soft blue light shimmers at the pool before a soft ding is heard.

Humphry: "He is good, Sarge."

Westra Goldbrook: "I have never," she sputters, like the incensed nobility she is. She draws up, pride in her shoulders, and looks sternly at the pair of guards. "I am Westra Goldbrook, of the Flaming Fist of Neverwinter, and this is my brother, Antony Goldbrook, slayer of [whatever the name of the dragon he killed was]. These are our allies and comrades, and we are, I assure you, beyond reproach. If you must send word to Lord Neverember, master of Waterdeep and savior of Neverwinter to confirm our identities, then so be it. But you will not stand here and slice into our hands like we are criminals."

Dr Catriona: Catriona looks fascinated at this.

Westra Goldbrook:
18   17

Eric: "God's if I know, he answers Wolfe. Something the professor made up."

Dr Catriona: "...Professor?"

Wolfe: Wolfe half wonders if it's worth it if they get past if he had to accept using Neverember's name to cover for him.

Eric: "I...uh......" He looks to Humphry for a moment.

Euron Sand: "Professor...whom?"

Eric: "Maybe we can just scan them with it?"

Humphry: He shrugs before pointing the blue light at Westra's arm.

Dr Catriona: Catriona has whatever the pre-cursor of Yassss Queen in mind when Westra lays into the guards.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra all but snarls when the device is pointed at her.
"If you insist on acting like fools, then take us to this professor who devised this test."
"Let him answer for this foolishness, lest yoube held accountable for it yourselves."

Eric: "We are My Lady, I can take you to him, but I must first insist on at least scanning you externally. It will be painless I assure you."

Westra Goldbrook: "Painless for me, at least," she warns, her eyes narrowing.
"For you cretins, I cannot say."

Eric: He eyes her suspiciously. "Our town is only safe because we take precautions against these beasts overrunning half the countryside. I am afraid I am going to have to ask you leave if you are unwilling to be tested."

Wolfe: Wolfe tilts his head back and forth in thought.

Dr Catriona: "So you expect werewolves to walk in here under guise and... attack?"
"Don't they just charge stragglers?"

Wolfe: He just steps forward and takes off his glove. "Alright let's test away. It's been a long fucking day and I need a bed."

Eric: "Maybe.....some of them can control their...transformations."

Humphry: Humphry holds the blue light to Wolfe's palm. It shimmers on the green skin.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra scoffs and folds her arms, as though disgusted by the guards' stubbornness.

Humphry: The device lets out a strange low pitched boop and Humphry looks to Eric.

Eric: "Well, do it again."

Westra Goldbrook: "What is it now?" she complained.

Wolfe: Wolfe takes a slow breath, steadying his heartbeat

Eric: The man scans the orc a second time, and the same tone from Antony sounds from the device. "Sometimes it doesn't get a good reading. You are clear."

Wolfe: He flexes and clenches his hand, then nods as he moves through, putting his glove back on.

Eric: "Lady?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Of course he's clear," she gripes. "Get on with it then. And I still want to speak with this 'professor' of yours," she says, shoving a hand towards the guards.

Dr Catriona: The Doctor chews on her bottom lip.

Euron Sand: Euron watches Wolfe pass the test and blinks.

Eric: A familiar ding sounds from Westra's unbloodied palm. "Next!"

Wolfe: "Gonna go check out the local inns, I'll catch up with you guys." He says as he starts heading down the road.

Euron Sand: Euron steps forward and presents his hand.

Eric: Ding! And Euron is cleared through. "Saving the best Lass for Last I see." He gives Cat a smile and motions her up.

Dr Catriona: She offers her hand but pays more attention to the device.

Eric: The device gives the same dull sound from Wolfe. Eric frowns and motions for the other guard to try again.

Dr Catriona: "How old is this device? And is it properly maintained?"

Eric: As the scanner begins again, smoke billows out from the rear and into the guard's face. "Torm's tits!"

Dr Catriona: "AH!"

Eric: "Guess I will have to do this the old fashioned way. Miss, can you let me see your teeth."

Dr Catriona: "Oh, us Lantanese have quite the proficient oral hygiene regimen." She gives an incredibly dorky grin.

Eric: "I just need to see how pointy your teeth are."

Dr Catriona: "Within typical standard deviation standards."

Eric: "With, what?"
The guard seems clearly perplexed. "You are not no werewolf." He waves her through.

Dr Catriona: "I can repair your machine for you if you need."

Eric: "We will take it back to the professor in the morning."
"The inn is the first building on your right."

Dr Catriona: "My knight friend would admonish..uh.. me.. anyway... " she says with a shrug.



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #38 on: May 31, 2018, 10:34:27 PM »
Session 35

Euron Sand: "Welcome back, friends. I'm Euron Sand, Cleric of Helm and member of the Watch. Things have changed a bit since we last saw each other, so let me bring you up to speed.
We're still searching for Wolfe's daughter, Sera, who has been helping a Mad Scientist create mechawolves and lycanthropes to terrorize Lurkwood Forest. We found the Silver Dragon known as Astonaxia, and learned that she wasn't insane. She couldn't tell us were Sera was located, but she did offer us some magic items to continue or quest and then flew us to Sunderwood upon her back, saving us valuable time. The flight was...interesting.
Now that we're in Sunderwood, we've got to figure out our next move and pick up Sera's trail. Wolfe wants to find his daughter, Westra wants to end this madness, and Dr. Wicker wants to science something...and that sounds terrifying. Oh, everyone's here. Keep a lookout, will you?"

Dr Catriona: Catriona learns more about everyone's ornery samurai, as well as some more about herself, and about beer. Other than sending Gizmo on an extended mission, the rest of what she does is go to sleep hard.

Wolfe: Wolfe wakes with a start in his bed, covered in sweat and somewhat shaking. He lets out a growl as he comes back to reality, Kumiko's name on his lips as he looks down to his hands to see that they are, in fact, not claws or covered in blood.
Getting up, he gets dressed and heads down to the inn to get some breakfast, doing some breathing exercises to calm himself down.

Pedrin: "Good Morning Sir!" The elderly gentleman that was tending the bar the night prior hobbles over to his table. "More of our apple ale today? Can I get you some sausage and grits as well?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra initially insisted on seeing this "professor" that set up the tests required to gain entry into the town, but it was primarily just to further the indignant ruse she'd put on to try and avoid having Wolfe scanned. Once she was reminded that it was quite late, she seemed to reluctantly accept turning in for the night and seeing about the professor in the morning.
The following morning, she woke sweat-drenched and disturbed, breathing heavily and concerned.She takes more time than normal in the morning wash, trying to put the strange dream out of her mind, and so for once she wasn't the first one of the party down to breakfast.

Wolfe: Wolfe had been laying off the sauce, but after the very vivid dream that seemed to still be bothering him... "Please."

Westra Goldbrook: Once she did go downstairs, she made her way towards the table where food was being served to Wolfe.

Wolfe: "Mornin." He said while he was getting his grub and drink on, but didn't look up toward her.

Pedrin: The old man returns shortly with breakfast and beer for both Westra and Wolfe without being prompted for the former. "We don't get many visitors in these parts. Its nice to have someone other than Eric and Humphrey in here drinking during the day."

Dr Catriona: (brb)

Antony Goldbrook: Antony clambered down the stairs shortly after Westra falling in beside his sister. "I am starving, I could eat an entire horse Westie." After his food is brought he begins his quest.

Westra Goldbrook: "Good day," she returned quietly to Wolfe, before taking a seat across from him at the table. She nodded to the innkeeper, but found it harder to find the usual smile this morning to greet the help with.
"It is not surprising, considering the strangeness that greet those trying to visit," she commented to the old man. "Have things been difficult for you here of late?"

Pedrin: He chuckled. "Quite the opposite in fact. As I hear it we are one of the few places that have no had a werewolf incident this past year. Most of the town attributes it to that gobbly gook technological rubbish Baldarich creates."

Wolfe: "What can you tell us of that Professor?"

Pedrin: He waved a finger in the air. "But I'll tell you, its because we are good Torm fearing folk here. He is watching out for his loyal followers! That is what really does it!"

Wolfe: Wolfe rolled his eyes, visibly, and returned to his food at that.

Pedrin: "Baldarich....hmmm." He scratches his chin as he gazes towards the ceiling. "Afraid there isn't much to tell. He used to be a trader, had six o' seven youth working under him. Traded from Mithral hall to Neverwinter all the way down to Waterdeep. Did pretty good for himself so far as I heard. He retired a few years back and now just teaches the youngins. We hadn't had a well educated man to bring up our youth since I was a lad about 200 years ago. Ha!"

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts an eyebrow at Pedrin. "Must be the grits."

Pedrin: "Grind em myself!" He says proudly.

Westra Goldbrook: "They are delicious," Westra tells him. "Where could we find this professor, if we wanted to speak with him?"

Antony Goldbrook: He spits a mouthful of grits out on his plate.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks aghast at Antony. "What on earth is wrong?"

Dr Catriona: Polished boots carry down to the tavern level the bosomy scientist. While still prim in appearance, bears a sluggish walk and a somewhat slack demeanor that borders on lethargy.

Pedrin: Pedrin doesn't even seem to notice and carries on with his conversation with Westra. "Lives just south of here, only other house on this side of the road through town.

Antony Goldbrook: "Did you taste them? Ugh."

Wolfe: Wolfe smirks a little as he looks up to Cat's hangover look, hiding it behind his mug of apple ale.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra glares at Antony for his rudeness. Sometimes it was almost as though he hadn't been raised in a noble house at all. "Good morning, Doctor," she says, turning her attention to Cat when she shows.

Antony Goldbrook: Antony gives her a knowing smile. He can recognize that look almost as well as Wolfe. He then chugs the rest of his beer.

Dr Catriona: She waves her hand slowly in return greeting and walks over, quietly finding a seat as if she were in church.

Westra Goldbrook: "Forgive me, but you seem a little off color this morning. Did you have troubled sleep as well?" she asked the doctor.

Dr Catriona: "I don't recall." she replies quietly to Westra.

Antony Goldbrook: "Well Westie after some beer and food, I best be headed back to Neverwinter for my ass chewing from our esteemed Lord Neverember." He pushes his chair away from the table and stands, stretching.

Wolfe: Wolfe slides over his apple ale toward Cat.

Dr Catriona: She slides it back.

Pedrin: "Some breakfast my dear? Shall I bring a couple more ales?" The older gentleman asks.

Wolfe: Chuckling, Wolf goes back to drinking with some minor amusement.

Westra Goldbrook: "That is a long ride to travel alone, Antony," she points out. "Are you sure you would not rather stay with us and return when we do?"

Dr Catriona: "No.. no ale. No food. I am without need." she says to Pedrin quickly.

Westra Goldbrook: As Westra finally realizes what's ailing Cat, she turns an unamused expression to wolfe. She doesn't say anything; the look placed enough blame in silence.

Wolfe: He doesn't seem to care

Antony Goldbrook: He stands proper and says in a good impersonation of their father's voice. "Duty and Honor are the most important virtues. Never bring dishonor to our family by denying your duty or besmirching your honor." He returns to his normal stance an voice. "What would father think if I were here adventuring with you instead of reporting back to 'Our Lord' with the disastrous outcome of my mission?"

Pedrin: "Enjoy your breakfast." The old man moves back to cleaning the bar.

Westra Goldbrook: "Well, if you must go, please do be cautious. There are still these strange creatures about. You'll honor no one by getting yourself killed."

Dr Catriona: "Mainland nobility really use the term besmirch?" she asks quietly to no one in particular. That was weird, but somewhat fascinating to her.

Antony Goldbrook: "Don't worry, I am sure my lil sissy will come save me if I get in trouble." He gives her a big playful bear hug as only a big brother can.

Dr Catriona: Catriona watches that exchange with a slight wtf face.

Wolfe: Wolfe just drinks and eats, holding his inward annoyance at Antony's presence at bay.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra stands to give Antony a proper hug, and if he's intent on leaving straight away, she walks him outside to send him off.
Then returns and sits again, looking pensive.

Antony Goldbrook: After properly attempting to embarrass his sister, Antony turns to the others. "Safe travels, and thank you again for your aid." He leaves the inn, pack in hand.

Dr Catriona: She gives a slight wave.

Wolfe: "Good luck." He says to the man, but that's about it.

Westra Goldbrook: "That woman from the mines...Jghara. She entered one of my dreams last night," she said. "I have never been one to have prophetic visions, but this... felt strange."

Dr Catriona: She sits up some. "She did the same to me a few nights ago."

Wolfe: "Huh. Same for me last night."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks to Cat with interest. "Did she attempt to tell you to turn back?"

Dr Catriona: "Not that I recall. I just took it for a standard dream. As nonsense."

Westra Goldbrook: "She told me that a great evil is coming to confront us, and that I should go home with Antony, else I may not go home at all."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns as he lowers his mug. "She told me not to go into the house when I found Kumiko."

Westra Goldbrook: "Kumiko?"

Dr Catriona: "His wife."

Wolfe: Wolfe nods slowly, though his eyes are more fixated on the table. "I've had that dream... that.. memory.. for the last five years, playing in my head. This time she was there.. telling me I knew what was going to happen, and I could turn away. Change things. Past is not the future, she said."

Dr Catriona: "Sounds manipulative."

Westra Goldbrook: "The dream I was having when she appeared was of the celebration after my brother Lucian slew his first dragon. I know she could not have been there, but now, when I think of that night, she is always present. It's all very strange."

Wolfe: "Same. She's always there now, in my memory of Kumiko. It hurts my head a bit, now that I think on it." He winces.

Dr Catriona: "Mental invasion. Easier while you sleep as your mind is less defended."

Wolfe: "She keeps poppin up. Probably a sign she's gonna be trouble for us. Time to go talk to the professor and see what's going on, right? Unless you two wanna do something else."

Dr Catriona: Adjusting her glasses she nods, as if that was a foregone conclusion.

Westra Goldbrook: "No, that seems wisest."

Dr Catriona: "I sent GIZMO with instructions for LEROY to bring the Rex here, though I do not know how long that will take."

Westra Goldbrook: "Clever thinking," she said.

Dr Catriona: "If it works, maybe..." she replies.

Wolfe: "Always making use of every tool available." Wolfe smiles with a nod of admiration toward Cat.

Dr Catriona: "Just as a warning, he will not be available if we get into any trouble."

Wolfe: "That's fine. We shouldn't be fighting anything in town, I don't think."

Dr Catriona: "Remember this place was selected by the Mad Scientist."

Dungeon Lord: As the group leaves the tavern, the town is waking. Children carry books towards the large house to the south, skipping and talking as they come from the various homes. Adults come out, doing regular morning tasks, pulling on backpacks, sweeping the street in front of their homes, throwing out buckets of waste. A couple offer a quick wave and "Good Morning." though most seem distrustful and watch the group from the corner of their eyes.

Dr Catriona: She follows behind Wolfe and Westra, glancing about at the life in motion in the village. They were sitting ducks for whatever was going to go down here.

Wolfe: Wolfe follows the road as was directed to Baldarich's home, as he was supposedly the Professor they were in search of.

Vadim: "Wow! Are you a real orc?!" An excited youthful voice appears behind Wolfe. As the group turns around a boy of 11 or 12 looks up at him with only amazement in his eyes. Quite a different greeting that most humans. "I read Orcs can lift three times their body weight. Is that true?!"

Wolfe: Wolfe's upper lip curls in annoyance. "I'm a Fake Orc, kid. If you're looking for someone to tell ya all about Orcs, I'm the wrong guy to ask."

Westra Goldbrook: "Run along, children," Westra prods, in a matronly tone that came way too easily. "You'll be late for your lessons."

Vadim: He cocks his head to the side as he processes the words, he then opens a small notebook he has the jots down a couple notes. "Aggressive undertones, mandible tusks, forest green pigment. Interesting..." He says as he writes.

Baldarich: "Vadim! Get in here this instant, you are late!"

Dr Catriona: ((Paladin aura))

Vadim: "Oh!" He runs off without another word.

Dr Catriona: "I was always early for class, by the way. I have several attendance ribbons." she decides to voice, for no reason.

Wolfe: "I can see that."

Baldarich: They disappear in to the house the group is headed to, the door being left opened.

Dr Catriona: ((NOW WE ARE FREE!, DM GONE! child murder))

Dungeon Lord: The group enters the front door to find a tastefully decorated residence. Westra is reminded of her family home as she enters. To the right of the front door, two double doors open into a large room where eight desks are arranged in front of a chalkboard and larger desk. The gentleman that yelled to 'Vadim' is standing at the front of five children.

Wolfe: Wolfe just hovers near the door, as this whole town seemed weird to him. Everyone was so nice and wholesome.

Baldarich: "Please hand in your writing lines." He walked to each of the children's desks. "Very good Sajit, Ebba, Leila."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra taps lightly on the doorframe between the rooms. "Pardon us, please. Are you Baldarich? If you are, may we speak with you a moment?"

Baldarich: "Vadim? You still need to work on your Ses I see. Thank you Gavril." His eyes look up to the group in the doorway. "Oh, uh yes. Just a moment."
"Ebba, please go through some times tables with the class while I am away." A girl a few years older than Vadim stands and starts writing on the board as Baldrich walks towards the group. "Pleasure to meet you, Lady...?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Westra Goldbrook, of Neverwinter," she said, offering a hand to shake before trying to lead the man out of easy earshot of the classroom. "Allow me to introduce Doctor Catriona Wicker, Father Euron Sand, and... Wolfe," she said, eyes narrowing briefly a she stumbled over how to intro the half-orc. "Ah, to put it bluntly, we are in search of werewolves."
"We were told that you are responsible for the devices that scan for them at the town gates. We thought you might be able to tell us what you know of them; we seek to keep them from harming those unlucky enough to cross their paths in places less well-guarded than Sunderwood."

Baldarich: "A pleasure to meet you. Welcome to my home." He crinkled his face at the mention of werewolves. "Please come over here to my study." He leads the group across the hall into an equally large room. This room is filled with schematics and books the line the walls. Pieces of mechanical equipment litter the desks and tables. He leans on his desk and motions for the group take the two available chairs.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra eyes the mechanical pieces, trying to gauge whether they have any similarities to what she's seen in the wolves.
But she does take one of the offered seats.

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't sit as he enters, leaning against the door as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Dr Catriona: Doctor Wicker is still somewhat overly quiet as she follows after, though her discerning eyes do scan over the inside of the place. Silently, she examines all the the devices and experimental elements in her range

Baldarich: "I did indeed create the 'WereTron 4000', I had been fascinated with the creatures most of my life though I had never seen such a beast until...." He cleared his throat. "recently. It seems there is some kind of pathogen within the cologen in a were's blood. I was able to identify a wavelength of light that could identify the pathogen at a certain frequency. So far we have been able to keep any more of the beasts from sneaking into our town."
The mechanic equipment and pieces in the study do not appear similar to those on any of the werewolves. "Tinkering is something I picked up from some gnomes during my trading days, I can't say I am well versed in the trade, but I am persistent." He chuckles. "Though I did round up a few hundred. Weretron 3654 just doesn't have the same ring to it."

Wolfe: "...You've gone through thousands of that thing?"

Dr Catriona: "Umm.. why do lycanthropes attempt to sneak in here?"

Baldarich: He shrugs. "A true scientist never gives up!"

Dr Catriona: "Its a gnomish iteration nomenclature. " she says quietly to Wolfe.

Baldarich: "I am not that any are specifically targeting us, but after attacks started occurring, I had to do something. Most of the people here are simple townsfolk and we only have a couple men trained in any kind of combat. Though I was not here most of my life, Sunderwood has always been my home."

Westra Goldbrook: "Will you tell us of your experience with them?" she prompted.

Wolfe: "What happened to your test subject to make sure the device worked?"

Baldarich: "I never had a test subject, only some blood. I still have it." He pulled his glasses from his brow and rubbed his eyes."It has been over a year now since poor Nadiyya disappeared. She loved to gather morels up by forest, one day she didn't return. We searched for three days before we found her body. Even with just a dagger she had cut the beasts hand off, she was a fighter." He fought back a bit of a sob. "Vadim and his father lost a good Lady that day." He collected himself. "I kept the hand to study, and after the attacks continued to occur around the countryside, decided to begin working on a way to protect the rest of us."

Dr Catriona: Catriona takes it upon herself to look over the projects of this professor to gauge if they may have familiar or nefarious origins.

Wolfe: Wolfe has a moment where he feels tempted to ask to look at the hand to make sure it's not Sera's, but he supposes he wouldn't know.

Baldarich: "My invention came to late for poor Lyla. She was snatched right out of the middle of town. Some vagabond coming through several months ago stayed at the tavern, the next morning she was gone, blood smeared by her window. I didn't sleep for ten days and managed to get my invention working. We will not lost another child to those monsters!"

Euron Sand: Euron listens to the sad tale, remaining silent to let the scientist speak. He sneaks a glance at Cat to see if any of this interests her or if she believes any of it. He finds her looking over different items, and returns his attention to the scientist.

Dr Catriona:
Tinkerer's Tools (7)

Wolfe: "Vagabond? What did she look like?"

Baldarich: The doctor locates an aerosoled silver spray can, several silvered mechanical weapon launchers, some type of hydroeletric generator schematics, and a half finished contraption that appears to provide single servings of coffee.

Dr Catriona: "Do you supply arms for lycanthrope hunters?" she says, pointing at the weapons.

Baldarich: He shook his head. "Pedrin said it was a man. Kept himself cloaked, stayed in the back of the room. You know the secretive type. Just a few devices to try and aid Eric and Humphrey at the gate though the WereTron is the only tool I can convince them to use. Idiots, the lot of them." He says in an annoyance Cat may be able to sympathize with.

Dr Catriona: "May want to look into automated sentries."

Wolfe: "Don't think many people can swing that like you can, Cat."

Westra Goldbrook: "Professor, is there anything unusual about Sunderwood, that you know of?" Westra asked. "Any reason the creatures might be attracted to this place?"

Baldarich: "Ahh, but how do you detect friend from foe? I am unsure of how to program an identification algorithm."

Dr Catriona: "Probably rotating passcode. Maybe one of the guards oversees the process to make executive decisions.. though that opens up a point of failure. I am more interested in the Captain's question, however. Is there something else that may attack lycanthropes here?"
"At some point, the threat level must overcome the benefits of staying here...."

Baldarich: "Hmmm....I am not sure, except lack of other creatures to feed on. Several of our nearby villages have been overrun by a group of weres." He scratches his chin again and walks over to a bookshelf behind his desk..

Westra Goldbrook: "Which villages? Where?"

Baldarich: "Several small hamlets such as ours." He says as he continues to read the spines. "Housin to the West about ten miles and Greytown Northeast towards the Mithral Hall."

Wolfe: "Did any of them have survivors?"

Baldarich: "Ah! I think this is the one." He opens an old faded tome with a map of the Northern Sword Coast. "I am afraid not, all of them were killed as far as the reports we have heard."

Dr Catriona: "That is terrible."

Euron Sand: Euron looks around the room for any further clues about this scientist or Sunderwood. "Where did the reports come from?"

Baldarich: Finding the page he is looking for. "It says here, that in the days of the Elves, powerful Mythals were erected to protect and feed the land, as humans and other races encroached on the Sword Coast, the Elves hid these crystals of power so they could not be misused. I am no cartographer, but seems to be that there is one nearby to Sunderwood. If this map is be believed."

Dr Catriona: "As the answer with many matters these Spellplague?"

Baldarich: "Perdin or Liliana, the General Store owner hear news from occasional travelers that come into town. Spell what? Is there a new disease running rampant as well?"

Westra Goldbrook: "May I see?" she asked, standing up to gesture towards the book to which Baldarich referred.

Baldarich: He hands her the old tome, which is in Elvish.

Wolfe: "The Goddess of Magic is dead. Couple months back. Caused a bunch of crap to turn out bad. Neverwinter got turned into a warzone with spellplagued people walking all over the lands. You are just now hearing about this?"

Dr Catriona: "Is a worldwide cataclysm that disrupted the weave."

Baldarich: A map of the Sword Coast is on one page with several marks depicting locations of something.

Westra Goldbrook: Westa, who is versed in the elven tongue, takes a look and makes note of the nearest marks of interest.

Baldarich: "Oh dear." The shock on his face is clear. "No, I was not aware. I have been spending most of my time these last few months with the children or working to protect the village.

Euron Sand: Euron will attempt to look at the other books, if possible.

Wolfe: Wolfe wonders what sort of twilight-zone place he's walked into and it's creeping him out.

Baldarich: Euron can find books on nearly any topic he would like among the walls of books. History, theology, mechanics, etiquette, languages, and even a rudimentary spell book that looks unused. 'Wizarding for Dummies'

Euron Sand: Euron smirks at that one, but decides to look at the book on theology.

Dr Catriona: "It may be a grim query but I must ask... why did this village survive and the others did not?"

Dungeon Lord: Torm blah blah blah. Best god blah blah blah. Praise him blah blah blah.


Euron Sand: Euron puts the book down. Clearly this man had books that were out-of-date and utterly mistaken.

Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a grunt. "If there's a Mythal here, that means that our mad scientist is going to try hard to get access to it. If they are using any sort of magic, a Mythal could greatly empower their efforts."
"If they've found a way to inflict a contained and controllable lycanthropy on others, they could use the Mythal to maybe even affect the whole region."

Baldarich: "No on here can use magic. At least as far as I have ever seen."

Westra Goldbrook: "I'll remind you that Jghara also pulled mystical stones from the mines and the spellforge," Westra pointed out, quietly.


Euron Sand: Euron's expression grows grim. "Then we need to stop this Mythal from being used."

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over to the door behind him.
"So Jghara giving us all a dream to turn back at the last moment, not a coincidence."

Baldarich: "You can't always believe old Elven tales." He waves a hand. "Surely if something of extreme magical power existing here, someone would know it!"

Westra Goldbrook: "Who, in a town full of non-magic users?"

Baldarich: "Hmmm...point taken."

Wolfe: "And someone does know it."

Westra Goldbrook:
16   8

Wolfe: "A mad scientist with a bunch of werewolves that he's experimented on."

Baldarich: He frowns. "Experimented on?"

Dr Catriona: "Transmogrified with mechanic elements."

Westra Goldbrook: "Do you know of any way we could track down a more specific location?" she asked Wolfe, who seemed to know more about the mithal. "Would there be any kind of visible indication?"

Baldarich: He looks over to his schematics and contraptions. "Wait, you all don't think...."

Dr Catriona: "This mad scientist has a zest for scientific treachery."

Westra Goldbrook: She pauses, and watches the professor more closely.

Baldarich: "I am not breeding or experimenting on werewolves!" He says indignantly.

Euron Sand: "No one said you were." Euron said, looking at him more closely now.

Dr Catriona: "In all likelyhood, the Spellplague may have caused that which was previously hidden to surface and thus call to those seeking such things..."

Baldarich: He waves a finger like he is punishing a child. "Now you come into my home and accuse me of such a thing! Well I never."

Wolfe: "Like a fresh kill in the woods it'll draw the scent. Calm down, spectacles. No-one's said a damn thing about that."

Dr Catriona: Cat opens her mouth to say that she is calm
Then realizes she isnt the target of that.

Baldarich: "You are inferring it." He says but does appear to calm down.

Wolfe: "Naw." Wolfe shoves himself off of the wall and stands more solidly. We're saying you're not the only inventor out here. So we're investigating, so we can save your town from getting turned into test subjects."

Baldarich: "Oh..." He stands up a bit and straightens his clothes. "Well that is a fair point."

Wolfe: "Do you know of anyone else around these parts mechanically gifted? A protege, a former rival or anything?"

Baldarich: "That seems like a commendable charge, I would be happy to assist."

Westra Goldbrook: "Have you encountered any 'tinkerers' such as yourself, of late?"

Baldarich: "Stoheim used to live in Neverwinter, he is a skilled blacksmith, but I don't believe he has any engineering skills." He scratches his chin again. "Stojan doesn't have any of those skills that I am aware, but she certainly travels about the countryside a fair amount. She leaves those twins alone all the time." He shakes his head in disgust.

Dr Catriona: "Has anyone other than us passed through here asking questions?"

Baldarich: "But they are both good people, surly they would not be involved in any kind of strange goings ons."

Dr Catriona: "Possibly surveying?"

Baldarich: "There was some strange Artificer or Archaeologist or some other staying at the tavern last I heard. Has been here for several days. Name started with a a J I think. Jones, something or other."

Wolfe: "I'll go check out the tavern and see if I can find them."

Dr Catriona: "Artificer might be what we seek." she tells Westra.

Baldarich: "He leaves town and digs up stuff or something, returns every evening."

Wolfe: "Mm, well, tonight then."

Westra Goldbrook: "Is there any manner of underground portion of Sunderwood?" Westra asked the professor, after nodding to Cat. "Caves, mines, anything of the like?"

Dr Catriona: "I was wondering the same thing... catacombs, or subterranean ... yes, what she has said."

Baldarich: "I don't believe so, but the woods to the south are dense, its possible there could be some manner of underground entry there. There is nothing but plains to the North and West so I don't believe so. "We bury our dead behind the tavern, I suppose its technically behind my house too."

Dr Catriona: "Speaking of that... any undead around these parts? Walking corpses, spectres...?"

Euron Sand: Euron hoped that it wasn't an entrance to the Underdark. That would be terrible.

Westra Goldbrook: "Behind the tavern?" she asked. "Have you no temple here?"

Baldarich: "Oh heavens no! How ghastly! I ran into some of them years back by the Trollbark Forest. Zombies are such horribly disgusting creatures. Though how they reanimate does seem quite an intriguing thing to study. "
He seemed to find Westra's question amusing. "No temple, No clergy."

Westra Goldbrook: "That is surprising to me, given how many very vocal Tormites we have encountered in our short time here."

Dr Catriona: "It sounds as if our lead is this artificer." she says.

Baldarich: "Pedrin? Thet old fool. He would stand there with werewolves eating his leg and talk about how 'Torm will save me' You know..Torm gave you two legs to run away from the beasts."

Wolfe: Wolfe looked over to Euron, then. "Well, if Helm ever kicks you out you have a backup plan, Euron."

Dr Catriona: She points at the wannabe keurig in a very random moment. "And sir, you should isolate the reverse power flux coupling in this. Or whatever beverage you are trying to make will taste like concentrated carbon."

Euron Sand: Euron laughed. "I'll keep that in mind, Wolfe. But I'm confident that Helm still has use for me yet."

Baldarich: He looks over. "Ah! Eureka! How did you discern the problem I was having?" He moves over to nerd out with Cat.

Wolfe: "She's a scientist. And a warrior." He winks at Cat, then turned for the door. "I'm going to check out if anyone else has seen the Artificer."

Westra Goldbrook: "I do not think we should separate, all things considered," Westra said, setting the book down on the desk.

Baldarich: "You see,this will allow you to not have a brew an entire carafe in the event you only want a single cup of tea or coffee. I call it 'The Baldarich Brew!"

Dr Catriona: She gets somewhat bashful at that but says nothing further.

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe hears the patter of feet running away from the door as he turns.

Dr Catriona: "I am afraid you have more worries than coffee, Professor."

Baldarich: "Oh, yes...indeed." He write down on a parchment nearby. 'Isolate Reverse power flux coupling'

Dr Catriona: "Someone means to make this village a staging ground for something heinous."

Wolfe: Wolfe will stop at the door and open it, looking after the kids.

Dungeon Lord: When Wolfe opens the door, his buddy from earlier on the street is sitting cross legged taking notes in his notebook. While the rest of the children have retreated to the doorway to their classroom, Vadim seems to not even notice the half-orc attempting to leave.

Dr Catriona: "It would behoove you to.. um.. cater your efforts to more defensive priorities. "

Baldarich: "Indeed. I will continue to work on the identification algorithm,. Let me know if I can assist in any other way."

Wolfe: "Vadim, was it?"

Dr Catriona: "I would suggest a Last Resort plan."

Baldarich: "If you will excuse me for now, I am most likely lucky the building is not on fire at this time. I should get back to the children."

Dr Catriona: "Evacuation of the village in case of emergency."

Vadim: "Oh, Hi Mister Fake Orc." He looks back down at his notebook. "I believe you aren't really a fake orc. I think you are a half orc. I read about them in one of the professor's books. Your tusks are not long enough for a real orc, but too long for an elf or human. And your skin is green but you are too tall to be a goblin." He looks back up to Wolfe.

Baldarich: "Evacuate? Where would we go?"

Wolfe: "Yeah, you're smart kid."
"You ever see this Artificer that's been in town? Starts with a J."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra quietly thanks Baldarich for his time, then leaves him to discuss schematics with Cat. She follows Wolfe into the hall.

Vadim: "I try and read lots of books like the professor. Dad says it is a waste of time and I should learn to work the field or I will starve when I grow up."

Euron Sand: Euron takes one last look at the scientist's home before thanking Baldarich for his time and leaving with Westra.

Wolfe: "Well, everyone's gotta eat kid."
"But if you make money from reading books, you don't need to do it yourself."

Dr Catriona: "That sounds like a task for the village scholar to come up with....respectfully.."

Vadim: "His name is Jonias the Antiquarian. He has been at the tavern for three days. He is an Elf." He points at his ears, but keeps writing in his notebook.

Dr Catriona: "It is always wise to have contingencies."

Baldarich: "Hmmm, I will think on this." He notices Wolfe speaking to the child. "Vadim! Leave that man alone! You are supposed to be working on your multiplication."

Wolfe: "What else do you know about this Jonias?"

Vadim: "He goes outside of the town all day, I am not allowed to go out of town, bad monsters will get me Dad says." He shrugs as his teacher yells at him. "Ebba can't even multiply to 12 times 12." He says under his breath as he walks back to the classroom.

Wolfe: Wolfe considers the name and information and then heads outside.

Dr Catriona: "Bye bye." she says curtly and goes to find the others.

Wolfe: He will then go through and ask all of the vendors in town what they know about Jonias the Artificer.

Baldarich: "Get back to your seats!" He says not sternly at all. As the group leaves.

Dungeon Lord: There only appear to be two vendors in town the general store and a blacksmith. Neither know much of the man though he did stop into the general store. Liliana reports he did buy basic provisions such as food, a new shovel, and an unusual amount of raspberry preserves.

Dr Catriona: AND ACID

Euron Sand: Euron heads to the graveyard.

Dr Catriona: She will by acid herself, though.
"Between your dreams of coming doom, the clues about the mythal and the supposed area in the woods that might have a subterranean entrance.. I am uncertain what to address first."

Westra Goldbrook: "I suggest that once Wolfe has satisfied himself with questioning the merchants, we use the remainder of daylight to inspect the woods to the south. There seems to me to be no obvious indication of the mithal above-ground, and if that is the only likely place for an underground opening..."

Euron Sand: Euron went to the graveyard to check the headstones of the deceased and make sure that they were being properly maintained.

Wolfe: "I wanna talk to the artificer, but we got time. We should check out the woods to the south then come back."
"Err.. what Westra said."

Dungeon Lord: Euron finds that there, in fact, no headstones, only pieces of wood with a gauntlet of torm carved into it and a crude name of the poor soul for each.

Euron Sand: Euron sighed, feeling a swell of pity for the unfortunate souls buried here. He makes sure that things are straightened and neat.

Westra Goldbrook: "Agreed. Euron headed for the graveyard. Once he's done, I suggest we head out."

Dr Catriona: "More woods. Yay." she says to herself...
"I will go get my gear then." she informs before walking back towards the tavern.

Euron Sand: Once Euron was done, he would say prayer for the deceased and then look to rejoin the rest of the Watch.

Westra Goldbrook: Once Euron and the Doctor returned, Westra would start out towards the south of town.

Wolfe: Wolfe'll follow on after Westra

Dungeon Lord: As the group heads to the south, they see south and eastern sections of the town are protected by an old stone wall nearly 8 foot high. There is a barred wooden door that appears to have not been opened in years. There is a small sewer outlet next to it about a foot and a half square.

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs. "I hate sewers."
"Well. Let's get on with it." Wolfe goes on in.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra follows

Dungeon Lord: The door opens with protested sounds as the latch is undone and the rusted hinges move. Dense foliage presses right against the door as Wolfe opens it. The thicken wooded area does not allow much sunlight to penetrate the canopy. The sound of whirring can be heard to the right of the doorway.

Euron Sand: Euron will follow the group, keeping alert for anyone approaching them.

Wolfe: Wolfe makes sure to keep his head down and look at the whirring.



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2018, 07:11:10 PM »
--- Interlude ---

Jonias Siannodel: The loud, sudden terrified call of a bird rips through a cluster of trees followed by a bit of rustling through branches and then silence.
And then a little chuckle breaks out from the underbrush.
“Why are you causing a racket Berry?” A male voice calls from behind a tree.
Out from the underbrush a tiny red dragon creeps out with a bird in its mouth. The dragon drops it on a stone then proceeds to pose the dead creature, though it appears to have a hard time standing.

Jonias Siannodel:
“Did I ever tell you how the winter witch Manarkwa used birds to spy on my old master?” the dragonling responds in draconic while it looks over the dead creature. “This one was watching you relieve yourself. You don’t find that odd?”
“That a bird in a tree would keep an eye out on a creature isn’t at all a cause for alarm,” the elf replied from behind the tree.

Jonias Siannodel: “And that’s how the winter witch Manarkwa got the drop on my old master I bet!” The dragonling spun around, smacking the dead bird with its tail. “Well lucky for you I’m here now to make sure the same fate doesn’t befall you!”
“Need I remind you that you don’t even know how your master died?” A handsome bronze skinned elf appeared from behind the tree, adjusting his shirt. “Aren’t we out here searching for the remains of an old tower he once used? ‘One of many..”
“.. Many towers that held my masters treasures.” The red dragonling interjected excitedly. “Yes, and I told you that perhaps Sunderwood is what became of his tower, Sundercroft.” The dragon’s wings drooped slightly, “But none of this looks familiar to me elf. A thousand years is a long time for..”

Jonias Siannodel: The dragon’s head suddenly perks up at the sound of something in the distance. The creature flew up to the elf’s shoulder then disappeared. “Sounds like someone’s coming elf,” the creature whispered excitedly, pointing in the direction of town.

Session 36

Dungeon Lord: The Watch, deciding to leave Sunderwood in search of a cavern or some other hidden underground lair, has left the safety of the small hamlet. As they left through a gate on the southern wall the sound of a mechanical whirl can be heard to the right of the door. They find a small electrical device, half buried in the ground. It is roughly the size of a small crate.

Westra Goldbrook: "Doctor," Westra says, gesturing towards Catriona. "There is something here that you may be better equipped to diagnose than I."

Dr Catriona: The Doctor walks back towards Captain Goldbrooke and peers at the device.

Dungeon Lord: The device seems to be emitting a powerful audio signal well above the normal 'human' range. The doctor is able to discern it would like cause something unpleasant to creatures that could hear it.
It is connected by an electrical cable that runs along the wall.

Dr Catriona: "Its looks like some kind of deterrent device..."

Westra Goldbrook: "A deterrent to what?"

Dr Catriona: "It is emitting an audio signal that is beyond our frequency to properly hear."
"Possibly canines or other types of animals?"
"Like a dog whistle, but... unpleasant and repeating."
She tries to determine if it looks like something made by that Professor person.

Westra Goldbrook: "For the werewolves, perhaps?" Westra guesses, looking curious. "Another defense mechanism from the professor, perhaps."

Dr Catriona: "That would be my guess if I had to make one."

Dungeon Lord: It does look like some of the circuitry on his table if she recalls correctly.

Dr Catriona: "It certainly bears the hallmarks of the professor's handiwork."

Wolfe: "He sure seems to know how to make a bunch of gadgets against Werewolves, for a guy that never has met one."

Dr Catriona: "I see no reason to disturb it..." she says with a shrug.
"Well, we have yet to see any evidence of these machines actually functioning as intended, Mister Wolfe."

Dungeon Lord: Several howls sound to the South.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks at Wolfe suddenly, as though something occurred to her, but she stopped herself and frowned, and moved on.

Dr Catriona: "Even the device at the gate... " she starts, then turns to face the sound of the howls.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra turns towards the south as well, frowning. "Is it normal for wolves to make such noise midday?"

Dr Catriona: "There hasn't been much that is normal in a while, Captain."

Wolfe: "Knowing our luck, no."

Jonias Siannodel:

Dr Catriona: Predator clicking sound*

Dungeon Lord: Several other bestial growls and howls now echo.

Westra Goldbrook: "We may yet see if these devices work," Westra says, pulling her halberd off of her back.

Dr Catriona:"Could.. umm.. they be in the direction of the subterranean entrance?"

Wolfe: "Knowing our luck, probably."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra starts in the direction of the howls.

Dr Catriona: Adjusting her glasses, she says to herself. "Picked the perfect day to send GIZMO on an errand."

Wolfe: "Don't ever rely on a man -- or an owl, Cat."

Jonias Siannodel:

Wolfe: "We'll handle it just fine."

Dungeon Lord: The sounds of howls and growls carry over the wooded area as you move through the thick underbrush, they grow louder as you continue pace South.

Dr Catriona: "Technically, I created him so.. I am only relying on a way..."

Dungeon Lord: The come upon a clearing of sorts to see a group of werewolves battling with a pair of two strange twelve legged dragonlike creatures.
A moment later, a human bursts from the brush to the East near you.

Westra Goldbrook:

Dr Catriona: "AH!"
Westra Goldbrook
Dr. Wicker
Euron Sand

"What the fuck are those?"

Dr Catriona: "Maybe we should just let this play out..."
"Also, strange man." She points at the human.

It is Dr. Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona:

Dungeon Lord: The creatures seem distracted at the moment and do not notice any of the new attendees.

Wolfe: "Wait a minute, it's that bitch..." He gestures toward Lyla to the south. "The child werewolf!"

Westra Goldbrook: "Look!" Westra says to whoever's beside her.

Dr Catriona: She will approach Wolfe and TAZE HIM with some ridiculous looking device.

Westra Goldbrook: wolfe points out the same li'l bitch.

Dr Catriona: "This is experimental!"

Wolfe: "AhhhHHHHHhHHhHHH!!!!!!"
Wolfe vibrates afterward.

Dr Catriona: He feels the world start to move slower from his perspective.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra startles, and looks concerned.

Dr Catriona: Even all the voices sound warped and slow.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: "What did you do to him?"


Dr Catriona: "I excited his molecular makeup three fold."


Dr Catriona: "I can't do it to more than one subject at a time."
"I mean.. um.. person."

Westra Goldbrook: "That's.. that's quite alright," Westra says, looking uncertain still. Unwilling to wait for the inevitable, she lunges towards the nearest werewolf, halberd drawn.

It is Werewolf's turn   

It is Behir's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
The closest behir incinerates two werewolves with its lightning breath.

It is Lokien's turn   


Lokien: Having erupted from the brush, he sees the group of companions start to attack the foes and decides that they're allies... for now.
Noticing something strange happen to the half-orc, he decides he can give him further support and gives him Hunter's Mark.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   

Dr Catriona: Cat's hair blows as Wolfe carves a path towards the biggest monster in view. "Gadzooks.."


It is Jonias's turn   

Dr Catriona: (Haste doesnt give +10 movement btw)
((You were hidden too, so your attack should get advantage tho right?)

Wolfe: Wolfe rushes through the small space between them, sped up with hyper-vigilance. He then moves with a flurry of blows against the beast. "HAAA-SSAAA-KIIII!!!"
Where Wolfe's blade slashes, small rivulets of alien blood follow.

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe has the creatures undivided attention.


Jonias Siannodel: From up above the behir a bronze skinned elf peaks out of the branches and fires a shot at the creature.

Lyla: "Have you seen my bear Tibbers?"

Jonias Siannodel:

Dr Catriona: ((an attack from stealth gives advantage))
((the first one))

Jonias Siannodel:

It is Werewolf's turn   

Jonias Siannodel:

Dr Catriona: "I don't know who is the enemy here..."

Dungeon Lord:

It is Behir's turn   

Dungeon Lord:

Dr Catriona: ((who is blessed?))

Wolfe: 4

Dungeon Lord:
The werewolf is torn apart but continues to fight as the behir squeezes his body.

It is Werewolf's turn   

Dungeon Lord:

It is Werewolf's turn   

Westra Goldbrook:

It is Lyla's turn   

Dungeon Lord:

Dr Catriona: ((lol did she just tame it as a Legendary Mount))

Dungeon Lord:
Lyla jumps on the behir's back and scratches him.

It is Tibbers's turn   

Lyla: "Get him Tibbers!"

It is Werewolf's turn   

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Euron Sand: Seeing that everyone is still in good health, Euron moves to aid Westra, seeing that she's about to be swarmed by a trio of the beasts, he concentrates and then opens up with a gout of holy powaaaaaaa!

It is Dr. Wicker's turn   

Euron Sand: Euron moves close enough to aid his sister in Helm, because danger is coming.

Dr Catriona: Catriona ignites the devices on her wrists and fires jets of blue fire at the werewolfe near Euron and Westra.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: "Well done!" Westra calls to the Doctor when she fries a nearby wolf with her fancy device. As Euron's blast of magic flies over her shoulder, Westra thinks to apply her own spells to aid her fight. ((Hunter's Mark)) She then lays into the beast before her with another pair of slashes.

Dr Catriona: The forest lights up with azure light as the werewolf catches fire, running off for a few feet before falling face first into the ground. Smoldering fur smell. Yay!

Westra Goldbrook:
rolling 1d6
(3)= 3

Dr Catriona: She looks at her hands as if impressed with herself. "Uh.. thanks.. but many more to deal with!"

