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The Helmets (Kory & Andy's Intro)

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The Helmets (Kory & Andy's Intro)
« on: May 11, 2017, 10:17:54 PM »
Levinath (GM): And Lets Go!
Bishous Draeous Ironheart, the leader of the Watchers over the Fallen within Neverwinter has received word from your local order of Hjalkohn's presence within Neverwinter. Shortly after his arrival within the city, a small boy of no more than ten years in age approaches the Dwarf and provides him a sealed letter. The Gauntlet of Helm easily visible in the wax.
Your presence is humbly requested at the Temple of the Watchful Eye, located in the River District. This is a matter of some important, please come with haste.
Levinath (GM):
Forever Watchful,
Bishous Draeous Ironheart
Levinath (GM): Westra, received a similar summons, though she knows the Bishous well.
Westra Goldbrook: Familiar or no, Westra did not take a summons from a person of authority lightly. She had just finished her morning shift of patrol when she received the letter, and went at once to see what the Bishou required of her.
Levinath (GM): The temple is easily identifiable within the district, a large silver fist protruding into the sky, Helm's watchful eye, composed of sapphires and diamonds, is sparking in the mid-day sun. The building is less lack luster than the symbol it portrays, small compared to most religious buildings in the area. The simple wooden doors are old and worn, one propped open in to allow the river air to blow into the building. The stonework, while not unkempt, is not pristine, here and there fragments of mortar have fallen away. The interior portrays the same level of upkeep, the benches are clean, but well used, the pillars spaced across the area, simple and unadorned. A Pryat greets you promptly and after escorting you both to a small waiting room near the entrance. He provides water and an olive plate before leaving you. Shortly after one of you arrives, the other enters the room in the same manner as the first.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra follows where led, and thanks the Pryat quietly for his assistance. Dressed in mail from her earlier rounds, she is tall enough to be an imposing figure, despite the smile she summons when the dwarf enters. "Good afternooon," she tells him.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Only recently departing from Mithril Hall, Hjalkohm is surprised to find his reputation has preceded him. He is overjoyed to meet another Helmite so soon. "Good Afternoon Miss, a pleasure to meet you."
Westra Goldbrook: "You as well," she returns, with another smile. "I am Westra Goldbrook," she says, allowing the sigil of the Flaming Fist on her armor speak for her occupation. The sign of Helm decorating her shield had likely given her away as a Helmite easily though. "Are you here to see the Bishou as well?"
Hjalkohm Fireforged: "Aye. It is curious to receive this message, but I would never miss an opportunity to meet with the Bishou" He extends his left hand, adorned in a mithril gauntlet, which is emblazoned with the eye of Helm upon the back. Aside from his one mithril gauntlet he is dressed in priest robes and seems rather jolly, albeit in need of some excercise.
Levinath (GM): Draeous enters shortly from a small, nearly invisible door to the side of the room. A man of many years. His hair has faded from the fron thalf of his head, those remaining are grey and thin. He wears a simple plain robe, and though he walks slowly, moves with an air of someone that demands respect. A kind smile never fades from his face and it grows larger as he sees both of his guests are here. "Ah yes! Watcher's blessings to both of you! Please, please have some refreshments. The olives are grown out behind the chapel." He sits on the far end of the table and lifts the edge of the platter to Westra then Hjalkohm both.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: His eyes light up as he slowly snatches a handful of olives and begins popping them in his mouth. "Thanks Bish" Bows deeply
Westra Goldbrook: "Your excellency!" Westra chirps happily after shaking the dwarf's hand, when Ironheart enters. She bows her head in respect to the Bishou, and smiles as she waves off his offer of olives. "Very kind of you, but I'm fine. Thank you." Her smile falters a little in surprise when the dwarf - who had yet to introduce himself - spoke so casually to the Bishou. But she didn't comment on that right away, and instead assumed the two were well acquainted. "How does the day find you, excellency?"
Levinath (GM): He frowned at the Dwarf's comment, seemingly confused before turning to Westra, the soft smile returning. He lightly touched each of their heads as they bowed, per protocol. "I am very well, Child. Thank you for asking. Please sit, both of you. We have much to discuss."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra sat where directed, her perfect posture a matter of comfortable habit, and waited for the Bishou to explain.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Quickly shuffles into his seat, bright eyed. You can hear things clanking around in his robes as he shifts into place.
