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The Wanderers (Stacy and De's Intro)

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The Wanderers (Stacy and De's Intro)
« on: May 07, 2017, 09:58:17 PM »
As each of you go about your business in Neverwinter, an urchin child approaches you and delivers a sealed piece of parchment, nothing is written on it other than a small image of a Mask.
Raithe, easily discerns this is a summons to unruly tavern known as "The Dock Rat" in the river district. Known for its unsavory types and his underworld contact of the city, Eston Ware.
Tealina is also familiar with the Mask image, but finds the name of a tavern also written on her parchment. It takes her several minutes to recall exactly where she has seen the image of a mask before. Eston Ware was a friend of Tealina's father, a rich Noble of Brightmallow, near Silverymoon, that specializes in exotic goods and formerly, magical items. Eston's dealings with her father were never advertised and often dealt with in her father's study behind closed doors. He has never had direct communication with Tealina, only offering a soft smile when she was seen leaving her family manor. You find yourselves near the tavern as the sun is setting over the waters beyond and are free to act.
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe takes the missive, but puts it away into the fold of his cloak after receiving. His eyes scan the surrounding area briefly to make sure that the urchin wasn't followed or that no one is, in turn, scouting him. Once he's satisified, he'll leave the main street, find an alley, and then quickly scan the missive. He smirked as he realized it was at The Dock Rat, knowing that Eston was probably in attendance tonight.
He'll make his way there and arrive about fifteen minutes before the meeting so as to scout the place out (even though he knows it well enough) and verify that he isn't walking into some kind of trap.
Levinath (GM): He finds the tavern seemingly the same as any other night. Sailors, vagabonds, and miscreants wander in and out of the doors, laughter and singing can be heard from within.
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe will head inside the tavern and visit with the bartender, going with a Neverwinter Bitter Ale as his drink of the night.
Tealina Tealeaf: Tealina looks at the note confused. She does not know anyone here. Why would she be being summoned? As she looked up to great the child and ask their name they had vanished. She looks up and down the street but cannot locate them. Sadden, Tealina looks down at the paper again and shrugs. Maybe this will be a good place to meet new adventurers! Now, if she can just find that building again.
Tealina skips through town looking for someone to ask directions.
Levinath (GM): The dark musty tavern smells of sweat and roast meat. A thin veil of smoke hovers from chest level putting everything in the tavern in a light fog. Eston Ware is easily located sitting in the back of the tavern as you enter, he does not wave or otherwise announce his presence, but waits for them to discover him. The bartender provides Raithe with his requested beverage and nodes towards the rare where Eston can be seen.
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe will make his way over.
Tealina Tealeaf: Tealina pushes open the doors to the tavern and with big eyes is over taken by the smell. "Yuck." She says looking down at Rufus. Rufus looked back up at her in agreement with huff. Tealina notices Eston in the back of the tavern. She waves frantically at him, hoping he doesn't notice how out of place she feels.
Eston Ware: He gave the Elf a nod as he approached. "Raithe, good to see you. I see you received my letter. Seems nearly half the time, those damn kids take my money and toss the paper just around the corner."
"Ahhh, can it seems our other guest as arrived as well." He says mildly annoyed at the halfling making a fool out of herself." He forced a smile as she approached the two. "Hello Miss Tealina, it has been some time since I last saw you. I am pleased you were able to find your way here."
Tealina Tealeaf: "The pleasure is mine Mr. Ware! It's incredible that you know where to find me! I mean no one knows where I went when I was...I mean...How did you know where to find me?" Tealina sits down right next Eston and grabs a handful of Nuts off the table. With her mouthful she turns to Raithe, "Hello fellow adventurer! So nice to meet ya! Tealina Tealeaf of Bright...of no where! Nice to meet ya!"
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe gives Eston a nod and a grin. He's about to say something when Eston indicates that they've got a guest. Raithe turns and finds the little Gnome waving at them...and sighs. He also notes the...odd beast with her. Gnomes and their companions were odd things.