It is Werewolf's turn   


Westra Goldbrook:

It is Behir's turn   


Wolfe: 28



It is Lokien's turn   



It is Wolfe's turn   

Dr Catriona: (Still hasted)
((You can escape, the restrain then disengage))

Lyla: 4


It is Jonias's turn   

Dr Catriona: "You left a finger behind I think!"
She said in fretful tones.

It is Werewolf's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe punches the Behir in the mouth repeatedly until it releases him from its maw and then SPEEDS back toward Euron's side. "HEYEURONDOYOUMINDGIVINGMEAHEALREALQUICK?"

Dungeon Lord:

It is Behir's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
The behir swallows a werewolf whole.

Dr Catriona: Doctor does a home alone double cheek :O

It is Werewolf's turn   

Dungeon Lord:

It is Lyla's turn   

Lyla: "Give him back!"

It is Tibbers's turn   


It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: (lol heal denied)

Euron Sand:

It is Dr. Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: She scuttles over to a better vantage and the ground warbles as gravity crawls up her legs and she releases a stream of WUB WUB at the pair of wolves in front of Westra.



Dr Catriona: Half damage to that one
and the next one too
(oh coo))

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((yeah 4 damage to both))

Westra Goldbrook:

Dr Catriona: "Tarnation!" she says with a stomp of frustration.

Westra Goldbrook:

Dr Catriona: ((Bless))

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(2)= 2
rolling 1d6
(3)= 3

It is Werewolf's turn   


Westra Goldbrook: Westra slashes at one of the two wolves in front of her, sundering its flesh from bone. As it falls, she turns her focus to its peer at its side.

It is Behir's turn   

Westra Goldbrook:

Dr Catriona: (Bye everyone in the cluster!))


Dr Catriona: ((doesnt it draw OA from Westra)

Westra Goldbrook:




Dr Catriona: ((I give one of my Inspiration))
((to wolfe for that attack))


It is Lokien's turn   

Dr Catriona: (The Haste drops)

Wolfe: Wolfe is grabbed by the VILLAINOUS Behir, though even in the throes of death he lets out a roar of resistance and stabs into it's neck as he falls unconscious. His last word is a snarled gasp. "Kumikoooo...."


It is Wolfe's turn   


It is Jonias's turn   

Jonias Siannodel:

Dr Catriona: "Okay, I think that person over there is one of the good guys..." she says about the archer in the distance.

Westra Goldbrook: "He's good enough for right now, in any case!" she shouts, between slashes

It is Werewolf's turn   

Lyla: 3

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias stays in his perch but summons a spectral hand. The hand becomes invisible.

It is Behir's turn   

Lokien: He looses his nocked arrow and perfectly strikes the Behir into its eye with such a straight shot that it goes clean through and out the other eye. The beast collapses on the ground next to Wolfe's body.



It is Lyla's turn   


It is Tibbers's turn   


It is Euron Sand's turn   

It is Dr. Wicker's turn   

Euron Sand: Euron pulls the Watcher's Eye from his neck and presses it to the Half-Orc's forehead.
"We still need you, Wolfe! On your feet, warrior!" Euron says, channeling the power of Helm directly through himself and into the samural!

Wolfe: Wolfe feels the "glory of Helm" flow through him, returning him to consciousness and the mortal coil thanks to Euron's aid. He sits up (Like the Undertaker) and then spits some blood.

Dr Catriona: Seeing Euron doing his quick work on Wolfe, she stops worrying enough to channel her fury again... WUB WUB cannon go!

Wolfe: "I'mwithyaEuronthanksalotIreallyappreciateit."

Westra Goldbrook: "If you've had enough naptime, we could use your help," she calls to wolfe

Dr Catriona:


Dr Catriona: ((6 damage to each))

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Thunderation!"

Westra Goldbrook:
rolling 3d4
(4+1+4)= 9

It is Werewolf's turn   


Westra Goldbrook: Westra continues to carve into the beast in front of her.


Dr Catriona: "They are so vertically stable!" she says, failing to assist Westra by knocking them down.

It is Lokien's turn   


It is Wolfe's turn   


It is Jonias's turn   

Wolfe: 16
Wolfe is still a little shaken up as he gets to his feet. He's slurring as he slashes once, then twice, in the completely wrong direction. "WHHEWRHHHI'MMAGETYOU" he says as he snarls toward the wrong direction. He takes a moment to breathe and focus, then returns his sight forward and cuts the Werewolf's head clean off with a single sharp blow.

Dr Catriona: "AH!"

Jonias Siannodel:

Dr Catriona: (Correct)
"Random ninja! Random ninja!"

It is Werewolf's turn   

Dungeon Lord:

Dr Catriona: Then she loses sight of him and looks flustered.

Dungeon Lord:

It is Behir's turn   

Dungeon Lord: 20

Westra Goldbrook: Westra, distracted by the Doctor's sudden strange shouting, takes a face full of claws and goes down.

Dungeon Lord:

Euron Sand: "NOOOOOOOOO!"

Dungeon Lord: 55

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias bolts down from the tree while the behir is distracted by the werecreatures. Seeing potential allies he bolts north towards the half-elf he had seen through the tree before

Dungeon Lord:


Lyla: "Don't hurt Tibbers you big meanie!!!"

It is Lyla's turn   


It is Tibbers's turn   

Jonias Siannodel: The elf quickly hides as the girl screams and calls out his location.


It is Euron Sand's turn   

Euron Sand: Euron moves to heal Westra.

Dr Catriona: Seeing Westra's fate Catriona says ... "We could probably just go back and let this resolve itself... no?"

Euron Sand:

It is Dr. Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: She taps her wrist igniters again, causing her hand to light with blew flame. "Get away from them, grit sucker!"

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Dr Catriona: She then leaves the vicinity of the Hidden Ninja.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra comes to with the cleric's aid. She makes her thanks quick, though because there are still werewolves to hit!
rolling 3d4
(3+1+4)= 8

It is Lokien's turn   


Lyla: "Pooo Tibbers, they got all our friends!"

Dr Catriona: "There is some.. person.. mucking around in that general direction.." she says to the others, gesturing in the area where the ninja was hiding.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Oh no what is he doing!?"

Wolfe: Wolfe speedily moves forward and slashes at Lyla while she's focused on the Behir and the bear.

Dr Catriona: Catriona again does :O face.

Lyla: "You talk funny!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs heavily. "Being Wolfe."

Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   

Euron Sand: "You've got to be kidding me." Euron said, watching Wolfe charge the wolf woman.

Wolfe knocks Lyla THE FUCK OUT

Dr Catriona: HIJACK

Wolfe: Then he stabs at the Behir's back

It is Jonias's turn   

Dungeon Lord: Tibbers lets our a roar as Lyla gets smoked by Wolfe.


Lokien: "There's some ferocity in that one..."

Jonias Siannodel: Seeing the half-orc swing back into action, the elf pops up and fires a shot at the behir.

Westra Goldbrook: "There's some something..."

Dr Catriona: "Sneaking person! Announce your intentions or I will burn the entire sector of the forest you are standing in and cause... "

Jonias Siannodel:

Dr Catriona: Advantage from Stealth

Jonias Siannodel: rolling 1d6
(3)= 3
rolling 1d6
(3)= 3
rolling 1d6
(2)= 2

It is Behir's turn   

Dungeon Lord: 18

Jonias Siannodel:

Dungeon Lord: 4

It is Lyla's turn   

It is Tibbers's turn   

Dungeon Lord:

It is Euron Sand's turn   

It is Dr. Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona:

Dr Catriona: Catriona's pupils glow flow as she hadoken's her hands, firing a jet of flame that impales the Behir's belly, causing it to partially explode as it's blood superheats.

Lokien: Leaves an arrow nocked once the foes are dispatched and keeps his distance.

Wolfe: Wolfe exhales as the spell falls off, Cat's magic fading after he, along with Westra, the strangers, and Cat annihilated the werebear. Afterward he is stunned not only by the magic fading from him, but also the behir gore that covers him.

Dr Catriona: "Screwed it and nailed it."

Wolfe: "S-s-oo w-w-arm."

Dr Catriona: SHe turns off the Exciter, which is yet to be named.

Westra Goldbrook: "Is everyone alright?" she asks, looking over the others.

Dr Catriona: "Ninja still hiding."

Westra Goldbrook: She notices Lokien holding back,and turns towards him. "You were a welcome aid, friend."

Dr Catriona: She blatantly walks over and takes Wolfe's pulse from his neck.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias slowly rises out from his hiding spot, bow in hand but his hands are out.
"Thank you so much for your timely arrival friends."

Lokien: Begins to search the area frantically.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra does a double take as a second stranger emerges from the brush. "What is going on here...?"

Jonias Siannodel: "My thoughts exactly. These woods had been fairly quiet for the last few days."

Wolfe: Wolfe's pulse is still hammering as his heart races, but he's slowly starting to come down from it.

Westra Goldbrook: The other stranger running about feverishly wins an arched brow and a concerned look. "Are you well, sir?"

Dr Catriona: "Do you feel dizzy or nauseous?" She doesnt seem to care much about the gore, must get readings!

Wolfe: "No, I'm uh.. I'm coming back, everything feels so.. slow and sluggish."

Dungeon Lord: Westra can see the body of a small child near Lokien and one of the werewolf corpses.

Lokien: Finds the mangled body of a young boy, bloodied and broken. He kneels down to stroke the face of his son and vows to avenge.

Dr Catriona: Her eyes flit to the two strangers but it Euron and the Captain seem to provide an imposing enough presence to likely give them pause.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias approaches the others cautiously mostly to get a better angle on what the other archer was searching for.

Dr Catriona: "Oh... " she says seeing that there was an innocent killed.

Lokien: "Will your party be encountering more of these beasts?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Father Sand," Westra calls. She gestures the cleric over hurriedly. "Is there anything you can do for the child?" she asks, motioning to the boy at Lokein's feet.

Euron Sand: Euron goes to Westra, then notes the child.
"Let me see what I can do." Euron said, going to the child.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias motions towards the half-orc, "You kept that one alive. Why?"
From his pack the elf commands his mage hand to grab rope and begin binding the werewolf.

Wolfe: Wolfe exhales as he gets himself back to sense, nodding toward the Doctor. "Thanks, Cat." The stranger, Jonias, speaks to him and he turns to regard the man, an eyebrow lifted to regard him. "I need some information, and she's likely the one to have some."

Euron Sand: Euron kneels to check the child, but his spirits dim almost immediately upon laying eyes on him. He's long gone.
He looks to Westra and Lokien. "I'm so sorry. He's...he's gone."

Lokien: Nods. "Thank you, Cleric."

Wolfe: Noting the casualty, he turns toward Lokien and the body he's hovering over. Wolfe's eyes narrow in hesitation, as he's not sure how to address that matter for now.

Westra Goldbrook: "I am sorry, friend," Westra says, softly. "This is your son?"

Jonias Siannodel: The elf nods his head, "Then allow me to be of service, considering your timely arrival clearly saved me."

Lokien: "Yes. He is."
"These wolves attacked our village while we were hunting. They murdered his mother and drug him off into the forest."
"The boy fought well. I could not have asked for more."

Westra Goldbrook: "Such a loss," she laments. Then she recalls his question and shakes her head to focus. "But, ah, yes. We intend to find more of these creatures. We have been trying to stop their attacks on the people here, and hope to find our way to their source."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias completes binding the werewolf's hands and legs while he quiet's down to listen to the other archer. To lose a son...

Lokien: "Might I join you, in this quest? I have some... unresolved business with them."

Wolfe: "Ah..."
Wolfe clears his throat some.

Dr Catriona: Her geekish features take on a dour expression at the matter with the stranger's son and the tale of these lycanthropes terrorizing more places.

Westra Goldbrook: "We would be fools to turn down the aid of an bow as strong as yours," Westra says. She offers a hand to shake. "I am Westra Goldbrook, of Neverwinter."

Lokien: Looks towards the half-orc and raises a brow.

Wolfe: "Sorry, about your loss. Most people call me Wolfe. This is Westra, Doctor Wicker, and Euron."
"I'm looking for my daughter, too, who might be with these Werewolves we're after."

Dr Catriona: She waves gingerly when her name is mentioned.

Lokien: Nods to the half-orc and extends his hand to Westra's with a firm grip. "Lokien, of everywhere and nowhere."

Wolfe: "That's why we captured this small one." He nods toward the now-tied-up Lyla.

Jonias Siannodel: As introductions are made Jonias grins as the others eventually turn to face him, "Greetings, i am Jonias Siannodel, of Evereska."

Lokien: Waves to Dr. Wicker.

Westra Goldbrook: "Well met, Lokien. Welcome to the Watch." She then turned to the elf, and listened as he intro'd himself. "What are you doing out here?" she asked, eyeing him.

Lokien: Looks to the new voice in the conversation.

Dr Catriona: "It is like all the elves I meat on the mainland are sneaky ninjas."

Wolfe: Wolfe turns to Jonias, feeling a bit more on guard because Elves typically hated on his Half-Orcness, but, y'know, Raithe was nice. "How many have you met?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra almost literally has to bite her tongue at Cat's comment.

Wolfe: He goes to sit by Lyla and looks for something to wipe off his face of Behir guts.

Jonias Siannodel: "I am out here searching for a ruin. It's what I do."

Dr Catriona: "...I admit, my sample size is not wide enough for a proper peer reviewed study..."

Westra Goldbrook: "A ruin? Here?"

Jonias Siannodel: The elf smirks at the bespectacled woman, "We have more trees here, so we're just prone to hiding in them i guess."

Dr Catriona: The socially arrested scientist randomly asks to the two strangers. "Do any of you know why these two forces were fighting?"

Lokien: "The werewolves were retreating from my town. I've been tracking them. Perhaps coincidence?"

Jonias Siannodel: "Well, maybe somewhere around here.An old ruined tower perhaps. The notes aren't very clue and I'm here mostly on a hunch."

Dr Catriona: She gives Westra a look. "This lycanthropy incursion might be more widespread than we know."

Westra Goldbrook: "All the more incentive to put an end to it." She walks over towards Lyla

Jonias Siannodel: I don't know why this fight errupted. I was making my way south from the town when I stopped to relieve myself. Then my morning went south quite quickly"

Westra Goldbrook: If not stopped, she'll shake her awake.

Lyla: " head hurts....AHHHHH!"

Dr Catriona: She walks over to the half exploded Behir corpse and examines it. Her eyebrows raise at the half digested werewolfe corpse peaking out of the reptiles spilled gullet.

Lokien: Nocks and draws an arrow at Lyla.

Lyla: She struggles against the bonds. "Let me go you big meanie!"

Wolfe: Wolfe gets up and walks over toward Lokien and puts a hand on his arm. "Peace, friend."
"We need to hear what she knows so we can put an end to this."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks like she wants to object to Wolfe's comments to the archer.

Dr Catriona: The doctor extracts a Behir eye and puts it in a jar.

Westra Goldbrook: She's not convinced they shouldn't beat the answers out of this little shit, tbh.

Dr Catriona: Its a stringy pull.


Lokien: Looks to Wolfe and nods. Removing the tension from his bow, but leaving the arrow nocked.

Jonias Siannodel: "I can always gag her for now"

Westra Goldbrook: "No need," Westra responds. "She's going to answer some questions."

Wolfe: "No." Wolfe turns back toward Lyla and approaches her.
He lets Westra take the lead on this one, though.

Lyla: "Tibbers!!! Tibbers!! NOOOOO!!!" She starts sobbing as she notices her dead bear friend.

Euron Sand: Euron feels a little bad for her, at the loss of her friend.

Westra Goldbrook: "Far more than this bear have died because of your 'friends', child," Westra says. "How came you to be with them?"

Wolfe: Wolfe gives no fucks cause the bear just beat his ass a little.

Jonias Siannodel: The elf stands back and looks on, allowing the others to address the werewolf girl.

Lokien: Realizing the age of this girl, he places his arrow back in the quiver and shoulders his bow. He understands her pain.

Lyla: She struggled against the bonds. "They were the only ones that were ever nice to me. Everyone like you, including Daddy are mean!!!" She screams toward Westra.

Wolfe: "Who's your father?" Wolfe says grimly from the other side of her.

Dr Catriona: After collecting an eye and claw from the Behir, Catriona glances back at the interaction. She feels more bad for Lokien than this creepy child. The hell with creepy children. She will say it a million times.

Lyla: "No! I am not telling you, I will never go back to him! I would rather die!"

Wolfe: "We're not taking you back to your father, you little shit."
"Who's the mad scientist who's making the mecha-wolves and all the weird shit going on here?"

Dr Catriona: "Euron and I can help bury your son, Mister Lokien. I mean, he likely knows the spiritual side of things... I can assist more with the.. excavation portion."
"While the others get to the bottom of the matter."

Lokien: "Girl. Please. Your friends have ravaged my town and murder my wife and child." He points to his son's corpse.

Westra Goldbrook: "She cares not. She is as much beast as any of them. We should send her to their fate and be done with her."

Lokien: He looks to Doctor Wicker and nods. "That would be most appreciated. Thank you."

Lyla: "Some dummy named Dari. He is a stupid head too! Kept me in a cage for weeks! At least he didn't hit me."

Lokien: "You should try to give her another chance. Adolescence is worth forgiving."

Wolfe: "Dari.."
"Where's Dari at, girl? And did he have a green skinned Elf with him?"

Lokien: He walks to assist in gathering materials for burying his child.

Lyla: "You mean Sera? She was nice."
"She was my friend too."

Wolfe: Wolfe nods slowly. "Yes, Sera."

Dr Catriona: "Father Sand, if you have a moment." she says, asking for the priest to follow.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra opened her mouth to argue, but realized that if the man who'd just lost his son to this kid's friends was preaching forgiveness, then she had little room to argue. She looked instead to the kid, who was now talking.

Wolfe: "I'm trying to find Sera and Dari."

Lyla: "Sometimes she would bring me food when I was sooooooo hungry."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias arches an eyebrow at the mention of a green skinned elf.

Euron Sand: Euron agrees to help lay the child to rest, visibly disturbed by the death of one so young."

Lyla: "Dari is mean, you don't want to find him."

Wolfe: "I want to find him to stop him, and I want to find Sera to make sure he doesn't hurt her."
"Can you tell me where they are?"

Lokien: "A pyre would suffice. It is the way of our tribe."

Dr Catriona: She nods.

Westra Goldbrook: Quietly, Westra begins to wonder at what point she got the 'bad cop' role in the goodcop/badcap scenario with an orc.

Lyla: "I was in a cage with Tibbers and some of the other wolves, then one night there was some fog in our cage, it made my head feel funny. Then we all woke up in that old house."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns and rubs at his chin. "You'd never been there before?"

Dr Catriona: Using her strange, alien powers, she blasts a few smaller trees into splinters and kindling. Then they build the pure in a suitable place. She is silent and respectful the whole time, letting Euron oversee the funerary stuff.

Lyla: "No, but I didn't no where to go and tibbers got me food so we stayed there. UNTIL YOU CAME AND KILLED MY FRIENDS JERKFACE!"
She struggles again to break free and growls at Wolfe.

Wolfe: "Why were you laughing at the other werewolves that were locked in the barn, though?"

Lokien: He collects the body of his son, as gently as possible and places him on the pyre. He then looks to the cleric."

Lyla: "They were too dumb to climb out of there! Big Ol dummies!"

Westra Goldbrook: "Was Sera in the house with you when you woke up?"

Lyla: "They used to say silly things that made no sense before they became wolves, it was funny to watch!"
She frowned. "No, I haven't seen Sera since I was locked in the dungeon."

Wolfe: "The cage before the fog?"

Lyla: She nodded. "One day I was playing outside of town and then I just woke up inside a cage in the dungeon."

Wolfe: "The weird Werewolves, the metal one, the undead one, they were at the abandoned farm. Was Dari the one who made them?"

Lyla: "It was fun at first, being away from Daddy and chores and stupid Ebba, Leila, and Vadim that would never play with me. I made new friends and we played all the time!"

Euron Sand: Euron will help set the pyre, then he spoke Last Rites for the boy, asking that Helm bless him and protect him on his journey to the hereafter. A boy so young, lost to senseless violence. There had to be a better life than this for the people. There had to be a better way.
Euron would light the pyre and then watch it burn. How many other young men like this had died without anyone to fight for them?

Westra Goldbrook: "Those are the children from Sunderwood."

Lokien: It occurs to him that, amidst the chaos, he never buried his wife.

Lyla: He nodded. "He made all of them!" She looked to Westra and her face fell. "No! DON'T TAKE ME BACK!"

Wolfe: "So you're from this village." He points to the nearby town.

Westra Goldbrook: "Who is your father, child?"

Lyla: "No! No!" She closes her eyes.

Lokien: He looks to Euron, "Thanks again, Cleric."

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts a hand and rubs at his chin. "Where was the dungeon? Do you remember?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra crouches nearby Lyla, and speaks gravely. "Listen to me, child. If your father beat you, I want to know his name so that I can help him understand what being beaten feels like."

Lyla: She opens an eye and looks at Westra skeptically. "You promise?"

Dr Catriona: She thanks Euron after Lokien does; its a sad situation for sure, but this entire ordeal was still in flux. When appropriate, she would return to the others and try to follow what she missed.

Lokien: He takes one final look at the pyre and turns his attention to Lyla, moving that direction.
"Girl. A name is all that is required."

Westra Goldbrook: "I have no intention of leaving a child in the care of an abusive thug," she said, solemnly.

Euron Sand: Euron watches the pyre burn a little bit longer, then returns to the Watch..

Lyla: "Daddy is the blacksmith in town."



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2018, 11:04:04 AM »
Session 37

Lyla: It was so fun exploring that town with my new friends, even though some of them can get mean sometimes they always listen to me when I yell. When I yell Tibbers gets mad, and they all listen to Tibbers! He is my favorite. I was so alone in that cold, dark place, then Tibbers came along and everything was ok.
Ooohhh! What are those weird things? They look like dragons without wings! "Get them tibbers! Make then be our friends too!" We're gonna get you dragons! This is so much fun! Wait. I know those people. Those are the meanies that killed my friends! Grrrr….

Wolfe: Wolfe picks up Lyla's unconscious body and nods back the pathway they came. "Come on, we should bring her back to town and talk to her old man -- see what he's really about."

Dr Catriona:  "That is assuming that she wasn't lying that the person really is her father."

Lokien: "Is the girl known for lying?"

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias remained silent, and leaned against a tree while the others had interrogated the girl werewolf and set a pyre for the dead boy.

Westra Goldbrook: "At this point, that seems to be the only lead we have," Westra agreed, though unhappy about it. She looked to Jonias and Lokien in turn. "You two are welcome to accompany us, should you wish."
She pauses, and her eyes shift between the two newcomers. "Are you two traveling together?"

Lokien: "No."

Jonias Siannodel: "I should head back into town anyways. I would welcome the company given how dangerous things appear out here." The elf said calmly addressing Westra. "Though i should ask, why are you out here? For the girl?"

Westra Goldbrook: "You are the fellow the villagers mentioned, perhaps," Westra realized, recalling something about a J-name person who left the town during the day for reasons. "You have been staying there? What brings you out here by yourself?"
"And, no," she adds, with a shake of her head. "We have encountered her before, but did not expect to find her here."

Wolfe: "Wait, you're the artificer?" He asks Jonias, his attention swinging toward him.

Dr Catriona:  "That doesn't sound accurate.."

Jonias Siannodel: "Artificer?" the elf arched his brow. "My name is Jonias, Antiquarian of the formerly great library of Evereska."

Lokien: Lokien listens to the conversation, which has gained some of his interest. He notices some surprise in the half-orc's voice and some distrust in the Doctor's statement.

Dr Catriona:  While walking, the doctor casts curious looks at the limp form of this Lyla creature, considering its nature.

Wolfe: "But you've been in the town lately? Digging stuff up, looking into the history of the town?"

Jonias Siannodel: "Not the history of the town, no. Searching for lost and stolen elven artifacts."

Westra Goldbrook: "What makes you think they would be here?"

Jonias Siannodel: "I came to this region following a lead and wound up trapped in the town. So i stick to searching close for now until this trouble passes."

Dr Catriona:  "Are they just going to allow us re-entry?" she says meekly, to no one in particular, when she sets eyes on the gate.

Westra Goldbrook: "I don't see why we shouldn't be able to get back in the same way we came out," she observed, also looking towards the town.

Dungeon Lord: The gate the group left from appears unguarded (and still unlocked), as it locks from the inside.

Westra Goldbrook: "Trapped how?" she asked Jonias.

Lokien: "Does this town have some issues with you?"

Jonias Siannodel: "Not sure if you've noticed the recent troubles with werewolves lately," the elf says with a calm deadpan tone before slowly smiling.

Dr Catriona:  "This village has an unusual screening process for entrants.. usually."

Wolfe: "They have some stuff that tests for werewolves to make sure they can't get inside."

Dr Catriona:  "Allegedly."
"We have not seen that device function properly, it may simply be a placebo or deterrent."

Jonias Siannodel: "Correct, and it's been a bit too dangerous to travel alone. I've been keeping my excursions limited to a days walk from the town. I hope a caravan would pass through soon so that i could travel with them."

Lokien: Noticing the play in Jonias' comment, "I noticed no trouble with werewolves." Then cracks a soft smile.

Westra Goldbrook: "Hmph.'

Euron Sand: Euron is somewhat unnerved by the way Lyla reacted to his attempting to remove the curse that lay upon her. He'd never heard a scream like that in his life and he hoped never to hear it again. The Priest was having a rough time these days, and it showed in the pensive, withdrawn expression on his face.

Wolfe: "I don't think there's a reason for the girl to lie to us, Cat. She doesn't seem to have anything to gain from it."

Westra Goldbrook: "Let us be on, then. I wish to speak with the smith and see if there is any truth to be found about this girl's origins."

Lokien: Recalling his recent events, and the death of his wife and son, his smile quickly fades.

Dungeon Lord: The group is able to make it back to the city wall without further incident.

Wolfe: Wolfe, still carrying Lyla, looks over to Euron. "You alright?"

Dr Catriona:  Cat does not look to be buying whatever Wolfe is selling.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias winces slightly as Lokien's smile fades, "My apologies, I did not mean to offend"

Dungeon Lord: The mechanical whirring near the door continues as when the group left.

Euron Sand: Euron looked to Wolfe. "I'll be fine, my friend. It's just...I've never seen that happen before when I tried to help someone."

Lokien: "Ah, none taken", he responds to Jonias apology.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pauses near the gate, trying to discern the source of the whirring.

Wolfe: "We're in the realm of strange shit going on, Euron. Best to just keep moving along."

Westra Goldbrook: "She seems more at peace now than I have seen her since meeting her," Westra pointed out to Euron. "It did happen strangely, but rest assured that you have helped her."

Dr Catriona:  ((SIMs 3 : Oh Shit Spellplague))

Wolfe: "Only cause she's asleep and not being a mouthy little bitch."

Westra Goldbrook: "Small victories, Wolfe."

Dr Catriona:  "There is the forge."

Euron Sand: Euron couldn't help smiling at that. "Point taken, Captain."

Lokien: Looks to Doctor Wicker with distaste and raises a brow, unsure of her seriousness.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias makes note of this unknown entry into the town.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra heads for the blacksmith's door.

Wolfe: Wolfe follows Westra's lead, carrying Lyla along.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonais follows the others and watches how they deal with the child.

Dungeon Lord: A stout girthy fellow sweats profusely and beats a long piece of steel at the forge next to the house. The monotonous hammering seems to lull your senses as he continues to punish the metal with his hammer.

Lokien: Lokien follows in tow.

Westra Goldbrook: "Pardon me. Stolheim?" Westra interrupts, once inside.

Stoheim: "Oy! What can I do for ye?" He says as he gives the blade a couple more hits before squelching it in a nearby bucket and setting it back atop the anvil. The man turns to face the group, his heavy beard bellows down to his chest and the moisture of work continues to roll off his bald head.

Dr Catriona:  The pearl blonde scientist looks over the smithy through spectacle shielded eyes with muted interest.
She cant imagine a group of weirdos carrying a smaller unconscious weirdo is all that appealing to the Blacksmith.

Lokien: Lokien looks around the town, having little business involved with the Blacksmith. He then suddenly realizes that Euron has not joined the group and walks back towards him.
Approaching Euron he says, "Are you coming, friend?"

Jonias Siannodel: "Stoheim, good day. these folks have found something that may be yours." the elf says to the smith.

Stoheim: "Oh...YOU're back." He says with a bit of trepidation to Wolfe before seeing the small child in his arm. "What are ye lot doing? What did you do to this child?"

Dr Catriona:  ((what if he just ran like he just got outed on Maury))

Euron Sand: "Oh, yes. Sorry. I'm coming." Euron said, pausing in his prayer to come and join the group."

Wolfe: Wolfe pulls back the blanket over Lyla's head, looking straight at the man. "This little girl says you're her father."

Westra Goldbrook: "I am Westra Goldbrook, of Neverwinter. My associates and I," she said, gesturing to the others, "serve as the Watch, and seek to aid the people here." She stops at his comment to Wolfe, and looks at the half-orc, uncertain. "You've met?"

Dr Catriona:  She wanders in the proximity about the smith, surely to be the last one swallowed whole when Lyla awakens and transforms into Boa Constrictor, Giant.

Stoheim: He looks at Wolfe with anger. "My Lyla is dead you son-of....." His eyes squint at the unconscious body. "I...." He looks up to the others, bafflement clear in his face. "She is dead...what devilry do you seek to bring here?!" He backs up and grabs his hammer.

Wolfe: "Careful, friend, you're gonna lose that arm if you think to swing at me with that hammer."
"She was with a giant werebear, called him Tibbers."
"Third time we've ran into her up here."

Lokien: Lokien, noticing the smith grab his hammer, unshoulders his bow in warning.

Westra Goldbrook: "We believe she may have been abducted by the same person responsible for the strange werewolf activity of late," Westra said, trying to reinforce some calm in the moment.

Stoheim: He holds out his hammer at each of them in turn. "What witchcraft do you bring to this town? That looks of my Lyla, but it cannot be. Torm help me, what is this?"

Euron Sand: "We speak true, friend." Euron said, attempting to calm the man.

Wolfe: "How are you so sure she's dead?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Did you see Lyla perish? Or did she disappear?"

Lokien: Seeing only despair in the man's actions, he chooses to reshoulder his weapon.

Stoheim: "I...we......she....." He looks back to the girl and chokes up a bit. "She always played down by the river, then one day, when the werewolves started appearing near town, she disappeared. That was months ago, no child could live so long alone with all those monsters. could you know?"

Westra Goldbrook: "She told us. We believe she was cursed with lycanthropy herself. Father Euron has abjured her."
"Though we are not certain about the details of what she has been through," she admitted, with a shake of her head.

Wolfe: "Her hair and skin color changed after he cured her of Lycanthropy."
He pulls the blanket back more to reveal more of her face.

Stoheim: He takes a step towards the girl then seems to catch himself and regains his composure. "It can't be! This is a trick! What do you want?!"

Euron Sand: "This is not a trick. We have nothing to gain by doing such a thing." Euron said.

Westra Goldbrook: "Was your Lyla silver-haired, like so?" she asked, gesturing to the child. "We have no desire to trick you. We only seek answers. We are trying to understand what's happened."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias steps forward, lurching slightly as though he was nudged. The elf gracefully recovers his stride, "It's true Stoheim. I was out on one of my excursions when I stumbled upon werewolves lead by this girl, in their form, fighting some other large beasts. This girl transformed as she is after the priest cast his spell."

Stoheim: He looks to Euron then his eyes drift back to the little girl. "Lyla." He mouths inaudibly."No, she has hair black as night."

Dr Catriona:  Doctor Wicker physically shirks at a random pair of chickens that wander too close to her, apparently having been given free-roam rights.

Lokien: Lokien quirks an eyebrow at the Smith's response, totally confused.

Stoheim: He looked to each of you in turn then tears begin to flow from his face as he moves towards Wolfe with zest.

Westra Goldbrook: "She also demanded that we not return her here," Westra said, a brow lifting as the smith moved forward. "She said she was beaten, and did not wish to return to that suffering. I can only hope this was a case of a child inventing stories."
..she says, her tone leading as though inviting the smith's comment.

Wolfe: Wolfe just slowly shakes his head at the man, not letting him touch the girl yet.

Lokien: Lokien unshoulders his bow again at this sudden action by the Smith.

Stoheim: He stops next to Wolfe a bit confused and looks to Westra. "No more than is necessary. All children require disciple as I am sure a soldier of your caliber is aware. They must learn respect."

Wolfe: "She said you punched her in the face."
"I've a daughter of my own; I understand discipline. Cuffing a girl in the mouth is another matter."

Stoheim: His brow furrows a bit. "She can be mouthy, just like her mother was."

Westra Goldbrook: Angry intensifies.

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at the blacksmith.

Euron Sand: Helm's displeasure is evident in Euron's glare.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra steps forward, putting herself squarely between Wolfe and the smith.
"I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter, friend."

Lokien: Lokien takes note of Westra's composure.

Dr Catriona:  ((Thats not the norm))

Stoheim: The mixed emotions of anger and confusion coalesce together on the blacksmith's face. "What? Stand aside!"

Westra Goldbrook: "Where is Lyla's mother?"

Dr Catriona:  She half expected to see the guys legs dangling over the rim of the smelter

Stoheim: "She is dead!" He nearly screams in her face.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra does not so much as blink, but maintains a steely stare at the smith, despite his outburst. "How? When?"

Lokien: "We gathered that from your tone and use of 'was'. Be more descriptive."

Stoheim: "She died of the pox five years ago. " He says as he trys to move around Westra and get to Lyla.

Dr Catriona:  "Uh, Friends. Perhaps Mister Baldarich should be alerted to this um... matter."

Stoheim: 29

Wolfe: "Yeah, good idea, Cat. Go get him." Wolfe holds his ground.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra moves to remain in the man's path.

Eric: "Stoheim! What is going on here? What is with all the shouting?" The two bridge guards approach. Everyone except Lokien will recognize the pair. "You lot aren't causing trouble are you?"

Wolfe: "We found the man's dead daughter." Wolfe says back toward the guard without turning from the man.

Stoheim: "Eric! These vagrants found Lyla! But they are holding her hostage!" He tries to move around Westra again. "Give me her!"

Dr Catriona:  Catriona watches the kerfuffle gain the attention of tweedle dee and dum, though she does not come to a stop until she reaches the professor's door. She assumes he has a doorbell of a sort, because what respectable tinkerer wouldnt.

Westra Goldbrook: "Yet he has admitted that he beat the child, and so we are reluctant to leave her in his care. For her safety, and for his," Westra adds.

Wolfe: "She ain't going nowhere, friend. Calm yourself down." Wolfe empathizes with the man some, having a daughter himself that he's searching for, but the circumstances need to be cleared up and some discipline set out.

Eric: "Seven hells," He looks to the other guard who runs off in the direction of the other bridge. "Let's all just settle down everyone."

Baldarich: "Class is in session! You know we are not....Oh, its you."

Dr Catriona:  "Sorry to disturb you, Professor, but I believe there is a situation that will need your oversight and input."

Wolfe: "Nine." He says in correction to Eric. "There's nine hells."

Euron Sand: Euron looks around, making sure that the guards aren't showing up here to start a fight with the Watch. The last thing they need to be doing is having disagreements with the city guard.

Eric: His eyebrows raise. "That true Stohiem?"

Lokien: Looks around in confusion from the interesting conversation unfolding.

Dungeon Lord: It seems most of the town is now watching the commotion. Including all four guards.

Stoheim: "No! I don't beat her, children need disciple! You know her, she is a mouthy little shit sometimes."

Dr Catriona:  . o O ( He isn't entirely incorrect... )

Wolfe: "Yeah."

Westra Goldbrook: "Shall we have a demonstration, then?" Westra asks. "Show me."

Wolfe: "She is."
Wolfe sighs.

Eric: He raises his eyebrows.

Westra Goldbrook: "Say I've mouthed off to you. I am your seven year old child. 'Discipline' me."

Stoheim: "I....what?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Show. Me."

Wolfe: Wolfe gives the girl in his arms a little shake. "Wake up you little shit." He mutters under his breath.

Westra Goldbrook: "What's the matter?"

Lyla: "Five more minutes Daddy....." She mutters, and snuggles up to Wolfe.

Westra Goldbrook: "Surely if it's something you can spend on a child, it should not harm a full grown woman."

Wolfe: Sighing the Samurai looks around for a bench or something to sit down at.

Baldarich: "What in the maker's world is going on..." He stands out on the porch with Cat.

Dr Catriona:  "Creepy children and creepy fathers causing trouble, as always."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra doesn't let up her stare at Stolheim. "The good smith here was just about to show us just how he disciplined his child before she was abducted."

Stoheim: He looks at Westra annoyed by her goading. "Alright...." He gives Eric a look and the guard shrugs.

Lokien: Notes the increasing intensity in the current situation and shoulders his weapon. "You're right, smith. Children do need discipline."

Dr Catriona:  "The girl is a cured lycanthrope but took on some strange qualities as a result. I imagine you would want to take a look." she says to Baldarich.

Lokien: "Did you say you punched her in the face?"

Stoheim: 2
He backhands Westra in the jaw.

Lokien: Lokien sighs.

Dr Catriona:  "Tarnation..."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra immediately returns the backhand, just as hard.

Stoheim: All the guards move closer.

Wolfe: Wolfe just sighs.

Euron Sand: Euron looks at the guards. "Gentlemen, don't."

Lokien: Lokien turns to the guards. "Easy friends. Its just a conversation."

Stoheim: Westra smacks the smith and knocks him on his ass, he lays there, stunned for a moment.

Eric: "Lady Goldbrook. I believe your point is taken."

Lokien: Scoffs a bit at the smith. "Seems like someone learned some respect", he mutters under his breath.

Westra Goldbrook: "What's the matter?" Westra grumbles, pausing to wipe the blood from where he'd split her lip. "Didn't your seven-year-old hit back?"

Wolfe: Wolfe looks for the bench?
He goes and sits down with the pain in the ass werewolf girl in his lap.

Lyla: She rustles away from all the commotion. "Ahhh! Let me go you big dummy!"

Westra Goldbrook: If he remains on the floor, Westra then sinks to a crouch before him. "I don't yet know what will happen to this child. Where she will go or who will care for her. But I do know that you should consider that any hand you lay on her in the future will be returned to you."

Euron Sand: Euron keeps his eye on the guards, because they look like the kind of fools who would defend the wrong person in a situation like this.

Lyla: "DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY!" She punches at Wolfe.

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs as she punches at him with her feeble seven-year old strength against his armor. "I am starting to see why he smacked you in the mouth."

Lokien: "Girl! Is this your father?" Lokien points to the Smith.

Stoheim: He still looks too stunned to really process her statement, but the fear in his eyes do tell her she has been heard.

Wolfe: Wolfe nods towards Stoheim. "Westra just laid out your pops."

Lyla: "You big meanie! You promised!!!!" She smacks him with all her might. "LIAR LIAR!"

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at the little girl. He then lifts one hand up and flicks her ear hard.

Wolfe: "Be quiet."

Lyla: "Ow!" She scowls at him and grabs her ear.
"Let me go!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs and pushes to her feet. She turns and looks to Baldarich and the others.
"Well. What now?"

Baldarich: "Is that....Lyla?"

Wolfe: "Yes, this little loud shit is Lyla."

Wolfe: "We turned her back from being a Werewolf -- we think. She changed her hair and skin after Euron used Helm's magic on her."

Baldarich: "Oh sweet Girl! Where have you been?" Nothing but happiness in his voice.

Lyla: "Hi Professor Baldarich! I went on an ADVENTURE!"

Wolfe: Wolfe lets Lyla go now that Baldarich is approaching to be the friendly figure.

Baldarich: "Oh did you? You must come and tell me about it!" His eyes flip to Wolfe.

Wolfe: "You might wanna try to get as many details as possible." He nods to the girl, seeming very tired all at once. "She's had a long few weeks. We ran into her back west in a haunted house, kind of."

Baldarich: "Perplexing. Are these types of effects normal with the removal of lycanthropy through holy magics?"

Wolfe: "No."

Euron Sand: Euron is not fully certain what's happening now, but it appears Westra's point got across. That was the important thing.

Wolfe: "That's what we're confused about."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra snorted in wry amusement, thinking that she'd have snow-white hair if curse removal did that.

Wolfe: "Euron's removed Lycanthropy a couple times now, but it never had the subject scream like a banshee and change hair and skin color afterward."

Dungeon Lord: The guards take Stoheim into his home and leave him there before returning to their posts.

Dr Catriona:  Catriona investigates the now unmanned Blacksmith's Shop.

Baldarich: "Most intriguing. Perhaps I can run some tests. Why don't you go inside and say hello to the other children my dear?"

Lyla: "No! They are meanies!"

Baldarich: "OK, go in my study and see if you can put together that flying gizmo you like to play with." He says not missing a beat.

Lyla: "OK! It will fly for sure this time!" She runs off into the house.

Dr Catriona:  When the gearl is out of earshot, Catriona says.. "Doubtful."

Dungeon Lord: Cat finds a rather mundane forge and tools. There are a couple daggers, swords, and shields of not impressive quality along the walls.

Dr Catriona:  *girl

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs, and folds her arm, glad to be rid of the noisy little beast.

Baldarich: "How in the heavens did you find her alive? She has been missing for nearly half an orbital cycle."

Westra Goldbrook: "Jonias, while scouting the areas around the town, did you happen to come across anything that seemed like it might lead underground?"

Wolfe: "We nearly didn't. She's tried to kill us twice now."

Jonias Siannodel:

Baldarich: "Kill? A small child? Even as a lycanthrope I would image that would not be much of a challenge."

Jonias Siannodel: "Well there is a cave south of town. I was searching the area near it before the attack broke out."

Wolfe: Wolfe squints and leans closer to Baldarich. "You ever fight a werewolf, professor?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pauses her conversation with Jonias to shoot an unamused look at Baldarich. "Fought many lycanthropes, have you?"

Baldarich: "I wouldn't have considered she would have survived a bite, to be frank, there isn't much meat on her bones. A single beast should have consumed her more than enough to cause her demise."
"No, my knowledge is merely theoretical." He seems confused. "Why do you ask?"

Jonias Siannodel: "I didn't go in there alone before. Just made note of it's location and continued on. I could lead you to it. Would be nice to explore and see if there's anything in it."

Westra Goldbrook: But then she looks back to Jonias and nods. "Excellent. We were looking for that very thing when we were thrown off course."

Wolfe: "I'm starting to get the sense that your entire life is theoretical, professor."
"She had a Werebear with her. She called it Tibbers."
"Do you know what that's about?"

Baldarich: "In a manner of speaking aren't all our lives just that? I didn't take you for a scholar young man!"

Wolfe: Wolfe blinks.
"...Young man?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Very well," Westra agrees, with a nod. She then looks from Jonias back to Baldarich. "Lyla claims her father beat her, and he admitted it. Is there someone in this town who can look after the girl to see that she's not returned to an abusive situation?"

Baldarich: "I believe Tibbers was the name of her stuffed bear she used to carry around. It was all we found when we were searching for her."

Dr Catriona:  "Are you implying that something caused the bear to come to some semblance of life?"

Baldarich: "Oh...I am sure Liliana would love to take in the child." He points to the general store. "I can make sure she is looked after."

Wolfe: "Might be she just had a Werebear around her and called him the name of the stuffed bear."

Baldarich: "That is absurd! Sentience cannot be conferred to inanimate objects without strong magic." He eyes the Doc suspiciously. "Didn't you say you were a scientist?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Excellent. Thank you." She looks to the rest of the Watch. "Jonias said he's found a cave that leads underground, south of the town. Seems like that would correspond with the map Mr. Baldarich showed us."
"I need a moment to pray and restore myself after the last altercations. Afterwards, I suggest we seek out this cave before night falls."

Dr Catriona:  She squints some at Baldarich.

Wolfe: Getting to his feet, Wolfe grunts in some aggravation.

Wolfe: "I'm going to go talk to Stoheim."
"Tell us whatever you find out after you do your tests, Professor."

Westra Goldbrook:

Dr Catriona:  "Um.. " she looks to Jonias and Lokien "A word of... um advice... if you want your weapons to properly affect lycanthropes, they will need to be silver or enchanted..."

Wolfe: Wolfe then walks over to the Blacksmith's shop.

Baldarich: "Good luck searching for this cave. I should get back to my students."

Jonias Siannodel: "Well ahead of you Captain," the elf says with a smile as he drew his silvered elven blades.

Wolfe: "Stoheim." Wolfe calls out to the man and approaches him in his shop.

Stoheim: "WHAT?" He says holding his head.

Lokien: Knocks an arrow and looks to Doctor Wicker. "It's all kinds of magical."

Wolfe: Wolfe pulls up a stool across from the man as he holds his head.

Westra Goldbrook: "That's quite the weapon," Westra says, eyeing Lokien's bow while he shows it to Cat.

Wolfe: "I'm a father myself, and I want you to listen to me for a minute here through your headache."

Dr Catriona:  Her eyebrows raise some at the man's unusual bow. I mean.. guns < bows, though.

Lokien: "Indeed it is", he responds to Westra.

Jonias Siannodel: Captain = Doctor

Euron Sand: Euron watches Wolfe talk to the Blacksmith, still silently furious that the man beat his child, and probably his wife.

Wolfe: "You have a second chance with your daughter, right now. The one you thought was dead." His eyes are focused intently on the man, his voice somber and serious.

Stoheim: The man scowls and meets Wolfe's gaze, but his demeanor softens as Wolfe goes on.

Wolfe: "She's turned into a mean little thing, in no small part because you decided to teach her discipline through force."
"She's lost her mother and she nearly lost her future because she got turned into a Werewolf."

