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April 29, 2019, 10:39:18 PM

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►Last Post by Jonias Siannodel
October 05, 2018, 11:16:22 PM


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« on: September 26, 2018, 01:16:59 PM »
After getting the sociopathic kid (somewhat) sorted, Wolfe had drawn Sera along with the others as they got to the Inn that had served as the watering hole in Sunderwood. Taking out the bag of holding, he began dumping it open onto the table. A whole wealth of gems from one of the lost Dwarven Mines spilled onto the table. Once the gems had held an unnatural allure to the Half-Orc blademaster, and he felt an echo of that for a moment as he looked over enough material wealth to make a King.

Taking the head of the severed Troll Werewolf, its breathing, snarling countenance still alive in some unholy biological capacity for survival, he stuffed it into the bag.

"Alright. I'm going to take this monster thing to settle the debt for Westra's Resurrection." The blademaster declared aloud as he sat down on the pew, starting to sort out the gems into three even piles (for Raithe had gotten his share already and the Half-Orc held no cares about the Bard that had departed them). "I think that if that ring we found is valuable it should go to Jonias - the man's more than earned his share." Wolfe nodded toward the Half-Elf who's arcane knowledge had assisted them on more than one occasion and his arrows had done a great deal of work for the Watch. "Euron should have his pick as well. I'd only like the potion, for obvious reasons. The Halberd's a natural fit for Westra, but the rest is up to you as far as I'm concerned." Euron had been responsible for saving not only the lives of his friends, but Wolfe as well. The Helmite Cleric had literally brought Wolfe back from the dead - a debt he'd never forget.

"We should take the kid north to see the Dragon. If she finds his soul capable of redemption, we follow Cat's suggestion and bring him and his father down to Neverwinter or Waterdeep. That lets us settle a lot of accounts at once. After that, Sera and I will sail home or see if I can find a Wizard who might still be alive and powerful enough to teleport us both out there. I think that Octavian woman - the one who's Queen Tylmandra's sidekick - can maybe do it. Or maybe her father, if he's still alive."

Taking his share, he also stuffed it into the bag. With the extra space given, there was enough room for both his wealth and the TrollWolf's whole body when it grew.

Turning to his daughter, Wolfe offered a smile and placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. "It'll be nice to have a drink with you. Never had the chance before." He ordered a couple ales, then turned to regard the others. "If we have to take a boat and then go by land it'll take us close to six months I think. I think between my testimony and Sera's willingness to atone, she'll pass judgment. Once we settle things up home I can come back, I think. I don't think I have much of a life back in Kara Tur. I was in a bad place when I left and said some things I regret. Plus I've grown kind of attached to you all."

« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 01:19:03 PM by Wolfe »

Re: Trolling
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2018, 02:30:08 PM »
Jonias followed Wolfe and the others to the inn where the half-orc started the time old ritual of "divvying up the loot" that happened in inns all across Faerun. The sight of the gems didn't surprise the high elf, rather the sheer amount of them followed by the wet thud of a troll's head. Jonias started to raise his hand in objection to stuffing the head back into the magic bag, wanting to note that the troll wasn't really dead... yet... but decided against it. The half-orc had to know what he was doing.

At the mention of the ring, the elf smiled and nodded. He could tell there was power in the ring, but ever the careful sort around unknown items, Jonias knew he would need time to study and identify it. Playing with the ring finally caused Beryl to emerge from the tome that served as both prison and home. The little dragonling seemed meek and timid, entirely out of character for the usually cheerful and spirited creature. Jonias tapped her gently then his shoulder. The dragonling made herself visible and then curled up around the elf's neck slowly, only moving to sniff and eventually hold the ring that Jonias showed her.

When Wolfe mentioned the young dragon, Beryl visibly shivered on Jonias' shoulder. Through his connection to his familiar he could sense the little dragonling was filled with confusion, shame, and fear. Neither of them had expected to be shunned by the young silver dragon, but both Jonias and Beryl both knew they needed answers.