Westra Goldbrook: The dwarf gets a little bit of side eye from the Paladin at the noise his robes make. But she doesn't comment yet.
Levinath (GM): He poured some water in one of the glasses and took a sip. The afternoon had only begun, but the heat of the day was already increasing the temperature of the room. "There is a small matter the church has deemed necessary to oversee. Westra, you may or may not already be aware, but Captain Rutherford, is assembling a force for a kind of expedition." He paused to see if she had any response.
Westra Goldbrook: "I have heard that he was working on something, though the details have not been made known to me. What sort of expedition would have the church's interest?"
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Picks olives from his teeth, while observing.
Levinath (GM): "Phandalin is a small village south of here, it has been a place of vast histories. Originally settled by Dwarves and Gnomes, was a place of great magic and power. With all that has happened in the past few months, some have seen fit to see if any such magic has survived. Some of the more..." He paused looking for a polite word. "..uncouth types of individuals."
He continued, though his smile turned into a frown and his forehead creased. "Crime is running rampant in the area, roadside robberies, kidnappings, even murders. The weak and helpless must be protected, by Helm's grace. The majority of the issues seem to be spurned by a group of outlaws that have wrested hold of the village itself. They are known as the Redbrands."
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Jumps up (now standing on the chair), points his gaunlteted hand to the sky, "These Redbrands must be brought to justice!"
Westra Goldbrook: Westra startled when the dwarf (whose spryness surprised her, given his stocky build) jumped up into his seat.
"Yes..." she agrees, refocusing on the Bishou. "This is certainly a matter that deserves attention. But if Commander Rutherford is already dispatching an expedition, what need have you of us?"
Levinath (GM): Draeous jumped a bit as the Dwarf leapt onto the chair. He brought his hands up and laughed a little. "Now, now, let us not get too riled up."
Hjalkohm Fireforged: "Oh...yes yes, sorry" Slowly sits down looking abashed.
Levinath (GM): He took another drink, allowing the Dwarf to seat himself again if he so chose. "As you know, Westra, our relationship with the leadership of the city is very intimate. The citizens need the Flaming Fist just as they need the words and teachings of the Watcher. Upon discovering the plans for this expedition, I requested two of our representatives be dispatched in addition to any other forces. Your roles will be threefold. First to assist the expedition and citizens of Phandalin in any way you can, second to of course recruit any potential disciples of the Watcher you may find fit" He paused looking at Westa and Hjalkohm, seeming to struggle.
Westra Goldbrook: "Of course. And the third?"
Levinath (GM): His brow furrowed again. "The Leader of these Ruffians, is a man known as Glassstaff. He is an evil wizard, and has been sentenced to be executed by the Church."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra's mein darkened. "And you wish us to see this out?"
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Head down, stares at the floor. Silent.
Levinath (GM): He nodded. "It pains me to ask this of you, this is messy business, but, it is the will of The Watcher." The pain on his face was easily apparent.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: "What are this wizards crimes, if I may ask, Excellency?"
10   8
Levinath (GM): The Bishous looked at Hjalkohm for nearly a half a minute before responding. "He has been seen working with Drow, and casting their dark magics."
Hjalkohm Fireforged: mutters under his breath "Lolth" His hand curls into a fist.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra made an expression of distaste. "Necromancy?" she guessed, to clarify what "dark arts" were worth a man's life.
Levinath (GM): "Yes, among other distasteful incantations. I am told he even harbors some undead in the stronghold where they reside. I urge you both to exercise great caution."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra sighed and showed grim countenance. She nodded, though. "This is unpleasant work, but it must be done."
"I will see that it is carried out."
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Gains a look of clarity and seriousness. "If this is the Watchers wishes, I will carry it out."
Levinath (GM): "The Watcher thanks you, Children. Now I have a missive for each of you, stating that you are on Church business. I am not certain these will be required, you may find them useful." He pulled two parchments from his robe and unrolled them. After reading over each, he rolled them back up, and pulled a small jar of wax from a table in the corner, He deftly poured it on each of the missives and pressed the stamp of The Watcher into the wax as it dried before handing it over.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Takes the parchment and stuff it into an inner pocket on his robe. Again you can hear clanking from elsewhere in his pockets.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra nodded again and reached to accept the missive the Bishou offered. "Are we to travel with the Commander's expedition? Have you liaised with him about this, or are we traveling independently?"