Dr Catriona:  "It looks like you are well equipped then... it would have been... challenging to find silver weapons in a village this size, I assume." she remarks.

Wolfe: "She's got a hard road ahead. You're a blacksmith -- you know that more than fire and a hammer's needed to make a good blade; It needs attention, care, undivided focus."
"Be her father, not her disciplinarian."

Lokien: "You may be right. I would have imagined this town to be better equipped for those beasts though. Perhaps thats the cause of the shortage?"

Stoheim: He rubs the very large and bloody knot on his cheek and nods to Wolfe, though he says nothing.

Dr Catriona:  "I assume Silver is too expensive for a place such as this."

Wolfe: "An apology goes a long way. No father is perfect, and no-one gets it right the first time."

Jonias Siannodel: "I had to melt down a good amount of my own silver. The blacksmith here isn't the best but good enough to apply the metal.

Wolfe: He exhales and slowly gets to his feet.
"Westra wasn't lying, by the way."
"If you cuff your girl in the mouth again, she's going to come back and knock out all your teeth."

Stoheim: He continues to not speak but his eyes say enough for the half-orc.

Wolfe: Wolfe nods slowly and he pats the man's shoulder.
"Good luck."
You're gonna need it, with that little shit. He thinks to himself as he turns and walks out the door.

Dr Catriona:  "Um.. agreed. He should spend more time striking the steel on his anvil than his own kin."

Jonias Siannodel: "All too true good doctor."

Wolfe: Wolfe walks back to the others outside of the shop.

Dr Catriona:  "Um.. Mister Wolfe, is he in one piece?"

Wolfe: "Yeah, of course he is."
The Half-Orc raises an eyebrow at Doctor Wicker. "Why wouldn't he be?"

Dr Catriona:  "I don't know... frontier justice!"
She shrugs

Westra Goldbrook: Westra stands from where she's been resting.

Wolfe: "You ever see me kill someone cause I felt like it?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Is everyone prepared to head out?"

Dr Catriona:  "No. I didnt..."
"Sorry.. I thought maybe like a broken arm or branding a phallus on his forehead or something."

Lokien: Nods to Westra.

Jonias Siannodel: "I'm ready to go when you all are."

Dr Catriona:  "That is what they do in the penny novels."

Wolfe: "Hah." Wolfe gives a soft chuckle. "No. I just gave him a little talk. Reminded him how lucky he is to have a second chance at being a father."
"I'm ready, Westra." He says without turning to her.

Dr Catriona:  (its in the REX maybe?)

Lokien: Looses an arrow at the door into the Blacksmith's door.
"Just a friendly reminder." He shrugs.

Dr Catriona:  She raises her eyebrows. Okay to the cave then...

Dungeon Lord: The group is able to find the cave easily with Jonais's recollection of the area. Upon passing the battlefield still littered with corpses, Wolfe is able to pick up the monstrous path the behirs carved in the landscape. They find the cavern seems to be where the two beasts emerged. The fifteen foot opening descends quickly into darkness, the heavy gouges made from the beast's claws flowing down the stone floor into the darkness.

Dr Catriona: "So the large creatures came from in here?" she says with a voice lowered in volume.

Lokien: "It's pretty dark in here..."

Wolfe: "Well." Wolfe exhales as he slowly draws his dai-katana. "This is more what I'm used to."

Jonias Siannodel: "Glad I chose not to explore it alone"
"Do you want me to look ahead while the rest of you adjust your eyes to torchlight?

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pulls the torch from her pack and lights it to get a better look at the surroundings.

Dungeon Lord: As you begin your descent into the cavern, the floor is scratched and scuffed by centuries of traffic, clear to anyone with a bit of survival knowledge that this cavern has been the home to multiple creatures with massive claws. Faded stonework and steps tell of a time when this cavern was not inhabited by beasts, but of something more refined and elegant.

Jonias Siannodel:
The elf examines the stone work undamaged by claw marks to see if he can make out it's origin.
"Interesting... A Nundarian temple this far inland..."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra moves carefully forward, listening as Jonias explains the significance of the walls.

Dr Catriona:  "It doesn't sound like this is one of those pleasant temples with the fountains and singalongs..."

Wolfe: "What's a Nundarian temple?" Wolfe asks as he moves forward.

Jonias Siannodel: The elf looks towards the others as he reaches up to his shoulders, "Before every gets spooked, this is Beryillium." Appearing on his shoulder is a tiny reddish-copper dragon.
"Elves from more aquatic areas of Faerun"

Jonias Siannodel: The elf hold up his hand, motioning to the others to stop. He motions for silence and points to his ears, indicating to the others to listen.

Dungeon Lord: More well worn ruins adorn the walls in this room.

Jonias Siannodel: "Bery, take a look at these ruins while we search deal with whatever is ahead," the elf whispers in draconic to his familiar.

Dungeon Lord: A soft chittering can be heard from the room ahead as the group stops to listen.



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #41 on: July 11, 2018, 08:37:38 PM »
Session 38

Wolfe: From the letters to a Shogun from the man they call “Wolfe”
*To the Honorable Shogun Shiro no Ishimoto,
It has been five years, two weeks, and eighteen days since you discharged me with my mission to retrieve Serafina no Masamune to face justice for the crime of your niece’s murder. I owe it to you, by the very least due to my oath to you as your kin, to give full accounting of my absence. When I arrived…

Wolfe: ….We returned Layla, the Werewolf Cub, to her village after curing her of the Lycanthropy that plagued her. I felt great relief that Priest Euron Sand’s spell proved true and relieved her of the dire ailment. The Helm Paladin confronted her father for the accusation that he beat the child and soundly thrashed him in the streets as an example to any who would beat their children. After leaving a threat to him to force him to change his ways, we surrendered the child to Professor Baldarich that was mentioned earlier in my account.
I spoke to the child’s father and imparted on him sentiments that you had given me when Serafina was born. I am hopeful that he looks upon this reunion as an opportunity few have to restore his relationship with his daughter; or at the least create a new one.
We continued on to the cave to the south of the village where we assume the Mythal of your people resides, or at least where we believe the mad scientist is searching for it. There we encountered a Chuul where…*

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias holds a hand up motioning to Wolfe to stop.

Wolfe: Wolfe does not move further up, though Shokan is held at the ready.

Dungeon Lord: The strong smell of rotten meat mixed with the scent of salt water fills your nostrils. One of the crabs crews on something beneath its tentacles.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias slinks back to where the half-orc froze and shares with Wolfe about the crab like creatures ahead.

Lokien: Lokien unshoulders his bow.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra can't see any of this hesitance and continues feeling her way foward

Jonias Siannodel: "Keep your voices low"

Wolfe: "Hey watch out there's monsters ahead." Wolfe says quietly to the blind dumb Human.

Westra Goldbrook: "To be expected, given our luck," Westra replies. "Are we not going to engage them?"

Jonias Siannodel: "There may also be another path..." the elf slinks away.

Dr Catriona: (LOL Candle on head PLEASE!)

Westra Goldbrook: "I cannot see anything in this blasted dark," she grumbles. "Father, do you mind?" she asks, turning to Euron

Jonias Siannodel: "If you need light, have it ready,"Jonias says with a quick whisper as he walks past Westra AND AGAIN SHARES THE INFORMATION OF THE CRAB LIKE CREATURES AHEAD.

Dr Catriona: "Aren't crabs small?"
"And delicious?"

Lokien: "I like crab meat."

Jonias Siannodel: The elf looks back and forth between the warrior and the paladin, "Don't either of you usually come up with a plan or do you want me to slip into the room?"

Westra Goldbrook: Having lost Euron in the dark and receiving no answer, Westra pulls out her torch and begins to light it.
"Is there any reason to delay?" she asks, looking to Wolfe

Wolfe: "Naw."
"Go ahead and knock yourself out."
"I'll cover you."

Westra Goldbrook: "Hmph."
"Father, when you're ready."

Dr Catriona: "Am I missing something? Deadly subterranean crustaceans?"
"I can can see if I can fool something in the dark into exposing itself if you like?"

Westra Goldbrook: "How do you mean?"

Dungeon Lord: 17

Dr Catriona: She holds up her small illusion-casting device that looks like an old timey camera.

Westra Goldbrook: "Your ways typically seem odd to me, but they usually produce results," Westra admits. "If you've an idea for how to proceed, please do."

Wolfe: "Doc Mayhem coming through." Wolfe smirks over at Cat with a nod of encouragement.

Dr Catriona: The doctor scuttles forward some and turns a dial on the Phantasmitron 2000, attaching it to the wall. It casts an illusion several feet ahead in the darkness of a drunken looking old dwarf with a silly red hat.

Lokien: "Should we leave the cave?"
Westra Goldbrook
Doctor Wicker
Euron Sand

Dr Catriona: (Lol every song playing at once)
(you played Playlist maybe?)
"That should rustle anything that wants to attack intruders." she remarks and adjusts her glasses.

Dungeon Lord: Strange clicking erupts from the next room along with strange gutteral tones unfamiliar to anyone.
Mike: Jonias slips forward, longbow drawn ready to fire a shot at the large crab -like creature, then slip back into the shadows

Dr Catriona: ((name checka))

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias slips forward, longbow drawn ready to fire a shot at the large crab -like creature, then slip back into the shadows

Dr Catriona: (Si)
20   11
Longbow (+7)

Dr Catriona: "Oh that does not sound like your run of the mill crustacean..."

Jonias Siannodel:
Sneak Attack (3d6)
Class: Rogue
rolling 3d6
(5+5+4)= 14
((End Turn))

It is Lokien's turn   

Lokien: Lokien hears the arrow rip forward from the elf's longbow and disappear into the darkness, but only hears what may have been shot at."

It is Chuul's turn   

Lokien: Lokien readies his bow to shoot at anything that comes through the doorway.

Dr Catriona: "AH!"

Wolfe: "Uh."
"That's pretty damn ugly."

18   16
Sharpshooter (+5)
Slayer's Prey
Dr Catriona: "Is it just one?!"

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 21 | 13
The target is grappled (escape DC 14) if it is a Large or smaller creature and the chuul doesn't have two other creatures grappled

Westra Goldbrook:
16   15
Halberd Slash (+7)

Dungeon Lord:
One creature grappled by the chuul must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. Until this poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Westra Goldbrook:
17   19

Dr Catriona: ((question, do they just ignore the illusion?))

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Are there more?!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra grunts and shouts at the sudden face full of crab.
And struggles to break its grip

Dr Catriona: ((lol can someone just say yes or no))

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias is hiding, pressed up against the wall remaining quiet and out of the creature's sight while the doctor hollers questions through the cavern.

Dr Catriona: "Botheration."

Dr Catriona: She levels her spiderstaff and activates the Web, anchoring it onto the Chull and more specifically that bottleneck.
conjuration 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Target: Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn
Components: V, S, M (A bit of spiderweb)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 hour
You conjure a mass of thick, sticky webbing at a point of your choice within range. The webs fill a 20-foot cube from that point for the duration. The webs are difficult terrain and lightly obscure their area.

If the webs aren't anchored between two solid masses (such as walls or trees) or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling, the conjured web collapses on itself, and the spell ends at the start of your next turn. Webs layered over a flat surface have a depth of 5 feet.

Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free.

A creature restrained by the webs can use its actions to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, it is no longer restrained.

The webs are flammable. Any 5-foot cube of webs exposed to fire burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to any creature that starts its turn in the fire.
(So it will affect the chuul next round)

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook:
13   15
Westra struggles against the beast, but is unable to pry its claws off of her. Frustrated, she hefts her halberd overhead and THWACKS down at the beast.
15   16
Halberd Slash (+7)
21   24
Halberd Slash (+7)

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame
Ability: 10 | 17

Westra Goldbrook: She then utters a prayer under her breath, begging for his protection while she struggled.

It is Marlew's turn   

Dungeon Lord: The clang of metal on stone echos off the cavern walls from the doorway where the crab appeared, followed by more strange speaking.

It is Chuul's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((no the staff has its own))

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 4 | 3

It is Wolfe's turn   

Dr Catriona: "There ARE more!"

Wolfe: "Good, we wouldn't want to be bored would we!?"
Wolfe steps forward and delivers a couple quick slashes at the Chuul in front of him. "Buy the lady lunch first."
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

It is Chuul's turn   

It is Marlew's turn   

It is Jonias's turn   

Jonias Siannodel: Seeing the door under control, Jonias steps out for the rocky shadows and lets loose another arrow.
24   26
Longbow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(1+4+5)= 10

Dungeon Lord: Westra is dropped to the ground.

Jonias Siannodel: The elf sauntered past Wolfe, Westra, and Lokien, firing his arrow without a look above the paladin's head into its tentacled maw.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra grunts as she hits the ground.

Jonias Siannodel: The elf gave a wink to the doctor, "There is now one fewer than before."

Wolfe: "Good job, Jonias!"

Dr Catriona: "The exoskeleton is breachable by sufficient force."

Jonias Siannodel: ((end turn))

It is Lokien's turn   

Lokien: Lokien looks around the room and spots a torch. Then proceeds to lighting it.

20   6
Sharpshooter (+5)
Slayer's Prey
It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Lokien: ((Note to self... ignore GM in Discord))

Dr Catriona: Catriona will move past the others, and they can feel a rush of heat wafting from her form, eyes glowing a firey blue.
She clicks the igniters in her palms and coalesces a burning blue sphere, and pushes it forward into the room.
A warbling IMPLOSION rattles the cage as she detonates it.
evocation 3
Casting Time: One action
Range: 120 ft
Target: 20 ft radius
Components: M (Mastery of Fire)
Duration: Instantaneous
As an action, you create a fiery explosion at a point you can see within 120 feet of you. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a CON saving throw DC15, taking 23 fire damage and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

5 psi points spent.
Add +2 damage if fire focused

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 10 | 8

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts a hand up to block off the sudden rush of heat and light. He winces as his Darkvision gives him an ultrabright view of the detonation.

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 14 | 4

Westra Goldbrook: Westra flinches away from the sudden heat and light, though watches as she can with a sense of quiet awe.

Dr Catriona: (that other thing too
(this is the center)

Westra Goldbrook: The look that follows the doctor after is a little bit... skeptical.

Dr Catriona: (I only see 2 ;P)
(oh nm)
webbing fire 3

Wolfe: He lowers his hand and nods toward Cat behind him. "Is this a life lesson not to get you drunk, Doc?"

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra stands up and moves towards the Chuul, intent on trying to end it.
9   14
Halberd Slash (+7)
12   24
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
19   18
Halberd Slash (+7)

Dr Catriona: She whips her hands a few time, attempting to quell the flames that still refuse to die on them.

Jonias Siannodel: "Most impressive, doctor. Not a type of arcana I am familiar with! We must speak more once this exercise is done." the high elf says with a grin.

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Cure Wounds

It is Marlew's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Uh... thanks. It actually felt like a a good release. " she remarks, awkwardly.

Wolfe: Wolfe nods to the Mystic. "Like I said. A weapon, not a master."

It is Chuul's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 15 | 20
The target is grappled (escape DC 14) if it is a Large or smaller creature and the chuul doesn't have two other creatures grappled
Attack: 13 | 26
The target is grappled (escape DC 14) if it is a Large or smaller creature and the chuul doesn't have two other creatures grappled

It is Wolfe's turn   

Lokien: Lokien makes note of the awkward conversation between Wolfe and the Doctor.

Wolfe: Wolfe has no desire to get burned up, thanks. He puts Shokan away and draws a pair of hand axes.
Hand Axe (+8)
9 + 11
Hand Axe (+8)

Dr Catriona: (webbing dies at end of the round anyway)

It is Chuul's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 8 | 20

Dr Catriona: ((it kills its friend out of mercy!))

Wolfe: Wolfe launches two hand axes through the air like a master tomahawk hurler. One strikes dead center in the Chuul's chitin skull, protruding from its skull as the other cuts off a bit of its exoskeleton.

Dungeon Lord: One crab runs into the other.

It is Marlew's turn   

It is Jonias's turn   

Dr Catriona: "That webbing will not hold much longer!" she alerts everyone.

Jonias Siannodel:
18   26
Longbow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(4+6+1)= 11

Dr Catriona: ((Jonias -- Achievement Unlocked: "Entered This Cave and all I Got was these Crabs!"

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias again slips an arrow into the tentacled maw of the beast. He smiles over his shoulder at the others with excitement as he races forward into the shadows.
((end turn))

It is Lokien's turn   

Dr Catriona: (web dies)

Jonias Siannodel:

16   8
Sharpshooter (+5)
Slayer's Prey
It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: Her wrist igniters click another bit of blue fire into her palms and she ejects a jet of spiraling flame towards that Chuul.
120 ft
Fire Bolt (+7)
Jets of blue fire stream towards a target.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Dr Catriona: The the blue light strobes against the dark cavern walls before the animalistic screeches of pain follow.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra flinches again as jets of blue flame suddenly fly by her. She casts a wary glance to the doctor, making sure no other flames were coming for the moment, and then headed after the remaining Chuul.

Dr Catriona: "Careful captain!"

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 8 | 7
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Attack: 21 | 14
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Damage: 13piercing
Ability: 6 | 11

Westra Goldbrook:
15   22
Westra steps through the narrowing threshold and gets harpooned for her trouble. She grunts, shoves the weapon away, and scowls at the responsible beast.
11   21
Halberd Slash (+7)
16   15
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
16   22
Halberd Slash (+7)

Dungeon Lord: A spear strikes the Captain's chain mail a heavy chain attached to the hilt, the amphibious creature attempts to pull her into the room but she shrugs off its weak attempt to break her battle stance.

Dr Catriona: "Lets not let this bottleneck turn to their advantage."

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((thats what she said))
enchantment 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft
Components: V, S, M (A sprinkling of holy water)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.

Euron Sand:
Cure Wounds

It is Marlew's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 12 | 25
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe draws Shokan and moves forward with blade in hand.
"Pardon, Princess." Wolfe shoves past Westra.
He then slashes at the Chuul.

Euron Sand: ((title of your sex tape)

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 9 | 20
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.

It is Marlew's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe decapitates the Chuul and then quickly cuts the first Marlew in half with a quick two-handed slash.
He then deflects the harpoon with Shokan with ease.

It is Jonias's turn   

Dungeon Lord: The speear flies by Wolfe and quickly is pulled back by the beast.

Lokien: ((Does movement count as an action? >_>))

Dr Catriona: ((Cover))

Euron Sand: Euron only stare in open-mouthed shock as Wolfe destroys their enemies and then cuts a harpoon out of the air in several quick moves.

Lokien: ((Ok))

Jonias Siannodel:
9   22
Longbow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(2+4+6)= 12

It is Lokien's turn   

Lokien: Lokien move sup to use Westra's light.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias walks out from the shadows behind Westra. "Did I hear Wolfe correctly? Are you indeed a princess?"

Lokien: Then prepares his bow for when something shows itself from the darkness.

Wolfe: "Yep." Wolfe says over his shoulder. "Princess of Neverwinter."

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Jonias Siannodel: He then fires an arrow at the Marlew before return his eyes to the paladin.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra gives a beleaguered sigh.
"He is just an imbecile."

Dungeon Lord: A loud torrent of sounds resonate from the upper ledge where the creature retreated, it seems to be speaking.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias looks ever so slightly disappointed, "But nobility nonetheless."
120 ft
Fire Bolt (+7)
Jets of blue fire stream towards a target.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Dr Catriona: She hurls her jet streams but trips in the process and stumbles, almost hitting someone friendly. Graceful she is not.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias touches the tips of his ears checking to see if they were singed.

Westra Goldbrook:
22   19

Dr Catriona: ((you have a pole! if you know what I mean))

Westra Goldbrook: Westra rushes forward and vaults up onto the ledge where the monster is cowering. She growls and slashes viciously at the beast.
22   25
Halberd Slash (+7)

Dr Catriona: Catriona 's expression shows astonishment like some little girl watching the Wonder Woman movie for the first time.

Westra Goldbrook:
22   21
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
14   24
Halberd Slash (+7)

Lokien: "It has gotten increasingly darker in here., don't you think Doctor?"

Westra Goldbrook: It falls in a pile of bloody pieces.
Westra turns, afterwards, and snaps her halberd to one side, flinging a long streak of blood free of the blade. "Is everyone alright?"

Dr Catriona: "Stars and garters."

Westra Goldbrook: She squints as she looks over the ledge, making sure there's nothing up there of interest

Dr Catriona: ((she asked if everyone is alright. -DRINK!-))

Wolfe: "I'm doing my best Cat impersonation of not getting hit."

Westra Goldbrook: and if not, she then hops down to ground level again

Jonias Siannodel: "Well I'm impressed," said the elf matter of factly

Wolfe: He retrieves his hand-axes after cleaning off his katana and sheathing it.
"Nice shooting Jonias, Lokien." He nods to the two bow users.

Dr Catriona: ...

Westra Goldbrook: "Yes, well done, all," she agrees with a nod.

Dr Catriona: She does inspect the Chuuls after the excitement ceases.
She collects a loose piece of carapace amidst the carnage.

Dungeon Lord: The cave opens into a huge cavern with hanging stalagmites taller than men. A massive pool of water swirls in the center of this chamber, nearly deafing your and making all sound less than a yell lost to the massive chamber's echoing. The water seemingly flows down into the depths of same massive hole, an old bridge has broken into the lake to the north.

Jonias Siannodel: The elf waves his hands at the compliments, thankful, but not wanting the accolades.

Dr Catriona: "These crustaceans are massive." she remarks during collection.

Jonias Siannodel:

Wolfe: "They eat people by the looks." Wolfe follows after the others, keeping his eyes peeled while the Humans use their light spells to see.

Dr Catriona: "Not any longer."

Jonias Siannodel:
Fey Ancestry (Charm Advantage)
Racial: Elf

Dr Catriona: The loud aquatic system draws her interest and she ambles over after the others.

Wolfe: "Yeah, we put a stop to these ones."

Euron Sand: Euron can't even hear himself think, let alone hear anyone else.

Westra Goldbrook:
16   7

Dr Catriona: ((FYI, did Jonias add Westras Aura to his Save))

Jonias Siannodel: "We did not know it was your sanctum" the elf answered aloud seemingly tohimself

Westra Goldbrook: Westra arches a brow. "To whom are you speaking?" she asks Jonias

Euron Sand: Euron looks around for anything else that could help them continue on their path. He moves forward, trying to get a better view of the area.

Jonias Siannodel: "My Master, the Almighty Grllbthh."

Lokien: Lokien runs his hand along a nearby stalagmite.

Westra Goldbrook: "The... who?" she asks, approaching the elf

Jonias Siannodel: "My Master, the Almighty Grllbthh."

Dungeon Lord: 1

Jonias Siannodel: The elf repeats.

Wolfe: Wolfe moves a little bit closer. "That doesn't sound right..."

Westra Goldbrook: "Jonias, who is Grillbthh?"

Dungeon Lord: A spear flies out of the water moving towards Westra.
Attack: 22 | 22
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Damage: 14piercing

Westra Goldbrook: "Ungh!"

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 8 | 14

Westra Goldbrook:
7   23

Wolfe: "Ambush!"
Euron Sand
Doctor Wicker
Westra Goldbrook

Lokien: Lokien readies his bow. Looking in the direction the spear came from.

Dungeon Lord: Westra is pulled into the water.
Westra finds herself bother under water.and next to a fish creature.

16   28
Longbow Attack (+10)
Slayer's Prey

Jonias Siannodel: "Yes my master."

Lokien: Lokien looks to Jonias and raises a brow.

Jonias Siannodel:
Longbow (+7)

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 8 | 26
Attack: 13 | 16

Dungeon Lord: The fish creature attempts to strike Westra but misses.
(From Dungeon Lord (GM)): You can see two more, and a black cloud of something...

Lokien: Lokien sees an arrow comes flying from the Elf and notes the poor shot. "You conniving creature!"
"Maybe if you knew how to USE that bow."

Lokien: Lokien turns towards Jonias and prepares his bow in retaliation. "Did he lure us into a trap!?" He calls out to the party members.

Dr Catriona: "Oh nerts.. the math is 50/50 on this one..." she says and PINCHES her nose.
transmutation 2
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 ft
Target: One ally
Components: M (Nomadic Step)
Duration: Instantaneous
If you haven't moved yet on your turn, choose an ally you can see within 60 feet of you. As a bonus action, you and that creature teleport, swapping places, and your speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the turn*. This ability fails and is wasted if either of you can't fit in the destination space.

3 psi points spent.
Theres a warping of the fabric of space, a shower of sparks and through some science madness, Westra is on dry land behind everyone else.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra coughs and heaves, suddenly on all fours on the ledge.

Wolfe: "What the..." Wolfe looks as Westra suddenly appears next to him where Cat once was.

Westra Goldbrook: She blinks and looks around, not understand what's happened, right away.

Wolfe: He then quickly looks back down into the water.

Dr Catriona: And she will then teleport back out.

Westra Goldbrook: "What...?"
"Get her out of there!":
"That thing isn't alone!"

Dr Catriona: She spits water,
"Something was talking in my head!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs h eavily, relieved.

Dr Catriona: She looks like a blonde drowned rat.

Wolfe: Wolfe nods at Cat's reappearance, knowing that being a little wet's better than being dead. He turns his focus before him.

Westra Goldbrook: "Thank you, Doctor, though you should not--" she starts to say, but stops at the revelation that someone was trying to influence the doctor.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona: ((it was a bonus action actually to do the first thing))

Lokien: Looks back over his shoulder towards the commotion behind him.

Dr Catriona:
Step of a Thousand Paces
transmutation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Target: self
Components: M (Nomadic Step)
Duration: Instantaneous
If you haven't moved yet on your turn, you take a bonus action to teleport up to 20 feet per psi point spent to an unoccupied space you can see, and your speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the turn.
Cat's appearing next to Westra seemed to not be fully proper, her image flickers. "Oh I can't... complete-"
And she rubberbands back to previous spot like she has massive lag.
4   18

Westra Goldbrook: "Helm's light," Westra breathes, watching the strange un-teleporting of the Doc
She pulls herself to her feet. "Wolfe!"

Dr Catriona: Fey ancestry

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 13 | 14

Dr Catriona: (Miss)

Hand Axe (+8)
Hand Axe (+8)
Wolfe throws two hand-axes at the Merlew, hoping he can get them back later, and draws his dai-katana.

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 13 | 9
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Attack: 18 | 23
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Damage: 8piercing
Ability: 15 | 6

Dr Catriona: She sputters again, glasses lost in the chaos. "Danger!" glub cough "Unknown..creature!" she says, treading water.

15   14

Dr Catriona: (thats the save)

Euron Sand:
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 4 | 11

Dr Catriona: "Not ideal!"

Lokien: Lokien suddenly sees all of the creatures.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra rushes down to the edge of the water and tries to pull the doctor out.
12   27

Lokien: But keeps his bow drawn on Jonias

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 20 | 21
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.

Dr Catriona: Drowned blonde rat returns! She is dragged out, sloshing about awkwardly..

Dungeon Lord:
Damage: 11piercing
Ability: 11 | 20

Dr Catriona: Then a harpoon punctures her leg. "AH!"

Wolfe: "Hang on, Cat! We'll get you out of there!"

Dr Catriona: She reaches down and snaps the harpoon free.

Dungeon Lord: Another throws another harpoon at Westra.
Attack: 11 | 21
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.

Westra Goldbrook: Angry once more, Westra slaps the oncoming harpoon away with a growl.

Dr Catriona: "Blasted Nitnosed Butterbellied gasbag!!!" she yells in rage.

Westra Goldbrook: She helps the doctor away from the water's edge.
"There is something massive in the water," she tells the others.

Wolfe: Wolfe had never quite heard those terms come out of Cat before, but they were interesting nonetheless.

Dr Catriona: Her cheeks puff with rapid breathing. "Yes, something that is taking control of minds."

Lokien: He overhears the Doctor and looks back to Jonias in contemplation.

Dr Catriona: "This is some kind of lair."

22   13
Sharpshooter (+5)
Slayer's Prey
Turns his aim towards the Merlew after deciding that Jonias was not himself and looses the arrow as the Merlew breaches the surface of the water. The shot is clean in the throat of the creature as it gurgles into the depths of the current.

Dr Catriona: She holds her bleeding calf, exasperated. "It will probably keep trying to invade our minds."

Jonias Siannodel: "What is thy bidding master?"

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 14 | 10

Jonias Siannodel:

Wolfe: Wolfe hears a bunch of bullshit in his head, his eyes narrowing in anger as the insidious whispers lure him toward ruin.

Westra Goldbrook: "Jonias! It is trickery! Do not yield to the voice in your head!"

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias ignores all words and tries to grab onto Lokien and toss the ranger in the water.

22   9

Dr Catriona: (whatst hat purple dot?)

Lokien: Lokien notes Jonias lunging towards him and jukes out of the way. Watching the elf miss entirely. "Such terrible aim...", he scoffs.

Dr Catriona: (I got it))
120 ft
Fire Bolt (+7)
Jets of blue fire stream towards a target.

Lokien: "Can someone detain him!?"

Dr Catriona: (is that a hit?)
She hurtles a jet of fire as she retreats, lighting up the cavern.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Westra Goldbrook:
19   24
Halberd Slash (+7)


Dungeon Lord: 3
Attack: 25 | 20
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become diseased. The disease has no effect for 1 minute and can be removed by any magic that cures disease. After 1 minute, the diseased creature's skin becomes translucent and slimy, the creature can't regain hit points unless it is underwater, and the disease can be removed only by heal or another disease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. When the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 (1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed

Dr Catriona: "It wants to drag you down!"

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 22 | 29
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become diseased. The disease has no effect for 1 minute and can be removed by any magic that cures disease. After 1 minute, the diseased creature's skin becomes translucent and slimy, the creature can't regain hit points unless it is underwater, and the disease can be removed only by heal or another disease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. When the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 (1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed
Attack: 23 | 12
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become diseased. The disease has no effect for 1 minute and can be removed by any magic that cures disease. After 1 minute, the diseased creature's skin becomes translucent and slimy, the creature can't regain hit points unless it is underwater, and the disease can be removed only by heal or another disease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. When the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 (1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at the monstrous creature appearing out of nowhere.

Jonias Siannodel: "Behold, the Almighty Grllbthh."

Dungeon Lord:
Damage: 13bludgeoning
Damage: 12bludgeoning

Westra Goldbrook:
9   11

Dungeon Lord:
Damage: 11bludgeoning


7   11

Dungeon Lord: A massive tentacled creature emerges from the swirling pool. A voice fills everyone's head. "Die filth!" And tentacles start flying everywhere!

Wolfe: Wolfe will take a deep breath and focus the fury that is coming to him. Use it as a weapon, do not be a slave to its will he had said to Cat, but he feels its urge now.
"I have never been a slave, and I will not be one now!"
Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   
10   21
Shokan (+9)
28   17
Shokan (+9)

Wolfe: He delivers two quick slashes at the Aboleth with his katana.

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 24 | 27
Damage: 16bludgeoning
Attack: 25 | 15
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Damage: 13piercing
Ability: 24 | 20

Westra Goldbrook:
19   23

Dungeon Lord: Another harpoon pulls Westra into the water.
Attack: 26 | 7
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Damage: 12 + 6piercing

Westra Goldbrook: "I've had enough of these forsaken harp--!" Westra starts to shout, before being pulled back into the water

Dungeon Lord:
Ability: 7 | 18

16   17
Lokien sees the harpoon come flying out of the water, but is unable to dodge in time and takes the harpoon directly to the knee.

Euron Sand: Euron steps forward, brandishing the Watcher's Eye! "HELM DOES NOT CONSENT TO YOUR TREACHERY!"
Holy light flows from the Eye toward Westra, restoring 25 HP to the Paladin.

Westra Goldbrook:
23   26
Halberd Slash (+7)
8   27
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
8 + 3
23   21
Halberd Slash (+7)
Higher Level Cast
Divine Smite
Higher Level Cast
Divine Smite

Jonias Siannodel: "What is thy bidding master?"

Dungeon Lord: Jonias's mind fills with searing pain as his life essence is drained. He takes 15 psychic damage.

Jonias Siannodel:

Dungeon Lord:
Attack: 18 | 17
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Damage: 8piercing
Attack: 13 | 20
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.

Jonias Siannodel: The elf screams out in pain until he is able to clear his head of the abolleths control



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #42 on: August 16, 2018, 09:03:29 PM »
Session 39

Levinath (GM):
15   20
Longbow Attack (+10)
17   29
Longbow Attack (+10)
Slayer's Prey
Slayer's Prey
Wolfe: "We have to put the big squid down, now!"

Longbow (+7)

Dr Catriona: The nerdy scientist chews on her lower lip as the realization of how dangerous this Aboleth is settles in. She removes her glasses, blinking some before she she begins to absorb what little ambient light there is around her. The illumination flickers and behind her eyes glow blindingly bright...and she Supergirl Heatvisions™ the Aboleth.

Jonias: Now lucid, Jonias doubles back up the steps past the doctor.
"Pardon me, love." before firing a shot towards the tentacled creature. His mind still fuzzy, the elf's shot goes wide.
The elf shrugs to the doctor as if to say he "tried" before ducking into cover and out of sight of tentacles and harpoons.

Dr Catriona: (silly gif time !)
Radiant Beam
evocation 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60'
Target: One creature
Components: M (Mastery of Light/Dark)
Duration: Concentration 1 minute
As an action, you project a beam of light at one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must make a DEX saving throw DC15. On a failed save, it takes 18 radiant damage and is blinded until your concentration ends. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage.

A blinded target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

You can increase this effect's damage by 1d6 per each additional psi point spent on it.

Levinath (GM):
Ability: 7 | 16

Dr Catriona: The surge of light blinds the creature!
She covers her eyes, as steam wafts from between her fingers and she ducks back further.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Levinath (GM): 5

Dr Catriona: (what a shitty damage roll)

Wolfe: "NICE!" Wolfe yells out as he sees the beam strike the Aboleth, causing it to yell out in pain and blind fury; though he doesn't see the start of it and how Cat had unleashed the power inside of her.

Levinath (GM):
Attack: 21 | 11
Attack: 11 | 22
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become diseased. The disease has no effect for 1 minute and can be removed by any magic that cures disease. After 1 minute, the diseased creature's skin becomes translucent and slimy, the creature can't regain hit points unless it is underwater, and the disease can be removed only by heal or another disease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. When the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 (1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed
Attack: 18 | 26
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become diseased. The disease has no effect for 1 minute and can be removed by any magic that cures disease. After 1 minute, the diseased creature's skin becomes translucent and slimy, the creature can't regain hit points unless it is underwater, and the disease can be removed only by heal or another disease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. When the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 (1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed
Attack: 23 | 22
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become diseased. The disease has no effect for 1 minute and can be removed by any magic that cures disease. After 1 minute, the diseased creature's skin becomes translucent and slimy, the creature can't regain hit points unless it is underwater, and the disease can be removed only by heal or another disease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. When the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 (1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed
Damage: 12bludgeoning
Damage: 17bludgeoning

Wolfe: "No time like the present to get rid of this fuckin' ugly bastard!"

Dr Catriona: (yes dex(

Levinath (GM):
Ability: 1 | 13

Dr Catriona: (it requires concentration yes)

Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   
Shokan (+9)

Dr Catriona: The Aboleth's eyes look to continue to sear and sizzle as the radiation does not diminish.

Shokan (+9)
20   18
Shokan (+9)

Dr Catriona: (omg)
(I just wasted a lvl 5 amount of pp lol)

Wolfe: Wolfe delivers a quick pair of cuts to the Aboleth, dispatching it as green goo covers his arms and armor. "GOT IT!" he yells, triumphant.
"That was easier than I thought."

Dr Catriona: "Incorrect!" pipes the doctor from cover.

Levinath (GM): The fish man attacks Westra again!
Attack: 17 | 17
Attack: 9 | 13
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Damage: 11piercing
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame

Levinath (GM):
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame

Dr Catriona: (lol arent the diseased people super slimey looking)

Levinath (GM):
Ability: 1 | 10
The northern most Marlew glows underwater and howls in agony as Euron sends holy fire into it.

Westra Goldbrook:
27   24

Dr Catriona: ((she was born in the armor, molded by it))

Westra Goldbrook: Relieved to see the Aboleth fall, Westra turns to hack at the remaining fish creatures.
15   8
Halberd Slash (+7)
15   16
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
19   10
Halberd Slash (+7)

Levinath (GM):
Attack: 14 | 26
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Attack: 26 | 22
Damage: 11 + 5piercing
Attack: 24 | 25
After striking a target the Marlew may make a contested STR check to pull the target up to 15 feet towards it.
Damage: 10piercing
Ability: 8 | 5

Dr Catriona: (("we arent in danger of dying"))

While the Harpoon strikes Wolfe in the shoulder, he shoves it off. "Grr. Now you're on my fucking list."

Dr Catriona: ((..whoa... maybe he should be called #Metoo instead of Marle))

Levinath (GM): Lokien takes aim at the beast Westra is pummeling.
14   20
Longbow Attack (+10)
29   30
Longbow Attack (+10)
14 + 5
  6 + 6
Slayer's Prey
7 + 1
  2 + 2
Slayer's Prey
Dr Catriona: ((That Hunters Mark is missing btw))

Levinath (GM): His arrows leave the beast limp in the water.

Dr Catriona: "I... assume you've regained your... um.. faculties?" she says as Jonias moves up. Whose he gonna attack? Suspense!

16   10
Longbow (+7)
Sneak Attack (3d6)
Class: Rogue
rolling 3d6
(1+4+5)= 10

Dr Catriona: (lol skipped me)
Blinking hard, she puts her glasses back on to try to focus properly. Veins around her eyes are still slowly dimming as she starts to walk over after seeing Jonias at least attacking the enemy now...
She levels her boomer and takes a pot shot at the creature near Westra, having little gas left in the proverbial tank

Jonias: Jonias slides up once again. Noting the large creature is gone the elf fires at the closest merlew and bolts back into cover.

Dr Catriona:
Dexterity Save
90 ft
Energy Beam (Fire)

Levinath (GM):
Ability: 1 | 19

Jonias: "Yes, yes, back to myself. Sorry for the temporary lack of control."

Wolfe: Wolfe hops into the water to swing at the Merlew. "Get back and get yourself healed up you fat-headed Princess!"

Dr Catriona: Then she moves back once her contraption launches its flamng blue projectile.

Shokan (+9)

Dr Catriona: ((isnt she gonna take damage from the disease on her turn lol)

Wolfe: The Half Orc killsteals again and cuts the Merlew's head off that was harassing Westra.

Dr Catriona: ((oh its out of water))

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

Levinath (GM):
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame
Ability: 14 | 10
The body lights afire right in front of Wolfe and falls limp.

Wolfe: "Huh."

Wolfe: He looks over his shoulder, figuring it was Cat, but then he sees Euron with the glowing hands. "Nicely done."

Levinath (GM): Westra and Wolfe can easily make it back to shore as they find the whirlpool begins to slow.

Jonias: The din of combat subsided, Jonias slinks back out of the shadows and from behind the rocks.
"My apologies for my actions earlier. They weren't entirely my own."

Westra Goldbrook: Weary now from her wounds and from having fought to stay above water, Westra is particularly relieved to see the last creature fall. She heads for the shore, grim-faced and short of breath.

Wolfe: Getting back to the shore, Wolfe exhales heavily. "Everyone in one piece?" He goes to collect his hand-axes, cleaning both them and his katana of the muck of aberration blood.
"Aboleths are bad news. If they get their tentacles on you they can curse you to the sea - or make you their slaves."

Dr Catriona: The flaxen haired physicist peers around the wall as a stillness takes the area.

Levinath (GM): Euron lays a glowing hand on himself and Lokien, purging the growing slime from their bodies.

Westra Goldbrook: She collapses onto her back in a wet heap, and catches her breath. Wolfe's comments cause her to look over towards him, frowning. "Curse you to the sea?" she asked, unfamiliar with the creature's poisons.

Jonias: "I think he means 'Drag you under'"

Levinath (GM): Westra finds her skin is growing increasingly slimy.

Westra Goldbrook: She watches Euron tending to himself and the archer, and then looks down at herself. She seems to only then notice the same slime coating herself, and she makes a face. "Ugh."

Dr Catriona: "Captain, you do not look well. "

Levinath (GM): A weird goo is quickly being expelled from her pores and a strong urge to get back in the water fills her mind.

Dr Catriona: ((aura didnt help wit dem saves?))

Wolfe: "Hey, you're starting to really look like Neverember's toadie now."

Westra Goldbrook: "This is a curse?" she asked Euron, confused by how appealing the water seemed, considering how it'd just exhausted her.
She spared a moment to shoot Wolfe a dirty look.

Dr Catriona:

Jonias: The elf moves away nonchalantly from those exhibiting bouts of slime and moves back out towards the rock outcropping and keeps watch.

Dr Catriona: The doctor kneels by the paladin and attempts to determine this.

Wolfe: "It's a secretion from the Aboleth, they make their minions water bound."

Euron: "It is natural pathogen. A disease."

Westra Goldbrook: But then thought that perhaps getting back into the water would help wash off the slime.

Wolfe: "Well don't just stand there, use some of your fucking holy magic to heal her."

Dr Catriona: "Do you mind if I take a sample?"

Euron: He lays a hand on Westra.

Westra Goldbrook: She paused, torn. "A disease," she repeated.

Wolfe: Wolfe blanches. "Cat. Really?"

Dr Catriona: "Oh.. uh.. sorry...I mean.."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra holds up a hand to stop Euron. "Save your strength, friend. Helm will grant me restoration from disease. I need only a moment to pray. My thanks."
She sits up to her knees and sighs heavily, then does pray.

Euron: The goo seems to dry almost immediately as the spell takes hold from Westra' s magic. Euron watches, his still glowing hand hovering nearby.

Dr Catriona: She edges towards the water some to see if there are any remains that are floating and viable for harvest... for science.

Westra Goldbrook: Once the disease is lifted, Westra furthers her meditation in order to allow Helm's healing magic to heal some of her wounds.

Levinath (GM): The bodies of the creatures have sun down into the pool of water, the doc can make them out, but its a dive.

Westra Goldbrook: She then rolls back to lay flat again with a huff. Gurl is tired.

Wolfe: The Blademaster sighs and turns toward Jonias. "Did that thing say anything to you while it was talking in your head?"

Jonias: "Nothing beyond the desire to command us all as far as i recall"

Wolfe: The Half Orc will settle against a rock and take a deep breath. "I'm here just.. taking a breather." He closes his eyes and takes a little power-nap.


Dr Catriona: "What... are you doing?" she asks Jonias.

Levinath (GM): Jonias seems unable to set a grappling hook.


Levinath (GM): The second time finds hold in a hanging rock. Who likes rope swings?

Westra Goldbrook: "Did anyone else hear the creature in their head, or only the elf?" she asked, watching from her prone position

Dr Catriona: Catriona watches Jonias throw ropes until he gets it right.
"I did." she says, turning to face the Captain.

Jonias: The elf remains calm, shaking the cobwebs from his mind as he launches a grappling hook and rope to a stalactite.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nodded, as though that somehow reassured her.

Levinath (GM): The other two men shake their head in the negative.

Jonias: Once secure the elf realizes that perhaps he too should take a seat and catch his breath.

Westra Goldbrook: "What terrible creatures. I have never faced their ilk before today."

Jonias: "Trust me when i say, I am grateful that thing is dead.I did not enjoy the experience."

Dr Catriona: "One must ask themselves what is such a powerful entity doing at the edge of a small town."

Westra Goldbrook: "Indeed. Why here?"

Lokien: "They didn't seem too bad. Nothing a couple arrows can't take care of."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra shot a look with a raised brow at the archer
"I wonder if they were left here as some manner of guardian, or if they wound up here by happenstance."

Dr Catriona: "Drawn to the Mythal?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Perhaps."


Westra Goldbrook: "If it's here."

Dr Catriona: "Probably a good chance we encountered it before some curious child wandered in here." she resolves.

Jonias: "What is this about a Mythal?"
The elf asked, surprised the turn of conversation.

Dr Catriona: "Baldarich informed us that there was a Mythal in these lands."

Dr Catriona:
"We believe that may be what draws the lycanthrope threat here as well."
"Perhaps the Mythal is corrupted by the Spellplague in some way, is my estimation.

Westra Goldbrook: "It was supposedly near Sunderwood. Having not found it in the town anywhere, we began looking for some manner of underground home for it. That is when we met you."
"Whoever is behind the werewolf abominations may be after the mythal. We know of at least one other entity who seeks them, some sort of sorceress who drains their power."

Levinath (GM): Euron lays a glowing hand on Westra healing some more of her wounds.
Cure Wounds

Jonias: The elf pulls out a book, and just then a tiny dragonling appears on the elf's shoulders. "Interesting... Xenemarcses said nothing about a Mythal here, at least not from what I've unlocked." The elf whispers something to the dragonling before putting the tome down and letting the little creature read through the book.

Westra Goldbrook: "She, also, likes to bother with peoples' minds to try and influence them. So you should be wary," she tells Jonias.
She gives Euron a grateful look and a nod of thanks.

Dr Catriona: "We only have Baldarich's words and maps to go on."

Westra Goldbrook: "What... is that?"

Dr Catriona: ((If this was WoW, you know Sam would be fishing right now while everyone buffed))

Jonias: "Just Beryllium. Looking through his old master's tome to see if there's anything about a Mythal down here. That tome is what lead me to this region as well."

Dr Catriona: ((I seent it))
"You are using the interpretations by a dragonling of someone's book to guide your travels?"

Jonias: "And my own interpretations. I had to unlock the tome to begin with. That's how I met Beryl. Now she helps me."