"Don't worry little one, I won't let them hurt you. If they can shed light as to why you're bound to this book it may be what we need to know to unlock more of its secrets. Maybe even find a way to free you from it." The said softly in Sylvan to the dragonling while the others spoke. Beryl nuzzled his chin in appreciation, but the elf could still sense fear within her.

"I will send word to the librarians at Evereska. Surely they'll be interested in the planetarium below us, and best that it not fall into the wrong hands. I'll make sure the Evereskans send aid to help the people here. Our people, sadly, have more in common with each other. I'm sure my people will help." Jonias said simply to the others. "But first I would like to join you all and see to the fate of the boy. Beryl and I have questions for the dragon too if she'll accept us."



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Re: Trolling
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2018, 04:00:50 PM »
Sera remained mostly quiet throughout the dealings with Vadim with the exception of her initial explanations. The young orc was uneasy about the events of her past and even more uneasy about the appearance of her father and his band of adventurers. As her patriarch lead her into the small inn and began diving up loot, she remained silent and stood a way behind him, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.

Sera jumped as Wolfe’s strong hand squeezed her shoulder, but she quickly recovered and offered him a weak smile and a nod. She sat next to him and drank slowly while he made his announcement to the others within the group. Her stature visibly relaxed when Wolfe announced they would return alone. She took another, longer pull from the mug and seemed more content with the new revelation. "Are you certain you should take the boy to a Silver dragon? Will he not be judged on his actions rather than his intentions?" She questioned quietly to her father.

Re: Trolling
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2018, 04:37:35 PM »
Euron followed the group, deep in thought as they made their way to the inn. The Priest of Helm was glad that this ordeal was over for Sunderwood, but now it was time to sort the fallout. People were dead through the actions of a young man who, at heart, wanted to help his mother. Vadim's inability to understand his actions and their severity bothered Euron. The Cleric would have many nights of prayer ahead while he grappled with his own feelings on all that they'd seen and done.

The only good things to come from all of this were that his friends (and he could call them that now, certainly) were safe and alive...and that Wolfe found his daughter.

Seeing the gems poured out on the table surprised him, but Euron was glad to see it. He was less glad to see the head of the troll-wolf plop onto the table. Already, he disliked the idea of giving that thing to anyone, even as a trade for Westra's life. But that decision had been made before his arrival. Wolfe was an honorable man and he'd changed much since their initial meeting. This meeting, however, felt like an ending rather than a stop along their path.

If that was so, Euron would pursue his own path after he helped Sunderwood get back on its feet.

Euron didn't discuss the treasure immediately, waiting to hear the plan for Vadim and what came next. He agreed with taking the boy to the dragon, though he worried about how it would turn out.

"I'll join you all on the trip to meet the silver dragon, but then I plan to return to Sunderwood. These people have suffered and that won't abate for a long time, yet. I will help them rebuild their home and lay their dead to rest. Once things are more settled here, then I'll decide my next move." Euron said.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Trolling
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2018, 08:57:31 AM »
Westra listened to Wolfe's reasoning as he made his suggestions about divvying up the loot. She nodded, content with the enhanced halberd coming to her. The half-orc explained his plans for the immediate future, and Jonias and Euron followed suit. Westra listened with a sober expression, nodding first to the rogue and then to the cleric.

"I must return to Neverwinter. I have... obligations for which I must answer. But first, I will accompany you back to the dragon to see to the boy's fate," she told the group in general, before looking to Wolfe specifically. "And perhaps I should accompany you to pay this debt, as well. Where do you intend to find this man who deals in life, death, and werewolves?"



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Re: Trolling
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2018, 01:22:21 PM »
Wolfe turned to consider his daughter and her question, finding it odd. "In all the years that you've known me, Sera, I'd think you would know my view on that. Deeds and Actions are what hold weight and what others should judge you by. Words are wind, right?" It was a saying he'd made often, and one echoed by his Shogun. Or maybe, the other way around.

