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April 29, 2019, 10:39:18 PM

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Who watches the Watch? (Post Session 12)

  • 5 Replies

Westra Goldbrook

Who watches the Watch? (Post Session 12)
« on: October 07, 2017, 08:05:27 PM »
"Honestly, though, they think you were shaking that guy down."

Westra left Harbin's manor alongside Raithe, but shot him a contesting glance at his summation for the abrupt departure of Yvaine and the doctor.

"That I was what?" she asked, confused. "Is that not what someone calls abusing someone to fleece them of their money?" she asked, not understanding how the recent scenario could have been interpreted that way. She'd asked for money from the man, yes, but only the amount he'd proposed in his bounty for the orcs.  And while she'd been threatening, in a manner of speaking, she hadn't actually laid a hand on the errant Townmaster.

Still, it concerned her that her actions might've been so far removed from the desires of the group that some of them had felt the need to physically distance themselves from her. So when she found the two women standing in the road speaking, she was glad for the chance to address matters.

"Hail, ladies," she said as she approached them. "Raithe tells me you have some concerns about the conversation with Westin. Is that so?" she asked, looking from one to the other.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: Who watches the Watch? (Post Session 12)
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2017, 02:13:01 PM »
Why the hooded woman insisted on following her and preaching about ‘protection’ did not computer with the flaxen haired scientist.  It had foiled her attempt to stealthily escape the situation where some of the others looked to be bullying some town official to who knows what end.  She did not know these people and though there was some camaraderie built due to being thrust into danger together, the fact of that ignorance of their character came to bear once that danger was over.

She just wanted to get to the Lionshield Coster where her cousin, Linene, worked and where her spartan room was.  But she had only made it a few feet before Yvaine ‘s presence gave her pause.

Upon noticing Westra’s approach, Catriona said under her breath..."Nerts…"

“Uhmm..   I did not say anything.”  Her hands go up in a form of mild surrender then looks to Yvaine, though of course can only see the lower half of her face.  How the hell does she see?

“I can leave you two Helmites to..uh.. Discuss… holy matters.” she adds, body language indicating she was not comfortable and was somewhat seeking escape before she gets some talk about keeping her mouth shut or whatnot.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Who watches the Watch? (Post Session 12)
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2017, 08:21:40 PM »
"Did you not?" Westra asked, confused now by the doctor's response. "The elf said..." she began to say, looking back towards where Raithe was still making his way out of the townmaster's home. She discarded that thought half-way through, though, and shook her head before turning back to Catriona.

"Nevertheless, you are clearly discomforted. Is there something troubling you? I had hoped the lot of us might take a meal at the inn and discuss our next course of action."


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
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  • For Lantan.
Re: Who watches the Watch? (Post Session 12)
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2017, 08:41:29 PM »
Her eyebrows pushed together giving her countenance a look of both harmlessness as well as some confusion. 

“Discomforted?  No...well,  I don’t think I fit in with you all.” she answered, hands still somewhat up in a nonthreatening way.  This kind of situation was not one she was familiar with, whatever it was.  Even if it was a misunderstanding on her part, she wasn’t involved enough to know all the factors.  All she saw was flags that warned her.

“I mean, we survived some harrowing challenges and that was quite something.  But I am not really cut out for racketeering or extortion.  Not that I am saying that is what happened… but if it was, I am ...about that sort of thing.  It that's alright. ”  There was an obvious desire not to escalate this or get on anyone's bad side, though she was perpetually indelicate.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Who watches the Watch? (Post Session 12)
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2017, 08:48:52 PM »
"Racketeering or extortion?" Westra repeated, her face scrunching as though the words confused her. Something seemed to occur to her and her expression shifted quickly to one of potential understanding. "You didn't think I was actually going to turn that fellow over to the orc, did you?" she asked. "Doctor, it is an unfortunate truth that we will encounter some in our travels who seek to be less than forthright. In order to serve the greater good, it may on occasion be necessary to intimidate those who will not see reason on their own. I assure you, the townmaster's life was never actually in any danger. Yet the fate of the people being harmed by this nefarious wizard we're hunting must not be left to chance while we try and cajole such men politely into accord." She paused. Reconsidered the skittish-seeming woman before her, lifted her chin a touch.

"You conducted yourself extremely well in the mine, Doctor. I dare say we'll need such ingenuity at our sides if we're to succeed in tracking down this wily villain."


Doctor Catriona Wicker

  • "Tarnation!!"
  • 0
  • For Lantan.
Re: Who watches the Watch? (Post Session 12)
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2017, 09:03:10 PM »
Vivid blue eyes squinted some as Westra spoke, processing the information, even though all the information did not immediately quite connect.  The matter of orcs was certainly one she was ignorant of, as well as what this townmaster was guilty of.   What didn’t phase her was the matter of greater good or unscrupulous methods for temporary advantage. 

This explanation was somewhat more plausible than some Helmites robbing a town leader.  There was still some skepticism, however, but perhaps she could set aside her more severe reservations for now.  Her hands lowered and contemplation played on her features as she remained silent a moment.

The bit of praise at the end had some effect. “Maybe I was mistaken… I guess. Okay.  I will take your word for it the, Captain.”  Beat.  “I’ll see what comes next.”


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