Levinath (GM): During the hour of rest, the group finds that that whirlpool completely settles about fifteen feet down from the edge of rock face. The water however continues to flow into the basin and at the end of 60 minutes, has risen several feet from where it settled.

Dr Catriona: "That is .. peculiar..." she says, adjusting her glasses and not knowing exactly what to make of such a thing.
"The height of this body of water has increased exponentially since the whirlpool has ceased."

Jonias: Looking towards the imminent rise of water, Jonias points towards the rope he prepared, "Perhaps we should cross?"

Dr Catriona: "It does look like this area will become submerged from the inflow."

Levinath (GM): Both scientists can estimate this basin will likely reach full capacity in 6-7 hours.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra, still banged up but feeling far better than she was before, climbs to her feet. "Yes, let's move on. But we must be mindful of how long we are down here. I've no mind to conjure how long we have before this cavern is impassible."


Dr Catriona: "Conservative estimate, five and a half to six hours." says the pearl-blonde.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra taps Wolfe's shoulder with the blunt end of her polearm to rouse him as she passes.
She nods at the Dr's estimate, and moves to follow the elf.

Dr Catriona: (just rub the abo-slime on his face to wake him up)

Jonias: "That sounds about right to me," the elf hollered as he swung across.

Levinath (GM):
9   14
Lokien misses the rope and falls into the drink

Lokien: "Ahhhhh!"

Westra Goldbrook:
14   19

Dr Catriona: "AH!"

Levinath (GM): Westra makes it across.

Westra Goldbrook: Once on the other shore, Westra extends her polearm back to the archer to help him climb out.

Levinath (GM):
8   14
Wolfe just jumps across, cuz fuck yo rope.

Lokien: Lokien and Euron find themselves on a slab of land ~15 feet below the group.

Jonias: Jonias moves back up once most of them had made it safely across and collected his rope and hook with a quick rope trick.

Dr Catriona: "Um... I... see something"

Westra Goldbrook: "Where?"

Dr Catriona: "Some amorphous shape?" she squints some and cups her eyes...

Jonias: Jonias tosses the rope down towards the two stranded party members.

Dr Catriona: She points down the darkened tunnel. "Careful, Captain... it is likely hostile."

Westra Goldbrook: "I can't see anything," she says quietly, with a note of frustration.

Jonias: "Why don't we pull ourselves up and leave the creature be?"

Dr Catriona: "It looks like a water elemental. In fact, I am 97% certain it is a water elemental."

Westra Goldbrook: "Water elemental?" she repeats. "Can we kill it?"

Levinath (GM): Westra knows water elemental MAY be made of water.

Dr Catriona: "It might not be alone..."

Levinath (GM): Euron knows knows the basics of the water elemental in the MM.
A rock face of around 10 feet high rises next to the waterfall to the north. It should be fairly easy to climb.

Dr Catriona: "I've worked with elementals most of my career, the water variety usually aren't aggressive."

Westra Goldbrook: "Are they typically non-aggressive enough to not attack on sight?"

Dr Catriona: "However, when have we run into average archetype entities in recent days."

Wolfe: "Too bad we cured Westra already. She could have infiltrated the group."

Dr Catriona: (wow)

Westra Goldbrook: "At least we still have one toad among us."

Dr Catriona: "I can try to communicate with it...?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Apologies. Half-toad."
"It's worth an attempt," she said, nodding to the Dr.

Wolfe: "You're all toad, Westra. Just pink-skinned."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra rolled her eyes and let the matter drop.

Dr Catriona: She scratches the side of her head some. "What if it becomes aggressive after I make contact with it?"

Wolfe: "Run away."

Westra Goldbrook: "If it's living here in such close proximity to the other beasts, I'm ready to wager that they were all either drawn to the mythal or left here to guard it. So we'll likely need to face it either way."

Dr Catriona: "My capacity to invoke energy is currently very diminished. Um.. just warning that too much more expenditure and I'll be borderline useless." She holds up a bracer with gauges, all of them nearing red, like an empty fuel meter.

Levinath (GM): The elemental seems to move around in the water slowly, seemingly doing nothing in particular.

Westra Goldbrook: "Running away if things turn nasty is a viable option, much as I dislike it."

Wolfe: "You'd never be useless, Cat." Wolfe assures her in that good-natured way.

Dr Catriona: So nice to Cat, so mean to Westra!
The doctor seems somewhat bashful a moment, though that gives her more resolve to proceed.
░▒▓Telepathy with Water Elemental:▓▒░ « Hello, Water Friend. »
She presses her two fingers to her temple and looks intently towards the entity.
She makes a face. "It just says Home. I am going to ask it if we may pass."
"Not exactly expansive of mind elementals are."

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Water Elemental:▓▒░ « May we peacefully pass? »

Wolfe: "So far so good."

Euron: "Let's hope it stays that way."

Dr Catriona: She sighs. "I... my best guess is that it wants to go home. Other than that, it seems to barely care about me..."

Jonias: Jonias and Beryl look up from the tome, having been lost in thought for a few moments before noticing the Doctor interact with the elemental.

Westra Goldbrook: "Well, it didn't erupt into violence at being spoken to. That's perhaps a good sign. Little left to do besides approach and see what happens."

Dr Catriona: "I .. uh.. don't have much experience in negotiation, particularly with such an alien mind even..."

Wolfe: "Hopefully going home doesn't require us sending it to another plane of existence. If it's anything like a demon or something that's a trip to beatdown town first."

Dr Catriona: "That is what happens when you destroy an elemental. It returns to its source."

Wolfe: "Well." Wolfe flashes a forced smile. "Either way it'll be happy, then."

Dr Catriona: "They aren't exactly pushovers."

Westra Goldbrook: "I'm happy to hear alternative solutions, Dr. Right now the only one I see is to abandon the mythal and go back to the town."

Jonias: "Perhaps it is best we leave it be then? Perhaps whatever magic binding it here will be removed once we find your Mythal."

Dr Catriona: "There seem to be multiple."
"Perhaps someone set them here to guard and they are compelled to do so?"

Wolfe: "Well, how about one of the folk who can sneak ahead try and find a way around?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Multiple what? Elementals?"

Dr Catriona: She nods at Westra.

Jonias: "Oh right"

Dr Catriona: "A different route might be best for now then?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Wait, where'd the elf go?"

Dr Catriona: "and... I believe he had the same idea."
"At the very least, it does not look like the elementals will come after us before we are ready for them. We still have a limited timetable."

Jonias: Jonias returns from his trek through the northern tunnel, "Northern way just leads to a small pool of water. I'll check south next if you want to move up a bit."
Nothing back that way either.

Levinath (GM): It appears the only paths are into the water Jonias found, into the large pool of water, and up to the cave with the water elementals.

Jonias: ((Yeah that's what i saw))
Jonias leads the way back up towards the elemental pool.

Wolfe: "What's in here? It looks like just a pool of water?"

Dr Catriona: "Shame we did not bring water breathing apparatuses. Or a submersible."

Levinath (GM): Steps descend further down into the cavern, though water fills the tunnel.

Westra Goldbrook: "How deep does it look?" Westra asked, trying to see over the shoulders before her

Jonias: "I can try to swim ahead."

Westra Goldbrook: "At least see if it seems to lead anywhere, or if it's just a pool?" she suggests.


Dr Catriona: "However deep we descend, we have to continue to consider that this entire cavern will flood within a few hours."

Dr Catriona: She waits to see if a cloud of red appears in the water.

Jonias: Jonias returns after nearly two minutes gasping for air. Once he catches his breath the elf shares the sights of elven carvings leading towards a great hall. However he could not go further without risking the lack of air.

Dr Catriona: "Elven carvings does track with Mythal..." she says after a beat.

Jonias: "If we had time i could perhaps take short trips and perhaps glean some more from the writings"

Westra Goldbrook: "I wonder if the rising water in the other cavern is tidally motivated. If it rises and recedes each day, perhaps this pool will recede as well at low tide."

Wolfe: "So we're in the Elven temple, right? Most of it's underwater. The Mythal has to be down here somewhere. Anyone have a water-breathing spell or something?"

Jonias: He looks to the Captain, "We may have a few hours. I can try a few dives to see if there are any clues."

Westra Goldbrook: "Aren't there potions that can be made for that?" She looked to the Dr. "Or an apparatus of some sort?"
"If you feel up to it, more information would only help us," she said, to Jonias.

Dr Catriona: "I do not possess those items. And to construct one would take some time in town."

Wolfe: "Don't know if there's an alchemist in town."

Jonias: "I have no such spells, unfortunately."
Jonias dives back in, reas some of the elven script that he can decipher occasionally coming back up for air.

Dr Catriona: "If we leave now, the place would be fully submerged upon our return... I um.. don't know how the ebb and flow of the water system."


Dr Catriona: "It may take weeks or months... depending on factors I can't determine."

Wolfe: "Probably don't have that kinda time."


Dr Catriona: "The... only other option I see is the elementals, perhaps using the phantasmitron to fake an image and see if they attack it."

Westra Goldbrook: "They would not be very useful guardians if they did not."

Wolfe: "Who's to say they're guardians and not just trapped?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Perhaps Jonias can sneak past them and see if there is anything beyond them?"

Jonias: "The text is mostly descriptive histories, no real sign of where this may lead. Maybe someone else could swim further than I however."
I can try"

Westra Goldbrook: "Not in armor, I certainly couldn't. Let us try that, then."


Dr Catriona: She thinks outloud.. "I wonder what the relationship was between the Aboleth and the elementals."

Wolfe: "Hopefully kid-friendly."

Westra Goldbrook: "Ugh."


Dr Catriona: The doctor does not seem to get it, as usual.

Wolfe: Wolfe hops down the way to the floor.

Dr Catriona: Listens for sounds of Elven Death.

Westra Goldbrook: "How long should we wait before going in after him?" she asks, squinting into the darkness.

Wolfe: "Mmm,"


Wolfe: "An hour?"

Dr Catriona: "I do not see them moving."

Wolfe: "He ain't gonna get any less dead if he's dead."

Jonias returns and describes the tunnel up ahead.
"There are three elementals ahead, walking along the water in front of a portal, likely to the plane of water." Jonias pulls out a few pieces of the shard, "The shard that was here has been shattered."

Wolfe: Wolfe raises a gray eyebrow. "What? Why don't they just go home?"

Dr Catriona: "So whomever was here already ruined the Mythal?" she says, looking over this shard.

Jonias: "Perhaps they served a purpose while the shard was active, but now without it they're confused?" the elf wonders aloud.

Wolfe: "Were there more shards?"

Jonias: "We could try to close the portal. Now would be our only chance. if we leave this place will flood."
"Yes. A bunch i could not easily sneak away with"

Wolfe: "Yeah having an open portal to the Plane of Water sounds like a bad idea."

Jonias: "If you let me slip back in, I can try to close the portal myself, or maybe with the doctor's help, while you all distract the elementals or lead them away."

Dr Catriona: "Me?" she blinks.

Wolfe: "Well."

Jonias: "You seem to know about elementals. Your help would be useful if you think you can sneak up there with me."

Wolfe: "I'm a professional distraction."
Wolfe draws Shokan from its sheath.


Levinath (GM):
Water Elemental
Ability: 17 | 20
Jonias moves past the elementals without them seeming to notice him.


Dr Catriona: Catriona will put a Nomadic Anchor across the bridge for 1 pp.

Levinath (GM): The water elemental looks at the Doctor as she approaches but does not react to her precense.

Dr Catriona: Catriona will move with trepidation and nervous smile.
She tries to look into the portal from a distance to determine where it may lead.

Mage Hand
conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again.

You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it.

The hand can't attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds.

Levinath (GM): The doctor cannot tell exactly where it goes, but she sees nothing but a deep blue color from the rippling and wavering portal.
A stream of water flows from the bottom half of the portal out onto the cave floor and off to the pool where they fought the aboleth.

Mage Hand Legerdemain
Class: Spell Modifier / Rogue / 3rd Level

Dr Catriona: She looks to the elemental in front of her and tries to communicate with it?
░▒▓Telepathy with Water Elemental:▓▒░ « Home there? »
She points at the portal.

Jonias: Jonias pokes and prods at the portal's edge with his magical hand.

Dr Catriona: "I think something is wrong with the portal? It seems to give me the impression that it leads home... but as Wolfe said, they remain here."

Levinath (GM): Jonais finds the portal feels solid to his mage hand, it is unable to pass into it as you would expect.

Westra Goldbrook: "Perhaps the mythal was helping to power it somehow, before it was shattered."

Wolfe: "Well see if we can find the shards and tie them together with some rope or something." He shrugs. "Fuck if I know, this is all weird to me."

Dr Catriona: Catriona walks over towards Westra and the crew. "I think you can stowe your weapons as they do not seem aggressive at this point. Just forlorn."


Dr Catriona: "Elementals unfortunately have only a few tiers over animal intelligence so what they communicate isn't exactly detailed."

Westra Goldbrook: "Is.. that a thing? We can just piece it back together and possibly make use of it?" she asked, uncertain.

Dr Catriona: "I can try to... dispel the portal."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra moves further into the cave, keeping a wary eye on the elementals as she does so. She takes a look at the remains of the mythal and the area around it, looking for any hint as to what happened.

Levinath (GM): Jonias sees no indication on the walls or floor of anything other than the shattered Mythal and the portal hovering near it. From his previous arcana check he can tell the portal and mythal were linked.

Dr Catriona:

Westra Goldbrook: "I expect dispelling their only link to 'home' might aggravate the elementals despite their docile nature to this point. But... we cannot leave it here and open."

Dr Catriona: She kneels and picks up some bits of the mythal. "I have another idea."

Wolfe: "Let's hear it."

Jonias: "the Mythal and it were once linked. With that Link gone I'm not sure how we can control it. Perhaps we can try to reverse it?"

Dr Catriona: "If we somehow were able to channel our energy and reach enough of a level of potency, that might stabilize and close the portal."
"We could act as the Mythal. Theoretically."

Jonias: "And how are we supposed to channel this energy? Using the shards?"

Wolfe: "Uh..."
"I'm not exactly an energy sorta person."

Westra Goldbrook: "What energy? You are referring to your..." she waggles her fingers at the Dr. "Abilities?"

Wolfe: "But I'll guard you."

Euron: "I'm willing to try whatever we can to keep these creatures peaceful and keep this place from flooding."

Dr Catriona: The doctor seems to be mulling over something.
"I think if those who can wield arcana or divine energy expend a certain level of energy, it should stabilize it and once we cease, the portal will close."

Jonias: Jonias grabs a long shard piece and walks over to the portal with it. using the shard, he once again probes at the portal.

Levinath (GM): The shard seems to ripple as it hits the portal, but then slides off with the sound of finger nails on a chalk board, which echo like crazy in the cavern. Very unpleasant.

Jonias: Jonias stops immediately.

Dr Catriona: "I imagine a hand holding would work with the primary focusing it through a shard." She makes a cringe at the sound.

Jonias: "Okay, don't do that"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra flinches, and groans at the hideous noise.

Wolfe: Wolfe flinches in pain at the sound. "Yikes."

Dr Catriona: ((Lokien is a spellcasting ranger?))


Westra Goldbrook: "If you believe it worth a try, I will do as I can," she agreed, with a nod.

Dr Catriona: "If we stabilize it, I believe the Elemental might go on through."

Euron: Euron winces, covering his ears. He could have gone the rest of his life without that sound.

Dr Catriona: "It does not look breachable in its current state."

Lokien: He shrugs. "Ok."

Dr Catriona: "Father Sand, do you have any reserves to contribute?"
"And you, Captain?"

Euron: "I do, but I suggest that we rest out out of this."

Westra Goldbrook: "Not a great deal, but I will contribute what I can."

Dr Catriona: "If we are succesful, we can take these shards back to town and regroup."
Catriona can convert them
She will use 5 pp to use 1x 3rd level.
"Hold hands and I will focus it into the portal." she instructs, moving to stand closest to the portal.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra does as the doctor instructs.

Dr Catriona: "Do not let go until the elementals go through."

Wolfe: Wolfe sheaths his sword but prepares in case the elementals go crazy. For now he keeps a weather-eye out.

Jonias: Jonias takes hold of the doctor's hand and follows her lead through the ritual.

Dr Catriona: She holds out the shard. "Brace."

Euron: Euron takes the hands of the people to his left and his right and whispers a prayer as they continue.

Dr Catriona: (and i get to gif again)

Levinath (GM): The group members join hands along side of Cat, Guardians of the Galaxy style. As you begin to focus your magical energy through the Doc, the air crackles with electricity, and in an instance a surge of power rushes from the platinum blonde. The portal widens and a huge wave of blue liquid pours forth, nearly knocking Wolf down with the force.

Dr Catriona: "Mister Wolfe, careful!"

Levinath (GM): Almost instantly the elementals disappear into the wave and you can barely see them moving through the portal. The flow of water continues to pour forth, rushing down to the pool below.

Dr Catriona: She clenches her teeth as the brunt of the energy fluctuations pour through her.

Levinath (GM): In a matter of moments all three elementals have passed through the portal.

Dr Catriona: "Ahhh... Gone!"
She releases her hand and exhales heavily, thoroughly spent.

Wolfe: Wolfe actually flashes a big 'ol grin. "Great thinking Cat!"

Levinath (GM): With the release of the spell power, the portal shrinks into a single drop of water that splooshes into the remains of the torrent.

Wolfe: "Good job everyone. Actually solved a problem without fighting."

Jonias: "Brilliant!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra watches it all with obvious fascination, and just shakes her head when it's all over. "Phenomenal."



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #43 on: August 16, 2018, 09:10:18 PM »
Session 40

Wolfe: Wolfe was not in great spirits as the Watch started to make their way out of the cave. True, they had defeated an Aboleth and its minions - certainly a feat that would have earned him acclaim years ago. Nowadays Wolfe did not see such victories as triumphs to be celebrated but just burdens to bear.
He was proud that they had managed to return the Water Elementals back to the Plane of Water without need for combat. More and more the old blademaster appreciated Catriona’s presence in their group - and to think, he’d tried to convince her to leave! The additions of Jonias and Lokien had proved pivotal; not just for destroying the Aboleth and slaying its minions, but Jonias’s magic was needed to help adjust the portal. With Westra, Cat, and Euron’s aid, The Watch had laid this threat to the local town to rest, finding that the Mythal that fueled some of the magic in the area was deactivated.
But while that was cause for cheer, they were no closer to locating the Mad Scientist, nor his daughter, Sera. It was for that reason that Wolfe’s mood was foul as they saw the light of the afternoon shine through the cave mouth as they neared the exit.

Wolfe: He had been laying off the booze for the most part, but after all that swimming and fighting, he hankered for a cold ale.

Levinath (GM): The sun has begun to dip onto the horizon as the group exits the cavern. The wood seems quiet and calm after the events of the afternoon.

Wolfe: Wolfe can be in front, cause he has good HP.
Wolfe's head lifts up.
"Sera's nearby." He says sharply, his eyes narrowing.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra is glad to return to the fresh air of the surface, more than eager to leave behind the very wet and overall unpleasant trial behind them. She pauses at the mouth of the cave and draws a deep breath, then sighs it out.
Wolfe's comment turns her head.

Wolfe: Wolfe notably keeps his weapons sheathed, slowly stepping out of the cave and looking around, trying to follow the scent.
"It wasn't here before we went in. I can smell it now."
Mike: Jonias looks quickly towards Catriona and Euron. "Who's Sera again?" he asks in a hushed whisper.

Jonias: Jonias looks quickly towards Catriona and Euron. "Who's Sera again?" he asks in a hushed whisper.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns, but quietly follows Wolfe's lead while he moves off.

Wolfe: Wolfe will slowly move forward, those who have known him can see he is alert but cautious as he walks forward, his hands slowly lifting as he looks about.
He seems to be heading toward an underbrush near the mouth of the cave.

Dr Catriona: The doctors eyebrow arcs sharply at that. "I.. uh.. his child." she says, answering the elf.

After rolling a die roll, roll another die and take the new result.   
8   17

Dr Catriona: "A lycanthrope." adds the half elven scientist, as if that was some manner of further clarification.

Wolfe: "SERA!" Wolfe yells out as suddenly the brush shakes ahead. He quickly breaks into a run. "SERA WAIT!"

Jonias: "Riiiight," the elf nods, even though he still seemed confused. "But not that little girl from earlier right? She's the blacksmith's daughter..."

Westra Goldbrook: "Gods have mercy," Westra grunts,then breaks into a run after Wolfe.

Dr Catriona: "No. This is an older girl. With connections to the Mad Scientist,we presume."

Wolfe: Adrenaline pumps through Wolfe's veins, burning away fatigue and ennui. He had told Cat before he'd been uncertain about his reaction and his emotions when he laid eyes upon his daughter again. Here in the moment, all he felt was a need to face her, to hear her voice and speak to her again after all of these years. As she ran away from him, the look of fear in her eyes for just a moment makes him grit his teeth and shove his head forward, running as fast as he can to reach her.

Sera: As Wolfe and Westra break into the underbrush they see a fair complected, green hued woman standing some distance away. Her body is toned and fit. "Father?" She says cautiously. She continues to back away from the pair slowly.

Jonias: Done with the necessary exposition to catch up the viewers (Beryl), Jonias moves to catch up with the others.

Wolfe: Wolfe comes to a halt once he sees she's at least slowed down to talk. "It's me, Sera." He lifts his hands up slowly, as if in surrender. "It's been a long time."
"I want to talk." He said slowly, locking eyes with her as his heart hammered in his chest. "Just talk."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra slows and stops at Wolfe's side, and a little behind. She watches the goings-on in silence, alert and ready.

Jonias: Jonias steps back, awkwardly looking away from the estranged father and daughter.

Dr Catriona: Not an adept sprinter, nor is her figure built for such things, Doctor Wicker will arrive latest after a tiring jog.

Sera: Her lower lip quivers. "I.....but...your duty. To Grandfather." She takes another step back, her stance poised to flee, but she does not move further.
Her eyes dart to the others as each appears in the densely wooded area, lingering for a moment on each of you before returning her distrustful gaze to Wolfe.

Wolfe: "Yes, he sent me here for that." The Blademaster nods slowly, his brow furrowing in thought. Duty, Family, both pulling him in different directions. "But you are my daughter, my family."
"I just want to talk."
"These are my companions." He gestured to the others. "Westra Goldbrook of Neverwinter, Euron Sand, Jonias, and Lokien, and my friend Doctor Wicker."

Sera: "How can we talk? After what I did?" Her head falls sharply. "It is unforgivable."

Wolfe: Wolfe considers Sera for a long moment. Those words that she said - they had been words he'd said many times to himself imbetween cups. But hearing them.. hearing the anguish in her voice made something in his chest tighten. "Sera, listen to me." He takes a single step forward, lowering his arms and outstretches his hand toward her. "The blame is not upon you. It rests squarely upon my shoulders."
"You did not choose this burden, but I had chosen mine."

Sera: She doesn't move as Wolfe takes a step but her olive eyes raise back to him. "What do you mean? I AM THE MONSTER! I KILLED HER!" She screams at him.

Wolfe: Something pinches in his chest, his eyes closing as that memory comes back to him all too sharp. He takes a slow breath and opened his eyes. "Sera, it was I who was bitten. Not you. You inherited the curse that was laid upon me."
He reaches down and pulls back his sleeve of mail and linen, it reveals massive bite marks. Sera had seen them before when she was younger, but now as a grown woman she might understand them more. "Before you were born." He points to the slightly lighter green flesh.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra keeps a weather eye on the brush around the party, standing vigil while Wolfe dealt with his daughter.

Sera: Her anguish fades nearly as quickly as it appeared. Wolfe would easily recognize the racial rage that now filled her eyes. "You....YOU DID THIS TO ME?"

Wolfe: "Your grandfather gave me a pendant." he gestured to his neck, the tell-tale wolfhead, the symbol of their Clan. "And it kept the curse at bay. I had thought it cured me."
"I did not know it did not. Not until that day. But you had left, and it has taken me these five years to catch up to you." In part because he had avoided his responsibility, his mandate from her grandfather, but he did not say that explicitly - just that he knew it to be the truth.
"Sera. There's more going on than just you and me, here. There's people who are being hurt. The barbarians to the north said you were involved in a Mad Scientist. I smelled you at the Cabin where he made the metal wolves."

Sera: Her eyes still burned with a mix of confused rage. "You allow your daughter to manifest into a werewolf and murder her own mother and then you come here to speak of danger? A child's mind that watches helplessly as the burning hunger and rage overtakes her and she disembowels her matron?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra's mouth presses to a thin line, but she continues watching the surroundings.

Wolfe: "I DIDN'T KNOW!" Wolfe howls with the hidden fury of five years of anguish and grief. The inborn rage that he had always leashed, always kept sheathed save to draw it when necessary.
"I didn't know." He exhaled, slowly, his hands clenching into fists.
"It wasn't your fault, Sera."

Sera: She seems to calm and clears her throat. "So you are here to, bring me home? Perhaps we can go to Grandfather's for winter solstice and have dinner like we used to?"

Dr Catriona: Thoughts race in her mind about their vulnerability out here in the dark, depleted of resources and potency...
(From Sera): Perception check

Wolfe: "No." He says slowly. "No, I came here to find you, because I needed to stop avoiding the truth."
"And on the way, I found monsters and mysteries on the trail to your scent."

Westra Goldbrook:
13   7

Sera: She looks down again. "You don't know what I have had to endure."

Wolfe: "No. I don't. But I'm willing to listen."
"If you'd be willing to tell me."

Sera: "I...."

Westra Goldbrook: When the girl falters, Westra looks over to the pair.
"There is a town very near here where we have lodging," she points out, speaking to Sera. "Come back with us. Even if you part ways again, it's clear you and Wolfe have much to discuss."

Dr Catriona: "Will they let her in past the screeners?"

Sera: Her eyes narrow as she looks back up towards her father. "A samurai's greatest weapon is his mind. Mightier than any blade, quicker than any strike." She repeats an old adage from her childhood. "I....can't go back to Grandfather...." She turns and runs from the group.

Wolfe: "SERA! YOU DON'T HAVE TO!" He shouted out to her. "I'M NOT HERE TO BRING YOU IN!"

Jonias: Jonias' eyes Westra, but luckily the doctor shared his thoughts.

Wolfe: Wolfe growls as she sets off into a run. "I didn't teach her to run from her problems, Gods Damned Child!" He hustles after her.

Initiative: 2


Dr Catriona: "I have never been in this sort of situation before. What should we do?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra growls as well, and starts after Wolfe

Sera: 5

Westra Goldbrook:


Dr Catriona:
(its been so lonnng)


Dr Catriona: (lol why is she 30)

Wolfe: Wolfe books it as fast as he can to try and catch up to his daughter.

Levinath (GM): Wolfe easily leaps over a grouping of vines in the underbrush as he pursues Sera.

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d20
(9)= 9

Dr Catriona: (Init gone)

Wolfe: Wolfe leaps over another brush, then a thick overran log, as she banks to turn left the Blademaster shifts at the last moment and tackles her, rolling in the grass until they both come to a halt. "Sera, stop! Just, stop running for a moment. You don't have to run anymore!" Trying to wrap his arms around her in a grapple/hug he tries to hold her still.

Sera: She falls to the ground under the weight of her heavier father with a grunt. "Let me go! I will not go back to him! Your duty was ALWAYS more important than us!"

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't refute that, because he could see how she'd see it as true, he just sighs and holds her still. "You were always my duty, Sera."

Sera: "Except when it mattered..." She says with ire in her voice, tho she begins ti cease her struggle as the others appear around Wolfe and her.

Wolfe: The venom she throws at him is not well received, but he helps her sit up as he follows after. "Sera, please. We need to know what's going on with this lunatic. You and I can talk about everything once we get that sorted."

Sera: "You will only get yourselves killed." She says with resignation.

Wolfe: "We can handle ourselves, Sera." He settles his hands on her shoulder, a deep frown clear on his face. "Please, tell us what you know."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra paces nearby, hands on her waist, winded from all that running IN ARMOR you little shit.

Sera: "He isn't a lunatic, he is working to find a cure to our curse. His name is Darish. He is going to cure me."

Euron: Euron is also a little winded, but his annoyance evaporates as he watched Wolfe and Sera interact. The man has found his daughter, but will she help them now? That remained to be seen.
Euron notes the name "Darish" and wonders how he plans to cure lycanthropy without without powerful magic. It usually doesn't work.

Wolfe: Wolfe exhales slowly. "I figured it was something like that." His heart breaks a little as he hears her say those words and his brow furrows. "Sera, what about all the experiments? Have you seen what he's made?"

Dr Catriona: "Can't you just wear a talisman like Mister Wolfe to suppress it?"

Wolfe: Wolfe nods slowly at Cat's reasoning.

Sera: She pauses. "He has had to run some experiments to find the cure. Some of them got free because of their mutations, he didn't release them on purpose."

Dr Catriona: "A scientist is always responsible for their creations."

Wolfe: "Sera, what about the little girl from the Village? Lyla?"

Euron: "But he's experimenting on people and causing suffering to others."

Sera: "You got a spare one on you? The last 200 general stored I checked were out of magical talismans." She snaps back to Cat. "You got a spare one on you? The last 200 general stored I checked were out of magical talismans." She snaps back to Cat.

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs through his nose, frustrated. But he doesn't add more fuel to the fire at the moment.

Sera: She frowns at the mention of Lyla. "She was dying....he...saved her.....we were going to cure her too after it was discovered."

Dr Catriona: "And the ones in the barn? Quarantined, emaciated, left for strangers to find?"

Sera: "You can all judge me, but you don't know what it is like to have this BEAST inside of you, always trying to break free. Also struggling to overthrow your sanity! I didn't ask for this!"

Dr Catriona: "Hey you do not know us."

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at Sera's words. "Did your mother and I teach you nothing?"

Dr Catriona: "Please desist with your wild assertions."

Wolfe: "Where is your honor?"
Wolfe takes his hands off of his daughter's shoulders, slowly rising to his feet.

Sera: "I know you have killed plenty of them, and you killed the weres in the North." She spits at Wolfe. "My honor died with Mother. My life before that was all a lie."

Wolfe: "You would ignore everything she taught you?!" Wolfe's voice comes in a snarl. "You would spit on her memory!? I never kidnapped a creature to torture it for my own selfish gain - not even a monster."

Sera: "She wouldn't be a memory if you had protected us instead of running off on your stupid campaigns! At least you could have ended me so I didn't have to watch her die every night in my nightmares." She punches Wolfe.

Euron: Euron doesn't expect a fight, but he can feel Wolfe's anger. He'd sacrificed much to find his daughter, only to find this woman destroying his legacy.

Wolfe: Wolfe takes the punch.
He lets out a slow growl and his hands dig into his fists.

Westra Goldbrook: "Sera," Westra interjects. "We want to speak to this scientist. Where is he?"

Dr Catriona: The doctor winces slightly at that show of violence, but the matter is well beyond her wheelhouse and so she does not interfere. She hopes the more forceful paladin can get some actionable intel.

Sera: "So here is your beloved's killer, Father. I see the disgust in your eyes. End me, return me to your master like the whipped dog you are. Stop me from doing anything else horrible." She knees and lowers her head.

Westra Goldbrook: "That. Is enough."

Wolfe: Wolfe's fingers itch. He is visibly angry, furious, even. Everything Sera has said is a slap to the face and spat on what he and his wife had taught her.

Euron: Euron doesn't like where this is going.

Wolfe: "Your mother would be ashamed of you. Get up."

Euron: "Sera, you're supporting someone who is actively hurting others. That's wrong. You know that it's wrong."

Westra Goldbrook: "Sera," she repeats. "No one is killing anyone here and now. There is more at play here than your curse and your history with Wolfe. You say we couldn't understand what it's like to be you and perhaps you're right. But a tormented life does not mean you cannot still do good in this world. Help us stop these people from being hurt any further."
8   20

Sera: "Just. Kill. Me." She whispers, so only those close to her can hear.

Wolfe: Oof.
Wolfe takes a deep breath as even in his anger, that smarts.
He takes a slow breath and reaches up to the back of his neck. Slowly he undoes the pendant that had held back the curse. He kneels down infront of Sera and places it around her neck.

Euron: "Westra is right. If you wish to die with any honor, the only way is to aid us in stopping Darish."
And he's promptly surprised by Wolfe's action.

Westra Goldbrook: "Wolfe."
"She's done nothing to earn such a sacrifice from you."

Wolfe: "It's not your fault." He says softly and lifts his hands up, placing them on her shoulders. "Look at me."

Sera: She flinches at the first touch, clearly expecting a blade, then her tear streaked face looks up to her father.

Wolfe: "Your mother? The curse." He says the words slower, and louder. "It's. Not. Your. Fault."
"We are not responsible for the curses placed upon us. The beast. Our rage. Our heritage."
"We are responsible for what we do with the life we are given."
"Make this right." He says the words solidly, the words harsh.

Sera: She lunges at him, wrapping her arms around him and begins sobbing in the old man's shoulder. "I'm sorry Daddy....I'm so sorry."

Wolfe: He sighs heavily and, unbidden, the old Blademaster's tears come. He does not sob - surely, there must just be a little rain - but he holds her solidly in his arms. "You are my daughter, Sera. I forgive you."
He looks up at Westra, then. "She will make this right."

Dr Catriona: ((yes, cry like a lil bitch))

Sera: "This is all my fault." She says through sobs and coughs. "He told me I had to bite someone for him to help me...I did...all of this." She chokes out.

Wolfe: "Then bring us to him." He said slowly, pulling her back from him to look him in the eye. "Justice must be done, Sera."

Sera: "I know he has a house in the town, but I have never been there."

Wolfe: "You must face this. Stop running from your problems. You must face this."
"He is known among the villagerS?"

Sera: "He lives there, but I do not think they know what he is doing."

Wolfe: Wolfe nods slowly and turns to regard the others.

Dr Catriona: "This is serious is if he is living within the populace. There are children there."

Wolfe: "Where else could he also be, Sera? We were at the house to the West. Where else?"

Dr Catriona: "Only a truly twisted mind seeks to use their own home village as ground zero for nefarious experimentation."

Sera: "He must have something in the town, we met in the woods to the North, but have not been there for some time. I rarely see him anymore, I am just here...waiting. Occasionally he will ask me to track down a creature and bring it to him, but that is it."

Jonias: "What is this person's name?"

Sera: Darish

Westra Goldbrook: "Do you know what the other villagers believe him to be? What vocation? Can you describe him? It's possible that we have already met him."

Wolfe: Wolfe will slowly let Sera go so she can get back up to her own feet, moving to stand.

Sera: "He originally told me he was a procurer of rare objects. He is a small man, brown eyes with dark hair. He is a master of subterfuge, trickery, and has a keen mind. Anywhere you go that he inhabits will be precarious."

Wolfe: "Lots of traps, then."
"What were you doing out here, Sera? Did he send you to check on something?"

Sera: "No, I just smelled the battle from earlier and was investigating. Your work, I presume?"

Wolfe: "Our work." He nods to the others.

Westra Goldbrook: "Have you been staying in the house in the woods?" she nods in the direction of the house Wolfe mentioned earlier.

Sera: "No, we have not stayed there in months. I have just been sleeping in the woods, it is pleasant enough, and the town seems to keep most of the weres a good distance away, normally."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns. "Do we want to rest in town or out here before we go confront Darish?"

Westra Goldbrook: "We should devise a way to lure him out of town," she suggests, with a frown. "Away from his haven where he will surely have traps prepared. Perhaps if Sera sent him a message asking for his aid?"

Wolfe: "Maybe. When does he usually meet you, Sera?"

Sera: "Generally when he needs another creature he will ask me to fetch him something. Last time it was a kind of catfish. He will hang a small banner from the city wall when we are to meet."

Wolfe: "How often does that happen?"

Sera: She thinks. "Maybe once a week, give or take."

Wolfe: "How long ago was the last one?"

Sera: "Four days ago."

Wolfe: Wolfe turns to the others. "Well? What do you guys think?"

Sera: She looks down at the talisman and runs her fingers over it during the silence.

Westra Goldbrook: "To be frank, I am exhausted. I cannot face such a canny foe right now; if it turns to violence, I will be little help. It may be worth waiting a little bit to see if he signals for a meeting. In the meantime, we can try to devise a trap for him, so that we could speak with him without him fleeing back to his haven."

Dr Catriona: She nods as well. "I am well depleted... that alien creature in the water was incredibly taxing."

Wolfe: "Well, let's set up camp out here then."

Euron: "I'll take the first watch this evening." Euron said.

Dr Catriona: (How far is town from here?)

Levinath (GM): The town is about a mile.

Westra Goldbrook: "Should we expect complications, with the lack of your amulet?" she asks Wolfe.

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs as he looks up at the sky and feels the lack of weight around his neck. "Do we have any chains?"
"Well. Tonight's the last night of the full moon. You should probably tie me up."

Dr Catriona: "I can go find some in town."

Wolfe: "Good call, Cat."

Sera: "I can go, Father." He begins to lift the amulet back off.

Dr Catriona: "What um.. manner of timetable are we working with?"

Wolfe: "What?" Wolfe looks over to Sera and shakes his head. "No. It's fine."

Westra Goldbrook: "It... would make more sense to restrain the girl," she points out.

Wolfe: "Not the first time I've been tied up in my life." He shoots Westra a look.

Westra Goldbrook: "If the signal flies tonight and we need to face the scientist, we will need your aid."

Wolfe: He sighs. "Alright." He extends his hand toward Sera, taking back the amulet and placing it back on his neck.

Westra Goldbrook: "Sera, will you show us where the banner is usually flown? And where you meet him?"

Dr Catriona: "What about the chains in the cave from the harpoons?"

Sera: She seems hesitant. "I can...but I should go if I am to be far enough away to not find you when I...change."

Dr Catriona: The pearl-haired blonde adjusts her glasses, turns on a heel and moves to return to the cave to find the mentioned chains.

Westra Goldbrook: "We can restrain you for tonight, Sera, if you'll allow it. That way no one will be hurt."
She nods at the Doctor's suggestion about the chains. "Father, will you help the doctor, please?"

Wolfe: "We'll keep you safe with us Sera, I promise."

Sera: She seems clearly uneasy about the prospect. "I.....uh......ok."

Dr Catriona: The doctor's return is heralded by the jingle-jangle of several lengths of chain, easily hoisted by her giant powered gloves.

Euron: Euron would follow Cat to ensure that she returned and wasn't carted off by elf-thieves.

Wolfe: Wolfe smirks over at Cat as she brings the chains over. "Those things turn out handier and handier each day."

Sera: Sera will take those who wish to the wall, though she acts uneasy as the group approaches the wall. By the time they are sight of the section that has the door the group has been utilizing, the girl is clutching her head with one hand. She points through gritted teeth. "He hangs a small black banner with a single white streak just at the top of the wall above that door."

Westra Goldbrook: "And then meets you right away somewhere?"

Sera: She takes a few steps away from the wall and pants. "I meet. Him. At The Door." She continues to move away from the wall even as she is speaking with Westra.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra gestures away from the city and walks with Sera. "Their defense measures harm you?"

Sera: She nods.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods in return and continues moving away from the town to ease the girl's discomfort. "And how long after he places the banner are you to meet him?"

Sera: 'When the moon reaches its summit in the sky."

Westra Goldbrook: "Very well. Thank you." Westra returns to the others and sets about making camp.

Wolfe: Wolfe will help Cat set up the restraints for Sera.

Sera: Sera defeatedly lets people wrap her in chains. Like father like daughter.

Westra Goldbrook: "If this Darish sees us with Sera, he may not come out," Westra observes, while making camp.

Wolfe: "If he sees her tied up he's going to think something's amiss. We can just rest in the cave and tie her up against one of the pillars."

Westra Goldbrook: "Yes, well, she'll only be tied up for tonight, yes?"

Wolfe: "Yes."

Westra Goldbrook: "Hopefully we will not see him until tomorrow. But we should devise a plan. Some way to contain him once he steps outside of the city, so he can't run back through the door if he senses something amiss."

Wolfe: "I think the lot of us can have that covered just fine."

Euron: "I can attempt to request a mystical means of restraint when I commune with Helm. It will at least allow us to restrain him physically as well."

Westra Goldbrook: "Yes, because 'winging it' usually works so well for us," she said, dryly.

Wolfe: "Between arrows, spells, swords, and halberds. Well, technically, it has."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra hushes and sulks. Wolfe, of course, didn't have a ruined career to consider. Hadn't died, either. His score card was likely looking better than hers at the moment, she realized.

Dr Catriona: Catriona, somehow, seems to have passed out near instantly in a seated position against a wall, mouth slack open and glasses crooked off her face.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc feels his plans have come together well, of course.

Dr Catriona: Though if someone were to put a mirror by her mouth, there be breath!

Wolfe: He goes and ties up his daughter around one of the pillars near where the Water Elementals had been. "This is just temporary, Sera. After this, we'll talk, alright?"

Euron: Euron would find a place near a wall, remove his half-plate, and settle in to relax, as he was taking the first watch.

Sera: "Mmmm" Is all she see as Wolfe notices the still familiar signs of her changing coming on.

Wolfe: Wolfe will move to sit at the entrance of the inner-cave she's in. He takes up a lotus position, draws Shokan and lays it flat on his lap. He then closes his eyes and begins to meditate, staying just outside of her line-of-sight, but nearby enough to hear if she breaks the chains and presents a threat.

Westra Goldbrook: As no one else seems interested in discussing a plan for the scientist, Westra ponders it on her own while she beds down.

Levinath (GM): The group is able to sleep throughout the night tho they find the constant snarls and snaps to not allow them to rest as soundly as they normally do.

Dr Catriona: Cat is used to sleeping near loud mechanical equipment, bruh.



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #44 on: August 31, 2018, 10:33:35 AM »
Session 41

Jonias Siannodel: "The party exited the cave then returned to it." - From the travelling journal of Jonias Sianodel

Dungeon Lord:  Wolfe has just discovered the mangled body of Lokien and a mini-wolf is assaulting him!

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias continues to swim out from the sunken temple.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra dreams of conquest and glory! until someone wakes her

Wolfe: "Gods fucking damnit!" Wolfe shouts out in a mixture of anger, exasperation, and just a little bit of fear as he slashes at the mini-wolf launching itself at him.

Dungeon Lord:  Or is Westra dreaming of Neveremeber's hunky smile. She'll never tell.

Dr Catriona: The call to action has the doctor shake off the spiderwebs and find her way to the scene.

Westra Goldbrook: The shouting is enough to rouse the paladin, who goes in search of the calamity

Dungeon Lord:  The child wolf, already mortally wounded, falls at the samurai's slash. Moments later, the fur fades away, leaving the limp body of a child resembling Lokien lays atop his father's body.

Dr Catriona: She will try to rouse the others on her way, seeking to make sure the others would not be susceptible to any attack.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra has her polearm drawn by the time she reaches Wolfe, but by then the attacking creature was slain.

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns sharply, breathing heavily under the clouds. He is heavily confused by what he's seen and then kneels down next to Lokien's body and the other limp form, his face solemn as he uses his blade as a brace.

Westra Goldbrook: "Gods," she breathes, surveying the carnage.

Wolfe: "I heard him come out here, and the sounds of a werewolf. At first I had thought Sera had gotten out but..." He shakes his head as he looks down over the boy's body specifically. "I had thought the boy was dead - his body burned. What the fuck is going on here?" Wolf snarls as growing frustration is clear in the tired blademaster.

Jonias Siannodel: Exiting the water Jonias hurries out towards his belongings. For the last dozen or so yard he could sense Beryl calling out to him. Something had alarmed the dragonling

Dr Catriona: All this running. These people. With a soft huff and puff of fatigue, Catrion's eyes widen at the sight.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns, and crouches to inspect the face of the boy. She looks up to the approaching doctor. "You're saying this is the boy you put on the pyre?"

Dr Catriona: "No, different boy."

Westra Goldbrook: "Ah."
"Still, very strange," she observed, unhappily. "What a terrible waste," she said, looking from the boy to the archer.

Wolfe: "What?" Wolfe looks to Cat with surprise. "Hadn't he said it was his son?"

Beryllium: "Calls from the mouth of the cave! Where have you been!!!" the little dragonling cursed at the elf before flying up to his shoulder.

Westra Goldbrook: "What was such a young one doing out this far by himself? Shouldn't there be others with him?" she asked, scanning the treeline.

Dr Catriona: "We are dealing with mauled and burned bodies here, its possible he misidentified the original body?"

Jonias Siannodel: "Calm yourself Beryl. They're more than capable," the elf responded, patting the dragonling before quickly trying to dry himself and gain some level of modesty.

Westra Goldbrook: "You believe THIS was his son?" she asked the Doctor, confused

Wolfe: "It looks like him."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra shook her head regretfully. "So much tragedy for one small family..."

Beryllium: "Okay..." says the dragonling, though seemingly doubtful of her new patron. "But if the Doctor dies I get to dig around her bag first. So many trinkets..."

Dr Catriona: "I am not adept at recognizing familial traits between individuals."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighed. "There may be enough of his son's pyre left to make use of it again," she observed.

Jonias Siannodel: As he makes his way to the mouth of the cave, Beryl flies out ahead of the elf.

Westra Goldbrook: "I have rested some already. I will take them to see them put to rest. The rest of you should finish resting."

Jonias Siannodel: Catching up, Jonias is still slipping on his leather jacket.
"What did miss?" the elf finally sees the gory scene. "The poor man..."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns down at Lokien's body. "We had a baby werewolf come and murder his dead."

Westra Goldbrook: She begins to gingerly pick up the boy and lay him atop the father, so that she can carry both at once.

Jonias Siannodel: Already having rested himself, Jonias helps the paladin carry the bodies to the previous pyre.

