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SW Ep6 Roll20 Logs
►Last Post by phinneas
January 12, 2021, 09:59:18 PM

Animal Talk
►Last Post by Doctor Catriona Wicker
April 29, 2019, 10:39:18 PM

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April 08, 2019, 09:37:05 AM

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►Last Post by Doctor Catriona Wicker
March 06, 2019, 01:14:45 AM

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►Last Post by Doctor Catriona Wicker
February 20, 2019, 01:56:30 PM

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November 16, 2018, 03:24:25 PM

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November 01, 2018, 12:13:41 AM

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►Last Post by Doctor Catriona Wicker
October 17, 2018, 03:44:23 PM

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Animal Talk

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Animal Talk
« on: April 21, 2019, 01:02:53 AM »
Wolfe stepped away from Castle Never on the way to the nearest inn with a number of thoughts floating in his head. The Watch was going to need to recruit a number of people to man the ship that had once belonged to Queen Tylmandra and was now firmly in control of the adventuring band. They had the money to spare for the effort - and given the desperate look of the city and its citizenry it likely wouldn't be difficult to find hands to hire. But there were more pressing concerns on Wolfe's mind.

There was a level of guilt he still carried over what had happened in the domain of the God of Lies. He still didn't fully understand everything that had happened. It seemed so surreal that they'd been pulled into an extra-planar divine war, one that saw a God laid low by his own hand.

He couldn't talk to either the Father or Westra about this. Their views were based in a religion Wolfe hadn't grown up in and didn't care to engage in. Faerunians were odd folk compared to the dogmas of Kara Tur.

But Cat wasn't from here. Not really. Lantan seemed very different from everything she'd said and what he'd heard. The destination of the Watch was Cat's home, so there was plenty of reason to want to talk to her...

Nothing to do with what he'd sad back there after the Gods had departed, right?

"Hey. Can I pick your brain for a minute or two?" He asked the Doc specifically as they stepped away from the Castle, nodding toward the docks. "How about we go check out the boat while Westra and Euron try to get us some sailors. They're the more charismatic types anyway."


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Animal Talk
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2019, 02:21:18 AM »
The prolific scientist's brain was all but overtaxed in recent days.  There was a flurry of strange and unbelievable occurrences that she observed.  It was like one big strange fever dream caused by perhaps tainted goodberries.  With her focus on the logical and the measurable, she pushed the madness to the back of her consciousness.  Whatever holy crisis still needed tending to could be addressed by Westra or Euron, who knew more of the matter.

After the unusual rendezvous within Castle Never, the half-elven doctor followed the others outside.  Part of her  began to wonder why big city politics was always so ridiculously inefficient.  Lantanese politics were at least based on science, algorithms and merit... measurable metrics.

The familiar voice of Wolfe pulled the bosomy dork out of her own thoughts.  She adjusted her glasses while still squinting some in the sunlight.  For the slightest hint of a moment, she saw him striking down the one calling itself Cyric in gruesome, violent manner.  The flash was, however, so brief that she just blinked some and rubbed her eye before responding.

"Certainly, Mister Wolfe. I am actually rather versed in nautical and maritime matters.  I am sure the Queen's Fury is sea-worthy, though.  I've had more than a few walks along the wharf and it's always been the most impressive vessel there." 



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Re: Animal Talk
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2019, 04:01:40 PM »
Wolfe issued a bit of a laugh at Cat's way of referring to him as they moved away from the others and headed down toward the docks. "It's funny how you still call me Mister Wolfe. It's respectful, but we've been friends for a while Cat. I figured by now you'd drop the formality a bit." He lifted a burly hand to stroke his beard. "Though, I do call you 'Doc' still, so I guess it's not that out of place."

Turning to regard her he considered the powerful mystic at his side. "That time away made you learn some new tricks. I didn't get time to slow down and tell you about it, but that bit where you make your armor appear from nowhere - that's pretty impressive stuff." A grunt came from the Half-Orc as he rolled his shoulder. "This stuff I wear is pretty damn heavy. Good at doing its job, but I was hoping Neverwinter was in better shape so I could get a nice hot bath."

Considering her again, he slowed his pace and spoke a little lower, something softer than just conversational, even though the streets were mostly clear. "How are you feeling about seeing home again?" He knew she left on bad circumstances and had no great love lost for her father.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Animal Talk
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2019, 07:05:01 PM »
Would you prefer Miss Wolfe?
At first she doesn’t fathom what was funny enough to warrant a laugh given their current predicament, but the explanation made her smirk just a little. Perhaps it neared a smile…. perhaps.