Regarding the Paladin who had been a right-pain-in-his-ass the last few months, he eyed Westra and her suggestion to come along to see to the promised debt. "He wanted to meet me in Neverwinter, so it's not a long side-quest. You've probably never been to his neighborhood, though." Wolfe smirked over to Westra, patting the bag that lay flat but held a large deal of weight within its magical confines.

Smiling over to Cat, the Half-Orc seemed deeply amused at the Mystic-Nerd(ge). "He thinks Cat's pretty cute. We should bring her along as a distraction."


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Trolling
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2018, 02:57:31 PM »
The mildly disheveled  scientist remained on the periphery of the gathering, briefly distracted by how barren and desolate things are in the inn. The watering hole wouldn’t be filled with laughter and socialization for a long while.  Haunting.

With a slight adjustment of her glasses, her attention turned to the central conversation over the table with random items.  It made sense for the elf to be provided some of the enchanted gear, as he had been helpful as Mister Wolfe stated.  There wasn’t anything for her other than some of the notes that needed to be studied further.

She listened to the various testimonies of what comes next.  It sounded like a visit to the powerful (if not slightly antagonistic) silver wyrm was what was decided for Vadim.  That course of action didn’t wholly make sense to her, but at this point, she believed she had given more than enough of her opinion on the matter.

The giving of a lycanthrope troll head to that shady person that provided the scroll to revive Westra also came across as questionable.  Who knows what kind of nefarious faction was just handed a bio-weapon.

When the crosstalk turned to her as a subject, she looked to snap out of her own head. “Um.. That was probably a mindgame, Mister Wolfe.  But um...I can help with what is needed.”

Re: Trolling
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2018, 08:52:29 AM »
While Wolfe, Westra, and Dr. Wicker spoke of returning to Neverwinter after paying the silver dragon a visit, Jonias turned to Euron, patting the priest on his armored shoulder.

"Your a good man Euron. If you will remain here I'd like to coordinate my efforts with Academy at Evereska and you. No need to have a large magical device residing underneath such a small hamlett. My brethren will compensate these people, and hopefully the sight of visiting elven wizards will keep whatever else lurks in these woods away. That cave nearby also held the remains of an ancient city of the Alu'Tel'Quessir. No doubt the Academy of Magic will want to explore that as well."

Beryl nipped at the elf's earlobe, "Ah! Sorry, Beryl lets me know I'm babbling in the worst ways sometimes." Though he expressed some minor frustration, it was clear to Jonias that his familiar was coming round to her old self.


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Trolling
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2018, 11:33:01 AM »
Westra bristled just slightly at Wolfe's comment about the criminal's neighborhood.

"I assure you, my patrols with the guard took me througout Neverwinter," she felt compelled to say, entirely missing the dig at the truth of being otherwise averse to such parts of town.

"Very well, then," she said, when everyone seemed to have come to an agreement. "I propose we rest tonight, and head out at first light. It will give the boy's family a chance to say their goodbyes or prepare to travel with him. We will see the dragon, and if all goes well, continue from there to Neverwinter. Most of us, at least," she said, allowing a nod towards Euron and Jonias, who'd said they'd return to Sunderwood instead.

Westra then paid for a round of drinks for the crew, and in as noble a fashion as she could manage (while probably being mocked by the half-orc), she toasted the Watch and congratulated them on work well done.

The next morning's dawn saw them assemble and move out without issue, relying heavily on Wolfe's navigation skills to return them to the cave of Astonaxia.