Dungeon Lord:  Westra & Jonias find it fairly easy to move both bodies and can quickly carry them to the still smoking remains of the previous day's pyre.

Dr Catriona: Somewhat speechless, the Doctor takes a curious look around as if wondering if there were more things out there aiming to pick them off, more.

Jonias Siannodel: Sensing magic, the dragonling hovers around Lokiens black bladed bow and chirps with some delight.

Wolfe: Wolfe will also look around to see if they have additional company.

Dr Catriona:

Dungeon Lord:  Wolfe and Cat see nothing else out in the darkness.

Dr Catriona: "I umm.. vote Buddy System."

Jonias Siannodel: "Be a shame to let that go unused..." The antiquarian picks up the two blades and rejoins them to the crafted bow, "Perhaps good Lokien, your bow can bring some revenge for you and your family. If nothing else, it will serve on in your your honor." The elf's words are solemn but quick.

Wolfe: "Alright. Stay close Cat. Let's head back and make sure Sera stayed put." He cleans his blade then moves forward with the katana in hand back into the cave.

Dr Catriona: Her hands clasped in front of her, fingers twiddle slowly as she quietly walks after the warrior.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra watches the Elf pick from the corpse with a narrowed gaze, but raises no audible objection.
She sets the body alight and waits to ensure it's good and blazing, quietly thinking over the archer's fate, and that of his beleaguered family.
Once it's done, she returns to the camp and takes watch.

Dungeon Lord:  The group is able to finish their rest without further incident. Sera returns to her human form as the moon sinks down on the horizon before the sun. She manages to get a couple hours sleep before the group rouses.

Jonias Siannodel: The work of the pyre done, Jonias follows the quiet paladin in silence himself. Meanwhile Beryl audibly chittered with glee as she ran her claws over one of the blades, examining the fine craftsmanship.

Beryllium: "If you die elf, I keep this"

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias chuckled as he reached up to pat the dragonling, "Well I plan on living for a long time. Until then little Beryl, why don't I hold on to that." the elf replied as he took the blade away.

Westra Goldbrook: Once the dawn comes and people are moving about, Westra finds a quiet spot and goes through her morning meditation and prayers, then joins the others once more.

Dr Catriona: The doctor unable to properly return to sleep, but rests nonetheless, reading a manual of some kind.

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't 'sleep' so much as meditate and doze a couple times throughout the night. His anxiety about his daughter doesn't let him get much rest, and once he hears her change back to her humanoid form he goes to check on her. Realizing she's safe, for now, he'll settle back to get a few hours of sleep himself.
As such when everyone rises he's a little groggy, grumpy, and hurting for some coffee, but he doesn't talk. He'll untie Sera as she starts to awaken and stow his rope away.
"Sorry for the rough night." He didn't feel bad about it, but he does say the words. That's something.

Sera:  "Th...Thank you, Father." She says sheepishly. "What now?"

Wolfe: "We get to work. We meet with Darish, get some answers, and deal with this insanity."
"After that, well, you and I can sit down and figure it out."

Westra Goldbrook: "The plan is to wait for Darish to signal Sera that he wants to meet, yes?"

Wolfe: "Yes."

Sera:  "So I am to meet with him, and then what? You will try and capture him?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Yes."
"Unfortunately we will have to assume he won't want to be questioned about his activities, thus the 'capture' part."

Jonias Siannodel: "So does he come out of the town's walls to meet you? Or do you have a way of slipping in?"

Sera:  Her brow furrows. "OK." She seemed to want to say more but Jonais posed a question. "He comes outside the door we were out, though not far. He is able to turn off those...devices...when we meet."

Wolfe: "How's he able to do that?"

Sera:  "I don't know, they turn off before he comes out, that is how I can tell when to approach."

Dr Catriona: "Maybe there is some sort of Master Control."

Westra Goldbrook: "It's possible he's a member of the town's leadership, with such access to their defenses."

Wolfe: Wolfe grunts. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Jonias Siannodel: "Perhaps I and another should go ahead first? We can watch the entrance from the other side, see how this man disables the devices. Not to mention we can cut off any escape."

Westra Goldbrook: "Not a terrible idea.:"

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias nods and smiles graciously, "Thank you."
He looks towards the others, "Anyone want to join me? otherwise I'll enter the town alone and watch the door."

Wolfe: "Yeah, that's a good one Jonias." He nods in agreement.
"Maybe have the ones among us who can't hide go with Jonias? Euron" He looks over to the Cleric.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods. "I will go." She looks to the others. "We will follow him out here, if he passes by us.

Jonias Siannodel: "Good! Come along Euron. No need to have either of you holy types hiding in the bushes. Unsightly."

Dungeon Lord:  Two days pass before the small flag appears at the top of the wall. As half of the group hangs around in town, Wolfe, Sera, and the Doctor remain a good distance from the wall until the high high pitched sounds quiet.

Sera:  "The noise just stopped."

Wolfe: Wolfe got some catching up with Sera during that time, at least, and would have spent it learning more about her and what she's done the last five years.
He also fills her in on his adventures - though he leaves out the bits about being a drunken lout and the gem curse.
After rolling a die roll, roll another die and take the new result.   

Beryllium: Beryl calls to Jonias's mind when the flag appeared on the wall. "Elf! the banner is on the wall. Didn't see anyone put it there."

The Half-Orc feels a little more solid in his footing, he nods as they come to an end as he sees the flag disappear. Laying his hand on her shoulder, he gives her some solidarity. "Sera."
"No matter what happens, I'm happy I found you."

Jonias Siannodel: Over the course of the two days, Jonias regalled Euron and Westra with details of the elven temple he explored.

Sera:  "Me too Father. I thought you hated me for....." Her head falls for a brief moment before raising up and giving him a forced smile.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra found a porch area that afforded her a line of sight on the gate, and took to hanging out there when it was her turn to watch. She and Euron had plenty to discuss over meals or evening drinks, and hopefully looked like a normal pair conversing.

Darish:  "Sera, I have need of your services again." A deep voice says to the half orc standing outside the wall, she turns towards the voice. Wolfe and Cat are unable to see anyone.

Wolfe: Wolfe whispers to Cat, his eyes narrowed. "Do you see him? Invisibility, maybe?"

Sera:  She tenses at the sound of the voice before turning its direction. "Of course. What do you need? Are you close to curing me? You said you were almost there a fortnight ago."

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Wolfe:▓▒░ « I cannot see him, no. »

Darish:  A short man appears, in a long billowing cloak, several feet from the still closed gate. He chuckles softly. "Of course, my dear. It will be any day now, but first I need you to retrieve something for me." He looks around the woods for a moment. "The town has been quite busy these last few days, have you heard of the newcomers in town?"

Sera:  "I....have not. I have just been in the wood, it was still full moon until two nights ago."

Wolfe: "Anything you can whammy him with so he can't try to run?" Wolfe whispers. "Or cast? For all we know he's a mage."

Darish:  "They are looking for you, did you know that?"

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Wolfe:▓▒░ « He is still behind that closed gate... »

Wolfe: "So he's not out here with us? It's an illusion?"

Euron Sand: Euron would talk with Westra and Jonias, attempting to remain as normal as possible in the company of "friends".

Sera:  She shifts uneasily.

Wolfe: "Get ready to counter cast him."

Sera:  "Who are these people?"

Wolfe: "Can you tell the others he's out here?"

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Wolfe:▓▒░ « I have to be able to see them... »

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs.

Darish:  "Inconsequential, but I worry for your safety, my dear. Perhaps you should just come with me and I can send 'someone' else to fetch what I need."

Wolfe: "Never fuckin' easy."

Dr Catriona: Unless she can sense GIZMO nearby.

Wolfe: "Get ready Cat, I'm gonna walk out there."

Dr Catriona: She puts an earpiece in.

Sera:  "No, I can take care of my self. What did you said you required?"

Beryllium: Flying above the walls, Beryl reaches out to Jonias's mind, "The man is outside the gate, speaking with Wolf woman"

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Wolfe:▓▒░ « I can have GIZMO alert them. »

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias slips out from the shadows and makes his way to the blacksmiths porch.
"He's already outside somehow. He's talking with Sera. We should move."

Darish:  "Victor thought the same thing, and from what I heard their warrior beat him in single combat."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns, surprised, but gets up at once and heads for the gate.

Euron Sand: Euron armed himself and followed Westra out, heading for the gate.

Westra Goldbrook: ...and through it.

Sera:  "Victor's arrogance blinds him." She says as the door behind Darish begins to open.

Wolfe: Wolfe moves up slowly along his cover, making sure he can back Sera up.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra moves through the gate and spies the cloaked man speaking to Sera. "You, there. We must speak."

Darish:  The door is not quiet, and Darish looks over his shoulder as it creeks open suddenly. "So I see you have indeed met them."

Euron Sand: "Indeed, she has."

Wolfe: "Don't feel too bad, Darish." Wolfe says as he steps out. "It's hard for a girl to say no to her father."

Darish:  "Miss Goldbrook is it? A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He says not missing a beat.

Westra Goldbrook: "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, sir," she returned, as she approached. "I know only that you are called Darish. Is that right?"

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias stays back a few feet, just inside the gate with his new bow raised keeping an eye on the cloaked man abut also around for the guards and townsfolk.

Darish:  "That will suffice." He says with a smile. "I always do make effort to know as much as I can about any potential adversaries."

Westra Goldbrook: "Adversaries? Sera has told us you are helping to cure her affliction. What makes you call us adversaries?"

Darish:  "Wolfe, I have heard so much about you, though based on what Sera has told me I surprised to see her head still attached."

Wolfe: "I surprise a lot of people these days."

Darish:  He raises a finger. "Potential." He looks around to the group. "As I understand from my sources up North, your little group of swashbucklers sure can finish a fight."

Wolfe: "You've left a lot of fucked up shit in your wake, Darish."
"Experiments gone bad, little girls and little boys turned to Werewolves, undead, machines, and your own people..." He nods to the village behind him. "made to suffer."

Darish:  "I am merely an entrepreneur trying to make his way in the world and help a few poor souls on my way." He nodded to Sera. "Only trying to fix the affliction you cursed your poor daughter with."

Westra Goldbrook: "At the cost of the lives of others?"

Wolfe: Darish's words stung but Wolfe didn't show it. His eyes narrow at the man, but Westra jumped onto the line he was going to lay down.

Darish:  He shrugs. "Most were doomed to a worse fate. You saw how the gray wolves treat their 'guests'."

Euron Sand: "Have you no decency? You speak of life as if it's meaningless"

Wolfe: "Most, but not all."
"Lyla's proof of that."

Jonias Siannodel:

Darish:  "At an rate, this is not a church and you are not here to discuss mortality. Time is money." He looks pointed to Westra. "If we are not adversaries, what can I do for you?"

Westra Goldbrook: "You can cease these inhumane experiments," she said, pulling her polearm casually off of her back in order to lean on it. "Unless you are eager to explore our 'potential'."

Darish:  "That would be an unfair contest to say the least. Put your weapon away, Miss Goldbrooke, there is no need for violence."

Wolfe: "Sera."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias returns his attention to the villainous monologuing once Westra moved to lean on her polearm. The elf's bow snapped up, taking aim over the paladin's shoulder.
"Are we just going to let him bloviate or are we capturing him?"

Wolfe: "What has Darish had you do for him?" He turned to regard his daughter firmly. "All of it."

Darish:  He lets out a chuckle.

Sera:  "Bring him things. Live animals, such as a wyvern. Parts of animals.....some bodies...." She says, talking quieter as she continues.

Wolfe: "All of it." He says, firmer, his eyes narrow at her avoidance.

Darish:  "How is Antony? Did you receive word of his return to Neverwinter?" He leans in and says softly to the paladin while Wolfe questions Sera.

Sera:  "...mechanical parts and...." She whispers the last phrase to her father.

Wolfe: "Who. Sera." He says aloud, not letting her get out of it.
"Say it."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra narrows her eyes in response. "What are you playing at, Darish?"

Sera:  "I don't know! I DON'T KNOW WHO HE WAS!" She yells at her father.

Wolfe: Wolfe turns to look at Darish then and he starts to approach him.

Darish:  "So many terrible things can happen to a lone man traveling such a long distance." He shrugs before returning his attention back to Wolfe and Sera.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc's eyes narrow at the man who is taunting Westra with veiled threats about her brother, the smug fuck who had manipulated his daughter into helping his depravities. He reaches out to grab Darish with both furious hands.

Wolfe: He plants firm fingers on the slimy man's throat, digging the mail-covered digits into his skin and pulling him up from the ground.

Darish:  The man's hand reaches under his robe, but he does resist Wolfe otherwise as he is lifted off the ground. He just looks at the half-orc with empty eyes.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc's fury, usually restrained for only combat, is now focused purely on the man before him. "How do you believe this is going to end for you if you play your fucking games?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra reaches for Darish's arms and tries to pull them out to his sides

Euron Sand: Euron will assist.

Darish:  His eyes meet Wolfe's. "Vhrash glordiusho"

Dr Catriona: Venn will counterspell.

Westra Goldbrook: As the man begins to cast a spell, Westra releases the arm that Euron is holding, and attempts to punch the dood out.
Westra Goldbrook
Euron Sand
Doctor Wicker

Darish:  His spell canceled, he grits his teeth and his hands wrap around the half-orcs muscular arm.

It is Darish's turn   

Darish:  Darish attempts to break free of Wolfe's grapple.

Wolfe punches Darish in the back of his head.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   

Darish:  The man is prompty stabbed in the back multiple times. "Offfff" Is the only sound he lets out.

Wolfe: Wolfe rushes forward, drawing his sword as he goes and with lightning fast slashes he strikes at the back of Darish's legs -- trying to hamstring him. "No."

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Darish:  The spell seems to strike Darish, but is reflected back at the doctor in some mysterious sorcery.

Dr Catriona:

It is Jonias's turn   

Dr Catriona: The doctor emerges from the shrubbery, her hands frosted in ice. A javelin of ice coalesces in her hand and she hurls it at the man only to have it crash against some defense... then reform and come back at the doctor. She barely dodges it and takes some injury.

Jonias Siannodel:
rolling 1d4
(1)= 1

It is Sera's turn   

Sera:  She watches the whole spectacle in bewilderment, and does nothing. "I....."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias hurries out the gate, but without time to settle his aim, his shot goes wide.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra runs after the fleeing mage, though when she sees how fast she's losing ground she stops and throws a pair of javelins after him .

Darish:  Westra's spears fly through the air and impale Darish through the chest, he falls to the ground as they bother protrude from the front of his body. He falls to his knees, coughs, and dies.

Wolfe: Wolfe stops over his body, sword carrying Darish's blood at the edge of it. He looks over at Westra, then at Euron.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks grim.

Westra Goldbrook: She closes the distance to the fallen mage.

Euron Sand: Euron blinked. That was....faster than he expected.

Wolfe: "Well." Wolfe turns to Sera and cleans his blade off Darish's coat and loots his body.

Euron Sand: "We should see who he was."

Westra Goldbrook: Westa glances to Sera, checking the girl's reaction.

Wolfe: He pulls off his hood and cloak!

Dungeon Lord:  Wolfe finds a simple dagger, a small skeleton key, and a ring are the only belongings on the man.

Wolfe: Lifting the ring to the light, he inspects it and then tosses it toward Cat. "Hey, hold onto this will ya?"

Sera:  Sera just stares as within a matter of seconds Darish is cut down.

Wolfe: "Not how I wanted this to go." He says as he looks over at the javelins. "But..."

Westra Goldbrook: "Sera..."

Dr Catriona: She makes a face of distaste, but lets Wolfe drop it into her pouch without her touching it.

Wolfe: "I'll sleep just fine tonight." Turning he walks over to his daughter. "I know you had put a lot of hope into him, Sera."

Sera:  She looks to each of them. "You.....killed him...." The orc in her begins to take over and she punches her father. "You killed him!!!! HE WAS GOING TO CURE ME!!!"

Wolfe: Wolfe slaps his daughter across the face.

Westra Goldbrook: "No. He wasn't," Westra said, shaking her head.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias lets out a long whistle as he feels Beryl land on his shoulder, "Now that was a fine throw."

Wolfe: "Listen to me, you little shit. Recite again what you did for that man for the carrot of a cure."

Dr Catriona: Her eyebrows raise like someone in the studio audience of a Maury Povich taping.

Wolfe: "He was never going to cure you."

Euron Sand: Euron checks to see who Darish truly was, if he was someone they recognized. He will close the man's eyes and say a prayer for his soul.
A soul that is on its way to a very bad place.

Sera:  She is stunned by her father's slap for a moment. "He was! You know nothing! You never said you were going to murder him!" She turns and runs back into the woods.

"You can either define yourself, or let yourself be defined by this curse!"

Dungeon Lord:  Darish appears short by human stature, his features are plain, and he does not appear to be anyone known by any member of the Watch.

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs and chases after her.

Dr Catriona: Cat will teleport in front of Sera!
She will attempt to check the running girl with the expanse of her spider staff, American Gladiator style.

Dungeon Lord:  Cat gets smacked outta da way.

Dr Catriona:"Ah! Mistakes were made!"


Dungeon Lord:  22

After rolling a die roll, roll another die and take the new result.   

Dr Catriona: "Tarnation."

Wolfe: Wolfe leaps out and grabs Sera by the back of her hair and with a yank pulls her into his arms. He pulls her into a fierce semi-hug slash grapple and snarls down at her. "Stop. Running. Face. Your. Decisions."

Dr Catriona: "Should have used caltrops." she grumbles and picks herself up.

Wolfe: "This isn't about the curse. This is about you and what you've done."

Sera:  "Get off me, you monster!" She yells as she is YET again tackled and restrained by her LOVING father.

Sera:  "I have done nothing worse than you!"

Wolfe: "STOP." He snarls at her in anger. "And listen to yourself! YOU BIT A CHILD. AN INNOCENT. TO SAVE YOURSELF. Face. Your. Fears." He says the words slowly, ennunciating them, trying to get his daughter to see what she has done.

Sera:  "I did not! You know nothing! I bit an old man! Starving and alone in the wilderness!" She spits at him. "He would have been tortured and killed the Victor's games!"

Dr Catriona: Walking back and using her fingers to unmessify her pearl-blonde hair with an attempt to look dignified, Catriona returns to the corpse and investigates it. She is looking it over for telltale details that this person indeed was some kind of scientist or alchemist: types of belts/pouches, tools, notes, chemicals, etc.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra makes her way after the orcs, but keeps enough of a distance to not interfere with the family moment.

Wolfe: "Can't you see what he did? What you helped him do?" Wolfe puts her down.

Dungeon Lord:  The doctor finds nothing other than the aforementioned key, ring, and simple dagger. He does seem to have an inordinate amount of hidden pockets in his cloak and person, but nothing inside them.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias joins the doctor to examine the corpse. Beryl hopped down from the elf's shoulders and mader herself visible.
Jonias joins the doctor to examine the corpse. Beryl hopped down from the elf's shoulders and mader herself visible.

Wolfe: He then reaches up to his neck and undoes the amulet.
He then reaches up to his neck and undoes the amulet. "You want a cure so badly? Here." He extends the amulet to her.

Dr Catriona: "He doesn't have any information on him." she says to to the two men who stayed. "He doesn't have any information on him." she says to to the two men who stayed.


Wolfe: "Take it. Live your life."

Sera:  "He could have cured both of us!"

Jonias Siannodel: "Beryl, take a look at that ring. Anything special about it?"


Dr Catriona: "We will have to investigate his dwelling to get more information of him."

Wolfe: "In that, you have never understood me." The Half-Orc snarls. "And you never will."

Dr Catriona: "Or perhaps a Speak with the Dead spell."

Wolfe: "I had hoped that you would have seen, that you would have understood."

Dr Catriona: "I am.. uncertain if Helm provides such a thing?" she says to Euron, assuming he would know better.

Wolfe: "That always I had sacrificed for you, for your mother, for our lives."
"Because that is what service demands of a Samurai."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias makes a spooky voice over the corpse of Darrish, 'Wheeeeeerrrree dooo yoooou liiiiiive?"

Euron Sand: Euron gives Jonias a withering look. "Is that necessary?"

Dr Catriona: "I don't think that is a dialect of the dead." she says to Jonias, too naive in the moment.

Sera:  "I do understand. All that I care about in this world will be taken from me. Ripped apart in front of me." She seems to calm and looks up to Wolfe. "Ripped apart, by you." She growls and and stands. "Take your lies, your amulet, and your honor, and leave me alone!"

Euron Sand: He looked to Cat. "He does, but...that would require me to ask after I've had time to rest and reflect."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias smiles broadly while Beryllium chuckles on his shoulder.

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at Sera and her throwing back his life at him. "You want the cure." He snarls at her and shoves it at her. "It's right there. Take it."

Wolfe: "And be gone."

Dr Catriona: Standing back up, she shrugs at Euron. "I don't know. He didn't sound like was alone in his efforts."

Sera:  "That's not a cure, its a lie." She looks at it one last time and turns to walk away.

Beryllium: Turning the ring over in her claws, Beryl begins to let out an excited noise, "Oh Jonias, wait til you take a look at this beauty!"

Wolfe: Wolfe tenses in anger at Sera as she turns her back on him.
He lets her go as he lowers his head and takes a slow breath, placing the amulet around his neck.

Wolfe: Wolfe draws his blade, the fury he has over this argument with Sera clearly affecting his emotions, his frustration so sharp in his features his eyes bear tears.
He kneels down and takes a slow breath.

Westra Goldbrook: "Wolfe." Westra closes the distance and stands before him.

Dr Catriona: "Oh no." says the Doctor, looking over.

Wolfe: "I asked you once, what mattered more to you: Duty or family." He said without lifting his head.

Euron Sand: Euron turns to look.

Wolfe: "To me they had always been the same."

Westra Goldbrook: She crouches, and places a hand lightly on his to stay his hand a moment.

Sera:  She hears the blade drawn and pauses for a brief moment, but does not turn back around.

Westra Goldbrook: "Your work is not done, Wolfe," she told him, quietly but firmly.

Wolfe: "I will not do it." He says softly, his heart heavy, the words choking at his throat as if they were made of tar. "I cannot. She is all that is left of her mother in this world."

Westra Goldbrook: "You must. There are not enough honorable men in this world already. How would it celebrate your wife's memory for you to take one more from it?"

Wolfe: "But I cannot live with my dishonor. I made an oath."

Sera:  At those words, she begins walking into the woods.

Westra Goldbrook: "To find your daughter.:"

Wolfe: "To bring her home."

Euron Sand: Euron looked to Sera. "Your father has crossed the world to save you! He's put his life on the line for you time and again! This is how you honor the man who gave you life?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Or?"

Wolfe: "And if she would not return, to slay the beast she had become."

Dr Catriona: "Maybe her home is no longer where you believe it to be."

Westra Goldbrook: "And if you cannot?"

Wolfe: "You would not understand."
"You serve a Lord who treats his people without respect or honor." His eyes open and they burn from tears and anger. "Your duty is to a fat fuck who only cares about himself."
"A man who condemns his own people to death."

Wolfe: "A Shogun is a man who protects his people, who gives of himself to their safety, their bounty, and they in turn give him their loyalty and their honor."
"He gave me a life, Westra."
"A family."

Wolfe: "His daughter."
"I gave him my word."
"And if a man cannot live by his word, he should not live."

Sera:  Sera looks to this stranger. She scowls at him.

Jonias Siannodel:] "There is so much more to live for than words and honor," Jonias speaks up but realizes that even though well intentioned, it would be best to say nothing.

Dungeon Lord:  A moment later everyone's ears are filled with a high pitched screech, the machine near the doorway begins to whine and electrical current jets out in all directions.
A moment later everyone's ears are filled with a high pitched screech, the machine near the doorway begins to whine and electrical current jets out in all directions.

Westra Goldbrook: "Perhaps I once did," she said, slowly. "But I met a good man who taught me about honor, and about family, and duty, and the importance of those things. I am not in Luskan, where he commanded me to be. I am here, having helped you find your daughter, because it was the right thing to do.
"And if you can change my mind, then who can say what work you have yet to accomplish in this world? If you must give up your life, then give it up to service."

Wolfe: Wolfe pauses some at that, his eyebrows going up in question at what Westra just said to him. A sort of 'Huh?'

Dr Catriona: "Uh.. there is a disturbance...."

Westra Goldbrook: "Surrender your life to good works. To service."

Euron Sand: "Most fathers are taken to early, or they don't care enough to make the effort. You have a father who is standing here, right now, and offering you a chance to atone for the things you've done. There might be a cure out there yet...but you'll never find it if you give in to despair."

Westra Goldbrook: "In that way, you have lost something to atone for your honor, but you need not die."

Euron Sand: Euron's eyes turn toward the machine as it begins to screech. "That....can't be good."

Dr Catriona: "We have to take cover!"

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias looks to Doctor Wicker as Westra finishes her stirring speech, "Wow. If only there were a bard around to capture this moment. I'm sure those words could be made into song..."

Dr Catriona: She points at the machine.

Wolfe: "Better to die than be dis..." He stops as he hears the sound and lifts his head.

Dungeon Lord:  An explosion near the river shakes the ground, followed by another one closer, then a third. The whining increases and the metal orb near the door explodes, taking out a chunk of the wall with it.
An explosion near the river shakes the ground, followed by another one closer, then a third. The whining increases and the metal orb near the door explodes, taking out a chunk of the wall with it.

Wolfe: Wolfe is knocked to the floor at the explosions and the strange sounds.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra is also knocked prone.

Dungeon Lord:  Screams and shouts echo from the town as the groups' hearing returns.
End Session 41
« Last Edit: August 31, 2018, 10:35:52 AM by phinn »



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #45 on: August 31, 2018, 10:51:26 AM »
Session 42

Euron Sand: "Welcome back, friends. It's good to see you, but you've arrived at a dangerous time.
Lokien was slain by the werewolves, leading us to confront Darish, Sera's employer outside the gates of Sunderwood. Darish was fatally confident in his power, but he'd never met the Watch. He died quickly and Sera blamed us for taking away a chance a cure that never existed. We thought the threat was over.

Euron Sand:We were wrong.

Euron Sand: Another attack is immiment and Sunderwood's existence hangs in the balance. Either get to safety or prepare to fight!"

Dungeon Lord:  Smoke rises from several pillars nearby. Screams of people echo through the door and around the wall.

Dr Catriona: "Those devices were false!" exclaims the doctor, features strained in concern.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pulls herself to her feet, frowning in confusion at the doctor's reaction. "False?"
She starts moving towards the gate

Dr Catriona: "Not as advertised... rigged for a secondary purpose"

Wolfe: Wolfe gets himself to his feet, with Shokan in hand he follows after Westra

Jonias Siannodel: Hearing the explosions go off around the town Jonias realizes the place is now defenseless.
"We should get in, rally the townsfolk. If these devices are ruined it's probably best they flee."

Euron Sand:  Euron will get to his feet as quickly as he can to assess the situation.
Euron will get to his feet as quickly as he can to assess the situation.

Dr Catriona: "Won't that make them easier targets?"

Euron Sand: Euron will get to his feet as quickly as he can to assess the situation.

Dr Catriona: "Either they were rigged the whole time or someone tampered with them after the fact."

Jonias Siannodel: "Either way they should be prepared and make that decision. I've spent some time here. These are good people."

Dungeon Lord:  The town is engulfed in chaos as you run through the gate. Smoke rises from several burning buildings. Massive cracks run along the ground leading into the depths of darkness. Townsfolk attempt to fend off the beasts as they run rampart. A guard has already been slain by the nearest wolf.

Wolfe: As Wolfe surveys the town his eyes narrow. "If only Sera had opened her damned eyes about that fuck."

Dungeon Lord:  Lyla and Baldarich attempt to hold one at bay from several small children while a second one has already slain one of the guards. A massive mechanical gizmo with four swirling blades swings around the older man.

Dr Catriona: The rampant mahyem gives her pause, reminding her of the beginning of the fall of her homeland. "We should secure the children!"
Westra Goldbrook
Doctor Wicker
Euron Sand
Westra Goldbrook
Doctor Wicker
Euron Sand

Jonias Siannodel: Seeing things are worse inside the walls Jonais jumps over Euron and scrambles up the walls of the two buildings beside him. Once topside he peers down to the others, "I'll be your eyes if you need. Looks like Baldarich and some others are fending for themselves up ahead"
BR]Westra Goldbrook: Westra grits her teeth and looks around in dismay.

Dungeon Lord:  Lyla is battle the Mecha Wolf with a small dagger, though her agility seems undiminished in her human form.

Jonias Siannodel: "Three more of the beasts to the west." Jonias whispers harshly below

Westra Goldbrook: "Save the children first!"

Dr Catriona: The doctor draws out her Phantasmitron 2000 and it activates, creating a Hologram Guard that looks menacing!
She then uses a bonus to convert 5 pp to a 3rd level spell slot.
Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Jonias Siannodel:
rolling 1d8 + 7
(2)+7= 9

Jonias Siannodel:
rolling 3d6
(1+2+6)= 9
rolling 3d6
(2+5+4)= 11

Dungeon Lord:  The arrow strikes true into the frost wolf, but he seems quite hearty even at the precise hit.

Dungeon Lord: Lyla is nearly cleaved in two from the massive beast's claws

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias slips over the rooftop and braces himself between the roof and the chimney. The elf fires an arrow towards the large blue wolf with Lothien's fabled bow. The arrow flew true and lodged itself deep into the beast's shoulder.

Lyla: "...You....jerk face......" She pants and stabs back at him
"...You....jerk face......" She pants and stabs back at him

Lyla:Eric stabs at the frost wolf, but lyla and baldarich are not doing well against the mechanical beast.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra swings her polearm to bear and rushes towards the nearest giant wolf.

Westra Goldbrook:"RAAAAHHHHH!" she yells, cleaving into the beast.

Lyla: 69

Westra Goldbrook:

Dr Catriona: The flustered academic's mouth hangs agape at the furious carnage doled out by the knight.

Westra Goldbrook: Blood sprays in a wide arc as the beast is slashed nearly in half by Westra's furious blows. It topples backwards, landing with a wet slump, and Westra turns to continue towards the next oversized beast.

Wolfe: "Looks like the kids are gonna be alright."

Dr Catriona: "Botheration!"

Dungeon Lord:  A werewolf leaps across the battlefield to the Doc!

Euron Sand: Some days, Euron wonders if he should have taken the more martial path in serving Helm. Like today.

Wolfe: "I'm sick of fucking lycanthropes." Wolfe snarls as he steps forward to deliver JUSTICE against the werewolf that attacked Cat.
"I'm sick of fucking lycanthropes." Wolfe snarls as he steps forward to deliver JUSTICE against the werewolf that attacked Cat.

Wolfe: Wolfe gets pummeled by a pair of werewolves, bruised up some but not out of it yet. "That all you sissy girls got!? I've been killing Dogs twice your size since I was a teenager!"

Dr Catriona: The doctor is picked up by the arm trapped in the jaws of a massive lycanthrope and she wiggles before her form slides through spacetime a few feet away.

Dungeon Lord:  2

Euron Sand: Westra, Wolfe, Jonias all feel Helm's hand settle over them to guide their actions!

Dungeon Lord:  The last werewolf seems to enjoy the smell of the doctor as it charges across the field to her.

Eric:  "Praise Torm you have arrived! They came from underground! What madness is this?" He says to Westra as she cuts down the massive wolf.

Dr Catriona:
On Wolfe.

Wolfe vibrates

Dr Catriona: The temperature drops around Catriona Wicker, frosting over her flesh and skin.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dr Catriona: Completely coated in thick ice, she draws out her PEKCER device and zaps Wolfe in the back.
And Wolfe enters PEKCERTIME!


Jonias Siannodel:
rolling 3d6
(5+1+1)= 7

Westra Goldbrook: "Beast!"

Westra Goldbrook: "Be gone from here you abomination!" Westra roars towards the mechanical wolf

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias fire's a shot down towards the werewolf engaged with the now frozen Dr. Wicker.

Dr Catriona: Her voice takes on a crystalline echo, vapor escaping with her breathing. As her powers influence her personality...she offers this chilly comment. "Do these creatures do not know I am allergic to dander."

Westra Goldbrook: "NO!" she shouts, running harder

Jonias Siannodel: In a scramble to gain cover Jonias summons an illusion of fire and smoke rising from the roofline ridge of the blacksmith's home.

Dungeon Lord:  The mechanical wolf's massive jaws bite down on the small child, leaving only legs upon the gound. In a swift gulp the rest of the small child is consumed by the beast before it turns around the cuts down the old professor in two swift swipes.

Eric:  You beast!

Jonias Siannodel: Unfortunately, this version of the spell her cast required a short delay for the fire to grow and generate smoke. Part of the illusion you see. but not enough to crewate cover

Eric: His attacks seem ineffective.

Westra Goldbrook: Once Westra reaches the wolf, she slashes angrily at it in a series of quick blows.

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 3d6
(5+3+3)= 11
rolling 3d6

Dungeon Lord:  Westra lays a beating on the mechanical wolf, but it still stands.

Wolfe: Vibrating and blurring in extra speed, Wolfe goes even further beyond his mastery of blade as he gains the ultimate focus of a Super Samurai. He unleashes his blows counter-clockwise, targetting the one on Doctor Wicker first.
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   
Way of the Blade


Wolfe: Wolfe coughs the blood.

Euron Sand:

It is Jonias's turn   

It is Jonias's turn   

It is Giant Mechanical Wolf's turn   

It is Giant Mechanical Wolf's turn   

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

It is Werewolf's turn   

It is Werewolf's turn   

It is Wolfe's turn   

It is Wolfe's turn   

It is Werewolf's turn   

It is Werewolf's turn   

It is Euron Sand's turn   

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: "It would behoove you to find your reserves and dissect these mongrels, Mister Wolfe." she icily says.

Euron Sand: Euron heads over to Wolfe to place his hands on the Half-Orc warrior.

It is Werewolf's turn   


Dungeon Lord:
A massive wolf leaps from a burning building!

Westra Goldbrook:

Dungeon Lord:

It is Giant Fire Wolf's turn   

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

It is Jonias's turn   

It is Jonias's turn   

Jonias Siannodel:
rolling 3d6
(1+2+2)= 5

It is Giant Mechanical Wolf's turn   

Dungeon Lord:  Westra is surrounded!

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: A giant fiery wolf emerges from one of the burning buildings, causing Westra to swing wildly at it in surprise. She misses, but snaps her attention forward again just in time to evade the mechanical wolf's bite and claws. She then grits her teeth and slashes back at it, growling in tempered rage.

Jonias Siannodel: Leaping over the small illusory flames, Jonias looks down to the werewolf wedged between Wolfe and Dr. Wicker. Just as the creature looked up at the elf, an arrow lodged itself through it's left eye. The werewolf groaned and stumbled backwards in a heap.

Westra Goldbrook:
rolling 2d6
(1+2)= 3
rolling 2d6

Jonias Siannodel: The elf gave a smile and wink down to his companions before shuffling back over his smoke illusion that has grown into substantial more cover.

Westra Goldbrook:

It is Werewolf's turn   

Dungeon Lord:

Dr Catriona: The icewoman looks down on the killed attacker with a visible disdain and a derisive shrug.

It is Wolfe's turn   

It is Wolfe's turn   



Dr Catriona: "Admirable display." she says in a removed, monotone affect.

Wolfe: Wounds the would have killed a lesser man strike through Wolfe's splint mail. Fresh blood courses down through his shirt and chest. He coughs blood, but in a scream of rage he unleashes four quick slashes as he cuts BOTH werewolves into quarters with the magical edge of Shokan. "NO. MORE. WEREWOLVES!" He yells in rage as he sprints across the field and shoulder-charges the firewolf, uncaring that his body gets singed.

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Euron Sand: Euron brandishes his holy symbol and calls out to Helm. "Restore this noble warrior!"
It is Giant Fire Wolf's turn   

Dungeon Lord:

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Fiery claws rake down Westa's back and she groans in startled pain!

Dr Catriona: The doctor 's hands melt and steam as the ice falls from them, only to have them ignite with azure fire. Then she literally just holds her hands forward, like Palpatine and unleashes a torrent of blue flame at the Mechawolf.

Dr Catriona: She superheats its core... and the monster tries to remove its insides before it EXPLODES, showering the area in parts and pieces.
It is Jonias's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Faulty construction." she coldly says.

Jonias Siannodel:
rolling 1d4
(1)= 1

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: A familiar jet of blue flame wooshes by her, and the mechawolf explodes under the doctor's assault. Westra doesn't pause to lament the gore; she turns and roars her battle cry as she turns to confront the Fire Wolf.

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(4)= 4

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(2)= 2

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: 3

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe brings his blade down three times in quick, lightning-fast succession to slash across the Werewolf's arms and back. "HASAKIIIII!!!"

Dungeon Lord:  The werewolf turns towards the half orc, who chipped several pieces of flaming flesh from it's back, and snarls.

Euron Sand:

Dungeon Lord:

It is Giant Fire Wolf's turn   

Dungeon Lord:
To Wolf

Wolfe: "COMEONNNNN!!!!"

Dungeon Lord:

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe falls to the ground and the Werewolf savages his body on the earth.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias peaks over the ridgetop again and fires at the beast. His arrow guided by Euron's blessings.

Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a final breath, then passes from the face of Faerun.

Euron Sand: "No. This will not stand." Euron said, marching over to Wolfe's fallen corpse.

Jonias Siannodel: From over the ridgetop of the house, "Did we win?" the elf hollers below.

Dr Catriona:The ice begins to melt from the doctor's form, her expression grim and uncertain.

Euron Sand: Euron kneels and lays his hands upon Wolfe, chanting in a foreign language that sounds almost musical in cadence. He asks Helm to return Wolfe to this realm, refusing to let his body go.

Westra Goldbrook: Too focused on the foe before her, Westra watches the fire wolf die and only afterwards sees Wolfe's body prone beyond it. She stares, watching helplessly as the cleric kneels over him

Euron Sand: "And what do we say to the Gods of Death, my friends?
Not. Today."

Dr Catriona: "..there are multiple?"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra releases the breath she'd been inadvertantly holding.

Jonias Siannodel: Not hearing an immediate response, the elf vaulted down from the blacksmith's roof, dismissing his illusion. He joined the others as Euron knelt over Wolfe's body.

Dr Catriona: "Oh stars and garters, you are marvelous!" she says to Euron, otherwise stunned.

Wolfe: Somewhere in a distant place - beyond the hemisphere of life and all senses, he felt something calling him away from the afterlife he would have seen. His wife was waiting beyond and the opportunity to be reunited with her in an honorable afterlife was a tempting call.
Something whispered "Your task is not yet done", was it Euron's voice? Was it Westra's?
His eyes opened and he took a slow, wet breath, coughing blood as he lurched to his side, clutching at his wounds. "Arrgh."

Westra Goldbrook: She nods, and moves over to put a grateful hand on the cleric's shoulder. "Praise Helm," she quietly murmurs.

Euron Sand: "Welcome back, Friend. We'll get you patched up."

Westra Goldbrook: "Have you finished your nap, Wolfe?" Westra asks dryly, something awfully close to humor lurking behind her expression. She offers him a hand up, and in doing so imparts the healing power of Helm to help Wolfe recover.

Eric:  "Five hells, that was madness..." The man pants clutching at a wound on his ribs as he watches the cleric resurrect Wolfe. "Who are you people?!"

Westra Goldbrook: ((30 HP to wolfe))

Wolfe: Wolfe breaths heavily wearied from wounds, but Westra's magics help reknit much of what the Werewolves had torn out and he exhales slowly with a groan. "Thanks." Slowly he sits up and extends a hand toward Westra to help him up.

Westra Goldbrook: Eric asks who they are, and Westra pauses, smirking at Wolfe, then turns to face him.
"We are the Watch. We're here to help."

Eric:  Two children appear from the nearby doorway. "Liliana, Sajit, are you alright?!" He embraces the small girls as they appear from outside the door of the home. They cry into the guard's shoulder.

Dr Catriona: The doctor, without much warning, gives Wolfe an exuberant and awkward hug. And its all damp because she was covered in ice a few moments ago.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks from the guard and the children over to where Lyla had been, and frowned at the remains of the child who'd led such a rough life.

Wolfe: He will then walk over to where Lyla fell, frowning as he looks over her remains. He falls to his knees - in part from exhaustion and part from grief, and begins whispering a prayer to the Pantheon of Kara Tur. He wasn't an exceptionally religious man, but he felt moved to at least make the attempt.

Eric:  "She always was an odd Lass." He says joining Wolfe and Westra, a girl at each side. "But she saved my girls today, and I will never forget that. Her and Baldarich sacrificed themselves without a thought of themselves."

Westra Goldbrook: "These creatures..." Westra says, after a solemn moment. She turns and eyes the gashes in the earth nearby. "They rose from the earth?"

Euron Sand: Euron looks around at the damage and destruction. He sees the place where Lyla fell, and Humphyry's body. These people did not deserve this.
"I will see these people given proper burials and Last Rites, if those who remain allow it." Euron said.
It would be good to do something, rather that ruminate over everyone they'd lost since this madness started.

Eric:  He frowned. "Something around the town exploded, then....the earth cracked open...and they just jumped out of the holes......devil spawn to be sure!"

Wolfe: "I hope his soul finds torment." Wolfe says softly in anger, then rises slowly to his feet. He looks slowly around for Lyla's father

Dr Catriona: Seeing herself somewhat outside of the moment and too properly timid to be of any comfort, Doctor Wicker walks slowly towards the burning house.
She attempts to put the fire out with her bizarre abilities.

Wolfe: Not seeing him out and about he makes his way towards Stoheim's home.

Eric:  The streets seem barren and though the two children emerged, no one else has yet to show themselves.

Dr Catriona:
She is putting out fires!

Wolfe: Wolfe, suddenly, is blindsided by Cat's hug and it causes him to lose some of his ANGERsteam. Despite what had just happened, he turns to the Mystic and offers a broad smile. "Hey. Thanks, back there, for having my back."

Dr Catriona:

Wolfe: "Lyla's dad was in here." He thumbs toward Stoheim's house. "We should find out where he went."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nodded, and followed after Wolfe.
The Doctor suffocates the fire with a choking funnel of gravity, with some serious effort.
End Session 42



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #46 on: September 10, 2018, 12:23:48 PM »
Session 43

GM: The town is saved? All the beasts are dead, as are some villagers. Vadim is missing, is the young boy dead? Do more beasts hide in the depths below or can the poor hamlet finally rest in peace knowing the threat of werewolves has finally been eliminated.

Wolfe: Wolfe allows Cat to go take care of the burning homes while Euron and Westra talk to the townsfolk and Jonias explores the cavern.
Taking a slow and steadying breath from freshly resuscitated lungs, Wolfe knocks on Stoheim's door.

GM: Wolfe receives no answer.

Wolfe: Without a response, Wolfe pushes open the door and steps inside. "Stoheim?" He says aloud, trying to garner the man's attention if he's in hiding, or checking if he's wounded.

Westra: Westra pauses in her conversation with the tonwsfolk when she hears Wolfe call for Stolheim. She turns to see him going into the blacksmith's home, and excuses herself to follow suit.

Dr Catriona: Doctor Wicker, when the matters are settled in regards to the fires, will reconnect with GIZMO-3, LEROY and The REX!

Stoheim: The iron lock on the door prevents Wolfe from entering. The shout elicits a response however. "Wh....who's there?!"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Greetings Mistress."
"Your chariot awaits you."

Wolfe: "It's Wolfe, Stoheim! Come out here! Layla's dead!"

Dr Catriona: "Exemplary work, both of you." she says to the mechanical beings. She will give the transport a look over and inspection to make sure everything is on the up and up and everything is as it should be.

Westra: Westra eyes the side of the house, and considers walking around to check for other entrances.

Stoheim: A minute passes without confirmation.

Jonias: Jonias looks to Westra and Euron near him. The elf's eyes flash white for a moment before they return to normal.
"Beryllium has found some motion below us. Looks like she's found some rats and an iron door." The elf points to the chasm Beryl has already entered.

Westra: Westra begins to move towards the side of the smith's house, but stops when Jonias speaks. She looks to him, then to Wolfe, and pauses a moment further to gauge Wolfe's intention

L.E.R.O.Y.: "It is exceptionally annoying being based off a nocturnal avian, that one talks so much." He points to Gizmo.

Westra: If he continues to speak to Stolheim, she'll move around the house, looking for a back door.
or window
or wall that looks like it needs a bruising.
she's not picky.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over to Jonias and Westra, noticing their stares. He steps over toward them for a moment. "What's going on?"

GM: She finds only a dusty window on the back half the door.

Jonias: The elf smirks at Westra before moving around towards Baldarich's home.

GM: (on the back half the home)

Westra: "Jonias'... ah... associate(?) has found a door down below," she tells wolfe

GM: As Westra glaces through the dirty glass, she can see the man laying against the far wall sobbing and quickly polishing off a bottle of something.

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow.
He turns then to Stoheim's house. "STOHEIM, DID YOU LET DARISH INTO YOUR HOUSE!?"

Westra: Westra then moves around the house.

Jonias: Jonias reaches out to his familiar once again, calling her to check the chasam behind the school teacher's house. the one she had spotted before.

Stoheim: He continues to not answer Wolfe's question. Westra can see the man chugging like a college frat boy.

Westra: Westra puts an armored elbow through the window glass, and then moves it around to break all the now-shattered glass away from the frame.
That done, she jumps up and grabs the upper windowsill, then kicks her legs through the now-open window and hops inside.

Wolfe: Wolfe will look at the hinges of the door, mentally gauging how hard it'd be to kick the door down.