The man was clearly elven, standing just over six feet tall, wearing a dark cloak over black leather armor. Where most elves wore their hair long and flowing, Raithe's black hair was cut short, like a human's, but it exposed his long, tapered ears.
"Good evening, Miss...Tealina." Raithe said, noting her table manners. Or lack thereof.
Eston Ware: He cleared his throat. "Yes well...information is a large part of my business my dear. That mess with your family, I must say, is rather disappointing, though I saw no reason, we couldn't still be friends."
He took a drink of his ale before continuing. "In that interest, I came across a piece of information today that I thought might interest the two of you. Captain Rutherford, leader of the Grey Cloaks and Flaming Fist is looking for both. There is to be some kind of investigatory party or something or other. A kind of...." He waved his hand, before turning to Tealina. "Adventure...."
Tealina Tealeaf: Bright eyed and mouth ajar with a nut falling from it she looks down at Rufus and say "Oh gee Rufus! Do you hear that? We have a friend!"
Looking over at the Elf, Tealina is confused as to why he is looking at her strangely. She though the introduction went swell. She wipes her mouth on the fur of her sleeve and brushes her messy, brown hair out of her eyes.
Tealina almost forgot how out of place she felt until she looked around again and realized she was the only Halfling in the joint.
Rufus: "Ruff"
Tealina Tealeaf: Hearing the word adventure, Tealina jolted her attention back to Eston, "Adventure!" She jumps up on her chair, feet spread apart, arms up and yells "ADVENTURE!"
Eston Ware: Nearly every person in the bar, including the bartender turn and look at the halfing standing on her chair and yelling "ADVENTURE!"
"Miss Tealina, do calm down a bit. This is not the type of establishment where we want to draw attention to ourselves." He looks around from under his cloak.
Tealina Tealeaf: Tealina feels the sudden rush of embarrassment hit her face. She immediately sits back down. "Yeah, well I mean...that sounds neat." Trying to play it cool she shuffles through her pack as if she is looking for something.
Raithe Moonstrike: "Rutherford is looking for adventurers? Or is it our Most High Excellency of Amazingness and Utter Wonder that tried to kill most of us a few months ago?" Raithe asked, making it clear in his tone that he did not much care for the Queen of Neverwinter.
"Are they--"
Tealina jumps up and starts yelling about adventure, getting stares from the rest of the bar. Raithe just watches the Gnome in mute horror. There is no way that this creature and her...creature are capable of being silent. He waits for her to seat herself before looking to Eston.
Raithe Moonstrike: "So are they paying for this little adventure or are they expecting people to volunteer out of the goodness of their hearts like those Revelators did?"
Tealina Tealeaf:
9   18
Eston Ware: "Now now Raithe, it does no one well to talk ill of our Queen. As I understand you will be compensation. Even with the spell scar being sealed, the Fist has been overwhelmed dealing with the issues in the city. Many of people have made profit off of the chaos that ensued the spellplague." He smiled and gave the high elf a wink.
"While they may not have the manpower, everyone knows Neverember has the gold."
Raithe Moonstrike: "She's the Queen of Neverwinter, old friend. She's not my Queen." Raithe said, although he kept it quiet enough not to be overheard.
But he nodded at Eston's mention of profiting from the chaos. Chaos was a ladder and only the smartest people climbed it well enough to keep themselves from falling.
"All right. Well, there's money from a reputable source involved. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hear them out about the opportunity in question." he said.
Raithe Moonstrike: He looked to the smallish person. "Lady Tealeaf, are you going to join in this?"
Tealina Tealeaf: Tealina pulls out a cracker from her pack and breaks it in half. Giving half to Rufus, she crams the rest in her mouth.
Looking up at Raithe concerned that he thinks she's a real Lady she furrows her brow, "I'm not Lady, well not anymore. And it seems like it has all the fixin's Rufus and I are looking for. Friends, adventure, and money? What more could a gal ask for?"
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe looks from her to the creature.
"Is...that Rufus? You named him?"