Levinath (GM): "You will travel with them, they are scheduled to depart at sunrise, on the morrow. The Captain expects your both.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra showed a brief glimpse of surprise at the quick departure, but she merely nodded instead of objecting. "It will be done, excellency." She tucked the missive away, and moved to stand. "Is there anything else the Watcher requires?"
Levinath (GM): "No, my Child. You have done enough for the Watcher this day, on behalf of all....." He was interrupted by a loud crash of something toppling over in the main sanctuary, followed by shouting.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Mouth full, the platter picked clean, "What was that?"
Ser Wyndmoor: "You will step aside and allow me to find the little beast. I said MOVE ASIDE YOU LOWLY CUSTODIAN!"
Westra Goldbrook: Westra tensed and turned towards the sanctuary. She moved towards it to investigate.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Wiping his hands on his robes and reaching for his shield, "Beast?"
Levinath (GM): As Westra enters the sanctuary she sees three armored men at the door of the church. The lead one is shouting at a poor Pryat, preventing their entry into the building.
Westra Goldbrook:
20   10
Hjalkohm Fireforged:
16   19
Levinath (GM): You both identify the men as Paladins of Torm.
Westra Goldbrook: "Hold, there!" Westra calls, firmly. "What's the meaning of this?"
Levinath (GM): You also see a small urchin child huddled below the front pew of the Sanctuary. The boy is no more than 10, filthy from head to toe, and clearly terrified.
Westra Goldbrook: She moves towards the front of the temple, backing up the Pryat
(and helping to block the door, though 'coincidentally')
Ser Wyndmoor: "Westra Goldbrook!" He seemed a bit surprised. "At any rate, we chased a rat in 'ere and this fool won't let us collect 'im. IN THE NAME OF TORM, I COMMAND YOU TO STEP ASIDE!" He pushed the Pryat down.
Levinath (GM): Draeous, emerged from the room. "What in Helm's name is....."
Westra Goldbrook: "I say, HOLD!" Westra repeated, more sternly. "There is no need for violence in this holy place. Good servants of Torm, why do you speak of a human child in such a way? Why do you resort to violence against this good man?" she asked, helping the Pryat to his feet.
(for not, she does not move out of the doorway yet)
Hjalkohm Fireforged:
19   5
Ser Wyndmoor: One of the men behind Wyndmoor snickered as she referred to the building as a 'Holy Place'. "We caught that filthy stealing, he must face Torm's justice."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra turned to look down towards the boy huddled under the pew. "What say you, boy," she asked, eyeing him. "Is what these men say true? Are you a thief?"
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Sits down on the pew a few feet away from where the boy is huddled.
Tiny Tim: "I ain' stole nufiin'! Dem was beatin on me sista', so I 'it em back."
Westra Goldbrook: Westra turned a displeased gaze back at the Tormites. "What has this child stolen?"
Ser Wyndmoor: All three men started laughing, before he sneered at her. "We don't answer to women. I heard your bothers can fight, haven't heard as much about you." His hand gripped the hilt of his blade. "Step. Aside."
Hjalkohm Fireforged: To Tim: Don't worry son, we will get to the bottom of this. Stands in front of the boy, shield and hammer at the ready.
Westra Goldbrook: "This is a temple, gentlemen, and unsuitable for combat."
Tiny Tim: "Thank ye mista'! They always come down by de docks, beatin on peopa, takin our stuffs!" He said, looking around the corner at the group.
Westra Goldbrook:
19   8
Tiny Tim:
8   8
Ser Wyndmoor: Westra easily shoves Wyndmoor from the temple. He flies from the steps and onto his back, knocking the air out of him. "Ooooffff!" The other two look at him, seemingly confused.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra follows him out into the street and pulls her halberd off of her back. "So let's relocate, shall we?"
Tiny Tim: "Oi Mista! Did ye see dat?!" He said to the Dwarf.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: "Dems fightin"
Westra Goldbrook:
Ser Wyndmoor:
Hjalkohm Fireforged:
Ser Wyndmoor: "Get!" He gasped as he rolled onto all fours.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: "I've got your back Westra!" Hjalkohm moves to the street, shield at the ready.
Ser Wyndmoor:
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 4 | 22
Damage: 3
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 6 | 4
Damage: 4
Westra Goldbrook: "I see the great Torm has endowed his followers with more mouth than might!"