Westra: Once inside, she takes a look around, and sneers at the sight of the blacksmith, shaking her head in disapproval while she walks to the front door, ignoring him for the moment.
She unlocks it to allow Wolfe in.
"Good luck getting anything intelligible out of him," she mutters.

Wolfe: The door swings open and Wolfe is momentarily surprised to see Westra on the other side. "Huh."

Stoheim: The stench of body odor and alcohol permeate the building. Stoheim just stares as Wolfe and Westra as they break into his home.
"Go ahead....just kill me. I was too afraid to save her. I am a coward." Tears streak his face as he drops the empty bottle onto the floor, allowing his hands to fall limply across his thighs.

Wolfe: "Stoheim, did you know Darish? Do you know which house he was staying in?"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Mistress, I believe we need to discuss my hazard pay. These types of retrieval operations into enemy territory were not part of my contract."

Dr Catriona: The doctor administers a goodberry to LEROY to make sure he is well fueled.
"You will receive hazard pay when I do."

Stoheim: "He lives in the northern most house on the road." He points towards the north bridge.

Westra: Westra draws her halberd and moves towards Stoheim

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Require more biomass. My reserves are dangerously low."

Dr Catriona: (Goodberry feeds anything for a day!)

Wolfe: "Did you know what he was about? What he was doing? Did he use that passage?" He points to the door.

Stoheim: He just shakes his head.

The Half-Orc believes him, he turns and leaves him in his misery.

Dr Catriona: If all of a sudden LEROY cannot process the supernutrient of a goodberry that can fuel a dragon or whale or tarrasque for 24 hours, then she will just give him some of the destroyed wood thats all over the place.

Wolfe: He then walks over to the door and checks around for traps or the like.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Thank you mistress, that is much more filling."

Wolfe got tired of this mourning father, he then moves behind Baldarich's home and checks the door for traps.

GM: Wolfe finds no traps around the doorway as far as he can tell. The stone and dirty steps descend down into darkness beyond the half orc's vision.

Wolfe: Figuring it's fine for now he moves over and starts to sift through the rubble of Darish's home for anything of interest.

Dr Catriona: "Mister Wolfe? What are you looking for?" she asks, turning from the robotic gnome and the carriage.


GM: Wolfe finds little except ash in the home. It appears there were not much in the way of furnishings in the homes.

Wolfe: "Hrmph."

Dr Catriona: She looks befuddled (more than usual.)

Jonias: Jonias's eyes flash white again briefly before he looks again the others.
"Another set of metal doors. Someone was busy toiling underneath this town it seems."

Wolfe: Wolfe grunts and walks back over to the others. "Checked the wreckage of Darish's home. Not much there."
"We should help everyone get figured out and take a break to rest before we go on. Who knows what the fuck is down there."

Westra: "Agreed."

Euron: "That sounds like a good idea." Euron said.

Jonias: "If we're to rest then I'll stay out here and keep watch. Should anything come crawling out of the chasms I'll call for help.

Wolfe: "Kay, I'm going to the tavern and finding a bed. I'm dead tired." He says as flatly as possible and heads that way.

Dr Catriona: "It isn't unusual for a Mad Scientist to create his workshop in a subterranean area. It aids with containment."

Westra: Westra leaves Stoheim to drown in his filth, and sets about helping the other villagers find some measure of safety before heading to find a bed

Dr Catriona: ((Are any of the Lycanthrope devices intact or salvagable?)

GM: The doctor can easily confirm that the cause of the explosions and fire were the 'anti-werewolf" devices exploding. (She may recall that is was caused by an apparent electric overload.

HIT DICE (D10+2)
HIT DICE (D10+2)

Wolfe: 19

HIT DICE (D10+2)

GM: 8

Jonias: Keeping an eye out while the others rest, Jonias pulls out the ring found on the Darnish's corpse. The elf seemed unable to deduce the source of its power; it's power, like the tome, beyond his own ability.

GM: The group descends into the earth and in a short time finds themselves on stone paved floor, and plain dirt walls. Two heavy iron doors stand forbiddingly to the east and the south.

Wolfe: Wolfe caught one hell of a good nap, and after reconnoitering with the rest of the Watch he will follow Jonias's direction down to the cellar. So far the Elf had proven himself and not given Wolfe much reason to doubt him.

Dr Catriona: Doctor Wicker does a mild costume change, gear checking and intense hair brushing so she looks prim and professional. Because we are going into a business environment...

Wolfe: "Alright I'll take the front. Westra keep close, the rest of you guys keep around ten feet back from Westra. Jonias, you want to check for any surprises that fuck may have left for us?"

Jonias: Jonias gave the dragonlin's neckl a scratch, "Thank you, Beryl"

Westra: Westra rests and goes through an extra round of her prayers and meditations in preparation for descending into the dark. She follows the others down, grimacing at returning to the light-less world beneath the surface.

Jonias: Jonias then moves to examine the door to the eat first, then the southern door.

Westra: "Any objections to me lighting a torch, anyone?"


Euron: Euron prayed and rested, then gathered his gear and made ready to finish this. He took Wolfe's direction and stayed behind Westra.
"I think you should, Westra."


GM: Jonias finds no traps on either door as far as he can tell. There seems to be no handle or lock that is visible from the southern door. There is a rather intricate keyed lock on the eastern door.

Dr Catriona: She keeps GIZMO-3 in his pokeball.

Wolfe: Wolfe produces a key from his coat. "I grabbed it from Darish's corpse."
He then inserts it into the keyhole.

GM: The door dramatically unlocks.

Jonias: Jonias nods and lets Wolfe open the door.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc pushes through, gesturing for the others to follow.

Westra: Westra lights her torch, then follows the others through the newly-unlocked door

GM: The door opens quite silently into a small hallway before opening into a more expansive room. Steel bars for a 'wall' to the south, and the room extends further to the east.

Euron: Euron follows Westra, mace at the ready and making sure that Cat is okay in the back.

GM: 31

Wolfe: Wolfe waits for his Paladin aura

Jonias: Jonias steps slowly into the room and begins to look around.

GM: A howl erupts from across the room.
Westra Goldbrook
Doctor Wicker
Euron Sand

Dr Catriona: (I can summon him as an action)

Wolfe: "More Werewolves, I'd guess, get ready!"

Dr Catriona: ((Are we waiting for something? isnt there a header or something?))
(What are those colored ball things)
(dangerous floofs?)

GM: There are three pedestals to the groups left with swirling gas contained within them. Their purpose seems unclear. Further into the room are racks with pieces of metal and weapons, work benches and cauldrons, breakers, and other sciency things.

Dr Catriona: The Doctor will remove the Phantasmitron 2000 and let it hover. The device casts a holographic dwarven soldier with his ax raised and an angry beard!! Minor Illusion.

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Euron: Jonias, Westra, and Wolfe feel Helm's grace and fury flow through them!

Dr Catriona: ((Because minor illusion cant be higher than 5 feet!))

enchantment 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft
Components: V, S, M (A sprinkling of holy water)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.

Dr Catriona: ((short humans are wack))

It is Werewolf's turn   

Jonias: ((says the amazon))

GM: The werewolf leaps and attacks at FakeDwarf(TM)

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra: While the werewolf is attacking fake!dwarf, Westra moves forward and attacks real!werewolfe.

Dr Catriona:  Image

11   10
Halberd Slash (+7)
13   21
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
11   22
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
12   27
Halberd Slash (+7)
8 + 5
rolling 1d4
(3)= 3
rolling 1d4
(3)= 3

Westra: rolling 1d4
(1)= 1

It is Jonias's turn   

Black Bladed Bow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(1+4+6)= 11

It is Werewolf's turn   

18   27
Halberd Slash (+7)
12 + 10

Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 19 | 17
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 16 | 18
Damage: 10piercing

Jonias: Jonias stays behind Westra and fires an arrow over the captain's shoulder into back of the werewolf.

3   8

Dr Catriona: "This is certainly an elaborate laboratorium! Were its patron not diabolical and unethical, he would find me quite envious of the facility!"

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: The Samurai steps forward and delivers a quick overhand slash with both hands before coming back with a tree-chopping slash.
Shokan GWM (+4)
Shokan GWM (+4)
Shokan GWM (+4)

It is Werewolf's turn   

Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 17 | 14
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 15 | 14
Damage: 10piercing
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 9 | 16
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 26 | 10
Damage: 8 + 6slashing

It is Werewolf's turn   

It is Werewolf's turn   

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((Do they all look healthy?))
The room's temperature plummets as the Doctor balls her fists and siphons the heat from behind the lycanthropes in a terrible cold snap.
Frozen Rain
evocation 3
Casting Time: One action
Range: 120 ft
Target: 20 ft radius
Components: M (Mastery of Ice)
Duration: Concentration 1 minute
As an action, choose a point you can see within 120 feet of you. The air in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point becomes deathly cold and saturated with moisture.

Each creature in that area must make a CON saving throw DC15. On a failed save, a target takes 16 cold damage, and its speed is reduced to 0 until your concentration ends. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage.

- As an action, a target that has its speed reduced can end the effect early if it succeeds on a Strength (Athletics) check with a DC equal to DC15.

You can increase this effect's damage by 1d6 per each additional psi point spent on it.

5 psi points spent.

Ability: 8 | 10
Ability: 21 | 4

Dr Catriona: ( half damage on the 3rd 1)
She maintains concentration on the zone, forming a localized blizzard.

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: (Its a full action to summon it)

Euron: Euron moves forward and calls upon Helm, summoning a mace made of light into the room!
19   10
60 ft
Spiritual Weapon (+8)
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame

Ability: 18 | 18

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

27   14
Halberd Slash (+7)
11 + 8
22   16
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
16   10
Halberd Slash (+7)

Dr Catriona: The werewolves that failed their save find their feet being locked into creeping permafrost.

It is Jonias's turn   

Black Bladed Bow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(5+3+6)= 14

Westra: With the doctor's odd magic all but freezing the nearest wolves in place, it's child's play for the paladin to relieve one of them of his head.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Ice-cubed Lycanthropes look like perfect targets to the werewolfed up Half-Orc. He brings his blade down in quick but savage slashes at the neck-lines of the iced-up pups.
Shokan GWM (+4)
26 + 10
Shokan GWM (+4)
20 + 3
Shokan GWM (+4)

Jonias: Stepping to the side, Jonias fires another arrow over the captain's shoulders.
"It like having a moving wall."

Dr Catriona: (ice giblet)

Orcish Fury Crit Damage

It is Werewolf's turn   

Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 19 | 18
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws (Hybrid Form Only)
Attack: 17 | 18

Wolfe: Wolfe makes ice-cubes out of two werewolves.

Damage: 18piercing
Damage: 9slashing

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Wolfe: "Ow."
"Getting old, can't dodge that fast anymore."

Jonias: "Death has a way of slowing people down," Jonias says with a flash of a smile to the half-orc

Dr Catriona: She releases her fists and the internal ice vortex dissipates, into a cool and refreshing breeze.

Wolfe: "Don't worry though, Princess." He nudges Westra with his shoulder, drawing out a cloth to clean his blade. "As long as I'm here they won't try to kill ya."

GM: As the last wolf falls, the group can see this is some kind of testing and containment area. The caged door to the south has broken off its hinges where the ceiling cracked.

Westra: Westra sighs, relaxing slightly. ":Well done, all," she says, looking around with narrowed eyes.

Wolfe: "Cat, Jonias, any idea what those glowing clouds of gas are?"

GM: More grunts and snarls come from the southern darkness.

Dr Catriona: She shakes her numb hands a bit and plucks the hologram caster out of the air and stows it.
((is combat still live?))

Cure Wounds

Wolfe: "Thanks Euron."

Euron: "Anytime, my friend. Let's hope that lycanthropes aren't as well coordinated as we are."

Wolfe: Wolfe looks south!

Westra: Westra pushes past the broken gate
and heads south

Dr Catriona: Removing the metallic sphere from her belt pouch, she tosses it out. "GIZMO activate." It bounces once and then unfolds in spectacular fashion, restructuring into the goddamn true hero of the story.

Wolfe: "Cat, can you or Jonias figure out what that gas is?" He asks as he follows after Westra.

GM: A massive beast slams against the bars. A bear with rotting flesh tries to reach at Westra with large claws!

Dr Catriona: "Shouldn't we make sure the facility is clear of first?"

Wolfe: "Holy." Wolfe whistles slowly.

Dr Catriona: "Like that!."

Wolfe: "Zombie bear."

GM: (5 rds)

Westra: "What in the name of Helm..."

Euron: "Heln's bloodshot eye, what is that?"

16   21

Dr Catriona: "Should we not destroy it while we have it contained?"

Westra: rolling 1d4
(2)= 2
(From Dungeon Lord (GM)): you see HUGE rats looking at you through the grates in the middle door.

Westra: "And giant rats," she adds with a grimace, gesturing towards the middle door.

Dr Catriona: (are the rats undead?)

GM: The bear continues to strain and fight to get to the group, though the bars seem sturdy.

Wolfe: "Definitely should put it down, yeah. Jonias, Euron, Cat, can you just shoot it with spells and arrows while it's caged? Westra and I will cover you."

Jonias: Baryllium taps Jonais on the shoulder.
"These are the rats Beryllium saw before. these gates must lead to the other two openings."

GM: the rats appear just large and hungry.

Dr Catriona: (Can things be fired through?)
Catriona pulls two strings along her pocket and a pair of mechanical hoses fall out of somewhere and attach to her gauntlets. They glow blue as if filling with fuel.

Westra: "Doctor, have you a means to--ah, very good," Westra says, stopping when she sees the doctor doing something appropriately weird.,

Dr Catriona: She flicks the igniter under her gloves and opens a massive torrent of fire that floods the entire cell in an inferno.

Euron: "That"

Wolfe: "Man."
Wolfe looks over to Euron.

Euron: "That was also terrifying."

Wolfe: "Of all the people who punned just now..."

Euron: "Utterly terrifying."

Dr Catriona:
Rolling Flame
evocation 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20'x20' cube in 5'
Components: M (Mastery of Fire)
Duration: Concentration 1 minute
You create fire in a 20-foot-by-20-foot cube within 5 feet of you. The fire lasts until your concentration ends. Any creature in that area when you use this ability and any creature that ends its turn there takes fire damage.

3 psi points spent.
7 fire damage per round
`End of Turn, take 7 fire damage if in Rolling Flames

GM: Hundreds of screams echo on for nearly half a minute before the only sounds that remain are the grunts of the bears in the cage nearby.

Jonias: Jonias gets on one knee and summons an illusion of a thick cloud in front of himself to hide behind while he nocks an arrow.
26   25
Black Bladed Bow (+7)

Dr Catriona: She carefully floods the room with azure fire, as if a pair of flamethrowers are mounted onto her wrists.

Jonias: rolling 3d6
(1+6+3)= 10

Wolfe: Wolfe watches Cat with rapt fascination - he doesn't seem to mind her pest control as the rats were huge, ugly, undead and - rats...

GM: After several minutes and many magical arrows (and flames?) the bears seem to be dead.

Jonias: Meanwhile Jonias plinks away with another arrow

GM: A batch of eggs in a nest sit in the far corner of this cell.

Wolfe: "What is all this fucked up shit?"

Dr Catriona: Stepping back, she holds up her hands, smoke rising from them. The hoses retract back into her coat with a minor gesture.
((What if its Facehuggers))

Wolfe: "Nicely done Cat." He says back toward the Scientist, then pulls out his key to inspect the door to the west.
(Same key?)
He inserts the key and opens the door.

GM: A long hallway greets Wolfe.

Dr Catriona: "Can you imagine if more of these things got loose? The contamination would be catastrophic."

Wolfe: "Alright, stick with me incase anything comes out of the ceiling or the walls or some shit to try and eat me."

Dr Catriona: "Um.. thank you." she replies realizing the compliment.

GM: The door to the North has a heavy metal bar resting over a pair of hooks, holding it locked.

Wolfe: "Hey I think this is the door that connects to the entrance." He points to his right, then looks to the south.

GM: The door to the south has a simple metal handle and no keyhole.

Westra: "Yes, that seems about right," she agrees

Dr Catriona: Catriona's left bracer has a soft red LED blink every so often, like a fuel meter reading near empty.

Wolfe: Slowly Wolfe moves to the south and opens the door. He takes a slow breath, using his Second Wind to regain some focus and composure, then will open the door.

GM: An electrical shock nearly bakes Wolfe's hand but he avoids most of it as the electrified door swings opened. He takes half of 8 lightning damage.

Dr Catriona: She looks upward, trying to find the fissures that correspond to the ones above ground. Can she see up there?

Wolfe: Wolfe eats some of the worst static electricity he's ever had in his life. His hand jerks back in pain. "YEOW!"

Dr Catriona: ((The holes in the ground on the surface))

GM: She can see a crack in the ceiling of the rats, but is unable to get in the cage.

GM: Several levers sit along the walls in this room, two glowing crystals sit in a cast along the north wall and another metal door sits along the eastern wall.

Wolfe: Wolfe slowly moves through the door, unsheathing Shokan as he slowly enters the room. "Be careful." He whispers back to the others.

Dr Catriona: She writes with chalk on the junction , demarking the path to the entrance.

GM: To the south, within glowing rings of energy rest three objects which are difficult to make out at a distance.

Dr Catriona: "GIZMO, go assist Mister Wolfe and Mister Siannodel with scouting."

Jonias: "Hello... What have we here?"

Wolfe: "Oh..." Wolfe says slowly as he approaches, his eyes widening as he surveys the things behind the bars. "Damn."

Westra: "This man was mad," she breathes, narrowing her eyes at the beasts at the south of the room

GIZMO-3: The mechanical owl strafes the perimeter of the room.

GM: The rings dim for a moment as the hum of electricity raises from seemingly everywhere before it recedes and the rings thicken in color again.

Euron: "Mad is a kind word for...this."


Wolfe: Wolfe looks over the inhabitants of the cage.

Dr Catriona:

GM: The crystals are ideal to focus or store various forms of energy.
Cat noticed that the same crystals seem to be arrayed around the pillars of energy to the south.

Dr Catriona: An energy expert, she can recognize the familiar traits of the crystals.

Jonias: "Doc, any thoughts?"

Westra: Westra looks over towards the lever nearest the southern bars, and then up towards the ceiling, looking for any sign that that lever is engineered to affect the cells

Dr Catriona: Lifting her glasses to rest atop her head, she strokes her chin a moment. "These seem to be conduits for energy. Focusing or storing it."

Wolfe: "Does it look like there's an imminent danger of these things getting out?"

Dr Catriona: "With energy, there is always a chance of danger."

Wolfe: "Best guess, Cat."

Dr Catriona: "These bear semblance to the ones about the pillars there."

Jonias: "I would assume they would be left in whatever stasis they're in while still powered. Is that correct doctor?"

GM: The gate is a very large structure, the large lever in the northeastern corner reminds Westra of a portcullis wench.

Dr Catriona: ((Are those creatures moving?))

GM: Yes there is movement within the energy field, though you cannot see what is moving within.

Dr Catriona: "Possibly containment fields. These might unlock them."

Jonias: "We could leave it alone for now. Hopefully whatever is powering these crystals will hold for a while longer."

Westra: "I would like to collapse these tunnels and bury all of this forever," she murmurs, eyeing the other levers.

Dr Catriona: "Though deduction would have me consider that special containment fields are only needed for creatures which are too difficult to contain by more mundane means."

Westra: "These levers are colored, as are the crystals. Perhaps they are related.":

Wolfe: "Before we decide to bring everything down we need to assess if there's an immediate threat to the village."
"If this is something we can come back and investigate later, let's leave it."

Westra: "Yes, I was just speaking wistfully. I know we must deal with these."

Dr Catriona: Is there any documentation anywhere?"

Wolfe: "Maybe we don't, but we don't have all the information still. Something caused the explosions upstairs, and caused the Werewolves to get loose and come up, but not release everything. Darish could have a henchman or an assistant down here and we have to find out."

Dr Catriona: (thats what my Inspiration card says!)

Westra: "The large lever there," she said, pointing top the largest lever in the NE corner of the room, "seems large enough to move a gate of this size," she said, gesturing to the gates separating the party from the contained creatures.
"And the levers are colored to match the crystals which seem to be charging the fields."

GM: The door to the east has no keyhole or handle as far as you can tell.

Westra: "So that leaves two levers unaccounted for,"

Dr Catriona: "We should have decapitated the corpse of the Mad Scientist and asked the head questions." she muses to herself, clinically.

Wolfe: "Lessons for next time."

Euron: Euron just looks at Cat.

Wolfe: "Be ready." Wolfe tries the lever for the portcullis.

GM: The lever takes a bit of Wolfe's strength but the sound of gears and a chain whirling echo in the ceiling. A moment later the bars in front of the containment fields begin to move.

Dr Catriona: She makes those theories.

Wolfe: The Half-Orc heaves, HEEEEAVES and pulls to open 'er up!
"At...least... we'll... know... what's... in here... if it's bad... I'll... close... it up..."

Euron: Euron keeps his eye on the cage, waiting to see if the creatures are set free.

Westra: "Very good." Westra ventures south to inspect the creatures

Wolfe: He moves forward, exhaling and gaining his breath.

GM: The energy fields remain in tact as the doors click against the walls.
In the western pillar of dark swirling energy, even up close it is difficult to make out something in there, but what it is, you are still unable to see.

Dr Catriona: "Do you sense them as undead?"

GM: The middle pillar is a bright orange and gives off a cool heat, the creature inside is a hideous creature with a huge snout.
The eastern pillar is a rainbow of primastic energy and houses a white dragon, its scales glitter and reflect the light making that area of the room look as if covered by a disco ball.

Euron: Euron attempts to look at the western pillar creature to see if there's any way to make out what it is.

Dr Catriona: "How did he smuggle these massive creatures down here without anyone noticing?"


Euron: "If there are tunnels, that could do it."
Beryllium: The little dragon familiar hisses at the sight of another dragon bound and caged.

Wolfe: Wolfe squints at the dragon, considering what he recalled of his last experience with a dragon. "I wonder if this was Astanaxia's young."

GM: ((Astonaxia))

Westra: "How many young, errant silver dragons can there be in this area?"

Dr Catriona: "I can try to communicate with it."

Wolfe: "She was missing one of her kids and the Werewolves were responsible, do you remember?" He asks towards Cat and Westra.

Westra: Westra arches a brow at Cat.
"Now that you mention it, yes."

Dr Catriona: Cat rests two of her fingers against her temple and intently focuses on the Dragonoid.

Westra: She waits to see if anyone can communicate with it.

Jonias: "Beryl is none too happy to see a dragon caged..."

Dr Catriona: ░▒▓Telepathy with Dragon Prisoner:▓▒░ « Hello. Are you familiar with Astonaxia? »

GM: It watches the group through the shimmering pillar of power, but receives no response. At the same moment the pillars dim a second time and the sound of electricity rumbles from seemingly everywhere. A moment later, they return to their full colors.

Wolfe: "Uhhh..." Wolfe looks around slowly, confused.

Dr Catriona: "There might be too much interference." she reports, her hand dropping. Then she looks around at the power shift.

Wolfe: "What just happened?"

Westra: "It happened before, when we first entered."

Dr Catriona: "I think these containment units might not hold for long."

Westra: "We should lower the gate again."

Wolfe: "Well that's great."

Jonias: "Right, so we know this dragon's kin?"

Euron: "Do you think these things require maintenance? Like at certain times?"

Jonias: "Lets pull whatever leve frees the dragon then close the gates

Dr Catriona: "Energy never stays in the same place forever, Father Sand."

Westra: "We must consider that this creature has been abused and may not be in its right mind."

Wolfe: "The dragon could be under a spell or something."

Westra: "Let us make sure the rest of these tunnels are clear, and then we can return to deal with this."

Jonias: "Then we should close the gates."

Dr Catriona: "Of what I see here, the dragon might actually help if the system fails and it might behoove us to free it first and earn its trust."

Westra: "...unless it's likely that the dragon may perish by the other creatures if the containments all fail together.."

Dr Catriona: She points at the giant. "My estimations are that there is only a 43% chance that these gates and doors will contain that creature.

Jonias: Jonias taps his shoulder, "We already have Beryl. Maybe it's more likely to trust one of its kind and a couple of friendly voices."

Dr Catriona: (theres only one giant... TROLL WOLF™)

Westra: "Alright, then."

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs slowly. "Alright, Cat. I trust ya."

Westra: "Back up and I'll pull the colored lever."

Wolfe: "Whatever you think we should do." He steps back slowly and sheaths his sword. "Sheath your weapons - let's not appear hostile."

Jonias: Jonias stays in front with Beryl

Westra: Westra slides her halberd to her back, and then pulls the pink lever.

Dr Catriona: (Btw is that Glass Case openable?)

GM: The glass case does seem to be on a hinge, but it seems locked or stuck.

GM: The orange pillar in the middle of the room shutters then disappears. A strangle grunt howl is emitted from the beast as it charges at Jonias!

Dr Catriona: "TARNATION!"



  • *****
  • 3
  • We'll bang, k?
Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #47 on: September 20, 2018, 05:37:19 PM »
Session 44

Levinath (GM): The sinister lair of the mastermind has been discovered by the Watch! What monstrosities lie in the remain depths? The group will not know if they are murdered by nega-troll!
Euron Sand
Westra Goldbrook
Doctor Wicker

Dr Catriona: "I did not account for duplicity in labeling things incorrectly as a purposeful security measure!"
"Did this Mad Scientists diabolical intellect no no shame?!"

Wolfe: "What a surprise - the asshat that conducts heinous experiments on random people and monsters turns out to have a sick sense of humor." He says, flatly.

Dr Catriona: '

Jonias: "Neither did I," Jonias replied, bracing himself for a blow that would no doubt hurt very much.

Westra Goldbrook: "Somehow, this seems fitting," the Paladin grumbles as she swings her polearm 'round and heads towards the Troll Wolf moving angrily towards Jonias.
20   9
Halberd Slash (+7)
19   15
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
11   21
Halberd Slash (+7)

It is Troll Wolf's turn   

Levinath (GM): As Westra strikes the massive wolf, some of its wounds seem to seal shut before the halberd finishes its assault. Fury fills hits eyes as it strikes back at the paladin.
Troll Wolf
Attack: 22 | 9
Troll Wolf
Attack: 16 | 22
If the troll hits one creature with both claws on the same turn, the target creature must make a successful DC 16 Dex save or its weapon (if any) gains a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If the penalty reaches -5 the weapon is destroyed.
Troll Wolf
Attack: 12 | 24
If the troll hits one creature with both claws on the same turn, the target creature must make a successful DC 16 Dex save or its weapon (if any) gains a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If the penalty reaches -5 the weapon is destroyed.
Damage: 13slashing

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((he used Revivify so)

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

GIZMO-3: Gizmo, back in action, flies in and ejects sparkling chaff in the Troll Wolf's face to give Jonias an advantage.

Euron: Euron calls upon the power of Helm to guide his allies' strikes against the terrifying beast.

It is Jonias's turn   

17   18
Black Bladed Bow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(5+6+2)= 13

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: The area immediately around the Doctor darkens in a supernatural fashion. The shadow she casts shifts and splits... like ink black translucent pools they slide along the ground and come up behind the Troll Wolf. Nega Docs Activated.
Shadow Beasts
abjuration 2
Casting Time: One action
Range: 60 feet
Components: M (Mastery of Lightt/Dark)
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute
As an action, you cause two shadows to appear in unoccupied spaces you can see within 60 feet of you. The shadows last until your concentration ends, and they obey your verbal commands. In combat, roll for their initiative, and choose their behavior during their turns. When this effect ends, the shadows disappear. See the Monster Manual for their stat block:


3 psi points spent

Jonias: "Thank you Captain Goldbrook. Allow me to return the favor," Jonias said to the heavily armored captain as he leaned to the side to fire, almost point blank, into the side of the troll-like monstrosity.
Just as quickly a faint blue hand appears near one of the levers that opened the gates.
Initiative: 8
Initiative: 4
Nega-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Wolfe's turn   

Nega-Doc: "The slummmmber is overrr..." moans one of the Nega Docs, stretching.

Wolfe: Wolfe takes a deep breath, focuses his attention and his focus on the monster ahead of him and whispers a soft word to himself. Holding Shokan in both hands he moves forward and strikes with two quick slashes of the magical daikatana.

Nega-Doc: "Treats abound!" says the other.

Fighting Spirit
Wolfe Class: Samurai/3rd Level
Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   
22   10
Shokan GWM (+4)
24   9
Shokan GWM (+4)
27 + 6
Orcish Fury Crit Damage

It is Nega-Doc 1's turn   

Wolfe: He cuts him off some WOLF TROLL for lunch.
maybe dinner

Levinath (GM): There is enough to last two meals.

Nega-Doc: ((are there shadows around to hide in?))
Strength Drain
Attack: 16 | 20
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 2. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

Nega-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: "Back to the void with you, abomination!" Westra grunts, calling on Helm's aid to guide her strikes. (Vow of Enmity) She then slashes twice at the beast before her.
18   15
Halberd Slash (+7)
24   25
Halberd Slash (+7)

Levinath (GM): The disco lights from the dragon's cage continue to reflect across the room.

Nega-Doc: Nega-Doc 1 swipes at the back of the monster. "Soooo hungry!" "Okay, don't over play it, One." chides Nega-Doc 2.

Westra Goldbrook: The beast's core splits open, spilling its innards in an odious heap on the floor, and Westra steps back with a scowl.

Nega-Doc: "That was over quickly." bemoans Nega Doc 2.

It is Nega-Doc 2's turn   

Jonias: Feeling the surge of Euron's blessing and knowing it could only last so long, Jonias looks to Westra, "We should pull the other levers, now while we still hold your god's favor."

Nega-Doc: "Where is the target rich environment, nerd?" says Nega Doc 1 to Catriona.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks around the room, and with a grim expression gestures to the levers on the wall. "Release another. We cannot trusts these cages to hold forever, and i will not leave the people on the surface to deal with these monstrosities on their own."
"One at a time."

Wolfe: Wolfe picks the red and pulls it down.

Nega-Doc: She tries to pull a lever and fails. "Amazing."

Nega-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Troll Wolf's turn   

Levinath (GM): A moment after the troll wolf is disemboweled, it's innards seem to flow back inside, the gash sealing itself shut. The beast roars and assaults Westra again.

Nega-Doc: The other Nega Doc claps sarcastically, but it makes no sound.

Wolfe: "Whoah!"

Levinath (GM):
Troll Wolf
Attack: 16 | 24
Troll Wolf
Attack: 26 | 10
If the troll hits one creature with both claws on the same turn, the target creature must make a successful DC 16 Dex save or its weapon (if any) gains a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If the penalty reaches -5 the weapon is destroyed.
Troll Wolf
Attack: 25 | 16
If the troll hits one creature with both claws on the same turn, the target creature must make a successful DC 16 Dex save or its weapon (if any) gains a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If the penalty reaches -5 the weapon is destroyed.
Damage: 8piercing
Damage: 15piercing

Westra Goldbrook:
16   5

Jonias: "Right, a troll. So we need fire."

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra, caught off guard by the resurgence of the troll, takes a face full of claws and hits the ground, unconscious.

Euron: "How's this for fire?"
Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame
Troll Wolf
Ability: 2 | 11

Nega-Doc: (but thats radiant)

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

Wolfe: "Um."
"That's not actually fire!"
Hero's Charge
Wolfe Other: Special Boon
You may expend your reaction and second wind to immediately move up to 1.5 times your movement to an ally who has fallen unconscious. Upon reaching the target you heal them with your second wind plus an additional 1d4 + 1 for each attack of opportunity you received while moving.

You may only use this boon once per long rest.

GIZMO-3: Gizmo does another flyby distraction to give Jonias another advantaged attack.

Wolfe: Wolfe sees Westra fall and he quickly leaps over her and slashes at the Troll-Wolf, yelling out a loud "NO!" in a powerful, deep bellow.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Wolfe: He pulls Westra to her feet, giving her a hearty shake as he interposes himself between the two. "YOU'RE NOT DONE YET, GODS DAMNED YOU."
Somehow the taunt revitalizes the Paladin.

It is Jonias's turn   

Dr Catriona: Advantage is available for your first attack
Wolfe screamed at Westra like Hulk did to Tony Stark in Avengers 1 at the end

20   22
Black Bladed Bow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(2+6+2)= 10

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: "Has it expired for certain now?"

Jonias: Jonias dropped to one knee, lining up his new bow to fire through the flames of Westra's torch.,
The creature fell in a heap, little flames licking at the wound where the arrow pierced true.

Nega-Doc: "Show off." both Nega Docs wryly express to Jonias.

Jonias: "May still want to toss the torch on him before we pullm another lever."

Westra Goldbrook: A bellowing voice shakes Westra back to consciousness, and she finds herself being pulled to her feet.Hearing the discussion about the fallen troll, Westra nods. "Doctor, do you have any oil in your belongings? Any extra fuel for the fire?"

Dr Catriona: "Why do I need oil? I am a walking accellerant."

Westra Goldbrook: "Fair enough," she realized, with a nod.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over to Cat at her statement. "..A what?"

Dr Catriona: She snaps her fingers and ignites the body with a blue fire if the creature cant save?
Dexterity Save
90 ft
Energy Beam (Fire)


Jonias: Jonias, unsure exactly if the shadows are reflections of Dr. Wicker, or something else under control, gave the twin shadows a slight wink and a smile at their exclamation.

Euron: "A walking accellerant..." He says quietly to himself.

Dr Catriona: She already fired it

It is Wolfe's turn   

Euron: Fire Troll

Dr Catriona: (so my turn nothing?)

Wolfe: Wolfe cuts off the troll's head.

Dr Catriona: (I did)

Levinath (GM): The troll corpse begins to burn more freely.

Wolfe: Hefting the troll's head, he looks over to Cat with a shrug. "We owe a man a Werewolf."

Dr Catriona: She will go and use her Interact with Object on the purple lever.

Wolfe: He stuffs the head into his bag of holding.

Dr Catriona: ((I can freely interact with an object))

Levinath (GM): The glass case creeks opened behind the doctor.

Dr Catriona: "That is.. odd..."

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't put the head into the bag, then.

It is Nega-Doc 1's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: "What... are you doing?" the Paladin asked, watching Wolfe desicrate the fallen beast's corpse.

Wolfe: "WE'LL TALK ABOUT IT LATER." Wolfe says loudly.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks to the Doctor, the confusion plain on her features

Nega-Doc will ready an action, to trigger upon an enemy being freed.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Wolfe: "I'm saving a TrollWerewolf head to pay off your resurrection, Westra."

Dr Catriona: "There is some matter with those gemstones in the case."

Wolfe: "The guy who had the scroll and the gem to bring you back from the dead wanted a Werewolf as recompense."
"But he was kind of a dick."
Wolfe shrugs and gestures to the troll werewolf head.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra just... looks... stunned

Dr Catriona: "Oh... yes, that did happen."

Wolfe: "We gave him our word."

Levinath (GM): The yellow gems that were containing the werewolf appear inert now.

Westra Goldbrook: "For what purpose?"

Wolfe: "Fuck if I know. Nothing good."

Westra Goldbrook: Glower.

Wolfe: "That's why I was going to give him a crazy Troll Werewolf and let it eat him."

Westra Goldbrook: "Will it survive in there?" she asked, both horrified and fascinated.

Wolfe: "He's something like a crimelord of Waterdeep. Well, it regenerates, so yes. But it won't be happy."

Westra Goldbrook: "...who is this man you made your deal with?"

Wolfe: "Eston Ware."

Westra Goldbrook:
7   23

Wolfe: "I sure as fuck wasn't going to give him Lyla."
"But this seems the best of both worlds - portable Werewolf, and it is likely to eat him."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks as though she doesn't know quite what to make of that revelation, and recenters her attention on the remainder of the room. "We can talk about it further once we've dealt with this," she said quietly. "Another lever, please?"

Dr Catriona: "If we are to use how the visual light spectrum of colors functions...there may be some combination..." she says to herself."

Westra Goldbrook: ...she says, looking to the others.

Wolfe: "Sure, heh."
Wolfe punts the head across the floor.

It is Nega-Doc 2's turn   

Wolfe: He watches it roll.

Nega-Doc: "I can't touch things. Except immortal souls and life energy."

Wolfe: Then he turns his attention to the problem ahead as they fiddle with the cage.

Nega-Doc: She just readys an attack like her duplicate.

Nega-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Troll Wolf's turn   

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: (thats a door one!)
(thats the last colored one)
(he shoulda double moved over here and interacted with the one by me)

Levinath (GM): The dark purple barrier falls down with a release of energy. A gaseous form of a wolf with flowing purple eyes remains from the pillar.

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

Nega-Doc: ((Does it look aggressive?))

GIZMO-3: Gizmo circles the bizarre entity, granting one advantage to Jonias before flying away.

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Black Bladed Bow (+7)
rolling 1d4
(4)= 4

It is Jonias's turn   

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Levinath (GM):
Ethereal Wolfe
Initiative: 17

GIZMO-3: (Are we certain its aggressive?)

Jonias: Not knowing what to do against a gaseous wolf. Jonias fires an arrow into the wraith like werewolf.

Dr Catriona: The doctor backpedals and readies a cantrip, holding it for the moment the creature makes any hostile action.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe draws a potion and hands it to Westra.
"Here, drink this before you get yourself killed again."

Jonias: "Does anyone have a large palm leaf or some sort of fan?"

It is Nega-Doc 1's turn   

Dr Catriona:
Strength Drain
Attack: 11 | 20
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 4. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

Levinath (GM): The dark wolf seems difficult to strike.

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra tries anyway.
20   25
Halberd Slash (+7)
27   10
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
8 + 3
15   24
Halberd Slash (+7)

Nega-Doc: Nega Doc 2 shirks from Westra. "Ugh, too holy. BOUNDARIES!"

Levinath (GM): Westra's blade seems to pass through without a notifiable impact, but as the halberd passes through, the blade glows silver with the dragon's magic and the beast lets out a growl.

It is Nega-Doc 2's turn   

Nega-Doc: "She's tasted more death than either of us!" says one to the other. "Oh, Too soon!" They both cackle raspily.
"Hug time!"
Strength Drain
Attack: 8 | 21
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 3. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

Nega-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Ethereal Wolfe's turn   

Levinath (GM): "Darkness......." A raspy voice echos before blackness fills the room.

Nega-Doc: Cat acts

Dr Catriona:
Dexterity Save
90 ft
Energy Beam (Fire)

Levinath (GM):
Ethereal Wolfe
Ability: 15

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: (Cant cast spells you cant see at))

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

Dr Catriona: Gizmo will go and investigate the gems!

GIZMO-3: He picks up the blue one!
It is Jonias's turn   

Jonias: Unable to see anything, the elf takes a step back towards the wall hoping to feel his way around by getting to the wall.

GIZMO-3: The Robo-Owl beeps and boops and hoots...mechanically.

Jonias: Stepping out into light, Jonias looks for something he can do.
((Ready an action to shoot an arrow when he can actually see an enemy))

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Focus: Mastery of Light/Dark
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Now focused on Mastery of Light & Darkness: While focused on this discipline, natural and magical darkness within 30 feet of you has no effect on your vision.

Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action.

Levinath (GM): The Wolf's red eyes follow the doctor as she enters the darkness.

120 ft
Fire Bolt (+7)
Jets of blue fire stream towards a target.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe ATTACKS THE DARKNESS (attacking the wolf with disadvantage)
17   20
Shokan (+9)
20   17
Shokan (+9)
1 4

Levinath (GM): The silver glow of Wolfe's attack radiates from the pitch black for a moment before disappearing.

It is Nega-Doc 1's turn   

Nega-Doc: "We like Darkness too!" loudly whisper the Nega Docs. NegaDoc 1 hides as a bonus action, enhanced by the darkness. Then it will attack from hiding.
Skill: 13 | 14

Levinath (GM):
Ethereal Wolf
Skill: 18

Nega-Doc: Boo.
It attacks with disadvantage then.

Levinath (GM): ""

Strength Drain
Attack: 16 | 6
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 4. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

Nega-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: Westra also continues lashing out into the darkness.
12   8
Halberd Slash (+7)
20   15
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
15   16
Halberd Slash (+7)

Nega-Doc: ((Bless))

It is Nega-Doc 2's turn   

Dr Catriona: ((Concentration checks))
Skill: 19 | 10

Levinath (GM):
Ethereal Wolf
Skill: 7

Nega-Doc: ((You actually need a light spell like Daylight))
((not the cantrip light))
The Nega Doc swirls in the black and then attacks! with advantage.. but it cancels out to a normal roll.
Strength Drain
Attack: 5 | 13
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 3. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

Nega-Doc ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Ethereal Wolfe's turn   

Levinath (GM): The Wolf's hands glow with a silver light, which it throws two at the Doctor.
Hurl Moonlight
Ethereal Wolf
Attack: 25
Target must succeed a DC 15 Constitution save or be glowing for 4 rounds.
Hurl Moonlight
Ethereal Wolf
Attack: 10
Target must succeed a DC 15 Constitution save or be glowing for 4 rounds.
Damage: 16cold

Dr Catriona: They are
(so I glow)
And now for Concentration

Levinath (GM): The instant the glow appears around the Doctor, the wolf teleport to her.

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona: She looks over her arms and such. "This is peculiar."

Euron: Euron sees the darkness and knows that the others are capable of seeing through that. So he calls upon Helm's power and summons daylight to help his companions!
evocation 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour
A 60-foot-radius sphere of light spreads out from a point you choose within range. The sphere is bright light and sheds dim light for an additional 60 feet.

If you chose a point on an object you are holding or one that isn't being worn or carried, the light shines from the object with and moves with it. Completely covering the affected object with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the light.

If any of this spell's area overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.
Wolfe: "Nooooo....."

Nega-Doc: The NegaDocs shirk and hiss.

Wolfe: "Oh hey! THANKS!"

Black Bladed Bow (+7)

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

Nega-Doc: ((doesnt stop him from doing that though))

GIZMO-3: The owldrone fires off a volly of miniature flares in the Ethereal Wolfe's direction to distract it.
Advantage for Jonias

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Jonias's turn   

18   21
Black Bladed Bow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(1+6+2)= 9
Wolfe: The wolf seems mostly unaffected by Jonias's weapons.

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Jonias: Able to see his foe, Jonias fires off an errant shot before redrawing a new arrow and letting loose once again. Though his strike is true, it is ineffective...

Focus: Mastery of Ice
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Now focused on Mastery of Ice: While focused on this discipline, you have resistance to cold damage.

Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action.
Wolfe: A glowing circle erupts from the Doctor. The ground around her glows with silvery moonlight.

Dr Catriona: She will disengage otherwise.

Jonias: "Have your owl help the others Doctor. I'm not going to be much use in this fight." Jonias looks now over to the green gem instead to see what it could possible do.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe, now with the path lit up, approaches the Ethereal Wolf (NOT WOLFE). "Hey! Leave her alone!" He yells and swings his daikatana twice at its flank.
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
Wolfe: The Wolf frowls as the searing silver light strikes true again.

It is Nega-Doc 1's turn   

Dr Catriona:
Strength Drain
Attack: 7 | 24
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 2. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Westra Goldbrook: When the lights come back on, Westra spins to find the nega-Wolfe going after the Doctor! She heads that way, halberd raised to strike.

Dr Catriona: ((the last thing I rolled over 11 was init))

Westra Goldbrook:
14   12
Halberd Slash (+7)
15   27
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
8 + 3
13   26
Halberd Slash (+7)
rolling 1d4
(3)= 3
rolling 1d4
(4)= 4
rolling 1d4
(4)= 4

It is Nega-Doc 2's turn   

Dr Catriona:
Strength Drain
Attack: 14 | 23
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 1. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

It is Ethereal Wolfe's turn   
Wolfe: 2
Ethereal Wolf
Attack: 13
Ethereal Wolf
Attack: 27
Ethereal Wolf
Attack: 26
Damage: 12slashing
Damage: 10slashing

Dr Catriona: ((How is it reaching Westra?))

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Channel Divinity
Class: Cleric 2nd Level
As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke healing energy that can restore a number of hit points equal to five times your cleric level. Choose any creatures within 30 feet of you and divide those hit points among them. This feature can restore no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can't use this feature on an undead or construct.

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

GIZMO-3: Gizmo drops the crystal by the yellow inert ones, then goes to give advantage to Jonias.

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Jonias's turn   

Jonias: Jonias slips over behind the doctor, moving to quickly examine the green gem.

Levinath (GM): Jonias recognizes a now inert gem that can be used to store and channel large amounts of energy.

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

GIZMO-3: Catriona will READY a cantrip to go off after Wolfe's turn (start of Next Round).

It is Wolfe's turn   

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)

Nega-Doc: Playing an inspiration card

Wolfe: Wolfe collects some beat-ass tax from Ethereal WOLF (not WolfE)

Dr Catriona: (lol its one of those raid things that burst people. I wanted jonias to take damage)

Levinath (GM): The ground below the doc begins to glow again.

Dr Catriona: ((Im kidding))
For this round, all my attack rolls are at advantage.
Starting with Doc's cantrip
Dexterity Save
90 ft

Dr Catriona:
12   18
120 ft
Fire Bolt (+7)
Jets of blue fire stream towards a target.
Now Nega Doc 1

Jonias: Jonias looks over to Doctor Wicker, "We can channel energy into these. or even store some. But as to what, how and why? I still don't understand... Obviously our evil doctor was using these to hold creatures in stasis, but who knows how else we can use these."

Levinath (GM):
Ethereal Wolf
Ability: 24

Dr Catriona: ((no dex save))
(that was a mistake))

Nega-Doc: Nega Doc 1 moves in and attacks with advantage.
Strength Drain
Attack: 14 | 10
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 2. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

Levinath (GM): The doctor's blast strikes true, but seems to do no damage.