Eston Ware: "I am glad to hear it from both of you, I had a proposition that may align perfectly to the tasks designated by the Captain. It is likely, your investigation will lead you to the town of Phandalin. There is a certain criminal element within the town known as the Redbrand Ruffians."
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe turns over the name Phandalin in his mind a few times.
"I'm sorry. Did you say the Redbrand Ruffians? Did they actually call themselves that?"
Eston Ware: I have done some business with their leader, a man known as Glassstaff. A man of my stature requires a certain amount of....discretion when dealing with any individual. So I would like to offer you both a 100 gold to assure, if you find yoursevlves dealing with such matters, any documentation of my transactions be destroyed." He took another drink. "The less known I am by Neverember and the Queen, the better."
He nodded, popping a nut from the bowl into his mouth.
Tealina Tealeaf: Looking up at the Elf confused, "I didn't name him. He came with a name. He's my oldest and well...only...friend. But we're lookin' to be changin' that here on this adventure!"
Raithe Moonstrike: "Ah, okay. I thought this whole job was going to be above-board. Thanks for proving me wrong, Eston. If there's any information there, I'll get rid of it." Raithe said.
"Nothing wrong with making friends." he said to the Gnome.
"Just...don't be too friendly, okay?"
Eston Ware: The man leaned back. "It's unlikely there will be anything condemning, but I prefer to make certain. I appreciate your help Raithe."
Tealina Tealeaf: "Above-board? Is there a boat? Will we go under-board?" Tealina didn't realize there was going to be water involved. Rufus is not a great swimmer. She pats him on the head.
Rufus: "Ruff!"
Levinath (GM): Just then the door of the tavern slam open and three rather large and angry looking Sailors march into the bar. One of them points in the direction of the trio and says. "'E O'er der Ca'in"
Tealina Tealeaf: Looking over at Easton, Tealina with stars in her eyes nods, "You ain't got nothing to worry from me sir. Your secret is safe with Rufus and I!"
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe's head turns in the direction of the new arrivals in time to find them pointing at their table.
"I don't suppose you invited more people to join us, Eston?"
Eston Ware: Eston's eyes go big for a moment. ""
Raithe Moonstrike: (Is that language something Raithe understands? Or do they just sound uneductate?)
Captian Peppa: "Eston, ya sun bitch! You and your lot try da screw me outta whats mine?!"
(Just...real bad sailor/hillbilly?)
Tealina Tealeaf: Standing up waving, Tealina motions them over, "Hi fellas! Want to join us? There is plenty of room for more. Maybe grab some more nuts though."
Raithe Moonstrike: "Lady Tealeaf, you don't invite angry men to your table to sit down." Raithe said.
Tealina Tealeaf: Offended Tealina jumps up, "Who you callin' a lady? And who you callin' angry!" Rufus barks.
Captian Peppa: "You thought you could smuggle aboard my ship and stiff me out of the fee? Go beat 'em within an inch of their lives boys. 'Cept that wee tiny one, she can entertain the crew!"
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe resists the urge to palm his face. Gnomes. Fucking. Gnomes.
Levinath (GM): The patrons between the two parties, suddenly seem to remember they had to depart.
Tealina Tealeaf:
Raithe Moonstrike:
Tealina Tealeaf: Tealina notices the mob of "angry" guys coming towards her. She flips over the table and hides behind it, throwing nuts at them while pulling Rufus towards and cramming him in her pack.
Levinath (GM): (You are good to go De)
Tealina Tealeaf: (I thought Rufus was a puppy and had to level up. I was just corrected by Sam. So next time he'll be too big to cram in my pack haha)
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe, seeing the three individuals headed toward them, knows that this isn't going to go well if they get too close.
He pulls his shortbow quickly and fires an arrow at the leader who'd said that Eston stole from him. Raithe was positive that Eston had stolen from this man in some fashion, was made up of thieves and marks.
23   14
Levinath (GM): (Hit)
Raithe Moonstrike:
16   9
(Oops. That should have been the damage)
 Levinath (GM):
An arrow pierces the Captain in the shoulder and he falls to a knee. "Uhh....kill em! Kill them all!"