“That is just how we Lantanese speak;  honorifics and due respect and all that, even to foes or family.  It probably sounds more normal in gnomish...” The shorter woman shrugged slightly, as such things were instilled in her at a young age.  It was a point of fact that she never introduced herself as just Catriona Wicker, but always put Doctor in the front of that.  Still, that was a vestige from a land and society that was gone.

Her little nose twitched as a stray dog ran by; the chaos of the city likely causing more than its share of unattended pets and livestock.  A slight sniff on her part spoke to those allergies she still had, but in short order the canine went on its way.  She was otherwise quietly attentive as he spoke during their walk.

“It was a protracted period of time and.. Uh.. idle hands and all that,” she offered in response.  Her cheeks flushed slightly as was tended to happen when someone offered her complimentary words.  “Thank you.. and well nothing comes from nowhere, Mister Wolfe.”   As she called him that, he could see she briefly became doubtful of herself on if she would be able to stop doing that and if it even bothered him.

Catriona looked at his armor again and as she was want to do, tried to offer some kind of solution.  “There are less dense metals and materials that I could look into for you.  Elves particularly make their suits of mail with lighter alloys.” 

Her straight hair spilled over a shoulder as she slowly canted her head. How she got those pearl-blonde tresses to be so neat and trim was anyone’s guess. Orlil wasn’t home for me. I don’t really know what we will find there as it was a strange island south of the main.  Our few spellcasters usually went there to do whatever it is they do.  And the navy and other contractors would do testing there as well for odd weapons and other secret matters.  Sometimes you could see unusual lights at night all the way from our city.” she explained.

“I do have… um.. some apprehension of seeing whatever phenomenon remains in the place of where the main island was.  All those volatile experiments at the bottom of the ocean or wherever they went.  I can’t imagine what we might see there.”


“But after the last week, I don’t know if we are even allowed to be shocked by anything anymore.” She had a little sense of humor down there, somewhere.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2019, 02:34:27 AM by Doctor Catriona Wicker »



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Re: Animal Talk
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2019, 12:31:06 PM »
Wolfe turned to regard her at his side, a small smile lingering beneath his beard. He nodded at her explanation of the way that she was accustomed to referring to people. It made sense to him, given his own background. "Back home, we speak much the same. I guess I'm out of practice having lived under a table out here for the last few years. I got called on it more than once while I was in Kara Tur; I was able to explain it away most of the time as just being old and forgetful." He winked at her then, as if sharing with her a private jest or inside comment. "So I get understand. If that's what makes you comfortable, call me Mister Wolfe all day."

There was some confusion on his face at her philosophical (he took it as such) clarification of her ability. He didn't say anything at first, mostly he was thinking that over when she looked at his armor and suggested finding another suit or something. He took on a more stoic, thoughtful expression as he considered that. "The Craftsman who made this for me is an honored and revered master of his art. While it might be easier to bear, I would feel wrong about disregarding his efforts on my behalf. I'm feeling the same about Shokan and the sword that we took from that lying prick. Houndsbane it's called, but it seems like for all its power it's cursed. Maybe we'll need it in the time to come, but I feel guilty using it over the sword given to me as a keepsake for my family." He looked to Cat then, regarding her. "Is that too sentimental of me? You're more practical than I am, Doc. Sometimes I feel like I'm clinging to the past, or tradition, to help guide me with all of this stuff I don't understand.

Maybe after all this Gods nonsense I shouldn't be so stubborn. Like you said, we're in this new world of the unknown where we're dealing with things no-one ought to."

Wolfe's eyes looked around at the town as it stood, seeming somber as the weight of the road ahead felt clear and heavier than his armor. "This is all gonna go away if we stop this crazy time changin' lady. Makes you wonder, right? Will we still have met the Gods and stopped one from destroying the world? Are we right now working to sabotage everything we've done so far?

And is the world really better off after having done it, or is the world we're in the better one?"


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Animal Talk
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2019, 07:55:54 PM »
“Mmm -- in private settings I can call you Wolfe or Hideto, if you find it preferable.  I just default to the formal if in public or around others.”  admitted the scientist with perhaps a bit of adorable over-explaining.

While the concept was not one that particularly fell within her wheelhouse, the doctor listened to his concerns about the arms and armor.  The revering of the craftsman was somewhat unusual to her, but given her own land of inventors, she could respect process.  However, Lantan was a place where advancing an entire society’s knowledge was revered more than just about anything else.  Traditions changed with times, evolution was constant in some shape or form.