It is Nega-Doc 1's turn   

It is Westra Goldbrook's turn   

Nega-Doc: ((It said you gain attacks for the entire round))

Levinath (GM):
17   9
Halberd Slash (+7)
21   14
Halberd Slash (+7)
12   12
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)

It is Nega-Doc 2's turn   

Levinath (GM): The Wolf's mist flows and churns for a moment. 8

Strength Drain
Attack: 15 | 15
and the target's Strength score is reduced by 3. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

It is Ethereal Wolfe's turn   

Levinath (GM): The Wolf teleports next to the Doctor.

Dr Catriona: "Maybe everyone should stay away from me." she says, almost like an emo conclusion to her affectation.

Levinath (GM):
Ethereal Wolf
Attack: 18
Ethereal Wolf
Attack: 9
Ethereal Wolf
Attack: 23
Damage: 15piercing
Damage: 8slashing

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Dr Catriona:

Wolfe: "Cat!" Wolfe yells in distress, seeing the scientist be assaulted by the creature.

Higher Level Cast
Cure Wounds
Cat add 4
Euron holds up his holy symbol and points it in the Doctor's direction! Life-giving light streams toward the Half-Elf to heal her wounds!

It is GIZMO-3's turn   

GIZMO-3: Advantage trigger on Wolfe.

It is Jonias's turn   

Jonias: Jonias separates his bow into blades and strikes at the ethereal wolf.
15   19
Black Blade Shortsword (+7)
rolling 3d6
(4+2+2)= 8
Booming Blade
evocation 0
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 5 ft.
Components: V, M ((a weapon))
Duration: 1 round
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails.
On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and it becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves before then, it immediately takes 1d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. This spell's damage increases when you reach higher levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 thunder damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for moving increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.
Jonias looks to Catriona, "I suggest you flee..." Then stabs the shadow creature.
rolling 1d8
(4)= 4

Jonias: rolling 1d8
(4)= 4

Dr Catriona: Catriona stops glowing, seeming gaunt and loopy. "Gond's titanium tongs, that was heinous..." She holds her head some, trying to get rid of her double vision. "Thanks for the assistance."

Jonias: Striking his blades together the elf spoke sylvan words of power. As the blades met within the vacuous form of a werewolfe, the y gave off a sudden clap of thunder. The air around Jonias and Doctor Wicker blasted past them, dissipating the ethereal wolf.

Nega-Doc: "Unsatisfying." "Seriously." say the Negadocs before sinking unceremoniously into the floor.

Wolfe: Wolfe walks over slowly toward Cat, making sure to pat Jonias on the shoulder as he comes to a halt beside them after sheathing his sword. "Well done."
"Cat, you alright?"

GIZMO-3: "I really feel things when I'm low on energy." she admits, as if admonishing herself for making a poor decision.
#cat says

Jonias: Jonias reformed the bow, nodding to the half-orc. "We should pull the last of these levers."

Dr Catriona: She limps over to the crystals and tries to see if they seem to be reacting to each other.

Levinath (GM): The power on the remaining pillar flickers again as the power fluctuates.
They all seem inert now.

Euron: Euron looks a little worn, but he walks over to the others.

Dr Catriona: "This whole... um.. apparatus.. is unlike any I've seen."


Dr Catriona: "May as well." she says.

Wolfe: And he does. LEVER DOWN.


Jonias: "I'm not sure we hold the proper key or cipher to open these properly. So lets just flip some levers."

Young Silver Dragon: The dragon blinks as it adjusts to the energy field. It unfurls its wings and takes a step away from Jonais. It's fins flaring in a defensive position.

Jonias: Jonias holds out his hands palms out, "Calm friend." Jonias says softly to the silver dragon. Beryllium appears on his shoulders and then moves to curl around the elf's out stretched arms.
"We seek the young of Astonaxia."

Young Silver Dragon: The silver dragon growls at the appearance of Beryllium.

Dr Catriona: "I don't think it likes the backpack invader..."

Wolfe: Wolfe will assist Jonias's attempts to talk the Dragon down. "Astonaxia sent us." He gestures toward Westra's halberd. "Can you sense her magic upon our friend's weapon?"
The Half Orc blinks and looks around.

Jonias: "Not a betrayer," Jonias replies calmly to the young silver dragon. "She is bound by magic to a tome I carry. I seek to free her, but need the help of a dragon. I hope if we help you return to your mother, we can receive her aid in freeing Beryllium."
The lie is subtle, a half truth really, but hopefully enough to calm the dragon.
5   4

Wolfe: "Uh. We... went to her. In her home. We traveled across the mountains in search of the one who created this place to destroy him. We told her that we were seeking him out to stop him."

Young Silver Dragon:
Young Silver Dragon
Ability: 15 | 19
The dragon continues to watch the smaller creature and lets out a soft hiss.

Wolfe: "She armed us with her blessing to stop the werewolves and save the town. She told us if she found her missing young to return them."

Dr Catriona: "Cant we just... back away and let it go?"

Jonias: "Right well, WE weren't there. We just found out about you a little while ago. I still do hope that your mother will help though."

Wolfe: "I'm fine with that." He nods and turns toward the Dragon, he slowly lifts his hands to offer a form of surrender. "Is your mind still your own? Are you able to move on your own power?"

Jonias: Jonias backs away slowly at the Doctor's suggestion."

Young Silver Dragon: The voice echos into everyone's head. "I sense the truth in you Half-Orc and even still I can small me broodmother's scent on the lot of you, less the betrayer and liar that stands before me.

Wolfe: "Uh. He's a good guy, down deep."
"He helped us free you and saved the town."
"What is your name?" He asks the Dragon, then gestures to himself. "Most people call me Wolfe."

Dr Catriona: Catriona sits down on the ground as her metabolism crashes hard from the waning of adrenaline.

Young Silver Dragon: "He who would destroy a race. Its not good. We will never forget." He bears his teeth.

Wolfe: "...Ah.. what?" He seems confused.

Euron: "We just want to make sure that you are safe. We want to help the people of Sunderwood and keep them from further harm." Euron said.

Young Silver Dragon: He seems to catch Wolfe's question as an afterthought. "I am Atroxos, eldest of my mother's brood. I thank you for my release, and you surely aided my queen if she saw fit to bless you with this magic. You sully your reputation to be in the company of that thing." He motions towards Jonias.

Dr Catriona: Her eyebrows raise.
Beryllium: Beryl slides onto Jonias's back, peaking only her head above the elf's shoulders to look at the young silver dragon. The little dragonling seemed confused as to why the other dragon would fear her.

Wolfe: "Usually other people say their reputation is sullied by my company."

Young Silver Dragon: "I see your heart, as I am sure my mother did."

Wolfe: "Well..." He exhales slowly. "I appreciate that. Are you well enough to travel Atroxos?"
"Do you need any healing or the like?"

Young Silver Dragon: He gave Jonias another glare before moving around the room, clearly steering clear of the man. "I can manage, it seems you are the one in need of magical aid."
Beryllium: Jonias's eyes narrow. Instinctually he taps on beryl, giving her the signal to go invisible. He felt defensive for his little friend, but also confused...

Wolfe: "Uh... pardon?"

Young Silver Dragon: His eyes trail over the blood stains and unhealed wounds that litter the Doctor, Westra, and Wolfe.

Jonias: *as jonias

Wolfe: "We're still going through this place, trying to close it down for good so that none of Darish's creations hurt anyone above ground."

Dr Catriona: The Doctor is just sitting on the ground, attempting to collect herself quietly.

Young Silver Dragon: A sound like a cough filled the room, a moment later you realize the dragon is laugh. "That black hearted fool only cared about the money, he did not have the intelligence to create these creatures."
"And yet you are not strong enough to defeat what lies ahead."

Wolfe: "...What? Who created them, then?"

Young Silver Dragon: "The boy."

Wolfe: "The....boy?"

Young Silver Dragon: "For the love of his family. The same love and confusion I sense within you."

Dr Catriona: "Always creepified children..." he mutters.

Jonias: Jonias could sense two dragons trying to speak to him in his head. One, a young dragon's spite, the other a mass of confusion and sadness sitting warmly on his shoulder.

Wolfe: Wolfe's brow furrows in confusion. "I don't understand."

Young Silver Dragon: "A pawn in a game of kings. The innocent are always the first victims."
"I digress, I must return to my queen." At that his form glows a bright silver before a tall, young elf with silvered hair stands before the group in elegant garb.

Wolfe: "Well..." Wolfe steps forward toward the Dragon and offers his hand toward the now-Elf. "Take care."

Dr Catriona: She adjusts her glasses, taking in that sight of magical transformation.

Young Silver Dragon: The man smiles at Wolfe. "Good Luck Heroes." And he takes the orc's hand in a firm grip...unnaturally firm.

Wolfe: He doesn't wince, but he wants to just a little.

Young Silver Dragon: With that, he walks from the room.

Jonias: After the elf leaves, Jonias looks to the others somewhat sheepishly, "Ah... well... That was interesting?"

Wolfe: Exhaling, Wolfe dusts himself off and turns to the others. "Alright, little breather and let's go?"
Wolfe looks down at his hand, his eyebrows going high. "...What the...?"

Jonias: Jonias nods, agreeing to the rest and taking a seat near the glass case.Beryl appeared and curled into a ball on the elf's lap. She did not have her usual energy.

Young Silver Dragon: Wolfe's hand and arm begin to glow a bright silver.


Dr Catriona: Catriona stands up and looks over... "Is it some manner of infection?"

Euron: Euron is not sure what just happened here.

Westra Goldbrook: "Calm yourself, Wolfe," westra says. "Recall that the last silver dragon we encountered gave us helpful magic."

Dr Catriona: "Describe what you are feeling, perhaps we can discern its nature. It obviously came from the contact of hands."

Levinath (GM): The glow continues to radiate from Wolfe until he is entirely consumed with light. Blinding silver light.

Dr Catriona: The bespectacled blonde ambles over and takes a closer look. "Its some kind of transmutation mag AH!" She turns away, shielding her eyes.

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts his hands up, trying to block the light that's radiating from him into his own face.

Jonias: Jonias shields his eyes

Levinath (GM): The magic radiates out from Wolfe and the spell seeks the other three members near him.

Dr Catriona:

Levinath (GM): Wisdom save if you want.

Wolfe: Wolfe is CONSUMED IN LIGHT.


Westra Goldbrook:
3   13

Dr Catriona:

Westra Goldbrook: Westra thinks the light is prettttttty

7   12

Jonias: "The spell is transformative in nature. But as to what it is being transformed into, I cannot discern."

Levinath (GM): Any who did not resist the spell's magic. regains 17 hp and regains 4 worth of spell slots (doubled for psi).

HIT DICE (D10+3)

Westra Goldbrook:
HIT DICE (D10+2)

Levinath (GM): The hour is mostly uneventful. during that time the power within the structure continues to fluctuate and shortly before the end of the hour, the ground begins to rumble occasionally.

Dr Catriona:

Wolfe: "Let's get going kids!" Wolfe calls out, drawing shokan to bear.

Westra Goldbrook: "he said the boy," she missed as they started moving. "You don't think he meant Vadim?"

Wolfe: "...The kid from the town?"

Westra Goldbrook: *mused
She nodded. "He was missing, not with the others "

Wolfe: "...That's a weird thought. Maybe he just looked like a kid."

Westra Goldbrook: "For love of family, he said."

Wolfe: "Isn't he an orphan or something?"

Levinath (GM): A deep growl rumbles the ground as Wolfe and Jonias round the last corner to find a large set of metal doors.

Jonias checks the metal doors...

Levinath (GM): Jonias sees no traps that he can tell. They appear unlocked.


Dr Catriona: GIZMO's huge owl eyes cast illumination like a scanner to Help Jonias with his perception checks.

Wolfe: "We good?"

Jonias: "No traps but there appears to be a creature within the room."

Wolfe: "Well let's go say hello."

24   17
Jonias motions to the others to quiet.
"I think i hear a boy, Vadim in there. He is trying to 'calm' him mother"
Jonias whispers to those around him. "Perhaps she is the love this mad man sought to preserve?"

Levinath (GM): Another growl shakes the floor.

Wolfe: "Uh."

Jonias: Jonias looks to Wolfe and Westra, "This is your call, but it may be now or never..."

Wolfe: "Well, let's go in there and if we can talk the matter down, sure."
"Let's go."
Wolfe will push open the door and go in, but make sure Shokan is sheathed first.

Levinath (GM): As the doors open to a massive room, a strange mechanical machine swirls at the center of the room on massive roters. A bright sphere of energy swirls inside thick glass in the very center. Outside of that a glowing orb spins around it on a massive mechanical arm, and several smaller, multi colored spheres spin on other arms.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra follows

Wolfe: "...What the..?" Says Wolfe slowly, confused and awestruck as he's never seen something like this in his life.

Jonias: Jonias slips into the room away from the others, looking to quickly find cover.

Levinath (GM): Another growl is heard and the floor shakes.


Vadim: "Mother! Wait!!!"

Wolfe: Wolfe slowly moves forward.

Dr Catriona: (you can its just gradient at edges)

Wolfe: "Let's not do anything hasty..." He says toward the darkness, his hands raised up slowly.

Euron: Euron enters the room and blinks at the contraption.

Dr Catriona: "We still dont know what that sound is."

Levinath (GM): A massive creature, over 30 feet tall throws a table against the western wall and lets out a roar. The beast has a tail nearly as tall as its body and its body ripples and expels some kind of foul mucus.

Dr Catriona: (((AHHH)))

Levinath (GM): Vadim, the small boy from town, is standing at a table, quickly mixing different ingredients into a beaker.

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes widen, a moment of genuine fear going through the old Half-Orc. His head goes up, and up, and up. "Oh... what... the... fuck."

Levinath (GM): The beast turns and looks right at Wolfe as he speaks. Though, it seems confused.

Euron: "What in Helm's name is this?" Euron asked, looking around at everything.

Wolfe: "Vadim..." Wolfe says, still staring at the gigantic thing. "What is going on? WHy do you keep calling that thing mother?"

Dr Catriona: Catriona's hand claps over her mouth when she sees the titanic monstrosity in the distance.

Jonias: Jonias did not take in the sight right away, instead looking for cover quickly. "By Corellon..."

Vadim: He doesn't even look up. "It is." He continues mixing ingrediants. "I suggest you leave as she is a bit unstable at the moment. The molecular configuration of the B67-3 forumula was not correct though it passed the trials. An unfortunate setback."

12   7

Dr Catriona:

Wolfe: "Hey kid, we've gone and carved up a whole bunch of werewolves, mecha wolves, fire wolves, zombie werebears, troll werewolves, ghost wolves, and a guy named Darish, to stop all this insanity."
"How about you tell us what the fuck is going on?"

Levinath (GM): The creature stops and its massive claws wrap around its stomach as the planets continue to whirl. It grunts and begins to drop massive amounts of saliva into pools on the floor.

Vadim: "I am creating a cure for my mother. It is almost done. Darish helps me get the ingredients I need." The potion goes from green to a bright pink as he drops in something.

Wolfe: "Yeah... what is your mom? What are you?"

Vadim: Distress fills his voice for the first time. "I told Dad I could fix her! HE WOULDN;T LISTEN! I will fix the werewolf bite! He didn't have to kill her!"

Dr Catriona: While keeping an eye on the unsettling tableau before her, her gaze fixates on the Celestial model before her, having encountered similar looking things back in home. She tries to understand what the purpose was of this one.

Levinath (GM): The creature falls to all fours, panting, liquid still pooling from its mouth. It lets out a more menacing growl.

Jonias: Jonias moves to the other table, examining the items on them with a cursory look before crouching out of site hoping the boy and its "mother" are preoccupied with Wolfe

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns sharply as that's a familiar sentiment. "Vadim..." Wolfe speaks in a slower, softer voice to not press the boy too sharply in his distress. "Who's your father? What is going on here? You're like an eight year old doing complex magic here."

Euron: Euron looks at the young boy with pity.
"Vadim...there is no cure for lycanthropy."

Levinath (GM): He looks at Wolfe. "When the adults do nothing, you have to do it yourself! I will save her!"

Wolfe: "Natural lycanthropy." He corrects.
"....Vadim what was she before she got... bit"
"Cause she's a little big for a werewolf."

Levinath (GM): The creature turns towards vadim, and begins moving slowly towards his turned back, snarling.

Wolfe: "...Or did you turn her into a giant werewolf thing while trying to cure him?"

Euron: "Yes, natural lycanthropy. If it's natural, that can't be changed."


Vadim: "Just Mom...she was bitten and....MOTHER! NO!"

Wolfe: Wolfe will move forward, looking intent to intercede.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra will also move forward to intercede
Doctor Wicker
Westra Goldbrook
Euron Sand

Westra Goldbrook: Westra once more calls on the aid of Helm to focus her intent (Vow of Enmity), before lunging forward halberd-first at the beast.
8   8
Halberd Slash (+7)
11   17
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
18   11
Halberd Slash (+7)
17   27
Halberd Slash (+7)
7 + 6

Wolfe: "Well..."
"Guess we aren't talkin this one out.."

Westra Goldbrook:
20   5

Hand Axe (+8)
Hand Axe (+8)
(From Vadim): You feel the wolf try and rise up inside you. The beast in your blood is pulled out, but Westra resists her urge to kill blindly.

Wolfe: Wolfe moves off away from Vadim, trying to draw the creature's attention and pulls out his hand-axes, quickly throwing them at her back. "HEY BIGGY!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra falters, gritting her teeth for a moment before her focus seems to return

15   19
Black Bladed Bow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(3+1+2)= 6

Vadim: "Stop! I can fix her! I just need more time!"

Wolfe: The axes slash across her back. Something in him howls, snarls, yearns to be free - he's felt that anger before, that fury, and he can tell this is similar to a previous deadly fight he's had... some twenty years past.

Westra Goldbrook: "She tried to attack you, Vadim!"

Vadim: "She won't hurt me! I know it!"

Jonias: Jonias dashes around to other side of the room, clearing his line of sight to the monstrosity.

GIZMO-3: With some beeps, the mechanical owl goes and investigates that sunburst mechanism in the corner there?

Wolfe: "Go up and give her a hug then, you little shit!"
He's a little angry.

Jonias: He fires a shot that strikes but doesn't pierce as deep as the elf would like.

Dr Catriona: She aims her spiderstaff and ejects a gellatinous globulet that bursts into a web, anchoring about the massive creature and the adjacent surfaces.
Web (Item)
conjuration 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Target: Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn
You conjure a mass of thick, sticky webbing at a point of your choice within range. The webs fill a 20-foot cube from that point for the duration. The webs are difficult terrain and lightly obscure their area.

If the webs aren't anchored between two solid masses (such as walls or trees) or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling, the conjured web collapses on itself, and the spell ends at the start of your next turn. Webs layered over a flat surface have a depth of 5 feet.

Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free.

A creature restrained by the webs can use its actions to make a Strength check against your spell save DC14. If it succeeds, it is no longer restrained.

The webs are flammable. Any 5-foot cube of webs exposed to fire burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to any creature that starts its turn in the fire.

Jonias: "How does a child have access to all this equipment?" the elf wonders aloud.

Dr Catriona:
Focus: Mastery of Fire
abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Now focused on Mastery of Light & Fire: While focused on this discipline, you gain resistance to fire damage, and you gain a +2 bonus to rolls for fire damage.

Psychic Focus can be changed as a bonus action.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dexterity Save
60 ft
Sacred Flame

Were Mutant
Ability: 6 | 5
Were Mutant
Ability: 13 | 13

Dr Catriona: (( Also no cover now!))

Euron: "The power of Helm compels you! Stand down!"

Dr Catriona: (From that attack I mean)

Vadim: Vadim continues working on his potion. The Beast snarls and turns towards Westra, who laid some hurt on it.

Westra Goldbrook:
11   9
Halberd Slash (+7)
15   11
10 ft
Polearm Master (+7)
19   14
Halberd Slash (+7)

Were Mutant
Attack: 21 | 10

Dr Catriona: (( Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free btw))

Damage: 9Slashing

Westra Goldbrook: Westra greets the beast's attention with a few strikes of her halberd

Were Mutant
Ability: 19 | 0

Levinath (GM): The massive machine shifts and the planets move around their axis.
The creature lets out a howl of fury.

Wolfe: "Yeah that's not good."
Wolfe lets out a growl as he feels the fury building in him. "Fuck this."
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
14 + 12
Shokan (+9)

Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
Orcish Fury Crit Damage

Levinath (GM): 65

Wolfe: 65
Wolfe charges forward and delivers three quick slashes, one biting especially deep. The fury that is building in him makes his attacks move with more ferocity than normal. "STAND DOWN OR I'MMA PUT YOU DOWN."

Levinath (GM): As the Samurai unleashes a flurry of powerful strikes the creature's skin ripples and it growls and strikes at Wolfe in return.
Were Mutant
Attack: 12 | 12

Black Bladed Bow (+7)
Jonias fires wide, then ducks behind the apperatus covered bench to restring his bow.

GIZMO-3: Gizmo repositions himself, then Dodges.

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Levinath (GM): Gizmo also finds himself inside a heavy fog on this side of the room.

Dr Catriona: The doctor will move and dash towards the mechanism.
ANd use an interact with object free action to move it? Or will that take an action?

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

enchantment 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft
Components: V, S, M (A sprinkling of holy water)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.

Dr Catriona: The doctor squints and uses her hand to fend off the invasive and pernicious glare of this area of the room.

Euron: Euron dashes forward and now he calls upon Helm's power to infuse Wolf and Westra with holy accuracy!
(Wolf and Westra receive Bless.)
(And Jonias.)
~End Turn~

Jonias: (A thumbs up appears via mage hand in front of the cleric)

Vadim: "Here mother! This will fix you!" 7 He throws the vial at her and the liquid bursts into flames on her back for a brief moment.

Dr Catriona: So You're Starting in a Web: (DC15 vs DEX) - On a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free.

Were Mutant
Ability: 18 | 3
Explosive Burst (Recharge 5-6)
Were Mutant
The monster lets out a howl as unstable energy erupts from it. Each creature within 30 feet must make a DC 16 dexterity saving throw. They take full damage on a failed save and half damage on a successful save and ignore status effects. For each target, roll a dice to determine what color ray affects it.

1-Red: 9 fire damage and the target is set on fire dealing 6 each round until it spends an action to douse the flames.
2-Orange: 16 acid damage and is blinded until the end of its next turn.
3-Yellow: 8 lightning damage and has disadvantage on weapon attacks until the end of its next turn.
4-Green: 15 poison damage and becomes poisoned.
5-Blue: 15 cold damage and speed is reduced by 10 until the end of their next turn.
6-Indigo: 15 necrotic damage and the target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
7-Violet: 18 radiant damage and is confused until the end of its next turn.
8-Special: The target is struck by two rays. Roll twice more, rerolling any 8.




Vadim: "Ooops!"

Westra Goldbrook:
5   10

Wolfe: 8

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d8
(8)= 8

11   22

Wolfe: 10

Euron: rolling 1d8
(6)= 6

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d8
(1)= 1
rolling 1d8
(4)= 4

Were Mutant
Attack: 24 | 16
Damage: 9Slashing

Euron: (Stunned af)


Westra Goldbrook: Westra stumbles back a step and pats out the sudden flames on herself.

Vadim: Westra finds herself feel rejuvenated. She heals for 2 hp.

Westra Goldbrook: -end turn-

Vadim: The planets continue to move around the sun. The Doctor is able to see clearly again.

Wolfe: Seeing Westra get beat up (as is the usual), Wolfe will light up mommaBig to try and draw attention away from her.
Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   
Shokan (+9)
Shokan (+9)
18   22
Shokan (+9)
27   14
Shokan (+9)

12   17
Shokan (+9)

17   25
Black Bladed Bow (+7)
rolling 3d6
(2+6+1)= 9

Vadim: Gizmo finds himself heavily obscured.

Jonias: Jonias pops out of cover, firing an arrow at the monstrosity before ducking down again.

Vadim: "I will try a different one. It is hard to make these with all this racket."


Dr Catriona: Gizmo goes over and flies through all the viales on the table.

Vadim: "But I am not cursed with lycanthropy." He seems confused. "Ahhh!"

GIZMO-3: "KREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" it wails and kamikazees. In an attempt to disrupt the nonsense that child is doing.

Dr Catriona: Catriona grabs the lever and attempts to pull or push it like a third person platformer.
She will start to pull a 180.

Vadim: The blinding light swirls around the room and hits Euron, Westra, Wolfe, and the beast directly head on.

Wolfe: "AHHHH!!!"
Wolfe lifts his hand up to block off the light. "WHY AM I GETTING BLINDED ALL THE TIME TODAY!?"

Were Mutant
Attack: 15 | 12
Were Mutant
Attack: 29 | 25
Were Mutant
Attack: 21 | 12
Damage: 7 + 2Slashing

Euron: The dark energy attacks his body and, for several seconds, Euron seems unable to focus on anything else.

Were Mutant
Attack: 12 | 11

Euron: But soon, he's able to shake it off.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 05:39:19 PM by phinn »



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #48 on: October 01, 2018, 11:55:40 AM »
Session 45

Dr Catriona: She will actually cease concentrating on Web, so that can vanish.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra summons a moment of focus and draws on her faith to harden her resolve. (And her AC, via Shield of Faith).
She then strikes at the monstrosity in front of her with vigor!

Dungeon Lord: The planets continue to spin even as the Doctor toys with the massive lever.
Westra feels invigorated, the seeing the sun rise on a new day.
Wolfe feels regnerated as well as the bright light moves on.

Wolfe: (Hellll yeah. 5hp?)
Wolfe looks up, and up, and up at the titan werewolf mother. He strikes at the monumental target, Shokan moving as fast as the wind.
He also only hits the wind.
He will Second Wind.

Wolfe: 14

Jonias Siannodel:

Dungeon Lord: 2

Dungeon Lord: The massive beast rakes her claws across Euron's back as he recovers his senses.
The kid is trying to clean up the mess Gizmo is causing

GIZMO-3:  Gizmo will continue to wreck the table chaotically, like a cat who sees a glass of water on a coffee table.
GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Jonias Siannodel: In an attempt to move forward, Jonias knocks his new bow into a jar, which caused a crash and his arrow to go wide. It's as though Tymora herself decided Jonias would have no favor from her today.

Wolfe: "Good job Gizmo!"

Vadim:  "Get away from here you stupid owl! You are ruining my research!"

Dungeon Lord: Euron pulls on helm's favor to bless the trio of warriors yet again.

Vadim:  Vadim targets Gizmo with a beaker. 1

Vadim:  1 Recharge 5-6

Dungeon Lord: 1
The massive werebeast attacks Westra after the paladin's strikes find purchase.

Westra Goldbrook:

Wolfe: "Westra! Euron! Get back and heal up and I'll draw its attention!"

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d4
(4)= 4

Westra Goldbrook: Westra grits her teeth, clearly not liking the direction from Wolfe. More inclined to continue attacking the beast, she only relents because of the look of the cleric. She darts to his side and summons divine magic to help restore some of his health.

Dungeon Lord: The planets spin...
Wolfe and Westra feel energy flow throw them as a planet hovers nearby. Their weapons feel lighter and more accurate.


Wolfe: (Bless)
83 damage
Wolfe leaps into the air and delivers a quick Z-slash across her arm, leg, and back. "FACE ME!"

Dungeon Lord: The beast howls in rage and swipes at Wolfe with its claw.

Dr Catriona: ((How high is the ceiling?/planets etc))

Dungeon Lord: At least 80 ft

Jonias Siannodel:

Wolfe: The creature's claws rake across Wolfe's chest, his trusty splint mail holding fast. He grunts but holds firm.

Jonias Siannodel: rolling 3d6
(1+2+5)= 8

Dungeon Lord:

GIZMO-3:  The mechanical owl continues to pick up and drop random things.

GIZMO-3 ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dungeon Lord: 77

Dr Catriona: The Doctor takes off her glasses and her eyes pool with illumination... and bright thick beams lance the distance between her and Nadiyya.

Dungeon Lord:

Jonias Siannodel: Recovering from his faux pas earlier, Jonias pops up from behind the counter and fires his arrow true this time.
It is however when he returns to crouching that he discovers the jar he knocks over contained some sort of greasy fluid, perhaps lubricant for the device above them in the room. The elf landed on his rear-end.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dungeon Lord: The beast is struck true by the blinding light, but instead of it blinding the beast, she seems to absorb some of its energy. (Legendary Resistance)

Wolfe: (+4 more)
(Life cleric is 2+Spell level)

Dungeon Lord: Euron lays a glowing hand on Westra, returning the favor of healing.

Wolfe: (Euron heals for 4 cause of Blessed Healer)

Dungeon Lord: The beast continues her assault on Wolfe.

Wolfe: Wolfe is struck by a mighty blow but remains standing strong!

Dungeon Lord: Vadim throws another bottle of fluid at that meddling owl! 10

Dr Catriona: 11

Dungeon Lord: 5 Recharge 5-6

GIZMO-3:  GIZMO screeches and turns into a ball just as the vial almost hits him. Then he unfurls back into owl shape and goes "NEENERNEENERNEERNEER."

Dungeon Lord: The beast lets of a howl that seems to shake your very bones before it lets loose another torrent of energy.

Dungeon Lord: 8

Wolfe: 2

Westra Goldbrook: rolling 1d8
(5)= 5

Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a scream of pain as acid splashes across his eyes and blinds him! He is most mad about losing the bless, though.

Dungeon Lord: Euron is blasted by 2 beams and falls to the ground.

Westra Goldbrook: A shock of cold tears into Westra, who growls but stays upright
Westra follows the fleeing beast and takes another series of strikes at it.
rolling 1d4
(1)= 1

Westra Goldbrook: Euron falls and Westra ROARS in frustration and fury as the beast launches itself into the air. She follows it, skidding to a halt just as it lands, and with gritted teeth tears apart the monstrosity's side, spilling entrails and blood in a heated splash over the dungeon floor. The monstrosity falls with a gurgling snarl, and lays unmoving on the cold stone.
Westra huffs, watching for a moment to make sure it is slain, and then turns to take in the room.

Westra Goldbrook: She goes to Euron's side and kneels, and casts her last spell to brink him back to wakefulness.

Dungeon Lord: The beast continues to twitch for several seconds as the magical energy dissipates from the monstrous corpse. Vadin, hears his mother's cry of pain and turns to see the fallen beast. "Mother! NOOOO!"

Wolfe: "AHHHH!!!!! FUCK YOU, YOU GODS DAMNED ACID BLOOD BITCH!" Wolfe yells as he swings wildly at the air in front of him. He keeps moving forward into his swings until he bounces off of the planetarium frame.
Landing flat on his ass, Wolfe wipes at his eyes with his sleeve, trying to restore his vision. "What...hey.. we won?"

Dr Catriona: "Mister Wolfe, calm down! It is subdued!"

Westra Goldbrook: "Wolfe!" Westra calls, as she helps Euron to his feet. "It is done."

Wolfe: Wolfe lifts a fist up into the air. "Everyone alright?"

Westra Goldbrook: "For the moment," she said, turning to look at the boy. "Vadim."

Jonias Siannodel: Seeing the beast fall beside him, Jonias bolts upright, and out of the way of the crashing beast and Westra.
"Captain, I will find a bard, first town we get to, and tell them of this act." The elf bows, formalities and all, befound bounding out from behind the counter.

GIZMO-3:  The mechanical owl gives Vadim the stink eye. And what big eyes they are.

Vadim:  "No! No no no no....I can fix you Mom....just give me more time. The protein synthesis was off, but I can recalculate the mitochondrial replication rate."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra glances at Jonias, but is in no mood for joviality. She is yet cursed and poisoned, and leaning uncharacteristically on her halberd.

Dr Catriona: "This child is clearly disturbed."

Wolfe: Wolfe getting to his feet, cleans off his sword and sheaths it. Dusting his hands off he goes to inspect the rest of the lab to see if it has any insights about Sera or the rest of this insanity.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra draws a steeling breath, stows her weapon, and moves over towards the child. She takes his shoulder, and turns him away from the monstrous corpse. She kneels down to be eye level with him.
"Vadim, listen to me."

Wolfe: Wolfe finds a potion, maybe a red one? He thinks it's a healing potion. So he drinks it.

Vadim:  The child seems lost in his own thoughts, the Doctor might relate to running calculations in her head.

Wolfe: (rolled a 1 I figure it's apt)

Dr Catriona: "No, Mister Wolfe what are you doing?"
Its just Red Drank

Vadim:  93

Wolfe: "What. It looks like a healing potion."

Jonias Siannodel: "Said the blind man"

Dr Catriona: "And flammable oil looks like pudding!"

Wolfe: "I'm not blind anymore, I was but I got the acid out. Everything looks fine to me!"

Dr Catriona: She smacks her forehead.

Wolfe: "Whoa..." He says as he looks down at the bottle with wide-eyes, his lips still tingling from the taste.

Euron Sand: Euron feels like he got hit by a herd of wagons all moving in a circle all over his body.

Westra Goldbrook: "Vadim," Westra repeats, gently jostling the boy's shoulder's to try and get his attention. "I'm sorry, but that was no longer your mother. She has been gone for some time. You cannot save her. I'm not sure you ever could."

Wolfe: "THIS STUFF IS.. Holy Gods I can see your words."

Westra Goldbrook: "You must stop and look at all of the people who have been hurt while you have been trying to do the impossible here. Do you understand everything you've done?"

Wolfe: Wolfe will slowly find a seat and sit down as he's overwhelmed by the mega-hallucinatory.

Dr Catriona: No medical doctor, Catriona just gives Wolfe a worried glance... but he hasnt passed out so she gingerly steps toward Euron and gives him her remaining 9 GoodBerries.

Vadim:  He looks to Westra with cold determination that she can empathize with. "I can. And I will. She wasn't my mother, but I will bring back the real one. I just need to reanimate the cells properly."

Westra Goldbrook:

Dr Catriona: "It is not much, but they may help." They will restore 9 HP to Euron, but over a minute.

Westra Goldbrook: "Vadim. Stop. Listen to me."

Jonias Siannodel: Not one for dealing with children, Jonias moves to help the half-orc upright.
"Come along friend." The elf says to Wolfe, looking to help him up.

Vadim:  "Hurt? I didn't hurt anyone." He looks genuinely confused. "I just run my tests down here. Dari gets me the ingredients I need, I am not hurting anyone, and the creatures are all locked up."

Wolfe: "Whoah....." Wolfe doesn't resist Jonias's leading him, looking to be somewhat confused and high af.

Dr Catriona: The bespectacled doctor calls over to the sun elf. "Mister Siannodel, um... perhaps you can investigate this celestial.. um... apparatus?"

Jonias Siannodel:

Euron Sand: Euron accepts the Goodberries from Cat.
"Thank you, Doctor. This is much appreciated." Euron said, eating the first one. He'll continue to eat them while he collects his wits.

Westra Goldbrook: "These experiments you've been doing, has Dari had access to them? Someone has been creating and releasing abominations, weird combinations of werewolves and monsters."

Vadim:  "Of course, this is his lab. He lets me use it to try and fix mother."

Westra Goldbrook: "Where is your mother?"

Vadim:  He points to the dead werebeast. "I miscalculated. Again. Reanimating and curing lycanthropy simultaneously has proven troublesome."

Jonias Siannodel: "I will Doctor Wicker, but first we must get our friend here somewhere nice to lie down. By the smell on him I'd say he was under the influence of a europhic tonic. No major harm, but we should at least do him the honor of putting him somewhere comfortable."

Wolfe: "I'm not euphoric I'm a Half-Orc! Not a You Orc."
"I'm fine." Wolfe pats Jonias's arm. "I'm fine."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looked confused. "You just said she was not your mother?"

Vadim:  "She is......inside. That monster wasn't who SHE IS."

Jonias Siannodel: "Yes of course you are my friend. Either way, perhaps I should lead you away from the other potions for now."

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't resist, he's still trippin.

Dr Catriona: Her eyebrows push together as she watches the Half-Orc spaz out.

Jonias Siannodel:

Wolfe: "What? Why? I already feel better. Wait where are you going..." Wolfe says, confused, as Jonias leaves.
For a moment he just seems sad. He frowns heavily and sits down in the middle of the floor, drinking more of the potion.

Dungeon Lord: Wolfe suddenly feels better and not sad.

Westra Goldbrook: "But now... now she is gone? And she wasn't before?" she asks, trying to understand something that is clearly beyond her ken.

Dr Catriona: Catriona will walk over and try to pry the potion away from Wolfe.

Vadim:  "No, she was dead. She was killed by a werewolf several years ago."

Jonias Siannodel: Feeling confident that Wolfe was in good hands with Euron, the elf slipped away quickly to see what he could make of the planetarium device. What the plants do themselves he couldn't figure out, but he seemed to at least get a grasp of the controls.

Vadim:  "I have been working to restore her, with Dari's help.

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't resist Cat Wicker's mega strength, though he looks up in confusion as she takes the potion away. "What? I wasn't finished with whooooooaaaa your hair is nice."

Westra Goldbrook: "I believe Dari was using your research to create monsters to hurt people with, Vadim. The creatures were not all locked up. People have died."

Wolfe: "How do you get it so soft." He reaches his fingers up slowly toward her head in an exploratory fashion.
"It's like it's made out of cotton candy..."
He leans his head up toward her, in a haze as his fingers stroke at her hair.

Euron Sand: Euron watches Wolfe to make sure that he's going to be all right. He's devoured his goodberries and feels marginally better, but is still having a tough day.

Vadim:  "Its a very complex process to reanimate and cure a disease like lycanthropy. Doing both in tandem provides additional complexities. I was able to isolate the lunar protien and can irradiate it from a blood stream, but the stress of reanimation mixed the mitochondrial replication seems to make the protien isolation fail. I believe the increased animation may supercharge the subject's immune response.
"Oh....." He frowns. "That is unfortunate."

Dr Catriona: Mild concern plays on her countenance at the warrior's words, but she takes the potion away, returning to see what aid she can provide Westra.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra frowns, and pauses for a moment.
"Uh.. Doctor?"

Wolfe: Wolfe's hands linger in the air as Cat walks off, and he brings a strand of her hair to his mouth. "Cotton cannnnnndyyyy."

Westra Goldbrook: She gestures the woman over. "Vadim, will you repeat what you just said?"

Dr Catriona: "My specialty is not biological but he is very gifted."

Westra Goldbrook: "Did he just suggest that he can remove lycanthropy?" she asked, quietly.

Wolfe: Wolfe starts wandering around a bit. His fingers are idly moving in the air.
He is licking the air.

Vadim:  1
Almost instantly the potion's effects seem to begin to wear off.

Dr Catriona: She shakes her head at Westra. "If one creates a proven cure for anything, one will be very clear and excited about it..."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias moves to investigate the contents of this table.

Dr Catriona: "He sounds as though he is earnestly trying."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks back to Vadim. "Vadim, how do you know you are able to..." she pauses, trying to recall the words he used, "...eradicate lycanthropy from a bloodstream?"

Wolfe: Slowly coming back down to his senses, Wolfe shakes his head and brings a hand up to his temple, cradling his forehead. "Uggh. yikes. I ache in places I didn't know I could ache."

Dr Catriona: "Scientific process, and the like. I don't think it would be wise to.. um.. leave him without a safe place that he can indulge his intellectual curiosity... like a temple of Oghma or a trusted facility of academics."

Wolfe: Wandering over to the others, he pats Cat's shoulder gently. "Sorry. You were right. Shouldn't drink random colors."

Dr Catriona: "He said irradiate. Not eradicate..."

Vadim:  "I tested it on a subject, but it is not of use unless I can reanimate mother in simultaneously."

Dr Catriona: She almost "AH!'s" at Wolfe sneaking up on her.

Westra Goldbrook: "You cured someone of lycanthropy?"

Jonias Siannodel: "Or a monastery... Somewhere far away." The elf suggests over his shoulder as he continues to search around the tables for items they could use.

Vadim:  "That has been the major point of contention." He nods at Westra.

Dr Catriona: "Contention by whom? You have no peers to assess your work."

Westra Goldbrook: She narrows her eyes. "You said you were successful in that part, but not the part that would bring your mother back to life?"

Vadim:  "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CAN BE PEER REVIEWED UP HERE?!" He throws his hands up in exasperation.

Wolfe: "Only if you have a bunch of halflings smuggled somewhere else in this little dungeon."

Vadim:  "As you can see, the reanimation, still requires further study."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias glares at the child then the others, "Does he really not understand the damage he's done? The people he's killed?"

Wolfe: "Do you understand what the fuck you've done down here?" He asks with an edge to his growl as he looks down at the child mad-scneitist.
"The monsters you've made killed people from your village."

Westra Goldbrook: "He does not seem bothered by the casualties," she murmured, stepping back while rubbing her brow with a frown.

Dr Catriona: She looks to Jonias, then to Wolfe.. "Sirs... it can be difficult for a young mind to grasp proper consequences when burdened with overwhelming intellect."

Wolfe: "And a good gateway to malevolence."

Dr Catriona: "It can overwhelm empathy, sense of place in the world."

Westra Goldbrook: "The townspeople will want their answers," she said, looking to Cat with a weary expression.

Vadim:  "Improbable, they are confined for study and Baldarich developed, with my help, a device to keep those beasts from the North out of our village."

Jonias Siannodel: "Still doesn't absolve him."

Wolfe: "So you think we're lying?"

Dr Catriona: "I did not say it did."

Wolfe: "You're coming with us. You can see it with your own eyes."

Vadim:  "I checked on them several hours prior. All our current stock was accounted for."

Dr Catriona: "Only that I remember being young and being frustrated at the thought that everyone could not understand me and that I was the smartest person in the room."

Westra Goldbrook: "What beasts from the North? You knew about the werewolves?"

Dr Catriona: ((How old is this kid?))

Jonias Siannodel: ((old enough for a solid backhand?))

Vadim:  "The barbarians are the beasts that killed her. I am sure of it. After studying the different lycanthropes of the region only they have the grey fur and features of the beast that mauled her."

Dr Catriona: "If you wish to deliver a reality check, you should walk him through the ruins above."

Wolfe: "That was my plan."

Dr Catriona: "It will be scarring, but it will do the trick."

Westra Goldbrook: "Let's get on with it, then."

Euron Sand: Euron doesn't like what he's hearing from the young man.
"This place should be destroyed."

Wolfe: (Only if we were fucking evil, Sam)
"Not yet. Let's see if there can be some good salvaged out of all of this."

Dr Catriona: "I will stay behind and clean out anything dangerous here."

Vadim:  Jonias finds several potions and other items of interest in the room.

Wolfe: Wolfe puts a hand on Vadim's shoulder and forcefully spins him around and guides him toward the door. "Let's go kid."

Vadim:  " research!"

Westra Goldbrook: Westra walks at Vadim's other side.
"You're about to invest in some field work."

Vadim:  The pair easily "escort" the young boy.

Dr Catriona: "GIZMO, scan the laboratory for any schematics or plans that might be of use." The blonde gives the drone an order while she goes about attempting to cleanse the room of anything that maybe a danger.

Jonias Siannodel: The elf collects several potions and tools. Some he recognizes, others he'll have to figure out.

Wolfe: Wolfe will lead Vadim up to the surface so that he can survey the town.

Vadim:  "Hmmm..."

Wolfe: "Lyla and Baldrich are dead." He tells Vadim. "Some of the guards as well."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra goes along, saying nothing while she looks over the smoldering remains of buildings, and the slain forms of the fallen townspeople.

Vadim:  He says as he looks across the village.

Euron Sand: Euron will join Westra and Wolfe in escorting Vadim to see the results of his handiwork.

Jonias Siannodel:

Vadim:  "It seems the electrical discharge of the planetary foci may of disrupted the subterranean plates within the village. Most unfortunate. I did tell Dari we required better containment areas, if I had enough crystals for the ionized containment fields, the elemental beasts would have remained in containment. "

Westra Goldbrook: "Vadim," Westra says, her voice finally edged sharply. "Did you hear him? Your work, your choices have killed your friends and townspeople! Does that mean nothing to you?"

Wolfe: Wolfe's eyes narrow at Vadim's emotionless survey of the situation.

Vadim:  "This is an unfortunate series of events, though not unformulated. Lyla was a nice girl, though not terribly bright." He looks around again.

Wolfe: "That right?"
Wolfe turns Vadim around to face him. "So you feel no grief, no regret over what you've done? The consequences don't mean anything to you?"

Vadim:  "Dari assured me containment was not a concern, but all evidence pointed to financial motives rather than science or altruism. My lack of financial resources left me with little alternative."

Wolfe: "Yeah. That's terrible."
Wolfe draws Shokan.

Vadim:  "I can bring them back, I just need more time."

Westra Goldbrook: "Wolfe."

Wolfe: "Your time is up."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra pulls the boy aside, away from the half-orc.
Weary and sick as she is, her stare is steely.

Westra Goldbrook: "We are not savages."

Wolfe: "Nothing savage about justice."
"Those who pass the sentence should swing the sword."

Vadim:  "I will fix them. Just as I will fix Sera and mother."

Wolfe: "Not going to give you the chance to make more monsters and hurt more innocents, kid."

Westra Goldbrook: "This town has suffered the pain of his choices. This town should be afforded the chance to decide his fate, whether that is affording him mercy, seeking help for his... state.. or exacting the justice you speak of."
"It is not our place."

Wolfe: "It was our place to get involved in their affairs."

Westra Goldbrook: "He's a child."

Vadim:  "I would have already fixed Sera, but....if Dari knew that I had the cure, I calculate a 87% probability that he would not allow my experiments to continue."

Wolfe: "That's caused the death of innocents."
"Including another child."

Westra Goldbrook: She looked back to Vadim. "You do have the cure, then?" she asked, seeming confused once more.