Raithe Moonstrike: "Guys, let's think this through! You can still walk away!"
Tealina Tealeaf: Tealina peers over the table, impressed with Raithe's bow skills she busts out her tiny shortbow. This is the first time Tealina has had it out since Greyapple Academy when she beat her brother in the shooting competition. Shaking of the nostalgic feelings, Tealina draws her bow aiming for the other shoulder.
10   19
Levinath (GM): Tealina's shot flies wide.
Tealina Tealeaf: Noticing her miss, Tealina with big eyes turns and runs back with Raithe.
Levinath (GM):
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 4 | 13
Damage: 6
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 18 | 10
Damage: 3
Bobbie the swabbie is clearly very skilled with his weapon, and lays into Eston's arm. The first mate however misses tiny Tealina!.
Peppa retreats out the door.
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe will fire on the man who hit Eston, since Eston is his contact. After all, if Eston dies, the jobs dry up.
...or do they?
27   22
(Crit means roll twice, right?)
Levinath (GM): (Just roll it, it should add it in)
Raithe Moonstrike:
9 + 5
  1 + 1
 Levinath (GM): (dead)
Raithe Moonstrike: "Should have left when you had the chance, mate."
Levinath (GM): (Describe as you will)
You both hear Peppa still yelling "Get in there and take care of them you good for nothing louts!"
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe goes to aim at Peppa, but sees him retreat. Instead, he sights on Bobbie as the man draws back from slashing at Eston. Raithe's shot slams into the man's eyeball drops him dead on the floor in single shot.
"This is not good, Eston."
Eston Ware: "I believe our Lady Tealina was perhaps, just a bit too zealous in her excitement for adventure. Everything is fiiiinnnneeee!"
Raithe Moonstrike: "Fine? You call three armed men trying to kill us fine? I'm going to kill that idiot who came after you. Then I'm going to ask you why he thinks you stole from him, Eston.
I'm really, really, really going to appreciate an honest answer."
Tealina Tealeaf: Tealina pulls out her tiny golden daggers. "Hey meanie!" she yells as she goes in for the stab.
10   21
22   24
Eston Ware: He cleared his throat, pulling the sword off the Swabbie. "It was...err...just a matter of a delayed payment. A clerical error, really."
Tealina Tealeaf:
Eston Ware: Tealina stabs him in the knee.
Raithe Moonstrike: "I've known you for some time, Eston. You've never had a clerical error. Ever."
Eston Ware:
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 11 | 19
Damage: 5
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 12 | 17
Damage: 3
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 9 | 8
Damage: 6
Drunken Sailors be drunk.
They all miss Eston.
"Whoa! Settle down now boys."
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe nocks another arrow and fires at the Drunken Sailor in front of Eston.
23   15
Eston Ware: (Dead)
Raithe Moonstrike: Another arrow strikes a sailor in the throat.
"We better hope he doesn't have more deckhands out there."
Levinath (GM): "Oi! Kill dat sneaky one in the back!" The first mate yells, pointing at Raithe.
Tealina Tealeaf: Before he can run towards Raithe, Tealina start stabbing again.
24   12
22   12
Levinath (GM): (dead)
Tealina Tealeaf: Tealina charges in with tiny daggers of golden fury making loud ninja noises with every stab. "HIIIYYAAA!"
Levinath (GM):
Tribal Warrior
Swoard: 13 | 20
Damage: 4
Tealina Tealeaf: "That'll show you!" She exclaims standing on his body.
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe watches the Gnome go and reminds himself to watch his ankles.
Levinath (GM): (At De)
Raithe Moonstrike: (16 AC)
Captian Peppa: The Captain enters, following his mates. "Yeah boys...string them.....uuuuuhhh oh..."
Raithe Moonstrike: When Peppa moves inside, Raithe smirks and fires an arrow at him.
13   18
Captian Peppa: (dead)
Raithe Moonstrike: The Captain dies from a shot to the chest and Raithe just shakes his head. "You just died over 59 silver pieces. Was it worth it?"