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Re: Trolling
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2018, 02:35:29 PM »

Vadim’s father was torn, he spent much of the evening coming to terms with the part his son played in the destruction of Sunderwood and so many deaths over the past few months. The boy remained mostly unaware of the moral implications of his actions, continuing to scribble and take notes in a small notebook that he carried with him.
The morning came and after a few reciprocated endearments, Vadim’s father stood from speaking to his boy and addressed Wolfe. “I am sorry I failed him as a father, it seems we were both too lost in our grief to do what we should have done. Hopefully he can be helped, and trained somewhere by those that can understand his mind."

The days pass slowly as the band of the Watch moves first across plains and then through the forest as they had before. The Rex found itself parked at nearly the same location it had awaiting the group prior. L.E.R.O.Y. even wagering with the mechanical owl on the number of days they would be left to rust alone this time. The air on the mountain seemed crisp and fresh, no fog rested over the area as it had during their last ascent.

After a week’s time, the group finds themselves at the entrance to the shimmering cave once more. The air is brisk and clean as they move into the crystallized dome. The massive Silver dragon rests at the rear of the cave where they group had previously met her, a young male elf standing in front of her. They watch the group as they approach, their faces neutral. After a brief moment the group feels the dragon’s presence sweep over them as they approach. (Anyone is welcome to make a Wisdom save if they wish to resist the dragon’s magic)



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Re: Trolling
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2018, 05:11:58 PM »
"Being a father isn't easy, especially when you're busy grieving over your wife." Wolfe had said, understanding where Vadim's father was coming from in terms of his difficulties. He had been there himself, and he was certain others would judge him if they considered his actions where Sera was concerned. Sometimes he wasn't certain if he could ever forgive his daughter, or get over the death of her mother. Time had not completely healed the wound - there'd always be a scar - but he was able to move past it, now.

They moved along the cold ground to visit the great Silver Dragon once again. Astonaxia was a sight to behold, one he'd never forget, really.

When he felt the Dragon's magic sweep over him, he merely bowed his head in respect.
"Great Astonaxia, as promised we found and freed your child. We have brought with us one of those responsible for his imprisonment; A boy, not even a teenager yet, who has a brilliant mind but seeming inability to weigh consequence.

We were at a loss what to do with the child - we are from a lot of different lands, a lot of different cultures."
He lifted his head up to look at the dragon as she seemed to weigh them with her stare. "So I suggested we come see you, so that you could weigh his soul and see if he is capable of being redeemed, or if he is forever lost."


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Trolling
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2018, 07:40:12 PM »
Westra, as well, chose to accept the magic that washed over the group when they greeted the dragon. She did not speak, but let Wolfe address the beast for the sake of the group.

Re: Trolling
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2018, 08:37:04 PM »
It's the subtle acts of defiance that usually brought about the most interesting results in Jonias' life. His parents had wanted him to pursue more political and social ambitions, so of course he cloistered himself away in the grand library at the Academy of Magic. His teachers all saw him as a student with great magic potential, so of course Jonias practiced more of his acrobatic and dextrous skills. All elves know when petitioning a dragon, especially one you are assumed to be in decent standing with, to simply let that moment of awe wash over you, so of course Jonias tried to resist.

He didn't.

While not cowering with fear, the elf simply stopped at the entrance and stared dumbfounded while Wolfe addressed the dragon. Beryllium was hiding in the Tome of Xenemarcses and it would be a moment before she would realize her current master's state. Only then would she reluctantly emerge from the tome invisibly to nip at Jonias and snap him back to reality.


Doctor Catriona Wicker

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Re: Trolling
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2018, 08:40:58 PM »
Doctor Wicker will, similarly to before, not enter Astonaxia's dwelling, choosing to wait outside unless summoned.



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Re: Trolling
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2018, 12:07:35 PM »

Both the massive Dragon and the male Elf’s liquid silver eyes locked onto Jonias as is futile attempted to resist their magic revealed what it sought. “He is the one that carried The Betrayer.” The male said softly, his voice was like a song to the group’s ears, though the pair’s eyes continue to bore into Jonias in a terrifying fashion to the arcanist.