Wolfe: Wolfe doesn't seem phased or affected by the revelation.

Vadim:  He sighs. "I already said that."

Westra Goldbrook: "Where is it? Is it a serum? A ritual? Is it written down or distilled?"

Vadim:  "It requires an ichor and in addition to ionized moonlight particles.
"That allows adhesion to the affected cells."

Wolfe: "I'm willing to do a compromise."

Westra Goldbrook: "Have you recorded this somewhere?"

Wolfe: Wolfe sheaths his sword.

Vadim:  "Yes, I have my notes down in the lab."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looked to Wolfe and waited.

Wolfe: "We give him to the Silver Dragon. She decides what happens to him."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra looks around at the ruined town, and then nodded. "That feels more just than..." she trailed off, though her eyes glanced at the now-sheathed katana.

Dr Catriona: If she can be done with the lab, she will find her way back up to the town.

Wolfe: "He was partly responsible for the kidnapping and experimenting on her child. She's a creature of unquestionable Good. She is wise and powerful."
"She weighed our souls and knew what was there."
"She will know if he's redeemable or not."

Dr Catriona: Dusting off her hands, she looks around until she finds the rest of the group.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra nods again. When the Doctor emerges, Westra looks to her. "Did you find his notes?"

Vadim:  "I did request a mature Silver dragon. But Dari was unable to locate such a creature, he said the adolescent was the only one available."

Wolfe: "I know where the parent is."

Dr Catriona: "I have not looked through all the documents in detail."

Wolfe: "You'll get to meet her yourself."

Dungeon Lord: The doctor found a pile of notes and potions, though a portion of them were ruined by random potion bombs.

Dr Catriona: "They are not all in the best shape."

Vadim:  "Excellent, perhaps I can collect some samples. I need my spectrometer and A.M.D."

Jonias Siannodel: With a sack full of vials, potions, and tools, Jonias carries them up in hopes of distributing the potions as needed among the injured. Assuming the vials are tested first...
The elf taps on his book, looking to gather some insight from his dragonling familiar. Beryl however did not emerge from her home...

Wolfe: "You want a good head start on saving yourself and making amends, you should work with Cat here on the Lycanthropy cure. There were plenty of people bit who may have survived here."
"Westra included."

Vadim:  "I already have a potion brewed, here it is." He points to a blue silver potion Cat is carrying in her arms. "To create more I need additional silver dragon scales, swamp troll blood, and several other ingredients.

Westra Goldbrook: "Will that cure any lycanthropy, or just that transmitted by a bite?"

Dr Catriona: She makes a face and looks at the vial.

Vadim:  "It isolates the latent pathogen, it is universal."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra reaches for the blue silver potion in Cat's arms.

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias, a bit late to the party, looks confused at the reception the child is receiving. "I suppose some of his ingredients are in here?" Jonias hold up his bag.

Wolfe: (afk work stuff)

Dr Catriona: "So you posit the infection and the genetic anomaly are rooted in the same source." she says aloud.
The Doctor looks to Westra. "We do not know of his assessment is.. um.. accurate or without unknown side effects."

Vadim:  "Correct, the infection cannot perform cellular replication, but isolates itself from the body's immune response."
"So targeting the cellular footprint, the potion allows us to eradicate both types of pathogens."

Dr Catriona: "But you have had no successful trials."

Westra Goldbrook: "It is not for me," she murmurs, eyeing the potion. She passes it to Wolfe with a solid look. "He said it has worked once before."
She then left him with it and went to find Euron

Dr Catriona: "Worked is a broad term."

Wolfe: Wolfe takes the potion and considers it.

Vadim:  "Dari captured one of the tribesmen of the north, and I was able to test the result. The man was unable to transform post treatment and his bite did not distribute the pathogen."

Dr Catriona: ((same dude who was drinking random red drank in a stranger's cellar 20 min ago ))

Wolfe: "What'd you do with him afterward?"

Vadim:  "I told Dari I had completed the trial without success and he was placed back in containment. Unfortunately, after treatment, his peers in the same containment decided to consume him. He was discovered perished the following morning."

Dr Catriona: "Fascinating, but a single cessation of the trait in a random host is not exactly what I would consider a healthy sample to judge a proper conclusion from."

Westra Goldbrook: After locating Euron, Westra will inquire about some curse removal before she wolfs out on ppl.

Dr Catriona: "But, I suppose it is something."

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs at the description of the aftermath.

Dr Catriona: "Did those who consume him have no effect from the serum in his system?"

Wolfe: "Alright. Let's have you say your goodbyes to the villagers." He starts leading the kid to the other townsfolk.

Dr Catriona: consume'd

Vadim:  "It's difficult to conduct a proper study in secret."

Dr Catriona: "OBVIOUSLY." she says in sudden, almost random frustration.

Vadim:  "It did not appear to, just normal regurgitation of skeletal pieces."

Dr Catriona: Catriona straightens her coat some and recomposes herself.

Euron Sand: Euron isn't far from Westra. He looks very upset at the idea of a young person causing all of this suffering.
"Captain, how are you holding up?"

Westra Goldbrook: "Glad to be upright, and thankful. But if you are not too weary, I was hoping you could help resolve the little matter of..." she trailed off, gesturing to the werewolf bite that'd infected her with the curse.

Dr Catriona: The doctor rubs her temples some as its been a trying day.

Euron Sand: "Yes, I can help with that right now." Euron said. He was weary, but for his sister in the faith, Euron will do what is needed.
He removed the Watcher's Eye from around his neck and gently moved it over the bite. He spoke slowly in the Celestial language, demanding that the werewolf's curse leave Westra's body.

Wolfe: (We're not on some other time crunch tho are we?)

Dungeon Lord: "Oh gods! Vadim you are safe!" The older man that was worried about him earlier runs up and hugs boy. "Thank you! Thank you all!"

Vadim:  "I am fine, Father."

Wolfe: "Don't be so quick to be worried about this little shit." Wolfe snarls down at Vadim as the older man hugs him. "He was down below us helping Darish make all the werewolves that attacked the town."

Westra Goldbrook: "My deepest thanks, Father," Westra says, sincerely. "As always, you are a light in the dark."

Wolfe: "He was trying to resurrect your wife and cure her of lycanthropy."

Vadim's Father:  He stands up. "What? Vadim?"

Euron Sand: "You're welcome, Captain. I hope that we're not going to rush off too soon. I think we could all do with a bit of rest. And...I'd like to pray over all that's happened."

Westra Goldbrook: While Wolfe takes the boy around to say his goodbyes, Westra will go looking for the horses and REX

Vadim:  "You wouldn't understand Father. You were content with putting her in the ground and leaving her there. I told you I could fix her."

Westra Goldbrook: "We can rest on the way, I'm certain," Westra assures the cleric. "It will take us several days to reach her."

Dungeon Lord: "YOU CAN'T FIX THE DEAD! I have told you this a hundred tims young man! Gods be good he is with Torm." He shouts to Vadim.

Wolfe: "Yeah well he didn't get the message."

Vadim:  "As I said, your mind cannot comprehend the complex issues I am trying to solve."

Wolfe: "Brilliance can breed arrogance."

Dungeon Lord: The man slaps the boy across the face leaving a red welt. "You will not speak to me in such a tone." He looks to Wolfe. "How was he involved with all of this?"
Vadim sighs.

Wolfe: "Have to admit, I wanted to do that."

Dr Catriona: Seeing domestic squabbles in the distance, Catriona will walk over to the scene, her meek demeanor falling somewhat away.

Jonias Siannodel: "Or necessity gave birth to obsession. Magic can do what this child cannot. This child may indeed be brilliant, but so disconnected..."

Wolfe: "He created the Werewolves. The mecha ones, the fire ones, the undead, pretty much everything. Darish gave him a lab and the kid went nuts. Like a science candy store."

Dr Catriona: "Of all the things he understands, he doesn't understand certain consequences. Hitting him will not change that."

Wolfe: "He had a bunch of stuff down there in cages that he was harvesting for parts or experimenting on."

Dungeon Lord: The man looks around at the corpses still laying on the ground. "What?! But he is just a boy, only a monster could create such beasts..."

Wolfe: Wolfe shrugs.

Dr Catriona: "He was manipulated and exploited."

Wolfe: "Eh..." Wolfe lays his palm out flat and wiggles it a bit.

Dungeon Lord: "...Darish you said? Now that man is trouble....I'll bet he put these ideas in my boy's head.....I am going to have to report him to Eric and...."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias points to the large werewolf and hybrid corpses, "Did the child not create those?"

Dr Catriona: "Who knows how long Darish has been twisting his intellect to his purposes."

Wolfe: "Darish is dead. We already killed him."

Dungeon Lord: "...You WHAT?" He takes a step back.

Wolfe: "Killed him."

Dr Catriona: "Mister, Please calm down."

Dungeon Lord: He seems a little more shaken. "Va...Vadim.....come over here. Away from those people."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra returns after having watered and readied the horses.

Wolfe: Wolfe puts a hand on Vadim's shoulder. "You got something you need to say?"

Dr Catriona: "Mister, I do not advise you have custody of your son."

Wolfe: He doesn't take his eyes off the father's face.

Dr Catriona: "With all do respect... he will outsmart you time and again and that may breed more"

Dungeon Lord: "I think....we should let Eric sort this thing out. You lot helped us against those beasts...but killing villagers....I think I need to take my boy and we can go see Eric." He looks around.

Wolfe: "You go get Eric. We'll be right here."

Dungeon Lord: "ERIC?!" He says with a squeak in his voice. He looks around and runs off shouting.

Wolfe: (No need to sugarcoat it)

Eric: He guard comes marching up with Vadim' father. "Ahh you lot, were you able to find the cause of all this insanity?"

Wolfe: "Yep. Darish and Vadim, here. We killed Darish. Didn't feel right about killing the kid, though."

Eric: His eyes widen. "Darish and Vadim?"

Wolfe: "Darish gave Vadim his lab. Vadim used it to experiment on all manner of shit to try and find a way to resurrect his dead mother and cure her of lycanthropy."
"By the way he turned her into a thirty foot tall mutant werewolf that bled acid."

Eric: He looks down at Vadim and then to his father, then to Wolfe. "But...he is just a kid!"

Wolfe: "No shit that's what I just said."

Eric: "You can't mean to put him in prision?"

Westra Goldbrook: "He is a danger. Since there is no magistrate here, we mean to take him to the most just one we know of who has suffered due to his obsession."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias animated Wolfe's words as he spoke with Minor Illusion and Mage Hand, filling the townsfolk in as they gathered about.
When the half-orc swore the elf merely made a few burry symbols appear in the air.

Eric: "He is just a boy. Darish is a scheming fool, would sell his own mother for a silver....surely Vadim did not intend to harm anyone."

Wolfe: "Eh. The Dragon'll decide on it. She can weigh the soul of those she looks upon."

Dr Catriona: "When I was eight years old, I accidentally created a fissure in the main street of my town that became a geyser and flooded 20 citizens out of their homes for weeks."
"Age doesn't matter when you do not see the world like 'normal' people do."

Wolfe: "Yeah, but did you feel bad about it, Cat?"

Dr Catriona: "No."

Wolfe: "Oh."

Dr Catriona: "I had to learn to."

Wolfe: "Ah."

Dr Catriona: "Which is my baseline point in all of this."

Wolfe: "...I get what you're saying." He wags a finger at her and nods. "So what do you think?"

Dr Catriona: "I am not... good with.. um.. emotion. It does not look like he is either."

Vadim:  "Remorse can input bias into test results and should be avoided along with all emotion during the scientific method."

Wolfe: "We should take him back to Neverwinter and give him to a Temple of Oghma or something?"

Dr Catriona: "And see my point proven."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonais looks at Doctor Wicker, a hint of sadness, "You should have been raised in a more civilized community."

Wolfe: "Where did you go to learn? She was raised in one of the most advanced cities in Faerun, before the Spellplague."

Vadim:  "I read all of Baldarich's books before I was ten. The only way to learn in this educational desert."

Dr Catriona: "Still, when you are a child, it is different."

Jonias Siannodel: "Evereska. Where did you go?"

Dr Catriona: "A temple of Gond. But in my teenage years I went to academy. I feel a temple of Oghma may serve him well as there is likely a rich amount of knowledge there and they value it more than most."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns and considers it

Jonias Siannodel: "Certainly fine people I'm sure. I simply mean that perhaps my people, her shared lineage, could have done better. I'm sorry she did not have that opportunity."

Sera: "Vadim is not to blame, Father."


Wolfe: "It doesn't sit right with me that he doesn't get punished for what he's done. No judgment.." He stops as he hears his daughter's voice, turning to regard her. He is relieved to see her, but outwardly he is still serious.

Dr Catriona: "Is it punishment if he doesnt understand punishment?"

Wolfe: "Sera. You came back."

Sera: The familiar voice of his daughter had crept up behind the group. "When I refused to help Darish anymore, things got out of control." She drops her head. "I am ready to face my judgement, for all my sins. I should have stayed and protected Vadim...and prevented...all of this."

Wolfe: "What do you mean? How did it change?"

Dr Catriona: She shrugs at Jonias. "My mother was Elvish, but she wasn't all too keen on her people. Just about all she taught me was the language."
Twitching her nose, her gaze draws over to the returning Sera.

Sera: "He started capturing other werewolves, and then experimenting on them. Once the farmhouse was no longer suitable for his testing and containment, he moved here. I tried to capture and contain as many of his creatures that got loose as I could, but it was not enough.

Westra Goldbrook: Westra watches and listens, though there's clearly no elation on her face when it's revealed that Sera has returned.

Wolfe: "Why didn't you say this before?"

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias nods to Catriona, "I realize you and Wolfe may have taken my words a slight against you and your own. I meant no ill will. I just feel, well I know you would have had a more understanding approach in Evereska."

Sera: "I.....was confused and....scared. That you would hate me."

Dr Catriona: Her shoulders rise and fall at Jonias, though she does not look offended. "Maybe. I can only take your word for it."

Wolfe: Wolfe frowns and lets out a heavy exhalation of breath. "Sera..." He draws his hand off Vadim and steps forward to her. "You are my daughter. I love you."
He will reach out to embrace her. It seemed the right moment to do it.

Sera: She accepts her father's embrace and sobs into his shoulder. "I. am. so. sorry."

Wolfe: "I know, love." His fingers hold her against him, and he feels something tighten in his chest. As he holds her, a thought comes to mind. Setting her down, he turns to the others.

Dr Catriona: --Circle Wipe Fadeout- (Written and Directed by George Lucas)

Wolfe: "Sera, Vadim has a cure to Lycanthropy."
He reaches into his bag and draws it out. "He had lied."
"But. He's only tested it once."
"You said you're willing to go home? Face your grandfather?"

Sera: "What?" She looks perplexed.

Westra Goldbrook: ((Kids. They never listen.))

Sera: She pauses for a moment and look to Vadim, his brow furrows into a familial frown.
Then she looks back to her father in determination. "Yes. I will face Grandfather's justice whatever that may be. It cannot begin to atone for my actions after I left. For Mama."

Wolfe: Tears sting in Wolfe's eyes. A small smile comes forth and he nods slowly in approval. "Alright." Something she said really struck him, there. He got choked up in the moment. Holding the potion in one hand, he reaches up to the back of his neck and unclasps the amulet. Bunching it up, he extends it onto her.
"Put this on."

Sera: "What about you?"

Wolfe: "I got this." He shakes the potion. "Already had one today. What's the worst that can happen?"

Vadim:  "Wait! We need the lunar isolation chamber!"

Wolfe: "I'm not drinking it now, pipe the fuck down."

Euron Sand: Euron is stunned at this turn of events.

Dr Catriona: The expressive scientist has her lips form a tight line.

Vadim:  "I'm not going to have a half orc ruin my first peer reviewed experiment." He says matter-of-factly.

Wolfe: "Shutup kid, or I'm gonna cut off your hands and use your fingers as snacks."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighs.

Euron Sand: "Vadim, I think it's best if you just let this go."

Westra Goldbrook: She looks to Eric.

Euron Sand: "You're in enough trouble as it stands."

Vadim:  "Orc's don't really consume the flesh of humans, that is one of the children's tales spread across the Sword Coasts to keep children away for orc encampments."

Jonias Siannodel: Jonias laughs loud and very un-elf-like at the half-orc.

Wolfe: "Sera. We're going to go back to Neverwinter to drop this delinquent off at a Temple of Oghma. You should come with us."

Westra Goldbrook: "We are taking him to an institution of learning, where his drive to learn can be nurtured while balanced with a sense of right and wrong. Do you object?"

Sera: "I am your prisoner Father, I will go as I am instructed." She seems more relaxed than Wolfe has seen her these last few days. She even gives him a toothy smile.

Wolfe: "You are my daughter. Not my prisoner." He says, forcefully.
"Alright." he turns to the others. "Let's get settled in, take a rest, get a hot meal maybe? And then let's have this kid try out his ridiculous garbage on me and then we'll take him down to Neverwinter so Westra can be reunited with her lost-love Lord Neverember."
He stows the potion.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Those traits are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Don't you agree Mistress?" The robot appears next to Cat with the Rex in tow.

Dr Catriona: "AH!"

Wolfe: "Before we do, though, I just want to say something. Jonias, Westra, Euron, Cat." He looks to each in turn. "Thank you."

Westra Goldbrook: Westra makes an annoyed sound, then turns to move off. She pauses when Wolfe starts to talk again.

Wolfe: "You've all suffered a lot of pain and anguish helping me get here to find Sera. I won't forget that. It's a debt I can never truly repay."

Euron Sand: "You don't have to thank me, Wolfe. But you're welcome all the same." the Priest says, with a smile.
End Session 45 and Story Arc #2



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Re: Roll20 Session Logs
« Reply #49 on: November 29, 2018, 07:34:55 PM »
Session 46!

Dungeon Lord (GM): Those of the Watch have returned to Neverwinter for their various reasons, though most of their accomplishments seemed to go unappreciated within the confines of the massive city, word of their return had reached some within its walls. Commander Rutherford requested an audience with Wolfe and the Hi Bishous had summoned Euron to the Temple of Helm.
The city bustled in the mid morning as those of the Watch went towards their relative destinations.

Jonias: Jonias is making his way downtown...

Dr Catriona: Doctor Wicker was only in Neverwinter by seeming happenstance (or some would call it fate). One of the premier academies in the city had now formed a branch and department studying the effects of the Spellplague. Hazzah! She had attended some lectures out of curiosity while staying at a nearby tavern when she got the missive by this Rutherford person. She didn't even know Wolfe was in town, which was serendipitous?

Wolfe: Returning from Kara Tur some six months after his departure, Wolfe starts heading toward the agreed upon meeting place with Rutherford. He had not seen Catriona in some time, though he had kept up correspondence via letters whenever possible. He is notably cleaner than the last time he was here and wears a full set of plate armor that is lavishly decorated in wolves and other markings of his clan. Thankfully Neverwinter is not so warm so that it is not a burden. He was surprised to learn that Cat was in town, and as he saw her approach (he arrived early), a broad smile filled his face. "Cat!" He says in jubilation, quickly approaching the doctor with heralding CLANK CLANK CLANK of very heavy armor.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Jonias and his buddy Mike only see the busy streets full of people as he makes his way downtown.

Dr Catriona: "Mister Wolfe!" she says with more Doc-like jubilation which was less cool, but probably more funny.

Wolfe: Grinning the Samurai leans down and picks Cat up, giving her a warm hug. He's careful not to squish her too hard against the armor and knows his brutish Half-Orc strength could be hurtful, but it wasn't like she was some skinny waif. "It's so good to see you!"

Dr Catriona: She is not (and never would be) prepared for that and makes some mouse-ish sound when it occurs. She awkwardly returns the embrace and straightens her peacoat when she is back on solid ground. "You as well... this is an odd coincidence."

Dungeon Lord (GM): Euron and Jonias approached the Temple of Helm from the North. A priest held a hand up to Euron. "The Bishous is presently meeting with another high priest, please wait outside."

Wolfe: Setting her down after just a moment of her feet dangling in the air, Wolfe brings his hands up to her shoulders, though only for a moment as he continues to smile. "How have you been? I didn't know you'd come back to Neverwinter."

Dr Catriona: The bespectecled blond then offers him a brief, beaming smile.

Jonias: Jonias walks quickly, humming to himself. He was used to Euron's bouts of silence. He was deliberate in his thoughts and therefore spent much time thinking. Jonias meanwhile hummed a tune to himself and kept an eye on Beryl.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Perception Checks Please!

Dr Catriona: "Well. I was attending a symposium on the Post Traumatic Effects of the Spellplague on Farm Livestock."
"Fascinating stuff!"


Jonias: "That's fine actually, Brother Euron was simply going to point me towards your library..." Jonias started.

Dr Catriona:

Wolfe: "Uhm... yeah.. I'm... sure it was.." Wolfe says, still smiling but it's a little more plastic than normal.


Wolfe: "It's great to see you Cat. When did you leave Kara Tur?"

Dr Catriona: "I will walk with you to this meeting!"

Wolfe: "That'd be great." His smile becomes more genuine. "Sounds like we're gonna be back at it. Which is good. I missed you." He stops and looks up. "Hey, I think I see Euron. Did Rutherford just call for the entire Watch?"

Dr Catriona: She iterates to Wolfe the specifics of her departure and how she actually arrived via magical travel by some travelling mystics, so she probably left after he did but arrived first.

Jonias: Jonias taps Euron and points towards and a familiar pair walking down the street, "Brother Euron, looks like a bit of Waukeen's luck has graced us."

Dr Catriona: "I don't know... I have not heard any talk of the Watch in a long time." she admits.

Jonias: The makes his way down the street to greet Dr. Wicker and Wolfe.

Wolfe: "That's cheating.." He said as they walk. "I had to ride a damned boat forever. You're going to have to tell me where to find those guys so I don't get stuck being seasick for weeks again."
"Jonias, Euron!" Wolfe offers a broad smile of cheer as he reaches his hand out toward them. The Half-Orc looks a lot more cleaned up than when they last saw him. His clothes are cleaned and pressed, his armor practically shining in the sun.

Dr Catriona: "I believe they went on towards Mechanus, the home of the Modrons. Another p...AH!"

Jonias: "Wolfe! Dr. Wicker! Good morning."

Dr Catriona: "This is quite the peculiar day."

Wolfe: "It's fate," He says with a heavy nod.

Dr Catriona: "Hello." says the doctor with a slightly shy wave of her hand.

Jonias: "Indeed, and i doubt this is mere coincidence. How are you two?"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "The Mistress Returns!" A familiar robot voice says directly behind Cat

Dr Catriona: "AH!"
"You still are ...operational. That is good news."

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over to L.E.R.O.Y. with a smirk, then turns to Cat with a sidelong stance. "Haven't gotten less jumpy, I see."

Dr Catriona: Catriona, as well, is dressed in a somewhat victorian navy-colored peacoat and looks well composed.
"Are you all, umm.. doing well? " she asks the two men.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Operational and well Mistress. Looking forward to returning to your command. The deity worshiper does not understand me as well as you."

Beryllium: Beryl makes herself visible from atop Jonias' shoulder. The dragonling puffs her chests and make a few, happy? snaps in the air towards Wolfe and Cat. The dragonling bounds over L.E.R.O.Y.'s head and begins to to complain to Dr. Wicker about what a slow servant L.E.R.O.Y. is in her draconic and sylvan tongues, unsure if the good Dr. understands at how disappointed she is at her choice in servants.

L.E.R.O.Y.: "This one is more annoying than the owl. She doesn't realize I speak four million five hundred seventy four thousand three hundred eighty eight dialects and languages." He motions towards Beryl.

Dr Catriona: "Um.. okay. I hope you were a good help to Father Sand and his projects." says the doctor to the automaton.

Wolfe: "Kept it from being boring, I'm sure." He looked to both men. "How long have you both been back in town? Did Rutherford ask for you too?"

L.E.R.O.Y.: "Manual labor is not what I was designed for Mistress, but I assure you I performed beyond the capacity of a human."

Jonias: Jonias chuckles towards Dr. Wicker, "We are well doctor. Just back from Sunderwood and on to further research. I was able to help Brother Euron here and so he has offered me access to the Helmite archives here."
Jonias chuckles again at Beryl and the automiton, "Forgive her, she's very particular about servants and isn't overly fond with this one, but he was fine and did as Euron needed.

Cullen Rutherford: "It seems you clean up well Wolfe, find your way out of that bottle?" The heavy commanding voice of Cullen Rutherford speaks from several yards away as he approaches the group.

Wolfe: Wolfe turns towards Rutherford as he approaches. "Rutherford." He gives a soft nod. "A lot has changed since the last time we talked."

Cullen Rutherford: "For the better it seems. I am pleased to see it." He extends a hand and gives Wolfe a strong shake.

Wolfe: Wolfe returns the shake firmly. "How'd you know we were all in town? And what's going on?"

Cullen Rutherford: "These must be the others of 'The Watch'?" He looked around. "Father Euron is easy enough to identify, Lady Wicker." He offers a nod.
"After sitting in cells for years, you think there is anything that goes on in this city that I don't hear about? I wouldn't be very good at my job."

Dr Catriona: "Umm.. Doctor." She earned that honorific.

Wolfe: "Doc.." He was about to correct, but Cat beat him to it.
"But, yes. And unless Westra went and got married to Neverember while I was gone, she is too." He offers a small grin at that, mostly in jest cause he's in a good mood.

Cullen Rutherford: "My apologies. It has been some time since Westra told me of your deeds in Sunderwood." He smiled to Wolfe. "Almost as heroic a tale as Neverember leading us into the breach here."

Jonias: Jonias simply nods and smiles to the law men, wishing to appear only as friend to The Watch for now.

Wolfe: "...Neverember?" Wolfe looks confused. "You mean Tylmandra, right?"
"Or.." The Half-Orc grins. "You just givin your boss the credit in public?"

Euron: Euron was glad to see everyone again, after all this time.
"Neverwinter remains standing. That's always good to see."

Cullen Rutherford: He gave Wolfe a strange look. "Westra.....has not had a pleasant last few months. Neverember was furious that she went with you instead of his charge. She is pulling double shifts nearly every day of the week. He will calm down, and things will return to normal."

Euron: "She saved lives. Why is she being punished for that?"

Beryllium: Still on top of L.E.R.O.Y. the little dragonling goes invisible at first sight of the fuzz.

Wolfe: "Cause Neverember doesn't like people having a free thought in their head and not furthering his agenda. Still..." He sighs, reflecting on his own misdeeds to his Shogun. "It could be worse. Double duty is a small penance for breaking one's word to their sworn lord." He looked to Cat for her reaction to that.

Dr Catriona: Clasping her hands together, she looks off to the side. It is like they never left, in some ways.

Cullen Rutherford: "No? Do you not remember? Neverember himself offered to save the city and lead the forces of Neverwinter against the Spell scarred. I thought you fought with us?"

Wolfe: "..." Wolfe turns to look back to Rutherford like he grew another head. "Rutherford.. did you start drinking while I left?"

Dr Catriona: "I have never um... met you before."

Cullen Rutherford: "Tylmandra accepted his offer of marriage and after defeating the beholder within the breach and sealing the chasm. They have been married for nearly a year."

Euron: Euron blinked. That didn't sound right at all. He was here. The Regulators fought that battle...

Wolfe: "...Rutherford.. you're all twisted up. What're you talking about? None of that has happened. Neverember helped the city, I'll give him that, but it was Tylmandra and the Regulators that killed the Beholder, sealed the chasm, and let the spellscarred live in the city afterwards."

Cullen Rutherford: The man leans forward and smells Wolfe's breath before turning back and looking at his two escorts. They just shrug, seemingly as confused as everyone else.

Dr Catriona: "I... don't understand this joke."

Cullen Rutherford: "All the spell-scarred are dead. Neverember decreed they all must die or we risk reinfestation."

Wolfe: "Wait.. what? You murdered the spellscarred?!"

Cullen Rutherford: He gritted his teeth at Wolfe, who clearly struck a nerve. "I followed. My Lord's Orders."

Dr Catriona: Having not been in Neverwinter when all this occurred, the scientist becomes more and more agitated.

Euron: "That's...that's not how it happened!

Cullen Rutherford: "What is wrong with you all?"

Euron: "Lady Tylmandra wouldn't have allowed that."

Wolfe: Wolfe is visibly getting angry.

Dr Catriona: "Commander, you summoned us."

Cullen Rutherford: "Lady Tylmandra had little choice, everyone in Neverwinter was being killed."

Wolfe: "This doesn't make any damned sense..."

Jonias: "I'm confused."

Cullen Rutherford: "She had to accept Neverember's help or watch her city fall."

Dr Catriona: "I umm.. don't know why. Or why everyone is so agitated, but this is the strangest morning meeting I've had in a... a while."

Cullen Rutherford: "No one else was here to help us."

Wolfe: "You let a tyrant murder innocents!"

Jonias: "I'm with you Dr. Wicker..." the elf's words were cut short by Wolfe's outburst.

Wolfe: Wolfe growls as he takes a single step toward Rutherford, but he seems to remember himself at the last moment and walks it back, a low growl coming from the big man.
"Get to the point as to why you're here."

Cullen Rutherford: He looked around, confused and annoyed at Wolfe's weird agitation. "Well.....Lady Tylmandra and Neverember are missing."

Wolfe: "...What? You lost both your city's rulers?"

Dr Catriona: "That is probably a bad thing."

Cullen Rutherford: "That is not something that is known to many, but they disappeared three nights prior. Seemingly vanished from their bed chambers. I have been running the day to day, but I can only put off their appearances so long."

Dr Catriona: "Administrative catastrophe more than likely in such a scenario."

Euron: "What clues have you found? There has to be something."

Jonias: "How is this not bigger news? Does much of the city not know?" Jonias spoke in a more hurred tone.

Dr Catriona: "Measure to.. um.. prevent panic, Mister Siannodel."

Cullen Rutherford: "Did you hear about Luskan? Several months ago it collapsed into full fledged guerrilla warfare. High Captain Baram murdered the other three rulers, and has seized control of the city. Baram always loathed Neverember and I suspect it may have been a political move to increase his influence."

Wolfe: "City might be better off without them." Wolfe says grimly.

Cullen Rutherford: "Only my personal guard, myself, and Neverember's advisor are aware."

Wolfe: "So you think Luskan's behind it."

Euron: "Zimran went to Luskan." Euron said.

Wolfe: "I care about finding Zimran about as much as I care about finding Neverember."

Dr Catriona: "That was many months ago." she says to the priest.

Cullen Rutherford: "Our best guess. Iarno said he has heard rumors that Baram had turned his sights to expanding."

Dr Catriona: "What would.. um.. you like us to do about political upheaval?"

Cullen Rutherford: "I would like you to do investigation and extraction. Westra seemed to think Wolfe and you all would be the best people for the job."

Dr Catriona: "From my understanding, the Sword Coast region and the continent at large is umm.. commonly subject to political and civil movements, change of leadership and other social disruptions."

Wolfe: "Fuck Neverember. This city is better off without him. Why should we care?"

Dr Catriona: " that his first name?"

Wolfe: "Yes." He says, deadpan.

Cullen Rutherford: "I wouldn't have bothered asking if Lady Neverember wasn't in peril as well."

Dr Catriona: "Oh my.." she says, believing it,

Cullen Rutherford: "Your feelings on Neverember as well known."

Wolfe: Wolfe lets out a slow growl as Cullen calls Tylmandra 'Lady Neverember'.

Dr Catriona: "You want us to save a princess?"

Euron: "Unfortunately...he's an important political figure. If he dies or vanishes, that leaves a power vaccuum that may be taken up by someone you like even less, Wolfe."

Cullen Rutherford: "Queen."

Wolfe: "What good is she if she's going to just go along with murdering innocents? For that matter." He pokes Rutherford in the chest. "What good are you?"

Euron: "I hate the idea of anyone murdering innocents keeping a hold on their power. But who else could govern this city and protect the people?"

Jonias: Jonias holds his tome in hand and looks to Dr. Wicker, "Read this one, bet we get to go into a castle."

Wolfe: "So what? Who's going to come along? A Red Wizard? We're talking about a guy who had a quarter of his city put to death because they look different." he turns to regard the others.

Dr Catriona: "I... um.. do not wish to hold books right now, if that is alright with you."

Wolfe: "Let Westra be in charge. She's a noble, right?"
"Or you take the job, Rutherford, if you can get your head out of your ass long enough to see that what you did was wrong."

Cullen Rutherford: Cullen's face grew stern and he smacked Wolfe's hand away. "I am honor bound to my liege lord, same as you. Don't get all righteous on me Wolfe. You sat in a bar wallowing over your daughter for five years. The spell scarred were monsters, they killed many more innocents. Tylmandra and I thought they could be redeemed, but Neverember was not willing to risk it, so I followed orders."

Wolfe: "I never murdered innocents for my Shogun! It's not the same thing!" He snarls as the two men begin to grow heated.

Euron: Euron steps forward between them. "Wolfe, let's step away from this and figure out what to do next." .

Dr Catriona: The doctor begins to look somewhat despondent to the way this mad situation continues to unravel.

Wolfe: "There's nothing to figure out." Wolfe says as he, still, allows Euron to guide him back. "I won't save Neverember. I won't lift a damned hand for that piece of scum."

Cullen Rutherford: He sighed. "Hundreds were dying to them every day, the other seventy five percent of the city would have died to them and the Flaming Fist would have stood outside the city until it fell, then marched in to claim the ashes. Is that truly a better outcome?"

Dr Catriona: "Is this really the forum for this discussion?"

Jinharath: A woman in hunting leathers speaks up from the rooftoop eave where she has been lurking and listening.
"Starting a fight with this one will do you no good," she says to Wolfe, folding her arms. "He wasn't as strong as we were. I expect the wizard got him."

Dr Catriona: "AH!"

Jinharath: "You say that alot," she says, frowning in concern towards the doctor. "Are you ill?"

Wolfe: Wolfe looks up toward the strange woman. "..Who the fuck are you?" He snarls out - his manners had gotten away from him right now. He's really upset.

Dr Catriona: "I just wish people would wear louder footwear." she admits.

Jinharath: "Jinharath. I am meant to help you. You are meant to help him, I think," she said, gesturing to Rutherford.

Jonias: "No she just spooks easily. Did it to mee the first half dozen times I spoke to the party."

Jinharath: She looks down at her boots, then back at the doctor and frowns.

Cullen Rutherford: During their discussion, the group finds that the day has grown dark, black clouds cover the sky blotting out most of the sun.

Wolfe: "I don't know what that means. Meant to help him?"

Euron: Euron regards the newcomer.
"Hail, traveler."

Cullen Rutherford: Cullen raises his eyes to the sky before looking back to his guards.
"Wolfe. Draw your weapon."

Jonias: "Perhaps we should take this discussion indoors? Euron and i were just going into the temple. I'm sure they could afford us some space."

Dr Catriona: She looks up towards the sky. "There is unusual atmospheric activity occurring." She points.

Jinharath: "Yes," she says, her expression clearing as she looks back to Wolfe. "I--" she stops and looks up at the sky, then at Rutherford when he asks for weapons to be drawn.

Wolfe: Wolfe looks over to Rutherford then, like he grew another head. "Look, Rutherford, you might be pissing me off with your nonsense but I'm not going to fight you."

Jinharath: "Pirates come like rain, sometimes."

Dungeon Lord (GM): The sun faded into a twilight a moment later, small clouds of darkness float down from the air above.

Jonias: Jonias looks for cover.

Cullen Rutherford: "It's not to fight me." The three soliders draw their blades and pull their shields from their back.

Wolfe: The weird lighting catches his gaze and he looks up. "Oh... I don't think those are clouds?"

Dr Catriona: "More like camouflage."

Jinharath: Jin draws her swords, and narrows her eyes, watching the clouds.

Dr Catriona: She activates her Mage Armor.
Doctor Wicker
Euron Sand

Dr Catriona: She brings two metal billy clubs together with a twist, converting them into some kind of staff. The weapon sparks briefly.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Clouds of dense blackness float down, their vauge shape showing arms outstretched to the group.

Wolfe: Wolfe blinks as he looks over to Cat as she summons forth some sort of new metal weapon. "New tricks?" he looks over to her with a smirk, reaching for Shokan at his back.

Dr Catriona: "Idle hands, make all kinds of toys, Mister Wolfe."

Dungeon Lord (GM): A hooded figure appears on a nearby roof, Euron recognizes the garb of The Black Claw. He launches a bolt of energy at Cullen.

Cullen Rutherford: "Ufff" He says as dark energy hits him in the chest.

It is Jonias's turn   

Euron: Euron's eyes widen. The Black Claw was here?!

Dr Catriona: "I..Identify yourselves!"
It is Paladin's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM): "Protect the Commander!" He charges forth.

Jonias: The elf fires a shot before ducking back around the entrance to the temple to take cover from the dark figures.

Dungeon Lord (GM):
His attacks pass through the cloud without effect.

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: The Doctor steps over one step and her gauntlets light up, with LEDs. She claps her hands in an extravagant gesture, unleashing visible shockwave that ripples the air but is totally silent*. Except in your brains!
Psychic Blast (6 psi). As an action, you unleash devastating psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make an Intelligence saving throw, taking 37 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can increase the damage by 6 if you spend 1 more psi point on this ability. Will spend all 7 points.

Wolfe: "Whoa," Wolfe says softly in surprise.

Dr Catriona: She will step back to shoulder up with Wolfe. (focus on Psychic assault))
((its 43 damage to all failers))

It is Darkness's turn   

Wolfe: "Remind me to keep your hands busy." He says softly with a small smile as he reaches for his blade.

Dungeon Lord (GM):


Dungeon Lord (GM): A massive catlike creature bounds from the shadows fast as a blink and lands next to Wolfe.

Dr Catriona: "Egh!!!" she exclaims.

Wolfe: "Ow!"

Dungeon Lord (GM): It's jaws snap at Euron as it slashes at Wolfe.

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

Dr Catriona: ((yep))

It is Paladin's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Cullen Rutherford's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):
Cullen hefts his blade and it bites into one of the shadows.

It is Jinharath's turn   

Jinharath: Jinharath jumps down from the roof to street level, and strikes twice against the creature of Darkness nearest her.

Dr Catriona: "The lack of solar exposure strengthens these assailants, I think." she says with a strained tone.

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Euron: Euron draws his mace!
rolling 1d8
(7)= 7

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Darkness's turn   

Dr Catriona: (for shadows?)

Dungeon Lord (GM):
Another Cultist appears on another roof.


Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe draws Shokan from its sheath and as he does the razor-sharp edge seems to crackle with a quick line of electricity. Taking a deep breath, he finds his focus.
Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   



Dungeon Lord (GM): The black snap of electricity flies across the battlefield.

Jinharath: Seeing the snap of lightning coming, Jin rolls aside! She's spared the brunt of the blast, though she still takes a bit of charring.

It is Jonias's turn   

Dr Catriona: half 13

Wolfe: "OwWWWwwWWW!" Wolfe yells out as he gets zapped by lightning.

Dr Catriona: Catriona's skeleton lights up as her silhouette inverts from the voltage.


Dr Catriona: A robotic voice from her coat speaks aloud. "--Power At 370%--"

It is Paladin's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):


Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: As frizzed as she is... Catriona seems impressed and pleased with that assessment.

Cullen Rutherford: "Kill. The. Cultists." He shouts to the Doctor.

Dr Catriona: DC 17 Wisdom Save for Lightning thrower

Dungeon Lord (GM):

Dr Catriona:
"Mister Wolfe! Incomming!"

Wolfe: "Why hello there!"

Dungeon Lord (GM): "What?!"


Dr Catriona: And she uses her bonus to heal 5 hp.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dungeon Lord (GM): "Kill him!" The cultist yells to the shadow beast.

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Paladin's turn   

Dr Catriona: She aims her wrist at the cultist and three blue lasers focus on him from some unseen source. Then the lights brighten in intensity, swapping the two beings.

Dungeon Lord (GM):

Wolfe: Wolfe's lookin in a bad way at this point, like he's not built to be getting his ass kicked in that armor.

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Cullen Rutherford's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM): Cullen moves next to Wolfe and attacks the Cat Beast.

It is Jinharath's turn   

Jinharath: Unsettled by how poorly her swords seemed to affect the dark creature, Jin sheathes them and pulls out her daggers, hoping their silvered edges will be more effective.

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Euron Sand's turn   


It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):


Dungeon Lord (GM): The other Cultist aims at Euron again.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe attacks the cat.


Dungeon Lord (GM): The cultist pulls out a blade glowing with black energy and swings it at Wolfe.

It is Jonias's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe delivers some beat down to the Cat and then gets some beatdown from a scimitar using cultist.

Jonias: rolling d8
(4)= 4

It is Paladin's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: The doctor reaches out a hand, pinching the air with three fingers, then sweeps it across. A blade of rippling space soars toward the Creature attacking wolf.
+2 damage
No damage
21 otherwise

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Darkness's turn   

Wolfe: "Thanks Cat!"

Dungeon Lord (GM):

Dr Catriona: The animal's eyes blast out of its skull from its brain rapidly expanding.

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Paladin's turn   

Dr Catriona: (I didnt finish my turn)
So first of all
So it doesnt hit
and I use a reaction to make it hit itself.

Jonias: Jonias hums a tune again, this time the runes along the elf's thin blade began to glow and rumble with energy. The elf struck at the rooftop assassin, wreathing the cultist in energy before hopping back along the roof.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Cullen Rutherford's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM): "Wolfe! Kill the Cultists!"
It is Jinharath's turn   

Wolfe: Wolfe sighs for a moment, as he really wants to grab Rutherford by the scruff and use him as a club.

Jinharath: Jinharath returns to her swords and tries yet again to damage the creature.
rolling 1d4
(2)= 2

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Euron Sand's turn   

Jinharath: With the creature finally sundered, Jin kips back up the side of the temple to try and confront the cultist there.

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):


Dungeon Lord (GM): The cultist fires at Jin as she climbs up with murder in her eyes.

Jinharath: Jin strafes to the side, evading the blast.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Wolfe: "Come back to Waterdeep and this is what happens. Shoulda stayed in Kara fucking Tur..."

Cullen Rutherford: "This isn't Waterdeep."

Wolfe: 3
"Shut the fuck up Rutherford!!"


Cullen Rutherford:

It is Jonias's turn   

Wolfe: "That all you got, you sissy little dress-wearer?" Wolfe grunts as the scimitar skitters along his armor.


It is Paladin's turn   

Cullen Rutherford:

It is Doctor Wicker's turn   

Dr Catriona: 19 psychic

Jonias: Jonias bounded up the roof again, slashing at the cultist again with his thunderous blade before hopping down to the melee below.

Doctor Wicker ---- End of Turn ✔✔

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

Dr Catriona: Miss

It is Paladin's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Cullen Rutherford's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

Dr Catriona: The magnetic shield swirls around the doctor, warping any kinetic energy that comes her way.

It is Jinharath's turn   

Jinharath: Jin takes off across the rooftop after the fleeing cultist!

Cullen Rutherford: "You were fools to come this far East." He says to the cultist, slashing a shadow as he moved towards him.

Jinharath: Angered by the chase, she reaches back into her early training and uses it to fuel a pair of elbow strikes in quick succession

Dr Catriona: The doctor's strange attack rattles the brain of the cultist in melee with Wolfe. Tylenol aint invented yet, yo.

Jinharath: +8 for FE

It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):

It is Euron Sand's turn   


It is Darkness's turn   

Dungeon Lord (GM):


Dungeon Lord (GM): The cultist slashes Jin three times before somersaulting off the roof and down through a window in the church.

Jinharath: Expecting more sorcery, Jin is caught off guard when the cultist whirls around with a blade drawn, and takes a beating.

It is Wolfe's turn   

Way of the Blade
Bonus Action: Until the end of Wolfe's curent turn he gains gains advantage to all attack rolls. He also gains 5 temporary HP.   

Dungeon Lord (GM): Moments later the sky returns to normal.

Dr Catriona: The doctor floats like Magneto, down from the roof.

Dungeon Lord (GM): Screams echo as the sun returns and black smoke pours forth from them Temple.

Wolfe: Wolfe, hurt and pissed off, draws his sword up to the throat of the cultist who's in melee on him. "Fuck off." He snarls into his face, then decapitates him and takes off his arm in a single smooth gesture.

Jinharath: Jin hops down and runs to the temple entrance.

Dungeon Lord (GM): The priest who had asked Euron to wait outside comes running out, his skin melting off his body. The skeleton falls to its knees an instant later and the Temple falls silent.

Wolfe: Breathing heavily as he finishes the spin move just as the head and a trail of blood fall to the floor, the head rolling to Cat's feet, the Samurai takes deep breaths to recenter himself. Standing fully upright, he cleans off his blade. He looks over to the melting priest with an upraised eyebrow. "Uh...what?"

Dr Catriona: The adrenaline subsides enough that she recognizes what is going on and the state of the environment. She makes a tight face as some cultists head rolls by her feat, leaving a trail of crimson ichor along the cobble streets.

Jonias: "No Beryl," Jonias says softly with a sigh, "I Don't think we'll get to explore the archives today."

Dr Catriona: "That is not normal..."

Cullen Rutherford: "I can't believe they were bold enough to come here..." He said as Wolfe dispatched the cultist. "Seven hells, no!" He said turning to the Temple.

Jinharath: Jin goes inside

Euron: Euron runs to the Temple!

Cullen Rutherford: As the smoke clears, it leaves her skin burning. The potent death in the smoke is clear to even those less magical. The remains of nearly ten bodies lay scattered across the floor including those familiar black robes of the man that nearly ended Jin moments earlier. His chest was blown open, and black sludge dripped from his innards. Everyone in the Temple was dead.

Euron: "NOOOOOOO!"


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