“Umm, I think I understand.  But isn’t a weapon supposed to serve a purpose?  In physics we have this law or.. uh.. principle.  Without going to in depth, it states that all the ..stuff in the universe, is always of the same amount.  Nothing is truly destroyed or created, only forms change.”  It was an artful line to walk, not delivering this in a way that underestimated his intelligence.  But in the last few months, particularly in her professoring, she’d come to be able to communicate such concepts in more a more digestible fashion.

“So change the purpose of those weapons.  You are changing constantly.. I even observe this.  Maybe your ancestral sword now can be carried as a totem of strength or put in a display in your home or in a learning center so that others may benefit from it.  The armor as well could become a fixture in a home, tended to and maintained with the respect deserved.”  Catriona somewhat spoke off the cuff here, not sure if what she was saying was insulting or not, but it was obviously she was thinking it through philosophically.  The things one picks up in the mountains of the eastern lands…

But of course this half orc had to one up her on the philosophicals. 

“I don’t know the answer to any of those things.  I’m a scientist and everything I know tells me that time in the Prime can’t actually be changed in the way we perceive.  From what I’ve studied, time is like… like a jewel. And we sapients are able to only look at one facet at any one time. The other facets already exist… have always existed, we just haven’t seen them yet.”

“But you bring 'gods' into it and Spellplague phenomena and...." The bespectacled blonde makes an adorkable expression of being perplexed, accompanying it with a shrug.



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Re: Animal Talk
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2019, 03:44:02 PM »
Cat calling him Hideto gave him a moment of pause, his eyes lowering for a moment as there was some visible affect of that. "I... don't know. Both of those names were given to me. But then again, I guess all names are given to me. I'd thought of myself as Hideto for most of my life, but in the last few years Wolfe is the name I've gone by. It feels like two different people, sometimes. Two different Mes."

His bright eyes shifted to her then, almost as if seeking verification of his statement. "I think... whatever you feel best calling me, I'll be happy with. Unless it's Orc or something." He flashed a tusky-grin. "You know how much that pisses me off."

His gaze shifted forward then, seeming to weigh what she had said about the matter of arms and armor. Cat had grown up in a different world from him but she had always shown an understanding and an appreciation for the values he held dear. "I don't have a home right now. I have a house somewhere far from here that is mine by right. But without the people in it, it won't feel like home again. Maybe that's why I couldn't stay in Kara Tur. It no longer felt like it used to. I didn't feel like I used to.

Home is.."
He took in a deep breath through his nose as he stood a bit straighter, looking around the rest of the city. "Not this place. I've never loved Neverwinter. I've always disliked the people here, the hero-worship of the Regulators, Neverember. It all felt... fake."

Wolfe turned back to Cat then, and slowly he reached out a hand to take hers if she let him. "But around you? Home is wherever you're at, Cat. Westra and Euron to a lesser degree. But... wherever you are, I'll be. The world makes more sense with you around in it." He looked to her, then offered a slow smile, a gentle squeeze of her fingers (if she'd let him). "Gods and the Spellplague and the rest? Maybe that's crazy over my head. But I think I'll look at whatever facet I need to as long as you're there with me."


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Animal Talk
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2019, 10:39:18 PM »
Catriona never had an inclination to ever call him Orc, even in the beginning of their alliance. As someone who was herself an outcast halfblood race in her own homeland, it was a sensitivity she was keenly aware of.  But she articulated as such, not immediately understanding he was pulling her chain.  “I would never…  uh.. Oh heh.” 

His admission to not having a home resonated with her in that she was rather in a similar situation.  The dormitory in the academy here at Neverwinter was just that. Room and board for faculty.  The idea of a home hasn’t really entered her thoughts, given the way her life was.

She nods at his sentiment about Neverwinter; not quite having the same animosity towards the place that he did.  Of course, she wasn’t the type of demi-human that was greatly impacted by the racist policies like others were.  It made sense he wouldn’t consider this place hospitable in that respect. 

His turn to the sentimental caught her fully off guard, like many things did.  The pale nerd’s countenance  flushed with color of bashfulness at his touching admissions.  It wasn’t like she’d ever heard such things before, particularly from someone who did not want something from her.  RIght then, maybe her allergies took a bit of a spoke because she sniffled some and rubbed her eyes behind her lenses.  Just for a bit.

“That is.. uh… incredibly kind of you.  I don’t know what to say... “ Beat.  “I mean.. I.. well you are the best friend I’ve ever had. Like.. *adorkable self-deprecating snort.*  "...ever.  Other than Gizmo.  But I only say that because I don’t want him to get ..uh.. jealous.”

“I guess its good we feel this way, since we are um… stuck together for a while yet.” she admitted, given their upcoming journey south.


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