Wolfe spoke then, and diverted the pair’s attention to the boy and the remainder of the group. They listened quietly as he spoke and paused for several long seconds. Her massive body stood then, the male Elf remaining in place. “These are on the ones that returned you to me? This is the boy you spoke of?” The elf nodded. She extended her large neck and moved closer to Wolfe and Vadim, a quick inhale of her massive nostrils nearly pulled Vadim and Wolfe, who held him, off their feet. Vadim stared at her with keen interest.

“Mmmm, a child’s mind is as clay, molded by those around it. Some clay is dry and rough, some smooth and flowing. Whether easy or difficult to mold, if nurtured and cared for it can become a great masterpiece or something truly horrible to behold.” She seemed to be speaking to herself more than the group as she inspected the young boy. Moving closer to Vadim, her nose to pressed on his forehead, before her massive eyelids slid closed and the crystals inside the lair glowed dimly.

“Malice is not required to bring about horrible things little one, ignorance or apathy are just as dangerous. Understand the threads you have sewn on the tapestry of this land.” The boy let out a cry of pain, and tears began to well in his eyes before streaking down his cheeks. A brief moment later, the glow ceased and Astonaxia pulled her head back. Vadim continued to sob and no longer watched the dragon.

She addressed Wolfe then. “He now understands the pain he has caused, though he still must learn to control his intellect and harness it without harming others. It will take time and guidance from members of your kind, he was not cruel to those captured by this Darish, he was solely lost in a mind unable to balance intellect, curiosity, and grief. I have…”

Her eyes moved to Jonias quicker than a blink as Beryllim worked to bring her master from his stupor. The gentle continence of the dragon was quickly replaced with agitation and rage. “I had thought you mistaken Atos, but it seems your memories held the truth. You will not sew your chaos here Betrayer!” The ground rumbled as her massive body echoed out a growl that reverberated around the cave sending several shards crashing to the ground. She bared her teeth, the size of great swords at Jonias and [the invisible] Beryl.

Re: Trolling
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2018, 01:45:44 PM »
There was only the slightest of screeching from Beryl, who quickly disappeared into the Tome of Xenemarcses. Meanwhile the normally calm and composed elf seemed to move his mouth without making much of a sound.

"I... Beryl... and the Tome of..." Jonias stopped himself and took a deep breath. Not how he expected to go out, but then you could never tell with dragons. The elf tried to recall whatever he could of a dragon betrayer from his studies but nothing jumped to his mind.

Jonias sighed heavily. His shoulders slouched forward slightly, resigned to his fate, but still asking questions on the way out.

"Forgive me, great Astonaxia. I meant no disrespect in coming here, and more importantly my companions and the boy know even less than I do." The elf motioned to others, hoping they could step aside and be spared whatever the dragon had in store for him. Jonias reached down slowly to his belt to unclasp the Tome of Xenemarcses from his belt and held it up for all to see.

"This is the Tome of Xenemarcses. Nearly a year ago I acquired this lost book to return it to Evereska. In my travels I have tried to unlock whatever secrets may be in this tome, but I have only succeeded in deciphering very little. A few bits of history, locations, and the spell to summon Xenemarcses familiar, Beryllium."

Jonias lowered his arm and started to open the tome when out of the pages two tiny clawed hands appeared and grabbed onto the edges of the tome's cover, closing it shut.

The elf chuckled nervously.

"Upon waking her for the first time in centuries, Beryl has very little to no memory of her former master, nor how she came to be locked away for so long. For several months she has accompanied me as I search for more relics to return to Evereska," Jonias paused, and took a breath. Looking down at the book in his hands he thought fondly on his time the last few months traveling with Beryl and smiled slightly.

"She's been a wonderful companion. Inquisitive and bright, while also steering me towards helping others who came upon our paths." Jonias glanced over at his companions and continued, "I wasn't going to stick around Sunderwood if it wasn't for Beryllium wanting me to stay and search for something to help the townsfolk."