Ser Wyndmoor: The paladins seem to be shaken by Westra's feat of strength.
Westra Goldbrook:
22   14
Halberd Slash (+6)
Ser Wyndmoor: "I'm going to make you bleed you mouthy, little...." He is quickly cracked in the face, and knocked against a wall, unconscious.
Westra Goldbrook:
18   23
10 ft
Polearm Master (+6)
Hjalkohm Fireforged: "Its time for a Dwarven specialty" Banging the hammer on the shield "Kneecappin"
20   22
Westra Goldbrook: "Let me show you how Helm teaches his disciples!" she calls, before cracking Wyndmoor soundly in the jaw. She reverses the thrust on her halberd and jammed the butt of the halberd into the man to Wyndmoor's right.
Hjalkohm Fireforged:
Levinath (GM): "Oi!" Darmuth yells as blood begins to flow freely from his mouth.
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 15 | 13
Damage: 7
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 9 | 20
Damage: 5
The two men swing at Westra again and miss.
Westra Goldbrook: "Haha!" she cheers as the Tormites' blades whizz by her again. "Come now! Must I go find some WOMEN to have myself a real fight?"
And she swings the blunt side of the halberd at Darmuth.
13   25
Halberd Slash (+6)
Levinath (GM): Apparently she must, as she knocks another paladin unconscious.
Westra Goldbrook: "Do you require assistance, my friend?" she calls to Hjalkohm, readying her halberd for another blow but not anxious to steal the dwarf's thunder.
Hjalkohm Fireforged: "Have at him, they were throwin the insults at you! Sate your bloodlust!"
Westra Goldbrook: "Oh, I've no bloodlust, I assure you," she said, standing up from her fighting stance as though the dwarf's comment bothered her. "I merely thought these cads needed a lesson taught. What say you, Tormite?" she asked, frowning at the remaining man. "Have you learned your lesson, or do you wish to join your brothers in their repose?"
17   4
Levinath (GM): Ser Griven, looked from her to the two fallen Paladins. He sneered at her. "I yield......" He backed away from them both and sheathed his sword.
Westra Goldbrook: "Good man," she sneered back. "Now collect your brothers and be off with you. If the child has committed a crime, Helm will see him judged."
Hjalkohm Fireforged: "Well now that that's cleared up" Brushing off his hands, Hjalkohm turns and heads back in the church to see to Tim.
Levinath (GM): Draeus and the small boy appeared from the door behind them. The Bishous, standing protectively next to the boy who was now eating an apple, but watching the events intently. "Such unpleasantness. Torm would be ashamed of such actions in his name."
Griven, begins attending to his fallen brothers, avoiding the angry woman's scary glare.
Westra Goldbrook: Westra does not return to the temple immediately, but mean-eyes Griven until it's clear he's doing as she'd "suggested". Only then does she turn some, so that she can see the others in addition to Griven.
"You have my apologies for the violence on your doorstep, excellency," she said, with a bow of her head to the Bishou
Hjalkohm Fireforged: To Tim "Here son, have some olives with your apple." He hands him a large helping of olives from his pocket. "Salty pairs well with sweet."
Tiny Tim: "Oy, mi thanks to ye mista! Cans I have nother fo' mi sista'?" The boy stuffs the olives into his dirty shirt pocket..
Hjalkohm Fireforged: "Uh sure son" Reaching deep into his pocket he presents Tim with 3 more olives.
Levinath (GM): Draeous smiled at the small child, and the two champions. "It seems The Watcher chose wisely."
Westra Goldbrook: "We must investigate this matter of the Tormites abusing those at the docks," Westra said, with a frown. "That is a poor reputation for a generous god."
"But..." she says, looking again to the Bishou. "It must wait for our return."
Levinath (GM): He nodded. "I will inform the Captain myself, when we next meet as well."
"Safe travels to you Westra and Hjalkohn. May The Watcher protect you. The will make sure Tim finds his way home." He bowed to them both.
Westra Goldbrook: "Good afternoon, excellency," Westra says, with a nod of respect. She gives Tim a look and arches a brow, though there is a hint of a smile just barely on her lips. "Stay out of trouble, young one."
Hjalkohm Fireforged: Bowing deeply, "Thank you, Excellency, we will serve well." Ruffles Tims hair.


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