Levinath (GM): "Cap'in?" The deckhand yells.
Tealina Tealeaf: Turning towards the guy in front of Raithe, Tealina cracks her knuckles and slides in on her knees, daggers in hand.
20   20
24   25
4 + 2
Eston Ware: Eston wipes a bit of sweat from his brow and attempts to put on a smile. " issue at all."
Raithe Moonstrike: Yes. Raithe is definitely going to guard everything south of his hips around the Gnome.
Tealina Tealeaf: Sliding across the floor Tealina cuts both his Achilles tendons. She stands up and brushes off her knees, pockets her daggers. She pulls an apple from her pack, biting it she turns to Eston, "Now that's an adventure!"
Raithe Moonstrike: "Excellent work, La--er, Miss Tealeaf. Now, we need to check these men for wounds." Raithe said.
Raithe walks over to the captain's body and robs him blind.
Eston Ware: "Oh well, yes I suppose it was my Little Lady."
Raithe finds 72 Silver on the Captain, the rest have a combined 3 silver and 42 copper. It seems as though they were missing some money.
Tealina Tealeaf: Glaring over at Eston, Tealina lets that one slide. She pulls Rufus from her pack giving him the rest of the apple.
"Elf, why do you rob them of their riches? Isn't it enough that we robbed them of their lives?"
Levinath (GM): Mere moments after the brawl finishes, patrons return, set tables upright and begin drinking and talking. Within two minutes, there is no indication anything happened, other than the bodies of the fallen.
Raithe Moonstrike: "No, actually, it's not. They tried to kill us. Besides, they're dead now. What use have they for money? I, on the other hand, will put this silver to good use.
Arrows don't buy themselves. How do you pay for apples for Rufus?"
Eston Ware: "Dogs don't eat apples, Miss Tealina."
Tealina Tealeaf: Looking confused at Raithe, "We don't pay for apples. The trees give them to us. Who pays for apples?" Shrugging it off, Tealina skips over the bodies and turns to Eston, "What's next?"
Raithe Moonstrike: "Do you know what ship this captain was from, Eston? I'd like to see if it's worth keeping."
Eston Ware: "You two fine adventurers need to report to Captain Rutherford at the castle, on the morrow. You will be joined by several others."
He rubbed his chin for a moment. "I believe...."
Tealina Tealeaf: Starry eye'd Tealina looks at Eston "Others?" she gleams with a smile.
Eston Ware: "It was called...yes. 'The Salty Bitch' Was tasked with bringing grain from Cormyr. Very easy to disguise items in grain stores."
Raithe Moonstrike: "The Salty Bitch? Huh. I'll have to go check that out, see if they've got anything laying around there." Raithe said.
"I'll meet these others at Rutherford's in the morning. Oh, and in case someone actually does alert the Guard or something...we were never here." he said, point at himself and Tealina.
Eston Ware: "Who's staying? I'm leaving with you."
Raithe Moonstrike: "Well, that works for me. Let's hope no one here has a loose tongue."
Eston Ware: "After that display, I doubt they would try and cross either of you."
"Safe travels."
Raithe Moonstrike: "Seventy-five silver. Eston, did you cheat them out of their money?" h
Tealina Tealeaf: Pouring nuts into her pack Tealina excitedly asks, "We're going to go together? Where are we going to sleep tonight? Does it have bunk beds? Rufus likes to sleep on the bottom."
Eston Ware: "As I said, it was just a clerical error, tied up for a couple days. Nothing to be cutting throats over."
"I will not be accompanying you tonight Miss Tealina, only accompanying you from this establishment."
Raithe Moonstrike: Raithe watches the man for a moment. "As you say. They should have talked it out. Might have been healthier." Raithe said.
"Come on, kid. You and Rufus need to find an inn."
Tealina Tealeaf: With disappointment Tealina let's out a "ohhh."
Eston Ware: Eston turns down an alley as they depart from the tavern.


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