Returning his attention to Astonaxia, "So when we freed your son, and he mentioned Beryl being a betrayer... Well I had to come seeking answers. I sense nothing but fear and confusion from my familiar. Surely she isn't this 'Betrayer' you claim her to be."


Westra Goldbrook

Re: Trolling
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2018, 10:57:50 AM »
Westra was quiet and watchful as Wolfe greeted the dragon and explained Vadim's presence. For someone she'd initially dismissed as a brainless drunkard, the half-orc had slowly won a grudging measure of respect from the paladin. It was justified then as he presented the case clearly and diplomatically to the ancient creature. He could never make a real go of a career in politics, of course, because of his ancestry. In the moment, however, Westra was quietly impressed.

She watched in respectful silence while the dragon inspected the boy. It was uncomfortable to witness the sudden understanding and remorse in the child, but Westra believed it to be for the best. All things considered, it seemed to be going well... and then it very suddenly was not.

"Lady Astonaxia, please, if I may?" Westra attempted to interject, a hand lifting in hopes of drawing the beast's attention to herself. "We have been here before, and were aware of your righteousness and power. Please believe we would never seek to bring evil into your presence. Jonias is new to us, yes, but he was instrumental in helping us resolve the evil that was plaguing Sunderwood, the very evil which kept your son bound. Whatever his origins or that of his familiar, please grant us the benefit of the doubt. If there is evil about either of them, we are all ignorant of it, Jonias included. Please, tell us of this 'betrayer', and how we might set the matter right ."
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 07:17:20 PM by Westra Goldbrook »



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Re: Trolling
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2018, 01:10:25 PM »

Her chest was puffed and poised to attack Jonias, just as Westra’s words seemed to distract her from the uncharacteristic rage. The massive spikes on the back of Astonaxia’s neck relaxed as Lady Goldbrook spoke to her, revealing the slight tempering of her rage. Her face turned to the highborn and a she gave a toothy smile. “You speak with a wisdom well beyond your years, young one.” She eyed Jonias again for a beat as her massive mouth chewing on the side of her cheek.

She looked back to Atos who remained stoic and silent. A beat later she turned and lowered her head to eye level with the arcanist. Astonaxia’s head was over three times the size of the elf and her heavy breath nearly knocked him over. “Your vain attempt in deceiving our magic only hastened my rage at the revelation of the truth. We can see who you are and what is true in your heart. How are we to trust any honey covered deceits that you would offer to hide the truth?”

She raised her massive head and looked to Westra again. “That is the tome of Durothil that he carries, it was said to be lost in a tomb long forgotten. We are unable to speak the true name of the betrayer bound within its covers, nor would we even if we could. To betray your own race is a sin that cannot be forgiven.”

She scowled at Beryl again and watched the small dragon for several awkward silent minutes. “More likely, the foul beast has invaded the poor fool’s mind and is using him to try and free herself of the ancient magics that bind her. Though I cannot sense any malice or subterfuge, her magic is strong.” She paused for a moment, her face contorting into a few unreadable facades. “Only for gratitude of saving my spawn will I refrain from taking what should not be in mortal hands.”

Re: Trolling
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2018, 11:16:22 PM »
Jonias remained silent and still, as best he could, against the dragon's hot breath and terrible presence. Upon being accused of deception, the elf opened his mouth as if to object before Astonaxia turned to westra and said “That is the tome of Durothil that he carries..."

"But then who is Xenemarcses?" the antiquarian began to mumble to himself, though a sharp mental nudge from Beryl warned him to pay attention.

Sensing it would perhaps be the best course of action if he simply thanked Astonaxia for sparing his life and bowing out of the cave, Jonias stepped back slowly and lowered his head, "Thank you Astonaxia, for deciding to spare us."

The elf's words were quick but steady. if allowed to leave without further incident, Jonias will exit the cave and join the Doctor outside.


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